Nift-Thesis Synopsis Updated

May 6, 2019 | Author: Muhammed Faris | Category: Arts (General), Clothing
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NIFT Haryana Synopsis...





INTRODUCTIONNational institute of fashion technology (NIFT) is a fashion institute in India. It was set up in 1986 under the aegis of the ministry of tetiles! go"ernment of India and is an institution of design! management and technology for the international fashion #usiness. $ith its head o%ce in new &elhi! NIFT has centres at 'um#ai! olata! angra! *andhinagar! +ydera#ad! ,hennai! -angalore! ae#areli! /atna! 0hillong! -hopal! annur! -hu#aneswar and odhpur where it o2ers four3 year #achelor and two3year master programmes in the areas of design! management and technology. 4 new NIFT campus is proposed in /anchula! +aryana aimed to de"elop tetile! handloom and cottage industry in +aryana.

AIM To de"elop a world class institute of fashion technology at +aryana! con5rming to NIFT standards.


 To pro"ide world class institute and encourage it to generate more internal resources! promote inno"ation and result in an o"erall impro"ement in the standard of education and research.  To achie"e a space for #udding designers and local rich culture acti"ities of +aryana.  -uild lins #etween the en"ironment and #uilt spaces.  The institution would act as a functional center of creati"eness! education and promotion era for fashion goods.  To esta#lish a landmar to the surroundings.  %cient circulation and paring.  To stand out in terms of function! form and an energy conscious design.

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 The institution will pro"ide educational facilities to the students thus understanding the wors #eing performed in the fashion and tetile industry. $ors done will #e promoted through ehi#ition halls and museum! helping the institute to gain a new identity than other fashion institute .  The goods displayed can #e eported thus leading in the economic de"elopment of the institute.  This proect will #e the com#ination of art! architecture and design and thus creating a landmar for the city lie +aryana.


&etailed analysis of the site.

 0tudying the reuirements of the proect.

 iterature study for the #est understanding of the su#ect.

 :isiting similar sites for reference and case study.

 "olution of concept for designing.

 Finali;ing the structures and reuirements.

 ,reating an aesthetic eco3friendly design for the proect.

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NIFT3Thesis 0ynopsis <


+aryana! one of the richest states of Indian union has fertile land and "i#rant industrial en"ironment. It also has a thri"ing tetile maret particularly! of handloom and home furnishings. The arts and crafts of +aryana include a "ariety of styles and re?ect the rich cultural heritage of the 0tate. /anchula is a planned city in /anchula district! +aryana! India. It forms a part of a continuous area with the @nion Territory of ,handigarh and the city of 'ohali.  /anchula is surrounded #y /atiala district of /una# and ,handigarh in the $est soaln and sirmour district of +imachal pradesh in the North and south as well as ast 4m#ala.  The ,handigarh3'ohali3/anchula metropolitan region collecti"ely forms a Tri3city! with a com#ined population of o"er 7 million.

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/roposed site is around 1A acres metro /olitian area #eside the sector 7
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