Notes On The Life and Works of Jose Rizal - Incomplete

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CHAPTER I THE WORLD DURING RIZAL’S BIRTH Pax Hispana i) reigned over the Philippines during this time Jose Lemery i) Spanish Governor-General when Rizal was born ii) Good militarist; No Muslim raids, no serious uprising 1853-1856 i) Crimean War; Queen Victoria defeated the Russians 1854 i) American Commodore Matthew C. Perry unlocked the doors of Japan ii) Imperialist Western powers tried to invade Japan but the Japanese Bushido spirit defeated the enemy 1857 i) Sepoy Mutiny, the last serious resistance to British imperialism in India was suppressed 1858 i) Saigon was captured by the combined French-Filipino forces October 22, 1860 i) China ends war with England and France by the infamous “CONVENTIONS OF PEKING” 1861 i) January: Benito Juarez, Indian-blooded hero, proclaimed the restoration of Mexico’s independence ii) March: Czar Alexander II emancipated the serfs in Russia iii) April: Civil war in the US over the slavery question and issue of secession 1862 – Cochin, China was captured by France THE BIRTH OF RIZAL June 19, 1861 i) A Wednesday ii) Rizal was born between 11PM and 12MN, “a few days before the full moon” iii) The delivery was extremely difficult iv) Mother almost died. She vowed to the VIRGIN OF ANTIPOLO to bring Rizal to the shrine and her life was spared June 22, 1861 i) REV. RUFINO COLLANTES a) baptized Rizal in the CATHOLIC CHURCH OF CALAMBA ii) REV. PEDRO CASAÑAS a) Rizal’s Godfather iii) “JOSE” was given by his Mom in honor of ST. JOSEPH iv) It was customary for Catholic parents to name their children after saints JOSE RIZAL FACTS I i) Full Name: a) JOSE PROTACIO RIZAL MERCADO y ALONZO REALONDA ii) Jokingly called by siblings as UTẺ iii) Known in Calamba as PEPE or PEPITO iv) SEVENTH out of 11 children

v) Father: a) FRANCISCO MERCADO RIZAL  Born May 11, 1818 in Biñan, Laguna  Died January 5, 1898 in Manila  Educated Farmer  Studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose in Manila  After his mother’s death, he moved to Calamba and became a TENANT-FARMER of the DOMINICAN ESTATE  Rizal described him as “A MODEL OF FATHERS”  MARRIED Teodora on JUNE 29, 1848 vi) Mother: a) TEODORA ALONZO REALONDA  Born November 8, 1826 in Manila  Died August 16, 1911 in Manila  Graduated from Santa Rosa College  Rizal described her as “My mother is more than a woman of ordinary culture. She knows literature and speaks better Spanish than I… She is a mathematician and read many books.” vii) The Rizal Children a) Siblings:  SAPANAOLUMAJOCOJOTS b) Husbands and Wives:  MaHiSDALo  SUMaHerDaFaC  JBWaWaWaPaQ c) SATURNINA  Married to Manuel Hidalgo of Tanauan, Bats. d) PACIANO  Born March 7, 1851  Died April 13, 1930  Married to Severina Decena  Joined the Revolution as a General after Rizal’s execution e) NARCISA  Married to Antonio Lopez of Morong, Rizal f) OLYMPIA  Married to Silvestre Ubaldo, Telegraph Operator from Manila g) LUCIA  Married to Mariano Herbosa of Calamba h) MARIA  Married to Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Lag. i) JOSE  Married to Josephine Bracken, pretty Irish woman from Hong Kong j) CONCEPCION  Died at the age of THREE k) JOSEFA  She did not marry  Died an old maid l) TRINIDAD  She did not marry  Died an old maid m) SOLEDAD  Married to Pantaleon Quintero of Calamba

ANCESTORS i) Father’s Side a) DOMINGO LAM-CO  Great-great grandfather of Jose  From CHINCHERO, CHINA  Chinchero – “CITY OF SPRING”  Adopted MERCADO as surname because of his business nature and remind him of his family of merchants in Chinchero b) GREAT GRAND & GRANDFATHER  Both CAPITANES of BIÑAN ii) Mother’s Side a) LAKAN-DULA  Last MALAYAN KING of TONDO b) EUGENIO URSUA  Great-great grandfather of Jose  Japanese-decent c) CIPRIANO ALONSO  Great grandfather  CAPITAN of BIÑAN d) LORENZO ALBERTO ALONSO  Grandfather  Engineer  Awarded by Spain with the “KNIGHT OF THE GRAND ORDER OF ISABELA THE CATHOLIC” GOVERNOR NARCISO CLAVERIA i) Ordered Filipino families to choose new HISPANIZED surnames because of two reasons: a) Filipino surnames are hard to pronounce; and b) They are hard to remember  The children (Teodora, Gregorio, Manuel and Jose Alberto) of Lorenzo Alberto Alonso chose “REALONDA”  Francisco did not like the names that were assigned to Calamba so he chose his own, RIZAL, from the word RICIAL meaning GREEN FIELD or NEW PASTURE RIZAL WEALTH i) First in Calamba to: a) Build a STONE HOUSE b) Own a CARRUAJE c) HOME LIBRARY d) Educate their children in the Colleges of Manila ii) Operated businesses: a) Sugar mill b) Flour mill c) Home-made ham press d) Dye iii) Dona T owned a store which sold many articles of trade needed by the people  Rizal family was well respected and highly esteemed  They were gracious to all visitors regardless of rank, race or economic status RIZAL BACKYARD i) Poultry:

a) Chicken b) Turkey ii) Fruit trees a) Atis b) Balimbing c) Macopa d) Papaya Santol e) Tampoy

CHAPTER II - CHILDHOOD DAYS IN CALAMBA Laguna de Bay i) “A lake of poems and songs” Antipolo i) Famous mountain shrine of the miraculous Lady of Peace and Good Voyage Calamba i) Fertile fields of rice and sugarcane ii) Fruit trees and bananas iii) Starry night “FILLED WITH THE POETRY OF SADNESS”

viii) THE STORY OF THE MOTH a) Rizal’s favorite story ix) RIZAL’S UNCLES (Maternal side) a) Uncle GREGORIO  Lover of books b) Uncle JOSE  Educated at Calcutta, India  Youngest brother of Dona T  Painting, Sketching, Sculpture c) Uncle MANUEL  Big, strong, husky  Swimming, Fencing, Wrestling x) Studied in Binan in 1970-71 xi) Started studying in Ateneo in 1972

