________________________ ____________ _________________________ __________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _____________ TO: Address: 40 J.R. Jabson St., Bambang, Pasig City SUBJECT: DEMAND LETTER DATE: 30 April 2018 ________________________ ____________ _________________________ __________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _____________
Madam. I write on beha! o! my Cient, ROSALIE C. MULI. A!ter d"e #ons"tation with my Cient, it was reayed to me that yo" re!"se and !aied to $ay $ay the !" renta renta d"e on 40 J.R. in the amo"nt amo"nt o! FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS P!"!00.00# des$ite re$eated demand !or the $ayment o! the !" renta. In the ight o! the !oregoing, #onsidering that the renta is on a monthy basis, my #ient is e%er#ising her right to terminate the ora #ontra#t o! ease. Moreo&er, FORMAL DEMAND is now made "$o "$on n yo"r $ers $erson's on's(( to PA$ AND DELIVER POSSES POS SESSIO SION N o! the said room %ITHIN A PERIOD OF FIFTEEN 1!# DA$S FROM RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE& otherwise, we wi !ie a #ase o! )&i#tion be!ore the Pro$er #o"rts in City o! Pasig and #rimina #ases be!ore the *!!i#e o! the City Prose#"tor o! City o! Pasig.
+e want to ass"re yo" that we wo"d m"#h rather wor with yo" on the matter than !ie s"it and #a"se yo" the additiona e%$ense o! de!ending a s"it. -indy tae note and go&ern yo"rse! a##ordingy.
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