Nmat Repeated Questions Admito Admito PDF

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QUESTIONS Probability of NMAT Questions getting repeated in the the various NMAT Windows is very high. The Document contains all the questions which have been repeated in the NMAT Windows- 1 to 4 , 2016-2017


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VOCABULARY WORDS Window 1 1. Word : Obtrude, Meaning: to agree, to adapt oneself Synonym: confirm to, adhere i

to, obey with, follow. Antonym: oppose, revolt against, mutiny against, scoff at, wink at, refuse, challenge 2. Word: Puissant. Meaning: powerful. Synonym: , mighty, having authority, potent. Antonym: (Impotent, feeble, flimsy, unskilled, unqualified, unfit, powerless 3. Word: Comply nt, urbane. Synonym: clumsy, awkward, rustic 4. Word: Differential. Meaning:varying according to circumstances. Synonyms: discriminator Antonyms: equal, equitable, fair, just, impartial,neutral, unprejudiced 5. Word: Deferential. Synonym: respectful, dutiful. Antonym: disrespectful, undutiful 6. Word: Gauche. Meaning: socially awkward, ill mannered. (opposite :elegae - to impose something on someone. Synonyms : butt in, interlope, intermeddle, intrude, meddle, mess, muck (about or around), nose, interfere, poke, pry. Antonyms : avoid, eschew, shun; disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook 7. Word: Obscure. Meaning: having an often intentionally veiled or uncertain meaning, difficult to understand. Synonym: dark, dull, not clear,hidden, mysterious, ambiguous, equivocal, murky, mystic.) Antonym: clear, obvious, unambiguous, unequivocal,elucidate) 8. Libertine - Playboy ,lecherous, freedman; characterized by free indulgence in sensual pleasures (Antonym: pure, uncorrupt) 9. Mendacity - lack of honesty, untruthfulness. Synonym: fable, falsity, whopper 10. Denial - TO REFUSE Enervate - weaken-, to sap energy from. Synonym- debilitate. Antonym: beef up, fortify, strengthen, buttress 11. Obfuscate – make unclear, bewilder, to make obscure. Synonym: confuse, perplex, befog, blur, fog, muddy). Antonym: clarify, clear, illuminate 12. Alacrity –eagerness, zeal, avidity, liveliness, willingness. (Antonym- Apathy) 13. Insouciant-unconcerned, nonchalant, cal., Opposite is Anxious/Concerned/ cautious/heedful/wary



14. Truculence / Truculent : eager or quick to argue- (syn- aggressive, antagonistic, assaultiveness, contentiousness, defiance, cruel and ferocious, barbarity, to atrocity, cruelty) (Antonym: benignity, compassion, sympathy) 15. Prevaricate -speak or act in an evasive way; escaping or avoiding way, lie (Syn: fabricate, fib) (Ant: swear, testify, authenticate, confirm, validate, verify) 16. Intractable - hard to control or deal at (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing. (Syn: defiant, disobedient, noncompliant, rebel, wayward, wilful) (Ant: obedient, submissive, compliant, docile) 17. Vagaries - unpredictable action (Syn: fancy, caprice, freak, whim, whimsy) (antonym: actuality, reality, verity) 18. Culpable - deserving blame. syn:blamable,blameworthy,reprehensible,reproachable) (ant:flawless,guiltless) 19. Facetious - treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour , antonym - serious 20. 22. Nihilism - the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the I belief that life is meaningless Philosophy- the belief that nothing in the world has a real existence - antonym-belief, faith 23. Skew- to change so that it is not true or accurate, usually in order to favour a particular group 24. Hierophant- priest         25- Puerile- immature, juvenile  26- Plebeian- a commoner, worker class, hoi polloi (     )       

, antonym - noble(Synonym asked- Answer was common people)

27- Altruistic-  showing selfless concern for welfare of other, unselfish 28- Calumniate -Utter malicious words, make false and defamatory statements about others.eg -kejriwal(u will never forget the meaning hereafter) (Antonym asked- Extol)


29 - Stumblebum -inept person, clumsy, done without skill or experience. Antonym-adept, skilled 30- Verbiage: excessive and meaningless usage of words (in a speech or language).Ant.: succinct, laconic. 31- Soliloquy : an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play., a speech 32- Colloquial:-


informal, not formal, argot

33- Scorn - Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of strong dislike 34. Disdain -contempt, scorn,disrespect (Antonym : admiration, respect) 35. Extol - To praise enthusiastically (Synonym: Exalt, Praise,adulation) 36.Trenchant - Incisive or vigorous in style or expression,i7, sharp (Antonym : Vague) 37.Imprecation - a spoken curse ,a magical word or phrase uttered with the intention of bringing about evil or destruction (syn- Malediction) 38. Sycophant -servile(a person who does excessive flattery, creep i.e he does sycophancy), adulate 39. Adulate -Excessive Flattery( Salman khan have adulatory fans)(For eg-The celebrity was overwhelmed,by the adulations he received from his fans) 40. Skeptic -doubtful 41. Insoile - Reserved(Q. Is this a word?,not able to find anything in google) it’s maybe insolite meaning (unusual french word) 42. Impecunious:- having little or no money, penniless 43. Exculpate - show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing. (Antonym was asked) (Ant.)- accuse, arraign, charge, impeach, indict; convict, criminate, incriminate 44. Arbiter - a person who settles disputes / impose. 45. Chaos :complete disorder and confusion.


46. Procrastination - the action of delaying or postponing something. Antonym Anticipication Consummate: Antonym: unskillful, amateur, unprofessional Synonym :perfect, complete, Quintessential syn came in 27 oct and 28th and repeated

2nd nov repeated on Nov 5 first slot(syn)

2. Saturnine: Antonym: cheerful, jovial Synonym : unhappy , very serious, lugubrious, sombre came in 27th and 28th , Synonym came on 28th and repeated 2nd nov [extra- lugubrious and sombre both mean dull], Repeated 2nd nov, synonyms were asked) 3. Expostulate: Synonym: Argue, disagree, remonstrate, express strong disapproval or disagreement Antonym: approve, sanction, accept, Repeated 2nd nov, synonyms were asked, options had tough words, and it was not easy to select the right one. came in 27th and 28th 4.Insouciant(Synonym)- unworried,casual.easy going,nonchalant, equanimous. (Antonym: caring, sensitive,concerned) The word insouciant repeated in 25 oct morning slot antonym was asked options i don't remember This word got repeated today(28th) antonym 5.Disdain- synonym: unworthy, scorn, disparagement antonyms: Admiration, Respect, Compliment, Praise. 6.Exculpate -meaning: free from guilt, flawless antonym : faulty synonym : exonerate, emancipate,vindicate,absolve [exonerate- absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing.] Repeated 28 th 7.Obtrude-synonym:interlope,intrude,mess,infringe, impose, shove, force push antonyms:avoid, eschew,ignore, neglect,Repeated on 28th 8.Calumny - synonym:defaming,maligning,smearing,vilification/vilifying, slander, misrepresentation Antonym: acclaim, accolade, applause, praise, honor,esteem, adoration////. [Repeated 27,(28th oct- synonym) , 29(antonym), 2nd Nov (syn),4th nov -syn-tricky options 9.Whimsical- synonym : not serious,capricious,freakish, impulsive (playful person) repeated 27 oct .Syn or Ant?What was in option? (28th repeated- synonym) Antonym: down to earth, reasonable, equable (boring, sad) Repeated on 2nd nov


10.Astute-(Synonym): Clever, Quick-Witted,perspicacious-28th repeated (Antonym): Stupid 11.Lackadaisical- (Synonym) : Careless/Lazy , Lacking enthusiasm, insouciant, blase, offhand repeated 27 oct .Syn or Ant?What was in option? (28th repeated- antonym) , Repeated 29 (antonym) (Antonym): Excited/enthusiastic 12.Exigent-(Synonym) : Pressing or Demanding //Antonym or Synonym asked? (Antonym) : Unpressured, Easy, facile 13. Abjection - degradation : A LOW OR DOWNCAST STATE, DEGRADATION , DEMORALISATION … antonym was asked Antonyms : goodness, morality, 28th as well (antonym) Repeated on 2nd Nov,5 th Nov Abjection-degradation was the answer.

14. Quagmire - Synonyms: Dilemma,slack, mire, deadlock,impasse, //Antonym or Synonym asked? bind, box, catch, corner,hole, spot, sticky-wicket, Antonym:-Agreement/Solution, fix. 15. Obfuscate - obscure : to make something more difficult to understand , becloud, blur, muddy, confuse,Antonym:-clarify,enlighten, 28th, Repeated on 4th Nov. (Elucidate was in options) [elucidate-make something clear] 16. Instigate : provoke, abet, ferment, incite, Antonym:Deter,Discourage 17. Imbecile : stupid,feeble minded,backward Antonym:-Intelligent,Smart,Brainy 18. Defalcate : embezzle,steal,misuse,abstract,pilfer Antonym:-Give,receive,compensate 19. Perpetuate : (Antonym was asked ) : synonym : continue, conserve, maintain Antonym: halt, stop, terminate Terminate was one of the options, Question repeated today 2nd Nov 20. Proletariat: working class people regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism ),lower class,commoner,peasant,Plebeians. Antonym:- Aristocracy, Nobility,bourgeoisie. 21.Deference(synonym was asked): respect,reverence,submission,acquiescence,docility. Antonym:-Fight, Dishonour ,Disobedience. 27th oct repeated (repeated on 4th)


22. Insatiable: Synonyms: impossible to satisfy,greedy,unsatisfied,yearning,gluttonous,voracious,prodigious, ravenous, rapacious antonyms: satisfied,fulfilled,satiable,full (repeated on 4th) 23. Resurrection: Synonym- rising from the dead, restoration to life, return from the dead,rebirth,reincarnation,revival "the resurrection of Jesus”,Antonym: Death,Expiration 24.Accrue: Synonym : result in / accumulate. Antonym: Spend /decrease/diminish 25.Hackneyed:Synonym:Overused/Overworked. Antonym : Original/Fresh/in it’s main form 26. Scabrous:Synonym : Having a rough surface,indecent, salaciousAntonym : smooth,clean 27. Fortifying : Synonym:-Build up,protect,strengthen Antonym :- Harm,injure,Hurt,inimical 28. Antediluvian : Synonym :Old Fashioned Antonym : Modern Repeated 27,28Oct Antonym was asked, modern was in option , Repeated 29 Antonym (Modern), Repeated 2nd Nov,4th nov 29.

Obdurate :-Synonym : Adamant,Stubborn,Obstinate, RECALCITRANT, Firm.

Antonyms : Yielding, Placid, Plaint, Gentle,Submissive,Susceptible Asked again on 28th 30. Perfidy :, (synonym)-deceitful & untrustworthy (antonym) -faithfulness, loyalty ( 26th oct morning slot) 27th oct repeated (repeated on 4th. Synonym.) Question repeated today, Remember inimical and fortifying as opposites, both were asked. Inimical: Synonym: Hostile; Antonym: Friendly 31.Abstemious (synonym); abstinent, restrained, not eating or drinking too much, self denial. (Antonym): self indulgent. Synonym or antonym ? Repeated on 4th Nov. 32.Preclude: (syn)- prevent from happening,make impossible,debar (Ant)-allow,make possible,support Repeated 27th exam,28th, 4th Nov. 33.Levigated Repeated 28th exam ---means-reduce (a substance ) to fine powder or paste, Synonyms- Pulverize,grate,reduce,Nov 5(syn) Antonyms-build,liberate,free 34. Alacrity - eagerness, zeal , avidity, liveliness, willingness (Antonym- Apathy)


35. Minacious - threatening, alarming, menacing (repeated on 4th. Synonym. Options had menacing) 36. Levitate- rise into the air,be suspended,hover, soar,up rise Antonym - land, descend 37.perpetual - same as perpetuate.(ever lasting , continue ) correct. 38. Deferential- yes this word was in Window 1 too! Synonym : Courteous,Polite,showing Respect Antonym: Rude,Impolite 39. assuage-Synonym-satisfy, ease (an appetite or desire) Antonym-intensify- was asked on 2nd Nov NOV 3 SAME WORDS FROM DOC: INSOUCIANT (antonym) - Heedful INIMICAL (syn) DEFALCATE (syn) PERPETUAL (ant) OBDURATE (ant) NMAT WORD ON 6th: ASPERSE

NMAT Window 3

ENERVATE (was in w-1)- weaken-, dauntless to sap energy from. (Synonym- debilitate, Antonym: arbeef up, fortify, strengthen, buttress

Puissant (adj)- powerful, mighty, having authority, potent. (Antonym was asked) Impotent, feeble, ● Flimsy 2 If Veracious-brave truthful true, accurate, veritable, correct, errorless, unerring, exact, precise, factual, literal, realistic, authentic,

faithful, close, strict, just, unelaborated,


If Voracious-having a great a appetite, unable to satisfy


synon insatiable, unquenchable, unappeasable, prodigious, uncontrolable ,omnivorous, yms:

compulsive, glutton

3 Stumblebum -inept person,clumsy, done without skill or experience. Antonym-adept, skilled

4.Proletariat -working class people regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism ),lower class,commoner, peasant, Plebeians. Antonym:- Aristocracy, Nobility,bourgeoisie 5.Circumspect-synonym-cautious, wary, careful, chary, guarded, on one's guard; 12 th syn antonym-unguarded, incautious (12th,11.30- antonym with option

incautious) 6. Opprobrium : harsh criticism or censure. Synonyms: abuse, condemnation, criticism, defamation, slander, obloquy, bad press. Antonyms: praise (12th,11.30-synonym was asked) 7. Ignominy : public shame or disgrace. Synonyms: shame, humiliation, embarrassment, disgrace, dishonor, discredit, degradation, scandal. Antonyms: honor 7. Cantankerous : Synonyms: bad-tempered, grumpy, fractious, argumentative, uncooperative, to oppose Antonyms: good natured, affabl0e 12 th syn 8. Fractious: Synonyms : Obstreperous (noisy , difficult to control),awkward,irritable,wild,unmanaged, problem maker Antonym Contented,agreeable,nice++ 9. Surreptitious - syn - secretive, clandestine, Antonym - Blatant (

10.Labyrinthine(Antonym)-simplicity,order Repeated 7th 11.Tactile(Closest word)-SENSE OF TOUCH, tangible,material,physical,solid. Repeated 7th 12.Acrimonious (Synonym) : acerbic, harsh, scathing 13.Diaphanous : light, delicate, fine, See through(synonyms)


14.Iconoclast (Closest word)a person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions. Rebellious Repeated Nov 7 15.Umbrage (Synonym) : Offence ; annoyance 16. Chasten: Pure repeated 7th,8th,9th,9th(4:30)12 th 18. Parsimonious - synonyms:mean,

miserly, niggardly, close-fisted, penny-pinching,

cheese-paring, ungenerous, penurious, illiberal, frugal (Penurious (Ant: Lavish) came on 11th 2 PM) 19. Bohemian- A descriptive term for a stereotypical way of life for artists and intellectuals. According to the stereotype, bohemians live in material poverty because they prefer their art or their learning to lesser goods; they are also unconventional in habits and dress, and sometimes in morals. Repeat on 9th an on 11th (2 PM) repeated on 14th afternoon. Ans (antonym): Conservative small-town, inward-looking, limited, restricted, localist, conservative. 20. Aberration or Aberrant- Or Abhorrent (syn) : anomaly, deviation, dive Repeated 11th Nov(4:30) 23.Venturesome-daring,bold,willing to take risks 24. Senile- (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties. 25 SOUSE - Synonyms alcoholic,alcoholic, alkie (or alky) [slang], boozehound, boozer, dipsomaniac, drinker, drunkard, inebriate, repeated on 8th, 9th(4:30) 12th-11.30(synonym). Options were different from here Antonym - teetotaller, non-drinker 26 Mendacity : Syn : Dishonest [(Came on 11th 2 PM) Repeated from window 1], Repeated 11 Nov (4:30) 27 Obfuscate: Difficult to understand, confusing [Repeated from earlier windows, came on 11th 2 PM] 28 pusillanimous 12th


Antonym - brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, greathearted, gutsy, hardy, heroic (also heroical), intrepid, lionhearted, stalwart, stout, stouthearted, valiant, valorous


NMAT Window 4

Words :1. Insipid

tasteless, weak

2. Puerile


3. Capricious

sudden change of mood or expression

4. Vindicate

justify, clear someone of blame

5. Bright

light, shine (antonym-dreary/dull)

7. Vacuous

having or showing a lack of thought or

intelligence; mindless 8. Capricious



9. Execrate

to dislike,criticise /declare evil, abhor

12. Exacerbate

to make worse

13. Occidental

relating to the countries of west

15. Malinger

pretend to be ill so that work is avoided

16. Guile

craft, cunning, slyness

17. Salacious


21. Bliss-


22. Sartorial

style of dressing/relating to tailoring

25. Accomplice

person helps another in a crime or wrongdoing as a

subordinate 22. Grandiloquent 23. Appease

extravagant, pompous pacify or placate(someone) by acceding to

their demands 26 Abetter 27. Gargantuan

Accomplice massive, huge


28. Cantankerous

bad-tempered, argumentative

29. obloquy

strong public condemnation

30. Surreptitious

kept secret

34. Vilify

spread negativity

35. Onerous

burdensome, heavy10.

