Notes for B.A English (Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan)

February 26, 2017 | Author: Iftikhar Hussain Rizvi | Category: N/A
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Notes A Selection of Short Stories

The New Constitution


T The he Happy HappyPrince Prince

lw Jh T d n a s e c u D h T re

Take Pity

Name:------------------------Class:---- ------- --

Roll No.:---- ------- ---

Prepared by:

Iftikhar Hussain Rizvi [email protected] om Ph: 0300 6150661

Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661


Table of Contents: I. The Killers…………………………………………….. 3 II.

Rappaccini’s Daughter……………………………. 5


The New Constitution…………………………….. 9




Take Pity…………………………………………………13


The Happy Prince…………………………………….16




The Tell Tale Heart………………………………..21

IX. X.

The Necklace………………………………………….23 The Duchees and the Jewler……………………25

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By Earnest Hemingway

Introduction: “The Killer” is a beautiful short story written by Earnest Hemingway. Hemingway’s stories are often full of suspense, action and mystery. Symbolism is another chief quality of his stories. This story is about the intended (‫ )ارادہ سے‬murder of a person named Ole Anderson by two professional killers Al and Max. The writer has beautifully highlighted (‫﴿ نمایاں کرنا‬ the inevitability (‫ )ناگزیریت‬of death. Though, no one is killed in the story, yet the story creates an atmosphere of fear in the minds of reader. In short, in a simple manner the writer has been able to achieve the desired result.

QNo1: “The Killer” is a powerful short story. Do you agree? Or

Bring out the horror and suspense in the story. Answer:

The Killer is a powerful short story, which is full of suspense and horror. Al and Max are two professional killers who come to Hennery’s lunch room to kill Ole Anderson. Both of them look mysterious by their behaviour. Hotel staff takes them to be wicked persons. They order the food after great delay. This causes great anxiety for the hotel staff. Their dealings with the hotel staff shows that something dangerous is going to happen. After taking food, Al takes Sam, the cook, and Nick Adams, the count boy, to the kitchen and ties them. He puts towels in their mouths also. At that moment, the hotel staff comes to know about their dangerous plan that they Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~4~ are here to kill Ole Anderson, who is expected to be there by 6 pm. Moreover, they order George not to entertain anybody, saying that the cook is off today. With the passage of time their anxiety increases. At 7, they realize that Ole is not coming today and they leave the place. But, they say that they will kill Ole just to oblige their friend. After their departure Nick goes to Ole Anderson and tells him the whole story. But, he does not pay any attention to it. Nick returns to the hotel with a fear of expected murder. To conclude, we may say that although the murderers are not able to kill Ole, yet they are able to create an atmosphere of horror. Moreover, the writer has been able to create horror and suspense from the beginning till the end.

QNo2: What is symbolic significance of the whole story? Or

Symbolism always plays an important role in Hemingway’s stories. Discuss with reference to the story “The Killer”. Answer: Symbolism is an important element of Hemingway’s stories. “The Killer” is a fine example of his great work. He has used symbolism quite artistically in this story. The different characters and lunch room in the story have great symbolic significance. “Al” and “Max” symbolize those criminals who are busy in malpractices (‫ )برے کام‬just for money or for some other evil purposes. “Nick”, “George”, and “Sam” symbolize common people who are working hard to earn their livelihood (‫)روزی روٹی‬, whereas, Ole Anderson stands for such people who are struggling hard for peace, but they are getting nothing. Such people are fed up of their lives and are ready to face death. Finally lunch room, it symbolizes such public places which are open for all sorts of people. Even the idea of short story is quite symbolic that the death is inevitable. In short, the story can be called symbolic as it gives much more meanings than what appear on the surface.


Ole is the main character of the story. Discuss. Or

The writer has been able to delineate (‫ )بیان کرنا‬man’s courage and determination through Ole Anderson. Answer:

“Ole Anderson” is the main character around whom the whole story revolves. His character becomes a source of attention for the reader from the start of the story. Though, he is only discussed till the end of the story yet he is there to enhance the anxiety of the reader. Al and Max are there to kill him. Basically, he is a Swede (‫ )وال رہنے کا سویڈن‬heavy weight prize fighter, quite tall and muscular. The reader does not know much about him till the end. We even don’t understand why the killers want to kill him. “Ole Anderson” has lost all his interest in life and is ready to face death. When Nick tells him about the killers, he does not bother. It is just because, he Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~5~ is fed up of running from death. But, now he feels that it is useless to run away from death. In short, “Ole Anderson” is a representative of those people who work hard for peace but getting nothing. Moreover, through his character writer has been able to delineate man’s courage and determination.


Al and Max played a very important role in the story. Prove. Or Do you think without Al and Max Hemingway would not have been able to get desired result in the story?


Al and Max are two important characters of the story. They become a source of fear and horror for the hotel staff as well as the reader. In fact, it is their entrance in the lunch room that starts the whole drama. They behave rudely (‫ )اندازمیں غیرمہذب‬with the hotel staff and ask about Ole Anderson in a strange manner. In fact, they are professional killers who want to kill Ole Anderson just to oblige their friend. They are cruel persons who are ready to kill anybody for nothing. Al and Max have similar personalities. Both are dressed alike and both have aggressive temperament (‫)مزاج‬. Al is the one who ties Nick and Sam in kitchen, while Max asks George harshly not to entertain anybody. However, in the end, they return back without completing their mission but they leave behind an atmosphere of fear and horror. In short, it can be said without Al and Max’s characters the writer would not have been able to get desired result.


Describe the disorder and lawlessness (‫ )لقانونیت‬of American Society.


Law and order is the problem of the whole world, and American Society is no exception. Good and bad people are found everywhere. But, there are some personal, psychological and social reasons, which breed crime in a society. In advanced countries like America, much freedom is given in all most all the walks of life. So some criminal minded people try to take undue advantage of this liberty. The killers in the story “The Killer” also represent the same faction of the society, who just for a petty (‫ )سی معمولی‬reason i.e. to oblige their friend want to commit a deadly sin. That shows how ruthlessly they are violating the laws of the society. How freely they enter a restaurant and make the staff their hostages, even in broad day light. They have no fear of police, any law agency or even authorities. Anderson points out that there is no use of going to the police. Though, American society is considered a flag bearer of the moral values, yet the situation here is not better than developing countries. To conclude it can be said, that “The Killer” highlights that the American Society is not a heaven as it looks to the people of developing countries. In short, the story testifies the disorder and lawlessness of the American Society.

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By Nathanial Hawthorne

Introduction: “Rappaccini’s Daughter” is written by “Nathanial Hawthorne”. It is basically a fantasy, full of suspense and mystery. It is story of a crazy scientist named Rappaccini. He loves science more than humanity. In order to get scientific knowledge, he adopts evil ways and even doesn’t hesitate to sacrifice his daughter. In short, this story gives us a message that the evil instincts in man can make science a very lethal and deadly weapon for humanity.

