Nick Halden- MoneyMasters.pdf

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Global Wealth Strategies for the New Millennium®



Chapter 00 - Introduction - By Nik Halik


Chapter 01 - Bob Proctor - The Laws of Attraction


Chapter 02 - Tom Hopkins - Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1


Chapter 03 - Tom Hopkins - Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2


Chapter 04 - Marshall Sylver - Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1


Chapter 05 - Marshall Sylver - Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2


Chapter 06 - Johnny Wimbrey - The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1


Chapter 07 - Johnny Wimbrey - The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2


Chapter 08 - Warren Black - Tax Intelligence


Chapter 09 - Tom Hua - Internet eBook Riches


Chapter 10 - Nik Halik - Wealth Intelligence 101


Chapter 11 - Rick Otton - Property No Money Down Pt. 1


Chapter 12 - Rick Otton - Property No Money Down Pt. 2


Chapter 13 - Johnny Wimbrey - Success University


Chapter 14 - Loral Langemeier - The Millionaire Maker


Chapter 15 - Nik Halik - Stock Market Intelligence


Chapter 16 - John Childers - Million Dollar Speaker Training


Chapter 17 - David Cavanagh - Getting Started on the Internet


Chapter 18 - Adam Ginsberg - Internet Income Generator


Chapter 19 - Adam Ginsberg - MySpace Marketing Systems


Chapter 20 - Mike Filsaime - Butterfly Marketing Systems


Chapter 21 - Peter Bland - Never Give Up Life Mastery


Chapter 22 - Stephen Pierce - $387,000 per Month on the Internet

530 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Introduction by Nik Halik

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu In an age with so many distractions vying for our attention, simply by reading eBook you are demonstrating your commitment to taking the inaugural step in setting yourself apart from the masses. No matter what a person’s status or level of achievement in society, those who have reached a pinnacle of success in life do not rest on their laurels. No person can become so astute in any mental faculty, that they are not able to further raise their level of awareness. The universe cannot put good into your hand until you let go of what you are holding in it. The most powerful prosperity tool is wisdom and by increasing it, your wisdom will always manifest a corresponding compounding increase in wealth. Hence, we are born to evolve and thrive on change in order to harness new energies and opportunities. The following reading will communicate to your inner emotions and stir the fires of your soul. It will enrich your life and guide you to the keys of Mind and Wealth Prosperity. You now hold within yourself this principle of power that contains the solutions to a brighter future, a path to greatness and the formula for reaching your peak potential. With the absolute awakening of this principle, your mental faculties will be intelligently sculptured and coherently aligned towards infinite greatness. Today is a good day. Your dream has never been closer than it is at this exact instant. You will vividly visualize the image of what you desire in your mind. As you plant the seeds for your future prosperity, the words you speak will reflect the prosperity consciousness you possess. This discovery of your true assignment will allow the universe to provide to you your next assignment when you are overqualified for this one. Your beliefs will change as you will allow yourself the luxury of critical thinking. Like writing a movie script of your vision, you will be involving all of your senses. You will ascertain that your mind is an instrument for poverty or prosperity. This transformation of thought process will bypass your conscious resistance and connect you to the deeper levels of your emotions. In summary, my illumination is that you will draw a line in the sand and integrate your newly inspired internal representation of core beliefs. You will have the assignment of opportunity to re-program the most powerful computer in the world – your mind, to become prosperous. Understanding that the mind is not an object but merely an activity, your mind will develop into an ‘image maker’ governed by universal law. I encourage you to subscribe to, enrol and nurture others into your newly discovered vision, where dreams become reality. In the end it just comes down to one thing. You can’t run from the wind. You face reality. You face the world. Untie the mooring lines of limiting beliefs that hold you back from success. You trim your sails and maintain momentum. I encourage you to set sail on a voyage of evolution. I look forward to greeting you on the other side. Live with passion and dare to dream. Make your life an epic extraordinary adventure. Yours in Prosperity

Nik Halik Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

BOB PROCTOR The Laws of Attraction Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

BOB PROCTOR: Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Good morning. -- Good morning.

Prosperity and Abundance Thro ough the Laws of Attraction. Bob Proctorr is widely

How’s everybody this morning? -- Great.

regarded as one of the living masters and teachers of The Secret and hass worked in the area of mind potential for over o 40 years.

Good. Well, we’re going to talk about this law today. How many really want to understand it bette er than you already do?

He is the best-selling author of You Were Born Rich, and has

How many feel that you’ve been studyiing it and studying and

transformed the lives of million ns through his books, seminars,

it just isn’t clicking right for you? How many m find that? How many can raise their arm above their sh houlder? All right. Now,

courses and personal coaching g... For 40 years, Bob Proctor has focused his entire agenda arou und helping people create lush lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness.

how many of you are going to tell the truth t if I ask you a question? That’s very important. How many m of you feel that you just haven’t got it clicking right yett? Now, we got a few more hands, you see.

p you because he comes from a life of Bob Proctor knows how to help want and limitation himself. In 1960, he was a high school dropout with a resume of dead-end jobss and a future clouded in debt. One book was placed in his hands – Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich – that planted the seed of hopee in Bob’s mind.

Well, you know, “The Secret” has been n around for a long, long time. I think you all know that. Eve erything you read tells you that but the way Rhonda Byrne put it together is literally changing the consciousness of much of the world. And I think the genius in what sh he did is how she put it together. She grabbed your attention. She S set aside your thinking mind and went right to your y emotions and it stirs you. It does something to you.

Do you know the same thing happened a number of years ago? Back in 1959 Earl Nightingale – how many of you have listened to Earl Nightingale? How manyy have never heard of Earl Nightingale?

You just have no idea how shocking that t is to me. Earl Nightingale made a recording in 19 959 called “The Strangest Secret”. How many are familiar with “Th he Strangest Secret”? Not that many. Well, I’m going to tell you, you should buy it. You can get it at the Nightingale-Conan nt Corporation and its 40 minutes of the best philoso ophy you’re ever going to listen to. It is absolutely incredible and Earl has what you call “good pipes”. I used to say if God G had a voice – that guy has a phenomenal voice, just absolutely inccredible.

But at any rate he made a recording back b in 1959 and it was called “The Strangest Secret” and The Strangest Secret was that we become what we think about. That T was the Strangest Secret. And he says it’s strang ge that it’s a secret. Well, he said that is the one point that all the gre eat leaders have all agreed on all down through history. They’ve disagreed on virtually everything else but they have all a been in complete unanimous agreement that we become what we think about.

Now, if we can back on the screen herre. There is Earl Nightingale receiving a Gold record from f Columbia Records for The Strangest Secret. Now, this is the first time, or that was, that a record had sold over a million n copies that was outside of Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

the entertainment industry. Now, I had the good fortune of working with him at that time when he got that record but that record along with a book called “Think and Grow Rich” literally changed my entire life and then the new Secret came along and it kicked it into another dimension.

But I picked up the book Think and Grow Rich a number of years ago and I started reading it. Nik was looking at this today; the book is literally falling apart. I have been reading this copy since 1963. Now, some of you weren’t even here in 1963 but I’ve been reading – I started to read it then and I have never stopped reading it. Now, The Strangest Secret along with Think and Grow Rich – Earl Nightingale took and condensed this book and narrated it onto a record.

I began listening to The Strangest Secret, Think and Grow Rich on a recording and then reading this book and I was literally driving around with a portable record player. Some of you have never seen a record player but I had this portable record player that operated on flashlight batteries. It was about that long, about that wide and about that high and you take the top off and an arm would spring out and there was a little rubber wheel and the batteries turned the wheel and the wheel turned the record and I would drive around listening to that record and this went on and on and on. I just kept doing this and I didn’t really understand what I was doing but I was literally writing a new program in my head.

Now, do you know, we talked about freedom. I think everyone wants freedom. We want time and money freedom. I’ve often said that, you know, you’ll be amazed how much free time you’ll have when you never have to think about money and you really will. When you have a money problem it consumes your day. It literally consumes your day. You can't buy anything without wondering “can I afford it?” You see people going through the supermarket with a little calculator. They look at something and they add on it and they’ll take it or put it back on the shelf. Money is their problem, you see. And they don’t understand this but it literally changes their life.

Now, I had a man sit down with me in 1961 and he put an “R” on a sheet of paper. Then he put three letters down beside it. Two “h’s” and a “w”. Now he said, “Bob, I want you to let that represent happiness, that represent health and this represent wealth”. Then he asked me if I thought he was a happy guy. And I said, “Yeah, you seem pretty happy to me”. He said, “Have you ever seen me when I was sick?” And I had to admit I hadn’t. He said, “Have you ever seen me when I was broke?” And again I had to admit I hadn’t. Well, he said, “You’ve got to be one of the most miserable people I have ever met” and I was. I was an unhappy human being but, you know, most of the people I hung around with were unhappy. We have a tendency to attract people into our life that are much the same as ourselves.

Yet he said, “You’re always broke” and he said, “You’re always sick” and he said, “You don’t have a terminal illness or anything but you’re always got a headache or a cold or a backache or something”. And he said, “Why don’t you change the way you live”. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

Now, he was the one that gave me this book. His name was Ray Stanford, Raymond Douglas Stanford. My youngest son is named Raymond Douglas Proctor. But he gave me this book and he said, “Why don’t you change?” Now, if you’re having trouble getting that law of attraction working I’m going to say the same thing to you, “Why don’t you change?” Because that’s what Ray said to me and then he gave me a directive. He said, “If you will do exactly what I’m telling you – do exactly what I’m telling you, everything in your life will change.

He said, “Don’t ever stop reading this book” and I never have. I never have. Now, it’s literally fallen apart. Jack Canfield almost talked me into auctioning it off one time. He did. Well, you see I believe if you won't lend something you should give it away because you don’t own it, it owns you. And so you see I’m at that tipping point with this book. I have lent it but I don’t want to give it away, you see.

There’s such good energy with this book and I just keep reading it and I keep reading it and do you know there isn’t a problem that comes into my life, it doesn’t matter what the challenge is, I can find the answer in here. If I just start reading the answer comes to me.

See the answer comes with the question and what you’ve got to do is get your mind onto creative vibration. But at any rate he said, “Just do exactly what I’m telling you”. Then he got me onto the records and he got me listening to the records. So I’m reading the book and I’m listening to the records.

Now, I really didn’t believe I could change and I remember him taking money out of his pocket and he says, “This stuff can't talk but it can hear” and he said, “If you call it it’ll come”. Now, that sort of stuck in my mind. He said, “You can have anything you seriously want” but he said, “You’ve got to follow some direction” and I never followed direction. I resented discipline. I really did. And you see I had had people talking to me since I was a little kid. I remember the teachers in school say, “Bob, why do you do that?” I said, “I don’t know”. And they said, “What do you mean you don’t know. You know better”. “I know”. “Well, why did you do it?” “I don’t know”.

I went in the Navy. Every commanding officer I had, “Proctor why are you doing that?” I was doing things that were getting results I didn’t want to get and I’d say, “I don’t know”. They’d say, “What do you mean you don’t know. You know better”. “I know”. “Well, why are you doing that?” “I don’t know”.

I came out of the Navy and I got jobs in different places and they’d say, “Proctor, why are you doing that?” and I’d say, “I don’t know”. They’d say, “What do you mean you don’t know. You know better”. “I know”. “Well, I admit it I don’t know”. When I got married my wife says, “Why are you doing that?” and I said, “Drop it right there”, okay.

Now, do you know I was doing things that I didn’t want to do? It was giving me results I didn’t want to get and yet it was doing them anyway. Yet it was like I wasn’t able to stop. See, we already know how to do better than we’re doing. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

That’s not our problem. Our problem is we don’t know why we’re doing what we’re doing but we come up with some answers but they’re excuses. They’re not the real cause of our problem. Now, I’m going to share with you some of what I’ve learned. We’ve got maybe an hour, an hour and a half. So I’m not going to be able to cover it all but I’m going to give you a pretty good idea and if you really pay attention your whole life can change. Now, I’m going to tell how much mine changed in a year. I was earning $4,000 a year when Ray sat down and gave me this information. Yet he said, “If you do exactly” – now I owed $6,000, you see. That is not a good position to be in, if you owe six and you’re only earning four. See logic would dictate that you’re really in bad shape. If I had taken every cent I earned for 18 months and paid my debt I would have just broken even and I would have had nothing to live on.

So, you see, I knew that I just couldn't win. He said, “That’s why you can't. I want you to stop thinking of why you can't and I want you to start imaging what you want”. And do you know he says, “In here” he said, “There’s a secret in this book”. And he said, “If you can find the secret in the book you can have anything you seriously want”. And so I started to look for the secret and I was having difficulty finding it and when I did find it I found it was in a hundred different places in the book and it was so basic and so simple. It was simply sit down, decide what you want, write it on a card, carry the card in your pocket and read it as often as possible every day.

Now, I was doing a radio interview the day before yesterday with Jay Keith in Chicago and he said, “I got one of your programs” and he said, “I saw some of the stuff in it” and he said, “Quite frankly it seemed pretty elementary”. And I said, “Is that right?”

Well I said, “Let me tell you the truth isn’t always in the appearance of things”. And I said, “Tell me what your mind looks like” and he started to laugh. And I said, “See you don’t know”. And I said, “If you paid attention to what was in those books you’d learn something”. Well, that’s what Hill said and so I started to pay attention and it didn’t matter how elementary it was Ray said, “If they tell you to do it, do it. You don’t ask any questions”.

So I wrote on the card what I wanted. I wanted $25,000. Now, I was sitting in a fire hall in a suburb of Toronto. I didn’t believe I could get 25,000. There wasn’t money to eat. We would have had to sell one of the trucks to come up with that kind of money. I mean, I didn’t know anyone with 25,000 but I’m wandering around reading this card. I put my hand in my pocket. I pull the card out and I read it, “By New Year’s Day of 1970 I will have in my possession $25,000”.

See I really didn’t believe it was going to happen but you know it’s a strange thing. A year later I was earning $175,000 a year and then I took it over $1,000,000. I honestly believe that earning money is one of the simplest things in the world to do. Do you know why most people think it isn’t? Because there’s so few people doing it.

Most people will not even be honest in a conversation when it comes to money. So they’ll start to say, “Well money isn’t important”. That’s an absurd statement. Money is very important. Then they’ll hear them say, “Well, money won't make Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

you happy”. The next time somebody says that to you look them square in the eye and say, “Really?” Say, “Do you know you cannot drive around town in a refrigerator.” They’re going to look at you like you’re really – then they’ll say, “What are you talking about?” “I just thought I’d make a ridiculous statement since you’re into ridiculous statements”. You see, refrigerators are meant to preserve food. They weren’t meant to drive around town in.

Well, money was never meant to make you happy. Money is meant to make you comfortable and at least if you’re comfortable and you’re miserable you’ll be miserable in comfort. There’s some consolation to it. Now think, what happened to me is what I want to talk to you about because what happened to me can happen to you. I have a business partner, where’s Gerry, is he in the room? Did he just leave? I met him – I’ll introduce him when he comes back.

I met him. He had earned $100,000 in a year and he really thought that was pretty good. Mark Victor Hansen introduced him to me. Mark and I were shooting the video in Toronto and he knew Gerry so he invited him over and Gerry was really quite turned on, this is 20 years ago, that he had earned $100,000 the previous year. And I said, “Do you know something, if you do exactly what I tell you I’ll show you how to earn that every month”. And I can tell you that and that’s what I’m going to be talking about.

So, you see, this didn’t happen by accident. It happened because I did certain things. Now, most people that win cannot articulate on why they win. They really can't. They’re at a loss to tell you. Some of the biggest producers in the world, yet some of the largest companies in the world, they cannot tell you why they’re such big producers. The companies don’t know why they’re such big producers. Therefore they can't duplicate it and give it to all the people in the company.

I remember 30 years ago I went into Prudential of America who was the number one insurance company in the world and we were in mid-America, Illinois in Indiana, that was number one territory in the number one company in the world, and we increased their sales by hundreds of millions of dollars and all we did was show them how to do what they already knew how to do. That whole company changed.

You see, I had a man come up to me at the Waldorf in New York one time and we had done a three day seminar there and this great big guy came up to me and he said, “You know, that’s the first time I have understood what I did”. He said, “I really want to thank you for this information”. I said, “What did you do?” He said, “I won the Gold medal in the decathlon in the Olympics in Melbourne, Australia in 1956. I said, “Really?” He was the greatest athlete in the world and he said, “I never knew how I did it”. Most people cannot tell you why they’re doing what they’re doing.

Most real big performers are what you call “unconscious competents.” They competent but they’re not conscious of why they’re competent. Therefore they cannot pass it on to somebody else. This is why we have such enormous piles of ignorance in the world. We really do. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

Andrew Carnegie was the wealthiest man in the world and he commissioned Napoleon Hill to write the Laws of Achievement. No one had ever done it and Carnegie says it’s an absolute shame that people have all this information and they take it to the grave with them and he introduced him to 500 of the world’s most successful people. That’s where this book came from. He wrote the Laws of Achievement and from that came Think and Grow Rich.

Now, he asked Carnegie one day, he said, “Why is it that you’re worth so much and there are other people that work very hard and they have no money?” And this is the answer Carnegie gave him, he said, “I demand riches in definite terms”.

See, it wasn’t, “I wonder if it’s going to happen”. He said, “I demand riches in definite terms. I have a definite plan for acquiring riches. I am engaged in carrying out my plan and I am giving an equivalent and useful service of the value of the riches that I demand”.

You see, Carnegie knew exactly what he wanted but Carnegie did not know why he was the richest man in the world. God was part of it. He knew exactly where he was going. He knew exactly what he wanted and he commissioned Hill, who was a young reporter at the time, and he introduced him to some of the world’s most successful people. Like he became intimate friends with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Firestone and he studied their lives and he found there was a golden thread running through their lives.

Well, you see, I wasn’t satisfied with the fact that I was winning. I really wasn’t. Now, most people that go from 4,000 to over 1,000,000 they’d be pretty happy just playing. I wasn’t. I was so stunned by what was happening to me that I had to know why.

You see, I had been raised to believe, much the same as many of you have been raised to believe, that if you’re going to earn a lot of money you’ve got to be really smart and I knew that wasn’t true because I wasn’t that smart and I knew I wasn’t very smart. If you’re going to build a big organisation you have to have a lot of experience. I knew that wasn’t true because I had a company that was operating in Toronto, Montreal, Boston, Cleveland, Atlanta, London, England, and I had never gone to school. I had two months high school.

But I had this book and I had these records and I was getting everyone to set goals. I was just getting them to build a vision. I was just inspiring people. I was leading them. I didn’t know what I was doing. I had no idea what I was doing. So I’d buy that book and I’d give it to people and I’d buy records and I’d give them to people and nothing happened with them. And so I reasoned it’s not the book and it’s not the record, what it is? How come I’ve changed?

Now, do you see I do not believe that there is some emotional and capricious God that reaches out and blesses some and curses others? I just don’t think it happens that way. I really believe we all get the same deal. It doesn’t appear like we Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

do but we really do. And so I thought somebody has to know why I changed and they’ve either written in their book or they’re talking about it and I made up my mind if I had to read every book that was ever written I would figure out why Bob changed.

Well, you know it took me nine years. It took me nine years but I figured it out. Now, do I have all the answers? No, but I have mentioned to many people that I’ve got licence to brag about all the information I got because none of it is mine and I am just obsessed with the idea of sharing with other people what I have learned because I really believe that you and I deserve to enjoy the good life.

Now, after really getting things rolling and wanting to learn this, and I was having difficulty getting the answers, I made up my mind I was going to work with my mentor. Now, I didn’t know how it was going to happen but I made up my mind. You see in this book a man named Barnes wanted to be associated with Edison. Edison was winning. He was a winner. He was a big shooter at that time. Barnes was prepared to do anything just to work with him. And I think that’s what inspired me. I made up my mind I was going to work with Earl Nightingale.

So there’s an old picture of me in 1968. I was already in the business and I was working with Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant. Now, Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant started the Nightingale-Conant Corporation. That is the largest distribution house of self-help material in the world. Earl had quite an interesting sense of humour and I pretty well know what he would be saying to Lloyd there. He’d be saying, “Do you think this kid is ever going to put on any weight?” But I got an education there like most people would never get, absolutely a phenomenal education.

You see the company was big enough that it had different departments but it was small enough that if you wanted something done you had to get into the department and help them. And then I had a goal. I wanted to become Vice President of sales. I only wanted that goal so I would have an office right beside Earl’s and I wanted to study what he was doing. I found his calendar. I got access to his calendar because I got to know his secretary.

You know, some of them would come in – Eric Hoffer. I would do some study and I would find out about them and when they stepped out of Earl’s office I’d step out of mine and I’d introduce myself and get a couple of minutes with them. Some of them became my friends. But if Earl ordered a book I’d get a book. If he subscribed to a magazine, I’d subscribe to a magazine. I made up my mind if I wanted to win I should do what winners were doing. You see.

Now, I think that’s almost inherent within us, it’s just that we don’t do it. We don’t do it. If you want to do something find somebody that’s already doing it and study them. Study them like a scientist. See, I believe I could take anybody in the room and show them how to become a millionaire or multi-millionaire. There’s nothing complicated about it and there’s nothing tricky about it. I can show you how to do it. Why? Because I know how to do it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

Now, I wasn’t happy with just studying how to do it. I wanted to not only know how to do it, I wanted to know how to teach other people how to do it because most people that are very good at what they’re doing don’t necessarily know how to teach somebody else what they’re doing. And we formed Life Success Productions.

Now, we have a number of companies under Life Success. It’s the Life Success group of companies today and we operate all over the world and it’s a very successful organisation. So we have people in many different countries and we go into many cultures and I have found one thing: that we’re all essentially the same. We look different but we’re not different.

We’re different colours, different shapes, different sizes, we speak different languages, eat different foods, wear different clothes but we’re essentially all the same.

See when you get past the culture people are essentially the same. Do you know what culture is? It’s group habit. Culture is a paradigm. Yet when you get past the culture everybody is exactly the same. If you took everybody in this room and tossed them into a real good fire we’d all be reduced to exactly the same level. That’s right. And so we decided we were going to teach this.

Now, I want you to think of this for a moment. They say that financial success has a lot to do with being in the right place at the right time. How many agree with that? Hold up your hand if you agree with that. You see, I agreed with that too but that’s not the whole deal because many of you have been in the right place at the right time and you missed it. I’ve been in the right place at the right time and blew it. Why? Well, the missing ingredient is you’ve got to be aware that you’re in the right place at the right time. If you’re not aware that you’re in the right place at the right time you’re not going to be able to take advantage of it.

Do you know that there’s people in this hotel that are looking for this information and they’re up there sitting in the restaurant or sitting in the bar. They could come down and walk in here. There was all kinds of the people heard the advertisements on this and they’re not here. Do you know why? They’re not ready. Do you know why you’re here? You’re ready. We’re always in the right place for the right reason at the right time.

Now, I’m going to go through a little exercise with you and this is probably one of the most important exercises that you’ll ever see. It’s simple but it’s very enlightening. I want you to let the little dot in the centre of the screen there represent your level of awareness.

Now, think of this, your results are an expression of your level of awareness. Your results – stop and think of your results. When I met Ray Stanford, like he pointed out, I was unhappy. I was sick. I was broke. They were my results. Your results are Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

an expression of your own level of awareness. If we improve our level of awareness or expand on it everything in our life changes, not just one thing, everything in our life changes and our life will never be the same again.

Now, keep staying with me here. If we expand what happens? See people aren’t earning 100,000 a year because they want 100,000 a year. People are earning 100,000 a year because they’re not aware of how to earn 100,000 a month. That’s pretty simple; isn’t it? Like Victoria and I were talking at the back of the room and she said, “I never get headaches” and I said, “Why would you?” You see. I don’t get headaches. Why would you get a headache? You see. It’s your head. You make it ache. You can make it stop but most people don’t know that. They think they are their head. They don’t know they have a head. No, you’re not a head, you have a head. You never hear anyone say “and body”. We say “my body”, “my car”, “my little flipper”, “my computer”, “my PowerPoint”. These are the things we have, “my head”, “my body”, “it’s my leg”, “my hand”. These are things I have but it’s not me. You see.

If my head is aching I’ve made it ache. If I made it ache I can make it stop. Doesn’t that make sense? Somebody said, “Damn, I never thought of that before”. Now, you know what you just did? You became aware of something. Instead of saying “Oh, my head is aching, my head is aching” – like saying, “I am head, it aches, I am head”. No, you have a head. You made it ache. If you made it ache you can make it stop. Do you know how to get your head to stop aching? Totally relax.

Now if you can stay in a totally relaxed state all the time your head will never start aching. Your head aches because you get uptight and the blood rushes to the head, baboomp, baboomp, baboomp. You see, you could just image the blood flowing back down into the body and it will. Don’t image it all flowing in because you’ll faint. You will, okay.

Why would a person earn 100,000 a year? Because they’re not aware of how to earn a hundred a month. Now, just think of how your life changes as you expand your level of awareness. Do you know what you’re going to do in here today, tomorrow, the next day? You’re going to expand your level of awareness. As you expand your level of awareness your whole world changes. How many would like, really genuinely want to turn your annual income to a monthly income? Let me see a show of hands.

Now, here’s something you want to focus on. Although they want to, most people don’t believe they can and because they don’t believe they can they’re not seriously looking for how to do it. If you want to turn your annual income into a monthly income and you do exactly what I tell you, you can do it.

How many of you would like to have me working with you for an entire year? Quite a few. I’m working with you for a year? Oh yeah, we’re working together right now for a year. Are you learning something? Definitely. Your world is changing; isn’t it? Every week we work together and your world expands; isn’t that right? Well, I’m going to tell you how you can do that because I work with people all over the world and we’ve got a phenomenal program and what we’re doing is expanding a person’s level of conscious awareness and as you do your whole world starts to change. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now look, “how do you”? You see, that’s the question. How do you expand your level of awareness? There’s your question there. Well, here’s your answer – you expand your level of awareness through effective education combined with professional coaching over a reasonable period of time. That will expand any person’s level of awareness.

Now, do you know the problem with most people? They do not get involved in effective education. They don’t even understand what it is and they have no coach. They’ve got nobody coaching them. You see, the thing that I did right way back in 1961 I adopted a coach, a mentor. I didn’t know that I did but that’s what I did. I really didn’t understand what I had done. It was all unconscious what I was doing. It took me nine years to back track and figure out the changes that I made and I’m going to tell you I was a real oddball in my environment because nobody else around me was doing what I was doing. I mean, I was breaking the mould.

I remember in the fire hall where I had my little gold card in my pocket and I’d take it out and read it and I’d put it back in my pocket – one day one of the guys in the fire hall saw me and he said, “Proctor, what are you reading?” And I said, “Oh nothing, nothing”. And then you know how guys are, “I think we should know what he’s reading don’t you think? I mean, it could be about us, couldn't it? What do you think guys?” And so pretty soon they got me down on the floor and they’re going in my pocket and they’re hauling out this card. And the card said, “I am so happy and grateful that it is New Years Day of 1970 and I have in my possession $25,000”.

Well, they started to laugh. “Proctor’s going to get rich. Hey guys, come here and read this”. And then was I embarrassed. I almost threw the card away. I want you to think of what a sick environment I was in.

Here I am, I’m embarrassed because somebody found out I was trying to improve but then the real sick part is they’re laughing at me for trying to improve. Do you know that within a year I had 10 per cent of that Fire Department working for me? I did. I just took off like a rocket. I didn’t throw the card away. I was embarrassed. I got over that. I started to study. I got effective mentors and I have had all my adult life. I have never stopped learning. If I had to walk to China to get what I know I’d walk there to get it. There is no price that’s too high for expanding your level of awareness.

I was talking to a young man who just started working with us in the back of the room. I only met him last night. I just stood in the back of the room and I told him exactly what he was like and I know that he was shocked because I hit it right on the nose. Do you know that you hide nothing? Everything that goes on in the inside shows on the outside. Why am I able to do that? Because I’m aware of how to do it. I’m just aware of how to do it. I’m aware of how to read a person’s personality. I can feel their energy. It’s awareness.

Like I’m aware that you’re a female personality in a female body and you’re a male personality in a male body. And now some of you are saying, “Bob, that is really brilliant”. Then you’re saying, “Everybody knows that”. No, everybody is not aware of that. A baby is not aware of the difference between the male and the female personality. They’re not aware. A Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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baby has to become aware and as it grows it develops conscious awareness and it starts to become aware of the difference in gender.

Unfortunately at a very early age we stop developing awareness and school has us locked in to developing our intellect. That’s why we’ve got some absolutely brilliant people wandering the street who don’t know the war is over. They’ve got degrees coming right off their business card and they’re broke. Some of them can't find jobs. They’re devastated because they lost their job. They’re smart people who are not aware. But, you see, as you develop your conscious awareness your whole world changes.

Now, I’m going to be talking to you about you and I’m going to tell you what I think you should do. I heard right at the start that you should be back every time after every break. That you want to be here for the whole three days. Now, I know that I couple of you think; “Well, I can't stay for the whole three days I’ve got some other things to do.” Change your schedule. Phone and tell those people that there’s something come up that gets priority that you just have to do and then you’re wondering, well, what would they think. It’s none of your business what they think.

Terry Whitaker wrote a book a number of years ago and it says, “What you think of me is none of my business”. You see, we are so concerned with what other people think. We’ve got to pay attention to what we’re thinking. We’ve got to make up our mind that we’re going to take this level of awareness we’ve got and we’re going to expand it until we become aware of how to live the kind of life we really want to live. How we can be happy, healthy and prosperous, have meaningful relationships, do everything that we dream of, because we can do it.

Here’s an old saying that you want to keep locked into your mind, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”. Here’s the main thing, it’s about lifestyle.

You get one life. How are you going to live it? Do you know that that is your choice? I was talking to Victoria here earlier and she was talking to me about people not taking responsibility for where they are. Do you know that responsibility is the key to freedom? Responsibility is the key to freedom. There’s just absolutely no question about it.

I want you to think of this: as you get into conditioning, genetic and environmental, you will probably find that other people are responsible for making you who you are. Like, grasp this, you are responsible for changing. To blame is dumb. The second you start to blame you become a victim and if you’re a victim you’re screwed. You’re just not going to get anywhere. We’ve got to change that.

Now, look here for a moment, money will change your life as much as anything. It really truly will. And it’s like Ray said to me a long time ago, he said, “This stuff can't talk but it can hear and if you call it it will come”. Now, you might be in real bad financial shape right now. You may have some real pressing financial problems. If you keep those in the front of your Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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mind you’re going to have more pressing financial problems because you’re going to track them. You’ve got to understand that we’re going to set aside the problems.

We’re going to write them on a piece of paper and then say, “Now, where are they? Are they on the paper or are they in me?”

Everyone that lets problems consume them is on the wrong track and they’re going in the wrong direction and they’re never going to enjoy a good life. We’ve got to stop letting the outside world control us and start living from the inside out. It’s so basic and it’s so simple.

Now, I was sitting in Lloyd Conant’s kitchen in 1968 and I asked Lloyd – I said, “Lloyd, how did you start this company?” Because, you see, Earl and Lloyd didn’t just start a company they literally started an industry. They started the personal development industry as we know it today. The recording where we could put it out on records and then CDs, you see. When Lloyd talked he was such a phenomenal leader. Lloyd would sit and he’d put his hand up and it was like he was looking somewhere and wherever he went I used to go with him. I mean, I would just get totally emotionally involved in whatever he said and away we’d go.

And he told me about someone giving him this little green book and he said, “I took that book and I read it all weekend and on Monday morning I made up my mind I was going to build a world class organisation”. Well, all of a sudden I wasn’t remotely interested in how he started the company. I wanted to know what’s the little green book.

And the little green book was “The Science of Getting Rich”, the SGR book. And it was The Science of Getting Rich book that inspired Rhonda Byrne down in Melbourne, Australia to build or make The Secret. That’s what really inspired her. The only book she carried with her when she flew to America was my book, “You Were Born Rich” and so when she got off the plane she wanted to meet me and she wanted me to be in that film and all the rest is history.

But I took The Science of Getting Rich back in 1968 and I began to study it and I built a company that operates all over the world. We’ve got about five or six companies that operate all over the world and it’s all based on the philosophy in The Science of Getting Rich.

Now, I was talking to Nik earlier today and this is going to be offered to you people a little later on. You’re going to get a mailing on it. So I want you to watch it, when you see the SGR come up. This is a phenomenal program. We put together a program, it’s only been out for about six weeks but when you get the mailing on this it’s an opportunity for you to earn an awful lot of money. One man earned $80,000 last month with this. It’s a $2,000 program that’s a two level affiliate program and they’re going to offer it to you. You get 500 and 250. It’s really a big winner. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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And so, you see, I started to study that and I built it all in here. Now, I want you to think for a second – we talked about the Law of Attraction and I talked about it earlier and that’s what the film is all about but most people know that there’s something missing because they’ve got the book, they’ve got the CDs, they’ve gone to the seminars but it just isn’t clicking. “I’m not earning the money. I haven’t built the relationship. I can't get my company going.”

Who falls into that category, be honest? Again you see, you’re trying, you’re not a stupid person and you know you’re not and you know how to win. What’s missing? That’s what I found out and that’s what I want to share with you because, you see, if you don’t figure out what’s missing, if you don’t figure out what the stumbling block is you can go right to your grave and never get it, never get it. Well, that something is a thing that really will change your life and it’s called a paradigm. Paradigms literally control our life and we’re going to talk about how to change that and when we do everything changes.

Joel Barker wrote a book on it and he said:

“To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgment is to put yourself at risk when exploring the future”.

Now, I want you to think about that now. “To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgment is to put yourself at risk when exploring the future”.

In other words when you sit down to really think about where you’re going if you don’t give serious consideration to paradigms you’re putting yourself in a very bad spot.

Do you want to know the truth? Most people don’t even know what paradigms are. They really don’t know what they are and yet the paradigms just keep coming up. They keep coming up. They keep coming up. It’s like they haunt us. They’re there and they don’t go away. And a person is working hard and they’ve been going to seminars. You see, when I changed I wanted to know why I changed because I couldn't figure it out. Yet I started to read books and I started to go to seminars and a lot of other people are going to seminars.

I wasn’t going to seminars to try and figure out how to win. I was going to try and figure out why I was winning and I knew if I wasn’t getting my answer I knew the other people weren’t getting theirs. I’d get a little bit of the answer here and a little bit of the answer there. I was living in Chicago. I was working with Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant but I still hadn’t put the package together. I still couldn't figure out and someone told me about a guy that was going to be speaking in Vancouver, British Colombia, Leland Val Vanderwal. He was a great big man. He and I looked like Laurel and Hardy, if you ever remember what they looked like. He used to say that I had to run around in the shower to get wet. He did not. He’d just stand anywhere near the shower and he’d get wet. I mean, he was a huge guy. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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But at any rate I went out to Vancouver. I jumped on a plane and I went out and I listened to him and the second he walked on the stage I knew that he knew what he was talking about. You just sense that. Now, there’s a saying “When you hear the truth you’ll know it.” Do you know why? It resonates with the essence of who you are.

Well, at any rate after the meeting I went up to him and I said, “Do you know I’d like to spend a couple of hours with you”. He said, “I’d probably like to spend a couple of hours with you too” and he looked at his watch and he said, “I’ve got to catch a plane” and I said, “Well, I’ve got to catch a plane too. I didn’t mean right now”. He said, “Where are you going?” and I said, “I’m going to Chicago. I’m going home.” He said, “Do you live in Chicago?” And I said, “Yes”. Well he said, “I’m not going to be in Chicago any time in the near future” but I think that he was impressed that I had travelled so far. He said, “What are you doing out here?” I said, “I came out to hear you speak”. He said, “I’m going to be in Toronto in a couple of weeks”. And I said, “I’m actually from Toronto. It’s only an hour away. I’ll jump on a plane and I’ll come over and meet you”.

So the two of us sat down in the Skyline Hotel a couple of weeks later. It was supposed to be for about two hours and I was there for three days and I started to understand what paradigms were and he started to show me a lot of things that I didn’t know. Yet it was like I’d got everything I learned and pulled it together and when I throw some information out here today that’s what’s going to happen to you. It’s going to be like all the pieces start to come together in your mind.

I was talking to Nik and Victoria, they were telling me they started to listen to this stuff, the Born Rich program that I had way back in 1990. Victoria says “It changed our whole family”. It’ll change yours too. You see, it’s results that you want to change and it’s the paradigms that change the results, you see. So it’s the results you want to change. You want to make it happen and you can make it happen.

Now, here’s the question: what are paradigms? Well, if you go into many books on psychology, psychiatry, behavioural science you’re going to find all kinds of wild answers and they’re so complicated you won't be able to understand them. Vanderwal gave it to me in very simple terms. He said:

“Paradigms are nothing but a multitude of habits”.

Now, I want you to think of that. “A paradigm is nothing but a multitude of habits”. Now, I want you to think of you. Don’t just listen to my voice and watch me. I want you to think of you. Get your energy and invert it for a moment. I want you to think of when you get out of bed in the morning and mentally relive. There’s a pattern that you follow and it’s followed every day, and if there’s another person there they do one thing, you do another. That’s why death or divorce is so stressful. You’re breaking hundreds of habits all at once. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now, look at this for a moment because this here is really the secret to financial success. This is the secret to financial success. You’ll see here on a sheet of paper. I think you have some of those to hand out. Okay, do you have those at the back? Hello? Okay. We could pass these out to everyone.

Now, the secret to financial freedom is to have multiple sources of income. You don’t have one, you have many. Watch this for a moment. There’s one source of income, another one from the same area, and then there’s another one from a completely different part of the world. Now, do you know that I’m earning money whether I’m awake or asleep? It doesn’t matter where I live. That’s right. Do you know why? I decided that that’s how I wanted to live, okay.

It’s called multiple sources of income. That’s what an MSI is. And you’re going to find that you can keep adding those and you just keep adding them and they come in from all over the place. There is no end to what we’re capable of doing. I want you to use your imagination for a moment. I want you to think how would you like to have every day cheques coming to your bank from various parts of the world for something you did maybe a while ago that has nothing to do with what you’re doing today and these just keep growing and you keep adding to them and you keep setting up new sources of income. How many does that appeal to?

You sort of like the idea then? Okay, okay.

What is your name? -- Martin.

Martin, how many sources of income do you have, Martin? -- Two.

Two. How would you like to have 200? That would be nice. Turn the sheet over until you see this, all right. You’ll see this on the back of the sheet. I think they’re coming here. You’re going to get them in a few minutes, all right.

Now, I want you to look at this and you see here I think we’ve got, I don’t know maybe about 15 of them there. Now, you’ll see right in the centre is your psychic source of income. That’s how you spend your days. You should spend your days doing what you absolutely love to do and never stop setting up sources of income. Just keep doing it. You like the idea? -- Yes.

Okay. Now, look at it, we just keep adding them. Now, here’s the deal. I want you to watch the screen. Are they all the same size? No. Some of them will be big; some of them will be small. But the real secret is you don’t have to be there to be earning it. I like the way Michael Gerber put it. He said, “If your business requires your presence you don’t even have a business. You have a job”. Yet you see, Martin, if you had 200 sources of income everything in your life would be different; wouldn't it? It really would. Do you think, Martin, if you focused on this that you could do it? Now, I could read your Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now, think, you go through your day. It’s how you get dressed. How you get dressed is a habit. What foot do you put in your pants first when you pull your pants on? Pardon? You don’t think about it. Well, think about it for a moment. I want you to imagine you’re getting dressed in the morning and you’re pulling your pants on. Pardon? It’s a habit. But which one do you put in first? I put my right foot in. Well, mentally get dressed. This is the side of the bed and, you see, that’s the logic. Well, I put my right foot in first. Who puts their left foot in first? I wonder why you put your left and why do I do my right? Do you ever think about that? When you were a little kid your mother would say, “Put your foot in here. Your other foot”. Why? Because that’s the foot she put in, okay. Yeah, these are habits, you see.

Now, here’s the deal. I want you to just think. Go back in life and you’re going to find that there’s all kinds of people from the past that have influenced what’s going on in your life and they’re not even your habits they’re other people’s habits. You have inherited the habits of people going back for a number of generations. So when you arrived your mind was already programmed. That’s called genetic conditioning.

Then after you arrived there’s environmental conditioning. So long before we could even think we were programmed and that dictates where we’re going to go unless we figure out how to change the programming. We’ve been conditioned to work from the outside in. We work from the outside to the inside. Why? Well, think about it for a moment. You’re a little kid. You get a report card but what happens before that? Well, the parents say, “Will you look at me? Will you listen to what I’m telling you? Will you look at this? And pay attention to me”.

And so they’re getting you to live through your senses; aren’t they? You go by what you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch. Then you go to school and you get a report card and what’s the report card do? It tells the teacher, it tells your parents or guardians, it tells you what kind of a student you are. Do you want to know what the report card really does? The report card tells everyone where your mind was at for a few minutes maybe three weeks ago. It has absolutely nothing to do with your potential. But we leave school and the report card turns into the balance sheet. It turns into the sales sheet. It turns into the x-ray. And we let what’s going on outside control us. We watch the newspaper. We listen to the television. We listen to the radio. And you’re going to find that the economy is dictating how your business is going.

I was telling Victoria in the back of the room that I really don’t know what anybody else is doing in this industry that I’m a part of. You know what I do know? I know they’re not doing what I’m doing. Do you know why? Because they’re not me. And I don’t pay any attention to trends. I think and I build images in my mind and I execute the images. I live the way I want to live not the way I think other people think I should live.

One of my mentors, Bill Gough, he said something one time that really stuck in my brain. He said if I want to be free I’ve got to me. Not the me I think you think I should be. Not the me I think my wife thinks I should be. Not the me I think my kids think I should be. If I want to be free I’ve got to be me. I better know who me is and most people don’t. We’ve got to learn how to live from the inside out. You’ve got to start to build images in your mind and then go the other way. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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personality like a book. You have a very persistent mind. He’s got a stubborn streak in him that wide; doesn’t he? When this guy makes up his mind to do something he’ll go right through the wall to make it happen.

Now, there’s another part of Martin that’s rather interesting. Not many people know this. I think you know it. He’s got a shy side to him. It’s a very quiet shy side. You can hurt his feelings without too much trouble just like that but he doesn’t let you know. He keeps it inside; doesn’t he? And do you know something, Martin, if you don’t start expressing it you’re going to have stomach problems. You and the young guy I talked to in the back of the room today, you and him have something in common, okay. When you make up your mind to do something you get it done. Hell or high water you’re going to get it done. You are a tough guy. You operate predominately from the left hemisphere of your brain.

Now, you know that shy side of you? That’s also impulsive. So there’s a part of you that says “do this” and the other side cuts in and says, “Martin, don’t do it”. He’s got this conflict. You’ve got the same thing going. I wouldn't want to be around the two of you when you’ve got opposing ideas because you’re both pretty strong, you see.

Now, think about this for a moment, you know. Does this make sense; does it? It makes a lot of sense; doesn’t it? Well, let me tell you we’re going to come back and talk about this a little later on. We have the coaching program where we spend an entire year working with you and this is one of the main themes. If you turn the page over you’ll see a complete library of material.

Now, at the end of the meeting I’m going to tell you a little more about it because we sell this library. Every part of it is directed towards one thing, change the paradigm. What I’m doing is teaching what I have learned. I first changed. Then I did an enormous amount of research, still doing it. I found out why I changed. I recorded it. I put it in programs and then over a year’s time in the coaching program we work you through it and that’s what you’re going through now. Do you study it all at once? No. We’ve got a system and if you follow the system you come out at the end of the year a totally different person and that’s something that happens.

Now, look here for a moment. Huxley, the English writer, he said that there’s only one corner of the universe that you can be certain of improving. I know that you want to make things happen a little different and you think if you’re going to get other people to change that it will happen. Uh-uh, the deal is strictly between you and yourself. It’s got nothing to do with me, absolutely nothing to do with me. The first thing you want to do is stop wondering whether you can afford it. You can afford anything but you’ve got to understand that. You cannot go by what’s in the bank. You cannot go by present resources.

One of the first little books in U-Square, he talks about unseen forces. See people think “I can’t” because they can't see the resources to get it done. He said: Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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“The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”.

Everything you need is already here. Nothing is created or destroyed. All science and all theology teach that. Everything is already here. There was an old guy that was going to get involved in this big project and somebody said to him, “Where’s the money going to come from?” He said, “Wherever it is right now”. Good answer. If you really want to win do exactly what I’m telling you.

Do you know something, most people want you to coach them but they want you to coach them their way and that’s how I lived up until I was 26.

I would do what the people told me if I agreed with it. If I didn’t I wouldn't do it. Hell I should have looked at my results. What I knew was giving me nothing but heartache and tears, poverty, bad times, problems. When I started to do what wiser individuals told me that’s when everything started to happen.

Let’s take a look at yourself, your real self. I’m not talking about the body that’s sitting there in the chair. That’s a mass of molecules. It’s a molecular structure. Do you know that you have infinite potential? Do you know that there’s no one alive that is even able to guess with any degree of accuracy what you’re capable of doing? Do you know that there’s about 11,000,000 kilowatt hours per pound potential energy locked up in the electrons and the atoms of your body? There is never a shortage of energy. People say, “Where does she get all the energy? Where does he get all …” Nobody gets energy. Everybody releases energy. Its desire is the triggering mechanism to let the energy flow.

When you don’t desire, when you decide what you want, when you know that you can have everything you want and you decide it’s going to happen, that’s when you start to develop desire. See desire is the effort of the unexpressed idea within seeking expression without through your action. You’ve got to decide what you want. You’ve got to fall in love with what you want. You internalise it. You get emotionally involved with the idea knowing that if you hold it in your mind you can hold it in your hand. It’s so basic and so simple. There’s the program that Nik said his whole family used. Read a little bit about his history and their family. They came from a very ordinary background, much the same as me, or probably you. Then their whole life changed.

Do you know that this program itself, when we first put it on the market, cost $7,500. It was sold to corporations. Yet the people in the corporations were calling us and they were saying, “Listen, the people want to take this home for their kids to watch but we can't afford 7,500 to give it to everybody in the company”. But when we heard that long enough, you know, if you keep your ear close to the ground you’ll start to get the message. So we changed the whole marketing plan. That is a solid part of the coaching program. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now think, you and I think in pictures. Now, we’re getting into something that is really sensitive and very, very important, okay. You think in pictures. We’re going to start moving a little faster here.

Okay, what does your mind look like? What does your mind look like? Let’s suppose I asked you if you would help me change the set up of this room and you all agreed that you would and I said, “Okay, let’s do it”. You’d stand up and you’d grab a chair and you’d be looking around and you’d say, “Well, what does he want us to do?” And you’d say, “I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?” “No, you ask him”. And we wouldn't know what to do. Why? No picture. But if I asked you to help me change the set up of the room and I say, “I want to make that the front of the room and this the back of the room”. Boom! Like that we’d have it all done. Why? We’ve got a picture.

Do you know if you go to change your mind and you don’t have a picture you’ve got confusion. Solomon gave us that idea many, many centuries ago. He said:

“Where there is no picture the people will perish”.

One of the basic laws of life is create or disintegrate. People don’t have an image of their mind. There’s a psychiatrist in California – if you go on our website and check it out John Mike, a leading psychiatrist here in America, in Florida. He said I taught him more about the mind in a year than he had learned in four years of medical school and five years of psychiatric training.

Think of this for a moment: you and I are spiritual beings. We live in physical bodies. Now, most people think they’re a physical being and they’re having a spiritual experience. Not so, you’re a spiritual being and you’re having a physical experience. We have been programmed to live through our senses.

Do you know what this author said? He said, “No amount of reading or memorising is going to make a person successful in life”. He said, “Understanding and application are necessary”. And he said, “An educated person is not necessarily a person with an abundance of general or specialised knowledge. An educated person is a person who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they can acquire anything they want or its equivalent without violating the rights of others”. Well, we have been gifted with an intellect. Now, I’ve got a couple of little dogs at home but they don’t have an intellect. They operate by instinct. They’re very wise but they cannot think. Can you communicate with the animals? Absolutely, you can communicate telepathically with the animals and you do and some people understand that and some people don’t. But you and I have intellectual factors.

Now, a lot of people think of their brain as being their mind. The brain isn’t their mind any more than their fingernail is. When you think you activate brain cells - your brain is an electronic switching station and as you activate the brain cells you alter the vibration that this mass of molecules is in. When you change the vibration you’re in you’re going to start to Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

act different but not only are you going to act different you’re going to attract different because the only energy you can attract to you is the energy that’s in harmony with you. This is so important

You see, it’s the way you use your intellectual mind that’s going to dictate your emotional state and your emotional state is the vibration you’re in. When you say “I don’t feel good” what you’re really saying is “I’m consciously aware of being in a negative vibration”. But you’ve never heard anybody when they say, “How are you today?” “Oh, I’m consciously aware of being in a negative vibration. I must have internalised a negative idea”. You see, you don’t do that; do you?

Feeling is conscious awareness of vibration. Now, there was a doctor in San Antonio, Texas, back in 1934 he was trying to help people get healthy. He was involved in the healing arts and he said, “Our problem is we don’t have a picture of the mind” and he was involved in holistic health. There are a lot of people involved in holistic health, natural remedies.

Emerson said the doctor of the future would use no medicine. We’re getting to the point where we use energy medicine now. He said, “Since nobody’s ever seen the mind” he said, “I’m going to draw a picture of the mind” and he said, “There’s a picture of the mind”. Now, you look at that and you think isn’t that sort of cute.

I’m going to tell you something, I could take you in to multi-million dollar organisations all over the world and they’ll tell you that that is one of the most valuable pictures they’ve ever seen. For the Aussie friends that are here – I was over in Malaysia working and I got a call from Melbourne, Australia, from the St Kilda Football Club and they couldn't have got any worse than they were doing. And I came in and I put on a three day program. And do you know something the one guy on the team, a guy named Tony Lockett, he got it. He was just an ordinary guy. There was a number of them got it but he got it. He went on to stardom in Australia. Why? Because he understood the mind. He started to understand the mind and he started to understand how to take control over his body and take control over his behaviour. He started to take control over what comes into his life. You see on the conscious level if you let your head represent your mind the top half we’re going to say is our conscious mind. Now, the body tells you a whole lot about the mind because the body is the instrument of the mind. We’ll say the bottom half is the subconscious mind. Now, is that the way it is? No, the mind is movement. It’s not a thing. But we’ve got to have an image to operate with. So I see the head as the mind; top half conscious mind, bottom half subconscious.

Now, the conscious mind is the thinking mind. That’s what we think with. The subconscious is the emotional mind. Then when we think we build pictures in our consciousness then we turn those pictures over to our subconscious. As we do they’re expressed through the body in action. Not a lot of people are trying to change their actions. You don’t want to change your actions. You want to change what’s causing the action. If there’s a problem in the body change what causes the problem. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

If there’s a problem in the bank account change what causes the problem in the bank account. That’s what I did. I didn’t go back to school. I didn’t get any experience but I started to do something. I was unconscious. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was changing what was going on inside and my bank account kept growing. At first I thought this isn’t going to last. Then I started to understand it’s not only going to last it’s going to get better. You see your actions produce your results. So you want to understand this something about the mind.

Now, look at this for a moment. Your emotional mind or your subconscious mind cannot reject anything. Anything you give to your subconscious mind the subconscious mind has to accept it. It cannot reject it. Hold your hand up like for a moment. Everybody hold their hand up. Come on get your hand up like that. Put it near your chin for a second, will you do that? Where’s your chin? Oh yeah, that’s not my chin. Some of you are a little embarrassed, you’re trying to - why did you go here? Because I went there. You’d say, ‘Well that’s not your chin.” I know that and so do you. Why did you go here? You went here because I went here. Do you know why? Your subconscious mind was wide open and I went in and you see whatever goes into the subconscious controls the behaviour and produces the results.

Now, look at this for a moment. There’s how a baby arrives on the scene. That’s how you came here. As a little baby your subconscious mind was wide open and the ideas that were going on around you went right into your subconscious mind and that’s how the subconscious mind becomes conditioned. That’s why you speak the language you speak. And if there are two languages spoken in your home you’d grow up bilingual. If you’re in parts of Asia and there’s four languages spoken you would grown up speaking all four languages and think nothing of it.

Your subconscious mind will accept everything that’s going on around it. Do you know almost all welfare recipients are third, fourth, fifth generation welfare recipients? They’re programmed for it. You are programmed for the results you’re getting and until you change the program nothing is going to happen. All that conditioning that’s called a paradigm. So then here you are. You’ve got the ability to think anything you want. Do you know while you and I are talking there’s thoughts flowing into your consciousness?

Now, I see Gerry in the back of the room. Stand up for a minute, Gerry. I was calling on your later and you disappeared. That’s once. There’s my business partner, Gerry Robert. You want to chat with him when you’re on the break. He’s a brilliant guy. He’s the guy that I met 20 years ago and he had earned $100,000 in a year and I said, “If you do what I tell you I’m going to show you how to earn $100,000 in a month”. I’ve seen him earn over a million in a week. In fact, I’ve seen him do it in a day. He’s a brilliant guy.

How many of you have thought of writing a book? Hold up your hand. Well, you want to talk to him because that’s what he does, you see. And that’s how this all started. Pick people that are good at something. When Linda and Bec and Nik and the team put this together they picked certain people and these are people that are going to show you how to enjoy financial freedom. They have called it “Financial Freedom Institute” and that’s really what we want. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

Now, if we’re going to become financially free we’ve got to change the paradigm. Watch this for a moment. Your conscious mind is your thinking mind.

That’s where the intellect is resident. You have the subconscious mind. That is where the paradigm is.

Now, school has been locked into the idea of us gathering more knowledge. So they give you all kinds of information and if you can remember it then you’re considered an educated person but I’m going to tell you something. You could have all the knowledge in the Harvard Library where I think there’s about 8,000,000 books, it isn’t going to do you any good if you’re not acting on it. You see the Law of Attraction responds to the paradigm, not to what you know on a conscious level.

So if you’re having trouble with this, you understand the Law of Attraction on a conscious level but not on a subconscious level. It’s the subconscious that’s causing the problems. Okay. Paradigms influence your thinking. See a person that’s programmed to earn $50,000 a year they’re not going to be thinking the thoughts of a person that earns $50,000 a month; are they? No, they’re not. They’re not going to hang out with people that are earning $50,000 a month because they haven’t got anything in common with them.

This is what we want to start to understand. Not only do we want to change what’s going on inside, we want to change the people we’re associating with. There’s some people think you’re crazy coming here. They’ve said you’ve gone to those before and nothing happens. Well say, “This is going to be different”.

Paradigms can control what you do. Now, the answer – “Can you change your paradigm?” and the answer is, “Yes”. As a matter of fact it’s an emphatic yes and that’s very important that you understand that. That’s what the programs do. That’s what this library does. If you have to borrow money from your grandmother to get it borrow the money and get it. Absolutely refuse – I don’t care what you have to sacrifice to get it, there’s nothing more important than your education and you know that I know what I’m talking about it. I said I’ve got licence to brag about it. None of it’s mine but I have spent since 1961 putting this together and it’s in a step-by-step-by-step format. You get the whole library free if you go in the coaching program.

When you know that you can change the paradigm – you may not think of it as a paradigm. You may just think of it, well this is just the way I am and I don’t particularly like it and I sure would like to change it. I’d like to mix with more interesting people and I’d like to have a lot of fun. I’d like to have all kinds of businesses like Proctor and Nik’s got going. I’d like to do those things. I’d like to be able to publish a magazine like Glenda but I just don’t know how to do it. This is how you do it. You change the paradigm and when you know that you can change the paradigm that’s when you have hope. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

Now, here is the point: I did not believe I could change. I did not believe I could change. I honestly believed I was stuck. I didn’t understand this terminology but when there’s no hope you’re stuck, you’ve got one point of view, and that’s where I was when I met Ray Stanford. I did not believe I could change.

Do you know what I believed? I believed in his belief in me. I knew he knew something I didn’t know and I made up my mind I’d do exactly what he tells me whether I liked it or not and I’m going to tell you something, much of what he told me to do I did not like but I made up my mind I was going to be free. I was not going to live the way I was living anymore regardless of the cost.

Understand this: if you want to get something you’ve got to give up something to get it. You’ve got to decide what you want? You’ve got to decide what you’re prepared to give up to get it. Then you set your mind to it and you get on with the work and if you’re not prepared to give it up you’re going to stay where you are. You can rationalise it all you want and we say, “But this is why I’m doing it”, no, no, no, no, no. It’s that you’re not free. You’re being controlled by someone or something else. That goes back probably for generations.

But when you know you can change the paradigm you have hope and understand this: when you have hope, you have options – options. I have options. I can live the way I want and is that ever nice to know.

Now, there are some things you’re going to do that may not be too pleasant but you’re doing it for a good reason. I’ll give you a good example: you’ve got here – you can't see it very well, you’ve got to be careful when you’re kissing pigs. Doesn’t that pig look sort of serene? I’m going to tell you that pig was squealing like a pig. Man was that pig squealing.

I was at an event like this and they came to me and they said, “Would you kiss a pig?” and I said, “No”. And they said, “We’ve got a charity going. Now, we’re not kidding, Bob, we’ve got a pig. It’s in a pen out there and we want to bring it in and we want you to kiss it”. I said, “Get out of here” and they said, “No. We’re going to get the audience to donate money for a charity and whatever you feel you’d pay to see Proctor kissing a pig” and so they started collecting money. And then it looked like “Hell I’m going to have to kiss a pig. No, I don’t really have to kiss a pig but I’m going to kiss the pig.”

Now, you see I didn’t have to. I had an option but here I am. It’s recorded. I’m kissing this pig and man was that thing squealing. My world changed that day. Our world is changing. I need you to think about what we’re saying. Our world is changing and our world is not getting bigger. Our world is getting smaller. We’ve got to understand this. Our world is getting smaller. You can have business all over the world.

And I need to tell you the people that are involved in our coaching program are going to be involved with people all over the world. Have you got your Mastermind group going in your group yet and where are the people from? They’re all Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

over the place, all over the world. How would you like to Mastermind with people from all over the world? Everyone of them studying the same thing, that’s what you get in this coaching program.

We have a lady that’s the President of our coaching company here, Carol Gates. Do you want to stand up for a minute, Carol? There’s the lady there. If you want to ask somebody questions about the coaching you want to ask her. She knows everything about the coaching. I do what she tells me. And the SGR program is run by another lady. Women run our company, they tell me what to do and I do it. And that’s Rhonda Cain; do you want to stand up, Rhonda? Okay. Now, she is working with Nik and Veronica and Linda and they’re going to be doing a mailing. Thanks.

Now, look Eric Hoffer said:

“In times of change the learners will inherit the earth. While the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with the world that no longer exists”.

Do you know what that means? It means that the learners, the people that keep studying, are going to be happy, healthy and wealthy while the learned, the ones that think they already know it all, are beautifully equipped to deal with the world that no longer exists.

There’s no such thing as a learned person. There’s no such thing as an educated person. We’re either learning or we’re not. Now, here is a great lesson and this is a lesson everybody wants to learn. Let these lines represent levels of vibration. Levels of vibration are often referred to as frequencies. Now, understand this: you and I think on frequency. Thought is energy. Thought is the most potent form of energy there is. Thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space.

Now look at it, we think on frequencies – let these little puffy clouds represent the thoughts or ideas that you’re entertaining and they’re on the frequency that you’re thinking on and that’s why you’re getting the results you’re getting. You get the results you’re getting because of the frequency that you’re thinking on.

Now, you sit down and you say but I want better results and so you set a star that you’re going to shoot at. And you just keep thinking on this frequency trying to figure out how you’re going to hit that star. You’re never going to figure it out and people say, “If I could figure out how to do it I’d make a decision to do it”. Uh-uh, you’ve got to make the decision you’re going to do it not knowing how you’re going to do it. Hillary decided he was going to the top of the mountain. Nobody had ever been there. They said it couldn't be done. The Wright Brothers decided they were going to introduced us to a new kingdom. Edison decided he was going to illuminate the world. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

Whatever you want to do you’ve got to decide and then the way will be shown. The second you make a decision you flip your brain onto a higher frequency and the thoughts on that frequency start to flow into your consciousness but the decisions have to be made first. If I could figure out how to get the money - uh-uh, you’ve got to make the decision. You want to be in our coaching program for a year you’ve got to make the decision. Everything will happen the way it is supposed to happen. School doesn’t teach us how to make decisions. They don’t teach us how to earn money and they don’t teach us how to make a decision. It’s rather sad.

Now look, really pay attention to this: there is the mind, okay. You have the sensory factors hooked up to the mind. You can deal with your outside world. There’s a power flowing into your consciousness. Now, I’m just giving you a bit of a taste of this. As you get involved in the coaching program we dig into this in some real depth. Now, the conscious mind is where you build images and you turn those images over to your emotional mind. When you turn the image over to the emotional mind you alter the vibration that the body is in and that changes our behaviour but not only that, it changes what we attract to us. The image that you impress upon your subconscious mind controls your vibration and your vibration controls what you attract.

This is without question the most important information you can get. It will transform your world. I earn millions of dollars a year now, all because I just changed my awareness and all I do is help other people. You follow me. You follow what I’m telling you and I don’t think I’m the smartest guy in town by any stretch of the imagination.

I have just spent almost my whole life pulling this information together and I’m just locked into the idea of wanting to change it. I’m going to keep working at this until I am gone.

I am absolutely not – I hear people talk about retire. I think it’s the most despicable concept in the world. I have no intentions of retiring. That’s pulling back from life. You don’t want to retire. Maybe change what you do. People say, “Well, you’re getting older, you should slow down”. That’s a bunch of crap. You should speed up. You’ve got more power than you’ll ever use. Do you know what you want to do? You should calm down and the more you calm down the more you can speed up.

Now look, we’re living in a new economy. It wasn’t too long ago I had to have a big chalkboard here and chalk and cloths to clean the board and it was just bedlam and now I sit on a plane and I make little PowerPoint slides and I just touch a little thing in my hand and the slide changes. Remember those initials – when they send out the mailing on SGR go exactly where they tell you.

Now, look at it. I’m going to show you something here. We’re going to go through this quick. I want to show you why repetition is necessary. Let the white line here represent the sound of a CD playing. Do you think you can win by listening to a CD once? Not on your life. Maybe if you listen a thousand times. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

Let the red line here represent the sound of the CD playing. So you’re listening to the CD playing and an idea hits in, vroom, away you go on a trip. You’re not listening to it anymore. You can hear it but you’re not listening and you’re up there now, that’s a frequency of thought. That’s where you think and you’re moving along there and you’re thinking about the idea and then you come back down and you start listening to the CD again but then you go along and bang another idea hits and away you go on a thought trip.

Have you any idea how many times an idea like that has to hit your consciousness before things change? How many times did an idea have to go into your subconscious before it got fixed there? It was over and over and over and over for maybe five or six years when you were a baby.

One thing is clear, we don’t have the option of turning away from the future. No one gets to vote on whether technology is going to change our life. We want to make sure that we learn the Science of Getting Rich. You know, you can go into the Upanishads, the most ancient writing there is, and it tells you in there, “From abundance he took abundance and still abundance remained”. We’re dealing with an infinite source of supply. There’s no lack or limitation anywhere that we don’t create.

That’s what Wealth Celebrities is all about. That’s what they’re attempting to teach you. Make sure you’re back right on time from the breaks and don’t go home one minute early. Get the stuff that people are telling you. See most people are extras in their own movie. They never really wake up and live. They just don’t do it. You’ve got to ask yourself what do you really want. Make up your mind you’re going to get it.

Do you know something? In the new economy you can actually turn your annual income into a monthly income. There is nothing complicated about it. You can do it. This has always happened. Wealthy people historically have always used multiple sources of income. Now, here are three sources of strategies, M1, M2 and M3. I’ve got to go fast because we’re running out of time. If you’re going to teach your kids teach them the M3 strategy. M1 is the worst strategy in the world and it’s used by 96 per cent of the population. It’s where you trade time for money. It’s a bad trip. M2 is an excellent strategy. It’s where you invest money to earn money.

M3 is the one I stumbled on way back in the early sixties. One percent of the population follow this strategy but they are 96 per cent of all the money that’s being earned. This is where you multiply your time by setting up multiple sources of income and if you want to learn how to do that you lock into this coaching program and say, “I am going to give this my excellent attention for the next 12, 13 months” because it runs for 13 months and that’s what I’m going to get from it. I am going to begin to think and grow rich. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Bob Proctor The Laws of Attraction

That’s what I did back in the sixties and I have never stopped. That’s what everybody wants to do. It’s a good idea and all you have to do is just make a decision that you’re going to do it.

You see, you want to make sure that you’re going to get the Law of Attraction working the right way. Quit letting the old paradigms control you. Get into the Science of getting Rich. See, I understand that paradigms are trying to influence my thinking but I’ve got the ability to think freely here and I’m going to do it.

If you ever shape your future you have to be willing and able to change your paradigm and that’s really what we’re talking about here. Now, watch this carefully because this is the process. This is the way it works. Your conscious mind is where you build your dreams. This is where you think and as you build the dreams that you turn them over to your emotional mind. That’s the feeling part of your personality, the subconscious mind and you see you get emotionally involved with the idea.

The emotion alters the vibration that your body is in and that changes your action. The universe reacts to your action. It’s action reaction. That’s the law of the universe. That causes your conditions, your circumstance and environment to change.

This is a creative process that little children can learn. We’ve taught this to kids. Those of you who get involved in the coaching program you can get your kids studying the same stuff. I’ve seen their marks go from a C and D average to an A and B average almost overnight. And there it is folks staring you right in the face. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

TOM HOPKINS Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

TOM HOPKINS: Well, thank you. All right, how's business?


-- Good.

Tom Hopkins is a sales legen nd. Many believe that natural ability iss enough

Yeah, attaboy. Some of you said "greaat" and you may be

to make you successful in a selling

lying. You always have to tell the truth but you always have to

career. The truth of the mattter is that

be excited. So open up your book to the inside front cover,

natural skill, combined with h “how to” training is the real

right here. See it? And then when I ask you y how business is, how's your life, how's your kids, how's yyour wife, always get excited and say "Unbelievable", because you see that covers it either way, doesn't it?

secret to high level productiivity.

Having learned this lesson the t hard way, Tom is quick to admit that his early sales ca areer was not successful. After benefiting from professiona al training, he became a dedicated student, refining ssales techniques which enabled

So let's start again, how's your teenagers? -- Unbelievable.

him to become the sales lea ader in his industry.

Unbelievable. How are your in-laws? -- Unbelievable. Tom’s credibility lies in his trrack record and the track records

Unbelievable. You see it's a great worrd and you want to teach that to your people because you see, you can't let anybody know that you have had a bad d day or that things aren't wonderful. But you don't lie eithe er, you know, you've had the worst week of your life; don't saay "great" because

of the students he has traineed over the years. He has personally trained over threee million students on five continents. He has shared th he stage with some of the great leaders of our times includin ng Ret. Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf, former Presid dent George Bush, Colin Powell, and Lady Margaret Thatcheer.

you're lying. Just say "Man, things are unbelievable" and they're going "Really?" "Oh, you can't be elieve it". You told the truth, they have no idea that you've y had the worst week in your life, all right.

Well I'm excited to be with you today and this work book is designed to follow my presentation. Now I would like to ask a few questions first, how many of you have never seen me, been with me, heard me before e? That's almost 100 per cent, great. How many of you - I'd like to also o say "Hi" to all my Australian buddies. Where's all the e Aussies, where are you Aussies, back in the back, okay. Where'ss all the Canadians, any Canadians here? Right here, stand s up. Okay, stand up. Give 'em a - stand up to you - yes, come on - now these two you want to give a hand, all right, an nd you want to make sure you exchange cards with them.

w You want to build networking with people you u know you've either met or We're in a global economy, a global world. that are competent and so always keep p track of everyone you meet in a file, from different countries. c Asians, where’s our people from Asia? Anybody, right here.. Chong, stand up. Chong has been in my training in Asia and Singapore, I believe, yes. Nice to see you, you haven't chang ged a bit, because you all look alike. Give him a nice hand, h all right.

Any other countries, anyone? Another ccountry, where are you from? -- Salvador. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

Salvador, stand up, let's bring her in with a nice hand, all right. Great. Anybody else? Other countries? Mexico, where's the Mexicans, right here. Stand up Mexico? -- Yeah. Ahhh, all right, all you Mexicans stand up and let's welcome them, all right? I'll do a small portion of my talk; I'll do in Spanish, just to make you feel good. Anyway so we're going to get started here in a sec.

Let me give you my background. Many people feel there are things you have to have to be successful and one of them is education. Do you agree that that might be important? Well it wasn't for me. I quit college after 90 days and after a three-month college education I decided it wasn't for me. Of course my dad was so mad. My dad said "Son, I'll always love you, even though now I know you'll never amount to anything". And that was my first motivational talk, by the way.

When my dad said I'd never become anything I said "Oh, yeah, I'll prove it" and I went in my bedroom at 17 and I thought "What am I going to do with my life?" and it just so happens I had an uncle, Uncle Don. He's coming to dinner that night and my dad says "You know Tom quit college" and of course my uncle goes "You're kidding" and walks into my room. He says "Tom, you quit college, you can't be a success without a degree", I said "Uncle Don, I don't want to go to college and" - he says "Well what will you do to make a living?" and I said "I don't know".

And so he said "Look" - he was the general manager of a steel company and they had just been given the assignment of building all of the bridge decks from Los Angeles out to a place called Bakersfield which if you're not from here you wouldn't know where it's at, but it's on the way to San Francisco, that way, okay?

Well anyway, so he said "Would you like a job carrying steel?" I said "I got nothing else going". Now do I have any of you men in the room that ever carried steel as an iron worker, anyone? No? Well you've seen swimming pools made, yes? They have a little bar, they have a little bar, it's about this big and they put it in the bottom of the pool then they put the concrete on it. Because, you see, concrete has no strength without bars.

On a bridge deck the bar they put in, every three inches, four mats is a number 11 bar and it's inch and three-eighths in diameter, they cut them in 60 foot lengths and they weigh 208 pounds and the only way they get them from the truck to the deck is men, like animals, put them on their backs and carry them. So for a year Tom's carrying steel and after a year I say, "You know, I've got to do something else with my life". I was six foot two when I started - and I said "I've got to do something else with my life".

So my dad comes over to my little apartment. I had to move out, my dad and I were at odds and so I had this little tiny apartment, he comes over; he goes "Son, I am proud of you. I was so disappointed when you quit college but I've watched, you never miss a day's work, carrying steel" and he said this "You've got a wonderful work ethic but do you just want to be a construction worker?" Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

I said "Oh, dad, I don't know what else to do". He says "You're 18 now, why don't you get a real estate licence?" I say "Oh, dad I can't pass an exam". Now how many of you had to pass some type of exam to do what you do today? How many of you failed it once? How many of you failed it twice? Keep your hands up. Three times. Well I passed the fourth time. You passed number 4? How many times did you fail? Five. Anybody beat him on failure? No? No? You stand up, stand up? -Yeah.

All right. Now why would I salute the biggest failure in the room, any ideas? You didn't quit attaboy. You see you never forget this guy, you had never failed until you quit and I have had some of the highest income people I've trained make millions of dollars, yes, a year. They couldn't pass their stupid exam but they had great people skills. They understand communication which I am going to talk to you about today; and because of those skills they make a lot of money.

I can tell you stories; Jimmy Myers is an example, financial services. The kid was pushing newspapers off the back of a truck at 19. At 20 he got into financial services, by 24 he is making six figures, today he makes over a million dollars a year in his early 30s. Why? People skills. Knowing how to handle people, knowing what to say to people and that's what we're going to learn today. I think the reason I did so poorly when I started is I have lots of enthusiasm and that's important, but you have to have people skills, you have to have knowledge.

Now the work book that you have is designed to follow my presentation so let's open up to page number 1. Now on the top of page number 1 you're going to see what we call the five steps in the learning process. Now if you right now said "Tom I want to be a good golfer" I'd go through the five steps in learning golf. If you said "I'd like to be a great architect", I'd say "Go through the five steps in the learning process". So in persuasion, in helping people say "yes" to what you're offering, it begins with the five steps.

So as I teach I will be putting up on the overhead hopefully if I can find my clicker, I will be putting up on the overhead, okay, I will be putting it up over there, I hope. Do I have my clicker up here? Adam, is my clicker here?

ADAM: By the laptop.

TOM HOPKINS: Oh, by the laptop, okay. I see the laptop. Behind the laptop, oh, nothing there. Okay. Well here comes one up here. Now I want you to take these notes and we're going to work fast because I crammed that work book with a lot of material. Thank you, sir. Okay, ready.

First step: you've got to get number 1; you have to get a good impact, say, now repeat after me: GOOD IMPACT, GOOD LEARNING? -- Good impact, good learning.

BAD IMPACT, BAD LEARNING? -- Bad impact, bad learning. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

You see some of you may have got a bad impact when you first went into the business, meaning you listened to someone who had a non-transferable way of doing business that you can't imitate. You must develop your own skills that are for you, but the key is to copy someone that you're comfortable with.

Now there are four impacts. I'm going to give you all four today. Now "consciously" is an important word, you must be awake. Now years ago we had a phenomenon in our country called subliminal messages, you listen to while you sleep. A bunch of poo. Because I don't believe while you're sleeping you are really able to retain, besides I was nervous because some of the stuff coming out I wasn't sure the way it came out, and I don't want to hear anything that my mind has not discerned.

So you have to be awake. Now some of you are smart enough to turn your cars into classrooms which means you're going to drive 5000 hours in your car in a business career and that could be music which is not going to help you, it could be news which will hurt you, or you could have good inspirational training in your car, so some of you are smart enough to do that. The challenge you have is you're not thinking and listening.

You see when you first get your driver's licence you do not drive a car, you aim a car and you aim for three months. Remember? Ooh, left turn, blinker, got it, oooh. Now after three months it's total reflex, there is no thinking. That's why you do not have to use mental energy to drive so you want to consciously listen by hearing, writing and reading and saying what you want to learn.

You hear it, and then you have to write it, that's why I gave you the work book today. If I stood up here for three hours and yapped at you you'd have a lot of enjoyment hopefully and you'd be inspired hopefully, but you'd have no retained value to take back to your company. That's why note-taking is critical. Then of course you have to read what you've written or you'll forget it and the real learning of about half of today is saying words to people and not saying certain words.

Repetition is the mother of learning. Anything you want to learn you learn it through repeat. Now we've proven this. The three million people I have trained I tell them, if you do not read and write and say it six times you won't have enough to make it work so you've got to now take your work book home and say "We’re going to have repetition drills, let's hear it, let's write it, let's read it, let's say it" because if you don't do two, you will do a lousy three and you won't use the material properly.

I've gotten letters from students, they call me or write me "Tom I used that closing technique you gave me and the guy hit me, almost threw me out of his office" and I'll call him, I'll say "You used it as I taught you?", I'll say "Let me hear you say it" and he'll go "Well it's kind of like". I said "I didn't say "kind of like", you have to learn the words, that is the discipline" and I go "No wonder he smacked you, that's not what I told you to say, you've got to say it right". If you take my book and try to say the words and have it rehearsed and memorised it won't work. And then of course you've got to make it you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

My techniques go into your products and they've got to be a natural part of you. See, you can't be Tom. You can copy me but it must transfer to you if you're really going to make this work. And then, of course, reinforcement, never forget this, every pro I've ever met goes back to basics once a year.

Now I'm going to ask you to do something if you haven't done it, I am going to ask you to take an area of your home and do what multimillionaire professionals do. I don't know if you know a brain surgeon that makes $10 million a year. I do, Ted Dietrich, he's probably one of the most popular heart surgeons in the world out of Scottsdale, Arizona.

If you went to Ted's home he would take you through his house and suddenly this big double door would open and there is his gorgeous library filled with books and reference material. Now I want you to start acting, walking, talking like the success you wish to become. So you need to go home and pick an area of your home and make it your reference library.

Do you know I was 19 when a man taught me to do it? I lived in a one-room studio apartment, I was so sincere about wanting to be successful I said "Sir, I don't have a room in my house, I live in one room". He says, "Young man, I can see you're sincere. You take a drawer in a cabinet and you start filling that with books, with tapes" - back then we didn't have even tapes, it was records - "and you call this your reference library because every year you've got to retrain yourself and you must have reference material. You've got to have a library".

I have a friend of mine, Bob Stafford, he makes over, I think $35, $40 million a year in his whole business, and he’s got 25,000 people in his company. And you go to his home in Philadelphia, it's a beautiful mansion, and he has the most gorgeous - he's spent $1 million on just the library as a room.

I want you to start walking, talking, acting, believing like the people you wish to become. That's really the key, gang. That's why when you come to these meetings you meet other entrepreneurs; you want to find the ones doing the job and pick their brains.

All right, so those are the five steps. We're going to go through all five of those. Now, in your work book you'll notice there's room to make additional notes. If something strikes you or maybe I say something that's not in here, because sometimes I say things that are really good that aren't in here. I mean I never know what's going to happen so you just make some notes, all right.

Now I want to give you an overview if right now - how many of you like golf? How many of you play golf? Okay. If Tiger Woods came in here right now how many of you would stand up and really pay attention to Mr. Woods? He's number 1. He's earned the right and everything he says you must absolutely take to heart. If he came in here and said "I'm going to show you a few ways of changing your swing', you'd say "Hey, show me". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

Well that's the same in selling.6There's four fundamentals that you must master to have a good golf swing and hit the ball the right distance based on the club face and the projectile you need to get to the hearth. There's fundamentals in selling you must master.

Now you've got to have: A) Product Knowledge. If they're going to really respect you or they want to listen to you. They must perceive you as an extremely confident - now notice the words "expert adviser" - and you know, I'm a sales trainer, okay. I try to have that niche, I try to stay focused. People say "Tom are you a motivator", I go "Well there's motivation involved but no I teach the people the art of saying the words to get people to say "yes" to help them own the product".

The word "expert adviser" is what they must see you as, to where they say "Man, this person knows their product, they know their service, they're experts; I want to do with business with him".

Then of course we'll spend time today on the B) side which is people skills and there are seven people skills in marketing any product or service. You must know how to prospect and meet the right people the right way to have them open their minds to hear your message. So prospecting is number 1. It can be direct mail, many people do that. It can be telephone, many people do that. But please realise the end of the year, the income you make is in direct proportion to the number of contacts you and your company make with people who don't own your product. So you must be contactoriented, not sales, contact first.

Then number 2, original contact. People judge you in the first 10 seconds. They judge the way you sound when you meet them, how you look when you meet them. So the original contact is very, very important. Then number 3, of course, qualification. You must learn the art of finding out what they can say "yes" to.

Then of course number 4 is a good presentation or demonstration. Now the reason I have both words up there, many people say "What's the difference?" The presentation of a product is an intangible. If I were talking financial services you can't touch and see how much money I can make you so that's a presentation. You come in and look at my vehicle, I will give you a demonstration drive because you can touch it, feel it. That's the difference between presentation, demonstration, you got it? Say "yes"? -- Yes.

All right, super. Now handling objections. If you do the first four right, they've got to say "no" before they can say "yes". Now if you're lousy at the first four then you don't need to know how to handle objections because they've decided not to buy - "Well I object" - they're just going to leave and say "I want to think it over", a nice stall to get rid of us. This is what we'll spend most of the time on, closing the sale; it's an art form, it's a wonderful art form. But you’re not done when you close the sale, I mean do you think "Oh, I've got the cheque, I'm done"? No, no. You must know how to get quality introductions. Quality introductions. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

So that's kind of an overview of what we're going to do but I will say this, if you notice that pyramid, if that were a big building and you notice what doesn't it really have, come on? -- Foundations.

Doesn't - attagirl - doesn't have a foundation. That would not stand, if you don't have a foundation of the right attitude, lots of enthusiasm, good disciplines, and your goals set. It's got to have the foundation.

All righty, page 2. We are in the word business. Now how many of you agree words and what you say are important, how many agree? Ask Don Imus. A 30-year career ruined by a sentence. Words. The words you say impact people's minds so I am going to ask you to - leave you here and everyone in your company, not just you, have got to eliminate words from your vocabulary. These words cannot be said.

So let's start first of all, you can't tell the people the “cost” or the “price” of the product because when you say “the cost” or “the price” they go "We can get it for less if we shop around", that's called human nature. So we always call it "the total investment" or "the total amount".

Now how many of you are in financial services, can I see your hands again? You aren't allowed to call a security mutual fund an investment so don't you use "the total investment" use "total amount" because if there is a legal challenge they will say "Oh, he said it was an investment" even though you didn't.

Next, don't say "down payment", "initial investment" or "initial amount". Almost everyone in the world when they sit down and hear the next words, you say "monthly payment" they have too many. So don't call it a monthly payment, it is "the monthly investment" or "monthly amount". Monthly investment or monthly amount.

The fourth word is very scary and you can’t have anything to do with them you can't say that. You see, don't call any form a contract. Right, we're not getting anywhere near a contract, we don't want to hear about a contract. You call it "the paperwork, the agreement" or "the form". Paperwork, agreement or a form and please keep in mind, based on - I know who many of you are, you've got to take this and teach it to your people who do talk to prospective clients. You have to have a “train the trainer” when you go home.

