Now and Then by ZombiePenguin

April 20, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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Now and Then by ZombiePenguin

When Taeyeon and Tiffany were 16, Taeyeon had a huge crush on Tiffany and Tiffany didn’t like it. Tiffany is rich and a brat girl, and seeing Taeyeon every day, stalking and always giving her gifts was the most annoying thing for her. Until Taeyeon fell in love with her, she’d even sacrifice her life for her but Tiffany is straight and her feelings are for the beaus only. Then Nichkhun and Tiffany started dating when they turned 17 and it tore Taeyeon’s heart.

Taeyeon really can’t see herself not adoring and not giving affection to Tiffany and because of that, sometimes Tiffany can even hurt her. Taeyeon’s dad is a mad scientist and also an advance inventor. He invented many machines, such as time machine which he believes that everything can be rewinded or can be moved in the future. For 2 years of loving Tiffany, Taeyeon couldn’t hold on to the pain anymore. She rages and almost broke all the things inside and suddenly ended up breaking things inside her dad’s lab and accidentally pressed random buttons on the time machine that made he leaped 7 years and turned 23 in one blink. Everything for her still feels like when she was 17, she knows everyone but not her feelings anymore.

CHAPTER | *yawns*

Taeyeon wakes up normally with her eyemask, she takes it off and she was stunned. Her room is different, everything is not like yesterday.


She thought maybe her mother arranged and changed the design of their house that quickly. She ignores what's new and went out then...

"Oh my gosh..."

Again, her eyes grew big to see a lot of drawings hanging on the wall and each one of them has her signature in it. She scratches her head and gets more confused.

"Mom, did you buy these? With my signature? Did you scan it???"

No one's answering.....

She looks around and everything is so confusing, she doesn't even know where the bathroom is.

"Okay, did someone kidnapped me or what??"

Finally, she found the bathroom, she never looked at the mirror first. She washes her hands and grabs a soap rubbing it in her palm and then rubs it in her face. She bended on the faucet and rinses her face in the running water. She grabs the towel beside her and dries her face. Her eyes looks gazes at the mirror and she drops the towel, feeling shocked...


She's so different

"Blonde hair!? I-I... I look mature!!?"

She touches herself and can't believe what she’s looking at right now. She even thinks she's dreaming

*phone rings*

The ringing phone startled her, it’sin the living room. She ran there like crazy, grabs it then answers

"Mom! Dad?!" "... Hey~ this is Yoona" "Yoona!!!"

Yoona moves her phone away from her right ear.

"Yah... Calm down~Hey, I'm outside your apartment, let's go" "Where?" "To work, of course" "Work? How about school??" "Huh?? Will you just come down here, I've been waiting down here for like 30 minutes already~" "Oh! Okay!"

Taeyeon didn't know well about her apartment so she finds it hard to get ready. After 25 minutes she went down and there is Yoona, waiting for her. She gasps in surprise, Yoona is so tall and


"Wow!~" "What?" "You're different"

Yoona touches herself

"Something in my face?" "You're taller now!" "You know what, you're high... let's go now, okay?"

Yoona let Taeyeon hop inside her car and drives off to work. What's more irritating is that Taeyeon can't stop staring at her.

"Why do you keep on staring at me?" *still staring* "..." "Will you stop staring at me" "Look, this is a dream... See! I can even say it in my sleeping body! This must be a lucid dream!" "Girl, you smoke a pot or something?" "I'm dreaming!"

Yoona don't know what's wrong with her bestfriend today but it's crazy that she says today is a dream which is totally not. She took something just in front of her and slaps it hard on Taeyeon's arm, making Taeyeon shout in pain.

"Owh!!" "You're not dreaming" *rolls eyes* "Then what is this? I'm not this, we are not this! Last night I was crazy, breaking things and...and... Oh no! Dad's time machine!"

She went crazy

"What time machine? There's no such thing as time machine" *laughs* "Crazy" "I need to get that time machine!" "You are sick" *sighs* "No Yoona, I was seventeen, I'm seventeen!" *chuckles* "Trying to be young again? You're twenty-four for God's sake~ Stop dreaming" "No, I'm not~" "Oh Jesus~" "What is today???" "It's May 28, 2020"

Yoona pulls over and gets off the car then Taeyeon follows her. Remembering that she touched the time machine, she just then tries to stay calm, be cool and deal with the reality today. Going inside a buliding, many people are there in their working attire.

"Why did you take me here?" "This is where we work Taeyeon, we're designers" "Really??" "Yeah, how could you not know?" "I-It's new" "You got an amnesia?" "Nope~ Uhm so... do I have an office??" "Yes of course, each one has it" "Can you take me there??" "Seriously??" "Uhm... Please?"

Yoona rolls her eyes and takes Taeyeon to her office

"There you go" "Thanks~"

Taeyeon closes the door and her office is so cool, she had a lot of arts in there.

"This is what I am now when I turn 24? My dream was to be like this! Now I'm this!"

She's happy and worrying about the time machine flew away from her mind and she loves what she is this 2020. She became happier and it's a new feeling. It's her first time to feel happiness and she did a lot today too. A meeting was held and editing and painting are her strong suit. In her computer, she was really curious of what she have inside her documents too, and she saw a name on a folder in her desktop. She opens it and she remembers Tiffany. Tiffany, the girl she loves the most, the girl she can't live without, but today, it’s doesn’t feel like that, it's because her feelings didn't went along with her, it’s left there in the year 2013.

She scrolls down and she has a lot of arts of Tiffany. She then thought maybe, Tiffany is the model of their company this. Somehow she was curious, what's with Tiffany now?

"Yoona~" "Yep?" "Is Tiffany our model now?" "Aww~ You always wish she is, that's why you always paint her in your cs20" "Always??" "Yes, how could you not know?"

Yoona explains that when at work, Taeyeon is always busy finishing her paintings of Tiffany. That's what she always do in her work when she have more time.

"Really?" "Yeah, that's your hobby... Aish~ tonight again, I'm helping you out" "For what?" "You said yesterday, you'll court Tiffany again, right? Tomorrow night which is today, later, tonight" "Court her? Why would I court Tiffany?" "Now you're trying to be clueless... is it heartbreak?" *chuckles*

Yoona went out

"I'll go buy pink flowers for her like you always tell me"

Taeyeon thought maybe in the past 4, 3 or 2 years or something, she was courting Tiffany. Well she knows people but not her feelings anymore. She then thinks that courting Tiffany is definitely not right. It's not right at all.

8 pm.

Yoona got the flowers and Taeyeon don't know what to do.

"Why do I have to do this?" "I don't know to you, you always do this" "Like always?" "It's like forever Taeyeon, since when we were in highschool, and up to now you're still courting Tiffany who is already with Nichkhun" "Nichkhun!? Yes, the handsome guy, I remember him!" "Aish~ You took drugs didn' t you?" "No” *shakes head* “You don't know what really happened! But don't worry, I'll wake up later... Ah! No~ This is awesome, I love this new me!" *grins* "You're really crazy"

After sometime, Yoona pulls over. She turns off the engine and waited...

"..." "What are you waiting for, Taeyeon?" "What?" "Go~" "Where?" "To Tiffany, there she is"

Yoona pointed out for her and Taeyeon saw Tiffany near a post with her rich and sassy friends.

"What do I do?" "Just go and court her! I hope you won't fail this time ‘cause you always do~" *laughs*

Taeyeon gets off the car with a boquet of pink flowers in her arms. She walks, approaching Tiffany very slowly. When Tiffany notices her, she rolls her eyes. She's so tired of Taeyeon who’s always courting her. It's such a waste for Taeyeon to do this because Tiffany doesn’t really have feelings for her, even just a little., there's really nothing.

"Tiffany~ Here comes your prince charming!" *laughs* Jessica teases Tiffany along with her friends "Ugh!"

Finally, Taeyeon's there, so close to Tiffany and she awkwardly smiles at her.

"Tiffany??"' *squints* "What's it gonna be again, Taeyeon?" "Uhm~ flowers??"

She offers it

"Oh! Thank you!"

But Tiffany throws it away in the trashcan and Taeyeon was confused, why did she do that? Taeyeon raises her eyebrows and she had this innocent look.

"How many times?! Why do you have to court me?! I'm so tried... Don't you understand the word I don't love you? I.D.O.N.T.L.O.V.E.Y.O.U! There! I even spelled it out for you!" "..." “Are you stupid or not?!” “I’m no-“ "Get lost! Now!" "What...What you talking about??" *scoffs* "Now you're being like that? Wow! Do you think I'm gonna get curious or something??" "Look, this is kinda personal and I don't know what you are saying..." “Goddammit!~ You’re really getting on my nerves!”

Taeyeon looks at her, Tiffany is so beautiful, she’s indeed beautiful. Her short hair before is now long and it’s really silky with that red highlights. Her skin is much delicate and whiter... Everything about her is beautiful than before, such as the word perfect.

"Yeah Taeyeon, just get lost already" Jessica talks "Jessica??" "What?" "Wow, you're prettier now!" "Hmm??" *chuckles* “This is amazing! Uhm~ Anyways, it's nice to meet you guys again, I got to go" *smiles*

Taeyeon steps away and waited for the traffic light to be red and it took some time. There are just so many fast vehicles moving. After some moment, Nichkhun came.

"Fany~ah" "Baby!~"

He kisses Tiffany on the lips and he notices Taeyeon. He pulls out from the kiss and chuckles.

"Is she wooing you again, baby?" "Yeah, it's so annoying" *sighs* "Let me"

Nichkhun got a smirk in his face while aproaching Taeyeon

"Kim Taeyeon" *looks back* "Oh- Nichkhun??" "Yeah, it's me. Tiffany's soon to be husband"

He said confidently

"Really?! Wow~ Congratulations!"

Taeyeon shook Nichkhun's hands happily and she even had an eyesmile. Nichkhun was surprised because he knows Taeyeon won't act like that or say something like that. She would usually just stay quiet then will suddenly break down into tears silently.

"You look more handsome now" *smiles* "Err...yeah" "So where are you working?" "I'm an engineer now" "Wow, I think we are all successsful... I'm an artist now by the way" "Yeah, I know that"

Tiffany don't know but this is not the Taeyeon she always see. Taeyeon is a person who is clingly and a crybaby. It's kinda different that Taeyeon's not showing a jealousy side tonight, and she thinks it’s a good thing because finally, Taeyeon will not bother her anymore. No Taeyeon is more better for her life.

Later on, the red light finally lights up.

"Okay, I got to go... See you sometime, guys!"

She waves at them and ran away, going back to Yoona.

"Aww~ man, I saw she threw the flowers on the bin!" "Yep, I don't know why" "Oh- Wow, you're not crying??" "Eh?~ Why would I cry?" "Taeng, you always cry after this!" "You want me to cry??" *fake cry* “Huhuhu!”

They both chuckled

"They are different now, they are beautiful and Nichkhun is so handsome!" "I can't believe that you're praising Nichkhun now" "What do you mean?" "You always tease him, you always say "He's not really that handsome! He's fake!" and so on" "Yah!~ I can't say that.. that's bad" "You always say that" "Okay, maybe I did but not anymore. Never~"

They drive back home and Taeyeon enjoyed a lot today. And tomorrow she thinks it’ll be a better day again. Thinking about going back to 2013 didn't came into her mind anymore, but she needs to know more about her life this 2020, she must find her family and do what is her role today even though her mind is still spinning last 2013.

end of chapter one

CHAPTER || The next day in the office

"Aren't you gonna court Tiffany tonight again?" "No, I won't"

She said and laughs, ‘cause why would she do that?

"Why do I have to court someone who already has a lover?" "Pfft~ That's not an exception for you" "Well... maybe it was, but not anymore" "Wow! Did you moved on already?" "Moved on?" "Yeah! Did you decided to erase Tiffany in your heart now? Because if so, I'm happy, Taeng~ You know being your bestfriend, seeing you always getting busted by Tiffany makes me feel sad too. It's better to let go, right?" "Err... yeah?" "Oh thank God! No more courting her then??" "I already said no, right?" "Good!"

They continued eating

"I got to find my parents... this year" "Taeng, your parent's are in Arizona" "Really?! Since when?" "When we were highschool... What's wrong with you? Seriously! I think you should go to the doctor" "No, I'm fine...Well, how come I'm still here in Korea?" "Taeyeon~ last 2014, when we were still in college, you decided to come back here in Korea and you said you told your parents that you'll continue learning here alone, and I was with you... I really don't know about what's going on with you.. you hit your head??" "No... Uhm~ I was eighteen that year?"

"Yes, and you know the reason why? The most important reason for you, why you chose to be back here in Korea?" "Uh.. what?" "Aish, you ask again~It’s because of Tiffany. You said you can't live without her, so you came back here and your family is supporting you still, of course" "Tiffany? Man, why is she always the reason?" "Because you love her" "I don't love her, Yoona~ We're just friends"

At the same spot where Tiffany and Jessica are staying at after their work, Tiffany knew that Taeyeon will come again to court and give her pink flowers. Even though she loves pink a lot, but if it came from Taeyeon, she won't love it. After some time, she looks at her watch and it's already 9:20 pm and Taeyeon's not there yet.

"I think your prince charming stucks on traffic, Tiffany" "Whatever"

But Taeyeon didn't came, she's already home. That's the first time she didn't came to Tiffany and courted her.

The next day, inside a restaurant. Nichkhun was with Tiffany and both are having their lunch there. Tiffany was comfortable with her boyfriend inside but someone caught her eyes and it

made her iritatted. She saw Taeyeon and sits on a table alone and waited for her order.

"What's wrong baby?" "That Taeyeon is here" "Where?" "There"

Tiffany points at her and Nichkhun looks at her.

"Just get rid of that psycho, okay?" "Yeah, that's right but it's just so irritating! Urgh!" "She did gave you flowers again last night, right? I know she did again" *laughs* "She didn't" "Really?" "Yes, and it's such a relief" "Maybe she's not into you anymore" "Well that's better because no one can disturb us anymore, Khunny~ah”

Tiffany puckered her lips, asking for a kiss and Nichkhun kissed her. Meanwhile, Taeyeon finally already got her order while drawing something on a paper. While busy drawing, she doesn't know who's approaching her but this beautiful and angelic voice greets her.


Taeyeon looks up and the girl was smilling delicately down to her. She doesn't know her, yet she tries to recognize her and she did by staring a little.

"Yejin??" "Yes" "Ooooooh~"

Yejin is her classmate last 2013. She is a silent type of girl and she's always with Taeyeon, but not always. She’s just always there when Taeyeon needs someone. Sometimes she gives her advice when she's sad. She likes Taeyeon because she knows Taeyeon a lot. As a matter of fact, what a girl needs from a man are all in Taeyeon already and she doesn't like Tiffany, but she doesn't hate her, she just doesn't like it when she’s hurting Taeyeon.

"You're alone?" "Yes, you're beautiful"

Yejin sits and stares, she felt good when she heardTaeyeon's compliment

"Thank you~" "Don't mention, what are you now?" "Hmmm?" "Your work?" "Oh~ don't you know it?" "Just tell me euhihi" "I work in a back now, remember? By the way , I came here because I just want you come to my house tonight and I already told Yoona" "Oh sure~ What time?" "Eight" "Okay, I’ll be there alright~ Is it your birthday?" "No, it's my early farewell party. My parents said I shall have this" "Oh, where are you going?" "Arizona" "Cool! My parents are there too!" "Erm~ Yes I know, but you came back here..."

Yejin looks back at Tiffany who is far away from them and Taeyeon looks at what she is looking at as well... She saw Tiffany with Nichkhun.

"...because of her" "..." "Taeyeon, aren't you tired of her?" *sighs* "Look Yejin, I don't know much about what you are saying, but I don't know... I'm not into that"

Yejin slowly smiles

"I'm happy you're not anymore" "Yes, shall I treat you?" "No, it's okay" "Pwease?” *giggles* "Okay, sure, since you begged cutely"

She made Yejin order her food and she pays for it. After eating, they were about to go out but Yejin stops in front of Nichkhun and Tiffany's table, making Taeyeon stop as well and she was just there standing silently.

"You guys might wanna come tonight? I invited some, including Taeyeon" Yehjin said "Okay, I’ll be there with my fiance"

Nichkhun said and hold hands with Tiffany

"You both are getting married?" "Yes, soon"

Yejin smiles at them then looks at Taeyeon who is also smilling. She can't see sadness in Taeyeon’s eyes anymore, she's not like that before.

"I'm looking forward for your wedding" "Thank you"

Both Yejin and Taeyeon bowed at them and went out.

"Baby, I don't want to go tonight" Tiffany whines "Why?" "Taeyeon is there~" *whines* "She's not begging you anymore now, see? I think she already realized that chasing you is not really a good idea, she's just hurting herself. Anyways you got me, your husband" *smiles* "Okay, I trust you"

7:50 pm...

Yoona with Taeyeon drives their way to Yejin's house and at exact 8, they finally arrived there. Yoona got a gift while Taeyeon also have one for Yejin. As Taeyeon enters, she recognizes all of her classmates. She had a wide smile upon seeing their image this 2020, and Tiffany's friends are prettier now.

"Tiffany's prince charming?" "..."

Taeyeon was not aware about that, she thought it's not her.

"Hey Taeyeon?" "Yes?" "Still chasing Tiffany? Are you still giving her some useless gifts that will only end up in a trash

can?" "Of course she does, she's hopeless"

They laugh at her but Taeyeon don't know much about it. She just then fakes a laugh and went away, trying to find Yejin.

"Taeyeon" "Yejin"

Yejin calls from behind and she hugs Taeyeon immediately.

"Oh, you're not leaving yet" *smiles* "I'm glad you came" "I should be here... Uhm this is for you"

She gave a drawing of her

"Wow, I love it!" "Really?" "Yes, I love it so much" "I'm glad you-- oh"

Yejin hugs her again. Taeyeon's like a man, Yejin surrounds her arms around Taeyeon's neck.

"Look Tiffany, I think Taeyeon's replacing you already"

Tiffany only laughs and saw Yejin hugging Taeyeon

"I pity Yejin if Taeyeon’s courting her... Taeyeon is a freak" "You said it"

Yejin pulls out from the hug and Tiffany can see that it's not Taeyeon who's being sweet... It's like it's Yejin. Her smile is different when she's with Taeyeon. She's more girly and she moves very quickly for Taeyeon but that's not a thing for her to be concerned about.

"You want something to eat?" "Yes, but eat with me?" "Sure, you're shy?" "Kinda"

Yejin takes a food for her and for Taeyeon too then both eats together on a fixed table.

"Later, I'll say my words" Yehjin said "Okay "

While still, all people inside are really having fun and almost all can't stop talking to Yejin. They will surely miss her too when she leaves. After eating... Everyone went to the back where the swimming pool is. Chairs and tables for the vistors to eat desert are there.

"Good evening everyone, I just want to say thank you from coming here tonight. I'm happy that no one is absent. I'll be leaving and I'll miss you all" "We'll miss you too!" "I don't what to say but let me confess... There’s this one person tonight that I feel so special about. She came and I feel so good, tonight is really a happy night for me, though it's about farewell, It's so nice to have you here tonight, Taeyeon"

Everyone looks at Taeyeon, and she was surprised, she raises her eyebrows and eyes widens a bit.

"It's just that it's been a lot of years now and you get to... always ignore me"

Taeyeon furrows, did she ignore her? Maybe she did...

"You're just someone who is really special to me since highschool. You're so fortunate, you don't care about yourself and I can see how much you love a person every single day... You'll do everything. Can't anyone see how great that is?? It's like heaven is jsut right beside you~ You're gonna be a perfect partner, Taeyeon. I just don't know why people can't accept it... they are silly and they lost you. I hope this remaining days we can still hang out... I want to have more. And also to you guys~ All of you, thank you"

After Yejin's words Taeyeon can't say a thing.

"Did she just confess to Taeyeon?" Jessica asks Tiffany "Why are you asking me? I don't care about it"

Yejin ran her way to Taeyeon who got a shy face

"Hey~" "Wow" "What?" "I don't think your words are for your farewell... is it for me?" "Didn't you hear? Yes, it is" *smiles* *nods* "I heard it... I just-“ "I just don't like people seeing you loveless. They don't know what they are saying, I can't see you hurting anymore. Up to now, they're still bullying you just because of her"

She touches Taeyeon's shoulder and gave a sad face

"I just hope you're really not into her anymore" "Who?" "Tiffany"

Taeyeon sighs, what's so important with Tiffany anyway? What's with her that is always issued to her?

Actually she's tired hearing that she's in love with Tiffany. It's tiring for her.

"Yejin, just don't mention it" "Okay, I won't"

After the party, everyone went home already and Tiffany was outside already waiting for Nichkhun's car to come just near Yejin's gate. At some moment, Taeyeon gets out the gate and Tiffany saw her. Tiffany looks away annoyingly, she hates to see Taeyeon's face. Taeyeon walks a little faster, approaching Yoona's car, about to leave with her already.


She looks back and it was Yejin

"Oh, what is it?" "I just want to give you a cactus... You used to like cactus, right?" "Yes, I do~ Wow, it's cute” *smiles* “Thanks" "No problem" "I better leave now, have a great evening and... Oh! wait, I got something for you" Taeyeon opens the car's door and asks Yoona

"Yoong, where's the flower?" "This one?"

It's a pink flower boquet

"Yes, I'll give it to Yejin" "But this is for Tiffany, right?" "Ugh~ No~" *rolls eyes*

She grabs it and went back to Yejin. Tiffany thought it's for her but what a surprise, cus it's not. Taeyeon gave it to Yejin and made she made Yejin smile.

"Aww~ Gomawo" "I bought it for y-- ah"

Again, Yejin gave a quick hug, making Taeyeon step backwards.

"Okay, it's okay now~ Euhihi" "Thank you, I really love it... I'm happy you didn't waste a boquet of flower tonight" "What do you mean?" "I know almost all of the flowers you bought will only go to the garbage can"

Tiffany heard that and it felt like Yehjin’s trying to hit her with that. Taeyeon then chuckles cutely and Tiffany saw that... She realize that she's cute. She's so cute. Taeyeon went inside the car and went home then Yejin notices Tiffany, just beside her gate.

"Tiffany" "Yes?" "Why are you still here?" "I'm waiting for Nichkhun" "Okay, oh right~ Again, I'm happy for your upcoming wedding with Nichkhun. Wish you guys will have a good family" "Thank you" *smiles* "I hope you're really happy" Yejin smiles and gets back inside. Her words made Tiffany mad, she got that little feeling of being curious of what Yejin told her. And also her words just lately about Taeyeon, and the flowers also made her think that she's talking about her. end of chapter two

CHAPTER ||| At work...

Taeyeon, working in front of her computer while scrolling into her documents, she noticed many folders about Tiffany. Painting, arts and stolen pictures of Tiffany. She scratches her head so hard, why does she have those? It's all about Tiffany.

"What did I do these past years? Was I madly in love with her?"

Somehow, she can't find a reason to let those files stay in her drive. She then deleted them until nothing was left. She too searches in her drive D and again, a bunch of her files about Tiffany is there again. She deleted them all. After deleting, she remembers her facebook and she was surprised maybe she changed her password this year now. She then tries to log in and remembers her password was about Tiffany again.


She frowns that even her password is about Tiffany. She went to her acc settings and changes it into another one. After changing it, she clicks at her name and she was surprise that all her post are about broken hearted people, pain and sad love quotes. She posted a lot about aching so much and suffering for someone who doesn't love her.

"Man, how can I be this dumb??"

She deleted them all even though it's many, she must because that's not her anymore, and that’s not what she feels.

*phone rings*

*grabs* "Hello?" "Taeng" "Yoong, what is it?" "Someone's here for you" "Who?" "It’s Yejin, it's lunch time now and she wants to eat with you" "Okay, I'll get down"

Taeyeon went down and was told that Yejin is already outside waiting for her. She went out and saw Yejin wearing flat doll shoes and a simple dress. That's pretty, actually simple is really beautiful for Taeyeon.


Yejin hugs Taeyeon immediately. She’s always doing that.

"Uhm~ You like hugging huh? Euhehe" "Mmmmh~"

She tightens her hug

"I-I can't breathe" "Oops, sorry" *let go* "Uh... Lunch?" "Yes!"

Taeyeon smiles and both went to eat lunch. After eating, they decided to go around for awhile. Walking together slowly.

"Are you sure you're not gonna do something important in your work now, Taeyeon?" "I got no things to draw, anyways I'm feeling lazy" "Hmm... Taeyeon~ah, tonight are you available?" "Yeah sure, what to do?" "Just stroll around?" "Okay, I like strolling. Anyways, when will be your flight?" "June 15" "You got an early farewell party then" "That's right, tonight I'll be waiting for you near the pet shop then?" "Okay"

Taeyeon tries to know where it is again, well she have a thought that this 2020, places here in Korea maybe have changed already but she doesn't know, maybe it didn't.

"7:30?" *nods* "Yes"

After walking for long Taeyeon decided to fetch Yejin home and she too skip her work already, she went home as well and rested in her apartment. Curiosity went inside her and so she went more around her apartment. Not just looking at the sketches in her wall but she too check some things. She pulls out drawers and saw letters of her parents from Arizona being delivered by a mailman. She laughs to that because they can just chat with a webcam anyways. She pulls out more drawer and her smiles lessens to see something about Tiffany again. Love letters she wrote for Tiffany and actually those are rejected letters.

"Tsk~" *sighs*

She throws it back and closes the drawer. She then went inside her bedroom, felt like sleeping for a while. She sets her clock to 7:10. She'll borrow 20 minutes in it for her to freshen up because tonight, she'll be with Yejin.

7:10 *alarm clock beeps* Taeyeon woke up by the loud beep. She turns it off and slowly gets up.

Bath...Gargle...Eat...Brush...Get dressed At exact 7:30, she was ready to leave. She left her apartment, coming for Yejin tonight. Meanwhile, Yejin was already waiting near the pet shop. She was near the post and actually that is where Tiffany's staying at while waiting for Nichkhun to come.

"Yejin" "Oh, Tiffany" "What brings you here? Who are you waiting for?" "Taeyeon" "Oh... that psychopathic desperate--" "I asked her to be with me tonight"

Yejin said quickly, causing Tiffany to stop talking harsh words about Taeyeon. Tiffany shuts her mouth when she heard Yejin being serious.

You're too much already, stop hurting Taeyeon - Yejin

After sometime, Taeyeon came and she saw Yejin with Tiffany. She waits for the red traffic light to light up and when it did she runs to other side where Yejin is. Yejin steps backward and then walks forward...

"Taeyeon~" "Mmfph..."

She hugs Taeyeon like they never ever have seen each other for years.

"I really think hugging is your habit" "For you only"

Taeyeon pulls away from the hug a bit and looks at Yejin's eyes.

"..." "..." "Uhm... anyways *pulls away* Shall we?" "Sure"

About to walk away, Taeyeon looks at Tiffany, she bowed at her and smiles a bit. Tiffany didn't react to that, she didn't move. What's so strange is that, her eyes followed both going away from her until they can't be seen in her eyes anymore. Nichkhun finally came to take his fiancé home . . . While driving, Nichkhun notices how silent Tiffany is.

"What's wrong, baby?" "Huh?" "I said what's wrong? Are you sick?" "No, I'm not" "Is it about that crazy Taeyeon again?" "No, actually she's not chasing me anymore" "Awh! I knew she is already! Thank God, now no one can really disturb us like you said" "Yes, I'm happy"

Meanwhile, both Yejin and Taeyeon just walks around until both to eat something,. they then went to a store where sweets and bbq's are there. Taeyeon treated Yejin again.. She payed and they got a lot of food to eat and also soda's.

"Shall we play?" Taeyeon asks "Aren't you too old?" "Nope, I'm seventeen" *laughs* "Yeah, that’s funny" "Seriously Yejin, I'm seventee--"

Yejin puts her forefinger on Taeyeon's lips to make her mouth shut

"Don't say that" "Why not?"

Taeyeon talks while still having Yejin's finger, pressed on her lips

"Do you want to go back being seventeen?" "Well... I guess, well this time must be temporary to me" *shrugs*

She really don't understand what she means


Yejin stares at Taeyeon's eyes intensely and showed pity and she really cares about Taeyeon.

"Don't go back being seventeen again, I saw how you were hurt... I can't see you like that again"

Taeyeon realizes that is it about Tiffany again

"Yejin~ Didn't I told not to mention anything about Tiffany anymore? You don't know what happened to me... Uhm, I leaped years. If I was someone who chased for only one and heartless person, I wouldn't choose to go back, okay?" *smiles* "Okay, I'm sorry I mentioned her again" "It's okay, just don't say it again"

When both are already tried of walking, they found an empty stone bench and both sits there while still eating the food they bought. Today is June 2, Taeyeon remembers Yejin's flight,. it will be on June 15.

"Yejin?" "Yes?" "Say hi to my parents??" *smiles* "Sure...hey Taeyeon" "Yep?" "Remember when you were taped on the toilet by Yuri and Sooyoung?" "Uhm...."

Taeyeon tries to remember and when she did she gave a smile that is not really happy to it. It's like a creepy smile and was about to attack Yejin.

"Yah, don't say that.. that's so embarrassing" *laughs* "I was shock to see your hairy butthole" “Yah, I don’t have hairy butthole~ That’s crazy!~ Eeek!”

Taeyeon covers her face feeling so embarrassed. Yejin stops to laugh, she became serious. She went closer and Taeyeon doesn't know anything. Yejin reddened her lips, moistening it with her saliva. She slowly removes Taeyeon's hands away from her face and leans closer.

"Taeyeon, I like you"

She gently dip her lips at Taeyeon's cheeks making Taeyeon froze and she felt a spark inside her. She didn't know that she's totally blushing now. Yejin moves her lips away from that soft cheeks and she chuckled

"Kyaah!~ She's blushing" *teasing* "Uh... euhehe"

Taeyeon shyly looks away

"Just eat this barbeque so that you won’t blush because of that"

Yejin holds Taeyeon's chin and made her bite the meat.


After eating, both decided to go home already.

*phone rings* It's Yejin's "It's my mom" *answers* "Hello mom?" "Honey, where are you? It's already 11 pm" "Aww mom, still worrying about me? I'm with Taeyeon"

Yejin looks at Taeyeon while her mother is talking, she thinks about something

"Come home then later okay, honey?" "Uhm mom, wait don't hang up yet" Yejin moves her phone away from her.

"Taeyeon, can I stay in your apartment?" "Uhm, yeah~ sure" "Great! Then can you convince my mom?" "Okay, I'll convince her" *smiles*

Taeyeon took the phone and talks to Yejin's mother

"Hello auntie, this is Taeyeon" "Ah~ Taeyeon what is it?" "I just want to ask, can Yejin stay in my apartment tonight?" "Oh... Of course, if so Yejin wants to" "She wants to" "Okay, then I must not worry anymore" "Okay auntie, thank you" "No problem, be safe" “We will” *hangs up* "She said yes"

Yejin smiles widely

"Let's go!"

Both took a cab and upon arriving, Yejin was amazed by Taeyeon's sketches.