QNo1: “Rappaccini’s Daughter” is a fantasy in which a great scientist cares more for science than for mankind. Is it really so? Or

“Rappaccini has an obsession (‫ )جنون‬about scientific research but his innate (‫ پیدایشی‬، ‫ )جبلی‬selfishness drives him in wrong direction”. Discuss? Or

“Rappaccini’s Daughter” is a science fiction (‫کہانی گھڑت من‬ ‫ افسانہ‬،). Do you agree? Answer:

“Rappaccini’s daughter” can definitely be called a science fiction and a fantasy. A fantasy is story is in which some fictional elements are presented, that cannot happen in real life. The story is about such incidents, which cannot happen in real life. This story is about a crazy scientist Rappaccini, who cares more for scientific research than humanity. He adopts evil ways to get power. He develops a formula by which he makes his daughter poisonous. The story starts with the arrival a young boy Giovanni in Padua University. He stays there in an old house, beside which there is a garden which is full of strange flowers and plants. It is basically Rappaccini’s garden, where he has planted poisonous plants. One day, Giovanni witnesses Rappaccini working in the garden, wearing gloves and protecting his mouth and nose. Whereas, his daughter Beatrice is touching and smelling flowers to her will. However, Prof. Baglioni, his father’s friend, warns him about Rappaccini and his daughter. But, Giovanni ignores his Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~7~ advice and starts meeting with Beatrice. Soon both of them fall in love with each other. Though, both of them love each other, yet neither of them touches each other. It is strange that Rappaccini does not stop them from meeting. In fact, he is planning to develop a poisonous generation through them. One day, Baglioni warns Giovanni, that he is also becoming poisonous. Baglioni gives him an antidote (‫ تریاق‬، ‫ )زھرمار‬to cure Beatrice. Giovanni goes to Beatrice and gives her the medicine. She drinks it and dies in front of her lover and her father. In the end, we can say without any doubt that the story is a science fiction and fantasy, as it is full of such characters and events which cannot happen in real life. Apart from that though Rappaccini has an obsession for scientific research, yet his selfishness drives him in wrong direction. In short, he cares more for scientific research than mankind and even his daughter.

QNo2: Beatrice falls to a victim of the frantic (‫)پاگلنہ‬ obsession of her father. Discuss. Or

The writer has used Beatrice to bring out the evil lying in such scientist as Rappaccini. Justify. Answer:

“Beatrice” is the heroine of the story. She is the poor victim of her father’s obsession. She is the main character around whom the whole story revolves. She is daughter of Rappaccini. He has brought her up among poisonous plants, which has made her poisonous also. However, she is very innocent and charming. A boy Giovanni falls in love with her and soon both start meeting each other. Though, Giovanni does not touch or embrace her throughout the story, yet he also becomes poisonous from her breath. In fact, Rappaccini was planning to develop a poisonous generation through them. Giovanni brings an antidote to get rid of her from her poisonous nature, but she dies by drinking that liquid. Thus, her sacrifice proves her innocence and her love for Giovanni. In the end, it can be said that Beatrice gives a message of love to humanity. Moreover, she gives a warning to those cruel scientists who prefer scientific research to the sacred aspect of humanity. In short, she is a victim of her father’s obsession and through her the writer has brought out the evil laying in scientists like Rappaccini.

QNo3: How does Giovanni become poisonous? Or

Giovanni tries his level best to get rid of Beatrice from her poisonous nature, but in vain. Or

Is Giovanni responsible for the death of Beatrice? Answer: Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~8~ Giovanni, a young man, is the hero of this story. He has come to study at the “University of Padua”. He stays there in an old house beside which there is a strange garden belonging to Rappaccini. One day, he saw Beatrice, Rappaccini’s daughter in the garden. He falls in love with her at first sight. However, from Baglioni he comes to know about her poisonous nature. But, he starts meeting with her in the garden. Soon, both of them fall in love with each other. But, Beatrice forbids him from touching and plucking any of the flowers. She also does not allow him to touch her. However, Rappaccini allows them to meet. Actually, through them he wants to develop a poisonous generation. But, Giovanni does not have any knowledge about this. By Baglioni, he comes to know that he has also developed poisonous nature. Baglioni gives him an antidote to cure Beatrice, but she dies by taking it. Giovanni, unable to understand the whole situation, considers himself responsible for her tragic death. However, it is not he, but Rappaccini, who is responsible for Beatrice’s tragic death.

QNo4: Compare and contrast Dr. Rappaccini and Prof. Baglioni. Or

Do you find forces of good and evil working at the same time in the story? Or

Dr. Rappaccini stands for the destruction of mankind where as Prof. Baglioni plays the role of savior of the mankind. Answer: Dr. Rappaccini and Prof. Baglioni are the two main characters of the story. They play opposite roles in the story. If one stands for the destruction of mankind, the other is savior of mankind. Both of them are learned scientists but have different natures altogether. One is crazy for scientific research and is not interested in humanity, while the other has great faith in love and brotherhood and wants to save humanity. Dr. Rappaccini has invented poisonous plants to overpower others. He not only makes his daughter poisonous but her lover Giovanni also. Through their relationship he wants to develop a poisonous generation. But, he fails in his plane and his daughter dies in front of him, making him repent later. On the other hand, Prof. Baglioni is a good natured human being. He helps others and relieves them of any suffering. He warns Giovanni to stay away from Rappaccini and his daughter. But, when he comes to know about Giovanni’s love for Beatrice, he tries to help them by giving an antidote. This shows his love for humanity. In the end, we can say that Dr. Rappaccini and Prof. Baglioni are real representatives of evil and good natures which are working at the same time in the world. If one wants to destroy mankind other tries to save it.

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~9~ How does Prof. Baglioni come to know that Giovanni has fallen into fearful hands of Dr. Rappaccini? Or How does Prof. Baglioni come to know that Giovanni has also developed poisonous traits?


Prof. Baglioni is an old friend of Giovanni’s father, to whom he brings a letter of introduction. He is aware of Dr. Rappaccini’s mad love for science and Beatrice’s terrible qualities. One day, he stops Giovanni on the way. He judges that Giovanni has fallen in love with Beatrice. He forbids Giovanni to have any contact with Beatrice. While they are talking, Dr. Rappaccini passes nearby and looks at Giovanni in a strange way. Prof. Baglioni at one concludes that Giovanni has become the subject of his new experiment. He tries to warn Giovanni against Dr. Rappaccini’s intention. “He has seen you. He must have seen you. I know that look of his Signor Giovanni. Upon my life you are the subject of Dr. Rappaccini’s experiment.” Afterwards, he pays a visit to Giovanni and recognizes the same terrible smell that comes from Dr. Rappaccini’s plants. He also guesses that Giovanni’s breath has also become poisonous and he must have acquired that poison from Beatrice. Hence, in that way Prof. Baglioni comes to know that Giovanni has fallen into fearful hands of Dr. Baglioni and has become poisonous.