10. Laconic (antonym)

verbose, loquacious, talkative

11. Bright (antonym)

dreary (dull)

31. Malevolent(antonym) -


32. Denial (antonym)

acceptance l

33. Fallacious (antonym) -

true, correct

34. Adjudicate -

resolve,judge, settle, arbitrate

35. Cicatrice -

Cicatrix, scar of healed wound

36. Inimical-

pernicious, destructive; hostile, deleterious

37. Repudiate ( antonym)


Focus: Verbal Ability Questions ANALOGIES 1. Tranquilizer: Sedation :: ice:cooling 2. Determination:Vacillation:: ( They are Antonyms) 3. Evanescence: Ephemeral (They are synonyms; Meaning - lasting for a very short time.) 4. Intractable: Manage (Antonyms) 5. Colloquy: Soliloquy::Monologue:Dialogue 6. Sycophant :adulate::Skeptic:Query


NMAT Window 3

ANALOGY 1.Pedagogy: children 2.Claustrophobia: fear of confined space 12 th ans is acrophobia height 3. Thermometer : temperature I guess answer is calorimeter: heat 4. Steel:durable Ans:numbers:countable. 5. Villanelle:Poetry::?? Asked to pick out similar relationship from options.. mosaic:art correct answer repeated on 8th mosaic is ans 12 th 14th too RC’S


NMAT Window 4

Q30) If CONCENTRATE is written as ANLBCMRQYSC then what is ELIGIBLE written as A) CKGFGAJD (Malevolent, Fallacious, Cicatrice, Inimical )


NMAT Window 2

1. Grammar was very easy… don't remember the whole sentence… Except one machine in the factory…..what’s the error here!? Solution: Except For 2. He used to walk 10kms everyday despite of being 70 yrs old. Solution: Remove “of” What is the error in question-2 used? ‘Despite of’ is wrong. It should be just ‘despite’. It should be ‘despite being 70years old’ 3.

We can see the river the runs through the village..

What is the error in question-3 the ? That/which runs not the

METAMORPHOSIS by FRANZ KAFKA It had an introduction to the 'metamorphosis' by the author, then how it is complex, profound and realistic as much as it is unrealistic. And then the problems which the author faced and how his family changed, then all these themes were reflected in the story with the protagonist (the bug) , how loss of control affected the main character as well as the author, and how alienation and isolation affected him, plus he had tuberculosis which required isolation, main themes qas however the changes in the family under pressure and unfortunate circumstances. Why do we need to understand the authors mind (it was one of the last statements in the first paragraph) 1. To know the history 2. To get the deeper understanding the story(ans) 3. To understand the parallel development in story and reality Main theme of the Metamorphosis Options: Alienation Isolation Family(ans) Change Loss of control What best describes metamorphosis Options had Some random combinations of simple, complex, profound,ambiguous, Kafkaesque, hidden Title 1. An overview of the themes of metamorphosis (Ans)


2. A bugs life

Odyssey and conflict (Came on 28th also) nPlease try to search for keywords from RC whatever you remember, you might find the source of RC on google. If you get something related, please post the link here. 2nd Nov RC on Odysseus life- 1. What is the tone of author? A. Neutral B. Critical C. Argumentative D. Judgemental E. Donot rem(ANSWER) 2. What is the central theme? Ans-Life is both search and realization 3. Why was Ramayana topic discussed? (answer)

2Nov.- 1) Cloud seeding technology. pretty easy one. (repeated on 4th Nov) 2) on lyrical ballads by Samuel Coleridge and william wordsworth (repeated on 4th Nov) FIB question (Nov 4) (Had 4 blanks) it was on some corporate communication 1. 2. 3. Contemporary and formal language 4. Convivial cheers Rc on non stop invention of trains by china ---> ANALOGIES Earth: sun :: Proton: neutron Electron: nucleus /Ans: electron: nucleus repeated 27,28thoct repeated 2nd Nov ,3rd nov,4th Nov Fortification:attack :: Ans: inoculate: disease - - > repeated 27th---->> Repeated on 28th

engross: forget ans- absorb:distract Repeated today 27 oct REPEATED 28TH OCT, 2nd nov Anthology:poem :: (2nd Nov) Aesthetic : Creative


Appraisal:praise was the option but not the answer! What is answer then ????? 27 Oct-insipid:interest -antonyms Repeated 2nd Nov, don't remember the answer → ODD ONE OUT: A. Orthodontist B. Orthopaedist C. Mycologist D. Podiatrist Answer C. 27th October Mycologist REPEATED 28TH OCT , Repeated 29th. Repeated on 2nd Nov, but the question was of some other form. Noun:a mycologist who specializes in the study of fungi. 1]ORTHOPEADIST-BONES 2]NEUROLOGIST-NEURONS 3]CHIROPODIST- FOOT ANS-2 Yes as rest 3 are doctors in different fields and study parts of body. Repeated today Q. How many alphabets in REFERENCE have the same number of letters between them, as in the eng dictionary? Ans.Final Ans is 3. 3- EF FE EC (note: Zero alphabets in between is also considered as a valid condition)).Guys what is the correct answer for this question ??? If it is 3, is it correct to check from the reverse side too, like FE and EC?? Yes. Thank You! Ans is 3 only. (Repeated on 4th Nov) Q. Similar questions for MITSUBISHI (Nov 4)


Quant Window 1 NMAT

Q1. Find remainder- (50^51)/53 Ans - 35 50^52 mod 53 = 1 50 × 50^51 mod 53 = 1 = 53k+1 -3 × 50^51 mod 53 = 54+++

50^51 mod 53 = 54/-3= -18 = 35 If it was 50^52/53, then the answer is 1 (Fermat’s theorem) Ans is 35 only!

(For 35) Use the remainder theorem...you can google it for the procedure. 50^52 mod 53 is 1 So, write as 50^51*50 mod 53 = 1 1 can be written as 54 And 50 as -3 So, you will get -18 hu 50*(50)^51/53 The product of 50 n 50^51 shud come in the form of 53k+1 Since 50/53 is 50 So 50* something which should give 53k+1 50*35 = 1750 which is 53*33+1 = 1749+ Refer - https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-remainder-when-50-51-is-divided-by-53

Q 2 ) A person bought 864 articles and sold 800 of them for the price he paid for 864 articles. He sold the remaining articles at same price per article as the other 800. The percentage gain on entire transaction is ? Answer - 8%

Let cost of 1 article is 1 rupee. Therefore cost of 864 is Rs. 864. Now, S.P of 800 is 864. Cost of remaining = 64*(864/800) = 69.12 SO Profit = 69.12/864 = 8% Ans - 8% (64/800 * 100 = 8%)


Let CP of 1 item be Rs1 Then SP of 800 articles=CP of 864 articles so SP of 800 articles= Rs 864 SP of 1 article is Rs. 1.08 Left 64 articles are also sold for same price So total 864 articles were sold for 864*Rs1.08= 933.12 Profit= 933.12-864/864*100=8% Let CP of 1 item be Rs1 Then SP of 800 articles=CP of 864 articles so SP of 800 articles= Rs 864 SP of 1 article is Rs. 1.08 Since gain % is asked, hence it can simply written as (1.08-1)/1*100 = 8% Let the CP be ‘x’ and SP be ‘y’ From the question: 864x = 800y => y = 1.08x % profit = (y-x)*100/x = (.08)*100 = 8%

Q 3) (101^4-1)....find the largest factor which is not the no itself.? Answer- 10202 (I think this is the right answer)

k=(101^4-1 )/2=(104060401-1)/2 =52030200

Q 4) A shopkeeper marks his good at 60% above the cost price. He allows a discount of 12.5%. Also he cheats 14.28% while purchasing and 20%i selling and gives one article free on purchase of 15 articles. Find the profit/loss in whole transaction. Ans :80% profit.

Cp=16*100*100/114.28 Sp=1600(⅞)1.215 Please give the correct approach for this ques ?? Take cp to be rs 100. Take into account all the gains and discount shopkeeper gives. Then multiply cp with 16 (1 article free) and s p with 15 to get profit %. Better approach please? Let CP = 100/article so, MP = 160/article After discount on MP SP = 140/article


Profits: 114.28% = 8/7 80 ⅟ = ⅘ 120% = 6/5 Final SP = 140 x(8/7)x(6/5) (it should be 6/5 in place of ⅘ to get 192/article) = 192/article Since he gets money for only 15 b articles Total SP = 15x192 But he pays for 16 articles while buying Total CP = 16x100k P = SP - CP . = 1280 P% = [1280/(1600)] x 100= 80%

→ Found the above solutions confusing, someone see if this is right, CP per item - 100, MP - 160, SP 140. Cost paid for 16 items = 16100⅞ = 1400 Money recovered for 15 items(last one free so zero) = 15*140*1.25 (20% cheating) = 2625 Profit = 1225 which comes to 87.5% of 1400.

Let CP of one article=x CP of 15 articles=15x and plus one free =15x+x=16x SP of one article= 1.6x*(7/8) *1.2*(8/7) =1.92x SP of 15 articles= 1.92x* 15=28.8x profit= 80%

Q 5) X and Y move from point A to point B. X starts moving 8 minutes after Y but reaches point B at the same time as Y. If both of them start from opposite directions at the same time, then they meet after 3 mins. In how much time can X cover the entire distance? Case 1: When they are moving in the same direction. D= Sx(t-8)=Sy(t) So Sx=D/(t-8) and Sy=D/t Case 2: When they are moving in opposite directions Let them meet at a distance of m from A. So m=3D/(t-8), and (D-m)=3(D/t) Add both D=3D/(t-8) + 3D/t D will get cancelled. Solve for t.


You get t=12 and 2. But you have to find t for X, which is t-8. Hence 2 isn’t possible. So t-8 will be 4

Ans. 4 mins Let total distance bex=t-8 D Time of y=t time of Speed of y=D/t speed of x=D/t-8`````````````````````` Combined speed={D/(t-8)+D/t}````=> D(2t-8)/t(t-8) From second equation we get (when approaching from opposite ends) Total distance/combined speed of 2=3min D/[D(2t-8)/t(t-8)]=3t(t-8)/2t-8=3 Solve for t Answer is 4

t^2 – 8t = 6t – 24 ni t^2 – 14t + 24 = 0 t = [14+rt(196-96)]/2 and [14-rt(196-96)]/2 t= 2, 12 Time for X=t1-8minutes 12-8=4

Q 6) Mixture A of 738 litres has only chemical A and water in the ratio 7:2. Some amount of water is added to mixture A to make the ratio of chemical A to water as 7:3. This amount of extra water added is equal to the quantity of mixture B. Mixture B contains chemical B with water at 10℅. How much water should be added to mixture B to increase the percentage of water to 20%.

Ans - 10.25

Amount of water added in mixture A to make it 7:3=82 litres 10% water of 82=8.2 litres Explanation: 10% of 82 is water, 90% is chemical B. In the new mixture chemical B is same as old mixture. Thus 80% of new mixture is tu chemical B ( 73.8 liters) thus 20% is 18.45 liters. Therefore, 18.45-8.2= 10.25 liters./

Or use the formula (WHAT IS C AND V)?


C1v1= c2v2 .90*82=.80*v V final = 92.25 Thus, water added 92.25-82=10.25

Q 7) A bee and an ant are present in one corner of a hollow cube. Both of them want to get to the other extreme corner of the cube. The bee can fly it's way to the destination point while the ant can only trace a path along the edges of the cube. What is the difference between the distance covered by the ant and the bee if the side of the cube measured 10cm.

Ans 30-10rt3 (isn’t this answer wrong??) {10(rt5 - rt3 )}

The question says that the ant moves through the edges of the cube. It doesn't say surface of the cube. If the ant was moving through the surface the cube then the minimum distance covered by the ant would've been 10rt5. In this case, however, as the ant needs o travel through the edges only, it needs to travel through 3 edges, traveling a distance of 30. So the answer is correct 30-10rt3

Yes, body diag for cube is rt3* side. Therefore answer should be 30-10rt3 Correct me if i am wrong Rt(10sq + 10sq) = 10rt2 Rt*(10rt2)sq 10sq)+=10rt3(what’s the final ans? Please confirm.)

Root3=1.732 30-10root3 30-17.32 12.68 Don't be afraid if 30-10rt3 is not given in the option, they may have written it in more simplified form

There is nothing mentioned about the “shortest” distance. It just says difference in the dist. Correction- Distance for ant = root( (10+10)^2 + (10)^2) = root(500)= 10 root(5)....


Q 8. A man receives Rs 600 as interest on principal when he deposited in a bank on simple interest for 2 years. His friend told him that he would have received Rs650 for the same principal if he had deposited it as compound interest for 2 years at the same rate of interest. What is the rate of interest? Answer = 16.67%

****Approach please: SI for first year = 300rs; CI for first year = 300rs; SI for second year = 300rs; CI for second year = 300+ interest on First year CI; So as per given 50rs is interest on 300rs and hence 50/300*100 is interest rate. Solution: 600=p*r*2/100 pr=30000 50=30000*r/10000 r=16.6%( using the formulas)(for 2 years time period CI-SI= (p*r*r)/(100^2) (SIMPLER APPROACH) We know si remains same throughout SI CI X X X ……. ---------------600 650 2X=600 X=300

SI CI 300 300 300 350 -------------600 650 SO 50/300 * (100) 16.66%

Q 9)A man bought one motorcycle & gold (product) for 180000 & 160000, gold appreciate @25% p.a & motorcycle depreciate @20%p.a. After three years he sold it and deposited the profit he earned in a bank with 12% simple interest. How many years will it take to change this amount to srcinal amount(This kind of question was there)

Ans? According to incomplete Q/s 43yrs. My ans is coming as 83. Please check someone. Is the right answer (Data seems to be inconsistent. Anyone who can correct the question.) I am getting 35 years.


We can find what amount he ll have after 3 years, but without knowing profit % or SP , it is not possible to solve it further Q10- A tap can fill a tank in 6 Hrs and another one can fill in 12 hours. There is a leak at ¼ distance of the tankthen and the takes 24will hours to empty the tank. Then if allfrom the the tapsbottom and leak is open howleak much time it take to fill ¾ anofempty the tank.

Ans- 4.42 or 4 hrs and 25 min. Exact ans is 4 hrs 25 min. and 42 seconds. Ans:_ 4 hours n 36 minutes ←This should be correct answer I think solution below is perfect.. 4.42 is the answer.. 4 hours 25 min 42 sec. Correct 4.57 hr = 4hr 34min

**approach please**?? My answer is 4.6 I am getting 4.4 too Getting 4.55 Ans : 4.42 Ans- 4.6 ← Correct answer {4 hours 36 minutes} Check 3 solutions below and check which seems right Answer: A’s 1 hr work: 16.66% B’s 1 hr work: 8.33⅟ C’s negative work: 3.11⅟ Suppose capacity = 100 , so hole is at 25 from bottom. Now to fill till 25lit no hole is present only A and B work so in 1 hr 25% of work is done (16.66 + 8.33). Now from this pt onwards A,B and C will work so in 3 more hours 65.64% more work is done. In all in 4hrs 90.64% is done. Now more 9.36% of work is done in 0.42 hours So total time is 4.42 hours. Let us take 48...efficiency of tap 1 =(48/6)= 8 efficiency of tap 2 =(48/12) = 4 efficiency of leak =(36/24) = 1.5--{¾ of 48} Now when it is empty for the 1st hour both tap will fill 8+ 4 =12 units(as the leak is at 12 litre mark--(¾ )) For the second hour onwards it will be 8+4-1.5= 10.5 units=>12+10.5=22.5 Third hour=22.5+10.5=33


Fourth hour = 33+10.5=43.5 Now if 10.5 units are filled in 60 mins then 4.5 (48-43.5) units will be filled in 60/10.5*4.5 = 25 minutes65 Therefore 4 hours 25 minutes or 4.42 hours Or Let tank be of 96 litres Tap a fills 16 in 1 hr Tap b fills 8 in 1 hr Tap c empty 3 in 1 hour Sab ko chalao - net 21 litre in 1 hour--{ab nhi chalenge ek saath->For the first hour c wont work as the leak is at ¼ distance from bottom. 1st hour me 24 subsequent 21} Time - {--96-24/21=>3.42+1 hour=4.42}

----------------------------------------------------------------------Let the capacity of tank be 24(LiCM 0f 6,12,24) A does work of 4 units per hour B- 2 units/hr C-1 unit/hour For ¼ of the tank ==>24/4=6 Work is done by A and B 4+2=6 Time required =1 hour From now .. C comes in picture Hence net work will be A+B-C=4+2-1=5 Time required = Work left/ new wok= 18/5=3.6 Total time = 1+3.6 =4.6== 4 hour 36 mins

I think last approach is correct. I think 4 hours 36 mins is wrong. Because in your approach A’s and B’s efficiencies are considered with respect to the entire volume of the tank while C’s is only being considered with respect to ¾ of the volume which is wrong.If A and B takes 6 hours and 12 hours to fill then C takes 32 hours to empty the tank. Therefore we need to find the LCM of(6,12,32)=96 and solve.Ans- 4hrs 25 mins.

