NICMAR GPQS-11 - Construction Technology

June 6, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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GPQS 11 Construction Technology



'hat is Soil Soil sta(ili) sta(ili)ation ation** 'hat are the the +arious +arious metho$s metho$s o sta(ili sta(ili)atio )ation* n* &,!lain &,!lain these (riely.  (. Pre!are concrete ormor an$ concrete concrete reinorcement checlist* checlist*



 Answer-1: a. What is Soil Soil stabiliz stabilization ation? ? What ae ae the !aio"s !aio"s metho#s metho#s o$ stabilizat stabilization? ion? E%&lain these bie$l'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Soil sta(ili)ation is any treatment a!!lie$ to a soil to im!ro+e its strength an$ +ulnera(ility to ater/ i treate$ soil is a(le to ithstan$ the stresses im!ose$ on it  (y traic un$er all eather con$itions ithout $eormation0 then it is generally regar$e$ as sta(le. The main metho$s o soil sta(ili)ations or roa$ !ur!oses are/ 1. echa echani nica call sta(i sta(ili li)a )ati tion on 2. Cemen Cementt sta( sta(il ili) i)at atio ion n 3. #ime #ime sta sta(i (ili li)a )ati tion on 4. itu itumi mino nous us sta(i sta(ili li)a )ati tion on

(. Me)hani)al stabilization*

echanical sta(ili)ation is accom!lishe$ (y mi,ing or (len$ing soils o to or more gra$ations to o(tain a material meeting the reuire$ s!eciication. The soil (len$ing may tae !lace at the construction site0 at a central !lant0 or at a


 (orro area. The (len$e$ material is then s!rea$ an$ com!acte$ to reuire$ $ensities (y con+entional means. echanical sta(ili)ation can (e $one in three in$ o site installation as $escri(e$ olloing. %n site mi, o a granular  sta(ili)e$ su((ase shall irst s!rea$ing the reuire$ thicness o im!orte$ (orro soil in uniorm $e!th0 an$ then a$mi,ing the $ry constituent materials using con+entional (la$e gra$ers to mo+e them  rom one si$e o the roa$ to other. 5!on com!letion o the (len$ing !rocess the $rymi,e$ materials is s!rea$ in layer o uniorm thicness an$ ater is a$$e$ +ia the s!ray (ar o a ater taner to (ring it to the $esire$ moisture content or  com!action to a uniorm thicness. %n Tra+elling !lant construction0 the !rocess is similar to that $escri(e$ a(o+e0 e,ce!t that a single !ass o s!eciali)e$ mo+ing eui!ment is all that is necessary to $ry mi, the soils0 a$mi, ater0 an$ s!rea$ the moist material to a uniorm $e!th0 !rior to com!action. %n stationary !lant0 the soil to (e (len$e$ are (rought to a central location or  su!!ly0 an$ s!eciali)e$ eui!ment is then use$ to !ro!ortion an$ mi, the materials an$ ater0 ater hich the moist mi,ture shall (e (rought to the construction site (y truc0 s!rea$ to a uniorm $e!th (y an aggregate s!rea$er  an$ com!acte$. 'hilst this construction !rocess is more e,!ensi+e than the to !re+iously $escri(e$0 it normally using in large scale ors.

+. Cement Stabilization*

Cement sta(ili)ation is the most commonly use$ in su(gra$e ca!!ing an$6or  su((ase layers in ma7or roa$ !a+ements0 an$ in su((ases an$ roa$(ases o  secon$ary ty!e roa$s. 8t is ne+er use$ in surace courses (ecause0 as ell as ha+ing !oor resistance to a(rasion0 it must (e !rotecte$ rom moisture entry into the cracs that ill ine+ita(ly orm the cement treate$ material. The ma7or actors o cement sta(ili)ation use i$ely are (ecause o olloing reasons/ - &asily a+aila(ility o cement in all !laces - 5se o cement usually in+ol+es less care an$ control than many other  sta(ili)ers. - ore technical inormation a+aila(le o cement treate$ soil mi,ture than any other ty!e o soil sta(ili)ation. - ost ty!e o soils can (e sta(ili)e$ ith cement i enough is use$ ith the right amount o ater an$ !ro!er com!action an$ curing. Cement as a sta(ili)ing me$ium can (e +ery eecti+e i use$ !ro!erly. A!!ro!riate !article si)e $istri(ution0 thorough mi,ing an$ maintenance o  o!timum moisture le+els ill yiel$ a successul mi, ith ma,imum inal set GPQS-11

strength. A com!romise in any o the a(o+e ill result in a re$uction in strength o the inishe$ !ro$uct. 9oe+er inal set strength is not the only reuirement o cement0 a$euate ora(ility an$ a$euate :i lo; strength  !rior to curing are to others. These other reuirements oten conlict ith the ma,imi)ation o inal strength  or e,am!le (y calling or higher clay content. A suita(le soil can (e consi$ere$ to (e one that has no organic material0 has a clay content (eteen 1
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