NMS U2000 Training

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Short Description




Prepared By Abhishek Jain (45007) and Amit Akshantal (45783).


iManager M2000 V2 system (M2000) is a centralized c entralized network

management (NM) product developed by uawei! "s a wireless NM solution# the M2000 per$orms centralized NM to all the wireless products o$ uawei! This

document comprises the overview# system architecture#

typical con$iguration# and networking o$ the t he M2000!

This helps you to $amiliarize yoursel$ with% &verview 'ystem Ty Typical pical

o$ the M2000

architecture o$ the M2000 system con$iguration o$ the M2000


o$ the M2000



roduct escription

*hapter + &verview o$ the M2000 *hapter 2 'ystem "rchitecture o$ the M2000 *hapter , Typical 'ystem *on$iguration o$ the M2000 *hapter - Networking o$ the M2000

$%er%ie& '" the M000 The

iManager M2000 Mobile .lement Management 'ystem (M2000) is a

centralized mobile network management plat$orm developed by uawei The

M2000 can per$orm centralized management on mobile N.s provided by

uawei! These N.s include N.s on the /MT'# 'M# *M"# 1iM"# and core networks! 3n addition# the M2000 manages the 3 networking devices (uawei device) used in the mobile network!

P'siti'n '" the M000 'n the Net&'rk NM4

NM N'rthb'nd inter"a#e

n#ti'ns M











iManaer M000 Messae itar  N*




2ata #enter  iManaer M000 'thb'nd inter"a#e



/M 'N *



4 5


-B  NodeB RNC


'8*'*6 M*6


1"'N 7T'


5outer 4answitch

P de%i#e

NM nter"a#es N'rthb'nd inter"a#e


 tandard

*$!BA inter"a#e *'mplyin &ith the 3-PP ! pp'rtin the manaement '" alarm9 per"'rman#e9 and #'n"irati'n  ile inter"a#e n#ldin #'n"irati'n "ile inter"a#e9 per"'rman#e "ile inter"a#e9 alarm "ile inter"a#e9 and in%ent'ry "ile inter"a#e  A*  alarm streamin inter"a#e pp'rtin real:time alarm Pr'%idin me#hanism "'r alarm syn#hr'ni;ati'n and "'r dete#tin the #'nne#ti'n stats '" alarm links  NMP inter"a#e pp'rtin real:time alarm rep'rtin9  'lti'n 

Pr'%idin s'lti'ns "'r the a&ei +M,?-M?*2MA?/iMA@ pr'd#ts












 ASN&G 

















RA$  TSC 




eatres '" the iManaer M000 > 9


ireless&net'or(&)ased NM solution 

Together with the 4MT# the M2000 per$orms centralized maintenance and NM to N.s at the server and client levels!

The M2000 provides the NM' with multiple Northbound inter$aces $or communicating with the NM': thus managing networks at di$$erent levels!

Centrali*ed management  

The M2000 per$orms centralized &;M $or N.s!

The M2000 supports topology management# centralized con$iguration# centralized per$ormance# centralized $ault# log management# and security management!

+le,i)le net'or( architecture 


The M2000 is connected to N.s through the T*2 !$M?Net&'rk #ard?2A,A 7 tape dri%e?nlish d'#mentati'n

$peratin system

'laris =0


ybase =5.0.

Appli#ati'n s'"t&are

M000 er%er appli#ati'n s'"t&are

$ne =40 disk array (==4 -B  ?per =40)

= -B

3 -B

3 -B

=4 -B ,&' =40 disk arrays (==4 -B ?per =40)

,ypi#al *'n"irati'n '" the M000 (A ystem)  *'n"irati'n

n ire >80

n ire 400

Nmber '" *P+s






*l'#k "re2 !$M?2A,A 7 tape dri%e?nlish d'#mentati'n

$peratin system

'laris =0?nlish d'#mentati'n


ybase =5.0.