> Suppose at start the tank is empty, Pipe A & B will operate alone upto ¼ of tank and after that A , B & C will operate for ¾ th of the tank. Pipe A fills whole tank in 6 Hrs , so 1/4th of the tank will be filled in 3/2 hours Pipe B fills whole tank in 12 hrs , so 1/4th of the tank will be filled in 3 hrs So 1/4th of the tank will be filled by both the pipes in (⅔  ⅓ = 1 Hr)


Now ¼ th of the tank is full and now the leak C will come into action Pipe A fills whole tank in 6 Hrs , so 3/4th of the tank will be filled in 9/2 hours Pipe B fills whole tank in 12 hrs , so 3/4th of the tank will be filled in 9 hrs Pipe C empties 3/4th of the tank in 24 hrs Collectively they will fill the tank in ( 2/9 + 1/9 - 1/24) = 7/24 , reciprocal =24/7 =3.42 Hence total time taken is 1+ 3.42= 4.42. Hope this explanation clears

Q 11). If X and Y is in the ratio of 5:3 then which of the following cannot be the sum of X and Y. (Options were 96, 112, 128, 100) answer - 100

96 = 5*12 + 3*12 112= 5*14 + 3*14 128= 5*16+ 3*16 Or simply the numbers should be divisible by 8 i.e. (3+5) Q 12. The difference between 25 % and 40% of a number is 135. Then what will be 80% of the number? (Answer: 720)

(40-25) = 15% = 135 . Hence 100% = 900 . Hence 80% = 720 .

Q 13. A dealer makes a profit of 25% on an item. If the selling price increases by 15% and the buying price decreases by 15% then what will be the difference of the profit percentage as compared to before? (Answer : 44.11 )

Earlier : = 100, SP = 125 (profit 25%) Later : CP=85, SP=143.75.(So, Profit would be 69.11%) 69.11 - 25 = 44.11

Q 14. An organisation has 45% male employees of whom 60% are officers. If there are a total of 60% officers in the organisation then how many female non officers are there in the organisation? .(Answer -- 40% )


(2/5 as per options in the paper today) How 40%? (I think it is for total non-officers)

Assume 100 people. Male (27 officers + 18 non-officers) , Female (33 officers + 22 non officers) - Answer should be 22 % ?? If it is asked % of female employees who are non officers then ans is 22/55 * 100 = 40% If it is asked % of female non officers then it will be 22/100 * 100 = 22%

.Q 15. A regular hexagon has sides of 20 m. On each of the corners of the hexagon a horse is tied with a rope of 7m. Then find the area in the hexagon not grazed by the horses. (Answer : 600rt3-308 )

Area of hexagon -6(area of sector)z Area of hexagon =[3(rt3)*(s^2)]/2=600rt3 Area of 6 sectors - (22/7)77(⅓)6=308 Therefore, 600rt3-308=731.23

Q 16. A coordinate geometry question in which the two coordinates of a vertex of a triangle were given and the third needs to be found. It is also given that the triangle is equilateral. (Think of a GRAPH to visualize.)

(y2-y1)^2+(x^2-x^1))^½ =other 2 sides Find the length of sides using the two vertices that are given and then check from the options to get the other two equal sides. All sides equal since the triangle is equilateral.

d(P, Q) = √ (x2 − x1)2  (y2 − y1)2

Q 17. A factory has 16 machines which can make 5000 sheets in 10 hours. If these 5000 sheets are to be processed in 40 hours then what would be the number of machines required if the efficiency of the machines remain the same. ANSWER IS 4.

USE THE FORMULA MD/W1= MD/W2 we get 16*10/5000 = x*40/5000 x=4 CONFIRMED


Q 18. Ramesh and Yogesh invest in a partnership in the ratio of 4:5. After 6 months Jayant invests in the partnership with the same amount as Yogesh. After a year the firm makes 20% profit which is 92,000/-. Find the amount invested by Yogesh. ANS. 2,00,000. Total Investment = 460000 (R:Y:J= 4*12:5*12:5*6) ~ (R:Y:J=8:10:5) (explanation for this step?)[HAVE EXPLAINED.SCROLL DOWN A BIT] so, (460000/23)*10 = Yogesh’s Investment. How did you get 4,60,000? well because let the his initial investment be x,the new gain is of 20% or 1.2x,but it is said in the question that the profit is 92,000 i.e 1.2x-x=92,000 or 0.2x=92,000.Hence,we get x=46,000 .Hope it helps. Thanks :) Above ans is wrong It dont ask for profit ..it ask for investment so ratio is 4:5:5 Total Investment = 460000 R: 131428.57, Y: 164285.7, J: 164285.7

No,investment period too needs to be taken into consideration. Therefore,as 6 month calculation, RAJESH:YOGESH:JAYESH = (2*4):(2*5):5 =8:10:5 [1st two are multiplied with 2 because 1 year= 2* 6 month periods.] Total investment made in the year = Rs 4,60,000. (as 20% =92000). So Yogesh’s investment is = 10(460000/23)=2,00,000 [8+10+5=23]

Q 19. There are 10 Hollywood Movie Disks and 25 Bollywood movie disks on a table. Then what is the probability of picking up a Hollywood movie disk? Ans. 10/35= 2/7

Q 20. Mahesh has to type 10 pages, he can type 25 lines in X mins and each page has 100 lines. Then in how much time does he type 100 lines if he takes a break of 10 mins in between?

(Doesn’t the question mean that for typing every 100 pages,Mahesh takes a break of 10 min.So what is the total time taken Nby him to type 10 pages of 100 lines each?) Yes, I think it should be 20(x+5) (Please confirm). Answer: 2(2x + 5)


25 lines X minutes 100 lines how many minutes? 100*X/25 = 4X plus 10 extra minutes 2(2X+5)

Q 22. A question on true and falseParallelogram where therewere weregiven 4 statements ontoproperties of quadrilaterals, Rhombus, Trapezium, and one has say whether the statements are true or false.

Q 23. If product of two integers P & Q is 42 then what is the value of P? a. P is an odd number and larger than Q b. P is in the form of 3K Correct : Neither of the above statement / yes both is true only for positive integers. (i think using both the above statements should be the answer as p can be = 21 i.e 3(7) and q=2)

Neither statement is sufficient as even after combining, we have two possible solutions P = 21, Q = 2 P = -3, Q = -14 Q 24. What is the perimeter of triangle a,b,c? a. Abc is a right angled triangle b. The sides containing the right angle is of 8cm and 6cm. Ans.ONLY B is sufficient as the word ‘right angle’ is mentioned in statement B also.

Q 25) A&B start from P&Q respectively and meet after some time. And complete their remaining distance in 2hr n 3hrs respectively.find ratio of their speeds. Answer: root 3 : root 2 Please explain above??/ how root 3 : root 2?? (you can remember it directly . It's always the root of reciprocal of time ratio)

Let the guys meet at point K. Time to reach a point K, t = PQ\(ab) where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are speeds of A and B respectively. Now A has to travel remaining KQ while B has to travel KP. KP = Distance travelled by A in time ‘t’ calculated above and similarly for B. KP = a*t = a*PQ/(a+b), KQ = b*t =b*PQ/(a+b) As given in question, nd a*t/b = 3b*t/a = 2 a So eliminating t => a:b = sqrt(3/2)


Q 26) x, y ,z are in GP. Is the common ratio negative? Ans. statement one can answer and hence is sufficient but statement 2 isn’t. Statement I : x>y>z Statement II : x and z are negative Statement 1 is sufficient. Take cases. 4,2,1. -1,-2,-4. 2,-1,0,5(does not satisfy condition) hence Statement I is enough. Thus X>Y>Z is maintained only if it's a +ve ratio With statement 2,two possibilities are there, 1.when y is positive and so,r is negative and 2. When y is negative and so,r is positive..Sign of ‘r’ varies.

Q27) Sigma(3+2^r)=?, when r=1,2,....,10 Ans = 2076 Confirmed 30 + 2^11 -2 = 2076 Q28) Pipe 1 can fill a tank in 16 hours. Pipe 2 can fill it in 8 hours. They are kept on on and l off alternatively for 1 hour each. When will the tank get filled? Ans.11 Hours (confirmed) (I think 11 hours) If we assume total tank capacity to b 32litres then the effic iency of first pipe will be 2 and 2nd pipe will be 4. Now if we calculate den in 10 hrs alternatively if both pipes work then it will be 30 liters and den l ast 2 liter will be filled by first pipe. So in total 11 hours It is 11 hours. Confirmed. How. It's not given which one was started first ? - exactly. Without knowing who starts first we can’t say!! But the question starts with Pipe 1 and Pipe 2 being used alternately. So we can assume it is in that order only otherwise they would have specified otherwise. It is 11 hours if pipe 1 is started first and 10.5 hours if pipe 2 is started. Correct Soln- For this Question, the answer is 11 hrs. With LCM method, ‘ Pipe A -----16 hrs Pipe B-------8 hrs Total units – 16 units . (LCM of 16 and 8)

Hence Pipe A fills 1 unit in 1 Hour while Pipe B fills 2 units per hour. Since the pipes are opened and closed alternately, In First hour 1 unit is filled by Pipe A , In Second hour, 2 unit is filled by pipe B, So in 2 hours , 3 units is Filled. We have to reach close to 16 units..so lets multiply both sides by 5 .. So in 10 hours …15 Units is filled ..now in Next hour 1 unit is filled by Pipe A ..so total units 16 units filled nad total time ..10 hours + 1 hour = 11 Hours. (Note- It looks lengthy coz I have tried to explain, method is very simple. )


Q 29) Logbase x(logbase y(log base 2 z) =0 for what value will give z Answer=2^y correct Remove the first log by taking x to the other side. x^0=1. Then remove y in the same way. y^1=y Remove 2 in the same way, 2^y=z Q 30) If x is highest power of 30 in 50! How many factors does (x+3)! Have. Ans: 4032 calculate the highest power of 30 in 50! Which is the highest power of 5 in 50! Therefore, x=12 X+3=15 Now find the prime numbers less than 15, ie, 2,3,5,7,11,13 Now find highest power of each of the prime factors in 15! highest power of 2 in 15! = 11 highest power of 3 in 15! = 6 highest power of 5 in 15! = 3 highest power of 7 in 15! = 2 highest power of 11 in 15! = 1 highest power of 13 in 15! = 1 now apply the formula for finding number of factors: (11+1)(6+1)(3+1)(2+1)(1+1)(1+1)=12*7*4*3*2*2=4032 … Guys is 4032 the confirmed answer? YES

Q 31) A train is moving from B to Z with 50 km/hr and then back with speed 60m/s. What is the avg speed? Ans.22.55 m/s or 81.20 Km/hr Approach - Convert 60m/s into km/h. Its 216km/hr. Let B to Z distance be x. Then Z to B is also x. Total 2x. Divide 216(60+216) by 2x! We just need the average speed!---> Please google it.

When the distance is same the average speed is the harmonic mean of both the speeds, if in m/s then the ans would be 22.55 m/s or else in km/hr it is 81.20.---exactly! 2XY/(X+Y) will be the ans. It should be 81.20km hr 2xy/x+y is average speed for same distance ..Just apply the formula . 2xy/(x+y)(Harmonic Mean) ( there is no option in 90’s, so guys who got the ans in that you are doing something wrong) Here option that is ans is 81km/hr. This was the closet option rest were like 216, 100 km/hr.


Q 32) There are total 1000 people 790-scooter, 195-cycle and 60 none. Both? It should be 45, as the number of people who liked at least one is equal to 1000-60 = 940 Therefore (A U B) = 940 = 790+195-x Ans 45

Q 33)There are 100 balls, 60 yellow and rest green. Half are glass and others plastic. There are 25 yellow glass balls. A ball is picked and it is green, what is the probability that it is plastic? ll Conditional probability has to be applied here. (15/100)/(40/100) = ⅜. Yellow. Green 60. 40 Glass Plastic. Glass Plastic 25. 35 25. 15 Prob = 15/40 = 3/8 Answer - ⅜ It should be 3/20(correct), as the total green balls which are plastic is 15 and the total no of balls is 100, Probability = 15/100 which is 3/20. Can someone please explain this question properly? Total : 100 Yellow: 60 Green: 40 Half are glass and others plastic. There are 25 yellow glass balls??

ANS: 100 balls, 60 yellow- Glass 25, plastic 25 40 green - glass 25, plastic 15 Its given that ball picked is green. Hence its conditional probability. So, total sample spaces is 40 and not 100. Plastic green balls are 15. Hence 15/40 or ⅜.

34)XYZW is a quadrilateral circumscribed by a circle. Angle YXZ=70, Angle YWX=40, (I think) WX was given as 4 and YZ=7. Measurement of one the diagonal was asked? Irrelevant //what’s with this question ????WE can calculate it by cosine f ormula this sum .

No need of any cosine formula. If the diagonal YW was asked for, it'd be 7. As YWZ is an isosceles triangle. If the diagonal XZ is required, it can't be determined with the set of informations


Both the diagonals are equal in length as can be found out after getting all angles. So, both diagonals measure 7 (as explained above).

Q 35) There are 100 balls out of which 60 are green and rest are black. Out of all balls, half and plastic and half are glass. Out of thethat green balls, 1/5 of ball them are that plastic. a ball in is picked randomly, what's the probability is is a plastic given it isIf green colour? ans-⅕ Q 36) X^0.5* x^0.25*... Till infinity

Answer : x -- how?? The power of x is in gp so r is 0.5.Now use the formula for infinite progression

= X ^(0.5+0.25+...) = X^1 = X Using g.p. Infinite sum formula, shouldn’t the ans be 2x?? Method: a/(1-r) = x/(1-0.5) = x/0.5 = 2x No. here a is 0.5 . So it would be 0.5/(1-0.5)=1

Q 38) A ques was number divisible by 153 of the following options . Ans was 92565 Q 39) c - SOLUTION Q37) A and B are two candidates in elections , A got x% votes and B got (x+20)% votes . 20% people did not vote . Find x Answer: 30 100-20 = 80% 2x+20 = 80 X=30 (is repetition allowed or not? Out of 4 vowels 2 can be chosen in 4c2/2!*2 Ways. if repetition is not allowed then (4c2/2!*2*6*5*4 )*4 will be the hi answer else (4c2/2!*2*8*7*6) *4 will be the answer) 2880? Answer: 1152 Am getting 1776 PLEASE CONFIRM????? AS PER SOURCE THERE WERE NO OPTIONS MORE THAN 1000.HOPE THAT HELPS OU_ _ _ =4!*6c3*2! IO_ _ _=4!*6c3*2 OO_ _ _=4!*6c3 UI_ _ _ = (If OO both are taken 4*24 = 96


(If O is used = 4!*4c2*2! (If no O is taken = 4!*4c3*2!) Form words where no vowels are together. Vowels can be arranged in 4!/2 ways. OUIO SLTN Fill gaps in 4P3 ways last consonant can have 4 locations So 12* 24 * 4 = 1152 Total ways = 8!/2 So answer is 8!/2 - 1152 = 19008 Correct answer-1152/2880 What is the correct answer for this???