Number 5; don't call it a “good deal.” When they hear the word "deal" they go "I had a bad deal". Always call it an "opportunity" or "transaction". Opportunity, transaction. Now mom and dad taught us "Don't you sign anything" and you know what, here's the amazing thing, look at my forehead, do you see that? When you're talking to people, they have things right on their forehead.

They have a "yes" here, they have a "no" here, and right down in the middle of their nose is the word "maybe" and it's almost like on the end of their nose they've got a little meter and as you talk it's going "You know we should do this, I Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

don't know maybe we should do this, I don't think we should do this, but maybe we should do this". It's going back and forth as you persuade, convince.

And here you are, got them on the "yes" and you go "the contract" - "ooh, I don't want to get near a contract, I'm afraid of a contract" and then you go "You know you -that considered buying", "We're not buying, we're looking". You see you've got to be careful with the arrow, you see. "This is a good deal"; "I'm out of here". So make sure we say the right words. Don't ask them to sign it. They can be right on a maybe and you go "Now if you'll just sign the line right here" and they go "We're not signing anything".

Learn all four of these. We ask them to okay it, approve it, authorise it, and endorse it. It's amazing they'll do that, they just won't sign it. "I’ll just need your okay right here to set everything up. If you'll just approve the paperwork we'll have everything fixed for you next week. I just need you to authorise the agreement and we'll set up everything and you'll be so thrilled with us. Just need you to endorse it the way you would a cheque". Powerful.

Number 7, don't ever say what you're saying is "the pitch", "love to give you my pitch". It sounds so insincere and you know there are companies in the United States, I know there are some of you from other countries, but 75 year old sales companies, ever since they started 75 years ago have called everything they say is a pitch. They even have a pitch book, "Let me show you my pitch book". Don't say "pitch", always call it a presentation. A presentation.

And number 8 is so scary, you’ll say the word "objections" and they then have an envelope that tells more objections they have so we always say "the areas of concern or concerns". Areas of concern or concerns.

I don't like number 9, calling them customers. It's like - see to me if you say "customer" that's person that goes to the market with a basket, fills it up and pays. Don't ever call the buyers of your product "customers". They are either "the families, the companies" or "the people we serve." We have 400 families we serve in the community, 400 companies we serve with our wonderful product". I'd much rather be a person like that than a customer.

And then of course number 10, let's drop the word "appointment" when we're trying to meet people. "Love to make an appointment with you". You see the reason is a business person who hears that they want an appointment; it’s never less than an hour of a very busy day. If you do in-home transactions where you go to people's homes, they hear "appointment" and they go "Man, how do I get you out of my house?" So we just love to visit with people. We're going to just pop by and visit. You see "pop by and visit" is so fun because of the connotation, "I'm going to pop in, pop out" with a cheque of course. Teach your people to make lots of visits, not appointments. Teach your people to just pop by and visit with people. They will meet so many more folks, all right? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

Okay, I said it, you heard it, and you wrote it. Now stand up everybody. It's time for you to say it. Now you need to get a partner who is going to be working with you today to learn what we’re going to be teaching so break into two's. They can be beside you, behind you, and this is a very important part of my training and they paid me a lot of money to come here, so you do this now.

Grab a partner, beside you, behind you, if you have to walk across an aisle don't be shy, we're all here for the same reason, increase our effectiveness and if there's only two or three of you, you three might join together if you like. All righty.

Okay, already, one of you is going to start by reading the words in the sentences under number 1, go back to cost or price, and so your first person will read the script under "cost or price", the second person will read the script under "initial investment", number 2, then back to the first person, number 3, and go back and forth reading the scripts under the words I just taught you. Ready, go.

Now I hope you felt the difference in the way the words come across. I mean, just take, for example, and I'll highlight a couple of my favourites. Look at the words "contract", that one there to me is so, so important because it is amazing how, if you said to someone "Why don't we just go ahead and see how it looks on a contract?" right away they know "If I put my name on that I'm bound".

Where, if you notice the words "Let's just draft up our feelings on the paperwork to just see if going ahead even makes sense", do you see what you did with the last sentence, "Going ahead even makes sense"? You've given them an "out" to where you're really not getting anything unless it makes sense. You see how wonderful that is? Oh, I hope you realise the importance of just the right words. I've had people double their incomes just because they started in their presentation saying the right words, okay.

Now let's go to the next heading, it says "Prospecting your way to riches". Many years ago I had a seminar, a three-day, one of my boot camps, and I had in front a very interesting man. Interesting because the average age of the people that come is between 40 and 50 that would be an average. Some in their 20, 30s, I get some 60s, 70s, so let's say 40 or 50.

And I had a man sitting in front that I walked out, kind of glanced down, and I could tell he had to be 75 and I was impressed. I mean, here's a 75 year old man that's been around the block more than I have, sitting in a three-day with all these kids taking notes. Well at the end of the first day I walked down to him, I said "Sir, I just want to tell you that I'm impressed that you've come to my program as a man of your age" and he goes "Tom, I love training and I don't know if you know this, I was with you many years ago". I said "Oh, I'm glad you're back" and he says "There's something you really need to teach". He says "I call it the secret to success in selling". I say "Hey, man, I'm coachable, you've got a secret?" Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

He says "Let me show you" and he walked up on the stage and walked kind of gingerly and I want you to picture this because it's so funny, he comes up to the overhead projector and says "Tom this is the real key to success and I really want you to know this because you're a good man but you need to teach this. This is the key… that's it."

Now of course I'm alone in the room with this guy and a little nervous. I said "Sir, I don't know what “that” is". He says "That's the key!" I said "What is it?" He says "Anyone that's in sales, in fact any company has got to find a way to make every representative see 20 people a day belly to belly". And he said "See the people, STP is the key to success at the end of the year."

And you know what, that's something your company has to do. Anyone that's out there representing you has got to be taking charge of contacts because at the end of the year it's not how much sales are made, it's how many people you've met to make the sales. So start by governing the contacts and everything else will work, okay.

So, selling - look at the words there now - SELLING IS FINDING THE PEOPLE TO SELL AND SELLING THE PEOPLE YOU FIND. Now you have two parts of it. You've got to go find them and then close sales. That's the whole key to your increase in productivity. SEE THE PEOPLE.

Now when you first hire a person that is going to represent your company you've got to let them know that the key to getting “yes's” is handling the “no's” to get the “yes's” and that's why you need to teach them a formula and as you see in the bottom of the page this is kind of my formula and you'll see "See the people" which I think is already filled in, if not, SEE THE PEOPLE, STP, take home STP, see the people, it's not an oil additive.

Although I did that one meeting, I went and bought a can of STP, Andy Granatelli's fabulous product and I had a meeting and put a can of STP in the front of all the desks of the salespeople. That's all we're going to talk about is this can, what's it mean? And they didn't get "See the people" until I finally said "You carry that can because I want you to keep thinking, I've got to talk to more people every day, to build momentum of our business".

Then of course here's a formula and of course I am giving you a generic formula. Many of you want to go back to your companies and find out how a person - how much a person that is in sales makes when they close a sale. I'm just going to use $100. One closed sale, a hundred dollars. Five contacts, one closed sale. One "yes", four "no's", divide the four rejections into the hundred, now every "no" is worth 25. So now you teach your people that when they get rejected they're earning $25 and have them say that "THANKS FOR THE 25".

Let me hear it, if they hang up on you? -- Thanks for the 25. Thanks for the 25. Cancel the appointment? -- Thanks for the 25.

Thanks for the 25. Buying from your competitor? -- Thanks for the 25. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

See how fun that is? And you've got to brainwash your people, we want to get rejected more than we ever have before, as we build our company. All right?

Let's look at the top of page number 4, "Making a powerful original contact". Number 1, the first thing you've got to teach your people to do is USE THE PERSON'S NAME THE WAY THEY GIVE IT. You see, some people change the name because they want to be familiar. If you meet an Edward you keep calling him Edward, don't drop it to Ed or Eddie. You meet a Thomas, don't drop it to Tom, it's a Thomas.

Now I'll tell you why. There are people sensitive about their names. I had one woman chew my butt because I called her Liz instead of Elizabeth and she had paranoia, a weird illness about it so that was when I said "Man, I'm never changing a person's name. Whatever you say you are, you are, forever".

ESTABLISH COMMON GROUND, that's the first thing when you meet someone. Find things you have in common with them. People like to feel you have some commonality. Always look for common ground. What do I have in common with you? It can be as simple as the way they dress; it can be something in their home if you go to their home. Also, SMILE WHEN YOU MEET PEOPLE. Again, you may not be a smiler, they don't know you when you first meet them, why don't you fake it and smile at them?

Do you know people come back somewhat the way you start with them and if you look like you've been weaned on a pickle it doesn't warm them up, so give them a nice smile, all right?

Number 4, LET THEM KNOW I'M HERE FOR YOU, that's got to be the overall feeling, "we're here for you". Our company is here for you. We're here to serve you, we're here for you. Now another thing I want you to practise is what we call "TUNING IN" with another human being and the way you tune in with people is you adjust both your rate and your volume of speech to theirs. You want to start listening at least for the first few minutes on how fast or slow they speak and you match them.

You see there is something you want to be careful about; it's what many people think of when you think someone is trying to sell you, the fast talker. You meet a slow talker and you're a fast talker, they get afraid of you. "Tom, ah, what, ah, is this, ah, all about?" "What's it about, Ithinkyou’llbethrilledwhenyouhearittheresalotofpeoplethatwe’vetalkedtoaresohappyrealhappy. Right away". Fast talker. "I don't want to do business because I'm afraid of you". Slow down.

But the same is true if you meet an A-type. Here's a guy who is so busy. "Anyway Tom, you're pretty persistent, you've managed to get to see us and I'm impressed with your follow up so kind of tell me what this is all about because we may be interested in that, what is it?" We're very excited. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

You see if you're a slow talker and he's a fast talker, he'll sit there going "Come on baby, come on, talk to me now, come on", so you've got to match their speed and their volume, just for the first few minutes, okay.

I also think we all have to have a way to go into the business setting. I call this B), INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT, or GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. I think this is a wonderful, wonderful sentence. Tell your people that when they walk in to do business, you do establish a rapport, look for commonality, find something to talk about other than business, to get rapport building, then you want to get down to business and this is a great sentence, "LET ME JUST BEGIN BY THANKING YOU FOR THE TIME WE'RE GOING TO SHARE".

Always that first sentence "Let me begin by thanking you for the time we're going to share". I so hope we can consider this meeting, I really want you to teach your people these next two words - "I SO HOPE WE CAN CONSIDER THIS MEETING SOMEWHAT EXPLORATORY". You see, that's nice. I'm not here to sell you, let's just explore together". In about an hour and a half you give me a cheque, meaning "my job is to analyse your needs and show you how we at - name of your company - can assist you at this time". That is a great introductory little sentence. It relaxes them, and gets you started.

I also think you've got to be aware most people are terrified of this thing called “the pen”. Yes, you want to get it out and make notes, so get it out sooner. Now I believe in being a note-taker, I think whenever you're with people you should try your best to have some type of pad that you can make notes on so that they get used to you writing. You see the bottom there, right there?

"You know, over the years, I've found it very beneficial to make notes during conversations so I can do a better job of helping people. So I hope you won't be offended if while we chat" - you see the word "chat", I like the word "chat" - "I just make a few notes. Now you've got permission to get this fearful little device out and if you notice it is for their benefit that you're making notes. Get your people writing sooner when they do a presentation so they aren't afraid of you, okay?

Now the most overlooked and under-rated step in selling is qualification, on the next page, I've got to tell you that and I think you need to memorise and use this needs formula. Now, years ago I thought "How can I get people to think of qualifying people?" I said "Well I have to come up with a formula" and I want you to say the word "needs", ready? -Needs.

Good. Forget what you want to sell, put your whole focus on what are their -----? -- Needs.

----- needs. Get yourself out of the way and keep thinking of their -----? -- Needs. And you've got to teach your people this. Don't come across like I want money, I don’t want to make a sale. I want to satisfy your -----? -- Needs. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

Teach that, that's really important. Somewhat exploratory. You've got to use the needs formula and each letter triggers what you want to find out.

Number 1, what do they have now? The "n" stands for their past, their past. Then when you find out what they have now - and I'll use an example, if I were marketing, let's just say I marketed, we'll use a Chrysler product, I market a Chrysler car, okay, I work in that dealership and you drove in my dealership and I watched you drive in, I saw the car you have now, that tells me a lot about you, okay.

The second thing is I'll find out when you bought the car, what did you enjoy most about it, okay. I want to know what you enjoy about what you have now. These are called "hot buttons". Some of you have read a book, "Oh, yeah, find out their hot buttons", it's what they like in the past. Tell me what you like in the past and I'll know what I can do to help you say "yes" in the future. You all with me on that? Very important that "enjoy".

A, is "WHAT WOULD THEY LIKE TO ALTER?" What do they want to change about what they have now? What do they want to change about what they have now? Bless you. Be careful of a sneeze like that. I don't know if you read last week, did you guys read in USA Today, you might not have been here, but did you read in USA Today a man died from a sneeze like that? Did you guys read about it, huh? No? He was in his neighbour's wife's closet at the time. So you want to be careful on that, all right?

WHO IS THE DECISION MAKER? Who can say "yes"? You see many people keep talking to the wrong person. You've got to find out who is the decision maker. A lot of times there's a third party especially if you're working with a young couple, in their 20s, they may have made mistakes when they first got married and they vowed, "We do nothing without daddy". You had better find out if daddy's involved. "You know, John, Mary, if we're fortunate to really satisfy your needs with our program, who other than yourself would be involved in the final decision?" "Oh, we never do anything without daddy". "Oh, you're so lucky to have someone that you respect like your father, that's wonderful. Do you know we can have questions that you may not be able to answer so why don't we just schedule a little time where all of us can sit together?"

"I want to get daddy". They’ll never tell you a presentation the way you can. They've got to get daddy, the decisionmaker. Because then we're going to come up with the "S" and you know what, anyone in business I believe is in the "S" business. All of you are in the "S" business. Say "I'm in the "S" business"? -- I’m in the "S" business.

Never forget that, everyone in your company is in the what? -- The "S" business.

We're "solution" people, we come up with solutions. We find out the need, we solve the need with the solution. We're solution people.

Now let's do a quick review. I want to find out what are your? -- Needs. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

What do you have? -- Now.

What do you really -----? -- Enjoy.

What would you like to -----? -- Alter.

Who is the -----? -- Decision maker.

We have the -----? -- Solution.

You have your people follow that formula, you just trust Tom, you - I get letters from people that say "Man, when I just follow that formula with people I am doing better than ever in helping people say "yes" to me", all right.

Now, I think I wrote this, you heard me say this, if we're - always use the word "fortunate", see that? "Do you know if we're fortunate" - it's almost like "If we're not, we don't do business", relieving pressure, always relieving pressure. "Do you know John, if we're fortunate to find a copier that satisfies your company's needs, who, other than yourself, would be involved in the final decision here?"

"Well, what we usually do is have a committee meeting where we have a little committee that goes over all the bids on the copiers we're looking at". "Oh, that's great. I'm going to ask you a favour, I know my competition and you're going to be thrilled when we do business but if you wouldn't mind I would love to have you maybe present my copier last and I'd love to pop in, in case they have questions. I'll be a little mouse in the corner and not say a word but there for questions". Boy, if I can get in that committee meeting I'm getting the copier closed, all right?

Now look at the next heading, "The presentation or demonstration of a product is nothing more than preparation for the close". You see, everything you're doing is preparing them for the close. That's all, everything that happens, preparing them for the close. Are you all with me? -- Yes.

From the moment you meet someone, whatever you're goal is, if it's your boy or girl cleaning up a room, everything you say is preparing them for the close and you get the commitment that the room gets cleaned.

You see all I'm going to teach you today you can use with your family; you can use everywhere because selling is a universal language. It really is. Now look at the next thing A, "Always ask your potential client to sit directly across from you".

I put that in there because many people try to present something and they have a person here, a person here and you're here, uh, huh. Set stage. People must be directly across from you in any presentation because you see if they're Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

not, you can say a sentence that they don't agree with but the husband doesn't want to say anything so he catches his wife's eye and just gives her a little … You see, you didn't even get it and she's going … and he's going …and you've lost total control of the presentation.

So orchestrate any presentation where they cannot look at each other without you catching the non-verbal communication. That's a very important role to teach your people, okay.

Now during the presentation, number 1, you keep control by asking questions. You keep control by asking questions. Now I want you to raise your hands - of course I know it's everyone - for the folks that have never met me before. Okay. I'm going to have one of you help me, now what is your name? -- Faye.

Faye. You're a good note-taker and we've never met. I haven't prepared you for this? -- No.

But I want to ask you this Faye, all of us are here to do better and if you can help me in the educational experience, you wouldn't mind, would you? -- No.

So you'd volunteer? -- Yes.

Isn't that nice? -- Yes.

Let's give Faye a hand for volunteering, okay. Come on up here Faye. Now Faye, I'm going to go and get this little bar stool and sit it right there so everybody can see you and I want you to just sit here, okay. Now who doesn't know Faye? You don't know Faye, all right. Would you do me a favour and write down right here, one of the 52 cards in a deck of cards but don't make it an ace or they'll think we're in cahoots, okay?

So let me just see what card you've picked and the suite, and just cover that up, okay. Now Faye, you've - pick up your mike there so if you'll just answer into that - you've played cards once or twice, haven't you? -- Yes.

Okay. Let's see here. We've got a lot of expensive people back there. There you go. You've played cards once or twice haven't you? -- Yes.

If I'm not mistaken there are 52 cards in the deck, isn't that right? -- Yes.

There are two colours, there's red or black. Would you name the red or black, either one, red or black? -- Red.

That's right, now on the red Faye we have hearts or diamonds. So could you name me the hearts or the diamonds? -Diamonds. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

And that would leave you with the hearts, wouldn't it? -- Yes.

Now in the hearts we've got two types, we've got face cards and numbers. Would you name the face or the number? -Face.

That's right, now on the face we have three cards that you seem to enjoy, we've got the Jack, Queen or King. Would you name the Jack, Queen or King? -- Queen.

And that will leave you with the Jack or King, wouldn't it? -- Yes.

Would you name the Jack or King of hearts? -- King of hearts.

And that will leave you with the Jack? -- Yes.

And you know the Jack is a wonderful choice, one of my favourites. You see, we don't believe in pushing people, we want them to come to their own decision and the Jack of hearts is a wonderful choice. Now of course I didn't make it, this man chose a card and sir, what did you write down? -- The Jack of hearts.

Didn’t she do great? Give her a nice hand. Now I'm not teaching you a card trick, I'm teaching you one of the most powerful premises of persuasion you will ever learn because you see when you see the essence and the three things that people do in leading people to the final decision based on the card trick, that's what the great ones do all the time.

So let's do it again now and I want you to help me and then all of you are going to do it with the person next to you. So pay real close attention, okay. Now I am going to come over here and Faye I don’t want you to see what I am writing on the overhead. You can never have them know that you know what they should buy.

You see the worst thing you can say is "I know exactly what you need" which is typical pushy. So they never know you know but if you’re a pro you know, because you know what's best for them, it’s just you’re a pro.

Well we led her to one of these, let’s do this. Let's get one as far away from that as possible. Perhaps we'll even make it harder than that. Let's make it one of those. Now there are steps in leading people and the key to get minor agreements leading to major decision is the key. Okay.

Now here is our goal. Minor decision, minor decision, minor decision, minor decision, minor decision, minor decision. Okay. Now let's all to it together, ready? In fact I am going to stand back here and lead you through it and point so you're ready Faye. Everybody repeat after me, "You've played cards once or twice, haven't you?"? -- You’ve played cards once or twice, haven't you? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

"If I'm not mistaken there are 52 in the deck, isn't that right?"? -- If I'm not mistaken there are 52 in the deck, isn't that right?

"There are two colours, red or black; would you name the red or black?"? -- There’s two colours, red or black, would you name the red or black.

Okay, you go ahead and just pick a colour? -- Black.

All right. That's what we're looking for, right, we don't want that so all of you say, "Then that leaves the red, doesn't it?"? -- Then that leaves the red, doesn't it?

If she said "red" we would have just said "That's right". So we've got her to number 1 minor event, colour. Let's go for this one. "Now Fay, in the red, we have hearts or diamonds, would you name the hearts or diamonds"? -- Diamonds.

That's right. What if she said "hearts"? -- I’m psychic.

"Then that leaves the diamonds, doesn't it?" "Now in the diamonds we have two types, we have face cards or number, would you name the face or number"? -- Face cards.

"That leaves the numbers, doesn't it?"? -- Yes.

If she had said "numbers" we would have just said, "That's right". Next minor agreement. "In the numbers we have two types, we have odd or even. Would you name odd or even?"-- Even.

"That leaves the odd, doesn't it"? -- Yes.

If she'd have said "even" - or if she had have said "odd" we would have said -----? -- That’s right.

That's right. "So now the odd we have two types, we have the lower which would be three, five, and the high, seven, nine. Would you name low or high?"-- High.

"That leaves the low, doesn't it?" so we have boiled it down to the three or five so Fay, would you name the three or the five of hearts?"? -- Five of hearts.

"That leaves the three, doesn't it?"? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

We hope you'll enjoy it in many years. Give her a nice hand, all right. Good job. Gee she was good. Now I'm not teaching you a card trick. When you see the three things you're going to learn from this you're going to love it.

Quickly write down - and we're going to go to the bottom of page 4, go back to the last page where you have three inches of white space and all of you write down one of the 52 cards. It can be if you're not good at cards, and some people aren't, you can use one of these because it's up here, face, Jack, Queen, King or the numbers. Now once you've written the card down, stand up with your book in hand. Stand up. Get that partner that you did the recitation with, decide - and I will let you go and get seated and thank you again for a good job, Fay, you did wonderful.

Now decide of the two of you who's going first. Decide who is going first. Okay. Ready. Whoever is going first follow my script? When you get done, second person, you do it following the script; all ready? I want to see how close you can hit these words because you've heard me say it word for word every time. Ready, first person.

"You've played cards once or twice, haven't you”? -- You’ve played cards once or twice, haven't you?

"If I'm not mistaken there are 52 cards in the deck, isn't that right"? -- If I'm not mistaken there are 52 in the deck, isn't that right?

"There are two colours, red or black, would you name the red or black?" and now you're on your own, ready, go? -There’s two colours, red or black, would you name the red or black.

All right now I want you to realise what I'm teaching you here. I'd like you on the bottom of that page and you might have made some notes there on the bottom of page 4, you may have to go to the inside front cover. I want you to write "Card trick analogy" and what I've just taught you is an analogy but it's very important.

This is what we learn from it, this is what I did with her, say, we've got different products and services and companies in the room so I have to find something that's generic for all of us to look at and so that's why I decided to take a card out of 52.

Now first of all, some of you didn't do well because you lacked product knowledge. There are some of you that haven't played a lot of cards and if you haven't played a lot of cards you couldn't have a stranger pick any one of the 52 and then lead them to it. So that's one reason why some of you weren't really good at it, which is fine. If you learn the product - if I said "We have one month and we're coming back in here and I'm going to give a $1000 bill to anyone that can word-forword do the card trick" how many of you would be back in a month and get 1000 bucks? You'd practise, you would drill, you would rehearse and you'd have that baby down which is what a pro does, by the way. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 1

The second thing is some of you, because of lack of product knowledge; you have some things you want to be careful about in speech habits. You see, I already taught you to not say 10 words but there's also things you can't do when you speak to somebody. Now I heard some of you doing what we call "hobby-horses". Now a hobby-horse is a bad speech habit when you speak to people and a hobby-horse is saying the same word over and over again.

You've got to be careful you don't say the same word too often in your speech or they keep hearing it. "You know he said "dynamic, dynamic, dynamic, dynamic" and that's all I was listening for; I didn't hear the rest of it". Do you see what happens?

Also, some of you have another speech habit that’s called "seal talk" and the reason you did seal talk was again, you've never done the card trick but there are some of you I'll guarantee that if I sat alone with you in a conversation over coffee, you would be seal-talking because you've now made it a habit.

Now if you're a seal-talker, this is a discipline you're going to have to work on, if you're married you may go to your spouse and say "Am I seal-talking?" and if you are have her catch you, have him catch you. You must get seal-talk out of your delivery of speech. So I guess the best thing I can say is limit seal-talk, that's probably the best thing I could say. All right? -- What is seal-talk?

What is seal-talk? Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh. You see this is a speech habit that a lot of ah, people, ah, have, ah, "You know John, ah, when you, ah, see what we do, ah, I think you're going to love it, ah". Now you've got to be careful because that becomes an actual habit of speech and so you want to have anyone you're talking with in your organisation, if they're seal-talkers, work with them because it breaks down the flow of communication when you're a seal-talker. Right.

Now I want to ask you a question. How many of you believe in what you do? Can I see your hands? That's very important. Do you know that strength in conviction is the most important thing that you have is you've got to believe in what you do.

How many of you market to other people a product or a service? How many believe that if they say "yes" that they've benefited? How many of you believe that you not only have the right but an obligation to help them own what you have to offer? How many of you agree with me with that? Super.

Well, you see, I'm the same way. I have a tremendous belief in what I can do for companies and I would love to have you let me join your company so I can train and recruit for you and I can help you build your company. How many of you think that might be a real win if I could come be with you 24 hours a day? Well I can do that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

TOM HOPKINS Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

TOM HOPKINS: Come on in; let's get sttarted back in our work


book, if everybody will turn quickly to the t bottom of page 5,

Tom Hopkins is a sales legen nd. Many

so we learn questioning. A couple of pe eople in the break said -

believe that natural ability iss enough

you see the card trick is an analogy. How w many cards in a deck;

to make you successful in a selling

how many products do you market, sayy five? -- Five.

career. The truth of the mattter is that natural skill, combined with h “how to” training is the real

I ask you the qualifying questions, I kn now out of five, what is best for you. I don't tell you, I decide that is what you are going to say "yes" to and I lead you to itt with questions

secret to high level productiivity.

Having learned this lesson the t hard way, Tom is quick to admit that his early sales ca areer was not successful. After

instead of saying - because most people in sales are telling

benefiting from professiona al training, he became a

people what they should buy and that puts off people. You

dedicated student, refining ssales techniques which enabled

want to learn to lead people with questtions. Now the card

him to become the sales lea ader in his industry.

trick is only an analogy, it's not - you do on’t do it exactly like that with your products. Make a decisio on, lead them to it.

Tom’s credibility lies in his trrack record and the track records of the students he has traineed over the years. He has

Now I would like you on the bottom of o page number 4 where you wrote "card trick" would you u write "IT’S MY JOB TO MAKE THE DECISION AND LEAD THEM TO T IT". You see, that is really your job, is to make the decision and a lead them to it.

personally trained over threee million students on five continents. He has shared th he stage with some of the great leaders of our times includin ng Ret. Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf, former Presid dent George Bush, Colin Powell, and Lady Margaret Thatcheer.

Make the decision and lead them to it.

uestions that are things you need to have your people build into their presentation Now I want to give you a bunch of qu so let's look at the bottom of page 5. Th he first question you want to learn and build into you ur presentation is called the "TIE DOWN". Now look at the definition n of a tie down. It is a question at the end of a sentencce that demands a "yes".

Now I have used a couple of these in my presentation already, haven't I? -- Yes.

In fact that was one, wasn't it? -- Yes.

I did it again, didn't I? --


You're catching on, aren't you? --


You can make this a speech habit, can'tt you? -- Yes.

Because you want to get more yes's, do on't you? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

They're fun, aren't they? -- Yes.

So I want you take "isn't it, doesn't it, wasn't it, couldn't it, wouldn't it, shouldn't it, can't you, won't you, haven’t we hasn’t he, hasn’t she ” and I want you to build these into your presentation. Now at the break I finished the presentation and I had a woman come up to me and I don't know if you realise how powerful what we're teaching you in this brief three hours of training is, but this woman is an example. Would you just share what you shared with me, the young lady at the back, would you mind?

She came up to me at the break and she said "Tom, I've really got to tell you what happened in my career with your training" and I said "you know there are so many people that aren't aware of the power of what we are teaching them, so maybe one of your group and if you would - it's Tammy, yes? -- Yes..

Yeah, tell them where you're from and a little bit about you and here - I will give you this mike, I think we - I will have you turn this one up, okay? -- This one.

Ready? Okay?

TAMMY LYNCH: Can you hear me? -- Yes.

I am TAMMY LYNCH; I am a residential developer these days, a building contractor and a broker. I also recently authored a book but I will tell you in 1985 I just started my career selling for a living. Completely different industry. I tried selling, that doesn't work very well that way, if you try selling with no experience.

A very good friend of mine bought me "How to Master the Art of Selling" by Tom Hopkins. I have referred this book to every single sales person I have employed over I don't know how many years. I buy it for them yet today. That prompted me on a journey - I was earning, I don't know, 15,000 a year, 18,000 - I don't even remember what the number was.

Within two years rose into the 60,000 range. I now run a multi-million dollar company and it started with his book that put me on a journey. I not only liked the book so much I went to his three-day boot camp in Scottsdale, memorised 52 closes.


TAMMY LYNCH: I asked my son these days "Jim are you a winner?" and from 5 years old he has been saying "yeah, mom" and I say "why?", "Because I have faith, courage and enthusiasm" - it's his line. My son teaches his friends this. Three-day boot camp, The Official Guide to success for people who are not in sales. This man changed my life, or his material, when Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

applied changed my life so I had - I was so thrilled just to come here today, Linda Forsythe asked me to join her and when I heard he was going to be here I said "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen him in 10 years and he has no idea what he has done to my life or my family, so-----

TOM HOPKINS: Thank you and you know that is - thank you Tammy. That is the payment to a teacher. Some of you may have been in education teaching kids and the real payment, I think, is when students go out, take the training and have a better life because of the time you touched them and that's - that's so nice, Tammy, and that's what I hope will happen to you that's what I hope will happen to you for the short time that we're together.

All right, so the tie down, it is a fun little technique. I have written three of them for you because these three, I think, you can take and build right into any presentation. A REPUTATION FOR PROFESSIONALISM IS IMPORTANT, ISN'T IT? You see, any of you could say that to a person and they would have to agree with you. Or, INVESTING IN A QUALITY PRODUCT MAKES A LOT OF SENSE, DOESN'T IT? Of course it does. Or THIS OPPORTUNITY IS EXCITING, DON'T YOU AGREE? So you want to learn a little tie down, build it into your presentation and that is the first of the 52 questions that Tammy was talking about.

Now (b) on the top of page 6 is the alternative choice, let's look at that. It is a question at the end of a sentence. I'm sorry, it's a question with two answers. Either answer is a minor agreement leading towards the major decision. Now these are best used for the time of appointment, location, start up date and if you'll notice you'll see the first one "I AM AVAILABLE TO VISIT WITH YOU" and always give them two choices.

Don't say "When can we get together", they won't give you a time, they will stall you. So "I'm available to see you at 3 or would 9 tomorrow be better?" or "shall we set the monthly investments up to the first of the month or the 15th?" And then of course the (c) is another great questioning strategy. It is called "the porcupine".

Now I named it that because if I threw a live porcupine in your lap what would you do without thinking? -- You’d throw it back.

You'd throw it back, that's what this technique is; answering the right questions, pretending they threw you a porcupine with a question, okay? So, for example, they say to you "How soon can you get us the product?” Now you may have delivery in a week but if you say that, you didn't close by giving them an agreement, so when they say "How soon can you get us the product?" answer it with a question, "What timing schedule for delivery best suits your needs?"

When they then answer they have been closed. Now let me use my real estate examples. I used to show homes and after closing three or 400 home sales you know what’s happening when they are in the house. It's like they do this, they say this, they look like this, they have given me verbal and non-verbal buying signs, you know that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

Well they usually, if they like the home, start talking about personal property. They would say, like, "Will the refrigerator stay?" Well I wouldn't say "yes", I'd say "well you know, it could be personal property if the home makes sense, would you like it?" and when they said "Yes" they bought a refrigerator, what stays with it? The house, of course and that is the way the porcupine technique works. They ask the right question, you answer it with a question, all right.

Now look at number 2. You are going to hit a cycle in your career where people are hitting you with the same objection over and over again and you know you seem to get this objection. One of the techniques is, number 2, you brag about known objections, meaning you bring it up and make it an advantage.

Now if you bring it up and talk about it as an advantage, it goes away. It'd be, like, let's say, a product - I will just give you an example, I have one company that - they came out with a brand new product roll out and the thing hit the market, it was so hot that they, in one month, had back order and didn't have any available. Well, see, this is not a good thing unless you make it an advantage. "John, I am excited to tell you about the new product. It is so exciting that everybody seems to want it. It is so wanted that we don’t have any so if you want it, you've got to be patient with me because we’re totally out, but you'll be the first in line. Will you be patient with me?"

Now I have bragged about the fact that he can’t get it and people want that which they can't have. Are you all with me on the concept? Brag about known objections, okay.

Then of course you want to learn number 3. In speaking we avoid those 10 words but we also use what we call “glamour words”. Glamour words. These are four of my favourites that I would - you'd hear if we went into an actual presentation. Let me hear you say them, ready. What we do for clients truly is -----? -- Unique.

----- Unique. You see it makes one of a kind, special. Our growth, because of our service has been -----? -- Dynamic.

----- Dynamic. In fact as far as our competition, we've just been -----? -- Unparalleled.

----- Unparalleled with the growth and it is so-----? -- Exciting.

----- Exciting. Now those are four. You want to build these into your speech. We eliminate the seal talk, "Ah, ah". We don't say one or two words over and over, hobby-horse, and we add glamour words to our presentation. Very good.

Now we keep clients involved - now please realise during any presentation you must involve them both verbally and physically. Now verbally, how do we really keep people with us verbally? Good, asking them questions. Every once in a while insert a question, that keeps them with you at the table or desk. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

How do you keep people physically involved? Well you can use any type of visual; you can have a book that's your presentation binder that shows pictures because a picture says 1000 words. So you kind of involve them both mentally and physically.

Please realise though there is three things that have to be covered - and let me say it this way - they have to be totally satisfied in their mind, these three points, for them to really say "yes" to your opportunity and the first is who we are. They have to know who you are, the story, the history of your company. They then have to know what we have done and the past track record of success. It's kind of like when they introduced me and the reason Linda asked me to come to the program is because of the years I have done it, the number of - three million people that have paid their money to come to the program; that is a lot of people and on five continents they have had our seminars so what - who we are, our reputation, what we've done and then of course (c), what we will do for you.

When Linda called I said "I will make a customised workbook", not just a workbook that we could give out to everybody that is kind of tailor made for what you do", the people have take-home value notes. Number 6 is important now. You cannot go into what we call the final closing of any transaction until you have thoroughly covered the money. The money must be covered.

And then, of course, we must develop what we call our test close. Test closes. Now let me just share a kind of silly analogy. If we picked up the newspaper tomorrow morning and in bold headlines it said "Medical breakthrough. Medical science has proven that no-one can buy anything unless they have a physical temperature of 102 degrees". Now silly, but if that were true and we want to make money in our business, what do we have to run out and get tomorrow? -- A thermometer.

We've got to get a thermometer, because they have to be 102 degrees before they can write a cheque to us. So we would present, present, present, present and then, “ptt”, we test them. No, you're only 98; you're not hot enough for the final closing. So we present, present, present, present, “ptt”, 103, time to close.

We do that, not with a thermometer but we do that with little questions that test them. Now many people in our business are this close to making the sale and then they are too blatant and it pushes them and they back off. "So what do you say, shall we write this baby up?" Too blatant. "I am calling for a decision", I would love you to have your folks learn how to just say the next sentence "HOW ARE YOU FEELING ABOUT ALL OF THIS SO FAR?"

You see, I didn't push for an answer, "Are you taking it or not?" I just asked "How do you feel about it?" It's a test. Now if you said "I feel pretty good, I think this is something we should do" then I will move to the next level. "You know I've learned over the years that a decision is only as good as the facts. I think it might be a good idea for us to just put all the facts down and see how it looks". How does that sound? "Well we're not really sure", "I know you're not and we're not going to rush into anything. Let's just put it all down and see how it looks. Now, what was your mailing address?". And Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

now I start writing out on my purchase agreement, because I tested, the test was positive and I go further towards the final closing, okay. Have fun with this.

Now let's look at the top of page 7. This is called "HOW TO HANDLE THE OBJECTIONS TO THE FINAL AGREEMENT" and I've got on the left-hand side, you will see a little chain of objects. These objects are memorisation tools that trigger the six steps. Now the first object, what is that? -- An ear.

That's an ear and the ear is the first step. And the ear, I think I gave you number 6 "thoroughly cover the money" on the other page? -- Yeah.

Okay. You must always hear them out, that is the first step to handle any final concern. YOU HEAR THEM OUT. It is tempting to interrupt them, it is tempting to say "I know what you're going to say" but you don't want to do that, you want to hear them out. Now I have written what you do. Develop the discipline of waiting until you're sure you are hearing their real area of concern, don't interrupt them.

Then you go to step number 2, FEED IT BACK. Feed it back. Now you re-state their concern in the form of a question, thus making them elaborate, explain, defend and clarify this. Now for example, everybody say to me "It costs too much"? -- It costs too much.

I am now going to make sure I hear that out. If you say that in the beginning I am not going to handle this, so you don't ever handle an area of concern until the end. "John, I can appreciate your hesitation because of the financial situation, being I am here, I love my product. Why don't I finish my presentation and when I am done let's talk about the money, okay?"

That is called by-passing it till the end. Now I do my whole presentation. Now at the end of it you say the same thing, "Tom, I still think it costs too much"? -- Tom, I still think it costs too much.

Now I am going to feed it back, "You know today most things do. Can you tell me about how much too much you feel it is?" Say $1000? -- $1000.

"So your real hesitation then is not whether you're going to take advantage of our product, but we just have $1000 challenge, is that right?" That was the next step, that I question the importance, so that $1000 is the only important thing in the way.

"Well I guess you're right, Tom" and then we're going to go on to step number 4, we've got to answer it. "I think we ought to keep that $1000 in the proper perspective. Most of my happiest clients enjoy the benefits of this product for at least five years. Now in your case would that possibly be true, if you went ahead with it?" Say "yes"? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

"Well then we're really looking at $200 a year, isn't that right, and you know if you take a two-week vacation you're getting the benefits for 50 weeks a year which is an investment of $4 a week which really breaks down to about 65 cents a day. Do you think you should avoid all the benefits we have talked about for such a small daily amount?" That is called answering the concern with the reduction with a ridiculous close.

You've always got to confirm the fact you've answered it, that's step 5 and you simply say "Now that settles that, doesn't it?" and you confirm the fact you've answered it. And then of course, as you see step number 6, the hand waving is you change gears and take them elsewhere with the words "by the way".

So let's do a quick review. When I show you an ear you say -----? -- Hear them out.

----- hear them out. When I show you a feed bag you say -----? -- Feed it back.

----- feed it back. When I show you the question mark you question the importance. When I show you an answer sheet you answer the concerns. When I show you a confirmation slip you confirm the answer. And then when you see the hand waving, change gears with three words -----? -- By the way.

----- By the way. Now please - the words "by the way" are important little words. They are the words you insert when you want to talk about something other than what is being talked about. Now have fun with this.

How many of you have a relative, think of your relative that's pretty talkative, anybody? Call them on the phone, let them get talking, wait until they take a breath and say "By the way Sally, there is something I have been dying to ask you". You will stop her right in her tracks. And now you'll talk about another subject and got her off of what she was talking about with "by the way". So that “by the way”, three little words, are again an important strategy in our business, okay.

Good, good, good. Let's go to the top of the next page. I gave you this role play, if you will, and you kind of already did it with me but I wrote it so you can have with your folks, kind of a little practice, and an example of it. So I will be the client and you are you, okay. "You know, I like it, the swimming pool is beautiful. I mean, we had an amount we were going to spend to put in a pool and I've got to tell you, I think it costs too much". Read your script? -- “Today most things do".

"Well I would say at least $1000". "You know, I guess so. I can certainly appreciate your feelings; however I think we ought to keep that $1000 in the proper perspective". "For at least five years". "Based on this truth that really makes the $1000 only $200 a year doesn't it?" "Well, you know, I guess that's true". Then you go to the next step.

"If you're like most people you will receive the benefits of this product for 52 weeks per year and that breaks down to $3.85 per week, and then of course this may sound ridiculous but that boils down to about 55 cents per day. Do you think you should avoid enjoying all the benefits we have discussed for 55 cents a day?" Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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You see it is a really honest sincere way to help people overcome a little money challenge, especially if what you're offering is good and the daily amount is easier to rationalise than a total amount. We have a company in Scottsdale, Arizona where I live named "Paddock Pools" and Paddock Pools has been in existence for over 50 years. They are - I don't know, I hate to say the largest - one of the largest pool companies in the world and I have been training their people for 20 years and they use this reduction ridiculous. I hope you can see - first of all, how many of you have priced a swimming pool in the last year or two, anybody?

They are so much more expensive than they used to be. I mean we used to be a abler to for 15 to 20,000 to put in a pretty decent pool. Today you can't get in a decent pool with coping, with all the stuff that you need in a great pool today for under 35 or 40. So they really need to use this to help a person look at enjoying the beauty, the appreciation of value, all the benefits of the pool when they look at the amount, it's more than they want to spend as a daily amount.

Are you all with me on that? It is an honest, sincere way of helping people that have a money challenge. I so hope you will teach that to anyone that is representing you, okay,

All right, let's go to the - as you see, the top of page number 9, most of our time that we have left I wanted to really isolate this area number 6 of the seven fundamentals because it is the most misunderstood and it is a term; the term itself can turn people off and that is the term of closing or closing the sale. And I have to level with you, when I first got into real estate at 18 I was not only young but I had no understand of financing.

I knew nothing so I didn't do well when I started and I went to a seminar and the man said "Well we're going to talk about closing sales" and I am brand new, and I got to level with you, I was turned off by the term "closing" and the reason I was, is I have always had real love for people and I think the reason my eight years in real estate, 90 per cent of the homes I sold were all referred to me, most of them, or had already purchased from me was because I really took good care of people.

And because of that, when I first heard the term "close the sale" or "closing" I had a feeling you have to now become high pressure; are you with me? I would never want to do that. So I was at first, like, I don't like closing. Then I understood what it really was all about and I realised that it is an art form that is good if it is good for everybody.

Now you folks raised your hands when I asked if you believe in what you do. You said "Yeah". "Do you believe you have the right or obligation to help people?", "Yeah". Well,I believe if what you do is good for them after they own it, you have the obligation to do it well and have the moment. It is like, I work with a company, Sandy Weill is the owner of the company, Citigroup. Well they are one of the largest companies in the United States. I train thousands of their sales people every year. And they market financial services and what they do offer is a really fine product for the average American family, because I don't know if you know this, the average American family is really messed up financially. They are not putting their money away properly, they have high Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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interest credit card debt, they are really under stress right now financially, so a lot of them need a good person to help them do the right thing.

Now here is what I tell those folks, for example, "What is your name, sir"? -- Barry.

Barry, and - now are you husband and wife? That's good that will work. Okay, Barry and Gail I met through a person who said "Barry and Gail are my aunt and uncle and they really need your help. You helped us get out of debt eight years sooner than we would have if we had kept doing what we were doing with our money. You got us a better death benefit on the insurance for him if he passes away so you helped us. Would you please call Barry and Gail?”

Now first of all, if Barry and Gail are doing the wrong thing and I can help them do the right thing, then I have an obligation to help them do it if you really because in what you do; would you agree with me on that? -- Yes.

That is just kind of what you folks said, "I believe in what I do" and I think you should own it. "I've got to make sure I do a great presentation to make sure they do the right thing or I have let them down"; are you with me on that? -- Yes.

And that is what you have to believe if you believe in your company and want profits to have it grow and prosper, everybody has got to be good at what they do. I also believe everyone in your company is in sales. I think your service technicians are in sales as far as the job they do. I think the person who answers the telephone as a receptionist is in sales in the way she talks to people and I think you need to get this mentality into an entire company, "WE HAVE A GREAT PRODUCT, A GREAT SERVICE, AND ALL OF US AS A TEAM MUST WORK AND FUNCTION TO HAVE MORE PEOPLE OWN AND ENJOY IT SO ALL OF US BENEFIT" and you've got to sell.

I call it selling, selling to the company and you need to do that because a lot of people - it is like if you call my office at Scottsdale, you will hear Sharon who has been with me - our average person -27 years - and you will hear her and you will think she is making you feel like the most important call she has received of the 250 she gets a day. Why? Because that is not only her job, but she believes in Tom who is out here in the street representing our whole company, you see.

Now when a promoter in a city goes out and promotes a seminar and I have about 70 engagements a year and in almost every major city in the United States and five in Australia, one in New Zealand, Auckland, one in Singapore, one in Malaysia; when I go to those countries I have an obligation if the promoter fills a room up, what is my obligation everybody? I've got to give a great presentation.

It doesn't matter how I feel, it doesn't matter if I have 104 degree temperature, I've got to get on that stage and give 100 per cent because that is my obligation as a professional. Are you all with me? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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You've got to get this feeling in your whole company: "We do the best every time, we give 100 per cent, we are a team and our team has got to implement or impact all of our clients in a positive way". Very, very, important.

So I decided I would write a definition of this thing called "closing" that I think is real good and let's look at it. Ready. The definition: PROFESSIONALLY - and that's important - PROFESSIONALLY USING A PERSON'S DESIRE TO OWN THE BENEFITS OF WHAT YOU OFFER THEN BLENDING YOUR SINCERE DESIRE TO SERVE - don’t miss that, the word "serve" - IN HELPING THEM MAKE A DECISION THAT IS TRULY - what - GOOD FOR THEM. And that is where your strength comes from.

Gosh, I can tell you so many stories. I was having a seminar in San Francisco about a year and a half ago and I have this happen quite often but this was more vivid so I will share it with you. I took a break, like we just got off, the little break and a guy comes up to the stage at break and says "Tom, I know you don’t recognise me but I want to thank you for what you did for me and my wife in 1968".

Now keep in mind, that would have been, what, 30 years almost. I said "Really". He said "Yes, you don't remember me but my wife and I, in 1968, had very little money and we were going to just rent a home because we didn't have a down payment and we walked into your real estate office and you sat us down. You were so polite, so nice, and you convinced us to change our mindset from renting to seeing if we could find a home we could own." Now I am looking at him saying "who, which street, where was it?”

And he says "Do you remember the house on Rosalie, it was a repossession of a builder?” Now of course, I am focusing in and I said "Oh, yeah, I do", which I now remembered because the Rosalie was a repossession, it was just trashed, it was awful but the guy would let him in for no money and allowed me to take $50 of their monthly rent and apply it to a down payment while I helped him get a loan.

Now it took six months before finally we delivered their grant deed of ownership but this guy comes up to me and he says "Hopkins, you were so insistent that we didn't rent. We purchased that little home. It is worth almost $400,000 today because you would not take no for an answer". Are you all with me? That is how you've got to feel about what you do for people. If it is right and it is good you've got to make sure you're really good at the way you present it so they say "yes" if they need it and that is where your strength comes from. Please realise what everybody needs today, number 1, they need help to rationalise the decision to go ahead. That is what they all need. Help me rationalise it. Help me rationalise it. I also want to say this to you, I have been doing this for longer than almost anybody other than Zig Ziglar in the United States and I've got to tell you I was knocked out when Linda and Nik, you know, brought me here and then at a lunch told me that she and her company were bringing all of you and letting you come to this event at no expense and that just blew me away. And I know that there is about a $200,000 investment in what they did and I've just got to tell you, I hope you appreciate what they did and I hope you let them know that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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I know Cathy has had a challenge today but I want to thank you Cathy and Linda, thank you, and I hope Victoria is okay; is she okay? She fell and rebroke her arm. Yeah, she's all right though. Help me thank her and Nik for a nice pleasant thank you so much. I appreciate you dear. A super lady. Thank you. Thank you so much.

I hope - she read you the outline of the speakers that they paid to come be with you and I just so hope that you will reciprocate as far as the opportunities in the future with her because that is fabulous, just fabulous. I have never had it done in my career of 30 years.

Let's go to the next heading. Look at (b), very important. "Without the ability to call for a decision everyone loses". I want you to think about that. If I don't call for the decision and get you to say "yes" to something good, then you've lost because you should own it. I've lost because you didn't say "yes" to what you should say yes to, so we both lost.

It’s kind of like the guy or the gal who is in the insurance industry and meets a family that doesn't have the right coverage. If you don't help them do the right thing, you lost, they lost and the wife lost and the kids lost. That's the way you have to feel about what you do, that if you don’t do the job then everyone loses; all right?

Now look at number 1, "The average person today is actually overwhelmed with fear when making any ownership decision" and that four-letter word is what keeps people from saying "yes". In one way or another they're afraid. Now I taught you 10 words that, in essence, create fear. When you say "price", it increases a little fear that they're paying too much so that's why we say "total investment". When I said "contract", that creates fear, they know they are bound and they're not sure, it happened too fast, so that's why "paperwork agreement".

When I say the word "deal" they had a bad one three years ago and it was supposed to be a good deal, it was a bad deal, so now they have an overwhelming fear with deals so that is why it is "an opportunity of transaction". Your words are fear-producers, okay.

Now there is another very key point here, and this is so important you don't miss this. YOU MUST ALWAYS CLOSE THE SALE WHILE RADIATING EMPATHY FOR YOUR BUYER. Empathy for your buyer. Empathy is a very important word. What do you think of when I say the word "empathy"? What definitions come to your mind, anybody? Understanding them? -Compassion. Feeling like them, that's a good one. Compassionate for them, anything else? Relating to them, yeah. I love poetry, it is one of my hobbies and I wrote a poem that maybe I think will illustrate this, I hope you like it.

When you come to a road and there's a divide Make a decision right now. Will you – Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Any of you a little worried that I have forgot my poem? Any of you have a little fear, like, "Come on Tom, you're doing well, don't forget your poem"? Well that little feeling is empathy because I am up here screwed up and you're going "gee, I’m glad I’m not up there". That's called putting yourself in other people's shoes.

I want to ask you something. Some of you, I don't know how successful you are but hopefully you become famously successful. When you do, never forget what it was like when you weren't successful. Never forget what it was like when you were broke. Because I think people that relate to you feel that you feel the way they feel and that is the way, when empathy is. They feel you feel the way they feel and that is a very important part of relationship building, not for shortterm success but for long-term success, okay.

Now look at number 4. "YOU ALWAYS FILL OUT YOUR PAPERWORK RAPIDLY". Now teach your people, when you fill out any form you have to know your form. You tell brand new people they've got to know that form. I used to get so mad, I would have brand new real estate agents when I went into management and they would get a buyer out there and a buyer’s manager wasn't around, they had no confidence in their paperwork.

You see if you look down the form and you go "I'm not sure where it goes on, you are dead. That's why any form you have to know like the back of your hand, okay. Also, when you feel a chit-chat, always chit-chat, they're going to stop you. "Why don't we draft up our feelings on the paperwork and see if going ahead even makes sense" and you start filling your form out.

"Tom, I don't know if we should do this, I don't know". "I know you're not completely sure of the decision to go ahead, however, let's just draft up our feelings on the paperwork and see if it makes sense" and then just continue, okay.

Look at number 5. After you complete the paperwork you pick it up, scan it for accuracy, smile, turn it around and now this is called the final closing sentence. Do you see it? BILL, WITH YOUR APPROVAL RIGHT HERE I LOOK FORWARD TO PROVIDING YOU WITH THE FINEST PRODUCT AND SERVICE POSSIBLE. That is your final sentence.

Now here is the most critical part of this, when you ask for their signature "John, I will just need your approval here to set everything up" this is very important, YOU MUST SHUT UP. You cannot talk when you do that because if you talk you have relieved any pressure for them to say "yes" and they will stall you.

And I will never forget, I first learned this, just for your little information - we all, in our business, have little signatures that are our stories or what have you that we tell - and Doug Edwards who was the father of American selling that trained me when I was just 18 or 19, he used to teach this right here, this way.

He would say that first sentence. "Now I am going to give you the most critically important instruction in closing and write this down" and of course we were taking notes and we would all put our heads down, sort of writing, and he would Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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lower his voice. "Whenever you ask the final closing question" and he would do it twice "whenever you ask the final closing question" and he would scream, I mean scream to the top of his lungs "Shut up".

Now I was, at the first time I heard it, sitting right here where Yolanda is, and I was so intense, of course I wanted to learn everything and he yelled "Shut up" and it so scared me that my pen flew off the paper, went right through his pants and it stuck in his leg. I mean, that’s how scared I was. And he screamed, he went "Aaaaagh" and he backed up and here he's got my pen sticking out of his pants and of course he never forgot me.

He says "You're the guy who stuck me", I said "Yeah, that 'shut up' scared the hell out of me" so anyway - but that's a real important part of this whole thing; you've got to be quiet. Now the reason for that, I always like to teach why.

You see when you pick up your form - here's the one I did in real estate, here is the way I used to do it, hundreds of times - I'd pick up the purchase agreement - deposit receipt in California is what they fill out to buy the home - I would look at, I would scan it, okay, I would smile and I would say "I am really excited for you".

Now isn't that totally true class? I am excited for YOU, I am excited for ME - you bet I'm excited. I am excited for you and then I would turn it around and I would have my pen, of course, and I would - pretend this is the table - I'd smile and say "You know" - I'd smile and say "You know, I am really excited for you" and then I would turn it like this and I would say "Now with your approval, right there" - set the pen down - "I will do my best to get you your home tonight".

Now you've got to shut up now. And you'll have two types of buyers. You'll have the fast close and the slow close. The fast close is they want it before you ask them. “Man Tom, oh, I hope so. Honey have you got the deposit?" - Pew - that's the fast close! Now you guys and gals that are new or when you have a new person, make sure you teach them that if they're new and they have that fast close, don't laugh.

All right. Don't laugh, all right. And you'll be tempted. New people go "Whooo it worked, ah" - no don't laugh because now you're also going to have a slow close. The slow close goes like this: "Well I am excited and with your approval right here I'll have a copy not only delivered but your training started on Wednesday". And they do this - there are two of them, they look at each other. Now you can't say anything. Now don't lean in and burrow your eyes, don't go----

No, you need to just sit back very relaxed and wait. Now I've sat two or three minutes and, gang, that seems like an eternity. Again, I finished this seminar in Detroit and I have one there every year and for you that don't know, Detroit of course, is the US automobile place where all the cars from our country are made and so when I go there I have a lot of automobile people.

So I am right now teaching this and we had a break and a guy comes up to the stage - two guys - and the one guy goes "Tom, I am so-and-so and I am the manager of the Ford dealership up the street, we’re one of the top in Detroit and I Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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want to tell you about this guy, Jim". He points to this guy. "Jim knows everything you teach, he uses everything you teach and I am so proud of Jim. Let me tell you what he did. The other day a guy comes in to look at a truck, a new F150, and Jim, of course, takes him out for a demo drive and brings him back, takes him into the conference room, is going over everything, does the financing and then he hits - after they have filled out the form with the final closing question. And you would have been so proud of Jim; he shut up and sat there. Well it's a time we had transom windows in the office so I could hear and I am outside, his manager, listening; nothing, silence. The buyer didn't say anything and Jim didn't say anything. I am walking by the windows listening. Thirty minutes."

Of course, unlike you guys I just "Boloney". I said "Come on, really?" He goes "Swear to God Hopkins, Jim sat there for 30 minutes and after 30 minutes I couldn't stand it". He said "I opened the door and walked in and Jim was sitting there, the guy was sitting there and I went over and went like this - in front of his face and nothing, he didn't blink, he didn't move". I said "Really?" He goes, "The guy had a seizure". This is - "You've got to be kidding me!" He says "No, he sat there" - and of course, I - we called an ambulance and they took him to the hospital but you would have been so proud of Jim".

I said "What the heck happened?" He says "Tom, the guy was in the hospital for two days. When he got out he came back and he took the truck".

Now that won't happen to you, gang. The whole concept is when you ask the final decision you've got to be quiet and let them make it because if you talk it relieves any need to make it. If you add something "Well I just need you to give us the old" - jumping in right there, yah. "It's good, go on". "Come on, you know you want to do this". No you can't do that. Do not talk because the first one that does talk will own this and you don't want it, let them have it. All right, so be quiet.

All right, let’s continue. Now if you will, turn - okay I want to give you a couple of power closes. Before I do on page number 11, if you will turn ahead, I have given you all of my thank you notes. Now a lot of times we don't cover them so I don't want you to miss them but I don't think there has been a better time in the history of the business community to do thank you notes.

You see I was kind of the first one in the real estate business to decide I was going to send a handwritten to everyone I could and I started doing it and the results were incredible. I have always asked people; say "Do you know you had two or three other companies you were looking at, what made you call me?" "Well, first of all we liked the way you handled this. You're sincere, you told us the truth and I also liked the fact that every time we met you, a day or two later there in the mail was a handwritten thank you and that meant a lot to us Tom".

So of course when I started teaching, everyone started sending thank you notes and so then I started telling people when I taught real estate how I really believe in giving to people and I have always done that. I used to have such fun. I know you all know what an “open house” is when they put flags up and they put a sign "open house" and on Sunday you sit there. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Well what I had a frustration with, because I am sitting in this open house and then when some wonderful people come and they were qualified, they wanted to buy the home, they were perfect, but you can't leave the open house. If the seller finds out "You left?", I mean they will cut off your kneecaps, so you can't leave.

So what I used to do, I always take to the open house with me two half-gallons of vanilla ice cream and if they were real qualified, I would go at the end of the talk with them and say "You know, it is so hot out today, I got a little gift for you to take home" and I would give them a half gallon of ice cream. Now if it's 95 degrees out where are you going with a half gallon of ice cream in your car? You are going home.

Now that’s how I got them off the street. And it was wonderful so everybody started doing that and then I am starting doing crazy things. I would give lots of little gifts. I would even light the fire place in the middle of summer when I would show it. I mean 100 degrees out there, you walk in and the fire's crackling and they go - of course the air conditioning is cranked down - they go, "A fireplace". I said "You know I wanted anyone that saw the home to really feel all the different seasons and you will, if you invest in this fine home, have a cold winter night and you're going to enjoy a fireplace, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, we really do" and I would - yeah, that was the way that I would get them interested in the home. So I did lots of crazy stuff. Find out what everybody else does and do something different. And that is kind of with my thank you notes. Today with email, with electronic transactions, it is cold, it is not meaningful. I think thank you notes, handwritten, will have much more impact today than they even had back in my day.

So I have given them to you. You talk to someone nice on the phone, send them a note. You're going to meet him in person, thank them. You show the product, thank them. They purchase, for sure thank them. They give you a referral, thank them. All these 10 you should make part of your company. Give everyone a copy of these and say "We're all sending thank you notes", okay.

Now let's go back on page number 10. It says "THE 'I WANT TO THINK IT OVER' CLOSE". Now I think I am right there now, my friend, okay. First of all, there are three people that say "I want to think it over". There is the person that has no intentions of thinking it over but they have memorised that as a way to get rid of us.

The second person may take some time but they will spend a lot of time; and the third person that is sincere and honest, there are those type of folks that I don't care what you say them to make an investment, they have to think it over. Now there are 11 million people that earn income in selling in the United States. That is how many sales people of some type are in the country. There is only a handful that number 1, know what to say when someone says "I want to think it over". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now I'll tell you what I did when I first mastered this close. I would have a contest in my office and whoever could deliver it, word for word, without sounding like they memorised it, and if they could - we could close our eyes and it came across sincere, I would take him and buy him a nice lunch because this close is so important to your people.

And if they will just say, when anyone says "I want to think it over", you always agree. You say "Oh, that's fine". You see, "that's fine" is like "I am done, bye-bye". Wrong. "Obviously you wouldn't take your time thinking this thing over unless you were seriously interested, would you?" Now you'll be amazed if you act like you're done and say that, they'll agree, "No, we are very interested".

"So may I assume that you will give it very careful consideration?" Now you see this has to come across like "I'm done, bye-bye". "Oh, yeah Tom, we are very interested, we are sure going to take a lot of time considering this thing, you bet, oh, yeah, oh yeah". Then you've got to say the next words "Just to clarify my thinking, what phase of the opportunity is it that you want to think over?"

Now you notice there is a parenthesis after the word "over" there. Don't pause after the word "over". You see, if you say "Just to clarify my thinking, what phase of the opportunity is it you want to think over?" and you take a breath, they will say "The whole thing".

So you've got to slur through that "is it". "Just to clarify my thinking, what phase of this opportunity is it that you want to think over, is it the quality of the service I render?" "No, Tom, you've been wonderful". "Is it something I've forgotten to cover?" "No". "Is it the colour?"

Now don't have your people memorise "Is it the colour?" unless that's part – I mean I know you already know that, all right. "Seriously, please level with me, could it be the money or just your hesitation to change?" And again, you'll be amazed how hopefully, when you say "Could it be the money or the financial aspects?" how they will say "You know, Tom, I've got to level with you, we think it might be a little bit too much".

"Ahhh, can you tell me about how much too much you feel it is?" Now where are we going? Sixty cents a day. You see, and that is the way you want to use this material, all right, and that is how you teach it to your folks, all right.

How many of you here know you're going to hear somebody say "I can get it cheaper somewhere else?" Anybody? Yeah, you really want to learn the "I can get it cheaper somewhere else" close. This is a dandy. "That may well be true", always start with that; "That may well be true John and in today's economy, gosh, we all want the most for our money.

A truth I have learned over the years is that the cheapest price is not always what we really want. You see most people look for three things in making an investment: number 1, the finest quality; number 2, the best service; and number 3, the lowest price. I have never yet found a company that could offer all three, the finest quality, the best service and the Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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lowest price. And you know John for your long-term happiness, which of the three would you be most willing to give up, fine quality, excellent service or low price?"

And that is a beautiful close. It is a beautiful, nice, sincere technique and I just so hope that you will make it a part of your company, okay.

Of course on the bottom of page 10 you will see the SIMILAR SITUATION close and what similar situation closing is, is a true story - got to be true - about someone else who is just like your buyer who went ahead and said "yes" and they are so thrilled they did. "Tom, I just don’t know, we weren't going to spend over $30,000 for the pool and even if we come down to $32,000, I just don't know".

"You know John and Mary, I have got to say this to you, and it is almost like déjà vu. About a month ago I am sitting at a table with a couple, they weren't much different from your age, and they had three kids and you have two. And they were so hesitant because it was more money and today the investments in pools are staggering for most people and they didn't want to do it, they wanted to procrastinate and for some reason I felt the children deserved the pool with the summer coming up. It was in my heart and I just refused to leave. I almost begged them. Isn't that embarrassing? And you know, finally, they said yes. I got this letter from them last week.

Just listen to this. 'Dear Tom, thank you for not letting us say 'no' to the swimming pool. You should see the kids out in the back. They now have their friends, which is so good to have all the children where we can take good care of them. They're not out in the street, they are not at the mall, and they are in our backyard in our pool. I insist you show this letter to anyone who is putting off getting the pool. They will thank you in the years to have it'. "

Isn't that fun? You want to have letters like that that you write. I'm teasing, I'm teasing.

All right, turn to page 12, our last page. I have made this the last page and you will notice it's a page you can put up on your wall. It is a last page and you can cut it out, that's why I designed it this way; but you need to have everyone in your team have a way of alleviating the stress and anxiety that happens when you're in this type of business and we call these the attitudes towards failure and I would love you to learn them and make them a part of your company and let's read them together. Whenever you fail you say I -----? -- Never see failure as failure but only as a learning experience.

----- Never see failure as failure but only as a learning experience. You see, every failure you have ever had in your life is positive if you dissect what went wrong and then make commitments to not let it happen again and learn from it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

A financial reversal can be a great learning experience to protect you the rest of your life. A relationship challenge can be a learning experience for the future. But what this does is it alleviates the negative feelings by saying these things, okay.

Number 2, let's hear it. “I never see failure as failure, but only as the negative feedback I need to change course in my direction.” You see, that is all that rejection is, is negative feedback and I love analogies. I think this one for this example is so a propos. I mean most of you; I know you know the technology of the modern day torpedo. The modern day torpedo when it is fired from the submarine headed towards the target, they fire the torpedo and in the cone of it, it has sonar that is attached - sonar, the electric, to the target and it leaves the submarine. The current push it off for us, the sonar kicks in and rejects it, "No".

It then turns, over-corrects, "No", then turns "Bang", got the "Yes", "Bang". Now it would never get the "yes" if it couldn't handle the "no's". That is the negative feedback I need to change course in my direction to get the "yes" which makes it positive.

My favourite of all is number 3. Let me hear it. "I never see failure as failure but only as an opportunity to develop my sense of humour". You see, I totally believe two things. Laughter is extremely good for you physically. I mean, I mean this, I am not kidding you. You want to heap as much humour in your life as possible.

I have been blessed, I have been blessed to sit with Bob Hope when he was 93 and that is not a young man but you should see how vital he was and how excited and I believe George Burns. All these great comedians, their whole life is searching the world for laughter and I think that is part of the reasons they lived so long.

So I really want you to keep looking for laughter. And when you laugh, give it an even more than normal and there is a book I recently read, Dr Burke wrote a book - I don't know much of his background but I was reading it, it says that "Laughter releases endorphins and immunology happens to where your immune system is strengthened because of laughter". So I hope that you will do your best - and I collect jokes. My life, I have got 400 believe it or not and I just wrote a book called "How to Laugh Your Way to Health and Wealth" and you that come into my website, you will see all my books and tapes and all that stuff that we have and that book I didn't bring with us but the Laughter book might be a gift that you might consider to give to some of your friends because the jokes are clean, every one of them.

I will tell you one of my favourites. This - as you know, women in the room, the mini-skirt is coming back and this little gal in Kansas City was the last one in town to get a mini-skirt. She was nervous, she was embarrassed and it was short and it was tight and she says "Well if I am wearing this mini-skirt, I am going to the office first to sit behind the desk and noone is going to see it". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

And so she gets to the bus stop. She’s standing there with the mini-skirt and the guys and men start lining up behind her and the bus pulls up and that first step is kind of high, so she tries together little leg up and she can't reach it. The guy behind says "Ma'am get on the bus" and she starts to panic. She says "It's too tight" so she reaches back and unzips the zipper a third of the way down and clenches her little fist and throws her leg up and misses it again.

The bus driver says "ma'am, come on, get on the bus" so she reaches back and unzips it two-thirds of the way down, clenches her fist, throws her leg up again and misses the step. The guy behind says "Ma'am, please step aside, I've got to get to work" and she just jerks it all the way down and throws her leg as hard as she can and she misses it again.

Well the guy behind her can't wait. He just reaches down and grabs her by the little fanny and scoops her up on the step. Well she is walking down the aisle of the bus in front of this guy and she says "Sir, I will have you know I think you're awfully fresh". He says "Me fresh, lady you've unzipped my fly three times". No, come on, laugh, let it go, let it go; get well, get healthy, that's good for you.

Number 4. Ready? "I never see failure as failure but only as an opportunity to practice my techniques and perfect my performance". You see, every time you're with someone, you're practising how you say it better, how you do it better. And so I think every time we're in a conversation this is a chance to communicate better.

And of course number 5, ready, "I never see failure as failure but only as a game I must play to win". You see, it is all a big game. Every day you've got to suit up, put on your clothes for business, and you've got to go out and try to do the best job you can. And by the way, don’t be upset at yourself if you mess up; we all do. I mean that is just part of life. Always say to yourself when you fail "What did I do right?" "What did I do right?" not "What did I do wrong?"

You see, if you put your clothes on, you did something right. You know there's over a million people, Americans that don't get dressed in the day, they stay in their home in their robe all day? You got dressed, way to go. You left your house. Do you know there is over a million people that don't leave their house? You left, way to go.

You talked to strangers. You know most people won't. That is why many people work at the post office, so they don't have to have much communication, take your mail out of your - so, you've got out there and talked to people. You want to keep doing those things that you fear most.

I also hope you'll take the champion creed and make it a part of your life. Let's read it. "I AM NOT JUDGED BY THE NUMBER OF TIMES I FAIL BUT BY THE NUMBER OF TIMES I SUCCEED AND THE NUMBER OF TIMES I SUCCEED IS IN DIRECT PROPORTION TO THE NUMBER OF TIMES I CAN FAIL AND KEEP TRYING". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

You see that is the essence, and gang, I can honestly tell you that no-one, if you look at my whole life, has had more challenges than I have to also work on. Oh, I messed up, I was so bad when I first got my first car, and my dad helped me get this old cheap car. My challenge is I am terrible in directions so I was always getting lost.

Anyway, here you have people in your car and they know you're lost and I would be driving and I would hear them go "He's lost" and of course I would go "I thought you liked this street again". It's no tease, I was always getting lost.

I had one day, I'll never forget this woman calls and she tells me exactly the home that she wants. She tells me exactly the home that she wants. She says I want a three-bedroom, one-and-a-half bath in such-and-such an area" and so I said "Okay" and of course I didn't know what I was doing but I told the people in the office, "This woman wants a threebedroom one-and-a-half bath and I think it was Sequoia school district blah, blah, blah" and so a guy goes "I can't because this Tom, but two days ago we listed one".

I said "You're kidding". "No, just turned it into the multiple listing" and showed me the listing, there it was, St Mary yeah, right home, everything. Of course I call her back. I am all excited, "Ma'am, I got the home you're after, please get out here". She comes out a half hour later. Of course I take the address and get in my car and I know this sounds funny but we walked up to the front door and back then a lot of people didn't lock their doors like they do today, it was amazing.

Well I had a key but I grabbed the door, it was open. Well I walked in and she walks in and I mean she is freaking about this house. "I love it, I love it, it is wonderful". I am thinking, finally I might make a sale. And of course my manager - I knew nothing. I told him I was showing this home, he said "Now Tom, you don’t know much", I said "I know, help me". He says "One thing I've got to warn you about, don’t ever let buyer and seller talk if you're showing them a home because the seller can say one thing wrong and then the buyer will walk out on it, so keep them apart".

So I don't know why but you see I have always been coachable. You tell me to do something, I do it. Well I am showing this house, the woman loving it, I am in the master bedroom with her and suddenly the owner of the house comes in with groceries; standing there, and I remember what my manager said. I said "Ma'am I am trying to sell your home so please if you would go in the other room please".

Well she just takes her groceries and she walks away. Well now I am showing the third, the kid's bedroom and suddenly she is standing there again. I said "Excuse me", to the buyer. I said "Ma'am, please come with me" and I took her in the other room. I said "Ma'am, I am trying to show and sell your home and I would just as soon have you know that my manager said you shouldn't talk to this person, now you don't talk to her" and the woman goes "Sir, did my husband decide to sell the house?" Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hopkins Builder of Sales Champions Pt. 2

And I pulled - I said "This is your address, right?" She goes "Oh, no, that home is across the street". Isn't that awful? I am showing the wrong house, for God's sake. And you're going to have stuff like this happen. Will you just trust me, that’s just part of it.

Last thing I just want you to realise, I kind of started off and I asked, you know a few of the questions but just don't forget this last point, okay. You have never failed until you and so if you are still trying and if you are still focused on your goals - and success comes to people at different times. I have had people that start off just like that, in their first 90 days they are on the top of the heap.

I have had others like myself that are slow starters and I just think you've got to realise that success is a journey and you are going to have dips, you are going to have challenges and that is why you put those five attitudes so every time you fail, hey, I'm learning, I'm laughing, I'm changing, I'm practising and I am going to win and you do that, all right.

I so enjoyed being with you guys and gals today, I hope you learned a few things to have a better life. Have a wonderful Convention and I just wish you a wonderful life and may God bless your families. Thank you again.

Thank you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

MARSHALL SYLVER Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1


MEET MARSHAL SYLVE ER… Harnessing the power of thee human

MARSHALL SYLVER: A couple of your hands did not go up.

mind has been an obsession n for

Get out of here, Sir; I am not giving you u a choice. Tonight you

Marshall Sylver since youth.. Today,

are going to have fun. In fact tonight you're y going to laugh so

Sylver is not only the leading g expert

hard your stomach is going to hurt, I gu uarantee that. My name is Marshall Sylver, I am a hypnotist and d tonight we're going to sleep together.

in the area of subconsciouss reprogramming; he is also a recognised master of interpeersonal communication.

A hypnotist who has enterta ained audiences on stage and television, he is also a respeccted business consultant sought

This bothers me. This gentleman loo oked more pleased with that concept than you did, dear. I am in trouble. You had Ken

by Fortune 500 companies and a the creator of the Number One personal development program worldwide.

Varga, you had Nik Halik, you had Bob B Proctor, you have Tommy Hopkins. These people are use ed to lecturing in front

Marshall Sylver is a true Hyb brid -- his production show

of groups of thousands and thousan nds of people so how

blends sound effects, pyroteechnics and other special effects

about a big round of applause for the e universe providing for you such an intimate environment to have such an amazing

with hypnosis. Yet the moniiker that may best apply is that of a teacher.

day? -- Yeah!

Absolutely. You've been working your butt off, you've been taking a lot of informaation in. Tonight is all about entertainment, just like Ted said, tomo orrow is all about education. In a moment I am go oing to invite you to stand up, come forward and fill up the chairs be ehind me. Once the chairs are filled all additional subjects, s I don't blame you for being an eager beaver that is a good th hing.

Once the chairs on stage are filled, all a additional subjects will simply line up directly be ehind the chairs. Before we get started I will tell you the people that are a going to be the ones that join me on the platfo orm. They will be the ones that make the most money in the next 12 months because the exact same fears, the exact saame fears you need to face by standing up and coming forward and doing d something you've never done before, are the exact same fears you've got to face in order to start making money in real r estate, on the internet, the stock market, whatevver it is.

So before we come forward, a couple of things you should know. During the 30 to 40 min nutes we spend together you're going to relax in the equivalent of ap pproximately six to eight hours of night-time sleep p. One hour of hypnotic sleep equals approximately 10 hours of nigh ht-time sleep. Yeah, I'll have you bouncing off the walls w by the time I've done with you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

Secondly, I am going to tease you a bit and you're going to tease me back. We're going to celebrate life together. Even though I am going to tease you I want you to know that this process I am about to give you is a very real and very powerful process.

To be hypnotised requires two elements. Number 1 that you must be able to relax and number 2 that you must be able to concentrate. So those of you that want to have fun take and put both your feet flat on the floor right where you're seated. If you want to have fun put both your feet flat on the floor. You're probably not used to having fun with both your feet flat on the floor, are you?

What I want you to do is to take your right hand and place your right hand directly in front of your face just like this. If you've had a hard time figuring it out you just look at your neighbour, take the prompt.

Grab your right wrist with your left hand just like this. That's the only one you have left. What I want you to do is to relax the tension from your right wrist, just let it go limp and loose like a handful of loose rubber bands, just like that. Perfect.

With that wrist relaxed I want you to shake your hand forwards and backwards just like this, just get it moving, forward and backwards. That's the relaxation part. Here is the concentration part. While your hand goes forwards and backwards, move your feet from side to side, just like that, both - go.

Now some people are a little worried when they join me on stage they will be embarrassed. Frankly, if you don't feel stupid doing what you're doing now, you're not going to feel dumb up here either. You can stop now, dude, that was it, yeah.

Here's what's going to happen: I am going to have some fun with you tonight. I will make you a promise so everybody that joins me on the platform is going to walk away from their time with me feeling more empowered than they have ever felt. Who in here, by the way, has seen me lecture before? You've seen me lecture before, you know what I am saying is true. Am I right, Jerry? -- Yes.

Absolutely you're going to walk away from here being able to utilise all these powerful skills you've been learning all day long. I promise you, even though we're going to have some fun, nobody on stage tonight is going to be hypnotised to bark like a dog; not going to happen. Nobody on stage tonight is going to be hypnotised to cluck like a chicken, and no-one on stage tonight will do a Rosie O'Donnell imitation. One guy is a piggy.

What is going to happen is we are absolutely going to celebrate life so if you are ready to relax I am certainly ready to show you how. As you come forward each and every time we come out and do these events the stage gets filled quickly so I will tell you, once the chairs are filled, once again, simply fill up the space behind the chairs. Remember your manners, you should come forward if you're ready to relax, I am certainly ready to show you how. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

On your marks, get set, go! Come on down and make them feel good! Come on down. Come on up, yeah, enjoy. Hey, mate, I've got an idea, I am just going to hypnotise everybody to move their watches forward, okay. Everyone in the whole world.

Okay, if you're on stage right now remain silent. If you're talking, you're not concentrating. If you're not concentrating you won't have much fun with me. I am going to rearrange you a little bit to help you concentrate even more effectively. Let's see what we've got.

Young man, will you stand up for me? I am going to have you stand over there, you're young and healthy. I am going to have, let's see, put a lady right there, yes you. I want you - yes you - come out to the front for me. I am going to have you sit down dead centre. Watch your step by the edge of the stage. Perfect.

I am going to have, let me see, I am going to have you two switch places, just change places, just trade places and actually before we sit down I am going to have you move over there as well. Just move over to the side of the stage. I am going to have you come round to the front Janet, and sit down right there. And I am going to have, let me see, the two of you switch places, just trade seats. And that's how I want to do it.

If you're in the back what I would like you to do is the two of you switch places, just trade places for me. You, pretty lady, Amanda, and everybody behind Amanda, this way, I want you to turn that way and face that wall. Sir, Rick, and all the people behind Rick, I want you to turn and face the other wall so everybody is facing towards centre. If you are in the middle, scoot in nice and close, a little closer. If you're close enough that you can place a hand on that chair in front of you to balance go ahead and do so. If you're not in front of that chair it's okay, we are still going to take great care of you, I promise.

Everybody place your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands down in your lap, your own lap. As you begin to relax and concentrate do exactly as I say, I am going to take excellent care of you. Right now everybody breathe in deeply and breath out. Breathe in a deep relaxation and everybody simply look at me now and do not look away, and just breathe in deeply.

In a moment I am going to begin relaxing you step by step. As I do, simply concentrate. Hypnosis is an educational process. What that means is absolutely anyone can be hypnotised, unless, you're an absolute moron, so just relax, let it happen. Of course now you know what that means if you don't get hypnotised tonight, don't you?

Breathe in deeply. I would love to keep everybody up here, I have got very limited space, I can only keep a few folks on stage. I am going to keep the folks up here who'll relax, have fun and just let it happen. Now that my butt's covered I will continue. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

Breathe out. Breathe in deeply, everybody. And now simply close your eyelids down tightly. Close your eyelids down now and allow them to remain closed until I tell you to open them. In a moment I am going to begin relaxing step by step. As I do there will never be a time when you will not be able to hear sounds in the room around you. You will always be able to hear the sounds in the room around you unless I give you a direct suggestion otherwise and I don't intend to do so.

Any sound you hear will allow you to now concentrate even more completely on the sound of my voice. You have two minds with two ways of processing information. You have a conscious mind and you have a subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is the mind that all of you are using right now to determine whether the information I am giving you will work for you or not.

Your subconscious mind on the other hand is merely a computer, it is non-critical. It doesn't even have the ability to make judgment. So all hypnosis is, is setting aside that critical factor and non-critically accepting suggestions. When you learn how to do that you become more powerful and power is for use.

Now it's your show. I am going to give you 110 per cent of my energy, every ounce I've got to give away to help you have good time. You can help this show along by remaining as quiet as possible during the next couple of minutes. You are about to see a demonstration of the fastest hypnotic induction ever created so give the folks on stage a chance to concentrate, just as you'd want to concentrate if you were up here.

After they have entered trance, that's a different story altogether. In fact the more you clap, the more you cheer, the more you let them know exactly what you think about their response, the more fun all of us are going to have. So for the next couple of minutes, please remain totally silent.

Each and every show subjects will go into trance right in the audience so if someone near you appears to be going to sleep, don't grab them and shake them and wake them up. Do yourself a favour and give them a nice place to land. I make you a promise, if the person who goes into trance is your husband, your wife, your date, you're in for a treat. For the next couple of minutes please remain totally silent.

In a moment I am going to count from one to three. The moment I say the number 3 you'll open your eyes and look at me. As I begin to relax you, do not leave the stage unless I specifically direct you to do so. For the safety of everyone around you, do not leave the stage unless I specifically direct you to do so. As you begin to relax, you concentrate.

On the count of three open your eyes and look at me, one, two and three. Open your eyes, look at me now and simply breathe in deeply. And now breathe out. Breathe in a deep relaxation and breathe out all of your old anxieties. Breathe in peace and tranquility and breathe out all of your worldly concerns. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

In a moment I am going to begin relaxing you step by step. In a moment I am going to begin counting backwards from 10 to one. As I do your eyelids will blink and close down. Simply allow them to do so. You can resist any time you wanted to, that is not why you're here.

As I come backwards from 10 to one, your eyelids will blink and close down. As you continue to concentrate, you'll let loose the muscles in your neck and your chin will drop against your chest. As you continue to concentrate you will let loose the muscles in your body and relax against the person beside you. They are close, they will support you. Breathe in deeply. Breathe out.