QNo5: Describe the first encounter between Beatrice and Giovanni. Or How Giovanni falls in love with Beatrice?


Just like most of the fiction stories, a love affair has been presented in the story “Rappaccini’s Daughter”. Giovanni, a young man from south Italy, comes to study at “University of Padua”. He stays there in an old house, whose one window opens into the garden below. One day, he sees a beautiful girl tending (‫ )دیکھہ بھال کرنا‬the plants. He is spelled bound (‫ )مسحور رہ جانا‬to see such a simple and innocent beauty. Ever since, he wishes to meet her in the same garden. He buys some fresh flowers and throws them at her feet. He requests her to wear, which she accepts with thanks. Afterwards, he falls in love with her, as he remains absorbed in her thoughts for many days. One day, old Lisabetta guesses his feelings and tempts him that she can lead him to a private entrance of the garden. This was his first meeting with Beatrice. The frequent meetings between Beatrice and Giovanni strengthen their love for each other. Though, later Giovanni knows that he has also become poisonous due to her breath, yet he keeps on loving her.

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~ 10 ~


By Saadat Hassan Manto


“Saadat Hassan Manto” is greatest Urdu writer of Pakistan. “The New Constitution” deals with imperialism (‫ )برطانیہ کی توسیع سلطنت کی پالیسی‬and strong feelings of hatred of the Indians against British before partition. “Ustad Mangu” is an example of Indians who hated British and wanted freedom at any cost. In short, this story shows the condition of Sub-Continent before partition.

QNo1: “The New Constitution” proves that the Indians hated the English and wanted to be free at any const. Or

Saadat Hassan Manto’s “The New Constitution” proves imperialism was hated in Sub-Continent. Or

“The New Constitution” made Ustad Mangu to think that his human rights as a citizen of the Sub-Continent would be accepted. Did his expectation come true? Discuss in the light of this story. Answer:

The story is about those days when British were ruling over India. They were mal-treating (‫ )برا سلوک کرنا‬the people of India. Ustad Mangu, a poor tongawalla, also hates British for ruling over their country. He even doesn’t hesitate to abuse them as white mice, white monkeys or lepers (‫)کوڑھ زدہ‬. His hatred is quite clear the way he has a row with a Gora a year ago. Though, Ustad Mangu is uneducated man, yet he has lot of information about different things by hearing the discussion of his passengers. One day, he hears from a passenger that a new constitution is going to be imposed on 1st of April, 1935. This was great news for him. He thinks that good days are near Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 11 ~ and considers that English will exit their country on that particular day. He impatiently starts waiting for that day. On 1st April, he gets up early in the morning, decorates his Tonga and comes out in search of the expected change. But, to his astonishment, there is no change all around. During his roaming (‫)بے مقصد پھرنا‬, he meets the same Gora with whom he has a row a last year. The Gora wants to go to the bazaar of dancing girls to which Mangu demands five rupees. The Gora gets angry at this demand. In his frustration, Mangu starts fighting with him. While, considering it the last day for the British to rule, he beats the Gora. In the result, he is arrested for his misbehavior and then he comes out of his illusion. To conclude, we can say that the writer has commendably been able to present the hatred of even common Indians against imperialism before partition. In short, the story shows the emotions of intense dislike of even simple uneducated people of India against British rulers.

QNo2: Mangu is the best spokesman of Manto the writer of this story. Prove it. Or

Mangu is representative of those Indians who have no soft corner for the English. Prove. Answer: Ustad Mangu, the central figure of this story, is typical representative of those poor and illiterate people of India, who hated the English from the core of their hearts. He hates the English for their anti humanitarian laws. One day, he listens about the imposition of new constitution. He thinks that on that particular day the English will leave his country. He hopes that this day will bring new era in the history of India. He hates the British to such an extent that he even doesn’t hesitate to abuse them. He calls them white monkeys, white mice, leper and even bastards (‫حرامی‬،‫)ناجایز اولد‬. He hates slavery and wants the English to leave their country as soon as possible. His famous words “Look at them……. Came to the house to fetch a candle and before you knew, they have taken it”, clearly reflects his attitude towards the English. On the day of imposition of new constitution, he even beats a Gora and is arrested. To conclude, it can be said that Mangu is a real representative of those Indians who had no soft corner for the English. In short, he is best spokes man of the writer.

QNo3: Describe the scuffle (‫جھگڑا‬،‫ )دھکم دھکاکرنا‬between Ustad Mangu and Gora Sahib. Or

Ustad Mangu represents the poor masses struggling for freedom where as Gora sahib represents authorities. What is result of their confrontation? Answer: Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 12 ~ Ustad Mangu is central figure of this story. He is a tanga walla. He loves his country and hates British from the core of his heart. He is representative of those people who wanted to get rid of slavery at any cost. On the other hand, Gora sahib represents the cruel British who had been ruling over India for years against the will of Indians. They were mal treating the poor Indians. One day, Ustad Mangu comes to know about the imposition of new constitution on the 1st April. He thinks that English will leave on that particular day. But, to his astonishment nothing happens like this. In his frustration, he has a row with a Gora and beats him. In the result, he is arrested. In short, this scuffle shows that Mangu is real representative of poor Indians who wanted to get freedom at any cost while Gora sahib represents the authorities, not willing to give any hope of freedom to common man.

Qno4: In “The New Constitution”, Ustad Mangu is at the best a half wit. Elaborate. Or How was Mangu disillusioned about the new constitution? Answer: The last scene of the story is the best display of Ustad Mangu’s half-wit. This scene is actually ironical, because it did not actually happen as was expected by Mangu. But, he had to face the consequences just because of his ignorance. As Ustad Mangu was an uneducated and simple fellow, he could not judge the new act. He anxiously waited for the 1st April and at last it came. He got up early in the morning, decorated his tonga and went out on the road in the search of some change. But, everything had the same old outlook. He was expecting the new constitution as something like some famous leader, who would come out among the crowd of people and police. Then, he found the same Gora with whom he had a row last year. He had abused Mangu in drunken state. Now, keeping in mind the new constitution, Mangu decided to settle the score (‫)بدلہ چکانہ‬. The Gora wanted to go to the bazaar of dancing girls, for which Mangu demanded five rupees. The Gora got angry at this demand and struck hard on Mangu’s thigh. Mangu flared up and attacked the Gora with merciless blows. The Gora shouted for help, two policemen came and Mangu was arrested. Mangu was saying to the crowed, “Those days are gone friend, when we were good just good for nothing. There is new constitution, understand.” But, the policemen corrected his misunderstanding saying, “What rubbish are you talking? What new constitution? It is the same old constitution you fool.” In short, it can be said that the last scene of the story is an example of irony and Mangu’s half wit. Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 13 ~


By John Steinbeck


“Breakfast” is a highly moralizing and inspiring short story written by

“John Steinbeck”. The story is about a poor family. This family is living a miserable life, yet they are quite contented with it. They have no complaints ( ‫ شکایت‬،‫ )شکوہ‬or resentment (‫ناراضگی‬،‫ )غصہ‬against anybody. In short, the story highlights the contentment of poor people in a very artistic style.