1876 i)

FATHER LEONCIO LOPEZ i) Rizal visited this learned Filipino priest and listened to his stimulating opinions on current events and the sound philosophy of life

EARLIEST CHILDHOOD MEMORIES i) Three year-old Rizal was frail, sickly and undersized ii) Father Francisco built a little nipa hut for Rizal to play during daytime iii) Aya – maid iv) He observed birds from his garden cottage: a) Culiauan b) Maya c) Maria Capra d) Martin e) Pipit v) Angelus prayer was recited by nightfall daily vi) Aya told stories about fairies, hidden treasure and trees blooming with diamonds vii) Aya used to threaten him that ASWANG, TIKBALANG or a terrible bearded and turbaned Bombay would take him away if he does not eat supper viii) Nocturnal walks along the river banks with Aya

June 6, 1868 i) Jose and Francisio left Calamba on a pilgrimage to Antipolo ii) Dona Teodora could not accompany Jose because she just gave birth to Trinidad iii) They rode in a CASCO (barge) iv) Went to Manila from the Antipolo shrine and visited Saturnina who was studying at the La Concordia College

Rizal wrote UN RECUERDO A MI PUEBLO a) “In memory of my town” ii) He was 15 years old

FIRST SORROW i) 1865 - death of his younger sister Concepcion, a.k.a. Concha ii) As per Rizal, “I lost my younger sister Concha and then for the first time I wept tears of love and grief” JOSE RIZAL FACTS II i) Devout Catholic ii) At 3 years old, learned the alphabet began to take part in the family prayer iii) At 5 years old, was able to haltingly read the Spanish family Bible iv) Jokingly called Manong Jose by Hermanos and Hermanas Terceras v) First Teacher was DOÑA TEODORA vi) Poems he wrote in his boyhood: a) Al Niño Jesus (1876) b) La Alianza Intima Entre La Religion y La Buena Educación (1876) c) A La Virgen Maria vii) BURNED the face of JOSEFA after he ignited a fuse attached to a bottle of powder a) Rizal was given a good spanking

QUOTABLE QUOTES i) Sisters: “UTE, what you are you doing with so many statues? Jose: “Don’t you know that people will erect monuments and statues in my honor in the future? SA AKING MGA KABABATA i) To my fellow children a) An appeal to our people to love our national language STAGE DRAMA i) Was written in connection with the Calamba town fiesta ii) GOBERNADORCILLO of Paete was favorably impressed and he bought the manuscript from little Jose for TWO pesos INFLUENCES i) Hereditary Influence ii) Environmental Influence iii) Aid of Divine Providence

CHAPTER III - SCHOOL DAYS IN BIÑAN MAESTRO JUSTINIANO AQUINO CRUZ i) Rizal’s teacher in Biñan ii) Described by Rizal as “a tall, thin, long-necked man, with a sharp nose and body bent slightly forward iii) Wore a SINAMAY made by BATANGUEÑAS iv) Knew the grammars of Nebrija and Gainza by heart Rizal’s tutors in Latin alphabet and Catholic prayers i) Maestro Celestino ii) Maestro Lucas Padua Leon Monroy i) Private tutor ii) Old man who was a classmate of Francisco iii) Gave Rizal his first lessons in Latin iv) Lived in the Rizal home until his death 5 months after he started June 1870 i) Jose left Calamba for Biñan with Paciano ii) They rode a CARROMATA for 1 ½ hours iii) Jose stayed with his Aunt while in Biñan  The school was in the house of the teacher which was a NIPA hut 30 METERS from the house of Jose’s Aunt SCHOOL BRAWL i) Afternoon of his first day of school, Jose met the bully PEDRO who previously made fun of him in class a) Pedro was Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz’s son ii) Jose challenged Pedro and they wrestled. Jose won in the end iii) Got his wrestling skills from Uncle Manuel iv) ANDRES SALANDANAN challenged Jose to an ARM WRESTLING match in the afternoon. Jose lost and almost cracked his head on the sidewalk v) He had many more fights after. He was not quarrelsome but never backed out of a fight PAINTING i) Juancho a) Old painter and father-in-law of Maestro Cruz b) Gave free lessons to Jose in drawing and painting and was impressed by Jose c) Made Jose Rizal and Jose Guevara his apprentices  JOSE GUEVARA  Rizal’s classmate JOSE RIZAL FACTS III i) He woke up at 4 and went to mass everytime there was one ii) Jose was the best student in his class and surpassed all children in SPANISH, LATIN and other subjects iii) “in spite of the reputation I had of being a good boy, the day was unusual when I was not laid out on a bench and given five or six blows” DECEMBER 1871 i) Jose received a letter from Saturnina about the steamer TALIM which would take him from Biñan to Calamba

ii) Jose left Biñan on December 18 a) ARTURO CAMPS took care of him during his trip on the steamer  A Frenchman  Friend of Don Francisco INJUSTICE TO DOÑA TEODORA i) She was arrested on malicious charge that she aided JOSE ALBERTO in trying to poison Alberto’s wife a) JOSE ALBERTO  Doña Teodora’s brother  Rich Biñan landowner  Can speak:  Spanish  French  English  German ii) Upon Jose Alberto’s return from a business trip in Europe, he learned that his wife abandoned their house and kids and lived with another man iii) To avert family scandal, Doña T convinced Alberto to forgive his wife instead of divorce iv) After being forgiven, the wife connived with the lieutenant of the Guardia Civil to fabricate evidence that they tried to poison her a) Lieutenant was against the Rizal family because Francisco once refused to give his horse a fodder b) He was brutal in arresting Dona T c) Forced Dona T to walk from Calamba to Sta. Cruz v) The court judge also had a grudge with the Rizal family for not according greater respect than Filipino guests in their home. He sent her to the provincial jail in Sta. Cruz rather than in Calamba. vi) Case reached the Supreme Court (Royal Audiencia) January 20, 1872 i) Cavite mutiny flared up February 17, 1872 i) Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora were executed  Father Burgos was Paciano’s beloved professor and friend at the COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE.  Paciano quit college after the execution, returned to Calamba and relayed the story to Jose

