Norsca Tribes

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by Jackdays

This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay logo, WFRP, Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol device, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Tomb Kings, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, artefacts, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2008, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Special Thanks & Credits: Special thanks belong to multiple sources that must be credited here. I’m using very much their original works. Black Industries Tome of Corruption is the base source to my Norsca Project. Excellent sourcebook with good information about Norsca. Morten Krog and his original Norsca Project, for WFRP1, is the most valuable fan-source. Very much of the people, places, gods, timeline and many other ideas (and names) are originally from his works. Thank you. Also huge amounts of information have been taken from multiple other sources (Liber Chaotica, Realm of the Ice Queen, Sea of Claws Article from Warpstone, Marienburg: Sold Down the River, Army Books, the Citadel Journal, Pour la Gloire d’Ulric and from Games Workshop –site, Conquest of the New World –site, Kislevite Allied Contingents, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning –game, Black Library novels and probably from other sources, even not mentioned here). Also special thanks to Alfred Nuñez Jr. “Mad Alfred” for his great works (especially Dwarfs: Stone and Steel), parts of Norsca Project and maps. They have been great help. And then also huge thanks to all Warhammer fans, especially from the forums. There are many of you out there who have helped very much with this project and given many good ideas. Thanks.

Table of Contents 1. NORSE TRIBAL SOCIETY……..…..………….…………………………………………………….. The Tribes of Chaos: Norse..…………………...……………………………….…………....…………. 1.1 Tribes and Clans……….……………………………………………………………………………. 1.2 Society Levels……….………………………………………………………………………………. 1.3 Optional Careers…….………………………………………………………………………………. OPTIONAL CAREER: Animal Trainer……...………………………………….…………....………….. OPTIONAL CAREER: Norse Thrall………...………………………………….…………....………….. Special Talents & Traits………………………...……………………………….…………....………….. 1.4 Major Exports…….….………………………………………………………………………………. Advanced Trade and Commerce……….……...……………………………….…………....…………. Herbalism of Norsca………...…………………...……………………………….…………....………….

3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9

2. SOUTHERN HIGH TRIBES…….…..………….…………………………………………………….. 2.1 Southern Tribes……….….…………………………………………………………………………. 2.2 Baernsonlings……...….….…………………………………………………………………………. 2.3 Bjornlings………...…….….…………………………………………………………………………. 2.4 Sarls……………….…….….…………………………………………………………………………. 2.5 Skaelings……………….….…………………………………………………………………………. Southern Tribes Starting Careers…...………...……………………………….…………....…………..

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3. NORTHERN HIGH TRIBES…….…..………….…………………………………………………….. 3.1 Northern Tribes……….….…………………………………………………………………………. 3.2 Aeslings………...…...….….…………………………………………………………………………. 3.3 Graelings….……...…….….…………………………………………………………………………. 3.4 Vargs…………….…….….…………………………………………………………………………… Northern Tribes Starting Careers…...………...…………………………….….…………....…………..

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4. OTHER TRIBES………………….…..………….…………………………………………………….. 4.1 Kuldevind Islands….….….…………………………………………………………………………. 4.2 Byttigen……….…….….……………………...……………………………………………………… Other Tribes & Revised Original Starting Careers…...………........……………………....…………..

27 27 28 29

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

1. Norse Tribal Society This document is Expansion to Tome of Corruption (WFRP2 sourcebook). You should read there about Norsca before starting this document. Material is based mostly about information found there and a lot of information is NOT repeated here. Even this document probably works alone; this source just expands information found from the official sources. This information goes for more detail about Norsca and Norse. Also other good sources are Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) books Hordes of Chaos and Dogs of War. And then there is Liber Chaotica (all the books), which has huge amount of details about every aspect of Chaos. This including also information about Norsca and Norse. More information related to the tribes and especially from their Deities and Heroes can be found from my Norsca: Religion –document which can be found same place as this one.

The Tribes of Chaos - Norse: (Text is taken from the Hordes of Chaos - Warhammer Fantasy Battle sourcebook) To the north of the Old World live the Norse tribes: fierce barbarians, fur-clad and warlike – the very epitome of the warriors of Chaos. Their mountainous sea-bound land is haunted by all manner of twisted monstrous creatures, notably mutant Trolls and Giants, and by nameless things that live deep under the mountains. They are warriors at sea as well as on land – building longships in which they harass the southern lands and undertake journeys far to the west. The Norse have pale skin after the manner of men of the Empire. They are generally held to be especially tall and strong, and many have red or fair hair. Those that live the greatest distance from the Realm of Chaos are the least favoured of their gods – And the most likely to be seen openly in more civilized lands as a result.

1.1 Tribes and Clans Norse, feral tribes of Norsca, called by some the Northers or Norscans. Norsca is not an organized nation, but rather a collection of petty states ruled by warlords, although even “state” is perhaps too strong of a term. In actuality, Norsca is loosely divided into different territories held by each of the seven dominant (High) Tribes (or main Tribes), which are Aeslings, Baernsonlings, Bjornlings, Graelings, Sarls, Skaelings and Vargs. Within each, there are dozens of smaller communities divided into households, clans and even smaller tribes (minor tribes). Even civil-war troubles are common inside tribes (between households, clan’s even minor tribes); the High Tribes are usually something than unites these shattered communities in the end. And all these communities inside the High Tribe swear fealty to their High Tribe’s King. Originally Norse people (tribes) were divided in four different territories that are still known by their ancient names: Fjellsende, Soerligslette, Taaketskog and Vestligkyst. These became lands of Baersonlings, Sarls, Skaelings, Bjornlings and Graelings. Eventually some tribes wandered even further to the Chaos Wastes and settled in the northern parts of Norsca. They were loose tribes that mixed more with Kurgans from the Wastes. Rest of the Norse started to call their lands Nordlig. Nordlig territories became lands of Aeslings and Vargs. There are seven High Tribes. They all have their own lands. These are territories basically, but can be treated also as different countries inside Norsca, that have little different customs, fate and ways of life. In each tribal area there many different size of communities. Some villages and towns, others wandering tribes (more common among the Vargs and Baernsonlings). Small settlements are usually clan holds ruled by one clan and it’s Jarl. These have couple of households (Jarls family and his bondsmen’s families plus their Thralls). Large settlements have numerous households and even different clans. These communities are sometimes referred as tribes or minor tribes inside the High Tribes. Jarl of these minor tribes is commonly called Jerg, which means chieftain. But even so, this small tribe is always part of the High Tribe and swears loyalty to the King of one of the seven High Tribes.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Importance of the Tribes (kinship) is vital to an individual Norseman’s identity. The tribe provides security, a home, and purpose. To anger one’s tribe means being cast out, not only from the settlement, but also from everything he believes. To become exiled forever, unless the exile can prove himself somehow to his people. Usually otherwise he is slain if he would return to his former brethren. Other tribes may take the exile, but he will always be “the one from the other tribe”, and not all the tribes like each other that much. It’s like moving to another country. That why it is usually better for exile to either leave Norsca and go to the Chaos Wastes and seek the favor of the Dark Gods, or go to the Old World (which is commonly despised, but still suits for some Norse). The clan in Norsca is united and unusually solitary; therefore it guards its honor very carefully. In Norsca your family and your honor are everything. If one Norse is victim of a murder, his whole clan would revenge him (or her), by demanding justice. This usually comes in two forms: 1) a fine is paid by the offender’s family (decided by the rules of Wergild) or 2) a murder is committed to revenge the dead. The latter option can sometimes result in devastating vendettas, ruining whole families by lasting several generations’. For a person to be expelled from his/her family is worse than exile, it means you are completely on your own, with no one to back you up.

1.2 Society Levels Each tribe is ruled by a King who distributes hunting grounds and territory to his lords, Jarls (sometimes referred also Jergs). The Jarls bestow favors’ and gifts onto their loyal warriors, who occupy a vaunted place among their fellows. The rest of Norse society consist the elderly, infirm, and women. At the very bottom are the thralls, slaves, taken from raids for use as sacrifices, menial labor, or worse, as consorts. More information about the Norse Classed Society can be found from the Tome of Corruption (WFRP2 sourcebook). Note! In this document there is also optional career for the Norse Slaves: Norse Thrall. Thralls: Lowest level. Slaves. Most of the Thralls are slaves taken from the raids against Old World, Kislev, Albion or Chaos Wastes (Kurgan and Hung). But there are also Dwarfs (all kind, even Chaos), Halflings, Ogres, Humans from far countries and even Greenskins. Greenskins are not very good slaves and Elves are usually killed. This is probably because Norse little fear Elves. But there are also Norse Thralls, which are taken during the wars between the Tribes. Most Warriors rather die than serve as slaves, but Peasants are easily submitted. So, Norse can actually be born as Thralls. Peasants: Common men that are not warriors. Also they are not free, but a property of some Warrior and that way also his Jarl. They are still Norse people and use Thralls to help their work. They do not own these thralls, which are given by their master. Warriors: Average Norse. Freeman. He usually has land, thralls and some peasants under his protection. Most powerful Warriors maybe even have their own Ship and some Bondsmen working for them even they are not Jarls. Holyman: This is special society level and very important for the Norse. Holymen are those blessed by the Gods and are commonly considered to be untouchable. Commonly they are Seer, Vitki, Shamans or Sorcerers. Jarl: Lord of the clan or small tribe (even many clans and minor tribes). Sometimes called also as Jerg (=chieftain). Rules over many Warriors. All Peasants and Thralls in his lands are his. King: Lord of one of the High Tribes of Norsca. Lord of all the small tribes and clans that belong to that High Tribe. Commonly highest level. High King: King of all (or most) of the High Tribes of Norsca. Because ruling over the all Norsca is very difficult High Kings do not usually rule very long periods. This is rare position, but the highest level. The domain (lands) ruled by the High King are commonly known as Midgard.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

1.3 Optional Careers There are few special careers that should be considered as Optional Careers for Norse. Norse Thrall is new career, but Animal Trainer can be found also from my Career Expansion document, which itself can be found in the same site as this document. Animal Trainers in Norsca are called Beastmasters. The Norse are not a particularly accomplished race when it comes to farming or animal husbandry, but what they are good at is hunting. There is a small group of men in each tribe that devote their entire lives to training beasts to hunt. Wolfhounds and wolves are most common animals trained to be used for hunting or in battle. The Norse have also realized the potential of trained bears, and their Beastmasters find and rear cubs so that they can fight in groups. Some Beastmasters also train birds of prey (Hawks). Another animal that Norse commonly trains is Reindeer, which can be easily domesticated. Reindeer is good pack-animal and used by the Norse to pull sledges in winter-time. Reindeers can also be used for their meat and hides. But the mightiest of all animals that Beastmasters can train is one of the largest land bound creature in the world – mighty Mammoths (or Hronjir as Norse call them). Few of these creatures still roam in the most northern parts of Norsca and bravest Beastmasters sometimes train them to become War Mammoths. More exotic creatures could even be Chaos mutated Monsters and Sabretooth Tigers, but these are very rare and dangerous to train.

