50 rores Plant 7 %ac+iner$ 8 9e 9ears ars : 20 4tr ; to 8 $ears - Rs.8< per 6+ousand per =tr ;0? of (4uipment cost Refundale after / $ear
Asset %anagement !ees Pa$ment >ates
Nil ;st da$ of ever$ calendar 4uarter 4u arter for eg. @an, April, @ul$, Oct
Refinancer Refina ncer tto o Opc Ass Asset et soluti solutions ons pvt. pvt. Ltd. 6$pe 6$ pe of !inance #enefits Over #orro !inance 6erm Loan
L76 !ina !inance nce Off #alance S+eet !inance Operating Lease - Lease is cancelale it+out sustantial penalt$ 2?. - ontract Life is less t+an t+e economic life of t+e assets
(ffective Rate
#orro #or roing ing it+in it+in limit limit sti stipul pulate ated d $ oard oard
- lease pa$ments are e)pensed out. - proportionatel$ No additional oring capital ill e re4uired. - >et (4uit$ ratio 7 Return on Assets ill e maintained. - as per an covenants, %inimum current ratio re4uirement is ;.;B. Since last five $ear our current ratio is less t+an ;, '+ic+ is a concern in near term and rating agenc$ +as alread$ raised as a e$ c+allenge. 'it+ suc+ arrangement current ratio ill e improved. ;0.B0? is effective rate it+ aove structured proposal. Recentl$ e +ave availed term loan of Rs.10 crore it+ effective rate of ;;.80?. 3nterest rate ;0.B8? As onver @une @un 20; / tot total al s+ort s+o ter term mtion, orro orroing is appro). appr o). of 20Bcr. 20Bc r. *oe *o eve r eas20;/ per sp speci ecial al rtre reso solu luti on, in ing su suppr ppres essi sion on t+ t+e e t+ ordinar$ resolution adopted at t+e 28 Annual Ceneral %eeting +eld on 2Bt+ Aug, 20;0 and pursuant to section ;
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