We continue. On number 10 each and every easy breath you take relaxes your body more and more. You are simply letting go. Ten, nine - eyelids begin to blink now. Eyelids beginning to blink and close down. Simply let your eyelids go. Ten, nine, eight - eyelids closing down now. Close your eyelids down tightly now and concentrate. I am relaxing the muscles in your neck. Close your eyelids down now and allow them to remain closed until I tell you to open them.

Ten, nine, eight, seven - deeper and deeper relaxed with each and every easy breath you take. Eight, seven. On the next number, number 6, allow the muscles in your neck to relax and your chin to now drop against your chest. The moment I say the number 6, relax those neck muscles, your chin now drops against your chest. Seven, six. Relax your neck muscles now, your chin drops against your chest. That is fine, you're concentrating perfectly.

In a moment I am going to continue relaxing you further. In a moment I am going to begin counting backwards from five to one. The moment I say the number 5 in your mind's eye you'll see yourself at the top of a small set of stairs. As I say number 4 and each additional number you'll move down those stairs relaxing more completely. At the bottom of the stairs lies a comfortable bed and a relaxing pillow. The moment I say the number 1 you will sink down into that bed and you'll rest your head upon that pillow. During this time if I reach out to touch you or move you, this will only serve to relax you deeper.

Breathe in deeply. Breathe out. We continue. Number 5 at the top of those stairs, and the relaxing and letting go, as I touch you let your body go, I've got you, safe and secure; as I touch you, let your body go to sleep, way down. Five, calmly, easily and readily, as I touch you, let your body go, I've got you, you're safe ttssk - way down. Five, calmly, easily, ttssk - way down. As I touch you let every muscle go, I've got you, ttssk. Way down.

Five, deeper and deeper relaxed, ttssk. Way down. Safe, protected, secure, ttssk, way down. Five, ttssk, four, calmly, easily, I've got you, ttssk, way down. Five, four, ttssk, way down. Ttssk, way down. As if every muscle were made from a handful of loose rubber bands, ttssk, way down. Five, ttssk, way down. Ttssk, way down. Five, ttssk, way down. Four, as I touch you let every muscle go, I've got you. I've got you, ttssk way down. Five, calmly, easily and readily, five, four, deeper and deeper relaxed, five, four. As I touch you let your body go. I've got you, I've got you. Ttssk, way down. That’s fine, you're concentrating perfectly. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

Five, four, three, two. On the next, on number 1 in your mind's eye sink down into that bed, rest your head upon that pillow. The moment I say the number 1 allow your body to sink slowly, easily and safely into a more calm, peaceful and comfortable position; three, two and one, waaaaaaaaaaaaay down. That's fine, you're concentrating perfectly.

In a moment I am going to continue relaxing you further. In a moment I am going to begin - in a moment I am going to tell you to begin concentrating on one of your hands. As you do you may concentrate either on your right hand or your left hand, it doesn't matter which. You will concentrate on a hand that is free and unencumbered. As you begin concentrating on that hand, that hand will begin to feel light and relaxed. In fact the more you concentrate the lighter that hand will become until it feels as if there is a giant bouquet of helium balloons attached to your wrist and your hand will begin to rising and lifting, lifting and rising.

Allow your eyelids to remain closed. The more you concentrate, visualise, imagine, believe, the lighter that hand will become. Allow your eyelids to remain closed and either begin or continue concentrating now.

As you do you become aware of many things. You become aware of a peaceful sensation going through your body. As you concentrate you become aware of your calm and easy breathing. You become aware of the feeling of the material beneath your fingertips and the floor beneath your fingertips and one of your fingers will now move slightly. It may be your index finger, your middle finger or your thumb. One of your fingers will now move slightly and that hand begins to feel light and relaxed, in fact so light it feels as if that hand will now begin rising and lifting, lifting and rising, relaxing itself right off of your lap, right off of the chair, right off of the floor and now right into the air.

The more you concentrate, visualise, imagine, believe, the lighter that hand becomes and you're concentrating perfectly. If your wrist is stuck, it feels as if additional balloons are being attached to your wrist causing your hand to move further and further up, straight towards the ceiling; rising and lifting, lifting and rising, higher and higher with every easy breath you take. Rising and lifting, lifting and rising.

In a moment I am going to say number 3, the moment I do those balloons expand to 1000 times their original size, beginning to take you out of your chair, off of the floor, off of the ground, sending you straight into the air. The moment I say the number 3, further and further up, number 3.

Rising and lifting, lifting and rising. Your feet are frozen to the stage, right, they're frozen to the stage. On the next number, number 2, the balloons expand at 10,000 times their original size taking you straight out of your chair, right off of the floor, sending you straight into the air. Three, two, rising and lifting, lifting and rising, you are concentrating perfectly.

On the next number, number 1, the balloons expand to a million times their original size, moving further and further and further up. Three, two and one. Rising and lifting, lifting and rising. In a moment I am going to count from one to Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

three. The moment I say the number 3, you'll open your eyes, you'll look at your hands and you'll see how well you have concentrated. On the count of three you will open your eyes, you'll look at your hands and you'll see how well you've concentrated.

One, two and three, open your eyes everybody, freeze, stay right where you are. Everybody stay right where you are right now, freeze. We've got some excellent subjects. You are in for a dynamite show. Freeze everybody, stay right there. Give these people a powerful round of applause. Make them feel good. Freeze everybody, stay right where you are.

I am going to give some of you numbers. If I give you a number I want you to stay on stage. If I do not give you a number, it is not a reflection on you, I have got very limited space, yeah, I think I will keep you for sure, you're number 1.

Let me see, sir, you are number 2; you are number 3; you are number 4 right here. Sir, you are definitely number 5. Young man, you are number 6, right there. You are number 7, you are number 8, you are number 9, you are number 10, right here. You are number 11, right here Melanie. Let's see, you are number 12, right there in back.

If I gave you a number, right, you can sit in any chair. If I didn't give you a number it is no reflection on you, I have got limited space, you may go back to your seats in the audience. Make everybody involved here feel good, give them a big round of applause.

You can sit on any chair at all. Come right down to the front, sit down right there. You've got to go all the way down to the end for me. All the way down, keep walking. Hey, keep that applause coming; it's not easy to get on stage in front of a group strangers. Make them feel good.

In order to help you concentrate I am going to rearrange you a little bit. Let me see, young lady, stand up for me. I am going to have you all the way down to that end seat and stand up for a moment, Raphael. I am going to have the two of you switch places, just trade seats and I am going to have you two move down to one seat, just the two, Maurice and Lauren move down one seat for me, why wait? I am going to put you right in there and that is how it is going to look, awesome.

These are the subjects I am going to work with during this show as hypnosis is based upon positive reinforcement, please give the subjects on stage a powerful round of applause; make them feel good.

Before I go on with the show, are you a designer, are you a clothing designer? I love the jacket, cool stuff. I grew up on a farm in Michigan and I have nine brothers and sisters. We grew up in an environment with no running water, no electricity, no phone, often a little, sometimes no, food. When you grow up in an environment like that you learn to take care of each other. You realise that we are all in this thing called life together. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

Since these folks have trustingly got on stage I consider them, for the evening anyway, my family, because it is about the same size as my family too. So, everybody to me a favour, I want you to stand up and I want you to move your chairs straight backwards six inches for me so we have a little more space on the front of the stage. Perfect; right there. Oh, that's a big six inches. Happy ladies in Los Angeles, okey, dokey. It's just a thought, just a thought.

Hello there. I am so glad you're here. You concentrated standing up, that's not easy to do. Tell everybody your name? - Amanda.

Amanda, where are you from? - - Los Angeles.

Fantastic. And who did you come to the event with? -- With my mom and my sister.

Where are Amanda's mom and sister, in the back, fantastic. Did they come up here on stage or did they send you up here? Your mom came up, way to go mom. Way to go. I am going to take good care of you Amanda. Welcome, may I have your hand, breathe in deeply pretty girl. Amanda, the moment I am going to relax you it is going to happen very quickly. The moment I do your eyelids will close, your body will relax and every muscle will become as if it were made from a handful of loose rubber bands. Breathe in deeply, ttssk. Here you are, stuck to the chair.

Don't get your hopes up, big guy. I just put her there for a moment. Bring your hand up, that looks bad. There we go. What is your name? -- Carter.

Carter, where are you from? -- Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, welcome; glad you're here. Who did you come to the event with? -- Myself.

Awesome, glad you're here. Well Carter, what do you do for a living? I don't really give a darn what Carter does for a living, I don’t really care, I am just very glad he's here and right now I think he's fairly happy about it too. Mom, I'll take care of your daughter, I promise you.

Hello Sir, what's your name? -- Dennis.

Welcome Dennis. Where are you from? -- From A Thousand Oaks.

Fantastic. Who are you here with? -- A friend of mine. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

Who is Dennis' friend? I would like to have an idea, in the audience, breathe in deeply. What do you do for a living Dennis? You think they'd learn after a while, don't ya? You're next. I want to make one more switch here, let me see. Do me a favour – actually a couple more switches.

Maurice, wide awake friend. Switch seats, trade places; you two trade places for me and then you two trade places for me. Awesome.

You look a little nervous? -- I am.

Yeah, who are you here with? -- My mom and my daddy and my brother.

Where is Janet's family? Right up front, way to go. You know, when I come to a seminar I always sit right up front because that is where you learn the most. I am going to take good care of her. How old are you? -- I am 18.

Eighteen, good. Breathe in deeply pretty girl, look at me now. Say your name? -- Janet.

Janet. You know, sometimes Janet, I will meet somebody and they will just listen to the sound of my voice and as they look into my eyes their body begins to relax, every muscle becomes limp and loose as if they were made from a handful of loose rubber bands. Way down, Janet. Are you here dad? Are you okay if we are hypnotising your 18 year old daughter? Okay. All I want to know is where were the dads like you when I was 18 years old, that's what I want to know.

It's warm up here; I don’t blame you for taking your jacket off. What's your name? -- José.

José, I am glad you're here, welcome. Who are you here with? -- With my business partner and a couple of buddies from work.

Those guys up the front? I am going to let you tell me, what is your business? -- Real estate and mortgages.

Fantastic, you are going to love the stuff I am going to teach you tomorrow morning. You are going to love it. Breathe in deeply José. That's it, way down. Superstar number 1, right there. You know this guy is damn important, he has got two cell phones on his waist, right there, so this is the money maker, I get that. He's the one.

Hello there Lauren, welcome, glad you're here. Are you a little nervous? -- A little bit.

Yeah, what makes you nervous, besides that, I mean? -- Being up on stage in front of a lot of people.

Way to go, way to get up here, way to face your fears and do it anyway. Who are you here with Lauren? -- Myself. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

I am glad, you're having to take great care of you, you look very beautiful tonight. Look at me, Lauren. Breathe in deeply, pretty girl. Sleep, you are sat in the chair.

Hello sir, welcome. What 's your name? -- Maurice.

Maurice is going "Just get it over with man, just do it". Glad you're here. Who are you here with, friend? -- My girlfriend.

Where is your girlfriend, where is she? Right up front, fantastic. I am going to let you tell me, too, what do you do for a living? -- I am in sales.

Fantastic, you're going to love what I teach you tomorrow morning. A little foggy right now and not quite sure what to think, huh? Breathe in deeply, sit way down.

What is your name? Litania? Anything you want while I have your boyfriend in trance? I will get back to you, I'll come back. Maybe a big old diamond ring. Hello sweetheart, what is your name? -- Renate.

Renate, where are you from? -- Ukraine.

Ukraine, I am very glad you're here. Who are you here with? -- Myself.

Welcome Renate. Breathe in deeply, ttssk you're stuck to the chair.

Hey brother, welcome, what's your name? -- Raphael.

You didn't pay enough for that Raphael. That guy's got some focus. "I am going places". Just didn't want to him to go quite that deep, not yet.

Hello baby girl, what's your name? -- Melanie.

Melanie, where are you from? -- El Salvador.

Salvador, well we've got quite the collection of people from all over the world up here. I am glad you're here. Who are you here with? -- My personal friend.

Which one is your friend? -- Isola. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

Isola, right up front. Well welcome, I'm glad you're here. There is something in the water in LA, I see. Everybody is looking for their hypno-goodies.

What is your name? -- Erin.

Erin, I am glad you're here. Who are you here with? -- My friend Gloria.

Awesome, welcome to the show. Sleep, way down. Superstar number 2, right there, I guarantee it.

Hello there, how are you? -- Good.

You're more than good. You're really fine. What is your name? -- Rosa.

Rosa, I am glad you're here. Who are you here with? -- On my own.

On your own. Well I am going to take great care of you Rosa. Rosa, what I want you to do, we are going to do this a little bit differently, I want you to look at me now and do not look away and trust me the pleasure is totally mine, here we go? - Yeah.

You know what? If I came in on this show right now I don’t think I would know what they were doing. Well I would know what some of them were doing actually. You should see the parties at my house. Everybody comes over at 7 o'clock, I hypnotise everyone, move their watches forward five hours, sprinkle them with a little bit of booze, bring them out of trance and send them home. They think they've had a good time. "Marshall throws the best parties", "What happened?" "I don't remember again".

In a moment I am going to count backwards from three to one. The moment I say the number 1 all of you will allow your eyelids to remain closed and yet the moment I say the number 1 all of you will begin laughing hysterically as if you have just remembered the punch line to the funniest joke you have ever heard.

The moment I say the number 1 you will begin laughing hysterically as if you have just remembered the punch line to the funniest joke you have ever heard. Already the joke is beginning to enter your mind. You are beginning to smile, you're beginning to giggle and feel good. The moment I say number 1, the joke hits you full force. You roar with laughter. Three, two and one - the funniest joke you have ever heard in your entire life.

If I touch you on the forehead the joke becomes 10 times funnier. Ten times funnier. Twenty times funnier. One hundred times funnier. One thousand times funnier. Funnier and funnier. This one's going to wet her pants. One billion Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

times funnier. The joke is now leaving your mind. The moment I say number 1 you relax immediately. Three, two, one, sleep. Now, way down.

Deeper and deeper, totally safe. There you go friend. Way down. In a moment I am going to count from one to three. On the count of three all of you will open your eyes, feeling fantastic in every way. For the rest of the show every time I desire to relax you I will simply say the words "sleep now". The moment I do your eyelids will close, your body will relax and you will let go even more completely than you are right now. Where would he go?

You realise when I say the word "sleep" in the hypnotic sense I do not mean a sleep like you sleep at night, I mean an extraordinary state of mental, physical and psychological relaxation. On the count of three all of you open your eyes, feeling fantastic in every way. The person whose neck I am touching continue relaxing deeply right now. The person whose neck I am touching continue relaxing deeply right now.

On the count of three the two gentlemen whose necks I just touched, you'll open your eyes along with everyone else. Both of the gentlemen whose necks I have just touched for the rest of this show, every time you hear me say the word "safety", every time I say the word "safety" you will leap out of your chair, you'll dive across the laps, the three or four laps directly to your right, you'll lay across the laps of those three or four people directly to your right, you'll protect them from harm's way. Because every time I say the word "safety" you'll become a human safety belt.

On the count of three all of you open your eyes. The person whose neck I am touching now and the person whose neck I am touching now, on the count of three you two gentlemen will open your eyes along with everybody else. Every time I say the word "safety" both of you will leap out of your chairs, dive across those three or four laps to your right, lay down across their laps, every time I say "safety" to protect them from harm's way.

On the count of three open your eyes all of you, this thunderous round of applause is for you, one, two, three, wide awake everybody. Make them feel good. Sit up, wide awake everybody, wide awake Maurice, wide awake young man, Raphael. Wide awake Renate. Sit up my friend. You are quite adorable Lauren, just sit over that way for me.

Everybody sit back in your chairs. Put your feet flat on the floor. You know, when folks join me on stage I always watch out for them and I always make sure I am watching out for their SAFETY, tssk, ttssk. Well don't grab his butt, what are you doing? I don't blame you.

Wide awake Raphael. Wide awake. Your name is Raphael, right? Do you know this woman? Wide awake José; José, do you know this woman? -- No. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

You do now; you do now. Have a seat. Right, Raphael, what the heck were you doing? You don't have a clue, do you? You guys do that again, I will be worried about your SAFETY, ttssk, ttssk. I saw you grab - you were going for it, you were. Wide awake Raphael. Wide awake José. Do you know this guy? -- No.

Laying right on top of him. He was laying on him? -- Yeah.

Sit down. Everybody place your feet flat on the floor. Sit down Raphael. Look at me now. Everybody breathe in deeply. In a moment I am going to relax you. It happens very quick and just let it happen, everybody look at me now, breathe in deeply and everybody simply sleep. Now, way down. Stuck to the chairs.

Don't make me work so hard, dude. Thank you? -- Yeah.

It is a tad warm up here. You know, this is my hobby. This is what I do for fun. I perform all over the world and in fact I just today signed off on a contract to open up a fulltime show at Herod's Hotel & Casino on the strip in Las Vegas in their main showroom. I am real excited about that? -- Yeah.

It’ll be fun. I’m real excited. I have the world's largest hypnotic production show and I’m doing something kind of unique. I tour all over the world for work; I do what I am going to do for you tomorrow morning. I teach people how to use this thing here, not only to influence themselves to do what they need to do, also to influence other people.

Since I am on a platform about 250 days out of the year I won't be able to be on stage every single night at Herod's so I am actually producing other hypnotists, putting them in the show that I have produced and created and so when I am not there they’ll be able to perform and when I want to go have fun I will just drop in and jump on stage myself and give them the night off.

Hypnosis shows up in a lot of different ways. Sometimes it looks like the show that you're enjoying so much right now. Sometimes it looks like what I am going to do for you tomorrow morning. Sometimes it looks really unusual. Recently I was down in the Caribbean and I met a very beautiful Caribbean Queen and she was using hypnosis in something she called voodoo.

In a moment I am going to count from one to three. The moment I say number 3 all of you will open your eyes. The moment you do you'll see I hold in my hands a funny looking ugly little doll. Whatever the doll does you'll do. Whatever the dolls feels you'll feel. On the count of three open your eyes, sit back in your chair. Whatever the doll does you'll do; whatever the doll feels you'll feel. On the count of three open your eyes, sit back in your chair. All this applause if for you, one, two three, wide awake everybody.

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Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

On the count of three everyone just stand up, one, two, three. Stand up.


This is for the ladies; the guys aren't going to like it a bit. Everybody sit down in the chair. You're stuck into the chair, everybody breathe in deeply and sleep, now. Way down.

Was she kissing him? Some guys have all the luck. There's a movie, Pretty Girl, you relax, way down, way down José, way down Maurice.

If you in the audience are having fun say "Oh, yeah"? -- Oh, yeah.

Me too. In a moment I am going to count from one to three. On the count of three all of you will open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. For the rest of the show again, every time I say the words "sleep now" your eyelids close, your body relaxes, you let go even more completely than you are right now. On the count of three open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. All this applause is for you: one, two three, wide awake everybody. Wide awake everybody.

Because of what I do for a hobby, for fun, because of what I do for a living and probably because I am a single guy, I get asked one question more than any other question and that is, what is it like to date a hypnotist? So tonight I thought I would show ya. CJ, could I have a little romantic music please?


Did she grab my butt, is that what that was? I thought my underwear was binding up back there or something - it feels like something just snapped. Life is good.

On the count of three all of you open your eyes. Some of you are a little surprised about where you are or who you have been dancing with. He wasn't going to let him go either, did you see that? Hold onto him. Who’s butt you just grabbed. Sleep, way down.

On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. All this applause is for you, one, two three, wide away. What were you doing on the floor? You don't know, I understand. Lauren, are you married? -- No.

Good, that's a good thing. As I snap my fingers in front of the two of you, you remember who the heck you were just dancing with. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1


As I samba across the floor both of you think the other guy was grabbing your butt while he was dancing with ya As you samba across the floor you realise it was you that was grabbing the other guy's butt, you don't know why you did it, it just felt right. As they samba across the stage both of you realise it was the woman seated beside you who grabbed your butt and it felt good. They just laugh at everything, don't they?

Everybody look at me now. Sit back in your chairs. If you're having fun on stage put your hand up and say "Oh, yeah"? -Oh, yeah.

We are. Glad you're here. That would be the thing at the end of your arm there Dennis. Perfect. You can put it down now. Perfect. Everybody look at me now, sit back in your chairs, breathe in deeply everybody. Look at me now and breathe out. Breathe in deeply and sleep now, way down. Stuck to your chairs. Thank you.

Well done. Relax. Let the muscles relax. In a moment I am going to count from one to three and on the count of three all of you are going to open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. You have seen the mysterious side of hypnosis. You have seen the romantic side, kind of. Now let's take a look at the hilarious side.

On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. The person whose neck I am touching now continue relaxing deeply. The person whose neck I am touching now continue relaxing deeply. The person whose neck I am touching - actually just the two of you - the person whose neck I am touching now and the person whose neck I am touching now, on the count of three both of you ladies will open your eyes. For the rest of the show every time you hear me say the word "hypnotism" both of you will leap out of your chairs and scream a blood-curdling scream at the top of your lungs. Every time I say the word "hypnotism" both of you will jump up and scream that scream again. Each time you do the scream will get louder and longer than the time before but the funny thing is, every time you sit back down on your chair, you will not remember having said anything.

If I ask you if you've said anything you'll look at me like I am crazy and say "No, I didn't say anything" and yet every time I say the word "hypnotism" you'll jump up and scream that scream louder and longer than the time before.

On the count of three all of you open your eyes, feeling fantastic in every way. The person whose neck I am touching now continue relaxing deeply. The person whose neck I am touching now, continue relaxing deeply. The person whose neck I am touching now continue relaxing deeply.

On the count of three all three of your ladies will open your eyes. For the rest of the show every time you hear me say the word "coyote" all three of you'll jump out of your chairs, you'll run back and forth in front of the other subjects on the stage and the whole time you're running you'll yell "Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

Every time I say the word "coyote" all three of you will become the Road Runner. You'll jump out of your seat, you will run back and forth in front of the other subjects and the whole time you're running you will yell "Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep".

On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. The person whose neck I am touching now, the moment you open your eyes, the moment you hear me say the words - actually the moment I say the words "Are we having fun?" the person whose neck I am touching, you'll leap out of your chair, you'll run down off the stage, centre stage, you'll run up and down the centre aisle and the whole time you are running you'll yell "Hi ho Silver, Marshall Sylver". All the time you're running you'll be riding your trusty black stallion, brrm, brrm, brrm. You will ride a stick horse that's on the ground between your legs.

Every time I say the words "Are we having fun?" you'll grab that horse, you'll ride it just like a seven year old does, up and down the centre aisle and the whole time you are running you'll yell "Hi ho Silver, Marshall Sylver".

The person whose neck I am touching, the moment you open your eyes Renate, when you hear me say the words "Aren't you glad you came?" Renate you'll stand up from your chair, you'll walk to me and you'll give me the biggest, nicest hug you've ever given anyone in your entire life. Every time you stand up and walk to me, you'll give me a hug nicer than the one before. It's my show!

Every time I say the words "Aren't you glad you came?" you'll stand up and walk to me. Each time you hug me the hug will get nicer and nicer and nicer.

On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. The person whose neck I am touching now, the moment you open your eyes when you hear me say the word "Bug" you will see a giant bug on the stage in front of you. Every time I say the word "Bug" you'll see a giant bug on the stage in front of you. The moment you see that bug you'll begin smacking him with a giant fly swatter. Now that bug is big and he moves fast so you're going to smack him fast or he'll try and bite your butt. Every time I say the word "Bug" you'll see that giant bug on the stage in front of you.

The person whose neck I am touching now, the moment you open your eyes, José, you no longer speak the English language. Raphael, the moment you open your eyes - sleep, way down, Lauren. Raphael, the moment you open your eyes you do in fact speak the English language. You also speak Queblanese, in fact Raphael the moment you open your eyes you are a Queblanese interpreter. How else did you think I was going to talk to José? When you hear José speaking Queblanese it will make complete sense to you, you are a Queblanese interpreter. God Bless you.

On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. Maurice, the moment you open your eyes, my friend, the moment you hear me - the second you open your eyes actually you will immediately stand up from Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

your seat and you'll immediately go back to your seat in the audience. Although you are an excellent subject, the moment you open your eyes you'll stand up, leave the stage, go back to your seat because the moment you open your eyes you'll think I am full of it. You will think this is a croc, you think this is baloney, everybody is faking it. I'm full of BS. If I attempt to talk you out of leaving the stage, Maurice, you're not afraid to tell me what you think of my show.

Funny thing is though, Maurice, when you go back to your seat in the audience, when you hear me say the words "ladies and gentlemen" you'll immediately stand up from your seat in the audience and you'll yell at the top of your lungs "Hey, shut up stupid". You do not like the way I say the words "ladies and gentlemen". In fact every time I say "ladies and gentlemen" you'll get more and more angry with me until you come back to the stage to pick a fight.

The first time I say "ladies and gentlemen" you'll jump up and yell "Hey, shut up stupid". The second time you'll jump up and yell "Hey, I told you to shut up". The third and fourth time will be more than you can bear Maurice. You will leap out of your chair in the audience; you'll come all the way back up here to the stage just to kick my butt. That's not funny.

On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. The second you open your eyes Maurice you'll immediately stand up, leave the stage, go back to your seat in the audience. On the count of three open your eyes, all of you. This thunderous round of applause is for the subjects, one, two three, wide awake everybody? -- Yeah.

Make them feel good. Make them feel real good. Then this is a demonstration of HYPNOTISM? -- Scream.

Sit down ladies. I knew they had good lungs. Renate, did you say something? Lauren, did you say something? -- No.

I'm sure you said something. This is HYPNOTISM? -- Screams.

Wide awake ladies, sit down. Lauren, did you say something? -- No I did not.

Did you say something? You know what it sounded like, it sounded like a couple of baby COYOTES, coyotes, coyotes, coyotes. Come here, wide awake. Wide awake, what are you doing? -- I was -----

I don't know, sit down. What were you doing? -- I don't know.

I'll tell you what you were doing; you guys were running around like a couple of COYOTES. Wide awake ladies. What are you doing, Amanda? -- I don't know.

I don't know either. Sit down. BUG, whoa, get a big bug, get a big bug he's over here, get him, he's over here. You got it. You got it. Yeah, sit down. I want to know, ARE WE HAVING FUN? -- Yeah. "Marshall Sylver, Marshall Sylver. Hi ho Silver, woo hoo. Hi ho Silver, Marshall Sylver". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

Wide awake. Wide awake, wide awake. Wide awake. You're wide awake? -- Whuuum hoooo. Whuu. Whuu.

On the count of three you're wide awake, one, two, three. I didn't say you lost your legs, I said you were wide awake. Come here. Come here. What is your first name again? What is your first name? Give me your hand. Ricardo, Ricardo what are you doing? You don't have a clue, do you? What is that Ricardo, what is that? -- A moth.

A moth, okay. Go sit down. Go sit down. Hey, AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU CAME? -- Yeah. I gave the wrong name. I got the names backwards. That's okay with me though if it was. I am glad I came. This is HYPNOTISM? -- Screams.

They sound like COYOTES. I see a BUG and I want to know, ARE WE HAVING FUN? Wide awake Erin, wide awake? -Marshall Sylver. Marshall Sylver. Hi Ho Silver, Marshall Sylver.

Wide awake Ricardo, you're wide awake. You're wide awake. Your legs work just fine Ricardo. Stand up. Come here, Ricardo. Come here. You can clap for them, it's okay, it doesn't hurt them? -- Wuuuu.

Ricardo, what in the world is that in your hand? -- I think it's a window cleaner.

It's a window cleaner, good. Sit down. I've met everybody up here, I have not met you though, what is your name? -Me. Me.

What's that ? -- Hey.

You speak that language? -- Yeah.

Good. You mean to say, Raphael, ask him if he will stay up and join us centre stage? -- Queblanese,

I am so glad you're here - come over here, come here. Do me a favour, ask him - first of all say "thank you for being here"? -- Quenblanese response.

What did he say? -- He says "Yes".

Yeah, pretty good. Face the audience for me. Do me a favour, ask him, "how did he get to our planet?"? -- Queblanese response.

What did he say, how did he get here? -- At 7.45 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

At 7.45, that's this close to being a 747. Cool, man. Ask him, "how was the weather on his planet when he left"? -Queblanese response.

What did he say, how was the weather? -- He said it was 'chillin'.

'‘Chillin’', is that hot or cold, what is that, 'chillin'? -- Queblanese response.

What did he say? -- That was good; there was a lot of sun.

A lot of sun, good, good, good. Do me a favour; ask him "what does he look for in a woman on his planet? -- Queblanese response.

Oh, yeah, like we really need an interpreter. I am not going to make you say - how many of you want to hear though? -Yeah.

What does he look for in a woman? -- Big boobs -----

Never mind, that's enough. You're a good interpreter. Ask him, Raphael, ask him what does he do for fun on his planet? -- Queblanese response.

What did he say, what does he do for fun? -- Queblanese. MySpace.

Wooooooooo! Cool. I am so glad you're here. Do me a favour, ask José if he will go back and sit down in his chair? -Queblanese response.

And “daba daba” yourself then too. Do me a favour, translate two more words for me Raphael, from English to Queblanese, translate the words "sleep now"? -- Queblanese response.

Raphael, sleep. Way down. You're still not quite sure what to think, are you? It's weird stuff. I am going to explain it all tomorrow.

I love people. I love people. This whole process is a process of education. Some people think that weak people respond and in fact it's the opposite. Intelligent people respond because it is an educational process. Tomorrow morning I am going to show you how you do everything that I've done tonight. I am going to show you how you're actually doing it to yourself already and either it's working for you or it's working against you and I am just so glad you're here because the promoters of this conference are a phenomenal group of people. I love them so much and I am so grateful to be part of Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

this and it is really fun for us as speakers to have an opportunity to be able to look at an audience and actually see every single face that's in the place.

It's unusual for every single person, it's on the roster this weekend and it's a neat thing for us and I am just glad you're here and from the depths of my heart I want to say to all of you, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ----- ? -- Shut up stupid.

What's up? By the way laughter is a release of tension. Tomorrow morning I am going to talk to you about it and I mean going to teach you that funny means money and when you can make people laugh, you can actually - you'll be more influential. Seriously, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -----? -- Shut up, stupid.

Maurice, why are you yelling at me? You don't like me. I might have just screwed up. Why did I pick the biggest guy on stage for this? I am a moron. I should have picked the Queblar, I could have took the Queblar. CJ, come here, please. Thank you, sir, I appreciate it. I love you. Good luck CJ. CJ is thinking "I don't get paid enough for this part of the gig.

I'd like all of you to meet the producer of my show, my great friend, one of my closest friends in the world, CJ Williams? - Yeah.

He is a big guy. He is definitely thinking "I don't get paid enough for this". You want to hear the funny part? He doesn't get paid at all. He just thinks he gets paid. He's hypnotised. If I was telepathic right now I'd be thinking "I'm going to let him go past me Marshall, I am just going to let him get you tonight". Can he be mean sometimes? Is he a tough guy sometimes? You're not saying anything. I realised when I was giving that suggestion, you're really going "oh, no, don’t do it". You didn't exactly stop me though, did you?

Say that again? Hopefully I'll know the right command at the right time. I bet you do. Ooooh. What do you mean, "say it again". Gee, thanks a lot - say it again. Say, "we want to see hypno-blood, say it again". Okay. Here we go, just for you because you're so sweet. Folks, I have created a monster. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ----- ? -Shut up, stupid.

Make me. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - sleep, way down. Do you have a camera, a digital camera? Bring your digital camera up. Yeah, well equipped. I've got a great photo for you. As I move you, you relax. Come here, come here, hurry, hurry.


Shut up your own self, Maurice. You wimp. I wouldn't say that if his eyes were open. He just doesn't look so darn mean on the floor like that. So now, anything you want. What would you like? Nothing? Okay. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. Some of you a little surprised about where you are. On the count of three open your eyes, all this applause is for you. Next time you hear me say or see the words "sleep now" your eyelids close and your body relaxes.

One, two, three, wide awake everybody. Hi Maurice. In a moment I am going to count from one to three. On the count of three all of you open your eyes. All of the effects of the show will be completely removed. The only effects that will remain will be the effects of confidence, motivation and high self-esteem in your life.

Tonight when you sleep you will sleep peacefully and easily the moment you desire to do so. When you awaken in the morning you will awaken refreshed and revitalised, eager to face the challenges of your day. All night tonight, in fact for the next couple of weeks, all of you will have an overwhelming desire to pick up the phone, call every last one of your friends and tell them what a fantastic hypnotist Marshall Sylver is.

What? You too! Tonight when we get in bed, if you get in bed tonight with someone that you love, tonight you'll have more physical energy than you have ever had in your entire lifetime. Tonight, Maurice, you'll be the God or Luuurrrrrrv. You're welcome girlfriend. Yes, you may be happy now, don’t be calling me at 4 am asking how to turn him off. You just hang on for the ride cowgirl, Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!.

I am Vegas and I have been there for a long time. I've had a home there since 1994 and I have been on almost every single main stage in all of the show rooms there. I was performing at a place called The Stratosphere one time and I - the big tower down there - and I gave some guy the suggestion to be the God of Love and his wife was seated right up front along with another couple. When I made him the God of Love the wife went "Oh, no!" and the other couple started laughing hysterically.

I said "Ma'am, what's wrong"?", she said "We're sharing the room with this couple". I said "That's what you get for being so cheap".

On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. On the count of three all of you open your eyes feeling fantastic in every way. José, Raphael, the moment you guys open your eyes, as soon as I leave the stage the two of you will walk directly to the back doors to our exit. The two of you will, for about five minutes, be the official goodwill ambassadors for the Marshall Sylver program. You will remind everybody to get here early in the morning, remind everybody to invite their friends, remind everybody that we've got a most amazing weekend for you.

For those five minutes you are the goodwill ambassadors for the Marshall Sylver program for our wealth weekend. For those five minutes the two of you will speak only Queblanese. After five minutes it will just wear off. If there's a bunch of people standing around you you'll look at them and wonder what the heck are they looking at. You will just go about your night. You'll be back here bright and early in the morning to have the most amazing turning point weekend. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 1

On the count of three open your eyes, all of you. This thunderous round of applause is for you, the subjects. One, two, three, wide awake everybody. Everybody stand up. Everybody stand up. Take a deep bow for your adoring fans and a thunderous round of applause as you make your way back to your seats in the audience. Make them feel good? -- Yeah.

Watch your step, pretty girl. You watch your step. My pleasure. My pleasure, nice to see you. My pleasure. You have a great - my pleasure - God bless you. My name is Marshall Sylver. I have had an awesome night. Tomorrow I am going to teach you how to use everything that I've just done in the real world. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

MARSHALL SYLVER Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

MARSHALL SYLVER: Thank you, that's a good start. That


makes me wanna give to ya. That make es me wanna give more,

Harnessing the power of thee human

thank you. Welcome. Have a seat. By a show s of hands, who

mind has been an obsession n for

wants more money, put 'em up, say "Oh h yeah"? -- Oh yeah.

Marshall Sylver since youth.. Today, Sylver is not only the leading g expert

A couple of your hands did not go up p. You tell us what you're doing, I will be your best studentt, I promise you. By a show of hands, who in this room would d like to lose a pound or two this morning? Put 'em up and say, "Oh yeah"? -- Oh, yeah.

in the area of subconsciouss reprogramming; he is also a recognised master of interpeersonal communication.

A hypnotist who has enterta ained audiences on stage and television, he is also a respeccted business consultant sought by Fortune 500 companies and a the creator of the Number

If you're having a hard time getting th hat heavy sucker up,

One personal development program worldwide.

have the person beside you help you lifft it in the air. By a show of hands, who in this room would like to become a non-

Marshall Sylver is a true Hyb brid -- his production show

s "Oh, yeah". Or just smoker this morning? Put 'em up and say,

blends sound effects, pyroteechnics and other special effects

hack, I'll find ya, I will.

with hypnosis. Yet the moniiker that may best apply is that of a teacher.

Who would like more passion in their in ntimate personal relationship? Put 'em up and say "O Oh, yeah"? -- Oh, yeah.

If you came here with somebody, their hand went up and yours did not - you should be paying attention. By a show of hands, who in here is single and would love to create an awesome, passionate relationship?? -- Put 'em up and say, "Oh, yeah".

Keep 'em up for a second. Look aroun nd the room; see if there is anything you might be intterested in. You got a market. Who thinks this morning I may try to se ell you something? -- Oh, yeah.

n going to try to sell you anything. I am going to se ell you something this I will not let you down. Actually I am not morning. I am going to sell you on takin ng charge of your life in ways you never have. I am going to sell you on doing the things you know you need to do anywaay. I am going to sell you on going to places that use ed to be frightening and yet are going to be very effective for you. I am going to sell you on being the person you were born n to be in the first place.

In addition I've got tens of thousands of dollars in cash, free training materials, free prograams to give away. Who wants to win? Put 'em up and say "Oh, yeah"? -- Oh, yeah.

Keep your hand up for a second. Keep p it up for a moment. If your hand is not up right now w and you win I will not give you anything. I mean that, I am not jokiing. If this is too much energy for you to put out on your y own behalf; if this is too much work for you, your life is guarante eed to suck. Guaranteed, got your hand down. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

I want to give you as much as I can in the short amount of time that we have together. As Ted mentioned, last night was all about entertainment, having some fun. Who had a - who was here last night? Who was not here last night? If you weren't here put your hand up, last night. You are the first people that I bring on stage to hypnotise to dance naked, so, so glad you volunteered. Very - oh, you were here last night, great. What's my tattoo? Just joking.

Hi. What is your name? -- Elena.

Elena. Elena. I am going to do some hypnosis this morning. It is going to be a little different than what I did last night. It won't be for entertainment, it will be how we apply this powerful, powerful process of influence in the business world.

How many of you would love to be so powerful in your communication you are almost irresistible? Put 'em way high? -Oh, yeah.

Oh, Maurice. Litania, how was your night? Moving along. You don't look like you got a whole lot of sleep Litania. That's a good thing. Last night when I was giving Maurice that suggestion to be the God of Love I saw a couple of people in the audience were nudging their spouses going "Tony, you get up there right now, you get up there",

How many of you want to get as much as you possibly can from our time together? Put 'em way up? -- Oh, yeah.

Here's what I want you to do, I want you to - the sign says I am one minute overtime right now. Do you want me to get off stage? -- No.

That's what it's telling me. It's telling me I am one minute overtime right now. Man! I must have been hypnotised. It seems like it went really fast. Security has been notified, finish now. Damn, you guys are hard core here? -- Yeah.

I got some - you guys breathe in deeply. If you want to get as much as you possibly can pay no attention to the signs at the front, that’s what I say. What I want you do to though, is take a fresh piece of paper and across the very top of that piece of paper I want you to write these words "TAKE ACTION NOW". That is the name of our conversation, Take Action Now.

I was born and raised - by the way I want you to take as many notes as you can because by taking notes right now you will automatically increase your retention levels from 500 per cent, five times over because not only are you hearing it, you're also feeling it as you write it. As you write it you see it so you involve all those sense and it makes a more profound impact upon your subconscious mind.

I am going to talk about the reason that is so powerful for you and the reason you want that to occur. A lot of times I will go out and I'll lecture and I'll see couples will come to the seminar and one of them takes all the notes and the other one Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

doesn't. And while that’s okay, I mean, you do whatever you need to do, whatever works for you, my experience has been the one that takes the notes always increases their retention level. They always utilise the information more effectively. They always get more out of it and they end up getting richer, smarter and better looking and then they have no time for the sorry-butted person that didn't take notes, so - you do whatever you want to do, it's - I'd take notes. You don’t have to listen to me. I'm just a happy, healthy, well-adjusted multimillionaire.

I was born and raised on a farm in Michigan and we had no running water, we had no electricity, we had no phone. I have nine siblings, 10 kids in my family. Often we had little, sometimes no food. Our first home got condemned and we were kicked out in the cold Michigan winter and the community, knowing that we were so bad off, they created a place for us to live. They converted a chicken coop. Now the chicken coop had electricity, had running water and it keeps us warm. I lived there for three years. Living in the chicken coop didn't really affect me much; it was a - good thing.

You know when you grow up under those humble circumstances with so many challenges going on you get a really strong foundation of things and a real great appreciation for how life can be. But don't cry for me now Argentina, it's not that way any more, trust me.

My main residence is a 12,000 square foot mansion in Las Vegas. How many of you would love to have a 12,000 square foot mansion? I say be very careful what you ask for. I lived in the house for six months before I found a bathroom I didn't even know I had. I walked through a door in the garage, I thought it went right to the outside and there was a full bathroom behind the door. Whoa.

My second home, my vacation home is down in San Diego. I drove up from San Diego yesterday afternoon and it is a $12 million beach house right on the water in San Diego. This is my San Diego beach house. How many of you think that you could be inspired to create a whole lot more if you were living in a $12 million home? Put 'em high? -- Oh, yeah.

This is the view out my back door every evening as the sun is setting. No kidding, it's awesome. I am very grateful. Every day I am grateful for that. I made a movie this past year. The movie is called "Tranced" and it is a movie that while you watch it, it hypnotises you to experience what the lead character on the screen is experiencing so when she feels hot, you feel hot; when she's cold, you snuggle up against your date; when she has an orgasm, you have an orgasm.

I think people are going to come repeatedly, I do. I think they're going to come the first time and be too freaked out to get hypnotised. I think once they see how much fun the people that got hypnotised had and how wonderful that experience was, I think they will come back again and say "I wanna do this" and then once they do it I think they'll come back and say, bring their friends and say "Come and watch me get hypnotised". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

Where are the 12 subjects that I had on the platform? I see some of you. Put your hands high. Am I 100 per cent right that that was the most amazing experience to you? Was that wonderful, Raphael? You guys were funny. Where's José? Where's José? He's not here yet, okay? -- He's back on his planet. He's back on his planet, thank you darling. He's so cute.

I remember the first time I got hypnotised, I was 16 years old and it was the weirdest thing. The hypnotist, I was 16 years old, was at my high school. He gave me a suggestion that when he said the words "sonny boy" I would stand from my seat in the audience, I would walk back to the stage, I would fall on my butt, I would roll my pant legs up above my own knees, I'd climb on his lap and put my thumb in my mouth and I'd say "Sing it again daddy".

And I was a really shy kid. I was really shy. I had some real social issues. I'd go back to my seat in the audience and I am thinking "There's no way in the world I am going to embarrass myself like that, I am not doing that", and yet the weirdest thing happened. He says the words "sonny boy" and I feel like a magnet's pulling me back to the stage. The whole time I am going back to the stage I mean thinking "I don't have to do this", right? Same thing you guys were feeling last night except you were doing it. And I'm doing it and I'm thinking "This is crazy", roll up the pant legs, climb on his lap "Sing it again daddy".

I went home that night and I thought to myself, “Was I actually hypnotised or was I just doing what the hypnotist told me to do.” I thought, “Well what if he had told me to be a non-smoker and I just did it because he told me to.” What if he told me to go out and lose weight and just because he told me to do it I said "Okay, I'll go do it". What if he told me to go out and be a multimillionaire, and because he told me I could, I believed that I would. In that moment I realised that if that was hypnosis, which it is, then this is a very powerful, powerful, powerful, process.

I want you to understand that not believing in something doesn't make it cease to exist. It exists anyway. You don't have to believe in a Mack truck for it to mow you down. It exists. Last night when I was doing my show I know that stuff is very hard to believe and yet I offer a $10,000 reward to anybody who can prove that I pay anybody to come on stage. I don't need to, there's no point.

This process has been around forever. It shows up in a lot of different forms and today we're going to dissect and make it make sense. So I am going to give you a layman's definite of hypnosis. I want you to write this down. Layman's definition: ONE PERSON SAYS SOMETHING, ANOTHER PERSON BELIEVES IT TO BE TRUE, and then more importantly, ACTS UPON IT AS IF IT IS TRUE.

I will say it again, yes. ONE PERSON SAYS SOMETHING; ANOTHER PERSON BELIEVES IT TO BE TRUE, AND THEN ACTS UPON IT AS IF IT IS TRUE. That's hypnosis. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

Anybody in here ever gone to other seminars, bought other books and tapes. Anybody in here ever done that some other time and found them ineffective or even worse, you didn't even listen to them? Anybody ever had that experience? Put 'em high? I get it. I understand.

Here is the distinction between what normally happens and what is going to happen this morning. I don't teach anything. I program. I get it to the point where you don't really have a choice. You start taking those new actions because they're you.

I have a question though. I've got limited time with you this morning. I've got two other events actually that I'm teaching at here in Los Angeles this weekend and because I've only got limited time I want you to get as much as you possibly can from our time together.

I know for the great majority of you in this room this is the beginning of a long-term relationship, lifetime relationship with me, because when I go out and lecture that is what happens. I know there may be a few of you, for whatever circumstance, may not begin that lifetime relationship with me and especially for you, I want to make sure you get as much as you can. So my question is, who in here would prefer I was honest rather than gentle? How many of you would prefer I was honest rather than gentle? Meaning, how many of you prefer I cut to the chase, didn't pussyfoot around, didn't try to be kind and get in there; I spoke right to the truth to you immediately? How many of you are willing to let me do that this morning?

Here is a fact: 1800 people registered for this seminar; 1800 people. There was a mix up, there was a challenge with the registration system. I understand that. Except you guys got here. Here's what I know: surf is really good in front of my house right now. Surf's really good on the beach and that's where a lot of people from LA are. Or they're mowing their lawn, they're relaxing, they're having fun, watching the tube, sleeping in. They didn't get up to get here.

Eighteen hundred people registered. How many of you realise that is just like real life though? Just like real life. Ninetyfive per cent of the population is led around by their noses by the other five per cent. Did you know that 95 per cent of all the wealth on the planet is controlled by five per cent of the population?

Half of all the money on the planet is controlled by one per cent of the population. How many of you think that's a pretty groovy thing? Well it is if you're part of the five per cent or the one per cent. It's an awesome thing.

This morning we're going to figure out what those five per-centers and those one per-centers are doing that are completely different than what other people do.

I will tell you one of the things that happens is that people that get what they want always are willing - write this down TO FAIL FORWARD FAST. I remember growing up, very poor and thinking, I used to resent wealthy people big-time. I Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

used to resent them. I'd look at them and I'd think "How could your life be so good and I am struggling so much here?" You know, "You guys are going on vacations and we didn't even eat last night" and I know what it's like to look at somebody else and pray that they have your interests at heart.

I know what it is like to sit in a seminar room like this and pray that the guy on the platform is sincere and not just trying to separate you from your money, but they genuinely want to help you take your life to another level. I get that. I also realise there has to be a point in our life where we start doing things dramatically differently. Where we start trusting people and saying "You know what, if not him now, who, when?" because that is the bottom line.

I had the great opportunity to have dinner with Sir Richard Branson a couple of months ago. Who here knows who Sir Richard Branson is? Founder of the Virgin brand. If you get a chance read his autobiography, it's called "Losing my Virginity". For anybody in here who is a small business person, an entrepreneur, he is the classic entrepreneur and the real deal, an awesome guy. Sir Richard Branson just donated, pledged, $3 billion to help combat global warming. I, for one, am very grateful to Sir Richard Branson. Thank you. Thank you.

I had dinner with Sir Richard Branson and it had been on my list of things I wanted to do for a long time. When I left dinner though I was very uneasy. I was irritated. I didn't sleep for three days straight. What bothered me were a few things that he had said. He had said, he looked me square in the eye and sincerely said "I wish I had your confidence. Oh, the things I could do if I had your confidence". And I am looking at a multibillionaire.

He told me that he was admittedly dyslexic and I am watching him and I'm going "Okay". I left and I realised Branson is in his mid-50's. I am in my early 40's and I realised that as much as I like to deny it, I am old. I am old. I don't know about you guys any more. I am stuck. My brain is wrapped around being 21 years old. I don't - cannot grasp the fact that I am not 21 anymore. I keep thinking I have lots of time left to get what I need to get done, done. Anybody else had that same experience? Anybody else in here, you say to yourself "I've got plenty of time" when the truth is you don't have plenty of time. How many of you realise that?

You're old. I mean that, and the challenge is you don’t think you are. You kind of grunted when I said that. How old are you? -- Me?

Yes? - - Twenty-two.

Twenty-two. Okay, you're just a little old. I still feel 21 though. One-third of you in this room will not change your life one iota no matter how great we teach you, no matter what content we give you. One-third of you in this room will not do anything differently after this weekend that you did before this weekend. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

How many of you agree that's probably true? Put 'em way high. Do me a favour, look at the person on your right, just notice who is seated there. Just look over. Look at the person on your left. Do they look fairly motivated? Then you're the one.

I want you to get angry this morning. I want you to get frustrated this morning. I want you to get so moved emotionally that you start taking dramatic steps in your life. Not baby steps, big steps. Steps that you cannot fail. You must move forward on.

Years ago in an effort to become a multimillionaire I found myself $200,000 in debt so every possession I have - and I still owe $200,000 more. I was attempting to go bankrupt except I couldn't find anybody that would help me go bankrupt without having to pay 'em up front. You have to pay money to go bankrupt.

Instead I went out and borrowed an additional $50,000. Fred Smith, the founder of FedEx said "you borrow a little bit of money, you have creditors; you borrow a lot of money, you have partners". You have people that are vested in your success.

I borrowed an additional $50,000 and in approximately two months went from being approximately $250,000 in debt to having two million liquid in the bank. How many of you think I am very glad I borrowed that additional $50,000? -- Oh, yeah.

Part of the challenge that occurs for people is people think, how many of you would agree, most people are so messed up around money that they may never get out of it? Ted mentioned it on the platform; you were taught most things you know about money from some really screwed up people, your parents. And unless your parents are financially smart, unless your parents get it, unless they're able to provide a lot, it doesn't mean they are not great people, just around finance they don't get it.

Hey, what if you took a kid, from the time it was born until it was eight years old and you said to that kid "You dirty, rotten, good-for-nothing; you'll never amount to anything. You were a mistake, we wish we had never had you, you are going to be a criminal, and you’re going to be in gaol, nobody's life will be better because you're here". How many of you believe if you took that kid from the time he was born until he was 8 years old and you spoke to that child that way, and then never spoke to that child way again for life, you would still massively scar that human being. How many of you believe that? You would.

Hey, I am sorry to say, there are people that had that experience growing up. There are people that had worse growing up. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, every kind of abuse. That was my dad. My dad was not a kind person, he was an angry man. I'd call my dad on the phone to say hello to him and he'd say "You little S-O-B, why are you calling me?" I'd say "Goodbye Dad". He'd say "You little M-F-er, don't ever call me again" and he didn't use the acronyms, he said it outright. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

I heard a couple of people kind of laugh, let a giggle out. I know you don't think that's funny. I know what that laughter was, I mentioned it last night. That laughter was a release of tension from your own experience, I get that. For any of you that are dealing with any kind of pain, any kind of suffering, anything going on in your life, I want you to understand this and I want you to write this down. HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE.

When people are in pain they inflict pain on other people. You know, it was really hard - it was really hard as a child to understand that that wasn't about me, that was about my dad. I saw Alec Baldwin got angry at his daughter and said some pretty mean things and when I heard it I was going "I don't really understand how mean that is", I mean, he's upset, yeah, I understand that and yeah, there's this thing with his ex-wife and - the bottom line though is, gosh, people handle more than that every single day.

Well it's not appropriate; he should certainly be more of an adult about it. Gosh there's a lot worse programming going on that nobody is paying attention to and we're only paying attention because he's a celebrity and we want to see that he's more screwed up than we are.

HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE. People go through divorce, it sucks. It's not fun. People go through heartbreak with people that they love, people that let them down. The fact is though that's programming, that's what we're here to talk about this morning.

What if you took that exact same child from the time it was born until it was 8 years old, 7, 8, years old and you said to that kid "You are a gift from God. As you grow up you will do great things. Everything you touch will turn to silver and Stirling my boy, all the lives that you come in contact with will be better because of you and of all of the things I have done in my life, you're the thing I am most proud of". How many of you believe that boy grows up dramatically differently? -- Oh, yeah.

He does. He does. I don't have any kids yet. I do like to practice a lot though so, if anybody would like to fill out an application just - big discount today! Sir, stay right where you are, please. Scaring me. That's one fear I don't really want to face actually.

That person was my mom. That person there that said "Anything you want to do you can do", she used to tell me when I was growing up - she used to drive me to all my shows when I was a kid, she used to make my costumes for me. She would tell me "Marshall as you grow up you're going to do great things, you're going to be rich, you're going to be famous and then you're going to take care of me". Yeah, exactly.

When I was a kid I worked hard my whole life and I realised one of the things that put me where I am today is that when I was a child I saw my mother cry because we had no food. And while I didn't totally comprehend what the tears were for, at 7 years old I made up my mind that whatever was causing my mother to cry I was going to handle for her, forever. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

I don't have any kids yet. The one thing I am most proud of right now in my life is that for the last 20 years I have provided for my mother. My mother doesn't have to work. I realise you're not clapping for me, you're clapping for the concept. How many of you would love to be able to take care of the people that you love? And that’s the thing, that's the thing and here's the challenge though.

I make this movie, it's called "Tranced", it hypnotises you and one of the things that - well the lead character's name is Sterling Wynns. I thought about Sterling, he's a multibillionaire philanthropist, he gives away money, he helps people in business and when I was thinking about where Sterling would live, I said "He'd live in a mansion at the top of a hill somewhere".

Well there is a mansion in the Hollywood hills, very top, highest point in the Hollywood hills that was originally built for the Sultan of Brunei. A 25,000 square foot mansion, some of the most beautiful finishes I have ever seen and so we filmed there for the movie. I thought "What kind of a car would Sterling drive or be driven in?" I thought not a Mercedes; I mean I own some Mercedes Benz, I think they are phenomenal cars, I love my Benz. I drove one of them up from San Diego yesterday.

I thought, "No, Sterling would be a little more over the top. He would probably drive the brand new Rolls Royce Phantom, the brand new Rolls Royce Phantom which is like this". I thought "That's what Sterling would drive". How many of you have seen it on the street? It's got the big suicide doors on the back, $350,000 vehicle.

One of the things that I'm certain of is that any guy that drives a $350,000 vehicle is compensating for some shortcoming, they just are. I just - I could not grasp the concept of buying a $350,000 vehicle. Do me a favour, write this down everybody: COMMUNICATION EQUALS WEALTH. COMMUNICATION EQUALS WEALTH.

There is only two ways that you communicate: internally and externally. Internal communication is called programming. It is the 1500 words per minute that are going through your brain even as I speak, telling you who you are and who you aren't, what you can be, what you can do, what you can have. Those 1500 words per minute determine your reality, what you think is real.

External communication is called influence. Write it down. INTERNAL PROGRAMMING, EXTERNAL INFLUENCE. Everything that you want that you don't have you're going to get from other people. Everything that you want that you don't have, you're going to have to influence somebody else to want to give it to you. We'll talk more about influence in a moment.

Right now I want you to understand programming. When I made my movie, because I was the executive producer, because I wrote the script and I was paying the bills; when we leased this Rolls Royce for 10 days I was the one that was driving it. I’m not letting anybody else drive this car, it is on my ticket, it's my Rolls Royce for these 10 days, I'm driving it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Marshall Sylver Hypnotic Reprogramming Pt. 2

So I remember the first day I drove off the set back to the hotel. I am driving in this $350,000 car and I am thinking "What a piece of crap. Why would anybody buy this tank? This is stupid". I'm driving in the car, it doesn't handle well, I'm paranoid about hitting anything. Go to the hotel.

I get to the hotel and I ask the guy, I said "I've got a leased $350,000 car outside; I would rather not park it in the parking lot. Do you have any place safe?" He says "Yeah you can park it right in front of the front door". Oh, I learned my first perk about having a $350,000 automobile. I parked right in front of the front door, he says "I'll keep an eye on it all night", give him the keys of course.

Next day, coming back from the set and I'm going, "Well, it's not horrible; it drives okay, its okay". Third day I'm driving back from the set; I pulled up at a Stop light and beside me pull up four very cute, 20-something women. They pulled up in the car beside me and they're beeping the horn and they're waving at me and they're signalling for me to roll down the window so I'm thinking "Yeah, I bet you girls think the car looks good too, yeah".

I rolled the window down and I said "Good evening ladies, how can I help you?" They said "Excuse me, excuse me, do you have any grey poupon. I said "As a matter of fact I do, I've prepared myself for this moment". Two weeks later I bought a brand new Rolls Royce Phantom, that's how it is.

How many of you believe nobody needs a $350,000 car to get them from point A to point B? Some of you believe that. You must have never driven a $350,000 car because once you drive it you must have it.

I want you to write this down: ALL BUYING DECISIONS ARE BASED FIRST ON EMOTION AND THEN BACKED UP WITH LOGIC. You guys are going to love this stuff I am giving you this morning. You're going to be so hungry for this information; you're going to want more and more and more. I'll say it again, yes. ALL BUYING DECISIONS ARE BASED FIRST ON EMOTION AND THEN BACKED UP WITH LOGIC.

Now for the sake of our discussion I want to define a couple of things.

Number 1, a buying decision. It doesn't necessarily have to be you buying a car or buying a house or a piece of jewellery. It could be you buying into not doing drugs. When I was 17 years old I became a cocaine addict and I remained a cocaine addict for the next six years until I was 23 years old.

I remember one day I was watching a sunrise that I didn't want to watch again, playing Yahtzee or Scrabble or some mindless game that was to waste time because I was so wired I couldn't sleep and I made up my mind, I decided this wasn't going to be my life. If nothing else, I wasn't going to tell my son "Do as daddy says not as daddy does". I was going to take charge right then and so I walked to the bathroom and I dumped all the cocaine down the toilet. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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My girlfriend was living with me at the time. She's screaming "What are you doing?" I said "I'm saving our lives". She moved out two weeks later because we didn't have anything in common any more. I lost all of my friends because that's all we did was party together and when I said "Not in my home, not around me" they said "Then don't hang out with us", okay.

Called up everybody that ever sold me drugs, I said "You ever sell me drugs again I will turn you in to the police". How many of you think that that will dry up your connections real fast. I want you to write this down; it's called BURNING THE BOAT. Burning. Warriors of many old time cultures would put their possessions, their wives, their kids all on a boat, sail to where they would do battle, unload the ship and then burn the boat so they could not retreat.

I realise what it's like to sit in here. How many of you realise you will not get rich working for somebody else? You know that. Write this down: THOSE THAT THINK, GOVERN THOSE THAT LABOUR. My job is to make you smarter. My job is to make you think more. Guess what happens if you're a really good worker? You get more work. What's that? Your co-workers hate you, I'm so glad you said that, because it is so true, isn't it? You do the very thing you think you need to do to advance and people just keep clawing you. Did you know that when Mexican crabbers - people down in Mexico go out and hunt for crab, they go out to fish the crab out of the ocean - did you know that when they take the barrels, if they put two crabs in the barrel they don't need to put a lid on there anymore because when one starts to climb out - am I right? - the other one will reach up and pull it right back down.

Kind of like humans, isn't it? Relationships are kind of like scales. When one side starts to grow the other side has an option of either growing with them or more times than not, reaching up, grabbing, pulling down. I remember when I stopped doing drugs, every time I'd hang out with any of my friends, they would all say; "Come on, just one line, it won't hurt you" and I'm thinking "Why, why would you tempt me? I've made up my mind I don't want this anymore". It's because they didn't want to see me succeed and them fail.

I bet you told some people you were coming to a seminar and they went "Ohhh, you're going to a seminar. Don't let them sell you anything" as if you buying something was bad for your economy or the world's economy. Write this down: THOSE THAT ARE AFRAID TO BUY ARE ALWAYS AFRAID TO SELL.

When a person has a fear that buying something lessens their position, they project that same fear out when they go to sell something. In other words they think they're getting the best of somebody because they thought somebody got the best of them when they bought. Does that make sense to you? Write this down: EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT HAS A PHYSICAL RESPONSE.

Every single thought you think has a physical response. It is impossible for you to think a thought without telegraphing it to the outside world. Now, here's the thing, if every thought has a physical response, every physical response creates a Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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chain reaction in the outside world. As I speak to you - I lecture all the time all over the world and because I travel a lot I really have gotten frustrated with commercial flying.

Anybody else understand what I’m talking about? I appreciate our security; we have to have it now. It's not a question; it's just an aggravation still. I remember when you used to be able to go up to the airport and I know you know what I’m talking about, get there 15 minutes before your flight, zip through security, get on a plane and be okay. Now, minimum, you've got to get there an hour and a half early and that's if you're flights on time; usually it's delayed anyway.

My house at the beach, if I have to go to the commercial airport I get in my car, I drive about 40 minutes to get to the commercial airport because the commercial airports are more spread out. There aren't as many of them as there are private airports. I drive to the commercial airport, 45 minutes minimum drive time; park my car, get on the shuttle,15 minutes later; an hour to get to the airport. Stand in line to check my bags, another half an hour; stand in security, another hour and a half; get on the plane. Maybe it takes off on time, maybe it's a 20, 30 minute delay which it usually is.

When I get off the plane I've got to go to the baggage carousel, got to stand there and wait for my bags and it's always the last bag, always. Anybody else always get the last bag? My brother! It's awful, so you've got to stop and figure that's three and a half to four hours one way. Round trip, that's seven to eight hours. That's a full day.

I bought my house in San Diego, my vacation home, for a bunch of reasons. One of the reasons is it's 15 minutes from my mom's home. I have had my main residence in Vegas for a long time and I realised that my mom's getting older and if I didn't make the time now to spend some time with her and the rest of my family, what is the point in living? And so I bought the house because it was close to her.

I bought it also because it is seven minutes away from a private airfield and now what I do when I have to travel and I'm not driving I drove up from San Diego this trip. When I'm flying though, I drive from my home to the airfield. I don't just drive to the parking lot, I drive right up to my jet. I park my car beside the plane. My pilot takes my bags out of my trunk, puts them on the plane while I step onto the plane, sit down and am then handed immediately my favourite beverage. This is within 15 minutes from my doorstep I'm in the air; 15 minutes. I just saved three hours and 45 minutes, one way, double that.

This is the look of a guy who has not flown commercially for two years. This is the look of a guy that is quite happy to not deal with the stress. This is the look of a guy whose tray table was down on takeoff and landing. How many of you think that you could have a little less stress if you didn't have to deal with all that other stuff? Put 'em up nice and high.

Except, I'm reading your body language, I know what you're thinking, "Oh, it's easy for you to say rich hypno man. You're not living my life; you don't know how hard it is for me". I did it, I know what it's like to resent wealthy people. I Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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want to tell you. I don't tell you about my mansions, I don't tell you about my Rolls Royce, I don't tell you about flying in private jets to impress you with me. Trust me, I am already plenty impressed with me.

I tell you all this at the beginning of our time together because I want you to get a real fact. I am an ordinary man. I am not more special than anybody in this room, in fact, when I was growing up I was told I was special and I was put in special class. They thought I was mentally retarded and in first and part of second grade I was in special education classes. I'm a high school dropout. I dropped out of high school because my family needed to eat. My mom was working three jobs to try and get ahead and I didn't want to see her killing herself that way so I dropped out of high school one quarter into the first year.

Do we have anybody in high school in here? Finish high school. Of everything in my life I would do differently I would finish it just to have finished it. I went to the counsellor and I said "I am dropping out of high school", he said "Marshall you cannot drop out, it will ruin your life". I said "I've been offered a $50,000 a year job", he said "Are they hiring?"

I am not smarter than anybody in this room I promise you; there are people way smarter than me in this room. I am not more creative than anybody in this room. I certainly don't work as hard as most of you work. I am not better looking - I am not smarter than anyone in this room, and I am certainly more humble, yes I am. I want you to get this, I am an ordinary man, I am not special. Anything I can do you can do way more of.

That is what happened for me when I sat down with Richard Branson. I looked at him and he says he's dyslexic, he says he wishes he had my confidence and I am looking at this multibillionaire and my brain had to say me, "What's the difference here?" and I realised what the difference was. He faced fears. He did the things that other people were unwilling to do. He kept coming back again and again to the table and saying "I am not satisfied". He kept doing what other people wouldn't. Now that I have your attention I say to you "good morning"? -- Good morning.

Yeah, that's your cue. I say "Who would like to eat fire?” Eighteen inches of mouth-searing, teeth-melting, permanently scarring flame. No takers? One taker. Way to go. Here we go, watch. Well, don't bother then. No, no, no, no, I meant it. If it's that much work, don't bother. Man. I don't need it, trust me. I got plenty.

Those of you that were clapping, if you'd clap and run around the room it would sound like everybody was doing it, that would be great but why in the world would a guy who is going to teach me how to make money, eat fire at the beginning of his presentation? I realise that the same emotion that inhibited all except one person from volunteering to eat fire is the same emotion that stops you from getting what you want. What emotion would that be? -- Fear.

Sure, fear of what? Fear of melting your teeth clean out of your mouth. Fear of singeing the nose hairs right out of your nose. Fear that maybe I had a full beard when I started doing this stuff, which actually I did. You know, fear rears its ugly head in a lot of different ways. Sometimes fear looks like procrastination. You know, I'll go to the next seminar that comes Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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into town. Sometimes fear looks like complacency: hey, I'm making 30, 40, 50,000 a year, six figures, why rock the boat? Sometimes fear looks like being catatonic: you know what you need to do and you just can't get yourself to do it.

Hey if you don’t have what you want right now in any area, there is only two reasons and I want you to write these down. Only two reasons you wouldn't have exactly what you want right now. Number 1, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Nobody has given you the blueprint, the example.

I teach a two-day program called ““The Turning Point””, I teach it all over the country. I personally teach it 10 times a year. One hundred per cent of the program I teach 10 times a year. I also have trainers that teach it so it is all over the country. At that program I teach you the specific “what's” you need to do. Here's the challenge though, if you don’t have what you want, it's for one of two reasons, either you don't know what to do - how many of you in here believe it is possible for you to be a multimillionaire? How many of you believe that there are probably a million ways for you to be a multimillionaire?

Here's the big question: how many of you believe you probably already have the knowledge of what you need to do to because a multimillionaire? You do, I promise you, you do.

Man, it would be the other reason, wouldn't it? You know what you need to do; you just can't get yourself to do it consistently. Write it down, I want you to get this point because it's - I'll repeat it - it stops you from being a victim - YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED TO DO, YOU JUST CAN'T GET YOURSELF TO DO IT CONSISTENTLY.

Who here wants to lose a pound or two, put 'em high? Let me help you out, let me give you a strategy after decades of research; write this down: EAT LESS, MOVE MORE. Duh. Who here said they wanted to be a non-smoker, put 'em up high and be sincere about it. I want to help somebody today. Okay.

Let me help you all, write this down: QUIT PUTTING THAT THING IN YOUR MOUTH AND LIGHTING IT. Duh. Except, here's the challenge, you're a smoker, therefore you smoke. What's your name? Again? -- Marilyn.

Marilyn. Here's the challenge Marilyn, you are a smoker. How much do you smoke? Three cigarettes a day. How much do you smoke? Ten, 12 cigarettes a day. You weren't born a smoker, were you? No, you had to force yourself to be a smoker. Anybody here smoked and then stopped, anybody done that? It wasn't easy, was it? You smoked so much you got so good at smoking it was hard to stop except your first cigarette probably made you sick. My first cigarette - I smoked and I puked all over everything. It was right around the time when the Exorcist came out and my mom thought I was possessed. I didn't tell her I was smoking.

My body kept telling me, you keep smoking; you'll get good at it. I kept practising smoking so I could smoke and walk, hey. I got so good at smoking that I couldn't stop for a while and you know what's so funny, I've been rich and I've been Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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broke and I've been rich and I've been broke and I've been rich, this is my third fortune and I'll explain the reason for that. I went through a divorce and in fact I was just stupid the first time, I thought it was going to last forever.

How many of you would like to be so good at making money you couldn't stop it if you wanted to? How many of you would like it no matter what hiccup came in, no matter what set-back came in, you'd make money again; put 'em way high? I want you to get that. If you took all the money on the planet today and you divided it evenly amongst all the people, within five year it will be right back in the same hands again; do you believe that? -- Yes.

How many of you agree with that, put 'em way high. Here's the key then. At “The Turning Point” I teach a process called P-N-D, psycho-neuro-duplication. What does that mean? In layman's terms it means "when you think what someone thinks and you do what they do, you will produce a similar result". There's no way to stop it.

When you think what a slender, fit, person thinks, and you do what they do, you'll be healthier. Governor Schwarzenegger says - and I love this quote - he says "I don't understand how people cannot work out every day. Working out is breathing". Do you get that? His concept of a day would not be a day unless he worked out, whereas other people say "Oh, my God, I can't get to the gym, it's too much work, I've got too much to do". He says "No, that's the first thing I do".

Do you believe that millionaires think differently than paupers? How many of you agree with that? Good. Let me explain something about millionaires. They got up early on a Saturday morning and they came to a conference with no certain outcome. They said "No, I'm going. I am going to fight traffic, I am going to roll out of bed on my day off and I'm going to be here". That's you.

For the sake of our discussion I want to define what a millionaire is. A millionaire for the sake of our discussion is anyone earning $1 million a year joyfully. Are you guys okay with that definition? -- Yeah.

And I want to define "joyfully". I am on a platform; I don't need to be here. If 100 per cent of you stood up, went to the back, signed up for “The Turning Point” it would not change my life one iota. You can only drive one car at a time. I really don't need any more homes. I probably spend 10 days a month between my two houses, the rest of the time I'm here, I am in a hotel room because this is my life. I've got a really big reason for being here and it's got nothing to do with money and I will explain it to you in a moment.

How many of you think though last night I was having more fun than anyone in the room? I was. You guys cracked me up. You especially. I just love people and I love our experience. I love to be able to interact and play and laugh and dream with other human beings. So a millionaire is anybody who is joyfully creating a $1 million a year. It doesn't even have to be passively. Even I didn't have to work, which I don't, I'd still be here. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Conversely, I want to call a pauper anybody who is not making a $1 million a year joyfully. How many of you are excited about that definition? I didn't think so, because that makes you a pauper, doesn't it? I want you to get angry and I want you to admit it, that's the first step in transformation, saying "You're right".

The first step in transformation, when I saw Richard Branson I was going "What is wrong with you Marshall?" I realise what's wrong with me, I've got a lot of really bad millionaire habits. I've got a lot of really bad habits that made me a multimillionaire that are stopping me from being a multibillionaire. Does that make sense to you?

Years ago I was searching for Kraft Macaroni Cheese money in the couch. Anybody can relate to that emotion? Top Ramen runs a real close second in your life during those times. I was getting kicked out my apartment for non-payment of rent and I was the manager of this little apartment complex. I couldn't even pay the discounted rent.

My truck was broken down because I didn't want to buy a new truck, I said "Oh, I can't afford the payment", except the funny thing was I was making payments on my truck every month anyway just to repair it. The difference was I didn't have a vehicle while it was being repaired whereas if I had just bought a new truck, even a used new truck, and had made the monthly payment, I would have had dependable transportation.

I woke up one morning and I said "This isn't my life. I am not living this way anymore. This is not me. They changed babies at birth, something happened here. I am supposed to me in a wealthy family. I am a multimillionaire whose money has not yet been deposited in my bank account".

Now think about this for a second, friends. On the day I was born in that condemned home, on the day I was searching for Kraft Macaroni Cheese money and today I am the same guy. So I guess it's true, I was a multimillionaire on the day that I was born, even though the money had not been deposited in my bank account yet. Hmm.

When you think what someone thinks and you do what they do, you will produce a similar result. Think about this for a second. When I think what a millionaire thinks and I do what they do, money will flow to me. How many of you take out your own trash? How many of you do your own laundry? How many of you when you're at home, make your own meals? You are doing minimum wage work. As long as you fill your days up with enough minimum wage activities you cannot be a millionaire, it is not possible.

Write this down: AVOID M-W-A's - minimum wage activities. AVOID MINIMUM WAGE ACTIVITIES. I have house managers on my properties. When I spend time in my home, when I get there, I walk through the door, my house is spotless. The refrigerator is stocked. My clothes are back from the dry cleaner out of the bags with the tags clipped off. The toilet paper is folded back in that little triangle, I love that thing. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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How many of you think if you weren't doing all those kinds of things you might have more time to focus on making bigger bucks, put 'em high? When you attend “The Turning Point” I am going to start showing you how to start eliminating MWA's so you can start focusing on what is the highest and best use of your time. One of the things I am going to tell you to do is get a maid, even part-time, even if it's one day a week, even if it's a couple of hours, to get rid of that stress.

I see some women in here right now are nudging their husband and they're saying "We're going to this seminar". Some of the guys are thinking to themselves, right now "This guy sucks". How many of you gentlemen would gladly get your wife a maid if she's the one that takes care of the home if you got more - more? How many of you ladies would gladly give your man more and more if he got you some help in the house, put 'em way high? No kidding. Take note, sir, take note.

How do we make that transition? That is the question, how do we start moving in that direction and I want you to write this question down: WHAT IS THE HIGHEST AND BEST USE OF MY TIME? Because that has got to be the question. What is the highest and best use of my time?

I realise it may be a struggle to start moving toward these things and yet you must. Three things you need to create anything you want in your life, anything, it doesn't matter what it is; whether it's a new job, a new relationship, fire eating, whatever it is.

Three things: number 1, SELF-MASTERY. You've got to master your own mind. Every thought you think, you choose. Nobody else put it there. Every belief you hold, everything that's true for you, you chose.

Write this down: WHAT YOU BELIEVE TO BE TRUE IS TRUE FOR YOU, nothing else. Write it down. What you believe to be true is true for you. How many of you believe that this morning can be the beginning of the life you've been seeking forever, put 'em high? Of course it can. And until you decide that it won't happen. You make that choice.

I know what it feels like to sit in a seminar room like this. I was in one 20 years ago, 23 years old sitting in front in the seminar, same thoughts I have been talking about all morning. There was a guy on the platform, I kept praying, I prayed he's sincere, I prayed he really means what he's says, I pray this works because nothing had worked before that. I had gone through eight jobs and eight apartments in two years.

Self-mastery is understanding now what you believe to be true is true for you. SELF-MASTERY, write this down, IS UNDERSTANDING WHAT YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS. What you focus on expands. Some people focus on the negative stuff in life and they keep getting more and they wonder "How come this keeps happening to me?" because that is all you talk about. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Stuff happens. I was married, I went through a divorce. I'm not fond of divorce, it wasn't fun. I did love my wife, that's the reason I got married. I remember I was in Court with my ex-wife and our attorneys and the Judge was up on his Judge thing and he was saying "Marshall's soon-to-be ex-wife is a model and an actress and as she ages her ability to make money will diminish because she is an actress".

Actors, it can work the other way, actresses often make less and he said "Marshall, on the other hand, we take all of his money, right now, today, and within one year he would have all of it back and then some, he'd multiply it".

And I'm looking at the Judge while he's saying this and I'm thinking, "I am going to hypnotise your butt, I'm going to have you dancing naked on your Judge thing" and that's exactly what happened. Well, no, he didn't dance naked. How many of you have ever been through a divorce? Anybody ever played the game "Cashflow", Robert Kiyoski's game? You play Cashflow, if you made money and then you get the divorce card, how much of your money do you lose? -- All of it.

Who said "half"? You've never been married. All of it. You lose all of it. And your spouse doesn't even get it. Your ex doesn't even get the money. The attorneys get all the money so I lost all the money.

I told you my first fortune I made millions, I thought it would keep coming. I frittered it away. My second fortune I made millions, I got divorced. When I went through my divorce I was $1 point million dollars in debt. Sell everything you own and after having made millions of dollars, I sold 1.5 million more.

Donald Trump, Donald Trump at one point in his career was $900 million in debt. I lectured with Donald Trump. We've got a book coming out where we cooperate and Donald says that he was walking down the street one day and he saw a homeless guy on the street and he realised that that guy was worth $900 million more than he was. That didn't stop him, did it?

Write this down: WE DO WHO WE ARE. We do who we are. Donald Trump is a billionaire. That is his identity, that's his program, that's his belief. So even when he was worth 900 million below zero, when he owed that much money, he said "No, I'm not done". So the question I have for you is, who are you? Are you a multimillionaire whose money has not yet been deposited in your bank account? You'd better be. Are you a fat person trying to lose weight or are you a skinny person with a few extra pounds? Because what happens when you start changing your identity of who you are, the things you to do become obvious.

When you start looking at your life and saying "No, this is not me. I don't do that. I might have made a mistake; I might have got off track for a day. I am not getting off track tomorrow". I told you, a third of you will never change your life, I don't care how many seminars you go to. You'll go and you'll go to free programs, you'll never put it on the line and say "Hold it, now's the time. I am getting old, I need to do something different". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Write this down: REALITY IS CREATED BY VALIDATION. The greater the validation, the greater the reality. The greater the validation, the greater the reality. What if I were to tell you that in addition to all of the surprises I have for you this morning, the cash giveaways, the product giveaways, all the stuff you’ve been reading, what if I were to tell you that I have a couple of friends in Vegas who gave me a white tiger. I can't tell you what their names are, come on. What if I were to tell you that I brought that tiger here to surprise you this morning? -- Wu hooo. Yeah.

In that moment, in that moment I say that you are faced with a decision. The decision is simple. You don't know me very well so not much validation, do you believe me or do you say "Oh, yeah, right buddy". What if, during the course of my talk with you, you heard the rumble of a heavy metal object roll outside that back door and you heard a "roar". In that moment you'd be faced with a decision. He said tiger, I heard tiger, tiger. Or you'd say "Isn't that clever, Mr Sylver has the sound effect of a tiger outside the door".

How many of you own cats? How many of you have cats, big cats, little cats? I have a little cat too; his name is Sir Gandolph the Wizard. I call him Gee Whiz for short, not for what he does. A cat will, and I don't care what size they are, a cat will not enter a space it does not look into first. A cat will walk into a box, an open room, a door; it will walk right to the door and will stop right before it. It will put one paw inside and then look around, before they come in.

Dogs are totally different. Dogs are totally dumb. Dogs are totally - bam! Right into the sliding glass door. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs and cats too, they're just different, that's all. Dogs and cats are kind of like men and women, aren’t they? We're the dogs. Where's that leg? I can't believe that came out. I travel a lot.

What if, during the course of my conversation with you, you saw the back door open and you saw a tiger head peer into the room? In that moment you'd be faced with a decision. Said tiger, heard tiger, tiger head. Or you'd say "Isn’t that clever, Mr Sylver has a puppet tiger head in the back of the room".

What if, upon my command, Sartori, which is the name of my tiger, walks through that door, walks upon this centre aisle, jumps up on this stage and looks right at you sir, in your red shirt, and licks her lips? Because that red shirt you're wearing is the exact same colour of the meat I feed her every day and she hasn't eaten yet.

How many of you would realise there was a tiger in this room? Some of you would not. Here's the funniest thing, there would be a couple of people in this room who would go "Wow, nice hologram, good trick". I kid you not. How do I know that for sure? Because there are people that come to this program, sit in these seats, look at me or Geoff Cowler who you guys are going to have the pleasure of listening to next, he's going to talk about pre-fore closures - how many think now is a great time for pre-foreclosures? Oh, gosh, yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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You hear the stories from Nik and Ken, Bob and everybody who has been out here, we tell you the stories, we tell you what we've been able to create and yet some people look at us and go "Yeah, well you did it but I don't think I can". Does not compute, does not compute, does not compute.

I don't get it. I love my family so much. I have nine brothers and sisters. Ten kids in my family. If you took all their love and you put it together and you multiplied it by 10, it wouldn't come close to my wealth. I don't get it. I am not smarter than they are. I know I'm not. I don't work harder than they do. My brother has just retired from the post office, for the past 45 years he has worked 60 to 80 hours every single week. Forty-five years, they forced his retirement because of stress. I get it. Huh.

I'm at my beach house. There's an 800 bottle of wine cellar. There is a big, huge home theatre, great place. Also on the beach side there is a fire pit and so we're out in front of this big, beautiful beach house, my brothers and I, and we're drinking $700 a bottle wine. Do not let anybody tell you it's all the same, it is not. It is not even what it costs, it's how it tastes.

So we're sitting there and I know they would never have the opportunity to have this unless I was hanging out with them so we're drinking the wine and we're having a good time and we're watching the waves, watching the fire and they're talking. One of my brothers works for UCSD, down in San Diego, he works for the College system and my one brother who worked for the post office said, "Yeah, they're forcing my retirement but I have one full year of sick leave and one full year of vacation time that they still have to pay me for; two full years they've got to pay me before I'm retired".

My other brother says "Yeah, I've got six months of vacation time and I've got three months of sick leave" they still have to pay me all those months. And I'm sitting there and I'm thinking "I don't have any vacation time; I don't have any sick leave, but look at my freaking house".

Those that think govern those that labour. There's got to be a point where you make that transition. There's got to be a point where you start risking on you. How many of you are really grateful that Mentor Magazine and Money Masters invited me to be here at this event? How many of you are? -- Yeah.

Thank you. Thank you. Me too. I am really glad. I have a two-day program; it's called “The Turning Point”. I teach it 10 times a year. If the program were totally free how many of you would clear two days of your time to come and be at the program; put 'em way high?