Appli#ati'n s'"t&are

M000 er%er appli#ati'n s'"t&are

2isk manaement s'"t&are

n *lster 

,ypi#al *'n"irati'n '" the M000 (1 ystem)  *'n"irati'n

n Netra 40

n ire >80

n ire 400

Nmber '" *P+s



*l'#k "re2!/?22?net&'rk #ard?adi' #ard?s'nd b'?=7CC 1*2 m'nit'r 

$peratin system

/ind'&s @P Pr'"essi'nal P0 (*hinese %ersi'n) 'r later

Appli#ati'n s'"t&are

M000 #lient appli#ati'n s'"t&are

*hapter , Typical 'ystem *on$iguration o$ the M2000 ,!+ 'ystem *on$iguration o$ the the M2000 ,!2 &verview o$ the 'un 'ervers ,!, &verview o$ the isk "rrays "rrays

Appli#ati'n #enari' '" the er%er  N'.


er%er ,ype

=5 e>uivalent N.s

'un Netra 2-0 (2 */s)

45 e>uivalent N.s

'un 6ire V@?0 (2 */s)


85 e>uivalent N.s

'un 6ire V@?0 (*/s)




==0 e>uivalent N.s

'un 6ire .-?00 (- */s)

=0 e>uivalent N.s

'un 6ire V@?0 (@ */s)

00 e>uivalent N.s

'un 6ire .-?00 (@ */s)

N ,ype

Nmber '" 

"pgrading the Software on the M2000 Client ,to&aticall+

To upgrade the oftware on the M2000 client auto'atically" perfor' the following tepStep /- Start the M2000 client! Step 2- #og in to the M2000 erver! fter you log in to the M2000 erver" the Confir'ation dialog bo. i diplayed" clic& ?es!

,rere1uiiteThe M2000 can be auto'atically and correctly upgraded only when The verion of the oftware on the M2000 client and on the M2000 erver are of the a'e verion e1uence!  The verion of the oftware on the M2000 erver i higher than that on the M2000 client!

"pgrading the Software on the M2000 Client ,to&aticall+

Step 3- +n the diplayed "pdate Wi@ard dialog bo." clic& Contine!

$ther $perati'ns

Syte' Setting Region Setting ,ro.y Service Setting #MT ,ro'pt Setting Metrology Setting Broadcat Meage Change ,aword

Diplay4Hide4Cuto'i(e Toolbar  #oc& Ter'inal

!ei'n ettins  Nu'ber tab page Ti'e tab page Date tab page Ti'e Mode tab page

$%er%ie& '" $ther *'mm'n $perati'ns S+ste& secrit+ settings

 Single5uer

'ode- indicate the yte' tatu during the 'aintenance! The ingle5uer 'ode allow only one uer to log in to the client and et up eion!  Multi5uer

'ode- indicate the yte' tatu when the yte' i functional! The 'ulti5uer 'ode allow everal uer to log in to the client at the a'e ti'e!

$%er%ie& '" $ther *'mm'n $perati'ns $iew licene infor'ation

$%er%ie& '" $ther *'mm'n $perati'ns Download N% 'atch file to the M2000 client

 6hen

the verion of an N% on the M2000 client i different fro' that on the M2000 erver" download the N% 'atch file to the M2000 client" a hown on the right!  +f

the file related to the new verion of the  N% are not available" the yte' diplay a 'eage" indicating that the yte' cannot  perfor' the upgrade operation!

Chapter  Logging #n to the M2000 Client Chapter 2 Networ/ Monitoring Chapter 3 4opolog+ Manage&ent Chapter 5 Secrit+ Manage&ent Chapter 6 Log Manage&ent Chapter 7 8alt Manage&ent Chapter 9 erfor&ance Manage&ent Chapter ; Software Manage&ent Chapter < 1ata Manage&ent Chapter 0 Configration Manage&ent

'verview of the M2000 Networ/ Monitoring The M2000 networ& 'onitoring 'onitor the operational tatu of the M2000! 7or intance" the 'onitoring 'anage'ent 'onitor the tatu of hard di&" databae" eion" or ervice! The M2000 'onitoring 'anage'ent involve the following operation9 Setting the erver threhold 9 Monitoring the perfor'ance tatu of the erver 9 Monitoring the hard di& tatu of the erver  9 Monitoring the databae tatu of the erver  9 Monitoring the databae erving tatu 9 Monitoring the proce tatu of the erver 

Setting the Server 4hreshold Step /- Set the hard di& threhold!

Setting the Server 4hreshold Step 2- Set the databae threhold!