Q 40 .. FDB Builders was awarded the contract to construct a bridge. The company employed 100 workers to finish the work in 120 days. When four-fifths of the work was completed in 80 days, the company wanted to reduce the number of workers. How many workers can be let go without affecting the completion schedule of the construction of the bridge? (not a nmat question its official mock ques) Answer. 50 Total Workers =100, Total days 120 Work done in 80 days = 100x80 =8000 man-days This is ⅘ of total work So, Total work = 5/4 x 8000 = 10000 man-days Work left=2000 man-days, No. of days left =120-80=40 Hence no. of workers required to complete that work= 2000/40 = 50 So 50 workers out of 100 are required to complete the remaining work in 40 days Therefore, 50 workers can be let go. (W1/W2)=(M1D1/M2D2) Here W1=⅘ , W2= ⅕ , M1=100 D1=80 M2=? D2=120-80=40 You will get M2=50 , so 100-50=50 workers can be let go

Q 41 A pump can be used for filling as well as emptying a tank. The capacity of the tank is 1,500 m 3. The emptying capacity of the tank is 10 m 3 per minute higher than its filling capacity and the pump needs 5 minutes less to empty the tank than it needs to fill it. What is the emptying capacity of the tank? Answer: 60 confirmed Emptying capacity = x Filling capacity = X-10 (1500/x-10) - (1500/X) = 5 Solve. U'll get 60 Am getting quadratic equation x^2 + 10x - 3000 = 0 (the quadratic would be x^2 - 10x - 3000 = 0 solve it you get x=60 and x= -50 Solution please?? Ans.


Let the filling capacity of the tank be x emptying capacity x+10

Acc to statement 1500/x - 1500/x+10 = 5 Calculate x, its 60. (ANSWER)

The above quadratic equation gives x= -60 and 50. So the answer according to your equation should be 50. Please check. Yes but from this quadratic equation you get that x (filling capacity) is 50. So, the emptying cap is 50+10= 60 CONFIRMED.

Q 42.Cost of an srcinal diamond was Rs 96,000 . Ratio after the diamond being broke was 2:3:5. The cost is directly proportional to the square of its weight, Find the loss? Approach : 96,000= 10^2*K (K=960) 2^2*K= 4*960=3840 3^2*K=8640 5^2*K=24000 Total Value of- the diamond that broke = 3840+8640+24000 =36480 Loss= 96,000-36480=Rs 59,520 IT SHOULD BE K^2 IN STEAD OF 2*K.i Also,this shouldn’t be in the power of 10.Isn’t it? Ya right but ifratio of weight is given then it is right

An easier solution :

Current Valn is (2^2 + 3^2 + 5^2 )% = 38% Therefore loss = 100-38 = 62%


0.62 * 96,000 = 59,520 Q 43. If A is born on tuesday in 1996. What will be his age when his birthday will fall again on tuesday? Ans : CRUX: 6 or 7 depending on whether he is born before feb or after feb ; CONFIRMED Today again this question came, september. Is the answer 28 years or (6 or 7 depending before or after feb) Q 44. What is the minimum no of terms required for a total between 1200-1400? PS: can someone explain this question? Minimum number of r required to form any number between 1200-1400 1,2,4,8,16...1024 = 11 terms ←----how did you conclude that terms means GP terms with r=2 ? Any better approach ?? The series was given 39  614^2  916^2 …… Mostly the answer is 7.

Q 45.Diagonals of a rhombus are 24 cm and 10cm. Find its perimeter? Answer : 52 Area = ½*product of diagonals =½*24*10 =120 now using pythagoras theorem find the sides. Side=sq rt of (25+144) Side = 13. Perimeter = 4a i.e 4*13 = 52.


Diagonals bisect at 90 degree so (12,5) which will give side as 13 directly no formula required Q 46). Sum of N natural number is 36/204 times sum of square of first N natural number ?? Ans is 8 (n(n+1))/2 = 36/204 * ( n(n+1)(2n+1)/6)

47. The ratio of children to adult going to zoo on saturday was 4:1. On sunday 20 more people went to zoo, among which 2 were children. The ratio of children to adult going to zoo on sunday was 2:1. Find the total number of people who went to zoo on saturday? Answer: 85. {(4x+2)/(x+18)}={2/1}


Q 48. A is a working partner.B and C are investing partner. B and C are investing in ratio 2:3. A leaves for 3 months. Total profit for the year is 10 lacs. B and C divide the profit as per investment ratio and it is decided that A gets 50% of the profit. How much is the share of B? Options: 1) 2,00,000 2) 2,50,000 3) 3,00,000 4) 1,00,000 5) 1,50,000

Answer 2nd option= 2.5 Lacs.

> 10 lacs is profit for 12 months, so for 9 months profit will be 7.5 lacs. 50% of this is 3.75 lacs Hence A will be paid 3.75 lacs out of 10 lacs. Remaining 6.25 lacs will be distributed among B & C in ratio of their investments. This gives share of B= 2.5 lacs

50% profit of 7.5L (9months) ------How???? I am getting 1st option i.e. 2,00,000 height of cone = diameter of cone = side of cube)->correct Volume of cube - volume of cone = remaining volume ???? confirm? Is it x^3 - pi x^3/12 ?? → Yes!

Q18. Last digit of 1!+2!+3!.....100! Ans: 3 1+2+6+4 = 3

dCan anyone explain the approach?? 1! Last digit is 1, similarly for 2!,3!,4! Will be 2,6,4 resp. … after that when 5! Will come it will always have a 0 at the end so last digit will be decided by 1!,2!,3!,4! Only.

Q19. Car moves from a to b..other from b to a..time was given.. at what time they will cross each other. Ans: relative speed concept invloved. Meeting time: t=d/(S1+s2)

Q20: 1 car leaves from pune at 10 am and reaches bangalore at 8pm. Another car leaves bangalore at 10am and reaches pune at 10pm, what time do they cross each other?repeated 7th Approach? Ans ?


Let the distance be X Speed of Car 1 is X/10 Speed of Car 2 is X/12 X/(X/10+X/12) and hence the ans would be 120/22 = 3:27 pm 5+0.45*60 = 5:27 hours therefore 10 +5.27= 3:27PM

Q21: data sufficiency: can you find m/n S1: m-n =4 S2: mn= 96 Both the Statements are needed I think even after using both the statements it cant be found out because values of m and n vary n hence their ratio also chngs. Which other values? Cause i got only 12,8. -12 & -8 can also be the values. Yes using both also we cant get ans. repeated on 8th

Cannot be determined even with both the Statements We can find the value of n which will be 12 and 8. For these two values of n we have two values of m. So now m/n will also have two different values. So we cannot reach a unique solution and therefore it is cannot be determined.

Q22: a fills tank in 10 mins, b empties in 6 mins, how much will it take to empty ⅗ of the tank if both are open.repeated 7th,8th Let the Tank Size Be X In 1 Minute A fills X/10 tank In 1 minute B empties X/6 Tank So in 1 minute a net of X/6 - X/10 tank empties In 1 minute x/15 tank empties so to empty it 3X/5 tank we will need 15*3/5 =9 minutes Ans : 9 mins. correct


23) Find the probability of getting prime number sum when 6 dices are rolled? I think: No. from 6 to 36 can appear on the dice, which is 31 numbers. And prime no. sum can be only 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31. So, ans. should be 8/31. Please correct me if I am wrong? APPROACH PLEASE! 1/4 repeated on 8th What is the correct answer?

Whats the correct answer? Coz 7 can appear in 7! Ways (1111112)(1111121)…. So on.. We need a prime number sum from Identical dices A+b+c+d+e+f = 7 A+b+c+d+e+f = 11 A+b+c+d+e+f = 13 Abcdef = 17……. A+b+c+d+e+f = 31 Now using n-1Cr-1 What is the correct answer? Ans ???

1) 2,6,12,20,?,42 6-2=4 12-6=6 20-12=8 therefore , 30-20=10 correct! 30 is the answer Find ? 30 (Approach is n^2 +n) (can’t understand the question)??

24)Number of ways you can represent 180 as a sum of consecutive numbers method is 5(number of odd factors of 180). Since page number on each leaf is two times so number of consecutive numbers has to be even start with 4 because we know it cannot be 2. It should be 4 AKSHITA CAN SOMEONE MAKE SENSE OF THE 24th QUESTION???(The no of consecutive terms will be 5-(3,5,9,15,45),because the no of odd factors of 180 is 6, But 1 is not considered in this case,as we need consecutive terms sum).


For eg. 100=2^2*5^2 So Number of odd factors = (2+1) - 1 = 2 = Number of ways of writing 100 as sum of 2 or more consecutive integers . They are 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 Similarly for 180=2^2*3^2*5^1 So , no of odd factors here are = (2+1)(1+1)-1=5 [consider factors for 3 and 5], which is the required answer.

24).(repeated on 8th)There was a question, something like this: there are three types of alcoholic mixtures with 80% 70% and 50% concentration of wine. In what ratio should they be mixed to get a 60% concentration?? What is the answer for 24???how to solve this?? Method plz?

Ans is 1:1:3- correct It is infact 1:2:2-wrong

25) Trailing zeroes in 60! When expressed to the base 12. (9th nov) Ans 28 repeated on 9th 2pm should’nt mthe answer be 18? Highest power of 12 in 60! Is 18 therefore 18 trailing zeroes Method please? Confirm? It’s base 12 that’s why answer will be 28 and not 18

26) Trailing zeroes in 100! When expressed to the base 7.(9th nov) Ans 16? Even i got 16? Someone confirm pls.Yes, it is correct! Number of trailing zeroes will be the highest power of 7 in 100! Which is 16. Approach ? 100/7=14 then 14/7=2 further the quotient cannot be divided so ans is 14+2=16 +


27) product of sum of 2nos and their hcf is 36. How many such pair exist? (9th Nov) = 10 (1,35)(5,31)(7,29)(11,25)(13,23)(17,19)(2,16)(4,14)(8,10)(3,9) Last 3 sets r wrong as they need to be coprime instead the sets will be (1,8) (2,7) (5,4) (1,3) Total 10 The correct answer is 44. The question says product of ( sum of 2 no.s and their HCF) repeated on 9th 2pm 28) DI caselets total 6 (9th nov) what is this? 29)probability of wining a ballot of 3 states A,B,C was given. Total amount of votes in a,b,c were given. Question asked was prob. That it is a win and belong to state a.(8th)

30) One ds question:-(8th) Find the value of x,y if some equation was given a) This equation was reducible to question equation itself. b) Another equation was given. So the answer was only 2nd is required.

31)find the remainder if 8533^859^361 divided by 19?(8th mrng) Ans 3?: 3 is coming Is the ans 16? Approach

32)how many 7 digits distinct number can be made with 1,2,3,4,5,2,1 if on odd places only odd numbers can be used?(8th) a)12 b)24 c)36 d)48 e) None of these I guess yehi options the Ans 36? Yes .Even i got 36, but considering that repetitions not allowed. Is that right?

HOW COME 36? - NUMBERS HAVE TO BE DISTINCT BUT YOU HAVE TO USE ALL THE 7 DIGITS. SHOULDN’T IT BE - ( 3!/2! )*(4!/2!) = 18 ? -> this is 36 only. Plz solve again :)


What about logical reasoning? Please post some questions of LR also, If anyone remembers??

There was series questions 32,34,37,41,47,46,58,56,? (9th nov) What is the ans?60-ans Approach? How 60? Was 80 an option??? Should be 71 correct answer 32+(3+2)=37 37+(3+7)=47 47+(4+7)=58 58+(5+8)=71 Same goes for the other enven term series 34,41….… I don’t think so that the above question should be that complicated(for ans. 71) . The correct ans should be 80. Was 80 an option?

11th Nov 1. A train starts frm Pune from 10 am and reaches bangalore at 8 pm. Another train starts from Bangalore from 10 am and reaches Pune at 10 PM. At what time will they meet ? (ans 3:27 pm)

2. A pipe fills a tank in 12hrs another pipe can empty it in 6hrs. If a tank is 3/5 full, in how much time will it be empty. 7.2 hrs

3. a group of 5 men have average weight of 142 pounds. Another group of 2 women having total weight 200 pounds is added in first group. WHat is the average weight of complete group ? Is the answer 130 ? Approach - (Sum of wt of 5 ppl)/5=142...eqn 1 (Sum of wt of 5 ppl + 200)/7...eqn 2


Subst. Sum of wt of 5 ppl as 5x142 = 710. Hence, (710+200)/7 = 130

4. A dice is rolled 2 times. what is the probability of getting sum atleast 3 and atmost 5 ? Is the answer 9/36?= ¼?100% correct 1/4 5. Is 3^p < 2 ^q ? I: q=2p II: q>0 (Using both statements?) yes

6. There are 6 pink balls, 6 black balls and 7 white balls in a bag. 3 balls are drawn at random. WHat is the probability of getting exactly 2 balls of same colour ? (214/323?)i got 221/323 --REPEATED ON 12th Morning 214/323 is correct..approch (6C2*13C1+ 6C2*13C1+ 7C2*12C1)/ 19C3 = 214/323 ...thnxx a lot…. 7. A girl has 5 pens of different colours and she has to put them in 3 drawers. Each drawer should have atleast 1 pen. In how many ways she can put all the 5 pens in the drawers ? 150 8. In a meeting of 10 states, representatives are sitting in a round table. In how many ways can the representatives of Goa, UP and MP are sitting together ? Ans: 7!*3!

9. A red tap can fill an empty tank in 40 hrs and green tap can fill it in 30 hrs and blue tap can empty the same tank in 25 hrs when operated individually. How much time would it take to fill the tank when they are operated alternatively every hour? 162 hours 24 mins ?? (repeated 12th) Yes, I’m getting the same answer. Looks fine ! Method plz??

10. In an isoceles traingle AC=BC. AD is angle bisector of ang(BAC).What s the ratio of Incenter and Circumcenter. 1: sqrt2 Can anyone explain the answer??


11. In an isoceles triangle ABC, external ang(ACD)=100 degree. What is the max possible angle in the triangle? (80) repeated 12TH

12. 3 co ordinates were given and we need to find out the cordinates of incenter.

13. 3x^2-10xb=0. The roots are reciprocal. Find the value of roots and b.(3 & ⅓ and b=3) plzz share approch (12th)

14. 7, _ , 33, 52, 75, 102 (Came on 10th and repeated on 11th) (Ans:18?) YES 18 SHOULD BE CORRECT, 7, 7+11, 18+15, 33+19, 52+23, 75+27

15. 1,2,3,4,5. How many 5 digit numbers are there which are divisible by 4.(24?) is 24 correct ans..?? 16. Difference between SI & CI for a principal for 3 years with r=10% is 230. Find the principal.

17. Sam has taken an amount of 8000rs on r=20% pa for 3 years on SI. But later Harry insisted Sam to pay it compoundedly. How much is difference in the interest? (ans: 1024?)

18. On selling something there is P=12%. If the CP is decreased by 4% and SP is 10 more than srcinal SP. 20% profit is achieved. Original CP? (312.5).

19. 3 persons A, B , C with speeds 4 kmph 6kmph 7 kmph respectively start from a same point P after evry 1 hour in the same order. As soon as B meets A at point Q, B returns back to point P. Where will B & C meet? (9.69km from P)(12th)

20. Discount of 20% is given on CP but seller cheats by 200gm per 1000gm while selling. What is the profit/loss% ? No profit no loss -> 5 I am getting 100% Profit. Method isLet cost of 100 gm is 100/But Seller buys 100gm at 80/So he must have bought 200 gm for 160/-


Now he sells 100gm at the cost of 200gm as he is cheating for every 100 gm Means he actually sells 100 gm for 160/- by saying it is 200gm So 200 will be sold at 320/Profit %= sp-cp/cp 320 (for 200gm)- 160 (for 200 gm )/ 160= 160/160= 100% Guys, plz confirm if this is correct cp-100 dis-20% sp-80 and while cheating he used to give 20%less in quantity of 100 he gives 80 therefore 80 quantity at 80rs . no profit no loss

Was 74 an option?can someone provide the solution for this?

12TH Questions:

1. What is the highest power of 11 that will leave no remainder on dividing 4000!? (Ans: 399?) 2. A and B swim downstream from X to Y. A makes 60 strokes to cover the distance and B makes 90 strokes. If the length of the strokes is same and A can make double the strokes than what B can make then how many strokes will a have to make to cover the distance XY in still water? (I am not 100% sure if all data is correct but this was the outline of the question). 3. X,Y,Z can do a work in 10 days working together, if X takes double the time of what Y and Z take working together, than in what time can X alone complete the work? any1 with the solution plz ans. 30 4. If a sum doubles itself compounded biannually at r% rate of interest in 123.6/r years, then what will be the amount if sum of 2400 is invested at 12% rate for 20 years? (options were : 4800, 6000, etc) → Ans? 5. Very long partnership question involving 3 people and different times of investment and 2 time investing. 6.