How many of you if you had paid a million dollars for this weekend would be taking better notes? Yeah, you would be. You'd be paying better attention, wouldn't you? Not a chance in hell “The Turning Point” is going to be free, not going to happen. How many of you believe people pay more attention when they're at stake? I know that, and I know that. I'm going to give you a way actually to come to “The Turning Point”. I am going to make it a brain dead decision. I am going Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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to better than money back guarantee it, and I am going to make it so valuable to you that you'll definitely want to stand up, walk to the back and get registered.

How many of you, if I brought in here another Rolls Royce; image if somebody gave me another Rolls Royce. I don’t need another car. My first Rolls Royce is so big I cannot even keep it at my beach house; I have to keep it in the Vegas mansion. It is so long it won't fit in the garage at the beach house; 19 feet long this car is.

What if I was to bring another one in here, somebody gave it to me, I don't want it, I am going to sell it to the first person who has $5000. Who wants to buy it, put your hand up? If your hand is not up you are not an investor. I mean that. You don't understand. Write this down: MONEY IS MATH.

Some of you are thinking "Well I don't want a Rolls Royce". I don't care. It's worth $350,000. Buy it and then sell it? -Yeah.

And I want you to get that. You will not get real estate; you will not understand how to make money in real estate as long as you're still looking at houses saying "Well, I could never live there". That's not the point. Somebody else would. You're going to make money in ugly properties, you're going to make money in distressed properties, and you’re going to make money in properties nobody appears to want because that is where the money is. Right now especially.

Some of you are going "Well I don't have $5000, Marshall". Ooohh, borrow it. If in fact somebody had a 350,000 - did you know that Steve Wynn went and just built a $2 billion hotel in Las Vegas? He didn't have the money when he built the hotel. Write this down: WE MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES NEVER ASK HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? We don’t care. We ask "How much can it make us?" That's what a millionaire and a billionaire says "How much can it make us?"

Hey, “The Turning Point” sells for $3000. If all “The Turning Point” did was made you 10 times more confident, how many of you believe that would certainly be worth $3000; put 'em way high, I want to see it?

How many of you believe that most people aren't as confident as they deserve to be? You know why? You were programmed badly as a kid. Your mom, your dad said "Don’t show off in front of the other kids, don't try to pretend you're better than they are, and don’t embarrass them by being too good." Can you imagine Tiger Woods' father speaking to him that way? "Tiger, don't show off today, don't beat 'em too bad". Heck no. Not happening.

Most people - I think it was a glorious day for fools when modesty became a virtue. I want you to understand, there's a difference between cockiness and confidence. Confidence allows for greatness in other people. I don't talk to you about all my wealth or anything that I've done and all the great experiences I've had to tell you how great I am. I haven't even come close to my potential. I am embarrassed to have dinner with Richard Branson. I am more confident than he is. I know I am. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Because there are some distinctions I needed to let go of. I realised I was wrong when I was younger, I am not a multimillionaire, I am a multibillionaire whose money has not yet been deposited in my bank account. Except I get the stretch for you. You're sitting there and you're going through your life and you're doing what you do, you're working hard, you're willing to be here. Maybe you don't see the dollar signs that you want to see. I get the stretch you need to make to say "I am a multimillionaire".

Except what happens, is you stop getting concerned about pauper things. One of my brothers, I love him so much, he's insane. He'll get on the phone and talk to his cell phone company for two hours because they overcharged him 10 bucks on bill. At the end of the two hours just because he browbeat them they'll give him a credit. He'll get off the phone, he'll be happy and I'll go "Dude, you just spent two hours to make 10 bucks". "It's not about the money, it’s about the principle". Okay, the principle is you're a moron. Change phone companies if it bothers you that much. Go without a cell phone, you don't need it. Money is math. Money is math. I want you to understand that. Write this down: NO RISK, NO GOODIES. Biggest challenge for most of you, you don't risk enough. You've got to risk more. Big time. And until you start risking, you'll never get what you want. Who here wishes they had risked and bought Microsoft stock 25 years ago? Google, third largest company in the world right now. Who has Google stock? Get it now. This is not financial advice, it is brain dead. Who here has Googled in the last week? Put your hand up if you've Googled. Look around the room. I Google every day. Every single day.

How long does it take you to be a multibillionaire? Four or five years according to the Google boys. Sergey Brin and Larry Page have become deca-billionaires in less than five years. Read the book, it's called The Google Story. It will blow your mind as an entrepreneur. It will fire you up, to go "Yeah, I can do this".

The second thing you need to create anything you want in your life, number 1, self-mastery, you've got to master your mind. You've got to take complete control because guess what, all those people, all those dream crushers, all those those people that want you to feel like you're less than, so that you won't go out and do things so that they can feel better about themselves. They will zap you. They will tell you "Oh, I can't wait, you went to another seminar, don't try to get me into your money-making scheme". Don't even bother with them.

Don't do business with your friends and your family if they're going to have that spirit and that attitude. Walk away. There are plenty of people that want to do business with you that are around you right now.

Number 2, you need the proper tools. They don't teach you how to be a multimillionaire in high school or college; they just don't because they don't know.

I say never get your hair cut by a guy with a rainbow coloured Mohawk. The proof is always in the pudding. The proof is always in the pudding. I want you to understand reality is based on validation. I have nothing to learn from Donald Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Trump. My dad didn't give me $200 million. While I respect him and what he has done with his brand, as far as making money, I've got nothing to learn from him.

How many of you would agree that you'd rather learn how to make money from somebody who started off in worse or at least as bad a circumstance as you and then made millions of dollars? How many of you would want to learn from that guy? I agree. That's who I want to learn from.

Branson has more to teach me about being a billionaire than Trump ever could because he started with nothing. Nobody handed him $200 million. Hell, I could turn $200 million into $900 million's worth of debt as easy as the next guy, I can do that. I'm just speaking reality, right?

You need the proper tools. You need somebody who can come along and show you how to make millions. How many of you believe I know how to make millions, put 'em high. My friend coming up after me, Geoff Cowler, today is going to give you a strategies on pre-foreclosures. He is going to teach you what that whole market is about and it is so pertinent right now.

Geoff will tell you and I know he will, he has said he is going to. I promise you, he will tell you, I helped unleash his ability to do that. He had the technical knowledge, he had the know-how, he had the a, b, c and d. He couldn't get himself to consistently go out and take the risk because he went through college and they messed him up.

How many of you have a degree? And you realise the degree didn't help you, it almost held you back, how many of you realise that? Well you might have had some stuff done, it just got you to a level, and you couldn't go beyond it. I have a BS, in BS, yes I do. I have a PhD too, piled higher and deeper. I told you, I'm a high school dropout.

I am not talking about the tools that you learn in college or high school. I'm talking about the tools that you learn from people who have been out in the real world and made real money. They're very real. I'll give you what one of them is, conversational influence. I want you to write that down: CONVERSATIONAL INFLUENCE.

What is conversational influence? In a moment I am going to bring somebody up on the platform and in what looks like a conversation I am going to sell them something they don't even want and when I'm done they're going to say "Thank you" and mean it; today, tomorrow, next week, next month. Who wants to be that person?

You cannot put his hand up. He can only - he's put his hand up. He can put it up, yeah, he can. Drop your hands down. I couldn't help notice that less than 10 per cent of the room put their hands up and I know what it is, I know what it is. You're sitting there thinking "No, we saw what you did last night. If I come on that stage you're gonna have me singing like Madonna". Well, it makes Madonna a whole lot of money. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Someone will go "No, you'll have me stripping like a Chippendale dancer. Trust me, there are some of you I would never have strip like Chippendale's dancers. Here's the thing though, the number 1 thing that stops you from making money is YOUR FEAR OF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WILL THINK. Write it down. It is the need to look good. "I don't want to go out and risk a new business and fail", it's the need to look good. "Gosh, what will they think of me if I quit my job and then nothing works out?"

It's Ron, right? -- Ron.

I know you don't I? I know your face. You've been - you're an actor, right? -- Yes.

Yeah. The second I saw you I said "I know that guy; you have been on the tube for so long and just an amazing thing". One of the things I know about acting is that it isn't, am I right? Acting isn't. That it is not enough to learn something, you've got to become something. So you don't learn your lines, you become the character.

Same thing is true in every area of our lives. By the way I respect all the hard work you've done, you are an amazing talent. One of the things I know is that - yeah, make him feel good, and please forgive me, you are - were on a soap, right? -- Yes.

Which soap was it? -- The Bold and the Beautiful.

Bold and the Beautiful. Your character's name? -- Ridge.

Ridge. Awesome. Glad you're here. One of the things I know is that we’ve got to constantly learn. That is the reason I had dinner with Richard Branson. That's the reason I pay big bucks to fly somewhere to go study with somebody. It’s that part of the challenge for excellence, that people really out there doing stuff have to challenge ourselves more and more and more and that's your challenge, every last one of you.

Every one of you is a person that goes for excellence. The challenge is you've done so much better than your peers or your family. The challenge is it's not as good as you can do though. Am I right? Does everybody agree with that, it's not as good as you can do and that always gnarls at you, eats at you.

You've got to have the proper tools. When you attend “The Turning Point” I am going to show you the exact tools you need. There are give top financial vehicles. Geoff Cowler will tell you he wishes every last one of you learned the stuff we teach at “The Turning Point” because it makes him look good.

I am the missing piece. I am the missing link. Real estate will not make you wealthy. The internet cannot make you rich. The stock market has not made anybody a dime. You make you money. You make you money and when you get that, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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you don't blame the market, "Oh, the real estate bubble". There are people making millions in the real estate market right now. There's no bubble any more than "Oh, the tide is in at my ocean house". Okay? It goes right back out and it comes right back in. That's what it does.

The third thing you need to create anything you want in your life, you need the ability to take action in the present moment. When? -- Now.

Now. Tomorrow never comes. In a moment I am going to give you an opportunity to come and be with me for a couple of days at “The Turning Point”. Number 1, I am going to make it such an incredible offer, I am going to make it absolutely 100 per cent better than a money back guarantee. I am going to give you all sorts of extra things you don't even know until you trust me, stand up, and walk back to the table and register, except I know where you are.

No matter how much you love me, no matter how much you know you need to learn more about this information - by the way how many of you realise this is the missing link?

This is the stuff - it's not about other knowledge. You have the other knowledge. For whatever reason you go just so far and haven't quite made the breakthrough. I know what it's like. Eight jobs, eight apartments in two years. It wasn't that I was afraid to work hard, I was willing to work hard. How many of you are willing to work hard? -- Yeah.

Yeah, how many of you realise that all the hard labour in the world though, won't make you rich, that you'd better do more hard work with your mind? Abraham Lincoln said if you have one hour to chop down a tree you spend 40 minutes sharpening the axe. You're the axe, I am the grindstone and I am the one that says "Okay, let's sharpen the axe before you go out". You can take a dull axe, you can walk out and you can start chopping on a tree and when you chop on the tree you'll knock it over after an hour.

The challenge is, you're hands will be blistered and bloody and so you won't be able to do more Whereas if you just sit back, take a couple of steps backwards, sharpen that blade, then you go out and chop down that tree, it falls easily. And then you can go chop down another one and it falls easily.

All of you know how to make money, you know how to get by, and you know how to pay your bills. Oliver Wendell Holmes said "A mind once expanded can never contract to its original state" and once you know what you need to do you can't back up. Once you are touched by a new reality, there's no way to deny that reality exists.

I say a wallet once expanded will never contract to its original state. That once you get used to living a certain way, you cannot go back. I haven't flown commercially for almost two years now. It terrifies me. The thought just repulses me to the point where whatever I need to do, to not do that, I will do. However hard I need to work, however smart I need to be, whatever I need to do, I am doing that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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How many of you are really good at paying your bills? Seriously. Most of you are. Most of you are responsible enough that you pay your bills; you take care of that stuff. Here's the reason you don't have more money, you don’t have enough bills. You always pay your bills. How many of you find that your bills expand to fill the income provided? The bigger the income, all of a sudden you've got more bills.

Well you show me a guy that struggles with 10 bucks in his pocket; I'll show you a guy that will struggle with 10,000 in his pocket. It is that state of struggling, not the state of how much money they have, and that defines those people. Who here has never heard me lecture before? Who has heard me lecture before; there are a lot of familiar faces. So glad you guys are here.

This is for anybody who has never heard me lecture before, this is just for you. Of the people who have never heard me lecture before, who in here believes that people walk up to you and just give you money? Your hand went up first. Your hand went up first. Yours went up real close, yours went up first.

You believe people just give you money, yeah? All morning long I've been talking about all the money that I have. I've talked about it till I'm blue in the face. All morning long I've said it five times actually, what you believe to be true is true for you, nothing else. You believe people just give you money, and then I believe this money must be yours. All of it. You better invest it well, you bet? -- Yeah.

I couldn't help notice, not everybody put their hand up. Who believes that people give you money? Some of you are learning. What's your name? -- Faye.

Faye. Some people are "Now, you gave the money to Faye in the front row". No I haven't given all the money away. I've got plenty of money, trust me on this one. I've got a ton of cash. I've got plenty, I do. Here's a challenge, if what you believe is true, is true for you, what's happening is a lot of times you're not getting what you deserve. Faye may have had a ton of people attempt to give her money in the past, and yet she denied it. She said "No, no, no". My mom's like that.

We would be broke, we would be starving, we'd have no food and the neighbours would come by and say "Ms Sylvestrac we'd like to help you out, we'd like to give you some money, we'd like to give you food", my mom would say "Oh, no, we can't take charity, no, we can’t do that. There are people that need it worse than we do". And I'd go "Where mom? Mom if you haven't figured it out, we're the poor family. Mom, I'm wearing my sister's clothes. Help me out mom, this fun is killing me". It's amazing what kind of things you can grow fond of.

Reality is created by validation. Certain people see deals constantly and then they always see how to work it out. They see resistance and they see how to work it out. They see the stock market, the real estate market, the internet change, they go "Oh, huh, let's project forward". How many of you want to be that kind of a person? I want you to be that kind of a person. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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What it's going to require, circle that word "action". You wrote self-mastery tools, action, circle the word "action". In order for you to get what you want you have got to start taking action. Fail forward fast.

Now I have mentioned a moment ago, I get what it's like to be in this room and pray it's your turn to go up, that it's your time, that everything will change. Is Jerry Wood here this morning? Jerry was chatting with me last night; Jerry came through “The Turning Point”. He said he had done all these real estate courses, he and his wife had spent tens of thousands of dollars on their training and he said it never came together until he came to “The Turning Point”. I see you're nodding your head; did you have the same experience? -- Yes, my son stopped smoking.

Great. Good. So he's been a non-smoker just because of that little impact, so how much is that worth, is that worth three grand that your son became a non-smoker? -- Yes.

Ten grand, 20 grand, isn't it? It's priceless. There is no price tag on it. How many of you understand this, what if all “The Turning Point” did was make you ten times more influential, that it was you who were able to influence yourself, how many of you think that's worth three grand, put 'em up? Put 'em up.

You've got to understand what the value of something is or you will sit in fear all the time. Thank you? -- ----- you're asking for people who put in their input or whatever and I don't want to give -----

Yes? -- ----- and I felt my - it was like it came to me like magic but I didn't reach for it.

Right? -- The guy next to me got it and it was -----

So the opportunity was there and you missed it? -- Yeah, and that's -----

And then you kicked yourself later, you said "I'm not missing an opportunities any more"? -- Absolutely, and that's something that I'm saying and I'm catching myself as I'm missing these opportunities" -----

Got it?? -- ----- even faster -----

Good? -- ----- if I'd not acted, and so many different of your exercises.

Thank you? -- So I want to say thank you -----

Thank you? -- ----- I'll probably be at the next one. I know you will be. Thank you. I was zapping you while you were sitting down, that's what they're laughing about. How many of you believe you've missed opportunities? -- Yeah. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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How many of you believe that hindsight is 20:20, you've kicked yourself so many times? -- Yeah.

I was in a seminar just like you're in right now 20 years ago. I am 23 years old, I'm sitting in the front row and I'd been praying to my higher power, to my God, "God, give me a sign, what do I need to do? Please, I am willing to do whatever I need to do, what do I need to do?" And I am sitting there and there was a guy, his name is Gil Boyne, he actually was from up here in Los Angeles, he lives in New Mexico now.

Gil was on the platform and he was talking about changing your life. I am 23 years old and I am sitting front and centre because that's where I always sit. He's talking about changing your life, he's talking about getting more in your life, and he’s talking about taking the actions you need to take. Except while Gil was speaking he'd say things like "Some of you are never going to change your life, you're never going to take a real action, you're always going to go do the easy stuff, you're never going to get off your chair and go do what you know you need to do".

And all the time he's doing that I'm thinking "He's pointing right at me" and I'm going "Whoa, whoa, whoa", because he was right. Up until that point that was my life. I was willing to work hard, I wasn't willing to risk big though and I was getting a proportionate response.

I realised while Gil spoke, everything he said was true. I realised while Gil spoke whatever he was selling I was buying because I knew I needed to make a change in my life. When Gil said "I have a seminar coming up in two weeks. The investment for the program is $5000" my heart sank through the floor because five grand might as well have been five million. I didn't have five grand.

He said "Those of you that sign up right now stand up, move to the back table and register for the program, I will reduce the investment to $3000". How many of you have ever heard a seminar speaker say something like that? What is the reason we say that? Because of the three things you need to get what you want the hardest one is action. We can teach you how to master your mind, that's easy. We can teach you all the tools, that's really easy. Bottom line is though, YOU MUST TAKE ACTION. You've got to do it because nobody else is going to do it for you.

I have nine siblings, they don't take action, that's the bottom line. They want security so they have none. There's no how many of you would agree, there is no such thing as security? The only security we have is what we create for ourselves. No company is going to retire you; they could be out of business tomorrow and you will not have a retirement cheque. Get that. We've seen it again and again and we're going to see a lot more of that, guys. My heart aches for people that work their entire lives and then at 75 years old say "I am not happy, this is not what I want".

I was the first person out of my chair when he said "Three grand" because interestingly enough I had been praying for a sign from God, I had been saving up money for a new car, I was going to put a down payment and get a car so I had dependable transportation and when he said "Three grand" I knew that was my sign from God because I had exactly Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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$3000 in my pocket. I had been keeping it in my pocket because I didn't want to store it in the apartment because I knew they were going to kick me out of the apartment any day and I wouldn't get the money. It was in my pocket.

I leapt out of my chair; I had to run to the back table. I am the first person at the back table. Here's the reason: unless you're the lead dog the view never changes. I am back at the back table and I am the first one back there to register and I give the lady my $3000 and she takes the three grand, I sign up for the course.

I'm walking back to my beat-up Datsun pickup truck that night that I know I am stuck with now for an extended time while I go earn the money again. I'm walking back to my truck; how many of you have ever done something really great for yourself and you know how you feel?

I'm walking back to the truck and I'm thinking to myself "You stupid idiot, you just gave away all your money. He hypnotised you". I got home that night and I didn't sleep very well. Tossing and turning. I woke up the next morning and the phone's ringing and it's a woman. She says "Is this Marshall Sylver?" I said "Yes". She says "Are you the magician?", I said "Yes, I am" because at the time that's what I did for a living, I did card and coin tricks for people's parties.

She said "We'd like to hire you to come out and entertain for a couple of hours at our party, how much would you charge?" Write this down - Gil had said "Boldness is rewarding". I realised I needed to get a whole lot more bold in my life, and beautiful.

And so when she said "How much would you charge?" I said "$1500". You see I didn't want to ask her for three grand because I was afraid if I asked for too much it would just go away altogether so I wanted to be a little bold but not a lot bold. I said "$1500". At the time I didn't know where it came from. Now I know exactly where it came from, it came from God. Out of my soul came the words "Per hour" and for one of the only times in my life I shut my mouth. I remember a gulp on the other end of the phone and then I heard the woman say "Well, that's more than we thought you'd charge, except you've come very highly recommended. That would be fine". That's what we're talking about. It was that moment when you went "Whoa, just taking a bold action changed my life", just doing something differently than other people do changed my life.

In that moment I never went back to doing $150 an hour show ever again because I became a $1500 an hour guy. I charge $30,000 now for a one-on-one private session. People say, "Is that a full day?" No, it's 50 minutes. If you want a full day multiply it by eight. And every person that's ever done a private session with me has said it was the best money they have ever invested.

I said to the lady "When is your show?", she said "It's in two months". My seminar was in two weeks. Write this down: NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION. We millionaires and billionaires don't ask can we have it, we decide what we Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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want and then we get it. We don't care how much it costs. We want to know what we want and then we get it. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Flying privately is very, very, very expensive. It is. Do not get me wrong. When I first bought my beach house I'm thinking "You're going to be here three to seven days a month". Can you even imagine the mortgage on a $12 million property? Seven days a month, doesn't make any sense, except I'll tell you what makes sense, every single time I walk into that house my soul says "Ahhh". How many of you realise that in order for you to leverage your life up to the next level you're going to have to start taking bigger risks? How many of you realise that? Intelligent risks, yes.

In that moment my life changed. I made all the money back on the seminar on that phone call, I hadn't even gone to the seminar yet. I made all the money back on that phone call. She said her show was in - her party was in two months and my seminar was in two weeks. I said to the lady "Ma’am, that reduced investment is for payment in advance". She said "Well can I have a contract?" I said "Of course, I am a professional". She sent me the contract, I sent her the contract, she sent me the money. $3000 has come back as deca-millions to me.How many of you think I am very grateful Gil Boyne sold me a $3000 seminar; put 'em high? How many of you would want somebody to sell you a $3000 seminar that would come back as deca-millions; put 'em up way high? I want you to get that.

All right. Before I give you an opportunity to come and be with me, before I let you know what the opportunity is, let me tell you the reason I am here. It is real simple. I pray, I am grateful every day. I thank God every day for my lifestyle. It is not about money any more. I have so many cool things that I can do. Years ago when I was performing at the Stratosphere Tower one night came home and I was making - when I was at the Stratosphere I was working five nights a week, hour and a half a night, I was making between $60 and $80,000 every single week. How many of you think that's a decent living? Decent. I wouldn't - it wouldn't make my payments now.

I came home one night and there was a message on my answering machine from my little brother Mark. He said "There's been a tragedy in the family, please call me". I love my family; I didn't want to make the call. I called him back and he said Lillania is dead. Lillania is/was my 21 year old niece. She died of a heroin overdose.

People say "Marshall, you're a hypnotist, you help people overcome addiction every day, couldn't you help your niece?" The answer is, I went to her. When I found out she was addicted to heroin I said "Let me help you Lillania" and she said "Oh, Uncle Marshall, you used to be a cocaine addict, you know, lots of my aunts and uncles have done drugs, I'll get over it, it's just a time".

Well I've come to learn heroin is not just a time. I put her in rehab a few times actually. I remember I put her in rehab, it was six grand for a 30 day program. If she broke out, no money back, and she broke out on the first day. She called me up a couple of days after she broke out and she said "Uncle Marshall, will you pay for another rehab?" and at that point I didn't know what to do. I'm thinking maybe tough love will work. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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"Damn it Lillania, no, I am not paying for another rehab. You're right, we did drugs, we grew up, we put away childish things. You need to grow up Lillania, you're 21 years old, and it’s time for you to be responsible". A week later I got a call from my little brother, Lillania is dead. I am very wealthy, thank you God.

How many of you believe I wish I had have paid for one more $6000 rehab? A thousand more, whatever, it took, whatever it took. I broke things that night. I broke the answering machine, I broke glass, I broke things. I renounced God that night. Hmm, not real. And then I broke down and I prayed to God. I said "God I want a better life, I want a difference. I don't want to just make people forget at night, make 'em laugh, I want to make them believe and know that they can have a better life".And so I started doing seminars again, something I had done prior to my Vegas show. You know, I always say God is odd because when I went back to doing what my higher power, my God wanted me to do, it ended up rewarding me even better. That's how you know you're on track, you get rewarded.

So here's the reason I'm here. Like I mentioned already, when 100 per cent of you stand up and walk to the back and register for “The Turning Point”, it doesn't make a difference in my life, it makes a complete difference in your life, guaranteed. Better than guaranteed, actually. I stand at the back of the room though, before I walk on stage. I do it before the show, before the lecture, and I say "God, let there be a Lillania in this room. Let there be somebody that I can make a difference in their life that is greater than money, that can walk out of here and know they have heard what they needed to hear for all those pieces to fit".

How many of you are really glad they invited me to come lecture with you this morning, way high? Me too. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

JOHNNY WIMBREY The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

JOHNNY WIMBREY: All right. Yeah. No ow give it up for


yourselves. Give it up for yourselves. Ne ever clap louder for

Johnny’s inspirational storyy of

anybody than you are willing to clap forr yourselves. Give it up

overcoming life’s adversitiess has

for yourselves. All right. All right.

empowered masses for grea atness. He tells his story and much morre in his

Who’s from Africa? -- Yeah!

book From the Hood to Do oing Good. Johnny was marked with one of his first memoriees in life of living in a battered

South Africa? -- Yes.

women’s shelter to growing g up on the hard-core streets as a young drug dealer.

I will be in Johannesburg and Durban n in the next 30 days.

After several near death exp periences, Mr. Wimbrey decided it

The reason I have to say “in the next 30 days” is because I have

was time to flip the switch and a refused to let his past

no idea because my calendar’s not in frront of me, but I

determine his future. At the age of twenty, he became a

guarantee I will be there in the next 30 days doing seminars.

temporary licensed insurancce agent with no experience, and within six months of being in the insurance industry, Johnny

How many of you are excited? -- Yeah!

received recognition as a top p fifty producer in a national marketing agency.

Excited about you? -- Yeah. In less than a two year perio od Johnny found himself in the position of training experien nced regional managers to

All right. Say “INCREASE” -- Increase.

recruit, to manage, and to teeach sales development skills for well-known national agenccies.

Okay. Say “INCREASE” -- Increase. After recognising the high demand d for his services, Johnny

You will have it the way that you desire it and the way that you say it. Say “INCREASE” -- Increase.

decided to use his skills for a higher purpose. His passion is to create success stories by help lping others experience financial, spiritual, and emotional wealth.

See, if you’re just ashamed or even no ot bold enough to say the word, then why should inccrease submit to you? A lot of times people in life lack in life because they t simply aren’t willing to call forth for the thing th hat they wish; which they say they “desire”. Something that you say that you desire. Say “INCREASE” -- Increase.

o average things. That’s not See, I believe, that average people givve average results because they are only willing to do rocket science. Average people get ave erage results because they’re only willing to DO averaage things. Above average people get above average results becau use they’re willing to do above average THINGS. Ave erage people don’t sacrifice their weekends on a beautiful weekend d like this to sit in a hotel in a room for a whole weeke end. Average people won’t do this and that’s why they only get averag ge results.

Now I want you to write this down. “IFF YOU DO TODAY WHAT OTHERS DON’T YOU WILL HAVE H TOMORROW WHAT OTHERS WON’T?” If you do today what others don’t you will have tomorrow what others wo on’t? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

So, in essence, what I’m saying is, if you do the exact same thing over and over and over again, and you expect a different result; Professor Einstein says you’re what? Insane. I didn’t say it. He said it. So doing the same thing over and over and over again, and expecting a different result makes you insane.

Let me give you an example. If I start walking around in a circle and for some crazy reason – I know I’m American, but let’s just go with me. For some crazy, insane reason, I’m expecting to get to my room, like right now and I’m only doing the same thing, over and over and over again - this should be a good visual for some of you. But I’m expecting a different result. I’m expecting to get into my room by walking in a circle. That makes me insane. If you do the exact same thing that you did yesterday, then your tomorrow will be just like your today. If you do the exact same thing that you did yesterday, then your tomorrow will be just like your today. So, is it safe to say that in order for you to expect something different, you must be willing to do something different? Say “INCREASE”-- Increase.

See, the things that you say which come from your mouth, the reason I make you say it, is because your voice to yourself is 10 times stronger than my voice is to you. See, I believe that the inner winner begins within. I believe that every person in this room is walking with an inner winning giant. The question is, do you want that giant to wake up this weekend? Do you want that giant to increase this weekend? See, a lot of times, we fight for success, we desire it, and we give our very essence to it, but we don’t really understand a lot of times, that success starts within. You’re going to hear from some very powerful individuals this weekend that have incredible programs that you’re going to have access to. But my challenge for you is to understand that the winning begins within. Your mental mindset. A gentleman wrote a book you may have never heard of, it’s called “Think and Grow Rich”.

Napoleon Hill. Why did he say “think” first? He could have just said “Grow Rich.” Why did he say “think?” It starts with your thinking. So what comes from within is more powerful than what is without. Donald Trump talked about this in his book, he was - I want to say 700 million dollars in debt, it could have been billions, it doesn’t matter, let’s just stay with 700 million. He was walking down the street, he saw a homeless guy sleeping on the street and he said to himself; “That individual is 700 million dollars richer than I am.” You know what made the difference from Donald Trump and the other individual is his thinking. If you attain something once, what could stop you from getting it again?

See, nobody can take something from you that’s within. I was watching a movie a few months ago and the movie was about basket ball players in the United States and the moral of the story is, one of the students went to the Coach and said, “They’re trying to take away our dignity.” The Coach says, “NO-ONE can take something away from within you, unless you give it to them.”

So, we’re going to have a process in the next few minutes, where you’re going to let all your baggage go, for every reason, and every entity and everybody that you blame. Say OUCH? -- Ouch. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

Everyone that we accused and had a reason to borrow this situation to be our justification for our failures or our setbacks, we’re going to let it go. Say “Let it go” -- Let it go.

There was a very wealthy man, who wanted to throw a party for individuals who were living pretty much in a – you know – in the streets. So, this very wealthy man who was “loaded”. Say “loaded? -- Loaded.

This guy was loaded. He had a lot of money. He decided I want to give back. Say “give back” -- Give back.

He wanted to give back to the community by doing a big party for the homeless people. This individual threw this party. All the homeless people showed up for this party. The band is playing, the backyard – acres of land, lakes, the whole nine yards, and everybody’s having a good time. The very wealthy man walks out on the stage; he motions for the band to stop playing. The band immediately stops playing. And he walks up and these are the words that came out of his mouth. He said, “Whoever can swim across my lake of alligators----- – say “true story” -- True story.

-----I will give you your weight in gold.” So, if you weighed 150 pounds or 75 kilos, that’s what you would get in terms of gold. So, in the midst of him talking, there was a splash. And everybody turned around, and there’s this guy, this poor homeless guy is swimming across this lake of alligators. He’s pushing, he’s persevering, and he’s giving it everything that he has to make it to the other side. Say “other side” -- Other side.

He’s fighting with determination. He knows that if he begins to stop swimming at one second, his very life depends upon it. So he’s fighting, and pushing, and persevering, to make it to the other side. The crowd is in awe. Immediately at the end, he finally makes it to the other side. Miraculously gets out of the water, dripping, soaking wet. This little skinny, homeless guy walks around and this is what the rich man says; “Listen, first of all I was just kidding. But if you can tell me how you tapped into that determination. How did you get all those things inside you that cause you to want to fight for your very life, where you were willing to give it everything that you had? If you could tell me the secret, the true ingredient to being successful. I will give you double your weight in gold.” The very poor individual, dripping wet says, “Sir, I appreciate it, but there’s no need to bother. Just show me the person who pushed me in the water.” Say “pushed in” -- Pushed in.

Many times in life, we find ourselves as it were, pushed into a situation that’s not our fault. My earliest memory in life, was living in a battered women’s shelter. Being homeless. I don’t have the prestigious stories of mommy and daddy getting along and all this stuff. My first memory in life was being homeless. Four years old. And they say you become a product of your environment, the first impression is the lasting impression. If the first impression is truly the lasting impression then my first impression, my first memory in life was being homeless. Pushed into a situation that I didn’t ask to be in. I didn’t ask to have an abusive father. I didn’t ask to be homeless. I didn’t ask to be surrounded around drugs and violence and murders my whole life. I DIDN’T ASK FOR THIS. I didn’t do anything to deserve it. IT WASN’T MY FAULT. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

Many times in life, you will be pushed into situations that you didn’t ask to be in. The question is; will you sink or swim? The question from the inside out is will you give it everything you have even when your partner turns his back on you. When someone steals your idea and they run with it, will you swim or will you throw in the towel? Will you make it to the other side? William Ward said this, he said, “Adversity causes some people to break but it causes others to become record breakers.” Adversity causes some people to break, others to become? -- Record breakers.

If I have record breakers in the house say “INCREASE”-- Increase.

See, I believe that where you come from has nothing to do with where you’re going. I believe you don’t have to consult your past to determine your future. By systems and standards and studies that have been done in the United States, I’m supposed to be an abusive husband right now, an abusive father. I’m supposed to be a failure. I’m supposed to be in prison. I’m supposed to be dead. I’m supposed to be all these things that society says that I’m supposed to be. But I’m not going to allow somebody else’s opinion to become my reality. How many people said it was impossible? How many people said; “You’re stupid for sacrificing a weekend to go to an event like this?” How many people said, “It won’t work. These things won’t work. Just go get a regular job.”

Are you allowing somebody else’s opinion to become your reality? -- No.

They are always going to be there. The “what-if’s”, the “could haves”, the “should haves”, “I should give up” - they’ll always be there. The question is, will you constantly tap into what I call, an “inner winner that’s within.”

Here’s my question. And I really want you to analyse the question. And I really want you to answer the question from the heart. “Is it possible to win” -- Yes.


Now I’m not just talking about coming in first place. To me that could be a manifestation of winning but that could also be a very shallow definition of winning. There are a lot of people who come in first place who don’t even like themselves. That’s not my definition of winning. A lot of people who come in first place can’t even sleep at night because of the way they got there. So I’m not just talking about coming in first place, what I’m saying is, simply staying in the race. So is it possible to win? -- Yes.

So, if it’s possible to win - you said it, not me, why do some people still choose to lose? If winning is a possibility - you said it - which means it’s a choice. Throwing in the towel is a choice. Giving up is a choice. So if winning is a possibility, why do we still choose to lose, in some shape, form, or fashion? I’m talking to me too. See, a lot of times, when I speak on stage, I’m getting the message the exact same time you’re getting it. So I’m not excluding myself from this. WHY DO WE MAKE LOSING DECISIONS WHEN WINNING IS A POSSIBILITY? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

I believe that the things that you surround yourself with the most will ultimately win in your life. They say true character is who you are when nobody else is around. Say “OUCH” -- Ouch.

Who are you when no-one else is around? What are you thinking about? What do you laugh at? What entertains you? That’s your character. Now, here’s the incredible thing, throughout this weekend in Internet Masters, what we’re going to be dealing with, is really all about YOU. Now, here’s my challenge, if I were you, if I were in a room where people flew from all over the world, top industry leaders in their field, that were willing to share information with you, not how they think it was done but how they did it themselves and now they’re teaching other people to become successful. If I were you, and someone were sitting next to me that could hinder me from my possibilities of increase I would move. And I would say it out of love. Because right now, it’s about you. You may be with your partner, your husband, your wife, whatever it may be, it’s about you. It’s not 50-50. A lot of people think they go into relationships 50-50. No. It’s 100-100. Say, “Oh, yeah” -- Oh, yeah.

Women love the sound of that. YES! 100-100. I believe that in my heart. I believe that if you’re in a partnership it’s 100100. So make it 100 percent about you right now. Be selfish. Why? Because if you are increasing as a person this weekend and you’re making it all about you, then you can make it about somebody else. How can you make it about somebody else if you never make it about you?

Questions to think about. How many of you would desire a residual income on the Internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? -- Yes.

Okay. How many of you already have that reality in your life? A couple of people. Here’s how I think in life. And I’ll drink as I propose this question. Will there be millions and even billions of dollars transpired today on the Internet? -- Yes.

Is it going to happen with or without us? -- Yes.

Will there be millionaires that will be created today on the Internet, with or without us? -- Yes.

Will there be individuals who become first time millionaires because of the Internet, with or without us? -- Yes.

Now, this is just how I think. If that’s true, then why not me? That’s how I think. If somebody’s going to knock the ball out of the ball park, hell, it might as well be me. IF SOMEBODY ELSE IS GOING TO WIN BIG TODAY, IT MIGHT AS WELL BE ME. That’s what has always made me different from most people in every industry I have ever participated in. I never thought I was better than anybody, but I was confident enough that if somebody else deserved it----- say “me too” -- Me too. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

So, in the midst of this seminar, in the midst of Internet Masters, the only thing I want you to be challenged with is saying “Me too” -- Me too.

Right now, I’m 32 years old. But I look 22, right? -- Hell, yeah.

I look 22 right? -- That’s right.

I got one person in the front row that’s all in, “yeah, 22.” There’s going to be a point where I can’t say that anymore and I’m a little upset about that, but I’m 32 years old and I’m not saying that to impress you, I’m saying it more to impress upon you.

Thirty-two years old. I have not clocked in for any company since I was 20. I’ve been self-employed since I was 20 – or doing my own thing and never had to answer to anyone. I hate traffic. Traffic doesn’t even know me because I don’t show up. Here’s my point. Thirty-two years old, no higher level degree in terms of papers on the wall that would impress you.

Because of the Internet in 2000, my life was changed – or my life was increased. In less than 90 days, I made over 6 figures on the Internet. Now, I want you to understand something. That was on February 11th of the year 2000. That was the day that I got involved with business over the Internet. Within 90 days I made over $100,000. If I could show you how to make international money on the Internet in less than 90 days, would you be interested? -- Yes.

Now, here I am, before that I was $50,000 in debt, and I was 25. Now, if you’re double your age in debt in the thousands – say “CHANGE” -- Change.

You’ve got to be willing to do something different. And I remember on that day, I didn’t even know what the word RAM meant. If you asked me what “.com” meant, I really couldn’t tell you, all I knew was that’s what went after a website. I didn’t understand the Internet. I was very early, everybody else was moving either with or without me, but here is my bottom line.

This is what made me have chills on the inside; that people are going to become successful with or without me. They did not NEED me. So, if you ever find yourself in a position where the rest of the world is moving into something and you’re not moving with it, my friends, that’s a very hard feeling and a reality, just to sit back and own that. I couldn’t own it. I couldn’t own it that I had no higher level of education in terms of technology. All I cared about was - I remember, it was like yesterday. Bill Gates said this, “The Internet will create more millionaires this year than any other source in the world.”

The Internet would create more millionaires that year than any other source in the world. I didn’t care any more what I knew. I didn’t care about what I thought I needed to know, I just wanted to get started. Write this down, “YOU DO NOT Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

HAVE TO BE GREAT TO GET STARTED. BUT YOU HAVE TO GET STARTED TO BECOME GREAT.” You do not have to get started to become great. But you DO have to get started – or you have to get started to become great. You do not have to get started to become great but you gotta – whatever I just said. You get my point. I think I got too deep up into that one, I was going with you, it was like “wow”.

But here’s the point. The point is, most people won’t even take a step based on what they tell themselves from the inside. “I can’t do it. I don’t have that background.” I don’t care. I’m thirty-two years old, I’ve made millions of dollars on the Internet, not only have I made millions, and I’ve created other millionaires on the Internet. I help people every year become financially stable or financially independent on the Internet and then you’re talking to a person that when I was 25, I didn’t even know how the Internet worked. If I can teach people how to do it worldwide, and I’ve done it for myself, say “Me too” -- Me too.

See, I know that it’s possible because I’m a walking, talking testimony. So, you’re looking at someone where society says I would never be anything in life. They said, “Johnny, you’re gunna be a loser in life, because of some of the bad decisions you made in life." Your father was an abusive alcoholic, you’re earliest memory in life was being homeless. You’re from the hood. You were born and raised in poverty. You made a lot of bad decisions. You have a criminal history. No body’s going to listen to you.”

Here we are, several years later, I’ve been interviewed on international television, radio, as a young success story. I do seminars all around the world. I was in L.A. two days ago, negotiating a deal for a television show on my life. Don’t tell me what’s not possible. Stop allowing somebody else’s opinion to be your reality. Stop allowing somebody else to dictate where you’re going. Nobody can stop you but you.

“But they said it’s not possible, Johnny. They said I couldn’t do it. They said they wouldn’t give me the loan. They said they wouldn’t do this.” I DON’T CARE. That’s an excuse. You’re either gunna make money or you’re going to make excuses. You can’t make both. Say “ouch” -- Ouch.

You’re either going to make money or excuses, you cannot make both. And I decided that instead of me bowing down to somebody else’s opinion and making it my reality, I decided to get revenge. Frank Sinatra says that “true revenge is all out massive success.”

So, my revenge was success. How many of you would like to get revenge with everyone who said that it wasn’t possible? -- Yes.

Every entity in hell that said “you can’t do it.” How would you like to get revenge? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

It’s not about going home and crying and complaining and picking up the phone. Stop doing that because you’re spreading that. The Laws of Attraction will start to work in your favour. Stop repeating what somebody else said about you. Just turn the record – turn the channel. Get yourself in position for revenge. Revenge isn’t repeating what somebody else says. Revenge is SHOWING THEM the manifestation of what they said is wrong.

I bought a brand new BMW Z3 convertible right off the showroom floor. I drove it off the showroom floor. And I remember the people who said that it wasn’t possible. I dropped my top. I pulled up to their office. I got a dozen of donuts. I was dressed as if I just came back from vacation. I had sandals on. They were in business suits. They were thinking they were making it happen. I walked up with a dozen of donuts and I said, “Here you go. I was just thinking about you today.” But I made sure I still had my car running, the music up loud, so they would watch me walk back to my car, as if I were still on vacation. And I remember just driving by every now and then, honking my horn, just showing them “You’re at work but I’m not.”

That’s revenge. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to slow down. Here’s the reality. Everybody has junk. We all have “stuff”. Some of us have a lot of stuff. Some of us have a little stuff. But we all have issues. But just because we have issues, we think that we should have “tissues for our issues”. We want people to hand us a tissue. “Okay. Here’s a tissue, get out of my face.” And we feel sorry for ourselves. This is not the type of seminar that you can come to walking out and feeling sorry for yourself any more. The ball is in your court. “Well, it’s so-and-so’s fault. That’s why I’m not successful. I had an idea. It’s their fault – it’s his fault.”

My father was an abusive alcoholic. My mother was on drugs. We lived in a battered women’s shelter. I had people be murdered in my front yard. I’m an ex-drug dealer. I’ve been arrested. All of these things that society says I was supposed to be a failure in life.

For many years I started to think that if I found the enemy I could make it better. It’s my dad’s fault. It’s my mom’s fault. Society’s fault. The school system’s fault. It’s everybody else’s fault. I was looking for the enemy.

You want to know who the real enemy is? You want to know the only entity that can hold you back? Think about the word “enemy”. Is that how you spell it? I’m serious. That’s how I get revenge on my spelling teacher’s from grade school. I’m not the best speller in the world but I make more money than every spelling teacher I’ve had, all my life, put together.

Actually, my definition of being illiterate is when you cannot spell a word more than one way. I see myself as a very creative and talented individual because there are several words that I can spell several different ways, so give me a hand. [Applause]. Thank you.

Enemy. Who’s the real enemy? Who is your real enemy? “En-e-my”. Inner Me. Inside me. Inner Me. Nobody can hold back but Johnny. Nobody can stop Johnny like Johnny. Nobody can stop you, like YOU. Society is right. I’m supposed to Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

be a failure in life. I am supposed to be an abusive alcoholic, according to the studies. Ninety percent of everybody who’s where I’m from, is dead or in prison. They’re deadbeat or they’re a loser. They’re right, I AM supposed to be that. I’m supposed to be a walking, talking identity crisis. Because in America if you’re bi-racial – my mother’s white, my dad is black – I’m supposed to have an issue with this. I choose not to participate in what somebody else says I’m supposed to be.

I don’t care if the studies are right. No study can be right about you. “Well, Johnny, you don’t understand, 97 percent of every business on the Internet that is established will not make it past the first year.” Well, I don’t care, there’s 3 percent that do. So you ought to put more energy and emphasis on the obstacles or the opportunities? When someone told me that only one percent of businesses make it past the third year, I said, “YES!!” Because I’ve always been a one percent type of guy. I’ve always been a record breaker. I don’t play by the rules. I don’t care about statistics. I don’t care about studies. I came to win. I dare you, throughout this weekend to only entertain opportunities and not the obstacles.

You will see and hear things, where you’ll say; “You know what, I want to do that “BUT”. I want to go into this area “BUT”.

That’s like going to your wife or your husband, or somebody that you care about and saying, “I love you, BUT.” Many people are failing in lives because they can’t let go of their “BUT”. Some of you are thinking, “I would love to get rid of some of my butt.” Listen to me. Two ways of spelling that, I like that. I’d probably come up with three.

Listen to me. Your “inner winner” is lying within, right now. For every one reason that you tell me you can’t make it, I’ll give you three of why they said I couldn’t.

They said, “Johnny, no-one will ever listen to you.”

“But I want to be a speaker. I want to train people around the world. I want to expose people to the reality that if I can do it, then so can they.”

“Johnny, they’re not going to listen to you. Don’t waste your time, Johnny, you’re a good guy. You made it through a lot of things, but you’re painting the picture too big for yourself. It’s not realistic.”

“But I want to write books, I want to share the stage with people like Les Brown and Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar. I want to work with some of the great people out there like Jack Hanfield and Dr John Gray, the individuals who are incredibly helping people around the world. I want to do it too.”

“Johnny. They’re not going to share the stage with you. They don’t want to associate their names with you. Jim Rohn is not going to associate his name with someone who has a background like yours.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

“But isn’t it time that they heard from real people? Wouldn’t it be great if they could hear from somebody who was real. Who really made it out? We always talk about motivation. We always talk about inspiring people. I’m the real story. I’m the story that you talk about.”

“But Johnny, most people can’t see past that.”

So, I decided to get revenge. I said, “I want to write a book. I want to be an entity of respect.”

“Johnny, you’re from the hood, if you write a book, it’s only gunna be in the hood. It’s gunna be in the bad neighbourhood. Maybe you can have a prison ministry. But nobody in the wealth environment, no CEO’s, no corporations will listen to you.”

And I remember thinking to myself, “I’m gunna get revenge.” I wrote a book called, “From the Hood to doing Good.” And I wrote the title and the title really has nothing to do with the book. Because “From the Hood to doing Good” is not a story of my life. It’s a story about the principles that I used in my life to make it to the other side. Hood actually stands for “Hazardous Obstacles of Destruction”, which everybody in the world can relate to. We all have obstacles. We all have hazardous people in our life. We all have things in our life that are trying to destroy us and tell us to give up.

“Well, Johnny, why did you write the book, ‘From the Hood to doing Good’?”

Because they said the only people that would listen to me were the people from the Hood. So in the midst of me getting revenge, I wanted to throw it back in their face.

“Well, Johnny, you wrote a book, now what? You’re not going to get anybody to endorse it. Nobody’s going to want to align their names with you.”

The front cover of the book is forwarded by the world famous, Les Brown, one of the top five speakers in the world. The back of the book is endorsed by my good friend, Dennis Wheatley. It’s also endorsed by the Zig Ziglar Corporation. It’s also endorsed by Bill Bailey. It’s endorsed by individuals and entities that they said I’d NEVER, ever get an endorsement from. I BELIEVE that people want to hear from real people now. If you agree with me say, “Oh, yeah” -- Oh, yeah. Now my book is a best seller, and it’s available at every major book store across the world. But you can’t stop there. When you reach a level and a life where you can look back and appreciate, don’t stop long. Don’t sit back and celebrate yourself too long. Now, it’s okay to celebrate yourself. I always tell people, “Hang around people who celebrate you, not tolerate you”. HANG AROUND PEOPLE WHO CELEBRATE YOU, NOT TOLERATE YOU.

What do I mean? When you’re talking about your business ideas and someone says, “Oh, here he goes again.” They’re tolerating you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

You start telling somebody about your visions, your dreams, your aspirations, and your goals and they just look at you and say, “Okay.” That’s tolerating you. But when you find somebody, and you say, “Listen, I want to do this. I want to be successful. Here’s my goals, here’s my dreams,” and they say, “You can do it!” Here’s what they say, “Nothing can stop you because I know you as a person.” That’s somebody who’s designed to celebrate you. You hang around people who celebrate you.

I remember thinking to myself, “You know, I wish I could do like a team book with some of these people out there, like, you know, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Hanfield; Chicken Soup for the Soul.” I want to be a part of something like that. And I remember saying to myself, “You know, if I submitted my articles, or my stories to these individuals, they would probably have me in part of their book.”

But something inside me said, “No, Johnny, Win big. Dream big.” I said, “Well, what about me doing a book. And me inviting them to be in MY book?” That sounds a little farfetched but I said, “It’s possible. And if somebody else is going to do it, then me too.”

So, I designed, I produced and I own the book, called “Multiple Streams of Inspiration,” Volume I. In this book, you’ll see on the front cover, it’s me. There’s a guy by the name of Brian Flannigan from the Zig Ziglar Corporation and in the middle is Jack Hanfield, who is the author and founder of “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”

I’ve also co-written books with Dr John Gray, who’s the bestselling author of last decade, “Men are from Women” – whatever “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.”

I’ve co-authored books with Jim Rohn, who I think could be the greatest wealth philosopher of all times. I’ve done projects with Zig Ziglar. I’ve done projects with people they said I would never, ever share the stage and you know what, they’re right. I should NEVER have been able to share the stage with individuals like that but that wasn’t my reality.

I am telling you right now that what lies within you is so powerful and so strong that the only thing that can hold you back, is you. You, my friend, are your greatest enemy. NOTHING can stop you, like you.

In the next few moments, I guarantee you this; I guarantee you that I will not leave you in the same mental state that you are in right now.

I guarantee you that in the next few short moments that I will increase your situation right now. Guarantee it. I guarantee you that I will not leave you in the same situation that you were in when I started. Is that fair? -- Yeah.

I believe, in life, that every single person has, what I call, a “Personal Defining Moment.” Your “PDM”. Some of you are part of my millionaire circle, some of you are students of mine, and you know where I’m going with this. Your “Personal Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Defining Moment.” Your “PDM”. Your moment of truth. The moment that nobody can take away from you. When you can tap into your “Personal Defining Moment” at any time, my friends, you can become untouchable. People ask me all around the world, “Johnny, how did you obtain such a level of success at such an early age in life?”

Now, I want you to understand something about me. My definition of success is not JUST money. I really want you to understand something. My definition of success is not just money. So, when I say the word “Success”, I’m not just talking about money. But I am talking about money. Do you understand? -- Yes.

I do wealth seminars all over the world. I have students I have trained all over the world. I’ve helped at least 30 people become millionaires worldwide. I’ve helped dozens of individuals around the world become six figure earners. I’ve helped hundreds of people become financially free. So, I’m not talking about what I THINK. I’m talking about what I KNOW and what I’ve done.

Listen to me. I teach people HOW to obtain success. I teach people how to tap into wealth. Hear me out. I teach people how to be successful. I don’t teach people how to WANT to be successful. I teach people HOW to be successful, not how to WANT it. If you don’t want it, then to me, that’s a waste of both of our time.

So, I work with people who have a desire and a passion for INCREASE. What I’m about to share with you, if you truly have the desire, or success is NOT an option, is something you MUST obtain, if you take what I’m about to share with you, right now, nothing; no entity in hell, not me, not anybody in this room, not anybody in the world can stop you.

People say, “Johnny, how did you obtain success at such an early age.”

Do you want to know the answer? -- Yes.

If I could show you how I’ve helped people become financially free, as well as myself, and I gave you the golden nuggets right now, would you take them? -- Yes.

Now, I want you to get ready to write this down, because there’s going to be a lot of information in a very short period of time. And when I share this with you, I want you to understand something. Some of this will go over your heads. Some of you will not be able to comprehend. Some of you will flat out miss it. Because it’s pretty deep. Those of you who really know me, know I don’t do deep. I hit you right where you’re at.

The reason I’ve been so successful in life, the reason I’ve helped other people become successful in life, the reason I’ve broken every record in every industry I’ve ever been in, is because I’m smart enough to know I’m not smart enough to know everything. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Here it is. I want you to write this down. I DO WHAT I’M TOLD TO DO. That’s it.

Thank you for keeping up.

I do what I’m told to do. I DO WHAT I’M TOLD TO DO. I’m coachable. I’m trainable, and I’m teachable and it’s made me unstoppable. I’ve followed people who have proven practical principles of success that are walking, talking, testimonies of what they’re teaching. And I do EXACTLY what they tell me to do. I’m smart enough to know I’m not smart enough to know everything.

So I hang around people who are where I want to be. I cheat. I’m a copycat. If I say I want to be one of the greatest speakers in the world, and Les Brown’s one of the greatest speakers, Les Brown is like my father. He is my mentor. I have access to him. He has access to me. He coaches me. I’m coaching him now, on certain things. But Les Brown’s one of the top five speakers in the world.

Here’s a clue. When Les and I are walking through an airport, do you think that I’m walking to his speed, or he’s walking to mine? Do you think he’s slowing down for me, or I have to speed up to him?

If you find yourself following somebody who slows down for you, that’s not the right person. You should be following somebody who stretches you. Someone who pulls you. Someone who’s not there to just tolerate you. Someone who’s there to mould you and shape you into what you said you wanted to be. Here’s my question. Why do people follow parked cars? Why do you follow parked cars?

“Well, John, I invested money in this, I invested money in that.”

If there’s no manifestation, that was a parked car. Or you didn’t apply and do what you were told to do. Now I said it would go over some of your heads, but I promise you it’s really that simple. Don’t follow parked cars. You know what? A dog doesn’t even bark at a parked car. Why would you follow one? Do you know what a dog does on a parked car? Here’s a clue. If someone is pissing on your dreams then chances are you’re parked. If someone has the time to tell you that it’s not possible, my friend, you are parked.

“Well, Johnny, it can’t be that easy.”

Listen to me, association brings about assimilation. The way you think you’ll attract other people to think the same way that you think. Let me give you a clue. If you hang around nine negative people, guess who number 10 is. If you hang around nine broke people, my friends, you’re number 10. Studies show that you can find 5 people - listen to me - I don’t even know you, what’s your name? -- Tom. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Tom? You said Tome, but I’m going to say “Tom.” I have no accent. Well, actually, I do to you. Why do you guys all talk funny – I’m just kidding. Tom. Tom, we’ve never met. I don’t know you from Adam. We don’t know each other. Tom, if you were to give me access to five of your friends, your closest friends, I could take your five closest friends, take them to a room and interview each one of them, I would never ask them one thing about you. I’d ask them questions only about them, and after interviewing those five individuals, Tom, I’ll come back and tell you everything about you. Because birds of a feather flock together.

“Well, Johnny, I hang around people, they don’t have vision, they don’t want to be super stars in life but they’re my friends, I just hang with them.” That’s a clue.

You hang around people that are pushing you toward your destiny. In my CD series, “Think and Win Big”, I talk about finding about the “inner-me” and identify who your friends or foes are. How many of you have gone through the session of “Friends or Foe” on this CD series? Some of you were here last time. The principle session on this CD session, one of the most powerful topics that I talk about and it’s like a one day session. It talks about you separating yourself from entities that are holding you back.

Now, listen to me, a friend is a person, place or thing that’s pushing you towards your destiny. A FRIEND IS A PERSON, PLACE OR THING THAT’S PUSHING YOU TOWARDS YOUR DESTINY. So it’s not just people. Person, place or thing. A foe is a person, place or thing that’s pulling you away from your destiny.

So, when you identify who your friends or foes are, it’s your responsibility to make the decision to make an increase in relationships, or a decrease in relationship, whatever it is, but it’s really your responsibility. This is why I believe that every failure in life can be traced back to a decision or a choice that you made and you have to own up to it.

“Well, Johnny, I didn’t know this person would run off with all my money.”

Did you “inspect” what you “expected”, or did you follow another parked car? I have a lot of information that I would love to share with you in a very short period of time. I believe the “PDM” will be a very important foundation for where we’re headed over this weekend. Your “Personal Defining Moment”. Some of you and most of you, if my record precedes me, will have a moment, or you already have one.

I spent $10,000 to go to a five day seminar one time. There was five minutes of that seminar that literally increased my entire life. Now, if I could have paid for those five minutes, and not had to stay there for five days, would that have been possible? No. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So, here’s my challenge as I go through this. Now, every one of you, you are here right now. How do I know you’re here? Because I can see you. But it doesn’t mean that you’re present. You’re here, but you may not be present. My challenge for you is, if you’re going to be here, be present. It takes the exact same amount of time.

So, listen to me. The way you’re listening to me right now is building your character. The way you’re NOT listening to me right now, that’s building your character. The way you’re tolerating what I’m saying that’s building our character. I promise you, if you tune in, just for a second, and you program yourself, right now, to be present, I promise you increase. Say “INCREASE”-- Increase.

Now, I want everybody to be here and present while I say this. Listen, your “Personal Defining Moment” – I went to a five day seminar, paid $10,000 and I had a moment that changed and enhanced my entire life. Don’t miss your moment because you’re not present. Be present.

I don’t care about who’s walking at the back of the room. I don’t care about phones ringing. BE PRESENT. Do not rob yourself of the opportunity. Don’t rob your children, your business partners, the opportunity for what’s about to happen. Your “Personal Defining Moment.” How powerful is your mind? Your mind can convince yourself that everything in the world is possible. The exact same mind can convince yourself to give up. If the mind has that much power, why not use your very mind to manipulate it to make sure that it’s constantly pushing you toward your destiny? Is your mind not a powerful thing? -- Yes.

Let me share with you how powerful your mind is. Has anyone in here ever had a bad dream or a nightmare? What are some of the manifestations that happen in the midst of a nightmare? -- Sweat.

What? -- Sweat.

How do you spell it? Proud of me? I mess it up? Doesn’t matter. What else? -- Fear.

Fear. What else? Some of the things that happen in the body. Come on. Blood pressure. Heart. Tears. Paranoia. All this stuff. Listen.

Listen. In a dream, your mind is so powerful that it can convince itself that these things are real. You go to sleep in a very peaceful place. Something in your mind convinces yourself that you’re no longer in this place of peace. You begin to think about things as if it’s real and your mind is so powerful that the very things that you’re thinking about sends messages to your body to manifest these natural results that should never be real but because your mind is saying this is where you’re at, your heart beings to race. So your heart submits to your mind. You begin to sweat. So your physical nature submits to your mind. Your blood pressure begins to go up. You wake up in a sweat, you wake up in a panic, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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you’re paranoid. Things begin to happen just because your mind says it was possible. Here’s a question. When you wake up are you not in the same place when you went to sleep? -- Yeah.

So, was it real in your mind? Yes. Was it real in your body? Yes, because your mind told your body what was happening, and your body submitted to what you said. Was it real in your atmosphere? NO! The only thing that changed was YOU. You went to sleep in a peaceful place. You were still in that place of peace but your mind said you were somewhere else, but the only thing that changed was your mind. So, how can your mind interrupt a very peaceful place, and make you manifest in a body form, that things are real that aren’t even real and nothing changed in your surroundings but your mind. That’s a powerful thing.

That’s a very powerful thing. Your mind can convince your body to sweat. You can visualise things that aren’t really happening, and you will begin to entertain those regardless of everything that’s around you that says it’s not true.

Most people won’t be successful in life because they can’t take that first step. Even though they’re in a place of safety. My favourite book says, “In the multitude of Council there is safety.” In the multitude of a council you have people and teachers and individuals who have proven, practical principles that will lead you down the path of righteousness - if you will - and in that place, you are safe. But nobody controls your mind but you. Your “Personal Defining Moment” is the moment of truth, the moment you say “yes.” The moment you say, “I’m in. I can do it. Sign me up. I want to do this. I want to make money on the Internet. I want to learn how to win from within. I want to be coached by individuals who are millionaires. Sign me up. I’m in. That is your moment of truth. That is your “Personal Defining Moment.” The moment that you say, “I could be an entrepreneur. I can make millions of dollars on the Internet.” The moment you say that it’s possible. The moment that you really sit back and you say, “Yes, I can do that. If he can make millions of dollars on EBay, then I can too. If he can make millions of dollars, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and his money’s working for him, and he’s not working for his money any more, I could do that too.” If somebody else can do it, say “Me too.” -- Me too.

That’s your moment. THAT IS YOUR MOMENT. Here’s a reality. Your “Personal Defining Moment” happens but it doesn’t happen for a long time. Here’s what we have going against us. What we have going against us, is, normally, your “Personally Defining Moment”, may last for minutes, maybe up to 72 hours. That’s it. Your “Personally Defining Moment, doesn’t last long, just like a dream. The moment you say “yes”, you’re untouchable. Here’s the thing. How old are you? -Eighteen.

Nineteen or eighteen? -- Eighteen.

Eighteen. There you go. You’re 18. What’s your name? -- Brandon. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Brandon? You can have a moment right now that nobody can ever take away from you at the age of 18. How many of you would love to have that moment that he’s about to have at 18? How many of you people would be multimillionaires, right now, if you had Brandon’s moment at 18?

Listen to me, Brandon, I want you to understand something. I don’t benefit from you getting this. I want you to benefit from it. I don’t want to get anything from you, I’m about to give something to you. Are you with me? Your moment, that you’re having right now, nobody can take that away from you. The moment you say, “You know what, regardless of how old I am, regardless of where I come from, if somebody else is going to make a million dollars on the Internet this year – me too.” Brandon, say “Me too” -- Me too.

Nobody can stop him but him. That’s his moment. You will have your moment and your moment of truth can come and go just as fast. Here’s a reality. You get in the car, you head home, you begin to question your moment. I got caught up in the hype. I got caught up in the whatever that was going on. I can’t do this.” But who’s he talking to? Himself. But it doesn’t take away that moment. Because that happens to me too. There are plenty of times when I got in my car and I headed home and I thought, “What the hell did I just do? Can’t believe I just invested this – Can’t believe I just did that.” But I programmed myself, and I teach people around the world how to interrupt that thought and how to get back into your moment.

I’m going to show you how you can always tap into your moment, any time you want. Brandon, right now you say that it’s possible for you to be successful over the Internet. You’re saying that, right now. You’re in your moment. Every reason in the world, that you should not be successful still exists, in the midst of your moment, but for some reason the mind is so powerful that it can say, “I’m so locked in right now to this moment, that the other obstacles of failure, don’t exist.” Although everything still exists in the atmosphere that’s around you right now. Every reason that you shouldn’t do it. Every reason that you’re going to fail. Its still here. But for some reason you are laser focused into that moment. And when you find that moment nothing can stop you. Right now, Brandon is more powerful in his moment than most of us in this room. Let me tell you why. Because he does not know that failure still exists right now. Just like you didn’t know that peace still exists in your nightmare.

Your mind can convince yourself that a bad dream is occurring and you’re telling yourself this is real and your body begins to submit just like what’s happening here right now. You’ll have a moment today, and you’ll say, “Yes, I can do it.” For some reason you’re able to tune into the possibilities instead of the obstacles. Now, when you get in your car, when you get by yourself, guess what happens? You wake up. And every reason you shouldn’t have done it is still there.

In my series “Multi-levels of Million Dollar Principles”, there are six CD’s. One CD talks about your “Personal Defining Moment’. It’s normally a two day Boot camp. But I’m telling you the information that’s in your mind, is so powerful, that it can catapult you toward your future and it can pull you back away from your future, based on what your mind says is real. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now, do I have challenges? Yes. Two days ago, I was asked to fly to Hollywood to meet with a producer – several producers, about a television show and another TV series idea that we’re proposing. The people that saw something in me have been in the industry for several years. Here’s my point. Every reason in hell why I shouldn’t go came to my mind. Every reason. But one thing kept telling me this. If somebody’s going to launch a television show this year, it might as well be me. IF SOMEBODY ELSE IS GOING TO HAVE A GREAT LIFE, IT MIGHT AS WELL BE ME. If somebody else is going to do it, then me too.

So, I’m in a constant struggle with me. Because I begin to think of why I shouldn’t. It has to be me that stands back and says why I should. Do you understand what I’m saying?

So how do you program yourself to constantly be able to tap back in to what I call, “Your moment”. Listen to me. You find your “why” in life – I wish I was 18 when I knew this. You find your W-H-Y – your WHY in life, that will make your moment more possible to revisit at any point.

What is your why? Well, I want to make a million dollars. No, don’t ever say that again. You’re worth more than a million dollars. Never label yourself with a dollar sign.

I make money, money doesn’t make me. I make the clothes, the clothes don’t make me. I make the Rolex, the Rolex doesn’t make me. There’s nothing that has a physical number or value to it that could make me a better person. Because I know my why.

See, I believe the reason they call it Internet Masters, the reason I love what this establishment does, the reason I love the Money Masters and everything that they’re doing is because it teaches you how to be the Master. Did you know if you don’t master the Internet, the Internet can master you? How many of you know people who can stay on the Internet 20 hours and be non-productive the whole time?

So you understand you can master the Internet or the Internet can master you? You can master alcohol, or alcohol can master you. You can master money, or money can master you. The question is, who do you want to be the master? When I found my “why” in life, my W-H-Y - listen to me. My earliest memory was living in a battered women’s shelter. I was four years old when I found out I lived in a battered women’s shelter. I was homeless. I was the youngest of three boys. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t ask to be there. I have two daughters right now. My oldest daughter is six, her name is Psalms, like the book of the Bible. I’ve got another daughter, she’s four, my youngest daughter is four her name is Hannah. Four. I was the youngest and I was four. I refuse to allow my daughter’s first memory of life to be a struggle. I refuse to allow my daughter to accidentally remember frustration, or damnation, or abuse, or anything like that. That’s my “WHY”. “If your “why” doesn’t make you cry, it’s not big enough.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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If you’re not willing to die for your “why” it’s not big enough. Stop saying I want to make a million dollars. It’s okay to want to make it, but don’t let that define you, just let that be a goal. I don’t want to be successful. I MUST be successful. It’s not an option. I have never desired being a millionaire as if it were an option. Even when I was broke, I still had a desire that I must be a millionaire. I didn’t say I wanted it. It was something that I MUST have. Why? Because I REFUSE to allow my child’s first memory of life to be a struggle.

But I also have peace. I’m also happy. You know there are a lot of people who are millionaires who can’t stand themselves? They’ll never have peace. That’s why I say they’ll never be successful.

I’m excited about what I do and who I am and what I bring to the table. I’m excited about the fact that I can make money 24 hours a day, seven days a week participating in the top one percent of America’s income, not have a college degree and there’s nobody in hell that can tell me what to do, or what I can’t do. Now, if I wanted to drop this pen and walk off this stage right now and get on an airplane to Tahiti or wherever I wanted to go, I can send a message to my wife to go book a flight, bring the kids and bring the nanny and the personal assistant, we’ll buy clothes when we get there, and I’m going to buy me clothes too. And when we get there, we can live the rest of our lives and never miss a beat because of the Internet.

Listen to me. Billions of dollars will be made today on the Internet. Billions. Billions. If this is a billion dollar pie, and one billion dollars will be made on the Internet today how big a slice do you want? If a billion dollars is going to be made, let’s just say this week, this month, this year, Brandon, how big of a piece do you want? Would that be okay?

Listen to me. Brandon, most people don’t understand the difference between a billion and a million. If I give you one million seconds. One million seconds. What’s your name? -- Jo.

Jo? I give you one million and I give her one billion. It both sounds like a lot right? It is. Let me tell you the difference. One million seconds would be just over 11 days of your life. Eleven days, one million seconds. One billion seconds would be just over 33 YEARS of your life.

So, Beyonce and Donald Trump don’t live on the same block. A multi-millionaire and a multi-billionaire they participate at two different levels. So you say you want to make a million dollars on the Internet. What does a million dollar piece look like of a billion dollar pie? You can literally get the knife and walk up, Jo, and just simply cut a line, and lick the residue on the knife, and that’s a million.

I’m not saying “get a piece”, I’m not saying do anything. I’m just saying get your knife and let’s start cutting. Because there’s a billion dollar pie and billions will be made this year with or without any of us. If you’re going to participate, say, “Oh, yeah” -- Oh, yeah. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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This is what gets me excited. Listen to me. When you can start saying that stuff to yourself. When you can start speaking into your own future. When you can start calling those things forth. When you can start being the law of attraction to what’s coming to your life. Listen to me. Nothing can stop you. I never tell someone I’m broke. I have a million dollar program where I mentor people every year and I mentor individuals in the whole meaning of the program. It’s a one year program to get you to the million dollar mind set. I have students in the back right now who are part of that right now and students all over the world that are a part of that.

The whole program is moving them and pushing them towards a million dollar mindset. And yes, millionaires are created but my focus is the mind first. We get the mind first. How many of you can see yourself being a millionaire in 13 months? -- Yeah.

Some of you may already be one. How would you like to make another one? -- Oh, yeah.

How many of you could use an extra zero in your account? -- Yeah.

See, that’s what I’m talking about. Say, “INCREASE”-- Increase.

There’s nothing wrong with the desire for an increase. Listen to me. I’m very confident about increase. I’m very confident about having a level of expectation for increase. Listen, I’m confident, not arrogant. Arrogant is when you think you’re better than somebody else. Confident is when you understand there’s nobody who deserves something that you don’t. There’s nobody who deserves a level of success that I don’t deserve. Even if I’m wrong, I still convince myself of that. But it’s my thinking that pushes me, not your thinking. Does that make sense? -- Yeah.

Listen to me. You’re going to hear a lot of information in a very short period of time today. My goal is to get you to the point where you understand that “WINNING BEGINS WITHIN.”

Winning begins within. “As a man thinketh, so is he.” As a person thinks in their heart, that’s who they are. If you begin to “think” about becoming successful it has no other choice, it has to. It MUST submit to your thinking. Just like your thinking in the nightmare, your body had no other choice but to submit to the thinking.

So, if you can control your body subconsciously like that, what can you do consciously in the world just by thinking. Because success is not an option any more. Making money on the Internet is not an option.

Let me tell you something. It’s not easy to make a lot of money on the Internet but it is simple. Easy sounds lazy to me. It is simple. While I’m talking to you right now, I’m not exaggerating. I’m in Australia, I am making money right now in Texas. I’m making money in California. I’m making money in Canada. I’m making money in New Zealand. I’m making money in Australia. I’m making money in Singapore. I’m making money in South Africa. I’m making money all over Africa. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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I’m making money all over Europe. I’m making money all over Asia. While I’m talking to you right now, if I don’t say anything else, I’m still going to make that money. If I freeze like this … I’m still making that money.

Listen to me. Most people in life will die working for their money. My money’s working for me regardless of what I do. I’m not saying this to impress you. I’m saying it more to impress upon you. If a young kid from the Hood can rise above adversity and look death in the eye, several times, where I know for a fact I should be dead, where society would not give me an opportunity, no corporation in America was willing to hire me and it’s funny, the same corporations that wouldn’t hire me now hire me to come speak to their people. That’s revenge.

Finding what people say you can’t do and just absolutely putting it down and giving it everything that you have to make that happen. Brandon, I don’t normally do this. Come here, please. Congratulations.

Let me tell you something. When I see a young man who’s willing to sacrifice – are you going to be here the whole weekend-----? -- Yeah.

-----willing to sacrifice a weekend when he could be doing a lot of cool stuff dude, be a lot of places but you are doing what I call investing into yourself, because time is something you can never get back. There are many people in this room, including myself, that would love to change, or trade their life, in terms of learning what you’re learning right now at such an early age. Let me tell you something, you are closer to next year than you are to five minutes ago. I want to let that sink in. You are closer to next year than you are to five minutes ago. You can never go back and get it. You can only move forward. And because you made a decision in your life today, I’m going to invest in you.

Not only am I going to invest in you, I’m going to invest in your future, because I want to be part of your process. I want you to be my next success story. Not only did he show up – he didn’t just show up – he showed out.

He sat in the front row. And I’m not saying that against anybody in this room, but he is hungry for something. He’s hungry for increase in some shape, form, or fashion. That’s my bestselling book that’s available all over the world. I want you to read that because the principles that are in that book have helped people overcome major themes in their lives.

You may say, “I don’t have any major obstacles”. When you begin to read that book, you will learn how to create what I call a “season of separation”, when you separate yourself from any entity that’s holding you back.

Now, listen to me. If it’s not pushing you forward, it’s holding you back. There’s no in between. You can’t say, “well I go here, or I hang around this, or I do this, but it’s not pushing me forward it’s not pulling me back either, it’s just causing me to stand still.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

Brandon, if the rest of the world is moving and you’re staying still, my friend, that’s moving backwards, because you’re getting further out of view. Make sense? -- Yeah.

I’m also going to give you this book because there are multiple offers in this book, “Multiple Streams of Inspiration”, neither one of these books are available today individually. So, I’m giving you this. This information will change your life, enhance your life, if you read it. Now, the “Think and Win Big”, my best selling CD series around the world. This CD series, I’ve had people listen to - four CD’s - I’ve had people listen to this and quit smoking. I don’t even talk about smoking. Not once do I mention smoking. I mention you finding the obstacle and I’ll teach you how to overcome, I don’t care what it is.

I’ve had people lose over 100 pounds, after listening to this. I’ve had people become successful. I’ve had people walk away from their jobs. I’ve had people whose marriages have been turned around just by listening to this information, so you get to pick the obstacle. The principle doesn’t even matter, you’re going to get that.

This CD series is normally a 3 day workshop that I do, that’s been mastered and produced in a studio called “Multiple Levels of Million Dollar Principles for Internet Marketers.” If you do not have a business on the Internet, it doesn’t matter. This is the information that I have taught people how to make a lot of money through the Internet and also through leading people. How many of you know what an affiliate program is? If you can leave people an affiliate program and everything they do, you get a small percentage of, would you be interested in that? -- Yes.

I teach you how to create those relationships, how to nurture those relationships, and how to push other people to become successful in the midst of making yourself successful by making residual income. Do you understand what residual income is? Let me give you a vision. I want you to look out here. Residual income – we’re looking at the wall – we’re going to just dream. Residual income is like a mailbox cheque. You know how you get it? You just go to the mailbox? -- That’s it?

That’s it. No more work. No more creativity. You can even hire someone to go to the mailbox for you, and it’s still your money. Now he’s digging it a little more.

This is six CD’s. This is more mental, creating you from the inside out. The value on this CD series is worth thousands. This whole package is what I call my millionaire mindset package. I am giving you, in US dollars, about $300 worth of information right now. In terms of value, you can’t put a value on it. This is yours. This is what you owe me. I want your testimony. I want the rights to your testimony? -- No worries.

Stand up just for a second. I’m going to get a form into everybody’s hands real quick. I’ve never done this before, Brandon. I have a course where I work with people that are selected and there are some of them in the room right now. You have to apply to be part of this process. Everyone who submits to be part of my “Millionaire Mind Mastery Program” which is a one year program is not accepted. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 1

Now, I can tell you, these are people who have a desire and a passion. I have politicians, I have self made millionaires, I have individuals who are just starting businesses and I have people who just want to grow as a person, in terms of the mindset and helping other people become successful.

Now, listen, I’d be willing to bet that the amount, in terms of value, of what I’m about to offer you, you’ve never spent this kind of money before in your life at one time? -- Fair bet.

Okay. Fair bet. I’m about to give you – or invest in you – access to my circle, if you choose to be in it? -- Yep. You accept the challenge? -- Yep. Victoria, he is one of the individuals who will be accepted into my program this weekend. I want you in the circle. I want your story. Do you have any relatives here? -- That’s my dad.

Your dad? Where’s your dad? Stand up. Look at him. Does he look like his dad? Turn around. Wow. Congratulations. They say a good man will leave an inheritance for his children’s children. And a lot of times people think that an inheritance is just money. It’s not. An inheritance are the principles that you actually leave with your children as well. There are a lot of rich people who’ve been passed down things from their parents and now they’re just rich fools.

But when you bring your son to something like this, you’re installing principles, so regardless of the amount of success that he achieves in his life, he’ll always be able to attach back to the foundation.

Now, I’m not going to use anybody for an example but let’s just say there’s a young lady walking around who is, you know, a millionairess, because she inherited, you know, and is going to inherit a lot of money because her family owns a very major hotel chain around the world. I won’t say her name but who happens to be a good girl if you ever get to meet her but in my opinion, that’s an example of someone who passed down - who had good principles but only passed down the money. What I’m saying is this is what I call a “clue”. I say success leaves clues. This is a clue that he’s investing into his future. A good man will leave an inheritance for his children’s children.

Give him a hand. Thank you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

JOHNNY WIMBREY The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

JOHNNY WIMBREY: Say, “Increase” -- Increase.

MEET JOHNNY WIMBR REY… Johnny’s inspirational storyy of

Increase -- Increase.

overcoming life’s adversitiess has empowered masses for grea atness. He

Good. Now give yourselves a hand. All right. Give yourselves a hand. It’s okay to clap for yourself. It’ss okay to be your own biggest fan. It’s okay. I’ll explain that in just j a second.

tells his story and much morre in his book From the Hood to Do oing Good. Johnny was marked with one of his first memoriees in life of living in a battered women’s shelter to growing g up on the hard-core streets as a young drug dealer.

All right. Here we go. We’re going to hit h the ground running a lot of information very short period off time. I talked about

After several near death exp periences, Mr. Wimbrey decided it

being confident when I was saying, “Claap for yourself, be your

was time to flip the switch and a refused to let his past

own biggest fan.” And the reason that I say that is at some

determine his future. At the age of twenty, he became a

point in your life you will find that when n your back is against

temporary licensed insurancce agent with no experience, and

the wall if you’re not in your corner whyy would you expect

within six months of being in the insurance industry, Johnny

someone else to be in your corner?

received recognition as a top p fifty producer in a national marketing agency.

In other words you must be willing to o fight for your future, In less than a two year perio od Johnny found himself in the

your dreams, your aspirations the vision ns that you said that you had. I said I wanted to be an Internaational voice to people around the world. I said, Johnny Wimbrrey said, that “I want to

position of training experien nced regional managers to recruit, to manage, and to teeach sales development skills for well-known national agenccies.

empower the masses to become great.” After recognising the high demand d for his services, Johnny

mething that I said that I So, if those are my words and it’s som wanted to do; who’s responsible to inve est in what I said that I was going to do? I am. See a lot times we w find ourselves saying

decided to use his skills for a higher purpose. His passion is to create success stories by help lping others experience financial, spiritual, and emotional wealth.

what we want to do, where we want to o go, what we want to have; but we won’t even get behind our own vision and our own voice and what we said that we we ere going to do.

The journey of a thousand miles starts with what? One step. One step and here’s the botto om line. The only thing I’m p once asked and you asking right now is for you to take that step. That step into your journey. You know, a wise person may have heard this before - the questiion was - where is the most valuable place in the enttire world? People said, you know, in the mountains where there’s diamonds, d in the ground where there’s oil, and they were w naming all these places and one person stood up and said; “No, in the Graveyard. Because in the graveyard is where e you’ll find dreams, and visions, inventions; things that have never been created because we were selfish and we to ook it to our grave.”

There are things, there are voices, the ere are inventions, there are books, there are ideas, and a there are businesses that are inside of you that nobody else can push p forward but you. Say, “Me” -- Me. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

In my own opinion it would be selfish for you to go to a grave with something that you could have left for me. It would be selfish for me to go to my grave when there was something I could have left for you.

Now when I wrote my book “From the Hood to Doing Good,” for me it was one of my most major, in terms of major personal accomplishments in life because my book will outlive me. My book will outlive my children’s children. This means there is something that I created in my life that will always be around. And that exact same thing can happen for you not just in the form of a book, but in the form of a business or an idea of something that you passed behind. You know, I’m incredibly honoured that there are people that say that they are millionaires today because of me. Now, I can’t take that back, there’s nothing I can do about it. Now guess what it is? It’s a trophy on my wall. That’s my trophy in life. My trophy in life is when someone calls me and says, “Johnny, I took your course and I took my wife off of her job today. Johnny because of your teachings because of you exposing me to your principles, not only your principles but your circle of influence. And you’ve connected me with people who connected me with people; and because I was at the right place at the right time, and I invested in myself, I’m financially free today.”

I have stories around the world, where I have helped people make their first million dollars. I’ve helped several people become six figure earners. I’ve helped a lot of people become financially free. Now when I say, “financially free”, in my opinion “financially free” is when you’re making about ten thousand dollars a month above and beyond what you’re already making.

Say, “Oh Yeah” -- Oh Yeah.

“I could use an extra ten thousand dollars a month above what I’m making right now. I think I could use an extra five hundred dollars.” Whatever. Maybe.

Say, “Increase” -- Increase.

Nothing wrong with an expectation of increase. Say, “Confidence” -- Confidence.

Now here’s a big issue that I have to deal with a lot of times around the world. And the reason I started out talking yesterday - I said, “If someone’s going to knock the ball out of the ball park today, if someone’s going to become a millionaire today, if someone is going to become financially free today on the Internet or in their business with their ideas, if somebody’s going to do it today. Me too.”

And it takes a lot of confidence for you to set yourself aside from the rest of the world who’s going to lose, and you know the odds are against you. You know that the studies stand against you. But the fact that you can stand still up with confidence and say, “Me too,” makes all the difference in the world. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

Muhammad Ali said he was the greatest to himself before he was bold enough to say it to the camera. And before he was bold enough to look into his opponents eyes to say that, “I AM THE GREATEST,” before he got bold enough to do that he had to convince himself that he was the greatest first. Correct?