Monitoring the erfor&ance Stats of the Server

Monitoring the Hard 1is/ Stats of the Server

Monitoring the 1ata-ase Stats of the Server

Monitoring the 1ata-ase Serving Stats

Monitoring the rocess Stats of the Server

Chapter  Logging #n to the M2000 Client Chapter 2 Networ/ Monitoring Chapter 3 4opolog+ Manage&ent Chapter 5 Secrit+ Manage&ent Chapter 6 Log Manage&ent Chapter 7 8alt Manage&ent Chapter 9 erfor&ance Manage&ent Chapter ; Software Manage&ent Chapter < 1ata Manage&ent Chapter 0 Configration Manage&ent

,'p'l'y Manaement The topology 'anage'ent i ued for contructing and 'anaging the topology tructure of the entire networ&! +n thi way" the networ&ing topology and the operational tatu of the entire networ& are diplayed diplay ed clearly! 9 Creating phyical ubnet 9 Creating phyical N% 9 Managing SNM, para'eter te'plate 9 Monitoring N% 9 d8uting the networ& topology 9 d8uting the diplay of the topology view 9 ,rinting the topology view

*reatin Physi#al bnets To create create phyical ubnet" perfor' the following tepStep /- Right5clic& the topology view and chooe Create h+sical S-net fro' the hortcut 'enu!

Create phyical ubnet Create topological ob8ect Set bac&ground

The Create 4opo '-Aect option i ued to create  phyical N%" virtual N%" +, device" virtual lin&" and  phyical lin&!

*reatin Physi#al bnets Step 2- Set the file erver!

The file erver i ued for the file tranfer t ranfer between the M2000 and the N%! n N% i ued a the file erver to et up connection between the M2000 and other N%! +n thi way" the proble' that the M2000 cannot et up direct connection with other N% are olved!

Creating h+sical N)s  Create a ingle phyical N%!

Creating h+sical N)s Create 'ultiple phyical N%!

7or intance" the Search NodeB function enable you to find the  NodeB that belong to the RNC on the topology view! Si'ilarly" you can et Search #MS'"4 to create 'ultiple phyical N% i'ultaneouly!

M'nit'rin Ns  Monitor the N% tatu!

M'nit'rin Ns Set N% reconnection tatu! 6hen the M2000 erver i diconnected fro' N%" et the M2000 to re5connect N%! The N% reconnection ha two tatue 7orbidden


6hen the M2000 erver i diconnected fro' an N%" the M2000 will not atte'pt to connect the N%!  ,er'itted


6hen the M2000 erver i diconnected fro' an N%" the M2000 atte'pt to re5 connect the N%! By default" a new N% i in  per'itted connection tatu! Diconnection icon7orbidden connection icon-

M'nit'rin Ns Reconnect N% 'anually!

,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+ 1ispla+rinting 4opolog+ *iew

9oo' in 9oo' out ,artially (oo' in Retore %le'ent diplay ,rint $iew Search Save

,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+ 1ispla+rinting 4opolog+ *iew d8ut the N% poition!

,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+ 1ispla+rinting 4opolog+ *iew $iew or 'odify the baic attribute of ubnet!

,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+ 1ispla+rinting 4opolog+ *iew Search or 'odify the phyical lin&!

To earch for phyical lin&" double5clic& a phyical lin& or a  phyical lin& et on the topology view! +n the diplayed dialog bo." right5clic& a lin& and chooe #in& Brower!

,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+ 1ispla+rinting 4opolog+ *iew Delete a ubnet!

Delete an N%!

,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+ 1ispla+rinting 4opolog+ *iew Cuto'i(e the diplay of topology alar'!

,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+,dAsting Networ/ 4opolog+ 1ispla+rinting 4opolog+ *iew Set the topology view to tart the ubnet!

The ubnet view refer to that diplayed on the client after the topology view i diplayed! +f you do not plan to et the topology view 'anually" the default view of the ubnet tarted by the topology view i the root ubnet view!

Chapter  Logging #n to the M2000 Client Chapter 2 Networ/ Monitoring Chapter 3 4opolog+ Manage&ent Chapter 5 Secrit+ Manage&ent Chapter 6 Log Manage&ent Chapter 7 8alt Manage&ent Chapter 9 erfor&ance Manage&ent Chapter ; Software Manage&ent Chapter < 1ata Manage&ent Chapter 0 Configration Manage&ent

M000 e#rity Manaement The M2000 ecurity 'anage'ent involve the following operation9 Configuring the ecurity 'anage'ent 9 Managing )M uer 9 Managing N% uer 9 Managing )M and N% uer 9 Setting 7T,S para'eter

nter"a#e '" e#rity Manaement Set the N% type to be diplayed!

Refreh the ecurity 'anage'ent interface!

Manain $M +sers dd an )M uer group!

Manain $M +sers uthori(ing )M :er ;roup Three default uer group are available on the M2000 client! They are d'initrator group" ;uet group" and )perator group! The d'initrator group ha the highet  privilege! uery M2000uired when the M2000 is $aulty! M000 >!3?>!5

M000 >!

*rrent 1'
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