January 13, 2017 | Author: didmugambi | Category: N/A
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NLP stuff...


NLP Way to Remain Relevant to All - time’s Needs by ARNIZA GHAZALI UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA Previously Coached by ZAINAL ABIDIN RAHMAN NLP Trainer and Practitioner COMPETENCE STRATEGIES INTERNATIONAL (CSI) PTE LTD Singapore.

Heard of it? • Neuro-linguistic programming • A strategy for change of mind-set • Towards Competence and Excellence • Founder: John Grinder, Richard Bandler __ Adapted from 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Scientific understanding of The mind-and-body language __ Diagram from internet sources


of “NLP” • Founder: John Grinder, Richard Bandler • Over 30 years now: new cf. Islamic teachings • So, let’s view more.

__ Adapted from 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Past vs Present • Introduce NLP – remind and realise new benchmark • Intellect as key that perpetuates excellence - always • Look at perseverance & way to check – You are there – BRAVO! • Persuasion to excellence: OUR Goals – enhance excellence: keep momentum & check needs for acceleration __ Adapted from 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


• My goal for the mandated tasks: build mass of icons • My greatest strength : _________ • Thankfully, channel the strength. – Immediate goal: mandate to organisation – Short-term goal: serve the nation – Long-term goal: to see records of accepted deeds. (Al Akhir – the Visioner)

__ Adapted from several trainings by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore and ESQ Materials


5. Guide To Competency: – Quranic call for Intellect 1. Working from – 7 beliefs Strength: Approach – (+)ve Psychology & Essence of NLP 6. Various tones of 2. Desired Attributes of Strength Graduate Students – Strategy and Strategic – –

KPI view point Excellence-PerseveranceIntellect Connections

Planning – Determination: Tones and Intensity – Anchoring

7. Other Contemporary Perceptions 7 8. Output Story

NLP – O’Connors & Seymour Authors of Introducing NLP – Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People

• Communication model? Psychology? Model of excellence?

“NLP is the art and science of personal excellence.” __ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


NLP – O’Connors & Seymour Authors of Introducing NLP – Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People

• The art of NLP: Everyone brings their unique personality and style to what they do and this can be captured in words and techniques __ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


NLP – O’Connors & Seymour Authors of Introducing NLP – Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People

• The Science of NLP: There is method and process for discovering the patterns used by outstanding individuals in any fields to achieve outstanding results. __ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore | Color pic:


NLP – O’Connors & Seymour Authors of Introducing NLP – Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People

• The process is called modeling and • The patterns, skills and techniques so discovered are being used increasingly in counseling, education and business for more effective communication, personal development and accelerate

learning __ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


st 1

– Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetics – Olfactory – Gustatory

__ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore

element: “N” – Neuro -:driven by


nd 2

element: “L” - Linguistic • Language • Other non-verbal system thru which • The neural rep are coded, ordered and given meaning • E.g.: Pictures, Sounds, Feelings, Tastes, Smells, Words (self talk) __ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


3rd element “P” - Programming • The ability to discover and utilize the programs that we run (our communication to ourselves and others) in our neurological systems to achieve our specific and desired outcomes. ∴how

to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes.

__ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Fundamental dynamics between mind (neuro), language (linguistic) and how their interplay effects our body and behaviour (programming) -Robert Dilts



P 15


The traditional approach



Getting in Touch with Feelings • Identify a problem that is stopping you from performing • Draw a scale


------- -------☺ Joy)

• Answer the questions • How to check if solved? Signs of solution.

__ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Between Machine Approach (& NLP) • “The machine” approach or traditional approach • *Tendency of blaming, which can (if not wisely managed) lead to – depression and – dysfunction __ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore *Adapted from Rahman, Z. A. A. (2008) Catch the Coaching Moment Oak Publication, KL, p39.


NLP Approach • What makes people excellent? • What resources, strengths and strategies? • How we can model excellence.

Ibnu Sina (Avicenna) great scientist during the medieval Islamic civilisation.

