NMAT Words With Meanings

August 5, 2017 | Author: Magesh Montague | Category: N/A
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contravene(synonym) --- to act or be counter to ,violate ,to come in conflict braid -- To create (something) by interweaving, To style (the hair) by such int erweaving kosher --Conforming to dietary laws; ritually pure(kosher meat ),Selling or serv ing food prepared in accordance with dietary laws: a kosher restaurant. enervate - To weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: stanza(antonym) - prose obfuscate -baffle, becloud, befuddle, bewilder, cloud, complicate, conceal, conf ound, darken, fog, fuddle, muddle, obscure, perplex, puzzle, rattle ulterior(synonym) -ambiguous, buried, concealed, covert, cryptic, dark, enigmati c, equivocal libidinous - loose, obscene, passionate, prurient hirsuite --bearded, furry, shaggy, woolly trance --abstraction, catalepsy, catatonia, coma, daze, dream, ecstasy bombastic --overblown, ranting, rhapsodic, rhetorical,bog talking encipher --analyze,break,break down,bring out,cipher,construe,crack, decode,dedu ce endemic --(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. abstemious--indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and dri nk. bellicose --aggressive, antagonistic, argumentative, battleful, combative, hosti le, impertinent -- arrogant, brash, dainty --- bonny,charming,choice,comely,cute,darling, risible -- amusing, comical, droll, funny, laughable, ludicrous zest -- great enthusiasm and energy trivium --an introductory course at a medieval university involving the study of grammar, rhetoric, and logic. dabble -- to take part in an activity in a way that is not serious casuistry --- rationalization,a resolving of specific cases of conscience, duty , or conduct through interpretation of ethical principles or religious doctrine mortify --obsolete : to destroy the strength, vitality, or functioning of mettle -vigor and strength of spirit or temperament,disposition astute -- mentally sharp or clever (shrewd ) perpetuate -- to cause (something that should be stopped, such as a mistaken id ea or a bad situation) to continue bucolic -- relating to or typical of rural life jingoism -- extreme chauvinism or nationalism consort(antonym) -- clash, collide, conflict vertiginous -- causing or likely to cause a feeling of dizziness especially bec ause of great height imperious - commanding, dominant camaraderie - a spirit of friendly good-fellowship caliginous -- misty, dark belie -- to give a false impression of umbrage - shade, shadow ,pique acrophobia -- abnormal dread of being in a high place : fear of heights exigent -- requiring immediate attention addle - dizzy,confused benign(antonym)-malignant ameliorate - to make (something, such as a problem) better, less painful, etc. betoken -- to show (something) : to be a sign of (something) chiropodist -- a specialist in care for the fee indenture -- a formal certificate (as an inventory or voucher) prepared for purp oses of control kleptomania --- a mental illness in which you have a strong desire to steal thin gs scaffold -- a platform on which a criminal is executed apparition -- an unusual or unexpected sight : phenomenon

disciplined -- actionable clangor -- noise,rattle ,roar waggish -- silly and playful jabber -- to talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly amulet -- charm, fetish (also fetich), mascot egress --- the action or right of going or coming out AMALGAM -- a combination or mixture of different things militia -- a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency stickler - a person who believes that something is very important and should be done or followed all the time winsome -- cheerful, pleasant, and appealing necromancy(synonym) -- magic, sorcery ,the practice of talking to the spirits of dead people physgionomy - the appearance of a person's face : a person's facial features gouge -- a deep cut or hole prodigious -- amazing or wonderful : very impressive lugubrious -- full of sadness or sorrow : very sad especially in an exaggerated or insincere way gauche -having or showing a lack of awareness about the proper way to behave : s ocially awkward voluptuary -- debauchee , a person whose chief interests are luxury and the grat ification of sensual appetites comatose -- characterized by lethargic inertness ,torpid ,dull caliginous - misty, dark munificent --characterized by or displaying great generosity puerile, -- silly or childish especially in a way that shows a lack of seriousn ess or good judgment circumspect -- thinking carefully about possible risks before doing or saying so mething jabber -- to talk in a fast, unclear, or foolish way evanescence -- temporariness, transience , lasting a very short time SEMINAL -- very important and influential lionize --- to treat as an object of great interest or importance innocuous - not likely to bother or offend anyone complaisant -- willing or eager to please other people salubrious -- favorable to or promoting health or well-being spiel -- to talk volubly or extravagantly Diatribe -- ironic or satirical criticism,an angry and usually long speech or p iece of writing,rant Eulogy -- a speech that praises someone who has died deleterious -- harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way serendipity -- luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things t hat are not looked for clemency (antonym) -- mercy; lenience. bellicose (antonym) -- peaceable truculent -- feeling or displaying ferocity,cruel,destructive advocate(antonym) --reject audacity -daring,bold veracious- truthful, honest trepidation --a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation,tremor rectitude -- the quality of being honest and morally correct Truculent -- easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue Fetid -- having a strong, unpleasant smell Neologism -- a new word or expression or a new meaning of a word Raconteur --a person who excels in telling anecdotes /stories Obsequious --too eager to help or obey someone important Lachrymose -- tearful, sad Quiescent -- not active Stultify - to allege or prove to be of unsound mind and hence not responsible

Nonchalant(antonym) -- formal (nonchalant = laid back ,casual ) Retributive -- retaliatory Xerarch -- Growing in dry places. Geriatric(antonym) --adolescent,minor,childish Punitive -- intended to punish someone or something,chastening mawkish -- sentimental in an exaggerated or false way. peremptory -- used to describe an order, command onerous --involving, imposing, or constituting a burden ,Troublesome task chicanery -- artifice, cheating, chicane, deviousness, dishonesty maudlin -- showing or expressing too much emotion especially in a foolish or ann oying way ,

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