So half the battle is already won when you’ve convinced yourself that you deserve to be the greatest. The other half of the battle is won when you can convince your opponent that you’re the greatest.

See, it’s an incredible thing when you can stand up for yourself. Being confident. There’s nothing wrong with that. People who don’t understand the difference between arrogance and confidence will always be intimidated by confident people. Those who do not understand the difference between arrogance and confidence will always be intimidated by confident people.

If I say something twice that’s a clue. Write it down. Those who don’t understand the difference between arrogance and confidence will always be intimidated by confident people. What do I mean?

Never justify your confidence for anyone who mistakes it for arrogance. They’re intimidated by you. I’m never going to slow down to justify my confidence for anyone. Arrogance is when you believe you’re better than somebody else.

Now, I will stand here today and I say this all around the world, there’s nobody that’s within a two hundred thousand mile radius of where I’m standing right now that I’m better than. There’s nobody that I can look down on. There’s no one in the world where I can elevate myself even an inch above them, in my opinion.

In my opinion every single person in this room, everybody in the world has inner ability to become successful, and an inner ability to rise to any platform that they choose to rise which means we’re all equal. The only thing that separates us is choice.

So, being confident doesn’t mean I’m better. Being confident says, “I deserve it.” Being confident says that if someone else can do it, I can too. You may still being saying, “Johnny, that’s arrogant. We don’t walk like that in Australia. We don’t have that kind of confidence here because people may mistake it for arrogance. Johnny, you should not be that openly confident about who you are and where you believe you’re going.”

Listen to me. You weren’t with me when my mother put me on an aeroplane and said, “I’m sending you back to live with your father”. The same father that is the reason for me living in a battered women’s shelter being homeless. To put me on an aeroplane when I’m eight or nine years old with my older brothers in San Jose California, saying, “We’re sending you back to Texas.” To get on this aeroplane was one of the hardest things for me to do in my entire life. But Johnny had to learn how to become a man that day. My mother put me on an aeroplane and said, “I’ll see you in two weeks.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

You weren’t there with me when two weeks went by and she didn’t show up. So don’t tell me that I can’t be confident. You weren’t with me when two months go by and there’s still no mom. You weren’t with me when two years went by and I’m asking my older brothers “Is mommy still alive?” You weren’t with me when I was crying myself to sleep at night so don’t tell me I can’t be confident. When nobody else was there for me, when nobody else was there to dry my tears, guess what? Johnny was there. So never allow someone to tell you that you can’t be confident. Trust me there’s no human being that you can depend on like you.

And when you get that through your head when you really internalise that, there’s no force there’s no force in the world that can stop you from attaining what you said you were going to do. I said that I was going to be an International voice to the world.

See, I believe and I want you to hear this in a very mental state. And I’m going to give you a visual - the reason I’m going to give you a visual - because I don’t want you to miss it. And a lot of times I give you visuals to make you uncomfortable. Why do I want you to be uncomfortable? It’s because you can’t learn how to swim in shallow water. I’m not just talking to average people right now. I’m talking to crazy people. A person who would sacrifice their Sunday, a beautiful Sunday like this, to be in this room all day and not even see the sun. That’s crazy. Its peculiar individuals who I’m looking at right now. And that’s okay because I’m a peculiar person as well. I’m not average. I don’t think average and I don’t live an average life. So I want to shake you up just for a second. Every single person in this room who can hear my voice - you are pregnant. Yes Fernando you’re pregnant. You’re pregnant with something right now. A dream, a vision, a desire, an invention, a book, a business, a passion. You’re pregnant.

Reality is, most people will not push the baby out. Many people are on a 50th trimester if that exists because we simply won’t push the baby out. And here’s the thing. We conceived it. We said we were going to do it. We said we were going to be millionaires. We said we were going to be successful. We said we were going to be happy in life. We said we were going to make this business happen. We said it. We impregnated our self. We conceived this idea and this vision and the very baby that we said exists in our very being, we won’t push it out.

Why? Because somebody else said “It’s not possible.” Because someone else says, “You can’t do it”. Because you allowed somebody else’s opinion to become your reality you’re still sitting in here and the baby’s saying, “Let me out.” I’m ready to go. The baby’s saying, “Listen I want to live. If you push me out I will not let you down.” I’m talking to me too.

How do you go from procrastination to production? The reason I create circles of influence of people that I work with around the world, is because I know if I can create the foundation for where a person is going to go and I can help you in the midst of that foundation process, I can almost guarantee your success. Because if your foundation is solid, the first wind that comes won’t blow you over. If you build a house on sand, trust me, it’s not going to last long. You have to have Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

a solid foundation. So what Johnny Wimbrey does is I work with individuals. And what I do, I help, Florence, I help create that foundation. Because if your foundation is solid I have something to build on.

There’s no person that I have ever worked with in the world that has gone through the process of the foundation part with me that’s not successful today. Not one. So I don’t try to create success stories. I do. But here is my disclaimer. I don’t just work with anybody. I don’t. I teach people how to be successful not how to want to be successful. It’s not what I do. It’s not my gift.

My gift is to take someone who has a desire and a passion, someone who says they can do it, someone who can conceive this idea and I’ll help you create that foundation and push the baby out. That’s what I’m an expert in. Now, I’m good at what I do and I’m not good at what I don’t do. And I’m very good at helping people find their passion and pushing it out. Very, very confident in terms of that.

Now in the midst of me saying that, I want you to think about something for a second. Why do you think people are not successful? -- Fear of Failure.

Fear of Failure. Very good. Fear. What are we afraid of? Listen to me. I am more afraid of being broke than I am of being successful. So my fear of being broke drives me to success. It’s still fear. But I’m in control. It’s not in control of me. Do you understand how the mind works?

I believe people who use the excuse for fear is because they haven’t been taught how to transfer that energy to work in their favour. Now I’m afraid to be broke. I’m afraid to be in poverty. Been there, done that. I’m afraid of it so it drives me and it propels me to where I’m going. If I were to bring, if I were to bring – I’ll go with a different colour because I know it’s really bright up here. Someone tell what this is just to make me feel good about myself? -- A TV.

Thank you. That is a TV from the 1960’s or somewhere around there. If I were to bring in a television set - this looks really funny to me. For some reason I think about “Bewitched”. I don’t know why but I think about “Bewitched”. Maybe that’s the kind of television I used to watch it on.

If I were to bring a television set in here right now. And I set the television set right here and I plugged it up, I would be able to tune into certain channels that exist in this particular area. Do you agree? -- Yes.

I would like to challenge you for a second by saying that success is a frequency. Success is a frequency. Love is a frequency. Dedication is a frequency. Failure is a frequency. Fear is a frequency. Poverty is a frequency. Hate is a frequency. I believe that all of these things exist at all times and it submits to our thinking, and if we submit to it, because the frequency is already in the air that which we think and what we submit to, will automatically plug in to us and that’s the reception and the frequency that we will tap into. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

If I brought a television in right now and I just sit it right there and I plugged it up, if I did not turn it on nothing would happen. But it does not mean that the frequencies are not there. So a television has no purpose until it tunes into a frequency. Because the television is off, does that mean that the frequencies are no longer present? No. The frequencies are always present.

Channel 9 is present right now but we can’t see it because there’s no television to pick up the frequency. If I bought a radio transmitter in here right now, there are radio waves that are in the air right in this room right now, we cannot see them, but if we turn the radio on and we tuned into a valid station it would submit to us, and it would give us a frequency that’s already in the air.

Listen to me. If you hate somebody it’s a frequency that you chose to tap into. No one can make you depressed unless you submit yourself to that frequency. Say, “Ouch” -- Ouch.

See I’m a Healthcare Professional. When I was 20 years old, I became a Health Insurer Agent. And I’m still a Health Insurer Agent today. I still have my license. I’m non-practicing. But the reason that it hurt me to be in Healthcare, even at 21 years old, it was because that I found that there were a lot of people that were submitting themselves to medication for depression.

I know this may be a touchy subject, but listen to me. I believe that the mind is so powerful that when you submit yourself to the frequency, that which you submit yourself to will pull out of the air, and it will bring it to you, because that’s the station that you chose to participate in.

Now are there any things in our life that will happen that will cause us to be depressed? Yes. Does it mean that you have to submit to this frequency for the rest of your life? That’s a lie from the pits of hell. I believe the mind is so powerful, if your mind can get you in a situation then your mind can get you out. If you choose to tap into that what? Frequency.

Now this may be a hard word or a hard lesson right now, but listen to me. Never ever submit yourself to the thinking that your mind cannot get you out of a situation. The only thing that can hold you back from moving out of a situation is the fact that we don’t know what we don’t know. And I don’t know what I don’t know. That’s why I constantly surround myself around inner circles of people that can help me and they stretch my thinking. It’s okay for someone to stretch your thinking.

Albert Einstein said, “The thinking got you into this situation does not possess the thinking to get you out.”

So, there are something’s in your life where your thinking gets you into a situation and your thinking does not possess the ability to get you out because if it did you would have never got there. So, you need a mentor or someone who’s willing to help you in the midst of situations that can also prevent you from losing money, losing time. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

There are people in my life that I’ve submitted to and because I submitted to them it saved me a lot of money, it saved me a lot of time because I was able to prevent falling flat on my face just because I took the time to seek wisdom.

Here’s an example. I gave you a quote yesterday. “Adversity causes some people to break but it causes others to become record breakers.” Lance Armstrong is a record breaker. Mother Theresa is record breaker. Gandhi is a record breaker. Martin Luther King is a record breaker.

These are individuals who look adversity right in the eye and had every reason to give up, had every reason to throw in the towel, had every reason to believe that it wasn’t possible, had every reason to believe that their life was in danger but they refused to submit to someone else’s thinking, because it was their baby that they had to push out. Say, “Push out” -- Push out.

Now listen to me. Lance Armstrong walks into a doctor’s office. He walks into a doctor’s office, Victoria. The doctor looks him square in the eye and says, “You have cancer. Do not get back on another bike.”

Reality is, he does have cancer. It’s a qualified person who’s telling him he has cancer. It’s a qualified person that says, “Never get back on another bike.” You have a 50:50 chance of living. It was a qualified person who told him that. Just because of someone’s credentials and qualifications doesn’t mean that they are qualified to speak into your future.

Les Brown was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor says, “ Can’t help you.” You’re terminally ill. Les says this; he said, “No one, no doctor should tell anyone that there terminally ill.” What they should say is, “My ability to treat you has been terminated.” Because just because somebody else can’t help you, it doesn’t mean that there’s not anybody else out there that can’t help you.

Lance Armstrong looking at a qualified individual who says, “Don’t get on another bike.” Just like a qualified person says, “Don’t start that business.” A qualified person says, “Don’t invest in that.” A qualified person does not have the authority to speak into your future if their dreams and visions aren’t as big as yours.

Listen to me. Never allow somebody else to create your world for you because they’ll always create it too small. I can compliment your vision but I can’t create your world for you. I can add to your world if you allow me too. But your vision has to be there first. There are people in life that will compliment your vision; that will help you build your vision and push you towards that vision, but your vision must be great for yourself in order for an outside influence to impress that. Does that make sense?

So Lance Armstrong is in the Doctor’s office and there’s a frequency of failure. There’s a frequency of disaster. There’s a frequency of devastation. There’s a frequency for death. Lance Armstrong gets to make the decision which frequency he Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

chooses to tap into. Was death there? Yes it was. Was depression there? Yes it was there. Was pain there? Yes. Was success there? Yes. He chose to tune into success.

Here’s a question: “How fast can you turn the channel?” As fast as you want to. How fast can you turn the station? How fast can you go from depression to joy? As quick as you want to. There’s no pill in the world that can bring you joy. None.

Pharmaceutical companies will not bring me in to speak. You want to know why? Because I tell the truth. There’s no price tag that can buy me or buy my truth. Money doesn’t mean that much to me. Money doesn’t master me, I master it. Money submits to me. I don’t submit to it. And it is my belief, and the truth, that your mind is so powerful, the same mind that says, “If you submit to this pill you’ll be better.” That mind can say, “If you submit to the frequency of joy, you’ll be better.” Is it easy? Not always. But is it possible? Yes.

Lance Armstrong had to make a decision. He decided to ride again. He decided to win and win big. Lance Armstrong has a commercial out now, I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but the commercial starts off, he’s looking right into one camera. He’s sitting down; one camera shot, and he says, “Hello cancer. Remember me? You said you were going to kill me. Remember me? Here I am several years later, several international victories later and I beat you.”

Listen to me. Your “inner winner” lies within. It takes a lot of confidence to look a qualified person in the eye and say, “I’m sorry, your vision for me is too small. My fire is burning and you’re throwing water on my fire, so I must associate myself with somebody else that’s going to push me toward my destiny.”

It takes a lot of confidence to be your own greatest fan. To be your greatest asset, it takes a lot of confidence. But you get to choose the frequency. It’s your choice. You get to submit. You may say, “Johnny you don’t understand it’s to hard.”

I had people come up to me yesterday – “Johnny I want to get your package but I just don’t have the money.” Stop tuning into that frequency. I’ve never told anybody since I learned this that I was broke or I didn’t have any money. Even when I didn’t, what I would say is, “My finances are in transition.”

I tapped into the frequency that my finances are just in transition. I’m not broke. I’m not sick, I’m in the process of being healed. I tap into that frequency. Do you understand what I’m saying? Do you really believe that you are that powerful? -Yes.

Do you really believe that you truly are your own secret? -- Yes.

You have that possibility and ability to tune into that frequency for your future and your present. People say, “You know what, I’m going to do this. I’m going to start this.” You know when someone tells me, “I’m going to quit smoking January Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

1st, it drives me nuts. I’m going to lose weight but I’m going to start at the 1st of the month.” Well that means you have delayed your frequency. And because you delayed your frequency, chances are you’ll never tap into it.

Listen to me. You either do it or you don’t. You do or you don’t. Everybody wants to “try” to do something. Stand up and do me a favour. Is it Brian? -- Yes.

I’m not intimidated by you first of all just because you’re like six inches taller than me. But I thought you were going to be like this. You stand up and you’re getting all tall. If you’ll stand next to me please? Brian this is a pen or a marker if you want to be exact? -- Yes. I want you to try to grab the pen. Try to grab the marker. -- Well I do or I don’t.

There you go. You do or you don’t. Good. There is no “try” in do. I believe the world famous Yoda said that. You don’t try to do anything. You either do it, or you don’t. Thank you, Brian. Give him a hand. Did somebody do that yesterday?

Here’s the deal. You don’t “try” to move into your future. You don’t “try” to move into your destiny. You don’t “try” to start a business. You don’t “try” to do anything. You either do it, or you don’t. I don’t “try” to create success stories worldwide. I do it. I don’t “try” to help people become financially free. I do it. I don’t “try” to become successful. I do it. Why? Because “try” is also a frequency and it’s a reason for you to have an excuse if you don’t do it.

Listen to me. The only difference between me and most people in the world is, when I fall down I just get back up. I’m not better than anybody who falls because I fall too. Here’s my guarantee to you right now. Johnny Wimbrey will fall again. Hopefully not off this stage. Johnny Wimbrey WILL make another mistake. But I guarantee you and you have my one hundred percent promise, if I fall I will get back up. You have my commitment. If I drop the ball I’ll get back up.

Most people drop the ball and they look at it. And not only do they look at it they’re like, “Brian hey look, I dropped the ball. Hey guys; Come look, I dropped the ball. I made a mistake. I fell down. I’m going to call someone and tell them. I want somebody to feel sorry for me. Why? Because, I dropped the ball.”

The difference between winning and losing in life is when a winner drops the ball they just pick it back up. One hundred percent of every shot never taken, never goes in. One hundred percent of every shot never taken will never go in. So, chances are if you’re not shooting, nothing’s going to go in. Wayne Gretzky says that, “Every big shot was a small shot who just keep shooting. Every big shot was a small shot that just kept shooting.” What am I saying? Keep shooting. Pick it up. Dust yourself off. Forgive yourself. You made a mistake. It’s okay. What’s not okay is for you to live in that mistake. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

You know why it’s hard for me to work with and some people to join my program, I actually let them out. If they’re not coachable, trainable and teachable, I can’t work with them. Biggest issue I have to deal with. Some of you walked into the room with your baggage. And your baggage is your past, your failures, your mistakes and things that happened to you in the past - and you walk in with this baggage. And what’s hard for me is to get you to let the baggage go. And what happens, what I find working with people and experts is, the reason individuals will not let the bag go, or the baggage go, is because it has become a part of their identity, Tom.

They have attached themselves to this baggage. And if they let this baggage go, what they’re saying is, “I don’t want it anymore.” And when you let the baggage go you can’t look back. And what happens is we think we have to consult our past to determine our future and when you truly let the baggage go, when you let that thing go, you also left the identity go with it.

So, nobody is going to come to you anymore and says, “Listen Sharon, I understand you went through so and so.” No it’s not you anymore. The baggage is gone. Many people don’t want to let the baggage go because letting the baggage go means people aren’t going to feel sorry for you anymore. And that’s your identity. Our identity is, someone saying, “Oh no, no, no, no. You don’t understand they’ve been through a lot. Be nice to them.”

So, if you let this identity go people aren’t going to be nice to you because they know their situation. Don’t be nice to me if it’s going to pacify me. Don’t tolerate me celebrate me. And if telling what’s real is pushing me towards my destiny and it hurts my feelings. Hurt my feelings. Give it to me. But I don’t just listen to anybody. I hang around people who are in my corner.

So, what am I saying? “You are the author of your story.” What you're experiencing right now in life, what you have control over, you wrote that story. Say, “Ouch” -- Ouch.

“Well Johnny, that’s not true. How can you say that you wrote the story? Lance Armstrong had cancer. Did he write the story of cancer?” How he responded to the cancer made him the author of his story. There will be things that happen in our life that we have no control over. How we respond makes us the author.

What do I mean? Responsibility simply means the “ability to respond.” So when he found out he had cancer he had a responsibility. Ride or don’t ride. It was his responsibility; the ability to respond.

I was driving down the street in my car, and you got to understand, I don’t work, so, if I find myself in traffic I’m not frustrated like most people because I really have no place to be. And if I’m running late I’ll just call somebody and say, “Hey I’m just running late.” No fear. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

So, I’m driving down the street and I think - could of happened - I cut somebody off. So I look over and this individual is flying by me and guess what? He told me I was number one. Now it’s not the finger that I would use to tell somebody their number one. But in my mind he said, “I’m number one.” Now, the old Johnny - I wish we could show that picture right now Nik - the old Johnny, the old Johnny would have chased him down. Thank God for deliverance, right? The old Johnny would have to prove to that person that I’m not a punk. I’m not a sissy. You can’t talk to me like that. The old Johnny would have to show out.

Well guess what? The old Johnny used to allow people to control him like that. If I’m the author of my story and the frequency of happiness and peace and joy is in the air and I’m happy before I see the number one, I’m going to be happy after I see the number one. Why? Because I choose my frequency not this nut who doesn’t know how to tell someone he’s number one.

The frequency is there. So guess what? I just waved and said, “Thank you.” Is it that easy? Yes because you’re the author. You get to make the decision. Yesterday I talked about a program that I was offering along with product and materials that we talked about. And, say, “Johnny’s fault” -- Johnny’s fault.

It is my fault right now. I know that I did not bring as much material as I normally travel with. This program that I talked about yesterday, you have the order form, - if you don’t there’s one in the back. This package is my Millionaire Mindset package. And it goes for AU$359.00. The reason that I travel with this product is because I know, that I know, that I know that it works. I know, that I know, that I know that without a shadow of a doubt in my heart, that if you apply the principles that is in this information, it works.

My “Think and Win Big” series also includes the world famous Les Brown, a good friend of mine Jerry Clark, all self made millionaires who talk about the process of learning to think like a winner. This CD series is a CD series that you can pop in at any time any CD and it will increase you immediately, at any time.

This CD series is my best selling CD series available around the world and I said yesterday, I’ve had people listen to this and I didn’t understand it at first, when someone said, “Johnny I listened to ‘Think and Win Big’ and I quit smoking.” I’m like, “I don’t talk about smoking.” I had people come to me and say, “Johnny I listened to your ‘Think and Win Big’ series and I’ve lost a hundred pounds.” And I’m like, “I don’t talk about losing weight.” “Johnny I listened to ‘Think and Win Big’ and my marriage was saved.” I don’t talk about marriages. I talk about the principals to overcome obstacles. And if you can constantly program yourself to think to win, the principles work.

Now listen. It’s a process. You will never arrive in the process of thinking like an ultimate winner but you will constantly always be on your way. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

Listen to me. I’m a student for life. I don’t believe that there is one program that’s going to take me for the rest of my life but I do believe as Dale Carnegie says that, “Repetition is the mother of all skill”. So I constantly repeat and I constantly embed things in my head. Why? Because repetition is the mother of all skill. Repetition is the mother of all skill. Repetition is the mother of all skill. Why does it keep saying that? Because repetition is the mother of all skill.

Listen to me. Where you’re headed is a journey but you’ll never arrive. Here is how I stay humble in life. I know that Johnny Wimbrey will never arrive. There’s no dollar amount that can ever make me arrive. Money does not mean that much to me.

Now, I know that money is not the most important thing in the world but it is up there with oxygen. They say that money can’t buy you love but it can get you a good down payment. Money can’t buy you happiness but guess what? Everybody wants to find out for themselves, right? Money doesn’t master me I master it. But I do love the value of success. And in my mind, because I know I’ll never arrive, I’m always on my way.

Perhaps that why my favourite book says, “Seek Ye First.” It doesn’t say, “Find it.” It says, “Seek”. Why? Because as long as you’re seeking something, at least you’re moving in the right direction. You want a drive-through success? You want a microwave success? It’s not going to happen.

It’s great to be financially free. But what’s greater than that is, I’m winning from the inside out. The process to learn to think like a winner. We also talked about my CD series, “Multi Levels of Million Dollar Principles.”

If you are in business, if you are in leadership, if you are going to lead anybody, if you are leveraging income off anybody, if you ever want to leverage income off anyone, if you want to make money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the Internet and you want to help other people do it and you want to leverage off their success while they’re doing it; this CD series is not an option for you. It’s a must.

This is the exact same information that I’ve taught people around the world on how to become successful on the Internet worldwide. This is not an option. I guarantee the principles on this. As a matter of fact, you listen to this, you apply the principles, if you do not get a return for the product, I will guarantee you one hundred percent of your money back. It works.

You apply the principles you have my guarantee that it works. The same information that I teach around the world created success stories on the Internet making money 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This is what this is about.

The first CD set is about the mindset. This is about applying and getting to business. This is a series. You want to start from CD one and go all the way to CD number 6. The books are bonus. The whole package itself is $359.00. Now listen. Say, “Johnny’s fault” -- Johnny’s fault. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

It is my fault that I didn’t bring enough product for everybody in this room but listen up. You fill out the form, they’re available in the back, and most of you got them yesterday, if you want a form, the green forms only. If you want a form, raise your hand, they’ll bring you a green form, or you can just go to the back. Either way.

Listen to me. Because it’s my fault, everybody in here will have access to that package. When I run out I will ship it to you this week or next week, this coming week, and I’ll pay for it. Say, “Thank You Johnny” -- Thank You, Johnny.

I will pay for the shipping. Just fill out the information for package number one and my office will pay for the shipping to get it to you. Okay. That’s because it’s my fault. We also talked about my “Speak for Cash Mastery Series” yesterday; that is part of the same form. If you join the “Speak for Cash Network”, what happens is you’re actually in the network of my Speak for Cash information. It teaches you to speak. It teaches you to conceptualise. It teaches you to be a voice of who you are and what you bring to the table. If you’re recruiting online, if you’re negotiating business things, and I actually help you negotiate in the process, writing letters on your behalf in terms of being in that network. That particular package is $1797.00. When you do that package you can cross out the $359.00 and you can still get the $359.00 for free even if I have to mail it. Say, “Thank You Johnny” -- Thank You, Johnny.

So the $1797.00 is for the “Speak for Cash.” Now, some of you got this information - are there any questions, real quick, before I move forward. I’ll take one question. I feel like somebody has a question. Any question? The first package $359.00. When we run out I will pay for the shipping. Second package $1797.00, The art of communication, Perfecting Your Voice from the Inside Out, me helping you come up with your brand, your presentation, whatever you bring to the table even as a speaker, as a coach, if you design.

Listen, I’ve help individuals who are, - what do you call them, - they are day care, - they own their own day care. And they wanted to help other people launch day care. So I said, “Listen. Let me help brand you as a coach to help people to launch their own day care. I’ll show you how to set up your own conferences, how to set up your own seminars and people will pay you to be a part of your network to help them establish their day care and they will pay you ongoing to be their coach.” They’re like, “Okay.“

So I’ve helped people from every walk of life that you could imagine in my “Speak for Cash Mastery” series to brand themselves as an entity of demand in every shape, form or fashion including individuals on the Internet. So there is an incredible value that comes with that. Now, there’s a third package that I’m going to share with you, and I’m almost sharing this with you because I have to. Some of you got a form yesterday that you should not have gotten and don’t pass those out yet. Some of you got a form yesterday that I particularly was not going to talk about. I remember that when I was here last time I made a commitment in Brisbane, or it was here, it was Melbourne. Everything’s a blur. It was Melbourne. It was here. Because I didn’t offer this is Brisbane. I made a commitment in Melbourne, the last time I was here. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

I’ve created million dollar stories in America like clockwork. I am now developing first time million dollar stories in Europe. I do not have a million dollar story in Australia yet. Say, “Yet” -- Yet.

I’m not going to try to create a million dollar story in Australia. I need the trophy just as much as you need the success. So, I do have a selfish desire for what I’m about to offer. I need an Australian million dollar story. I am going to be in Australia in the next 12 months more than I’ve ever been to any other country in my life. I am committed, dedicated to creating first time million dollar stories in Australia. How many of you would like to participate in my goal in the commitment of creating a million dollar story?

Now, listen to me, I’m not going to “try to.” I’m going to do it. I am going to welcome 21 people, and only 21 people to my inner winning circle. I already have 8 people in the circle in Australia. There are 21 people that will apply to be a part of my Million Dollar Mind Mastery program today. Now all of you can apply, but I will only take 21. Sometime during the process we will make the announcement in the next few hours. The individuals will fill out the form, I will meet with you, just by ourselves and I will talk about how to qualify to be a part of the process of being one of the success stories that I’m going to create in the next 12 months.

How many of you can really - and I want you to tune into this frequency - seriously think about this for a second. How many of you can really visualise yourself, and I mean really visualise it? You can feel it. You can taste it. You can tune into that frequency and you can see yourself 13 months from right now having extra zeros in your bank account. And I’m serious - with commas behind them.

Seriously see yourself revenuing the type of money that will put you into millionaire status, 13 months from like right now. How many of you can experience being financially free? You don’t answer to anybody. You don’t talk to anybody. You don’t have to be anywhere. You can go where you want to go, how you want to go, how many times you want to go, and you can call in – and you can - how many of you have ever called in sick?

Some of you are here today because you called in sick. And you weren’t lying. You’re sick and tired. You’re sick of answering to somebody for the rest of your life. You’re sick of clocking in to somebody else. You’re sick of dancing to somebody else’s music. You’re ready to dance to your own music. You’re ready to build your dream. You’re ready to push your baby out.

How many of you would like to call in well. What does that mean? “Hello Boss this is Tom. And well, and I’m not coming in anymore because I’m financially free.” Visualise yourself being that giant. Visualise yourself having the opportunity to be great.

This is the quote I shared with you yesterday. You don’t have to be great to get started but you must get started if you ever want to become great. There is going to be a form that is going to be passed out to you right now, but listen to me. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

What’s more important for me, is for you to understand before you see this form is, I want you to visualise yourself 13 months from now and you being your own greatest fan. You being your greatest person that’s backing you. You are pushing your butt. There are no more buts. I want to be successful but. No, I want you to see yourself as the greatest as Muhammad Ali when he looked in the camera and he said, “I’m the greatest.”

I want you to visualise yourself and accept the fact that being great is a frequency and right now if you tune into that frequency, if you tune in to that television, I know that hate and failure and destruction it’s all here, it’s all here. But listen. Turn the station. Tune into the frequency of wealth. Tune into the frequency of possibilities. Tune into the frequency of success and determination. And tune into the frequency that nobody can stop you. And I want you to visualise yourself, just for about 60 seconds of being the greatest.

Close your eyes with me just for one second and I want you to listen to the words that are going to come out of my mouth just for the next 60 seconds. Listen to me. Close your eyes. They’re going to pass out a piece of paper. Just work with me real quick. Be your greatest friend right now. I don’t care about the person sitting next to you. Don’t listen to them. Don’t look at them. Make this all about you.

See yourself living a great life. See yourself. Go ahead and pass them out. Listen to me. See this. Visualise it. Can you make it? Can you see it? Can you feel it? I dare you to see it right now. I dare you to visualise it right now. I dare you to visualise yourself in the process of being a giant. See yourself as a lion. That nothing can stop you but you, yourself. No one can hold you back but you yourself. Come on. Listen to the words. Can you say it about yourself? A lot of times we sing other people’s songs. I want you to make this your song. Own it. Make it about you.

I remember when someone told me it wasn’t possible. I remember meeting, who today my greatest mentor in the world, Mr Les Brown, and Les Brown said, “Johnny I want you to be a part of my network, but just like everybody else I can’t give any favourites. You must invest in yourself, invest in your future, and invest in what you said you want to be Johnny. You said you wanted to be a speaker. You said you want to be an International voice to the world. You said you that wanted to empower the masses to become great and Johnny because you said it, you’re responsible for making that choice and taking the first step.”

I spent $10,000, - now close to $20,000 just in this one portion of my life, investing into a future of something I said I wanted to do. I can safely say that I invest about $50,000s a year into myself into what I said that I’m going to do. But I’m different. I’m not like everybody else. I see myself being great. I see myself as being the world’s greatest. I see myself helping people and empowering the masses to become great.

And I remember it was a Friday and failure hit me right in the gut because I had to come up with $5000 US dollars in less than 24 hours or I was going to miss the biggest platform that could ever be exposed to me in my life. And I remember swallowing everything inside of me, all of my pride because I never asked anybody for a dime. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

And when I went through this process I had to pick up the phone and call my stepmother who I’ve never asked for anything. And I said, “I have an opportunity of a life time and the window’s going to close and I have to come up with $5000.00.” She said, “I have $2500.00.” And I was shocked. Just because I opened my mouth and took a step it started to become a reality. But I had to make that step. This is my personal testimony. And right after I hung up with her my phone rang. It was a friend and coincidently the same friend called me last night from America. And I answered the phone and I said, “Hello.” And I recognise his voice and I said, “I’m in Australia can we talk later.”

But the same friend called me as soon as I hung up with my stepmother and it’s amazing how that frequency had to submit to where I was and he said, “Hey man what are you doing?” I said, “Hey man. Listen. “I don’t really have time to talk right now.” And I told him what I was going through and I told him about Les Brown. And he said, “Man, that’s incredible Johnny.” He said, “I’ve always seen you” - this is the same guy that I use to run the streets with who’s now a successful construction worker; owns his own construction company.

I was just sharing my heart with him, and in the midst of me sharing my heart he said Johnny how much more do you need? I said, “I need about $2500.00. I just have to make a couple more phone calls - people I haven’t talked to in a long time.”

He said, “Johnny who do you bank with?” And I told him who I bank with.

He said, “What’s your account number?”

I said, “What are you talking about Tony?”

He said, “I’m going to make the cash deposit right now so it will be available to you immediately.”

I showed back up with my mentor Les Brown and I put $5000.00 dollars cash in his pocket. Now, Les Brown’s a multi millionaire, he doesn’t need my money but it was a sign and it was a gesture and it was a prophecy to me of me heading to where I said I was going to go.

I’m the only speaker in the world that Les Brown sends on his behalf to speak for him. I’m the youngest person in the world that shares the platform with individuals; with the likes of Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Dennis Waitley,- and it’s because of one day, one moment, one window. And people say; “If the door is open, walk through it.”

Listen to me. If the door is closing, dive through it because you have to see yourself as that little bit of hope. What you have in front of you right now is talking about - and I want you to pay attention to me - don’t pay attention to the form I’ll go through everything. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

There will be 21 people who will be a part of this process. I am offering what I call my “Millionaire Mindset Mastery Program.” And I’m going to read this to you right off the chart, just like it is, I’m going to read it over here cause it’s a little off the screen over there.

“Johnny‘s one year Millionaire Mindset Mastery program will expose you to all his proven practical principles that he has used to create wealth stories around the world.” Say, “Wealth” -- Wealth.

“Imagine having access to Johnny and his team of experts.” Not just me, - my team of experts, for 12 months - one year, - and all my programs and material for one full year. “For one full year you will be in Johnny’s inner winner circle which teaches and exposes you to the record breaking strategies that create record breaking results.

Johnny has helped business owners and entrepreneurs around the world from many walks of life experience financial, emotional, physical and spiritual wealth. This is a one year ‘Millionaire Mindset Mastery Coaching Program’ with Johnny Wimbrey. It’s guaranteed to increase your mindset, production and finance while learning how to master your business and personal relationships.”

Listen. For 12 months. Say, “12 Months” -- 12 Months.

For 12 months we will go through a process of different modules and things that will go in - the first 2 months are - I’ll just give you some examples. I know you can’t read this but here’s some of the examples of what happens in the modules.

Module number 1; The Inner Winning Development of a Millionaire Mindset. Become one with your inner winner that’s within. Learn the strategies and proven practical principles of being consistent with a million dollar mindset. Manifest to become the best you that you could be through the process of understanding and maximising personal development.

Listen to me. I have three students that are in here right now that I know of, that are part of the Millionaire Mindset Mastery group that are in Melbourne. If you’re here just come forward just real quick and give them a microphone just for one quick second. As they’re coming up, listen to some of the other things that happen within 12 months. Month number 5, - we talk about the personal and business relationships. Number 6, - time mastering, prospecting, networking and referrals, closing the deal, communication, negotiation and the art of presentations. Through my “Millionaire Mindset Mastery Program,” what happens is, I’m completely moulding you in less than 13 months to having what I call a million dollar mind, and mastering the million dollar mindset.

Now listen. There are testimonies that are already coming in from the UK. One individual came up to me and Nik was there. We were there at an event in London. An individual came to me and said, - this is the first time it’s ever happened to me on stage, - came to me while on was on stage and said, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

“Johnny”, he said, “I got your information six months ago. And I started processing your coaching less than six months ago.” And he said, “Today,” - with tears sitting in his eyes, his son sitting right next to him, - standing right next to him, he said, “Johnny, today I’m a millionaire.” I said, “Were you a millionaire six months ago?” He said, “No.” I said, “Were you close to being a millionaire?” He said, “No.”

And I looked at his son as if I’m asking is this true, because I have to make sure, and he says, “Yes.” I said, “So you’re telling me that in less than six months you started to process the information and you’re a millionaire today.” He said, “Yes.”

It’s another trophy, another notch on my belt. That’s my trophy in life. People told me it wasn’t possible for me. Me obtaining that was revenge. Ultimate revenge is when people come up to me and say, “Johnny, I’m a millionaire today because of you.” That’s ultimate revenge against what society said that I couldn’t do.

See, I believe that everybody has an inner winner that’s within. If you will, 30 to 60 seconds tell me who you are, where you’re from, what you do, and why you joined the Millionaire Mindset Mastery Circle.

FERNANDO ALBA: Hi my name’s Fernando Alba. I’m from Brisbane. My background is construction and I just started trading as well. The reason I started with Johnny is I remember yesterday he was talking about the PDM, “The personal defining moment,” well I actually had my moment before I met Johnny.

But the reason I started with Johnny was because of that personal defining moment. Because the reason I did - it wasn’t about me - the reason I wanted to become successful. It was my family. I wanted to help them so when I heard Johnny talk I thought well, there is a reason I came to Melbourne, because I come from Brisbane and it didn’t get offered in Brisbane just here in Melbourne.

So I thought it was a sign that I come to Melbourne and I become part of Johnny’s circle. So, two months into the program what we started learning is about ourselves not just, you know, I don’t just want a million dollars, I want that mindset to go with the million dollars. That’s the reason I joined.

JOHNNY WIMBREY: Congratulations, give it up for Fernando. Go ahead John.

JOHN: The reason I joined up with Johnny is because within six weeks I’ve realised that, and it’s touching, inside I now know that I have true value, I have worth and if I don’t do what I’m truly here to do, then I’m wasting my time and I owe that in six weeks to Johnny. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

I’m going to change the youth of the world and empower them to do great things. And Fernando was talking about personal defining moments and I want to change kids’ lives through talking to them on stage and through the Internet. And, hey look, I’m in front of all you - It’s the grand ballroom of the Sofitel Hotel in Melbourne, and I’m up on stage talking. That’s pretty damn good after six weeks.

JOHNNY WIMBREY: Give him a hand. Awesome. Awesome. Congratulations. DARRYL POLLARD: Okay. I’m Darryl Pollard. I’m the principal of a large private school here in Melbourne. And if you go to my staff and to that school they would see me as successful and I’m good at what I do. I’m passionate about my job. I love what I do and that’s not arrogant that’s just confident. And so I’m learning, aren’t I?

So that’s not arrogance, - I don’t apologise for that, - I’m not looking to get out of what I do because I’m passionate about that. But there’s areas of my life where I am not as successful because I‘ve sat in these seminars, and excuse me for being a teacher but I just want to show you something, the reason why I am so passionate about this program, because what I would find was I would leave seminars like this about other areas of my life that I’m striving for something in my life and I’d be excited out of my tree and determined when I go out that door that I’m going to do everything that I put my mind to, and commit in myself in that meeting.

And what would happen over time was that I would find that there were some behaviours that would sneak in and I call those avoidance behaviours. I wouldn’t do what I was told. The problem would come. And instead of going through the problem, I would avoid it. I don’t know if that relates to you. I don’t know of anybody else is that has been through this. But to me, I would avoid those behaviours. And yet in my life, in this other life of education I was seen as successful.

But in the things that I was still learning I would not take the advice of the experts and try to do it myself. And then what would happen is I would start going down because I’d start making excuses.

JOHNNY WIMBREY: Say, “Excuses” -- Excuses.

DARRYL POLLARD: And look, - “It works for them but not for me. They’re not living in Bendigo.” They’re not, - you know, they’re not, - They don’t understand what I’m going through.” And then I’d know I hit rock bottom when I’d go to the last step to failure which is, - I’d play the blame game and I’d blame someone else. “They didn’t deliver what they said. They didn’t support me like they said they would. The program doesn’t work.” So I would blame.

And what I call this is, - this is the failure cycle. And I became an expert at the failure cycle. I was really good at it. I’d go through these failures, doesn’t mean I was a failure. I was still successful at what I was doing but in this particular area I was a failure. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey The Laws of Attraction Pt. 2

JOHNNY WIMBREY: And let me say something real quick. I want you to bring it to a close were coming up. Listen. This is a principal of a school that’s leading people. Can you lead people and still have failures in terms of your own personal growth? See I believe a lot of times people in your position, everybody plugs into you.

How many of you know every plug needs an outlet. In other words people are draining you, but the question is, “”Who do you have to plug into?” So it’s an incredible example of how someone who is seen as a leader and in leadership now having another entity to plug into that’s feeding him so he can continue to feed other people. In 30 seconds what has happened for you in the last 30 days?

DARRYL POLLARD: Well, what we’re doing is developing a new cycle which is called the “success cycle”. And that’s my book. And one key element of that - just one key element of that is mentor and do as you’re told.

JOHNNY WIMBREY: Congratulations. And do what you’re told. There we go. Give him a hand. Congratulations. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

WARREN BLACK Tax Intelligence Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Warren Black Tax Intelligence

WARREN BLACK: Yes! How are you alll? -- Great.

MEET WARREN BLACK Warren Black is a qualified lawyer l

Who thinks tax is boring? Come on, be honest. Who thinks

(with First Class Honours) an nd

this is probably going to be the most bo oring session in the

accountant with nearly 15 years y

whole room, come on, put your hand up? u Who has brought

experience in taxation and business b

your pillow? Anyone ready for a nap?

law. He is also an experienceed professional presenter who has presented across Austra alia at many seminars on tax and

Well I'll tell you one thing, you're abou ut to find out something totally amazing. You're abou ut to be totally

asset protection.

Warren worked for 10 years at the ATO and since leaving the

awakened up to what really tax and assset protection and why

ATO, has worked for nearly 5 years as a lawyer in a private

we have to do it; what we're about here e, at Tax Intelligence.

law practice, with a strong dedication d for business

Let the games begin.

structuring, asset protection n and international tax. Warren has exceptional skill in the areas a of tax planning, asset

p the money that others Our mission is to educate you to keep

protection, commercial law w and international tax.

teach you to make, help you to make. Now N why is it important? You can come to this semin nar; you can learn an amazing amount of information. You caan learn how to do

Warren Black also won the Mallesons M Stephen Jacques prize for his Honours thesis on Inccome Tax and Capital Gains Tax. Warren is a well published and a respected tax lawyer with

business on eBay, you can learn how to o invest in property, you

clients across Australia and internationally. Warren has

can learn how to invest in shares, you can c learn to very quickly

extensive experience as a prrofessional speaker, having

accelerate yourself into a multimillion dollar d wealth portfolio,

conducted many programs in the areas of income tax,

but I'll tell you something, if your found dation is not right, what

business structuring and taxx planning while working for the

is going to happen? It will collapse.

ATO, in private practice and d in business consulting.

As a lawyer, my main task is actually fixing f problems when people come to see me. By and d large many people have come to see me who have got cancer and they want me to cure it. Really what I am going to o do here today is to show you how to prevent getting business cancer, financial cancer and how to be structured.

t a seminar to learn how to What I always find extraordinary is maany people will spend thousands of dollars to come to make money, maybe five, 10, $20,000 in nto wealth creation. But when it comes to spending two, $3000, $4000 to structure yourself right, they balk.

Correct? Particularly if you've got 20 or o $30,000 to start trading options, "Oh, crikey, I could d use that $3000 to make money" but guess what, you could makke money and you could lose it just like that.

I had a friend who traded the market. I tried many times to get him into a trust. He kept saaying "One day" when he's got the money. He then made over $1 million in one month in a freak run on the stock market; over $1 million. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

He suddenly came to me and said "Can you put this money into a trust, I've realised I've got a big tax problem?" What was my answer to him? Too late.

So by him not spending a couple of thousand dollars probably cost him 50 to $100,000 later on. How good is your foundation? More wealth brings more responsibility. If your assets aren't properly protected it means if something goes wrong, guess what? Someone can sue you. So you can learn all the strategies at your seminar, everything you want to learn, and just like that, you could lose it all.

But if you've got the protection in place, minimising tax and you've set up right from the beginning, you build your house right from the beginning because a sure foundation, guess what, you can make wealth and security moving forward knowing that you've got a foundation.

There is a little Bible passage I put here "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge, I've rejected you". Many of us reject knowledge. We just choose to ignore it. Rejection can be just as much choosing to ignore, making a choice to put that aside for now, as compared to actually learning knowledge.

We are destroyed through ignorance. "You shall know the truth and it is the truth that will see you free". Alfred the Great, a great King of England in 1800 or so, AD, said "How knowledge liberates, knowledge is power". So essentially knowledge is what makes us powerful. Knowledge is what gives us - it's the ones who have knowledge who have power, who have dominion and who are not subordinate.

The reason why Nik Halik and others are speaking at this seminar today is they have knowledge, that knowledge has created wealth, that wealth has created power. Very simple.

Okay, what we're going to cover today in the time we've got, we're going to cover how much tax do you pay? Just a brief introduction to how our taxation system actually does work in Australia. Some secrets of the rich that will excite you. Stuff which the rich people know and are applying in their business, in their wealth creation life, and which essentially many of you would know very basically or not even know at all.

Secrets of the rich in business, for those of you who want to do eBay, who want to invest in a new business, who want to go into franchising, who want to do internet business. Some secrets there that will help you moving forward. Secrets of the rich for trading, investing. Secrets of the rich, going overseas. The world is going more global. Markets are opening 24/7. Things are happening faster and faster at virtually the speed of light at the moment. The world is moving quickly and if we don't start to get a global mindset, not just about wealth creation but with our structuring and how we think, we're not going to be able to move with what's coming. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

Estate planning. When you die, what is going to happen to your wealth? Is your loved ones properly protected? Come on, let's be honest, who's got a will here? Who hasn't? Probably half of you - probably quite a few of you not being honest, but anyway, we normally find about 30 or 40 per cent of people just don't have a will.

Tax in the 21st century and a little bit about moving forward. How much tax do you pay? Australia is one of the highest taxed nations in the world. Now who thinks that we pay a reasonably high amount of tax in Australia? We do. The average small business they say, spends one day a week, one day a week, just on compliance issues alone. How's that? Just simply complying with government paperwork and requirements.

So how can we think we can ignore our tax and asset protection issues? As a lawyer I regularly have people come to me and believe me on thing, let me tell you something, if the tax office comes to audit your affairs they're not going to look at your intention and what you believed you were doing right. They're going to objectively look at what documentation, what structuring you've got in place and guess what, if it doesn't stand up what's going to happen? You're going to be in trouble.

I've sat there representing clients in tax audits before the ATO, I've been an auditor for the ATO and audited people and believe me, when you're auditing someone in hindsight you're only there for one purpose, to go strictly through the books and see if everything has been done correctly. If it hasn't, not only do you have to pay back taxes but there are nice little penalties and interest waiting for you which usually means effectively double your tax bill, because normally an audit happens a few years later and more and more frequently audits are happening.

In Australia we have a progressive rate of income tax which simply means the more you earn, the higher your tax rate goes up. One of the things the rich know is how to circumvent that to some degree and in some cases to an extraordinary degree.

Do you want to take proactive choice to do something about this? Who wants to be proactive about this? It's about choice. As Kurek Ashley said earlier, it's all about your choice, it's about being responsible, it's about being empowered and it's about being empowered in dealing with government, it's about being empowered with your tax affairs.

It's about being empowered to say "I'm going to be wealthy, and because I am so convinced and my vision and my certainty of wealth is so great, I know that I am going to put the extra money in today to properly structure myself, to build my foundation secure as well as to be educated to make money. I am going to do the two in perfect harmony. As I get my greater knowledge on how to make more money I am going to get more knowledge on how to structure". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

Because the more money you make and the more assets you've got, the more responsibility, the more you need to be properly structured in your affairs. Do you think someone who's got $20 million and five world-wide businesses has got more structuring knowledge needed than somebody who just runs a small business down the street? -- Yes.

Absolutely. Your wealth creation knowledge must grow along with your tax, business asset protection knowledge.

You see, Australians are generating wealth at an increasing rate but others want that wealth, let's face it. The Tall Poppy syndrome. As you get wealthy, there are others who are going to want their share: governments, people who want to sue you, who don't like the fact that you've got money when they don't, that's a fact of life.

New South Wales is the third most litigious State in the world per capita right now. Who knew that one? I wouldn't say that many. What are you doing about it?

Are you serious about knowing and applying the secrets of the rich? If you don't know about companies and trusts, chances are, you're not getting the maximum tax benefits and asset protection. The secrets of the rich: companies and trusts.

Who is excited? -- Yeah.

Who thinks it's the best session yet? Absolutely! The rich know how to make money but they also know they need to have a good system. Rich people know that as well as making money they must save and properly protect their assets.

Kerry Packer, there was a beautiful little story about Kerry, about how the tax office apparently decided they were going to chase down his trusts and apparently to cut a long story short, they ended up in New Zealand, then they ended up in the Cook Islands and each time they got to a new jurisdiction the trusts had moved and ended up coming all the way back and ending up back in Australia again, in a big circle.

They have actually passed special laws because they were so annoyed with him in 1999 to deal with it, but because they affected unintended people they changed them again, but it just goes to show, somebody who is empowered, what they can do.

Matthew 24 to 27 in the Bible says that a wise man builds his house upon a rock. Who knows this one? Who went to Sunday school, anyone? A wise man builds his house upon a rock, a good foundation. The foolish man said "I want to build mine on the sand". We just heard John Chapman do a property presentation. Rick Otton is going to be doing one tomorrow. Just imagine buying a property and saying "We're not going to worry about the foundation, we're going to save some costs here, let's just build it down on the swamp". What's going to happen to your house? That's what it's saying. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

So very simply, if you're going to build your tax and asset protection foundation on a poor foundation, on sand, on swamp, guess what's going to happen? One day all that wealth you spent years building will just be gone, just like that. Believe me it will.

Companies and trusts are the vehicles that the rich use. Robert Kiyosaki says you need to know not just how to make money, you need to know about companies and trusts. You need to know about how the rich make money through them. You need to know about marketing, you need to know how to sell. The reason why people are successful in business is they know how to sell themselves. Believe me, I am sure there are better lawyers out there than me, but guess what, I am a very good lawyer but I also have the ability to have value in what I do and present it. And that's like Nik Halik, I'm sure there is probably people out there who've got more trading knowledge and more business knowledge, like anyone, but it's the ability to not just be good in your field but also to present and have a balance.

That's what makes you wealthy, being excellent in your field but also knowing marketing, understanding how to sell, how to present value in what you do and also to know asset protection, companies and trusts, how to build a secure foundation.

Who is starting to see the picture? Who thinks it's a whole lot of rubbish? Let's look at asset protection. Why do we need to protect our assets? Well law suits are increasing daily. Now here's a few little funny anecdotes, true stories though. A woman slipped on a beverage in McDonald's, some coffee. She sued and won. The problem was she threw it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier in an argument.

What about the woman who tripped over a rampant toddler in a furniture store and sued the owners? Do you blame him for being surprised, considering that it was her own son? And what about the man even in Perth, about six years ago, sued a pub because he was drunk and went out and sued them for not taking his keys off him and guess what, he won.

In other words, law suits are about "I'm not responsible". It is about breaking down responsibility and wealthy people who sustain their wealth take responsibility. They make choice, they make empowered choices and they do something about it and that's what we're really about anything else, to take responsibility. Don't just say "I'm leaving it in my accountant's and lawyer's hands". Get empowered, know your stuff, make sure that you challenge your lawyer. I shouldn’t be saying this but make sure you challenge them, make sure they know what they're doing. Make sure you know if you've got a good accountant or a good lawyer because if you don't, guess what, the tax law does not say "You get let off because you had a bad accountant or lawyer". You still are fully liable. Who knew that? A hundred per cent liable. You can sue your accountant and lawyer but after you've spent 50 to $100,000 going through the Courts and spending a couple of years of your life it becomes less appealing. So be empowered. If you did nothing else today, be empowered to keep the money that you make and be properly structured from the beginning. Be empowered, because it is the question of empowerment and responsibility, nothing else. Are you going to take responsibility for your wealth? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

Insurance may not cover you. Many people say "I'm insured", well we've known insurers to not cover you, that happens. Creditors and taxes may plunder you. You can be liable for the debts of others in business. You can be liable for back taxes. Who got caught in those forestation and tea tree oil plantation schemes, anyone? Yes, you would understand exactly what I mean how the government can arbitrarily change a law or change a policy and just like that, a 200 grand bill turns up on your doorstep and you have to either go to Court or pay it.

Man of straw. Very important, now this is just - to make this very simple in asset protection try and think "MAN OF STRAW, PERSON OF SUBSTANCE", particularly if you're in a situation where you've got one of you - like, in a business partnership or in a marriage - which is in business and at risk of being sued and one of you which is not.

The man of straw is at risk of attack and signs his name to everything; the person of substance is not at risk of anything. So in other words, they control the assets but not at risk, so in other words they sign nothing, own everything. The man of straw signs everything, owns nothing.

E.g. John is a doctor and Jenny stays at home because there's 19 children; a reasonably fulltime job. Just a few more than we've got. John is the one at risk of being sued, not Jenny. So who should be the straw man? John. He is the one at risk. Who should be the one who controls the assets? -- Jenny.

That's right, Jenny should be very, very rich; John should be very, very poor and all the people of substance here said "Yes". What are you doing about your asset protection?

Now let's look at companies. So we're going to look now at companies and trusts. Now who's getting excited? Are you falling asleep yet? Do we need to do a massage or star jump? -- No.

Okay. So what is a company? Now a company exists in the realm of fiction. Nik talked this morning about when the Federal Reserve Bank - about the whole money situation, it's an illusion, and it’s a fiction. Well, guess what, a company is your vehicle into the matrix in the world of fiction. Who has seen The Matrix?

A company is a fictitious entity. If I said to you "I want to go visit BHP Proprietary Limited tomorrow" what would you say to me? If I said "No, I want to meet BHP himself", what would you say to me? "You're living in a fiction". BHP is only represented by physical people and assets or whatever upon a tangible earth. A company is just a fictitious entity, that's all it is. It exists in a fiction world. It is your vehicle into the matrix to get a nice share of the wealth that's out there in the matrix.

Companies are taxed at 30 per cent. The reason why people like companies and why the rich use companies is because shareholders are only responsible to pay amounts for owning their shares. Directors of companies have some protection, they go to arms' length from people they're dealing with. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

So in business when you're dealing with BHP there's an arms' length between the directors and the people they're doing business with. If Warren Black has a company called W Black Proprietary Limited and you do business with W Black Proprietary Limited then you have - I have a firewall between myself and you. So if you're going to sue me, you're going to have to come first through my firewall, my fiction entity, to get to the real person and that's the beauty of it, the rich know this.

Now I might add, and I am going to cover this later on, asset protection is not about being morally irresponsible. That doesn't empower you. That will sabotage your wealth in other forms. Asset protection, and hear this carefully, is about you being empowered to make the choice as to whether you're morally responsible and not somebody else. Who likes that?

Rather than the government saying "You're morally responsible" or a creditor who is basically disillusioned with life saying "Well you're responsible for my problems and my hardships". You're saying "I make the choice if I am morally responsible for the loss or damage that's happened to you as a result of dealing with my business". Who finds that fair? You see, asset protection, remember that, it's about you getting back power and choice.

Companies have two main players. Directors run the business. HIH, Rodney Adler, director, running the business. Firewall, ASIC had to go first through the corporate veil to hit Rodney Adler, in other words it had to first hit the fiction company before they could go after him. The shareholders, they own the company assets. Who owns shares? That means you've got a right or interest on the assets and business of a company; that's what a shareholder is.

Companies offer asset protection to their shareholders and directors. Let's go back to our example of John and Jenny. John and Jenny with their 19 children keeping busy at home. John should be the sole director of the company. Why is that? Because who is the one whose head is on the chopping block if something goes wrong with the company? -- The director.

Yeah, the director. So the director must be John. They're the ones. Shareholders, on the other hand, are not liable for the company business. The only liability a shareholder has is to pay up any money they owe on their shares. So if you own shares in BHP and someone sues BHP, your personal assets are not at risk. So the shareholder should be Jenny. Nice simple thing to remember? Very good to remember, because you may walk out of here, you may be about to go into a business venture down the track and if you remember these things and you come to that, you'll know, right, I've got to go see Warren, got to get some advice and got to make sure I get this done properly. That's what we're learning here today, the issues.

We show you how to properly set up your company to get tax and asset protection benefits and now, who wants to know an even better little nifty trick than companies, anyone? That wasn't very enthusiastic. Who wants to know? -- Yeah! Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

Who wants to know? -- Yes!

That's better, now you're starting to sound like you want to be here. This is an exciting seminar, by the time I've finished you'll be running out proclaiming the virtues of tax and asset protection and you'll probably want to go and be lawyers and accountants!

Trusts are a great way to save tax and protect assets. The rich really know about trusts. They reckon Richard Branson, especially, owns a lot of trusts. The rich and famous love trusts. They have existed since medieval times to protect assets and put a very strong delineation or boundary line from them and from those who seek to plunder them.

Trusts are ancient, medieval. There are many types of trusts but today I am going to focus on a nifty trust called the “Discretionary Trust. Discretionary because how would you like something where you own nothing but control everything and can give the money to whoever you want and they pay the tax? Who likes that idea?

Sounds good? -- Yeah.

Okay. Now the main players - don't get too bogged down with this but this again, to help you with delineation. Trustee is the puppet. So think of a puppet show, you're watching Punch and Judy. Who saw Punch and Judy as kids, anyone? Who liked that? Who didn't? Punch and Judy. The trustee is the puppet. You see the puppet but you don't see the puppet master. You have to go behind the puppet booth to know who is holding the puppets up, correct. -- Yeah.

The appointer is the puppet master. So everyone - and the beauty of this is really the tax office - many tax office people don't really still understand that the appointer is the puppet master. So they go all out for the trustees while the appointer is sneakily sitting there giggling away, know that they've got full control of what is going on. We’ve been able to do some amazing tricks of transferring assets and trusts and literally doing big property transfers, no tax whatsoever, just simply by knowing this legal trick which the tax office and others haven't really understood yet.

Who likes that idea? -- Yeah.

We’ve managed to transfer properties and do all sorts of things simply that way. Perfectly 100 per cent legal. Why a trust? They reduce tax and protect assets, that's what we're all about today. Why do they reduce tax, because the beneficiaries pay the tax, in other words, the people getting the money from the trust are the ones who pay the tax. That's the beauty about it.

So if you go and trade on the stock market and you distribute your money out to various people, if one year, say your partner earns no income, give him all the money. If next year you earn no money and they earn all the money, give yourself all the money. Who thinks this is sounding great? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

You can just shift it around, you can move it around, and you’ve got total flexibility. That's why I love trusts. They're fantastic. They protect assets because no-one actually owns it. The example I give you is this: let's say that, okay, what's your name? Cliff, how're you going Cliff? Just stand up and wave, Cliff. This is Cliff.

Let's say Cliff has got a brand new Mercedes Benz. Do you like that idea Cliff? -- Very much.

Cliff likes it. Cliff gives me his brand new Mercedes Benz and says to me "Warren, I'm off to England for 12 months, you drive the car, it's yours". Let's just say, now what's your name? -- Mike.

Mike. Mike, stand up and wave. Let's say that Mike decides he wants to sue me because he doesn't like me. He thinks I've ripped him off in business. Mike sees I've been driving a Mercedes Benz and Mike comes to me and says "Right, I want to take that car off you". What is going to be my response? -- It’s not yours.

It's not mine. It doesn't belong to me, it's Cliff's. Go and have it out with Cliff. It's not my car; I am borrowing it from Cliff.

And the beauty is when you've got a trust and hold your assets in trust, the tax office come to you, creditors say "We want your assets", what are you going to say "Not mine". "I can't give you what's not mine, I can't do that to my beneficiaries. I am holding it on trust for these people, these beneficiaries. You go and sort it out with them".

And it goes even deeper. The rabbit hole goes deeper, the more you get into the matrix the deeper and deeper the rabbit hole gets. I've got a friend who even every year, makes his business go off-shore, go overseas, and when the tax office came to audit him he just says "Here's my 12 documents from the overseas company, you go and see them, they own the business now, not me".

In other words, that is kicking it into deep stuff, but you can see the deeper the rabbit hole goes the more you can become empowered to know your legal rights, do nothing illegal. You don't need to do things illegally to be empowered, who agrees with that, who likes that idea?

You don't have to do anything dodgy. You don't have to go into dodgy tax minimisation schemes; you don't have to meet someone at 3 o'clock in the morning on a dark truck in the black of night in an alleyway who is selling you a $300 tax-avoidance company in the Channel Islands. But there's many ways that lawfully you can do this.

I love trusts. Come on, I want everyone to say this to me: "I LOVE TRUSTS", one, two, three -- I love trusts.

I love trusts. Okay, once more with conviction, ready? -- I love trusts. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

I love trusts. Fantastic. Give yourself a hand, come on. And believe me, you will. Trusts are cheap to run and set up, very cheap. No government fees, fantastic. They reduce tax because trust income is taxed to beneficiaries, as I've mentioned. They protect assets as nobody owns them.

Here's an example: Donald and Daisy decide to set up the Duck Family Trust. They've got Huey, Duey and Luey and they're very pleased because Huey's just about to get married to Spuey so the wedding is going to be in six months' time. Donald earns $100,000 per annum. Daisy earns no income at all. Now Huey has just started a wonderful new internet business selling onions to the Eskimos and it is really about to take off so Huey has got some income coming in. They all go to a church at the Wagga Wagga community church and have a family company called The Duck Proprietary Limited.

The beneficiaries of the trust are mum, dad, three kids, Donald Duck, Daisy, their companies, all charities. That's quite good. They make them all the beneficiaries so they own the assets on trust. Donald starts, we're going to say trading options, trading stocks, trading CFD's. Basically Donald starts with options but he's going to go into all sorts of exotic things and you're going to learn more about this in a seminar.

And to his delight he makes $40,000 net profit. Who likes that idea? Now if Donald traded in his own name on $40,000, because he's on $100,000 per annum, guess what, he would have paid tax of $16,600. Who thinks that's a lot to give to the government? It's a lot. Uncle Sam.

But Donald, fortunately, came to Tax Intelligence and had a chat to us and we showed him how to set himself up so Donald instead distributes nothing to himself. He gives 21,600 to Daisy, 13,000 to Huey, 700 to Duey, 700 to Luey - the $700 amount is because under 18 children there is only a limit before you get penalty tax so you can't, unfortunately, give all your money to your 5 year old son. You can't give all your money to your six month old baby daughter. There is some limitation, very sadly.

What would be the difference? Daisy pays tax here, 2664. Huey, 2145. The rest pay no tax. The church pays no tax. Now, who noticed a little conjuror's trick there? Anyone pick the conjuror's trick? Who knows, a church is tax deductible? No, they're not. You see, but a conjuror, using a trust, we made a non-deductible expense or amount into a deductible amount. Now who likes that? We effectively made that income go straight into the church, tax exempt. The magic wand was waved and just like that, the conjuror's trick.

Total tax 4809. This gives a total tax saving of $11, 791. Who thinks that's good? If you don't, give me the money rather than the government. Who thinks that's good? -- Yeah.

Absolutely. Asset protection and a trust. Remember the appointer is the puppet master. The trustee is the puppet so who is the one who should be the person of substance? The puppet master, correct? Who is the one who is going to be Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

the man of straw, the puppet, the one being seen? The Punch and Judy, they're the ones you want to attack. That's the trustee.

So, the doctor example, the doctor would make sure he's the trustee or controlling the company trustee, and his wife Jenny would be the appointer of the trust. And all that, that's what we can do for you.

Trusts are magnificent. Save tax, protect assets. Who thinks that's nifty? -- Yes.

Wonderful. Well let's have a quick look at self-managed super funds, very quickly. Who has got one? Who hasn't? Again, what you're being taught here is empowerment. The difference between a self-managed fund and a non-self-managed is you take control of your retirement moneys. You don't passively give it to a fund manager, hope that they'll get you a good return and when they get you three per cent, then sit there and whinge and complain about being exploited by fund managers.

You, instead, become the one who actually chooses your investments, you're the one who becomes empowered to say "This is where I'm putting my retirement money. I am going to trade options or trade shares or trade - or whatever unfortunately you can't trade CFD's and futures in a super fund; that's for another time because of certain regulations but you can invest, you can do most things in your superannuation. You can increase your wealth exponentially simply by taking control of your own superannuation. They have great benefits.

You have control. Super funds often have a high fees. A self-managed fund, you pay your up-front costs and after that apart from paying your ongoing accounting fees, you pretty much are making your money work for you to build up a retirement income. The beauty is, in the Federal budget two months ago Peter Costello announced as of 1 July 2007 superannuation being paid out to retirees by and large is going to be tax free. Huge concession. It's a whole new ballgame now, superannuation, especially if you're close to retirement.

Asset protection. They give great asset protection, just ask Alan Bond. People who've used self-managed superannuation funds, because there are fairly strict exceptions as to what can be taken out. There are certain bankruptcy claw-back rules but apart from that; they are great vehicles to protect your assets as well. The down side, it's very simple, you can't use the money for personal borrowing. You'll go to seminars and you'll be taught how you can use the system to use your superannuation moneys for personal use. Believe me, don't get caught up in that. It's very strict. The consequences can be huge. Use it for what it's meant to be used for. And we set you up with a fully complied, fully lawful, fully legal, self-managed superannuation fund.

Secrets of the rich. Business, who's in business? Who wants to know a few secrets? Who is going into business now? You, if you're going into business you are about to learn what to do from the beginning. If you're already in business you will learn about where you've got to go next if you're really going to make your business big, prosperous and effective. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Warren Black Tax Intelligence

Disclaimer: now I have to say this as a lawyer, don't rely on this, on what I say. It is only general information, specific facts need specific advice. All I am saying here is don't go away, set yourself up in your own family trust, draft one up on the computer at home and do all that; get some proper advice for your own circumstances. Very important.

Many people do business as a sole trader or partnership, very common, not realising this huge tax down side, partnerships for example, I cannot believe how many people get put into partnerships when not only is it the least tax effective strategy but if you go bankrupt and it's your partner's fault, guess what, you go down with him.

You, as a partner in a partnership are jointly liable with your partner for the debts of the business. So if your partner is a total crook, guess what, you go down too. If the partner runs away to Vanuatu to live and leaves a million dollar's debt, they'll come after you.

How would you like to be in business, save tax and protect your personal and business assets all at the same time? This isn't very enthusiastic? -- Yeah.

Come on, who would like to know this? -- Yes!

That's much better! This is tax, this is exciting stuff. Now John is starting business in wealth creation consulting. He calls his business "Show me the Money Honey", that's his name. Now John is very confident because he's come to the seminar, he's put everything into position, he's got a mission statement, he's a hundred per cent knowing he's going to succeed in business; he has made that commitment.

So, he's going to have mortgage brokers working for him on a commission basis, using the internet to heavily market his business. His personal wealth plan is to establish a business to generate cash flow and put money into investments. So, okay a very typical situation, a business, you want to expand it, you want to grow it, you've got a business name. Now let's identify the risk factors for him here. Family home, car, what else? -- His business.

His business, good one Cliff. Plasma TV, his expensive plasma TV. Essentially, any assets he gets real estate, property, shares, family home but also - and the one that people often miss - his business name too. Let's just say that "Show me the Money, Honey" becomes a world-wide business name. It's got a multimillion billion dollar good will in that business. He could sell that for millions.

What happens if somebody sues him for one little error of judgment in one of his franchises? It could affect the whole business, couldn't it? So he's also to consider "How do I protect my goodwill, my business name? How do I protect that? How do I protect my business property?" It's amazing how many people come to me who've done all of the right things of asset protection in their personal affairs but in their business trust they've got, their business name, they've got their $5 million business premises; they've also happened to go and buy $1 million shares in the float and I say to them "You're Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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quite happy to lose that if someone sues you?" "Well, they can't sue me for that, it's got nothing to do with it". I said "Well, it's in there".

Asset protection is all about separation and I'll give a simple example. I will speak to Cliff. Cliff, you stand up if you could, for a sec, seeing as I'm picking on you. I know Cliff, so - if someone sues Cliff, but I've got my assets, are my assets at risk? Are they? If someone sues Cliff, are my assets at risk? -- No.

No, unless I'm in partnership or something they're not at risk. Thanks Cliff. Just showing the separation there. That's what you want to get, separation. So John is going to buy a positive cash flow property, trade the stock market, he's going to invest, he's going to do everything. His wife is starting an eBay business, going to have an internet business all over the world selling products and goods, everything.

So as you can see, the positive and negative, the positive, great wealth potential but what is the negative? The negative is more - if they get sued, their fall will be big if they don't properly set up. So John sets up a trust, the asset trust. Now I am just going to zoom in here and do a flip chart here for you.

Assets trading. Very simply, who sees two different triangles there? Two different trusts. So assets, all his assets, "Show me the Money Honey", the business name is in there. The real estate is in that triangle on the left-hand side. So everything valuable fits in that trust. His trading though happens over here. He then licences from this trust over to here all the use of the assets.

So what happens if somebody sues this trust, what happens, what's there for them? The cookie jar's empty. It's like when my boys go in the morning and open the pantry and the cookie jar is empty, you see the grief. They quickly back off and look for something else. They walk in, the cookie jar's empty. Who likes that idea? Again, not about avoiding responsibility but empowered to make the choice as to what you're liable for. To protect the investments, another trust is set up which holds all the investments, personal investments, everything else. So you can see the clear separation happening over here, one, two, three. Assets, trading and investments.

So if something goes wrong he's protected. I might add, even with properties, there's some people even put all their properties in separate trusts. Why? So if a tenant slips on a banana peel and sues the landlord on one property, the rest of the properties are not at risk. Plus, in WA too, it saves you a lot in land tax doing it that way too, but that's for another time.

So as you can start to see, we make you money. Often people think "I'm going to spend $3000 to do some structuring, that's a lot of money when I'm starting out". But hand on a sec, if you spend $3000 to make $20,000, who thinks it's a good deal, anyone? If I said you to "Give me three grand and I'll give you 20 right now", any takers? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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I should hope so. So if you can spend three grand or four grand or five grand or 10 grand or spend 20 grand to save 50 grand, is it worth it? -- Yes.

Absolutely. Really it's just getting our values and our perspective correct and looking properly at what we're doing. So John's wife Jenny is an eBay addict who runs an internet business. Jenny sets up her internet business through a separate trust, why? Because what happens if she puts her business in John's, and something goes wrong with John's business? She's wiped out too. But again, you would be amazed how many people, husband and wife, said "Oh, we’ll just save some money and just do it in the same structure".

Again, you can have many structures set up but you would be amazed how even despite paying, say, a few grand a year in accounting fees or five grand a year, you may still be saving money, depending how it's set up. I had a client who I got their two properties into two trusts rather than one; their land tax bill went down from $12,000 to $4700. Who likes that?

So the extra $1000 a year accounting fee, was that worth it? -- Yes.

Yes. Internet business. I might add, people tend to be very relaxed about setting up an internet business because it's almost like you're at home, you're away from everything and people tend to be more relaxed with their record keeping, more relaxed with their foundation, but guess what, how would you go if you stood before the ATO, knowing that they can trace all your transactions now through Austrack and everything else and trace you all through and then call you to account and always think of that. When you're doing your system, picture yourself standing before an ATO official being called to account for everything you've done and think "How would I feel being able to do that?"

Very good exercise to do, believe me. Do that. Picture yourself standing before an ATO auditor, the most ruthless one you can possibly imagine and you've got to account for everything you've done, and that will soon help you get very quickly on track with your structuring. I have sat in an audit three months ago for a client. ATO audit was absolutely ruthless. This client was a rental property investor, she had most of her receipts. He said "We haven't got these". Fine, okay, "knocking that out, I'm knocking that out" and I actually managed to negotiate quite heavily in her tax bill - he was going to hit her for a $129,000 tax bill which was about 60,000 in tax, 69,000 in penalties. We actually managed to get it down to 45,000 in the end with a bit of negotiation and that. Nevertheless, she paid $45,000 that we didn't have to pay with proper structuring and record keeping.

If Benny the car thief wants to steal a car he's not going to go, unless he's a particular reason, to the well protected Mercedes. He's going to go to the Commodore without the proper alarm system, correct? Believe me as a lawyer, when people come to me to sue - I was looking recently into taking legal action against a guy who ripped off some people in an investment scheme. I went back and I said to my clients "The problem we've got here is this guy unfortunately went to the same seminar as I did". Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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I was involved in a very big international investment scheme recently and I had to tell the people, I said the problem was I did my job too well, because he ended up ripping off the investors unfortunately and I said "Unfortunately" I said "I did my job too well". In other words, can't touch him. Everything has been done. We set him up too watertight.

In other words asset protection can be fantastic and just keep that in mind. If you've got good asset protection the chances of being hunted down are very slim. The ATO I might add, their powers off shore are greatly limited compared to on shore; who knew that? Greatly limited.

They've got no legal ability to compel you to bring your records from off shore back into Australia, they can't do it, but they can raid your house, strip your beds, empty your backyard, do whatever they want to your house in Australia to find information that they need.

So again, thinking global, you start to get empowered. Who likes this? Again, not about moral irresponsibility. So summarise, set yourself up properly. Set yourself up properly, I cannot stress this enough. If I were to say anything to you today, if you're going to - either say today "I cannot put the capital into going into business at this time so I'll hold back until I can do my education and my structuring right"; don't say "I'll do my education to make money and ignore my structuring". You're better off to hold back until it's realistic, the two must work together.

Remember, men like Nik Halik and guys like Rick Otton and others like that and many others who are speaking at this seminar will teach you how to make money and how to expand and empower your life but what I am showing you today is how to take this money and keep it. It works side by side. If you're going to make money, you want to keep it. You want it to be available.

Secrets of the rich, traders and investors. Who's a trader? Who's an investor? Brilliant. You're going to enjoy this. Now we love traders at Tax Intelligence. We love business people, we love property investors and traders, particularly, have got a special place in my heart. Generally most traders find their accountant and lawyer doesn't have a clue about what they're doing and that's why traders have loved coming to us, is we understand the business world of trading. Something I've done myself and it's something that's critical when you want to get the best tax deductions and claims as to how you do it.

The first issue the ATO will always want to know is "Are you a trader or speculator?" Big difference. A speculator, someone who just dabbles a bit in shares, can claim less for deductions. A trader, on the other hand, has got a much greater ability to claim tax deductions. A trader is someone who has said "I've made this my business" or "I've made this a business" and traders carry on the business of it, so it's not just somebody who's - an example I gave in one seminar which always gets a few chuckles, I said "It's a bit like me running a little chook yard in my backyard and having three or four chooks, taking the eggs, eating them and selling the rest to my neighbours" or somebody else, like, let's say Phil. Phil stand up. Say "Hi Phil". Everyone say "Hi Phil"? -- Hi Phil. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now Phil's decided to go into business as a chicken farmer so Phil sets up a massive big property, gets an incubator, gets specially imported chickens all the way from Germany, he gets all kinds of unusual incubators. Is Phil carrying on a business? Yes. Any common sense tells you he is.

Am I carrying on a business because I've got four chickens in my backyard? -- No.

No, and that's the same with trading. That's what the tax office looks at. There are no set rules of what the ATO looks at. What they look at are things like do you have a clear trading plan? Do you have a system to trade? Of those of you who trades who here has got a clear trading plan? Who actually hasn't got one written down, anyone?

Okay. If you were getting audited today, good chance you'd have a problem. Good chance you have a problem because you're documentation showing you've made this a business is absolutely critical. The challenges facing the trader, ensuring they're seen as a trader, they can plan deductions, they can minimise tax and protect their assets. That's your challenge as a trader and I might add also, if you're going to trade; don't trade through your company account where you do your business. Anyone know why? What happens if the company gets sued? You lose your trading account.

I am always amazed at how many people open their trading account just through their business account. It always amazes me. Property investors need to be especially alert as to how you set up. To protect your assets properly make sure your property is in a trust, in the right kind of trust and property investors are being audited and being given questionnaires quite a bit in the last few years. Any property investors experienced that? Okay.

They actually did a big audit on property investors recently so again, remember if a tax officer is looking at your receipts and what you've claimed and what you've done, they're going to look objectively. They don't care about your reasons or, you know, "but in my heart I was carrying on a business". That means nothing to an auditor. The auditor will look at the facts as to how you set up.

When someone is suing you in Court they're objective. They're not there to hear you weep and say "This is all I have". At the end of the day if you're not properly set up, you lose it. So property investors make sure you get receipts, you’re structuring, everything you set up in order and I might add in WA especially you can save a lot of land tax by setting yourself up properly. Other States don't have this as WA does.

Same with share investors, exactly the same. Same with an eBay business person, same with an internet business person, anyone. How you set up, making sure your businesses are separate. If I'm running an internet business on eBay, if I'm running a law firm, if I'm running a business seminar consulting firm, if I'm running a worldwide business of selling onion to Eskimos and they are my four businesses, do you understand the value and wisdom of having them all separately structured? Who can? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Why would I want a law suit in one business to affect my other businesses? Particularly if I am in partnership with other people in business, it's not fair on them. So it's a responsibility you've got to them and to your family, to be properly set up.

At Tax Intelligence we help you, we know what it takes to be classified as a trader. The beauty is with seeing us, of course, I've been at the coal face of the ATO, I have investigated - I have actually investigated people, I have investigated a lady even for log book fraud. I've also been involved in helping people. I have been pretty much all into the spectrum and so I know exactly what the ATO will do, what they expect of you and what they need to know. They investigate off shore quite heavily these days, that's the big one they're cracking down on and again, that's why it is all the more important if you're going to go off shore - because immediately there is an ATO mindset "He's going off shore, you're doing something dodgy" which of course is ridiculous.

Just because - if you're investing in a European managed fund compared to an Australian fund because the returns are double, it makes sense but again, if you set up an overseas structure to do that you're seen as doing something dodgy but really, you're just going global and going off shore. Who see that? -- Yes.

So there's nothing to fear about going off shore but don't meet someone in the back end of a truck in a black, dark alley and buy a $300 company from the Channel Islands. Believe me, the internet has got some great tax scheme that they will sell you for a dime a dozen, you'll find plenty of them.

Self-managed super funds; I'll just mention them briefly again because a self-managed fund you can actually trade stocks and options I mentioned, you can invest in it, all these things, through your self-managed fund. At Tax Intelligence we show you how to do all that. We get all your legal documentations in place for your superannuation. If you've got one happening now we make sure it's all set up to comply with the strict ATO requirements and they are very strict on super funds too. I mean, I might add that since I worked for them from 1989 to the beginning of 1999 they have got tougher since I worked for them, they have got a lot tougher.

Secrets of the rich, going overseas. Now who gets excited with this? Who wants to go global? Fantastic. Now should I go on here? Come on, who's excited? -- Yeah.

Yes!! That's better. Okay, the world is expanding rapidly. The internet has accelerated commerce. In 10 years who would have thought from 1996 when the internet started to really take off until now, that things are the way they are today? How fast is the world going now? Very fast.

eBay, I mean it's extraordinary. I mean, I recently bought a law dictionary; I looked all through the internet for this old law dictionary that I wanted because I am studying law and on some deeper issues of legal stuff and going into what's Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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behind our legal system right now. Two hundred dollars virtually everywhere I found; I got it on eBay for $65, the exact edition I wanted, US$65. It's all changing.

Trading markets are opening 24/7, 24/5. Foreign exchange trading, futures trading 20 years ago was like - one of the guys who actually has mentored me in futures and foreign exchange trading, he was telling me 25 years ago every year he would fly for three months to America to trade on the floor because it was too hard to do it from Australia. Difference of about four or five years. Now you just get on the computer and open an account with a broker and the trading platform is right before you and you do it all online in the comfort of your own home, while having a drink of a cup of tea, in your pyjamas if you wanted too.

I mean, who would have thought business could go to that level? It’s all changing, it's all changing folks, it's all changing which means that we have to move with it and our tax structuring - the tax lawyer and business lawyer of the future and accountant must move with this trend and not be fearful. The world is changing fast.

How can this help you? If you run an eBay business, a worldwide business selling products on the net, if you've got a patent or trademark, you've just got a brand new idea or seminar and you want a licence and sell it overseas, there's a change to structure off shore. Great company possibilities like the Netherlands and a few others, perfectly legal, perfectly legitimate using tax treaties which can save tax. The ability to get extraordinary saving in tax in your foreign exchange trading and others through properly structuring through the broker using properly structured companies, blind trusts and other things like that.

Investing in overseas funds or properties, again, great opportunities to do it legally, legitimately and save a lot of tax, all properly. A good business has tremendous opportunities at this time still. The ATO's power over businesses with off shore offices is significantly low, as I've mentioned. Be very careful, don't get caught up in these Channel Island dodgy structures I've already mentioned.

Be wary, don't get caught up in a scheme where you get an off shore debit card and just pull the money in. I mean, the tax office have come out in the paper and said they're targeting that. If you're basically taking an income from off shore and not declaring it and it is not properly structured, that's fraud. That's legal fraud. Don't get caught up in that.

So come and see us if you trade. We can save you a fortune in tax. Off shore the balance of power is in your favour. My lawyer friend who sat before the ATO who had come to audit him and just simply said "Well, I haven't got any of these documents, you have to go over to New Zealand and see such-and-such" and they said "We don't go to New Zealand" and he said "Well tough luck then." He said they walked out extremely annoyed but he never got to audit any of his business. Perfectly lawful. Asset protection laws in his favour. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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You go try and sue someone who has got a $5 million property through a Cook Islands trust. You wouldn't get through it in a pink fit. Has the light turned on yet? -- Yes!!

Yes!! Ready, I want you all to do this, one, two three; YES? -- YES!

That's it, we're getting empowered now. Okay, who gets your assets if you die? Now come on, who is naughty, who hasn't got a will? Everyone go "Ooooh"? -- Ooooh.

Now that's the ultimate in disempowerment. You basically said I'll leave it to the government or somebody else to decide who gets my assets when I die. That's what have just done, come on, admit it, take responsibility. Who takes responsibility? Yes.

If you have a significant estate you want to have three generational testamentary trusts. How would you like to be able to transfer assets around your estate with no capital gains and stamp duty at all? You can do that. Who wants to? -- Yes.

Absolutely. These things can save you an absolute fortune in tax, having a properly structured will in place and you can go down the post office and pay 20 bucks and get your post office will but getting yourself properly done up, again it's about saving money - it doesn't necessarily save you in this lifetime but for your loved ones, they will love you and they will be very grateful in your memory, so you can die with peace.