__ Adapted from 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Essence of NLP • Map of reality is not Map of territory – borderless(?) – We don’t know reality – We only know perception of reality – We learn and respond thru sensory – It forms our “map of reality”


Essence of NLP • Life and mind are systemic processes – Intra-Human – Human-human – Human-environment – Interacting & influencing each other – Till State of balance (∴ MAP) 21

Essence of NLP∴ • Combines the 2 principles – Thus, wisdom, ethics and ecology of ourselves in the RICHEST MAP (cause and effect) – that allows them to perceive the greatest number of available choices and perspectives

∴Excellences comes from having many choices ∴Wisdom comes from having multiple perspectives 22

“Excellence” as of Graduate STUDENTS • How much data you can produce • If faced with problem, how well you overcome – Level of creativity? – Able to provide various options? – Volume of trial and error?

• Ability to meet datelines • Time management + punctuality + etc. 23

“Excellence” as of Graduate STUDENTS KPI as Benchmark: – Can write good report? – Can write journal or conference papers? – Number of papers as measure of productivity – present trend.


EXCELLENT See the ultimate needs: Able to plan to give back.

“My Role” “My contribution”

Make same mistake repeatedly! Not resourceful most of the times.

Dominant element of

self driven for correctness & thoroughness.

Able to meet dateline – report, Correctness: Minimal work done, present data via discussion only flaws, able to rationalise & decide on steps to it. POOR

Pushed by curiosity, willingness to learn allow work to be done correctly after making several mistakes. Still sluggish



Able to meet dateline – report, work done, present data in written and verbal forms – without request from Supervisor: self driven. Make same mistake repeatedly! Not resourceful most of the times.

Duplicate !

Able to meet dateline – report, work done, present data in written and verbal forms

Able to meet dateline – report, work done, present data via discussion only


Pushed by curiosity, willingness to learn allow work to be done correctly after making several mistakes. Still sluggish


Whatelse does it take to reach there? • Maximise your intellect • Creativity • Perseverance Thus,

Excellence-Perseverance-Intellect Connection 27

“Excellence” as of a Student Perseverance • Experience with cream of the crop: 10x printing & editing; 100 hours of editing; rewriting ⇒ Ability to play role as examiner, editor, if possible. [Keep thinking – not a talent but practice + perseverance]


“Excellence” as of a Scholar Perseverance “It is not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Albert Einstein ⇒ Ability to persevere in patience till outcome reveals __ Adapted from Rahman, Z. A. A. (2008) Catch the Coaching Moment Oak Publication, KL, p94.


Perseverance: A way to it•

Jim Collins’ time Utilisation: – 50% Writing •

M. Sc. Project 12 hours/day

– 30% Teaching •

Teach yourself by reading & seek info 8 hours (M. Sc. and other selfdevelopment

– 20% Personal 30

NLP in Indigenous Knowledge • Model of Excellence in the Quran: patience,

persevere in patience and constancy, guard yourselves,

• ..The best amongst you is the one who believes most in Me [49:13 mid.]

__ Adapted from Ali, A. Y. (1994) The Meaning of the Holy Quran Amana corporations, USA, pp178-179


To Ponder by Excellent Graduate Students, ∴ • Who plays the role of thinking? • Who is the primary thinker? Supervisor or Student..


__ Formulated from 1-day seminar on Acculturation of Research by Prof. Abdul Rashid of School of Housing, Building and Planning, USM.


Talmud Lesson Perseverance Parents are directed to stimulate their Evidence of children to ask questions – The early adherence to noble encouragement that explains why most teachings.. What about scientific and social innovations and us? ground-breaking ideas were pioneered by the Jews.* ⇒ Questioning mind stems from perseverance in thinking. __ *Adapted from Rahman, Z. A. A. (2008) Catch the Coaching Moment Oak Publication, KL, p102.