OPTIONAL CAREER: Animal Trainer (Basic) Animal trainers (or Animal Tamers) train different kind of animals and also monsters. Common trainers train dogs, birds of prey and pack animals, like horses. But those who truly want to specialize can become trainers of monsters like Griffons, Hippogriffi...etc. These creatures are very dangerous to train. Many trainers have ended up as meals for their charges or lost finger or limp. Different nations and races train different animals and monsters. Bretonnians have heavy warhorses and pegasus; Lizardmen have Cold Ones and other Dinosaurs; Dark Elves have Cold Ones and Hydras; Kislevians train bears; southern nations train camels and huge elephants; Orcs have boars; Goblins Spiders; Ogres Rhinoxen; Elves Warhawks...etc. To train these monsters should always be one or two levels harder than any normal animal. GM should also consider that failure means attack against the trainer. Note: Check more info about training animals (especially Bears) from Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2 Sourcebook). If you are rolling randomly for your Starting Career, you can substitute Hunter. Special Requirements: Career Entries: Bear Tamer (RotIQ), Drover (RotIQ), Hunter, Kithband Warrior, Messenger, Outrider - Animal Trainer Advanced Scheme Main Profile WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +10% +10% Secondary Profile A W SB TH M Mag IP FP +2 Skills: Animal Care, Animal Training, Charm Animal, Perception, Ride or Scale Sheer Surfaces, Silent Move Talents: Animal Whisperer [NEW], Coolheaded, Lighting Reflexis or Trick Riding, Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling) Trappings: Hand Weapon, 10 yards of Rope, Saddle and Harness, Light Armour (Full Leather Armour), Whip Career Exits: Bear Tamer (RotIQ), Horsemaster (RotIQ), Messenger, Scout, Vagabond

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

OPTIONAL CAREER: Norse Thrall (Basic) Thralls. The most wretched existence facing any is a life of forced servitude. Each raid against the other races find more and more people captured and brought back and forced into a life of endless toil and service to their masters. Such Thralls are not contained to just the women and children abducted, but also include warriors captured on the field of battle. The life of a Thrall varies depending on the capturing tribe. Mostly Thralls are used as labor, building Longships or working in the frozen fields. Some Thralls are taken as fourth or fifth wives, selected for their appearance rather than their station. But for most, their fate is to be sacrificed to curry the favor of the Dark Gods. Many rituals require taking some lives. Note: This career is based on the Slave –career found from the Children of the Horned Rat (WFRP2 sourcebook). Special Requirements: Unlike all the other careers, any race can automatically enter this career. It costs no experience points to enter, merely the circumstances of enslavement. Any character enslaved by the Norse must succeed on an Average Will Power Test each month of enslavement, or immediately exit their current career and assume this one. Non-Norse Slaves must stay in this career until they somehow find a way to escape captivity or in GM decision can enter one level higher in Norsca Social status. After this Slave can either resume its previous career or continue to a new one found from Career Exits. Career Entries: All - Norse Thrall Advanced Scheme Main Profile WS BS S T Ag Into WP Fel +5% +5% +5% +10% +5% Secondary Profile A W SB TH M Mag IP FP +4 Skills: Blather, Common Knowledge (Norsca), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Search, Speak Language (Norse), Trade (Farming) or Trade (Shipwright) Talents: Acute Hearing or Excellent Vision, Flee! or Hardy Trappings: None Career Exits: Bondsman, Peasant, Pit Fighter, Servant or Any (see special requirements)

Special Talents & Traits: Following trait is used in this document. Inured to Chaos can be found originally from Tome of Corruption (WFRP2 Sourcebook). Provincial Expertise can be found originally from the Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2 sourcebook). Animal Whisperer [Talent] Description: You are an expert at training different animals and monsters. When trying to train animals and monsters you gain a +20% bonus to Animal Training Tests and +10% bonus to Animal Care and Charm Animal Tests. Inured to Chaos [Trait] (ToC) Description: If you have a mutation, you gain a +10% bonus to tests made to resist gaining additional mutations. Provincial Expertise [Talents] (RotIQ) Description: You are deeply familiar with your homeland. Select a province or region within your native country. You receive a +10% bonus to all related Common Knowledge Tests.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

1.3 Major Exports Norse lands have several riches. Most natural resources remain hidden deep in the Chaos-infested mountain ranges, but still there are many exports that Norse produce. Alcohol (Spirits): Famous, and usually strong, Aquavit (or Akvavik) and Honey Mead are very common exports. Norse Honey Mead is considered to be one of the best Meads in the world. Amber (Natural Products): Found around the mouths of Norscan fjords. Amber is in great demand for jewellery. Chaos Artifacts (Exotics): Magical weaponry, armour, equipment…etc. touched by Chaos. Norse trade and steal these from their northern neighbors’, the Kurgans. Some of them can be very valuable in the Old World in right hands. Especially Daemon possessed items. Note that they are also VERY illegal in the Old World. Fish (Fish): Without refrigeration, the period for which fish are edible is short. To get around this, fish caught in the Sea of Claws are either dried, or packed in barrels of ice. Salted herring are a particularly common commodity. Furs and Hides (Hides): These include the skins of inland creatures of Norsca, such as bears, wolves, fox, and lynx to even mighty sabretooth; and also the coats of seals, walruses and even larger sea creatures. These furs are prized throughout the Old World for their quality and warmth. Grain/Wheat (Grains & Flours): Harsh and long winters, with very mountainous lands of Norsca make farming very hard (some places impossible) in Norsca region. But few places have very good flat-lands and many times even export their grain (usually to other Norse). Herbs (Exotics): There are many exotic herbs in Norsca. Mostly because the influence of the Chaos Wastes. Some of these (including mixtures) are actually very famous (or infamous) also in Old World and can be used as exports. Even many are illegal drugs. Honey (Sweetener): Odd though it may seem the cold, dry conditions of Norsca are ideal for apiculture. The finest honey is shipped from the southern tribal areas in heavy, sealed barrels, along with beeswax. Also Norse are famous for their strong Honey Mead (check Alcohol). Ice (Exotics): The very rich classes of the Old World can afford to pay for shipments of ice from Norsca (or the northern seas). Although this is very expensive, it is far more practical than creating ice by magical means - it is also viewed with less suspicion. Reindeer (Livestock): Reindeer are valuable trade goods in Norsca. They are hard pack-animals. But also good for meat and jewellery made from their horns. There are also rumors that powder made from their horns is powerful sexual stimulant for both male and female. Especially Graelings and Vargs raise Reindeer herds. Seal (Hides): These animals are common in the shores of Norsca. They provide meat and fat. Their hides can be also used (check Furs and Hides). Slaves (Slaves): Norse keep slaves and gather them during the raids against other nations, races or even against other Norse tribes. These slaves are called Thralls. Slave trade is very common amongst the Norse. Many collect their own slaves during the raids, but there are Slavers that raid for slaves and then sail around the Norsca selling their prisoners. Tar (Timber Goods): Pinewood tar best resources in Old World are the forests of Norsca. It is widely used for preserving ropes and wood and caulking barrels. It can also yield chemicals with medicinal purposes and with alchemical applications. Timber (Timber Goods): The hardy pines of Norsca are valuable for construction and shipbuilding. Whaling (Natural Oils / Fish): Almost the whole of the carcass of a whale can be for the use of humans, and the large numbers of whales in the surrounding seas of Norsca make it prime whaling territory. Price is good for just one whale, but so are the risks of this trade. Walrus ivory (Natural Products): The tusks of the walrus are valued as decorative trophies, and for ornamentation. They are also said to have certain warding powers when fixed to the prow of a boat. Bretonnian high fashion occasionally requires walrus tusks, although this fluctuates as much as wig height and tastes in pan stick.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Advanced Trade and Commerce: Here are basic rules for trading in Norsca that can be used with rules found from The WFRP Companion (WFRP2 sourcebook). Availability Matrix – Mercantile Goods: Products Sarls

Fine Fabrics Hides Dyes Oils Sweeteners Grains Flours Exotics Exotics: Ice Exotics: Chaos Artifacts Exotics: Herbs Fish Salt Luxure Foods Pottery Gems Livestock Spirits Woollen Goods Metal Goods Timber Goods Leather Goods Natural Products Perfumes Slaves

Bjornlings, Skaelings



Aeslings, Baernsonlings, Graelings, Vargs V AB R V C V R R P R C P C V S V S A S S S C P V P

Norse Dwarfs S A S R A S S R AB S V S R P C S A S P C A S V -

Average Trading Center Population and Wealth in Norsca: Average Norse Village: Population below 100; Wealth 1 Average Norse Small Town: Population below 1000; Wealth 2 Average Norse Town: Population below 10000; Wealth 2 Average Norse Dwarf Mine: Population below 100; Wealth 2 Average Norse Dwarf Fortress (Norse Dwarfs): Population below 1000; Wealth 2 Average Norse Dwarf Village (Norse Dwarfs): Population below 100; Wealth 2 Average Norse Dwarf Small Town (Norse Dwarfs): Population below 1000; Wealth 3 Average Norse Dwarf Town (Norse Dwarfs): Population below 10000; Wealth 3 Some Special Trading Centers: Olricstaad & Kaugang (Skaelings): Population below 10000; Wealth 3 Stromstaad (Sarls): Population below 10000; Wealth 3 Trollbo (Bjornlings): Population below 1000; Wealth 3 Turui (Skaelings): Population below 100; Wealth 2 Khazid Fneldurk (Norse Dwarfs): Population below 88; Wealth 3 Khazid Ravik (Norse Dwarfs): Population below 100; Wealth 3 Kraka Dorden (Norse Dwarfs): Population below 10000; Wealth 4 Kraka Drak (Norse Dwarfs): Population 10000 or more; Wealth 4 Kraka Ornsmotek (Norse Dwarfs): Population below 10000; Wealth 4

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Herbalism of Norsca: There are many exotic herbs in Norsca. Mostly because the influence of the Chaos. Some of these (including mixtures) are actually very famous (or infamous) also in Old World and can be used as exports. Even many are illegal drugs. Note: This information uses style that can be found from the document made by Daniel White: Herbalism and Pharmacy in the Old World (WFRP2 source material). Berserks Lust Availability: Average in Norsca, Scarce (-10%) in Kislev, Rare (-20%) in Northern Empire Environment: Forest, Caves Form: Mushroom (whole plant) Natural Strenght: 2 (Preparations) Application: Tonic (Mushroom is prepared, crushed and mixed in strong ale) Blessings: Frenzy Side Effects: Hyperactivity, Dry Mouth (If eaten raw: Blurred Vision, Intoxication, Nausea, Hallucination) When user drinks tonic prepared from this mushroom he/she will soon go to berserk rage. Mushroom causes Frenzy state. User gains automaticly Frenzy Talent. Those with Frenzy Talent are activated immediatelly after drinking. Also they gain temporary bonus of +10% to Toughness. Effect lasts about 1d10 hours. Cost: 20gc in Empire (1gc in Norsca) Market Availability: Rare Bloodroot Availability: Scarce (-10%) in Norsca, Rare (-20%) in Northern Empire and Kislev Environment: Forest, Grassland Form: Root Natural Strenght: 3 (Preparations/Eaten) Application: Tonic (Thich bloodlike pulp, when root is crushed and usually mixed with small amount of liquid like water. Consumed raw) Blessings: Fearless, Painless Side Effects: Depression, Dry Mouth, Shock When user consumes bloodlike liqued taken from these roots (two or so) he/she will soon slip to into a mad and destructive rage without pain. User gains automaticly Fearless Talent for the duration of the effect. Also user gains +5 Wounds more. Effect lasts about 1d10 hours. Specialty for root is, that users eyes also turn to red for the duration of the effect. Usually the shock of wounds after the effect (that user can't feel during the effect) is most deadly. If user is Heavily- or Critically Wounded he/she must make Average Toughness Test after the effect wears off or fall uncounsiouness immediatelly. After the effect wears off subtract also Wounds in following way: • Lightly Wounded user: -5 (wound points don't go below zero) • Heavily Wounded user: -3 (wound points don't go below -2. Roll Sudden Death) • Critically Wounded user: -1 (Roll Sudden Death) Cost: 25gc in Empire (2gc in Norsca) Market Availability: Very Rare Daemon Dust Common drug in the Old World. This is mixture of Berserker Lust Mushroom (prepared) and Bloodroot. They are mixed together and powdered. Commonly powder is inhaled, sometimes mixed with alcohol. Cost: 45gc (there is milder mixture also, which costs 20gc, but it’s effect last only 1d10/2 hours) Market Availability: Very Rare User gains automaticly Frenzy Talent and Fearless Talent. Those with Frenzy Talent are activated immediatelly. Also user gains +10 Wounds more and temporary bonus of +10% to Toughness. Users eyes also turn to red for duration of effect. Effect lasts 1d10 hours. Usually the shock of wounds after the effect (that user can't feel during the effect) is most deadly. If user is Heavily- or Critically Wounded he/she must make Challenging (-10%) Toughness Test after the effect wears off or fall uncounsiouness immediatelly. After the effect wears off subtract also Wounds in following way: • Lightly Wounded user: -10 (wound points don't go below zero.) • Heavily Wounded user: -5 (wound points don't go below -2. Roll Sudden Death) • Critically Wounded user: -2 (Roll Sudden Death)