"You're really talented!" "Not really... Are you sleepy?" "Not yet... Not yet until you draw me like one of your French girls~" *chuckles* "Nice~" "Draw me" "Now?" *nods* "Yes"

Taeyeon took a portrait and a pencil. She made Yejin do a pose and Yejin chose to lie on the sofa. Taeyeon begins to draw and it took time.

"You okay?" "I am"

Taeyeon continues and somehow staring at Yejin just to know how she'll draw her makes her shy, especially when drawing her beautiful eyes. After 30 minutes, it was done and it's already 12:30.

"And finished... come and take a look"

Yejin stands up and she loves it. Taeyeon is indeed a great artist.

"Aww~ it's so beautiful, gomawo~"

Again, she gave another hug but it's not a quick one, it was gentle. She stayed there for some minutes.

"It's yours now" "..." "Yejin?" "..."

Taeyeon tries to look at her and she just fell asleep. Taeyeon then carries her inside her bedroom and placed her at the center of her bed. Taeyeon was shy to sleep beside her so she decided to just sleep on the couch. She was about to go out her room but Yejin wakes up calling up for her.

"Taeyeon, where are you going?" "I'll sleep in the couch" "But I can't sleep without having someone with me"

She pouts

"Are you shy? But why?" "Well, I-I snore badly" "Well snoring is cute when it's you"

Yejin stands up and pulls her. She made her lay down with her there.

"There, now I'm fine... I'm scared of monsters by the way" *smiles* "Silly~"

Yejin closes her eyes but then she opens it again.

"Uhm, Taeyeon?" "Yes?" "Would it be alright if… I can I have a goodnight kiss from you?" "Uh- I'll kiss you???" "Yes" "O-okay"

Taeyeon scratch her nape shyly, she raises up her body, supported by her elbow and leans down, puckering her lips on Yejin's rosy cheeks.

*kiss* "Goodnight" "Goodnight" *kiss*

She kisses Taeyeon's cheek back making Taeyeon froze for the second time

"That’s are friends habit right?"

Taeyeon asks, because is it really normal kissing your friend like that?

*shakes head* "I don't see us being just friends, Taeyeon" "Best friends?" "Hhmmm~ More than that?"

Yejin goes to sleep while Taeyeon was still awake. She then turns off the lamp and rested next to Yejin. Sooner, she falls asleep with a thought that turning back on 2013 is the worst decision ever. Hearing such bad things about her, being loveless and those heart aches she saw in her account made her feel scared. She can't be hurt like that, she doesn't want that. She finally decided not to find the time machine anymore and just stay like this even though she didn't experience 2014 to 2019. Why would she? If she knew that living in those years are just some bullshits and pains just like what Yoona and Yejin told her.

end of chapter three

CHAPTER IV Early in the morning, Yejin was the first one to get up and even though it's not her place, she managed to cook for breakfast. Just when Taeyeon got up and notices Yejin's not by her side anymore, she smells food. Going out of her room and ther she saw Yejin at the kitchen cooking something. Taeyeon then went to the living room and opens the TV and watches moning news. After some moment Yejin was done cooking and came with the food she cooked in her hands and gave Taeyeon the other plate with the chicken soup.

"Thank you" "You're welcome"


"I got it"

Taeyeon went there and opens the door... it was Yoona

"Yoong?" "Hey, can we go now?" "Uhm..."

Taeyeon looks back worriedly

"Maybe you should go first" "Taeyeon?"

Yejin came and Yoona grins when she saw her

"Oooh~ You’ve been together?" "Yes" "Okay, I see... I guess I'm *coughs* disturbing or something" "Just go now Yoong" *glares* "Okay, see you later" *chuckles*

Taeyeon and Yejin continues to eat and after that, Taeyeon takes a bath, after her, Yejin took a bath as well and borrowed clothes from Taeyeon thenTaeyeon fetches her back home, while Taeyeon went to her work already.

"Hey! So Yejin's you're girl now??" Yoona asks immediately when Taeyeon’s already inside her office. "It's not like that, we're just so close" "Keep it up! She's way better than that heartless Hwang" "Shush~ Stop mentioning that name" "Hmmm... So finally you're mad at Tiffany" "It's not that I'm mad, I don't know but I don't really feel like going back anymore" "To her?" "Yep, and last 201... But I can't see myself hating someone, how about forgiving, huh? Well anyways, I'm glad I skipped 7 years that I didnt have to suffer that long"

Taeyeon then works on what was assigned to her. After 2 hours, she's done and today is Friday. Today, she'll have her salary and she recieves a lot of money since her works are really good and her covers are very awesome. At lunch time, she went along with Yoona going to the same restaurant and also both keeps ordering their favorite food.

"Anyways, what's Tiffany's work now?" "I thought you don't want to mention her anymore??" "What I mean is what she did to me.. We can still be just friends"

"Okay, she's a business woman. She owns a mall here" "Wow!" "Yeah that's right, you used to know that and actually you always go there... She's rich, plus Nichkhun being an engineer, he might improve Tiffany's mall and both are also getting married too, I think they're really lucky to have each other"

Taeyeon smiles, she's so glad to hear how successful Nichkhun and Tiffany now and also both are getting married soon, that makes her more happy for them.

"That's making me want to get married too" "To whom? Yejin?? Hehe!"

Taeyeon remembers her moment with Yejin last night

"Ehehe! Okay that's enough"

After eating, they went back to their work and finishes some more assignments.

7 pm... Taeyeon decided to walk her way home. She wants a puppy and she remembers that pet shop where Tiffany iuse to stay near it when she's waiting for Nichkhun. She saw Tiffany there waiting, she runs so fast and enters the shop, she’s like trying to avoid her.

"Hello ma'am, good evening" "Good evening~"

She looks around trying to choose a dog and one caught her attention. . . a black poodle. It keeps wiggling his tail, jumping inside its cage like trying to tell Taeyeon to pick him.

"Aww, you're cute... Miss, I'll take this and also give me a collar" "It's a he, what will be his name so that we can print on the collar" "Lemme call her, Ginger" *smiles* "Okay ma'am"

After printing, she puts the collar around Ginger's neck and attached a link in it. She pays for him and carries him outside when suddenly, Ginger starts to wiggle his body widly.

"Oh... You want to go down?... Okay then"

She put Ginger down and the link slips off her hands and ginger ran away.


He ran away and stops in front of Tiffany. Tiffany was surprised to see a little dog, running around her.

"Hello~ Are you lost?"

Tiffany kneels down, rubbing Gingers head and she noticed his collar

"Your name is Ginger?"

Taeyeon stops because somehow, she’s afraid getting near this. She went closer and kneels down with her, making Tiffany stand up, moving a little bit away from Taeyeon.

"It's my dog" "..."

Taeyeon carries Ginger and Ginger starts to calm down... and while Tiffany moves more backward, she felt like she really doesn't want to see her. She doesn't want every inch of her.


"Tiffany, Watch out!"

Just as Tiffany moves backward a little more, Taeyeon puts Ginger down and runs towards Tiffany. She grabs her arms and pulls her back away from the fast vehicles. Tiffany felt so cold, she felt death but Taeyeon saved her.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!” The driver complains "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" Taeyeon said "Better not be!"

Still, Taeyeon's hands are still holding Tiffany's arms. Tiffany then yanks her hands away and Taeyeon apologizes

"Get your hands off me!" "Mianhae" *bows*

She looks around to look for Ginger

"Ginger, come on stop being so naughty"

She even chase him until she got him. Nichkhun finally came... and he thought Taeyeon was courting Tiffany again. He thought Taeyeon was giving Tiffany a black poodle.

"Hey, you're really crazy aren't you??"

Taeyeon was clueless, why Nichkhun's getting mad right now?

"You freak!"

He grabs Taeyeon's collar and Taeyeon gulped

"Can't you just stay away from Tiffany?! I don't know what's with you that you still have to take her away from me! Can’t you see? We are together!" "N-No, I'm not doing that, Nichkhun" Taeyeon speaks calmly "You must have planned to avoid her for some days to make her curious or something! Well, I'm telling you it's all useless because she doesn't love you!"

Tiffany knew that Taeyeon would cry but she didn't, she's just so quiet.

"No, I didn't plan anything like that Nihckhun, I-I swear" "Stop lying!"

He tightens his grip more on Taeyeon's collar shirt, while Taeyeon was holding ginger securely.

"I swear" "You're so desperate you know!? I don't know what's with your brain you dumbass!"

He pointed at Taeyeon's head and pushes her head so hard making Taeyeon more scared. She closed her eyes and her shoulders shakes.

"Maybe I was, but not anymore" "Stay away!" "I'm not doing anythi--" "Shut up!!"

He pushes Taeyeon away. Taeyeon took Ginger quickly and leaves immediately, still feeling scared. While carrying Ginger in her arms... She felt sad.

I was really crazy for Tiffany before, I think ... God, I was so damsel - Taeyeon

"Ugh, some people are just so dumb" Nichkhun frowns Tiffany is so silly that she didn't even say a word... She's so heartless that even though Taeyeon saved her life tonight, she didn't even save her from Nichkhun but then she felt bad about it.

"Nichkhun..." "Yes?" "She's not wooing me" "B-But she's with you" "She's not, actually she's really not, honestly" "Aish~ Now I'm the bad guy, why didn't you tell me earlier??" "I... I don't know, please let's get rid of this, let's just go home"

Upon arriving home, Tiffany’s all alone in her house. She's always sighing and she doesn't know why... She decides to surf the internet, listens to music and logs into her account. Tiffany has accepted Taeyeon's friend request but it doesn’t mean she likes, she accepted cus she and her friends are always laughing at Taeyeon’s posts, they’re just making fun of her. While scrolling down, she didn’t see any of Taeyeon's post anymore in her news feed. That's new, because Taeyeon is always posing new status everytime and she’s always posting pictures about her but now she sees nothing. She then decided to check Taeyeon’s account by visiting her profile, and as she opens it, she was surprised that Taeyeon doesn't have a single post about her anymore. Nothing was left... That is something she must be happy about but it's so strange that she's not.

Actually, she really thinks she's the bad person, she felt bad seeing Taeyeon getting hurt just lately when she didn't even do something to her. She frowns and closes her laptop, crumbling her brows. She went inside her bedroom and lay down while still frowning.

Urgh! What's wrong with me? - Tiffany

"Maybe I was, but not anymore"

Taeyeon's words echoes back in her mind

"You're not into me anymore?” *bite lip* “I should be happy"

She mumbles but she's feeling something . . . Something that is making her feel like getting ill. Taeyeon's not into her anymore . . . the thing she wants to happen finally came true but it's just so strange for her that she feels uncomfortable, it's just that Taeyeon's different now... so different.

end of chapter four

CHAPTER V After that clash, Taeyeon went to Yejin's house and rings the doorbell.


It was Yejin's mother who opens up the door for her

"Yes, is Yejin here?" "Yes, she's upstairs, why won't you come in and go inside her room?" "Is it okay?" "Of course~" "Thank you"

Carrying Ginger in her arms, she went in front of Yejin's door. She knocks then quickly hides Ginger behind her back.

"It's open!" *door opens* "Hey" "Oh, Taeyeon!~"

She stands up happily wearing her pajamas and approaches Taeyeon.

"You're here~" "Yes~ Oh, another hug"

Yejin hugs her again and she heard something


"What's that?" "...Tada!"

Taeyeon shows ginger and Yejin was surprised

"For me?!" "Yes, his name is Ginger" "Aww~ thank you so much" "You're welcome"

She gave another hug, and Taeyeon pats Yejin's back.

"Come in"

She carries Ginger and pulls Taeyeon's wrist then made her sit in her bed.

"Do you like him?" “I don't like him, I love him" *smiles* "Great"

Later on, Taeyeon remembers how Nichkhun treated her just lately, she doesn't like it.

"Taeyeon.. Are you okay? "Yes" "Really?"

"Well, I'm confused" "About what? Tell me"

Yejin sits closer to her and stares

"I know I said that I don't want something that relates from Tiffany. I just felt how rude it was when I was next to her. I mean, does all people sees me just chasing after her? Why can't they see my real intention?" "What's your intention?" "I can't hate someone, even though they hurt me. We can just be friends but people doesn't see it like that" "Taeyeon~"

Yejin touches Taeyeon's shoulder

"You can be friends, but if you're afraid again, you can just avoid her. But I don't mean to hate her by avoiding her, the fact is you're just protecting yourself" "I'll try" "Don't just try, do it... Well, it's up to you and I want you to know that I'm here and I care" "...thank you Yejin, I appreciate it" "I just like you" *smiles*

Yejin then stares at Taeyeon's eyes like a puppy.

"Do you like me Taeyeon?" "..."

Taeyeon looks back and stares

"Uh...yes, I like you too, Yejin"

Yejin bite her lips a little and slowly leaning closer and Taeyeon notices. She raise her eyebrows and at some moment, her body just followed and slowly compresses to Yejin. They close their eyes and leans more closer ...


...but Ginger jumps in their middle making Taeyeon and Yejin laugh instead to do what they have to do. They played with Ginger and had a good time. It's like a family playing together.

After some hours, Taeyeon needs to go home.

"I guess I need to go now" "Okay, it was fun having you here"

Taeyeon first carries Ginger about to kiss him but Yejin stops her. She pulls her closer and gently kisses her cheeks then again. It made Taeyeon blush intensely.

"Me first before ginger, right?" "Euhihi~" *shy* "You're not fair~ Where's mine?" "A kiss??" "Yes"

Yejin smiles and faces sideways then points at her right cheek. Taeyeon shyly leans closer and gave her kiss on the cheek. And to avoid being too shy Taeyeon then kisses Ginger now and gave her back to Yejin.

"Goodnight" "Goodnight, see you maybe... tomorrow?~" "Yes, see you tomorrow"

12 pm, lunch time. As always, Taeyeon goes to the same restaurant but Yoona stayed inside her office today. Yoona said she's doing a lot of work so mabye at 1 pm, she'll have her lunch time. Taeyeon went inside and orders the same food she likes. That place is where she also remembers where Nichkhun and Tiffany are eating at, and what a small world 'cause they came inside and took a seat. Not too far from her. She looks away and didn't want to remember what happened last night.

"Here's your order, ma'am" "Thank you"

Tiffany looks for a waiter and saw a waiter next to Taeyeon.

"Uhm... Nichkhun?" "Yes, baby?" "I just want to correct what's wrong" "What's wrong?" "Last night, what you did... I want you to say sorry to Taeyeon" "Ah~ Yes, I must" "She's here, right there"

Tiffany points at Taeyeon who is eating already and Nichkhun looks back at her.

"Okay baby, anyways, I was wrong"

Nichkhun left Tiffany for a while to confront Taeyeon


Taeyeon heard this familiar and she knows that it's Nichkhun. She was scared that he might do something again.

"Hey, I'm sorry about last night. I thought you were courting Tiffany again... So sorry~"

Nichkhun asks for a hand shake Taeyeon looks at him

"It's okay, well I'm glad you know it already" "Yes, do you forgive me?" *nods* "Yes" *smiles*

They shake hands in a friendly way

"Hey, why don't you join us?" "Ah- No, it's okay" "C'mon, we won't eat you" *chuckles* "Okay then"

Nichkhun took Taeyeon with him and Tiffany saw them coming. Taeyeon chose to sit next to Nichkhun and places her food on the table.

"Tiffany said, I should say sorry to you because I thought about the wrong thing" *nods* "I see"

Taeyeon continues to eat her food while she was with them then later on, Nichkhun and Tiffany's food came and they eat together.

"I heard that your sketches are really good" Nickhun talks to Taeyeon "Yes, I'm happy about that" "Hmmm~" *looks at Tiffany* "Well, I was you accept to draw newly weds?" "Oh sure, I will draw you both, right?? Since you guys are getting married soon" "Yes, would you like that, Tiffany?" Nichkhun asks Tiffany "...yes"

*phone rings* It's Nichkhun's

"Oh, it's my boss...Excuse me guys, this might just irritate you. I'll be back"

Nichkhun went out and talks to his boss and Tiffany was left there with Taeyeon. When their eyes met, Taeyeon smiles kindly at her but Tiffany looks away. Taeyeon continues to eat until she finishes her food. Still, Nichkhun's not yet there, it was a minute of silence until Taeyeon speaks.

"When will be your wedding day?" "June 15"

Tiffany speaks in a low tone and she's like she's still mad or something.

"Mmm~ Same date with Yejin's flight "..." "I heard you own a mall"

Tiffany furrows her eyebrows, how can she ask that? When she knows it very well and she's always there everytime before.

"Yes" "It's gonna be great, and you getting married soon with Nichkhun is really good. I can see a really good future on you both" *smiles* "Thank you... well how about you? Aren't you gonna get married?"

Tiffany asks with a little laughter.

"Hmmm~ *thinks* in the right time" *smiles* "Is there a right time for you?" *laughs*

She laughs like she's taunting


Taeyeon laughs with her and Tiffany saw how cute she is again.

"You know I'm glad that you're not begging me anymore" *sighs* "Look, uhm..."

Taeyeon doesn't know what to say. She leaped 7 years and she didn't know what happened. But she thought when people told her that she loves Tiffany so badly, she then thought..did she hurt Tiffany before?

"I don't know what to say but I want to say sorry. Maybe I have unwillingly hurt you before? Maybe I was too much? Or something else that you didn't really like. I'm sincerely sorry for what I have done to you" "Are you trying to be pitiful?" "No, *shakes head* I'm just being honest...well I heard that you hated to see me a lot and--"

Taeyeon stops

She hated to see me, then why I should be here?


If she doesn't want to see me, then I must not let her be... I can't control her, and I think being firends with her won't be good as well if she hates me this much... I'll just let us be good strangers

"Just forgive me and I won't do it anymore. Cause you know, I don't like someone hating on me, but if I really did too much, it's up to you. Just as long as hatred is away, I will be satisfied and I respect your decision. Honestly, I want to be friends with you but as far as I can see, people doesn’t see it like that.. they think I'm courting you and ‘cause of that, some people can even throw a punch on my face, laugh at me, make fun of me.. I’m really scared so... I guess I don't have to get close to you, I shall not bother you" "..." "I must go now"

Taeyeon stands up and bows

"It was nice eating with you today, thank you" *smiles*

Again she bows and leaves.

"Taeyeon, you're going now?"

Nichkhun asks who is already done speaking with his boss and was about to enter the restaurant

"Yes, I have some work to do" "Okay, you'll draw us okay?" "Yes, I will" *smiles*

She went back to work.

Nichkhun went back to Tiffany and she notices her staring blankly in her food.

"Hey, what's wrong?" "..." "Fany~ah?" "Ah... n-nothing, it's just that I was waiting for you" "Well now I'm here, let's continue eating, okay?"

Taeyeon's smile is just so different and it's like saying something to Tiffany... something she can't understand but she's feeling a little guilt inside her because of Taeyeon saying sorry to her and she didn't even really hurt her made Tiffany feel guilty for a little bit because it's the opposite way... She must be the one saying sorry since she hurt Taeyeon many times since highschool. And to hear Taeyeon's good intention made her feel more guilt inide her.

9 pm Tiffany went near on the place again where she always waits for Nichkhun. While waiting, she heard someone greeting her from behind then stands beside her.

"Hello~" "Hi, Yejin"

Something caught her attention when she saw Taeyeon's dog with Yejin.

"It's Taeyeon's dog" Tiffany said "Yes, she gave it to me last night" "Oh..." "Isn't he cute?" "He is... is Taeyeon courting you?" "No, doesnt mean that she's giving me something, she's already courting me... But if she would court me, I'd say yes"

Tiffany looks at Yejin

"Because I know her love can make me feel satisfied. I can never be hurt and she can't lie to me. I know so because it's Taeyeon" "..." "It's nice seeing you tonight, Tiffany. I gotta go"

Yejin then takes a cab, going home. While Tiffany is still there waiting for Nichkhun.

"Fany~ah, let's go"

Finally Nichkhun came and Tiffany rides Nichkhun's car.

"..." "Aww, you're showing that face again Tiffany. You're always staring blankly and you're so silent, please tell me what's wrong?" "Nothing, it's just that I'm tired"

She pouts and rubs her temples then closes her eyes.


After some time, she's finally home, she doesn't feel like eating tonight, she just went inside her room and lay down in her bed immediately.


She sighs again to let that strange feeling out of her chest. She doesn't like the feeling of it, it's like hurting her. She finds it weird when suddenly, Taeyeon's face is showing when she's closing her eyes... she remembers her, especially her smile.

*heavy sigh* "Tsk!~"

She shook her head trying to get that person out of her mind.

"Why are you bothering me?"

She grips her hair tight and thought that she's just feeling dizzy but she's not. And Taeyeon's words echoes back in her mind again and it's making her crazy.

“Why are you bothering me?!" It's just That maybe she's already used to Taeyeon who is always courting her before but this time, not anymore... and with her words, what she really meant is something else and it's not so right because Tiffany made it anyways. It was her fault. Her lips parted and said "...W-Why are you not bothering me?" end of chapter five

CHAPTER VI June 8, 2020 At work, Taeyeon didn't do much today. She was just inside her offce sitting, until lunch time came. Yoona came to her and went out going to that restaurant again.

"Oh look Taeng, it's your girl" "Eh?" "Yejin" "Where?"

Yoona points at Yejin and Taeyeon stares

"Hmmm~ How about you go with her?" "How about you?" "I'm not a kid anymore Taeng, now just go"

She pushes Taeyeon and left her. Taeyeon then runs towards Yejin and when Yejin saw her, a smile grew in her face. She taps the point of her doll shoes on the ground until Taeyeon got closer, she stops to tap it and again, she gives her a quick hug.

"You're here~" "Yeah"

Taeyeon hugs her back then slowly pulls out.

"Did you eat already?" "Yes, what about you?" "Not yet, but are you going somewhere? Are you gonna do something?" "Yes, I will feed you"

"Hmmm??" "Come, you should eat"

She hold Taeyeon's hand and Taeyeon felt her heart beat fastens.

"Oh, maybe we should go to the other place"

Yejin choose to go where Yoona went but Taeyeon doesn't want disturbance


They went to some other restaurant and they're still holding hands together.

"How's Ginger?" "He's doing great, he's really naughty too" "Are you irritated?" "No, actually I love how playful he is!" "Good"

Taeyeon felt Yejin's fingers, holding her tighter like she doesn't want to let go anymore.

"Taeyeon I want to spend more days with you" "Oh, Me too" *smiles* "Here we are~"

They went inside and Yejin let Taeyeon orders for herself while Yejin didn't have to order since she has eaten already.

"You're hungry?" Taeyeon asks "I said I'll feed you, right?"

Taeyeon's food came and Yejin took the spoon and fork. Yejin spooned the food and puts it near onTaeyeon's mouth.

"Say aahhh~"

Taeyeon smiles shyly and scratches her nape. She eats it making Yejin smile widely.

"I'm not a baby~" "You're so cute"

Taeyeon tries to take the spoon and fork but Yejin didn't let her to. Taeyeon then just let her feed her and she likes it until nothing is left.

"Are we going now?" Yehjin asks "Yes, I want to stroll with you again" *shy* *giggles* "Okay"

Going out while drinking, Yejin looks at Taeyeon's hand that is not holding the soda. She holds that hand and interwines her fingers there securely. She locks her hands Taeyeon did the same.

Why do I feel so puffy inside? - Taeyeon

"Yejin, are you not doing something important today?" "I have" "Oh really? Well I aah~ I was thinking, maybe we can go watch a movie today since I don't have to do much work to do now"

Yejin looks at Taeyeon and smiles

"I'm already doing it" "Huh?" "This is important to be with you"

Their eyes met and Taeyeon blushes intensely, her heart felt warm and Yejin saw how her cheeks went red.

*laughs* "She's blushing again!" "Hnnnngh~~"

Why do I never get to see you blush, huh?? - Taeyeon

"Euhihi, look there Yejin!" "Where?" *looks away*

Taeyeon leans and gave her a peck on Yehjin's cheek, and finally she saw her blushing too.

"Hahaha~ she's blushi- -umfhp!"

Then Yehjin just quickly let her lips hug Taeyeon's lips. Taeyeon was surprised and her eyes widened while Yejin got her eyes cloes. Yejin leans away and gave a cute smile while Taeyeon was shocked.

"Now we're even" *giggles* "..." "Taeyeon?~" "Y-Yes?" "You...You didn't like it?"

Yejin gave a sad face

"No...I, ah~" *pouts* "I'm sorry"

Yejin looks away and stops to hold Taeyeon's hand

"No, I like it~" but Taeyeon pulls her back and she captures her lips again. Even though they're in public, it's not something to be shy about it.

"And I said they're really dating! Hehehe!"

Their kiss stopped when Taeyeon heard someone and it was Yoona. Taeyeon looks away bites her lower lip.

"Uhm... Did I just disturb you guys??" "What do you think??" Taeyeon asks

"Oh, someone's getting mad at me~ Sorry" "It's okay, Yoona" Yejin said and gave a small smile "You two maybe should... get a room" "Yah!~"

Taeyeon glares at her and it made Yejin giggles

"Yoona, why won't you come with us? We'll be watching a movie" "It's okay, I don't want to disturb you guys but thanks"

When Yoona left, Taeyeon and Yejin's intertwines their fingers with other again and went inside the mall.

"Hmmm~ This is Tiffany's mall, right?" "Yes" "Ah~ it's nice"

It's her first time there even though Yoona said she was always there. They went upstairs and see what's showing that day.

"What do you want to watch? Fast and Furious 6 or Epic?" "Epic!"

Yejin said happily, she likes cartoons and so as Taeyeon.

"Okay, I like that too!"

They bought ticket and orders a popcorn with a cold cola. They went inside and the movie didn't start yet. Taeyeon made Yejin choose a sit and she choose the highest place which is the last one. Yejin takes a sit and Taeyeon sits beside her. The movie is about small people and they are called “Leafmen”. Their queen died because of the enimies plan of attacking their kingdom. Just as the queen slowly dies, she was able to give the pod to a human and the human shrunk and she was able interact with the Leafmen and any other insects. It's about saving the forest and how people must believe something even though it's hard to believe it. Somehow Taeyeon can relate to that, because of the time machine. Near the end of the movie, the girl goes back being a human. It's like it's telling you that, you must go back too, for you to realize what's real and deal with it... Finish it. The movie is finally done and Yejin surely enjoyed it, so as Taeyeon. They then went out and decided to have fun and stroll inside the mall.

"That was a great movie" "I know"

They went around and stops in front a shoe store.

"You want one?" Taeyeon asks "Ah no~ I'm just looking at them"

Still their hands are intertwined together, they really can't let go of each other. After looking at those shoes, they turn around and the owner of the mall was there. Tiffany was there, she saw them holding hands together and sees how Yejin would smile happily whenever she'll talk to Taeyeon.

Her eyes suddenly twitches when Yejin hugs Taeyeon. Tiffany doesn't like it when she sees Taeyeon because when she does, she would always look away and feel annoyed but this time, she can't stop staring at her and her eyes keeps twitching more to see how sweet they are.

"Yejin... It's kinda awkward to hug here" "Taeyeon I'm not being too much whenever I'll do something to you, right?" "What do you mean?"

Yejin moves a away and stares into her eyes

"I admit that I don't like you" "... you-you don't?" "I love you" *raises brows* "R-Really?" "Yes~ And honestly I really do, so please let me do what I want to you, but if you don't like it everytime, you can tell me" "What do you want?"


Taeyeon was surprised even though they did it already just lately, it's just that they're in a crowded place.

"Euhihi~ Uhm... All eyes gaze on us here" "Please tell me if you don't want me doing that" "I like it, Yejin" *smiles*

Taeyeon touches Yejin's chin and smiled


Tiffany furrows her eyebrows to see that kiss.

So this is the reason why you're not bothering me, huh? - Tiffany

Her chest felt pain and her eyes hurts. She can't take to see how sweet Taeyeon and Yejin are to each other. She frowns angrily and went out her own mall.


Jessica saw Tiffany walking away

"Hey girl~ what's wrong>" "..." "Tiffany?" "Leave me alone!"

She yelled, just maybe to let that strange feeling out inside her

"W-What's the matter with you?" *sighs* "I don't even know... I don't know" "Taeyeon again? Is she inside?" "No, it's not her, it's..."

She doesn't know what to say. She doesn't know why she's angry.

"I think I'm sick" "Maybe you should go home" "No” *shakes head* ”I don't want to think about things again"

Home is where she feels bored and bad, somehow sad as well. It's not where she wants to stay this time.

"I-I could use to be alone" "Okay"

She went on a bench and sits there, all alone. That kiss flashes back in her mind and she shakes her head.

"Oh, hi Tiffany~"

She looks back and she was surprised to see that it was Yejin and Taeyeon.

"We just went inside your mall and your mall is getting bette--" "My mall is not a dating place"

Tiffany said quickly with a serious tone. She looks away and crosses her arms.

"Well... We be better get going now then, have a good day"

Yejin and Taeyeon walks away and exceeds Tiffany. Again, Tiffany saw their hands intertwined together and she clenches her teeth.

"...Am I jealous?"

She touches her chest and she thought why would she be jealous? There's nothing to be jealous about what she feels.. But it's just different and weird for her to be mad because she must be happy now, so she's indeed jealous.

end of chapter six

CHAPTER VII 4 days have passed... Nichkhun and Tiffany decided to wear their wedding outfit and Taeyeon will draw them today.

"3 more days and well get married already, Tiffany"

Nichkhun touches Tiffany's cheek and Tiffany gave a small smile.

"Yes, but why are we wearing our wedding outfit?" "Taeyeon will be here"

Tiffany became aware... She hurriedly fixes herself, just like that.

"What will she do?" "I want our portrait now, I think if we do it in our wedding day, it won't be good cause we'll have our honeymoon~"

He leans closer and kisses Tiffany's cheeks.

After some time, Taeyeon came with her drawing materials.

"Hello~" She greets as she enters "Hey~"

It was Nichkhun who greeted her first and approaches her. Taeyeon looks at Nichkhun and said he was handsome then she looks at Tiffany.

"Beautiful" *smiles*

Tiffany looks at her and she was smilling as well... she doesn't know but when Taeyeon complimented her, she felt great.

"Shall we start now?" "Sure" "Please choose a pose"

Nichkhun stood next to Tiffany and holds hands together. Nichkhun was smilling but Taeyeon notices that Tiffany's not smilling when she was looking at her.


Taeyeon smiles too to make Tiffany follow her.

"C'mon baby~ Smile~~~" Nichkhun said and Tiffany smiles.

Tiffany was looking away but then when she looks at Taeyeon, she remembers all the things about them. She hates those eyes but when she stares, she didn't want to look away from Taeyeon's eyes anymore. And whenever Taeyeon would stare back to define her, she feels that feeling in her chest again, it's hurting. After some several minutes, the drawing was done. It was always Nichkhun who will come close to Taeyeon and Tiffany would stay put.

"Fany~ah, come here, it's so beautiful!"

Tiffany slowly walks and approaches them. She stood next to Taeyeon and saw the drawing... It's really beautiful.