Data sufficiency: Rectangle has to be covered by 2m long tiles. Can you determine how many tiles are needed if :


a. The semiperimeter of rectangle is 8 times the area of rectangle and the length is 12 more than the width b. Width is in some proportion of length. Ans: Can be calculated with statement A only! 7.data sufficiency- Percentage increase in rectangle is? a) Length increase by 10% and width reduce by 12% b) Ratio was given, i cant remember the exact figures, Ans- by each alone you can answer

14th and 15 th November Questions -

1- Product of sum of 2 nos and their hcf is 36 . How many such pair exists ?

Ans - 10.

2- 12 cubes were placed in an L shape . What is % loss in TSA ?

Ans - 41.67%

N INPUT & OUTPUT QUESTIONS (logic for below?? Pls share) I/O: (11th Nov)

Input: 24 57 68 91


StepI: 06 12 14 10 Step II: 18 45 54 81 Step III: 0000 09 09 10 Step IV: 28 54 63 91 Step V: 16 20 18 09

Q: Step V for 48? Q: Step 2 for 18? Ans 9 Step1 sum of digits Step2 - (Input) - (Step1) Step 3 : (Can anyone please explain step 3?)???? Step 4 - Step 2 + Step 3 Step 5 - Multiplication of the digits of the number in step 4 (For eg in the case of 28, it’s 28 = 16)

Aman and Amani have 3 sons : Ren, Zen, Ben who married to each of 3 daughters of Imran and Imrani: Rai, Bai, Sai. Sai and Bai are sister in laws of Ben. Zen was Bai's brother in law. Which of the following are couples? [Ans: Zen:Sai and Ren and Bai)

Q: 5 children with different ages from : 4 , 5, 6, 9, 11 and they are brand ambassdors of 5 different things. Question on this.


Q: A photograph has 5 people standing in a row. No 2 males or females are standing together. the photo has a mother with her son and daughter who are with their spouses. How is the person standing in the left od the middle person related to the person standing in right of the middle person? [Ans: Brother in Law] Arrangement is Daughter|her husband|Mother|Son|his wife Why not? mother\son\his wife\daughter’s husband/daughter SOLN: Still reln is brother in law itself.

Questions on weak argument, strong argument, causes of action, strengthen the argument, weaken the argument etc

Q1 Input: Alphabets in pairs of 3. Ex: BCG Step 1:237 In the table 237 is given Step 2: 6 Logic:6 ← pls explain this ? Logic: 2+3+7=12

3-2=1, 7-1=6


For step 2 this is the logic. Step 4: 24 Logic: Multiply step 3 digits with prime number 12x2=24 Next number in another column was multiplied with 3 and then with 5 and then with 7 Step 5: 22 (output) Logic: Subtract that number which is multiplied in step 4Q

------>>> Four columns were there n 3-4 questions

And each asked for different steps Like what will be the step 3 for input FAG

Ans. Input : FAG S1: 617 S2: 12 S3:14 Input output for 12th

QUANT NMAT WINDOW 2 Quant Q.1 The fourth and the ninth terms of a harmonic progression are 1/10 and 1/25 then find the series. Ans: 1,¼,1/7,1/10 1. Yes this is correct series. Explanation: take the reciprocal of the terms given in the question and solve accordingly.10 is the fourth term of AP, and 25 the ninth term. SO, equating 10=a+3d and 25=a+8d, we get d to be 3.Thus, 3rd term of AP:7; 2nd: 4 and so on; after obtaining it, take its reciprocal again to get the ans. `


Q .2. 4 red, 5 blue,7 green balls hai. Two balls are drawn. Probability that they are of same color ? Ans: 37/120.

Total probability of drawing 2 balls= 16C2 =120. Now, cases of drawing similar color balls: 4C2+5C2+7C2= 6+10+21=37. THUS, 37/120. How are we using nCr here.The definition of nCr says all n and all r should be distinct. But here all balls of the same colour are indistinguishable.(Or are we assuming them to be distinct? Q.3 If 21st of august falls on a thursday( don't remember the day exactly) in a leap year, then 2nd of sept falls on what day after 3 years. Ans: Friday. (Exactly next day)Repeated 2nd nov SOLUTION? Can someone provide the approach for such questions? Ans. Count the no. of odd days. 44Q.4. P is a no. which has exactly 3 factors which divides 25! Then whats is the greatest power of 3 in (p-25)! Ans: 46 SOLUTION : Prime numbers less than 25 are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23 (unable to understand why this step?) When you find the highest power of each in 25!, we can see that highest power of 11 in 25! is 2 and hence has 2+1=3 factors. Thus, p=11^2=121. Now find the highest power of 3 in (121-25)!=96! and the ans=46.

Q.5. One third of one fifth of one fourth of a number is less than srcinal number by 118. What is the srcinal number. Ans. 120 Repeated 2nd nov Explanation:let the no be x So, (x-⅓⅕¼x=118) = 59x/m60=118 Therefore x=260=120---- Repeated on 28th Q.6. Salary of A is 30⅟ less than that of B.So by what percentage B’s salary exceeds A’s? Explanation: consider B salary to be 100 and A salary to be 70 B-A=100-70=30 Salary of B greater than A is given by: (30/70)*100=42.85%--- Repeated on 28th


Got repeated today. REPEATED 28TH OCT Q.7 No of ways of choosing 5 dishes from 6 main course and 4 starters such that at least one starter is always included. Ans: 246 ways Explanation :It is easy to find Total number of cases - No starter selected. 10c5 - 6c5 = 246 (works in all sums where at least one is asked) Got repeated today.(27 Oct)

Q 8. Last digit of (3^155)*2 Ans- 4 Repeated 2nd nov Please explain? Explanation- 3^155 => Remainder[155/4]= 3 => 3^3 =27*2 => Last digit =4 Repeated 2day 27 oct--- Repeated on 28th

Q 9. Day of 26th Jan 1950 : Thursday ( repeated 27th oct) -Was there any reference date and day given!? → Not Required. Calculate from Jan 1 1900. Split 1950 in centuries divisible by 400, i.e. 1600+300+49, 1600 would have 0 extra days(why?), 300 will have 1 extra day and 49 years will have 49(minimum extra days)+ integral value of 49/4=12, so, 61 extra days. Total 1+61=62 extra days. And for months we have 26 extra days. 62+26=88. 88/7 gives remainder= 4. (great explanation) ** Five DI sets : two caselets, one pie chart, one bar graph (easy), one mixture of line and graph. Q 10. In a triangle ABC, AD is median, M and N are mid points of AB and AC resp. Coordinates of A is (2,3) and M is (-3,5). Given that N lies on positive X axis, Find Equation of Median. Length of MN is rt34. Now it is complete APPROACH PLEASE ??? Answer: IMO, the equation of AD is ‘x-5y+13=0’. So is this the correct answer(x-5y+13 = 0)? Yes as A’s values satisfy Correct ans is y=x+1 I got a different answer. My approach is as follows:


Let C = (x,y). As MN = sqrt(34), BC = 2*sqrt (34). Now since N lies on X-axis => y-coordinate of N is 0 => y coordinate of C = -3. Now since M(-3,5) is the midpoint of AB => B = (-8,7). If we use distance formula for BC = 2*sqrt (34), we get x-coordinate of C as (-14) or (-2). Again using mid-point formula, we get coordinate of D as (-11,2) or (-5,2). Using two point method, as we have coordinates of A and D, we get equations as: X-13y+37 = 0 or x-7y+19 = 0 Please confirm if any such option was there? Don't remember the options. Maybe it was there. For saving time I just satisfied the given options with A(2,3 This also repeated today( 27Oct.) Q.11 This question is incomplete. There was a diagram given for this question and ques was to find the ratio of area of 2 triangles. areas since the triangles are similar. DEF:EBA area will be 16:49 (squares) Now, we can apply the trapezium formula, under root of a*b, we get DEB and EFA will be 28cm square. Therefore, ADF/EDF = 28 +16/16 = 44/16 = 11/4 Let me know if it is still unclear, will elaborate. Please elaborate . Ok Which part is unclear? Trapezium formula? And how did you get deb and EFA as 28? You simply need to find the ratio of AD / ED. Now AD / ED = (AE / ED) + 1. Also, triangles DEF and AEB are similar. So, ED / AE = DF / AB = 4/7. Put that above. You will get AD / ED as 11/4, which is the ratio of the required areas.

Q 12. Minute hand overlaps hour hand in 65 mins. In how many days it will gain 1440 hours ? (faulty clock concept). 27th October repeat I didn't understand the question! Minute hand gains over hour hand means minute hand covers 65 minutes more every day?? -> Question rectified. Kindly check. SOMEBODY PLEASE SHARE APPROACH If minute hand overlaps in 65 min, it’s a fast clock. Therefore, it gains [(720/11) - 65] / 65 = 1/(11 x 13) minutes in 1 minute


Thus, it gains (60 x 24)/(11 x 13) in a day. Therefore, it gains 1440 hours in (1440 x 13 x 11) / (60 x 24) Ans 143 (is this correct?) Yes, I also got 143 Q15. In a party, there are rows arranged with 12,20 and 30 chairs and there were 3 left in all the cases. When there were 11 rows. There were no chair left. If 30 chairs were added. Then what will be the reminder? Total chairs will be 363.(how?) Adding 30 we get 393. Now remainder has to be found for how many rows? Please explain how 363 is calculated ? ( since when divided by 12,20 and 30 we get 3 as remainder . So, the no. is of the form 180x+3, where 180 is lcm of 12,20,30. Now 180*2+3 is divisible by 11 so we get 363) The lcm of 12, 20, and 30 is 60 and not 180, yes but 363 is right.

Total chairs come out to be 363. Adding 30 we get 393. Now since 11 rows are there, each row will have 363/11 = 33 chairs. Now when 30 chairs are added, remainder will be 33-30=3. But not entirely sure. Can someone confirm? I think we cannot assume things till we know for how many rows we have to find the remainders ? Help( plz? 8 will be the answer for this as 30/11 remainder is 8 Yes 8 should be the answer. 8 is the correct ans. Do look for number of rows asked in question 1st..don't blindly mark answer. 363 how? a)Least number which when divided by a,b,c and leaves a remainder R in each case = ( l.c.m. of a,b,c) + R b) Now LCM of 12,20,30 is 60 and R = 3 c) Hence number is of the form 60x+3 d) Now 60x+3 is divisible by 11 since no chairs were left. e) 363 is the smallest number which satisfies above condition. But what’s the point doing all these things , simply divide 30 by 11 and remainder is 8… SPOT ON On question modified toans. if we form 14 rows, then total how many chairs will be left 4TH out?nov, So 393÷14 remainder=1 =========================================================================== ==km



Q16. Find the difference between sum of all even numbers from 1-400 and sum of all odd numbers between 51-180 ? Ans. 32776 (Repeated on 27th : Different format (asked for sum of all even number till a certain number like 3200: Need to find answer( not as given below)--Repeated on 28th-Suppose n is even and m is odd,with m>n, find sum of even from 1-n.? 28th repeated(Was 32776 in the options) This is the only correct answer, ignore all others ==>Sum of all even nos from 1 to 400 so from 2 to 400(including 2 and 400 both) i.e. 200 nos whose sum would be 40200(n^2+n) where n=200 Also odd numbers between 51 to 180 i.e 53 to 179 which are 64 numbers so sum would be 7424 (using n/2[2a+(n-1)d) (why 51 is not taken while ad) So 40200-7424 gives 32776. T he sum would of 53 to 179 would be 7424 (using n/2[2a+(n1)d] where n=64, a=53 mj

I checked and re-checked the 2nd sum is coming out to be 5728 and not 7424… Anyone with me? =========================================================================== =======

Q 17.A and B together complete certain work in 12 hours and one of them can finish in 10 hours less than other.. Find the average of time taken Options- 10 15 20 25 30 Answer - 25 ..approach?

Let days be x and 10+x. Now 1/12= 1/x + 1/ (x+10) 12=x(x+10)/(2x+10) REPEATED 28TH OCT On solving this Quad eq, we get x=20, x+10=30 Thus average becomes (20+30)/2 = 25 Use options 25*2=50 50=2x+10 x=20 and x=30 Put the values. You will get 25…... repeated we question


Got repeated on 28th. =========================================================================== =======

Q.18 rectangle dimensions were given,2 doors dimensions given, 2 windows dimensions given. 70cm wide wallpaper to be covered on the walls of this room. Cost of wallpaper is 60 per meter.. calculate total cost Repeated on 27ther: The approach will be area of rectangle- area of 2 doors - area of 2 Windows= The area left which would be covered with wallpaper Calculate cost per cm and then multiply with area left. Don’t get the solution.. where to use the 70cm length?? To calculate cost per cm as the cost is given per sq meter-repeated 27 Oct 9am how to calculate cost per cm? Can someone pls elaborate the question REPEATED 28TH OCT-**************** =========================================================================== ======= Q.19 Shaded region question with a circular shaded park inside a square. Circular shaded track inscribed in the square. We need to find the area of non shaded region.. DS question. 27th October repeated Option 1 : Area of the shaded circular track given as 144 sq.units and difference of 2 radii(why 2) given Option 2 : Both the radii values given Answer: both individually, 1: since area isthrough given, side can be foundation andgiven hence the diagonal (½radio diagonal= radius circle passing the square) and from the difference in the the area of of inner circle can be found) 2: both radii are given, diagonal of the square can be found, area of square and circle can be found.(repeated on 28th) (Repeated on 4th) =========================================================================== =======


Q.20 don't remember the question well but secant concept was tested../// Can someone remember this question? What was the actual answer? ****************

On 4th Nov, External secant theorem was tested. From a point P, two secant were drawn to a circle. Was a DS question. Option 1 had 2 lengths, and Option 2 had 1 length. Using both we can find the 4th length. Lookup Secant theorem, you will understand.

=========================================================================== =======

Q.21 One question to check whether it is a cyclic quadrilateral.(repeated on 28th) a)AB=AC b)AM=AN( I missed out N which is opposite to M) Will EFMN be a cyclic quadrilateral?