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

2. Southern High Tribes 2.1 Southern Tribes The southern tribes are somewhat milder than their savage brethren to the north. Whilst these barbarians’ raid and plunder like all the rest, it is from these tribes that new efforts for peaceful communications originate. Among these tribes usually heroes rise that are opposite of the brutal ways of Chaos Gods (in their many forms). The southern tribes include Baernsonlings, Bjornlings, Skaelings and Sarls. The southern tribes live in the following ancient norse-named areas: • Taaketskog (Fogforest), which includes the lands of Bjornlings and Skaelings. Taaketskog is area situated in the southwestern part of Norsca and is mostly forest-clad hills and mountains. It basically ends in the River Halkild, but usually Norse consider Bjornling lands as Taaketskog. • Soerligslette (Southernplain), which includes lands of Skaelings and Sarls. Soerligslette is the southern coast of Norsca on the shores of Sea of Claws. It has large valleys with dark forests and long rivers. Basically it ends in the Trollheim Mountains on the middle of Sarl lands. Norse usually think Soerligslette as Skaeling lands. • And Fjellsende (Mountainsend), which includes the lands of Sarls and Baernsonlings. It is northern part of Troll Country, mountain regions beyond River Groene (River Dypvann) and mountain regions of The Goromadny Mountains. Usually Sarls and Baernsonlings are considered to be Fjellsende people, but also Aesling lands have expanded through The Shadow Pass into the River Groene (River Dypvann) area. And middle of Fjellsende area (Troll Country) is actually controlled by Kislevian tribes partly. There are stories about another civilization or tribe that lived in this area long before the Norse or tribes of Kislev. Aponnia is the only name that is remembered. Aponnian ruins have been destroyed many times and nothing seems to remain about this advanced culture. Both Elves and Dwarfs may have some knowledge about these humans, but they do not easily share their information.

2.2 Baernsonlings Baernsonlings are a fierce, unfriendly and savage barbarian who doesn’t really have any trade contacts. There are many frightening stories about Baernsonling berserkers and especially their werekin, which are common among them. Baernsonlings are very proud for their martial skills, which are famous even among the Norse. Baernsonlings live in the harsh mountain range of the Goromadny and also partly in Troll Country. They have to fight all the time marauding Aeslings (their fierce enemies) and Kislevian Tribes (which they just hate). Also relations with the Dwarfs and the Kurgans are time to time bad and cause fighting. Mountain ranges of the Goromadny and the coastline of southern Frozen Sea are full of small Baernsonling villages, but still half of the clans (or small tribes) are nomad moving in the Troll Country and even as far as Kul lands. Like other Norse also Baernsonlings raid southern countries. They do not have large fleet of ships and those they have can only be used during the summer time, because Frozen Sea usually freezes totally during the winter time. Small Baernsonlings raiding parties move easily through the lands of Kislev and raid even the northern parts of the Empire. Baernsonlings are famous for their werekin or Ulfwerenar. Ulfwerenar are most common among them than any other tribe in Norsca. To Baernsonlings mark of Bear Ulfwerenar is one of the greatest marks from the gods. Most worship the Bear God Ursun (or The Great Bear) and those that have bear-like mutations (or can partly change to Bears) are marked by the Ursun. But those that can truly change to bear are actually Bearstruck – The mark of Lordship. Not all worship God Ursun and those that worship Dark Gods (Shornaal or Tchar) and can shape-change are commonly called Morkewerenar by Norse. Other names for Ulfwerenar are Werekin, Werefolk, Shapestrong, Shapestruck…etc.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Capital: Urslo Main Settlements: Brenneholm, Fjellby, Vinteerholm Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Bearmen or Ursfjordings (fierce enemies of the Wolf tribe), Brennuns (Brenneholm), Ten Bear or Ti Urs, the Wolf (fierce enemies of the Ursfjordings) Popular Deities: Halni, Shornaal, Stromfels, Tchar, Thor, Ursash, Ursun, the Windlord Minor Deities: Hvedhrungr, Helenir (Hel), Mimir, Sylra, Taldur Chaos God Names: Halni or Shornaal (Slaanesh), Nurglitch (Nurgle), Tchar or the Windlord (Tzeentch), Kharnath (Khorne) Heroes: Bruno Ursson the “Black Bear of Urslo”, Ekil Bloodhearth, Thoramir Ulfenblod, Tiera Ursviik Friends: Neutral: Albion, Bjornlings, Dwarfs (Norse), Graelings, Hung, Kurgan, Ogres, Skaelings, Vargs Enemies: Aeslings, Bretonnian, Dark Elves, Elves, Empire, Kislev, Marienburg, Sarls Major Exports: Furs and Hides, Honey, Seal Fleet: Small. Most of the year the fleet cannot move because the Frozen Sea remains frozen. Magic: Common. Usually Seer and Vitki. Shamans are more common as are Chaos Sorcerers. Chance for Mutation: 20% Chance for Ulfwerenar: 20% Special: Ulfwerenar are most common among all the High Tribes. Commonly they change to bears. Baernsonlings consider this to be blessing from the Ursun (or possibly from Shornaal or Tchar if they worship Dark Gods). Optional Racial Features: A Baernsonling character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Consume Alcohol, Outdoor Survival, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Inured to Chaos*, Provincial Expertise (Baernsonlings)*, plus 1 random talent/trait * This trait can be found from this document Places: Brenneholm (pop. 2000): Second biggest settlement in Baernsonling territory. Some say that the fiercest Baernsonlings, the Brennuns tribe, come from this settlement that can be found very high in the mountains. True or not these Norse are still excellent mountaineers. Huge lights that Brennuns light during the dark winter months guide their kindred to this location and are beacons in these mountains. Fjelljeby (pop. 400): Town that is high in the Goromadny Mountains (not as high as Brenneholm, but still high). Among the Baernsonlings Fjelljeby is famous for their Peak of Gods. This is the mountain peak where Fjelljeby is situated, but high in the top of this mountain is said to be the place where Gods live. In there is temple dedicated to all Gods and Heroes. Originally it was place dedicated to Thor, Ursun, Sylra, Ursash and Taldur only. Then came mighty Sorcerer of Tchar and changed this temple to the place of Dark Gods. Now Baernsonlings worship also here Shornaal and The Windlord. Skogenberg (Ruin): Former small border village. It had bad reputation involving Byttigen. Later the village was burned by Sarl hero Freinar Kaosjeger – Fierce enemy of Chaos and Byttigen. Urslo (pop. 6000): Large and easily defended capital of Baernsonlings. It is situated in the Ursfjord. The great hall of Urslo is famous structure in the area. This large timber building has been build from the mighty trees from the mountains. Urslo is dominated by Ursfjornding clan/small tribe (Bearmen of Urslo). During the winter-time couple of other smaller tribes and clans gathers here. This brings easily almost 1000 extra people to the town. Vinnskor (Ruin): Famous Baernsonling town in the Troll Country close to Sturen Ridge and River Groene. This was main settlement for the Baernsonlings in this area and was in constant war with both Sarls and especially Aeslings in this area. Eventually settlement was destroyed during the war against Aesling settlement of Skraevold, which was also destroyed. Vinteerholm (pop. 1000): Third biggest settlement in Baernsonling territory. It is situated, as any other their settlement, in very easily defended valley where rivers run. Vinteerholm is commonly the trade place and last meeting point of Baernsonling tribes before they enter the Troll Country. During the winter-time some nomad clans from Troll Country settle here (more hospital place than open Oblast). Vinterholm is dominated by powerful Wolf clan/small tribe. It has hundreds of farmsteads close to it in the mountains. Before the Storm of Chaos there was great rivalry between the Wolf tribe and the Ursfjornding tribe about the rule of the Baernsonlings. This ended in the civil-war where the Wolf tribe was defeated. After this Huern, Jerg of the Wolf tribe gathered few of the loyal followers and hided deep in the mountains. Beorg Bearstruck, Jerg of the Ursfjorndings, appointed new Jarl in the Vinteerholm. Norse in Vinteerholm have strange stories about manlike rat creatures that also habit the mountains. There have been many battles against these creatures.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