QNo1: Breakfast presents the picture of a poor family willing to work happily for a little better living. Discuss. Or

Wealth does not produce real happiness; it is purity of living which produce happiness. Discuss with reference to this story. Or

Hospitality does not require a heap of wealth; it is a matter of heart. Discuss with reference to this story. Answer: This story is basically about writer’s meeting with a poor family. This family is living in natural surroundings and is leading a contented life. He happens to meet them one morning. He is walking slowly among the mountains and sees a tent nearby. He goes near it and realizes that a poor family is living there. A young lady is nursing a baby as well as making breakfast. As fire is burning, the writer went near it to get some warmth. The scenery there was really marvelous. In the meantime, a young man along with an old man comes out of the tent. They are wearing dungarees. They stand still for a while and enjoy the morning light of the sun. Suddenly, they see the writer and greet him. Soon, the lady gives them breakfast. The young man thanks God and Christ for blessing them with such a food. The old man invites the writer to have breakfast with them to which he readily agrees. They even thank God several times while eating which moved the writer. They tell the writer that they are working in cotton fields and having good time for last 12 days. They offer the writer to work with them in cotton fields. But, the writer thanks them for their offer and

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~ 14 ~ hospitality. However, though a lot of time has passed since that incident, yet the memory of this incident always brings peace and simplicity in writer’s life. In the end, it can be said that though the poor family is living a miserable life, yet they have no signs of frustration among them. They are happy as they have adopted the habit of contentment. Moreover, it shows that hospitality does not require heaps of wealth, it is matter of heart. In short, wealth does not bring peace in life it is purity of living which produces real happiness.

QNo2: “That’s all I know, of course some of the reasons why it was pleasant…...” says writer in the end. What does it means? Or

Why was writer so excited at the end of the story? Or

What do the different animate (‫ )جاندار‬and inanimate ( ‫ )بےجان‬figures of the story symbolizes? Answer:

This story is basically about a poor family who are living a miserable but contented life. The behaviour of the poor family creates an everlasting impression on writer’s mind. These very words which are spoken by the writer at the end of the story clearly show his respect and affection for that family. Moreover, these lines also show that he saw something charming there. Actually, it was natural surroundings and contented life of the poor family which makes him to say this. These lines have some symbolic meanings as well. The natural atmosphere, the light of the sun and the stove and reflection of light in old man’s eyes symbolize hope, contentment and sacredness (‫پاکیزگی‬،‫)تقدس‬. Moreover, the hospitality and sincerity of the poor family makes a pleasing effect on the writers mind. In short, these lines clearly show the writer’s inner feeling and have great symbolic significance as well.

QNo3: Do you think that simplicity and purity in living have any place in our rushed life? Or

What idea does the writer give about true happiness? How can it be easily achieved? Or

Does the story teach any moral lesson? Answer:

“Breakfast” is a story about a poor family living a miserable but contented life. Though the members of that family are living a poor life, they have no complaints or resentment against anybody. They thank God even for a Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 15 ~ poor living. This story also gives an idea of true happiness and its achievement. Moreover, it shows that in this age of materialism living such a contented life is really worth praising. We learn from the story that simplicity and contentment are keys to true happiness. However, it can only be achieved by adopting simple ways of life. Artificiality in life actually hampers the real beauty. The poor family is happy because they have adopted habit of living a contented life. This is the idea of true happiness and moral of story, which the writer wants to convey through this story.

QNo4: How does the family behave with the writer? Or

Do you think that writer’s meeting with the poor family was really worth mentioning and unforgettable? Answer: Like the answer of QNo1.


By Bernard Malamud


“Take Pity” is written by “Bernard Malamud”. This story is basically about an undaunted (‫دلیر‬،‫ )نہ ڈر‬confident and courageous woman named Eva. She, after the death of her husband, makes great efforts to earn livelihood for herself and for her two daughters. But, she refuses every offer made to her in the form of charity, even it is offered by a close friend of her husband.

QNo1: Did Rosen take pity on Eva or loved her? Why was he so upset at her miserable plight (‫انجام‬،‫?)حال‬ Or

“Take pity” is a story of determination and selfrespect. Discuss. Or

“Take pity” emphatically (‫ )پرزورطریقے سے‬highlights the strength of man against the odds (‫عدم مساوات‬،‫ )فرق‬of life. Justify. Or

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~ 16 ~

What are the ways in which Rosen tried to help Eva in Take pity by Bernard Malamud? Do you feel that he loved her? Answer: There are two main characters in the story; Rosen, a sympathetic salesman and Eva, a lady full of self-respect and confidence. Eva’s husband has died due to business tension. After his death Rosen advises her to take insurance money and leave that place. But, she ignores his advice and tries to improve the condition of her business. However, all her efforts end in smoke and she is left with nothing. Rosen cannot bear her and her daughters’ such miserable condition and gives them something to eat. He again asks her to do some job but she refuses again. Then, he proposes her, considering that marriage will bring some comfort in her life. But, she rejects this offer also. Now, Rosen starts sending her 20 dollars with a fake name, in return of a loan taken from her husband. But, she does not accept it also. Now, he writes a will, leaving everything for Eva and her daughters and tries to commit suicide. But, police save him. However, one day when he is telling this whole story to his friend, a knock is heard outside the window. His friend opens the window. Rosen is shocked to see Eva standing outside the window with open arms. But, Rosen considering it too late shuts down the window to show his resentment. In the end, it can be said that it is story of self respect and determination as Eva tries her level best to improve her condition and does not accept help of anybody. Moreover, all the efforts of Rosen to help Eva show that actually he is not making charity but he loves Eva.

QNo2: The end of the story is really enigmatic (‫معمےکیطرح‬،‫)پچیدہ‬ and perplexing (‫)حیران کردینےوال‬. Prove. Or

Are you satisfied with the end of the story? Answer: This story ends in a very enigmatic and perplexing manner, leaving much for the reader to think. The last scene of the story is, when Rosen sees Eva standing outside of the opened window with open arms. Actually, Rosen is telling his whole story to his friend, when his friend suddenly opens the widow. Rosen is shocked to see Eva standing there outside with open arms. Perhaps, she is resentful (‫آزردہ‬،‫ )رنجیدہ‬for her previous behaviour with Rosen and now wants to accept his proposal. But, it is too late for Rosen. Being insulted so many times, now he has repulsive attitude for her. It was he, who sincerely tried his best to help her. But, she in her over confidence rejected his all suggestions and efforts. Rosen’s behaviour clearly shows that he loves her but she considers it charity. Hence, Rosen’s rejection and anger seems quite justified. In short, the end of the story though is a bit enigmatic and perplexing, yet is quite justified.