CHAPTER IV – TRIUMPHS IN THE ATENEO, 1972-77 ATENEO MUNICIPAL i) Formerly ESCUELA PIA a) Charity school for poor boys in Manila b) Established by the city government in 1817 ii) College under the supervision of Spanish Jesuits iii) Bitter rival of Dominican-owned COLLEGE OF SAN JUAN DE LETRAN iv) Jesuits were expelled from the Philippines in 1768 and returned in 1859 and took hold of the ESCUELA PIA which was later named Ateneo Municipal and then to Ateneo de Manila. a) They lost all their properties during the exile but they were given splendid educators and gained prestige within a few years June 10, 1872 i) Jose took the entrance examinations on Christian doctrine, arithmetic and reading at the College of San Juan de Letran a) Don Francisco wanted to send Rizal to Letran but later changed his mind JOSE RIZAL FACTS IV i) He was initially denied admission to the Ateneo by College Registrar FATHER MAGIN FERRANDO because he was: a) Late for Registration b) Too sickly and undersized for his age ii) He was later on accepted reluctantly after the intercession of MANUEL XEREZ BURGOS a) Dr. Manuel Xerez is the nephew of Father Burgos, the martyr iii) Jose was the FIRST ONE TO ADOPT “RIZAL” a) He used Rizal in enrolling in Ateneo because “Mercado” had come under suspicion of the Spanish authorities because of PACIANO’S connection to Father Burgos iv) During his first year, Jose lived in a boarding house on Caraballo Street, 25 minute walk from Intramuros-based Ateneo a) The boarding house was owned by a spinster TITAY who owed the Rizal family P300 v) Rizal’s books a) THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO  By ALEXANDER DUMAS  His first favorite book b) UNIVERSAL HISTORY  CESAR CANTUS’ historical work.  Great aid in studies and enabled him to win more prizes in Ateneo c) TRAVELS IN THE PHILIPPINES  By FEODOR JAGOR  German scientist-traveller  2 Main points:  Defects of the Spanish colonization  Spain would lose the Philippines to America as colonizer Two Groups of Students in the Ateneo: i) The ROMAN EMPIRE

a) Consisting of the Internos (Boarders) b) RED Banner ii) The CARTHAGINIAN EMPIRE a) Consisting of the Externos (Non-boarders) b) BLUE Banner c) This was RIZAL’s group since he was living outside of the school EMPIRE RANKS i) EMPEROR – Best student in the group ii) TRIBUNE – 2nd Best iii) DECURION – 3rd Best iv) CENTURION – 4th Best v) STANDARD-BEARER – 5th Best

Representation of group banners with every defeat i) 1st Defeat: Banner to the left side of the room ii) 2nd Defeat: Inferior position on the right side of the room iii) 3rd Defeat: Inclined flag is placed on the left iv) 4th Defeat: Flag is reversed and placed on the right v) 5th Defeat: Reversed flag is placed on the left vi) 6th Defeat: Banner is replaced with a figure of a donkey Ateneo Uniform: i) Striped Cotton Coat – a.k.a. RAYADILLO a) Rayadillo was later on used by Philippine Republic soldiers as their uniform ii) Hemp-fabric trousers FATHER JOSE BECH i) Rizal’s FIRST PROFESSOR ii) Described by Rizal as “tall, thin man with a body slightly bent forward, a hurried walk, an ascetic gace, severe and inspired, small deep-sunken eyes, sharp nose that was almost Greek and thin lips forming an arc whose ends fell toward the chin” RIZAL’s FIRST YEAR IN ATENEO i) Knew little Spanish so he was at last place in the Carthaginian group at the beginning of the school year ii) After a month, he was already EMPEROR iii) Received his first award, RELIGIOUS PICTURE, for being top of the class iv) Took private lessons in Spanish at the SANTA ISABEL COLLEGE during noon recess a) Paid THREE PESOS v) He was relegated to second place in the second half of the year because he did not try enough to retain his scholarship supremacy a) He resented remarks from his professors b) But all his marks were still excellent SUMMER VACATION (1873) i) Did not enjoy his vacation in Calamba because Dona T was in prison. ii) Neneng (Saturnina) brought him to Tanawan but this did not cure his melancholy iii) He went to Sta. Cruz to visit his mother without telling his Father

SECOND YEAR IN ATENEO i) He stayed at No. 6 Magallanes Street in his Sophomore year ii) He studied harder and he became Emperor once again iii) He had new classmates from his previous school of Maestro Justiniano iv) Excellent grades in all subjects and received a GOLD MEDAL after the school year PROPHECY OF MOTHER’S RELEASE i) During summer, Jose immediately visited his mom in prison ii) Dona T had a dream and Jose prophesied that she will be RELEASED IN THREE MONTHS iii) The prophecy came true with the help of: a) FRANCISCO DE MARCAIDA b) MANUEL MARZAN THIRD YEAR IN ATENEO i) Dona T visited him and they met for the first time outside of prison ii) Excellent in all subjects iii) Only 1 medal – for LATIN subject iv) After the school year, he said “I returned dissatisfied to my home town.” FOURTH YEAR IN ATENEO i) Became an internee in the Ateneo ii) Father FRANCISCO SANCHEZ a) One of his professors who inspired him to study harder and write poetry b) Described by Rizal as “a model of rectitude, solicitude and devotion to his pupils’ progress.” iii) Topped all subjects and won FIVE medals FIFTH AND LAST YEAR IN ATENEO i) Excelled in all subjects ii) Most brilliant Atenean of his time iii) “The Pride of the Jesuits” iv) Obtained highest grades in all subjects: a) Philosophy b) Physics c) Biology d) Chemistry e) Languages f) Mineralogy v) Received the degree of Bachelor of Arts with highest honors at 16 years old RIZAL’s Extra-curricular Activities: i) MARIAN CONGREGATION a) Members were distinguished in their class for their PIETY AND GOOD SCHOLARSHIP b) He was an active member c) Became secretary later on ii) ACADEMY OF SPANISH LITERATURE iii) ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES iv) FATHER FRANCISCO SANCHEZ cultivated the literary talents of Rizal. a) FATHER JOSE VILACLARA