Both not sufficient =========================================================================== ======= Q.22 A is twice as efficient as B, both complete the work in 32 days. How many days b will take to complete the work alone? ( Repeated 27th oct with changed values) repeated 28th same values Ans - 96 (Let number of days taken by A be x and B be 2x Then 1/2x+1/x=1/32 3/2x=1/32 96=2x x=48 Hence B will Take 96 days) Let the efficiency of b be x


So for a its 2x So ratio of time for a:b will b 1:2 Repeated 2day 27 oct Hence total work is 32x3 =96 And B’s efficiency is 1 so b will take 96 days to complete the work. *+/f (Repeated on 4th) =========================================================================== ======= Q.23 Katrina had 8/35 of jessica n jessica's 1/4 of 1/7 is 30000 find katrina's amt.. pretty simple..must be attempted. Got repeated today.(27 Oct) The answer should be 192000? Confirm pls Yes 192000 is the correct answer. Repeated on 28th, 2nd Nov Repeated on 4th Nov. =========================================================================== ======= Q.24 Three taps P, Q and R can fill tank in X, Y, Z mins… they are opened together but Q and R are closed after 9 mins… how long will it take P to fill the tank? Can someone remember the correct question? (don't remember the values of XYZ)(approach please) approach -RTW method Got repeated today. Options were all between 6 - 7 min (6 min 15 sec, 6min 30 sec, 7 min 15 sec and two more). But Q and R were closed after 90 seconds, not 9 mins. Same question otherwise n for 90 s And then how much time wo(what will be the answer)??? THIS KIND OF QUESTION REPEATED ON 28TH Ten find L/x,L/y and L/z (in 1 min ake the lcm of x y and z and let it be L th) for each each taps.Now for first 9 mins all the three taps are opened so take all the three into account for first 9 and then L- ( above calc value) will be done only by the P I had marked 6 m 45s! Is it right ?? In my q all 3 taps were opened, one of the pipe ( don't remember which ) would take to fill the remaining amount was asked. =========================================================================== =======


Q.25 What is the max difference between the 4 digit no formed by using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 repetition allowed ( question repeated 27th oct but repetition not allowed) Ans. 7777 (is this correct) LARGEST NO. WILL BE 8888 - 1111 = 7777, right ?? The largest 4 digit no can be formed also using the powers right ? (a^b form) NO =========================================================================== =======

Q.26 (Cannot be greater than 360) a girl travels 360 km in 4 hrs … part of the distance by car and part by train… if she had travelled the whole distance by the car then she would have saved 80% time she spent in the train hence she reached 2 hours early If the velocity of the car and train are different and constant what is distance that she travelled. Please explain how saved 80% time = 2 hours? * What’s the answer? SPEED car= 720km/hr;; train=80km/hr;; is it crt? Can someone state the question correctly, please? Can anyone remember this question properly =========================================================================== ======= Q27. 6 letters, 6 houses. Probability that no house receives correct letter. this is derangement problem. Answer is 265/720 (this is correct.) yes. you explain this? D(n) = (1-1/1! + ½! - ⅓!  …… 1/n! ) D(6) = (1 - 1/1! + ½! - ⅓!  …. ⅙!) = 265 Total ways = 6! 1. necessary if all are positive and none if can be negative ANSWER ??? 28. A number is such when, twice the number is divided by 3d it gives a remainder as 20. And when five times of it is divided by 4d it gives remainder as 32. Find the value of d. Ans is 12 (i didn’t know the method to Probability = 265/6! = 265/720 = 53/144. Plz check no option was like that in 27th October =========================================================================== =======


Q29.A train crosses platform in 54 sec and man running in opposite direction in 12 sec. if speed of train is 25kmph and man is 5 kmph what is ratio of length of train to platform? Answer : Speed of Train - 25* 5/18 m/s ; Ratio - 4:11 Speed of man - 5*5/18 m/s Let length of train be X Crossing man running in opp.direction, so X/[(5*5/18)+(25*5/18)] = 12 X=12*30*5 ```````````````````` So x =100 meter Now Let the length of platform b Y So 100+Y/(25*5/18 )= 54 Solve this you will get Y = 275 So X /Y = 100/275 which comes to 4/11 Simple approachLet L-train length & P-platform 54= (LP)/(255/18)....i.e, LP=375….(i) Similarly, 12=(L)/(30*5/18)...i.e, L = 100 Putting L=100 in (i) , we get P=275 Required ratio= 100/275...i.e, 4:11(Ans) Q30.How many 4 digit code can be written if first 2 digit is alphabet and last 2 digit is a number? REPEATED ON 28TH Answer : 26 X 26 X 10 X 10 Ans: 26*26*10*10 Someone said that the question is asked for distinct code So in that case ans will be 26*25*10*9 it will distinct until and unless repetition allowed is not given

Iand dont think need so to multiply by 4!be As26x25; it is clearly mentioned first 2 so arethey alphabets they arewe distinct it will clearly and the last 2 arethat numbers will be 10x9 as they are distinct 26*25*10*9 will be the crect ans for no repeat. Final answer please? Can someone confirm? Final ans for dis qtn is 26*26*10*10 for repeatedFinal ans for dis qtn is26*25*10*9 for not repeated


=========================================================================== ======= Q31. There are notes of 3 denominations– 1C, 50C and 100C..find d number of ways in which a person can give rs 106 (repeated 27 oct) Ans : .It should be 4, i think. 4 is the answer.EXPLAIN 1. 1 100C NOTE, 6 1C NOTES 2. 2 50C NOTES, 6 1C NOTES 3. 106 1C NOTES 4. 1 50C NOTE, 56 1C NOTES. Yes it must b 4 as there are no other option. =========================================================================== ======= Q32. There is a biased dice..wen d dice is thrown. probability of occurrence of odd numbers is thrice that of even numbers. If the dice is thrown twice..find the probability of the products of the numbers appeared being odd. Answer: 9/16?? 27/64?? Repeated 2nd nov I think it’s 9/16 .we need to get all odd numbers , thus the probability will be (3/4)^2 1-x=3x 1-(1/4)=(3/4) Can someone explain this please? IS the answer 9/4? prob(getting odd number)=¾ ; since the product of the numbers should be odd, odd*odd= odd, that is, ¾ * ¾ = 9/16 =========================================================================== ======= Q33 x^2 +5x +4 = 0 - find the nature of the roots.(Both are Real and negative and distinct) Ans: rational unequal Repeated 2day 27 oct Approach? D>0 (D=b^2-4ac for ax^2+bx+c=0) =========================================================================== ======= Q34 There are 6 ppl P,Q,R,S,T, U..find d no of ways to arrange them such that there are exactly 2 ppl between R and S. (Repeated on 28th) Ans.144. Repeated 2nd nov


R and S can be arranged in 3*2! = 6 ways Rest of 4 people can be arranged in 4! Ways Hence 4!*6 = 24 *6 = 144 ways. Cnfrm (This method is correct.) Consider this approach Consider a group of 4 people consisting of R & S with 2 people between them _ _ (R _ _ S) 1 2 3 So number of ways of arranging this is 3! Now, the group of 4 people can be arranged in 4! ways within themselves (wrong when you take 4! R and S will also change positions e.g. RS_ _. Which is not asked.) It should be 2(_ _) X 2 (R&S) = 4 and not 4! Total ways = 3! X 4 = 24 (was this an option?) So total ways = 3!x4! = 144 Alternate method: first choose any 2 other than R & S in 4C2 ways.. these 2 number can arrange between each other in 2! ways. Now R & S can arrange in 2 ways R_ _ S or S_ _ R. Now take this 4 letters as one letter so total number of letters 3, which again can arrange in 3! ways. Ans is 4C2 * 2! * 2 * 3! = 144 Hope now this is clear to everybody's Last Approach :p (R _ _ S) 1

_ 2

_ 3

consider this as 3 units …..therefore it will arrange itself in 3! ways

Now R and S can arrange themselves in 2 ways R_ _ S or S _ _ R = 2 ways Now we can pick the people between R and S also….4C2= 6 ways …*6 people(R and S cannot be picked so 4 people) + and we can arrange them in 2! ways ….or we can straightaway pick people between R and S in 4P2 ways=12 ways What about _ _ should we not take 4C2 for them too? That is coming under the 3! Ways mentioned in the top. 2 3 So final answer = 3! * 2 * (6 x 2) = 144 ways


Don’t we need to multiply 2 since r and s too can be interchanged with each other? Upload.wikimedia.org =========================================================================== ======= Q35 Mr A’s (dont remember d name) speed is 2m/s and Mr B’s speed is 4m/s. Both r walking in d same direction..A train in d same direction passes Mr A in 9s and Mr B in 10s..find the time in which the train passes a pole. ( repeated 27th oct) ( Repeated 28th Oct ) Repeated 2nd nov Ans. (( I think it should be 90/11) (it is) → I also got this. EXPLAIN? Yeah 15sec should be the ans length of train = 120 and speed =8m/s.90/11 must be the answer,length-180m,speed-22m/s.Can anybody please confirm. Yeah it is correct D/x-2 = 9 ; D/x-4 = 10 d= 9x-18 d= 10x-40 Solve this equation and you would get x= 22m/s Substitute the value of x in any of the equation and you will get length of train (d)= 180 metres Time taken to cross a pole= 180/22 = 90/11 secs =========================================================================== ======= Q36 there is a GP series of n terms. Suppose x is the sum of the series. y is the product of the series and z is the sum of reciprocals of the series. What is y? Options- x/z, (x/z)^n, z/x something like dat Ans (x/z)^(n/2) (x/z)^(n/2)dis ans was der in the options..can u explain the approach? Let a = 1st term...GP be of form ar X = a (r^n-1)/r-1 Y = a^n)*(r^(n*(n-1)/2)) Z = ((r^n -1)/r-1 )* (1/a*r\^(n-1)) Actual answer:[{x/z}^n]^0.5


The best method for these type of problems is the substitution method. Yeah… for eg assume series to be 1,2,4 ; n = 3, r = 2 ; a = 1; substitute it in the options...the one which satisfies is the answer. =========================================================================== ======= Q37. There are 10 person. If one person with weight 110 left the group and another person joins the group, the average weight of group decrease by 10. Find the weight of new person who joined the group. Answer:10 Let the avg weight of grp b X Let the weight of person joined the grp b Y So (10x - 110 + Y)/10 = X -10 . 2110X - 110 + Y = 10 X - 100 Y = 10 =========================================================================== ======= Q38. If a cistern has 3 pipes of 1 cm , 4/3 cm and 2 cm thickness ...where the pipe with 2 cm thickness can fill the cistern in 2 hrs and 2 min..then in how much time they can fill the tank? Answer: 1hr 12min? Please confirm…yes! 72 min How, please explain. Ratio of water flowing through the three pipes respectively =1^2:(4/3)^2:2^2=1:16/9:4=9:16:36 - - > How do you get this? (Imagine the opening of the pipe as a square, in one sec, piR^2 volume of water will flow out) Suppose quantity of water flowing through the first pipe in 1 min = 9 litre quantity pipe 1 min = 16 litre quantity of of water water flowing flowing through through the the second third pipe in in 1 min = 36 litre (How can u assume efficiency of all 3 pipe … I think it shud b acc to their ratio ...hence if u are assuming efficiency of 1st pipe as 9 ltr then accordingly for 2nd pipe it shud b 9*¾ and for 3rd it shud b 18)pls correct if m wrong biggest tap can fill the tank alone in 122 min. i.e., capacity of the tank is 122*36 litre if all pipes are opened together, (9+ 16 + 36) = 61 litre of water will flow in 1 min


Therefore, time required = 122*36/61 = 72 min how can you take random values is dre any hint what values should be taken? Got the same question but 72 was not the question and put 36 as answer..please confirm. Hey guys if 2cm thickness can fill the pipe in 122 minutes , added the thickness of all three pipes it will be around 4.33 which should fill the cistern within 56.35 minutes Anyone please confirm if it can be right

=========================================================================== ======= Q.39 There are two pipes..A can fill 1/4th of the vessel in 10mins. B can fill 3/4th of the vessel in 5 mins. If both a n b r left open for 10mins together and then only b is closed. How much time after this vl the vessel overflow...I marked 1 min as answer n dnt remember options! (SOMEONE CONFIRM ANSWER?) : This question has inconsistent data, it seems. Solution:Tap A fills 25% of the vessel in 10 minutes i.e 2.5% per minute Tap B fills 75% of the vessel in 5 minutes i.e 15% perminute.If this case is considered then water will start overflowing before the tuning off of tap B.So the question must be B can fill 3/4th of the vessel in 15 minutes.then the solution is feasible and logical. Tap A fills 25% of the vessel in 10 minutes i.e 2.5% per minute Tap B fills 75% of the vessel in 15 minutes i.e 5% per minute. Total Volume being filled 7.5% per minute. Logically it should be 15 mins for B and in that case ans would be 10 mins. Combined they fill ¾ and remaining ¼ A will fill in 10 mins In 10 Minute when both are working they will fill 75%(3/4th) of the vessel.And to fill the 25%(1/4th) of the vessel A alone would take 10 Minutes as suggested in the question. HENCE ANSWER WOULD BE 10 MINUTES AFTER B IS CLOSED.


Can anyone explain this?

Q. 40. P&L question wasand a gold smith adds mark up of 50% and offers a discount of 10% also cheats suppliers consumers withaan improper balance and earns extra profit of and 1 gram per 10 grams from both. (Solution please!!!!) repeated 27oct Ans. I am getting 32% ←-- it’s correct Let’s say he has bought 100 gm for 100. CP-100

MP-120 and SP- 108. MARKUP OF 50% is given in the question, why r u taking 20%?Somebody has changed the value it was 20% earlier, hence the solution He cheats with 1gm for every 10 gm. So while buying he must have gotten 110 gm . and while selling he sold 90. Cp for 90gm would be 900/11. And SP is 108 (isme 900 kaise aaya ?? CP per gm would be 10/11) Profit =32% yes it is correct

Solution FOR 40:- Markup is 50% so MP is 150 where CP is 100 and after 10% discount SP=135 Now he cheats on both sides so for 100Rs he will get 110g and on selling for 135 he will give 90grams only So if on 100rs he gets 110g then he will get 90 grams at 900/11Rs which he sells for 135 Rs


So profit will be (135-900/11)/900/11 = 1485-900/900 = (585/900)*100% = 65% profit Please check my answer ! this is correct .bhai phale kisi ne mp 20% mention kiya tha ^^^ haan mera bhi 65% profit aaya iska ans.yahi sahi hain :) (SAME HERE Mera bhi 65% aaya) Do look for markup asked, I got 20%, accordingly answer changes :p (28th) (Repeated on 4th nov, with 20% markup) Q41There is a square with side ‘a’ and one octagon is inscribed in it. What will be perimeter of octagon. SOL Let the side of the octagon be t therefore the side of the square is (a-t)/2 + t + (a-t)/2 The corner makes a 45 degree triangle. Therefore t = root 2 . (a-t)/2 We get value of t = a/(root2 +1) Perimeter = 8a/(root2 +1) or 8a(rt 2-1)-- I dont think we will also have to consider “-” case also over here? Pls correct me? -----------------------------------Let me know if any option was 4/3*(1+root2)a **(not assuming it regular )** 4 Sides of octagon will be a/3 (the exterior ones) 4 sides of octagon will be root2*a/3(the interior ones) Summation of all will give perimeter as 4/3*(1+root2)a Is this correct? Im getting 8a/rt2+1 I am also getting 8a/rt2+1 SolutionLet side of octagon be t T+ t/rt2 + t/rt2 = a On solving t= a/(rt2+1) Therefore perimeter = 8a/(rt2+1) REPEATED 28TH OCT-What is the correct answer ?? Q.43 In a theatre all rows have same no. Of . One family buys 10 tickets of first two row. 3 members want to sit in first row and 2 in second row. In how many ways they can be seated. What is the correct answer-144 something was the answer,repeated on 28th WHICH IS THE CORRECT APPROACH? PLEASE CONFIRM The question seems incomplete… Please suggest! Is it 2! * 3! * 4! ? (Someone confirm??) (no. of seats in row is not given!)


Can’t find until no. of seats in a row is given. Plus I think if both rows have 5 seats each . Then we have to take the selection of seats into consideration as well. So 5c3 * 3! *5c2 *2! * 5! I think it should be. Selecting 3 from 10(as they took 10 tickets assuming that there are 10 members) for 1st row i.e 10c3 And arranging them within 1st row 5 sits I.e 5p3 and within themselves in 3! Ways Likewise for next 2 it should b selected from 7c2 ways an arranged in 5P2 ways and within themselves in 2! Ways. Please correct me if i am wrong.-How can we assume family members to be 10,may be there are 5 only? As they took 10 tickets it indicates that there are 10 members. Q.44 ab = 832 ? ¡. A= 26 , b = 32 ¡¡. a/2 = 13 , b/2 = 16 Above is DS based que.. Either of them is sufficient


Q.45 x^2 - 5x + 14 = 0, what is the value of x ? Some option were given for this,Roots will be unreal in this equation.


Q46. What is the value for A ? ¡. A-B < 10 ¡¡. -A – B > 9 Again DS based que. Sol: Both required?i think its none plz check. (YES IT’S NONE)(None because it will have multiple values and not unique) Q.47. 1! * 2^2 + 2! 3^2 + 3! * 4^2 + .....+ 20! 21^2 ) / 21 what is the remainder....? Ans. 19 (is this correct?) yup me too getting it as 19 (APPROACH PLEASE) 19 is correct bro No. will be divisible by 21 from 6!*7^2 onwards Simpler Approach :You can write the above equation as 22!  33!  44!  ….  2121! How !? \=>

(3! - 2!) + (4! - 3!) + (5! - 4!)  ….  (21! - 20!)