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~ 17 ~

Do you judge Eva as a brave, courageous and iron willed lady or a selfish, egoist and adamant (‫ )سخت دل‬lady, who ruins herself and her children for make-belief bravery? Or

Eva is representative of dignity, honour, self depending and never bending anyone for charity. Discuss. Answer: Eva is the central figure of the story. Her behaviour throughout the story is quite confusing for the reader. She is an embodiment (‫مجسمہ‬،‫ )عملی اظہار‬of courage, determination and self-confidence. Eva, after the death of her husband, is not ready to accept anybody’s help. Rosen tries his level best to help her, but she, in her over confidence and firm faith in her hard work, refuses all his efforts. Her determination and courage is really praiseworthy. But, she in her over-confidence rejects all offers of help, even of kind hearted Rosen. Though, Rosen’s behaviour with her clearly shows that he loves her, yet she rejects his proposal to marry her also. Though, she realizes her mistake in the end, but it is too late for Rosen and he rejects her. In the end, we may say that Eva is an embodiment of courage and determination but her behaviour with Rosen shows that she is a bit selfish, egoist and adamant by nature.

QNo4: Rosen represents a sympathetic and humanistic point of view. It will be unjust to say that his attitude towards Eva was selfish and debased (‫بےآبروکرنا‬،‫)ذلیل کرنا‬. Discuss. Or

Is Rosen a self-sacrificing and considerate (‫اوروں کے آرام کا‬ ‫ )خیال رکھنےوال‬person? Answer: Rosen’s character is very important and interesting. By nature, he is very sympathetic, sincere and loving person. After the death of Eva’s husband, he tries his level best to help her. When he feels that Eva is not ready to accept his help, he even proposes her for marriage. He considers it a possible way of improving her miserable condition. When, he fails this time also, at last, he prepares a will. Now, leaving everything for her and her two daughters, he tries to commit suicide. However, all his efforts to help Eva show that he is sympathetic and sincere fellow. He has great love and respect for her. But, she ignores everything and even does not hesitate to insult even such a nice fellow. Though, in the end she realizes her mistake, yet it is too late for Rosen and he rejects her. To conclude, it can be said that Rosen is a sincere and lovable person. He represents a sympathetic point of view and it will be unjust to say that his attitude towards Eva was selfish and debased. Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 18 ~

Qno5: The story is a tussle between two noble passions, sincerity and self-respect. Discuss. Or What kind of moral lesson do you get from the story? Answer: By reading the whole story, we are greatly impressed by the sincerity of Rosen and self-respect and firm resolution of Eva. These two passions should be basic ingredient of a man’s nature. The story does teach a moral lesson and that is to have the charitable feelings for depressed ones (‫مایوس‬،‫ )اداس‬as Rosen had. On the other hand, we also learn the lesson that one should face the circumstances bravely, how much unfavorable they may be, as Eva did. We should also have these two passions, without any hidden motives. Rosen made a lot of sincere attempt just to help the poor family. He didn’t have any personal interests. Similarly, Eva rejects all his offers of help just because of self-respect, not because of her ego. So we can see a little bit of a tussle between these two passions. But, at the end, sincerity triumphs over self-respect. At the end, we see Eva standing outside Rosen’s window with open arms. We cannot say she gave in (‫ )ہمت ہار جانا‬to bad circumstances, rather, she had been convinced of Rosen’s sincerity. In short, we can say that these two passions are the outcome of the whole story.



Oscar Wild

“The Happy Prince” is one of the finest fairy tales written by “Oscar Wild”. Though, the story is written in a fairy tale atmosphere, yet it describes bitter realities of life. However, it is more than just a fairy tale. It gives us a serious lesson that the main purpose of man in life is not to serve himself alone, but to serve humanity also.

QNo1: Discuss “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wild as a fairy tale. Or

In the story “The Happy Prince” love and sacrifice are saving forces. Discuss. Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 19 ~ Or

Oscar wild has thrown light upon apathetic (‫مردہ‬ ‫لابالی‬،‫ )دل‬modern age and its bitter realities through “The Happy Prince”. What do you think? Or

When The Happy Prince was alive he did not know the meanings of weeping, but after death he sacrificed everything and burst into tears. Why? Answer:

“The Happy Prince” is one of the finest fairy tales written by “Oscar Wild”. The story is full of such details that can happen in a fairy world only. The story is about a Prince, who led a life of comfort when alive. He does not know anything about the harsh realities outside the palace. However, after his death his statue is erected on a high column in the centre of the city. The statue is all covered with gold leaves, whereas blue sapphires (‫یاقوت‬،‫ )نیلم‬are fixed in place of eyes and a red ruby is displayed in sword hilt (‫)تلوارکادستہ‬. From that high place, the Prince can watch the miseries of the poor. Hence, he is not happy anymore and weeps all the time. One day, a Swallow happens to sit between his legs and by chance a tear fells on it. It asks the Prince the reason of his weeping. The Prince tells him his entire story. After knowing the reason, the Swallow decides to help the Prince. The prince asks it to give the ruby of his sword hilt to a poor woman, whose child is suffering from fever. The Swallow does the same and the Prince is happy to see its result. Next morning the Prince stops the Swallow again and asks it to give the sapphire of his one eye to a poor dramatist. It does as is asked by the Prince. The next day, the Prince gives the sapphire of his other eye to a poor match selling girl. Now, the Swallow realizing that the Prince has blinded himself for suffering humanity decides to remain with him. It distributes all the gold leaves of his statue among the poor. In winter, it cannot bear the cold and dies. Now, the statue is in a bad condition, the mayor of the city orders to remould the statue into his own statue. When the statue is melted, the lead heart does not melt. Hence, it is thrown on the heap, where the dead body of the Swallow is already laying. Later the God asks His angels to bring two most precious things of the city. The angels take the broken heart and the dead Swallow. God really praises them for their choice. In the end, it can be said that love and sacrifice are the saving forces. Apart from that all the details given by the writer can only happen in a fairy tale. In short, the writer has tried to highlight the modern age and its bitter realities.

QNo2: The Happy Prince though dead, is still helpful to the suffering humanity. How? Answer:

The happy Prince is the main character of the story. He led a happy life when he was alive. After his death his statue is erected on a high column in the center of the city. Now, he can watch the miseries of the poor people. He is no Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 20 ~ more happy now. His statue is all covered with gold leaves and costly stones are fixed there in place of his eyes and on sword hilt. With the help of a Swallow the Prince distributes all the leaves of his body, the costly stones of his eyes and sword hilt among the poor. In this way, he blinds himself for the suffering humanity and at last his statue is melted. The Swallow also tries its level best to help the happy Prince in his that sacred mission. To conclude, it can be said that the Happy Prince seems to have a sensitive heart. His sacrifices are symbol of doing something for suffering humanity. In this way, though dead, he is still helpful for suffering humanity.