I have used Dick and Dora, example three children, three properties, normal will. If the children start transferring properties around they will end up with capital gains tax. If one of them wants one property, say somebody else says "I want the Busselton home", somebody else wants the home down in Dunsborough, somebody else wants the home up in Narrogin, that will result in capital gains and stamp duty. With these wills, they don't. Now who thinks that's really good? -- Yes.

The rest of you obviously don't. Powers of attorney. Again, about empowerment. It’s about empowerment. Who wants a 21 year old at the Public Trustee to look after you if you're lying there after a car accident, anyone? Well if you don’t have a Power of Attorney that could well happen to you, or your loved ones are going to have leave you by your bedside, lying there, gasping for breath, race down the guardianship office, go through a three-hour emergency hearing and then come back.

This happened to a client of mine, believe me, three months ago. Had to leave their partner who had a sudden coma, just collapsed at work in a coma and because they had no Power of Attorney, had to race down to the Guardianship Board, leave their husband there because they had to sign certain documentation to do it and they couldn't do it because there was no Power of Attorney. Again, empowerment. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Business succession plan. What happens to your business when you die? Example, Dick and Glenda go into business together. Dick suddenly dies from an overdose of flower essence from his naturopath for inner healing. Very sad, untimely demise. But Dick's wife, Dora, who Glenda knows, says to Glenda "Look, right, I am a 50 per cent owner in the business now, I want my share in the business, I am coming in tomorrow, I am going to be the business administrator otherwise you're going to have to pay me $2 million". Glenda says "But the business is only worth $2 million". "It's not my problem". That could have all been avoided with proper business succession plan. All about certainty, empowerment, peace of mind. You've got certainty in your business. Who wants certainty? That's about empowerment is certainty.

The future: global challenged for the next 10, 20 years. A massive shift is coming in the world. Now here's the sobering part, of course. These are the challenges that we face. Nik Halik went through this morning and spoke about the fractional reserve banking and the fact that money is an illusion. Later on he's going to be speaking about the economic crash that's coming and these things we have to consider when moving forward in our wealth creation. We have to face reality.

There are things coming upon - I might add on this one, I did a presentation two months ago at the Hyatt Hotel about the economic crash that's coming. Somebody got a copy of my presentation and gave it to an international banker in Europe who was over here, one of the top guys. He said the guy had been sitting there having lunch and bored the whole time with the conversation. The moment he showed him my presentation his eyes lit up and he said "Can I borrow this?" and he rang him back two hours later and he said "Your friend's presentation is absolutely 100 per cent accurate except for one thing, he's five years behind, it's closer than what he's saying".

He said "It's closer than he's saying". He said "We all know over there how close it's getting" and he said "Only a question of time now". He said "It's not going to be necessarily 20 or 30 years away, it's going to be a lot quicker than that". So he said "We need to be prepared and essentially we just need to learn". I am not going to steal Nik's thunder, he'll go through that, he probably knows more about me on that one. But basically, at Tax Intelligence, we have to be aware and we have to make sure we work with you understanding what's coming upon the earth.

The ATO is cracking down on overseas. I've been saying for a long time by 2008/2010 I think tax minimisation in Australia is going to be very, very, very difficult and in some parts, almost impossible. 2004 in Mexico it was openly announced in Mexico that the plan is to bring in a world taxation authority so there can be no more tax havens. The world is changing fast.

The Roman Empire, things got tougher and tougher. The more bankrupt governments get the more desperate they get, the more they crack the whip. The Bible says almost everyone will be forced to have an economic mark on the right hand and forehead. The Australian ID card is a further step in that direction. Now they say it's not compulsory but let me ask you something, if you have it to get Medicare benefits, is it effectively compulsory for most people? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Interestingly, when you look at Revelations, which we will go into shortly; this is just about the economic crash said by a bank President, said "Great wealth transfer is going to happen in that period". Revelations says "He calls all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand and foreheads that no man might buy or sell without the mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name".

That's essentially where things are going. That's the plan and that means when you look at the Greek word for actually having a mark in that, which I have a fairly extensive analysis of this passage - it actually means as much economically compulsory as tangibly, in other words it doesn't necessarily have to be a law that you must have it or you die, it can be just simply economically compulsory to survive.

"Here is wisdom, let him who has understanding count the number of the beast for that's the number of a man, 666". As you can see, this is where it's going and we need to be ready for this and we need to know where it's going and what's happening. The technology is already well and truly in place and has been for some time. A client of mine recently told me he was in America and a financial adviser told him, "Invest in Lithium, invest in Lithium". You're going to find out why in a minute.

Mondex has prepared the smartcard technology which has chips. It is happening in the world right now. Mondex do not deny it. They have a huge section on their website about it. I might add, it is quite amusing, have a read of the Mondex website, where they go through and try to argue that the whole thing is not biblical prophecy and it has got nothing to do with the Bible. They write like, pages and pages and you can't help thinking "Well why would you write all this stuff if you hadn't got something to hide?" It's very interesting. Mondex.

Interestingly, the word "money", money implanted in your hand", that's Mondex. The actual word means "money implanted in your hand". I've actually copied a couple of slides from the web, from their presentation on this. "Being used by the wealthy to help prevent kidnapping" and it's obviously - remember, it will be brought in purely on the basis that it's going to help you.

Look, if someone came in with a horn, dressed as Satan and said "I'm here to breathe fire and destroy you" would we all say "Yes"? No. It says "Comes as an angel of light", in other words anything that's going to come in to bring control will come in a very nice, beautiful package that looks good for your security and your protection. "We're the government, we're here to help you, we're here to help your needs, we're here to nurture you through these times. We're here to just put a nice little chip upon you and monitor everything you do and have cameras on the TV's in the homes and that's okay, we're here to help you".

A US patent was registered in 1999 for this technology. Now Lithium, why do I say Lithium? The chips are actually made by Lithium. My friend was telling me his financial adviser told him invest in Lithium because he said that's basically what everyone is going to have to have them in about five or 10 years from now, you'll make millions. He was in a shopping Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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centre which he didn't realise was used for a trial project where people were walking through, lifting their hand up at the scanner and being scanned.

Child care centres right now are doing it to tip people to protect from kidnapping, so it's happening right now, this moment. More and more companies deliberately use 666 in their addresses. It's fascinating. You go through the website and find out how many companies are deliberately changing over to it.

Section 666 of the US Social Security Act, very interesting. This requires every US State, it's a condition of Federal Revenue sharing to effectively obtain the number and the name before they can obtain State services. Who is starting to see this beast? A licence to work, licence to drive, licence to - in other words, everything you do, go to the toilet you've got to get a licence; blow your nose you've got to get a licence.

The ultimate in disempowering and really what that Revelations scripture is all about is the ultimate in disempowerment and ultimately completely walking away from responsibility and being empowered and putting yourself under a system or structure or fiction or illusion to sustain and nurture you, because that's what effectively is the aim.

Section 666 expressly covers compulsory DNA testing, garnishee orders on wages, credit reporting, so we're starting to see - and remember, the more you understand spiritual laws, that's not for this session, you will see these things are a clue. When you see that numbers, everything, there's a spiritual connection and significance in all things, you will start to see things and pick the clues. The wealthy, I might add, have a very good understanding of spiritual laws, a very good understanding.

Section 1650 of the Tax Act gives power to lying. Who knew that? I will read one part of it:

"The Commissioner may treat an event that actually happened as not having happened."

The Commissioner can make the whole thing up. Who likes that? The Commissioner can come to your business and say "We’re going to pretend that you've made a $10 million sale to Warren Black and you'll pay us $1 million GST, thank you very much". That's what it says. They can. I don't know any case where they have, but they can.

Who has seen the 666 at the back of the United Nations conference?

What is the real purpose of tax? Social services, don’t you believe it for one minute, it's an illusion. Tax and fractional reserve banking that Nik taught you this morning go hand in hand. If you don't believe me would you believe the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank? No, because he openly, by his own mouth, admitted that a government can easily Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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print all the paper money it needs; income tax is purely to take money out of circulation to stop inflation going out of control.

In other words, if there's $100 billion in circulation and suddenly it was $150 billion because they've created 50 billion more, what is going to happen to inflation? 50 per cent up. But if you take $40 million out through income tax it will only be 10 per cent.

So by their own admission, it's purely a way of getting money out, so in other words where's the wealth basically where are they trying to get the wealth to go? Banks. There will be a greater increase in oppression of income tax and tax generally in the western world over the next five to 15 years.

But taxes will be obsolete. Now it's a big statement, I know, but in 20 to 50 years' time they will be gone, because there is going to be such a shift in the age coming upon the earth spiritually and what's going to happen and the prosperity that's coming, and if you read ancient spiritual writings you will find there is a lot that has been said about this; the Mayans and a whole lot of others. The age we're coming into, that will be gone, which means we have to be prepared, ready for that age to see where it's going and I can't go into all that at this time because of the lack of time, but that's where it's going.

Who likes the idea of no ATO? -- Yes.

Absolutely. I might add, many of the most prosperous countries in the world in history did not have taxes. Isaiah 33, the second part, "Where is the scribe, the receiver to count the towers" - that was an ancient language for tax collector, talking about - "Your eyes will see the King in his beauty, you will see the land", you will no longer, in other words, see tax collectors oppressing and plundering you. That is where it's going. Tax is a fiction, an illusion.

So in summary what are we about? We're committed to helping you in the present, that's what's coming. In the present though, for you to be grounded today in your tax responsibilities and obligations to moving forward but guess what, we're looking ahead to get ready for what's coming. We're thinking years ahead. We're not just thinking three months ahead, six months ahead which in my experience working in law firms, generally you're thinking the now, six months' time. We're thinking "Where is this going for the next 10, 20 years?"

Who wants to go to the bigger picture? Businesses in the coming age need to know spiritual laws as much as they need to know business laws to prosper and we help you with that as well, as part of our business. So in summary, we're grounded in the present but we've a strong spiritual foundation to take your business into the future equipped to face challenges ahead. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

TOM HUA Internet eBook Riches Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

MC: Would you please welcome to the stage, one of the


sharpest, and most respected Internet Marketers; M Mr Tom Hua.

Tom Hua operates his amazzing global

TOM HUA: Thank you Brian. Thank you, very much. Good

Australia and shares his uniique

evening. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is my absolute pleasure

strategies, proven by his ow wn hands-on

Internet businesses from Meelbourne

to be here, to be able to speak to you th his evening. May I ask; how many of you already have a websitte? That’s fantastic.

experience, for building perssonal wealth by leveraging the power of the Internet. Tom has h already changed the lives of thousands around the world d, helping them to become

Thank you. How many of you don’t havve a website yet? Than

successful in their own Interrnet adventures.

k you too. Let me tell you this; everyone e one of you, all of you, no matter whether you raised your righ ht hand or left hand,

Millions of people have visitted Tom's websites; hundreds of

you have to raise one of your hands, rig ght?

thousands of websites featu ure his products and services. His own Internet Businesses gen nerate millions of dollars in

You are all in the right place at the rig ght time. Because the

revenue each year, and are sstill growing steadily.

information I’m going to share with you u in the next hour and He has been called the “Prin nce of Over-Delivery” and “the

a-half is going to take your business to the next level, if you already have a website or it can help yo ou to set up your online business in the absolute right direction, without any

Godfather of eBooks”. He's written w some best-sellers himself and also published over 100 0 eBooks. And that's just part of Tom's portfolio of successful Internet businesses

confusion whatsoever if you don’t have e a website yet.

Now, before we get started, I have to confess, you already can tell that I’m very nervous be ecause I’m not one of those professionally trained public speakers, therefore, t I won’t be able to entertain you. I will not aask you to stand up and give a massage to the person sitting next to you and so on, BUT I know Internet business, inside out. Therefore, I want you to ntion as much as you possibly can. participate, and I want you to pay atten

The information I am going to share with w you is going to change your life, potentially. It’s so powerful, so valuable. So, I want you to pay attention. I have a couple of rules I would like you to agree with me on.

d on those big screens, you don’t have to takke notes, because I’m going to First of all, if you see anything that is displayed make this entire Powerpoint presentatiion available for you to download from a website add dress which will be giving towards the end of my presentation so you can download it, you don’t have to take your tim me to write down any notes. Is that good or not? -- Yes!

m information is far more important than just taking notes, I want you to spend Thank you. So, this way – because to me your time and energy, paying attention n to what I have to say to you so you understand bettter, rather than writing notes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

Rule number 2: Although I am not a good entertainer if you did hear anything that is funny at all, I still want you to laugh as loud as you can, because that relaxes me, so if you take the nerves away from me, I can share with you more, right?

Rule number 3: If you hear anything that is useful, that makes sense to you, that you can apply immediately to help your business, on line, or off line, I want you to clap as hard as you can. The more you clap, the more I’m going to share with you, is that cool? Thank you!

Okay, let’s get into it. What we are going to cover today?

First of all, we are going to discuss a little bit about the power of the Internet. We all know the Internet is so powerful, it’s phenomenal. Internet gives us opportunities we never had before, so this is what we’re going to talk about first. I’m going to give you also lots of examples of real people making money on line. I’ll give you their photographs, their email, their website addresses that you can verify.

On top of that I’m going to give you a very simple system. This is actually the foundation of any kind of successful business on the Internet, any successful website, they all stick with this simple system and the good news is this simple system is no more complicated than 1, 2, 3. So, if you take nothing home, take this simple system. This can guarantee your success on the Internet. Do you like that? Thank you.

And on top of that, of course, I’m going to give you the most powerful traffic generating system. “Traffic” means people come to your website because that is critical because no matter how good your website looks, what product you have, if no-one comes to your website, you won’t have an online business.

So, this is the most important element of your online business. I will teach you a method that’s got nothing to do with search engines, got nothing to do with anything else but viral marketing. This can speed your online business, by 10 times.

I’ve done this many times using this technique. That’s how I’ve got 10’s of thousands of websites today still selling and recommending my products and services. Would you like that as well?

I will also give you lots of tools throughout my presentation. Lots of website addresses and so on will be displayed on the big screen which you don’t have to write down that will help you to put everything together in the right place, so that you don’t have to spend all the time, to do all this research. I’ve already done this for you. Would you like that as well? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

Thank you. Okay, let’s get into it.

Why Internet business? Let’s look at some simple facts.

Fact number 1: There are over 1 billion Internet users today, worldwide. One billion people from every corner of the planet. People are getting online, getting onto the Internet, searching for all kinds of information.

Fact number 2: Last year, more than 250 billion searches were done through the Internet. People are looking for information, again on the Internet.

Fact number 3: Over $170 billion worth of goods and services were sold over the Internet last year alone. 170 billion. How much do you need to become successful on the Internet? You only need a very, very tiny slice of this huge pie to become a successful business person on the Internet.

More facts.

Fact number 4: In 2006, 200 million more customers went online and experts say that by 2010, we’ll have 2 billion people on the Internet.

Fact number 5: Total Internet sales will increase another 20 percent or more in 2006.

Fact number 6: eBay is one of the most successful websites on the Internet. The first quarter of 2006, this year, $12.5 billion worth of goods and services were sold from their platform. These are not eBay’s products actually, ordinary people, eBay users. They have nearly 200 million registered users at eBay. That’s how powerful the Internet is and this is where the Internet is going at the moment.

Now, let’s ask ourselves, “Why Internet business?”

Reason Number 1: The reason why; the Internet is the most powerful medium human history has EVER seen. We never had anything so powerful as the Internet in our history. There are more people going onto the Internet than watching TV. More people than listening to radio, reading newspaper, reading magazines. Everybody’s spending more and more time on the Internet today than ever used to be and we will have more and more people getting on the Internet every single day.

Reason number 2: Internet business is the most appropriate for business, the reason is, we are going to recommend and teach you how to develop those information products which will cost you nothing to produce in additional units. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

Who is the richest man on this planet? -- Bill Gates.

Bill Gates. What does he sell? Software. That’s the biggest secret of becoming really, really rich without having to spend a lot of money because as soon as information products, such as a piece of software is developed, now it’s up to you to sell to the masses. If you can sell your information product to 100 people, it won’t make you rich, if you can sell it to 1,000, no big deal, but if you can sell it to the billions, then you can become very, very rich.

Now, that’s the secret of why Bill Gates is so rich and he is the richest man on the planet today.

Reason number 3: Internet business never stops, even if you are sleeping, because your website is going to be available 24/7. No matter what you do, you can go to sleep, you can go on vacation, your website is ready there to take business, no matter what you do, with or without you.

More reasons.

Reason number 4: Internet business requires very little investment. You don’t have to buy any heavy machinery. You don’t have to renovate your shop. Putting up a website on the Internet is very easy, even kids in primary school can do that. My little girls, you know they are only year 1 and year 2 and they already come back home and say, “Daddy, I want my own domain name.” This is not a big deal at all.

These days we buy a mobile phone, you still have to go through the menu to read so you know which button to push to get where you want to go, putting up a website is just as simple as that. If you’ve never linked before in your life, you think it’s like a miracle, but if you link it once you know, you understand for the rest of your life.

Reason number 5: Internet business has very low risk because you are not going to invest anything in the first place, so what’s the risk? You write an eBook, or you develop a piece of small software, which is done by other people. Often, it doesn’t sell, so what? Get another one up there to change the background colour from blue to yellow of your website. It’s so easy, it’s not like you have to turn a restaurant into a small factory, then you are in big trouble, because then it’s going to cost you thousands, if not 10’s of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars to change your business model, but on the Internet, it can be done in a matter of days.

Reason number 6: Internet business is for everyone. You already realise, my English is still, kind of like broken, because it is my second language.

I came here 16 years ago, with less than nothing. If a guy like me can do it, every single one of you today, in this room today, can do the same or even better. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

Internet is for everyone.

There are some examples of real people, how they’re making money on the Internet. Meet this guy, Charles Stockwell, from Australia. Ex-construction worker but guitar nut. So, he attended World Internet Summit 2004. That was the first time I went on the stage to speak to the public only because I was making too much money.

February 2004, we had our World Internet Summit first time in Sydney, Australia. After that, we’ve done it 14 times in 7 different countries. Now, that was the first time and he attended that seminar and he went home and wrote his own eBook, “How to play guitar”, and started video recording himself, teaching you how to play guitar and turned them into DVD’s and sell them on eBay at US$27.

Still works part-time today but earns US$500 a week from home online and uses this income to pay off his investment home. Okay. $500 US dollars is nothing you think, right? But it’s nice additional income, imagine what kind of investment property you need to have to generate that kind of income, and this doesn’t have any hassle with a tenant or real estate agent.

Okay. Meet this guy, Scott Wilson, from New Zealand. D grade student. Failed at multi-level marketing. Attended World Internet Summit 2005. Went home and applied only one secret that we taught him, used some eBooks that we give attendees the rights to sell; charged US$37 a month to access these books, made US$1,400 within 30 days after the event using a free advertising site. Using a second secret we taught him for the resale licence to an information product where he kept 100 percent of the profit and he had others selling for him for a commission that he pays them and made US$1,500 in a month. Yet it takes no work at all after it’s set up, now he’s ready to leave his job.

Meet this guy, Matthew Taylor from New Zealand; ex soldier, attended World Internet Summit 2004 in Sydney also and he went home and immediately started using one – just one secret we gave him, created a website and generated an income from $400 to $1,000 a month out of nothing, inside of four weeks after the seminar. Then he turned his little idea into a $95,000 income a year business. Then he turned another idea into a business, earning him as much as $17,000 a week.

Now, meet this guy, Mr Piermont, from Australia, 24 years old only, with no Internet experience at all, used a product we taught him – wrote an eBook without writing a single word, like what I do all the time; sells for US$29.97 on the Internet and he’s grown his customer database from zero to 2,780 people in just 5 months. Now, he makes USD$4,000 a month, speaks in Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

Meet this guy, Patrick Chan, from Malaysia, a student of mine, 26 years old only, no college degree at all, failed as a greeting card salesman poorly, now sells self-help eBooks and CD's on the Internet for $97 each and 78 percent of his Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

customers are from the United States and the first Malaysian to speak at our very famous World Internet Summit event, now makes over $6,000 a week.

Meet this guy, Joe Hamock from Singapore, another student of mine as well, 27 year old, he started his Internet business part-time during college, partnered with big name experts like myself and become a joint venture expert, also utilising another secret, called copywriting.

Now, he gets paid $15,000 to write a sales letter and based on his sales over the month gets US$86,000 and he is another featured speaker at our World Internet Summit.

Meet this guy, Mike Filsaime from the United States, creator of Butterfly Marketing System, building a customer database system at 500 people a day, over 300,000 members he’s got and regularly makes over $50,000 a week in and out. Creator of one of the fastest selling home study courses in the Internet industry. Sold $1,000,000 of that course inside of five days.

Another featured speaker at our World Internet Summit event. Meet this guy Derek Gehl from Canada, no marketing background, no college degree, turned $25 into over 50 million online sales, attracts over 23 million visitors a year to his websites; sells CD's; eBooks, DVD’s, manuals and seminars, and he made over $12 million last year.

His website is very famous, called . If you type “internet marketing” and Google his website is listed number 1 or number 2 ; another featured speaker at our World Internet Summit event.

Now, meet this guy, his name is Tom Hua, originally from China, now living in Australia, and he started with less than nothing. He borrowed a lot of money before he came here, published hundreds of eBooks, now owns one of the largest eBook distribution networks on line and he also developed one of the first membership websites on the Internet. He owns also the fastest growing website hosting company in Australia and he is a viral marketing expert – millions of visitors went to his websites and thousands of people around the world joining his program become successful online. He’s pulling $2.3 million in 2005 alone and he’s one of the co-founders of the World Internet Summit. Thank you.

Let’s take a look at some of the examples of my work. I wrote in a little booklet called “Working with ClickBank”. Back then, ClickBank is one of those service providers that allow everyone on this planet who’s got Internet connection to be able to accept credit card payments. You see, normally you need a merchant account, you need an application and so on, to be able to accept a credit card payment, but on the Internet, ClickBank is one of those companies that give you the facility, you don’t have to have a merchant account, all you have to do is sign up an account with them so that you can accept payment on line from anyone who’s got a credit card. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

This is how it works. They process the payment on behalf of you, and after 30 days, they send you a cheque if everything is okay. So, this takes the risk away from online transactions, for both the seller and the buyers. Now, they had a contest back then in 2000, they asked every one of us - back then they had 110,000 affiliates with ClickBank, some of them have an account with them. They ask us to promote their services to the world, to everyone else on this planet, and I thought, “Okay, I want to do this too.”

So, I wrote this little booklet called, “Working with ClickBank”, simply providing step-by-step instructions of how to set up an account with ClickBank, as simple as that, nothing fancy, nothing special at all. But inside of that book, I put my affiliate link, asked them to sign up an account with ClickBank; therefore, I receive commission, right?

Now, take a look at today. Do a search at Google, live, do exact search with quotations, “working with ClickBank”, now you can see that. There are still 16,000 websites today, 16,400 website, as we speak, right now, selling this booklet.

Now, take a look at Yahoo. These are only the websites still selling this booklet today. How many have we got? 9,700 websites. There are many, many more, many hundreds, thousands of more customers who’ve got that booklet, they’ve just used it without selling it. These are the websites still selling that booklet right now as we speak, you can see how powerful the Internet can be.

Now, I become the winner of that ClickBank contest, being a little Asian, you know, being able to outperform all the Americans, all the British, and all the Australians, I felt really, you know, proud of it, because if I know that the Internet can do this for me, trust me, wholeheartedly I believe you can do better than I did, you know!

This is the result, the direct result of viral marketing technique. Take a look at another example. I put out for free to sell eBook package, I named it very uniquely, called it “Free to Sell”. Everyone that’s got a copy has the rights to sell – free to sell – sell to the rest of the world.

So, take another look. Google. “Free to Sell” is a very unique word, you can’t get it confused. eBay also got this adwords there for some reason. Someone’s selling that booklet on eBay. 18,300 websites are still selling that “Free to Sell” eBook package today. Yahoo. 30, 200 websites today, still selling this exact eBook package I put out there many years ago. That was in 2000, so that was like six years ago and again I become the winner of many contests throughout this eBook, I recommended many, many, affiliate programs.

I recommend those used for reliable Google services to other people, therefore, as a result I received commission and I used to receive many thousands of dollars every single month. After this many years I was recommending this “Host for Profit” service. Back then, all the big Internet marketers, every single one of them was promoting “Host for Profit”, some of them putting banners on their website, they got a lot of traffic through those websites, and some of them were sending Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

newsletters to their huge database, but this, again, made me the winner of that “Host for Profit” contest, and even today because that was a website hosting service I recommended, today I run my own website hosting business.

We started 2 and a-half years ago, from that point on I became kind of like competitor of “Host for Profit”, I stopped promoting website hosting service altogether, but because the result of this package went so far, reached you know many, many people I wouldn't imagine I was able to reach as a result of viral marketing.

Today I still receive more than US$1,000 commission from this company alone, every single month because of the results. I mean I didn’t want to promote it anymore but the money still keep coming, because this book is touching everyone, everywhere, every corner of the Internet without my knowledge. O.k. Isn't that beautiful. Imagine what it can do to your business and this can happen to you, exactly, if you know how to do it.

Of course, I have an eBook hosting network that’s one of the largest eBook distribution networks on the Internet today and I own this very successful website hosting company,

Last year, I set up a software company in China called we developed software projects whether it’s web based or desk top application, we can do any software project for you. So we get ready for you to develop your very own products, and also we provide professional translation service, between English and Chinese, two-way, because you know you want to tap into this huge market of 1.3 billion people, if you don’t ever think about this market in China, then you're missing out on quite a bit. If it’s not for you, you still have to take a look, then you decide, “Okay, I’ll leave it for now.” Perhaps later, because all the big companies are going there and this gives the bridge to get to that market.

There are a couple of websites and email addresses where you can contact my company, and of course I founded this World Internet Summit event, and throughout the event - yes, we pick a person from the audience and we develop a product and put up a website for him, and we promote it for him and within 72 hours – this is a four day program – within 72 hours we’ve made 10’s of thousands of dollars.

We did it in Australia, we did it in United States, we did it in the UK, we did it in Singapore, we did it in very many places and you’ll have opportunities to access this seminar as well.

Now, I did it, obviously, many of my friends and my students are doing it too. And you, every single one of you – I’m talking to you, you can do exactly the same or even better.

The only thing between you and where you want to be, or where those guys are, is the knowledge. That’s it. Nothing else. Doesn’t require heavy investment, doesn’t require any special skills, it’s the common knowledge of online business being successful, or coming on a very, very simple system and this is what we are here for. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

So, now, let’s jump into it. A very simple system. You take a look at all the successful websites, regardless of whether they are big or small, or they are in Australia or global. They’re all coming down to those three key elements. This is what I call a foundation of any online business.

You need three things, no more, no less.

First of all, you need a product. You have to have something that you can be able to sell to the others before you can have a business. As simple as that. You have to have something that people are looking for online. People are willing to pay money for before you can have a successful online business. Isn't that simple enough?

On top of that, number 2, you need a website. Website is where your online business lives. This is your storefront; this is like your business. Offline you might have a restaurant, you might have a small shop, you might have an office, on the Internet you have website, that is all you need for you to introduce your product or services to your prospective customers. That does a job like a salesman. The beautiful thing about the website is it runs automatically, if you set it up correctly. You don’t have to be there.

No one has to be there, all you have to do is, the next morning you wake up and check your emails, see how many sales notifications you received, and if there’s anything a customer specially wanted to know, then you reply, if you wanted to, or if you already having huge volume of sales, you can just simply ignore those. Yes. Your time is limited, right? You want to spend your time for those most productive and profitable tasks, if you had a choice, you spend your time; you make most profitable money that you can make.

Now, on top of that, the only thing, the only thing that you need to complete your online business is the traffic. “Traffic” means that people come to your website. Think about it. If you had a product that people are looking for online, many people already know billings, searches – people are looking for all kind of information on the Internet.

It will surprise you, one day I did an example in Singapore, I typed in “dog” in one of the marketing research tools, I’ll be giving to you very soon. And I discovered that millions of people search for a keyword called “Dog”. Yes, I can understand that no problems, but at the same time, it tells me there are 10’s of thousands of people looking for a key phrase called “Dog food recipe”.

I mean, that surprised me, because I never cooked for my life, I always had someone cook for me and I never could imagine that someone would be looking for a dog food recipe so that they can cook a nice meal for their dog. People are looking for all sorts of strange – you think they are strange information on the Internet, but again, as I said, out of 200 some building searches, how many do you need? 0.01 percent, that’s all you need to be able to become successful on the Internet. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

Imagine, if you had something people are looking for online, people are willing to pay money for, then you had a website that simply explained the benefit of that particular product or service on top of that you bring in prospective customers to that website. People read your sales page, they’re happy with it, they click the button, they buy it, the money goes into your account, as simple as that.

You think Internet business is a miracle. It’s a phenomenon, it’s very powerful, yes, but it’s not complicated. It’s not difficult at all, if you understand the principles.

Okay, let’s take a deep look at each product. There are many, many different ways of getting product on the Internet, of course. Internet is huge; it’s so big it’s beyond your imagination. You need to explore all the possibilities; it gives you more opportunities than any other conventional business model that you ever come across in your life.

I’m going to only cover those most common and most effective ways of developing products today with you.

First of all, you can join other people’s affiliate programs, which means there are many websites they’re selling products. You can join their affiliate program, so that you sell other people’s products without having to develop one and all you need to do is send visitors to this websites and these websites will pay you commission as a result of the sales you bring to them, as simple as that.

There’s a problem, this you can start instantly, you don’t have to develop product, you don’t have to develop your website, everything can be done instantly but you have very little control over the entire process, because this is other people’s products. You have no control with the quality of the product and you have no control with the payment processing and you have no control with customer support, but yet again, it’s a nice way of starting your Internet business.

Now, there is a better way of course, you can purchase a resale licence, which means you buy the licence to the product that other people have already developed for you, most of the time, they give you the product that you can download but also they give you a pre-developed website that you can use and sell. Often you can keep 100 percent of the money.

Now, this you can start instantly and you have better control because now you have access to the product, you download the product, you have a look at the product, only if you are happy with the product then you sell and you process your payment, and you provide customers support and you know, services, so you have a much better control than joining other people’s affiliate programs.

The only problem here is, a resale licence could be expensive. Let me ask you – how much do you think normally a piece of small software or, say, an eBook would be sold for on the Internet? How much normally? Any ideas? Yes $27 - Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

$29.97. Well, is that fair to say, anywhere between $20 to $100 range depending on how big the eBook is and what topic it is right? Anywhere between $20 to $100?

Now, how much do you think a decent resale licence would cost you? Any idea? Yes, could be a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, because now, you have the licence to sell the products as many times as you want, potentially you can sell unlimited times and keep all the money without having to produce anything. All you need to do is provide and download the link. This is how it’s done normally, just after the payment processing is finished, simply say, “thank you very much for your purchase, click here to download your software to download your eBook.”

It is as simple as that. You don’t even have to know someone has got the product. The next day you wake up, “Okay, notification, “sold, sold, sold, sold, sold.” You don’t even have to read them because each one of them is identical, just letting you know you sold one more copy, you just collect all these emails and file them in somewhere, you know, in case someone come back and say, “Hey, you know, I lost a copy, can you give me another downlink, or something like that.” That’s as simple as it is.

But the good news is I’m going to share with you how you can have access to those quality information products, at very low cost, perhaps about $20 each. Would you be interested in that? Okay. That’s good.

Of course the very best product is your own product. It’s your very own product that is so unique, that has your personality, has your individuality, has your passion in it. This is how you set up your online business and make profit for many, many years to come, so that you are different from anyone else on this planet.

Let’s take a look at this because this has absolute full control over everything. This is going to be your product, you control absolutely everything. You are the boss of your business, exactly.

Okay. Let’s take a look at how you can develop your very own products. First of all, you ask yourself a very important question, one single important question, “What can I sell over the Internet. What can I sell?” And more importantly, what are people willing to buy?

It’s no good just what you want to sell, you might like something, and other people might not. Now, this is a process that you can go through. Ask yourself what are you currently doing? Do you have a job? Do you own a business? Do you think it’s possible to sell something you are already selling offline, over the Internet?

But don’t forget Internet is for information exchange and information exchange only. You cannot sell lipstick or pizza over the Internet, unfortunately. But you can send all kind of information products over the Internet to anyone on this planet, as long as they’ve got an Internet connection. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

So, you ask yourself can you develop some information product that is based on what you are doing over the Internet. For example, if you are running a real estate agency, it is almost impossible to sell a house over the Internet – well, it is impossible to sell a whole house over the Internet and it is very difficult to convince people to send you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the Internet, you can only sell information products.

So, what about you sell some knowledge about real estate? Teach people how to look for the right property for themselves. This way it becomes an information product which is related to what you are currently doing. If you are going to work, or you are running a business, only for sake of making money, now this is opportunity for you to make switch in your life.

Ask yourself, what is your hobby, what is your expertise, what is your passion, what do you love to do even without having to make any money. If you can do something that you love to do, I can almost guarantee you, you’ll work, really, really hard, you’ll enjoy it, and you will become very successful. So ask yourself what you are good at.

You see, before we had the Internet, for ordinary people like you and me, it is almost impossible to share our idea or knowledge with the rest of the world. It costs us too much money to print books, costs us too much money to do advertising to let people know who we are, but with Internet, it made it possible.

Every single one of us, if you have a great idea, if we have some knowledge that is worthwhile sharing let me tell you, if you have a good idea, if you're only sharing it with your husband or your wife, or your kids, doesn’t have a lot of commission value, does it? And if you share it with your friends or family members, that’s still no big deal, but if you can share your idea with millions of people on this planet, then this idea becomes very, very valuable. It’s not the idea itself, it’s how many people you share that idea with. Make that idea valuable, and at the same time, it can be very, very profitable for you, so that’s the charm behind the Internet business really.

So, the Internet made it possible for everyone of us to share our ideas to the rest of the world.

Now, if you hate your job and you hate your business and you're not good at anything, and you have no passion at all, it’s still not the end of the world. You look around, have a look at your family members, your friends, maybe they have some good idea that is worthwhile sharing. So, this way, they can develop the product, they can because the provider of the content, and you can become the marketer, and you two can become joint venture partners, this way you help him to share his idea or her idea to the rest of the world, as many people as you possibly can to realise the value of that unique idea and you too can both make a lot of money.

Here are some more ideas of developing your own product. What do you believe is popular these days? What do you believe will become very popular very soon? What topics are hot on the TELEVISION programs? What are people talking about on the radio? What are people talking about in the newspaper? What are people talking about in the magazines? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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What are people talking about when they are gathering together, you know, over dinner parties, you know, corporation functions, family gatherings? What are people talking about? Can be an iPod, you know, something people are interested in.

So, this way you get to where the market is going to, and you get there before the mass, then you set up something to sell this mass market and you are in a very good position of making a lot of money.

Very, very important, you need to know what people are exactly searching for online. Lots of unique and special websites that you can go to – I’m going to cover very shortly which will enable you to discover exactly what people are looking for, particularly on the Internet.

So, this is how you do you marketing research. So, now you think you have a good idea, or your family members, or somehow you think this is going to be a killer. Now, are you going to spend all the money and the time to develop it? No.

You need to do your marketing research, so you know this is not something that not only that you want to sell but also something the market love to buy. Now, that is the key. Don’t kid yourself, I had a customer come to me one day say, “I wanted to sell my life story, you know, I wanted to tell them where I came from, where I am now and how I did it and all this.”

So, I said, “Why do you think people are going to be interested in your story?” We all think “we” are the centre of the universe. This is not true, you have to get rid of that and you go to the market and find out exactly what people are willing to buy. Then you create a product and you sell to that market, now you become the centre of that market. It’s not the universe yet.

So, this is what you do. You need to discover the potential of your product, before you even spend any money and time to develop it. You need to know how many people are searching for the topics that are related to your product. You need to know how much competition does the marketplace have for that product and how many websites are offering free content already on the Internet. You can’t sell something that they can get for free easily and you need to see how many websites are selling those similar products so you know what kind of competition you are going to face after you finish your development and you need to know how many websites are using pay per click Search Engine.

I’ll tell you what a pay per click Search Engine is. Google is one of the biggest Search Engines today on the Internet and when you go to Google you do a search, you're type in a keyword, then the results come back.

On the left hand side you’ve got those natural listed websites. On your right hand side you’ve got those links to various websites. These are the results of a program called “Adword” that’s available for website owners so you can go in and buy the keywords and the more you bid, the higher you bid, the better position they give to you, so if Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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you are going to run a website you can buy the keywords from Google as a result and your ad will be displayed to those people who type in that particular keyword.

So, you need to know how many people are buying those keywords, if that is potentially related to the product you are selling so you know what kind of competition you are going to face.

Now, Google is not the only one, there are many other websites also providing those similar kinds of program which I’m going to share with you very shortly – is the biggest Search Engine. You go in, see how many websites are listed on the left hand side, which are the websites offering products for free often and is the second largest pay per click Search Engine on the planet. They power search results to Yahoo and Yahoo – I believe Yahoo just purchased it now and they call themselves it “Yahoo Search”.

Now, this covers about 30 percent of Internet users, while Google covers about 70 percent. This gives you a very good indication of what people are looking for online and also how many websites are competing over those keywords, and this one is this is a very unique, very useful website you can go to. This is how I got that dog food recipe keywords from.

You go in, you type in your keyword, it gives you exactly how many searches they have received for the last current month and also give you a list of related keywords to whatever you already typed in. Sometimes you don’t even know those keywords are available for you, many people are looking for, which is highly targeted to your products, so you need to do those kind of market research and also of course, you have a look and see how many websites are listed.

Now, wouldn't that be wonderful if you had a small piece of software that you can put down all your keywords that you are going to do market research and click a button then the results will come back and say, “Okay, 3.1 million websites are listed for free, and also how many websites are competing over pay per click Search Engine and how much they pay, and so on. Isn't that nice?” Right, Good news is I have that software that will be available for you, so you can save hours of market research.

Now, after the market research is done, this is time for you to develop your product. Do you have to develop your product by yourself? Absolutely not. I have published hundreds of eBooks and to be honest, I never wrote any single one of them. Some of them, I did a very rough copy, such as, working with ClickBank is a very special example but I still got some people, you know to go through, make sure the English is smooth and there’s no grammar mistakes and so on, but make many of the eBooks that I published, I didn't write them, some of them I never even read.

But I know that people are looking for that kind of information and I know the ghost writer who wrote that book is the expert in that area. That’s all I need to know. I mean, do you really produce anything that you sell? No. You go to a Myers Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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store, you go to David Jones, I don't know what you have here in Perth, and do you think that store develops all the products that they sell? No, they haven’t developed any of them; they only give you a bag to carry them. And that’s what you should do in any business.

Okay, now, we highly recommend that you develop information products. Now, information products can be in written format which is pdf format as an eBook, commonly known, or can be a small piece of software, it can be an audio recording, it can be a video recording, can be a password protected website that you only allow your customer who paid you the money to have access to, which is protected by user name and password, or can be in a paid magazine, we call it an “Ezine”, or an electronic magazine that you send to your customers who pay you the money. So this becomes like a magazine that people pay you a monthly or a weekly fee to receive those valuable information.

So, develop your very own product, if you are an expert, if you decide to share your own knowledge, the market research has proven that idea is hot and people are willing to pay money for it.

Now, you can write your eBook in plain Word document, then you upload to this place, , it will come back with a pdf format that is ready, and this is important you can also cover Macintosh users because they can read pdf format across the Internet.

And if you are going to do some work with your family member or friends, this is how you work with them, you let them provide you the content, and again, you have the knowledge. You say, “Hey don’t worry, you just write it in word and I’ll convert it to pdf format for you” and so on.

You can also hire someone that you don’t know, don’t know at all to develop your product. There are ghost writers, that’s what they call them, and trust me, many, many world famous books are written by someone else. Trust me, do you believe me or not?

There are many, many people, thousands of them, tens of thousands of people, an example of this website, people come from everywhere on the planet waiting for you to give them a job, some people just love to write. This is their passion. You give them a topic, they’ll research. Of course, each one of them has a different area of expertise. You need to select those ones that know about your topic and they go and do all the research, and they write this book for you, and you become the author of that book not them at all.

And often it’s very cheap, because Elance is acting like an agent, kind of like eBay, a very successful website, they are in the middle and you post your project. You say, “I want to write a book about Chinese food – Chinese martial arts, or dog food recipes” for example, then many of the ghost writers will come to bid for that project. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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They say, “I’ll do it for $1,000” and the others say, “I’ll do it for $800”, and the other guy says, “I’ll do it for $500.” You know, reverse auction, and then it’s a benefit for you, so you can get your product developed at a very, very low cost, and they all have a ranking system, as well, so you only pick the ghost writer who’s got experience, who’s got the reputation, who’s got a good ranking at Elance, so you can’t lose. You only pay them 50 percent in the beginning, when the project is received with your satisfaction, then you pay the rest. If anything goes wrong, Elance is there to make sure that everyone does the right thing.

More than that, there are a lot more, is a particularly good website for you to develop your software. And or or is my own company. Of course, we help you to develop any kind of software project, if you want.

Now, this is how you develop your product. Even when your product is being developed, you don’t have to wait till your product comes back, you can already set up your website.

Now, website, again, is very important because that’s where your product gets to meet your market, right? So, you need to make sure everything’s correct. Now, first of all you need a domain name.

Of course, a domain name is as simple as It’s a domain name. is a domain name. I highly recommend, if you do nothing at all after my presentation today, go home, register because now you have the very unique knowledge, you are a very small percentage of people here sacrificing your Sunday night listening to my presentation. You have the capacity, you have the knowledge, you have the skill, to become very successful on the Internet. Don’t let other people register and then come back and sell it to you for a million dollars. And a domain name is very cheap these days.

And is the biggest, and the cheapest domain name registration service on the planet, but I managed to compete, to undercut them. is the domain registration service that I provide because I have hundreds of thousands of customers. I have the buying power and I was lucky enough to strike a deal with the suppliers and each time if you come to my service to register your domain name, it saves you a couple of dollars. No, big deal, but still, I like to do my best to pass the savings on to my customers. Highly recommended. Thank you.

Now, a hosting company is the shop keeper of your website, because you don’t put your website on your PC, your PC can be turned off. What you need to do is to upload your website to one of those big computers that’s we call “servers”, data centres, so that no matter what you do with your PC your website can be accessed by everyone on the Internet.

So, website hosting company is very important to you. You don’t want to host your website with someone you don’t know. I highly recommend that you speak to your colleagues. Speak to your friends, your family members, whoever already has a website and ask them where they hosted their website, because this way you know who is reliable. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Don’t go to those cheap ones, because if anything is too cheap something is wrong, right? Because they’re all very cheap these days, I mean a cheaper one can be $2 a month, expensive one is $20 a month. I mean to me, if you are serious about an Internet business, you better pay a little extra for that extra reliability, because the last thing you want to find is that as soon as you launch your campaign, your website goes down and people can’t even visit your website.

How are you supposed to do your business if your website is not reachable, right? So, this is very, very critical, to find good website hosting company that is reliable. Of course, I highly recommend my own because I’ve been on the Internet for more than 8 years, I know what Internet marketer’s website owners want and I have the financial capacity and technology to know what we want, and I made it as good as can be.

Of course, you need to write sales copy to introduce your product or service to your customers. So you can write your own sales copy of course, you know, just simply expand the benefits of your product or you can use this software called . Brett is another co-founder of World Internet Summit. He’s got a winning formula writing sales copy. He’s a very famous copyrighter. He’s got a formula that he can simply follow by using that software, fill in the blanks, click the button, your sales page will be written in about 30 minutes by the time you finish all these blanks and following his winning formula, so you increase your conversion rate, which means a certain percentage of people come to your website or actually become the buyer.

Or you can use ghost-writing again;; or or, these websites provide ghost writing for sales copy. So, again, you know, $200 or $300 is all it takes normally.

Now, traffic. Traffic is the blood stream of your online business. No matter how good your product is, no matter how beautiful your website looks, if you have no-one come to visit your website, you still won’t have an online business.

Now, there are millions of different ways of generating traffic to your website, here we are going to cover only three most important methods of generating traffic to your website.

First all, Search Engine. That’s what Internet users do every single day, get on to the Internet. They go to their favourite Search Engine and type a keyword, then they find out where they want to go.

Now, Search Engine, unfortunately, Search Engine, is designed for Internet users. It’s not designed for website owners. What makes Google successful? Because they provide most relevant search results. For those guys who type in the keywords. Not for you who want to sell products. Am I correct? That’s the fact. Unfortunately, that’s what Search Engines were designed for. They live, they make profit, they become successful because of one reason, and one reason only, that is they provide a most relevant, accurate, search result for Internet users. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So, to win the Search Engine battle to become listed high at those Search Engines, there’s no tricks, no tips that you can perhaps achieve some results temporarily but in long term, the only way to get your website listed high is to provide what? Most relevant content the Search Engine would like to provide to the people who typed that keyword in.

So, Search Engine, the actual listing, you need some professionals of the professionals to give you guidelines as to what to provide from your website. Most relevant content towards the keywords that you are targeting, to achieve high ranking and this is not a game for everyone.

Honestly, I don’t have enough knowledge to do it myself. But I have the professionals of the profession that I can recommend to you towards the end of the presentation that you can have your website looked at by those people and they know exactly what to do to achieve high ranking at Google, because some of them used to work there, so they know what Search Engines technically look for.

Again, it’s not tricks or anything it’s just a guideline, so you know how to provide relevant content to achieve high ranking and of course you can go to pay per click Search Engines, simply buy – pay for keywords.

Google Adwords is the most popular pay per click Search Engine, Overture is the second largest pay per click Search Engine on the Internet and there is a third one, people haven’t even mentioned Google is great, Google is big, but Google is not everything and if you go to this website here called you can see a list of thousands of smaller pay per click Search Engine that are available for you to use and many of them are often industry related.

So, for example, if you wanted to sell an eBook to a certain niche market again, as I said, you don’t want to become Google, it’s very hard to become Google, right? But all you need is a very tiny slice of this huge pie, and then you become successful.

So, you go to these pay per click Search Engines, they provide you quality traffic at much cheaper rates. You don’t have to compete at Google with many, many other website owners and you just go to those smaller Search Engines and the good news is this website, gives you a list of many, many pay per click Search Engines with their recommendation.

They tell you, they say why you should go here, why you should not go there and often, as soon as you open your account with those smaller pay per click Search Engines, they give you $20 – 50 credit, which means you can start your campaign at no cost at all and if you have plenty of time and you're running a tight budget, pay attention. Don’t forget this, go there, sign up your account with every single one of them, you accumulate about $10,000 worth of free advertising money, isn't that good? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Okay. Search Engines of course are the most effective way of doing it. You get instant traffic but the problem is competition because everyone can go to a Search Engine, you have competition but if you did your market research carefully enough, now you shouldn't have to face that kind of competition altogether to start with.

Okay. The key is to find those golden keywords. Again, I give you another example. Do we have anyone that is under 18 here? No? Yes, we have? So, let me use another example then.

Weight loss, say for example, weight loss, is one of those “hot” keywords, there are millions of searches. Now, if you are selling anything, you don’t want to sell anything that is general about weight loss, you face tough competition. But what about if you sell an information product that is weight loss for 60 plus, weight loss for women, weight loss for new mums, weight loss for babies, weight loss for teenager, weight loss for Asian babies. Do you see what I mean?

So, this way, you narrow down your market. But don’t worry, because there are millions, millions of people out there looking for weight loss. Why do you need the whole lot? You don’t. You narrow it down so that you later target to a smallish market, which is already plenty for your business already and you have very little competition. So, the key here is to find those golden keywords that people are not competing over, so you can establish your place in this market.

Joint venture is the next powerful way of generating traffic to your website. You see with conventional business it’s very hard to form joint venture partners, you go to other people and say, “Hey, can you sell, flowers for me?” Now, then what? You have to ship the flowers. So it was very, very complicated but with the Internet, it’s so easy because all you need is a small piece of software that attracts whoever sends traffic to your website and as a result, only if they sell anything, you give them a commission.

The commission can be very, very handsome because it doesn’t cost you any extra to produce any unit. You see, if you have an eBook that is already developed and you are thinking, how am I going to sell lots of copies of it, what makes sense, is for example, if you did write an eBook called “Dog Food Recipes”. Now, wouldn't that make big sense to approach those big dog training websites?

See, okay. “Now, I know that you have lots of people who are interested in dog topics and I wrote a new eBook that is about dog food recipes, how about if you tell your customers, let them know about my new eBook, then as a result I give you 50% of commission.”

Or give them even 60, or even 80 percent of the sales volume. Because now you can afford - you don’t have to spend any money to produce as many units as this guy can sell for you. Doesn't it make sense to you? And open your mind, because you think, okay, you are giving out 80 percent; perhaps you only receive 20% but so what? Because you can form joint venture with this guy, then you can go to number 2, number 3, number 4, say if you had 20 joint venture partners working with you, each one of them you give 80 percent, aren’t you still the biggest winner of the whole deal, right? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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And with conventional business, you can’t do that right? You can’t give up 80 percent. You say, “Hey, can you sell the flowers for me, I’ll give you 5 percent, 10 percent.” These people not interested today. If you go to them and say, “Hey you sell my eBook which is good quality, I give you 80 percent.” It gives you a much better chance for this guy to say “Yes”, to you because now he knows that he’s going to receive more than you do. Am I correct?

This is why you can make Internet business really powerful. The secret again, comes down to information product. It does not cost you any additional to produce millions of copies if you want.

That gives you almost instant traffic. It’s free, because only if this guy sells, you pay him. If he doesn't sell, you don’t pay him anything. You ask yourself an important question. “Who’s got your potential customer?” Then you go to those people so you can have your high qualified prospective come to your website. They can help you to do that and all you have to do is give them a cut of the sales volume.

Viral traffic, that’s where my expertise comes in, I do this better than anyone else on this planet. Viral traffic. It is not only highly qualified, but also you can often get paid. Not only is it free, but you can also get paid.

Let’s take a deep look at it.

Viral marketing is very powerful, very unique and again, you only need 3 things. No more, no less. First of all, you need a quality information product that with value – when I say “value”, that is provide some solution to some problems, then you distribute it to as many people as you possibly can, from your website to your customer database, or by word of mouth, then you allow others to distribute it to many, many more others, as simple as that.

Now, how it’s done. First of all, you can choose to give a product away for free. You give it away for free, and then you allow other people to give it away for free as well. It goes on, on and on.

Or, you can choose to sell it at a low price. On top of that you allow other people to sell it and keep all the money. Now, the key here is “How do you make everyone want to sell your product to the others?”

You can’t give away rubbish. So, this is what you need to do. So, first of all you need to provide value in the product. Like what I did with working with ClickBank. Without that book, you might spend a week or two to figure out what to do, but with that book, half an hour is all you need. Save people some time, and that has value.

So, anything that can solve people’s problems, deliver some kind of solution. We say that product has value. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Then, you offer full reseller licence to everyone. Every single one of them got a copy of your book to sell to the others and keep all the money. This gives them incentive. Remember how we asked ourselves, “What can we sell on the Internet?”

Every website owner is looking for a quality product so that they can sell to the others, even if they had one product of their own, they need a lot more to sell to the others on an ongoing basis, because all you need to do is send an offer to your customer database, spend five minutes, send them an email, then you can make a profit again.

Now, what you need is quality information products. So, now, if you can provide some information product with value, with quality, let them - allow them to sell to the others – and believe me, many of them work willing to sell it and this is how you make it even more powerful. You give them some incentive. We call it “backend sharing.”

I give you an example to make it clear for you. For example, if you are going to write an eBook about Asian cooking, okay you have Chinese recipe, Malaysian recipes, Japanese recipes, Korean recipes, everything. You collect all the Asian recipes you come up with a really, really big recipe book about Asian cooking.

Now, you wanted to promote that eBook. So what you do is you isolate some examples of Chinese recipes, you develop a smaller product; that’s what we call a viral product. The purpose of this product is not to make you profit but to advertise it – to bring traffic back to your website. So, you call it say “Chinese dinner tonight”, perhaps, right?

Then you allow other people – everyone come to your website to be able to download that eBook for free, or you sell it at a very, very low cost and then on top of that, you allow every single one of them has got a copy of that eBook to be able to sell to the others and keep all the money. This makes people want to sell because it’s for them a ready made product and in that book, obviously you say, “Hey did you like the Chinese recipes that you read here? Please come back to my website so that you can discover what else I’ve got to offer to you.”

So, there’s always a link from that viral eBook back to your website. Now, that thing can become a very powerful piece because your resellers – your resellers, of the resellers of the resellers, can have the opportunity to participate in your affiliate program.

Not only are they going to keep all the money by selling this particular product but knowing that any one of their customer – as a result of reading that first eBook come back to that website, purchasing more – the second, the third, the fourth product from your website, they are going to receive commission.

Doesn't that give them even more incentive to go out and sell your eBook? That’s how you make the eBook even more powerful. So, this is how you offer master reseller licence so that not only they can sell the product but also they can offer others the rights, the licence to sell your eBook as well. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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In other words, you don’t limit the reseller licence to your direct contacts, but also, you allow everyone of your customers, customers, customers, the rights, the same rights to go out and sell your product for you and also you offer a brandable affiliate link in that product. Which means, everyone can come in to replace that affiliate link with their very own so that they sell the product, keep all the cash and also looking forward to ongoing commission.

Again, this commission can go a long, long way after many years, if someone happens to read your eBook and click the link, come to your website, buy your product, this guy still gets your commission. This is what makes a viral system, really really powerful.

I give you another example again. I write it in this format to see if you can understand. This is your eBook, you provide a quality content and to start with, of course, you put a brandable link in that eBook, whether it’s in the beginning of the eBook or towards the very end after customer realise, you know what you are talking about, they are going to click on that book and come back to your website. This is only example, it can be any domain name of your website everyone buys that book from everyone. And everyone brand that link before they sell it, then they sell it again to the others, and everyone click on that link come back to your website and everyone gets commission as a result of any sales from your website.

So, this way, everyone during the process participates in your affiliate program. Everyone benefits and you are going to become the biggest winner at the end.

Did you get some ideas about the viral marketing so far? Thank you. You know I am drinking water because I am nervous. It is true.

Okay. Now you are very special, this is the second time for me to come to Perth. I have hundreds of thousands of customers online, it’s hard for me to meet people, you know, face to face. Because today, really, we can go to the moon but we never visit our neighbour, you know. That’s today’s environment, so you are very special that you sacrifice your Sunday evening to come here to listen to me in person, therefore I’m going to give you some extra tips and knowledge and skill that you can apply immediately. Would you like that?

Okay. Extra tips and secrets. Thank you.

I only tell you the things that I use personally, proven to be working. First of all, test your price. You see, with conventional business it’s very hard to tell what price is going to be the most profitable selling point. Because it’s very complicated, it’s got a lot of the cost of production, the cost of shipment and everything else but on the Internet, it’s so easy. You need to test your price because you might leave lots of money on the table if you don’t do this. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Let me give you an example. If you are selling an eBook at $20 each and you are selling say 10 copies a day, how much are you making? $200; 20 x 10. Now, what happens if you increase that price of that eBook from $20 to $100? Okay. You might only sell 3 copies now because the price is higher, less people want to buy but you still are making more profit, am I correct?-- Yes.

Because out of 3 copies now you don’t care how many copies you sell – all you care is the final figure of how many dollars right? Because at the end of the day it doesn’t t cost you any extra to deliver more or less units.

So, now, if you realise that $100 gives you more profit, now you bring that $20, still do the same testing, exactly the same thing, everything. You set up two web pages exactly the same thing, the only thing different is the price, right? So, this is where you test, you can’t test multiple elements at the same time because you won’t know what contributes to the end result.

So, you keep everything else the same, only the price is different. Now, you realise $100 makes you more profit – what do you do next? You bring the $20 to $30.

Now, $30, because you are selling 3 copies at $100, that gives you $300, of profit, now this $30 price, if you can sell, say – if you sell say 12 copies – so this is $360 out of 12 copies. Am I correct? Now, therefore $30 is a better price point. So, now next thing you need to bring that $100 down to $90, this way you bring them, closer, closer, closer, to see which one the winner to do your finetuning until you reach the maximum pricing point.

Please do it. If you already have a website you need to do this, otherwise you might leave a few hundred dollars on the table while you're sleeping. The only thing you need to change is the price. Okay? Did you like that one?-- Yes.

All right. Thank you. Offer bonus. Again, I’m going to give you some free gifts that are very useful, you can use them as bonuses to enhance your online business. Again, online business – the beauty about this is it doesn't cost you anything extra to produce. So, you need to give customer, value, value, value, value. When you have a written eBook, when you have a piece of software that saves people problems, provides a solution, why don’t you give to your customer as bonuses because it’s not going to cost you anything. This way you give your customer better value, trust me, in business, online, it’s the same, it’s the principle of any business, you give your customers wholeheartedly whatever you have, give them enough value, the result will come back and you will make more profit as a result of that.

So, here is my point. Give them bonus, bonus, bonus, BUT you always leave one bonus out. You don’t list all your bonuses. You say, “If you buy today, I give you bonus number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 PLUS a surprise bonus,” because there are lots of psychological triggers that you need to pull for the customers to become actual buyers. And curiosity is a big one. People like to know what they don’t know, as simple as that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

So, you always say, “I give you a surprise bonus, what it is, I’m not going to tell you unless you buy my products I give to you, because on top of a long list of the bonuses you are already offering - anyway, you give them a surprise bonus. You hardly see that on the Internet, but believe me, if you just take one of the bonuses that you're already offering anyway, leave it as a surprise bonus that will increase your sales, like a charm. Did you like that one as well? -- Yes.

Thank you.

You're going to like this one very much, I believe so. This is an idea how you promote just about any business, even it’s off line business. I give you a very simple example. This can be applied to any business you are running. I use a small restaurant as an example, but this can be applied to just about anything, dry cleaning, just about any small business.

Say, you have about 200 people come to your small restaurant every single day, on average, and you run only 5 days a week and this way you have 1,000 people come to your restaurant every week on average.

So, what you do is ask them to leave their name and email address to you, just before they pay for the bill. You give them, perhaps 10 percent discount, you say, “Did you enjoy your dinner, Sir? How about if I give you 10 percent discount, you give me your name and email address.” Give them a simple registration form, make it as easy as possible; “So that we can let you know if we have any specials, you know, promotions going on to say you more money when you come to our restaurant.”

This way, say, if out of a thousand people very week, only 20 of them take the offer, you have 200 people join your edatabase, out of a year, if you run your small business for 50 weeks a year, you take 2 weeks off, then you have 10,000 join your e-database. When I say “e-database” that’s a database with email address. This is SO important, because you don’t want to spend money to print material and to post it to them, and often they get chucked into the rubbish anyway.

BUT, with an email address, you don't care how many percentage of them are going to read them because it’s not going to cost you anything to send them an email promotion to these customers and this is not SPAM because each one of them have chosen to leave their name and email address with you so you can let them know if there’s anything that is valuable to them.

So, now you can send a special promotion to 10,000 customers at any time you want, at almost no cost. Five minutes. You write them an email with a promotion, if you know the next two weeks your restaurant is going to be quiet because you know which time during the year is hot and which season is not, right?

And before that happens, you send them an email saying, “You know, from this day to that day we are running a special and if you book your seat today, then we give you a free bottle of house wine,” or whatever. I’m sure as small business owners; you know how to put these small things together to attract your customers. But the secret here is now, that you Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

don’t have to spend any money to send that information to 10,000 customers. All you need is 5 minutes. Write an email; click a button, that message can go to all of your customers.

So, say, 20 percent of them only, took your offer, you have 2,000 extra customers come to your door, come to your small restaurant, as we say. How many customers you normally have? About 1,000 a week, now this will give you 2 weeks of business without having to rely on anything else but a single click of button, isn't that wonderful?

And we can make it even more powerful, look at this. How about if you offer then offer 10 percent discount voucher for their next visit. Say, “Please, come back, I’ll give you 10 percent discount” and ask them to pass that discount voucher to their friends and don’t forget to print your website address on that discount voucher that they are going to pass around and invite everyone, even before they come to your restaurant, physically, to visit your website, to join your e-database, in return, you let them print discount vouchers from your website.

They don’t’ have to come to restaurant anymore, they come to your website, give your name, email address, the next thing they see is a discount voucher and they print it from their own printer, and you can ask them to tell their friends, tell them, “here is a restaurant, they offering you this, before you go out anywhere eat, why don’t you check this out.” This way, you grow your email-database, trust me, if you are running a small restaurant and this guy next door, that didn't come to this seminar, is going to wonder why you have flat out customers coming to your door, whenever you like. Isn't that useful?

Trust me, this can be applied – does it have to be a restaurant? No. Can be any business – more e-business ideas. Create an eBook based on what you are currently doing. I’m still using this example, for example, you are a real estate agent. You know exactly what you are doing – you got experience about property purchasing, selling and so on. So why don’t you write an eBook, simple call it “107 Dirty Secrets Real Estate Agents Hate You To Know. Read this report before you sell or buy your next property, or you lose thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars.”

Do you think that’s going to be a valuable information product? Yes. Ordinary people, they don’t buy houses every single week. They only do it twice, or three times – five times in their life time. They’ve got no idea what they have to watch out for. Makes great sense for them to read an eBook that is written by a professional real estate agent, telling them what they have to look out for and this way, you sell it over the Internet, it can become your cash generating machine, while you sleep.

You might end up not having to deal with houses, you know, any more if you sell 100 copies every single day at $27 that gives you $2,700 profit, while you sleep. Why should you go to the houses that are open for inspection and so on, BUT you can use this eBook to generate lots of leads to your business, if you are already running an offline business such as real estate. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Tom Hua Internet eBook Riches

After they read your report, read your eBook, and they like what they read and they think, “Well, yes, this guy knows what he’s talking about, next time when I sell or buy my house, I better go to him.” Right? Because again, you provide some valuable information – you deliver value already, so your customer will be in good mood, because they trust you now, they give you your business.

So, not only you can use this as a cash generator, you can choose to give it away for free from your website, if you want, and ask your customers to give to their friends and family members, so that brings you lots more leads to your existing offline business.

Is that useful as well? Thank you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

NIK HALIK Wealth Intelligence 101 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

NIK HALIK: Okay, this is where it all staarts. Now, this a very,


very high content-rich session. So I do encourage e you to write

under Nik Halik, is the CEO and Fou

down as many notes as possible; is thatt okay? -- Yes, it is.

of Financial Freedom Institu ute (FFI). Nik became a multi-milliona aire and

Okay, so we need to be players. We do o not need to be spectators here, folks. We are going to go g really, really, really

amassed great wealth throu ugh savvy investments in Properrty and the Stock Market.

fast over here. Now, this is going to be an a amazing session because let me tell you right now and I’’ll just pull up a bar stool over here so we can all communiccate. See, look, we’re all

His current investment strattegies continue to consist of asset accumulation through Prop perty and Cash Flow generation through the Global Stock Market.

here for a specific reason; is that correctt? -- Yes. Success has allowed Nik Hallik to afford a number of real life

Okay, why are we here? -- We want to be b millionaires.

adventures, including leadin ng expeditions to Antarctica, Africa and the Amazon, sum mmiting several of the world’s

Well, we want to be millionaires. Okaay, let’s be more specific. Let’s be a lot more definitive in n regards to what we want to accomplish in our lives and what have you, because, let me tell you right now irrespective off which course or which studies or which home study or whatevver strategy you’re

highest peaks, traveling fivee miles below the ocean’s surface in a submersible to visit the Titanic and chasing storms in the Midwest United States’ Tornado T Alley.

In recent years he has comp pleted Zero Gravity flights and flown to the edge of space in n a MiG fighter jet. In February

going to incorporate in your life unless you have one specific

2008 Nik will be joining Rich hard Garriott as his back-up for

thing nothing will change in your life an nd I can guarantee you

the October 2008 mission to o the International Space Station.


erybody overlooks is something we’re going to unveiil in this particular session and And I can tell you right now what eve it is so important, it is so pinnacle, that I encourage you to take as many notes and more so importantly I want you to share this with the person next to you, to the left or right of you, because by sharing with th he individual next to you you’ll d distinctions in regards to how to take your liife to a whole new level of also take on and absorb and embrace different awareness.

Now, awareness is the key over here because b we want to raise our level of awareness and we want to operate on a different energy cycle. That way we gett to absorb and that way we start to understand som mething called “the system” which is what this particular presentatio on is all about. So how are we going so far? Say “yes””? -- Yes.

Wonderful – very, very, very important over here.

Now, allow me to start this particular presentation. Also, folks, throughout the day – in facct, I’ve got another session after lunch – you will also find out abou ut my story, my life story, my actual journey in life and d what have you and the reality is this: I’m not genetically differe ent to any person in this room. I simply took massive action. I was enlightened with Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

specialised knowledge as opposed to irrelevant data or irrelevant general knowledge that we’re basically spoon-fed in the educational schooling system. Who understands what I mean? -- Yes.

Folks, this is education, right: learn how to speak, read and write in your chosen language and then simply seek specialised knowledge, fact. Now, let me continue over here.

This particular session is called The Wealth Intelligence 101 session over here. This is where we start to break down the entire concept about what is money. How will we attract money into our lives and more so importantly how are we going to manifest the prosperity that we all deserve?

First up, some licensing and accreditation information there for your perusal. Ladies and gentlemen, “today is the first day of the rest of your life”. The great discovery of our age will be that a person can change their financial thinking and thereby their life as if a river of money flows for us all.

When I was young, you know, money was the most important thing alive and now that I’m older I know it is. Money is a drug. I’ve never understood people when they say “I’m not interested in money”. Saying that and going out to work is one definition of insanity and money isn't everything but it’s up there with oxygen.

Ladies and gentleman, financial reality: first up, allow me to prove something with you. Ninety-five percent of individuals globally - in fact I’m a global speaker, you know. Currently right now the Money Masters Juggernaut is represented in over four continents and let me tell you right now 95 percent of individuals are dead broke. Now, allow me to explain: 95 percent of individuals work by necessity. What is the definition of necessity? It’s to do whatever it takes in order to survive, okay. Now, allow me to prove it to you right now. Ninety-five percent work by necessity. Five percent of individuals work by choice.

Now, the definition of choice is this: you are doing whatever you do right now for the love of it, the passion, not for the monetary exchange. How are we going so far?

Okay, so right now, folks, I’m going to ask you a question: raise your hands honestly if you work by choice? I’ll just get you to raise your hands. That is you do whatever you do right now for the love of it, you don’t expect to get paid. It’s amazing how – oh, okay, well if you put it that way. There are three or four individuals and by the way thank you for your transparency and honesty too.

Four individuals, there’s about 150 of us here right now, and who work by choice. So is it safe to say if you’re not working by choice are you working by necessity? Now, understand this: there is a reason why 95 percent of the world will always work by necessity. You see, there is something called “the system”. I’ll get you to write this down, folks: Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

“The system which will perpetuate that 95 percent of the world’s population will always remain dead broke, work you by necessity and are slave to the actual system.”

Now, we’re going to focus in regards to what is a system, the formation of it, how it rapes and pillages and manipulates the mindset and sedates an entire population right across the globe and this is pretty powerful stuff, folks. Now, the financial reality first of all – so let’s talk about Australia over here, right? We’ve had a meteoric rise in regards to property; correct? -- Yes.

The stock market has been booming, a low interest rate environment and what have you but yet 95 percent of individuals are what?— Broke.

Broke. Allow me to explain over here. Many Australians dream of fortune and it’s not just Australians. I mean, whether I’m in the U.S. or in the U.K. or in Africa or in Asia or in South America, it’s the same stats. You know, we have these lotto chances, you know, the wish, hoping for their lucky strike in life as opposed to striving for better financial skills and the benefit of a very, very solid mindset and psychological foundation and what have you.

Simply by being present today you have proven yourself to be uniquely different. Salmon foolishly swim upstream. The bears, what do they do? They cleverly wait upstream. So guess what, in regards to society, would you say 95 percent swim upstream and the five percent are the ones what? -- They’re upstream.

They’re upstream, hey, and vroom! Despite the world’s premier economy, extreme property prices, skyrocketing share prices and historically low interest rates, the majority of individuals will simply miss the boat over here.

Allow me to ask you a very pertinent question, folks. Here it is: how long could you withstand your lifestyle if you stopped working right now? How long could you withstand your lifestyle if you stopped working right now? Now, if you probe a specific question and allow yourself to give vent to an honest answer you’ll be very, very, very surprised. So how long could you withstand your lifestyle if you stopped working right now? Now, obviously it will vary but at least it’s a start in regards to having a stocktake of your current circumstances, a stocktake in your current lifestyle.

So this begs a massive question that you may be thinking to yourself, right. Who’s got the money? Where did it go? Who made it? And why haven’t you got it? If you do not start to make plans or goals for your future you will automatically fall into someone else’s plans and that someone else is, folks, we all refer to it – what is it called? It is called the? -- The system.

The system, absolutely over here. And allow me to reinforce the visual aspects of the system working hard. That’s a real job by the way, folks. That’s a real job. That’s kind of cool, I like elephants. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101


See the biggest problem is this right: the system has programmed us. See, we were all born, right, and for our formative years we’re a by-product of our parents; correct? And then we’re basically introduced into the educational schooling system, right?

Now, understand this, some of our parents were also a by-product of the educational schooling system and let’s face it, education 90 years ago has not really changed, okay, because effectively it teaches the same obsolete theories. Why? Because it’s all theoretical knowledge which has nothing to do in regards to your prosperity, okay.

Some individuals do this right: they’ll study to get really good grades and what have you, go to university to spend two, three, four, five years learning how to get a better job and, do you know what, that 95 percent is tertiary qualified and non-tertiary qualified, it makes no difference.

In fact, there was an amazing study a couple of years ago and they equated the average value of a car owned by an individual who possessed a PhD and guess what the value was? $3,500. No disrespect intended but that’s the reality. Learn how to read, speak and write in your chosen language and then seek specialised knowledge, not just theoretical knowledge. Who follows so far? Say “yes”? -- Yes.

Very important, folks. Now, see the problem is this: we’ve been only programmed to have one source of income, one source of income and in most cases it’s a J-O-B; isn't it? So if you have your one source of income automatically who are you reliant on? Somebody else but yourself. Who follows? -- Yes.

I mean, who is the most qualified individual in the world? We are. So what have we been programmed to do? Ask for a handout and disempower ourselves. Why? Because we’re reliant on somebody else, which means guess what? There are too many variables and we are not in control of our lives. Who follows? -- Yes.

See, folks, let me tell you right now: there are two things in life that we cannot control. Everything else we have an absolute choice but that choice we gave up a very, very long time ago and we’ve lost our faculty of thinking and we simply become a warehouse of facts. There are two things in life you can't control and I’d encourage you to write this down. This is according to me, folks. And obviously here the obvious ones, death and what? -- Taxes.

Incorrect. Ladies and gentlemen, write this down: there are two things in life you can't control. Number 1, weather. Say weather? -- Weather.

Say traffic? -- Traffic. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

There we are. In most cities automobiles are travelling slower than horse-drawn carts 100 years ago. Who follows? And weather, you have no control of the weather. I mean, we’ve got bushfires flaming across certain countries across the world. We’ve got floods, tornadoes, hurricanes. Can we control that? -- No.

Did you know that in some indigenous tribes in Brazil, certain individuals have lived up to about 150 years of age? Did you know that? And I’ll tell you why, because they were never programmed to think they have to die at 70 or 80 years of age, who follows, like the western world?

See, what happens is, folks, this program we’ve all been fed – we volunteer to go into the workforce, you know. Work 40 years, retire on a pension, struggle to service our lifestyle and then a few years later we feel like daffodils. That’s the existence that one pillar source of income and that program has been designed to what? That we die at a certain age because these days through modern day science and pharmaceutical companies we’re living a couple of years extra, aren’t we, which is now a greater burden for the what? For the welfare system.

The western civilisation was programmed to die around 70 years of age. Guess what? Then you’ve got the replacements. Kids – put them through the educational schooling system, high school, university and then spit them out as taxpayers. Who follows? -- Yes.

Folks, and what about honesty and transparency. I’m not going to give you any fairy floss over here because, you know what, it’s about time that we understood the foundation. If you understand the foundation, guess what? Everything else is simply an embellishment because right now there’s this: do you know what Money Masters is all about and why it is so successful globally? Because we have a foundation of untapped talent over here.

There’s amazing vast amounts of potential over here and what we want to do is this: if that is absolutely solidified, guess what? All we need to do now is apply different pillars, different pillars, different streams, different multiple strands of income. Who follows so far?

Okay. Now, the most important thing, folks, let me tell you right now, it’s this: it’s the actual foundation. In fact, guess what, that is 99 percent of the equation, the foundation. One percent is the actual pillars. Who follows? Now, it’s not the strategies. Ninety-nine percent is the actual foundation. It’s about taking massive action. It’s about cutting every sign of retreat and simply giving yourself permission to succeed. That is the actual foundation I’m referring to over here.

Allow me to share a metaphor with you, right. Has anybody been to Italy? -- Yep.

Yep. Has anybody been to the Leaning Tower of Pisa perhaps? Okay. The Leaning Tower of Pisa it leans, why? Did you know that it took 850 years of structural engineers, across 850 years right, to finally evaluate and work out that the reason it leans was because the soil was contaminated. Who follows now? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

It was never the actual construction itself. It was the soil that was contaminated. Yet how many years do we go through life doing this and doing this course and this strategy and this strategy and this strategy and this strategy, do you know what I mean? And guess what? We were trying to erect a skyscraper on a contaminated mindset. Who follows?

See, the most important thing is if you understand you possess a contaminated mindset that’s when you start to apply different strategies in regards to combating that particular contaminated soil or contaminated mindset and that awareness state is the 99 percent factor that most people will always miss. Why? Because the system will never ever perpetuate that. In fact, the system would never teach you this at school. Why? Because the system would rather it spit you out as a comatose individual, putting your hand out having no control in your life and being a part of the system than being spat out into retirement? Who follows so far? And that’s why 95 percent will always be dead broke.

Now, so that one source of income and what we want to do right now is this: we want to actually apply different pillars over here. Whether it’s stock market, whether it’s property, whether it’s eBay, whether it’s the Internet, whether it’s business or direct selling or relationship marketing and what have you, different ways, different strands of income that we can implement. And what I’m referring to is this: we want to develop a passive stream of income.

Now, by developing a passive stream of income we want to increase that exponentially and compound the actual effects and eventually what we want to do is we want to hit critical mass. Who knows what critical mass is? Critical mass is, folks, when you’ve actually built a very, very large portfolio of investments, assets and cash and what you simply do is you live off the positive income generated or the interest and you simply get paid for simply breathing. Anybody interested raise your hands. Folks, with conviction, with passion now who’s interested? -- Yes, yes.

Very, very important over here. Now, so financial cancer as we were discussing before over here, no different to the actual lemming effect. I mean, we had Arctic rodents over here gathering up in their millions and plunging into the ocean. Why? Because one lemming jumped into the ocean, guess what, everybody else did.

And let me tell you one of the secrets of life is this: observe what the herd does and do the exact polar opposite because what do most individuals do? They do this right: they follow the same path like everybody else and they get to a certain level over here where they stop thinking.

By the way in regards to thinking, it’s been scientifically proven that a person is lucky enough to think twice a year. Fact, and that’s usually in a time of? Of an emergency. Who follows? Because most people we’re on auto pilot; aren’t we? We do the same things. It’s called “The Law of Diminishing Intent.” Doing the same thing, over and over and over again expecting a different outcome.

So, over here we’ve got the same path that we all follow over here but let me tell you right now, a well worn path isn't necessarily the right path. Who follows? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

Let’s continue over here. Then we have something called the fund management industry, financial advisors. By the way these are extracts from probably the most reputed financial newspaper, The Australian Financial Review, in this particular case and it’s interesting about liposuction there. See, folks, the reality is this: a fund manager, even if they lose your money they still make commissions. Who follows? -- Yes.

Financial advisors will simply sell you products they get the highest commission on. Who follows? Let’s be realistic about this. A stockbroker does not sell shares. A stockbroker sells brokerage which gives them what; commission? Who follows? The most qualified individual has always been ourselves but the moment we do this and we’re reliant on somebody who don’t necessarily really care about us do they? They don’t really care. To them it’s all the business aspect of it.

Now, let’s talk about this: the money, the actual deception, the raping and the pillaging of it. Now, this is the creation of the system. First of all, folks, the modern day deception of how the world’s banking sector creates paper money and charges interest on it.

Now, allow me to explain: who has a mortgage, a car loan or a personal loan or owes money on a credit card? Raise your hands. Okay, right now, you’re paying interest on money that does not exist. Who feels ripped off? -- Yes.

I mean, there’s more digital money right now than in its physical form, reality. You see, let me tell you right now, for every $1,000 that you deposit in the bank the banking institutions can loan that money out up to 33 times. Who follows? Which means for every $1 they can loan out $33 of just what – plucked out imaginary money. See, it’s all digital. See, in fact, if every Australian was to withdraw the money from the banks the banking system would collapse.

Just currently in the U.K. there was a major banking crisis because one individual withdrew ǧ1 billion, and guess what? All the fear mongering started. Guess what? All the mums and dads started withdrawing their money and guess what? The Bank of England had to step in and fund this particular bank before it crumbled because they never had the money, just recently, and guess who stepped in? All the big institutions as a cover-up because, you know, they know something, that not every person in the world will withdraw their money at the exact same time. Who follows?

So we have this deception. Now, I’ll show you how the system works over here. See, at a young age we’re encouraged to take on what? Something called debt. Who follows? Did you know that right now in Australia about $40 billion is actually owed on credit card debt? Who thinks that’s a lot of money? In 2002 it was around $22 billion. And right now the new initiatives of one of the leading banks in Australia have just released this. It’s a specific credit card for teenagers and they’re trying to make this absolutely trendy like a necklace where they get to wear it around their neck. You may have heard about this already. And by giving it a funky colour like an iPod kind of item, hey, they’re more likely to use it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

Now, let me tell you right now, why is this so? How do you sedate a population? How do you keep control over a population? By keeping it in what? Broke and in debt. Who follows? In Communist countries during the Cold War they used to give out free vodka as a way of sedating the population. In Capitalism what they do is this: they make you embrace debt. That’s capitalism folks because, guess what, you control the society, the population, but guess what, you can raise interest rates, you can drown people in debt and when you drown they stick a garden hose in your mouth. They can control everything, folks.

Let me tell you recessions and depressions, they are artificially created. Why? Because they know this: by lowering interest rates, guess what? Buoyant times, yeah? Stock market loves it, stock market goes up and guess what? The stock market is a catalyst for the property market which then goes up and guess what happens? Everyone is, like, leveraging themselves, buying and buying and buying and guess what they do? They start to time the monetary squeeze and you start to drown. Why? Because you can't service your what? -- Debt.

Debt. What used to be easy money becomes more of a struggle for you and, guess what? When you’re forced to sell at a bargain basement price they come in and “vroom” and that cycle repeats itself over and over and over again. Who finds this fascinating so far? Absolutely, folks. This is the reality.

Once again, you know, I’m right to the point, folks. I’m very honest and I’m very transparent. You see, unless you really understand this and you take on different pillars, you start to embrace different pillars over here in regards to combating this, nothing will ever change.

Now, 1913 December 22nd, the Federal Reserve came into being and this was basically the birth of fractional reserve lending and the actual system of the process over here. Now, you may have heard of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a private company. It’s got nothing to do with the government over here and the Federal Reserve has spawned all these other central banks right across the globe which give them permission to create digital money, have the whole of society entrenched in debt.

Now, we’ve already established this, it’s a private company over here. So the powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. Their secret is that they have enactioned governments, monarchies and republics power to create the world’s money. If you control the money, guess what? You control the population.

So the creation of the system, hence we are slaves and slaves to the actual system over here. Now, at a time in 1913 the actual U.S. President who actually signed this Bill was a gentleman by the name of Woodrow Wilson. In 1919, six years later he wrote the following: Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

“I am a most unhappy individual. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by a system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the worst completely controlled and dominated governments in a civilised world, no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by the conviction and the vote of the majority but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

In fact, right now there are 750 families which run this planet. And let me tell you right now, folks, whatever happens in the U.S. affects whatever happens in Australia in regards to your livelihood, whether you have a job, whether there’s contraction of the economy, unemployment.

The American stock market only has to sneeze and the Australian stock market has got meningococcal. If you ignore this do so at your own peril, folks, because that system of its origination there affects the entire world. Right now let me tell you what’s happening in America: millions are losing their homes. Why? Because that monetary squeeze has already started. Who follows? Now, guess what? If that continues guess what’s going to happen to the Australian property market because whatever happens overseas – then that becomes a recession, right? And what you find is when America is in a recession or depression so is the rest of the what? -- World.

The rest of the world. Let’s expand our minds, folks. Now, and then we have something called the educational schooling system; never ever designed to provide financial literacy or specialised education. And the main reason people struggle financially is because they spent years in school but learnt nothing, nothing about money. We became servants on money as opposed to us being the masters of money. See, here’s the money formula folks and I’ll encourage you to write this down.

“Money should be your obedient, diligent servant or nothing at all”.