"Isn't it great??" Nichkhun asks "..." "Do you like it?"

When Taeyeon asks, Tiffany looks at her and it took her time to reply. It was her first time to see Taeyeon's brown eyes so close.

"I love it" *smiles* "I'm glad you don't just like it but you love it"

"Wait here fany~ah, I'll just work on something" Nichkhun went away for awhile leaving her soon to be wife with Taeyeon.

"3 more days and you're gonna get married already, are you excited?" "I-I am"

Taeyeon fixes her things

"Are you going now?"

Taeyeon looks at her watch and it's 2 pm.

"Well, I think I should"


Tiffany's body moves more to see Taeyeon almost leaving


Her hands just moves on its own and touches Taeyeon's shoulder

"Yes?" "Well, you know~ You did a great job sketching us, why won't you hang out with us for a while?" "Mmm, sure" "Hold on"

Tiffany tries to find Nichkhun and when she did, she talks to him.

"Nichkhun, can I go out with Taeyeon?" "Okay, anyways, I have more work to do later" "Thank you"

Nichkhhun knows that there's nothing to be worried about because he knows Taeyeon's not into Tiffany anymore. Tiffany then takes off her wedding dress and dresses up into a normal attire. She went back and Taeyeon notices her not wearing the gown anymore.

"Nichkhun have to do some work" "I see" "Maybe we both can hang out?" "Okay, sure"

Tiffany then beams her eyesmile happily They went out and walks together.

"I was thinking to invite you to our wedding day, can you come?" "Oh! Sure, I would like to" *smiles*

Taeyeon wonders as well while walking, how's her family in Arizona now? Somehow she misses them.

"You're indeed a good artist" "Thank you"

Now she compliments her... before Tiffany wouldn't do that and in fact she's always bringing Taeyeon down and knows her having no talent at all. Tiffany clenches her teeth to remember that and looks down.

"I watched a movie in your mall yesterday with Yejin" Taeyeon said

Tiffany remembers their kiss again when Taeyeon said that. She gave a smile but it's fake.

"Taeyeon..." "Yes?" "Is Yejin your girlfri--"


She was startled by that voice It was Yejin and she hugs Taeyeon immediately. Tiffany looks away and felt like an outcast.

"Hi Tiffany, I see you're with Taeyeon today" "Yes, we're just hanging out" "Can I come?" "Sure"

Tiffany felt like there's a wall between her and Taeyeon when Yejin came... then suddenly she felt irritated to see their hands holding each other again. Tiffany looks at Taeyeon's other hand and she felt like touching it just a little bit.

They then ended up on a park and they sat on the grass.

"You guys want to eat? I'll treat you" "Sure" "Okay, I'll be back"

Taeyeon went away to buy food.

"I heard your flight is the same date with my wedding day" Tiffany speaks "Really? June 15 as well?" "Yes... "I'll be going to Arizona" "I know"

Tiffany looks at her and Arizona made her think about Taeyeon's family.

She then adjusted herself, and wanted to ask something.

"... are you Taeyeon's girlfriend now?" *shakes head* "Not yet~"

Tiffany smiles a little bit

"But I can wait for her... I don't have to rush" "Yes, you don't"

Tiffany said and it made Yejin stare at her.

"I see you're being friends with her now" "It's something that she wanted, that's what she told me last time" "Yes, but as you can see, people sees it as "courting you again" That's just how they see it forever" "..." "That's never gonna be a good thing for Taeyeon. I mean people can even do something that is not so good for her"

Tiffany felt guilty... cuz the reason was her. She had spread and thrown words about Taeyeon along with her friends, that people would laugh about or something to be disgusted about.

After some time, Taeyeon came back carrying a lot of foods in her hands. Taeyeon sits beside Yejin and like what Yejin has been doing all the time these past days, she'll feed Taeyeon. Taeyeon lets her do it and it's really making Tiffany feel like she's not there with them.

"Why are you not eating much, Tiffany? You don't like it?" Taeyeon asks "I'm a bit full"

Just as time goes by, Tiffany was still there hanging out with them and sees how sweet Taeyeon and Yejin are, she realizes that she's faking every smile and deep inside she's sad. The more she lets out fake smile, the more she feels pain inside her. Tiffany bite her lip and looks away. She can't take how happy Taeyeon and Yejin are while holding each other.

"I guess I have to go now... Nichkhun awaits me" "Okay, thanks for being with us"

Tiffany went away and random thoughts spins inside her head.

"You're just using her,'re just using her"

She thinks that she is, to have hope getting Taeyeon back to her and beg again. That's crazy and she's already getting married. It's not right to feel that way. It's totally wrong.

Back with Nichkhun inside his car, Tiffany can't stop staring at Taeyeon's work of her and Nichkhun

"We look good together, right?" Nichkhun asks "Yes"

But her eyes didn't look at Nichkhun's drawn face... she was looking at herself and imagines Taeyeon's hand drawing her. She touches it with her fingers and admires it.

"Uhm~ Nichkhun?" "Yes?" "Maybe I should get off now here" "Why? Are going somewhere?" "With some friends"

It's an alibi, actually she thinks maybe when she gets out, she'll walk home and have a chance to see someone.


Nichkhun pulls over and kisses Tiffany before leaving. Tiffany then starts to walk and she keeps looking around. She walks very slowly just maybe not to exceed someone she wants to see and somehow confusion was inside her.

Why do I feel like I need her...this is not right, but she's just something to me that I can't figure out - Tiffany

Again she looks around and sighs loudly to see no sign of the person she needs to see until when she looks more around, she finally found her. She fixes her hair and pretends to walk near her and she successfully got the person's attention.

"Tiffany" "Taeyeon~"

Tiffany looks at her with a smile

"You're not with Nichkhun?" "I chose to walk" "Walking is good, it makes your bones stronger! Euhehe~"

Tiffany gave smile and breathes out happily, she likes it when Taeyeon would giggle.

"Are you going home now?" "Actually, I'm waiting for Yejin"

*phone rings* It's Taeyeon's

"Hello, Yejin?~"

Taeyeon speaks sweetly and suddenly, Tiffany's smile fades away. Until she can't take it anymore how sweet Taeyeon and Yejin would talk to each other, she walks away.

*hangs up*

"I got to-- oh~ Tiffany??"

Tiffany was not there anymore. She went home and upon arriving, she slams the door hard

*telephone beeps*

"You have one new message *beeps* Fany~ah tomorrow I'll be checking things for our wedding day and......"

Nichkhun's message was unable to get inside her ears anymore. Tiffany can't hear a thing... She presses her back on the wall and slides down. She grips her hair and gave a sad face. She blinks slowly and she remembers her telephone before...

*telephone beeps* "You have one new message" *beeps* Hi Tiffany! This is Taeyeon, I want to inform you that I put a chocolate inside your locker... hope you'll like it, I love y--" *beeps*

"Hi Tiffany~ This is Taeyeon, I know it's pathetic but I just wanna leave you a message to maybe make you remember me? euhihi~ Good night and sleep well!~ I love y--" *beeps*

"Hi Tiffany~ This is Taeyeon again, I hope you're not gonna get angry, but I did the exercise for you this morning when you were absent. Teacher said it's very important so I made one... have a good evening, I love-- *beeps*

"Hi Tiffany~ This is Taeyeon once again~ I did the -- *beeps*

"I really do hope you're not mad at me today, thank you for giving such a bright day.. Cuz whenever I see you, my day is always wonderful... I really lov--*beeps*

February 28, 2013

"I'm really sorry for disturbing you eveytime and every single day. Don't worry, I won't chase you anymore. I will do what you have told me. I promise and--*beeps*


She remembers before whenever Taeyeon would leave messages, they are all incomplete because she would press the end button everytime, feeling like she doesn't need those useless messages but tonight, she craves for it... To all those messages she ended before and hated the most just made her want to hear them completely this time. She needs all of them, she needs to hear them but it's too late... She then spent the night hoping a phone call from someone... She sighs and bravely texts Jessica.

"Jessi~ Can you give me Taeyeon's number?" "Why, are you gonna mock her?" "Just give it to me"

Thankfully, Jessica got Taeyeon's number... She composes a message for Taeyeon.

"Hello? Are you still awake?"

Taeyeon was already home and her phone rings. It was a message but there's no name. Taeyeon then replies

"Yes, who's this?"

Tiffany was hurt. Taeyeon doesn't know her number anymore.

"It's me, Tiffany" "Hello, goodevening"

Tiffany smiles and she went to her bed and continues to text her.

"Do you need something?"

It took time for Tiffany to reply 'cause what does she really need? Actually she doesn'teven know, she's dumb 'cause she doesn't even know why she texted her and there should be a reason. When Tiffany can't reply anymore she thought Taeyeon would text her again... But no.. She's not texting her back anymore.

"Just texting"

Tiffany sends

"Ah, I see~ It's already midnight, 2 more days to go on your wedding day maybe you should sleep now to have enough beauty rest" "I will" "Okay, goodnight" "Goodnight" There conversation ends there but Tiffany wanted more... Tiffany wants to sleep like what Taeyeon have told her but she can't. She spent sleepless night thinking about all the bad things she did and she finally regrets it.

CHAPTER VIII 11 am, June 13, 2020

Nichkhun was actually waiting for Tiffany. He even called her but her phone was off. He then decided to go to her house and knocks. Tiffany heard it, and she was just there sitting alone, doing nothing

“Fany~ah , I’ve been waiting for you at the pet shop” “Why?” “I left a message last night, babe” “You did? I didn’t hear it” “Well, it’s okay. It seems like you didn’t take a bath yet... Hey, why do you have eye bags. “I didn’t sleep well last night”

She turns around and rubbed her eyes, while walking away

“Why?" “I was uncomfortable” “Okay, maybe if we go out you’ll feel good, now go wash and let’s get out of here”

“Where are we going, Nichkhun?” “Just want to check if the things for our wedding day are already prepared” “There’s still another day for that” “The earlier the better, right? If it’s too late, there’s regret”

Tiffany remembers Taeyeon again when Nichkhun said that.

“Uhm...Nichkhun, let’s have fun later” “Sure~”

June 14, 2020

Taeyeon remembers Yejin will be leaving already on June 15 and it's tomorrow. Yehjin has something that she likes and seriously, she likes Yejin a lot.

"Yoong, I'll go to Yehjin's house, okay?" *grins* "Eeehh~ You love her don't you??" "It's none of your business, haha~" "Don't forget to kiss!"

She then decided to visit her, so she went there at Yehjin's house and when she arrives, she knocks.

*gasps* "Taeyeon, you're here!" "Yes"

Taeyeon knows Yejin a lot now. She knows a hug will come to her and it did. She hugs Yejin back tightly.

"Arf!" "Aww~ Ginger~"

Taeyeon kneels down to rub Ginger's head.

"Come in"

Taeyeon went inside and looks for Yejin's parents to greet them

"Where's your parents?"

"They went out, they said they will be back at 4 pm" "Are you scared?" "Nope"

Taeyeon sits on the couch and Yejin sits beside her.

"You're gonna leave soon" "Yes, I'll miss you, are you gonna miss me?" "Of course, I will" "You know you can come there too since your parents are there" "Yes, I can... Hey, I was invited at Nichkhun and Tiffany's wedding" "Really?" "Yes"

Yejin smiles and opens the television. She rested her head on Taeyeon's lap while watching the television. Taeyeon rested her back on the couch and looks down. Her hands then stroke Yejin's hair over and over again.

She's beautiful - Taeyeon

"Yehjin?" "Yes?"

Yejin looks up at her and their eyes met.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" "Sure!"

Yejin took Taeyeon's left hand and holds it. Later on while both are watching, Taeyeon looks down and saw Yejin, already sleeping.

2 pm...

Tiffany went out and until now, she has no idea why she wants to see Taeyeon. She ended up standing in front of the building where Taeyeon works at. She enters and looks around. She even went upstairs and saw Taeyeon's name on a door, her full name was there. She went closer and knocks..

She keeps knocking and knocking.

"Tiffany??" "Yoona" "What are you doing here?" "I'm...I'm looking for Taeyeon" "Oh, she's not here" "Where is she?"

She's kinda shy asking about Taeyeon

"She's with Yejin, you know..Yejin's leaving tomorrow already and she wants to spend a lot of time with her" "Oh- I see" "By the way, why are you looking for her?" "Uhm...H-Her sketches" "But she's done with your weddng portrait with Nichkhun already, right?" "Uhm, yes... I just wanna tell something" "Look, just tell me then I'll tell her when she gets back here" "No, it's okay, I guess I'll just have to go now" "Oh, okay then~ Have a good day"

She went out and frowns.

At 6 pm... Tiffany waited for Nichkhun at the same waiting spot. When she looks around, she saw flowers somewhere and she remembers all the wasted flowers that Taeyeon has given to her.

"Hi Tiffany~ Flowers??" *yanks* "I don't need your filthy flowers!" "W-well, maybe I'll change them" "No matter how beautiful they are, but when it came from you, I don't consider them beautiful!"

No, they are beautiful, they're so beautiful - Tiffany

*honks* "Fany~ah??"

Tiffany went back to her senses and rides Nichkhun car

"Honestly Tiffany, I've been observing you... you’re acting strange, what's wrong with you?" "... I'm just nervous for our wedding" "Why would you be nervous?" "I'm just...happy~"

Night at Yejin's house, Taeyeon was consider to eat with Yejin's family since she'll stay there. After eating, Taeyeon decided to wash the dishes with Yehjin's mother and after that, Taeyeon asks to use their bathroom to freshen up a bit. When she went upstairs and saw Yehjin packing her things for her flight tomorrow. Taeyeon sits next to her and helped her fold her clothes then packs them inside the luggage. After packing, Taeyeon notices Yehjin pouting.

*pouts* "Why do you look sad Yehjin?" "’Cause I won't be able to hug you anymore~" "Come, hug me"

Taeyeon made Yehjin hug her tightly.

"Please don't hug anyone else~" "Yes, my hug is only for you~"

Taeyeon stroke her hair again then asks

"Hey~" "What?'"

"I don't mean to rush but, I have hugged you and kissed you" "Yes, what about it?" "A-Are you my girlfriend now?"

Yehjin pulls away from the hug for bit and looks at Taeyeon, smiling a bit curving her lips... Her eyes went a little lower where Taeyeon's red lips are. She leans in quickly and gave her a peck.

*pecks* "What do you think?" "..."

Taeyeon covers her cheeks because she's shy to let Yehjin see her blushing again.

"Yes???" "Yes~"

Taeyeon smiles shyly and Yehjin pinches her cheeks gently.

"So you're my girlfriend now?" Taeyeon asks again "Yes, I am!"

Taeyeon didn't gave a shy smile anymore but this time she gave a satisfied smile and she didn't felt shy to kiss Yehjin's lips.

"Can you take a long distance relationship?" Yehjin asks "Of course I can, that doesn't matter to me since I love you" "Really??" "Yes, what about you?" "I can take it"

June 15 Yehjin's flight Tiffany and Nichkhun's wedding day

Tiffany was inside a dressind room and was preparing for her wedding today... At 3 pm, the wedding ceremony will already start. While the beauticians are taking care of Tiffany. Putting make up, fixing her hair and preparing her gown, Tiffany didn't feel to like or cherish those things. She was staring at the mirror, looking at herself, expressionless.

"My daughter is so beautiful~"

Her mother complimented who is behind and Tiffany smiles a bit

"Thank you, mom~" "What's with that gloomy face? Aren't you happy?" "I'm happy, mom~" *smiles*

It took a lot of time and when she came out... some of her vistors are already there but she's looking for someone... someone else she needs to see.

"Yehjin, what time will be your flight?" "4 pm"

Taeyeon looks at her watch and it's 2:20 already, 1 hour and 40 minutes more to go, Yehjin will be leaving already.

*phone rings*

Taeyeon opens her phone

"It's Tiffany" "What did she say?" Yehjin asks "She said, At 3 pm, our wedding willl start.. please come "

Yehjin looks at Taeyeon and smiles

"You can go there, it's alright if you can't come with me to the airport" "But you're my girlfriend"

She hugs Yehjin from behind and digs her face at Yehjin's shoulder.

"Aww, but you need to be there too Taeyeon, you were invited and it means they will be looking for you" "Maybe I can just show myself and then tell them that I'll be coming with you to the airport" "No...It's okay Taeyeon" "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm so sure"

Taeyeon must go there and she decided to take Yehjin with her, even though Yehjin’s not invited. She’ll just show up there to congratulate them and later on Yehjin will leave already.

"I'm so happy to have you, Taeyeon" "Me too, Yehjin"

Just as they arrive at the church, Taeyeon and Yehjin saw Tiffany wearing a beautiful wedding gown and it fits her very well.

"Taeyeon?" "Yes?" "I don’t wanna bring up something but I must thank Tiffany"

Yehjin pulls Taeyeon with approaching Tiffany and Tiffany was surprised that Yehjin is there

"Hello Tiffany" "Oh~ Hi, Yehjin" "I congratulate you today" "Thank you~"

Yehjin pulls Taeyeon closer to her and Tiffany looks at Taeyeon then back to Yehjin. They hold hands and Yehjin blurted out what she really wanted to say now.

"I just want to say thank you...for hurting Taeyeon” "..."

Taeyeon confusingly looks at Yehjin

"Because of you, I was able to let her know and to let her feel how my love can cure all the pain that you have given to her. I was able to let her heart recover and now...we're together, I am so blessed. I am very thankful that you didn't love her back, though you gave too much heartache and she weeped everyday for you, I’m so proud that I can make them go away" *smiles*

Tiffany was speechless and deep inside she's angry and guilty

"Once again, thank you"

Yehjin walks away about to exit the church and Taeyeon was left there with Tiffany. Tiffany was looking down and was not able to look at Taeyeon.

"I'll be right back"

Taeyeon said and runs out the church and follows Yehjin.

"Yehjin!~" "Taeyeon~ I'm fine, I must go now" *sighs* “I'll miss you" "Please don't be sad. And I'm only yours" "Promise?" "Yes, I promise"

They hug for the last time and Yehjin leaves going to the airport. Taeyeon went back and Yoona approaches her.

"Hey~ what's with that sad face?" "Yehjin left already"

Yoona smiles, she then knew that Taeyeon loves Yehjin

"Don't worry man, that's life... let’s just hope for her to have a safe trip. Come inside now, let's take a sit. The wedding will be starting in five minutes"

They went inside and took the front row seat. After 5 minutes, the door opens. Everybody looks back to gaze at Tiffany who will walk on the aisle. Taeyeon was not aware about that ‘cause nothing rlse is roaming her mind, but only Yehjin. Finally the bride walks.. She walks very slow and her eyes are getting watery. She doesnt even have a smile in her face, she's serious. Just as she reaches nearly at Taeyeon, who is in the front row, she looks at her and she notices Taeyeon not even looking at her..she was looking somewhere else. When she reaches the altar, Nichkhun smiles widely and she only give a little smile.

The minister speaks "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Woman and this Man in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt" They hold hands "Nichkhun, will you have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?" Tiffany didn't listen to the priest anymore... her head turns on her left and looks at Taeyeon... She saw Taeyeon looking down and she's like she's being uncomfortable. She saw her sighing many times as well... "I do Father" Nichkhun answers confidently "Tiffany, will you have this Man to thy wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?" "..."

Tiffany was not aware, she keeps her stare at Taeyeon... and that’s her only focus.

*sighs* "Yoona~"

Taeyeon speaks having a worried facial expression...

"What?" "I must see Yehjin, even just for a minute or for a second" "So, are you gonna go?" "I must... I love her"

Taeyeon stands up, she bows in front and to the other people to show respect and runs away... Suddenly, Tiffany's tear slides down her cheeks as she blinks... It hurts her so much to see Taeyeon running away just to go get Yehjin. Nichkhun then thought those are tears of joy but then later on, Tiffany stops to hold Nichkhun's hands... and again, the minister asks

"Tiffany, will you have this Man to thy wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?" "..."

This time, Nichkhun starts to worry...

"Tiffany?" “..." "Fany~ah??"

Tiffany steps back and shakes her head. People inside the church begins to whisper at each other and talks loudly. Tiffany again, shakes her head and runs away in the aisle while crying. Her make up was ruined by her tears which is nonstop streaming down her cheeks. She runs away while Taeyeon runs away too, but it's for Yehjin.

Taeyeon took a taxi and upon arriving the airport, she begs to let her in but she couldn't.. She just then runs inside and didn't mind if she'll go to pay for what she did.

"Yehjin! Yehjin!"

She keeps shouting causing too much attention


Thankfully Yehjin didn't left yet but she's almost leaving.. When she heard her name clearly, she looks for that person and just as she thought, it was Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon!~" *chuckles* "Yehjin!"

Taeyeon immediately hugs her and cups her face

"You're so stupid~" "I just really want to see you until you leave...I love you~" "I love you too"


They moved out and Yehjin smiles...

"I have to go now" "Wait!"

Taeyeon pulls her back and hugs her more and she's almost tearing up

*sniffles* "Don't cry Taeyeon, please don't be sad, we can still chat, right?" "Yes"

And for the last time, their lips touch. When Yehjin moves away, her fingers slips at Taeyeon's fingers and smiles for the last time. She already left and Taeyeon prays for her flight to be safe. After that, Taeyeon went back at the church and upon arriving, it was a surprise that people inside the church are all chaotic.

"Taeng~" "Yoong, what happened?" "Tiffany just ran away" "What?? Why??" "I don't know either"

Jessica was so concern about Tiffany... she then thought maybe Tiffany was in her house now and so she went there.

*knocks* "Tiffany? Open up if you're there~"

Tiffany was inside still crying

"I won't be talking about the wedding, I'm just concern about you"

Tiffany wipes her tears and opens the door

"Hey~ what's wrong?"

Jessica wipes Tiffany tears but it was useless because Tiffany cries more.

"It's hurting me a lot, Jessie...It hurts so much" Her voice crook "Why? Please, it's not so nice to see you like this" "My wedding day should be happiest day of my life but I asked myself...Why am I not happy? I'm not happy, Jessie... I regret everything, I blame myself. I hurt someone who didn't even hurt me, in fact that person even loved me and even saved me but I wasted it... I lost the chance" *cries* "Slow down... I don't understand you, Tiff~" *sobs* "I-I love Taeyeon"

She broke down more into tears until her nose got clogged and words we're hard to understnd.

"Now that she's with someone else, it's hurting me like hell. If I can only turn back time, I swear there will be no more regrets"

Jessica just then hugs her. "It's okay~" "Why does regret needs to be in the end? I want to go back... I want that Taeyeon who is always giving me affection, that Taeyeon who is always there to look out for me!" She ended up hoping... but Taeyeon loves Yehjin, and she can't hurt her. end of chapter eight

CHAPTER IX "I want to tell her everything, maybe if I'd been able to"

Tiffany was still wearing her weding dress and she was lying on the couch

"Tiff~ I guess I should leave now, I think you need to be alone... I will see you, gosh you're making me worry"

Tiffany realizes that she and Taeyeon could have lived differently. Maybe if she chose her, she wouldn't regret this. There was one thing that Tiffany that doesn't want to happen when she grows up, it was being afraid of losing someone she loves and she thought that was Nichkhun. She gave affection to him but that's not what she really wants to have right now. But feeling this thing can't do something, she must make a move but it's too late already. She shakes her head and told herself that there is still a way to correct her mistakes. All those things, she desperately wish, she could undo them. Those regrets just became part of who she is, along with everything else. Lately because of crying too much, her nose was not able to take in oxygen anymore, and so she opens her mouth a bit and breathes there.

*telephone beeps* "You have one new message” *beeps* “What's wrong with you Tiffany?! Why did you run away from our wedding?!! You better speak to me, you must!!" *beeps*

The feeling of regretting is too much, it's poisining herself. She cried and cried until there's nothing left to cry anymore but she's really sad.. she's very sad and all she can do is to cry. She looks at her vase that has a flower in it. She took it and tries to pretend that it came from Taeyeon. She regrets now to reject those beautiful flowers whenever

Taeyeon would give her flowers everytime, and almost everyday but they're all wasted.

"I'm so sorry~"

It's just seriously her deepest regret. Sometimes some people just do suicide when the pain is too much. She bite her lips hard and took a blade, guiding it on her wrist. She dips and slices a bit but thankfully Jessica came back

*gasps* "Tiffany! Stop!!"

Jessica ran towards her and stops her.

"This is the only way" "No, it's not. Stop it!"

Jessica takes the blade and throws it away, she kneels down and Tiffany cries again.

"C’mon Tiffany, stop being like this!"

Jessica said loudly and she knows how it hurts...

Trying to change the reality is like chasing clouds for her... She felt like she can't do anything even though she runs and chase that thing she wants to have,but there's no way she can catch it.

*sighs* "Tiff... I thought you don't love her, you hate her, right?" "No” *shakes head* "I love her, I really love her... I don't know but I just felt it, I need her but she's already with Yehjin... I can't ruin their relationship, right?? But I need Taeyeon" *sighs* "Go wash and change, I'll take you to her"

"To Taeyeon?" "Yes, talk to her, nothing's gonna happen if you keep weeping here"

Tiffany felt hope to that, she then changes and her nose is so red because of crying for so long. At 8 pm, Jessica brought Tiffany at Taeyeon's apartment.

"You got this okay? I should go now" *nods* "Thank you, Jessi"

Tiffany breathes out loudly and bravely knocks at Taeyeon's door. Taeyeon is there, watching TV feeling bored and she keeps thinking about Yehjin. She was startled by three knocks at her door. Taeyeon stands up and went there

*opens door* "Tiffany?" "Can I come in?" "Oh, sure"

Tiffany went inside slowly.

"Did you cry? I heard you ran away, why?"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon and she suddenly starts to cry again

"Oh, why are you crying?" "I-I could use to stay here for a while?" "Okay, sure"

Taeyeon guided Tiffany in her couch and Tiffany sits there comfortably.

"You okay?" "No Taeyeon, I'm not" "So why did you ran away?" "I was confused and I love someone"

Taeyeon just nodded and she thinks she doesn't to have ask because maybe it's something personal. Taeyeon then flips the channel and stops at channel 2.. the movie called, The Graduate is showing and it's on the wedding scene. Tiffany starts to cry more. She closes her eyes and holds Taeyeon's hand, gripping it so tightly. Taeyeon let Tiffany grip her hand and she looks at her, feeling worried.

"Tiffany" "..." "If you could just tell me what's wrong, I can help you" "Can you?"

Tiffany opens her eyes and stares at Taeyeon.

"Yes" *nods* "Tell me what is it? What's making your eyes cry? Since I'm your friend, I'm willing to help"

Taeyeon reaches out for a clean clothe and wipes Tiffany's tears away

"What if... what if I tell you that..." "That what?" "The reason is you?" "What do you mean?" "I regret hurting you"

Taeyeon gave a kind smile

"Tiffany, that doesn't matter to me, I forgive you, okay? There's no need to cry about it anymore. Don't be silly~" "No, there's something I mean more than that" "What?"

It's confusing Taeyeon

*bites lip* "I-I love you" "..."

Taeyeon raises her eyebrows twice higher and her mouth opens a bit

"I love you.. The reason why I ran away is because I didn't want to marry someone I really don't love... I want you" "But...Tiffany~"

Taeyeon crumbles her eyebrows and sighs

"I love you too, but as a friend only. I have Yehjin and I love her so much" "What if I was the one who got you first? Would you love me?"

Taeyeon stares at her and she doesn't know what to say.

"I don't know... since it didn't happen" *bite lips* "Do I have a chance?" "Look, Honestly, I don't know how I felt before when I was chasing you... I don't know it and I don't know what I saw and why people say I'm crazy for you" "You really moved on now?"

It's not that, but Taeyeon considers it, maybe

"Yes" *fake smile* "Well at least...I have the chance to tell you what I really feel now. I regret hurting you, I regret to reject your gifts and somehow I wish I can turn back the time and I am so sure that it's you who I really want to have... I'm so sorry"

She said while crying and runs away

"Tiffany, wait!"

Tiffany went out covering her mouth to surpress every sobs.

"There you are!"

She heard someone and it’s obvious that the person is really angry

"N-Nichkhun" "How dare you!"

Nichkhun grips Tiffany's wrist tightly.

"How dare you run away from our wedding?! Huh!?"

His voice groans angrily making Tiffany scared.

*grunts* "Tell me what's the reason of this!?"

Nichkhun even holds her chin and even grips Tiffany hair

"I said tell me!!" "I am!"

Nichkhun turns around and saw Taeyeon. He gave a sarcastic laugh.

"She? This pyscho!? You stupid bitch!" *slaps* "Ah!” "Don't hurt her!"

Taeyeon went closer

"Don't come any closer!" "I won't obey that"

Taeyeon moved closer and avoided Nichkhun. She took Tiffany away in her arms while securing her.

"So this is Nichkhun, I can painfully see Tiffany's future with you... I'm glad she ran away because she did the right thing. You're a Hyde and trying be Jekyll when you try to impress... don't tell me that I'm wrong"

Taeyeon touches Tiffany's cheek. She rubs her palm there to maybe ease the pain.

"Let her go now Nichkhun, don't hurt her like this" "You don't care about this! You desperate moron! Away!!!" "Just please go away, or I'll let the cops do it" "You must've given her an allurement med, didn't you?" "No, I can never do that and Yehjin is my girlfriend now"

Nichkhun laughs

"Tiffany??? I still don't get why she's the reason to our ruined wedding" "I love Taeyeon!" Tiffany admits "W-what?!" "Let's finish us, Nichkhun. It's not you who I really want" "Hold on, wha-" "I don't love you!"

She hugs Taeyeon tightly and burries her face at Taeyeon's chest.

"Taeyeon, take me~"

Taeyeon takes Tiffany away and leads her back into her apartment.

"Please, stop crying Tiffany"

She then gave her a blanket to cover Tiffany's body to maybe prevent feeling cold. Tiffany then pullls Taeyeon down to make her sit on the couch.

"Taeyeon, can I stay in your arms? Please?..." "Yes"

She too asks to turn off the lights, somehow she felt happy to feel Taeyeon's arms and have her so close but still, there's no more change because Taeyeon really loves Yehjin and Tiffany's just a woman now who is chasing a cloud.

end of chapter nine

CHAPTER X When Tiffany was still sleeping, Taeyeon stayed up all night for her. When she looks at the time, it was already 2 am. She keeps thinking about Yehjin, she too hoped that she is safe up there. While flipping channels that are still on, Tiffany moves herself. Her left hand moves up and Taeyeon somehow notices her wrist for a litte by the light of the television. It's seems smudgy and reddish. Taeyeon took Tiffany's left hand and looks at her wrist. It has a dried blood in it. Tiffany opens her eyes when she felt Taeyeon holding her wrist.

"What did you do, Tiffany?" "... doesn't matter" "It does to me"

Taeyeon made Tiffany sit up

"I'll be right back"

She took alchohol with cotton and a bandage. She went back and sits beside Tiffany then took care of her wounded wrist.

