Note Payable
Short Description
Note Payable: •Written promises to pay a certain sum of money on a specified future date. •Arise from purchases, financing, or other transactions. •Classified as either “Short-term” or “Long-term” depending on the payment due date. •Also classified as “Interest earing” or “!ero-Interest earing”. Measurement of Notes Payable Initially Initially,, notes notes payale payale shall e measure measured d at fair "alue #hich #hich is e$ual e$ual to the present present "alue "alue or discounted "alue. Suse$uently, the note payale shall e measured at amorti%ed cost. •
Note Issued Solely for Cash When a note is issued solely for cash, the present "alue is e$ual to the cash proceeds. &he entry to record the issuance of the notes' Cash (( )iscount on *ote +ayale (( *ote +ayale (( •
Note: &he Note: &he discount deited, is the discount on notes payale for the #hole year, the interest. So, if it is needed, the discount could e amorti%ed as interest e(pense. Interest (pense (( )iscount on *ote +ayale (( Straight line method is method is used in amorti%ing the discount on note payale. &he discount on notes payale is a direct deduction from the notepayale. *ote +ayale (( Less')iscount on *ote +ayale (( /oo0 "alue (( Note' Note' &he oo0 "alue is actually the amorti%ed cost of the note payale. Two Types of Notes Payable A. Intere Interest st Bearin Bearing g Note Note ournal entries !Issuan"e of an interest bearing note: Cash *ote +ayale
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!Payment of the note in"luding interest: *otes +ayale Interest (pense Ca Cash
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#ero$Interest$ #ero$Interest$ Bearing Not •)oes not e(plicitly state an interest rate on the face of the note ut Interest is still "harged. •At maturity the orro#er must pay ac0 an amount greater than the cash recei"ed. ournal entries •Issuance of a %ero-interest-earing note' Cash )iscount on *ote +ayale *ote +ayale
(( (( ((
Interest Bearing Note Issued for Property When a property or noncash asset is ac$uired y issuing a note #hich is interest-earing, the property or asset is recorded at pur"hase pri"e the purchase price is the present "alue of the note and therefore the fair "alue of the property ecause the note issued is interest-earing. •
Non$Interest bearing Note Issued for Property #hen an interest earing note is issued for property, the property is recorded at the cash price of the property. &he cash price is assumed to e the present "alue of the note issued. &he difference et#een the cash price and the face "alue of the note issued represents the imputed interest. &he imputed interest is ased on sound philosophy that no lender #ould part a#ay his money or property interest-free.
A non interest earing note is a det for #hich there is no documented re$uirement for the orro#er to pay the lender any rate of interest. If such a note #ere to e resold to a third party, the det #ould e sold at a discount to its face amount, so that the third party purchaser #ould e"entually reali%e a gain #hen it #as redeemed y the orro#er at its face amount. If a non interest earing note is a ond, the issuer is selling the ond at a deep discount and committing to pay ac0 the face amount of the ond on its maturity date. &his approach allo#s the issuer to a"oid ma0ing periodic interest payments on the ond. Instead, all cash payment oligations y the issuer are concentrated at the maturity date of the ond. &he holder of a non interest earing note should recogni%e imputed interest income on the instrument. &his re$uires the follo#ing steps' 1. Calculate the present "alue of the note, discounted ased on the mar0et rate of interest. 2. 3ultiply the mar0et rate of interest y the present "alue of the note to arri"e at the amount of interest income. 4. 5ecord the interest income as a credit to interest income and a deit to an asset account for the in"estment in the note. 6"er time, the ongoing series of deits associated #ith the recognition of interest income #ill increase the asset amount to the face "alue of the note. 7. When the issuer pays off the note, record a deit to cash and a credit to the asset account for the in"estment in the note. &he same approach is used y the issuer of the note, e(cept that interest e(pense is recorded, and the "alue of a note payale liaility account is gradually increased until such time as the det is paid off at its face "alue. Similar Terms A non interest earing note is also 0no#n as a zero-coupon bond .