2.3 Bjornlings Bjornlings are probably most cosmopolitan and less Chaos influenced tribe in Norsca. This is because their location most furthest from the Chaos Wastes. They are brave traders who have had always connections to all the lands in Old World. Also some famous explorers have risen among them. Even Bjornlings are traders and explorers this doesn’t change that they are also reavers and sometimes jarls may turn to piracy. Also powerful leaders (jarl or king) have known to rally jarls to join huge raids to Albion, Bretonnia and even against the Elves (Ulthuan). Even Chaos marks (mutantions) are less among Bjornlings and they do not commonly worship the Dark Gods, there is times when they have been forced to join the forces of Chaos or be destroyed by more powerful forces. But this is still rare and commonly not all the clans or smaller tribes do this. Bjornlings also have very good relations with Norse Dwarfs probably because their non-Chaos nature. Dwarf trade caravans’ travel through the Norsca using secret underground passages to trade with them time to time. Eventually these items (commonly weapons and armour) find their way even to the Old World. Bjornlings are fierce rivals with their northern neighbors’ Graelings. There is age’s old rivalry and hate among these tribes and many wars have been fought between these High Tribes and a lot of blood has been bled. Even Bjornlings usually consider Aeslings as enemies, and allies of Dark Gods, that hatred is not even close to hate between Bjornlings and Graelings. Capital: Frost Main Settlements: Heimseter, Iskvard, Kalevanvik, Lade, Stavgard, Swerborg (Gottborg), Trollbo Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Kalevan (Kalevanvik), Swer (Swerborg), Thunderbear (Stavgard), Trollbane (Trollbo) Popular Deities: Ahti, Helenir (Hel), Maa-Emo, Odin, Otso, Tapio, Tuoni, Thor, Tursas, Ukko Minor Deities: Halni, Hvedhrungr, Lempo, Meritursas, Valdin, Viha Chaos God Names: Halni (Slaanesh), Mätä (Nurgle), Raven God (Tzeentch), Viha (Khorne) Heroes: Juti Kaleva, Losteriksson, Sigismund, Skar Sealord, Tiera Ursviik, Vipunen, Väinö Friends: Dwarfs (Norse), Skaelings Neutral: Albion, Baernsonlings, Bretonnian, Elves, Empire, Kislev, Marienburg, Ogres, Sarls, Vargs Enemies: Aeslings, Dark Elves, Graelings, Hung, Kurgan Major Exports: Alcohol, Amber, Furs and Hides, Tar, Timber Fleet: Large Magic: Common. Usually Seer and Vitki. Chance for Mutation: 2% Chance for Ulfwerenar: 1% Special: Least aligned to Chaos from all the Norse high tribes. Optional Racial Features: A Bjornling character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Consume Alcohol, Outdoor Survival, Sail or Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Inured to Chaos*, Provincial Expertise (Bjornlings)*, plus 1 random talent/trait * This trait can be found from this document Places: Frost (pop. 3000): Frost has always been capital of Bjornlings, even Stavgard is little bigger in size. Northern part of the Frost is hill that is called Nidaros. This is the place of shires and statues of different gods. This holy site was originally outside Frost village, but when settlement became larger it was taken inside the town walls. Frost lies in the shores of the River Åura. Heimseter (pop. 2000): Heimseter is a shipping port. It has trade connections to the Albion. Very close to Heimseter is so called Marsh Siedi. Powerful magical nexus-point marked by stone-circle in the marsh. This Siedi was originally built by the Elves before the Norse (or Norsii) people (more information can be found from Norsca: Religion). This place is protected by the Priests of Tapio. It is said that there are also Druids living in this marsh and working with the Priests. Worshippers of Dark Gods are not welcome in this marsh. Jarls of Heimseter are not usually anyway connected to the Dark Gods respecting the protectors of the Siedi. Piracy is common among the Norse of Heimseter than any other clans/small tribes in Bjornling territory. Trolls are very common in the mountain ranges and forests close to Heimseter.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Ii, River: Sometimes called also The Haunted River. This river is considered to be border between Bjornling and Graeling lands. Many times both tribes have fought on both sides of the river. Centuries have left thousands dead especially on the southern side of this river where great swamp starts. It is said that this area is haunted by the ghost of the past and also other Restless Dead. Norse usually avoid the area, especially during the darkest wintertime. Iisgalt, River: This is very long river that is commonly considered as border river between Bjornling and Skaeling lands. Water is very tasty and always cold because it comes very high from the mountains. Both Bjornling and Skaeling hunter sometimes travel high on the side of the river and leave small boats there. When they come back even further they put all their hides and meat in the boats and ride with the dangerous river to the Sea of Claws. Iskvard (pop. 400): Iskvard is small town in the coastline between Heimseter and Stavgard. People are mostly fishers and reavers. Iskvard people have deep fear and respect for the sea. Unlike most of the Bjornlings that worship Ahti, they worship Meritursas. For Daemon-God Meritursas Iskvard people sacrifice living humans regularly. Another thing Iskvard is famous off is legendary Chaos-Weapon Skar’s Krakenkiller. This sword was found by Iskvard reaver Skar Sealord from the sea. He used to kill mighty Kraken that had attacked his ship. Skar was the only survivor. He became Champion of the Dark Gods (Meritursas for Iskvard people). Kalevanvik (pop. 600): Kalevanvik is very famous Bjornling settlement because their good connections to the Norse Dwarfs. This started with friendship between Juti Kaleva and Norse Dwarf Magnar Druminsson before the Great War Against Chaos. Also Juti Kaleva was first wielder of legendary runehammer Kalevala Hammer, forged by the Dwarf Runesmith of Kraka Drak. Based on this relationship Norse Dwarf tradecaravans travel through the Norsca using their secret trails and underway passages and end of this trail is Kalevanvik. Trading happens here and Norse ship the products to the Frost and beyond. Kalevanvik is dominated by the Kalevan clan. Also legendary figure and mage Väinö is originally from this town. Lade (pop. 2500): Jarl of Lade is also ruler of the settlements found in the Hjaltland Islands that open before the Lade on the sea. Main products in Lade are fishing and whaling. Best whalers among Bjornlings come from Lade. There is fierce competition between Lade fishers and Graeling fishers in the coastal waters. Saimaakild, River: River runs to the sea where town of Trollbo is situated. Lands south from the Saimaakild Trolls are very common in the forests and mountain ranges and danger to any travelers. Sometimes Trolls gather to bigger groups and raid Norse settlements. Stavgard (pop. 900): Stavgard is a shipping port that caters especially Dwarf products. This is one of the settlements where Dwarf trade-caravans stop (end of their secret trails through and under the Norscan mountains). Settlement is situated in well defended position in a fjord where mountains roll to the sea protecting the town from all directions. It is also largest Bjornling border settlement on the Skaeling side. Thunderbear clan has always been most powerful clan in the area. Swerborg [Gottborg] (pop. 1600): Swer tribe has always ruled Gottborg area. It has expanded to a larger settlement during the centuries than its neighbor Stavgard. Its name was changed to a Swerborg by the Jarl Gustav “Holy Warrior” Swer when he was named King of Bjornlings before the Storm of Chaos. He renamed Gottborg and made it his capital. Few months later he was named also High King of Norsca. Swer people have always been pirates, but they are also fierce enemies of Chaos forces. Trollbo (pop. 800): Trollbo is situated in a site where River Saimaakild runs to the sea. Trollbo is dominated by the Trollbane clan. They have hold good relations with the Empire since 25th century. Timber trade is most common trade with the imperials, just next to animal hides. Norse in Trollbo are excellent Woodsmen, carpenters and ship-builders. Best Bjornling Dragonships come from Trollbo. Also men of Trollbo are feared warriors and among them there are manhood rites that involve killing of a Trolls. Trolls are very common in the mountain ranges and forests on the other side of the River Saimaakild. Viksjoergsberg, Fortress of: Originally Elven build ruin in the island close to Iskvard and Heimseter. It was given by the Norse High King in 2483 to the Holy Order of St. Rembrand the Faithful for suppressing pirates that had been raiding his coast (these were Aeslings with Kurgan allies). Order rebuild the fortress. Order had good relationship with the Norse in Heimseter, but not that good with the people of Iskvard that are both pirates and worshippers of Dark Gods. Fortress was attacked many times by the Norse, but it holds all the attacks and survived. There actually were many Norse that joined the Order. But during the Storm of Chaos Archaons allies attacked the fortress and killed all the remaining Templar-Marines, who hold the fort for a long time. After the war the Order is thinking taking the fortress back, but their numbers are much smaller because of the war.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

2.4 Sarls Sarls are actually very barbaric, rugged and harsh people. Like their tribal areas original name, Fjellsende, says they inhabit the rough ranges of Trollheim Mountains. But also they live in the coastline of Gulf of the Maelstrom. They are fearless seamen and whalers who dare to hunt the greatest of sea monsters. Hard location between Chaos incursions, Kislev tribes, Aeslings and many monstrous denizens in the Troll Country area has made them what they are. Strange thing is that when Dark Gods are not the primary Gods (they are many times which depends on the ruling tribal king) Sarls have kept their trading open with the Norse Dwarfs. Dwarfs do have their mistrusts to these barbarians, but they still travel down to the River Groene (Dypvann) to trade with them. Northern Sarl minor tribes, that live high in the mountains between the Trollheim range and the northern pass (Gorge of the Damned), are worshippers of Nurgle. They live mostly in the caves and are shunned (and also feared) by other Sarls. Many Nurgle Champions have risen amongst them. Biggest, most famous and most powerful tribe is the Wolf Brothers or now called commonly the “Decayed Ones”. The Decayed Ones became famous when their leadership was taken by Feytor the Tainted, who was originally from the Empire (Feytor became one of the Archaon’s The Four, his generals, during the Storm of Chaos). Capital: Suderholm Main Settlements: Gotland, Stromstaad, Thorshafn Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Doombringer, Fremen (Graennae), Stormfang (Stromstaad), Stormraven (Suderholm), The Wolf Brothers or “the Decayed Ones” Popular Deities: Helenir (Hel), L’oki, Neiglen or Nielglen, Malor, Mermedus, Raven God, Snow King, Stromfels, Sylra, Tyr Minor Deities: Arkhar, Baldur, Halni, Mimir, Taldur, Ursun Chaos God Names: Halni (Slaanesh), Neiglen or Nielglen (Nurgle), Raven God (Tzeentch), Arkhar (Khorne) Heroes: Birgit Grylysa, Ekil Bloodheart, Freinar Kaosjeger, Keorl Thunderhand, Sigismund, Vipunen Friends: Neutral: Albion, Bjornlings, Dwarfs (Norse), Empire, Graelings, Hung, Marienburg, Ogres, Skaelings, Vargs Enemies: Aeslings, Baernsonlings, Bretonnian, Dark Elves, Elves, Kislev, Kurgan Major Exports: Amber, Seals, Tar, Timber, Whaling Fleet: Medium Magic: Common. Usually Seer and Vitki. Sometimes powerful Chaos Sorcerer may rise. Shamans are possible. Chance for Mutation: 10% Chance for Ulfwerenar: 5% Special: Among them lives Ragnarites (Order of the Winter Throne). Optional Racial Features: A Sarl character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Consume Alcohol, Outdoor Survival, Sail or Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Inured to Chaos*, Provincial Expertise (Sarls)*, plus 1 random talent/trait * This trait can be found from this document

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Places: Caves of Decay (pop. 300): Huge and deep cave system found from the northern parts of Sarl lands deep between the mountains of Jotunheims. It is very close to Nurgle Holy site where huge Chaos Monolith for The Lord of Pestilence stands and many sacrifices rot eaten by the clouds of flies. These cave systems are the home of most faithful servants of Nurgle. It was taken by the Wolf Brothers tribe (now known as the “Decayed Ones”) when great champion of Nurgle Feytor the Tainted became their leader. Now all that live in these caves are his followers. For long these caves have been home of Byttigen, “Race of Dark” (Underjordisar). History of Byttigen starts from the beginning of Norsca, when Norsii people just migrated to north. There was tribe of Norsii that found their home far north in the mountain ranges long before other Norsii inhabited those parts. Before these parts of Norsca were even called Nordlig. Their home was strange valley with mysteriously mutated trees and plants outside any Dwarf lands. What they didn’t know was that their new home was infested by the Warp-stone which in few generations mutated their race so badly that other Norsii started to shun this “Race of Dark”. So, Byttigen remained hidden living in the dark cavesystems and hide their mutations. They also found new god – Nurgle. Before the Storm of Chaos Byttigen became part of corrupted people ruled by Feytor the Tainted. Everthunder Pass: Sometimes also called Pass of Tyr. It connects both sides of the Trollheim Mountains and also Askreved Forest to the Jotunir Pass. Like other passes it is also dangerous because the many Trolls and Ymir in the Trollheim range. Gotland (pop. 1000): Strong fortified town in the border area of Troll Country. Gotland is originally large fortress. Architecture doesn’t really look Norse and this powerful fortress was actually done by skilled architect with the Chaos Forces (Chaos Sorcerer actually) centuries ago similar way as any Old World fortresses. Work was done with large slave force. Eventually Sarls just took the place to themselves. Graennae (pop. 80): Situated in a good defensive position between swamp and large cliffs that rise from the waters of Sea of Claws. Dominated by Fremen clan that has always kept good relationship with the village of Jaarpen. Both villages join their forces time to time and launch raids to inland and sometimes with their ships to northern Empire also. Worship of Mermedus is very strong in here. Also Norse in this area fear very much daemons and undead that inhabit the large swamp areas around River Kalti. Groene (also known as Groenelv or Dypvann), River: This river gets its name from the masses of whitegreen melt water that it carries from the mountains. It is basically the border between Norsca and Troll Country. Aeslings, Sarls and Baernsonlings all live in the shores of this river. Norse Dwarfs have built a massive underground link (Ungruvalk) from the Draksfjord to River Groene and use it to journey to the Sea of Claws through the river. Jaarpen (pop. 100): Heavily fortified village, which has small harbor. People of Jaarpen are actually very famous among the Sarl for their boat-building skills. Sometimes other Sarl may order Dragonship from here and come later to test the new ship by doing a little raid to Old World or Kislev. Norse of Jaarpen have always kept good relationship with the village of Jaarpen. Both villages join their forces time to time and launch raids to inland and sometimes with their ships to northern Empire also. Worship of Mermedus is very strong in here. Also Norse in this area fear very much daemons and undead that inhabit the large swamp areas around River Kalti. Very close to Jaarpen is situated a Siedi Stone, a powerful magical nexus-point marked by stone-circle. This Siedi was originally built by the Elves before the Norse (or Norsii) people (more information can be found from Norsca: Religion). Siedi is common place for clan Vitki to perform their ceremonies. Worship of Ruinous Powers has corrupted this site before the days of the Great War Against Chaos. Jotunir Pass: Winding pass that leads through the high mountains to the lands of Vargs, Sarls and Skaeling. It is said that in these parts of Norsca it is only passable way through the mountains. Also very dangerous. Giants, Jotuns, live in the high peaks that tower all around the pass. Also other strange and frightening beasts come from the mountains north from River Muggelir. Even Greenskin presence in the Norsca is very minimum (exception to Trolls), still some tribes of Greenskins do live in the valleys of Norsca and time to time raid Norse settlements commonly using Jotunir Pass. In north pass goes to the Thorfrost Valley, which will eventually lead to the Varg lands. In east it ends to the Trollheim Mountains where Sarls have powerful fort village protecting their lands. There is also another pass there called Everthunder Pass. In west Jotunir Pass comes to the lands of Skaelings. It comes in the feared and haunted region that seems to be starting point of infamous River Muggelir. There is also nameless village that has strange and much mutated people living there.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Ragnarite Monastery (pop. 50): Home of Ragnarites or the Order of the Winter Throne. These Norse are specially chosen, martially powerful lesser Order of Olric (or Ulric in Old World). Ragnarites worship Snow King (Olric). They live almost monastic life in the Monastery practicing their weapon skills. Some Ragnarites are always traveling in the lands of Norsca preparing people for the Evernacht. More information can be found from Norsca: Religion and also Tome of Salvation (WFRP2 sourcebook). It is rumored that in the Iron Mountains is located also mysterious and secret Ulric’s Throat cave system where Ragnarite leader Ulricsson lives hidden. In this cave is also located legendary Throne of the Snow King. Ragnarite Monastery was originally built in the ruins of Elven fortress. It is very easily defended castle high in the difficult mountain territory. During the Storm of Chaos the emissaries of Archaon send small army of men to raze this monastery of Olric. None returned. Only little over dozen Ragnarites were lost. Stromstaad (pop. 2500): Stromstad is a remote and inhospitable outpost. It is situated well, because Gulf of the Maelstrom is breeding ground of whales. But only for this business. The port itself is walled fortress where you find Norse whalers, drinking, fighting and also madness. Like in all Sarl lands also Stromstaad has the feel of being under a permanent siege from some intangible menace (Beastmen, Ymir, Trolls, Chaos Monsters and other Norse…). Stormfang clan has always been the most powerful clan in the area. Suderholm (pop. 5000): Fortified capital of the Sarl. It is very close to the Jotunir Pass. Region is very rich with Amber. Stormraven clan has ruled Suderholm since the beginning of Norsca. Trollheim Mountains: As the name says these mountains are filled with Troll-kin (normal Trolls, Chaos Trolls, Flikkenes, Spissemuns). Even more than any other range in the Norsca. And they do come down to the Sarl lands.