"Did you cut yourself?" "..." "Please, don't do it again"

She's so caring... this is what I really wanted, it's her - Tiffany

When she was done, she let Tiffany rest back

"It's still 2:15 am, you must rest more. Maybe you should go to my bedroom" "No, I'm okay here.. just stay with me"

Tiffany hugs her, making Taeyeon lay down on the couch and Tiffany was on top of her. Somehow it's not so comfortable for Taeyeon coz their bodies are too close, but for Tiffany it's so comfortable. Taeyeon can't... she can't understand this situation, so she stayed there and didn’t move while Tiffany's fingers keeps on gripping and touching Taeyeon's shoulder.

"Taeyeon?" "Yes?" "Please give me a chance" "For what?" "Please love me... please?"

She begs and buries her face at Taeyeon's neck. Taeyeon sighs ‘cause it's not that simple.

"I hope you understand that I already have Yehjin" "Just...Please, please"

Taeyeon doean’t really wanna do that. She made Tiffany sit again and starts explaining.

"There are many more out there, it's not just me" "No, it's you.. It's you who I really want" "Look, I can never get mad at someone, I never did" "I know Taeyeon, I know that. Ever since when we were still teenagers, all you did is to love me and I now lost you, I regret everything, I hope you understand me, please... love me again" "I hope you understand me too, I love Yehjin"

"Please tell me you're just using her" "No Tiffany, I'm not using her. I can never use her and I never did" "No, Taeyeon please! Have pity on me"

She hold Taeyeon's hands and begs more and she’s about to cry again.

"Please, cry no more"

Tiffany doesn't know how many times she cried already...

"C’mon, just give me a chance” *sobs* "Tsk, c'mon Tiffany, please try to understand"

Taeyeon doesn't want Tiffany to be like this. She just then hug her to comfort her and let Tiffany cry in her clothes.

"But.. you loved me, didn't you?"

Tiffany leans away and stares at her.

"I did... but not anymore"

Tiffany just then swallowed the bitterness of reality. She stops to cry and her face changed. She's tired. She slowly wipe her tears away.

"Tiffany, where are you going?" "I need to go" "Are you okay? I can bring you home" "No, it's okay... I'm fine by myself"

Tiffany stands up and let out a big sigh leaving Taeyeon's apartment. She walks alone and her eyes are tired. She doesn't want to say things like; I wish, I hope, I should've... Nothing can be changed anymore, there's nothing left to do but to accept reality. Upon arriving home, she got a lot of messages from her parents and friends but she didn't mind to listen. She needs sleep, maybe to forget things for a while.

9 am...

Still, Tiffany is on her bed. She didn't get up and didn't mind to eat anymore.

*phone rings*

Taeyeon: Tiffany, I really hope you understand me. Some people got the same problems like you and I’m so sure some made it out. Anyways, I still want you to know that I'm still here for you 'cause I'm your friend"

She didn't reply back. She puts her phone away and stares back at the ceiling.

*knocks* "Tiff! It's us!" *knocks* "Tiff!"

She frowns and lazily gets up. She went to her door and her friends came.

"Tiffany~ Jessica said you've been crying the whole time. Oh gosh, your eyes are swollen, your lips are so dry!" "Come with us and hang-out, let that sadness go away" ", I-I'll just stay here" "C'mon now, so you can feel happy once again"

They begged and pleased her and after begging for so long, they finally convinced her. Tiffany first fixed herself up and went out with them.

"Seems like you're not eating anymore, let's go eat. We'll treat you"

Her friends know the reason that Tiffany loves Taeyeon because Jessica told them. They went to a restaurant and orders.

"What do you want Tiffany?" "I don't know" "Mmm~ okay...I'll just order you what I want to eat"

She sits there and her friends came with their orders and sits with Tiffany. When Tiffany got what Jessica have ordered for her, she was just playing it with her spoon and fork. While eating, her friends would throw a joke and laugh about it but when they would look at Tiffany, she wouldn't react to it.

"C'mon Tiffany, where's that happy you now?" "Speak, your saliva's gonna get stinky" "..."

Still not reacting

"Taeyeon’s not the only person in the world, you know~" "That's right and I don't know why you love her" "Do you love her? Seriously" "Yes"

Tiffany admits confidently and that's true

"What's with her? I mean Nichkhun is your lover and you loved him since highschool while Taeyeon is someone you even wanted to get killed by a witch... you thought about giving her picture to a witch and get her killed before, right???"

Tiffany didn't like that so she gave a mad look

"Please don't say that...ugh~"

She lets go of the spoon and sighs loudly.

"I just can't believe you... Maybe the saying "The more you hate, the more you love" thing is true" "Yes... I really love Taeyeon" Tiffany said "Get ovet it~" "She’s such a freak, y'know?... and remember her father?! She said, he invented a time machine and said it can ride you back in the past and to the future, LOL! I mean that's hilarious"


Tiffany looks at her friends

"A time machine!?" *laughs*

Time machine...A time machine - Tiffany

"That's it!"

Her friends were surprised when Tiffany speaks loudly

"What is it?" "I need to know... maybe it can" "What do you mean??" "The time machine! I must ride it, I must go back to 2013... and I won't regret no more!" "Wow, you're really crazy now because of Taeyeon" "Maybe I am crazy, but I need to know"

Tiffany thinks

"Jessie! Please, take me at Taeyeon's house, not her apartment, okay?" "Why?" "Maybe the time machine is there, right?? It must be there" "Don't be stupid, Tiff~ There’s no such thing as time machine" "Please" *begs* "I need to go back before it's too late...well, yes I am now late. You can now all think that I’m crazy but can't you see? This will be my future... heartbroken, desperate, I'm broke

into pieces and I'm gonna be lonely if I didn't choose Taeyeon. Now that I know that my life will be a tragedy because of not choosing the right person, I'm gonna regret it a lot... Even though it won't work, you know maybe it will work, right??" *sighs* "I said there's no such thing as time machine" Jessica repeated "Please just take me there, I don't know where it is" "Ugh! Okay fine" "Yes! Thank you so much, Jessie!"

They took a cab and Jessica tells the way to the driver. Upon arriving, Tiffany went out the cab quickly and let Jessica wait for her. She runs her way there and the door was lock. She then went at the back of the house but there's still no way in. She took a huge rock and smashes it on the glass windows and tries to get inside. At first it was difficult but she tried so hard. She was so willing to get inside. When she succeeded, she felt so happy but when opening the doors, that is when she frowns. They are all locked. She kicks and twisted the knob over and over again.


She looks around the dim room and took the hammer on the table. She hammers the door many times until it created a hole. She even made a sweat and her breathing pace quickened. She slip her hand inside and twisted the knob and she opens it. She doesn't know that house and thankfully the lights are still working. She checks the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom and almost all the rooms of the house but the time machine isn't there. She sighs and she felt like there's no hope at all, but she didn't give up so she starts to look around again. Tiffany keeps roaming around until she finds another door... a door giong to the basement. That was Mr. Kim's lab - their basement.

Tiffany hopes that the time machine is there. She opens the door and steps down on the stairs and it’s so dark. She tries to find the light switch by feeling the wall up and down and when she felt it, she switches the lights on.

She saw many machines there, it almost looked like a dirty salvage shop. She then looks for the thing she really needs, the time machine. She looks around and somehow it's hard to find it since she doesn't know how it looks like. She then saw a dusty paper on the table, she took it and blows the dust away. She smiles widely when she reads it. It says, The Time Machine The picture of it was there, now she knows how it looks like, she looks around and saw it. It’s big. She went closer and read the paper then she notices that it's the time machine manual.

"How to use the time machine"

Taeyeon's dad is a great scienstist and a good inventor. She created a time machine with feelings. Whether you go to the future or past with your memory but without your feelings in the present, whether you want to go to the past or to the future with a new beggining. It sound silly but Mr. Kim isn’t done with it yet. Tiffany reads the instruction more just to make sure and at the last choice, she smiles because that is what she wants... Whoever uses the time machine, he/she can only be the one who knows it. If someone has use it before but if there's a second one, the first one will forget about it because it's not in his or her control anymore, so then it will be the seceond one who will know about it and that is something that Mr. Kim didn't like about his invention, he didn't do well enough because he wants to let the whole world know about his invention but it turns out to be like that, so no one ever believed him. So he kept it and didn't want anyone to touch it because it might be dangerous.

Tiffany went closer to the time machine and reads the manual more to make sure she can never make mistakes. It says...

"Press the red button to activate"

*presses the red button*

The time machine opens and created a loud noise. The buttons had lights and the numbers showed...


The next step, "Indicated the year you wish to go to"

Tiffany saw the numerical buttons... she presses 2,0,1, and 3

The next step, "Indicate which month and date"

Somehow Tiffany was so nervous that she might make a mistake.. she slowly type on the keyboard attached on the machine.

"Wait, wait... when was that day?? I must not fail but maybe it was” *types* "February 28, 2013"

The next step,

"Press the blue button, if you wish to go to your desired lifetime as > In memories and with no feelings" "Press the violet button, if you wish to go to your desired lifetime as > In no memories and with new feelings"

"Press the green button, if you wish to go to your desired lifetime as > In memory and feelings of your today's present"

She picked the green button... it's what she needs


She take in a deep breath and presses the green button. The machine let out a louder noise and a light seem to scan Tiffany... She stared at the light...

...The world's year lessens...

end of chapter ten

CHAPTER XI February 28, 2013 Friday...

*alarm clock beeps*

"Tiffany~ honey! Wake up now, you have school today!" "..." "Tiffany, you're gonna be late!"

*wakes up*

I-I'm home - Tiffany

Tiffany wakes up, touches herself. She went to the mirror and saw herself

*gasps* "It worked...IT WORKED!!! YES!!!"

Her mother heard Tiffany shouting and she peeks at her room

"What worked?!" "Mom!"

Tiffany runs to her mother and hugs her tightly

"Oh~ What's with you, honey?" "Nothing mom! I'm just so happy!" "You really are, I see. Now come and eat then get ready for school" "Yes mom!"

She ate and takes a bath... wears her uniform and she was so amazed to see her short hair again and she's young. She rides her father's car like always to get her to her school.

I can now definitely have you, Taeyeon - Tiffany


When Tiffany arrives, she saw Jessica and her other friends. She runs happily to them. She even hug Jessica tightly.

"Thank you, Jessi~" "For what?" "Oh nothing” *giggles* “Let's go?" "Yeah, let's go"

Somehow Tiffany still knows how she does being in highschool.

"Tiff~ Your lover awaits you" "Where?!"

Tiffany thought they were talking about Taeyeon but it was just Nichkhun

Oh yeah, this guy is just pretending to be nice... *sighs* What a bastard - Tiffany

"Hey baby~"

Nichkhun got that baby face back. He went closer and hugs Tiffany. Tiffany just then hugs him unwillingly.

"I'll bring you at 3 this afternoon" "Why?" "Baby?? You said you want to watch a movie with me right?" "Oh, that? Uhmm... I'm gonna be busy"

Nichkhun smirks

"Yeah baby" *bite lips*

He pulls Tiffany to a private spot

"You said your parents will be off tonight, right?" "..."

Tiffany tries to remember, it's hard to remember since this has been so long now.

"Err~ yeah??" "Then I will come to your house and get naughty~" "Ugh, eww"

Tiffany gave a disgusting look

"Hey, What's wrong? You like it when I talk dirty right, baby? Always~" "Ugh, shut up" *rolls eyes* "Baby? What did I do?" "Go away"

She walks away, leaving that jerk alone

She keeps on looking around and then she saw Yoona. A smile grew on her face because Taeyeon was always with Yoona when they were highschool, but what's strange is, Taeyeon's not with Yoona today. She crumbles her eyebrows and waited but Taeyeon was not in the campus. She then starts to worry...

9:30 recess time

Tiffany was with her friends and her mood was boring, she had been worrying since the first period of her class for not seeing Taeyeon today.

"Hey, you look bored" "Are you itchy now? Coz y'know, you said yesterday, you and Nichkhun's gonna get naughty" "Eww~ you guys"

"Eww?? You're disgusted to Nichkhun???" "Yes!" "No way, you're only disgusted to Taeyeon" "No, I'm not" "Nice joke, Tiffany~ Are you in a fight with Nichkhun today?" "No, please stop saying that irritating name"

She rubs her temples

*laughs* "I still remember how Taeyeon's was, she's like melting in embarrassment when you dumped her in front of all sections here in our school, Tiffany"

"Tiffany, hi?~ I just want to give you this flowers, please accept them... please accept them once. It's for you and I really like you" *kneels down* “Please~"

Taeyeon pleaded

“What the hell?”

Tiffany let out a loud sigh and she pulls Taeyeon on the center of the canteen where all students are having a break

"Seriously, look at this imbecile!"

Tiffany shouted and got everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry dumb but you're really dumb, for real. You're the dumbest of the dumbest! Seriously, I've been trying to avoid you the whole day, the whole minute, the whole everything! My whole life! You're suffocating me! Don't you get it that you don't have a chance with me? I don't like you, I don't love you! I love to hate you! I love to push you away! Please stop begging, you disgusting lesbo!"


Taeyeon starts to cry

"Go on, pfft! Cry! Do you think I'm afraid to go to the Principal’s office?? Oh well, I bet our Principal would laugh at you! And please try to hear and understand that I will never ever ever ever love you back! Forget me and don't even try to be friends with me!" "Just go away already Taeyeon, have pity in yourself... Gosh~ If I were you,I would be very ashamed of myself" "Yeah, that's right!"

That day, Taeyeon cried a lot and Yoona seems be her only friend and there was Yehjin too... They kept on comforting her that day. When Tiffany remembers what she did, she frowns sadly.

"Oh no... No,no,no”

I should have went back earlier - Tiffany

"Tiffany, you're really acting weird now" "I got to move, I can't lose her again, never" "What? Who??"

Tiffany steps out the canteen and saw Yoona sitting at the kiosk. She runs there and talks to her.

"Yoona" "T-Tiffany?"

Yoona is afraid of Tiffany back then, because she saw how she dumped Taeyeon last time.

"Where's Taeyeon?" "W-Why are you asking?" "Please, just tell me" "I don't know" *sighs* "Well didn't she tell you anything?" "She didn't talk to me much these past days"

Maybe she's just absent today - Tiffany

Sher just then went back to her classroom alone and writes something for Taeyeon.

*writes* "I found you... you were right there for me...always"

She doodled too and draws a heart. She then went to Taeyeon's locker and slips it inside. Upon opening her locker too, she wished maybe Taeyeon have left her some gifts... She hopes there is but when she opens her locker, there's nothing inside but just pictures of Nichkhun.

"Oh yeah, I dumped her last February 25 or something” *sighs* ”I'm so rude... I such a bad person, urgh!" "Fany~ah baby~"

She turns her head to the right and saw Nichkhun, she remembers that Nichkhun is still her boyfriend today. She then went near him and speaks

"Nichkhun, I got to say that we should break up" "H-Huh? Wu-why??" "Honestly, I love Taeyeon"

She said proudly and gave a smile

"What??” *laughs* “Nice joke baby" "Don't "baby" me.. I am Taeyeon's baby" "Stop talking nonsense to me Tiffany, that's funny" "It's not nonsense... I'm just being honest" "Wait, hold on"

Tiffany was about to leave

"What's wrong with you? You even proved to anyone that you don't love or want that crazy bitch" "Don't call her that!"

Tiffany speaks angrily and glares

"Wow~ I don't know what came to you, now that you're now saving her. Or is it just having a pity on her?" "Look, I love her and that's the truth and you??... *looks up and down at Nichkhun* Y”ou're just a guy who is pretending to be a good guy, you're a jerk!" "Wait!"

Nichkhun holds Tiffany's wrist

"Will you just tell me what made you do this?!" "I don't have to tell you" "What's with her that I didn't have?!" *laughs* "What's with her that you didn't have???" "Yes!" "You're not Taeyeon"

She rolls her eyes, yanks Nichkhun hand and went back home.

Going back, her parents wasn't home, just like what Nichkhun said earlier. She changes her clothes to feel more comfortable. When she enters her bedroom, her telephone rings.

"You have one new message" *beeps* "I'm really sorry for disturbing you..."

*gasps* "It's Taeyeon's message!"

Before she didn't finish it but now, she wants to hear the whole thing

"...eveytime and every single day. Don't worry, I won't chase you anymore. I will do what you have told me. I promise and I must go away now. I've been too much, I'm really sorry. I'll forget you, that's a must" *beeps* "You have no new messages"

She shakes her head to hear the message completely

"No, you will come back to me. I can't lose you anymore!"

She saw her cellphone once again when she was in highschool and she grabs it then tries to find Taeyeon's number but it wasn't there...

"Tsk! Why didn't I get her phone number?" *frowns*

She really can't lose her now so she she went out and took a letter with her, wearing a dress and she already knows the direction of Taeyeon's house because she went there for the time machine... The day when Taeyeon went crazy was March 1, 2013...that will be tomorrow. So Tiffany must really make a move real fast or else they'll go back to 2020, and she'll never have the control of the time machine anymore.. and what's more worse is that Tiffany doesn't know that Taeyeon will be rage at that day.

Just after some time, she gets there, but the house seems to be not occupied.

*knocks* "Hello~ Anybody home?" *knocks* "Taeyeon it's me, Tiffany" "Hey lady~" A man shouted

"Yeah, Kim family told me to keep an eye at their house" "What? So where are they?" "I don't know, but they will be back this dawn" *nods and sighs* "I'll just have to give something" "Okay"

Tiffany just the slips her letter inside and hopes that Taeyeon would see it when she comes back. She then went back home and leaves a message for Taeyeon.

"Hello Taeyeon, it's me Tiffany... I jus- *electricity fizzles* Oh-"

Suddenly it's brownout...

"Nooooo! " She frowns loudly in depress and she misses Taeyeon a lot.

"Oh Lord, you're punishing me aren't you? Don't worry, I'm correcting my mistakes now, see??"

She then just ended up sleeping and at 2 am, and the electricity is finally back. Taeyeon with her family came back home already. Just as Taeyeon opens the door she notices a letter on the floor. She picks it up and reads

"Dear Taeyeon..."

She went inside her bedroom and reads the whole thing there

"I miss you a lot Taeyeon. You were absent and I was looking for you... On Monday, I want to tell you something, I want to say it here but I want to say it in person so you can really believe me, and I will visit you tomorrow as well. Once again, I Miss You So Much!♥ - Tiffany"

Taeyeon gave a confused look at the letter and then she felt sadness again

*frowns* "Now she's putting me into a prank...that’s..." *sighs*

She thought it's a prank and it's not real

“What's her problem? I already said I will forget her... This is for the best and going to Arizona after graduation will make me move on completely. I can now totally erase my feelings for her“

end of chapter eleven

CHAPTER XII March 1, 2013

7:30 in the morning, Tiffany wakes up and takes a bath. She dresses up and fix herself, deciding to go and visit Taeyeon today

"Where are you going honey?" "At my friends house, can I go there, please?~" "Are you gonna do a group project?" "No, I just have to say something important" "Okay then, be careful~" "Yes, thank you!"

She runs her way to Taeyeon's house... Around 7:40, Taeyeon's parents left and Tiffany saw them riding their car, going somewhere..

"Aw~ did she left again?"

She thought but she went towards the door and knocks.


"Who is it?!" Taeyeon shouted while brushing her teeth


"Hold on!" She shouted kindly, she rinses her face and gargles.

After freshing up, she went to her door and opens it... She was so surprised because she thought it was Yoona... but it was Tiffany. Tiffany showed her eyesmile when Taeyeon opens the door. Taeyeon was speechless.

What is she doing here??

Somehow Taeyeon is shy because she courted this girl to death.

"Taeyeon, please let me in"

Taeyeon didn't say anything, but he nodded very slowly. Just as Tiffany went in, Taeyeon fiddles her fingers and scatches her nape.

"So...can I help you?" Taeyeon asks

Tiffany faces her and smiles widely... she just hugs Taeyeon very quickly and so tightly. She closed her eyes and felt so happy.

"I found you~"

Taeyeon was so confused, so she moves away

"W-What are you doing?" "Hmmm?" "I mean what's this? You said I should get rid of you, r-right?" "I didn't mean that" "You have proven it in front of many people, so I'm not bothering you anymore, Tiffany" "But I love you" *raises eyebrows* "Huh?" "I love you"

She was about to hug her again but Taeyeon further away

"Are you in a fight with Nichkhun? Are you gonna use me? Just tell me, I can help you, you can use me" *sighs* "Taeyeon, no... I really love you~" Tiffany said sincerely "Why all of a sudden, it seems like you're rushing" "Well if I won't rush, I will lose you, so please~" *hugs* "Give me a chance, I'm so sorry I hurt you, I regret it a lot"

Suddenly, she starts to cry..

"Now I know who I really want and who I really love. I realize that I need you and If I won't choose you, my life would be a tragedy and I know it"

But Taeyeon is still very confused...

"I just did what you have told's over"

Tiffany thinks for a while and she smiled

"Okay Taeyeon...I will wait for you then" *smiles*

She hugs her once again and leaves... she thought it's bad to force someone, so she have to let Taeyeon take her time... Thankfully, Tiffany was able to make Taeyeon not crazy today, so Taeyeon didn't touch the time machine.


"You know what, Tiffany came up to me and asks where you we're" Yoona said "Really?" Taeyeon asks

"Yes! I was surprise, wow! She's asking about you"

Taeyeon just shrugged. When she went to her locker, Taeyeon saw this little letter with designs and it even has a heart on it.

"I found you... you were there for me...always"

When she reads it, only Tiffany came up to her mind.

"Tiffany, I heard you and Nichkhun broke up because of Taeyeon, why??" "Because I love Taeyeon"

Tiffany knew, her friends will say something bad again so she spoke immediately.

"I'm sick being with you guys. If you don't understand me, then don't try"

At recess time, Tiffany was alone and she doesn't want to be bothered. But Instead of eating, she writes a letter for Taeyeon again.

Dear Taeyeon: It's me, Tiffany~ I was thinking to talk to you but you seem to be afraid. Don't worry, I'm not forcing you, so take your time and again I want you to know that I really love you, please believe me. I might have hurt you because of my harsh words but I really regret them Sincerely - Tiffany ♥

After writing she went to Taeyeon's locker and slips it inside.


She jumps in shock when Taeyeon was already behind her

"T-Taeyeon!" "We need to talk"

They went to the rooftop of the school with Tiffany to have to talk about what is happening now.

"Why are you doing this?" Taeyeon asks "Why can't you understand that I really regret everything that I have done to you? So that's why I'm doing this" "I know but I still don't get why you're doing this" "I thought you really love me. You were so crazy for me, right?" "You hated that a lot" "No, I love it so much, I love it when you're so crazy for me"

She took Taeyeon's hand and holds them tightly

"Please, trust me"

Taeyeon looks at her

"Do you trust me?"

Tiffany asks and stares at her eyes Taeyeon look back and she's feeling weak again... She's getting butterflies again when she first saw Tiffany before.

"Taeyeon" "...Yes" "Really?" "Yes, I trust you" *smiles* "Taeyeon ... kiss me" "Huh?!" "Just go with it"

Tiffany close her eyes and waited. Taeyeon slowly touched Tiffany's cheek and leans in for a kiss.

"I will never let you go, Taeyeon~" Tiffany said between their kiss

Taeyeon felt heavy, it's just that she can't believe she kissed the girl she loves the most. She felt so fluffly and weak... Tiffany giggles and hugs her tightly.

"I love you"

Taeyeon hugs Tiffany back and stroked her short hair.

"I don't care if people will judge us or hate me, I deserve those because I did that to you as well" "Don't think about deserving something bad, Tiffany" *smiles and nods* "Okay, if that's what you say...let's go home?" *nods* "Yes" *smiles*

The went down and Tiffany held hands with her. They walked together and all students stared at them.

"Why is Tiffany holding hands with Taeyeon??" "She's even smilling!"

Nichkhun saw them and he couldn't believe his eyes

"What the hell?"

Taeyeon got her head hang low because she's really shy

"Taeyeon don't be shy, why are you afraid to let them know about us?" "Us?... A-are you my girlfriend?" *giggles* "I would love to!" "Then...can you be my...girlfriend?" "Yes!"

Students can't believe that Tiffany said yes to Taeyeon


"Tiffany, this is embarrassing, I think they're...they're" "Just go with it" "But- umfph" *wide eyes*

Taeyeon was shocked when Tiffany kisses her there in front of all the students, making their eyes grew big and their mouth hang open.

The next days, revealing their love just made some people hurt Taeyeon, but she endured everything for Tiffany...and Nickhun was hurting Tiffany too and some other people, but Taeyeon was there to save her, she'd becane Tiffany's shield and won't mind about the pain.

Friday night, Taeyeon came to visit Tiffany, she was welcomed warmly by Tiffany's parents and told that Tiffany's inside her room. Taeyeon went there and knocks. When she opens the door, she saw Tiffany hugging her knees while crying. Taeyeon sighs sadly and went beside her. Taeyeon can see how much Tiffany is suffering because of their relationship... she saw bruises and little scars on her girlfriend's skin.

She caress Tiffany's cheeks and Tiffany's still crying.

"I can't see you hurting like this anymore...I shall let you go" *shakes head* "No, I don't mind having all of these, as a matter of fact I will be more hurt if you will leave me" "But people doesn't seem to agree on us, they don't want us to love each other" "I don't care, they're not us. Why are you losing hope on us?"

"I just can't take it when they're hurting you" "I don't care" *cries* "I don't care if they will hurt me" "But I care" "Don't let me go" *begs* "This is just a task... I know I chose the right thing. This is right thing for me and I'm happy having you here with me"

She's still crying... Taeyeon then hugs her to comfort her. The room was dim and only their light was the light of the moon flickering on the window. Taeyeon made Tiffany rest her head on her shoulder and brushes her hair.

She's been suffering because of our love... I can say it\s because of me. Then, I'll be leaving soon too, I really can't see her being like this

"Maybe if it wasn't me, this wouldn't happen"

Taeyeon tried to say that maybe if she wasn't her, maybe if she was someone else, this things won't happen but it's her that Tiffany really wants.. and all through that, she will and must protect her.

"I love you and I will protect you, don't worry then... I'm here for you" "Don't leave me, Taeyeon~"

Taeyeon sighs sadly because this March, she'll be going to Arizona already


She kisses Tiffany's head and let her sleep in her arms. That evening, she offers a prayer and stayed up all night, watching Tiffany while sleeping.

March 3, 2013...

They both got their hands clasp together while kneeling down for a prayer inside the church. Taeyeon opens her eyes and Tiffany's still praying while she got her eyes close.

*opens eyes*

"What did you pray for?" Taeyeon asks "I prayed for the better" *smiles*

After the 3rd mass, they decided to hang out together. Taeyeon had her bicycle with her. She prefers bicycles than motors because bicycles are safe. Tiffany rides at the back and hugs Taeyeon's waist.

"Where do you want to go, Tiffany?" "Anywhere, as long as I'm with you"

Everywhere is heaven when I'm with her

Taeyeon just then peddals around and after some minutes of peddaling, they stopped at a very old park. That park is not being use anymore but yet it's beautiful. Tiffany pulls Taeyeon closer to her and intertwines their fingers together. She ran, making Taeyeon follow her and both sits on the grass.

"Would you like to sleep here?" *chuckles* Taeyeon asks *nods* "If I will feel sleepy"


They played for a while and loves what they do when they're together., they cuddled and played like kids

7:30 pm

They're asleep... Taeyeon served as Tiffany's pillow and after some moment, Tiffany was the first one to wake up.


She shook her gently and Taeyeon finally wakes up. She can see Tiffany's early bird look.

"It's already evening" "I see that" She said when she saw many stars up in the sky

They both sit up and yawns. Taeyeon felt a little more sleepy so covered her eyes for a while.

*back hug* "Still sleepy?" Tiffany asks "A little

Tiffany nuzzles her face deeply at Taeyeon's neck making Taeyeon chuckle. Taeyeon did the same and Tiffany is really ticklish that she even rested back on the grass and giggled more. She pulled Taeyeon, making her stay on top of her. She raises her arms and surrounds it at Taeyeon's neck.

"I'm seventeen" "Hmmm?" "... does being young is a problem when you like to feel pleasure?" Tiffany asks

Taeyeon raise her eyebrows

"I guess..."

Tiffany's arms made Taeyeon more closer to her and their noses touched each other.

"...not" she continued and and that made Tiffany smile.

She lifted her chin just to kiss her and Taeyeon kisses her back.

"Undress me~"

Taeyeon felt tensed... she blushed when Tiffany said that but she was brave.. Her hands slowly and carefully remove Tiffany's blouse. Just when Tiffany felt her blouse leaving her skin, she felt a little cold in her body. Now it's her time, she removed Taeyeon's clothes as well. There are no lights but just the stars above that park but somehow, Taeyeon can see her girlfriend's body... she's beautiful. Her hands gets behind Tiffany and unlatched the lock of her bra

and Tiffany did the same to Taeyeon.

"Baby~" Taeyeon breathes out while hugging her naked tender body

Her eyes wanders around to see if someone's watching

"Taeyeon, look at me"

Tiffany cups Taeyeon's face and made her stare back. Their lips touched tenderly and smooched passionately. Tiffany felt shiver in her spine when Taeyeon's cold hands grasp her curvy waist. She breathed out from her mouth and lifted her head up, letting out that loud breath of satisfaction.

There's no need to demand for Tiffany like, More! Faster! ... Taeyeon's doing it just right.

They spend some time of the night loving each other... pleasuring sensually and then both became weak when they fianlly reached what they want to feel. Taeyeon catches Tiffany when she collapsed. Their chest pressed against each other and their bodies are so warm, sweaty and their heart beated so fast together.

"I love you~" "I know~"

They again felt like sleeping, and so they did. Taeyeon made Tiffany rest on top her and rest for a while.


"Taeyeon~ wake up"

*wakes up*

Taeyeon finds herself sweating and breathing hardly

"You're dreaming...what was it?"

*exhales* "...just a bad dream, it's nothing"

Taeyeon sits up and made Tiffany sit on her lap then hugs her from behind. She kiss her shoulders and soothes her naked back. It's also getting late now so Taeyeon took Tiffany's clothes and dresses her up. She too get's dress and then both stands up. They fix each others hair as well while going out that old park.

"Taeyeon, you know what~" "What?" "I think I already got what I needed the most... it's you" "Really? Hmmm~ well me, not yet" "Huh? What do you mean?"

Taeyeon smiles and holds Tiffany's left hand

"I still have to ask your parents" "For what?" "To marry you"

Tiffany smiles and holds her tighter

*smiles* "I wanna marry you" "Aw~ Taeyeon, I do"

Tiffany rides the back of Taeyeon's bicycle and Taeyeon peddals her way back to Tiffany's house.

Upon arriving...

*kiss* "See you tomorrow at school" *kisses back* "I'll see you"

Tiffany watches her lover moving away until she can't be seen in her eyes anymore. She tries to reminisce the moment when she and Taeyeon made love for the first time and until now, she can't help but to blush... She will also shiver up to now, when she tries to remember how feathery and gentle Taeyeon's fingers are when she was touching her body. She too felt how careful Taeyeon is, she didn't show too much lust, she showed real love and she wasn't so rough.