- 2! Mod 21 = 19

Even better approach Expression can be generalised in the following manner n!*(n+1)2 + (n+1)!* (n+2)2 …………(n19)!(n20)2 (n+ last no added to n while squaring) Such questions are based on pattern and patterns can be deduced easily Take value of n as 1,2,3 form a pattern and see for yourself Saves a lot of time

Q .48. On a circle 10 equal points are drawn , join 1st with 4th n 2nd with 5th . Intersection of these cord is named as Q. Find the angle formed by 2nd, Q n 4th Ans) 144this degree (Explain one) (approach for this?) Each division is equal to 36 degrees so ans should be 36*2=72 not 144 ***answer is 144***.72 is wrong


Ans should be 144ans fj

Explain the diagram please ? http://mahow-many-triangles-can-be-formed-by-the-vertices-of-a-regular-polygon-of-nsidesth.stackexchange.com/questions/1446438/ CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN ? This figure is wrong…. Here angle of y will be 72 and not 108 because it covers only 2 sector and not 3 sector, answer will be 144 final***PERIOD*** 144 is confirm as it should be obtuse angle!![simple logic]

Q.49.S=(42+(42+(42+.)^0.5)^0.5)^0.5= x, find x => S=(42+S)^0.5 squaring both sides: S^2=42+S S^2-S-42=0 solving the quadratic you will get S=7,-6 Ans. 7


Q. 50 . Number of triangles that can be formed using vertices of heptagon such that no side is common to that of the srcinal heptagon. ( repeated 27th oct) ( Repeated 28th Oct ) If one side is common:- number of triangles = (n-4)n

(24th october ka question)

If two sides are common :- number of triangles = n n: no of sides of the polygon If no side is common(as mentioned in this question) Number of triangles :n(n-4)(n-5) / 6 is valid for polygon having nn no. of the sides such that n≥6\ Answer is 7. ( Googled it) Got repeated today . Q51. What day was on Jan 26th 1949 Ans. Wednesday

Q 52. CET- ACA= 281. we were suppose to find the relation between A C T, as in which the smallest one and which is the largest one. Repeated 27oct Ans. C>T>A → Please provide some explanation. CET=ACA+281 100C+10E+T=(100A+200) + (10C+80) + (A+1) Basically, on comparison of 100’s place, 10’s place & units place, 2A=C, C8=E, 1A=T Put A=0.. u will get E>C>T>A. Q. 53 How many words can be made in which there are exactly 2 letters placed Between r and s. In letters PQRSTU. Ans 3*2!*4! =144 words ( same as Q.34) Q.54 Equations of 2 parallel sides of a square were given. ???????????????????????? Area of Square was asked. ( 28th Oct ) 8 Q.55 find the 6th term in the series 3,6,12,24 Ans. 96 (Please explain the logic,last no. must be 24 in order to obtain 96 as result). Is 48 correct ? 3x2,6x2,12x2,24x2 It is a G.P. 48 is wrong answer as he is asking for 6th term not 5th term so 96 is the right answer. Q- 57→ log(base m)X=-log(base(X-1))m.*May be ‘m’ was in base… but structure was same.+ Which of the following options are true. There were 4 equatio ns.


Correct answer was something like: X^2+x-1=0

It was a very easy question, may be I have interchanged the positions of X,m and X-1, but structure was same-repeated 27oct Q.58 a clock is set at 6 am on monday.it gains 20 mins in 24 hours.what will be the actual time on 6 am thursday of same week? ( question repeated on 27th oct but ‘fault clock lose 20 min’ was there) Answer: 5am. Yes it should be 5 Am repeated 27 oct 6. 5.40. 5.20. 5 Mon. Tue. Wen. Thursday Agar Gain hai to5am and lose hai to 7am ….right? YES

Q.59 umed invested some amount (given) in a business A.sid joined after few months with amount (given) end of year profit divided as 5:2(probably). Then they started a new business B where both invested in 3:5 (probably) and umed withdrew after 8 months.ratio of profit share is 5:8.what is difference between the time sid invested in A and B? ( repeated 27th oct) ( 28th Repeated ) Repeated 2nd nov Is the profit invested in B? No the profit is not invested in b. The two are separate scenarios Whats the correct question ? Anyone ? The que has been corrected. Q.61 A fills a tank in 10 hours. B fill in 5 hours.today it took 2 hours extra to Fill whole tank when both were opened together due to a leak.in how many days can the leak empty the full tank? → 8.88 hours ( Got repeated today - 28th Oct -> none of the options were 8.88 or 8.89. Options were for day77 s. Don’t remember the options though → Was 0.37 days one of the option?)

10 & 5 Hours-->LCM is 10. A will do 1 unit of work and B will do 2 unit of work, total 3 units of work. Time taken when they work together = 10/3 = 3.33 hours. Bcos of leakage , time taken is 10/3 + 2 hrs = 5.33 hrs. 10/(1+2-X)=5.33 where x is negative work done by leakage.X=1.124 10/1.124 = 8.89 HOURS.(perfect) , Q.62 hcf n lcm of two numbers given.one number is given.find the other. Ans : approach will b


Hcf X LCM = X * Y Q.63 find area of triangle wid co ordinates (0,8) (11,0) (9,0) Answer:8 X1 = 0 , x2= 11 ,x3= 9 Similarly y1 y2 and y3. Area of triangle = |x1-x2 y1-y2| | x2-x3. y2- y3|*½ is the answer 8 ? Yes it is Q.64 9-3log(base3)5- 3^(log(base3)5) (OPTIONS HAVE NUMERIC VALUES ) Are you sure this was the exact question? No numerical value coming with it. Is the answer 0? Someone please confirm. Answer???? Q.65 A can fill half the tank in 10min and B can fill the 1/5th of the tank in 5 min. A and b are opened for 5 min and then b is turned off. A is open for 15 min more. Find for how much time the tank overflow? (I think Qtn is wrng sm wer ) As A can fill half tank in 10 min so full tank can b filled in 20 min Like wise B can fill it full in 25 min Let the work to b done is 100 unit(capacity of tank) So in 1 min A fills 5 ltr and B 4 ltr In first 5 min tank will b filled (4+5)*5=45 ltr Remaining is 55 ltr It can b filled by A in 11min so rest of 4 mins tank will b overflow . So 1 is wrng ans Ans- 4 mins is correct A’s 1min work = 1/20 B’s 1min work = 1/25 (AB)’s 1min work = 9/100 (AB)’s 5min work = 45/100 Remaining work = 1- 45/50 = 55/100 So didthis it. 55/100 work has to be done by A alone, and we need to find in how much time he A can do 1/20 of a work in 1min So 55/100 work will be done in (55/100) * 20 = 11min. So A will finish off the remaining work in 11 mins. Overflow time = 15 - 11 = 4min. Q.66 The average of n consecutive integers are taken by a student but he missed a number and get the average for (n-1) as 263/13. Find the missing no. ANSWER - 9 How


If feel it should be 24. N-1 = 13 then n=14 let the numbers be x...x+1...x+13 and missing number be y Hence their sum should be 14x+91 = 263+Y Hence x =172+y/14 for x to be integer min value of y= 10 but then x = 13...ie it'll start from 13 so 10 cannot be a missing number...next value of y = 24 I am getting 31..Can anyone pls share the correct approach with answer ?? Anyone with the answer or correct approach?? You get 2 series with this. One when you take n as 14 and another when you take n as 27.

Q.67 a quadratic equation was given x^2+2x-p=0 (didn’t remember the actual coefficient of x) whose one of the roots is equal to the positive root of the eq- x^3-3=2x.k Find the other root of the quadratic eq.ANSWER PLS Please solve this one(ANSWER)

Q.68 Find a (DS QUESTION) 1)a* (b^25) =0, b is not equal to 0 2)a+b^27+9= b^27+9 Either of statement is sufficient Q69 a,b,c,d are in Gp. Find (a-b)^2 +(b-c)^2+(d-c)^2-(a-d)^2.Answer - 0 Take a b c d as 1 2 4 8… check with options! (repeated 27th oct) Q 70 A total sum of 5000 is divided between two person such that total simple interest received is 1420(didnt remember exactly) then find the individual amount given to them.what is the ans? Q71 a triangle formed by coordinates (p,-p)(-1,p^2)(p,-2){actual coordinates were Li'l bit different} has an area of 12 cm. Find p? ANS? Anyone with the proper question ? Repeat on 28th Solution!? Solve by determinant rule! Bhai koi example do.. Look above ANSWER ????? Q71 DS: 6 A B C 24 is a series. Find A, b, c?? (i)B=12 (ii)C is twice of A I marked this as either one or 2. The series will be 6, 8, 12, 16, 24(How are they in series?) Repeated on 28th 3rd is a multiple of 1st and 5 th of 3rd


------------------------------------------I marked it as both statements together also cannot answer the q. Please confirm. BOTH ARE REQUIRED: 6,8,12,16,24 (1st term x 2=3rd term, 2nd x 2=4th and so on…) One cant say there will be same pattern in both alternate series So both not sufficient should be the ans Wats correct ans ? plz confirm Ya it will be both not sufficient because the series can be like 6,6rt2,12,12rt2,24(in G.P common ratio=rt2) 72. A & B throws a pair of dice and winner is one who gets a sum of 9 first.if A starts throwing first Then what is the ratio of A winning over B?( repeated 27th oct) repeated 28 th oct morning slot Answer- 9:8 < HOW? ANSWER PLEASE?? Yes answer is 9:8 only. Favorable outcome is 4/36 and not favorable is 32/36 So for A, a=4/3 6 r=1024/1296 = by using formula a/(1-r). By using this formula we will get probability of both A and B. For obtaining sum of 9,dice must be rolled out twice.Hence,total outcomes :-36 Now,if B wins,then:A -loses,B-wins:- (34/36)*(2/36) A loses,B loses,A loses,B wins :- (34/36)*(34/36)*(34/36)*(2/36) And so on…. Total no. of outcome in which B wins = (34/36)*(2/36)+(34/46)(34/36)(34/36)(2/36)+......... Applying formula of GP,probability in which B will win:- 17/35. Thus,probability of A winning over B:- 1-(17/35) = 18/35 (this was not in options. Although i think your approach is correct) ;;No. Of favourable outcomes will be 4/36 i.e 1/9 . there is formula for calculating person starting and winning ie. 1 / 2-p where p is probability of favourable outcomes. Answer will be 9/17 . Your approach is correct...but the probability is 9/17 not the ratio ...we have to find the ratio of A winning over B not the probability that A wins...therefore its 9/8

73. Sum of consecutive no.s from 1 to n was given and asked to find out sum of all even no.s from 1 to n Ans : n(n+1)/2 = sum given


So we will get n Now N²+ N for sum of even nos. (This case N = n/2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------74). Find the quotient when total no. Of divisors of 16! is divided by right most non-zero digit of 15!. 

Solution pleaseee??

Ans 672. Approach anyone? Factors of 16!:- 2^15 * 3^6 * 5^3 * 7^2*11^1*13^1 Total no. of factors :- 16*7*4*3*2*2-----> A Now,Last digit of 15! Will be 8 as 15! Can be written as 2^11*3^6*5^3*7^2*11^1*13*1 Utilizing all 5^3 with 2^3 ,we will be left with 8. Now divide,A with 8,answer will be 672. Is 672 the correct answer?? Plz help. 75) 5 ^x + 4^y =odd? Options where for all value even, for all odd value and stuff 76) sum of n numbers was equal to 20306 ( not sure about the value ) then find the sum of all even number from 1 to n (something like this) 5112 wii be answer, after correcting 20306 (I THINK IT SHOULD BE 20301, THEN N=201) How 5112 if n=201 so even number will be 100 so sum will be 100* 101 right ? It shud be 100*101. Anyone else getting the same a0ns????yes it should be 20301. Yes answer is 100*101=10100 pls explain in detail how 5112 and n=201? . 77) Allahabad and Varanasi are separated by a 120 km river. It takes a boat 15 hours to do a complete round trip on one day. But on a certain day, the speed of the stream is twice the usual. Hence, the time taken by the boat is 24 hours for a complete round trip. Find the speed of the stream. a)7.5 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 e) 7 (all values in m/s) 78) a cylinder and cone combined to form a tank ! Height of tank was 18, height of cone was 6 and they shared the same base with radius 5 , find the total volume Ans :1100Solution(1320/7??) for this?--> Take height of cylinder as 12 and rest can be worked out with formula. Answer is 1100 ????????yes 1100 Total capacity will be =volume of cone +volume of cylinder =(πr^2h)/3πr^2h


=πr^2((6/3)12)//6 is given and total is 18 so height of cylinder will be 18-6 i.e 12 =1100

79) a student made a mistake in writing the equation with the coefficient of X and get the roots 7 and 4 , one more student make a mistake in writing the equation of the constant and got the answer as 5 and -2 so find the srcinal equation (Repeated on 27th) Ans: x^2 - 3x + 28 = 0 ??yes its right The student make mistake in writing coefficient will get product right ans sum wrong and the one who made mistake in constant will get sum right

80) the fourth number of the ap series is thrice of the first term and the 7th exceeds 2 the third term by 1 . Find the 9th term. 19/8? Confirm pls. I am also getting 19/8. → Me too getting 19/8. Yes it is right answer. I am getting 19 only..pls give the solution ---correct ans?? Eveln I am getting 19 What is the final answer for this ? 81) few students working together complete and assignment in 60 days 9 more student join and completed the same assignment in 50 days , working alone how much years will a student take to complete the assignment (assume 1 year =365) ans:7 years 4 months i guess 1 year =360 would have reduced calculations Answer : 7.4 years?? (please correct me if I’m wrong) sah  Yes,its right 2700 days is the answer. APPROACH PLS 60x=50(x+9)5 (what is this 5 doing here??, what is the funda going on, can anyone explain) x=45 total=45*60=2700 days Ans should be around 9.14 years. What is the final answer for this ?

Q82) A cone was there with height 8 cm and base radius 6 cm. A sphere put inside the cone such that it touch the sides and get covered fully by the cone. Find the surface area of the sphere? Ans : 36 pi ?? EXPLAIN THE APPROACH PLEASE. Answer- 154 cm sq. Please explain use the logic of similar triangles. From there you will get the radius of the sphere which is 3.5 cm. Take out TSA from there.- Radius of sphere is coming 3 only RADIUS will be/ 3.5 as per the formula (hieght +base-hypo)/2= Inradius // How 3.5 is coming after applying the formula too?


Solution please? Radius comes to be 3 cm exactly. Answer will be 36 pi cm^2. Can someone please explain in detail?


Consider this approach and please let me know if it is correct? Consider right angled triangle ABF is rotated along the height AF to give a cone. Triangle ABF forms a pythagorean triplet (2 x 3) : (2 x 4) : (2 X 5) Hence, AB= 10 Now according to the formula Area = sr

s= semi-perimeter r= radius of incircle

Area = 1/2 x b x h = 48 s = (6+8+10)/2

----- We are considering the larger triangle while calculating the

inradius.This should be (12+10+10)/2=16 and then you get r=3 and hence the ans 36pi. Please check. = 12 Hence, r = Area/s


= 48/12 =4 So radius comes out to be 4 and it satisfies the condition DE = EF = 4

Q83 area of a triangle with vertices (0,2),(9,0),(0,13)answer is 49.5 yes right!!! Determinant method ?? Repeated 2day 27 oct Q84 In an ap, three terms were given and said these 3 are in gp. Find the 21st term of the ap? answer-72. Here d came out to be 3 and a =12

Q85 data sufficiency :two spheres are melted to form a combined sphere x. Find the diameter of x. St 1)the radius of 2nd sphere was given St2) the weight of sphere 1 is 8 kg and sphere 2 is 10 kg and they are made of same material Answer-using both 1 and 2 (i GUESS ONLY STATEMENT ii IS SUFFICIENT AS VOLUME IS GIVEN THE COMBINED VOLUME WILL BE 18 KG AND THEN WE CAN CALCULATE THE RADIUS TO BE 1.6257) No bro ...any 1 is correct..in these type of questions we equate the volume Volume (4/3) pie r^3 Therefore (4/3) pie (r1^3) + (4/3) pie (r2^3) = 4/3 pie (r1+r2)^3 ...so only 1 unknown is there Final radius r1+r2 kaise hoga bhai ? answer????

Q86) The length and breadth of a Rectangle are in the ratio 5 :3. Find the length and breadth St1) area was given S2)value of the diagonal was given Answer-each alone is sufficient


Q87)a train crosses one person walking with speed 2 km/hr in 9 sec and another person with speed 4 km/hr in 10 sec respectively.both persons are moving in same direction as train.find the time which train crosses a pole. → Refer Q35.Repeated on 27th /// IN Q35 the speed is in m/s ans here is ? Ans ????? 88) a1, a5, a13 (terms of AP) are in GP and a6 + a15 =63. Find a23. Answer: 182/3. EXPLAIN. a5^2=a1*a13, find d and a using this and above equation you will get ans 182/3. 89.There is a hexagonal prism of volume 1800√3 cm³ and the base is regular hexagon of side 10cm./8*Find height of prism. Ans was 12.

Angle DAE = 70degree (given) , area of DEBC = 25 90. If twice of a number divided by 3d gives 20 as the remainder, and five times of the same number gives 32 as the remainder. Which of the following cannot be the value of d? Options were like 6,12,15,18. Use trial and error. Ans- None of the above 91. Raj goes from his house to the library at 3 kmph and returns from library to his house at a speed 33% lesser than his speed during his journey from the house to the librar sey. If the total time taken for his entire journey is x hours (i dont remember the exact value), what is


the distance between his house and the library? Options were like 0.3km, 0.35km, 0.9km, 0.7km Ans is .3 asked 28th oct how? X shud be 25mins 92. The highest difference between the 4 digit code formed using the numbers 1,3,4,5,7,8 (no repetition allowed) Ans: 8754-1345= 7409 93. DS question Find length of rectangle 1. Diagonal is given 2. Perimeter of rectangle is given Both not sufficient? Confirm pls Both are needed to solve the question. What will be the approach ? Let diag=10 and 2(l+b)=28 and l^2+b^2=100. Substitute b in terms of l. Solve quad eqn.