2.5 Skaelings As one of the southern tribes Skaelings are also one of the most cosmopolitan and less Chaos influenced tribe. They are explorers and trade very much like their neighbors’ Bjornlings. Skaelings are also most powerful Norscan tribe in wealth, commerce, size and by fleet. Because this, the High King of Norsca has many times risen among them through the history of Norsca (and usually sits on the throne of mighty Olricstaad). But Skaelings are still reavers and even they have trade relations with all the countries on the Sea of Claws, many jarls go for piracy. Skaelings are not usually influenced by Chaos, but they still like raiding their enemies fiercely (traditional enemies are for example Bretonnia). Seafaring is in Skaeling blood. Capital: Olricstaad (Heorot) Main Settlements: Aarvik, Birka, Kaugang, Skorlm Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Haraldursson (Turui), Hinriksen (left Norsca 2521 to Khypris), Donnersson (Ulfsland Island), Wolfclaw (Olricstaad) Popular Deities: Frey, Shornaal, Helenir (Hel), Mermedus, Njord, Olric, Taldur, Thor, Winter’s Fury Minor Deities: Hvedhrungr, L’oki, Neiglen, Raven God, Tchar, Valdin Chaos God Names: Shornaal (Slaanesh), Neiglen (Nurgle), Tchar or Raven God (Tzeentch), Viha (Khorne) Heroes: Ekil Bloodheart, Hagmar Wyrmschlager, Harald the Wolf, Hunlaf Thorsson, Knut Thorisson, Magnus Lawmaker, Sigismund, Ulf Donnersson, Vipunen Friends: Bjornlings Neutral: Albion, Baersonlings, Dwarfs (Norse), Empire, Graelings, Kislev, Marienburg, Ogres, Sarls, Vargs Enemies: Aeslings, Bretonnian, Dark Elves, Elves, Hung, Kurgan Major Exports: Alcohol, Fish, Furs and Hides, Grain/Wheat, Honey, Seals Fleet: Large. Basically every Jarl has one or more ships. They can easily make huge sea attack/raid. Magic: Common. Usually Seer and Vitki. Chance for Mutation: 2% Chance for Ulfwerenar: 1% Special: Optional Racial Features: A Skaeling character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Consume Alcohol, Outdoor Survival, Sail, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Inured to Chaos*, Provincial Expertise (Skaelings)*, plus 1 random talent/trait * This trait can be found from this document

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Places: Aarvik (pop. 2000): Aarvik is situated in the bay where River Spjut and River Valfisk run (also River Fena little west). These rivers cause strong currents, and are said to belong to warring giants, who battle in the far north. Aarvik is actually very clean, people are friendly and good-humored and town is situated in the arable lands. Also climate seems to be always little warmer than any other part of coast. Bay of Finns: Good place to fish herring with nets (large shoals of herring can be found here). Birka (pop. 3000): Birka is port town situated adjacent to the River Muggelir. River Muggelir has strange reputation and so does natives to this town. Most other Norse shun the natives of the town, saying that they are corrupt and in league with evil spirits. This is not the case, but in the town there is oppressive and unwelcoming atmosphere and locals have a strange look to them, almost bestial. Foreigners are not treated well, and even fellow Norse are made to feel uncomfortable. Also those living in the town (as others living among the River Muggelir) have 10% bigger change for Mutation and Ulfwerenar. There are also rumors about feared Byttigen. Bragnir, Island of (pop. 100): Island that lies between the Middle Sea and the Sea of Claws. The climate is mild and the soil fertile which makes crop growing easy. The island itself is rather hilly and these hills actually hold many barrows, the burial site of Norse chieftains going back for many centuries. These kings were buried, along with their ships and treasured possessions. This is why later on many tomb robbers and cultists have come to this place to search ancient valuables. Local Norse hold these hills ancient and do not take lightly to tomb robbing. Iisgalt, River: This is very long river that is commonly considered as border river between Bjornling and Skaeling lands. Water is very tasty and always cold because it comes very high from the mountains. Both Bjornling and Skaeling hunter sometimes travel high on the side of the river and leave small boats there. When they come back even further they put all their hides and meat in the boats and ride with the dangerous river to the Sea of Claws. Jotunir Pass: Winding pass that leads through the high mountains to the lands of Vargs, Sarls and Skaeling. It is said that in these parts of Norsca it is only passable way through the mountains. Also very dangerous. Giants, Jotuns, live in the high peaks that tower all around the pass. Also other strange and frightening beasts come from the mountains north from River Muggelir. Even Greenskin presence in the Norsca is very minimum (exception to Trolls), still some tribes of Greenskins do live in the valleys of Norsca and time to time raid Norse settlements commonly using Jotunir Pass. In north pass goes to the Thorfrost Valley, which will eventually lead to the Varg lands. In east it ends to the Trollheim Mountains where Sarls have powerful fort village protecting their lands. There is also another pass there called Everthunder Pass. In west Jotunir Pass comes to the lands of Skaelings. It comes in the feared and haunted region that seems to be starting point of infamous River Muggelir. There is also nameless village that has strange and much mutated people living there. Kaugang (pop. 2500): Kaugang can be found at the mouth of the great Halkild estuary. It is fishing and trading port. People in Kaugang have long history troubles with Bretonnia and Norse here have a strong dislike of Bretonnians. But they have strong relations with the people of Northern Empire (people there have Skaeling ancestry in their blood). Kodradfief (pop. 90): Village situated in the River Muggelir. River has strange reputation as does also people living in the village. Kodradfief name lives in the Sagas. Harsh years when large Greenskin Hordes (Orcs) raided Norsca and came to Skaeling lands from the Jotunir Pass, it was this village where Skaelings and Norse Dwarfs fought invaders. Those living in the town (as others living among the River Muggelir) have 10% bigger change for Mutation and Ulfwerenar. There are also rumors about feared Byttigen. Muggelir, River: River has strange and feared reputation. The sagas tell of the corrupting influence of the waters. River comes from far inland, even beyond Jotunir Pass, somewhere from the high mountains. Noone has yet dared to try and find its sources. On the south it runs to the Sea of Claws. There is town of Birka. On the north there is Jotunir Pass with unnamed strange village shunned by other Norse. There are many strange legends. When both moons are full, the river brings strange things into the Sea of Claws. Once, according to the sagas, the river itself turned red, like blood.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Olricstaad [Heorot] (pop. 7000): The greatest city in Norsca and also capital of Skaelings is Olricstaad. Many times it has been capital for the High King of Norsca. Norse sometimes call Olricstaad also Heorot, which comes from the first times when High King was situated in the Olricstaad. Permanent population is about 7000, but there are always 1000-3000 visitors. This is a rough estimate. Many buildings in town and its protective walls are made of the special blue-gray rock found only in the mountains north of the city. This gives the city its own unique and special character. Most of the buildings are low structures, very few rises above two stories, except the palace and a few temples. This is due to the harsh weather during the winter and the amounts of snow during the mentioned season. Small solid buildings can easily stand the extra weight of heavy, wet snow. Only rich people can afford to build houses larger than two stories with the needed strength. Another reason that many houses are been build by stone is that in 2089 IC a great fire ravaged through the city destroying it entirely. All the wooden buildings were burned down. Only a handful of stone buildings remained more or less intact. Olricstaad lies in the shores of the wide fjord close River Halkild. Wolfclaw clan has always been the most powerful Norse clan in the Olricstaad area. Rothemuur agents, from Marienburg, have managed Royal Trading Hall in Olricstaad. Time to time agents have fled from Olricstaad and abandon this hall, because changes in politics. During the Storm of Chaos they were brutally murdered by the agents of Archaon. Skorlm (pop. 600): Skorlm was lesser settlement until it became battle site for the war between invading Army of Khorne (combined from the Northern Tribes) and the defending Southern Tribes in 2512 (Battle of Skorlm). Southern army was leaded by now famous Jarl Gustav “Holy Warrior” Swer. Southerners were loosing, until suddenly nearby volcano erupted destroying part of the invaders army and giving new “divine” power to the Gustavs men. Southerners’ won. Gustav was devoted servant of the Olric and fierce enemy of the Dark Gods, so he believed that Olric had answered his prayers and destroyed the enemy. Later Gustav declared that the volcano, Mount Vanir, is a holy place which holds the Fire of Olric. In 2515 official delegation is sent from the Middenheim to Skorlm, with one Dwarf Engineer to build a temple dedicated to Olric (or Ulric in Old World). Skorlm people are very devoted servants of the Olric and enemies of the Dark Gods. Amongst the people of Skorlm lives also few Ragnarites that also believe that the volcano holds Winter Kings (Olric’s) holy fire. During the Storm of Chaos Archaons forces left the settlement alone for some reason. Many believe they were again protected by the Olric. Thjazi, Mountains of: Huge icy peaks of Thjazi mountain-range are legendary. It is said that some Jotun still inhabit the highest peaks and once Jotun race had many fortresses in these mountains. Sagas also tell that Vipunen, legendary Jotun inventor and also magician, lived in these mountain ranges. Many believe that his main workshop mighty be hidden in these mountains. Workshop that may hold many magical and mechanical wonders. Deeds of Vipunen are so famous, even he lived thousands of years ago, that Norse worship this genius and magic-using giant. For Norse these mountains are semi-sacred and not many like to journey too high on these mountain-ranges. They still fear the wrath of the powerful Jotuns. Trassel, Island of: Large island covered with vast swamps and shrouded in fog and mystery. It is uninhabited land; as little will grow there save for the rotting carcasses of trees. There are many dark myths about this islands and Norse do not travel there. It is said that daemons live in the island dwelling within the caves that lie in the marshes. There are stories of dark nights when mists start spreading from the island and with that mist comes the daemons which steel the women and kill anybody that tries to stop them. Turui (pop. 100): Turui is small trading village that belongs to Clan Haraldursson. Jarl Thur Haraldursson, whose forefather was mighty warrior Haraldur the Red, was daring adventurer and trader on his time, few decades ago. During his travels he created good trade relations to powerful merchant house in Kislev and this started their cooperation that soon brought much of wealth to Clan Haraldursson. Jarl Thur ensured save trading heaven even during more unstable times. And after Storm of Chaos his son, the new Jarl, Larus Haraldursson has created the trade relations again. Because their good reputation small Turui is one of the major trading ports even it very small. Basically clan has few households and total of 100 people, but Turui easily triples its size because visitors/traders, both Norse and other people. And there are many farmsteads close by that are all under the ruling of Jarl Haraldursson. One specialty in Turui is that Clan Haraldursson does not keep Thralls, which is very rare in Norsca. All the working class people are Peasants under the control of clan. Ulfsland, Island of (pop. 300): Ulfsland is the largest island in the Sea of Claws, with two small settlements on its south coast and many smaller farmsteads over the island. Even main income to island is large colonies of seals the island has fairly high quality soil which makes farming easy. The island is named after the local hero Ulf Donnersson, a semi-legendary figure from the Norse sagas, who was said to have found the fertile island and wished to settle there with his people. He was tested by strange old man with incredible strength and endurance. At the end this old man revealed to be Olric himself and gave the land to Ulf and his people forever. Locals usually call this old man as the Snow King. Varaland, Island of: Large island that is dominated by a high mountain at the centre, known as Sigismund’s Mount after the Norse hero who was supposed to have been buried here when his life came to an end.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Southern Tribes Starting Careers: Baern.: Bjornl.: Sarls: Skael.: Career: Society Level*: Where to find: 01-02 01-03 01-02 01-03 Animal Trainer Peasant / Warrior** This document 03 03 Appr. Shaman Holyman OWB 04-19 04-13 04-13 04-13 Berserker Warrior WFRP2 20-21 14-15 14-15 14-15 Bodyguard Warrior WFRP2 22-26 16-18 16-19 16-18 Bondsman Peasant / Warrior** ToC 19 20 19-20 Burgher Peasant WFRP2 27 20 21 21 Entertainer Thrall / Peasant** WFRP2 28-32 21-30 22-31 22-30 Fisherman Peasant WFRP2 33-45 31-35 32-39 31-35 Hunter Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 46-65 35-50 40-48 36-50 Marauder Warrior ToC 66-75 51-65 49-53 51-60 Mercenary Warrior WFRP2 76 66 54 61 Outlaw Special*** WFRP2 77-80 67-70 55-58 62-65 Peasant Thrall / Peasant** WFRP2 81-85 71-72 59-61 66-67 Pit Fighter Thrall / Warrior** WFRP2 86-89 73-79 62-76 68-77 Reaver Warrior ToC 80-82 77-81 78-80 Seaman Warrior WFRP2 90 83 82 81 Seer Holyman ToC 91 84 83 82 Servant Thrall WFRP2 92 85-87 84-85 83-85 Skald Peasant / Warrior** ToC 93-96 88-92 86-89 86-90 Tradesman Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 97-99 93-95 90-99 91-95 Whaler Warrior ToC 00 96-00 00 96-00 Woodsman Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 * Note that this is common society level for careers. For example Jarls come from some warrior career, but can be anything from Hunters to Berserkes, and not all Holymen are actually Seers (they can also be Chaos Sorcerers, Shamans…etc) ** These are case to case situations. Person could be from either one of the society levels. Many start with the worst one and may earn eventually their place in the better one. GM decision. Example: Bondsman maybe loyal fighter, but his background makes him member of peasant family. But if he serves his Jarl well, he maybe rewarded to become Freeholder (Tome of Corruption) and rises to Warrior class. *** Outlaws are commonly former Warriors exiled by their own people. They could be considered as low as Thralls if they return to their own lands, but other clans may considere them as Warriors. Optional Rule: You may also use Norse Thrall –career for the Thralls. Found from this document. OWB = Old World Bestiary ToC = Tome of Corruption WFRP2 = Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Core Rulebook