 

Advised Rizal to stop communing with the MUSES and pay more attention to practical studies such as philosophy and natural sciences Rizal did not heed his advice

SCRUPTURAL WORKS IN ATENEO i) Rizal carved an image of OUR VIRGIN MARY on a piece of BATIKULING (Philippine hardwood) with his pocket knife ii) FATHER LLEONART a) Impressed by the artwork of Rizal b) Requested for a carved image of the SACRED HEART OF JESUS c) He intended to bring the SACRED HEART IMAGE to Spain but forgot to do so because he was an ABSENT-MINDED ANECDOTE ON RIZAL THE ATENEAN i) By FELIX M. ROXAS a) Related the incidents of Rizal’s schooldays in the Ateneo which reveals the hero’s resignation to pain and forgiveness. b) RIZAL WAS STRUCK WITH A BOOK but he did not retaliate c) The two boys who accidentally hurt Rizal:  MANZANO  LESACA ii) By MANUEL XERES BURGOS a) Rizal boarded his house prior Ateneo enrollment b) Rizal climbed the high cathedral tower to retrieve the kite of JULIO POEMS WRITTEN IN ATENEO i) MI PRIMERA INSPIRACION a) My First Inspiration b) Dedicated to Dona T on her birthday ii) 1875 Poems a) FELICITACION b) EL EMBARQUE: HIMNO A LA FLOTA DE MAGALLANES  The Departure: Hymn to Magellan’s Fleet c) Y ES ESPANOL: ELCANO, EL PRIMERO EN DAR LA VUELTA EL MUNDO  And He is Spanish; Elcano, the First to Circumnavigate the world d) EL COMBATE: URBIZTONDO, TERROR DE JOLO  The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo iii) 1876 Poems a) LA TRAGEDIA DE SAN EUSTAQUIO  The Tragedy of St. Eustace b) UN RECUERDO A MI PUEBLO  In Memory of my Town c) ALIANZA INTIMA ENTRE LA RELIGION Y LA BUENA EDUCACION  Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education d) POR LA EDUCACION RECIDE LUSTRE LA PATRIA  Through Education the Country Receives Light


EL CAUTIVERIO Y EL TRIUNFO: BATALLA DE LUCENA Y PRISION DE BOABDIL  The captivity and the Triumph: Battle of Lucena and the Imprisonment of Boabdil f) LA ENTRADA TRIUNFAL DE LOS REYES CATOLICOS EN GRANADA  The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarchs in Granada iv) 1877 Poems a) EL HEROISMO DE COLON  The Heroism of Columbus b) COLON Y JUAN II  Columbus (discovered America) and John II  Relates how King John II of Portugal did not finance Columbus expedition to America c) GRAN CONSUELO EN LA MAYOR DESDICHA  Great Comfort in Great Misfortune d) UN DIALOGO ALUSIVO A LA DESPEDIDA DE LOS COLEGIALES  A Farewell Dialogue of the Students FIRST ROMANCE OF RIZAL i) Shortly after his graduation from Ateneo ii) SEGUNDA KATIGBAK a) Rizal described her as “rather short, with eyes that were eloquent and ardent at times and languid at others, rosy-cheeked, with an enchanting smile that revealed very beautiful teeth and the air of a sylph; her entire self diffused a mysterious charm” b) Pretty 14 year-old Batagueña from Lipa c) Sister of MARIANO KATIGBAK  Friend of Rizal d) Met Rizal in a gathering in his grandma’s house in TROZO, MANILA e) Studied in LA CONCORDIA COLLEGE

CHAPTER V – AT THE UNIV. OF SANTO TOMAS OVERVIEW i) First year – PHILOSOPHY AND LETTERS a) Two reasons why he chose this course:  Don Francisco liked it  He was still uncertain on what career to follow ii) Second year – shifted to the MEDICAL COURSE a) Two reasons why he took up medicine:  Wanted to be a physician to cure his mother’s failing eyesight  FATHER PABLO RAMON  Father Rector of the Ateneo  Recommended medicine as career for Rizal iii) He remained loyal to Ateneo and continued to participate in extra-curricular activites a) ACADEMY OF SPANISH LITERATURE  PRESIDENT b) ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES  SECRETARY iv) Also completed his vocation course in SURVEYING from the Ateneo during his a) Gained the title of PERITO AGRIMENSOR  Expert surveyor  Gold medals in AGRICULTURE and TOPOGRAPHY v) As a Thomasian, he won more literary laurels, had more romances with girls and FOUGHT AGAINST SPANISH STUDENTS vi) Dona T opposed the idea of Don Francisco and Paciano to let Rizal pursue higher learning a) She had a PREMONITION that too much knowledge would imperil his son’s life vii) FILIPINO INTELLECTUALS WHO WERE EITHER KILLED OR EXILED BY THE SPANIARDS a) Father Jose Burgos b) Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor c) Jose Ma. Basa OTHER LOVE INTERESTS a) Miss L  Rizal described her as “fair with seductive and attractive eyes”  Calamba native that Rizal courted shortly after losing Segunda Katigbak  Two reasons why Rizal did not pursue Miss L after several visits to her house:  Segunda was still in his heart  Don Francisco objected to the match b) LEONOR VALENZUELA  Pet name ORANG  Almost as tall as Jose himself  Daughter of Capitan Juan and Capitana Sanday  Parents house was beside DONA CONCHA LEYVA’s where Rizal stayed during his second year stay in UST c) LEONOR RIVERA  Frail, beautiful girl, “tender as a budding flower with kindly wistful eyes”  Rizal’s first Engagement  Rizal’s cousin from Camiling, Tarlac

