NSTP 1 CWTS Syllabus
September 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Short Description
Download NSTP 1 CWTS Syllabus...
a INITAO COLLEGE COLLEGE Initao, Misamis Oriental
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S ch cho o oll Ye ar ar
: ___2 02 02 00- 20 2021
Mindanao, Philippines 9022
COURSE SYLLABUS Philosophy Vision Mission Institutional Learning Outcome
Course Code Course Description Course Objectives
Program Outcomes
Anchored on moral moral integrity integrity and truth, IInitao nitao College fosters resp responsive, onsive, rele relevant vant and quality quality educa education tion through holistic holistic hum human an developm development. ent. A stronghold of competency-based competency-based ed education ucation in s supporting upporting agri-based agri-based eco economy, nomy, busin business ess firms a and nd tourism industry industry and p peace-loving eace-loving community through qualiity ty education, on, supreme entrepreneurs entrepreneurship, hip, and proa proactive ctive leaders leadership. hip. Initao College commits to develop competent, value-laden, self-reliant and civically engaged manpower resources with dedication towards local economic sustainability for service excellence. Initao College strives to achieve these desired results to meet the avowed mission and vision. 1. Demonstrate Hig High h Performance Rat Rate e in Licensure Exa Examinations, minations, Civ Civilil Service Career Exam, Exam, & TESDA National Certif Certificates icates and Asse Assessment ssment 2. Ensu Ensure re High High Employm Employment ent Rate Rate of Gradua Graduates tes 3. Develop Se Service-Orient rvice-Oriented ed & Resp Responsible onsible Pro Professionals fessionals with Integrity ty and Competence Competence 4. Build stron strong g entrepren entrepreneurial eurial and leadership skills a among mong graduates graduates with developed EQ 5. Develop gende gender-sensitive r-sensitive and and eco-consciousness ousness professionals professionals in prom promoting oting peace and su sustainable stainable env environment. ironment. Motto: "Veritas Lux Mea" The truth is my light (John 3:21)
Course title
Apply the Preparedness of Environmental Protection
Assimilate the Functional Literacy and Numeracy. Demonstrate the various community activities.
Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
a. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas. b. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge of the different subject areas. c. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes d. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching e. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professiona professional. l. f. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development. g. Advocate proactive leadership, excellent service to the community, alive entrepreneurship, reasonable stewardship of resources and life-long education.
Analyse the Human Rights Education
Week 1- 18 Week 1
This course aims to equip students with sufficient knowledge, skills and competencies in the vastly changing world. This course specifically aims to: (a.) Acquire a deep understanding of the NSTP Law; (b) Develop responsible citizens imbued with nationalism, social emphasis on human rights education; (c) Develop competencies in disaster risk and reduction management preparedness and environmental protection; (d) Explain the importance of functional literacy and numeracy; (e) Identify and understand the various activities in the community and the need for education.
Understand the National Service Training Program Law
Course Outcomes
Credit Units
Program Outcome d
Learning Plan Introduction to NSTP NSTP Program (RA 9163) 1987 Philippine Constitution Citizenship Training PRELIM
Course Content ORIENTATION
Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18
Drug Education Disaster Risk Manageme Management nt Environmental Environmen tal Protection Other national security concerns MIDTERM Self-awareness Self-awarenes s and Values Development Leadership training Leadership Training (continuatio (continuation) n) PRE-FINAL EXAM Dimension of development Dimension of development (continuation) General Orientatio on n on R.A No. 9418 Act of 2007 Volunteers FINAL
Ca tte ego rry y A : Fu llll --O On llii ne ne A cc cces s Time Table
Week 1
Desired Learning Outcome Apply the PVMO of the Institution and
Co ou ur s se eC Co o nt nt en en t
R ef ef er er en en c ce es
Te ea ac h hii ng ng a an nd L Le ea rrn n iin ng Activities
At the end of the Topic the students will be able to: - explain the legal basis of the NSTP program;
Week 3
At the end of the Topic the students will be able to:
Teaching and Learning Activities
As Ass s es es sm sm en en t T as as ks ks
Orientation: Philosophy, Vision,
Philosophy, Vision, Mission,
Provide a Power Point Presentation about the
Write reflective journal about about the
Provide a Power Point Presentatio on n
Reflective journal about the PVMO of
Mission, Institutional Objectives
Institutional Objectives
PVMO ( Philosoph Philosophy, y, Vision, Mission and Objectives)
PVMO of the Institution
about the PVMO ( Philosophy, Vision, Mission and Objectives)
the Institution
Oral recitation using video conference or google meet.