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

3. Northern High Tribes 3.1 Northern Tribes Standing in the shadow of Chaos Wastes, Norsca is a land touched by Chaos. Whenever the roiling Eye widens, the tongues of darkness lick the dizzying peaks of this frozen land, altering all and everything it touches. As a result, those tribes living on the coast of the Frozen Sea are more deeply affected by Chaos and, as a result, develop more mutations and more variety among their kind than the rest of the Norsemen. In addition, they are quite a bit more savage since they regularly come into conflict with the Kurgan tribes of the Wastes. They are a brutal and bloodthirsty lot. Merciless, they kill for the love of killing. Originally Norsii people inhabited the areas close to Troll Country (or River Groene) and then the coastline of Norsca as north as Vestligkyst (that became Graeling lands). Northern parts of Norsca, that lie closest to the Chaos Wastes, and coastline close to the Frozen Sea was left alone. Northern Norsca had even harsher climate than the southern. Only hunters visited these areas. But eventually some nomad tribes started to migrate to these parts. During the centuries these tribes became accustomed to these harsh regions. Also they mixed more with Kurgan becoming little darker in appearance than other Norse. These northern parts were called simply Nordlig by other Norse. The northern tribes include Aeslings, Graelings and Vargs. The northern tribes live in the following ancient Norse-named areas: • Vestligkyst (Westcoast), which includes northern lands of Bjornlings and Graeling lands. Vestligkyst is commonly considered to be Graeling lands. It includes western coastline of Norsca and also little northern coastline (lands that Norsii didn’t inhabit first). This area is the most furthest from the Chaos Wastes when speaking about the northern tribes, but still close enough that it has changed Graelings in there more rough and accustomed to follow the Dark Gods. • Nordlig (North), this includes lands of Aeslings and Vargs. When nomad tribes started to move to northern parts of Norsca Norsii people started to call these areas simply Nordlig. It means basically rest of the Norsca beyond coastlines, Troll Country and the Goromadny mountains. Most norsii feared these areas because they were more close to feared Umbra. This caused more mutations and lands were filled with Chaos monsters. Also there were problems with Kurgan and Hung tribes from the Chaos Wastes. Yet Aeslings and Vargs survived and became feared tribes. Also Norse Dwarfs live in the Nordlig by the Norse.

3.2 Aeslings Aeslings are probably most brutal and bloodthirsty Norse. Merciless, they kill for the love of killing. They are often at the forefront of the Chaos Incursions, leading the way into the fat lands of the Empire. They live in the lands between high mountains inhabited by the Norse Dwarfs and the valleys of Shadow Pass south to the River Groene. This location, close to the Chaos Wastes, has made them very tough and brutal. They are fearless warriors trained since the birth in society that only respects the strongest (weak are killed, which they serve). Aeslings lands are situated so, that they have a lot of contact with the tribes of Chaos Wastes, especially with the Kurgan. During the centuries Norse and Kurgan blood has mixed and that why Aeslings are little darker in their complexion, than average Norse. Even Aesling consider themselves superior to other tribes they have kept some trade relations to Kurgan. During the summer time, when the Frozen Sea is open, Aeslings trade by boat. During the harsh winters, when the Frozen Sea is always frozen, they walk through the ice. Even situated badly Aesling do amount raids with boats that sail around the Norsca. They usually stop only to visit Graelings and Vargs. Most of the time Aeslings have neutral trade-connections to other Northern Tribes. Other Norse Tribes they consider weak and inferior. Raids against other tribes are common. Aeslings hate Dwarfs. The war between these races has raged on forever. Both sides harass other side from time to time, but usually it is Aeslings that break the borders and attack Dwarf lands. Aesling do fear Dwarfen Stones (more information can be found from Norsca: Religion) which mark the borders of their lands. They know that these stones lesser the power of Daemons and magic-users. But because they trust more to the power of cold steel they still advance beyond the stones.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

It’s not surprise that Aeslings worship Dark Gods more than other tribes, and in their bloody pantheon main god has always been Kharnath, the Skull Lord. Usually Holymen among the Aeslings are called Bloodfathers, ones that give blood to bloodthirsty Gods. Capital: Morkestaad Main Settlements: Frossborg, Ru’gard, Snaegrvold, Svartblodgard Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Snaegr (Snaegrvold), Skrae (Skraevold, destroyed) Popular Deities: Halni, Kharnath, Lanshor, Odin, Olric, Stromfels, Tchar Minor Deities: Hvedhrungr, Nurglitch, Thor, Urlfdaemonkin Chaos God Names: Halni or Lanshor (Slaanesh), Nurglitch (Nurgle), Tchar (Tzeentch), Kharnath (Khorne) Heroes: Ekil Bloodheart, Hrafn Untam, Morkar the Uniter, Valnir the Reaper Friends: Neutral: Graelings, Hung, Kurgan, Vargs Enemies: Albion, Baernsonlings, Bjornlings, Bretonnian, Dark Elves, Dwarfs (Norse), Elves, Empire, Kislev, Marienburg, Ogres, Sarls, Skaelings Major Exports: Alcohol, Amber, Chaos Artifacts, Furs and Hides, Reindeer, Seal, Walrus, Whaling Fleet: Medium. Most of the year the fleet cannot move because the Frozen Sea remains frozen. Magic: Rare. Usually Seer and Vitki dedicated to Chaos Gods, but sometimes Chaos Sorcerer and in isolated locations also Shamans. Chance for Mutation: 30% Chance for Ulfwerenar: 10% Special: Most dreaded Norse. Some clans (minor tribes) do not use thralls. They either sacrifice them or sell them forward to other tribes or Kurgan. Optional Racial Features: An Aesling character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Consume Alcohol, Outdoor Survival, Sail or Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Inured to Chaos*, Provincial Expertise (Aeslings)*, Warrior Born * This trait can be found from this document Places: Blood Ridge: Long high ridge on the shore of the Frozen Sea (“White Sea”). Blood Ridge has gained its name because Aeslings use the ridge to throw their living sacrifices (Thralls usually) down to the deadly stones where they die. This is done to please the Dark Gods (Kharnath and Stromfels). In the north Blood Ridge connects to a wild river that borders the Aesling and Norse Dwarf lands. In here there are also Dwarfen Stones to mark the border (more information about the stones can be found from Norsca: Religion). Frossborg (pop. 4000): Second biggest Aesling town. Frossborg actually has the biggest harbor among the Aeslings and most of their fleet is situated here. When huge Chaos Incursions start Norse in Frossborg help armies of Chaos to cross the Frozen Sea (if it’s not winter time and sea is frozen) lands to the south of their lands. Through there armies can march along the Black Blood Pass to Kislev and beyond. Frossborg Aesling sometimes launch raids, sometimes trade, even with the Chaos Dwarfes in northern Dark Lands, the Great Skull Lands. Morkestaad (pop. 5000): Aesling capital, which is powerfully fortified city. There are very much slaves in the city. Morkestaad has huge gladiator arena. Both Aesling champions and Thralls fight Animals, Beastmen and other Chaos Monsters. Dark Gods have large shires and stone totems in this dark city. Ru’gard (pop. 800): Aesling town that guards Blood Ridge, Slave Forge and northern passages to the Dwarf lands. Aeslings make time to time raids against the Dwarfs and Norse Dwarfs like to revenge attacking the Aesling lands. There is small harbor down in the sea, with easily defended passage to up. Shadow Pass, the: Northern pass that leads from the Troll Country through the mountains to the Aesling main lands in the north. Highest point of Pass is in very high in the mountains. Pass connects to the Gorge of the Damned (sometimes referred as Pass of the Damned) in the Valley of the Blind. Along the Shadow Pass are Aesling lands and villages. Many Aesling tribes are nomad and move in these lands. In the mountain ranges along the Pass also lives many Beastmen herds and Ymir. Skraevold (Ruin): Famous Aesling town in the Troll Country close to River Groene and the Shadow Pass. This was main settlement for the Aeslings in this area and was in constant war with both Sarls and especially Baernsonlings in this area. Aeslings in Skraevold didn’t believe in Thralls and did everything themselves. Captured prisoners were usually sacrificed in the arena or on the shire of Kharnath. Eventually settlement was destroyed during the war against Baernsonling settlement of Vinnskor, which was also destroyed.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Slave Forge (pop. 30): Small village with excellent forge situated close to high ridge, the Blood Ridge. Aeslings use strong slaves to man the forge and make their weapons here. It is rumored that this forge was originally Dwarfen made, but captured centuries ago by the Norse. Snaegrvold (pop. 600): Town of famous Aesling clan Snaegr. Snaegrvold guards the passages to the Norse Dwarf lands south from the Aesling lands. Many of the greatest Aesling warriors have come from this clan and also famous Daemon Prince Urlfdaemonkin. Among the Snaegr there have always been powerful Vitki and sorcerers that use their powers to summon the Daemon Prince to gain blessings. More information about Urlfdaemonkin can be found from Norsca: Religion. Svartblodgard (pop. 500): Aesling town that guards only easy passage through the mountain ranges to Aesling main lands. Svartblodgard was originally fortress partly done by Norse Dwarfs centuries ago, but captured by the Norse. Fortress high stone walls are painted with blood and red paint. Also Aeslings like to hang and crucify their Thralls to the walls and along the passage. Screams of dying can be heard from long distance.