a) Declaimed by MANUEL FERNANDEZ, an Daughter of ANTONIO RIVERA, Rizal’s uncle Atenean, in 1879 in honor of the Ateneo’s Patroness  Managed “CASA TOMASINA” vii) AL M.R.P. PABLO RAMON, RECTOR DEL  Rizal’s boarding house in his 3rd year ATENEO, EN SUS DIAS  No. 6 Calle Santo Tomas, Intramuros a) Poem as an expression of affection to Father Pablo  Studied in La Concordia College Ramon  Signed her name as TAIMIS in her letters to camouflage her intimate relationship with Jose CHAMPION OF FILIPINO STUDENTS from their parents and friends i) Insults a) Spaniards to Filipinos VICTIM OF SPANISH BRUTALITY  INDIO, CHONGO! i) When Rizal was a freshman medical student in UST b) Filipinos to Spaniards ii) One dark night on a street in Calamba, Rizal did not  KASTILA BANGUS! recognize a lieutenant of the Guardia Civil and did not ii) GROUPS HE WAS PART OF salute or say Good Evening. The latter slashed Rizal’s a) THE THREE MUSKETEERS back with a sword.  Rizal was TREVILLE, their CHIEF of the three iii) Wound lasted for TWO weeks musketeers iv) The incident was reported to GENERAL PRIMO de b) COMPAÑERISMO RIVERA but nothing happened because Rizal was an  Organized by Rizal in 1880 INDIO and the offender was a Spaniard  GALICANO APACIBLE MORE ON LITERARY WORKS  Secretary of the Companerismo i) LICEO ARTISTICO-LITERARIO  Said that members called themselves a) Artistic-Literary Lyceum “COMPANIONS OF JEHU” b) Held a literary contest that was open to all Native or Mestizo UNHAPPY DAYS AT UST ii) A LA JUVENTUD FILIPINA i) Unlike Ateneo, UST had professors a) To the Filipino Youth a) that were hostile to him b) Captured FIRST PRIZE b) racially discriminated Filipinos c) Rizal was awarded with a SILVER PEN, c) obsolete and repressive methods of instruction FEATHER-SHAPED and DECORATED WITH A RIBBON UST MEDICINE SCHOLASTIC RECORDS d) Considered a PHILIPPINE LITERATURE CLASSIC because of Two reasons:  The first great poem in Spanish written by a Filipino and recognized by Spanish literary authorities  For the first time, it gives the nationalistic concept that the Philippines is the FATHERLAND of the FILIPINOS iii) EL CONSEJO DE LOS DIOSES a) The Council of the Gods b) Captured FIRST PRIZE in a contest commemorating the 4th centennial of CERVANTES  Author of Don Quixote  Spain’s glorified man-of-letters and a famous author c) Competition was open to all Filipinos and Spaniards d) The judges were FORCED to award the top prize to Rizal because of its literary superiority over its competition e) FIRST TIME that an INDIO bested the best Spanish writers of his time DECISION TO STUDY ABROAD f) Rizal received a GOLD RING with CERVANTES’ i) Decided to study in Spain after the fourth year of his BUST on it medical course iv) JUNTO AL PASIG ii) He could no longer endure the discrimination and a) Beside the Pasig hostility at UST b) Drama that was staged by the Ateneans in 1880 iii) He was encouraged by Antonio Rivera and supported by c) Mediocre in quality Paciano and Saturnina v) A FILIPINAS a) SONNET in the album of the Society of Sculptors vi) ABD-EL-AZIS Y MAHOMA

CHAPTER VI – IN SUNNY SPAIN OVERVIEW i) Rizal went to Spain WITHOUT the blessing of his parents of the knowledge of the Spanish authorities. ii) CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY a) Spanish government during these times iii) Spanish politicians and writers were openly criticizing government policies without fear of persecution iv) Rizal joined the PROPAGANDA MOVEMENT a) He worked with other Filipino patriots in seeking reforms to remedy the evils of Spanish rule in the Philippines v) PACIANO gave him 700 PESOS before he departed vi) SATURNINA gave him a DIAMOND RING a) Helped Rizal during his days of poverty in Europe vii) UNCLE ANTONIO delivered Rizal’s monthly allowance of 35 PESOS that Paciano promised to send SECRET DEPARTURE FOR SPAIN i) Rizal used a passport obtained by a cousin named “Jose Mercado” ii) To outwit the Spanish authorities, he went to Calamba ostensibly to attend the town fiesta. iii) Manuel Hidalgo announced via a cryptic message that the Spanish steamer SALVADORA was scheduled to sail for Singapore iv) JESUIT FATHERS gave Rizal LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION to the members of their SOCIETY IN BARCELONA v) JOSE M. CECILIO a) Chengoy b) Rizal’s friend JOURNEY THROUGH SINGAPORE i) Rizal reached Singapore after 5 days of sailing in the SALVADORA ii) He stayed at HOTEL DE PAZ during the 2-day stopover iii) Visited: a) Historic places b) Botanical gardens c) Temples d) Art galleries e) Writing diary and letters JOURNEY THROUGH THE SUEZ CANAL i) Boarded the DJEMNAH in Singapore a) French steamer sailing to Europe ii) DESTINATIONS a) POINT DE GALLE  Arrived here ONE WEEK after leaving Singapore  Described the port as SAD AND GLOOMY b) COLOMBO, CEYLON c) CAFÉ GUARDAFUI, AFRICA  Crossed the Indian Ocean en route to this place d) ADEN, YEMEN  Rizal suffered terribly from heat  Hotter than the Philippines e) SUEZ  Red Sea Terminal of the SUEZ CANAL