She went inside her room and offers a prayer...

Thank you God for today, I am the happiest person indeed. Please always guide us and protect us, and I hope for the best for me for my family and for Taeyeon... Let danger go away from us

9:45 pm...

When Taeyeon going home with her bike, she suddenly stops...


It was familiar, this thing seemed to happen

"My dream?..." She mumbles

"Sorry, I'm crazy...I'm really crazy" "Nichkhun, are you okay?"

The sound of the baseball bat grinds on the hard ground. It made Taeyeon clench her teeth and worriedly looked at Nichkhun

"I will be, if I'll do this.. I'D BE OKAY!" *gasps* "Wait!" *thud*

10:00 pm...

Tiffany was still awake and she texts Taeyeon.

Taeyeon~ what are you doing now?

Taeyeon didn't reply so Tiffany thought she's already asleep or something.

Goodnight then, sweet dreams... ♥ I love you

After some minutes, Tiffany's phone rings.

*rings* Taeyeon was calling...

*answers* "Hello~" "Tiffany, it's me, Yoona" "Oh~ why did you call? Are you gonna say something?" "I-It's Taeyeon... I think it will be better if you come here" "What's wrong?" "Just come, hurry" *hangs up*

Tiffany had no idea what's going on but she was curious so she went there. When she was almost there, about to reach Taeyeon's house, she was so puzzled to see running police officers and what makes her more puzzled is to hear and see an ambulance siren...

Suddenly, everything went in slow-motion when she saw Taeyeon's bike, lying on the ground with blood stains. She doesn't know but her chest felt heavy, she starts to worry. The she saw Nichkhun, having a manic face while being arrested by the police. She saw blood in his shirt. She runs and the police men halted her

"You can't proceed" "W-What happened?"


Yoona came and Tiffany saw her crying.

"Excuse me, coming through!"

Nurses rushes a body inside the ambulance. Tiffany's tears just fell down immediately... her heart felt like it's being hit by a bus many times.


end of chapter twelve

CHAPTER XIII "T-Taeyeon?" "Tiffany, wait"

Tiffany tries not to think that that's not Taeyeon. It can't be her.

"Yoona, where's Taeyeon?" "..." "I said where is she?"

Yoona hesitates to tell it first and after a long pause, she speaks

"She's... She's gone... I was able to hear her last words... She said don't worry, she'll be fine"

Tiffany couldn't blink her eyes. She slowly walks away breathing out loudly.


Yoona follows her and tries to calm her down but Tiffany pushes her away. She broke down into her knees. She hisses and whimpers.

"Taeyeon! Taeyeon!"

Yoona was sad to see Tiffany like this. She tries to comfort her but it couldn't help.

Tiffany stops to cry and stands up. Trying to stay strong and thought that Taeyeon's still breathing.

"Where are you going?"

She didn't answer, she just took a cab and going to the hospital. Getting there, he saw Taeyeon's parents crying outside. Her head felt really heavy and she didn't mind bumping into people when she walks inside the hospital. She felt like crazy.

"Excuse me, where is the girl that has been rushed here?" "Oh... we're sorry but she didn't make it" "W-where is she?" "We put her on the morgue" "Please, take me there" "What are you gonna do?" "Please, I just want to see her...please?"

She kneels down, begging to let her go and see Taeyeon. The man couldn't say no, when he sees Tiffany, crying and begged like that. He took Tiffany at the ground floor where the morgue is. She reaches the ground floor with them but she told the man that she wants to be alone and so, the man leaves. She walks and saw a double door. She slowly opens it and there was a body covered with white sheet, lying on the bed. She slowly walks there and her eyes squints while it gather tears. She swallowed her saliva hard as she reaches the body. She slowly removes the cover and it is Taeyeon. Her forehead had dry blood and in her arms. Tiffany breathes in and out loudly and looks up on the wall. She saw the heaven's cross and her eyebrows crumbles. She gave a look, asking, why do you have to take her away from me? It just hurts so much, it is more than being stab by sharp knives, being shot by a shotgun or being pinch by a thousand needles. She bites her lower lip so hard and bended. Her palm dips at Taeyeon's cheek.


She caress Taeyeon's cheek many times. Her fingers went down her lips and brushes it. She went closer and she didn't mind even though Taeyeon is dead, her lips hug Taeyeon's lips tenderly. She kisses her and her tears fell on Taeyeon's cheek. Tiffany pulls out and wipes her tears away from Taeyeon's face.

Her hands took Taeyeon's cold hands and intertwines it with hers. Her fingers closed tightly on Taeyeon's cold and open hands. She rested beside Taeyeon and hugs her so tightly. Her warm cheek presses at Taeyeon's cold cheek.

"I'm so sorry... Because of me, you died... It's my fault, I'm so sorry"

She thought that, if she choose her, this is gonna be Taeyeon's fate... Death. But if she won't, Taeyeon will be fine... Safe and sound.

"If I'll turn the world to 2020, you'll be with somene else... you wouldn't love me. If I'll turn back earlier, shall I pretend that I don't love you, just to keep you safe?"

She asks even though there's no answer. She's just telling choices.

"I have hurt enough...and to hear you not breathing beside me is hurting me even more. I brought this to you, I am the one to blame"

She must go back earlier and make things right.

"Taeyeon, if I go back, that means it's for your own sake... I can pretend for you, but deep inside me I yearning for your love"

She caress Taeyeon's face

"You might fall for someone like with Yehjin in 2020...but I won't mind to feel pain in my chest if you will. What matters to me is to see you smilling, living and breathing. I have to endure those pain for you, I don't care if you won't love me back, just as long as my eyes can see you, I'll be okay... I love you so much, Taeyeon~ I can take everything for you"

If she choose her, death will be her fate and if not, she's safe like she thought just lately. She don't have to go back earlier than February 28, 2013... it's her choice and she doesn't mind getting hurt. What really matters for her is Taeyeon's happiness.

"Let me at least kiss you like it will be the last time that I can taste your lips"

She kisses Taeyeon's lips once again and this time she kisses her like it's her last kiss. Her lips kisses her deeper and passionately.

She don't want to live like this, she wanna live fair. She hurt Taeyeon, so then she must accept if Taeyeon already moved on when she'll rewind the future back. And also getting rid of Nichkhun is something she must do.

After kissing her dead lover, she caresses her face again and again.

"Going back... somehow I must tell you that I love you, but not by words... but by my actions. I can also wait for matter how long it is, I can wait"

She smiles a little and gets off the bed. She gazes at Taeyeon first before slowly covering her body with the white cover.

"I love you"

She leaves and went out, then approaches Taeyeon's parents

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim"

She can see sadness from them and she felt like, it's really her fault and she felt really sorry.

"I'm sorry for your lost...I'm so sorry"

She looked down and bit her lower lip.

"I shall go back for the sake of your daughter... And thank you Mr. Kim because I was able to know Taeyeon's fate and now I really know what to do for her safety. Pardon me, but I have to go back, anyways it'll be for the better"

Mr. Kim doesn't understand her

"What do you mean?"

Tiffany didn't speak anymore, she bows and leaves. She went back at Taeyeon's house and restarted everything

Again, February 28, 2013...

Tiffany smiles and also tears flowed out of her eyes to have this kind of situation again.


"Tiffany, are you itchy now? Coz y'know, you said yesterday you and Nichkhun's gonna get naughty"

The same thing she heard when she turned back last time. She just laughs at it not because she likes it, but it's because the one she love the most is back again. She's happy.

*laughs* "I still remember how Taeyeon's was, she's like melting in embarrassment when you dumped her in front of all sections here in our school, Tiffany"

She smiles a little bit to that but she still feel bad about it. She then decided to go out... She remembers Yoona who is sitting at the kiosk again.

"Yoona" "Oh..T-Tiffany?"

Same words, same reaction. Tiffany didn't asks where Taeyeon is, this time she asks for Taeyeon's number.

"Can I get Taeyeon's number?" "Oh, sure"

Yoona gave it

"Shush~ Don't tell that I took her number, okay?" *nods* "Okay"

Tiffany went somewhere, where she can be alone at. She dials Taeyeon's number and while waiting for a minute, Taeyeon finally answers.

"Hello, who's this?"

Taeyeon already deleted Tiffany's number when Tiffany dumped her. Tiffany smiles widely because she's so happy to hear Taeyeon's voice again.

"Hello, I said who's this?" "I just want you to know how happy I am" *hangs up*

When Taeyeon heard that voice, it was really familiar to her She looks at that number again and she pulls something out of her bag. She took out her notebook and flips the pages looking for the numbers she had listed. She looks at Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, Sunny, Hyoyeon and other numbers but it doesn't match the number, but when she saw Tiffany's number in her notebook, it matches.

"Tiffany?... Why did she call me?"

The day that she must go crazy and insande which was at March 1 didn't happen again, it's just because of Tiffany's call yesterday. Taeyeon is happy about it but she decided to move on now and let her feelings for Tiffany go away.

This is really for the better and going to Arizona after the graduation will make me move on completely. I can now totally erase my feelings for her - Taeyeon

1 week and 3 days later... During class hours, Tiffany was not listening much to the teacher. She keeps writing Taeyeon's name over and over again at the back of her notebook while resting her chin in her palm. When the class is over, she went out with her friends going to the canteen. While eating, Tiffany's gaze went to the line up and saw Taeyeon. She secretly stares at her while eating. She was watching her since flag ceremony this morning.

At 3:30, it's time to go home... Tiffany was about to go home but when she saw Taeyeon playing basketball alone, she decided to let her friends go.

"Uhm... you guys better get going, I'll just do something important" "Okay"

She finds a spot where Taeyeon can't see her clearly. She decided to hide at the guard post and watches Taeyeon while playing. She felt more relief to see Taeyeon being active. Somehow she wants to talk to her but first she must talk to Nichkhun and also, she remembers that maybe it will be better if she will wait for Taeyeon until 2014 comes because she can remember Taeyeon came back and courted her again at that year.

"Hey~ you play too much now, take a rest"

She speaks while still watching he. She speaks like Taeyeon can really hear her.

Suddenly, she didn't feel good to see someone coming

"Hey, Taeyeon~" "Hi, Yehjin" "You're not going home yet?" "I still got time, and you? You're still here" "I was in the library"

Taeyeon talks with Yehjin and both of them even played together. There's nothing to be jealous about for Tiffany but she feels like it. It's just that Yehjin happened to be Taeyeon's girlfriend at 2020 and both were so sweet. She tries to ignore Yehjin being with Taeyeon and she keeps her gaze at her love. Later on, Taeyeon and Yehjin decided to leave the school. Still, Taeyeon was not able to see Tiffany. She walks away the campus with Yehjin... Tiffany went out and looks at Taeyeon from afar.

"Goodbye Taeyeon, see you tomorrow~"

"Hey baby~ wanna go out?" "We just need to talk"

Tiffany decided to meet with Nichkhun tonight and so they did. Deep inside, Tiffany is so mad at this guy cause he killed Taeyeon. She gave a glare at him and speaks

"We should break up"

She knows that Nichkhun would ask why again so,

"Shhh~ I know you'll ask why. Okay, I'll tell you"

She didn't want to tell that reason why she's breaking up with him is because she loves Taeyeon. She tells something that can make everything safe.

"I don't see myself loving someone yet... I don't need it now" "What? But why?" "Please, let me go" "Why are you telling me this? Did I do something wrong?" "Not yet, but I know you will..." "What?? What do you mean?" "Please, just respect me, let's break up. I just need some time for myself, so please understand


Somehow she's worried and scared that this guy might hurt her but surprisingly Nichkhun didn't and he just agreed. It's just that he saw honesty at Tiffany's eyes and thought that maybe Tiffany is already tired of their relationship.

"Okay, I'll let you go for now" "If I'll find my true love, I hope you won't bother me" *sighs* "Yes, I won't" "Promise?" "Yes, I promise" "If you will bother me when I already have a new lover, I'll call the cops and make them arrest you" "What??" *laughs* "It's not like I'm gonna kill someone or do something bad, so why call the cops?"


*sighs* "I have to go back inside"

Tiffany went back inside her room and opens her laptop... Actually this last week, Tiffany has been secretly taking photos and videos of Taeyeon inside the school. She watches them every night and she can't help but to smile while looking at them.

"Take some more time to be happy, Taeyeon~ I already broke up with Nichkhun and also after our graduation, you'll be going to Arizona, right? I will let you go there and let you pursue your dreams. There might be also a possibility that you won't come back here in Korea at 2014 but I will wait for you"

Everyday in school, she'd watch and stare at Taeyeon secretly and her love for her is still a secret. Only she herself knows that she loves Taeyeon so much and no one else knows it.

March 18, 2013 - Graduation Day

Today will be the day that she'll see Taeyeon for the last time. Well maybe, yes but maybe not. Tiffany still hopes that even though she traveled time twice already, she hopes for the same thing

but not Taeyeon's death but Taeyeon coming back to her and court her again. She's not actually focusing at the program tonight, she's been thinking about Taeyeon the whole time.

The Graduation program started at 6 pm and ended at 10.

Some parents and the other graduates already left the school, while the others stayed for a while.

"Tiffany" *smiles* "Shall we go now?" Her parents asks "Uhm, maybe you should go now mom, dad... I'll just have to meet my friends" "Okay, take your time"

Her parents left her and Tiffany saw Taeyeon with her family taking a picture by the school's photographer. She pouts 'cause seriously, she really wants to talk to her, until she can't take it anymore, She went closer and speaks


She offers her hands at her for a shake

"Congratualations, Taeyeon" "...oh, thank you. You too"

*shake hands*

"Uhm...I have to go, have a safe trip going to Arizona" "Yes, thank you"

Tiffany ended their conversation by that and smiles with her eyes. She left and it was Yehjin who is with Taeyeon now.

"When will you go to Arizona?" Yehjin asks "Tomorrow evening" "Will you come back here?" "I don't think so, I'll have to work there"

Taeyeon looks around

"I'll miss you, Taeyeon" "I'll miss you too, Yehjin"

Yehjin then gave her a hug. Taeyeon smiled and rubbed Yehjin's back while looking down. She looked somewhere else and saw Tiffany walking away from afar. She stares at her for a long moment.

"Uhm... but you know what? Maybe, I'll come back" "Really??" *smiles* "Just maybe"

March 19, Taeyeon's flight going to Arizona

At 4 pm... that was the time when Taeyeon already left Korea and Tiffany cried. She just miss Taeyeon and now she'll wait for a year. Waiting for one year is something she must do because she swore to do that, she can wait for her and she did. She waited for Taeyeon. She waited and she misses Taeyeon a lot, she misses her so much. The pending friend request of Taeyeon at Tiffany's account is already accepted. Tiffany accepted it and when Taeyeon sees her notification, she was surprised that Tiffany would accept her, because for her, that is something really impossible When Tiffany saw Taeyeon's post about her, she frowns to see that they are all negative. It's about heartaches and pains she felt from Tiffany. Tiffany sighs and hated herself again. She then decided to post something... something not so obvious but she wants Taeyeon to notice it. She posted something in her status, telling Taeyeon that she needs her back now.

"I'm not telling you to go away from me... In fact, I'm telling you to come back now. I want you to know that I'm just here waiting for you"

After 12 months... Taeyeon spent Christmas with her family. She's been doing great as well in Arizona but after some days, she felt like going back to Korea. When New Year came, Taeyeon celebrated it happily with her new friends there and after 15 days... going back to Korea came to her mind

"Mom, dad... can I go back to Korea?" "Why?" "I'm sorry but, I really feel like pursuing my dreams there" "But don't you like it here? It's better here" "I know, but my inspiration is there... I want to see that person again" "But Taeyeon~" "Mom, dad, I know maybe you won't agree but I really want to go back, don't worry I can promise to be more successful than I am now here Arizona, trust me"

Her parents looked at each other


Mr. and Mrs. Kim loves their daughter so much and so, they decided to let Taeyeon go.

"Okay Taeyeon, it's what you want then we support you"

Korea, January 18, 2014...

Tiffany is now 18 and so as Taeyeon. Tiffany is already in college and Jessica enrolled at the same school with Tiffany.

"Tiffany, you seem to be so happy. Do you have a new lover now?" "I'm just waiting for that person to come back to me"

When will you come back, Taeyeon? Are you still coming back for me?

Somehow she's happy that it's already 2014 because the waiting is over but until now, Taeyeon's not back yet. She thought that maybe on Feb, March, April, May, June and onwards, Taeyeon might be back already.

"I wonder what's she's doing now"

She looks up in the sky and saw a plane. A smile grew in her face

January 20, 2014

Yoona was alone at her house. She havent heard a lot from Taeyeon since January 18.


She stands up and opens the door

*opens* "Oh my goodness" "Hey!" *chuckles* "What the- what are you doing here, Taeyeon??" "I came back for her. She's the reason why I'm back" "Who?" "It's Tiffany" *smiles*

end of chapter thirteen

CHAPTER XIV "It's Tiffany" *smiles* *sighs* "Taeng"

Taeyeon went inside Yoona's house

"I thought you already moved on" Yoona said "No, I really can't move on, I still love her" "Don't you remember all the things she did to you?" "But I don't really care about those" "Wow, you're crazy" "I know and it doesn't matter. Do you know where she is?" "I don't know" "Where is she now? Where is she learning at?" "She's learning at Jeonbuk University" "I should go there, I want to court her again. I really like Tiffany~" "Oh God, stop saying that" "C'mon Yoona, I thought you're my bestfriend"

Taeyeon finally convinced Yoona in the end. Both went to the flower shop and Taeyeon bought pink flowers. They went to Tiffany's school and waited.

"What time is it?" "It's 11:50" "Aren't they going out for lunch at 12?" "I don't know, I don't study here"

Taeyeon and Yoona still waited until some students went out little by little. Taeyeon keeps on looking for Tiffany while carrying the flowers.

*pats* "Taeng, there she is!" "Where?!" "There, with the pink shoulder bag"

When Taeyeon saw her, she smiles widely

"Wow, she's prettier now~ Her hair is long now!" "What are you waiting for? Go!" "Err..."

Taeyeon is shy too of course. It's been a year since she haven't seen Tiffany.

"What if she'll dump me?" "You said you wouldn't mind, right?" *smiles* "Right"

Taeyeon first fixes her hair and her clothes, then bravely approaches


Tiffany rubs her eyes

Taeyeon? Is that her?

Tiffany tries to see who's that person is and it's really Taeyeon.

"Oh my God" She mumbles

She felt so nervous and she doesn't know what to do. She licks her lips to make it look redder and she fixes her bangs. Her heartbeat pounded to see Taeyeon closing in to her. She pretends to be clueless by looking down the ground.

Oh God, I miss this person... I knew you'd come back to me Taeyeon


Taeyeon stops in front of Tiffany with a shy smile. Tiffany looks at her and she tries to act cool.

"Flowers???" Taeyeon said

Tiffany doesn't want to act rude, so she accepted the flower right away.

"I thought you're in Arizona" "Erm, yeah, but I came back here because...uhm" "Because what?"

Tiffany looks at her eyes and smirks a little bit

"Honestly, it's because of you"

Taeyeon acted confidently

"I still love you" She admits "Hmm~ Okay"

Tiffany tries to act blunt but deep inside she's screaming at the top her lungs. She so freaking happy to hear Taeyeon saying that she still loves her.

"I'm impressed" "Eh?"

Tiffany only smiles and she starts to walk away while carrying the flowers. She bites her lower lip while smilling 'cause at last, she have Taeyeon like this again and she loves being courted by her.


Taeyeon follows her from behind. Tiffany walks slowly and it's on purpose because she wants Taeyeon to be with her for a long moment while walking.

"Your hair is now long... so dazzling" Taeyeon complimented

Tiffany can't help but to smile and blush. She fans herself by using her hands and tries not to get caught that she's blushing


Taeyeon looks behind where Yoona is

"I'll follow her" She mouthed to Yoona and Yoona gave her two thumbs up. "Good luck" Yoona mouthed back

What shall I ask her?

"Tiffany" "What?" "Do you still have schedules left?" "Yeah" "Oh, well I was thinking, maybe we can hang out" "Hmmm?" "Uhm, seriously I think you're really beautiful, more beautiful than before" "Thanks"

Why so blunt?

"So do you still have some time?" "For what?" "To hang"

Tiffany stops and faces her

"Oh, to hang out with you??"

"Yes, if ever you want to"

Tiffany pretends to think but actually she said yes already in her mind

"Sure" "Really?? Well then, I'll wait for you" "My last class ends at 5" "Nice, I can wait for you" *smiles* "Okay"

Tiffany starts walking away again and Taeyeon's still following her

"So are you gonna go have lunch now?" "Yes" "Look, I'll treat you" "It's up to you" "Okay, just pick a place where you want to eat"

Tiffany went inside a restaurant and Taeyeon let her order what she wants to eat. They sat on a table and both are facing each other. Taeyeon took the flowers away from Tiffany for a while so she can eat properly.

"So... do you like my fom foms?" Taeyeon asks coolly *squints* "What fom foms?" "T-The flowers! euhihihi~"

Aw man! that's embarassing

*laughs* "Yes, since they're pink"

She's laughing, so cute!

"Are you still with Nichkhun?" *shakes head* "Not anymore" *smiles* "Thank God~" She mumbles "What did you say?" "Nothing"

Actually Tiffany heard her.. She then asks her questions.

"So the reason why you're back here is beacuse of me?" *nods* "Yes" "Just that?" "Yes, just that... Is it silly?" "Somehow, I think yes and I think your reason is not enough"

Taeyeon looks at her

"Tell me more than that" Tiffany said "Well... I won't come back here for no reason, right? So my reason is you" "Just go straight to the point"

C'mon, just say that you want to marry me!

"Ahmerryou" Taeyeon spoke so fast and Tiffany was not able to understand "What??" "I'llmarryyou" "Agh~ I don't understand" "I was just thinking maybe I can marry you" Taeyeon said shyly

She looks at her and she scratched her nape.

"Also, I'll continue to study here, so that I can be what I wanted to be. I can earn and live well... with you"

Taeyeon was surprised that Tiffany gave her a smile and even her eyes are smilling

"Wow, you're not mad?" "I just like how honest you are" "Yeah, I can never lie"

They ate together inside and after eating, Tiffany went back to her school to attend her classes. Taeyeon took the flowers first and Tiffany attended her next class. Taeyeon then waited for her. She looks at her her watch and it's 1 pm laready. 4 more hours, Tiffany will come back already. While waiting, she decided to text Yoona

Taeyeon: Yoong~ Yoona: What? Taeyeon: Can I ask you a favor? Can you help me out to fix my house? Yoona: Sure! Why not?

She have the keys to her house and she fetches Yoona. They went there and the house is still neat. Taeyeon plugs the refrigerator on and realizes that there's no food in it.

"I shall buy us food too" "You know what I think your house is okay, there's nothing left to change here, it's just the lights and some other stuffs" "Really?" "Yeah, and let's clean it for a bit"

Taeyeon went out to buy foods, such as sweets and snacks and also drinks. When she gets back, the house looks more cleaner because of what Yoona did.

"Whoa~ Thank you!" "I also fixed the bed for you guys" *grind and laughs* "There's no sex going on tonight. I'm still courting her" "Oh! So if she's already your girlfriend, you'll have it with her?" "No, we will have it when we're already married" *grins* "Aww~ you're really sweet indeed. And one more thing" "What?"

"Just be yourself"

At 4:30, Taeyeon went back at Jeonbuk and waited for Tiffany and at exact 5, Tiffany went out and Taeyeon approaches her immediately. She gave the flowers back to her and she follows her again.

"Tiffany, I was just thinking that the place where we can hang out is at my place" "What time?" "Tonight??" "Sure, I'll go there at 7?" "It's up to you but can I fetch you then take you to my house instead?" "Okay, if that's what you want then I'll wait for you"

Kyaaah! I hope she'll ask me to be her girlfriend and I will never hesitate to say YES!

"Okay, bye~ See you tonight"

6:40 pm

"Good evening auntie" "Hello, I guess you're the one that my daughter has been talking about" "For hanging out?" "Yes" "Yes, it's me, I'm Taeyeon by the way" "Nice to meet you, Taeyeon. Wait, I'll go call her" *shouts* "Honey~ your friend is here!" "Okay I'll be there for a sec" Tiffany shouted back

"Don't act so fast Tiffany" Tiffany talks to herself

She takes a look at the mirror first before going out

Oh Jesus, she's so beautiful

She was wearing a mini pink dress and her hair is tied up

"Y-You look so good" *stares* "Thank you, so let's go?"

They both leaves and decides to walk. Taeyeon is extremely shy tonight and she can't speak while both of them were walking. After some time, they finally got to their destination. Taeyeon opens her door and also the opens lights

"You can sit on the couch for a while" "Are you alone?" "Yes, I convinced my parents to let me go here alone"

Taeyeon went to the kitchen and she doesn't know what to do. She just then prepared the food and drinks for both of them.

"What kind drink do you like?" "I want whiskey" "Huh?" "I want whiskey~" "But, I don't have whiskey, I only bought juice and soda" "Aww~ that's so disappointing"

Oh no! She's disappointed!

"Eeh!~ I ah...uhm... I'll go buy us some whiskey then??" "Go, I'll wait for you"

Taeyeon hurriedly went out to buy a whiskey. She buys only one and that will be enough already. She went back and she was surprise to see Tiffany preparing the food instead.

"Hey~" *pants* I got us some whiskey now" "Good~"

Taeyeon went to the kitchen and helped Tiffany. Tiffany stops to prepare the food and looks at Taeyeon.

"What?" "Nothing... Done! Let's eat?"

Tiffany took two glasses for them to drink their whiskey.While Tiffany was eating, Taeyeon was just there sitting, staring at Tiffany. When she notices her, Tiffany stops to eat and she takes a sip on her drink.

"What?" "I just can't believe I can have you this close 'cause you know~ You didn't like me so much and you'd even kick me...euhihi"

"Don't you tackle those things anymore" "Okay, well... are you in a date with a guy right now?" "What??" "You seem to be on a good mood and I think a guy is making you feel that way"

*sighs* She thinks something like this again... Is she crazy? Isn't she even courting me? She even told me she wants to marry me and now she's talking about something like this?

"A guy?? Hmmm~ Why not something like... a girl?" "A girl...So who is He?" *scoffs* "Ugh~"

Tiffany went sulky

"Whoa, are you mad?" "Can you tell me why you took me here?" "To hang out?" "Just that?" "I think so?" "Then what's with that thing you said to me, that you wanted to marry me?" "Yeah, I said that and I mean it" "Then why are you asking me, Who's the guy, Who is he?" "I'm just making sure, Tiffany 'cause when we were in highschool, you never agreed about same sex thingy"

She's just afraid to be rejected.

Tiffany rolls her eyes and unties her hair. She sways her hair and even the scent of her hair reaches Taeyeon's nose.

*sniffs* Oh~ Heaven~~~

Her hair bounces and she drinks the whole glass of whiskey.

"Whoa!~ Slow down, you might get drunk" Taeyeon said "I don't care" "Okay... so I'll change it... Who is she?"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon

"I don't know, she's not even asking me to be her girlfriend" "Who?" "Who do you think?" "Jessica?" "Seriously??" *chuckles* "Yuri?" *squints* "..."

C'mon, just tell me you want me to be your girlfriend!

"Tiffany, can you..." "Yes!" "...let me go pee for a while?" *sighs* "Go on"

Taeyeon went inside the bathroom and looks at the mirror

"What's wrong with you, Taeyeon? Are you crazy?! Stowped! Stowped!! Stowped!!!" She talks to herself.

Tiffany widened her eyes and stares at the bathroom door when she heard Taeyeon.

"Phew, c'mon I can do this!"

After a minute she went back and again her cowardness won over her. She just ended up resting on the couch while Tiffany was still there sitting, while tv is on.

"What are you doing?" Tiffany asks "..." "That's it? You're just gonna sleep now?" "..."

Taeyeon tries to sleep and Tiffany really can't believe her. She sighs and stares at Taeyeon, glaring at her. When she looks at Taeyeon's lips, she sighs again and she licks her lips. She couldn't resist her. She just leans down, capturing Taeyeon's lips. It's been a year since she haven't tasted Taeyeon's lips and now that she did it again, she's the most happiest person in the world. She moves her lips there and closes her eyes. Taeyeon slowly moves when she felt something wet and warm moving in her lips. She opens her eyes and she was surprised.

T-Tiffany's kissing me?

She saw Tiffany's eyes are closed while kissing her. She close her eyes back and pretends to be sleeping now when Tiffany moves away. When Taeyeon felt Tiffany's lips in her lips again, she smiles a bit. Just when Tiffany was about to move away again, she felt teeth biting her lower lip. Taeyeon bites it and both opens their eyes, and stares.

"Release my lip, will you?"

Tiffany hardly speaks while Taeyeon was biting her lower lip. She releases it and Tiffany sits properly then both stares at each other again.

*slaps* "Freak" "Owh~ what was that for?" Taeyeon asks "Hmffp!~" *sulks* "Is it about the kiss... you started it" *giggles*

"Ugh! I hate you!"

Tiffany crosses her amrs..

"You're now badass, Taeyeon?"

Taeyeon sits up and scratches her nape as always

"I'm sorry" "What's wrong with you? Look, I know you're afraid but please stop being afraid anymore" *gulps* "T-Tiffany" "What?" "C-Can you be my g-girlfriend?"

She took out the necklace in her pocket.

"Yes! I want to be your girlfriend!!!"

Taeyeon was shock when Tiffany dives into her, making her lay back on the couch.

"Wow" *giggles* "What?" "It's just that... I can't believe that you're my girlfriend now" Taeyeon really can't believe it "You wouldn't leave me, right? Don't you ever leave me, Taeyeon~" "I won't" *smiles*

Taeyeon made Tiffany sit up and she moves her hair aside so that she can lock the necklace around Tiffany's neck perfectly.

"Do you like it?" "Yes, I like it!...Taeyeon?" "Yes?" "Did you like our kiss?" "Oh well~ I wasn't so confident, I couldn't do better, so I bit your lips"

Both stares again, and their faces are slowly getting closer against each other.

"You really want this?" Taeyeon asks "Of course I do, why? You don't want this?" "I want this" "But it's like you don't want it" "Nooooo~ I want it"

Tiffany chuckles because she can see Taeyeon being so tense

"Relax~ I won't eat you"


Taeyeon never fails to make Tiffany's heart beat so fast. Tiffany decided to cut their kiss because the couch is not so comfortable for her.

"Taeyeon, I don't feel so good here. Let's go to your bedroom" "You want to sleep now?" "No... Just take me"

Going to the bedroom, Tiffany jumps there and waited for Taeyeon to lay down with her. Tiffany can see how shy Taeyeon is. She laughs and pulls her closer.