Week 2
Ca att eg ego ry ry B : Par ti ti al al On lili ne ne A cc cces s
Assessment Tasks
NSTP Program (R.A No. 9163) - Philippine Preamble - Specific provision of the
National Service Training Program 1 Books Google
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Oral Recitation of the Preamble
-Importance of
Reflective journal with their
Internet Access via zoom / Google
expectations on the new normal class
classroom Power point slides
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Explanation and definition of the preamble and school regulations
Based in your own understanding explain each sentence in the preamble
Recorded presentation
1987 Philippine Constitution R.A 7077 (An Act providing for the organization, administration training, maintenance and utilization of the citizen armed force of the Philippines for other purposes) NSTP Program (CWTS) - CWTS meaning
Print out PVMO of the Institution
Resource Materials
YouTube video
Video clips,
C at at eg eg or or y C: O ffff lilin e L ea ear ni nin g (H om ome- ba base d & Residential Learning) T ea ea ch ch in in g a nd nd Assessment T as asks Learning Activities
Printed learning modules and relevant materials Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom
Power point slides
of topics
YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
National Service Training Program 1 Books
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips,
As a student, how important CWTS in your daily living?
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Detailed Outline
. As a student, how important CWTS in your daily living?
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
As a student, student, how important CWTS in your daily living?
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides
- explain the importance of Civic Welfare Training Service
Week 4
At the end of the topic, the students will be able to:
- describe the Philippine Constitution. -discuss the role of the youth in the nation.
Slides YouTube video
Citizenship Training A. Philippine Philippine constitution constitutio n (Bill of rights, duties and responsibilities of a Filipino Citizen)
National Service Training Program 1 Books Google
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips, Slides
B. Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines Philippine s (RA 8491) C. Values formation (makadiyos, makatao,
Answer the following questions: 1. If the Philippine Constitution mandates the Bill of Rights of the Filipino people, what is also our reciprocal obligation to the State? 2. Discuss briefly the role of the youth in nation building? Explain briefly.
Video clips
Recorded presentation of topics Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Recorded presentation of topics
Answer the followingquestions: 1. If the Philippine Constitution mandates the Bill of Rights of the Filipino people, what is also our reciprocal obligation to the State? 2. Discuss briefly the role of the youth in nation building? Explain briefly.
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
Make a video presentation of the effects of using illegal drugs (be creative, but do not used any alcohol or drug paraphernalia)
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
Answer the following following questions: 1. If the Philippine Constitution mandates the Bill of Rights of the Filipino people, what is also our reciprocal obligation to the State? 2. Discuss briefly the role of the youth in nation building? Explain briefly.
Printed learning modules and relevant materials Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
makakalik makakalikasan, makabasa)asan, at
Week 5 Week 6
PRELIM At the end of the Topic the students will be able to: - value the importance of knowing the kinds of drugs and the evil of its abuse.
Week 7
At the end of the topic, the students will be able to: -internalize the meaning of disaster and other related terms; -enumerate the different types causes, and effects of disasters;
DRUG EDUCATION A. General orientation on RA 9165, Nature of drugs, and other pertinent Laws. B. Role of the youth on Drug detection and prevention DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT A)What is Disaster Disaster B) Social and Environmental impacts/effects of Disaster C) Overview of the Philippine Disaster Management System D)Republic Act
National Service Training Program 1 Books Google
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips, Slides
As a 1st year student, how could you help lessen the bad impact of drugs in the community? Why?
Make a video presentation presentatio n of the effects of using illegal drugs (be creative, but do not used any alcohol or drug paraphernalia)
(500 words)
Poster Making About drugs and and its effect. Write down the effects of illegal drugs on our body. (write as many as you can)
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
The Lawphil Project, Arellano Law Foundation “R.A 9418” retrieved May 1, 2012 @ http://www.lawp hil.net/statutes/r epacts/ra2007/r a_9418_2007.ht ml
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips,
Quiz and written test about the discussion
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
Write down 10 or more cause and effects of pollution and explain each
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides
Recorded presentation of topics
YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
10121 -identify the hazards and disasters in the Philippines Philippine s and their effects; -acquire knowledge on the basic measures in mitigating the effects of disasters and apply them when the need arises. Week 8 At the end of the Topic the students will be able to: Have Basic
Week 9
knowledge and understanding on global warning Appreciate the the important role of the protection and management of the environment. At the end of the topic, the students will be able to: -understand the definition and evolution of Philippine National Security as a concept. -Identify and discuss the two (2) types of security threats. -Enumerate and amplify the definition of National Security based
Environmental Protection
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Goggle .com A. The role of of youth in the environmental.