 Constructed by the famous Frenchman FERDINAND DE LESSEPS  Took the DJEMNAH FIVE DAYS to traverse the Suez Canal f) PORT SAID  Mediterranean terminal of the canal g) NAPLES  Rizal liked the place because of:  Business activities  Lively people  Panoramic beauty h) MARSEILLES  Visited CHATEAU D’IF  Where DANTES, the hero of The Count of Monte Cristo, was detained  Stayed 3 days in Marseilles i) PYRENEES j) PORT BUO k) BARCELONA  Took the train from Marseilles  Rizal enjoyed promenading along LAS RAMBLAS  A famous street in Barcelona  Former classmates in the Ateneo greeted Rizal and gave him a party at their favorite café, PLAZA DE CATALUÑA AMOR PATRIO i) “Love of Country” ii) Rizal’s FIRST ARTICLE written on SPANISH SOIL iii) Sent to BASILIO TEODORO a) A friend in Manila b) Editorial staff of the DIARIONG TAGALOG  First Manila daily to have a Tagalog section iv) Wrote under the pen-name LAONG LAAN v) Originally in Spanish, TRANSLATED TO TAGALOG by MARCELO H. DEL PILAR LOS VIAJES i) Second article that was requested by FRANCISCO CALVO a) Editor of Diariong Tagalog REVISITA DE MADRID i) Third article he made for Diariong Tagalog but was sent back to him because the paper had ceased publication. RIZAL MOVES TO MADRID i) Upon the advice of PACIANO ii) He enrolled at UNIVESIDAD CENTRAL DE MADRID a) Central University of Madrid b) Enrolled in Two Courses  Medicine  Philosophy and Letters iii) Also enrolled at the ACADEMY OF SAN CARLOS a) Studied:  Painting  Sculpture iv) Took private lessons in: a) French b) German

c) English v) HALL OF ARMS OF SANZ Y CARBONELL a) Practiced FENDING and SHOOTING vi) CAFÉ DE PELAYO a) Favorite RENDEZVOUS of Filipino Students CONSUELO ORTEGA Y REY i) Daughter of DON PABLO ORTEGA Y REY a) Rizal visited their home every Saturday evening ii) Rizal wrote A LA SEÑORITA C.O. y R. iii) Did not allow the romance to go on because: a) He was engaged to Leonor Rivera b) EDUADO DE LETE  Rizal’s friend who was deeply in love with Consuelo iv) Rizal made a quick trip to Paris to forget Consuelo CIRCULO HISPANO-FILIPINO i) Hispano-Philippine Circle ii) Society of Spaniards and Filipinos iii) Upon the request of the members, Rizal wrote ME PIDEN VERSOS a) “THEY ASKED ME FOR VERSES” b) Poem RIZAL AS LOVER OF BOOKS i) Reading was his favorite past time in Madrid ii) Bought second hand book from SEÑOR ROSES: a) The Bible b) Hebrew Grammar c) Lives of the President sof the United States from Washington to Johnson d) Complete Works of Voltaire (9 volumes) e) Complete Works of Horace (3 volumes) f) Complete Works of C. Bernard (16 volumes) g) History of the French Revolution h) The Wandering Jew by Eugene Sue i) Ancient Poetry j) Works of Thycydides k) The Byzantine Empire l) The characters of La Bruyere m) The Renaissance n) Uncle Tom;s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Store o) Works of Alexander Dumas p) Louis XIV and his Court q) And numerous books in medicine philosophy, languages, history, geography, arts and sciences. iii) He was deeply touched by UNCLE TOM’S CABIN and THE WANDERING JEW a) Both books arcused his sympathy for the oppressed and unfortunate people RIZAL BECOMES A MASON i) Masons loudly and freely attacked the government and the Church ii) Joined the Mason Lodge ACACIA in Madrid iii) Two reasons why he joined the Masons: a) Bad friars in the Philippines drove him to desperation and Masonry b) He needed the Masons to fight the bad friars in the Philippines, for Masonry was a shield to use in his light against the evil forces of tyranny

iv) Masonic name was DIMASALANG v) Became a MASTER MASON in LODGE SOLIDARIDAD vi) Also became a MASTER MASON of LE GRAND ORIENT FRANCE in Paris. FINANCIAL WORRIES i) Business in Calamba was failing because of high rent of land and pest infestation on poultry ii) The hacienda manager was mad at Don Francisco because he did not give him a turkey when he asked a) Scarce supply and the remaining poultry were to be used for breeding iii) Worked as a private tutor to rich families iv) Won a GREEK competition on an EMPTY STOMACH RIZAL’S SALUTE TO LUNA AND HIDALGO i) National Exposition of Fine Arts n Madrid a) Juan Luna  Grabbed FIRST PRIZE  Canvass: “SPOLIARIUM” b) Felix R. Hidalgo  Grabbed SECOND PRIZE  Canvass: “CHRISTIAN VIRGINS EXPOSED TO THE POPULACE” ii) RESTAURANT INGLES a) The Filipino colony of Madrid tendered a banquet in honor of Luna and Hidalgo. b) Rizal was invited to give the principal speech STUDIES COMPLETED IN SPAIN i) Universidad Central de Madrid awarded the degrees of: a) LICENTIATE IN MEDICINE b) LICENTIATE IN PHILOSOPHY ii) He was not awarded the Doctor’s Diploma because he did not pass the thesis required and he did not pay the corresponding fees

MIDTERM BERLIN i) Capital of UNIFIED GERMANY ii) Place where Rizal met: a) DR. FEODOR JAGOR b) DR. ADOLPH B MEYER c) DR. HANS MEYER d) DR. RUDOLF VIRCHOW iii) Rizal’s merits as a scientist were recognized by the eminent scientists of Europe GAY, PARIS i) Rizal went to Paris at 24 ii) He just terminated his studies at CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF MADRID iii) He was already a Physician iv) Went to Paris to acquire more knowledge in OPTHALMOLOGY  RIZAL STOPPED BY AT BARCELONA ON HIS WAY TO PARIS TO VISIT HIS FRIEND MAXIMO VIOLA MAXIMO VIOLA i) Medical student ii) From a rich family in SAN MIGUEL, BULACAN SEÑOR EUSEBIO COREMINAS i) Rizal befriended him during visit to Maximo Viola ii) EDITOR of LA PUBLICIDAD iii) Rizal submitted an article to him on the CAROLINES QUESTION, a hot topic during the time DON MIGUEL MORAYTA i) OWNER of LA PUBLICIDAD ii) Statesman iii) Rizal made him a CRAYON SKETCH  RIZAL SOJOURNED IN PARIS FOR 4 MONTHS DR. LOUIS DE WECKERT i) Leading FRENCH Opthalmologist ii) Rizal worked as his Assistant FRIENDS IN FRANCE i) He visited these people when he was not in Dr. Weckert’s clinic ii) PARDO DE TAVERAS a) Trinidad b) Felix c) Paz  Engaged to Juan Luna  Rizal drew sketches of her in “The Monkey and the Turtle” iii) JUAN LUNA a) The Great Master of the Brush b) Rizal posed in some of Luna’s paintings  The Death of Cleopatra  The Blood Compact iv) FELIX RESURRECCION HIDALGO