“The Thinking Mind” •

Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed


for men of understanding. •

Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting and lying down on their sides and

contemplate the

wonders of creation in the heavens and the earth, with the thought: “Our Lord! Not for naught hast thou created all this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the fire”

Ali ‘Imran 190-191 __ Adapted from Ali, A. Y. (1994) The Meaning of the Holy Quran Amana corporations, USA, pp178-179


“The Thinking Mind ++” If done on the grounds of intellect

“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.” - Respectful - Avoid impulsiveness

__ Adapted from Rahman, Z. A. A. (2008) Catch the Coaching Moment Oak Publication, KL, p100.

- Naquib Mahfouz


Importance: “The Thinking Mind ++” The exceptional of you - be the audience - & examiner – – – –

Preparation for viva Preparation for seminar / conference Preparation for exam Preparation before consultation

Indeed, it is a preparation to LIFE!

⇒ Breath to excellence 37

Blue Ocean Strategy: Red ocean – copy techniques – resentments. Blue ocean – business unusual. Path and outcome. Means – ethics as guide. Agree with Divinity. You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created -ALBERT EINSTEIN 38

Blue Ocean Strategy: Red ocean – copy techniques – resentments. Blue ocean – business unusual. Path and outcome. Means – ethics as guide. Agree with Divinity. You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created -ALBERT EINSTEIN 39

• Visionary • Materialise - Walk the talk – Set milestone – Focus – Move: fly! – Review & embrace __ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Story of someone who decided to ‘fly’ – Set milestone – Focus – Move: fly! Review & embrace: the icon you see today. __ Talk on “Contract Research” Prof. Dr Nor Azazi PTK 5 14 Dec 2010.


7 Beliefs of the Empowered Leader 1. I’m in-charge of my mind and therefore my results (disable distractions, e.g.) 2. The meaning of your communication is the response that you get (Effective communication – effective response) 3. Communication is redundant (you copy & are copied) 4. People respond to their map of reality, not to reality itself (Filters: values, attitude, etc., which form the choices and perceptions) 5. The most flexible element within any system will control that system (Adjustable ↑ adaptability) 6. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback 7. People have all the ability they need to succeed. __ Based on 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Imagine the LAST checkpoint

Anchoring • Lean against the story • Self-scaffold – model • Repeat by hour, by days, weeks, months, years, till the end of life.


Positive Psychology + Intellect • Willingness to perform better • Dedication – Execute research – Analyse data

– Think! – Decide on repetition – Report! 45

Quranic Terms for Intellect • Intellect that God called ‘light’ light when He said, Allah is the Light of the Heavens and Earth. His Light is like a niche in which is a lamp - the lamp encased in a glass - the glass, as it were, a glistening star. [24 : 35, don’t you like to en-light-en others?] __ Adapted from snippets of piece written by Faris, N. A. , URL:


Your own reading:

Knowledge on Human Intellect •

Then A'ishah said, "But are they not rewarded according to their works?" To which the Apostle replied: "O A'ishah! Have they ever achieved anything

Their works will always be in proportion to their intellect which God has given them, and their reward will be in proportion to their works".

except in proportion to what God has given them of intellect?

Intellect-deed-reward NP-NL-outcome

__ Adapted from snippets of piece written by Faris, N. A. , URL:


Your own reading

Knowledge on Human’s Intellect •

It was also related on the authority of Ibn-'Abbas that the Apostle of Allah said, "For everything there is an instrument and a tool, and the instrument of the believer is his intellect: for everything there is a mainstay, and the mainstay of man is his intellect; for everything there is a support, and the support of religion is the intellect; for every group of me there is a goal, and the goal of the worshippers is the intellect; for every people there is a missionary (who calls them to true faith), and the missionary of the devout is the intellect; for every merchant there are goods and merchandise, and the merchandise of the scholars is the intellect; for every house there is a keeper, and the keeper of the houses of the saints is the intellect; for every ruin there is rehabilitation, and the rehabilitation of death is the intellect; for every man there is a offspring who bears his name and perpetuates his memory, and the offsprings of the saints, who bear their names, and perpetuate their memory , are their intellects; and finally for

every journey there is a shelter, and the shelter of the believers is the intellect".