Video clips, NSTP-CWTS Modules of
B. Seven principles of environment environme nt laws. C. Global warning D. Forest protection. E. Clean-up water ways.
Environment. Quezon City: Vibal Publishing House Inc. 2010
Office of the National Security Council Secretariat, Our
A)Fundamental A)Fundamental Elements
National Security Strategy: A reference Paper (Quezon City: National Security Council,1999
B)Internal Threat C) Definition and Evolution of Philippine National Security as a Concept D)Internal Security Threats
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
Recorded presentation
of topics
As a youth, what can you do to help reduce the pollution? How can you protect the environment as
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom
a youth?
YouTube video
Power point slides
Printed learning modules and relevant materials
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips, Slides
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Recorded presentation of topics
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
Describe and explain the role of the youth in the national security
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom
(500 words)
Power point slides YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
on its seven (7) Fundamental Elements. -Enumerate the acronyms of some groups comprising the Internal Security Threats.
Week 10 Week 11
MIDTERM At the end of the Topic the students will be able to: - identify and discuss the key pointers to develop selfawareness;
Week 12
Week 13
- explain how self-awareness makes a person more effective. At the end of the Topic the students will be able to: - enumerate and explain the qualities of a leader and of good leadership. - appreciate different leaders and leadership styles and the At the end of the Topic the students will be able to: - enumerate and explain the qualities of a leader and of good leadership. - appreciate different leaders and leadership
Self-awareness and Values Development A. Roots of Fillipino ipino character
Million Leaders Mandate, Notebook Six by: Dr.John C Maxwell
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips,
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Make a video presentation presentatio n of Filipino values and traits. (5 values)
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
Recorded presentation of topics
-are you a good Filipino? Why? Why not? -Write down 10 Filipino values and traits.
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides YouTube video
B. Nature of self Printed learning modules and relevant materials
C. Good Filipino values.
Leadership training A. Human behavior behavior B. Concept of leadership & style
Million Leaders Mandate, Notebook Six by: Dr.John C Maxwell
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips,
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
As a student/youth, student/youth, are you a good leader? Why? Why not?
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides
Recorded presentation of topics
Slides Google
YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
Leadership training C. Teamwork & Motivation D. Decision & time management
Million Leaders Mandate, Notebook Six by: Dr.John C Maxwell
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips, Slides
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Recorded presentation of topics
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
What are the qualities of a good leader? Is our president today a good leader? Explain (500 words)
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
styles and the
Week 14 Week 15
Pre-Final At the end of the Topic they will be able to: - provide a specific method by which young adults may become selfreliant;
Week 16
- prepare young adults for responsible citizen At the end of the topic, the students will be able to: -provide a specific method by which young adults may become selfreliant;
Week 17
- prepare young adults for responsible citizen At the end of the topic, the students will be able to: -familiarize the sections under R.A 9418 -define some terminologies used in R.A 9418
Dimension of development A. Global, national national and local in terms of. B. Education and health.
Dimension of development C. entrepreneurship D. recreation, morals of the citizenry and other social welfare concern.
Million Leaders Mandate, Notebook Six by: Dr.John C Maxwell Johari Window:
Provide a Power Point Presentation, Video clips,
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
Power point slides of topics
YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
Million Leaders Mandate, Notebook Six by: Dr.John C Maxwell Johari Window: Retrieved April 10, 2012 adapted form htt://changing minds.ogr/discipl ines/communica tion/johari_wind ows.
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
The Lawphil Project, Arellano Law Foundation “R.A 9418” retrieved May 1, 2012 @ http://www.lawp hil.net/statutes/r epacts/ra2007/r a_9418_2007.ht ml
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips,
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
Video clips,
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Provide a Power Point Presentation,
Video clips
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call or via messenger
Reading Modules and Supplementary Supplementa ry PDFs
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides
Recorded presentation of topics
YouTube video Printed learning modules and relevant materials
Reviewed by
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom Power point slides
Week 18
Prepared by
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call
Recorded presentation of topics
-become aware and appreciate the relevance
Quizzes- 20%
Internet Access via zoom / Google classroom
Recorded presentation
Retrieved April 10, 2012 adapted form htt://changing minds.ogr/discipl ines/communica tion/johari_wind ows.
Quiz and Oral recitation through phone call
Output- 20% Noted by
Performanc e Task- 20%
Term Exam- 40% Approved by
KEMSKI LUMAHANG, MAEd Vice President for Academic Affairs
GRACE C. LAPINIG, Ph.D. College President
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