NMSBuilder_Tutorial_v1 (1)
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tutorial para modificar visualizar figuras en opensim...
NMSBuilder Tutorial Create an OpenSim model from Test Data
Giordano Valente, Lorenzo Pitto, Stefano Perticoni Laboratorio di Tecnologia Medica, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna BioComputing Competence Centre, SCS srl, Bologna
1. Objectives NMSBuilder is an open-‐source software package, being developed within the NMSPhysiome project. It allows to import and edit subject-‐specific data from different sources, develop OpenSim musculoskeletal models, leverage OpenSim to perform dynamic simulations of movement and store the results. Next release features will also include statistical post-‐processing and visualization tools, as well as import/export facilities of Matlab file formats. The software integrates the multimodal data fusion functionalities of Multimod Application Framework with the OpenSim API. The purpose of this tutorial is to help users getting started with the software, creating a simple OpenSim musculoskeletal model from subject-‐specific data distributed with the alpha version released. Only specific tools to the purpose will be described in this tutorial. For all other software capabilities and potential, users are referred to the user's guide.
Figure 1 -‐ Main parts of a musculoskeletal model in OpenSim. All necessary features are definable within NMSBuilder operations
2. Test Data First of all, download the test data from here: https://www.biomedtown.org/nmsphysiome/reception/alpha/ Test data include models of the right thigh and shank of a specific normal subject, derived from MRI images. File → Open → Test Data.msf to import the data. To visualize and navigate the data elements, select View → Add View → Surface and go into the Data Tree panel. Data are organized in a hierarchical tree and divided into rigid bodies (parent), joints, marker sets and attachment points (children), plus Muscle Actuator and OpenSim model source code:
Figure 2 -‐ Test data visualized in a surface view. Each object is stored in the hierarchical tree in the data tree bar
Closed surfaces of hard and soft tissues: Each part has an assigned density, and the inertial properties have been calculated. It is possible to visualize and edit the properties from VME metadata facilities (Operations → Modify → VME Metadata). Note that multi-‐surface groups R_Thigh and R_Shank account for the properties of both hard and soft tissues.
Knee Reference Systems in Parent and in Child: The two RefSys have been conveniently defined.
Marker Sets: Identified with a virtual palpation procedure on anatomical landmarks [1].
Attachment Points: Registered from Delp model [2] onto the specific anatomy.
Actuator path and parameters:
Vastus lateralis muscle, including the origin/via/insertion points and maximum isometric force parameter. Other muscle parameters can be defined from VME metadata facilities (Operations → Modify → VME Metadata, also refer to user's guide). •
Source code of the OpenSim model created:
Additional files, distributed in the Geometries and output model folder, include the vtp geometry files and the osim model file, created as result of this tutorial.
3. Create OpenSim model The purpose is to create, from subject-‐specific surfaces segmented from MRI images, a multibody-‐ dynamics model of two rigid bodies (thigh and shank), connected by a 1 DOF pin joint, moved by one muscle actuator, and with a 6 DOF free joint connecting the thigh to the ground. First, the user must define the necessary features to build the model (Figure 1 and following 3 paragraphs in this section): inertial properties of bodies, joint reference frames, muscle actuator paths and parameters. Then it is possible to build the OpenSim model: 1) from Wizard or 2) creating cpp command blocks for each model part, to be pasted (and modified if necessary) into the source code template (advanced users). Definition of bodies Each rigid body is made of multi-‐surfaces defining hard and soft tissues. Beyond the geometry, the inertial properties need to be calculated. First, the density of each sub-‐part composing the body can be assigned from VME metadata facilities (Operations → Modify → VME Metadata), defining the tag 'DENSITY' and typing the numerical value. If density is not defined, a default unitary value is assumed. Then, the inertial properties can be calculated with the appropriate operation (Operations → Measure → Compute Inertial Tensor) on each multi-‐surface body. This will return the mass, center of mass, inertial matrix in the local reference frame and principal moments of inertia, that will be automatically stored as VME attributes in the VME Metadata properties.