QNo3: Swallow also has a lot to do in propagating the main theme of the story. Discuss. Answer:

The Swallow, a simple and innocent bird, has a lot to do in propagating ( ‫رایج کرنا‬،‫ )پھیلنا‬the main theme of the story. The writer has used it as a helper of the Happy Prince. One day, it happens to sit under his feet and a tear fells on it. She comes to know about the reason of his weeping. It is quite impressed with the behaviour of the Happy Prince. Though, it has to go to Egypt, but it decides to remain with the prince to help him in his sacred mission The Swallow gives away the costly stones of his body to the poor. It distributes also the leaves of his body among the needy and the poor. Though, it knows that the snowfall is going to begin, it sacrifices its life for the sake of suffering humanity. However, it gets reward from God for it’s that act of virtue. The angels take its body along with the lead heart of the Happy Prince to God, considering it the most precious thing of the city. Hence, Swallow has to do a lot in propagating the main theme of the story.

QNo4: What was the result of the sacrifices of the happy Prince and the Swallow? Or It is true that sacrifice of wealth; health and life win pleasure of the God? Answer:

From the answer of QNo1.

Qno5: Towards the end of the story, the mayor of the city calls the Happy Prince little better than a beggar. Why? Answer: “The Happy Prince” is a story which not only gives us a moral lesson to help the needy and the poor, but also reveals the moral lapses of Oscar Wild’s age. The whole story is full of satirical elements. The writer has tried to satirize different people for their moral deficiencies (‫ کوتاہی‬،‫)کمی‬. One of them is lust for reputation. At the end of the story, when the mayor comes where the statue of Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 21 ~ the Happy Prince is fixed, he is surprised to see that the Happy Prince is no more beautiful. All his gold leaves has been pulled and he looks very drab (‫)بھدا‬. Here, the mayor says that “the Happy Prince is little better than a beggar”. He says this because he wants that his own statue should be now fixed in the place of the Happy Price. Here, now the writer wants to criticize human beings lust for reputation, when the councilors begin to fight that their statue should be fixed there. Here the writer is totally justified in his satire. When the prince was alive and had gold all over his body everyone liked him, including the mayor who portends of having an artistic taste. Actually, he is not so but only pretends. Now, when the prince looks drab, the mayor says that he is little better than a beggar just to show that he has an artistic taste.




James Joyce

“Araby” is one the most interesting stories written by “James Joyce”. This story presents a conflict between the world of dreams and realities. The story is basically about a boy who falls a victim of his disillusionment ( ‫)وھم کا ازالہ‬, but faces a defeat in the hands of the merciless world. In short, this story teaches the reader to observe the world with open eyes.

QNo1: “Araby” by James Joyce is a story of conflict between the subjective ( ‫فففاعلی‬،‫نفسففی‬،‫ )ذاتففی‬feelings of a boy and objective (‫حقیقی‬،‫ )مادی‬realities of the world. Do you agree? Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 22 ~

Or “The story combines in itself a world of reality and unreality”. Discuss. Or Anguish and anger of disillusionment are outcome of the whole story. Discuss. Answer: “Araby” is one of the most interesting stories written by “James Joyce”. The story is about a young boy, who is living with his uncle and aunt. He plays with his friend at the back of the street. As, he reaches the age of adolescence ( ‫آغازجوانی‬،‫)بلوغت‬, he realizes that he has fallen in love with his friend’s sister. But, in his shyness (‫شرم‬،‫)حجاب‬, he is unable to disclose it to her. Now, he starts living in the world of dreams. Moreover, he does not get a chance to express his love to her and if he gets one, he does not have courage to do so. Incidentally, one day she meets him in the street. She asks him, has he seen Araby bazaar? In excitement, he promises to go there and bring some gift for her. After that, he starts dreaming about bringing gift for her, and hence, getting a chance to express his love to her. Though, his uncle gives him permission to go to bazaar on week end, but the uncle forgets to come home soon on that day. The boy waits for him all the day. But, the uncle reaches home at 9.00 p.m. The boy gets frustrated, he gets just a florin and reaches bazaar at about 9.50 p.m. Up till that time the bazaar is almost closed. Moreover, he is not left with much money to buy something, as he has spent some money on transport and some on entrance fee to bazaar. He stands outside a stall of vases for some time, thinking about his helplessness. He is feeling disgusted at the wash out of his dreams. In the end, it can be said that the story combines in itself the world of realities and unrealities. Moreover, it shows a conflict between the subjective feelings of a boy and objective realities of the world.

QNo2: What were the feelings of the young boy about his beloved? Answer:

“Araby” is one of the most interesting stories written by “James Joyce”. This story presents love of a young boy for a girl. He falls in love with the sister of his friend. Initially, he could not understand what it really meant. However, he attracted towards the girl in a passionate ( ‫ )پرجوش‬manner and used to lose in her dreams. He used to watch her walking and talking to others. The boy, just beginning to feel the charm of youth, was getting mad in her love. He even wept for her love, but did not have courage to face her. Her personality was like an obsession for him. He often tossed all the night in his bed, dreaming about her physical beauty. He also lost interest in his study and girl became the only object of his life. Such was intensity of his love for girl. But, actually, he was living in the world of dreams and illusions. At the end of the story his dreams are shattered (‫ )بکھرجانا‬and he came to know what the real world is. Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 23 ~ In short, though the boy was living in a dream world, yet his love for the girl was very much sincere.

QNo3: “The young boy is a typical representative of those young people who fall a victim of their own illusions and aspirations (‫)انت ہایی آرزو‬, without comprehending the harsh world”. Prove. Or Does the boy represent the feelings and aspirations of every young boy? Answer:

The young boy is the hero of this story. In fact, he is typical representative of young generation of modern society. He, like all young boys of his age is very passionate and sentimental. He falls in love with his friend’s sister, but is unable to disclose it because of shyness. He simply watches her movements and physical beauty. By chance, he meets her and promises to bring a gift for her from Araby bazaar. He reaches the bazaar late and faces the disappointment and anguish of his life. His visit to bazaar proves futile, as he is unable to fulfill his promise with the girl. At that moment, he comes to know that the real world is quite different from the dream world. In fact, the young boy is real representative of his own class, who are ignorant of the bitter world outside. They are simple and innocent people, hoping their dreams would come true in this world. In short, the young boy do represents the feelings and aspirations of every young boy.