Money should be your obedient, diligent servant or nothing at all. Hence the birth of the rat race, in regards to the educational schooling system and with all due respect to teachers, it’s not the teachers, folks. Teachers are governed by a set curriculum and it’s a factory assembly plant for the sole purpose of producing taxpayers. And some of us will live by the bar, some of our well meaning friends, but think about it; how many friends and associates are high in advice and very, very low on results. Who follows? -- Yes.

Yes, absolutely. Here’s a great article in regards to money over here.

“Children need to learn financial skills now to prevent them making the same mistakes as their parents. They hope the next generation will slash the current national outstanding credit card debt level. Almost 70 percent of adults admit they were not as children taught how to handle money properly claiming widespread trouble with debt and poor cash flow. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

Parents should take a long hard look at themselves and ask a difficult question: “how different would their life be now if they were taught about money when they were kids?”

It’s all about knowing basic money skills for which I believe parents should accept full responsibility in teaching their children before it’s too late. This will ensure the child doesn’t repeat the same financial mistakes and is given the tools to build a more prosperous financial future.”

And then we have something called the pension over here, folks, $525 on the fortnight over here. I was in the U.K. and this was the actual headline of The Times newspaper and it said:

“Rely on the state and you will die poor”.

So what is the greatest risk? Well, procrastination, and let me tell you about procrastination. Procrastination is a fear fertiliser. If we do not embrace our foundation with different pillars, different streams, different income sources over here, guess what? We become part of that 95 percent who will continually work by necessity over here. So those of you who are not investing you are taking the greatest risk with complacency or inaction. So I want to determine what value of assets you require to support your lifestyle all you now need to do is find which strategy, which pillar, in order to provide that source of cash flow.

And financial strategies they’re like recipes; aren’t they? You know, you mix them in the right ingredients and in the correct proportions and what have you. So leverage, folks – this is a lever. Give me a lever that is long enough and I will move the world over here. And the name of the game is simply profitability, okay.

So we’re going to talk about this now. Let’s talk about the certain language patterns, very, very, very important. In fact, is anybody guilty of utilising the following words – for example, over here, “One day”? Is anybody guilty of using the words “One day”? Raise your hands, okay.

Essentially what is the word “one day”? What is it? Is it specific? Is it definitive? Is it date specific? Absolutely not. “One day” is this” - Confucius said”

“Man shoot at nothing, sure to hit it”.

If you’re not aiming at anything in particular you will have amazing accuracy at achieving it. You need to be absolutely specific. You need to be 100 percent definitive in regards to what you aspire in your life.

Who has goals? Raise your hands. You know why most goals are worthless to most individuals? Because spoken words evaporate. Who follows? Written words they leave impressions; don’t they? See how about being absolutely date specific Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

in regards to your goals, day specific to the day and to the time and holding yourself accountable. In fact, sharing your goals with somebody else and, guess what, they hold you accountable.

How about some other words over here? How about the word “try”. Anybody guilty of using the word “try”. Essentially what is the word “try”? Anybody, please? Try and pick this up, please. I said, “Try”? -- I did try and I succeeded.

No, I said, “Try and pick it up”. See, ladies and gentleman there’s no such thing as try. You either choose to do something or you what? -- Do not.

Do not. “Try” is a failure disease. It’s excuseitis until we start to step in now and start to vaccinate ourselves. Won't we? How about the word “wish” over here? Very disempowering words, “I wish for more cash flow”. “I wish I win Lotto”. “I wish I had a pay rise”. “I wish I don’t have to pay tax”. Who’s ever used the word “wish” before? Can you see all these words over here – you’re reliant on something greater than you; aren’t you? You’re reliant on something else that you’ve no control in this particular case.

How about the word “hope”? And I can go on and on and on. See every time we use these words, guess what folks? We absorb it into our unconscious state.

This is your unconscious state, folks. This is your hard drive. This is your memory tank over here and guess what? Everything you say, you hear, you smell, everything you do is absorbed in your unconscious state and your conscious mind is you’re thinking backwardly and you simply do this – you just draw a pond. What’s actually inside here? This is your hard drive, folks but how many hard drives are contaminated?

And this is when I start to say you start to install a Norton’s Anti-Virus in this. Who likes and who agrees; a Norton AntiVirus system? You start to develop a filtering system and you start to set the parameters as to who you invite in your life – very, very important over here. So we need to change our language patterns over here, folks.

Next, what about energy levels? See raising your level of awareness is one thing but you must maintain it in regards to how many energy cycles and, in fact, the awareness state is equivalent to 100,000 cycles per second. The herd mentality – 95 percent of individuals waken minded necessity only operate on 20,000 cycles per second.

So, we want to be at the mastery state at 200,000 cycles or a minimum of 100,000 cycles 24-7, over here, folks. That is your thinking faculty over here. This here 20,000 is the what? Is the warehouse of facts, the warehouse of the auto-pilot system. And a great photo there of an iceberg in regards to the unconscious mind over here. How much of the iceberg is actually above the water? Hence, the tip of the iceberg. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

That’s your conscious mind but this – that’s your hard drive, folks. That is what you need to work on in regards to solidifying your foundation because your foundation is the manifestation of all the prosperity that you deserve in your life.

Let’s talk about time here, folks. Time is absolutely precious. In fact, making time your slave should be your priority right now. Have a look at this:

“The wisdom of life consists of the elimination of the non-essentials”.

Number one: “Don’t waste the first hour of your day”.

The first hour of your day is the catalyst for whatever happens in your day. Do one thing at a time and do it well. Don’t set anything aside without taking some action. Folks, any task that is incomplete will simply drain your energies. You need to be laser targeting. You need to focus on one thing, and see to completion. That is called excellence.

Recognise when your peak energies occur during the day. Allow me to give you an example over here. Has this ever happened to you, right? You’re sleeping, right, and three or four o’clock in the morning you wake up “vaboom” and you feel absolutely awake. You feel absolutely vibrant and you’re thinking what the hell is going on over here. It’s three, four o’clock in the morning I should be asleep. Anybody experienced that before? I should be asleep. That’s a program; isn't it? I should be asleep. So what do most people tend to do? They go back to sleep only to wake up three or four hours later to feel absolutely what? -- Tired.

Why? Because your body punishes you, folks. You punish your body; your body will reciprocate with interest. Who follows? Folks, that is your peak energy state which means, guess what? You are calibrating at 200,000 cycles per second. Guess what? Your most unique ideas, visions, strategies is that particular time because that’s when you’re operating on maximum cycles over here and if you don’t exploit that, guess what? We become still part of the system over here. So we need to recognise our peak energies and actually do something about it over here.

So end the day by listing the next day’s important priorities and each day take time out to focus on those goals. How about investing over here? I mean, how about approaching investing as a hobby? Who’s got a hobby? Raise your hands, yeah, absolutely. You talk to any individual with a hobby and guess what? They light up. They’re radiant. They’re exuberant. Guess what? They’re a beacon of light. Why? Because it’s a hobby. It’s passion. It’s conviction.

Make investing your hobby over here. Pay yourself first. Who’s the most qualified individual in the world? We are. So why not pay ourselves first. In fact, I’ll say right now the first 30 percent of what you earn, pay yourself first. Everybody Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

else can wait. You are the most important individual in the world. You pay yourself first and if you want to be disciplined about this, this is what you do.

In fact, as a teenager this is what I actually implemented. Invoice yourself. Go one step further. Mail an invoice to yourself. Three days later collect that invoice and, guess what, who are you going to pay now? You pay yourself first. That’s a reminder by the way. You pay yourself first. Everybody else can wait.

Develop the mindset of a millionaire. Seize the day and you simply make dissatisfaction work for you. Why? Because right now if you’re satisfied with what you’re doing chances are you’re complacent. Most individuals are comfortable being uncomfortable. So by being continually dissatisfied what are you going to do? You’re going to raise the ante in regards to what? Raising the physical plane.

Other people’s experiences over here folks – never listen to the voice of experience. Experience has a habit of telling you what doesn’t work and why it never will. Listen to results. The only truth is that results model excellence.

Let’s talk about expense over here, folks. Now, imagine this, right, if you were a teenager – if you were a teenager and you learnt this particular theory over here would your life have turned out slightly different perhaps? Have a look at this. First of all, that’s a bank account. We have one source of income, hence one deposit. Who follows so far?

Okay, next we have this: our account is syphoned out, mortgages, credit cards, personal loans, what else? By the way, all this interest over here, all the money that’s been plucked out of thin air doesn’t exist. You’re paying interest on money that doesn’t exist. Over here, what else? Utilities, bills – we service our what? Our lifestyle. We buy liabilities that all depreciate and make us no money. Who follows so far?

Yep, so we’re being syphoned, syphoned and syphoned and syphoned but yet we only have one deposit over here. Mind you, you pay everybody else and whatever is left – because what do you do? You live off that; don’t you? Mind you that’s with after tax dollars.

So most individuals do this: they work hard enough at work so they don’t get sacked and the employer pays them just enough so they don’t quit; true?

Now, this is what we want to do: we want to create three different accounts, okay? And by being accountable and disciplined this is where we start to operate on the polar opposite over here. This account over here is your wealth account. Call this one your wealth account, please, okay. That’s your wealth account.

Next, we have the operations account – operations over here. And number three is your cash account. Now, your wealth account – that 30 percent of what you earn gets paid to you automatically and you can only use that wealth Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

account over here. That’s attached to a cheque book and you can only purchase what? Assets. By the way assets over here – this is your wealth account. You cannot purchase anything else unless it is an asset.

Now, if you get confused what is an asset and what is a liability? I’ll give you a clue. A liability is anything that moves, okay? If it moves, guess what, it’s a liability.

Operations account: now, folks, if you’re absolutely serious about prosperity in regards to business you start to do what? Think like a business over here. So your operations account will simply service all your business costs and what have you. Why? Because that’s where your tax deductible items start to come in now, okay? So you operate as a business. Take it seriously, take massive action over here. So your operations account services all your operating costs.

Next, you have a cash account. Now, this cash account is attached to a debit card. What’s a debit card? It means funds that you already own. These are your funds. Have your debit card attached to your cash account in regards to, like, those menial, those superficial items in one’s life or what have you, okay.

So we have the wealth account, the operations account and the cash account. So what are we doing over here? Are we being disciplined now? Do we have three types of different accounts as opposed to having one account with one source of income being syphoned out in a myriad of ways? Who follows? If only this was taught at school or even if we embraced this as teenagers.

Let me continue here, folks. The wealth magic is over here. I want you to write this down as we start to conclude this morning’s presentation.









Okay. So we’ve got savings, we’ve got growth, we’ve got momentum and we’ve got lifestyle.

Now, in regards to the way we think – in regards to the way we start to energise our accounts and also in regards to the way we start to implement different pillars, whether it’s stock market, property or eBay or Internet or direct selling, relationship marketing over here or other business entrepreneurial ways; these are the different pillars that we start to invest in. Why? Because we want to have that passive income. We want to hit that critical mass, okay.

Now, over here, number 1: savings account. Let me explain this. Now, first up I’m going to explain financial cancer where most individuals worldwide, in fact 95 percent of individuals, go wrong. Have a look at this: this is a visual diagram Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

of what financial cancer is, okay. Have a look at that. So, folks, have a look at this. We are this. We have matrix number 1 over here, okay. Our one account – and it’s been syphoned out in a myriad of ways and with after tax dollars what do 95 percent of individuals do? They do what? They service their? -- Lifestyle.

Lifestyle over here. Who follows so far? There is nothing embedded. There is nothing in between to provide that stability, that support, that consistency of cash flow. And some of you are thinking, “well, hold on this doesn’t relate to me because I’m self-employed”. Let me tell you most self-employed individuals that I speak to, guess what? They’ve just bought themselves a job. The only difference is they pay themselves last; true?

One to four folks, with after-tax dollars they service lifestyle number 4 over here and lifestyle is what? Anything that tends to be a liability, for example, fancy cars or the boat or that lovely caravan with the annexe over here, right. Anything that moves is a what? A liability over here. So with after-tax dollars we service all the liabilities over here with nothing embedded in number 2 or number 3 over here. If only we embraced that a very, very long time ago – a very long time ago.

Folks, this is wealth prosperity over here. Now, it works like this. The matrix is number 1 and when that starts to over fill over here it starts to dip into what? We have a growth cycle over here. Now, these growth investments are your assets or properties or stock market, perhaps. Different other pillars, different strategies over here – Internet strategies over here. In regards to, like, generating cash flow on eBay or direct selling or relationship marketing, different formats, different pillars and what have you.

Over here, with the income generated over here, guess what? We can then service and invest in momentum strategies. What is momentum? Higher yield - now, with higher yield it means you also need extensive defensive mechanisms in order to what? Minimise any potential donation. Who follows?

Okay, so what we’re looking at is this, right: we’ve got 1 fuels number 2. Growth number 2, in regards to the actual cycle over here fuels number 3 in regards to momentum and, guess what? The only funds you use in order to service your lifestyle over here is the funds generated in your momentum cycle. Can you see every cycle is justified? There is consistency of cash flow. There is what? There is foundation and at every point over here that will also guarantee if you adhere to that level over here.

Positive cash flow, passive income having hit your critical mass and the most important feature, folks, and the pinnacle of everyone’s life is to do what? Be reliant on nobody but-----? -- Yourself.

Yourself. Who finds that very valuable just there? And it’s amazing, folks, you know, I’ve presented this to over 70,000 individuals personally, not just a DVD or have really just listened to an audio. I’m talking about personally, over 70,000 individuals. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Wealth Intelligence 101

Irrespective of which country I’m in – I was in the U.K. just recently – Amsterdam. In a couple of weeks time I’ve been invited a major convention and I’m the keynote speaker in regards to sharing these particular strategies and what have you to the Caribbean in regards to Barbados. We’ve also been invited to go to Africa.

See, folks, irrespective of wherever I go humanity has the same problem and these are the strategies that I personally believe can liberate somebody.

Once you understand that, once you tap into it – but do you know what, folks? Pillars, that’s one percent of the component. You still need that foundation, the education and those pillars will assist you in regards to ensuring that your foundation is absolutely the most powerful attribute in your life.

So we’ve got one, two, three and four over here in regards to the wealth prosperity folks. So instead of being programmed to have one source of income in our lives we are going to be happy and grateful that money comes to us in increasing quantities through multiple streams, sources, pillars on a continuous basis.

And one of my favourite quotes by Harold B Melchart:

“Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point. Climb slowly, steadily, enjoying each passing moment; and the view from the summit will serve as a fitting climax for the journey that we all have to undertake”.

So why you? Why now? If you are committed to achieving an amazing quality of life, if you are only willing to set up a lesson you can be, if you are uncertain about your financial future and if you have resolved yourself to massively, massively improve your finances you do whatever it takes.

Folks, having said that, I’d like to welcome you to the rest of your life. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, I’m Nik Halik. Welcome to Money Masters, thank you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

RICK OTTON Property No Money Down Pt. 1 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 1

MC: Would you please welcome Rick Otton to the stage. Get


ready for some very powerful informatiion.

Rick Otton, the showman off property entrepreneurs and original p pioneer of

RICK OTTON: Thank you very much. Okkay. Who’s here to

creative property strategies,, is

make more money? -- Yes.

internationally admired by tthe property industry for his ma averick real estate concepts.

Who wants to make a heck of a lot more money? -- Yes.

Rick's success has been achiieved through recognising property profits can be maxximised when you start to create

I’ve got only an hour and a half. I’ve got some more time

strategies relating to the terrms under which the property is

tomorrow. What I’m going to try to do is i deliver as much

acquired or sold, and not sim mply relying on price-led

information as I can to you. There’s so many m strategies I can

strategies. Rick's refreshing concepts c allow the buying,

talk to you about that would be new, th hat you haven’t

selling and trading of housees using little or no money of your

experienced, and many of you won’t haave much knowledge

own to create what everyon ne is looking for, super-cash flow

about. I’m going to do as much as I can to cover as many of ed today - How many those today and what I don’t get covere will be around tomorrow? Okay, that’s fantastic. f I’m going to get into more detail tomorrow.

as well as profits. With leading real estate cou urses, education seminars and home study packs, Rick travvels the world sharing his strategies, skills and experieence.

n’t even know who Rick Otton But look, is it fair enough to say that there are probably some people in the room who don on’t even know who I am? is? Are there some people here who do

All right, let’s have a little bit of backg ground here. Right back in the late 70’s I was sitting in n an office earning $137 every two weeks. A man walked in and he said, “How would you like to earn $500 a week?” One of o the first things I did was I said, “Look, I’ll seize the opportunity. I do d not know where it’s going to take me, but I’ll seize e the opportunity.”

I went to work with a guy who was 28 8 years old. He was my boss. His name was Alan Pease. Anybody know that name? - Yes.

Alan said to me, “What are you going to do for the next few years?” I said, “I guess I’m goin ng to work with you.” He said, “I’m going to write a book called Body Language. L Do you want to get involved?”

It sold 32 million copies. I worked with h Alan for a number of years. I learned a lot of things from Alan. One of the things Alan taught me was ‘Do It Different.’ He e said, “Look at systems, design systems, but make sure your system is different. If it is not different it will not get through the clutter. You’ll just be another also ‘also ran’. Doe es that make sense? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 1

Okay, we used to go out; I used to sell life insurance at the age of 20 years old. I said to Alan; “Alan, I’ve got this problem.” I want you to imagine this guys. I turn up at the front door. I’m a life insurance salesman. Are you happy to see me? Right, so what would happen is, I’d turn up and I’d say; “I’m from the National Mutual, here to sell life insurance,” and I said to Alan, “People would be slamming the door on my foot all the time.” He said, “Rick, you’ve got to do it different.” I said, “What do you mean Alan?” He said, “When they go to slam the door, you stick your head in, so when they slam the door you can keep on talking.”

So, but I haven’t always been in the real estate business. After that I learned a lot from Alan Pease. I recently caught up with him for dinner in London. I went to the United States. I learned a lot of things from a man called Napoleon Hill, which I’m going to share with you in a minute. One of the first things I did was I wanted to do something that no-one had done before and I said, “Gee, you know, I’ve got this other idea.” Crocodile Dundee had just come out in the United States. Does anybody remember 1986 Crocodile Dundee came out? It was huge in the United States – very big, and I just thought, “Well, if he can go on TV, maybe I could.”

Now, does anybody here know how to create a television show in the United States? No. I didn’t have a clue either. So, I put a couple of things together and before that – “We Buy Houses” now operates in a lot of the countries around the world. I’m going to be talking about that. When I worked with Alan, there was the book; there I am on page 90 and an $89 brown Ruben F Scarf suit. I think mum uses it in the corner somewhere to put laundry in it and then I had a show came out.


Now, we did okay with that. I didn’t know a lot about TV but I figured out, something I’ve got to teach you today is if you figure out what the other person wants and give it to them you’ll get what you want every time by default.

The whole concept behind “We Buy Houses” and how we work is that. That’s the formula we live by. If we figure out what people want, we give it to them; we’ll get what we want by default. That show was sponsored by the Australian Beer Companies. It was sponsored by the American Pizza Companies and I was just the vehicle that they put on the TV every week that 22 million watched, leaping over a sofa.

At the time - did anybody see the little boomerang that I threw across the stage? Can I just tell you how poor I was? I was so poor that I was sharing an apartment, I’d left Alan, I went and drove some buses for a while and I thought that’d be a quick way to get a free trip around Europe and I was so poor that when I cut out my little Boomerang - thank you, I had enough left over to make a thong and I had a big thong that you can’t see and I couldn’t afford a bed and what I found in the television business is everybody gets paid before the talent, so you get paid last. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 1

At night I used to have to go and sleep on my thong and it was really cold. I used to sort of crawl in under the strap. And that was the show that went on there and then I started up - at the end of that show I found there was an opportunity that we had what’s called the Savings and Loans and the Savings and Loans was where the banking system collapsed in the southern states of the United States.

Now, this is very important. If there were no banks, no financial institutions in Western Australia because they all collapsed, what do you think would happen to the value of the real estate? Do you reckon it’s going to go up or do you reckon it’s going go down? -- Down.

Okay, do you think it’s going to go down - if you can’t borrow any money, do you think it’s going to go down a little bit or do you reckon it’s going to go down a lot? -- A lot.

A lot. Texas Real Estate dropped about 90 percent. Now, what happens is, if you could go and buy two bedroom, two storey apartment buildings and you could buy them for $8,000 each, would you find the money to buy them? Absolutely. I’d buy them for $8,000 each and I’d rent them out for $8,000 and I’d go to the bank and I’d try to borrow money but it was illegal under the Federal Act to lend any money for real estate.

So, what we used to do was, to get the money to buy the real estate, we used to put in the free car, and if you bought the car off me for $20,000 I’d give you a free house.

And the next six years was looking at an opportunity and saying, “Wow, this will happen once, it’ll never happen again, how do we profit from this opportunity?” And I realised very quickly there are three people in a real estate transaction – there is the buyer, there is the seller and there is the lender. If there is no lender, I’ve two components left. Correct? So therefore I had to create systems and methods and processes of doing business under which buyers and sellers could trade amongst themselves. That was the only way we could transact real estate.

The next 15 years I’ve taken those systems now, they’ve got more refined, more rehearsed, there’s more of them and they’ve just moved into different countries and we’re going to introduce you to some of those systems tonight.

Okay, what happened was – I’d been doing this for some years and people would come to the United States and they’d go, “Boy, you really do some interesting stuff, what a shame it would never work in Australia.”

Now, has anybody ever said to you, you can’t do something? What’s the first thing that goes through your mind?—You can.

Yes I can. Yes I can. And after I – so many people used to drop in and go, “Oh, what a great system you’ve designed over here. It’s fantastic. What a shame you’d never get it to work in Australia.” I said, “Yes I can.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 1

So, a few years ago, my wife – who’s at the back of the room – my wife is an American with an American accent and why? Because she’s American. And – no, look, I fell in love with my wife the day I got my Green Card.

What we did was, I brought her back here and I started on that philosophy. I said, “Look, here’s the philosophy, I’m going to change the system. I’m going to figure out what people want, it’s worked for me pretty well so far and if I give them what they want I’ll get what I want by default.”

So, I started running my systems here in Australia and what I found was the media picked up on some of the stuff.


Okay. The point of this story – I’m not going to run you the whole six minutes. Here is the point of the story. The next day our company had 4,000 applications from people across Australia who wanted a house. 4,000 people who had cash deposits up to $150,000 in cash but they could not get into the banking system.

What we’re going to walk you through a little bit later on is - and get you to recognise it - 30 percent of people in Australia cannot get a loan today, they can get a loan tomorrow, but they cannot get a banking loan today. And this was a story that Today Tonight ran and we had all those applications of people wanting to get a house from “We Buy Houses” and we struggled a bit. We were only 3,996 houses short and things have moved on from then.

As this developed – and then of course someone in New Zealand said, “Oh, what a shame this would never work in New Zealand.” So we went there and then one of the most exciting markets we went into – we started in there five years ago – we went into the United Kingdom and that was very interesting because I went over there and I said, “I wanted to change the way we do real estate in the United Kingdom,” and they said “Well, what did you have in mind?” And I told them what I had in mind and they said, “Well, Mr Otton, we don’t do that here.” And I said, “I know, that’s why I came over.”

And, it was very interesting. You know, with all of the systems that we use and the processes, we have to sort of lay them in there for a few years and just make sure they work and it was interesting, I was just there last week and one of the High Court Judges that I’d been involved with for a couple of years, putting some of these systems together, he said to me, “You know, it’s funny. You people come up from the colonies and I’ve always wanted to go down to Australia but it’s a long way away and it’s so expensive.” And I said, “Well, why don’t you just do what we all did?” And he said, “What was that?” “Steal a loaf of bread.”

So, what happened was – about the time this happened, the ABC Television rang me up and they said, “You do some pretty strange stuff” and I said, “Well, some people would say so,” and he said, “The way you approach real estate is a way that no-one’s ever done it before” and I said, “Well, I never knew the way they did it, so I just came in this other way. I Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 1

never knew the other way.” So they said, “Could we follow you around for a while” and they did that for about 18 months. They wanted to see what we were doing it and how we were doing it.

A few years ago a lot of people used to say me, “You know, would you come and speak to a company on this or speak to some real estate agents on that” and different things and I thought, “Look I don’t mind getting on the stage and having a few laughs.” I think when people stop laughing I’ll probably stop being on the stage and then – has anybody seen the show Reality Bites on the TV?


Okay. Now, what I thought we’d do is – what I wanted to do tonight was to teach you or start teaching you a whole bunch of ways – if you could buy a whole bunch of real estate and not spend any money, lie on the beach and not have any bank debt and have money coming into your pocket every month, do you reckon that might be interesting? Some people want to know how to do that? -- Yes.

Yes. Would you also like me to introduce you to some people who I’ve dragged along here today, one of my students who I said, “Look, I might get you along tomorrow” and he said, “Can I tell the people about how not only do I have no job, I put in no money, but the people actually paid me $7000 to take the house?” So he actually made more money before he even started. Would you like me to get him to tell you that story? -- Yes.

Okay. Can you get the idea that – and could we do this? Could we accept the fact that some of the things I’m going to teach you tonight is probably going to be a little bit left of centre? And is that okay? -- Yes.

All right, because what I’m going to do is, and I’ve found that a lot of the things that I do over the years people look at and they go, “Well that’s not the way that it’s normally done” and it’s not. You see, if it was the way that it was normally done, I wouldn’t be here. Does that make sense? And you probably wouldn’t find it very interesting.

So, let’s move on. What I thought we might start with, a bit of audience participation. We’re going to talk about houses because I don’t know about refrigerators. What I thought we might do is, is look at some of the components that we need in order to go out and buy a house and it will expand from there.

So, what I’ll do is, guys, if we wanted to go out tomorrow, based on what we know, what are some of the components we need in order to buy a house? Do you want to yell them out to me? -- A house.

Yeah, you need a house, so you need a property. What else do I need? -- Money. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 1

Yes, money. What sort of money? Like, do I need a mortgage? A loan? What else might I need? I need – sorry, did you say – what else, I need a seller? Who’s going to sell me a house, yes. What else? Deposit. Well, yeah, I need a buyer. What else? A lawyer? Conveyancer, settlement agent. Yes. Okay.

Beg your pardon sir, there’s one down the back? -- Government fees and paying stamp duty.

Yes, so we’re going to say, let’s just say we need – so we just need some cash, don’t we? We’re going to need to some cash for that stuff. Okay? Let me ask you this. Do we need a job? It’d help.

Hands up if you work in a bank. Okay, no that’s okay, don’t feel that bad. Don’t sort of stand here saying, “I don’t know why I put my hand up.” No, it’s okay. You’ve probably still got your branch.

Let me ask you something. If I’ve got no job, will you lend me any money?— No.

Okay, well let me ask you something. If I went and saw your boss and I walked in there with no job, would he lend me any money? All right, okay. What else do you think might affect us buying houses today? -- Credit.

Credit. Thank you. Credit rating. Could the market – like, if we said ‘What do people need to buy houses,” let’s have a look at this. We’ve just said, we’ve got property loans, seller, buyers, deposit, we need a lawyer, conveyancer, we need some cash, we need a job. Can I write also in here we need sort of like income next to that one? Okay.

Now, credit – okay, let me ask you this. What else is stopping us from buying a bunch of houses? Fear, motivation, education. What do you think overcomes fear? -- Knowledge.

Yes, knowledge. My wife didn’t want to marry me. She thought I was an alcoholic. She didn’t understand I was just fearful of flying. So I said, “Let’s get married on a boat”. No, so I said, “Look, what it is, is I just don’t want to be around in a compos mentos state if the wings fell off”. So she said – I went and bought a book on how aircraft were build and it was actually written by an aircraft pilot, and he basically said to me that the people will break up in a plane before the planes will break up. They can go through all sorts of turbulence. And I was telling this to a friend of mine who was a Qantas pilot and he said, “Rick, that is so true.” He was flying one of the last flights that Qantas did to South America and they got clear air turbulence and the plane just lost it, it was a big 747 and it went all over the sky and he said, “We’re not going to tell you this publicly but we just held on because we couldn’t control the plane, we totally lost it.” He said, “What was interesting was, we recovered the plane, the plane was fine, it was just the mess that the people were in at the back of the plane.” And it’s supporting the point that the planes stick together. So, ever since then I don’t drink on aeroplanes and the planes can be as rough as they like and I’m like, give it to me baby because I know we’re not going down. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So, that’s it. By the way, do you think that one of the things that might affect people buying and selling and trading houses is the state of the market? -- Yes.

Okay. So, quick quiz; based on what we know today, could we buy houses without a loan? No? Obviously we know we need a seller. Could we buy houses without a deposit? We know we need a buyer of course. Could we buy houses without a lawyer and a conveyancer? Can I buy houses without any cash? Can I buy them without any job, without any income and can I buy them with no credit, lousy credit? So, here’s my question ladies and gentlemen. If we can, why aren’t you out there buying 30 a day? Why aren’t you out there, like, buying a packet of them?

Let’s have a look at that, because that’s one of the questions that I ask myself quite a lot, you know, when I speak with people. And I wanted to cover two things tonight – I wanted to cover a lot of things that I’ve learned in a book many years ago called Think and Grow Rich and then I wanted to walk you through a lot of examples of putting transactions together which incorporate some of these things.

The promise is by the end of tonight, I’m going to teach you a couple of strategies that if you want to lie around the swimming pool and not do too much, you grow your hair long and have a beard, you can make positive cash flow and get money out of houses without having any debt, liability, job or credit. Does that sound interesting? -- Yeah.

Good. I’ve got about an hour and fifteen to do it. Okay, but there’s some things I wanted to cover and this is what you’re going to have to have. Think and Grow Rich. How many of you have heard of the book by Napoleon Hill? Think and Grow Rich – he studied 500 of the richest people in the world and found out the 17 characteristics that all those 500 people had. Out of the 17 characteristics that those 500 people had, the richest 500 in the world, these were the five most important, and they’re so important that I really wanted to highlight them today.

The first thing Napoleon Hill said, “If you want to be successful by gosh, you better have a burning desire.” You’ve got to have passion; you’ve got to have an inward thing within you that just says, ‘I’m coming through’.

I made the decision in the United Kingdom that “We Buy Houses” is going into Holland. How much do you think I know about Holland/Dutch real estate? Nothing, but I’ve been told it is the most English speaking country outside the UK. I said, “Where’s next?” They said, “Holland.” “Why?” “Because it speaks more English than any other country and I don’t have to learn any other language.” I said, “Fantastic.” I said, “What do we know about the real estate system? Nothing.” And guess what someone said, “Oh, I don’t know if they’re going to let you do what you want to do here.” I’m going through. You must have an internal passion that says, “I’m coming through.”

Okay? On this passion – by the way, do you think, even when you think that way and you’re coming on through, you’re going to make mistakes? Yes. And do you think things are going to go wrong? Yes. I say to my students all the time – some of my students that work for me – I say, “Guys, guess what? Today’s fantastic because it’s day one and that’s the day Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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we’re going to make some mistakes, because we’ve got to make the mistakes before we make the money, so let’s get the mistakes all out of here within the first week, because as soon as I get those mistakes out of the way, I can start making the money. But I’ve got to get them out fast. Every market I’ve been into, that’s it. It doesn’t matter what you get into, that’s how it is. But you must have a resolve that says, “I’m coming in.” Very, very important.

Specialised knowledge. You cannot be the jack of all trades, and a master of none. You must have a specialised knowledge. The world will pay you a large amount of money if you have specialised knowledge. You cannot be a jack of all trades.

People said to me the other day, one of my students said to me, he said, “Rick, what are you doing in America?” “I’m doing a real estate course”. “What the heck are you doing, doing another real estate course?” I say, “That’s what I do.” That’s it. That’s what I do. Boom. I don’t do a home cooking course. I don’t do How to Renovate a Home course. I just do what I do.

Okay. Be decisive in nature. Be decisive in nature. What that means is successful people take the attitude that – you see, when we’re little and everything we do in life is, “Man, I’m gonna think about it”. But the successful people say, “I’ll take it.” Straight up. “I’ll take it.” The opportunity comes along; I’ll take it, based on the fact that we can work a few things out. Rather than, “if we can work a few things out, I will buy it.” I’ll show you later on how I buy houses. Most of the houses I bought I have never seen. I will buy the house now and then decide later on whether I like it. I will always grab the opportunity straight up. We’ll do that together. I’ll walk you through that. Again, subject to being happy about the arrangement. Be decisive in nature.

Be goal orientated. Know where you’re going. Have a process. Have a process. Have a process and say, “That’s my process, that’s my system and here’s my map.” Because you see, if you don’t have a map, you don’t know if you’re going the right way, you don’t even know if you’re getting there. But have a system; just a methodology and you say, “That’s my system and I just follow that.”

People say to me all the time, “Do you do this?” “Nope.” “Do you do that?”

“Nope, but I do that.”

And I think they go, “Do you know what? There’s a bunch of money if I did this.”

“I’m sure there is, but I do that.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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I had someone in the United States who said to me, “Hey, guess what Rick?” I said, “What?” He said, “There’s a lot of money in commercial real estate.” I’m sure there is. I don’t do it. I do that.” Okay, don’t get upset. That’s all right. Talk about that, I’m there. So, be goal orientated, have a map.

The other thing is masterminding and mentoring. Very important. Hang around with the people who are going there. If you’re going somewhere, you have a choice. You can hang around with the people who represent where you’ve been or you can hang around with the people that represent where you’re going.

And what you’re going to find is by networking with people who are going in the direction that you’re going, not only do they become the support crew for you, they also understand what you’re doing and they’ll also keep the fire under you that just keeps pushing you along to the next level.

I’m going to show you some things today which you’re just going to go, “Wow!” because I have a situation where I said to some of my students, “Look, if you’re going to buy houses, you’ll find that most people have to sell the car. Why don’t you suggest to them when you buy the house I might as well just look after the car.”

So now most of my students, just when they buy a house, if there’s a car in the driveway they just say, “Can I have the car?” By the way, if you want to get a free car when you buy a house, here’s what you do. You say to the seller, write the words. “Can I have the car?” You’ll be surprised the amount of people who are moving to Queensland, do you think they want to drive all the way across? “No, I am going to sell, I’ll get a new one.”

So, what we’re going to see if one of my students walks in with a Holden. I’ll show you a picture of it a little bit later. Right? And my other student says, “Ahh, is that the best you can do?” The next guy comes in with a BMW. And he goes, “Ahh, is that the best you can do?” I’ll show you a little bit later on. If not, we’ll get it tomorrow. But, if you hang around with the people that are doing what you’re doing, going in the direction you’re going, they become your support group. Does that make sense? And they get it. Especially when you’re doing things that other people just don’t get.

What you’re going to find is – and this is such an important point – here’s what I’ve learned over the years. You see, most people – we’re all down here and we all hang around the swamp together ‘cause we’re all warm and fuzzy and we’re all covered in moss and every now and then you’re going to want to go up there, there’s a few people up here. You’ve got to hang out with those people up there, because they can see the big picture of what’s going on, but you’re going to find that you make a decision. The decision is, once you’ve got your goals in focus, do you travel towards the people going that way or do you hang out with the people where you come from?

Now, here is a success formula which I would like to suggest to you that although this is the business under which my company operates, if you take it into any business, I’m sure you will get the same results. It’s this. If you give people what they want first, then you’ll get what you want by default. And it will make your life so pleasurable and so painless simply Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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by giving people what they want. We saw that briefly in a TV show. No-one was going to put Rick Otton on TV, but when I figured out what the sponsors want and gave them what they wanted, they put me on the TV.

Now, what we’re going to talk to you about, we’re going to get into the nuts and bolts of this. I want to introduce you to a concept and it was really McDonalds that pioneered it. Does anybody know what business McDonalds is in? -- Real Estate.

They’re in the real estate business. And it’s really important that we understand how we made this work. There’s a book you can buy and it’s called McDonalds; Behind the Arches. Anybody read this book at all? Fascinating book. Here’s what McDonalds did. When McDonalds started out they wanted to sell 15 cent hamburgers. Now, you’re a takeaway store and you want to sell 15 cent hamburgers, do you think it’s possible that when you go to the bank to borrow money for 15 cent hamburgers that the banking system didn’t really want to fund a brand new fast food takeaway joint? They couldn’t get money. They couldn’t get money. So here’s what they did.

They wanted to get a whole bunch of properties and a whole bunch of properties on street corners to build little McDonald stores. Does that make sense? So they said, “Sir, I’ll tell you what, you’ve got this place on the corner. Listen to this. Is there any chance that if I give you the price you want for the property, even if I pay you more than what you want, is it possible I could rent it from you and buy it from you down the road?”

Now, if the price was right, do you think there’d be a percentage of people that would say, “Sure, if the price is right, you can rent it from me and pay me off down the road.” Do you think that’s possible? That’s what they did. They went all around America saying, “So here’s the deal. I’ll rent it from you, you tell me how much you want and I’ll pay you the price down the road. In the meantime you can virtually charge me whatever rent you want.” A whole lot of people said, “It’s a pretty good deal.”

So, here’s what McDonalds did. They went over to these people and they said, “Would you people like to be in the hamburger business? Now, I know you can’t afford to BUY the McDonalds but how would you like to RENT the McDonalds from me and when you’re ready you can pay me off for the McDonalds sometime down the road. Do you think it made it easy for these people to get into the McDonalds hamburger business? Absolutely it did.

So, here’s what I’m doing. I’m renting at a McDonalds. I’m not going to get into the technicalities because the next stage of this, which I don’t really want to get into right now, was, was they actually then said to this man, “Do me a favour. I’ve got all these people that want to get a McDonalds here, would you go and put the McDonalds on and remove your house.” But the way we did that, it’s sort of another stage. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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But I just want the concept. Could we just get the concept? These people want in. These people want in and McDonalds said, “We’ll make it easy for you to get in. You can rent it from us and in turn McDonalds is renting it from this man on the corner.”

Does that make sense? Because here’s what they figured out. Here is the trick question. Hamburgers are 15 cents. Everybody else who’s selling 15 cent hamburgers are low on a profit, where do you think the cash flow might have been for McDonalds? The difference between the rent that these people pay McDonalds and the rent that we’re paying that man on the street corner. Does that make sense?

McDonalds’ organisation built its empire based on the fact that these people moving in, who wanted the McDonalds, were paying on a rental agreement more money coming in than what this man was receiving. And that arbitrage or the difference in those ratios was where they made the profit and they built themselves into the largest real estate industry in the world.

Now, here’s what’s interesting. They did this for 15 years until some lawyers one day said, “Gee, how did you do all this paperwork?”

“Well, we just figured out what he wanted, just figured out what that person wanted and just put it together.”

“Well, I don’t know if that’s legal.”

“I guess we better hand the whole country back.”

It just became the way it is. Does that make sense? They virtually created the system. So that is the McDonalds system. Now, that’s important because it’ll take us into a couple of other steps here.

Now, okay, here’s another idea. We’ll just go to here. What have I done? There I am. Okay. Now, I said to you earlier, in about every country I’ve been into so far approximately 30 percent of the country, if they walked into a bank tomorrow, the bank will say, “We won’t lend you any money”. Somebody said to me earlier credit was one of the issues.

Do you want to guess some other reasons as to why there are people who are walking into the bank who can’t get a loan from the bank today? Unstable income, self-employed? I’ll be about to show you in the house in a minute an exact man – this man is a car dealer, a lot of his income is commission. He can’t prove his income because sometimes he sells lots of cars, sometimes he sells none. So we’ve got unstable income.

Anything else? -- Age. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Age? Oh yes, absolutely. Anybody else? No deposit? You’ve got no money. Yes, you’ve got yourself no money. Why else can’t I buy a house? -- No assets.

No assets, yes. Boy, yes. Let’s put that under credit, absolutely? -- To understand the process. Boy yes. To understand the process. For a lot of people it’s hard. I mean you’ve got to go and talk to a little 23 year old person, with all these forms and ask you all these personal questions and they don’t sort of quite get it. I mean the greatest thing about banks was when they designed ATMs. Wasn’t that great? You just stand outside. You don’t have to go in anymore. The process.

Could we also have, right now, especially over here in Western Australia, we’re having a lot of new immigrants coming in aren’t we? From London, South Africa, overseas countries. Do you reckon they’re having problems walking into this market today and getting a home loan to buy a house? Absolutely. Absolutely. Six months. You’ve got to be here for at least six months or it’s not going to happen. You’ve got to build banking relationships. If you’re an immigrant you could have a lot of cash, but if you haven’t got all the cash, no-one’s going to lend you any money.

Okay, what about – do I have any property investors in the room? How many property investors – have any property investors bought so many properties that you’ve gone in to buy one more property and the bank has cut you off and said, “I’m sorry, you’ve got too many”? Yes? Absolutely. Property investors, “I’m sorry, you can’t take advantage of the market.” Property investors, you’ve got too much.

Okay, so what we have is we have 30 percent of people who can’t get a loan today. Is it possible to say that next year things might change and that‘s okay but today they can’t get it. Does that make sense? You didn’t pay the mobile phone bill. Next year, that’s okay, that was last year’s mobile phone bill, but today – oh by the way, divorce. Do you reckon that could be an issue? What do you reckon; in Australia we have a fantastic hobby. We all get halfway through our lives and we all move one partner to the left.

Now it’s called divorce and guess what happens. People don’t pay their credit cards and all those sort of bills. Now next year, that’s all old. But right now, you’re not going to get in the system. Does that make sense, because you didn’t pay the electricity account? I don’t want to hear about it, but you didn’t pay the phone account and the Council rates and everything else wasn’t paid. So divorce is a major thing. Next year, we all get together, Brady Bunch, 15 kids, we’re back on track.

Now, okay. All these people can’t get in today, but they can get in tomorrow.

Now, convenience stores. How many of you have ever shopped at the convenience store? Hands up. Now, here’s my question. Is the convenience store more expensive or less expensive than going down to Woollies? -- More. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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More expensive. So then if it’s more expensive, why do you go? -- Convenience.

So, what you’re saying is you’re prepared to pay for the value that’s offered by the convenience store. Is that right? So you go there at 11 o’clock at night, you’ve got a dinner party, Woollies is closed, they charge you twice as much for the milk, you start to cry but you pay the fees anyway.

Yes, so people will pay if the value’s there. So, okay, so we’ve got a situation where we’ve got 30 percent of people who can’t get into the banking system and can’t buy any more houses today. We’ve also got a situation where you’ve just acknowledged with me and agree with me that people, if the value is there and they can get what they want, they’ll pay for it.

There’s a company, Fred Smith started this company in 1972, comes out of Tennessee. Here’s what he figured out. I used to send a letter from one side of America to the other side of America for 30 cents. Fred said, “We’ll charge ‘em ten bucks. We’ll charge ‘em for the same letter, it’ll be ten bucks instead of 30 cents but we’ll get it there tomorrow.” Does anybody know the name of the company? -- FedEx.

FedEx. Let me ask you ladies and gentlemen, FedEx is now huge. People pay $10 instead of 30 cents. Why do they pay the $10? Convenience. They’re prepared to pay and they want it now. It’s all about the generation sex – Generation X. Well it’s funny. I was on another talk show the other day and I was talking about real estate agents and I said, “Well, anyway, and then the Hookers came over”. I meant Raine & Horne and um, got to stop, it throws me off.

So okay, so FedEx, now here’s the thing. See Generation X says, “Well, we want it and we want it now and we’re prepared to pay the price because we want it now. I don’t want it next week. I want it now.” And that’s what FedEx cashed in on.

So, here’s what we’re going to do. I got markets right around the world with all these people who want to get in. All these people want to get in houses. So, let’s start looking at this and see as we go along.

First thing I’ve got here for you is a house. Now, let me ask you something. Because ladies usually buy houses, men just pay for them, and actually the really, really clever women make the man think it was his idea that he wanted that house. Now, houses normally come in two styles. You can buy a brick house or you can buy a timber house and I suggest to you when you go to the real estate agent he says, “What sort of house do you want?” You said, “I want a brick house” or “I want a timber house.” Now what happens when you get the house that’s a half-caste house? It’s a bitsa, bits of timber, bits of wood. Do you think when people buy houses they say, “Oh look, can I just have a bitsa. Bits of everything?” No, so what happens is they sit on the market that little bit longer right. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So, this is an example of a man who just bought a house. Buy a house and here’s what I found when I bought by house, everybody wants the house because I’ve got 30 percent of people who just want a house and I found that the 30 percent of people will pay whatever they want to pay in order to get into the house and a lot of people rent. Now, people rent – does anybody know why they rent? -- Can’t afford to buy.

Bingo. Is it fair enough to say that we all rent in order to try to get ready to organise to buy and if you gave most people the opportunity, would they rather buy or stay as a tenant? -- Buy.

Buy. People would rather buy. So here’s an idea. It’s called “Rent to Own”. So I buy a house and I buy a house and said to the person, “Look, here’s what I’ll do. I’ll rent it to you.” Now if I rent it to you I’m going to pull from all the people who want to rent a house from me but I’ll say, “I’ll do it as a ”Rent to Buy.” So I’ll do a McDonalds system. You can rent it and at the same time if you want to, you can also buy the house so that your rent goes towards buying the house.”

Now, if tenants had the choice and the choice is the rent’s going to be dead money or the rent goes towards buying the house, what do you think they’d prefer to do? -- Buy.

Now, if they’re doing a “Rent to Buy” and therefore I’m pulling from all the buyers and I’m pulling from all the tenants, do you think because the people are renting and buying from me at the same time, do they need to go to a bank and get a bank loan? No. Now, am I now suddenly pulling from a huge segment of the market that says, “Hey, we’re a First Home Own Buyer, we couldn’t get in. I couldn’t get a bank loan”. I’m pulling 30 percent. Am I pulling in all the people in the rental pool who want to get into my “Rent to Buy” and am I also pulling in all the people who would like to buy a house into my “Rent to Buy” because they’re getting to rent my house and buy it at the same time without a bank loan.

Do you think I’ve got this demand of people coming in and wanting my house? Let me ask you this. If you’ve only got one house and you’ve got too many people who want the house, what does it do to the value of the house? -- Goes up.

The market pushes it up. So here’s what happens. Something else I found when I put this model together was, I found not only does everybody want my house and not only do my houses move very, very quickly, I found that there’s something else in Australia that we love to do.

I found that not only do people want a house or do they want another house or do they want another, another, another house, but when we get into houses in Australia, okay, here’s what I’ve found. I get in normal mums and dads, normal mums and dads, mum, dad, two kids who want to “Rent to Buy” my house or they wanted it as an investment house, it didn’t matter. They just wanted to get into my house. I also found that the people were paying more for my houses and they lined up the street to do so because there was just so many of them that wanted the house. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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The other thing was, in Australia there’s something we’d like to do. We’ve got this thing called “renovate”. We move into a house – it could be – we’re the only country that does it. If we try to sell a house in America that’s unrenovated, people won’t buy it. In Australia, you want to sell the house and you want to sell it fast, you smash it up a little bit so it’s all dusty and dirty and broken down and people go, “Bargain!”. Boom, they’re straight in and they start renovating. Hey?

I was with a couple of my staff last night and she was so excited. They’ve just bought the first house and he said, “And I’m out painting the fence.”

I figured out that if you go to an auction people will sit around until the house comes where’s there’s no roof and they’ll all go, “Yeah, give me the house with no roof.” We all want to start renovating.

So, people love to renovate and what I’m finding is – by the way, when people move into houses and they want to renovate them, what do you think happens to the value of the house? It goes up. Now, so I’ve found that people are moving into these houses, they always want to renovate them. Even if they don’t want renovating, they’ve just got to renovate them to say that they’re truly Australian and that they love renovating. They’ve all watched the do-it-yourself show. You know the do-it-yourself show like “Five easy ways to put a roof on your house by Saturday barbeque that night”? So they’ve all jumped in doing that.

Here’s the thing I found out. Does anybody have tenants in the room? Okay, let me ask you something. Has anybody ever had a tenant in the room that doesn’t pay the rent? Okay, here’s an idea. If the person is renovating your house and they’re paying the rent and the rent’s going towards buying the house, do you think they’d pay the rent on time? Absolutely every time. So what I found was people were paying the rent all the time. Every time. So I had all these people right across Australia, New Zealand, America, the United Kingdom, going into Holland, they were all renting these houses off me, they’re all renovating these houses, because they’re all going to be their house, the McDonalds system, and then what’s happening is they’re all renovating and they’re doing this. And I want to show you this one because I had some students with me and I just thought I’d show you this example. This was just very, very recently.

What I do is I do bunches of stuff and in some of my training courses I have, I have some where I actually take the students out on the road and I say, “Look, one of the easiest ways I’ve found for adults to learn things is I can stand up here and talk all day, but the best way” – do I have any teachers in the room? Let me ask you something. Can you yell out what is the best way to get someone to learn how to do something? -- Teach themselves.

Yes. What about show them? Okay, but they’ve got to do it right? Right. So I tell people, show it to them and then I get them to do it, because with adults when they do it, they learn and take it in a lot better than just listening to someone standing up on a stage. Does that make sense? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So, what happened was, I got these people. Okay. Chris comes along and Chris says, “I want the house” so I said, “Okay.” He said, “But I want to do some things to it” so he gets into the house and the first thing that the house needed in his mind was it needed a garden, so he sticks a garden in because he’s excited. By the way, people, they get excited when they buy their first house don’t they? Man, they want to do everything. Because, by the way, when you buy the first house, okay, you’ve moved in, you’ve just moved in, you’ve bought your first house, what’s one of the first things you want to do? -- Saw down the garden for a man.

Yes, don’t we? We just want to put concrete everywhere. But ladies, what about the house warming party? Show all the friends the new house, yes? Okay, so what do we need, we need a garden. So the first thing he does, he puts in the garden. Chris says, “This house needs a swimming pool.” Chris comes in and puts in a swimming pool. And I said to Chris, “Chris, your house is look pretty exciting. You know I’d like to show a couple of my students the houses, do you mind if I bring a couple of students over?” He said, “No”. People love showing their houses.

So, I said to Chris – there’s Chris – I’ve got the little pointer here. Can you see Chris there? There’s Chris and there’s me right? There’s me and Chris is there and he’s saying to me, “Rick, you brought a few of these students over.” And I said, “Well I have Chris,” and he said, “It looks to me like you’ve brought, like, maybe a busload of people over” and I said, “Well Chris, let’s not stop at one”. So all 80 of us stood in the backyard and there’s Chris, right. But Chris was so happy, he wants to tell all – look, he’s put in his decks, he’s put in two decks, right, he’s put in all this. And he’s doing this “Rent to Buy” because see, Chris wanted the house. Now, Chris spent all this money on the last year on this house, right.

He’d been renting from me doing a “Rent to Buy”, he’s paying on time, fixed up this house, wanting to tell everybody, he said to me he really wants me to go back again with another busload and he said, “Do you mind if I put on hamburgers and sell Coke?” I said, “Hey, go for it Chris” and so then here’s the thing. Now, I bought this house for X okay. Now, didn’t we say that when I put it out to the market, bought in for X on Monday, put it on the market and the person on the “Rent to Buy”, I said, “You can do a ‘Rent to Buy” but they can rent it and buy for it say Y. Does that make sense? And Y is going to be higher than X. Now, Chris is making payments to me every month and then he says, “Um, I’ve been doing this for over 12 months”. So, see the system says that once you’ve been doing anything for 12 months and once you can show an income stream for 12 months, you can go and refinance. So Chris says, “Look, you know how I’m this buying tenant?” I said “Yeah.” He said, “Do you mind if I just like pay you off and just go and get a loan at the bank?” Does that make sense? See, he couldn’t before but now he can because he can show that he’s been making regular payments every month. Are you with me? Right, so I can show the paperwork.

So, now, Chris who is the buying tenant says, “I’m going to go and refinance.” I said, “Fantastic. Call your mortgage broker and away you go.” So, Chris refinances. Now, first of all, you’re probably thinking why would a seller who’s got a house want to sell a house on a “Rent to Own”? Okay. Did we just agree that if we’re selling a house on a “Rent to Own” that the marketplace will pay you more for the house than what you’d otherwise get for the house? Because you’ve got Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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more people that want it. If you sell a house on a “Rent to Own” you don’t have any agency fees or any costs. Okay? Because it’s direct, you put a little sign out there, we’re going to cover that in a minute.

So, people come and buy your house off a little “Rent to Own”. You’ll see the little signs and people will write a little ad for the paper so your costs of moving that house through the system is considerably less.

A lot of sellers, especially landlords, they want to move houses through their funnel for “Rent to Owns” because they can defer taxes. Quite often, if you’re transacting properties you may find that you want to defer your tax liability, so you’ll sell a house on a “Rent to Own” so you don’t get hit with all your taxable profits in one year. Does that make sense?

The other thing is this. This is very important. David Banks is going to speak to us a little bit. When you have ordinary rentals in most cases are you negatively geared? Yes. On a “Rent to Own” you are substantially positively geared. If you have your buy and holds which are over here because we’ve always got our buy and holds for capital growth and over here, and we have all these “Rent to Owns” but the “Rent to Owns” are all positive, which means they all make you cash flow every single month instead of costing you money every single month. Will people lend you more money to buy more houses because you’re making money instead of losing money? What do you think? Yes, 20 a suburb. When I started they were giving me money for 20 a suburb because they said, “Mr Otton, you’re making so much money, every time we lend money to people they’re losing money on it, you’re making double to three times what the average person makes.” I said, “Yes, so lend me some more.” And it is by having that massive yield income that I can then buy properties that are negatively geared under the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Does that make sense? But I have the positively geared properties offsetting those properties.

Now, did we cover why buyers would want to buy a property under a “Rent to Own” scenario. Yes? Did we sort of say well basically, they want to get in, it’s easy in. They get to get in. By the way, for the investors, how many of us ordinarily go and buy a house, renovate it and then sell it? Something to think about. What we’re seeing that’s happening very, very quickly are people are starting to do a “Rent to Own”, so I’m not buying it yet, I’ll renovate it, improve the value, sell it, I’m not going to get into this but there’s no stamp duty, okay, so you save on stamp duty, you don’t have all the bank costs, you got to renovate, then you’ll get all profits, you do the “Rent to Own”, you’re out of it.

So, you get to control a property for very, very little money. So as a buyer if I want to move into a property I can control it very cheaply under a “Rent to Own”, get control of the property and also if I want to I can also save up deposits if I want to save up deposits.

So, okay, and it gets people in and it’s fast. The average transaction on a “Rent to Own” takes about four days. The average transaction on purchasing a property I’m probably guessing is about 4, 6, 8 weeks. So it is fast. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now, when Chris said, “I’m going to the bank” he paid me off. So he went and got a loan with. I don’t know, AMP Bank or something, but remembering that I bought the house at this price. Chris bought the house off me at that price. Are you lined up down the street with everybody else? When he pays me off at this price, I’ve still got to pay off my person down here at that price, correct? The difference is $51,043.75. So here’s what happens. I go back to my banker over here and I go to pay the money back and the guy goes, “That’s pretty good. Do you want to do it again?” I said, “Oh yeah.” And he said, “Let’s go and do another one.” So we go and do another one.

Now, do another one, do another one. All in the same month, making $140,000. What have you got when you’ve got $140,000 a month from “Rent to Owns”, you get that. Here’s the interesting part. Write this down. Substitution of collateral. It’s really powerful because here’s what I figured out. I was buying these houses. I’m coming down to you and saying, “Bam, lend me some money”. You lend me the money. Come over to this guy. Great. You’re making the positive cash flow. You’re doing the “Rent to Own.” Great. You’re paying me more money every single month than what I borrowed from the bank. Does that make sense? You’re paying me $1000 a month, I’m paying the bank $800 a month. You’re thinking fantastic. Rick Otton is making money on his money. Does that make sense? The people down here say, “I want to own the property now.” Great, they refinance it, right? They pay you back the money. You’ve said, “That worked pretty well.” Borrow the money again. But then the bank got sick of it. They said, “Get portability of the loan.” Here’s what that means.

The first time you qualify for the loan, ladies and gentlemen, when you’re 20 is the only time you ever have to qualify for that bank loan. You keep that for the rest of your natural life or the next 30 years. Does that make sense? With substitution of collateral which is a clause that you put in your bank loan, substitution collateral says that when you come to bank the loan off, you can keep the home loan and roll it to the next house and then go to the next house. Exciting stuff isn’t it. To the next house. To the next house. You do not have to apply for anymore loans or speak to anymore little bank people. Once you’ve got the loan – hang on a sec, I’ll be with you in a minute – once you’ve got the loan, substitution of collateral says when the property’s gone, you allocate the loan to the next property.

Now, here’s what happens. What happens when you keep going, then you get another loan and then another loan and then another loan and what you’ve got is, you’ve got all these people on these renters but they’re now “Rent to Buys”, they’re paying you out and you’re rolling the loan to the next house. Does that make sense? Did you get the idea that you no longer have to qualify for anymore bank loans?

A couple of years ago, and you’re going to see David, because David walked – there he is down the back there. Dave, stand up really quickly, because I keep referring to you. There, he just waved. I’ll get him up in a minute. There he is. I’m going to get Dave up in a minute. What happened was, I said that because a lot of my people, my students walk around in sort of like T-shirts and shorts and stuff and a couple of years ago when I was doing this I was in Phillips Street in Sydney and I’m walking down the street and I was going to a banker’s meeting about 12 o’clock and I have my black little stubby shorts on and my T-shirt on and I’m walking down there at about 12 o’clock, it was right on lunchtime and all the Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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doors opened and all the suits walked out and they’re all looking at me and I’m walking down, and the funny part about it was, I was wearing my thongs, I was actually going – no, it was a serious meeting, so I dressed up, I wore black thongs. And I got a tack, a tack right on my thong, so I’m walking down the street like this, right, you know, and then I got the tack, and I was going like this with my foot, because I couldn’t get the tack out, right? And all the suits came out and they’re all looking at me going, “Poor man. If only he’d gone to university and got a job, look where he is today.” I got to the end of the street and some bloke pushed ten bucks into my hand. So the thing is, so what happens is – and you just go – it’s a factory. Can you see how it’s a system? It’s a system, it’s just a little factory, it just goes over and over and over and over. Never change the system. It just goes over and over and over. And it just gets boring. I’m sorry, it gets boring. It’s a little factory, it just goes over and over and over.

So, here’s what happened. Here’s the interesting bit. Twenty percent of the people who get “Rent to Buys” from me, do you reckon if they’re making money they come back and want another one? Absolutely. He came back, he said to me, “Look, I made a lot of money on that last house.”

I said, “Fantastic.”

He renovated and he made a whole bunch of money and he moved onto the next one and he said, “Can I go again?”

I said “Fine”. He went again, refinanced it, the next time I got $89,498 – by the way, for me to get that, do you reckon he made some money? Yes, he made another $150,000. He made another $150,000.

By the way, was I renovating the house? Do you think I even know what a paintbrush looks like? No. Here’s what I found out. When I started this, ladies and gentlemen, I used to do the typical stuff, see I didn’t know anything, so I thought, okay, so you buy a house and you go down there and you put the carpet in and you do the cosmetic decorating, the thing goes out, the person comes in. Does that make sense? Because I’m going to be a landlord, and I’m thinking, this sucks, what am I going to do with my life? Run around and paint stuff?

Here’s what I figured out. If I have a person who’s a buyer, ladies, you might relate to this for me. Isn’t it fair enough that once that person goes into, “I am a buyer, this is my house” do you think they want to put their own individual touch on the property? -- Yes.

Good, exactly. So here’s what used to happen to me. I would get a house, I would put Berber carpet through the house, it would cost me $20,000. A person would walk in and say, “Who’s the moron that put the Berber carpet in? Everybody knows it should be polished floorboards. I don’t know, it was just there when I found the house. Tears would come to my eyes. And then people had their own thing about colour. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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You see, what happened is, when I was fixing these houses up I was trying to tell you what you will like, and what you won’t like, but you know what? You’re a new home owner. You have your own individual taste, don’t you? You don’t want me dictating to you what you will live in. You want to dictate to yourself what you want to live in. So I started painting places and then I found that what colour I liked was not what you liked.

And what are the first things people wanted to say? What’d I say yesterday? He said, “Mate, I bought the house, the first thing I did was paint the fence.” Right? I would paint these house at a huge expense, I would go back there and the people would say, “Look what I’ve done to the kids’ room”. One’s pink, one’s blue for Bobby, one’s grey and I just think, “Ohh.” Right? I gave up. I said, forget it.

I had a house, I bought the house and I ran in and I bought the house and the man was halfway through painting the house down the hallway. He was halfway through painting it and I said, “I’ll buy this house as long as you stop now and get off the ladder.” And he said, “Oh, thank God.”

The next lady came in and I said, “Do you want to get the house?” And she said, “Sure”. She went and looked at the house and she said, “Mr Otton, I’ll take the house on one condition.” I said, “What’s that?” She said, “On the basis that you stop painting it because I think the colour you’re painting it is really, really ugly.” And I said, “Okey dokey.”

So here’s the thing. Let’s test this really quickly. What I found is, it doesn’t matter what I do, I’m going to be 50 percent right, and 50 percent wrong. Now, I was actually going to say to you look at the carpet colour and I was going to say to you that probably half of you will like it and half of you will hate it, but I reckon with this group and looking at the carpet, I reckon I know the answer. So, let me ask you this. Let’s go with the curtains. Look at those curtains. Now, some people will look at the curtains and go, “That’s okay, I can handle that colour in my house” and some of you will think it sucks. Let’s just find out. Hands up if you could live with that colour curtain in your house. That’s okay. Hands up if you’d say it sucks, you’d get rid of them.

That’s it. How much do you reckon I spent on curtains just to be told I sucked? That’s it. So I said, “No, you do it yourself.” So now everybody gets to run in and do it all themselves. I was doing nothing. I found with painting – so what happens is, I get the houses, they’re structurally sound, and then I do nothing. I do absolutely nothing because I find that the more I do the worse off I am and people don’t get to renovate their own house and people just want to put their own stamp on their own house so what’s happening is, people were coming in and buying these houses. And then they were just renovating, fixing them up, moving on with their lives, doing whatever they do and pay me off. Does that make sense so far?

Okay, how am I going for time? Am I really down to what I think I am? Twenty minutes? Yes. Whoo. Ten? I’m at ten minutes. Okay. Boy, are we leaving a lot til tomorrow. Okay, now, here’s what happens. Okay. What I want to do is, ladies Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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and gentlemen, I want to take you through another very quick concept and I would like David to come up here very quickly. If you run with me on the first bit, here’s another idea.

These are some guys that bought a house. I don’t look at houses, okay. I don’t look at houses. I figure I’m never going to live in the house anyway, it’s for you people, so why don’t you go and look at it, if you like the house I’ll buy it. Does it make sense? I teach my students that. The reason I show you this photo here it is, is because I said to my students, “Show me where the house is.” They said, “I don’t know, we’ve never seen it.” So we had to sit in the car while they found out where the house was that they’d bought so that we could go and figure out how to sell it. And we went there to put some signs up to sell it and the people turned up straight away, there they are there. I’m there with a camera. This looks really devious, doesn’t it? I mean, we’ve been there for 10 seconds, I’m there – look, I’m ducking down behind the bushes, right.

Now, these people bought the house, they bought the house to day that the signs went on the house. My students went and had a barbeque and they made $67,000 on the same day they put the sign up, right. Boom. People went into the house. There they are with my wife, Joanie.

Now, okay. Sandwich leases. Here’s how this works. This is so exciting. Okay, do you remember I’ve told you the first bit that we went along and we’ve got the house, right? Well, the first time was, “Why don’t we do this.” The sandwich lease works this way. The McDonalds system. Do you remember how I said to you that I did the “Rent to Buy” with the people and they came in? Does that make sense? Then let me ask you something. If you are the people who are selling the houses, what if I just did a “Rent to Buy” from you? So I do a “Rent to Buy” from you and I’m making payments to you every month, correct? And then I turn around like McDonalds did and then I did a “Rent to Buy” to you, and let you guys go and renovate it. Does that make sense? Now, I’ve got a “Rent to Buy” and a “Rent to Buy”. I’ve just passed it through. Okay?

So, what a sandwich lease is, is exactly that. So what happens is, I don’t need to get a bank loan. I had to do it this way because I couldn’t get any bank loans, there were no banks. So I used to say, “Let me ask you something. How much can I rent it for?” You’d say, “Well, I want $9,000 a month, or $7,000 a month to cover my mortgage” or “my loan” or whatever it is. It doesn’t really matter. As long as this person over here is going to pay me more than $9,000 a month, I can just transfer over a “Rent to Own” to them.

So, here we’ve got the standard rental. People want to do a “Rent to Own”, so then it turns around that you, here, you’re the investors. You’re paying X to those people over there, because you’re doing a “Rent to Own” from them, and then you’re turning around and you’re getting X + Y from these people.

Dave Banks, jump up here really quick. I want to introduce you to Dave Banks because Dave Banks is – have we got a microphone for Dave at all? Sorry guys, you’ve just got a handheld. Dave is one of my students and he’s been with me for Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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a while. Dave, I know that you – there’s some many different techniques that I teach, and I think I’d like to ask really quickly – by the way Dave, you’re looking really good today. Dave, it’s funny, occasionally I say to my students, I say, “Do me a favour, could sometimes could you guys put shoes on your feet otherwise people just don’t think you’re credible and they really do think you’re homeless.”

Now, Dave, you used to be – can you tell me a little bit about what you used to do and what you’re doing now just real quickly? -- Sure, I was in the Navy for nine years and I really, really hated it and did a bit of research, found Rick and I just jumped into doing the real estate thing.

Okay, and that’s what you’re doing now? -- Yes, I’ve been doing that for three years, haven’t had a job since I left the Navy.

Okay, so you’re unemployed? Okay, so, but you’re still making money, aren’t you Dave? -- Yes.

So, the strategy – we’ll just pull out this one strategy quickly on this back to back lease to own and I just wanted you very quickly, could you just tell us quickly about one that you just did, just to help cement it. Does that make sense? Okay, we had someone who wanted to get rid of a house. Could you tell us the story just briefly and why did they want to get rid of the house? -- She actually had really bad rheumatoid arthritis, was on a part pension. She contacted me, didn’t want to sell it through a real estate agent because she didn’t want to have to clean the house every weekend and have strangers through.

That whole thing – having the tribe of people come in, looking, taking your furniture, yes, I understand? -- And because she was on a part pension she needed 12 months in her new job before she could actually get another bank loan. So, this is just finding out exactly what the seller needs, just by asking good questions and she was happy for me to buy it off her. I paid her a bunch of money so she could move, pay off some personal debts and paid her mortgage for her for 12 months.

Okay, so you did a Rent to Own” with her and the “Rent to Own” just happened to meet the mortgage payment. Does that make sense guys? So that’s gotten rid of your liability. Okay, it’s gone. Now, you’ve turned around then. Now, for her to do that, you just paid her more money for the property. You paid her a good price for the property? -- That’s right, yes.

Okay, great. So you paid her probably what she wanted or you were prepared to pay a bit more in order for her to give you the ability to do that, correct? -- That’s correct, yes.

Right. Now, you’ve turned around to these people over here, correct? And you went to the marketplace and you said who wants to do a “Rent to Own” from you? -- Yes, yes, I just put an ad in the paper. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Okay, so right now, okay, and someone turned up and they wanted to do a “Rent to Own” from you, right? Correct, and that took how long? -- I actually sold it before I’d taken control of the property.

Okay, so you’d already got those people coming in before you’d finished the paperwork with these people going out. My God, you guys have got to learn a different system. Okay, you’ve got the people coming in here already lined up ready to go before he’s finalised that one. Okay, the people moving in, they gave you some money to get going? -- Yes.

Yes. Okay, so they gave you some money to get going. How much was that? -- $8,050.

$8,000. How much did you have in the property already? -- None.

Right, you’ve got no money, you’re unemployed, you don’t have a job, and you gave $8,500. Okay, boy, let’s do a couple of those. Okay, and then those people went in, then those people who went in, they’re in the house at the moment? -- It’s actually refinanced.

They’ve refinanced, so they were doing a “Rent to Own” from you and now they’ve refinanced and gone on their way and when they refinanced, did you get some more money? -- I got about 38 grand.

So you got $7,000 or $8,000 when they moved in, thank you very much, they had the opportunity to get their own home, they paid you another $38,000 when they went out. Does that make sense? -- That’s right. Yes.

Okay. Okay, David, first of all, David didn’t want to come up on the stage because most of my students just don’t get up on stage like I do. David, thanks very much. Just thanks for coming – pop down there for a minute. I’ve got to move. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

RICK OTTON Property No Money Down Pt. 2 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 2

MC: Would you please welcome Rick Otton.

MEET RICK OTTON Rick Otton, the showman off property

RICK OTTON: I got a phone call last nig ght. I went to bed and I

entrepreneurs and original p pioneer of

got woken up by an American Solicitor in the morning. He

creative property strategies,, is

said, “I’ve got some really good news. We’ve W just set up our

internationally admired by tthe

new franchise in Alaska. We think “We Buy B Igloos” is going to really take off.”

property industry for his ma averick real estate concepts. Rick's success has been achiieved through recognising property profits can be maxximised when you start to create

What I thought we’ll do today is – I ran you over some ideas

strategies relating to the terrms under which the property is

yesterday and I knew that what I wante ed to do today is to go

acquired or sold, and not sim mply relying on price-led

into a lot more detail with you and spelll some of this stuff out

strategies. Rick's refreshing concepts c allow the buying,

step by step. Does that make sense?

selling and trading of housees using little or no money of your own to create what everyon ne is looking for, super-cash flow

What I’m going to do is I’m also going g to answer a whole lot of questions I know that people have and if I have time I’ll take some questions from the floor. If I don’tt have time and you have further questions, come and speak to me a little bit later

as well as profits. With leading real estate cou urses, education seminars and home study packs, Rick travvels the world sharing his strategies, skills and experieence.

on and we’ll get those all covered.

ophy that we set up yesterday was – and it’s a philossophy – and this’ll all come Okay, first of all let’s start – the philoso together a little bit later – is, if you workk out what the other person wants and give it to them m and work on that basis first, up front, don’t worry about what you want, w work out what the other person wants and give e it to them, you’ll always get what you want by default and I think yo ou’ll find this will really come across today and you’re e going to see that a lot of other things that will go on in your life will w be so incredibly empowering and incredibly enrriching when we see this through.

So, let’s start off the next slide on the PowerPoint here and I’m going to do a bit of a retake of where we were. So, now, let’s look at the Close brothers. Everything we talk about is a complete marketing system. Itt is a methodology. What happened was - how did they find this house? They go to the internet. In this particular example they go to the internet.

ound here. My wife and I, we started working togethe er back in 1991. For the first 10 Now, let’s take a little bit of a backgro years I used to find every single propertty and my wife used to sell every single property. We e worked as a team. One of the reasons why I said to you yesterday, wh hen I put events together once every year, I always ge et people to turn up as a team because they normally want a buddy or someone to connect with. Does that make sense? Because B quite often I’m going to bring out a new strategy that - you cannot read about any of my strategies in any books because the books haven’t Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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been written yet and I must have seven half written drafts of various books for various publishers. I just can’t get them finished.

Now, okay. So on this particular case the place was found on the internet. Quite often, how do I find houses? When I’m doing a "Rent to Own", I’m doing a "Rent to Own"; a lot of Real Estate Agents know what I do. They know I’m the "Rent to Own" guy. A lot of mortgage brokers – do I have any mortgage brokers in the room? Okay, mortgage brokers, do you think they have a lot of people who come in, who want to buy a house and they cannot qualify that person for a home loan? Do you think that’s possible?

The mortgage broker, rather than have that person walk out the door and make no money will say, “Let me put you onto a guy I know called Rick Otton. He’ll put you in a "Rent to Own" house; you can be in there for 12 months or so. After you’ve made 12 months on time payments that they can then document, the person can go back to the mortgage broker and then refinance and get a loan in the conventional terms.” Does that make sense?

If you missed your mobile phone bill yesterday or you got divorced yesterday, no-one will give you a home loan today. Time fixes everything. Twelve months or 18 months down the road, when you go to get a loan, that’s fine because the problem you had was some time ago. Does that make sense?

So, all day long we got mortgage brokers who want to put people into houses but they can’t qualify. All day long I have people, real estate agents, who want to put people into houses, the real estate agent says, “Rick, this person wants a house, they’ve got no deposit, we can’t put them into a house. Can they do like a "Rent to Own"?”

So, I have people call up. All of these things are outlined in my program. I also have little ads that I put in the paper. My little ads say, “Ex-pat returning to Australia, looking for house to rent with future purchase in mind.” Probably every landlord who wants to get rid of a property rings me up and says, “Hey, you can rent my house and buy it at the same time.”

So, I have a whole funnel of people who call me up. Quite often I’ll just go to the internet. You know you get a lot of people who are selling houses on the internet. In this case these fellows just got on the internet, said, “There’s a house, we’ll buy that one.” Question is why didn’t this house sell? You’re in a very hot market here and people said to me, “Well, why doesn’t this house sell and why did these fellows buy the house?”

Here is the house. One of the reasons why houses don’t sell easily is if you try to sell a house sometimes the Real Estate Agent will say, “I can’t sell the house in that condition.” This house had termites in the fence, it had a dead sheep, I think it was, in the swimming pool, the swimming pool was green, which was quite funny because they said, “We’ll take the dead sheep out of the pool” and I said, “Don’t, because the guy who moves in might not want the pool.” The guy that moved in said, “Oh, don’t worry about the dead sheep, I don’t want the pool.” I’ll get to that in a minute. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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The thing is – oh by the way, this is so importantly paramount – what people last night were trying to do to me is – ladies and gentlemen, when businesses make decisions to do business with each other, do they do business based on logic or do they do business based on emotion? What do you think? -- Emotion.

Okay, now think that through. When business to business does business, do they do business based on logic or emotion? -- Logic.

Logic, but when people make decisions, do people make decisions on logic or emotion? -- Emotion.

Emotion. Let’s prove this. How many people have you stood in front of at the McDonalds, the guy in front of you goes in and says, “Give me the Big Whopper Superpound with all the cheese but you better make the drink a diet”? Does the logic fit in or is that purely emotional?

Have you ever watched the people who pay a fortune for a gymnasium because they’re going to work out and get fit? They buy all the clothes and they go down to the gym and then they drive around the gym for the first 30 minutes looking for the closest parking spot to the front door. Right? Hey, why does a kamikaze wear a helmet?

The thing is, if we understand the psychology of people - I am in the people people business. I am not in the business business. I am in the people people business. A lot of people look at the logic of what I do and they go, “It doesn’t add up.” It won’t add up because you’re looking at it from logic. I’m talking about what motivates people and why do people do what they do. Does that make sense?

So, if you can just sit there and say, “Is it possible?” I do not expect you today to understand it. All I want you to do is just to get it. If you just get it and we can figure out understanding it later.

So, we’ve got this house that the person can’t sell. A real estate agent says, “There’s a dead animal in the pool, we can’t sell it, termites in the fence.” By the way, when people buy houses, if they get a termite report do you think they instantly cancel the contract and don’t buy the house? In many cases they do. Many people, if they don’t know what they’re doing, they’re not in real estate, they’ll have a house that says “termites” they’ll walk. They don’t understand it, they’ll go and buy a house that does not have termites. The gentlemen knew this and they also knew the system. The system says you’re not selling a house. What you are selling is an opportunity. This is paramount.

Eighty - seventy percent of people who can get a house, what they’re looking for is choice. Thirty percent of people who cannot get a house are looking for opportunity. It is a whole different mind shift. They said, “Okay.” They’ve now got their little marketing system. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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By the way, how did we advertise the house? Here’s what we did. The lady’s selling it because it was not in a condition that the real estate agents could sell it. Does that make sense? Do you think that it is possible there are houses that are in a condition that it’s just difficult for the real estate agent to sell? -- Yes.

Correct. And in order for the real estate agent to sell it, he’s going to say, “I’m going to have to slaughter the price of this house and sell it for 50c on the dollar”, do you think a lot of sellers say, “No way Hosè”. Okay, they’d look for a different way to sell this house.

Now, okay, so we know why the seller will have to sell, we’ll sell him this house. Also the seller had had a job transfer, didn’t have time to get rid of the dead animal, all the rest of it, wanted to go. Also, the house had had a conversion done on the inside. It was a three-bedroom house, it was now converted to a four-bedroom house.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you had the option, would you prefer to buy either a three-bedroom house or a four-bedroom or would you buy a conversion? People would rather buy the three or buy the four; they don’t really want to buy a conversion. Does that make sense? Hence, they sit around on the market a little bit longer when people have the choice. So, they now had a four-bedroom house that started off as a three-bedroom house.

Okay, now, I taught these guys something that is in my system. My system said, “Ladies and gentlemen, when you go and buy a refrigerator or you buy a television, is the price of the product normally written on it so therefore you can decide whether or not you can afford it?” Correct? Then let me ask you something, if they put the price on the product when you go to buy food in the supermarket, do they put the price on it or do you wait until you get to the checkout and we all just sort of have a bit of a guess? Then why the heck can’t we put the price on a house?

We’ve got a whole country where no-one puts the price on a house. So, how do you buy a house? You sort of go down and I don’t know if you’ve ever tried this, but if you try to ring real estate agents to find out what the price of the house is you’re in for a long day because they’re either out to lunch, in a meeting, sick, off today, day off, blah, blah, blah.

I came up with this unique concept. Here’s what it was. Put the price on the house next to the phone number. Now, the people who call me up to buy the house, are they the people who can afford the house or the people who can’t afford the house? They can afford the house because the price is on the house. Does that make sense?

I had a situation once where I was putting a sign in myself, I was carrying it up to the house – I buy houses cheaply on main roads. Real estate agents discount houses on main roads. I sell them for a lot more money. Why? Because people see my sign with a price on it and they go, “I can afford that.”

I was on a main road, I put the price on the sign, I’m carrying it over my shoulder, I was walking up the main road like this…the guy next to me in the car, he slows down, he’s looking through the windscreen of his car like this…I’m looking Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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at him like this…eventually he rolls down the window. He said, “Is the house gone?” I said, “Mate, I haven’t even put the sign in the yard yet.” We had to go through more things.

Let me tell you about the price. By the way, the next thing I do is I put junkie signs on houses. What do you reckon works better? A sign that cost $15,000 to have made or a cardboard box with a crayon on it saying, “For sale by owner – call Barry”. Right? Where do you reckon you’re going to get the bargain from? Barry’s sign?

Okay. I recently had a situation where a man was selling a house in Sydney for $7m. I was selling the house across the road. He paid $27,000 for his marketing budget, six week campaign, had everybody turn up at the auction, all these people right. I had a cardboard box and a wooden stick across the road. Three people – his house got passed in at auction, I had three buyers who saw the guy across the road with a wooden stick, said, “You fix, you profit - call Rick”. Right?

His house gets passed in at auction, walks over the road. He looks at me, I look at him. He said, “Can I borrow your stick?”

So, ugly sells. I teach you that ugly sells. I put up signs that not only have the price but they look like an individual is selling the house because an individual is selling the house. By the way, do you think people like doing business with individuals? -- Yes.

Okay, so that’s what we’re doing. Now, let’s move on. We’ve put the sign up. It’s a system. The guys had already had a house go. Did I say to you yesterday that we always get more people who want the houses than you’ll ever have houses? Does that make sense? Remember we went through that yesterday. All the reasons. So you’re always going to have too many people for too few houses. Does that make sense?

Here’s what we do. We get a list, he puts the sign up. Before we put the sign up the people stopped the car and said, “Oh, for sale by owner house.” They just started chatting to him. We then had the SMS number of all the people and said, “Got another house, go look, here’s the address.” SMS on the phone. All these people turn up to go and look at the house.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, something else I found that I put in my programs, so the real estate system says you show one person each time to the house. Does that make sense?

I discovered this other system. If I show all the people at the same time - if I show them one by one they’re all looking for the defaults in the house. Does that make sense? But if they all turn up together, they’re all looking at each other. So, when I got too many people in one house what do you think happens to the price? -- It goes up.

Okay, if I happen to be there and it is very rare that I go to a house, it’s like, “Who wants the house?” Well everybody wants the house. “Well, you’re going to give me some money to move in, so how much have you got?” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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“I’ve got $6,000.”

“Hang on.”

“What do you think?”

“Fantastic. What do I need to do to get in?”

“How much you got?”


“Back in a second.”

“Did we get the house?”

“Well, I don’t know; he’s got $8,000.”

“Well, we’ve actually got ten.”

“You’re making it hard.”

Listen, can you see how this works. Right? Because here’s the thing. What I found was in the old days I used to say to people, “It’s $5,000 or $10,000 to move into my house.” Then I found out if I said to people, “How much you got?” I’m absolutely staggered, like on the television we had 4,000 applications with people up to $150,000 in cash. People say to me, “How much do I need?”

“Well Sir, I need $354,000 but I’m sure you’re a little bit shy of that, aren’t you?”


So I’ve only got $25,000. I’m absolutely – learn this now, it seems like every second Australian has a worker’s compensation payment coming down the road. Everybody just seems to have a worker’s compensation cheque. Usually bad backs. I go to collect them, the guy’s normally up on the roof.