3.3 Graelings Graelings are like other Northern Tribes; they are more aggressive, bloodthirsty and serve the Dark Gods. Graelings do respect many of the other Gods also, but Dark Gods have always served the most important role. Graelings were the first tribes that moved the most northern areas in Norsca. They live in the western coast of Norsca in an area which is covered with deep forests. Next to the forests starts huge mountain range. Graelings are famous and feared reavers. Their ships sail far away lands to pillage and get new slaves. They have many times Aeslings and Vargs with them, which are their allies, but do not have large fleets. Graelings may attack Kurgans, but commonly they sail very close to Naggaroth and attack Hung lands if they sail north. Graelings do fear the Dark Elves, but they are most experienced Norse to fight them also. Graelings are fierce rivals with their southern neighbors’ Bjornlings. There is age’s old rivalry and hate among these tribes and many wars have been fought between these High Tribes and a lot of blood has been bled. Capital: Bjarkoy Main Settlements: Finnsvik, Rost, Steinvik, Tiurivik Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Finns (Finnsvik), Iceblade (Tiurivik), Tribe of the Hound (Fjirgard) Popular Deities: L’oki, Maa-emo, Meritursas, Odin, Raven God, Son of Raven, Tuoni, Tursas Minor Deities: Ahti, Hvedhrungr, Mätä, Tapio, Tursas, Viha, Valdin Chaos God Names: Halni (Slaanesh), Mätä (Nurgle), Raven God (Tzeentch), Viha (Khorne) Heroes: Scyla Anfinngrim, Sigismund, Styr Windrunner Friends: Neutral: Aeslings, Kurgan, Vargs Enemies: Albion, Baernsonlings, Bjornlings, Bretonnian, Dark Elves, Dwarfs (Norse), Elves, Hung, Empire, Kislev, Marienburg, Ogres, Sarls, Skaelings Major Exports: Alcohol, Amber, Fish, Furs and Hides, Reindeer, Seal, Tar, Timber, Walrus, Whaling Fleet: Medium Magic: Common. Usually Seer and Vitki dedicated to Chaos Gods, Chaos Sorcerer and even Shamans. Chance for Mutation: 20% Chance for Ulfwerenar: 10% Special: Graelings keep their Ulfwerenar usually separated in their own communities away from the normal settlements. They are called when tribe enters a war to join the warhirds. Optional Racial Features: A Graeling character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Consume Alcohol, Outdoor Survival, Sail or Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Inured to Chaos*, Provincial Expertise (Graelings)*, Very Resilient * This trait can be found from this document

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Places: Bjarkoy (pop. 5500): Graeling capital. City is well fortified with large harbor. Fortress like village protects the small entry to the bay where Bjarkoy is located protecting and slowing any attack from the sea. People of Bjarkoy are known for their ship-making skills and Vargs and Aeslings come to trade with Graelings for Dragonships. In the middle of Bjarkoy is huge strange looking “mansion”. It is the great hall of Graeling rulers. Expanded by many generations of Graelings. Now the hall is probably one of the biggest building in the Norsca, but very strange looking. Raven God, Tzeentch, has twisted and large shire in Bjarkoy. Finnsvik (pop. 900): People of Finssvik come from the Finns clan. They are more peaceful clan and mainly worship non-chaotic Gods. But like other Graelings also sacrifice to Dark Gods. They hunt mainly Seals and Walrus, but also make the best alcohol in the Graeling lands. Strange thing about Finnsvik people is, that they are less mutated than rest of the Graelings (they only have 10% change). There are still some old stones in the Finssvik that belong to ruins that were in this location before the Norse. This ruined settlement war Elven origin, but destroyed totally before the Norse came. Fjirgard (pop. 90): Village that lies between the mountain and the sea in a little strip of steep land. Coast is very rocky and in places mountains fall sheer into the sea. People are hunters, herders and fishers. In the mountains lives the Were (Ulfwerenar). Many Graeling werecreatures travel to these mountains to live in the cave-systems with their kindred, among them lives also other strangely mutated (note that these are not Byttigen). These weres are much respected among the Graelings and during the war they are called to join the armies. Frostheim Mountains: Frostheim mountains are very high mountain range in the northern Norsca. Western Frostheim Mountains belong to Graelings. In these ranges live many nomad Graeling clans. These parts of the mountains are easiest; rest of the range is very high and extremely difficult to travel. Somewhere south to the mountains is located legendary and mysterious valley where Forest of Knives is located. In eastern parts of the mountains is located lost dwarfen hold Kraka Ungrim (“Foul Fortress”). From there also starts a Varg land. In Frostheim mountains lives few Jotunir, normal Giants (commonly Chaos Giants), Ymir and other Beastmen. Also few Ogre tribes have lived in these parts of Norsca for centuries. These have mutated to Chaos Ogres. Other Chaos monsters also live in these mountains and there are rumors about Dragon Ogres also. Ii, River: Sometimes called also The Haunted River. This river is considered to be border between Bjornling and Graeling lands. Many times both tribes have fought on both sides of the river. Centuries have left thousands dead especially on the southern side of this river where great swamp starts. It is said that this area is haunted by the ghost of the past and also other Restless Dead. Norse usually avoid the area, especially during the darkest wintertime. Rost (pop. 800): People of Rost are famous fishers and whalers. They mainly worship Merituras, but also Ahti. Because their trade, people of Rost sacrifice Thralls all the time to Meritursas for save travel on the sea and good weather. Many famous reavers have come among the Rost people. Steinvik (pop. 1000): Originally trading post where town has grown. Steinvik has been fortified because it is situated in the border area to Bjornling coastal waters. Town is well protected by the mountains’ that roll to the sea here. Tiurivik (pop. 700): Tiurivik guards the northern passages to the Graeling lands. People of Tiurivik belong to Iceblade clan. Iceblade warriors are feared fighters and berserkers. Iceblade clan has been in good terms with Chaos Ogre tribe for many generations. These Ogres live in the mountains close to the Tiurivik. When Iceblade warriors go to war there usually are Ogre warriors amongst them.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

3.4 Vargs Vargs were originally nomad tribes that wandered in the most northern parts of Norsca. They took open lands, tundra, from the shores of the Sea of Chaos to their lands. This area has been called Norscveg Plain by Norse tribes. This is very rough land with extreme weather, especially during long, dark and very cold winter months. In there Vargs wandered with their herds of Reindeer. Also in these plains wandered many other creatures like Beastmen, Giants, Chaos Monsters and mighty Mammoths. Vargs fought hard for these lands for many generations. In time Vargs established few strongholds, fortified settlements called “borgs”. During the summer-time only few Vargs remained in these places which became more trading posts, but for the harsh winters clans and smaller tribes gathered to these easily defended places. Eventually these places grow to become permanent settlements. But even now many clans and smaller tribes live nomadic life in the vast northern tundra. During the centuries nomad Vargs not only became tough survivalists and warriors, but also servants of Dark Gods. Maybe it was their rough and deadly life that brought them to Slaanesh, or Shornaal the God of Excess. Some Vargs also know Slaanesh as Halni, God of shape-shifters. Varg lands are very close Chaos Wastes and its changing and warping effects. This causes mutations and especially Ulfwerenars. Vargs have old grudges against the Kurgan tribes other side of the Kraken Sea (most northern part of Sea of Chaos). Mostly during the winter time, when sea is frozen, both sides mount great raids. Aeslings join usually Vargs on their raids. There have been many epic battles when these marauders have meet on the Icy fields of Drergen Mort, which is situated on the top of the Norsca. Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer became ruler of his tribe few decades before the Storm of Chaos. And soon after this King of all Vargs. In few decades he was already legendary and feared champion of Slaanesh. Styrkaar became one of the Archaon’s The Four, his generals, during the Storm of Chaos. Capital: Novgoborg Main Settlements: Aldeigborg, Arothborg, Galdariborg Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Sortsvinaer (Novgoborg) Popular Deities: Frey, Halni, L’oki, Mother of All Things, Shornaal, Stromfels, Taldur Minor Deities: Baldur, Helenir (Hel), Malor, Mimir, Olric, Onogal, Tchar, Thor, the Windlord Chaos God Names: Halni or Shornaal (Slaanesh), Onogal (Nurgle), Tchar or the Windlord (Tzeentch), Kharnath (Khorne) Heroes: Morkar the Uniter, Sigismund, Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer Friends: Neutral: Aeslings, Baernsonlings, Bjornlings, Graelings, Hung, Sarls, Skaelings Enemies: Albion, Bretonnian, Dark Elves, Dwarfs (Norse), Elves, Empire, Kislev, Kurgan, Marienburg, Ogres Major Exports: Chaos Artifacts, Fish, Furs and Hides, Reindeer, Seal, Walrus Fleet: Small Magic: Common. Usually Seer and Vitki dedicated to Chaos Gods, Chaos Sorcerer and even Shamans. Chance for Mutation: 30% Chance for Ulfwerenar: 10% Special: Most nomadic tribe among the Norse. Optional Racial Features: A Varg character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Consume Alcohol or Animal Training, Outdoor Survival, Drive or Ride, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Inured to Chaos*, Provincial Expertise (Vargs)*, Very Resilient * This trait can be found from this document Places: Aldeigborg (pop. 3500): One of the two largest Varg settlements. Aldeigborg has been sometimes capital of the Vargs, and other times it is Novgoborg. Aldeigborg is situated in the high hill and the town area is very large and open. During the winter time populated may even double when nomad clans and minor tribes settle here. Arothoborg (pop. 700): Middle of the Varg lands situated at the River Narvaash and the corner of Norscveg Plain.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Blodig, River: Along the river is Novgoborg. At the beginning point of the river is unholy site that is dedicated to Slaanesh. Huge monolith marks the site. There are stories that some times the river turns to red, like blood. During that time water smells and tastes sweet. Also its effect is psychedelic and causes hallucinations and pleasure. Gardariborg (pop. 800): Settlement situated at the River Irtyskh, which also marks Varg land borders. There are some smaller settlements and farms even beyond Gardariborg on the forests, but these forests have huge number of Beastmen living in them. Irtyskh, River: Along the river is Gardariborg. Irtyskh marks the borders of Varg lands. South and west from the river starts large forests and south from river opens Thorfrost Valley which is also exit and entry point to Jotunir Pass. Vargs usually avoid crossing the river, because the forested areas beyond the river are populated by many wild races (Beastmen, Chaos Ogres, even Goblinoids and Minotaurs). Especially they avoid old abandoned Dwarfen settlement high in the eastern Frostheim Mountains which is called “Foul Fortress”. Novgoborg (pop. 4000): One of the two largest Varg settlements. Novgoborg is most of the time capital of the Vargs, and other times it is Aldeigborg. Powerful Sortsvianer tribe lives in here. Novgoborg is situated in the River Blodig on Norscveg Plain. During the winter time population may even double when nomad clans and minor tribes settle here. Sorg, River: River Sorg marks the border areas of Varg lands and also Norscveg Plain area. Beyond the river starts large swamps and beyond that wild tundra called Ejsgard. Long Sorg River runs down from the high valley between the mountains. This valley area marks the beginning point of Gorge of the Damned (which sometimes is called “Pass of the Damned”).

