NSX 6.2 Technical Overview v1.0

May 2, 2019 | Author: Nguyễn Đình Thành | Category: Ip Address, Port (Computer Networking), Routing, Computer Network, Network Switch
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NSX 6.2 Technical Overview v1.0...


NSX 6.2 Technical Overview NSBU TPM Tea

Presenter  Title

NSX vSphere 6.2 &elease Pri"rities

'(tend within and #e)"nd the data center 

'as) t" "*erate at scale

'nhance Netw"r+ , Sec-rit) Services

Delivering a platform that… '(tends NS /"ntr"l #e)"nd v/enter and ata /enter #"-ndaries

Cross-VC NSX se Cases  Increase the s*an " NS l"gical netw"r+s t" ena#le3   /a*acit) P""ling acr"ss -lti*le v/enter Servers   N"n disr-*tive igrati"ns   /l"-d and VI de*l")ents

vCenter Server !


vCenter Server "



7 e#

vCenter Server C






Cross-VC NSX se Cases  /entrali8ed sec-rit) *"lic) anagee anageent nt   !ne *lace t" Manage 57 r-les   &-les en"rced regardless " VM l"cati"n and V/

niversal #irewall $olic%

Cross-VC NSX se Cases  NS 9.2 s-**"rts new "#ilit) #"-ndaries in vS*here 9   'na#le /r"ss V/ and 6"ng istance vM"ti"n   !n e(isting netw"r+s$ with n" new hardware re:-ired



?@ 1%0s &TT



  V6AN Trans*"rt , vM"ti"n Netw"r+

Cross-VC NSX se Cases  'nhance NS M-lti;Site S-**"rt    Active;Active

 eart3eats are e(changed #etween NS Manager

 J"st

 /"nnecti"n Stat-s r" each h"st t" c"ntr"ller is l"call) "nit"red. The health

stat-s is then re*"rted #) each J"st t" NS Manager "ver the Messaging #-s  Comm0nication ealth Chec !$: "n NS Manager when inv"+ed$ will *"ll

internal data#ase t" see the last tie it heard r" vswd and netc*a "n the selected h"st  :f vsfw1 is 1own "n h"st$ then NS Manager

 netc*a will #e sh"wn as "wn  Tr-st "n 5irst Use "n that VM

 IPDMA/ #ased r-les d" n"t re:-ire an) disc"ver)

:mprove1 :$ Discover% &echanisms in 6.2  Tw" new a-t"ated IP isc"ver) Mechaniss   J/P Sn""*ing    A&P Sn""*ing

 J/P Sn""*ing   Trac+s J/P Pr"t"c"l Messages and -*dates the IP #ased "n c"nirati"n.   Trac+s #"th IPv4 , IPv9 addresses "r a vNI/.

  A&P Sn""*ing    A&P essages r" the g-est VM are sn""*ed.

 "es n"t rel) "n VMT""ls

:mprove1 :$ Discover% &echanisms in 6.2  /"*"nents Switch Sec0rit% &o10le8  Switch Sec-rit) M"d-le dvilter;switch;sec-rit)O vNic slot *

     r      e       t       l       i       2       V       0

'(isting V5ilter agent that learns r" VM T traic$ and als" -ses the sn""*ed addresses t" en"rce #asic 62$ 6= sec-rit) s-ch as s*"" g-ard. /-rrentl) n" sec-rit) eat-res are ena#led$ and the "d-le *riaril) learns VM IPs and MA/s.

57 vNic slot 2

VS P;G "r 6S

D#48 

Used "r IP disc"ver) new with 9.2O

'n"rces IP s*""g-ard

'o0ting ?nhancements 'nhance r"-ting c"nig-rati"n and tr"-#lesh""ting Overview  S-**"rt adinistrative distance "r static r"-tes  S-**"rt e(act atch "r redistri#-ti"n r-les  'na#leDisa#le Strict -&P5 interace chec+s "n the edge  Sh"w AS *ath in Hsh"w i* #g* r"-te /6I c"and  " n"t ann"-nce anageent interace r" 6& c"ntr"l VM   A-t"atic /"nsistenc) /hec+ "r 6"gical &"-ting.  S-**"rt rela)s in J/P server   S-**"rt D=1 s-#net as+

"enefits VM





 'ase " c"nig-rati"n and tr"-#lesh""ting  'nhance &"-ting -ncti"nalit) and "*erati"ns

'o0ting ?nhancements8 !1min 1istance for static ro0te >  NS Manager license de*l")ent will incl-de VS   VS availa#le "n all h"sts which are anaged #) the v/enter where NS Manager is installed

 e*l")ing VS c"ntin-es t" #e a *rere:-isite "r NS  VS needs t" #e c"nig-red "n all h"sts that re:-ire NS services

 NS can #e -sed "n h"sts that have dierent vS*here editi"ns   NS h"sts can r-n an) c"#inati"n " vS*here editi"ns   NS services can s*an h"sts that r-n dierent editi"ns " vS*here

 VS entitleent with NS is "nl) "r -se with NS$ n"t "r standal"ne -se   c-st"ers wh" want t" r-n VS inde*endent " NS need t" *-rchase vS*here 'nter*rise Pl-s

entitleents "r the relevant h"sts.   'U6A en"rced

NSX S0pport for vSphere 6., NS #-ilds "n t"* " ind-str);irst h)*ervis"r techn"l"gies Overview  B-ilds -*"n ne(t generati"n " VM"ti"n inn"vati"n  S-**"rt "r /r"ss;V/ VM"ti"n "ver V6AN  edicated T/PDIP Stac+ "r vM"ti"n


 Netw"r+ I! /"ntr"l v= s-**"rt "r NS 6"gical Switches  NS Pl-g;In t" vS*here 7e# /lient$ with i*r"ved #r"wser s-**"rt$ res*"nsiveness and *er"rance gains "enefits  6everage e(isting investents and s+illsets  B-ilds -*"n "-ndati"n " the S"tware;eined ata /enter 

NSX 6.2 Scala3ilit% Overview

Scale p1ates J)*ervis"rs




v/enter Servers

&-les *er VM


VIPs *er 6B


P""ls *er 6B


Servers per $ool

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