"Don't be shy~ because of that, you're not kissing me so good" "Eeh" *really shy* "C'mon, I'll teach you pretty good kiss" "Uhmm~ Tiffany, I can't really do good... s-stop"

Suddenly, Tiffany's mood left her. She pouts and rested her back on the bed while palming her forehead. It was a minute of silence and Taeyeon realized she ruined the moment again. It's just that she can't believe Tiffany's her gf now, she is so tensed and she's really nervous and shy. Well, for Tiffany it's normal because she had kiss Taeyeon many times already.



She's mad

"Don't stop now then" "But you stopped me" "Sorry~ I will not be a coward anymore. Are you mad?" "Yes!" "Aww~ You're so sexy when you're mad...b aby~"

Taeyeon sounded hot to that and Tiffany smirks a bit. Taeyeon then lay down with her and captures Tiffany's lips. Now she's kissing her with no feelings of being scared or being shy. They kissed each other for so long and both loves it. Just when Taeyeon open her eyes, her lips opens up a bit and her eyes shined to see Tiffany's dress left her upper body.

"Taeyeon, I'm ready" "Tiffany... I shall marry you first" "But Taeyeon~" "You rush on something like this~ We're still young and don't you worry, I won't slip away from you"

She puts Tiffany's dress back in her skin and kisses her forehead. Tiffany is just so happy that Taeyeon's back so that's why she acted so fast.

"Would you like to borrow some of my pj's so that you'll feel comfortable sleeping here. Oh wait, you will go home right?" "I will sleep here" *eyesmile* "Does your parents know?" "I told mom when you fetched me" "Okay" *smiles* "I'll go get the pajama for you"

Taeyeon went out and opens her luggage. She took the pink pj for Tiffany and the blue one for her. It's like a couple thing and also she took a pair of socks.

"Here it is, I got the pink one for you" "Waah~ It's so cute!"

"Euhihi, you wear the pink and I'll wear the blue one"

They both wear it and both went back together at the bed.

"I know this room cause it's my bedroom. Your feet will be cold later here. That's why when I sleep here, I always wear socks"

Taeyeon moves closer to Tiffany's feet and she puts the socks inside Tiffany's feet and Tiffany can't help but to grin widely because she loves it when Taeyeon takes care of her.

"How about you?" Tiffany asks

Taeyeon only looks at her. After putting the socks, she went up and lay her head back on her pillow.

"I'm fine without socks" "Crazy~ you won't be"

Tiffany took off the sock out of her right foot and let Taeyeon wear it. Taeyeon laughs when Tiffany did that.

"There, now we're fair" *smiles* "You're really cute" "You've been so crazy about me Taeyeon, I want to know why" "Who wouldn't go crazy about you?" "Tell me~~~"

Their face were so close with each other. Tiffany was staring at Taeyeon while Taeyeon got her eyes close for a while. Tiffany rubs her hands up and down gently at Taeyeon's shoulder while Taeyeon states her reason.

"I don't know but... it just took me a moment to fall in love with you. Not a minute, not an hour, not a day, a month or a year" *smiles* *laughs* "Yah~ you're really crazy or should I say corny?" *giggles* "Euhihi~ What about you, why do you like me now?"

"I don't like you, I love you" "Okay, so why? How did your mind change?" "I regret so much" "For what?" "For hurting you, for rejecting you and everything else. I realized I was really wrong and honestly I really want you for me. It was really you"

She hugs Taeyeon tightly

"You! You wouldn't cheat on me"

Tiffany became mad and jealous

"I wont~" "You like Yehjin" "What? Yehjin? No I don't" "You kissed her"

Taeyeon was shock to that because seriously she never did, but anyways she doesn't really know what Tiffany is telling her

"What are you talking about?" "Nevermind, you just won't get it" "I swear to God we didn't kiss" "..."

Tiffany became silent, she just remembers the year 2020 when she saw Taeyeon and Yehjin kissed. She's really jealous.

"You" *pinches Taeyeon* "Owh~ Owh~ what?" "You can never see another woman, your eyes can only see me, your hands can only hold or touch me, your arms can only hug me, your eyes can only see me, your lips can only kiss me and your virginity can only be taken by me. JUST ME"

She grips Taeyeon's hair and she gritted her teeth.

"Owh!~~ Why so violent?" *chuckles* "Don't worry, I'm all yours~ In fact, all you have said might be in the opposite way. You might like a handsome guy like Nichkhun and then you'll leave me" *pouts* "I can never leave you. Never" "...I still remember when you kissed Nichkhun when we were in highschool" "That was just on the cheek, at least you captured my lips first" "..." "Hey~ don't be jealous about that"

Taeyeon was pouting. Tiffany chuckles and hugs Taeyeon more tightly.

"Aww~ Come here, kiss me" *puckers lips*

Taeyeon looks at her and she smiles. She then accepts it.

"Muah! Let's sleep now~" "Okay, goodnight~" "Goodnight~"

They sleep together while hugging each other.

5 am


Tiffany said aloud when Taeyeon wakes up. Taeyeon sits up and rubs her eyes to see clearly

"Kyaaaaah!~ My morning kiss" "Wait Tiff-- mmmmfffhhh~"

It was a long morning kiss

"Awh, I don't think my breath is good for morning kisses"

Taeyeon said when they pulled out

"It's so good! I would like to have more morning kisses from you. Come, I already prepared breakfast for us"

Going to the kitchen.

"Tiffany, I'll go take you at your school today, okay?" "Sure,my calss starts at 8:30" "You have a lot time" "Why don't you enroll in my school, Taeyeon?"

Tiffany said happily

"You want me there at Jeonbuk University?" "Yes!~" *smiles* "Okay, I'll enroll on Saturday"

Yoona walking with Taeyeon.

"Thank God, my schedule is half every Monday, Wednesday and Friday" Yoona said happily "I'll be learning at Jeonbuk same with Tiffany "Oh! So how was it? The date!" *smiles* "Yoong, she's my girlfriend now!" *jumps and claps* "Really? For real!?" "Yes, I can't even believe it either" "Wow! That's so good! Finally, now she's yours you must be so happy" "I am! I now got the girl that I really love the most. I'll be loving her always"

While walking, Yehjin came and saw Taeyeon with Yoona. She was so surprise because she thought Taeyeon was still in Arizona. She felt happiness because Taeyeon is someone she really likes or even more than that.

"Taeyeon!" *turns around* "Oh, Yehjin!"

Yehjin ran to her and hugs her immediately

"Oh-" "Gosh! I thought you're in Arizona"

She hugs her tightly and speaks while having her eyes close. She missed Taeyeon a lot since she left and now hugging her so close and tightly is like reaching heaven or paradise for her.

"I just arrived yesterday"

"Hey guys, I got to fellows need something" Yoona said and leaves.

Now it's only Yehjin and Taeyeon together.

"I missed you so much, Taeyeon"

Taeyeon felt Yehjin's hug gets more tighter. She laughs and pats Yehjin's head gently.

"Euhehe~ Me too" *smiles* "Taeyeon, I want to tell you something, I'm so happy that you're here, I'm really glad. You were someone I like the most so right now I must tell you this" "Me too, I will tell you something" "Ah~ okay you tell me yours first" "I came back here because of Tiffany, and now she's my girlfriend! And I'll marry her soon, isn't that great?" *grins and chuckles*

Taeyeon chuckles happily to tell that. Yehjin pulls away from the hug and saw how happy Taeyeon is. So happy and Yehjin's smile lessens. She felt ache in her heart.

"You, what are you gonna tell me?" Taeyeon asks "Uhm..."


Taeyeon notices her not looking so well anymore

"What will you tell me?" *fake smile* "Taeyeon... I-I lost, I'm hurt"

Her eyes gets teary

"What? What do you mean?" "..." "Yehjin~ah, are you okay?" "No" "Why? Tell me already" "Because I love you, Taeyeon" *sobs* "I love you"

Tears fell out from her eyes and streamed down on her cheeks. She runs away because she didn't want to look stupid in front of Taeyeon.

"Yehjin, Wait!"

Yehjin hoped that she should've told her before already. She's been a secret lover of Taeyeon but now she's too late. Taeyeon doesn't want something like this. This kind of situation is something she didn't want to encounter. She wanted to talk but it might get things worst.

end of chapter fourteen

CHAPTER XV "Where do we go?" "I don't know, where do you want to go?" "Let's go to park and rest, I'm really tired during our class hours" "You must be lazy" "It's just boring"

At the park

"I met Yehjin a while ago"

Tiffany squinted her eyes

"So, what did you do?" She asks, a little bit mad "Of course, we greeted each other" "And then?" "We talked" "What did she say?" "She said she loves me"

Tiffany rolls her eyes

"Don't be mad at her, she's just being honest" "Yeah, she's honest and now what?? You're gonna love her back?" "Of course not, I only love you~ Don't you trust me?"

Taeyeon asks and stares at her closely

"I trust you" "Then don't think about something like that, okay?" "Fine~"


Someone came. They both look back and Tiffany was so shocked. She moves away from Taeyeon when she saw that it was Nichkhun.

"N-Nichkhun" Tiffany stutters "Tiffany... and Taeyeon, you're here? I thought you're in Arizona" "I came back here yesterday" "I see... so you guys are together"

Nichkhun went in front of them and looks at them. He crosses his arms and examined them from head to toe.

"Yes, we are" "Are you guys dating?" "No"

Tiffany said quickly and loudly. Taeyeon looks at her, somehow she was hurt to hear Tiffany's denying that they are together and then she thought Tiffany's ashamed or not proud about their relationship. It's not like that, it's just because Tiffany knows that Nichkhun killed Taeyeon before when Nichkhun knew that she and Taeyeon were loving each other. She's afraid that this guy might hurt Taeyeon again so she must deny, but Yehjin knows it, there could be a chance that Nichkhun might know it from Yehjin.

"We're not dating, what are you talking about?"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon

"We're just friends" She added

Tiffany saw that Taeyeon's not smilling anymore

No Taeyeon, it's not what you think

"It's nice to hear such thing" Nichkhun smiles "Don't even think about getting me back, Nichkhun. Remember what we talked about last year" "Yes, well I'm not forcing you" "Like I said, if ever I have someone now, whether it's a girl or a man, please don't bother us" "I don't really see myself having a chance to you anymore, Tiffany. I know that and you're free" "Fine, if only you knew what you did"

Tiffany crumbles her eyebrows and it makes her really mad to remember what Nichkhun did before.

"You can leave now"

Nichkhun leaves and now both are all alone. Taeyeon was so silent.

"Taeyeon~" "Why did you deny us?" "I can expla-" "Just tell me honestly, if you're not proud and if you're ashamed of our relationship, just leave me already. Just don't hurt me no more" "It's not like that, I'm just protecting you" "Protecting me?? Actually you didn't, you pushed me away" "I did!"

Taeyeon looks away

"I can't let you die again! You were killed by that jerk and I was so lonely, I cried and approached your dead body...My heart aches a lot to see you soulless! Do you think I'm gonna let that happen

again?! I'm tired using something that can rewind things just to have you back. Now I want to be fair! I want to have you without a help of a thing!" *scoffs* "What are you talking about??" "Doesn't matter, please! Trust me!"

Her eyes went teary and she stares at Taeyeon sincerely.


Taeyeon didn't say a thing, she just then nodded her head and hugs Tiffany.

"Okay" *sighs* "Don't cry now" "Please don't think that I'm ashamed of loving you, we can settle more things and we'll be free" "What else to settle?" "I'm just afraid that Nichkhun might hurt you or hurt me" "Don't worry, I can never let him do that to us, especially to you" *shakes head* "Don't say that, please don't protect me" "I must" "No! I can't let you get hurt" *sighs* "You're really confusing me" "Just listen to me"

5 am

This time, it is Taeyeon who wakes up first. She remembers she and her girlfriend is still naked. She sits up and she looks at Tiffany. She smiles immediately and before leaving Tiffany to go and

cook for their breakfast, she covers Tiffany's exposed shoulder then she wears her pajama back.

*wakes up* "Yoebo!" "Tiffany, good morning!"

Tiffany wears her nightie dress back. She went closer and hugs Taeyeon. She surrounds her arms around Taeyeon's neck and asks something she wants to have everyday.

"My morning kiss?" "Yes, yes" *kiss* "Come"

Taeyeon hugs Tiffany from behind and guided her to the kitchen. She cooked then both eats together and after eating, they washed together and there's no feeling of being shy about itanymore. After showering, they helped each to dry themselves. At exact 8, Taeyeon fetches Tiffany home and waited for her then after Tiffany could show herself to her parents, she kisses them and went off to school.

"I'll be waiting for you" "Be careful" "You too"

Tiffany was all alone in front of Jeonbuk's main gate. She's waiting for Jessica and as she looks at her right side, she saw Yehjin, slowly approaching her.

"Tiffany, we need to talk" Yehjin said "What do you want?" "It's Taeyeon"

Tiffany sighed and gave a mad look at the same time

"You love Taeyeon and I know that, Yehjin. Are you thinking about something?" "If you're thinking about me stealing your girlfriend, then you're wrong. Actually, I envy you and I hope if ever there are problems I am willing to help" "There will be no problems, Yehjin, but thank you"

Tiffany smiles a little and leaves. Going inside her school, she went to the third unit and went to her english class today at the room 326. She went there and the instructor isn't there yet. All seats are occupied exept for one. A guy was sitting next with an empty chair and Tiffany had no choice but to sit beside him.


"Hey Tiffany" "N-Nichkhun?" "Come, sit"

He pats the chair beside him and Tiffany sits.

"I thought you're in Hansung" Tiffany said "I transfered here already"

She became silent and didn't speak anymore.

*phone rings* Taeyeon texted Tiffany

"So I think Taeyeon is courting you" "I told you, we're just friends" "Oh really?"

Tiffany became more nervous when Nichkhun is trying to investigate

"She's courting you or should I say... already together" "..." "Why can't you say anything? Is it true?" "I don't really have to answer that"


"Ahk- give me my phone back"

Tiffany starts to panic when Nichkhun got her phone

"Give it to me" "Why do you look so worried, are you hiding something?" "No, just please, give it to me already"

Because of Nichkhun's big body and strong arms, Tiffany wasn't able to get her phone back. She gets more nervous when Nichkhun went out the room. Tiffany followed him and her heart pounded nervously when Nichkhun takes a look at her phone.

"Hey, give it to me now" "..." "Give it back now"

Nichkhun saw things he didn't like. Suddenly, he turns his face slowly to Tiffany and glares at her.

"I knew it"

He grips the phone tightly and and gritted his teeth from anger

"Tsk, tsk, tsk" *shakes head* "Tiffany..."

No...not again, please

*smirks* "Hmm" "What are you smirking about?"

Tiffany looks at him and she feels so much hate to see him acting like that. It's just like his up to do something bad.

"What do you want? What are you gonna do? A-Are you gonna hurt us?" "Definitely" "You don't have the right to do that, I'm not connected to you anymore" "It's never like that to don't how much I love you" "Don't talk like you can really control me, we're nothing anymore" "I let you go for a while and I waited for you"

He gazes at her again and gave a cold stare.

Tiffany spends her english class feeling so worried. She thinks trouble is near again. She too thought that she must've just turned the time back when she wasn't with Nichkhun yet, but using the time machine again is being too unfair now. It's never fair.

*bell rings*

Tiffany looks at Nichkhun and she follows him.

*push* "Don't you ever think about something again"

Nichkhun just smirked and keeps walking

"Don't hurt Taeyeon... please, don't hurt her no more"

Nichkhun still didn't say a thing

"Don't even try to do it!"

Tiffany shouts and hits him hard at the back

"Shut up!"

Nichkhun faces her and hold Tiffany's arms so hard

"Ahn~ Nichkhun, you're hurting me!"

He took her to a private spot where no one else can see them.

"Damn you, I can't imagine how you'll fall for her. Disgusting! You! Falling for a girl same as you!" "I too can have the right to love! And so as Taeyeon!" "What about me, baby~ How about me? Huh?!" "I thought you said you won't bother me anymore, please just stop this"

"I won't unless I have you back to me again" "I love Taeyeon, please I don't want this anymore, I don't want to return the time back" "Just come to me and no one will get hurt" "Please~ I'm begging you, set us free. In fact you don't have the right to control me because I'm not yours" "That's how it is, If I don't have you, I'll get you back. Fany~ah, can't a man lie as well? I lied when I told you I won't bother you anymore, but honestly, I will" "Let me go!"

Tiffany pushes him away

"Okay Tiffany, just do what you have to do...You'll see" *laughs* "Taeyeon being burried soon" "NO! Shut up! Don't say that!" *laughs* "I don't care being prisoned... 'Cause I imagined, we will both suffer. You'll cry and cry for a dead person and while me, I'll just get bored inside bars. Ain't that perfect? Both of us are suffering" *laughs* "I'm gonna report you!" "Go on! Report me! Or else I'll really hurt your precious Taeyeon! And anyways, what's your proof?? I'm gonna deny anyway"

Tiffany suddenly cries, she kneels down and pleaded

"What's your problem? Why can't you just move on? Please, stop this" *cries* "I can't because I still love you! And I don't care about what you say! So mark my words! MARK MY WORDS"

5 pm

Taeyeon was waiting for Tiffany and when Tiffany went out the gate, she secretly runs behind her and hugs her in surprise.

"Baby!" "Oh- B-Baby" "I got you pink flowers and a strawberry cake!" *grins* *smiles* "Thank you" "Let me carry your bag"

Tiffany took the flowers and the cake then Taeyeon carries Tiffany's bag

"Are you fine carrying those?" "Yes" "So shall I bring you home now?" "I took some clothes with me so I will stay with you again" "Oh okay"

Arriving at Taeyeon's house... Tiffany watches Taeyeon when she starts to cook for their dinner. She then went to the kitchen to help her. She chops the ingridients but she wasn't focusing much. She was staring down blankly while choping

*shik* "Ah-" "Whoa~"

Taeyeon went closer to her and saw Tiffany's forefinger bleeding already.

"You okay?"

She takes her to the faucet and let the water run into her finger. She took a clean towel to wipe it and then puts a band aid around the wound.

"You rest up while I'll cook food for us" *nods* "Okay"

After some time, the dinner is ready. They both eat together while watching TV. After eating, Taeyeon was flipping the channels then she notices Tiffany having a blank stare. She stops to flip the channel and raises Tiffany's chin.

"What's the matter?"

Their eyes met and Tiffany closes her eyes when she just straightly kisses Taeyeon.

"I love you~ Please remember that"

She kisses her passionately and for so long... then Tiffany hugs Taeyeon immediately

I don't have other choice... I'm tired using the time machine now

"I love you so much"

At the school, Tiffany's schedule will end at 3 pm today. When 3 pm came, Nichkhun saw Tiffany going out already and he follows her.

"Still brushing off in your mind that I won't stop? Well you're wrong, break her up and come back to me"

Tiffany's plan is about to happen today. Just when she went out the gate with Nichkhun, her eyes went everywhere until she saw Taeyeon. She faces Nichkhun immediately and hugs his neck.

This is for you, Taeyeon

"Tiffa-" *gasps*

Taeyeon's heart tighetened to see Tiffany kissing Nichkhun. She drops the pink flowers and she steps backwards. When Tiffany moves away, she saw Taeyeon's gone already and saw the pink flowers lying on the ground.

"I already did, now I'm all yours again" *eyesmile* "I just realized, I don't really love her... You still have my heart, Nichkhun"

She caresses his face. She tries to fool Nichkhun and Nichkhun falls into it. Deep inside, Tiffany is really hurt but she needs to do this, in order to protect Taeyeon

I can get back to you, you can understand me

Taeyeon runs away while crying. She doesn't even know where to go and people would even look at her, they even thought she's crazy.


Yehjin was about to enter a shop but when she saw Taeyeoen crying while running, she chased after her.

"Taeyeon, stop!"

She was able to catch her up and speaks with her

"What happened??" *cries* "She... she was just using me... She fooled me" "No, not again'' "She did! I thought she was sincere but she wasnt... It hurts so much"

She hugs Yehjin and cries more...

"Stop crying, forget it" "She made me believe that she's honest but she's not" "Don't worry, I'm here~"

These past days, it was hard for Tiffany to pretend and when everytime she's with Nichkhun and gets to see Taeyeon all alone, it hurts her a lot. The next day, Saturday... at the mall. Tiffany saw

Taeyeon with Yehjin, she didn't like to see Yehjin being with her.

"Let's go there"

Nichkhun hold hands with Tiffany and he saw Taeyeon.

"Do you see what I see?" "Hmmm?" "It's Taeyeon

Nichkhun went there and Tiffany was forced to follow him.

"Hey, Taeyeon"

When Taeyeon heard that familiar voice, she turns around and tried to smile

"Hey" *smiles* "I see you're with Yehjin, that's fast" "We're not dating" Yehjin said and Tiffany was happy to hear that "Well, whatever. . .Taeyeon" "Yes?" "How do you think of us? Me and Tiffany?"

Tiffany looks down and was not able to look at Taeyeon

" both are really meant to be" "I know right?" "Yes... Hope you guys have a good relationship"

It hurts for Tiffany to hear Taeyeon envying her relationship with Nichkhun because that's how she was when she fell for Yehjin.

"Okay, see you sometime"

They went away and Taeyeon sighs loudly. Yehjin saw her being sad again and she pats Taeyeon's shoulder.

"Forget it" "I will, but somehow it's still hurting me...Yehjin~ah, thank you for comforting me these past days, somehow you made me feel good" "You're welcome, just remember I'm always helping" *hugs* "Thank you so much"

July 28, 2014

Tiffany really had a hard time pretending and she can't endure it anymore. For some days of not having Taeyeon beside her is definitely killing her. She went to the park and sits alone. She wants to be alone for a while and she suddenly she burts out into tears.

"Tiffany" *turns around* "Y-Yehjin, what are you doing here?"

She wipes her tears away

"Why are you crying?"

Yehjin sits beside her

"Yehjin...please don't take Taeyeon away from me" "What are you talking about? But you fooled her"

She looks around first to see and if someones around. She then continues to talk when she sees that it's safe to say something

"No, I'm just pretending to love Nichkhun" "What?? Oh c'mon, Tiffany~ Stop it already. You've hurt Taeyeon too much now" "I'm just protecting Taeyeon... If Nichkhun knew about us...he'll kill Taeyeon. I can never let that happen"

She thinks about telling the machine too but she didn't because Yehjin might not believe her.

"I can't let Taeyeon die, I can't! That's why I did this and there's no other way anymore. I can't use something again to return the time back as well, I'm tired to use that"

Yehjin saw how sincere Tiffany is and she knows how it hurts her.

*sighs* "Don't think that I'm stealing Taeyeon from you. I am willing to help you" *wipes tears* "Really?" "Yes, like I said, whenever there's a problem, I'm willing to help, right?" "Thank you so much, Yehjin"

She hugs her tightly and Yehjin pats her back

"I owe you" "We'll settle this"

August 15, 2014

It's Liberation day in Korea and the batch of 2013 will have a party tonight at Lee Soo Man's paid resort. It also has 15th floor hotel room and the feast will be held at the first floor. It is expected that the batch of 2013 will have to attend and this will also serve as their reunion.

"What's gonna be your outfit?" Nichkhun asks Tiffany while hugging giving her a back hug "I'll just wear a simple dress" "Okay...come, let's go buy that" "No, I got one already"

I hope you'll come too, Taeyeon

"Excuse me"

Tiffany went to the bathroom and texted Yehjin

"Will Taeyeon come?" "I'm with her, actually I'm trying to convince her" "Please let her come" "Yes, I will"

Yehjin puts her phone back inside her bag and continues to beg Taeyeon

"Taeyeon c'mon, you should attend the party" "I don't wanna"

Taeyeon sighs and felt bored


"Open up"

It's Yoona. She's already dressed up and came to see Taeyeon, but as far as she can see, it's only Yehjin who's prepared

"Taeng~ Aren't you coming?" "No"

Yoona looks at Yehjin and Yehjin signals her to beg Taeyeon

"Awh~ C'mon Taeyeon, is it about that Tiffany again?" "..." "Don't be affected anymore, forget about that girl, she's a player. Now you're being sad because of that?? Screw that, c'mon don't be stupid" "C'mon Taeyeon, I will tell you something" Yehjin said "Tell me what?" "I won't tell you unless you come" *sighs* "Just tell me already" "I will tell you if you will come" "Whatever, it's not that important anyways" "It's really something... Please?"

7 pm

The batch of 2013 already arrived. Taeyeon, Yehjin and Yoona arrived 5 minutes late.

"My love~" Tiffany said in a whispering way when she saw Taeyeon

When Taeyeon saw Tiffany, she looks away immediately and pretends that she didn't saw her.

"Hey~ Taeyeonnie!"

Yuri and Sooyoung exclaimed. Taeyeon gave a weak smile

"Are you going back to Arizona?!"

Yuri needed to shout a bit since the music was too loud inside and Tiffany can hear them

"Maybe, I think I really have to go back there!"

When Tiffany heard Taeyeon, she felt bad and worried. She doesn't want Taeyeon to leave her. When Tiffany looks at Yehjin, she signals that both of them should talk privately.

"Uhm~ Nichkhun, excuse me for a while" "Okay, baby"

Yehjin and Tiffany went at the second floor and both stayed at the balcony.

"Do you have any plan?" "I should tell Taeyeon that you're just pretending" *nods* "You should... Look, I heard her, she said maybe she'll go back to Arizona"

Tiffany gave a very sad and worried look

"I can't let her leave me" "Don't worry, we'll settle this really fast" "Thanks a lot Yehjin, I promise I'll give whatever you want" "Don't... As long as I can see Taeyeon being happy, I will be happy too" *smiles*

Tiffany stayed at the balcony and let Yehjin go and talk to Taeyeon.

Going down...

"Yehjin, where's Tiffany?" Nichkhun asks "At the balcony"

Yehjin said and Nichkhun felt suspicious... he looks at where Yehjin is going at and he saw her talking to Taeyeon outside. He squinted his eyes and he shakes his head. He then went to up to see Tiffany.

"Fany~ah, what are you doing here?" "Just inhaling some fresh air, baby" "Don't you want to party downstairs with our batchmates?" "Maybe later?"

Nichkhun kisses Tiffany's expose shoulder

"Okay, you stay here if you want to"

Outside, Yehjin speaks with Taeyeon alone

"Now, I'm gonna tell you that thing" "Yes...please do" "It's about Tiffany" "What about her?" "Taeyeon..."

Yehjin looks around first before speaking, but she worries a lot that Nichkhun might pop out from nowhere so she took Taeyeon at the back where it is dark.

"What's going on? Why are we here" "Now listen... Tiffany's just pretending to be with Nichkhun" "I saw her kissing Nichkhun...How can you say she's just pretending?" "That was fake" "C'mon Yehjin, even you? You're fooling me as well??" "I'm just telling the truth. I have seen how sincere Tiffany is. I saw how hurt she was to do this thing and she's weeping everyday for you" "Tsk, I dont know anymore" "That's true" *shakes head* "No... it's not" "She's trying to protect you. She must pretend because Nichkhun will hurt you"

First, Taeyeon hesitates to believe but when she heard more explanations, she starts to believe Yehjin. She beams out a slight smile and breathes out.

"I can use to be alone for a while" "Do you believe me now?" "Yes...Thanks for telling me, thanks a lot. Now I shall go to her" "No, don't rush"

Yehjin stops Taeyeon

"Why not?" "Nichkhun will hurt both of you" "I'm not scared of him. If it's about Tiffany then let us fight" "Tiffany doens't want that. Will you do something that will make Tiffany more worried? Would you?" *sighs* "No, I can't let Tiffany worry much of course" "Then don't be so fast...why don't you pretend as well" *smiles* "Right"

Yehjin left and Taeyeon felt so happy. All the pain she felt until now already left her heart in an instant

Oh Tiffany...I thought you fooled me

Inside, Nichkhun went back upstairs for Tiffany and asks for a dance.

"It's like JS promenade" "Yeah, it is like it"

They went down on the first floor and they swayed together. Nichkhun having his hands on her waist whilst Tiffany's hugging his neck. While dancing, Tiffany saw Taeyeon at the front door

coming inside. She then hugs Nichkhun closer so that Ncihkhun won't be able to see her looking at Taeyeon. Taeyeon's eyes went around and finally saw Tiffany. Their eyes met and Taeyeon smiles a little bit then she looks down for a while. When she looks back at her, she notices Tiffany's still staring at her. Taeyeon misses to stare at her again, so she stares back.

"Too much people here already, let's go somewhere space free"

They both dance away and Taeyeon eyes follows them. She leans her back at the side near the elevetor and keeps her stare. Tiffany then thought that Yehjin already told it to her because she can see Taeyeon smilling at her now. Tiffany smiles back and giggles.

"What are you giggling about?" Nichkhun asks "I just to like to dance with you like this"

"Nichkhun!" "Oh~ Junho! Wooyoung! What's up?!" "How are you? I see you're still with Tiffany" "Yeah, she's still mine" *smiles*

Tiffany stops to dance with him and lets go of Nichkhun's neck. She looks at him and looks at Junho and Wooyoung while they're chatting. Taeyeon stops to lean on the wall and wacthes Tiffany's actions.


Yehjin and Yoona came

"Yehjin... He might caught me" "Go on, Yoona and I will handle this" "Thank you"

"Hey~ Junho and Wooyoung~ah" "Hey guys!"

Yehjin and Yoona speaks up and blocks the view of Nichkhun for Tiffany. Amazingly, Nichkhun was hooked by them and he didn't notice that Tiffany's gone already. Tiffany tries to escape the dancing crowd so hard. Taeyeon can barely see her a bit and she knows she's trying to come to her. She doesn't want Tiffany struggling and worrying that Nichkhun might caught her so she runs and tries to approach Tiffany. Tiffany keeps looking back because Nichkhun might see her but Yehjin and Yoona are doing really good.


Tiffany was surprised when Taeyeon was already in front of her. Tiffany was still worrying, so she keeps looking back.

"Hey, baby"

Tiffany blushes intensely to hear Taeyeon saying that

"Look at me"

Taeyeon touches Tiffany's rosy cheek.

"Don't worry now~" "Taeyeon~ah"

Tiffany touches Taeyeon's face and she bite her lower lips. People are surrounding them and both can't hear each other clearly, so a whisper on the ear would do.

*clears throat* *whispers* "I thought you really left me"

*whispers back* "I can never do that"

Both suddenly panics when Junho, Wooyoung and Nichkhun cheers up along with Yehjin and Yoona.

*whispers* "You worry too much" "I can't lose you now" Tiffany whispers back

Both moves away a bit. Taeyeon pulls Tiffany closer and she holds her waist gently. Their hands met and didn't let go.

"Where's Tiffany?!"

Nichkhun shouted but he's not mad. It's just that the music was too loud. Taeyeon and Tiffany heard him and both of them didn't know what to do.

"Taeyeon, hide"

"We don't know!" Yehjin said "She went to the comfort room!" Yoona said "Ah, okay!"