Edger Allen Poe

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~ 24 ~ “Edgar Allen Poe” is a famous American poet, short story writer and critic. He is known as one of the originators of detective stories. His stories are often full of horror, terror and psychology abnormalities. In his stories, the events take an abrupt turn (‫ )اچانک موڑ‬and take the reader completely in the grip of horror (‫ )دھشت‬and terror (‫ )خوف‬and present story is a fine example of his great work. This is story of a murder of an old man by a murderer and then his arrest. Actually, this story tells us that when a man do something wrong his conscience (‫ )ضمیر‬haunts him and does not allow him to take rest.

Q.No1: Why and how did the narrator of the story confessed his crime? Or How was the murderer caught? Or “He could not help confessing (‫ )مانے بغیر نہ رہ سکا‬his crime. It was in fact his inner voice from which no guilty person can escape.” Discuss. Or “The police officers were chatting, while the murderer’s condition was becoming worst.” Why? Answer:

The narrator of the story planned and executed the murder of the old man with great care and cleverness. For seven nights, he failed to complete his plan. But, on eighth night when he entered his victim’s room he found his vulture (‫)گدھ‬ like eye wide opened. He went mad. He jumped on the old man, dragged (‫)کھنچا‬ him on the floor and killed him. Then, he cut his body into pieces and buried them under the planks (‫ )تختے‬of the wooden floor. He carefully collected the blood into a tub. When, he had finished his work, there was no sign or clue of the murder, in the room. Just then, he heard a knocking at the street door. He opened it himself with light heart. Three policemen entered and told him that a shriek ( ‫ )چیخ‬had been heard in the building. They had come to investigate (‫)تفتیش کرنا‬. He told them that it was he who shrieked in the dream. He helped them in searching the building and even took them to the old man’s room and told them that he had gone out in the country (‫)شہر سے باہر‬. They seemed satisfied that nothing foul had been played in the building. As, he sat chatting with them pleasantly, he heard sound of a beating heart coming from the place where the dead body was buried. None of the police officer seemed to hear it. He tried to ignore it, but the noise steadily ( ‫ )بتدریج‬increased. At last, he could not bear it more, started behaving strangely and confessed his crime.

Q. No.2: How and why did the hero of the story kill the old man? Answer: The killing of old man by the hero of the story cannot be justified. He killed the old man just because; he did not like his vulture like eye. When, he is Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 25 ~ arrested by the police, he narrated the whole events of his crime. While describing his cunning (‫ )ھوشیاری سے‬action, he said that he completed his plan very wisely. He said that the old man never wronged or insulted him. He also said that he didn’t kill him in any kind of greed, but only that he didn’t like old man’s vulture like eye. Whenever, he saw it, his blood ran cold. He had feelings of repulsion (‫حقارت‬،‫)نفرت‬. So, he decided to kill the old man just to get rid of (‫چھٹکارا‬ ‫ )پانا‬his that hateful eye. He said that for seven nights, he went to old man’s room, but he could not kill the old man because his hateful eye was closed. But, on the eighth night, when he went to old man’s room, the old man was awake. He waited for old man to sleep. Then, thinking that the old man might have slept, he threw dim light on him. To his great horror, the old man was sitting with his eye open. He got furious. He dragged the old man on the floor and pulled the heavy bed over him. The old man shrieked only once and then died. In this way the hero killed the old man very cleverly.

Q.No3: Do you think that the hero was suffering from some kind of psychological disorder? Answer: First Paragraph from 2nd question + The events of the story clearly show that the hero of the story was suffering from some kind of psychological disorder or abnormality. It is horrible to think that he killed the old man just because he did not like his vulture like eye. Actually, such a brutal (‫ )بے رحم‬act cannot be expected from any sane person. It was better for him that if he did not like his eye just not look at it. To kill and then to mince the old man’s body and even listening the heart beats is clear indication of his abnormality and definitely he was suffering from some kind of mental disorder.

Q. No.4: Describe the elements of horror that found in the story “The Tell Tale Heart”. Answer: Introduction + The story is full of elements of horror and terror. The events of 8th night are more horribly described. On the eighth night, when the murderer opened the door, he felt that the old man was awaking. After that a long period of anxiety followed. Perhaps the looming (‫ )لٹکتا ہوا‬danger was awaking the old man. The murderer waited for old man to sleep. The whole environment was full of awe (‫ڈر‬،‫ )خوف‬and horror. To hear a little noise, the old man tried to console himself that there might be some wind in the chimney or some mouse crossing the floor. After a long painful waiting the murderer thought that the old man might have slept. But, he was awaking and on seeing his vulture like eye the murderer got furious (‫غضبناک‬،‫ )برہم‬and killed the old man. Murder of the old man, mincing (‫ )قیمہ کرنا‬of his body into pieces, tickling sound of old man’s heart and pricking (‫تکلیف دینا‬،‫ )چبھونا‬of the killer’s heart are all the elements of horror. In short, there is horror in every detail of the story. Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 26 ~



“Maupassant” is one the greatest short story writers of France. He is well known for his realism and characterization and “The Necklace” is a fine example of his work. This story is about human vanity (‫)گھمنڈ‬. Matilda is central character of the story. She herself tells that there is a very narrow margin between safety and disaster. In short, she is punished for her vanity.

Q. No1: Narrate the story of “The Necklace” in your own words.

Answer: This is a story of a clerk named Loisel and his young beautiful wife Matilda. Matilda loved fine clothes and expensive jewelry. She could not buy these things but nothing could stop her from dreaming about them, and making her life miserable. One day, her husband got an invitation to a party at a Minister’s residence. He hoped that it would make her happy. But, she refused to go, because she had no fine dress and jewelry. Her husband bought her a new dress. She borrowed a beautiful necklace from a rich friend, Madam Frostier. At party, she was greatly admired by the men of high social status. She danced with prominent and rich men. It was the happiest night of her life. When, she returned home with her husband, they discovered that the necklace had been lost. Mr. Loisel borrowed thirty-six thousand francs from friends and money lenders. They brought a new necklace and gave it to Madam Frostier. Now, the husband and wife began working hard to pay back their debt. Matilda had to do all domestic work herself. Mr. Loisel had to work part time. Hard work told upon their health and they grew old before time. It took them ten years to pay the debt. Then one day, Matilda met Madam Frostier by chance. She told her the story of her misfortune. She was dumb-founded to hear that Madam Forester’s necklace was made of artificial diamonds and it was worth five hundred francs only.

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~ 27 ~ “This story shows that ornaments are weakness of women all over the world.” Do you agree? Or Write a character sketch of Matilda. Or What were Matilda’s dreams?