ENRIQUE LETE i) Rizal wrote him a letter about Rizal’s singing  RIZAL LEARNED TO PLAY THE SOLFEGGIO, PIANO AND VOICE CULTURE IN ONE MONTH AND A HALF  RIZAL WAS THE FLUTIST IN VARIOUS IMPROMPTU REUNIONS SONGS THAT RIZAL COMPOSED i) ALIN MANG LAHI a) Patriotic song which asserts all races aspire for freedom ii) LA DEPORTACION a) Composed in Dapitan during his exile iii) STRASBOURG i) First place he went to after leaving Paris HEIDELBERG i) Historic city in Germany FAMOUS FOR ITS OLD UNIVERSITY AND ROMANTIC SURROUNDINGS ii) Rizal lived here for a short time and boarded with German law students iii) The law students made Rizal a member of the CHESS PLAYERS CLUB iv) UNIVERSITY EYE HOSPITAL a) Under the umbrella of the University of Heidelberg b) Rizal worked here under the direction of DR. OTTO BECKER  A distinguished German ophthalmologist c) Rizal attended the lectures of Dr. BECKER and PROF. WILHELM KUEHNE v) SCENIC SPOTS AROUND HEIDELBERG THAT RIZAL VISITED DURING THE WEEKENDS a) Heidelberg Castle b) Romantic Neckar River c) Theater d) Old churches vi) Both Catholics and Protestants practiced ECUMENISM a) Both religious parties lived together in harmony and cordiality vii) Rizal’s favorite flower, FORGET-ME-NOT, a light blue flower was found at the cool banks of the Neckar River viii) Rizal wrote A LAS FLORES DE HEIDELBERG when he got homesick ix) WILHELMSFELD a) Mountainous village near Heidelberg where Rizal spent 3 MONTHS for summer vacation b) He stayed at the vicarage of a kind Protestant Pastor named DR. KARL ULLMER  Became Rizal’s friend and admirer  Children of Pastor Ullmer  Etta (Daughter)

 Friedrich / Fritz (Son) c) Rizal learned better German during his stay x) FIRST LETTER TO BLUMENTRITT a) Rizal wrote his first letter in German to Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt  BLUMENTRITT was the Director of the Ateneo of Leitmeritz, Austria  Rizal heard of this Ethnologist studying the Tagalog language b) Along with the letter, Rizal sent ARITMETICA (Arithmetic)  Published in two languages  Tagalog and Spanish  Published by the University of Santo Tomas Press in 1868  Authored by Rufino Baltazar Hernandez  Native of Sta. Cruz xi) HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY FIFTH CENTENARY a) August 16, 1886 b) Festival in Germany is FESTUNG c) Rizal left Heidelberg 3 DAYS after the festival LEIPZIG i) Rizal attended lectures on history and psychology at the University of Leipzig ii) Rizal befriended a) PROFESSOR FRIEDRICH RATZEL  Famous German historian b) DR. HANS MEYER  German Anthropologist iii) Rizal translated a) WILLIAM TELL by Schiller  From GERMAN to TAGALOG for Filipinos to know the story of the Swiss champion of Independence b) FAIRY TALES by Hans Christian Andersen  For his nephews and nieces iv) Cost of living in Leipzig was the cheapest in Europe so he stayed 2 MONTHS AND A HALF v) Corrected chapters of his second novel and performed his daily physical exercises the city gymnasium vi) He worked as a proof-reader at a publishing firm DRESDEN xii) Rizal met DR. ADOLPH MEYER a) Director of the Anthropological and Ethnological Museum xiii) Stayed for 2 DAYS in this city xiv) “Truly I have never in my life heard a Mass whose music had greater sublimity and intonation” RIZAL WELCOMED IN BERLIN’S SCIENTIFIC CIRCLES i) Rizal loved Berlin because: a) Scientific atmosphere b) Absence of Race prejudice ii) He met DR. FEODOR JAGOR a) Through a letter of introduction by Blumentritt for him iii) Dr. Jagor introduced Rizal to


DR. RUDOLF VIRCHOW  Famous German Anthropologist b) DR. HANS VIRCHOW  Rudolf’s son  Professor of Descriptive Anatomy c) DR. W. JOEST  Noted German Geographer iv) Rizal worked in the clinic of DR. KARL ERNEST SCHWEIGGER a) Famous German Ophthalmologist v) Rizal became a member of the a) ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY b) ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY  Rizal was asked by Dr. Virchow to give a lecture before this society  Rizal wrote a scholarly paper TAGALISCHE VERKUNST  Tagalog Metrical Art c) GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF BERLIN d) All these upon the recommendation of Dr. Jagor and Dr. Meyer vi) RIZAL’S LIFE IN BERLIN a) Five reasons why he lived in Berlin  To gain further knowledge of Ophthalmology  To further his studies of sciences and languages  To observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation  To associate with famous German scientists and scholars  To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere b) LUCIE CERDOLE  Had private French lessons with Rizal c) UNTER DEN LINDEN  Most popular boulevard of Berlin d) RIZAL AND GERMAN WOMEN  Rizal sent a letter to TRINIDAD expressing his high regard and admiration for German womanhood e) TWO REASONS WHY BERLIN WAS MEMORABLE:  The bleak winter when he was hungry, sick and despondent in a strange city  His first novel NOLI ME TANGERE came off the press (published) f) DR. MAXIMO VIOLA  Rizal’s friend from Bulacan  Arrived in Berlin at the time of Rizal’s despondency  Described as Rizal’s SANTA CLAUS  He financed the printing of the NOLI WRITING OF THE NOLI i) UNCLE TOM’S CABIN g) A novel by HARRIET BEECHER STOWE h) Portrays the brutalities of American slaveowners and the pathetic conditions of unfortunate Negro slaves i) Inspired Rizal to write the Noli ii) Chronologic progress of Noli:


Started in MADRID and finished ONE-HALF of it before he went to France b) In FRANCE, he finished ¾ of the of the novel c) The fourth part and final revisions were made in WILHELMSFELD, Germany iii) FERNANDO CANON a) Rizal told him “I did not believe that the Noli would ever be published when I was in Berlin, broken-hearted, weakened and discouraged from hunger and deprivation.” iv) CHAPTER 20, Elias and Salome was deleted from Noli to save on printing expenses v) BERLINER BUCHDRUCKREI-ACTIONGESSELSCHAFT a) Printing shop in Berlin that offered the cheapest rate b) 300 PESOS for 2,000 COPIES vi) Relations between France and Germany were stained because of ALSACE-LORRAINE vii) The very first copies of the Noli were given to: a) Blumentritt b) Antonio Ma. Regidor c) Graciano Lopez Jaena d) Mariano Ponce e) Felix Hidalgo viii) NOLI contains 63 Chapters with an epilogue GRAND TOUR OF EUROPE i) Dr. Maximo Viola was his travelling companion ii) POTSDAM a) City near Berlin that was made famous by Frederick the great iii) DRESDEN a) Rizal’s visit coincided with the Floral Exposition b) They visited Dr. Adolph Meyer c) At the Museum of Art, Rizal was impressed with the PROMETHEUS BOUND iv) TESCHEN v) LEIMERITZ, BOHEMIA a) Blumentritt helped both men secure their rooms at HOTEL KREBS b) They stayed in Leimeritz for 4 days c) ROSA – Blumentritt’s wife d) Blumentritt’s children:  Dolores  Conrad  Fritz e) DR. CARLOS CZEPELAK  Polish scholar and renowned scientist in Europe vi) PRAGUE a) They carried letters of recommendation from Blumentritt to DR. WILLKOMM b) They visited:  The tomb of Copernicus  Famous cave where SAN JUAN NEPOMUCENO was imprisoned vii) BRUNN a) “Nothing of importance happened in this cty” b) Rizal wrote a letter to Blumentritt c) 3 DAYS AFTER LEAVING LEIMERITZ viii) VIENNA

a) QUEEN OF DANUBE b) They met NORFENFALS  One of the greatest novelists of Europe c) Stayed here for 5 DAYS ix) LINTZ via river boat on the Danube River x) SALZBURG – travelled over land xi) MUNICH – they savored the famous Munich beer xii) NUREMBERG a) Horrible torture machines used the Inquisition b) Manufacture of dolls were the biggest industry xiii) ULM a) City Cathedral was largest and tallest in Germany xiv) STRUTTGART xv) BADEN xvi) RHEINFALL a) Cascade of the Rhine xvii) SCHAFFHAUSEN, SWITZERLAND a) Stayed here for 2 DAYS xviii) BASEL xix) BERN xx) LAUSANNE xxi) GENEVA via the foggy Leman Lake a) Stayed n Geneva for 15 DAYS xxii) TURIN xxiii) MILAN xxiv) VENICE xxv) FLORENCE xxvi) ROME a) Eternal City / City of the Caesars xxvii) VATICAN a) City of the Popes b) Capital of Chritendom FIRST HOMECOMING i) Stayed in Calamba for 6 MONTHS ii) Reasons why he returned home a) Operate on his mother’s eyes b) Serve his countrymen c) Find out how the Noli was affecting Filipinos and Spaniards d) Inquire why Leonora Rivera remained silent iii) The Journey: a) Left Rome by train to Marseilles b) Boarded DJEMNAH to Saigon c) Boarded HAIPHONG to Manila iv) Rizal was called DR. ULIMAN because he came Germany v) EMILIO TERRERO a) Governor General who asked Rizal to go to Malacanan Palace to explain issues with the Noli b) Assigned a security detail for Rizal after reading the Noli vi) DON JOSE TAVIEL DE ANDRADE a) Spanish Lieutenant who spoke English, French and Spanish vii) FATHER JOSE RODRIGUEZ a) Prior of Guadalupe b) Published a series of pamphlets attacking Noli:  Cuestiones de Sumo Interes viii) REV. VICENTE GARCIA


Defended the Noli from the accusations of Father Jose Rodriguez

HONGKONG i) He was 27 when he left the PI for a second time ii) Manila to HongKong on board the ZAFIRO iii) Stop-over at Amoy a) Three reasons why he did not get off:  He was sick  Raining hard  Heard that the city was dirty iv) Stayed at the VICTORIA HOTEL v) JOSE SAINZ DE VARANDA a) Former secretary of Gov-Gen Terrero b) Commisioned by the Spanish authorities to spy on Rizal vi) Rizal described Hong Kong as a SMALL BUT VERY CLEAN CITY vii) Initially stayed in Hong Kong for 11 DAYS MACAU i) Boarded the ferry steamer KIU-KANG from Hong Kong ii) Rizal described Macau as SMALL, LOW AND GLOOMY. iii) Rizal and Basa stayed at the house of DON JUAN FRANCISCO LECAROS iv) Stayed in Macau for 2 DAYS BACK TO HONG KONG i) Stayed here for 2 WEEKS ii) Protestant cemeteries were the most beautiful iii) Catholic cemetery was most pompous iv) Muslim cemetery was the simplest v) Rizal left Hong Kong for Japan onboard the OCEANIC, an American steamer

SEMIFINAL COVERAGE CHAPTER 13: ROMANTIC INTERLUDE IN JAPAN YOKOHOMA i) Rizal registered at Grand Hotel ii) Stayed for 1 day TOKYO i) Rizal registered at Tokyo Hotel ii) Stayed for 6 days (March 2 to 7) iii) Wrote to Blumentritt: a) Tokyo is more extensive than Paris iv) Visited by JUAN PEREZ CABALLERO at the hotel a) Secretary of the Spanish Legation based in Japan b) Invited Rizal to live at the Spanish Legation c) Described by Rizal as “a young, fine and excellent writer” and “an able diplomat who had travelled much” v) Two reasons why Rizal accepted to live there: a) Economize his living expenses by staying at the legation b) He had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the Spanish authorities vi)

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