But Nichkhun keeps looking around which is making Tiffany more worried. Taeyeon saw the elevator and she pulls Tiffany inside. Just when both got inside, Taeyeon presses the 15th button


The elevator rings once as it went up. They immediately kiss each other passionately. Taeyeon grasp Tiffany's waist and soothes her back

while their lips are hugging. Tiffany held and caresses Taeyeon's arms. They stopped and looks at what floor they are already. They are almost near the 7th floor. Tiffany cups Taeyeon's face and kisses her again.

"I told you I only love you~" Tiffany said between their kiss "Sorry, I didn't believe you"

Their kiss goes on for a long period of time, and they're lost in it. Their heart felt so warm to kiss each other again.


They got startled when the elevator door opens. They moved away from each other immediately when they saw people at the 15th floor looking at them. Taeyeon nervously licked her lips and presses the 1st floor" And just when the elavator starts to go down, both of them kisses each other again and it's more passionate that Tiffany's even moaning. Tiffany sarts to feel Taeyeon's tongue swipping at her

bottom lip quickly, savoring the taste of their tasty kiss.

"Tiffany, marry me~" Taeyeon breathes out as she cups Tiffany's face

She pulls out a ring and Tiffany went teary eyed. She palmed her mouth in surprise

"Yes! I do!"

They both smiled happily. Tiffany hugs Taeyeon tightly and dives her lips into Taeyeon again. Taeyeon hardly looks up and saw that they are already on the 3rd floor, so this time, both kisses each other more and deeply.


Both stops kissing each other, they touched each others soft and plump lips. Taeyeon can't get enough that she even gave her a quick peck. Now the elevator is completely open, both of them went out while laughing happily. Smilling and giggling while holding each other. Tiffany's showing her eyesmile while Taeyeon's showing her chin dimple. They then crouched down a bit when they needed to hide again. Yehjin and Yoona were still talking with Nichkhun for a while to let Tiffany have some more time with Taeyeon. Tiffany runs outside and went at the back of the place with Taeyeon and both stayed at a dim spot.

“Tiffany, come to me in Arizona” “How?” “We both must get you a passport very quick” “Yes, that would do” “Also, I have to speak to your parents about this”

They held each other closely

“I’ll go there at 9?” *looks at her watch* “It’s already 8:30” “I’ll go tell Nichkhun that my parents needs me now” “Sure” “Why don’t you go to my house now and wait for me?” “Yeah, I should be going now” “Okay” “Be careful”

They kisssed again and Taeyeon quickly went to Tiffany’s house, while Tiffany went back to Nichkhun

“Nichkhun” “Baby, where have you been?”

“I went to the bathroom... Hey, my parents needs me now” *pouts* “Oh really? I’ll go take you home now then” “No, it’s fine, I see you enjoying here, so it’s okay” “You sure?” “Of course I’m sure, baby~”

Nichkhun wants a kiss and Tiffany kisses him unwillingly and even gave a fake smile.

“Bye, baby~”

Tiffany glanced at Yoona and Yehjin then she mouthed

“Thank you, guys”

Yoona and Yehjin smiled and nodded.

Tiffany finally arrived home and saw Taeyeon outside her house. She went to her quickly and let her go inside.

"We should tell them about us"

Taeyeon was worried

"What if they won't accept us?"

Tiffany cups Taeyeon's worried face

"Just keep the faith" "Okay"

"Mom! Dad! I'm home" "Honey~ Oh, you took Taeyeon here again" "Yes, actually we're gonna tell you something" "What is it?"

At the living room... Taeyeon and Tiffany are sitting together while her mother and father are sitting on the other side. Taeyeon speaks first about taking Tiffany to Arizona.

"If it's okay, I will take Tiffany with me to Arizona and let her continue to study there" "Oh, it's good to hear that but I don't think Tiffany has enough things or reasons to go there" Mr. Hwang said "We both can have her passport application" "Okay, but why are you telling this to us? Tiffany, do you want to go to Arizona?" Mrs. Hwang asks Tiffany "Yes mom, I want to go there" Tiffany said "It's not that easy to go there" "My parents are there and I will make Tiffany stay in our house in Arizona" Taeyeon said "Ahh~ I see, well that's good but-" "Mom, Dad"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon.

"We need to tell you something" "What is it?" "First of all, Mom, Dad... I'm engaged"

Tiffany shows her fourth finger, already having a ring in it

"To whom? To that guy who is always here?" Her parents were reffering to Nichkhun "No mom" "Then who?"

"I am" Taeyeon said bravely "You??" Mr. and Mrs. Hwang asks "Yes...Actually, I'm dating with your daughter"

It was a minute of silence

"Mom, Dad, I know it's something different but I really love Taeyeon...We can love too. We have the right to love as well"

Both of them intertwines their fingers together.

Mr. and Mrs. Hwang looks at each other. Tiffany's mother nodded at her husband.

"You know...I'm impress that you're brave enough to admit this face to face to me" Mr. Hwang said "We can see how happy our daughter is when she's with you, like right now"

Taeyeon looks at Tiffany's parents

"Ma'am, Sir, I know I should ask this too...Can I marry your daughter?"

She asks having so much hope in her eyes, hoping that they will say yes.

"If so our daughters happiness is this, then why not?" "W-What? Are you serious??" *chuckles* "Yes, we agree"

Tiffany and Taeyeon was surprised that they would agree with them just like that.

"Thank you so much, I swear to make Tiffany happy everyday" "Make us proud, dear"

More days of pretending, Tiffany tried her best to act sweet and jealous towards Nichkhun whilst Taeyeon acts like a fool or hurt.

With Yehjin and Yoona's help, somehow Taeyeon and Tiffany's plan for leaving Korea soon will be definitely easy.

Needs for having a passport. - Fill Out Form DS-11: Application For A U.S. Passport - Submit Completed Form DS-11 In Person - Present Identification - Submit a Photocopy of the Identification Document's Presented - Pay the Applicable Fee - Provide One Passport Photo

Tiffany also got interviewed and thankfully she passed the interview. Taeyeon got the money from the atm. She deposits her money and takes it. Actually, she needed the money all out now and so she draws them all for her and Tiffany's flight going to Arizona. She also messaged her parents that she'll take Tiffany in their home and will introduce her to them.

Nichkhun notices Tiffany's having a ring in her ring finger.

"What's with that ring? Why is it in your fourth finger?" "Oh... I just like it there" "You remove that"

Nichkhun tries to remove it but Tiffany removes it instead and keeps it.

"Tiffany" "Yes?" "Are you hiding something from me?" "What??? Of course not"

She acted cluelessly and innocently

"What do you mean?" "It's like you're always hurrying" "About what?" *chuckles* "I don't know" "Silly Khuny~baby"

She hugs him tightly

"Why do you think such things like that?" "I just feel like it" "Stop thinking about it, okay?"

Nichkhun nods and both went off to eat.

The next day, Tiffany told Nichkhun that she can't be with him so Nichkhun stayed home but he has no idea that Tiffany's already getting her good moral certificate and her card at Jeonbuk university because she needs that for transferring in Arizona.

*phone rings* Tiffany's calling Taeyeon

"Yeobo~ I got my good moral certificate and my card now" "Good, so are you with him?" "No, I told him that I can't be with him so he stayed home" "Come here in your house, I'm here with your parents" "Really? Okay, I'm coming"

Tiffany went home and saw Taeyeon talking with her parents. "Both of you will be leaving in Friday?" Mrs. Hwang said *nods* "Yes" Tiffany said "I hope you'll do good there, sweety"

"Don't worry, I will"

Taeyeon and Tiffany smiles at each other.

"I can't wait to get out of here" "Just three more days to go"

Tiffany and Taeyeon still needs to pretend for three more days

One day has passed...

Two days...

Three days...

Finnaly, August 20, 2014... Today will be their flight going to Arizona. At 2:30 pm, they must go to the airport already.

*phone rings* Nichkhun sends a message "Fany~ah, let's go and eat together" "I really want too but I got a lot of things to do" Tiffany replied back ";( I see you're not going to school anymore, what's up with you?" "These past days I've been feeling not so well... and today, I got to do a lot of things again" "Really? I hope you can get to finish that quickly"

Nichkhun thought Tiffany's telling something real. He has no idea that Tiffany and Taeyeon will be going to Arizona today. At 1 pm, Yoona and Yehjin went to Tiffany's house. They hug each other and hopes for a safe trip.

"I would like to go to there as well so I can attend your wedding" "You guys can...maybe me and Tiffany will have to make a plan with that first... right, Tiffany?" "Yes, baby" *eyesmile* "You know what guys, I think you should go to the airport now, because Nichkhun might pop out from nowhere" Yoona said "Yoona's right, you guys better get going" Yehjin said

Yehjin hires a taxi for Taeyeon and Tiffany. The taxi driver helped them to get their bags inside the cab.

"Yoona~" "Yep" "Thank you so much for helping us" "No problem~" "You'll always be my buddy" *smiles* "...and Yehjin, thanks for helping us too. I really appreciate it" "Don't mention it, you know I'm always helping you" "You're an angel"

Taeyeon hugs her tightly

"If ever you'll have a lover soon, I envy that person so much because you're really good, Yehjin" *smiles* "Thank you, Taeyeon"

Tiffany thanked them as well and she gave her parents a goodbye hug and a kiss. Taeyeon too had her words with Tiffany parents and she promised that she'll give their daughter a better future. They then bid goodbye once more and rides the taxi going to the airport.

Incheon Airport...

"Passport please"

They both pass their passports

"Two of you?" "Yes" "ID please"

They gave their ID's and got their luggages checked. They got their boarding pass and at exact two, they got inside the plane and takes a seat. When both of them sits together, they breathed out loudly in relief. No more pretending, no more danger and no more worries. They both stares at each other and gave each other a warm smile.

"Finally, we're free" Taeyeon said "I'm so happy" *smiles* "Baby?" "Yes?" "Will your parents like me?" "Of course!"

Taeyeon said confidently

"They will definitely like you" "You think so?" "Yes, seriously... What about me? Does your parents even like me?" "They like you so much, baby~ They said I was lucky because you're so caring and I agree to that" "I'm luckier"

After 16 hours... They already arrived into their destination. They took a cab and went to 301 Main St.

"Taeyeon, I'm nervous~" *bites lip* "Don't be"

Upon arriving, Taeyeon carries her luggage and Tiffany's luggage. Their house in Arizona is quite great. It's neat and well organized.


Tiffany hugs Taeyeon's arms just when Taeyeon rings the doorbell

*opens door* "Taeyeon!" "Mom, Dad!" *hugs* "God, we missed you!" "I missed you too, guys"

They hug each other so tightly. When they moved away, Taeyeon's parent's noticed Tiffany

"I see this pretty lady here, she must be..." "Yes, she's Tiffany"

Tiffany bows at them

"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Kim... I'm Taeyeon's fiance" *smiles*

end of chapter fifteen


Taeyeon's parents asks


Tiffany felt worried when Taeyeon's parents went away, going to the kitchen.

"Tiffany, come in and seat inside first, okay?" Taeyeon said "Okay"

Taeyeon followed her parents and they talk

"Mom, Dad" "You both are just engaged now?" "Yes" "Ah~ We thought you're already married with her because don't you think it's too early?" "Of course, I know it's still early... I will marry her at the right time... at the time when we already have work together"

Taeyeon smiled when her parents smiles at her and pats her head and her back

"You guys know I love her, right?" "Yes" *smiles* "Come"

They went back where Tiffany is. Tiffany stands up immediately and she bows at them. She was so nervous that Taeyeon's parents might not accept her.

"You must've thought we won't agree, right?" Taeyeon's parent said

Tiffany looks up and Taeyeon went beside her smilling widely.

"We thought it's just too early for both of you to get married, because you're still teenagers... Dear, what's your name again?" "Tiffany Hwang" "Very beautiful~ Does your parents know about this?" "Yes ma'am, actually Taeyeon declared it in front of my parents and I want to be brave as well to tell this in front of you... I want you to know that I really love your daughter" "I see how sincere you are"

Tiffany nods and smiles widely

"Don't worry mom, we won't rush. Well, I rushed to ask her to be my wife because some people are just trying to get in out way" Taeyeon said. "Please don't ever think that we're not agreeing about this. You have the right to love too, girls. Being loved is very good and actually same gender lovers are more passionate" Taeyeon's parent said

Taeyeon and Tiffany looks at each other and smiles.

"So you will now stay here,Tiffany" Mr. Kim said "If I am able" "Oh, of course you are, you will be our daughter's wife soon, so you belong here" "Thank you so much and please don't worry about the finances, my parents will be supporting me too" "We will also help you out here of course, okay?" "Yes, thank you so much" *bows*

First day at Taeyeon's house in Arizona. Tiffany already worked inside that house like she's already a mother. It's quite a complete relief for Taeyeon and especially for Tiffany to live like this.


Yehjin saw Nichkhun sitting on a bench. She pass by him but got stop when Nichkhun calls her

"Yehjin" "Yes?" "Have you seen Tiffany?" "" *shakes head* *sighs* "God" "Why, isn't she with you yesterday?"

Yehjin tries to be clueless

"I've been texting her and calling her but she never showed up" "Mmmh~ I don't know where she is" "If ever I see her cheating on me with that Taeyeon, I swear I'd kill her" "Nichkhun, don't say that"

Yehjin felt scared when Nichkhun glares at her

"Don't you ever try to dictate me... I'll stab her to death"

Yehjin then speaks about something that can make Nichkhun stop telling and swearing things like killing Taeyeon.

"Don't worry, I know Tiffany very well, she loves you...and I'm mad at you for saying something like that 'cause Taeyeon and I are loving each other now, it's been a week"

She lied for Tiffany and Taeyeon's safety

"R-Really?" "Yes... I really hate you for saying that" "Fine, hate me" *breathes out* "But don't worry now"

Nichkhun felt relief

"Now I know something like this, I withdraw what I said" "I'm glad you did so... Don't hurt Taeyeon" "I won't unless she'll come and get Tiffany back, I still have to kill her" "Do you know what you are saying??" "I don't care being prisoned anyways, 'cause I'm rich..." "Well, I don't have to right to tell you what you have to do, but Karma is just around" *squints* "Whatever" "I'm so sure that Tiffany's're very lucky"

7 pm Arizona Santa Fe Lake

Tiffany was resting her head on Taeyeon's shoulder.

"My friends here are so fun and cool" "Mmm~ Have you liked someone here?" Tiffany asks "No... it's just you Tiffany. I will be telling them that you're my girlfriend"

At some moment, Taeyeon gave a sad face and touches Tiffany's stomach

"What's the matter?" "I can't give you a child"

She cups Taeyeon's face

"Having a child isn't necessary. You see us being not able to have a child but you know that's us" "I know...but isn't that what woman wants with their partner?" "Don't feel sad about that, I'm here, don't you want me?" "I want you" "I want you too, and that's enough reason for us to be satisfied" *nods and smiles* "Would you like to take a little swim?" "My clothes will get wet" "Take it off...come"

Taeyeon takes off her clothes including her undies and went to the lake.

"It's kinda cold"

Taeyeon stops to swim and looks at her soon to be wife. Tiffany had that smile while removing her clothes. After that, she walks her way to her. Taeyeon went closer and hugs her to maybe prevent Tiffany from feeling cold.

"You cold?" "Not until you hug me" "I don't really get to see your body in the light" Taeyeon said

She carresses Tiffany's back and soothes the line of her spine. Then her hands sinks down and carresses Tiffany's smooth thighs under the water.

*adjusts* "Don't be so feathery when you touch my body, it's making me more cold, you're giving me goosebumps" "Shall I scratch then? Squeeze too?"

She starts to scratch and squeeze Tiffany's body, but not so hard... Tiffany smiles and hugs Taeyeon's neck like always. She massage her scalp.

"You're so perfect to me"

Tiffany said and presses her forehead towards Taeyeon and slowly hugs her lips with hers. They kissed sensually and pulls out very slowly

"Sometimes, kissing isn't that enough for me when it comes to you" Taeyeon said "Sex?" *chuckles* "In our honeymoonm, we'll do that" "Please, do me well" *giggles* "Shush~ someone might hear you"

They hug each other more

"I'm not trying to make you worry but..." "What?" "You know Nichkhun, he might know you're here with me" "Don't worry and care about that, my parents and our friends won't ever tell him that I'm here" "Yes, I know that, but if ever he'll find out? I'm not afraid"

Tiffany looks at her and gave a worried face

"Taeyeon~" "I will fight for our love" "Let's just avoid him, please, I don't want you to get hurt" "But if it's only avoiding him, he won't stop for sure"

Taeyeon touches Tiffany's cheeks and asks for trust

"I am willing, don't you trust me?" "What do you mean?? You will brawl with him?!" "If that's how it is then I will accept it" "No! Shut up!"

She moves away and Taeyeon follows her then quickly hugs her from behind. Tiffany starts to cry

"Why are you crying? I'm just defending us" "You wouldn't understand" "Do you think I'll lose? I can never lose when it comes for our love, I can't lose"

Taeyeon sighs and faces Tiffany. She lowered herself to make Tiffany see her. Her chin touches the water and she looks up.

"Sorry...I'm just being honest" "I'm just tired to go back"

Taeyeon was confused but then maybe she thought about waiting

"Do you think I can take it to see you having a lump, bleeding, having scars and the worst is, seeing you dead" Tiffany said "Okay...I obey you. It hurts me to see you crying like this, seriously"

She wipes Tiffany's tears away by using her thumb

"I just love you so much, Taeyeon" "I love you so much too and you know that" *nods* "I know" "Okay, enough drama~ Come, let's go home.. we're late for dinner"

"Where the hell is she?!"

Nickhun yells out. It's been 4 days now and Tiffany's not showing up. No text messages, no calls, there's no sign of Tiffany. He decided to visit Tiffany's house.


Mrs. Hwang opens the door

"Hello, good day ma'am"

Nichkhun greets with a warm smile and he looks inside the house "Oh, Nichkhun, do you need something?" Mrs. Hwang asks "Yes, I need to know, where's Tiffany?"

Mrs. Hwang looks down and then looks back to him.

"...she's been out" "I've been calling her for almost 4 days now and I couldn't see her. Where did she go?" "She's been out all the time"

Nichkhun sighs

"Okay, thanks for telling me, I have to go now then. If ever she comes back, please tell her I came. Thank you" *bows* "Okay, I will, have a good day"

Nichkhun leaves and yet, Tiffany is still inside his mind.

Where the hell could you be Tiffany? -

Taeyeon and Tiffany got enrolled already and starts their class this Monday. Upon going there, Tiffany got his hands hooked at Taeyeon's arms. She felt shy to see new faces.

"Come here, I'll show you my friends"

Taeyeon walks her way to her friends along with Tiffany.

"Guys~" "Taeyeon!"

They hug Taeyeon

"Who's the pretty girl?" They asked

Taeyeon looks at Tiffany and gave a wide smile

"She's Tiffany, she's my girlfriend" Taeyeon said proudly

Tiffany smiles and bows at them

"Very pretty!" "Hey, just so you know, same sex marriage is legal here"


After talking to them, Taeyeon guided Tiffany to her classroom.

"Be good" "Yes, you too" "Yeah, I will"

Taeyeon went back to her friends and they kept on teasing her "You have a good taste!"

Taeyeon smiles and chuckles

"I'm gonna marry her" "You're too fast" "Not today of course, at the right time, yes" "You're gonna propose to her?" "I already did" *smiles* "Oh really?! Was she happy? Where did you propose to her?" "Yes, she's really happy~ I propsed inside an elevator"

Her friends suddenly burst out into laughter

"What?!" "You don't know how much I have to ask her already" "Tell us why" *sighs* "There's this guy... You know it's hard to hide and keeping to be invisible just to make our love more comfortable and safe. No disturbance, no danger" "Oh mean the guys chasing your Tiffany?" "Yes...If only I can speak to him and tell him my intentions. I think he'll understand" "What's his name?"

Taeyeon shakes her head and didn't tell the name

"I can't tell"

7 pm

The computer is on and he opens up his account. He was totally not surprised to see his friend who always online. He thinks that his friend must be sleeping at that time because right there, it's already 4 am.

T- Still awake? N- Yes T- What's up? N- I'm looking for my girlfriend T- Why? Where'd she go?" N- I don't know, hey how are you there in Arizona? T- Great, how bout' Korea? N- It's not so good here, I need my girlfriend T- Who the hell is she anyway?" N- I can't tell you, you might even like her T- I don't have time for girls, dude N- Okay, I'll attach a pic of hers T- Sure N- She's this, she's Tiffany

T- Hey, I know her! N- Like you really do T- I'm serious, she's here in Arizona. I saw her just lately N- What? Really? You serious? T- Yes, my friend said that she's her girlfriend N- Who's that friend of yours?" T- Kim Taeyeon, my classmate here in AZ N- Thanks for telling me Taec

It was Taec Taeyeon's classmate in Arizona... Nichkhun's friend

"Goddammit! How dare you fool me like this!"

Nickhun smashed his keyboard in anger.

"Wrong move, Tiffany!"

He then remembers something.

Last Liberation Day, he remembers Yehjin talking to Tiffany, then to Taeyeon last time and that made him feel like they have planned about this. With so much anger, he went out, going to Yehjin's house. He arrives there having his eyes, darting evilly at Yehjin's door. He knocks rapidly and it made Yehjin aware. She went down from upstairs quickly and opens it.


She felt scared when Nichkhun's glaring at him coldly and breathing in and out loudly.

"Don't you lie to me" Nichkhun said "What??" "Tell me, where is she? Where is Tiffany?" "I don't know" "Tell me!" "I said I don't know" "TELL ME!"

Yehjin couldn't speak. Nichkhun snorts

"You think, you people can trick me? You're into this aren't you?" "What are you talking about?" "Don't pretend like you don't know it" "I don't know what you're talking about" "Yeah, but I know that Tiffany is in Arizona with Taeyeon!"

Yehjin felt busted but she didn't show it

"No, she's not, I know Taeyeon today and onwards. I know who's with her, I'm her girlfriend...remember?" "No, no, no... She's not" "You're sick" "You bastards made me sick! You all lied to me!" "I don't understand you" "You still have that strength to lie to me, huh? How sinful are you?" "I should be the one asking that" "I'm gonna go get that bitch"

Yehjin clenches her teeth. She runs to the telephone and Nickhun laughs

"What are you gonna do? Call the cops? Oh officer~ I don't even know why she called you, In fact she's the one involved because she's her girlfriend. I'm not into this shit!" "You think that silly reason would work? You're crazy" "Put the phone down"

Yehjin didn't obey

"I said put it down" *loads gun*

Yehjin froze to hear him loading a gun. She slowly puts the telephone down. She slowly faces him and asks

"W-Why won't you just stop?" *smirks* "There you go, you admitted it"

He lowers his gun

"You're really dumb Nichkhun, I'm gonna go tell them about this. I don't care if you will kill me" "I won't kill you"

I don't want to go to jail with the wrong dead person. If I happen to kill the right person, then going to jail is very nice

"Just stop this already, please" "Shut up!"

He aims his gun to her again and was about to leave slowly

"Try to call the cops, I'll totally kill her... You might think it's easy, huh? You don't know me, you'll regret for sure if you'll call them. Hands off the phone Yehjin, I'm warning you"

He left and Yehjin quickly opens her laptop to leave Taeyeon a message

Together in their bedroom, both were lying while hugging each other. Dinner was done and Tiffany wants to feel love tonight, not sex but some touching moments. She keeps on smilling while staring at Taeyeon's lips. She brush her fingers at Taeyeon's lips and she bites her lower lip. She rested her chin at Taeyeon's shoulder and shakes Taeyeon's body who had her eyes close but she's not yet sleeping.


Tiffany went higher and their faces were so close with each other. She lounges her lips there and Taeyeon accepts it. They kiss each other and later on Taeyeon felt something warm and it was moving in her lips. She parted away and looks at her.

"You used your tongue"

Tiffany smiles and nodded cutely. She went closer again about to kiss her and her tongue licks Taeyeon's lips just when their lips meet again.

*knocks* "It's open!" Taeyeon said loudly "Just want to give you your new covers" Mrs. Kim said and went inside "Yes mom, thank you"

Taeyeon stands up and takes the new covers.

"Goodnight" "Goodnight, mom"

Her mother left and Taeyeon puts the cover at the edge of the bed. She crawls her way back to Tiffany and lies sideways.

"Are you sleepy?" Taeyeon asks *nods* "Yes"

She made a gesture to Tiffany, telling her to come closer. Tiffany did, she rested her at Taeyeon's chest and hugs her sideways.

Until Tiffany fell asleep...

At 1 am... Taeyeon wakes up. She went to the bathroom to take a pee and when going back... she notices her laptop still charging until now. She went there to plug it off and a box puffs out of her

taskbar. She got a message and she opens it...


"" She breathes out

She clenches her teeth and rubs her temples, feeling worried for Tiffany, but somehow she thinks it's better to face Nichkhun.

"How did he know?" She mumbles "Taeyeon?"

Taeyeon quickly deletes Yehjin's message and turns off her laptop when Tiffany suddenly woke up

"What are you doing?" "I was just plugging this off"

She won't tell it to Tiffany because she knew she'd be worried and she doesn't like that. Tiffany was awake and she waited for Taeyeon to come back beside her. After Taeyeon could place her laptop at the table, she went back next to Tiffany. Tiffany hugs her again and stares at her. She gave her a smile and kiss on the lips.

"Sleep well"

She brushes her lovers hair and she's not so worried now, because she knew she'll win and she must.

end of chapter sixteen

CHAPTER XVII 4 am It was a sleepless night for Taeyeon. She kept her eyes open for the whole time, sometimes, she would close her eyes, but she can't fall asleep. A soft hand crawls in her collarbone then to her neck. "Taeyeon, you're awake" "Yes" "Did you sleep?" "No" She replied shortly "Something bothering you here?" "I just can't sleep" She hugs her "Sleep more, okay?"

September 14, 2014 | 4 pm It's been 4 days now and Taeyeon tries to know or see what's missing. Sitting alone in a bench, she immediately closes her laptop and smiles at Tiffany who is approaching her. "Let's go home?" "Okay, let's go"

Message to Yehjin and Yoona: "I shall marry her today" Yehjin & Yoona: "We understand"

When they arrived home, Tiffany helped Taeyeon's mother to cook for dinner tonight while Taeyeon took her time to chat lively with Tiffany's parents. She waited and after some minutes, Taeyeon was able to see Tiffany's parents by using her skype account.

"Hello Auntie, hello Uncle~" "Hello~ how's our daugther?" "She's doing great. She's very good" *smiles* "Where is she?" "She's cooking with my mom" "Oh, she's practicing to be a good wife I think" *chuckles* "Auntie...Uncle?" "Yes?" "The reason why I did this is because I want your permission" "For what" "Can I marry your daughter now?" "Why so early?" "I'm not hurrying, I think we really need to" Taeyeon can see Tiffany's parents doesn't want to agree with what sh ewants yet. But she waited patiently. "You're just 18 same with our daughter" They said "Trust me, I'm not hurrying about this and believe me, this will make everything easier" Or more dangerou, but what Taeyeon is trying to say is that whenever Nichkhun would pop out, at least she have Tiffany already, 'cause they're already married. They'll be comfirmed by the sacraments of God so even if Nichkhun would protest, it will be useless. Taeyeon didn't come up about telling her parents, Tiffany's parents and especially to Tiffany that Nichkhun is aware already. She doesn't want any trouble for the people around her. "I wanna take her there and let us be shrived and married"

7 pm Taeyeon steps out her room smilling. “What’s the matter?” Tiffany says, with dour sarcasm “I know by that same eye, there’s some good news"

Taeyeon hugs her from behind and holds Tiffany's waist.

"You're beautiful~" "Stop being so corny" "Euhehe, let's eat?" Taeyeon unties the apron out from Tiffany and both washes their hands. They eat together and though Taeyeon was able to convince Tiffany's parents to marry her today, Taeyeon still have to talk to her parents as well. She looks at her watch and at 8 pm, the small chapel just inside the church is already being prepared by some sacristans. When done eating, Tiffany washes the dishes and Taeyeon manages her time to talk at her parents privately. "I'm getting married today" "What?? How now?" Hearing the same question, Taeyeon then tells them her same opinion and what she wants to tell. "It's not bad to get married early now. Actually it's for the better, you'll understand me" "Well..." "At 8 pm, I should get her to the church inside the small chapel" "You've planned for this already?" "Yes" "What about the payments?" "Oh don't worry, it's just simple and I don't mind having such a big or overly decorated wedding. I just want us to be confirmed, and forever, it's just us" It's took time to convince them and finally she made it. Convincing her parents is done. She looks at her watch and sees that at 35 minutes, their wedding will be starting already. She went to Tiffany who is done washing the dishes and now already brushing her teeth. In Taeyeon's hands, a white simple but beautiful dress is being carried by her. Tiffany spits out the water and was done to brush her teeth. She gave a questioning look when she saw Taeyeon already infront of her handing her a beautiful dress.

"What is t?" "Wear it and come with me" "Where are we going?"

Taeyeon only gave a smile and made Tiffany wear the dress. After wearing it, she gave her a white shoes and fixes her hair.

"No need for make-up baby~ You're perfect" "Huh??" Tiffany asks while laughing because Taeyeon is being weird tonight. Taeyeon then intertwines her fingers with Tiffany and looks at her parents. Her parents gave a smile and a nod. Taeyeon nodded back, telling them that they must go now. "Let's go" They went out and took a taxi "Taeyeon~ah, where are we going?" "Ssshhh~" For some moment, the taxi stops at the gate of the church. They step out and went inside. Still having their hands intertwined together, Tiffany asks again. "Taeyeon, what are we doing here?"

Taeyeon just smiled at her. Tiffany felt her ring slipping off of her ring finger and taken by Taeyeon. "Why did you remove my ring, Tae?" Taeyeon keeps on walking and as she reaches the door of the small chapel, she made Tiffany wait. "Wait here" "Where are you going?" "Just wait here...then I'll wait for you inside" Taeyeon went inside and Tiffany obeys her. The priest and musicians were there. Taeyeon happily went in front of the altar with the minister. "Is she here?" *nods* "Yes, she is" Red carpet. Scented candles. Simple decorations and flowers were prepared.

"Are you ready?" Two people wearing white attire came near to Tiffany. "For what?" The door opens and a song begins to play *gasps!* Tiffany palmed her mouth. Her eyes went teary and she can't believe what she is looking at right now. When tears starts to slide down her cheeks, her heart felt so flattered. She walks forward with a smile. Reaching Taeyeon's place, she smiles again with sniffy nose and teary eyes. Taeyeon wipes Tiffany's tears away. “My precious Tiffany,” She brushes her hair “Do I make you see the true evidence to this love?" *nods* 'I can see it, I always do" "Most admired, you both are gathered here tonight in the presence of your witnesses, to join you, Tiffany and Taeyeon in the matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Speak and hold each other"

The hold each other

A prayer is being offered...then came for the wedding vows. "I Taeyeon Kim, take you, Tiffany Hwang to be my wife...I will hold you and have you for better and for worst until death do us part" "I Tiffany Hwang, take you, Taeyeon Kim to be my wife...I will hold you and have you for better and for worst until death do us part" The both inserted the ring on their ring finger... "By the power vested upon me, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss" Their lips met and kisses each other deeply.