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Northern Tribes Starting Careers: Aeslings: Graelings: Vargs: Career: Society Level*: Where to find: 01-03 01-02 01-05 Animal Trainer Peasant / Warrior** This document 04 03 06 Appr. Shaman Holyman OWB 05-16 04-13 07-18 Berserker Warrior WFRP2 17-19 14-15 19-20 Bodyguard Warrior WFRP2 20-22 16-18 21-25 Bondsman Peasant / Warrior** ToC 19 Burgher Peasant WFRP2 23 20 26 Entertainer Thrall / Peasant** WFRP2 24-30 21-30 27-32 Fisherman Peasant WFRP2 31-37 31-35 33-48 Hunter Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 38-62 35-50 49-68 Marauder Warrior ToC 63-67 51-65 69-73 Mercenary Warrior WFRP2 68 66 74 Outlaw Special*** WFRP2 69-72 67-70 75-78 Peasant Thrall / Peasant** WFRP2 73-77 71-72 79-82 Pit Fighter Thrall / Warrior** WFRP2 78-87 73-79 83-87 Reaver Warrior ToC 88 80-82 Seaman Warrior WFRP2 89 83 88 Seer Holyman ToC 90 84 89 Servant Thrall WFRP2 91 85-87 91 Skald Peasant ToC 92-95 88-92 92-95 Tradesman Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 96-98 93-95 96-99 Whaler Warrior ToC 99-00 96-00 00 Woodsman Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 * Note that this is common society level for careers. For example Jarls come from some warrior career, but can be anything from Hunters to Berserkes, and not all Holymen are actually Seers (they can also be Chaos Sorcerers, Shamans…etc) ** These are case to case situations. Person could be from either one of the society levels. Many start with the worst one and may earn eventually their place in the better one. GM decision. Example: Bondsman maybe loyal fighter, but his background makes him member of peasant family. But if he serves his Jarl well, he maybe rewarded to become Freeholder (Tome of Corruption) and rises to Warrior class. *** Outlaws are commonly former Warriors exiled by their own people. They could be considered as low as Thralls if they return to their own lands, but other clans may considere them as Warriors. Optional Rule: You may also use Norse Thrall –career for the Thralls. Found from this document. OWB = Old World Bestiary ToC = Tome of Corruption nd WFRP2 = Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2 Edition Core Rulebook

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

4. Other Norse Tribes 4.1 Kuldevind Islands Kuldevind Islands are few small islands north-west from Norsca. They are very close to Chaos Wastes, but still further enough from the shores that they are safe-heaven for Norse (most monsters or roaming people in the Chaos Wastes cannot reach these islands). These islands have very rough weather and extremely cold winters (because the strong winds on the seas). Warm currents from the Great Ocean help little. Also they are very close to Chaos Wastes. Chaos monsters from the Sea of Chaos and those that can fly are ones that harass the Norse living in these islands. In the coldest years sea may freeze from the shores of Chaos Wastes to the shores of Kuldevind Islands and movement across the ice is possible. But most dangerous threat to these settlements is still the Dark Elves from Naggaroth. Dark Elves sometimes raid Norse lands for slaves and Kuldevind settlements have been destroyed few times during the centuries by Dark Elven Corsairs. Norse found Kuldevind Isles circa 1000. They very soon created trade town of Funniguur. Originally this small settlement was kind of a gathering point for Norse, before they would mount raids to the Chaos Wastes or to the lands of Dark Elves. Also it was way-point when Norse tried to establish permanent base to Ildelver, which was even further to the west, close to Naggaroth and their Sea of Chill. Always few clans kept permanent settlement living in the islands, mostly by fishing and whaling. During the centuries clans in the Kuldevind Islands have mixed up and the tribal origins are not that easily seen. There is one Jerg (=chieftain) who is chosen among the four Jarls of the Island. These four Jarls were originally from the tribes of Bjornlings, Graelings, Sarls and Skaelings. With these four Jarls there is also the Holyman. Oldest and wisest Vitki in the Islands. He is the fifth member of council. This council of five is the ruling body of Kuldevind. Kuldevind politics are actually very different than politics among the Norse commonly. Even the Jerg is always the strongest and most feared Jarl at the time, decisions are commonly made by the council and they do use voting. All the tribes are welcome to Kuldevind and all the tribes use this as port to the west and north. It is common knowledge that island and port of Funninguur is neutral territory. Kuldevind people do not want any tribal indifferences or wars in there (off course fights happen time to time between rival tribes). Some clans in the island may remember their origins and are friendlier to any tribal members from same tribe. But all Kuldevind people commonly consider themselves to be from Kuldevind Islands, as also other Norse consider them to be from there. Traders from the Old World countries rarely come to Kuldevind. This is probably mostly because they do not know that it is out there. But few traders and whalers that have heard about it visit time to time. Even so Old World people are very rare in Funninguur. Port town of Funninguur is only settlement in the islands. Population is about 600 people, but there are almost always 50-100 visitors. And if there is some sort of huge raid to Dark Elf lands or Chaos Wastes it may bring hundreds of visitors and huge number of ships. There are many isolated farmstead in the Islands and permanent population of Kuldevind Islands is probably close to 700 people.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Capital: Funninguur Main Settlements: Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Popular Deities: Malor, Stromfels, Sylra Minor Deities: Hvedhrungr, L’oki, Thor, Valdin, the Windlord Chaos God Names: Halni (Slaanesh), Onogal (Nurgle), the Windlord (Tzeentch), Kharnath (Khorne) Heroes: Friends: Neutral: Albion, Aeslings, Baernsonlings, Bjornlings, Dwarfs (Norse), Empire, Graelings, Kislev, Marienburg, Sarls, Skaelings, Vargs Enemies: Bretonnian, Dark Elves, Elves, Hung, Kurgan Major Exports: Alcohol, Chaos Artifacts, Fish, Walrus, Whaling Fleet: Minimun Magic: Common. Seer and Vitki. Chance for Mutation: 20% Chance for Ulfwerenar: 5% Special: Mix of all the original seven tribes. Optional Racial Features: A Kuldevind character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Consume Alcohol or Common Knowledge (Chaos Wastes), Outdoor Survival, Sail, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Inured to Chaos*, Provincial Expertise (Kuldevind)*, Orientation * This trait can be found from this document

4.2 Byttigen: (Original concept by Alfred Nuñez Jr. “Mad Alfred”) According to ancient Norse folklore, there is a race of dark creatures,” Race of Dark” (the Underjordisar), who prey upon the newborn of the Norse. In order to cover their heinous crime, these creatures substitute their own babies for those taken. These Byttingen (singular: Bytting) look exactly like those taken until they get older (some even reach puberty) at which time they begin to change into something far uglier and malformed. Many Byttingen are killed outright by the grieving parents, but some are either abandoned in the wilderness by Norse unable to slay them or escape in fear of their lives. Although the majority of the latter group dies in the wilderness, few find refuge with other Byttingen or Beastmen. It is now known that the Byttingen are not the changelings of folklore, but rather unfortunates who have been tainted by Chaos. In the Empire, these creatures are called ”Mutants”. Once with bands of Beastmen or other Byttingen, the Bytting is hardly safe. Many of the Norse heroes of old, such as Freinar Kaosjeger and Thoramir Ulfenblod, made their reputations destroying servants of Chaos, including Byttingen. History of Byttigen starts from the beginning of Norsca, when Norsii people just migrated to north. There was tribe of Norsii that found their home far north in the mountain ranges long before other Norsii inhabited those parts. Even before this part of Norsca was called Nordlig. Their home was strange valley with mysteriously mutated trees and plants. What they didn’t know was that their home was infested by the Warp-stone which in few generations mutated their race so badly that other Norsii started to shun this “Race of Dark”. So, Byttigen remained hidden living in the dark cave-systems and hide their mutations. They also found new god – Nurgle. Mutations are very common nowadays in Norsca and not so shunned as they were during the time of first Norsii people. Now many tribes consider them to be blessings from the Gods. Even so, Byttigen people are still shunned and dark legends have given them bad reputation that other Norse fear and hate. Byttigen are basically just normal Norse, who are badly mutated. Their ”race” or tribe was so corrupted by the Warpstone, that every generation of Byttigen since then has had multiple mutations automatically and they usually gain even more when they get older. Truth is that Byttigen are very bitter race, with minds corrupted by Chaos as much as their bodies. And they do hate other Norse, and have stolen their newborn time to time for revenge.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Capital: Caves of Decay Main Settlements: Famous Clans & Minor Tribes: Popular Deities: Neiglen or Nielglen Minor Deities: L’oki, the Windlord Chaos God Names: Lanshor (Slaanesh), Neiglen or Nielglen (Nurgle), the Windlord (Tzeentch), Arkhar (Khorne) Heroes: Friends: Neutral: Enemies: Albion, Aesling, Baernsonlings, Bjornlings, Bretonnian, Dark Elves, Dwarfs (Norse), Elves, Empire, Graelings, Hung, Kislev, Kurgan, Marienburg, Sarls, Skaelings, Vargs Major Exports: Fleet: None Magic: Common. Seer and Vitki, that worships Nurgle. Best of them may became Champions of Nurgle. Chance for Mutation: Special (check below) Chance for Ulfwerenar: 5% Special: Mix of all the tribes. Optional Racial Features: A Byttigen character gains the following skills and talents: Skills: Common Knowledge (Norsca), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Norse) Talents & Traits: Resistance to Disease, Rover Mutations: Every Byttigen starts with three (3) mutations. There is also 30% change that they will gain a new mutation per every decade they live. This doesn’t even count any other exposure to Chaos that might cause mutations. If you have Tome of Corruption (WFRP2 sourcebook) then you can use Mutations of Nurgle –table for all mutations, because Byttigen long influence and worship of Nurgle.

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

Other Norse Tribes & Revised Original Starting Careers: Byttigen: Kuldevind: Original: Career: Society Level*: Where to find: 01-02 01 01 Animal Trainer Peasant / Warrior** This document Appr. Shaman Holyman OWB 03-18 02-07 02-11 Berserker Warrior WFRP2 19 08-09 12-13 Bodyguard Warrior WFRP2 20-24 10-13 14-16 Bondsman Peasant / Warrior** ToC 14 17 Burgher Peasant WFRP2 15 18-19 Entertainer Thrall / Peasant** WFRP2 16-31 20-29 Fisherman Peasant WFRP2 25-44 30-33 Hunter Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 45-64 32-41 34-55 Marauder Warrior ToC 42-46 56-70 Mercenary Warrior WFRP2 65 47 71 Outlaw Special*** WFRP2 66-70 48-51 72-76 Peasant Thrall / Peasant** WFRP2 71-75 52 77-78 Pit Fighter Thrall / Warrior** WFRP2 53-67 79-85 Reaver Warrior ToC 68-82 86 Seaman Warrior WFRP2 76 83 87 Seer Holyman ToC 77-81 84-87 88 Servant Thrall WFRP2 86-90 88 89-90 Skald Peasant ToC 91-99 89-91 91-95 Tradesman Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 92-00 96-98 Whaler Warrior ToC 00 99-00 Woodsman Peasant / Warrior** WFRP2 * Note that this is common society level for careers. For example Jarls come from some warrior career, but can be anything from Hunters to Berserkes, and not all Holymen are actually Seers (they can also be Chaos Sorcerers, Shamans…etc) ** These are case to case situations. Person could be from either one of the society levels. Many start with the worst one and may earn eventually their place in the better one. GM decision. Example: Bondsman maybe loyal fighter, but his background makes him member of peasant family. But if he serves his Jarl well, he maybe rewarded to become Freeholder (Tome of Corruption) and rises to Warrior class. *** Outlaws are commonly former Warriors exiled by their own people. They could be considered as low as Thralls if they return to their own lands, but other clans may considere them as Warriors. Optional Rule: You may also use Norse Thrall –career for the Thralls. Found from this document. OWB = Old World Bestiary ToC = Tome of Corruption nd WFRP2 = Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2 Edition Core Rulebook

WFRP 2nd Edition ©2008 Jackdays


Norsca: The Tribes Version 1.0

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