Download Non-Profit Marketing (NPM) What Is It and Why It Matters...
“Marketing “Mark eting for f or Non-Profit Organizations Organizations” ”
on-Profit Marketing ( PM): What Wh at is it and and why it matters? By Dr. Muhammad Nouman
NPM: Myths and Realities? • While Non-Profits may address important social problems, the sector is not a major component of a society’ society’ss overall output • Most Non-Profits are organization-centred rather than customercentred • Non-Profits play a more important role r ole in developed countries but are not influential in the developing countries • Non-Profits need to focus more on their customer rather than the t he donor • With a few eceptions, non-profits are mostly small, local enterprises specializing in narrow domains • !he management challenges thatorNon-Profits face are relatively mundane compared to business for-profit organization organizations s
NPM: Myths and Realities? • Non-Profits are mostly run by "do-gooders# and "social-reformers# who have a limited limited interest in efficient efficient management management of their organization • Non-Profits are overburdened by negative perceptions of the public regarding their $real’ role in the society • Wor%ing for Non-Profits is a poor career move for those t hose individuals individuals who want to ma%e "big money# and ecel ecel professionally professionally • &usinesses &usinesses need to have only a to%en involvemen involvementt in the t he non-profit world in order order to maintain good public public relations relations or to produce shortshortterm mar%eting gains
Understanding NPM • Non-Product Marketing involves the marketing mark eting of a product p roduct or service in which the oer itself is not intended to mak make e monetary benet for the marketer • It takes takes the notion of satisfaction and value-laden relationships to a dierent level by focusing not just on the customer but donor needs also
Defning Non-Proft Marketing
ctivities and strategies employed by a nonprot organi!ation organi!ation that are designed to spread the message me ssage of the organi!ation" as well as to solicit donations and call for volunteers# Nonprot marketing involves the creation of logos" slogans and copy" as well as the development of a media campaign to e$pose the organi!ation to an outside audience# A nonproft organization can approach marketing in the same way as a or-proft business. It should identiy its target market (the one it wants to reach), deelop marketing materials to send to that target market, and determine the ob!ecties that a marketing campaign should meet. In this sense, the nonproft organization ollows the our "#s o marketing$ product, place, price and promotion. %ource& www w ww#investopedia#com #investopedia#com
Why Study NPM? Why is Marketing applied as a discipline inside firms?
Non-Profit Organization Organizations s Donor
Clients Sta
Volunteers Others
Interactions Non-Proft Sector
Corporate Sector Public Sector
The Marketing Mix or an NPO
Class an!out or Discussion
NPM: A Harder Bargain? From a marketing management perspective NPM involves exchanges other than where the consumer makes economic sacrifices for economic benefits •
Lack of secondary data available to non-profit marketer on consumer characteristics, behaviour be haviour,, preferences, attitudes
Collecting data from consumers may involve data on central ego needs as well as attitudes and behaviours with respect to controversial and taboo topics Consumers may be asked to make sacrifices on issues regarding which they may be indifferent (e.g. ater conservation, environmental pollution!
NPM: A Harder Bargain? •
Consumers may be re"uired to make significant changes in their attitudes and behaviours compared to private sector which makes consumers value a product more than they used to
#n the private sector it is possible to modify a product to meet consumer needs and wants better$ much more difficult to do this in the non-profit sector
%he issues that non-profits deal with often re"uire e&change of large amounts of information with the consumer. %his means dealing with
comple& consumer behaviours and attitudes Because many changes to be marketed involve intangible social and psychological benefits, its is often difficult to portray the offering in a tangible and understandable manner
Defining a NonProfit !rgani"ation#s $n%ironment
• 'oes the organi!ation rely on donations in whole or in part( • Is the organi!ation)s performance likely to be
subject to public scrutiny( • Is marketing seen as undesirable from the standpoint of some or all members of the organi!ation or its major sponsors or reviewers( reviewers( • 'oes the organi!ation rely e$tensively on volunteers( • Is performance largely judged by non-marketing measures(
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