"You're mine forever!"

Taeyeon said loudly when they parted. Both give thanks to the minister and to the others. Then They went out and going somewhere.

"I'm so happy, Taeyeon~ So happy" She hugs her tightly. "I feel the same way" Her thumb brushes Tiffany's pinkish cheeks. "You know what happens after a wedding Taeyeon?" Taeyeon gave smile while chuckling about it. "Taeyeon~ah" Tiffany shake Taeyeon's shoulder and gave a puppy look

*nods* "I know~"

Taeyeon said and caresses her wife's waist up and down.

"Newly weds do that" "Take me~"

Inside a room with perfect and clean atmosphere. Taeyeon swallows some of her saliva and looks back.

"The music is too arousing"

Her hair stood up when she felt the music was too good but Tiffany turns it off

"Don't you like it for tonight Tiffany?" "Music is boring during sex"

Taeyeon gave an innocent stare and her mouth's gape opens a bit.

"Baby~ I know I might make you feel disappointed but..."

Tiffany gave raises her eyebrows.

"But what?" "I know we've done this before but aren't you aware that we're just eighteen?" "Yes Tae~ I'm aware..and I can't wait anymore" *smiles* "Oh you"

Taeyeon puts the key aside that the manager had given to her. She stands up and locks the door. She shyly nibbles her lower lip when she went back and sat on the bed beside Tiffany who is lying there.

"Come here~"

Tiffany comanded and Taeyeon did so. She crawls her way up and gives her plenty wet kisses. That night, they had sex. It was special and it was so passionate.

The next morning...

Their honeymoon was amazing. It's more sexual than what they did before. At 5:45, Taeyeon wakes up with light kisses in her cheeks. She opens her eyes and saw Tiffany eyesmilling at her. Taeyeon smiled back and gave her a morning kiss.

"Tiffany, I love you" She said between her sighs "I love you too, Taeyeon"

Taeyeon can feel warmth from their naked bodies. She hugs her sideways and nuzzles her face at Tiffany's neck.

"Let's take a bath together later" "Yes"

At 6:30 am, they took a bath together and after that, both dressed up and decides to leave. Taeyeon took the key and gave it back to the manager of the hotel.

"Thank you, it was a great" "You're always welcome"

Going back to get their things done for school, a warm greeting and hugs were given to them by Taeyeon's parents

"It was a lot better if we were in your wedding last night" "Wasn't it so cheap?" *huffs* "Mom, what's important to me is my wife. Our wedding is just like Romeo and Juliet, right?... it's simple and true" "Are you kinda like in a trouble like Romeo and Juliet or something?"

Taeyeon's smile fades away a bit when she remembers Nichkhun when her father said that.

"No" *forced smile* "There's no trouble"

She looks at Tiffany and holds her hands

"Well anyways, we better get going now" "What time is your first subject?" "8 am"

They both left and while riding a cab, and Tiffany shots questions.

"TaeTae~?" "Yes?" "Why did we marry so early?" "Don't you want it? Well...I just wanted it to be early because I can't wait to be offially yours for more years"

Taeyeon didn't feel good about her reson, 'cause she's rushing in that reason and her reason to Tiffany's parents is different.

*smiles* "I'm glad you came to think like that" She rest her head on Taeyoen's shoulder. "I know we told our parents we won't rush but, we're married now, so everything's better" Upon arriving, Taeyeon fetches Tiffany to her room. Well even though Tiffany knows what to do, Taeyeon just can't avoid being so close to her.

Taeyeon went to her friends and reveals that she's already married.

"I'm married"

She said, smilling confidently while showing her wedding ring

"To whom?" "To Tiffany" "How fast, when did you get married? Seems like yesterday you didn't have enough time" "We got married last night" "Really?! Ooh! And how about the honeymoon? Did you do it?"

Her friends asks curiously

*shy* "Of course we did" "Ooh! Tell us how did you do each other??" "I can't share that special thing" *giggles* "You know who's young and married are the one's who are easy to be broke? Not to tell you that it might happenwith both of you guys, but it's always happening with young married couples" "That can't happen at all, we love each other so much. I'm confident, nothing can break us" "You could let her slip away, who knew??" "Why would I let something slip away so amazing?"

Taec faces her and asks

"Wha-what?? You're really married to Tiffany now??" *nods* "Yes" "Oh...congratulations" "Thank you"

Tiffany's a player? Is she fooling Nichkhun?

Teac thought

4 pm While walking along the hallway, Taecy saw Tiffany reading her book while leaning on the parapet. He went closer and since he's been a close friend with Nichkhun, he felt bad about Nichkhun but he doesn't know the real thing.

"Tiffany? Tiffany Kim... right?"

Tiffany looks at him and was surprised that he called her "Tiffany Kim". She then thought that Taeyeon revealed that they're already married. She smiles at him and speaks

"Yes, I'm Tiffany Kim" *smiles* "Hello, what are you doing here?" "Just reading some of my lessons" "Uhm...Look, I don't mean to be accusing but I know Nichkhun"

Tiffany's smile fades away. A shock went through her and she widens her eyes. She closes her book and looks at him.

"What do you know?" *trembling voice*

She was so nervous and scared

"He's your boyfriend isn't he?" "Ex...My ex-boyfriend" "Huh? He told me he is your boyfriend up to now and he's looking for you all day, don't you know that??" "W-what...Don't tell me yo--" "I told him you're here with Taeyeon... Are you playing? Are you fooling my friend? And you're even married now and...."

Tiffany breathes out loudly and inhales deeply. She grips her hair and tears starts to get visible in her eyes

"Oh- why are you crying?" "Why did you tell him!? Why!?" "Hey, why? But you're cheating" "You don't know anything! He will kill Taeyeon!" "What??"

Tiffany cries nonstop

"Are you serious??" "I can't let her die" "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know that...well maybe he won't, right?" "No, he wouldn't stop!" "I-I'm so sorry"

He hold Tiffany closer and looks at her in a pleading way

"I thought Nichkhun was telling me the truth. D-don't worry, I'll help you out then"

Taec will really help Tiffany since he can see that this thing happened because of him. Tiffany and Taeyeon's class should end at 5:30 today but Tiffany didn't attend her last class anymore, she went back home already.

"Hello auntie and uncle" *bows*

She tries to hide her red and swollen eyes.

"Tiffany, you're early" "Yes, I didn't feel so good today"

"Where's Taeyeon?" "Still at school" "Okay, you go and rest while we prepare for some food, okay honey?" "Okay, thank you"

She went inside Taeyeon's room and saw Taeyeon's laptop. She opens it and uses the data recovery. A list of deleted files appeared and she saw Yehjin's message. She restored and opens it.

Yehjin: Taeyeon bad news, Nichkhun is coming there in Arizona. He found out that Tiffany's with you. I don't know how he knew about this. I'm totally worried about you and Tiffany. I hope both of you are safe there and don't worry, I'm helping here" -sent September 13, 2014

She breathse out loudly and after she was done reading it, she deletes the message again.

5:40 pm

*dials Tiffany* "Hello?" "Tiffany, where are you?" "I'm already home" "Now? Why go on without me?" "I'm sorry, I didn't feel so good, come here~" "Okay, wait for me" *hangs up*

At 5:55, Taeyeon already arrived home. She give kisses and hugs to her parents

"I think your wife is sick. We already gave medicine and she ate some soup too" "Oh..." *worried face*" I should take care of her then"

She went upstairs and opens her room. She saw Tiffany hugging her knees while lying on the bed. Taeyeon went to her and feels her forehead and neck.

"Are you sick?" "..." "You should eat plenty then"

Tiffany looks at her and somehow she's mad

"Something wrong?"

She sits up, feeling sulky. She crossed her arms and back faces Taeyeon.


She gave Tiffany a back hug and kisses her cheeks

"What's going on?" "So is this the reason why you married me early?" "What do you mean?" "Why did you lie to me?" "Lie? What?" "That you know about Nichkhun?! That he's coming here?!" "..." "Answer me!"

Taeyeon stops to hug her, she frowns and sighs

"Because I know you'd be worried" "You married me early because you didn't want me to prepare for a funeral instead for a wedding don't you?!" *scoffs* "Why can't you just trust me? Do I look fragile to you? Doesn't mean if I'm a girl, I can't fight already" "Because it already happened!" "I don't always get you when it comes to this Tiffany, what I really see is honestly, you don't trust me. I fight for you because I love you and that's it!"

Her tone was so serious

"Taeyeon...please" She left while stomping her feet while Tiffany starts to cry again.

"Taeyeon, what's wrong?" Her parents asks "Nothing, I'm out for a while... just gonna buy my wife another medicine"

Taeyeon left and wanted to be alone this time.

September 15, 8:30 pm. At the kitchen, alone, Taec prepares himself a food tonight then he heard several knocks. He went there and as he opens the door, he was surprised. Having his mouth hang open a bit, at the man standing in front of his door.

"N-Nichkhun" "Taec...mind to let me in?" "Sure, come in"

Nichkhun went inside and Taec lets him take a sit at his sofa.

"Whoa, you're here already" "Yeah,can I stay here?" "S-sure, so I guess you came here for--" "For Tiffany, yes...Where is she?"

Taecy looks at him

"I don't know, we're not really that close, hey would you like some coffee?"

He tries to avoid that question

"Sure.. hey, how about Taeyeon?" "Oh, I don't know" "She's your classmate, right? How come you don't know where she is?" "I don't really care about people's addresses here, even though I know them, I don't know where they live here" "Tomorrow, take me to your school"

Taecyeon became silent for a while. Nichkhun seems to ask a lot and it's really hard to answer him.

"Tomorrow? oh, I guess I can't" "Tell me which school then" "At Mackie"

Taecyeon lied, actually it's Walden

"Okay, thanks"


Tiffany went out her room and still Taeyeon is not around.

"Auntie, where is Taeyeon?" "We don't know, she told us she went out to go get you a medicine"

She notices Taeyeon's parents grabbing some clothes putting it in their bags.

"Maybe it took her time to buy, can you stay here alone?" "Where are you going auntie and uncle?" "We'll be going at my sister's house, it's a bit far from here maybe we'll be off for two days" "Ah, I see... please be careful" "We will~ I'll leave you the money for the expenses that you'll be needing with Taeyeon"

Mr. Kim gave her the money

"I should call Taeyeon now, you might not want to be alone here because we must leave tonight" *dials* They called Taeyeon and convinced her to come back. After some time, Taeyeon came back with a medicine.

"Where are you going mom, dad?" "To your auntie's place, well be gone for 2 days" "You're leaving now?" "Yes, don't forget to lock the door when you leave, okay? Take care for your wife too" "I will, be careful"

They kiss her goodbye and now she and Tiffany are all alone this time. Taeyeon looks at Tiffany who is standing near the door. She went closer and gives her the medicine.

"Take your medicine" "I'm not sick"

Tiffany holds Taeyeon's hands and puts them down

"Go to sleep then"

Taeyeon said and went through all doors then locks them. She turns off the lights and then pulls Tiffany with her back inside their bedroom.

"Here's the money that your father gave me"

Taeyeon takes it and puts it aside. She lay down and back faces her wife.


Tiffany can't help how silent Taeyeon is. She hugs her from behind and speaks

"I'm just worried about you. I hope you can also understand me" "..." "I'm afraid to lose you because there might be a possibility that you'll lose, you know you can't say you'll win just like that" *sighs* "I can see how much you're worried about me" "I am, because I love much"

She now then hugs her back and held her closer.

"I can't take to see you worrying so much anyway, tell me what you want then" "I want you to not to fight"

It's something that Taeyeon didn't want to hear but since Tiffany wanted that...

"Okay, if that's what you want" Tiffany hovers over her and felt a little relieve "Let's just avoid him, please?~" *nods* "Okay"

Sorry Tiffany, but if I avoid him everything won't stop, don' t be silly...

10 pm

Taeyeon got woke up by her cellphone. It vibrated near her left ear and she sits up then looks at it. It's Taec's message.

Taec: Nichkhun is here in my house, he keep on asking me questions and I lied. I told him that you are at Mackie instead of Walden. It's really hard to speak with him and I think you're really not that safe because he might ask more people out there" Taeyeon: How come you know about this? Taec: Sorry, but I'm the reason why Nichkhun knows that Tiffany's here with you. Nichkhun's been my friend and he told me one time that he's been looking for Tiffany in Korea and I told him that I know Tiffany. I told him as well that she's with you and she's your girlfriend but then I found out that he's up to something bad, I was wrong. I'm sorry, I must help you out of this" Taeyeon: It's okay, don't trouble yourself anymore. Anyways, I think it will end up like this. Please don't hurt

yourself, okay?

The next morning Taeyeon wakes up first and prepares for breakfast then later on, Tiffany wakes up and went out. She suddenly begin to rush when she saw the time . It's already 8:20 and her class will start at 8:30

"Taeyeon~ah! I'm late!"

She ran to the bathroom and Taeyeon follows her. Taeyeon hugs her wife from behind who is already brushing her teeth

"Taeyeon, I'm gonna be late~" "Mmmm~ don't go~" "Huh? why not?" "Just don't, let's stay home"

Tiffany spits our some water and wipes her lips with a towel

"I'm not going today Fany~ah, stay with me, screw school this time"

She gave her a gentle peck on the lips.

"Come on, let's eat"

The reason why Taeyeon didn't want Tiffany to go is because she's worried that Nichkhun might spot her and might hurt her. She doesn't want that, she can't let her wife get hurt.

They then both eat and after that, they both cuddled at the couch.

"Taeyeon, I remember we're out of meat, I should go buy us some later" "Aniya~ you stay here"

She hugs her tightly and burries her face at her neck

"I'll go buy it for us" "No Tae~ I'm your wifey, that's what a wife do" "I'm your wifey too"

She really doesn't want Tiffany to go out

"Tiffany, tomorrow don't go to school yet" "Why? I might fail already" "No you won't, you will only fail when you already have ten consecutive absences" "Why won't you let me?" "I want to relax with you, please?~" *smiles* "Okay, I will"

Taeyeon became more clingly

"Taeyeon~ah, please don't think about something stupid" "What do you mean?" "You know, you might fool me avout our problem now" "I won't"

Taeyeon just then tells her a lie because it will be really hard to convince her wife about it.

"I got to go" "Okay"

"You sure you can stay here alone?" "I'm so sure"

Taec first looks at his house before leaving. He left so fast because Nichkhun might follow him at Walden. Meanwhile, as times goes by. At 2 pm, Nichkhun decided to go to Mackie and asks students there.

"Excuse me, do you know Kim Taeyeon?" "No, I don't know that person"

He keeps on asking the same thing but no one knows Taeyeon there. At 5:30 he angrily went back at Taec's house and Taec was already home.

"Where were you?" Teac asks "I was at Mackie" "So, did you find them?" "No, I was looking for you as come you are not known there?" "Uh... maybe you asked the wrong people, there are a lot of people there y'know?" "I even asked the dean, the councelor and the list of students at Mackie and guess what... I found nothing"

Taec gulps and pretended to prepare some food

"Where were you looking at, dude? Maybe you were wrong" "Yeah, I was...'cuase I should've went to Walden" "W-Walden? Why go there, you'll just waste your time" "YOU FUCKING LIAR!"

He grabs Taecyeon's collar shirt and pins him to the wall

"You're even into this!?" "Just cut if out man, don't bother like hell"

"Shut up!" "Is this how desperate you are? C'mon have some sense. They're girls, know how to respect and accept" "Shut up you imbecile!!" "You know why I opt to help them? It's because they're right" "You're all fucking stupid!"

Taec wants to hit him but he remebers Taeyeon's message to not hurt himself. He obeys that because he doesn't want someone worrying "You go on, I won't stop you, now get out of here and stay out of my house"

8 pm "Taeyeon~ah, I want pizzza" Taeyeon got aware immediately when she saw Tiffany wearing her shoes, about to go out. She quickly stands up with her socks and ran to her. "Where are you going?" and hel her closely "I'm gonna buy some pizza" "No, we'll just call the pizza guy to deliver it to us" She made Tiffany sit down and Taeyeon calls for the pizza She smiles at her wife who is sitting at the couch. "Hello, I want two boxes of pizza please, and with two cola's" "Right away ma'am" Taeyeon then went to her wife and takes a sit beside her "There, the pizza's coming soon" "Taeyeon, why are you not letting me go out?" "It's kinda cold outside, you might get some cold" "I'm not a kid anymore" "Teen like us can get sick as well"

She pinches her cheeks "I don't wanna get my wife sick" *pouts* *giggles* "You're too worried" After sometime, the pizza came with their two cola's and both eats it while watching. The whole night, Taeyeon was aware and didn't mind to go to sleep. She was hugging her wife until Tiffany wakes up, she notices Taeyeon is still awake. "Why are you not sleeping?" She asks with her groaning husky tone "I don't feel sleepy" "Go to sleep~" She touches her cheeks and rubs them gently then gave her a kiss on the lips. Her breathing went deeper and her eyes starts to get heavy before she goes off to sleep, she hugs Tiffany more tightly and then close her eyes.

end of chapter seventeen

CHAPTER XVIII Only the suond of clock is what she can hear that dawn. Somehow, it's irritating. It's uncomfortable. Taeyeon sits up and rubs her eyes. She looks back and sees her wife sleeping soundly. She tries to get off the bed quietly and gets out to have a drink. Tiffany wakes up and she panics a bit when Taeyeon is not beside her anymore. She went out the bedroom and saw Taeyeon looking outside the window. She went near her and hugs her from behind.

"What are you doing here?" "Nothing" "You've been awake for always, what's bugging you?" "Insomia, I think?"

But somehow she knows what's bugging her.

*sighs* "Let's leave now" "There's no other place to go" "I know you're waiting for that bastard. You are right?!" "No...Fany~ah, calm down"

She holds her arms and held her closer

"I'm just tired and he's never gonna get us, okay?" "Let's just call the police" "What's your proof? He didn't even do anything yet, you know he can lie too and we don't have enough will to get him prisoned" *sighs* "It's making me crazy, Tae!" "Ssshhh~"

She hugs her

"Don't worry, everything's fine"

The next day, Taeyeon decided to go at Taec's house with Tiffany. She was planning to let Tiffany stay there if so she will fall asleep, Taecyeon would let her stay in his place just for her safety, while Taeyeon will go back to her house because Nichkhun will be there for sure.

"Happy birthday!" "Thank you!"

It's a fake birthday~ They did that to convince Tiffany to go at Taec's house

"How old are you now?" She asks "I'm 19 now" *smiles*

It's better to fool her to make her safe.

"He's been here"

Taec whispers while speaking next to Taeyeon

"You have any idea where he is?" "He left, I told him so. Maybe he's out there already looking for you" "Can you promise me to keep my wife safe here?" "Of course, don't worry" "Don't ever let her out, okay?" "Okay, I won't"

Both nodded and Taeyeon went back to Tiffany.

"When will we go home Tae?" Tiffany asks "Maybe later, let's have some fun here first"

Taec went out for a while to go buy sleeping pills for Tiffany. He went to buy some groceries too after buyinh the sleeping pills. He went inside, going straight to the fridge and grabs some drinks, then all of a sudden, what a shock when he closes the fridge, Nichkhun was there beside him.

*gasps* "Whoa!" *smiles* "Hey~"

Nichkhun smiles, he opens the fridge and grabs some drinks as well

"A-are you following me?" *squints* "Is that what you think?"

Taec then ignores him, he starts to walk away but then a hand placed on his shoulder stopped him.

"Where are they?" *sighs* "I don't know Nichkhun, why won't you find them instead?"

He yanks his hands away and went to the counter. His eyes roamed around and then he gave the money. He then went out and hides himself.

*dials* "Hello? Taeyeon, he's here" "What's he doing?" "I don't know now, but he asked me about you and Tiffany, he's really desperate" "Go on, tell him" "Tell him what?" "Tell him my address" "But...he's gonn--" "Give it, I really want to end this now"

Taec hangs up and waited for Nichkhun to come out. He waited, and finally Nichkhun is out, he approaches him.


Nichkhun turns around


Taecyeon gave him the address

"You're not up to something aren't you, is this a trap?" "If you don't believe me it's up to you"

Taec left him there and hurriedly went back.

6:00 pm

"I'm back! Let's have a drink!"

He prepared the drink and the glass for Tiffany is separated. He puts the powder of the pill and mixed it. He made three of it and gave the one with the sleeping pills to Tiffany. Taeyeon and Taec looks at each and Taec nodded as a sign that Tiffany's drinking the one the right drink. After Tiffany could drink the whole thing, Taeyeon smiles at her. She held her closer and brushes her soft cheeks.

"I love you, Tiffany~"

She gave her a kiss on the lips and Tiffany felt Taeyeon kissing her so deep. Much deeper and passionate, it's like it's gonna be their last kiss.

"I love you so much~" Taeyeon said between their kiss "Don't worry~"

She let her fingers run at the back Tiffany's ear and gently strokes her hair. Just a couple of minutes, Taeyeon saw Tiffany yawning. She hugs her and rubs her back.

"Tae~ I feel sleepy...let's go home" "You can sleep here for a while, you don't have make yourself tired"

Her eyelids starts to get heavy until it shuts down.

Finally she fell asleep. Taeyeon carries her to the bed and covers her body. She fixes her hair and kisses her lips for the last time.

"I got to go" "Taeyeon, wait"

Taec gives her something

"Protect yourself" "I want to talk to him... I'm gonna convince him, that's it. And I wanna let Tiffany stay here because she might get hurt" "Just take it, okay?"

Taeyeon nodded and took it. She wears her shoes and was about to leave

"Take care of her"

She walks her way back to her house and when she arrives, she grabs the key out of her pocket and opens the door. She looks at the wall clock and it's already 7:20. She looks around and even peeks at her bedroom.

Clack . . . clack . . . clack . . . clack

That sound repeated and keeps on repeating. She close her eyes. Dammit, she hates to hear that.

Clack . . . clack . . . clack . . . clack... *squeaks*

She opens her eyes and the door is already wide open.

"Well, well~ Tonight is my lucky night" "Nichkhun, you're here"

He looks around and he seems exhausted, very tired and needing.

"Where is she? Where's Tiffany?" "She's not here"

Nichkhun clenches his teeth and roams around while stomping his feet. Shouting Tiffany's name, he went inside Taeyeon's bedroom and she wasn't there, almost all of the rooms are already checked yet there's no sign of Tiffany.

"Show her to me and I shall take her back" "...I married her" "What did you say?" "We got married"

He breathes in and out heavily and glares at her. He saw her fourth finger that has the wedding ring. He then screams angrily

"No!" "Be satisfied... She loves me and so do I" "Give her back to me!!"

Taeyeon slowly shakes her head and turns around

"I said give her back to me!!!"

She didn't reply back and decides to leave


He stops her and slaps her face that she even dropped into her knees on the ground because of the impact

*hisses* "I love Tiffany so much Nichkhun...Why do you have to do this? How can you not understand? Is it hard to understand that we love each other? Please, I beg you to be satisfied... please~" *shakes head* "No!" "Be it" "NO!"

He kicks her face hard


She stumbles behind and her back pounded on the concrete

"Fight back! Come on!"

But she doesn't like this. She covers herself instead, trying to protect herself from the harmful attacks she is receiving. He kicks her more and she can't take it. She hardly stands up and tries to run. Dragging her already injured feet around. Nichkhun follows her by just walking.

"I'm gonna kill you!"

Taeyeon realized it's time to fight back. She can't lose, she promised that to Tiffany.

She pushes him hard and bangs his head on the wall many times.

"If you will kill me, what's next then?! You can't win by that, Tiffany won't love you back! Come on Nichkhun! Wake up!" "Fuck you!"

He groaned in pain and pushes Taeyeon back making her crash into the chairs at the kitchen. He wailed in anger and breaks the glass by banging Taeyeon's head on it. In horrible pain now, Taeyeon drops on the floor and began to crawl slowly. Her head is bleeding and the pain is too much for her now. She breathes in and out helplessly and all she thinks this time is only Tiffany.

"Tiffany..." She breathes out

As bad as her pain was, she could not stand anymore. Every part of her is throbbing in pain.

Nichkhun hurriedly grabs a sharp piece from the shattered glass on the floor and then...


A sharp piece of glass went inside Taeyeon's back, striking her spine and even sliced her flesh. Her eyes shut tightly in pain and her heart began to throb faster.

*laughs* "Just like you said, be satisfied, now i'm satisfied!"

Tears flows out from her eyes and she tries to stay alive. She can't die, she can't leave Tiffany

"Come on Taeyeon...come on, come on" *groans*

She tries to stay strong by encouraging herself and she kept thinking about Tiffany.

But the pain is killing her, her fingers starts to feel cold. Her breathing pace went slow and her vision starts to get blurry

"Is it cold?"

Nichkhun kneels down and looks at her helpless face.

"Goodbye, Taeyeon"

Taeyeon can harldy see Nichkhun's appearance, he was slowly moving away. For her very last breath, she tries to move, no matter how painful it it fo her, no matter how hard it is for her, she tried and she must.


She was able, and she drops the gun. The gun that Taecyeon gave her. That last moment, there's nothing more she heard but a siren until it's gone... She's gone...

"Gunshot! Over here!" "Sir! We got two dead bodies!"

*wakes up* "Taeyeon?"

Tiffany sits up and the room where she's at is not familiar, she realized that she's still at Taec's house. She went out the room and saw Taec, sitting on the couch alone. Just sitting there doing nothing.

"Taec?" "Oh- Tiffany, you're already awake??" "Yes"

She looks around, tryring to find Taeyeon

"Where's Taeyeon?" "Ah- s-she went out for a while... gonna buy something" "Buy what??" *shrugs* "I don't know, she didn't tell me"

She looks at her watch and it's already 7:40.

Until 8:00 came, Tiffany starts to worry

"What's taking her so long?" She asks "She'll be back, don't worry"


She keeps dialing her number but Taeyeon wouldn't pick up


*sighs* "I need to go now"

Tiffany was about to leave but Taec didn't let her go

"No, just stay here" "I gotta see Taeyeon" "She'll be back, j-just wait" "I've been waiting for almost 2 hours now" "She's just out for something important"

Tiffany then sits and tries to call Taeyeon again.


"Sir! Someone's calling, this might be her relative, we must inform the incident" "Let me answer it"


"Hello? Taeyeon~ah, where are you?" "Hello, this is the chief of Pheonix Police Department" "Ah- why do you have Taeyeon's phone?" "Are you related to her?" "Yes, something wrong? Did she do something wrong?" "Well...she's..."

Tiffany shut her eyes and shakes her head.

"T-Tiffany, what happened?" Taec asks

She drops her phone and she starts to tremble. Tears are already forming in her eyes.

"Tiffany, what's going on?"

She refuse to answer and she hurriedly left. She runs away and Taec chased after her. She run her way back and sees an ambulance and police men at Taeyeon's house. She keeps thinking that it's not gonna happen, it must not happen. It's like a replay and she saw this already. She tries to enter but police said she's not allowed

"What happened? L-Let me in" "Sorry, you may not pass" "This is where I stay, so I have the right to go through" "It's under investigation" "What happened!?" "Two people died"

Her heart felt like it stopped beating when she saw Taeyeon's body being carried away. She cries more and runs to her.

"Taeyeon! Don't do this to me!"

She hugs the dead body with a lot of blood stain and cries infinitely. She keeps on shouting her name at the top of her lungs many times. She shakes her head to see no response, she taps her cheeks gently trying to wake her up.

"Tae~ wake up now please, I'm here, please?~" "---" "Taeyeon~" *cries* "Please! Please! Wake up! Please!"


She looks up while hissing, trying to ask again, why does this thing must happen again? She looked back down and bites her lower lip so hard. And the more she tries to stay, it's killing her more.


Her tears fell down on Taeyeon face and she keeps hugging her tightly. She's dead and Tiffany still couldn't accept that....

1 week later... It's been a very sad time for everyone to know that Taeyeon's already gone.

"We're sorry for your lost"

Tiffany couldn't speak, it's been a week now that she's been so silent. She didn't even eat properly anymore and everynight, she's always weeping. Same with Taeyeon's parents, losing their only daughter is too painful. Everything is dark grey.

When Tiffany's parents gets knew what happened, they decided to take her back in Korea, and so she's already leaving after Taeyeon's burial.

"Be careful... we're really sorry" "It's never been like this, but I think fate is just too much" *sighs* "Dear" Mr. Kim went closer to her "Don't cry~"

"I'm okay... I'm gonna be fine" "We will be fine too" "I must leave now, thank you so much for everything" "Tiffany?" "Yes, Mr. Kim? "... if you're thinking about going back, don't think about"

Tiffany confusingly looked at him "My parents awaits me now" "It's not that but..." *nods* "Just don't think about it"

She still didn't understand him but she nodded. She left but before going to the airport, she went at Taeyeon's grave first. She offers a flower there and lit a candle.

"Taeyeon~ah, you may have think everything is settled because Nichkhun died too. I know why, it's because you wanted me to be safe... But up to now, the pain won't leave me, I can't go on like this. I must have you back in my arms again~ I may return earlier but I know it's gonna be worth it. Everything will be okay now if I'll do that... We wouldn't meet troubles for us"

She smiles and sighs

"Somehow, I think it's unfair, but I can't really see myself without you. Everything is pointless without you. I couldn't imagine myself living when you're not around. It's not that I'm not contented with my relatives beside me, but I really need you. I've seen that and I know it... I was tired to use something that brings the year back and forth, that's why I was over protected when it comes to you. This is how much I love you, and this time is gonna be the last one"

She kisses the grave stone

"See you very soon Taeyeon~ I'll wait for you"

The pain I've felt that almost made me thin, hopeless and tired is finally leaving my chest. The pain faded, and then there was only the haze. I open my eyes and I am young, having short hair and I'm all innocent. I was not able to meet Nichkhun. It's earlier now when I came back and made the best and very last decision. I didn't attempt to be ranked in school just like before and I don't need to be friends with the girls I've been with.

That year came again. I was all aware and everything is finally at peace. Nichkhun didn't see me, he didn't even know my name, he didn't know me even at my smallest info. I laugh at myself, why didn't I do this before? Well, I must've been so happy

"Yoong...she's pretty" "Who?" "The one with the short hair sitting right there"

It took one glance and one smile then a wave. I've been waiting for this.

"I really like her Yoong, euhehe" "Haha~ then go get her!"

I saw this person run first, grabbing a pink boquet of flowers and went back. This person's pace became slow and steady, almost near me. Finally in front of me, this person gave me a delicate smile and offers it to me


For years of waiting for this, my heart felt warm...I felt really happy. I'm hearing that voice again, it felt so good in my ears. I felt tears streamed down my cheeks. It was tears of joy.

I then grab the flowers and beams a delicate smile

*smiles* "Thank you... Taeyeon~"

THE END In reality, you can't return the time. Time doesn't go back and you can't change it anymore~ If you don't want to regret, know and appreciate and never reject someone who actually cares for you. Sometimes, you can't get what you want when you realized you actually need it. Realizing and regretting is always in the end~

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