Figure 3 -‐ VME Metadata parameters of R_Thigh multi-‐surface after performing the compute Inertial Tensor operation 3
Definition of joints Two joint reference frames (RefSys) define position and orientation of the joint in each of the two connected bodies. The origin of the RefSys will be the center/axis of rotation of the joint, and the degree of freedom will take place along its axes (Pin Joint rotates along the blue Z-‐axis). The two RefSys have to be created from anatomical landmarks defined. This can be done in two ways: 1. Select a landmark cloud (Marker Set) representing the anatomical landmarks of the bone corresponding to the desired body, then Operation → Create → Derive → AFRefsys and then select the acronym corresponding to the bone. This will create a RefSys child of the landmark cloud. Select it, go to the vme tab and assign the requested landmarks. 2. Operation → Create → RefSys. Select it, go to the vme tab, check Select Plane. The first landmark to feed will be the origin, the second one will define the X axis and the third will define the plane and direction of the Y axis. The RefSys can be moved (rotated and translated) using the Move facilities (refer to user's guide): select it, Operation → Create → Derive → Freeze VME. This will create an object that can be moved as any other VME object. In the Test Data, the knee joint is modelled as a pin joint with the axis of rotation passing through the RME and RLE markers. The RefSys in Parent is defined using RME and RLE as origin and point1, and then rotating the RefSys to make this axis the Z-‐axis. From this, RefSys in Child is defined such to have the knee neutral pose according to ISB standard [3]. Definition of muscle actuators An action line representing the muscle needs to be created: select Operation → Create → Derive → Wrapped Action Line, go to vme tag, select Pivot-‐set method and set wrap to manual, feed the start and end points and a list of ordered midpoints. Physiological muscle parameters can be assigned through VME Metadata facilities (Operation → Modify → VME Metadata): the maximum isometric force parameter can be assigned adding a "maxIsometricForce" numeric tag and typing the value. To see other valid muscle parameter tags, please refer to the user's guide. If muscle parameters are not defined, default values will be assumed. Create OpenSim model from Wizard Once all necessary model objects have been defined (body properties, RefSys, muscle action lines), the user is ready to create the OpenSim model. The more user-‐friendly way is to use the Wizard facility: Operations → Create → New → OpenSim model from Wizard will guide users through a step-‐by-‐step procedure in selecting all the necessary model objects and create the OpenSim model source code to be compiled later. 1. Create Bodies from Surfaces Select Add Groups to define multi-‐surface bodies and pick "R_Thigh" and "R_Shank" groups. Bodies will be automatically added to the model. In addition, this operation creates and saves all geometry vtp files in the default model directory.
Figure 4 -‐ First step of creating OpenSim model from Wizard: create bodies from multi-‐surfaces
2. Create Joints To define the free joint with the ground, select the Child Body, pick "R_Thigh" and Add Joint. To define the hinge joint at the knee, select Pin Joint from the drop-‐down menu and pick the necessary bodies and reference frames corresponding to Parent Body, RefSys in Parent, Child Body, RefSys in Child, and then Add Joint. 3. Create Marker Sets To attribute the two defined marker sets to the corresponding bodies, select Source Landmark Cloud and pick the corresponding Marker Set, to then select Target Body and pick the corresponding body. Select Add Marker Set each time to add the markers to the model. 4. Add Muscles Select Add Muscle and simply pick the wrapped action line corresponding to the "R_vas_lat" muscle. Selecting continue in the last step of the procedure (Wizard Done!) will automatically add the model source code to the data tree, and an Figure 5 - Create Pin Joint from Create OpenSim automatic pop-‐up window will show the created cpp file in a modelfrom Wizard Notepad++ text editor. Now this file needs to be compiled to create the corresponding .osim model. Select the OpenSimModel from the data tree and go to Operations → Modify → OpenSim Model → Editing Tools: selecting Generate Model, the source code will be compiled and the model file will automatically show up in the text editor. The "outputmodel.osim" will be saved in the default directory, editable from the Editing Tool panel. The created .osim model can now be imported in OpenSim.
Alternative: Create OpenSim model As alternative to creating the model from Wizard, a possibility for advanced users is to create the model by generating all cpp command blocks separately. This allows to edit any model parameter working directly on source codes.
Figure 6 - Editing Tools for the OpenSim model source code
To create the same model described, first go to Operations → Create → New → OpenSim model: this will create and add to the data tree a template model source code, which corresponds to an empty OpenSim model. After selecting this model from the data tree, go to Operations → Modify → OpenSim model, where users can find all the necessary operations, previously described, to create the different model parts. Each operation allows to create a corresponding cpp command block that need to be pasted into the template model file. When all operations will be concluded, users can save and compile the final model source code file.
References [1] Taddei et al., 2007. Virtual palpation of skeletal landmarks with multimodal display interfaces. Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine, 32(3): 191-‐8 [2] Delp et al., 1990. An interactive graphics-‐based model of the lower extremity to study orthopaedic surgical procedures. IEEE transactions on bio-‐medical engineering, 37(8): 757-‐67 [3] Wu et al., 2002. ISB recommendation on definitions of joint coordinate system of various joints for the reporting of human joint motion-‐-‐part I: ankle, hip, and spine. International Society of Biomechanics. J Biomech, 35(4):543-‐8
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