Ano ba ang promissory note? Para saan ba ito? According sa Act No. 2031, Chapter 16, Section 18 !sa ating Negotiab"e #nstr$ments %a&' Sec. 18. Promissory note, de(ined. ) A negotiab"e promissory note &ithin the meaning o( this Act is an unconditional promise inwriting made by one person to another, signed by the ma*er, engaging to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time , a sum certain in money to order or to bearer. +here a note is dra&n to the ma*ers o&n order, it is not comp"ete $nti" indorsed by him. Sa mada"ing sabi, ito y$ng $tang na sin$"at mo, binigay mo sa nagpa$tang sayo at sinasabi mo na -babayaran mo y$n, promise. /aya promissory note, hehehe. $t serio$s"y, ganon nga y$n. /$ng mapapansin nyo, sa de(inition, may mga high"ighted parts. $n *asi y$ng mga e"ements ng isang Negotiab"ePromissory note. Pero since (inancia" acco$nting ang itata"a*ay *o dito, hindi nyo naman *e"angang hanapin yan sa $i nyo. Ang importante sa test nyo sa (inancia" acco$nting, y$ng mga data sa promissory notes. I. TYPES 4here are t&o types o( Notes !recei5ab"epayab"e'. • •
#nterest7earing Notes Non7interest earing Notes Sa da"a&ang nabanggit, tandaan niyo pa"agi na parehong may interest yan. Ang interest *asi ay ang -payment (or the $se o( money. Ano ang pinag7iba ng da"a&a? Sa interest-bearing notes, the rate is app"ied to the AC9 o( the note beca$se theinterest is not imputed in the face amo$nt o( the note yet. So *$ng may interest bearing note *a payab"e in one year &orth P2,000 at an interest rate o( 3: per ann$m, sa isang taon, ang interest nya ay P60 Sa non-interest bearing notes, ang interest ay imputed na sa !"E amo$nt ng note. So, pag na*ita mo y$ng (ace amo$nt non7interest bearing note, *asama na d$n y$ng interest. /$ng baga, y$n y$ng ($t$re 5a"$e ng note mo !Principa" p"$s #nterest'. So, ano gaga&in mo para macomp$te mo y$ng interest? 9di i7present 5a"$e mo y$ng note. So sa e;amp"e *anina, *$ng may N
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pa"aging mag7aaccr$e ng interest at year end !pag "ong7term ang notes, meaning e;tends to more than 1 year' a"amin m$na *$ng interest bearing or non7interest bearing ang note. a"a"aman mo naman ito depende sa &ording ng prob"em. @s$a""y pag interest bearing ang sinasabi - bearing an interest o( o di *aya -an interest bearing note. care($""y ta*e note o( the BA49 (or it is important in comp$ting the interest. /$ng seria" !insta""ment' ang bayad ng principa", mag7ingat. Bapat iamortie ang principa" pa"agi para tama ang interest na ma*o*omp$te mo. ang rate na binibigay, $n"ess other&ise speci(ied, ay ANN@A% interest. So pag short term "ang ang note, pa"aging iappropriate based "ang *$ng gano *ataga" y$ng note.
I&TE'EST (E!'I&) &*TE 1. Ass$me that on Apri". 1 2010, 4omasino Corp. iss$ed a 307day note (or P2,000, bearing an interest o( 2: per ann$m. +hat are the entries? &e had an interest o( 3 pesos comp$ted as !2,000 2: 30360'. 4andaan, inappropriate *o y$ng interest sa 30 days "ang.
2. + 3=,000 + 60,000 !3=,000 G 2=,000' ++ 60,000 !3=,000 2=,000'+/ 2=,000 ang interest (or the year ay ang tota" na interest na na7inc$rearned (or the &ho"e year
ada"i "ang diba?
&*&-I&TE'EST (E!'I&) &*TE Sa non7interest bearing note entries, parang bonds "ang yan. Hindi gaano naiiba y$ng entries nito sa bonds *asi dito, &e"" $se a -Bisco$nt on Notes Payab"e acco$nt. 4he disco$nt &i"" represent a Be(erred #nterest #ncome !on the payees side' or an Prepaid #nterest 9;pense !on the ma*ers side' &hich has to be amortied year"y to re("ect in the income statement the amo$nt being recognied as interest incomee;pense. Sa non7interest bearing note, ang PE
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