Financial Year : The year starting from April 1 and ending on March 31 of the next year is known as a financial year. Assessment Year: Year: AY is a financial year in which the income earned during the preious year is taxed. !reious Year Year "sec 3#: The year in which the income is earned is called the preious p reious year. $.g.: 1. %ncome %ncome earned earned &y 'Y( )td in the year *++,-* *++,-*++ ++ will will &e taxed in the year *++-* *++-*++/ ++/.. The same would &e taxa&le irrespectie of the accounting year followed &y the assessee. %n the aforesaid the year *++,-+ is the preious year and the year *++-+/ is the assessment year. *. The income income of ' comprise comprises s of only proper property ty income income till till March March 1+0 *++. *++. 2n March March 1+0 *++ he starts a new &usiness of computer hardware. From the date gien &elow0 find out the taxa&le income of ' or the assessment years *++-+ to *++,-+. !roperty income: 4s. 5*0+++6- eery year. 7usiness income: 4s 1+0+++6- for the period ending 31 March *++ and 4s.+++6-for the period ending 31 march *++,. 8hat would &e the taxa&le income of ' for the AY +-+0 +-+,0 +,-+9 %ncome earned during the preious year is taxed during the assessment year. Therefore a year is an assessment year and preious year simultaneously. oweer in certain cases the income is taxed in the year in which it is earned. The exceptions to the rule are as under: 1. *. 3. 5.
%ncome %ncome of non-reside non-resident nt from from shipping. shipping. "sec1,*# "sec1,*# %ncome %ncome of persons leai leaing ng %ndia either either permanent permanently ly or for long long period of time time "sec1,5# "sec1,5# %ncome %ncome of &odies formed formed for short duration. duration. "sec1,5A# "sec1,5A# %ncome %ncome of persons persons trying trying to alienate alienate his his assets assets with iew iew to aoidin aoiding g payment payment of his tax. tax. "sec 1,# . income income of disco disconti ntinue nued d &usines &usiness." s."sec sec1, 1,##
;!erson ;sec *"31#: The term persons include: a# an indi ndiiidual dual a ind indu u undi undii ided ded fami family ly c# a co company d# a firm e# an associati association on of persons persons and a &ody &ody of indiid indiiduals uals whether whether incorp incorporate orated d or not f# a loc local al auth author oriity g# $ery $ery artificial artificial
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