Answer: Matilda is the heroine of this short interesting story. The story is a fine work of G.D. Maupassant. He has shown that how vanity may ruin the whole life of a person. Matilda was a very pretty and charming young lady. But, she was very vain and proud. Though, she was born to a poor family yet dreamt of palaces, jewelry and luxury life. She was of the view that God had done injustice with her by placing her in a poor family. She was fond of parties. Matilda was not happy by marrying with a poor clerk. She had to live in a small apartment, but always dreamt of palaces. Her poverty always had tortured her and she was not satisfied with her position. She had a desire that people should worship her as a Princess. She behaved snobbishly (‫ )غرورکیساتھھ‬in the company of rich people. But Matilda had to pay very heavily for her pride and vanity. To conclude, it can be said that the character of Matilda makes one thing very much clear that whether it is east or west, ornaments are weakness of women all over the world.

Q. No 3: Write a note on Mr. Loisel, husband of Matilda. Answer:

Though, the story “The Necklace” does not highlight Mr. Loisel very much, yet we do find little hints about that poor man. Mr. Loisel is a short stature man of simple taste. He is a petty clerk in the Ministry of Education. He knows his social status and is contented with it. He has no ambitions and dreams, and does not run after shadows. He is not unhappy while living in a small and poorly furnished apartment. He enjoys his humble living. Mr. Loisel loves his wife. He tries his level best to make her happy. He managed an invitation of a Minister’s party, with great difficulty. He thinks that the opportunity of spending a night with high, class people will make her happy. He gives her his entire savings to buy a new dress for party. But, he is not able to buy expensive jewelry for her. At party, he waits in a small room, while his wife enjoys the party to her extent. Mr. Loisel faces the consequences of the loss of the borrowed necklace. But, that poor fellow does not utter a single word of complaint. He borrows the 36,000 francs and replaces the lost necklace, in order to save his wife’s honour. This man really loves his wife.

Q. No 4: What is the moral of the story? Or Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 28 ~ The story is a proof of Maupassant’s great technique of presenting realities of life. Discuss? Answer: Introduction + This story has deep moral in it. It shows that we should always be contented with our living conditions. We should try to improve our living conditions, but should never show off what we don’t have. Apart from that, dreaming of a life of luxury might bring ruin. Those who live in cottages and dream of palaces might come to grief. In short, “try to live in your means”, may be the single sentence moral of the whole story.

10- The Duchess and the Jeweler

By Virginia Woolf


“Virginia Woolf” is a famous English novelist and short story writer. “The Duchess and The Jeweler” is written in such a beautiful literary prose that it deserves to be praised. From the start till the end the whole story is full of beautiful words, phrases and sentences, which is a hallmark (‫نمایاں‬ ‫اہم نشانی‬،‫ )خصوصیت‬of Virginia Woolf. This story shows that how a Duchess makes fool of a jeweler. Actually, this story narrates that how the English high ups descended morally.

Q. No.1: “The characters of the Duchess and Oliver depict loss of faith in human values.” Discuss. Or Oliver was an experienced person, yet he was fooled by the Duchess. How and why? Or After reading the whole story, do you think that Oliver Bacon was suffering from some kind of inferiority complex? Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 29 ~ Answer: Oliver Bacon was a famous jeweler. He was a very poor boy, who once sold stolen dogs and cheap watches. Despite now, he was the owner a big jewelry shop, he was not satisfied with himself and wanted to have a wonderful and extra-ordinary deal. One morning, a Duchess came to meet him. She opened a leather bag and put ten pearls on the table. She wanted to sell these pearls. Oliver knew that the Duchess had once cheated him by selling false diamonds. So this time he didn’t want to be deceived. He was about to ring the bell and get the pearls checked, but the Duchess proved a bit too clever for him. She said to the Jeweler that the Prime Minister was holding a party where Diana would also be present. She invited him to attend the party. Diana was the Duchess’s daughter whom the jeweler loved. He lost in Diana’s thoughts and wrote a cheque for twenty thousand pounds. He forgot his mother’s advice, “Oliver, Have sense! Don’t be a fool.” He once again became that poor boy who was impressed by the rich. He wished to have a long week end with Diana. The Duchess once again made fool of him and sold false pearls. To have the company of Diana and the rich people was his weakness. Actually, he was suffering from inferiority complex. The Duchess took benefit of his weakness and deceived him. In short, it can be said, that both the characters were mean and cheaters. Perhaps, they show writer’s loss of faith in human values.

Q. No.2: “The Duchess and The Jeweler” actually mentions the change in the English society.” Discuss. Or Give a picture of the social life presented in this story. Answer: Virginia Woolf is a famous English novelist and short story writer. In this story, she has presented the picture of English society in her age. The story shows a change in the social life of that period. These were the times when the high-ups were coming down. The moral values were on decline. This also show that the common people were becoming rich where as the rich were becoming weak not only economically but morally also. Actually, the rich were idle and they considered it their right to rule the people. They led a life of luxury but did nothing to earn for themselves. Hence, they had to adopt foul means to maintain themselves. The Duchess was a good example of such highups. On the other hand, common people were getting education and working hard to change their conditions. In the result, they were earning money and their standard of living had improved. They cared a little for the so called high ups. The writer has brought out the strong influence of lust for wealth. The jeweler collected the heaps of wealth by foul means. The whole life of jeweler shows his hard struggle and sharp practices in gathering wealth. In short, the whole story brings before us the changes through which the society of Virginia Woolf’s time was going.

Q. No. 3: Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

~ 30 ~ Write a character sketch of Oliver Bacon. Answer: Oliver Bacon is the central character of this story. He is a famous, rich and the most successful jeweler of London. He is living in a beautiful and well furnished house. He has servants to serve him. Though, he has passed his youth, yet is in good health and is very active in his business. In his early life, he was very poor and sold watches and stolen dogs. But, now he is the owner of a jewelry shop, in the most expensive area of London. This all show that he is a hard working man. Although, he is a very successful man now, yet still he wants to rise higher. Actually, he wants to fulfill his mother’s dream who wanted to see him the most successful man of Britain. Despite, now he is a rich man, he is suffering from inferiority complex and wants to get rid of his past. He wants to develop relations with the gentry to overcome his inferiority complex. The Duchess is aware of his weakness and takes advantage of it. In short, he is a greedy kind of person who is hungry for money and status.

Q. No 4: Write a character sketch of the Duchess. Answer: The Duchess in the story belongs to the highest and richest class in the English society. But, with the passage of time, like other people of her class, she started coming down economically and morally. Her appearances show that she likes to wear good dress and is very careful about her outwardly looks. But, she is a fat woman and even the expensive clothes are not able to hide her fatness. This also shows that she is an idle like woman and does not work at home. Her face is real mirror of her moral corruption. She is there in the shop of jeweler to fool him. Although, the jeweler is aware that she is a cheater, yet she is able to deceive him once again. This shows her cleverness. The way she takes the advantage of the weaknesses of the jeweler shows that she knows very well that how to exploit others weaknesses. In short, she is a morally corrupt and mean woman, who even does not hesitate to use the name of her daughter to deceive the jeweler.

Contact for more B.A & M.A English Language Notes (University of Punjab Lahore):[email protected]. Mobile:03006150661

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