94.(1124)^n - (2342)^n where n is non negative integer Is the answer 3466? Please post the entire question, 95.Two points were given and it is dividing internally with some ratio...check formula 96. There was an INFINITE GP series like 3^⅓  9^1/9  81 ^ 1/27  . .. . . . . . . …. Find the product. Ans : 3 Solution!?


Try writing every term in your product as a power of 3. So, 3^(1/3) = 3^(1/3) 9^(1/9) = 3^(2/9) 27^(1/27) = 3^(3/27), and so forth. Then, your infinite product becomes 3^(1/3) * 3^(2/9) * 3^(3/27) * ..., which can now be written as 3^[1/3 + 2/9 + 3/27 + ... ] k = ⅓  2/9  3/27….. (1) Multiply throughout by ⅓ k/3 = 1/9 + 2/27 + 3/81 +.... (2)

1. - (2) 2k/3 = ⅓  1/9  1/27  1/81 .... 2k/3 = ⅓ / 1 - ⅓ 2k/3 = ⅓ / ⅔ k=¾ Final answer = 3^3/4 97. One profit band loss question based on a similar language Some match boxe have n packets and the person sold some of them at 10 % profit, at what price he should sell remaining to gain an a certain amount of overall profit. [complete language i don’t remember, but based on this structure+ 98. Sum of a series of n terms is 340776 (exact value don’t remember, but concept was same) Find sum of all even terms till n. I think 583 / 584ANSWER ??? 96. A b and c take part in quiz.. what are the marks of A ? Data sufficiency 1. A^2 + b^2=41


C = a + 2 //both solve it and options also i am not able to recall but figures are correct--26th-oct-16 someone please provide solution. IT shud be cannt BD using both as we cant be sure a is 4 / 5 ? 101) 3 types or rice: A- 24/kg,B-30/kg,C-x/kg in ratio 1:1:3 Resultant -36/kg Total weight 120kg find x? For Such Questions, always use the Options. S1: Avg Value per Kg > A,B. So C’s value per Kg >A,B. Look at options. Here we will consider 42 directly. Ratio of All three weights is 1:1:3. So total weight 120 is divisible by 5. Weight of C in the mixture is ⅗(120) = 72 Kg. A:B = 1:1, so they are 24 Kgs each. Now, use weighted average concept. We have assumed C as 42/Kg. [(42 * 72) + (24*24) + (24 * 30)]/(120) => 4320/120 = 36 Kgs. Hence proof of answer clarifies 42 as the Ans. Answer: 42. 1. 102) male n female ratio in an office 5:3 If same number of males and females are added in the office.. What shud be ratio now - I got answer 3:2 d the (WONT C) IT SHUD BE CANNT BE DETERMINEDplease confirm 103) distance between A-b -- 120 km Boat speed - 6kmph On 1 day, Round trip done in 15 hours Next day speed of steam is twice - round trip - 24 hours What is speed of stream.? (Question doesnt seem to be right, stream wont effect the time taken for round trip) please confirm - it will affect and boat speed was not given 104) Round trip from a to b in 3 hours A-b 24km Speed of boat? 8 k/h 105) Max diff between 4 digit number formed using 1,3,4,5,7,8 ( no Repetition allowed) Ans: 7409


106) 6 boys n 10 girls complete job in 12 days. They completed 50% of job They are joined by 2 more boys n girls each and now 2/3rd of the remaining work is completed Remaining work is done by 1girl in how many days? ANSWER ??? 8 Similar question as above, but for the remaining work how many more girls are needed? (Nov 4) 107) ax^2+bx+c =0 Roots are p & q Find the equation whose roots are P^4 & q^4...

Options were very lengthy so I'm not able to recollect 108) x^2 + bx + c =0 One guy calculated and got the roots as 7 and -4.. But he took the wrong value of 'c' Other guy got roots as 7 and 6.. But he took the wrong value of 'b' Find the correct equation REPEATED ON 29TH OCT)

I got x^2 -3x +42 as the answer its correct 109-Train crosses two men in the Same direction as John with 2kmp and Sam with 3kmp in 9s and 10s resp. Find the speed of train crossing a pole? Speed of train=12, and time to cross the pole=7.5 sec. Please confirm. 110-Gaya completes a work I the same time as done by both Dekha and Shruti. Dekha is 2time as effectient as Shruti. Then which of the following is true: A.


B. confirm.GAYA IS twice efficient than Shruti Ans.Gaya three times as efficient as shruti. Please 111- A (don't remember name) brought some number of mugs from dealer H at 1200rs . Out of which 10 mugs had cracks . Remaining were sold at 2rs more than the cost price making an overall profit of 60rs . Again A brought same no of mugs at rs 10 more than he brought earlier from another dealer. No mugs had crack this time. So at what price shall he sell each mug so as he can earn an overall profit of 20% in transaction?


Todays Q(2nd Nov) ans? Quant Some plant bore fruits after 32 days and flowers after 44 days, if the first time it bore fruit and flower together it was Wednesday, when would it happen next (Nov 4) Out of 130 people, even number were below 20, multiples of 5 were something 1, multiples of 7 were something 2. Number of people ABOVE 20, and NOT something 1 and NOT something 2 (Nov 4) Q. A guy got 25% of the maximum marks, and failed by 60 marks. Another guy got 42% of the total marks, and passed by 8 marks. What were the maximum marks of the test? DI (Nov 4) Set 1. 30% reduction Set 2. Utilised buses something Questions 1. Difference between state A Y1 and Y2 un-utilised buses (1450-800) = 650 2. Then something like 15% of the un-utilised buses were overaged buses, so find utilised overaged buses, 3_17 Set 3 Two piecharts were given and increase decrease percentage (comparatively easier) 1. Which of the above measures has a ratio 5:4, so it was one with 15% and 12% Set 4 Some latin america and europe exports question Set 5 rainfall(mm)/hr, total rainfall(mm) and rainy days, for 5 months, for calculating hrs of rainfall it was something like total rainfall/rainfall per hr



1.All the questions today were lengthy. 2.Lengthy Verbal reasoning-Lot of Inferences and weakening and strengthening arguments(Less of concludable facts,implicit assumptions and course of actions. 3.1 puzzle was easy 4.Time consuming singlets ...for example one matrix was there we had to identify the number of letters from the matrix but after transposing the matrix...also this matrix had no numbering for rows and columns...we had to give the numbers...so in short the whole of LR was time consuming


Logical Reasoning Can someone please brief about the LR structure. The below question was there .. nos were 7, 19, 22… output, step3, step 4 was asked . 1. Input Output question : Input


Step 1


Step 2-->Logic for this step please?


Step 3



Step 4


Similar logic was present in Paper with 5*5 matrix 2. Decoding - encoding question was of logic where alphabets were shifted by n+1, n+2, n3, … 3. Raju and Ravi decided to meet at coffee shop. Ravi travelled some directions and reached shop. Raju travels some direction from his house. What is direction of Raju relative to Ravi ? Ans. South east (approach?) 4. Five kids with some names play five sports. Every sport is indicated by a geometry shape. Relation needs to be established among kids, sports and shapes. Repeated question on 23 oct CAN SOMEONE POST THE RELATIONSHIP OF KID WITH THE RESPECTIVE SHAPE AND SPORT. 5. 10 teams are divided into two groups. Baseball is played among them such that two teams from each group qualifies for quarter finals. Games are played at different cities of India. Relation needs to be established between position of teams, cities at which games were played.repeated question 23 oct... 6. There is one couple in this 3 generation of family. SAP is grandfather of JAVA and father of ORACLE. Sidbell was grandmother of JAVA. (There was one more clause) . question was to identify the statement which cannot be true.one option said the grandmother( cant remember name) is a male.thats the answer …. 7. Some symbols were given , triangle , circle , square and rectangle. 4 kids- Ryan , john, geeshu,sandy. Ages - 6,7,13,15 . 4 games - roller coaster, giant wheel,splash, crazy car. Some conditions were given acc to that have to arrange these people..overall easy set 8 . Input output question Input - 13 Step 1 - 65. … ( 13*5) Step 2 - 3 …. ( Multiply non zero digits) Step 3- 7 … ( add digits of step 1) ⇒ should be 11 Step 4 - 14 add step 1 and 2 Step 5 - 21 again addition of step 1 and 3 steps.. like this input output repeated on 27th For above..I don't remember the question exactly..but it was on similar logic.. sequence of steps might be different .but overall easy.. 9. 2 questions on blood relations with symbols showing the type of relation. =>>“Lady is daughter of the wife of my grandfathers’s only son” How is she related to me? Can anyone please provide the Q. ?


MOTHER (It must be sister. Plz confirm?)

10. Critical reasoning questions were moderate. One was about course of action for union minister and about concentration on music while driving 11. Many coding and decoding questions were there … one of them was based on 1, -2, +1, -2 Another was based on +15, -1, +5, another was on +2,-2,+2,-2. For these questions write down A -1 ,B-2,C-3,D-4,E-5,F-6 ….. Y-25 , Z-26, then is very easy to crack. 12. Many verbal reasoning questions were there… assumptions, which statement is shows strength, weaken the argument 13. a certain object was passed between 5 places, namely, new york, paris, istanbul, london and cairo and 5 modes of transport were given with their cost. we were supposed to pair the places with their respective cost and mode of transport. 14. there were 5 mothers having 2 child each and their ages were given. again we had to find their respective ages and a proper pairing between mother and the child. 15. I/O Question GO is the input Step 1- sum of digits =7+15 i.e, 22 Step 2 - 2 can be represented as b. So bb is the next step Step 3 - And then input is combined with bb, so gobb Step 4 - Represent it with respective numbers (71522) Step 5 - Then sum of those digits in the next step (17) ---> Q And the represent the sum with the alphabet which represents that number , ex- if the sum is 13, represent it with m 154. 110,152,204 ,?explain Ans 246 .. how?

16. Raju has a birthday party.but all the guests are late.the only son of his grandfather gave wrong address to cab driver.similarly some lady was late in office.and relation een the lady and only son is asked. the lady was probably rajus motherA. Actyually it should be Cannot be determined . PLZ Confirm.


17. One coding question which was something as mars is satellite is 743 and one other statement.code for satellite was asked which was 719. 18.input/output question (same logic follows though i have taken random input)....this word fico 45 years will be ur first ques(just to recognise this i/o set) ( repeated 27th oct) 28th repeated input

Fico 45 years

Age 30 years
















Solution Step-1 (no of letter in the input word)*100+...... years Step-2 multiply all non zero digits of step-1 Step-3 sum of digits in step-2 Step-4 step2*step3 Step 5 step4-(step2-step3) Step 5 is wrong here. Can anyone arrive at the logic correctly? Its correct Same type of question was asked on 28th with “ILTS” 19. 62+8,70+7,?,91+24 Ans. QA 20. A,B,C,D,E,F are sitting across a round table facing center O. A and D are immediate neighbours of E. A is sitting to the right of E. G in not between F and C. Which of the following pair has the second person sitting to the immediate right of the first person? Ans. EA

n the LR section, two puzzle sets had 3 variables each. One with five companies, five colors and five other things. We had to link all and get the structure. Other puzzle was also on the same concept. Each will take atleast 4-5 minutes to crack. Lost on a lot of time because of this and cracked only one correctly. So watch out. The DI part was VERY EASY. One set had 2 pie charts. Revenue for 2005 (one pie chart) was 10L and Revenue for 2006 was 12.5L. The pie charts had retail, programming, manufacturing


and 3 other details (cant remember) for each in different percentage. Very simple percentage based questions were asked like find increase in revenue for programming, or which one had the same revenue in 2005 and 2006 (this was programming mostly, the answer came to 1,50,000 for both years) but you can easily calculate. Then one other question was 25% revenue in 2005 and 2006 was given to ocharity by manufacturing, find difference in their revenues then. The other DI set was a bar graph of 3 companies ABC. I don't recall for which commodity, but main thing was 30% of the purchase by any of these was disposed after 3 years. Then questions were asked based on that. 21. A lot of questions similar to this: So, four numbers were given - A,B,C,D and you have to find their relation and find out the value for “?” Also, in one of the question, three similar figures were given and their was a “?” in the third image. So, again, find the relation and value for “?”. 22. There was a question where it was given that X and Y go to Beijing; A and X go to HongKong (I don’t remember the places so I am writing X, Y and A). In that there were two figures respectively with three overlapping figures. In case of Beijing the middle figure (which is being overlapped by the other two figures) has 10 sides. Beijing has 7 letters and Hong Kong has 8 letters and the middle figure had 12 sides. 23 Input: Two numbers were given S1: Take the difference between the 2. S2: Sum the digits in S2 S3: The difference of S3 and S1 and adding it to S2 S4: Sum of digits of S3 (it was something like this. I don’t remember exactly but it was of this pattern I/O questions (Nov 4) No1, No2 Step 1 difference between the two Step 2 max(no1,no2) + step 1 Step 3 add digits of step 2 Step step 3 and+step Step 4 5 add min(no1,no2) step14 Some company with A,B,C,D,E units - marketing,finance, retail,life science, infrastructure with some labels - gold, strategic, platinum, new (Nov 4) A life science - gold B retail - strategic C finance - platinum


D marketing E infrastructure - new A, B,C,D,E -font size and color (Nov 4) A - gothic or calibri red B - gothic or arial blue C - universal yellow Dgreen E - Times New Roman purple Questions : 1. Color of D 2. Correct combination - C 3. For how many the font cannot be found - 3(A,B,D)

Q. That productivity of a factory is decreasing because there's this new game on smartphones, and workers are busy playing what should the authorities do. Ban smartphones/counsell them/ban the network/ban the game etc etc.

NMAT LOGICAL Data Interpretation-WINDOW 2

The DI part was VERY EASY. One set had 2 pie charts. Revenue for 2005 (one pie chart) was 10L and Revenue for 2006 was 12.5L. The pie charts had retail, programming, manufacturing and 3 other details (cant remember) for each in different percentage. Very simple percentage based questions were asked like find increase in revenue for programming, or which one had the same revenue in 2005 and 2006 (this was programming mostly, the answer came to 1,50,000 for both years) but you can easily calculate. Then one other question was 25% revenue in 2005 and 2006 was given to ocharity by manufacturing, find difference in their revenues then. The other DI set was a bar graph of 3 companies ABC. I don't recall for which commodity, but main thing 30% of the purchase by any of these was disposed after 3 years. Then questions were was asked based on that. 21. A lot of questions similar to this: So, four numbers were given - A,B,C,D and you have to find their relation and find out the value for “?” Also, in one of the question, three similar figures were given and their was a “?” in the third image. So, again, find the relation and value for “?”.


22. There was a question where it was given that X and Y go to Beijing; A and X go to HongKong (I don’t remember the places so I am writing X, Y and A). In that there were two figures respectively with three overlapping figures. In case of Beijing the middle figure (which is being overlapped by the other two figures) has 10 sides. Beijing has 7 letters and Hong Kong has 8 letters and the middle figure had 12 sides. 23 Input: Two numbers were given S1: Take the difference between the 2. S2: Sum the digits in S2 S3: The difference of S3 and S1 and adding it to S2 S4: Sum of digits of S3 (it was something like this. I don’t remember exactly but it was of this pattern I/O questions (Nov 4) No1, No2 Step 1 difference between the two Step 2 max(no1,no2) + step 1 Step 3 add digits of step 2 Step 4 add step 3 and step 1 Step 5 min(no1,no2) + step 4 Some company with A,B,C,D,E units - marketing,finance, retail,life science, infrastructure with some labels - gold, strategic, platinum, new (Nov 4) A life science - gold B retail - strategic C finance - platinum D marketing E infrastructure - new A, B,C,D,E -font size and color (Nov 4) A - gothic or calibri red B - gothic or arial blue C D -- universal yellow green E - Times New Roman purple Questions : 1. Color of D 2. Correct combination - C 3. For how many the font cannot be found - 3(A,B,D)


Q. That productivity of a factory is decreasing because there's this new game on smartphones, and workers are busy playing what should the authorities do. Ban smartphones/counsell them/ban the network/ban the game etc etc.

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