__ Adapted from snippets of piece written by Faris, N. A. , URL:


Drive Change by

Knowledge on Human’s Intellect • ..most mature mind among you is he who fears God most, most fulfilling best what He enjoined and desisting from what He has forbidden, although that man may be the least willing to obey."

__ Adapted from snippets of piece written by Faris, N. A. , URL:


Logical level of Change Gregory Bateson

__ Adapted from 1-day training, Personality of Success by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Al-Ghazali’s 6 Steps towards Change and Improvement - Ihya Ulumuddin (Magnum Opus)

__ Adapted from 1-day training, Personality of Success by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore Elaboration: Yatimah Sarmani and Mohd Tajudin Ninggal (2008) Teori Kaunseling Al-Ghazali, PTS Publications and Distributors Sdn Bhd, Selangor, p27-28


Al-Ghazali’s Concept Ihya Ulumuddin (Magnum Opus)

• The never-ending cycle • Process to change • Forgetting this cycle – we no longer improve • 8-900* years ago • “Should have been embedded in our DNA” __ Adapted from 1-day training, Personality of Success by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore Adapted from Yatimah Sarmani and Mohd Tajudin Ninggal (2008) Teori Kaunseling Al-Ghazali, PTS Publications and Distributors Sdn Bhd, Selangor, p27-28

__ *Cross-ref with info at


Other Contemporary Ideas


Brain response to setbacks Reader’s Digest May 2009

• Research found that neural network forms as response to failure • A turning point to success • Knowing how to approach failure (-ve feedback or rather, setbacks?) can be the first step to success. • The latest science and strategies of how to WIN in the end. __ Adapted from Kita, J. (2009) The Bounce Back Chronicles in Reader’s Digest, May issue, p78


Brain response to setbacks Reader’s Digest May 2009

.. But it is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. - J. K. Rowling author of Harry Porter __ Adapted from Kita, J. (2009) The Bounce Back Chronicles in Reader’s Digest, May issue, p80


Is = NLP •

Just clad differently with 4 elements: 1. Have a clear outcome of what you want or desire 2. Take action (‘don’t just hang around wishing/whining’) 3. Be flexible when taking action – if 1 method does not work, try another. 4. Be aware whether you’re going nearer or further fr the outcome 56

Just some output stories..


Having done enough thinking (what graduate studies is all about).. “Thinking” as the training ground.

Happiness & sense of accomplishment – direct correlation 58

Ultimately • Help out others in need of help • You just listened to NLP and NLP++ • Pass on the good from here. • The chain continues.. 59

Demonstration of Anchoring The Wider Scope

• Space • Picture • Sounds: nature, night, morning, azan

• Texture: silk • Fume __ Adapted from 1-day training, Practical NLP for Leaders by Zainal Abidin Rahman of Competence Strategies International, Singapore


Picture Message: Beauty in isolation - Companion of the night Metaphore to study years, -the lonely years (isolation) -Limited companionship -But wonderful prize awaits at the end of journey (beauty)


Recall purpose: To manage our state

------- -------☺ Joy) 61


Example of Success – depending on how you see it:


YOU! 63

SUMMARY • NLP – model for excellence – Recall the 4 elements, slide 58.

• Define desired outcome (winning end and what it takes to get there) • Models help: energising moments, people, achievements & even poems/fictions/history – ANCHOR THEM! • Start these with the intellect in you! 64

‘Learn one, teach one’ a topic in RD.

“Apa yang lahir dari bibir akan sampai ke telinga, apa yang lahir dari hati akan sampai kepada hati.” __ Adapted from Yatimah Sarmani and Mohd Tajudin Ninggal (2008) Teori Kaunseling Al-Ghazali, PTS Publications and Distributors Sdn Bhd, Selangor, p27-28


“What I do I understand”

Best Wishes ! ..for every journey there is a shelter, and the shelter of the believers is the intellect". – All-time’s need.


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