Now, here’s the thing. I showed you a couple more pictures, the guys went to have a barbeque. They were at a barbeque and people started ringing them back and they said they want the house. By the way, the fellows are at the Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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barbeque and people are seeing the house and the fellows’ at the barbeque. Are they at the house or are they at the barbeque? They’re at the barbeque. The people are looking at the house? Correct?

Ma’am, can I ask you something? If I gave you the keys to my empty house and you walked in there, do you think you could find the bedrooms and the bathrooms without me being there without getting lost? -- Yes I could.

Absolutely and I found that everybody in every country around the world can do the same thing. Put a lock box on there. Right? Give them the code. People go in, I ask them some qualifying questions. As I said, this is a system, there is a script for every single thing I do and I say to you, “Please, do not change something that I have been doing for over 15 years. Follow what I do. I go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.”

You’re right, that’s the code. 4357. I’m just telling you something I’ve told nobody else. Why do I have 4357 on mine? Because it spells “help” on my telephone and I never forget it.

So, now that I’ve said that, I’m going to have to run back and change all my codes, just thought of it now.

Okay, so, the people go in, very quickly, they’re going to go in there. The application that they’re going to fill in for the house, where do you reckon the application might be? -- Kitchen.

Thank you. In the kitchen drawer. Have I still been there and have I met the people who are buying the house yet? -- No.

No. Is it more important that they like the house or more important that I like the house? -- Them.

They like the house. They fill in the application, they fax it to me, they also fax me their credit report and I tell them how to do that. It cost them $23 over the telephone, I have all the documents I need. They say, “Okay, what do we do now?” And I say, “Before we go any further, have you got some money?”


“How much you got?”

“Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”

“Do you want the house? Fantastic. When do you want to move in?” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Well, here’s what I want to do. I like to make sure that everybody gets legal representation. Does that make sense? So they know what they’re doing. So I say, “Who would you like me to send the paperwork for on the house so that you can get your solicitor to look by it?” They give it to me and I fax it out.

And then they say, “What do we do now?” And I say, “Okay, you put the money in, write these numbers down, 492164844 National Bank.”

“What do we do there?”

“Well that’s the account number for ‘We Buy Houses’, you go and put the money in my bank and I’m – online banking, I’ll see the deposit that’s come in and bam-bo, I know I’ve got my money”. They put the deposit in my account; it goes straight into my bank. Right? Have I met the people in the house yet? No.

Now, have I also probably verified they’ve got a job and a couple of things on the application because it’s in the system? Is that right? Yes, of course. Pretty basic stuff. So, then I say, “Okay, I’ve got everything I need.” The solicitor sends the paperwork back over to my solicitor and says, “Yep, it’s all checked.” I don’t do this, the paperwork goes between the solicitors. I could do it myself but I’m just too busy and I simple do not like to move out of my chair.

So, then the people move into the house. I had a lady about a year ago, who called me up and she’d been in my house for three months, living in the house, and she rang me up and she said, “Mr Otton.” And I said, “Yes.” She said, “It’s Wendy.” And I said, “Hello Wendy, how are you?” She said, “I have this real problem.” I said, “What’s your problem? Is there something wrong with the house because if there is I’ll fix it.”

“No, it’s not that. What’s happened is I moved in the house and on Saturday night my husband and I, we had a housewarming party. All our friends come over for the housewarming, it was fantastic and they asked us who we bought the house from. We didn’t know. And then they said, ‘Well, what’s the guy like’? Dunno. ‘Well where’s the company located?’ Not sure.” Right? “All we know is we keep putting $1474 into this account every month.” And then she said, “Is there any chance you could sort of come over because our friends all thought we were nuts?” So I said, “Okay.”

So, Janie and I, we drove over and we met Bob and Wendy. And Wendy said to me at the time – I’ll never forget – she said, “This little lock box thing that you bring in from overseas is the most fantastic device. Do you mind if we have one. I mean, how much are they?” I said, “Wendy, the lock box actually cost you $145,000, it was the house that was free.”

So, that’s what they’ve done. It’s an automated system. Now, the people move in and they’re doing the "Rent to Buy". Now, we’re going to go through the paperwork in a minute and they made $67,000 but let’s look about how this happened. They paid on about the Monday $204,000 so then they said to me, “How much is someone going to pay for Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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this house?” I said, “I don’t know”. These guys had bought it for a discount. They bought it for a discount because it had some termites and there was a dead sheep in the pool.

Now, I remember once, I bought a house with a massive discount and the reason it was a discount no-one would buy the house because it had a doctor’s surgery at one end of the house and the doctor obviously – no-one was there anyway, I just put a sign up the front that said, “Buy my house and get a free doctor.” It went the next day.

The thing is the guys move in and we just said, “Let’s go for $274,000. The people rang up, they said on the phone, “How much is the price?”

“$274,000 on a ‘Rent to Buy’ ” On a "Rent to Buy" says you’ve got to pay me rent but if you want to buy it, it’s going to be $274,000. Does that make sense? You don’t have to buy it, but if you want to buy it…now, do you think a tenant would like that option. He can buy it if he wants to but does he have to buy it? No.

Now, if he’s moving in and I said, “By the way there’s a dead sheep in the pool”, what do you think the guy’s going to do about the dead sheep in the pool? He’s going to get rid of it. So, that’s what people do because now people go from “I am a tenant” into a buying house owner and they just do what people do to fix places up.

So, they’ve moved in – here’s how the money worked. The guy said – they make money three ways. On all these transactions they make money three ways – “How much you guys got to move in?”

“$8,000”. And he had a couple of other people who didn’t have as much money so he took the people for the $8,000. So, they take the $8,000. Now, remembering when they bought the house, they bought the house the traditional way, they went to the bank and got a loan. Does that make sense?

So, they’re making the payments to the banker over here, and the people are making payments to them over here. Well, there’s a difference. The people who are making payments coming into the guys is $500 more than what’s going out to the bank man. Does that make sense? $500 positive cash flow day one on every single house that they do, electronically credited to their account and the money just goes out. It’s a cash flow money machine and when these people refinance or leave them down the road they will get another $59,000.

Now, that is a very standard transaction. So, what I’d like to do is just demonstrate this and what I’m going to do is – there’s two things – by the way, someone said to me, “This is so simple.” And it is. You do not need me and you do not need my package to do what I am teaching you, you can do it yourself. The only reason why people buy my packages is it’s like a cake mix. Do you want to buy the box or do you want to just go and get all the components and put on the kitchen bench. Here’s what we’ve got. We’ve got a residential lease – sir, I’m just going to use you if it’s okay for the example, the gentleman down here. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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You’re my banker and you’ve lent me some money and thank you very much, I’ve went and bought that house. Does anybody remember, I paid $204,000 for the house. Correct? That’s okay and then this gentleman down here, I said, “Look, do you want to rent to buy this house?” And he said, “Oh, yes, how much is it?” And I said, “Let me ask you something. If you were to buy it and you could get a bank loan, right, have you got any idea how much it would cost?”

“Well, yes, if I went to get a bank loan it would be about 7% on 30 years at blah, blah, blah, it would cost me about $2,000 a month, but I can’t get a bank loan.”

So let’s just do the “Rent to Buy” and here’s what we’ll do. We’ll put all the paperwork together for $2,000 a month, so you’re paying it off, $2,000 a month, and later on when you’re ready you can just transfer it all over to the bank loan but the paperwork’s already done and the payments don’t go up, they stay the same. Does that make sense? So, I’ve got all the paperwork done.

So, what’s happened is I’ve taken a house so for landlords who have a standard rental house, is it fair enough to say for you landlords that the mortgage payments are sometimes three times higher than the standard tenant pays us a rental. Does that make sense? Bingo. But if I move the man on a rent to buy he will pay the same amount as what he would pay if he was buying the house.

So – and I have two documents. Here is the document that’s the residential, which by way I’ve got the whole kit but you can download them – there’s the residential lease, okay? Here is my other form. This form, that gives you the right to live in the house. That is your standard residential lease form, okay? This is another agreement that gives you the right and the option to buy the house. You don’t have to, but on these two different forms. Okay?

So, when we pin the two forms together, that gives you the right to live in the house and that gives you the option to buy the house at a price that we’ve already agreed on. Very important. We agree up front that the price is $274,000. This is very important.

Ladies and gentlemen, if I have agreed that the man can buy my house for $274,000 and the house goes up to be worth $500,000. Who gets that profit? Him or me? He does. If he’s making more money than I’m making, do you think he’s going to be a super, super happy camper? Do you think he’s going to take as many dead sheep out of the pool as fall in that pool? Do you reckon I can lie around in a café in Paris and he will never miss a payment for $2000 a month because his house is going up double 20, 30, 40 percent a year. Does that make sense?

People don’t default on these things. Right? People don’t say to you, “Look, I tell you what, I’ve just missed a $900 payment because I want to lose $300,000 I’ve built up in equity.” Okay, so what happens is, you get more than I get and I’m happy to do that because you’re giving me quality of life. See, I’m going to show you a little bit later about what I Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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actually do, how I live my life. My quality of life says I can go and do what I want to do when I want to do it and I’m accepting the fact that you’re a very happy man.

If he makes that much money do you think he’s going to tell people about Rick Otton and do you think other people will ring me up and say, “Hey, can you get me one of those as well?”

So, give the other guy what he wants and you’ll get what you want. My houses go fast. Let’s agree on the price. The formula is this. That is the price, if you wish to buy it, good on you and by golly, if it goes up in value, fantastic, but you do not have to. Okay, that is the standard thing. The money that you gave me up front, the $8,000 that you gave me comes off the price of the house. You with me? Okay, so the money you gave me up front comes off the price of the house. You do not have to buy that house.

Now, okay, now. The next question is – the next question might be, he pays me the $8,000 that he gave me that I’m taking off the price off the house, but the upfront became what’s called “an option fee”. It was just a fee. Instead of being a deposit it is just an option fee. It’s just for those who know, but it’s just all part of it, it’s all written down and fill in the blanks.

Okay, what we’ve now got is, that is the standard rent to buy system. So, people said to me, “Why do you do these rent to buys.” I’m in a market where properties are going up 30 or 40 percent. Why would I do a "Rent to Buy" and lock in the price? Two or three different reasons; first thing is if you went out tomorrow and you brought – the houses are going up 20, 30 or 40 percent. And you ran out and you bought a whole bunch of houses but you’re negatively geared, how many houses will the bank allow you to buy on the basis that you lose money on every single one of them as against how many houses can you buy where you are making money on every one of them? What you’re going to find is if you want to fund houses or fund home units, you will find that you have a lot more money coming your way from financial institutions when you are making a profit day one instead of making a loss.

So, I remember back in 2000 we had a boom in Sydney. People said to me, “Rick, you’re crazy. You only made $25,000 on every house. I made 100 on mine”.

“Yeah, you made 100 on yours, I had 20 per suburb”. Okay?

Now, do you think, by the way, there are some people who decide down the road, you say, “You know what? I’m a person and I have – I think emotionally, this house is too big, too small, too blue, too yellow, got the wars, got a job transfer, don’t like the driveway, don’t like the neighbours because they shoot the cat or for whatever reason, he simply doesn’t want to buy the house. Do you think that happens? Correct. It does. That’s just human nature. Some people just decide not to buy the house. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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If they don’t buy the house then therefore at the end of the lease agreement you just simply said, “Well, I don’t want to buy the house, thank you very much.” And I say, “Thanks very much for staying.” I have the house back. Okay?

Now, do you think the house has now gone back up in value? Good. What do you think I might do now? I could do it again or I could just keep it as a buy and hold, couldn’t I? Couldn’t I just keep it in my rental pool as a buy and hold or I could do it again. Okay. So the first think is it gives you flexibility.

The second thing is its part of what I call “the tool kit”. Here’s how the tool kit works. I want you to imagine for a minute you’re a motor mechanic and a person brings in a car and there’s a problem with the car. Which tool do you need in your tool box to fix the problem of the motor car? The one that does the job but you don’t really know which tool does the job. So, what do you therefore have to do? All the tools. You need all the different tools. You with me?

So, what we’re saying today is this is one tool. There’s many, many tools but we would be here for all day and that’s why I only cover 8 or 10 of them each October. So, there are people who have buy and holds. Twenty percent of everything that I own is a buy and hold. I use the cash flow for my "Rent to Own" properties, my "Rent to Own" properties, to fuel the holding costs on my very, very high growth properties. Does that make sense? Because I want my lifestyle and I’m not prepared to go to the coalface every day and work 24 hours a day to fund it. I’ll have these, and the cash flow that that spits off, funds my higher growth properties. So I’ll have a little bit of everything.

So, this one strategy is a strategy that some people will use in its rawer sense and they might say, “I’ll do one or two of those”. But let’s see what other people do. They go, “That’s okay. Yeah I’m making 60, 70.” But let’s have a look at this. Okay. I want to model this for you just to make sure we’ve got this in. Could you get me back on the screen? Okay.

First of all, really quickly, on that one, on this basic, basic example, here was my banker – where’s my banker gone? Did he lose his branch? -- He’s done a runner.

Did a runner? God, my story must have been sad, hey? He’s probably thinking, ‘Not this bloke again, God he’s boring’.

Okay, well the banker that was there, I’m paying his X, I’m the investor in the middle and this gentleman’s quite happy to pay me X + Y, but you see I know that eventually the gentleman here paying me X + Y, is ideally going to want to pay X and he’s going to refinance, pay me off and he’s going to want that house in his name because up until then the house is in my name. And if the house is in my name I’m paying the insurance and all the costs associated with the house and I say, “Sir, tell you what we’re going to do. I have to charge you a price for the rent to buy that includes all the costs of the rates, the water, the taxes and insurance because really you’d normally be paying them but I’ve got to pay them so we’ll just adjust the monthly payment accordingly. Does that make sense? So, people go, “Yeah, that makes sense.” But eventually this man will want to refinance and pay me off. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now, I talked about the toolbox quickly because people said to me, “Yeah, but if I do this and if I do that and if I do that, I can make more money.” Absolutely, this is a tool for your toolbox.

Now, let’s go in – now, some people get really excited about this stuff. Do you remember yesterday I said to you, “Wow, you’re going to do the first one, you’re going to pay me off and then I’m going to hand the money back to the bank, the bank says, ‘Wow Rick Otton, you make money, positive cash flow day one, you make $50,000 on every house, you do it every 12 months.’” Do you reckon they’re going to want to lend me the money again? Over and over and over again. Well, guess what happens. It now becomes a factory. Some people like this little factory and they say, “This is a fantastic factory.”

This lady called me up three years ago and she said, “My name’s Wendy and I want to buy one of your little programs” and she did that. And Wendy, in three years, there she is with Jane, we just went and saw her a week ago. She says, “I like this little factory” and she has a guideline. She says every house must make $70,000 and a $100 a week positive cash flow. That’s her rule. It must make $100 a week positive cash flow on the rent to buys and $70,000. She’s made $4.2m in three years.

Now, that’s her little factory. By the way, do you think she also has buy and holds on top of that? Sure. Husband’s an architect, all this sort of stuff. That’s the factory that she says – she says, “It’s really simple, I don’t have to show the houses, the price’s on the sign, people move in, people are really, really happy.” By the way, when people are happy do they think, when they fix up the houses, do you reckon they want you to come and have a look? -- Yes.

Oh, “come and see what we’ve done to the kids’ rooms.”

“No I don’t.”

“No, come, you’ve got to.”

“No – it looks beautiful.”

So, but that’s because people are house proud, which is great, because guess what? I’ve got probably one of the greatest jobs in the world, right? Everybody I meet that does business is just like, “Hi, come on in.” It’s just great. It’s very satisfying. And that’s her thing. You see, I’m going to teach you the next part of the strategy now, but that’s Wendy’s thing.

Wendy’s quite happy to say, “Hey, I’m just going to keep borrowing money, put these people in the houses, pay me off, roll the loan over, borrow the money, it’s a little factory.” That’s her thing. It’s one of her strategies. Some people say to me, “The advance strategy.” And I’ve got the advance strategy in the course. I put the advance strategy in the course Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 2

called a “sandwich loose” because I didn’t want you guys calling me up in a year’s time and saying, “Oh, by the way, did you have an advance strategy?” So I thought, yeah, I’ll just put it in this one.

This is for people who say, “I’ve got no money. I can’t even get a bank loan.” Which is how I started; I did my first 20 houses without a bank loan. The way I started was – remember I told you about my couch critic and I was doing the TV show? I used to finish at 3 o’clock in the morning, I’d come home, I was so full of adrenaline, I couldn’t sleep so I’d look at the phone, and I’d think gosh, I’d look at late night television and one day I saw a guy selling a home study course on how to get rich in real estate and I thought, I’ll buy that. And fortunately for me I didn’t know anybody at the time so I read the course and just did what it told me to do. What was it. Fifteen years ago I turned the next page and did that, and I just did it, and did it. Okay, I did that. It just went from there.

So, here’s the thing. Let’s go. Now, you’ve got no money. Okay? Now, here’s what I’ve done. I have people all day long are selling houses. Correct? Is that fair enough? It doesn’t matter. Here’s my question. Do you think people, when they sell a house, what – the reason why they’re selling the house is they just want to get their equity out of the house. Is that correct? Good. Remember that point.

Second point is, I brought my cheque book today. Hands up if you would like me to write out a cheque for your mortgage for your house. Okay. Hands up if you want to write your own cheque for your own mortgage. Let’s try that again. I brought my cheque book. Hands up if you’d like me to write you out a cheque and give it to you to pay your mortgage payment. Keep your hand up if you’d like me to pay next month’s as well, and next month’s and next month’s. Is there anybody in the room who’s sitting there going, “Ah, I’ve got to pay my own mortgage.”

Okay. Here’s what it says. The law says this. Mortgages must be paid but anybody can pay them. Okay? If you’ve got a mortgage with the AMP Bank and you’ve got a mortgage with ANZ Bank and you’ve got a mortgage with blah, blah, blah, that’s fine, but anybody can pay it as long as it’s paid. Okay? Remember this, a very important principle.

Now, when people are selling houses, do people want the debt or do they just want to get rid of the loan and get the cash out to move on. Correct? So, here’s what I do. When I get houses, I say, “Let me ask you something. Can I buy the house?”


“What’s the price? Great. Is there any reason why I couldn’t pay this mortgage every month and just give you a cheque for your cash?”

“No, well, I’ve got 50 grand worth of equity, if you want to write me a cheque for $50,000 and just pay this mortgage for me, that’s fine.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 2

Okay, 30 percent of the time that will happen. Now, do you reckon I need some paperwork to do that ladies and gentlemen? There it is. Two forms. Okay. How much is the mortgage payment every month? It’s $1,449.72. Okay. Good. And I’ve got to do this, and I’ve got to pay this loan off. Yes. It’s all on the forms. It’s on the forms.

Now, in some cases, I have to give you $50,000 because your equity is $50,000 and I’ve got to give you $50,000. Does that make sense? If I’ve got to give the man $50,000, how much cash have I got? I’ve got to give him fifty. Correct? In many cases, do you think it’s possible, people have – as the houses have gone up in value, they keep refinancing all the cash out and there’s no equity in it. Okay? I’m going to show you this in a minute. “Yeah, my house is worth $600,000 but I’ve just refinanced and I’ve got $600,000 worth of debt.”

“Let me ask you something. Would you like me to write that cheque for you or do you want to keep writing those yourself?”

“You can write it.”

Okay. Good. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. There’s my paperwork, thank you very much, look after that. By the way, did you want a house? It’s $650,000, you can move in tomorrow. Okay? Now, how much have you got to get going? You with me guys? $8,000. I’ve got two other forms. Do you remember the McDonalds story yesterday, ladies and gentlemen? This is exactly what McDonalds did. Thank you. I’ve got that.

By the way, article 15 of Western Australia’s legislation says – because I wrote it down this morning because I took it off your website – “Article 15 – the tenant may sublet the property – sorry – the tenant may sublet, has the permission also to assign the tenant’s interest with this agreement – which is your residential lease – subject to prior consent of the owner which will not be unreasonably withheld and will not be charged for.”

So, you make two changes to your residential lease. The residential lease says, on my – by the way, when you were 20 years old, did we all share accommodation? Does everybody know – we all used to share accommodation. Correct? When you were 20. That’s how we all met each other and got married, right? Our roommate. Now. Okay, so I tell you what, I need this permission. It says - Article 15, I have the right to sublet. You okay with that? Good, boom, thank you. I’ve got those two to here. Have I now got the right to sublet the property to this new man? Correct. Thank you.

I’ve now got – by the way, you’re moving in and you can pay – if you want to buy the house you can pay $650,000. Does that make sense? Great. By the way, I’ve got to pay off that loan of $600,000. Right? Okay. What do you think happens when this man refinances to pay me off the $650,000. On the same day I paid off the $600,000. Does that make sense? There’s $50,000. Where do you think that went? -- Your pocket. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 2

My pocket. How much did I put into this? Nothing. Could we do that more than once? Do you reckon it could become a little bit addictive? Do you think it might be really hard for you to go down to the bank and go back and do it the traditional way? Right? People say to me, “We haven’t heard of this done in Perth before.”

Ladies and gentlemen, my students do it all the time, but here’s the problem they’ve got. It takes me two days to get this far for you guys just to get it. Not to understand it, just to get it. Can you imagine how often my students try to go to a dinner party on the Saturday night and they go, “Barney? How come you own 47 houses and you don’t have a job?”

“Well, it works like this.” How far do you reckon they’d get in the conversation before the other people go, “Don’t get it, it’s too hard.”

I recently had a meeting with some of my students. I went back home. A friend of mine rang me up, a very good friend of mine, he said, “Rick, you’d know what I’d got to do, I’ve got a $3m house. What’s the best way to sell it?” I thought about it for three seconds and I said, “Call a real estate agent.”

Now, very quickly, you’ve paid X to the landlord. You’re the investor, you sit in the middle. You are now transacting the house. You’ve got these people coming in. Okay, X + Y, section 15. I’ve already covered that. Okay. These people, if we can get it – a couple of my students decided they needed a new house. Do they go to the bank and get a big bank loan for $450,000 or do they find somebody who wanted to sell their house? Here’s what they did. They found somebody who wanted to sell their house. “Sir, how much was your house?”


“Great. Can I make some payments to you?”

“Yeah, well, I’ve got a whole lot of debt on it, I was going to pay the debt off.”

“Do you mind if I pay the debt off for you?”

“No, but the debt’s $4,211.”

“Fantastic. I’ll start paying it tomorrow.” You have to pay $1 because if you put the paperwork together, there are transaction costs. Right? State Government. So you’ve got to pay $1. So they moved into their house, it cost them $1. So, they booted $1. By the way, when they’ve moved into their house now, and they’ve paid $1 – he drives trains. Has he got a bank loan? Did he even walk into a bank? Okay. Do you think it might be, with what I’ve just told you today, it’s just, maybe just shifted a few things? Okay? This is the way Australia is going. This is why I do what I do. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Rick Otton Property No Money Down Pt. 2

Any ladies in the room saw a film called ‘Bridges of Madison County’? Yeah, long time ago, bit of a tearjerker? I just got back. I like to be at the farm with my wife. Our place is up on Madison County. I like to sit on the front veranda, get my little bit of wood out and whittle and look out at the corn, 1000 acres of corn and do absolutely nothing. But see, here’s the thing guys. People will say to me all the time, “Yeah, I think I’d make more money and do that”. And that’s fine. People can make all sorts of more money but I’m seriously in a quality of life and I have a machine that says if I give the other person what they want, they will give me what I want. They give me the lifestyle and the ability for me to do what I’d like to do when I’d like to do it and by giving back to people, they always keep coming back to me and I do that, Janie says every year, “Let’s go to Tuscany and drink red wine”. So we sort of do that.

I want to thank you very much. I’m out of time. I will answer any more questions. I hope I’ve covered a few things more in a bit more depth for some people and if I can finish up on one story. I’ve got five minutes. Great.

I want to tell you something. A long time ago, many, many years ago, I had an Uncle. I said to him, “Uncle, tell you what, you catch more fish than anybody else in the county.” And he said to me, “Do you want to learn how I do it?” I said, “I’d love to learn how to do it because you catch more fish than anybody else in the entire county and everybody talks about it.” He says, “Do you really, really want to learn?” I said, “Yep.” He said, “Are you prepared to do what you have to do to learn?” I said, “Yep.” He said, “Okay, at 4 o’clock in the morning, get up tomorrow morning at 4 o’clock.” I said, “Four o’clock? You don’t get up at 4 o’clock. If you want to go fishing you don’t have to get up until about 6 o’clock. I get up at 4 o’clock.”

So then we go down and I said, “Get the fishing poles.” He looked at me. I said, “Listen Uncle, you can’t go fishing, I’ve read everything, I spoke to fishermen all day long, you’ve got to get the fishing pole.”

So, he didn’t say anything. We went down to the lake and we got in the boat and he started going out to the middle of the lake and I said, “Uncle, where are we going?” He said, “The middle of the lake.” I said, “Listen, been speaking to some people, told them I was coming fishing and they said the best place to get the fish, around the edge of the lake, especially near the stream where the water’s coming up. Okay? Because that’s where the best fish are. I don’t really know, this going out to the middle of the lake, it’s just, you know, going – wow, I mean, I don’t think you know what you’re doing. It’s just not the way it’s done.”

We got out to the middle of the lake; he pulled out a stick of dynamite. He lit it and he threw it in the water. Bang. And thousands of fish come up to the surface. Scooped them up in a big net and put them in the boat. And I said, “Well, I don’t know, that’s not the way…” He lit another stick of dynamite and gave it to me. He said, “Do you want to keep yapping or do you want to learn how to fish?”

Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

JOHNNY WIMBREY Success University Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Johnny Wimbrey Success University

JOHNNY WIMBREY: When we kicked this t show off we talked


about individuals who were going to be on this stage,

Johnny’s inspirational storyy of

qualified individuals who were single-h handedly picked around

overcoming life’s adversitiess has

the world to be a part of this event. If yo ou are having fun say,

empowered masses for grea atness. He

“Oh Yeah”? -- Oh Yeah!

tells his story and much morre in his book From the Hood to Do oing Good. Johnny was marked

If you’re getting information, say, “Oh Yeah”? Y -- Oh Yeah!

with one of his first memoriees in life of living in a battered women’s shelter to growing g up on the hard-core streets as a young drug dealer.

If you are getting impartation, say, “Oh Yeah”? -- Oh Yeah! After several near death exp periences, Mr. Wimbrey decided it

Okay here’s a question, what’s the diffference between

was time to flip the switch and a refused to let his past

“information” and “impartation”? What’s the difference

determine his future. At the age of twenty, he became a

between “information” and “impartatio on”?

temporary licensed insurancce agent with no experience, and within six months of being in the insurance industry, Johnny

“Information” is what you hear, “impaartation” is when you hear something and you take heed, wh hich means you put it

received recognition as a top p fifty producer in a national marketing agency.

into action; you make it applicable in yo our life. How many of In less than a two year perio od Johnny found himself in the

you are getting impartation? -- Oh Yeah h.

position of training experien nced regional managers to recruit, to manage, and to teeach sales development skills for

Anybody can get information, but impartation means you’re

well-known national agenccies.

present, not just here but being presen nt. I am incredibly honoured to share something with you u tonight. Now, I want

After recognising the high demand d for his services, Johnny

you to listen to me and I want your 100 0% attention. What I am

decided to use his skills for a higher purpose. His passion is to

about to share with you has never been n shared before in this

create success stories by help lping others experience financial,

format in Australia period.

spiritual, and emotional wealth.

l history today, and I really want you to understand that there will be other What I am about to share with you is literally parts of the world that I’m going to get emails from because you’re going to see something g today that nobody in the world has seen.

t world, I’m not exaggerating, there’s maybe four or o five people has access and Now I’m going to say nobody else in the these are CEO’s and corporate individuals who sit on the boards. I have gotten the okay in less than 24 hours ago to share this with you. I don’t even have the authority to make this decision so, Nik Halik was bold en nough to send a text message, it came back to my shock, the answer was w yes I can show it.

How many of you love to read about history? Every day we read about history, but a lot off times we forget that a lot of times history is also being made. How many m of you would love to be a part of history? Just to t say that you were there, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

even if it didn’t cost you anything, just to be a part of it. It doesn’t cost you a dime to be present when history is being made does it? We talked about this earlier today, “Doing today what others don’t to have tomorrow what others won’t,” being at the right place at the right time.

Say this with me, Right place -- Right place.

Right time -- Right time.

Once again, Right place -- Right place.

Right time -- Right time.

Here’s a question I pose, is it possible to be at the right place at the right time? -- Yes.

What does it mean if you’re at the right place at the right time but you don’t take action? It makes it as if you were never there. Here’s the reality, if you’re over 25 years old, studies show that most of us have experienced being at the right place, at the right time.

Say “Ouch”? -- Ouch.

The question is did we take action? I’m talking to me too. How many of you, and let me set this stage real quick. This is not Johnny the motivational speaker right now. This is not Johnny, necessarily the coach, this is Johnny taking off a hat and I’m switching hats on you, just for a second, is that okay?

This is the sharing Johnny. This is Johnny wanting to get something to you, not from you is that fair? -- Yep.

This is me coming to you saying, “Listen.” What we are about to do and what I am about to expose you to, is literally history in the making, right here in the format on video, on camera and I’m really excited about it because, two years ago I remember saying to myself I want to take this to Australia. Physically. I want to talk about this in Australia. Now this is the formulation process and some of you, you’ll get it as I’m going. But I have never been here before, but I heard about businesses being launched here in Australia and I heard about great things.

People, you know good friends of mine, like Jerry Clarke and individuals who always talk about Australia. Les Brown, Jim Rohn, you know I hear from people that talk about Australia and I got excited about this but I didn’t know if it would be realistic at this point I knew it would happen one day but its very realistic and because of Nik Haik, and a very recent relationship that just happened, that I am about to share something with you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

How many of you have I left in suspense just way too long? -- Yeah.

I love it. I’m thirty-two years old, in my opinion, according to the studies that have been done against me, I should not be on this type of platform. Like Stephan Pierce, we overcome obstacles. Adversity causes some people to break, but it causes others to become-----? -- Record breakers.

-----Record breakers. So when you’re looking at individuals not just us but also you, in every shape form or fashion, we’ve overcome adversity. We’re overcoming adversity. But, you have a choice, break or break records and I want to talk about breaking records. While I’m talking to you right now there’s income being generated, not only in my family but people around the world 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the Internet. If I wanted to become a partner with you today would you be interested? -- Yes.

Now here is the reality, it’s bigger than Johnny. I would like to take credit for it, buts its way bigger than me, it’s a lot greater than what I think I could probably come up with by myself. If you have the access to team up with an entity that was number one in the world on the Internet; number one in the world in terms of being on Alexa in its particular field, in its particular niche, would you want to know about it? -- Yeah.

If I could show you how to make money 24 hours a day seven days a week on the Internet, would I be your friend if I didn’t tell you? -- No.

Before, I tell you this, let me help you understand something. When I was 25 years old on February the 11 th of the year 2000 I made a decision that day and it was something I said that I would never do and it wasn’t because it was a bad thing, it’s just I didn’t see myself doing it in terms of being involved with something that allowed me to leverage income off of other individuals because some way I worked myself to believe that it was wrong to leverage income off of other peoples efforts.

John Paul Getty says this, “It’s better to have 1% of 100 people’s effort, instead of 100% of your own”. But, I wasn’t wise enough to see that, so I said that I would never get involved with the network marketing, multi-level marketing, anything like that.

Affiliate programs have allowed me to make income off other people because I was an insurance agent and insurance agents don’t do that, but here is my job, my job as an insurance agent I ended up being a regional vice-president at the age of 24, the youngest of its kind in America. I was recruiting and training agents all over the state of Texas and Oklahoma.

Now, here’s the funny thing, the way that I was rewarded for training these agents, I wasn’t on a clock I was self employed, when they sold an insurance policy I got a percentage of everything they sold. Is that not networking? -- Yeah. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

Is there anybody in this room who has ever said I would never do multi-level marketing again, I would never do network marketing. Honestly, come on, somebody. Thank you, thank you. Because that was me.

And it’s amazing the things that you say that you will never do, when your back is against the wall you start looking for opportunities that you never entertained before and it wasn’t because I saw myself as necessarily a negative person, but I saw myself as saving people. Brian, if you were to approach me about a network marketing deal, multi-level marketing deal, before February the 11th of the year 2000. You can give me 20 reasons why I need to join your business I would give you 40, why you need to get out.

Say “negative”? -- Negative.

But I didn’t see myself as being negative, George, I saw myself as helping someone. “DON’T DO IT! EVERYBODY I KNOW FAILS IN THAT INDUSTRY.”

People say it’s a scam and I had every other reason to believe what other individuals were saying. But I had no first-hand knowledge.

Let me ask you a question; is it fair for me to give you advice on something I’ve never done before? -- No.

So I was wrong first of all. So I was borrowing somebody else’s opinion and I was making it my reality. Could I tell you not to go see a movie if I’ve never seen it? -- No.

I’m not qualified to talk about the subject, but here I was being an authority on a subject that I had no idea about and then I started thinking about some things, you know, the people who told me about it they wouldn’t be successful with a lemonade stand.

So it didn’t matter really what they touched, and this is before the Internet was really big, this is 2000. This is when the was booming. I made a decision that day, it changed my life on February the 11th of the year 2000. Since then I’ve always be one of the top one to five money earners in the world with every company that I’ve ever been with. I’m not saying this to impress you, I’m saying it more to impress upon you. This is, you know,, the year 2000, so where in 2007 now.

After three years in the industry, maybe four years in the industry, of network marketing being the leader, helping people, building organisations, helping people to become successful, teaching the format and teaching other people, my world started to open up. I started training and speaking on platforms that I never thought that I would see at this early age. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

What happened was, after time went on, I became a consultant to the network marketing industry. So I really, really want you to pay attention to what I’m saying right now. I was a consultant for an industry. At 27, 28 years old. I was helping write compensation plans, helping companies create their infrastructure, I was signing non-disclosure agreements behind closed doors, so the companies, I can’t mention their name right now if I wanted to, but I was helping, behind closed doors companies launch and I was helping companies build their infrastructure, now in the midst of that I like to tell the good, the bad and the ugly.

I made a lot of money, signed a lot of contracts and I told myself; “Okay, I’m not going to be a distributor in any company anymore, I want to be an entity, that’s respected, that companies will pay for me to come out, speak, train, design and help implement in companies.” And it was good, it was wonderful. I said, “I’m going to build Johnny, I’m not going to build another company.”

And I don’t know if you’ve ever been through this, but if you’ve made $1million dollars in the network marketing industry, people know who you are. Is there anybody who knew who I was before I got here yesterday, and you didn’t see any marketing or anything that you just kind of maybe heard or seen my name anywhere in terms of network marketing or wherever, Internet, or something like that? Okay, a couple of you.

Here’s my point. My point is this, as an entity that serves the network marketing industry, it wasn’t important that people knew who I was. Because I was behind closed doors. I, because I’ve made a lot of money in the industry and if you’ve ever had these phone calls you know what I’m talking about, someone calls you and says; “Hello, this is the president of so-and-so, we want to fly you out on a corporate jet, pick you up,” and they offer you a lot of money to be at the top of their compensation plan, to be at the top of their company as they are launching. I get those calls all the time. Until about, maybe two years ago.

The word was out that Johnny was un-recruitable, nobody could recruit me into anything, and the reason is, it wasn’t because I didn’t wasn’t to, it’s because if I joined a company that serviced X, Y, Z product, then because my name is attached to this product other companies wouldn’t bring me in to speak for their companies does that make sense? It’s a conflict of interest, so, I said I’m going to be generic to the industry and I’m not going to represent any brand, I’m just going to help all companies because I do believe in the industry.

In December of ’04 I got a phone call. Phone call went a little something like this: “Hello Johnny, this is Matt Morris. I am launching a company called Success University and I would like to meet with you about it.“

Now, I thought Matt was calling me as a consultant. I went to meet Matt; we ate at an Italian restaurant. We were sitting down there and we were talking and you just gotta know me, I’m un-recruitable. You’re not gonna recruit Johnny Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

because I’m building Johnny right now. Not gonna sacrifice my name by putting my name on a company and its going to stop me from being able to speak for any other companies. It’s not worth it.

I’m talking to Matt Morris, he’s telling me about this opportunity that he has to build an international umbrella of personal development. I got excited. We’re talking and before I know it, my mouth started moving faster than I can think. I was like, “Matt you should do this, you should call this person over here, this person over there, we can create the infrastructure,” I’m saying, “we” now. “We could do this” and it hit me, I’m helping build the dream team and I’m not even on the team.

For the first time in a couple of years, I got excited about a network marketing company. Now, you have to understand, if I’m excited, normally what I would do is I would compose myself and I would say; “You know what Johnny, no. Build yourself, because if you put your name with a company, it’s going to basically put out all your other speaking engagements for the network marketing industry.”

Have you ever seen something before that you knew was going to move with or without you? And its almost like a weird feeling in your stomach? And I trusted my gut, and that day I made a decision, that I was going to join Success University and for the first time publicly put my name on a company.

The speaking engagements stopped coming. But I knew, that I knew, that I knew, that I was making the right sacrifice. Because when I talked to Matt Morris and his dream and his vision and his purpose. His “why” behind Success University, and I’ll share that with you in just a second.

The reason I’m telling you all this is because, I want you to think about something as I show you a presentation. If I have consulted for the network marketing industry for billion dollar companies and I understand the industry like the back of my hand, I understand network marketing like the way you understand whatever your profession is. If I understand it, the way I say I understand it. Why would I sacrifice my speaking engagements to the public and corporations, to put my name on a company as a distributor again? If I didn’t know that I know that I know that I know that the good would outweigh the bad?

That decision was two years ago, we launched Success University on January 24th of 2005 as a soft launch. In less than one year, we became the number one hit website in the entire world in the personal development industry. I believe that success leaves clues. I’m going to show you some things and you’re going to say, “clue”. You will see things in the next few seconds and you’re going to say, “Clue”.

And as I go through this information, I want you to actually say it out loud if you see a clue. And I want you to think about something you look at this, “Will this move with or without me?”’ Because the announcement I am going to make tonight will be the cornerstone for everything that happens in the whole continent of Australia in the next year or so. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

So when I say that you’re a part of history right now, it’s bigger than what you know. Success University, when you look at an opportunity regardless of what the company is there are criteria that you want to look at in terms of the evaluation. You want to look at the industry, the company, the product the compensation plan and the support systems. How many of you would represent a good cause just because it was a good cause? How many of you would represent a good cause if we paid you to do it? Still a good cause but money is a little bit more motivating right? And I understand, I mean I’m getting a little older in life, as I was younger I was money motivated, as I get older I get more cause motivated. Cause I need more money.

So you want to look at things that make you move in terms of the industry, company, product, compensation and support systems. Forbes magazine is one of the most respected magazines in the entire world that focuses on economy and wealth development. Forbes magazine says that global education in the training market is a two trillion dollar industry.

It also says on the front cover of this magazine, that webucation is the next great growth of opportunity, clue? -- Clue.

Guess what happened after this article came out in less than thirty days, Trump University was launched. Clue? -- Clue.

We had already launched. We were the running giant out of the gate, timing was on our side and we had a good owner that was focused on driving to be one of the most recognised entities in the entire world.

Online education is the biggest emerging trend on the Internet, online education. Friend of the trend, if you could position yourself before something like that, would you position yourself? Eight billion dollar industry, personal development is a 64 billion dollar a year industry, education and training online is a two trillion dollar a year industry. Our vision phase for Success University the first year was to become the largest personal development company in the entire world on the Internet.

Our first year, we became the most visited website in the entire world on the Internet, passing up personal development companies like Tony Clue. Brian;;, Self growth, Trump University, Personal, even

That’s what you call a clue. We became the number one hit website in the world; our first year and companies have been out for decades. Not just the Internet, but had a presence for decades before we showed up. And we did it in one year. You want me give you examples of other companies that have done that their first year? Or maybe their second year,, Google, YouTube. We’re the only companies in the personal development industries in the world that has ever accomplished this. And this is the first physical presentation in Australia. There has never been a physical presentation in Australia for Success University. Are you starting to feel it? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

Our second vision is to become a household name as the largest personal development company in the entire world. Listen, as a network marketing company, Success University provides an opportunity for you to share Success University with individuals around the world, some of our top money earners in Success University are Internet marketers. Clue.

Our first year in the industry within eighteen months we became one of the three most visited network marketing companies in the world. Passing up companies like Clue.

Quick star, Mary Kay, Melaleuca, Manatec, Prepaid Legal, Newskin, Herbalife, Ameriplan. These are companies I have an incredible amount of respect for. Here we are, young company coming out of the gate, passing up companies that have been around for decades. Why? Because we are an international global opportunity that has no borders, and it’s available to anyone. We are not a threat to any network marketing company. Because what we provide is personal development.

Company facts about Success University. We are internationally headquartered in Dallas, Texas, we have over 40,000 students in Success University in less than two years. We are rock solid debt-free company. Say clue? -- clue.

We are debt-free, 100% debt-free, we were debt-free the day we launched. That is a major factor of why companies go out business in the network marketing industry. Over a million dollars of revenue in our first year, four million the second year - 60% of all revenue that is collected in Success University – up to 60% is paid back to the field.

Say, “oh yeah”? -- Oh Yeah.

That means you. Say “ch-ching”? -- Ch-ching.

Success University product, listen to this, Ben Franklin said this, “If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him.” Did you know that most people wore more money on the outside of them than they do the inside? It means you spend more money on what you think people should think about you than you spend on putting on the inside of us. If you empty your purse into your head, nobody can take it away from you.

Why do I believe in personal development, why do I believe in coaching programs, why do I believe in systems and um, seminars like this, why? Because repetition is the mother of all skill.

Success University is an opportunity that complements anything that’s out there. Imagine having access to some of the greatest names out there in the personal development industry, access to nearly 200 streaming audio and video courses, leadership, motivation, sales, relationship building. Real estate, Internet marketing, financial success, communications, online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from household names. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

Now listen, learning over the Internet will never take the place of a setting like this, but does it compliment it – yes? If you had access to over $10,000 worth of courses that are added every single month and if you can log into yahoo or AOL and you can log into Success University and take courses from the comfort of your own home, is that exciting? What if we actually paid you while you were learning? -- Oh Yeah.

Here’s the reality, in the personal development industry, a $64 billion dollar a year industry, there’s normally only one person who’s making money in a setting like this and its normally, if I go speak at a corporation, I get paid anywhere from $10 -$20, 000 US dollars to speak for 45 minutes, I’m paid to be there, the other people have to be there.

What if I showed you how to be the tail that’s wagging the dog, what if I could show you how to make money $64 billion dollar a year industry? -- Oh Yeah.

Why am I excited about it? Because I don’t mind sharing the wealth of the stage especially if I’m incentivised to do so. I’m not an ego person at all. Being on stage does not feed my ego, what feeds me, is helping people.

Success University is an entity that is literally doing this, now listen. I’m showing you this PowerPoint presentation that we normally use and I’m going to stop showing you something because we just got the approval.

Success University just spent over US$400,000 on new marketing materials that will be released in September. Nobody, nobody, knows, or have seen what you’re about to see. We just released a new movie in Success University and I get chills thinking about it because we’re doing a world tour next year, I mean next month, in the next 30 days I will be in Singapore, I’ll be in South Africa twice, I’ll be in London.

The whole purpose of going to these places is to release the new movie. Australia was not on the tour. I just got the okay from the president of Success University, Matt Morris, to officially release the movie, that nobody in the world has seen, and we’re releasing it here.

I’m excited, bring the lights down please, this will be the first time I’ve seen this movie.


For many people, their dreams are filled with visions of living in a big beautiful home, driving an expensive car, travelling around the world first class, being able to spend all the time we want with our friends and family, having optimal health or contributing to the world. So, why is it so few people ever achieve their dreams, the answer is simple, they’ve never been taught how. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

Through the traditional educational system we are taught how to read, but never provided the right materials, like books about how to become successful, wealthy or how to grow as a person. We were all taught maths skills but, were we ever taught how to accumulate wealth? Wouldn’t that be the most important math lesson you could have? We’ve all received some sort of an education, the unfortunate reality is that for most people, their education was missing the most important subject – success! Yes, we’ve learnt many valuable lessons during our traditional education, but, we’ve never been taught how to live the life of our dreams. What if there was a university that picked up where the traditional educational system left off? What if this university gave anyone and everyone access to some of the most successful people in the world, including multi-millionaire bestselling authors, speakers and trainers.

Dynamic personalities, dedicated to helping you realise your dreams. What if you could finally have access to the secrets of achieving great wealth, deep relationships, optimal health and so much more?

Well now you can with Success University. Within six months of opening its doors Success University became the number one personal development website in the world. So how did this happen? It’s simple. The Success University product line provides the solution to the one desire that almost every person in the world has – success!

Success University products include lessons from the world’s foremost experts, top speakers, authors and trainers. Personal development experts like Brian Tracey, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Les Brown, Jim Rohn and dozens more.

We have a plethora of information under one umbrella from Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracey, some of the most respected names out there in the entire industry.

“Success University for me is a natural fit because what the company is doing is pulling together all of the education, all of the training from some of the world’s best success experts in every field and making it affordable basically for anybody.”

Success. Everyone wants it, but only a few actually attain it. Everyone knows success when they see it but the question is do they see it in themselves? That would be a good start, but we all know it is much more than that.

Success University gives you direct access to the best success coaches in the world. We deliver their information through audio programs, video courses, email systems and downloadable workbooks that are designed for you to get the most out of the information.

Success University is the only university whose sole curriculum is dedicated to the achievement of success. We understand that knowledge is power. But it’s only powerful if someone actually teaches you how to use that knowledge to succeed. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University


“It’s changed my life; it’s made me more self-confident,”

“The material with Success University is completely life changing, it’s allowed me to maintain a positive outlook.” “One of the greatest things that Success University has allowed in our family is the experience of deepening the relationship I have with my husband and with our daughter.”

“What I love about the product of Success University it gives us the opportunity to grow as an individual and every day I become more aware of my thoughts and how, you know, relating to people and getting people to do things that I never thought that I could get to do before, influencing people and also, you know, making a difference to the community, making a difference to people. To other people rather than just about myself.”


The simple truth is that success isn’t some distant dream, it’s your birthright. In fact, you were made for it. All you need to do is find the path that leads you to it and the right mentors who will teach you how. Those mentors are all available to you at Success University. It’s the only university in the world devoted exclusively to success training, now success is at your fingertips everyday for the rest of your life.

The courses are condensed, perfected and taught directly to you by more than 50 of the most amazing minds on the planet. Men and women with familiar faces who you know are role models in success education. And who collectively have helped millions of people achieve astounding levels of success.

Using carefully cultivated attitudes, techniques, methods and strategies that when you learn them will skyrocket your success in virtually every area of you are life. The Success University library is currently valued at well over $10,000, with hundreds of dollars of new materials added every single month. When you join you’ll get access to this immense life changing library for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day.


“We all understand the value of education and that’s why becoming a student of Success University, is something we should all do for ourselves and our families.”

CONTINUES… Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

The reality is people are already changing their lives for the better by becoming students. In fact, in just over two years, over 65,000 people around the world, have become students with Success University. Why? Because it makes sense. Who wouldn’t want access to this information. And why not! Its at a price anyone can afford and 100% proven.

Success University, a curriculum for realising your dreams. The mission of Success University is to deliver success education to more people than any other company in the world. The reason we have that as our mission is because we believe it will allow us to accomplish our vision and our vision for Success University is really what we see as the vision for the world, and that’s to live in a world where every mother and father around the world is open enough to say something as simple as ‘I love you’ to their children. To live in a world where no child dies of starvation. And whether I see that vision created in my life or years after I’m gone, it’s a vision that I’m committed and passionate about working the rest of my life to see come true.”

Now look at this from the perspective of a business. What if you had a product that everyone in the world agreed was essential in life. After all, everyone agrees on the value and importance of an education. What if there was a business where you could deliver that education to the masses in a way nobody has ever done before in history. We’re talking about personal development, a multi-billion dollar a year industry. But there has never been a dominant company as a leader in this field until now.

“Within months of opening the door, Success University became the number one personal development website on the Internet and now we’re poised to become the number one personal development company in the world. We’ve found that customers that come through the referral of another student, really become better students of our company because, it was referred to them by someone they know. So, word of mouth advertising is really, the best way to develop new customers, both to acquire customers as well as keep them long-term because they really understand the value because it came from someone they know and trust.”

It’s called direct marketing, a $100 billion dollar a year business. With Success University all the money typically spent on advertising, is instead paid to their affiliates for making referrals. Up to 60% of the tuition from each student gets paid back to the people who have started a home based business, referring people to Success University.

Working from home provides an incredible opportunity to become financially independent. And you can start part time and keep your current job as long as you’d like. You can start your Success University business at home with your family. And operate it with no experience, very little overhead and you’ll receive training every step of the way. This is a business that gives you the ability, to spend time with your family, to maximise your potential. To build a business that can bring security to your future, and to help other achieve their goals and dreams.

TESTIMONIAL Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

“The beautiful part of Success University is it’s a very simple business. We have the tools in place and if people plug into them, people can truly achieve success.”

“Success University allows the ability to work from home or work from anywhere, I mean have laptop and cell phone, will travel.” CONTINUES

Everyone in the world has at least one thing in common, we all want to be successful, whatever that means to each of us. Finally, there’s a company whose sole focus is to deliver that to the world, through education and through contribution. Success University is partnered with one of the largest non-profit organisations in the world, Feed the Children. Every time a student enrols into Success University, a donation is made to Feed the Children, that is enough to feed and provide education to an under privileged child for one month. When you enrol as a student in Success University, you can save a child’s life. The same thing goes for every student you refer and that’s something you can truly feel proud of.


“Success University teaches the principles of how to be successful, but also how to care about people in the midst of your success.”

“Success University is on the brink of being a worldwide phenomenon. Because its online, anywhere in the world, or anyone who has an Internet connection can simply logon and take advantage of the courses and take advantage of the huge business building site from anywhere on the planet.”


Success University prides itself on its rapid growth. As well as its remarkable tools, training and support systems. Its world class faculty of experts. And the many success stories that have already been created around the world.

Will your story be next?


“I found that everybody wants to improve their life if given the opportunity and Success University allows them to improve their financial life and with the information, improve all other areas of their life.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

“I joined Success University because I want to help the world live the way it should be lived today.”

“Success University has absolutely changed my life.”

“Success University has allowed me to continue to be a stay-at-home dad.” “Success University has financially allowed us to live in any house that we want to .”

“it’s the benefit of having a residual based income when you know, you know your getting paid tomorrow whether you get out of bed or not, but you’re inspired to get out of bed cause you know you can double it and triple it, and you know putting the foundation in place for building a solid future. That excites me.”


“You ever wanted to be surrounded around individuals that will push you towards your destiny in the midst of caring about you as a person, Success University is that opportunity.”

It’s often said that success comes when opportunity meets action. Your future depends on what you do right now. Where you are today is the result of the decisions you made, two and three years ago. Where you will be tomorrow will be a direct result of the decisions you make today.

If you choose to get started right now, you’ll begin a journey that can change your life forever, you can begin to make a difference in the world and it starts today by enrolling as a student.

This will also feed and educate a hungry child for less than what you might spend on a cup of coffee per day.

Success. There are those who talk about it and then there are those that decide to live it. Success University is about living. Success principles taught by more than 50 of the most sought after experts in the world. And a whole new potential career awaiting you through the growing industry of direct marketing. The decision is clear. Learn to be successful and in doing so create financial freedom for yourself and others. Or continue on your current path. Its your choice. Its your life. Success University.


JOHNNY WIMBREY: Wow. I can’t help but smile because I’m so proud. You have no idea; I spent the last two years of my life making sure that Success University became a household name. We have fed 10 of thousands of hungry children; Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

we’ve created success stories around the world from individuals just like you that I have never even met. And from the day we launched they told me that some of our top money earners, initially, were going to be Internet marketers.

I didn’t know what Internet marketing was. I build organisations like this, my gift has never been recruiting 100 people in one year, my gift has always been to turn 10 people into 10,000. I know how to drive a train, I know how to create success stories. When I found out what Nik Halik was doing, not only with Internet masters but helping people around the world in terms of exposing them to the true, proven, practical experiences that create success stories, I got him on the phone with our president, Matt Morris and I said “Matt I believe in my heart that this is the company that can help us create a format around the world where it’s not just people recruiting people online, it’s also building a foundations in the nucleus of individuals worldwide, where we can help create a worldwide phenomenon in educating and exposing people to the true principles that create success stories, from the inside out.”

Now, there has never been one physical presentation in Australia. What I am about to do right now, will be the launch of Australia with Success University. Is there anybody in this room that has ever been a part of an official launch in a country for any network marketing company, I mean ground floor launch? Do you understand the opportunity that presents itself right now? I know we have professional net workers in the room that are full time network marketers. This does not happen every day.

Here’s the reality, only 3% of every company that launches the first year will make it past the first year. The good, the bad and the ugly. We are right now in a second year so we beat the odds. We are constantly growing; we’re still number one and our commissions that are paid out to the field increase every single month. Only 1% of every network marketing company that has ever launched in the history of mankind makes it passed the third year.

Why would I tell you that if we haven’t even hit our third year yet? It’s a clue. I’m publicly endorsing and putting my name on a company and I’m in the movie – if I put my seal of approval on it there’s no doubt in my mind for the first time in my life I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this company will be here and will be here to stay. There’s nobody in this room that can stop us, not even me.

Have you ever wanted to be at the right place at the right time and truly be a part of history? If you know what, Alexa is, one of the speakers was talking about earlier, go do the research on who we are. I’m going to put something in your hands right now and one of the reasons I’m doing this right now is because I do not want there to be a frenzy. Everybody, just please get them an application right now. Okay, its not even time to turn it in.

Listen to me. Listen to me very closely, do not feel pressured to fill this out, okay, it’s not one of those things, this is like a soldier hunt if you will. People who want to be at the right place at the right time. For less than one cup of coffee a day, you can be a part of Success University. Less than one cup of coffee a day. What I am about to show you will be the signal Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

of where we’re headed, Success University has several faculty members that we hand select to be a part of everything that we represent. The likes of Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Cynthia Kersey; the list goes on and on and on and on and on again.

Where we’re headed right now has positioned us to be the number one dominant force in the entire world in the personal development industry and you’re seeing it for the first time in Australia. When you enrol in Success University there’s a one time enrolment fee of $149 US dollars and 95 cents, basically $150 US dollars. Listen to me very closely; $150 US dollars just to enrol. Starting the second month you will start paying tuition of US$49.95 a month.

Paying the tuition allows you to take all of the courses that are in the back office, there’s no contract, you can cancel at any time that you want to, you won’t want to because I’m going to tell you why you won’t want to, but there’s no contract, listen to me. $49.95 starts the next month, that’s less than one cup of coffee a day.

If I could show you how to make more money than what you’re spending is that win-win situation? If I could show you how to make more money than what you’re spending, is that a win-win situation? -- Yes.

I create win-win situations.

I’m not the type of person who will get up here and say, ‘I’m going to help you make millions of dollars in Success University.” I will commit to this. You stay close to what we’re doing, I will help you create a win-win situation. If you’re coachable, trainable and teachable and you understand timing, you jump and grow your wings on the way down, we will create a win-win situation.

We just elected a new faculty member in Success University. To give you an example of some of our faculty members you’ve seen in the movie, I want you to give a hand to my good friend, the latest, elected international, faculty member, that is officially a part of Success University, Nik Halik.

As a team member and faculty member in Success University, Nik saw the opportunity and he said, “We can build this worldwide.” In Success University, I know you’ve seen a lot of compensation plans, but this is what happens at Success University, you can have a left team and a right team, it is under what they call a binary structure the reason we created this – listen to me – we do not sell, nor promote a tangible product. Not a lotion, potion, peel, it’s not one of those deals.

We complement companies that do things like that, we are the building structure for any nucleus that’s building a team. This is the only company that I know of in the world that virtually has no borders, because normally when you have a product that you take into – especially if you have to consume it - into every country, it has to be individually approved by the government. Personal development does not have to be approved, because there’s no consuming, - it’s mental. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

Do you understand what’s about to happen? Global opportunity. We have a presence in over 175 countries around the world because of Internet marketers. There are only three places in the world that has functions about Success University. Its London, South Africa and Singapore. Not even in America are there weekly meetings or organisations that meet on a weekly basis, not even in America, and we’re based in America. Why? Because it started off with Internet marketers.

I am looking for soldiers that want to build the rest of Australia, with us and create millions and millions of dollars in revenue and we’ll pay up to 60% of that back to you. How many of you can get excited about that?

This is what’s about to happen, if I were you I would start filling out the paper, even if you don’t think you are going to turn it in, at least fill it out. If you’re not interested, just tear it up, no big deal, but what I am about to show you, when we pull the trigger, it’s as they lay, that’s what you say in cards, but its first come, first served.

Listen to me very closely. Because only building two teams, a left team and a right team – let me give an example – who has never met me before, ever, ever in life, just maybe – what’s your name? -- Florence.

Florence, use her for an example. Can I just write Flo, does anybody call you Flo? -- Yes.

I love it. Flo. I believe that birds of a feather flock together to create a win-win situation, if you pay $150 US to start a business and your paying $49.95 a month to maintain the business, we get a multimillion dollar website, does all the work for you and has an online movie, marketing tools, everything’s in place for you, millions of dollars worth of software tracks your commissions real time, does all the work for you. Are you with me? You don’t have to understand it – trust me- because I don’t understand it, but I still get paid just like I do.

By the way, I am a student in Success University, I’m a faculty member in Success University, I am not corporate. I am not corporate in Success University, I’m just like you, this is the deal that I made with Success University. I’m not under contract we shook hands. This was the deal, the deal was this; allow me to be the International Marketing Director, which means, no decision in the company can be made without going through me. Why does that protect you? If I’m a student in Success University, who’s building an organisation, why do companies go out of business? Why do teams leave companies? Company change compensation plans. They have new ownership, new managers, they can’t make that decision without going through me.

So you’re virtually protected, because I’m you. Does that make sense? If you’ve ever been in network marketing before, that should be a really, really good feeling.

This is why I know that the security of Success University is solid. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

Flo, I believe birds of a feather flock together, if you see the opportunity do you at least know two people who would see it too? Name those two people? -- Pat.

And ----- –? Philadelphia.

Philadelphia. Now what happens is; Pat and Philadelphia have a left team and a right team too. It’s a binary that helps you in the midst of building other peoples team. It’s the only compensation plan that I know in the network marketing industry, where you can literally make commissions from the person above you and I’ll show you how.

You know how they say only the people at the top make all the money, how many of you would like to make money off of me? This is how our compensation works.

Let’s say that Pat and Philadelphia tell two people about the business. They say it to A and B and C and D. How many people are in total in Flos’ team? How many people on her team total? Six! How many people has she personally told about the business? Two.

This is where duplication kicks in, with happens is when Pat and Philadelphia come into business, Flo obviously gets a commission, but when they tell people, there is another commission that’s generated. I’m not, I don’t want to talk about the upfront money, I want to talk about the residual income – why? Because I’m a firm believer in residual income.

I know what it’s like to make $100,000 in one month, it’s wonderful! But when you don’t have to work and you don’t have to show up anymore and it keeps coming! Listen to me, I took two months off, the last couple of months; I went to Cancun Mexico, the Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Belize and when I got back off of my vacation I was making more money than I was making before I left.

Say, “Increase”? -- Increase.

She asks 6 people in her team. I told you I would show you how to create a win-win situation, if she’s spending $49.95 a month, with six people in your team, according to this diagram, you are making up to $40 a month on a residual basis.

Now, the way we pay commissions, you don’t have to wait for a cheque to come in the mail, you get a global cash card. A global cash card and the money is wired into your account, either on a weekly basis or monthly basis. We have weekly commissions, monthly commissions and if you’re getting weekly commissions, it’s wired to you on your card.

Say, “Oh yeah”? -- Oh yeah. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

You can use this card at the bank you could transfer it to your bank account, and you can go to the store and use it, wherever you want to use it, but it helps us wire money to you instantly. Every time there’s six more people in your team, it’s another $40 a month of a residual basis. Every single time, whether you bring them in or not.

Here’s what I want you to see. Let’s say that Flo knows a third person, Flo, you have a third person that you want to put into business, where do you put the third person? You can’t build a third team. Long story short, she has to say, “I’m going to put Flo under Pat or Flo under Phil.”

Let’s say that she puts, her fourth person, let’s just say its “Star”. Say she puts Star under Pat, does Pat get commission for Star? Yes! Does Flo get commission for Star? -- Yes.

So what did Pat do to deserve to make money from Star - she didn’t even know Star? She said ‘Yes” first, that’s it. The reason we can afford to pay the amount of commissions that we pay, is because we don’t have a tangible product that we’re manufacturing every single month.

So we don’t just pay on one leg, we pay on both legs. Both teams. Here’s what’s about to happen, I’ve got to speed up a little bit, but I want you to really see the vision. Internet Masters is under the umbrella off FFI, and this is what’s going to happen right now. There are two teams that will start today, team one, team two. First person who fills their form out and gets it to the back of the room, we put a number one, second person number two, third person - some of you will wake up in the morning and have several people in your team and everything they do until this point, ‘til Jesus comes back, you will get credit for it.

Now listen. We’re going to do this again. We’ll be doing this another month from now at another event. There are people in the room right now that I think we presented this for time in London and the team was with us and they’re already making money, they don’t understand it but they’re making money. Why are we doing this, this way? Because we need leaders in position that we can help build under and that will help us build the team. This is not a lottery ticket, but it will be the easiest ticket you’ve ever had. Only because you’re at the right place at the right time.

We will talk about Success University again tomorrow, if you bring people with you tomorrow we’ll do the presentation for you; but this is the official launch of Success University.

Listen, we’re going to grow with or without anybody in this room, in Australia, including me. We are going to move fast, hard and heavy, if you don’t feel it today – its okay – don’t feel pushed to do it. We’re going to be here, you could join next month, six months from now, a year from now. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

But with this team, as we travel, the team will continue to go and go and go and go and go, even if you’re the last person to commit today, when we travel to the next country or to the next state, or to the next place, your position is locked in.

We released this is London, I believe about a month and a half ago, there are people in London who are already making money in Success University and they don’t even know how they’re doing it. So I ask the question again, how many of you could get excited about making money with me and making money off of me? -- Oh yeah.

You’re going to make money off my efforts, even when you’re not there. This is our official launch, what happens right now will never happen again in this format ever, ever again. Of course we’ll grow, of course, of course things will happen, but it, the first time can never happen twice.


“Success University provides the principles of wealth, which means what we have to offer, literally has no borders. We have worldwide growth going on and happening every single day, because we simply do not have borders. Anybody, who is what I call a “wealth enthusiast”, surrounds themselves around personal development, empowering themselves as an entrepreneur, as an individual. Regardless, we have it here in Success University; and to me that’s what makes us the most dynamic, incredible and wealth driven opportunity on the face of the planet today.


“I’ve always had a massive passion for personal development, always helping myself and helping others and now Success University has helped me to, basically explore all over the world and help other people to know that there’s strategy to being happy and successful in all sorts areas and Success University can do that fantastically, by giving people the information that they need.”

“Since I’m in sales I’ve taken a lot of courses through Success University that are sales related and it has helped me to build, self confidence. I took Brian Tracey’s’ ‘secrets of a sales superstar’ course and immediately started to apply the AIDA techniques to my research calls and the first proposal resulted in a $100,000 sale. And I’ve been successful with most sales ever since.”

“So for me, now, Success University is an expression of who I am and yes, and something I’ve be doing it for a long time, I’ve been promoting personal development for 12 years and I’ve been telling everyone I know, you’ve got to read these Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

books, you’ve got to listen to these people, attend seminars, work on yourself and now I get paid for doing something I’ll do for free anyway.

In a nutshell, I wouldn’t be where I am and who I am and I wouldn’t be doing the things I do today, if it wasn’t for personal development. I am absolutely clear about that and the beautiful thing is, that same opportunity is available for any human being on the planet that wants to discover it. It’s just simple information, that if you apply it, works every single time.” “It’s so exciting to empower people and just to give them back their lives.”

If you’re going to be successful in life, personal development education is going to be very important for you and if that’s something that you’re looking to get involved with, there is nowhere else in the world that you’re going to have access to the amount of information that we have, with the quality of speakers that we have an affordable price. From a product standpoint, you have access to more information, from more speakers with world class information than you’re going to find anywhere else at the price that we have.

From a business standpoint, your able to plug into a system, with everything already in place for you that really allows you to create income very quickly, as well as long term passive residual income. So a lot of our customers, a lot of our affiliates are really developing amazing businesses, both on a part time as well as a full time basis.”

“It’s a very easy business because it’s just a case of picking up the phone, giving somebody a website, they go to the website, they watch the video, they like it, they join. It’s absolutely amazing. Since Success University I have been fortunate enough to travel the world promoting Success University, going to different countries, meeting new people and my hobby of golf, I’ve been able to do that a lot more now than I used to do before.”

“I’m a small business owner and my experience is, to make money you have to work for it, and the moment I stop working, the money stops coming in and that’s extremely frustrating because there’s a lot of other things that I would love to do with my time but I have a responsibility of bringing in money.

So what I saw with Success University and by plugging into the system that they have, I can not only make more money, but make a residual income that keeps coming in month after month. I’ve been involved with Success University for a little over six months and already I’ve been able to buy the car of my dreams.”

“Before Success University, working in a Fortune 100 company I was very successful, able to earn six figures plus bonuses, stock options, the more I got promoted the more I worked though. The more I was away from my family, getting up at the crack of dawn, leaving the house when its dark, coming home when its dark. Not really getting time with my three year old daughter at the time and, you know, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

I think that’s what I really struggled with most was I wasn’t seeing my daughter grow up, that’s really when it started to affect me and I was getting more money, but it just, it never seemed to be enough for the family, and I just was missing my family always spending time at the office and I knew there had to be another way.

I knew there had to be a better way to do it and, you know, took a look at Success University, was extremely sceptical about it at first but every time I looked at my daughter I couldn’t say, “Sorry honey, daddy’s sceptical, so we’re going to be stuck in this position forever. And that really was the impetus to jump in and I was really, really excited about Success University, the opportunity it gave my family, and everyday I’d see my daughter and know that we are working toward something better and eventually 15 months later was able to leave the corporate life, forever to spend time with the family, to now do the things I want to do, not be chained to an office, not be chained to that corporate position.

And success just started to happen, I mean it was literally just like that, just from using the tools and plugging into the system and then showing other people how to do the same exact thing and watch them get successful as well, it just flat out works”

“I am in control of my life and it’s truly, its truly amazing to be a part of such an incredible company that is all about empowering people all around the world. Our involvement in Success University has allowed us to truly become the family that we’ve always wanted to become. We now get to do what we want to do, when we want to do it. We are much more in control of our lifestyle, of our time together and we get to share that together as well.”

“Within three months of starting Success University, I started earning a healthy six figure income that now gives me the freedom to basically call my own shots and do whatever I want with my life. One of my big motivations in life is my family and my children and for me, building a business and building business with Success University and the income that I earn, allows me to spend the most of my time with my children, being able to travel, being able to go to their camps and their schools and spend time with them, so the exciting thing for me is, not worrying about my financial future knowing that I’m in charge and knowing that I have money continuing to come in to support me and my family, whether I am able to continue to work or not.”

“You can’t put a price on time freedom, being able to really do the things that are important to you and to enjoy your family, spend time with your loved ones and Success University has allowed us to dream again. The support within Success University is absolutely incredible, we have everything in place for someone to be able to succeed.”

“Success University will give you the vehicle to be able to mould your life in the direction you want to take it. It has everything in place to help you become the person you only dreamed you could become. What Success University has done has given me my life. I no longer trade my life for a pay cheque. I get up when I’m done sleeping, I go to bed when I feel like going to bed, I work at my computer, I expose this business to people, show them what’s available to them the Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Johnny Wimbrey Success University

same opportunity that’s available to me and if they’re trainable, coachable and they have a burning desire to be more than they are, then success is there for them as well.”

“Success University allows us to have a lot of time to spend with our children, gives us a lot of freedom to choose what we want to do any day of the year, anytime of the year. We can take a vacation when we want, we can go to our kids’ school for lunch and not even think twice about what day we want to take them to the doctor’s office, because we are our own boss, we make our own schedule.”

JOHNNY WIMBREY: “I believe that in order to tap into the true definition of wealth, you have to find your why, your W-HY and when you see my family that’s my why, that’s my fight. My release from real life was living in a battered women shelter, I was three and a half years old and I remember that.

Well my child right now, my youngest child is three and a half. I was the youngest child. I refused to allow my child’s first memory be destruction and drama and just pain. My drive in life is to make sure that my children’s earliest memory in life, is greatness, is being happy, having the true definition of what a family should be.

Success University provides me an opportunity where I have to inspect what I expect and I expect my family to have joy and peace and love and happiness and Success University has wrapped me around everything that I need to make sure on a daily basis, as a father as a husband, as a man, as an entrepreneur, I’m constantly bettering myself.

I believe when one learns how to develop themselves from the inside out, then the outside success will come. I believe the true definition of character is who you are when nobody else is around and that’s why I think and I know, that as an individual I must surround myself around the principles that are helping me, that are empowering me so my character is always shining.”

MATT MORRIS: “When I was thirteen years old, my father committed suicide and when he committed suicide it was, you know, very traumatic for the entire family for me as a thirteen year old boy and what happened, you know, as I got involved in the personal development industry I can remember to this day being eighteen years old, going to a weekend seminar and coming home that night, just so filled up with passion, and you know, with this burning -this burning feeling in my gut of knowing that if my father had been exposed to this type of information, that he’d be alive today.

So, I think that’s been a major factor of just having something like that in my life and, you know, being exposed to this self-improvement, being exposed to the personal development industry and realising that we, you know, we really can make a huge difference in so many people’s lives.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

LORAL LANGEMEIER The Millionaire Maker Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

LORAL LANGEMEIER: How are you? Sttay on your feet if you


want to be a millionaire. Stand up, stand up, stand up, stand

Born and raised on a farm in n Nebraska,

up, stand up, stand up. If you want to sttand up if you want to

Loral Langemeier did not sta art out in

be a millionaire this is a serious quiz. If not, n being poor is in the

life with money or connectio ons. Loral,

next door.

a master coach and financia al strategist, built her first business in hig gh school, and by the time she

So seriously I think it’s interesting – firrst of all I want to just check out the room. Who’s from Americca? Who is not from America? I know there’s a lot of international folks here. So I’ve

was 34, she’d established a multi-million-dollar m portfolio of properties, businesses, gas/o oil and notes.

Recognised by her peers for her personal commitment to

met some other folk. See there’s a coup ple at the back of the

helping people create unima aginable success, and

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acknowledged by thousand ds of clients for the substance,

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insight and applicable valuee her programs provide, Loral

the incorporation and tax pieces, okay, but the principles even

Langemeier has emerged ass one of the most successful

of that is the same.

business and motivational speakers s to hit the lecture platform.

So what I do is I start with what we call a millionaire maker quiz because I think a lot of people say, especially in America, “I want to be a millionaire” but very few w people are really willing to take action. Like I think a lot of people think – and I was in the Secret too with Bob Proctor and a everybody else – they think they think they’re going to think their way into a millionaire status. Now, I can guarantee e you if you don’t learn bookkeeping all this fun stufff I’m going to teach you – like, how many of you are excited about doiing bookkeeping? It’s really boring, right. Yeah, I’m with w you. How many of you love paperwork? Exactly, not one of you u.

So the reason that a lot of people truly don’t become millionaires is they don’t do the worrk. Like, in the Secret I really – I mean I am absolutely a big fan. We’re going g to talk about the Law of Attraction and if you don’t d move your feet you will never get there. A lot of people talk it but b they have an undertone of cynicism. They have an n undertone of, “It’s too much work”. So I would say then stay on the couch c and stay poor because truly it takes action. Acttion that we’re going to talk about this morning that is going to be, I think, surprising to a lot of you and it is so doable. In fact, our millionaire maker plan is three to five years. So how manyy of you want to do it in three to five years? And we consistently c can knock it out of the park in about 18 months.

o 30 year plan. I don’t know about you but that’s a litttle long for me. Right, when So the automatic millionaire is a 20 to there is a way to become a millionaire – truly if you really want to go for it but you have to, like l – if I say you’re going to do 10 things you better do 10 things. If you u do seven you’ve just added a couple of years. Right, so it is a very, very specific model. We know how to transfer the model like no one else in helping you become millionaaires like this.

So, no you stand up. What are you doin ng sitting down? Get back up. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Okay, for those of you who had any negative thinking or conversation about money in the last 24 hours, this is question number 1: any negative thinking, any negative conversation including “I don’t want to get up this morning. I’m tired because I listened up very late last night” – so I see that belongs to the couple right there. So any negative conversation at all about money or thinking have a seat. This is a truth telling test - so if you had any negative thinking, okay.

Question number 2 is really about you as a millionaire knowing exactly where you are. So millionaires do know where we are. We know our income, we know our expenses, we know our assets, liabilities, our cash flow, our net worth, like within a couple of hundred bucks. Like, you can really click – you know, you can click a report and get a P & L and Balance Sheet and know where you are. So if you’re not that organised you’ve got to have a seat. Oh, oh, there we go.

It’s actually an amazing reason why so many people – see you can do a lot of the stuff that a lot of the other speakers have talked about as well. So you can make a lot of money but I’ll tell you, if you don’t know where it’s going and you don’t protect it through incorporation and tax strategies you can make as much as you want and it’s going to go out as fast as it goes in. So be organised. Now again, I’m not saying you have to do it. I’m just saying you have to do this activity. It has to get done for you by someone else.

Okay. The next, third question, is about what we call Freedom Day. Now, the traditionalists call it retirement but what happens when you retire? You die. So that’s really not helpful. Like, why create all the money to die? I mean, do you know that the Webster definition is to lay to pasture, to retire. Like who wants to go lay to pasture? And who wants to do – like, have you ever noticed – like, how many of you have sat with a financial planner? And have you noticed, like, they plan you to get poorer as you get older? Like, is that the most absurd model ever? I mean, they truly plan you for poverty. It’s pathetic. So we are going to plan you to be obscenely wealthy.

Like, first you’re going to hit millionaire status and then there’s a way within every three to three and a half years you can start doubling your wealth, not the rule 72 in the seven years. See the older rule is let’s double your wealth every seven years. I know that you can do it in every three and a half. You can start doubling. So when you become a millionaire then in three years or less, if you really do it more aggressively, right, then you’re worth two, and then two to four, four to eight. Like, how many of you like that plan? Like that’s millionaire maker planning. That’s not, “Oh let’s make 100,000 and as you get older we’ll do 80”. Like who wants to get more? Why downsize your life? Right. Why not upsize it and have a whole bunch of homes in a whole bunch of places? That’s a far better plan, a far better plan.

So we call it Freedom Day planning, meaning you can do this anytime you want at any age. Like we have people as young as 17 on this kind of planning process and their goal is to become a millionaire before they’re 20. We have people as old as 86, I think is my oldest client right now, and you know, their goal is to re-rack their entire assets. We call it get off your lazy assets. Because so many people have a lot of assets and they’re not making any money, right? So they’re like cash poor millionaires. It’s horrible what the financial planning community has done to a lot of people. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

So if you don’t know your Freedom Day goals, meaning how much cash flow and how much net worth do you have to have so you can truly say I have the want-to life. I can do what I want when I want which is really the ultimate reason why people want financial freedom. Like, when you really look at it, why do you want financial freedom? It’s to live a choice. Isn’t it? You can do what you want when you want. So if you don’t know that number, like is it 10,000 a month, is it 20,000 a month, is it 50,000 a month? And how much net worth do you have to have because if you don’t know that number have a seat. We’re going to figure that out in the next hour and a half for you. Okay, so that’s goal setting.

So if you notice in the three things it’s managing how you think about money in your relationship and your relationships. It’s knowing where you are and knowing where you want to go.

Now, this next one is a little more sophisticated. So for those of you left standing how many of you have your own business or your own thing that you do to make money? No, you don’t have to sit down yet. You don’t have to sit down. Do you have a job? Do you have a job?— No.

What are you doing? -- Managing my investments.

Oh, good, all right. So within your investments do you have any real estate or other things that are independent. Okay, so in this category if you have assets that are not protected and specifically a business that is not protected by corporate structure you need to have a seat. Meaning LLC, limited partnerships because if you own that stuff privately you are at risk for it going away and you’re not in the best tax system in the country. So we need to protect these assets because one little bump in the road could wipe it out and insurance – no, that’s not how you protect assets. That’s how you might get a little recovery, okay.

So for you left standing we have, one, two, three, four, five, six left standing. How are you by the way? Good to see you. She’s one of my clients I know. I like her a lot. So it’s good that’s she’s still standing because I’d be nervous if you were a client and not standing. Then you would say the stuff’s not working.

So the next one, though, is about your assets, about this whole portfolio that you’ve been building. Some of you have been building, some of you don’t have anything yet, but if it’s not averaging at least 10 per cent or more, like a double digit return – this little “oh, the market is making eight”. So? When what we can do, like a lot of us it means, you know, real estate, oil and gas , like really investing, getting off lazy assets, really moving is a double digit return game easily. So for you six if you’re not – if your average portfolio is not performing at least a double digit 10 per cent or more have a seat. I’m talking about your total asset base in collective average. My businesses are 30 - 40 per cent players.

You take your average asset base and what’s it making? So, like, I have some businesses I own that are making 20. Some are 28. I have a few that are in 30’s and 40’s. I have gas and oil in the 40’s but I’ve got some notes down in the 10. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

But we’re also looking at cash flow. Just because you have a great appreciation but if it’s not sellable who cares? It might be – the market may say it’s appreciated. We’ll talk later because yours probably is if you’ve got that kind of gain. I would bet. I’ll let you stand and then we’ll figure it out. All right, so we have three left, drum roll. Are you ready? This is my favourite question because this is about team, right. So you notice it’s about your psychology and your relationships. It’s about being organised. It’s about knowing where you’re going to go. It’s doing it right through the right tax planning. It’s making your assets work for you and the last one it’s about having a team. So if you clean your own house have a seat. All right, we’ll talk about your team. So for the last of you two it’s really about team. It’s knowing that you need your life supported. The biggest excuse why most people don’t become millionaires is they say, “I don’t have”?—Time.

Time, “I don’t have time to do this. I don’t have time to do this”. So it’s about prioritising and sequencing your time. Very critical – and we have t-shirts that actually say, “If you don’t have time you need a team”. Like, you have got to get your life supported. I don’t know about you but running errands and doing filing and cleaning your house – like none of that is going to create you a millionaire nor do millionaires sustainably do that activity. They hire it. Right, you strengthen your strengths and you hire your weaknesses in a true millionaire maker model.

Now, if you want to do the 20-30 year plan then you might want to keep cleaning your house but that’s not what we’re talking about. So part of what I’m going to ask you to decide is what kind of process do you really want to be in because ours is three to five years. It’s very aggressive but it’s truly going to make you a sustainable millionaire.

So if you don’t have a team plan, meaning your life supported, assistance in your businesses if you have businesses, bookkeepers, CPAs, lawyers, all those kind of people in a plan. You don’t have to have them activated but a plan for them. You can stay standing and you are well on your way.

So there are definitely kind of what I call higher ending - with you we’ll get you a maid again - things that we can do to help you move but two of all of you, I would say, are clearly ready to become millionaires. So give these two folks a hand – very good job, thank you.

Jump in the mike there, dear? -- My income since I’ve been with you, which has only been like four months, has tripled. My income has tripled.

Whoa, good job, thank you. Your cash machine - we’re going to talk about having a cash machine. So very simply here’s the millionaire maker model and then we’re going to actually do a plan, okay. So very simply if you have to learn to make money – in the traditional model finance no one has taught us to make new money. What the traditionalists have taught us is to go get a ---? -- Job. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

--- job and live on fixed income like that’s going to make it. And then what you do is you see all this big lifestyle stuff you want and you try to pack those lifestyle goals in a fixed income. Like that is a joke and you should all be offended at the traditional financial planning of America, especially in America, but it is really a worldwide phenomenon, of have a fixed income because that’s going to create security, right? Seriously? No, it’s not. Who has control? If they want to let you go? They do. Who has control of changing your health plan? -- They do.

Who has control of your defined benefit or your 401(k) plan? -- They do.

Right. So isn’t this helpful. Like, up in the Bay area – our offices are in the Bay area, I live in Lake Tahoe, and so we have a remote access there. But did you guys see the tanker fire? Yeah, there was a big tanker fire. It’s devastating. It’s like the maze right where the whole earthquake just collapsed, just burned through the bridges. You should see it. It looks like an entire earthquake just hit the Bay area again. It’s amazing. So the people who have jobs in the Bay get to deal with like an absolute transportation nightmare again, right? Versus have your own business and you can work at home in your little jamas and then watch everybody else scramble around the Bay to try to figure out how to get to work and it’s probably going to take then an extra two to three hours to figure out how to get around the maze which is the primary cornerstone of figuring out.

Like, why do you want a job? How many of you have jobs? How many of you like those jobs? So you can kind of like it but let’s be clear, is it truly security for the rest of your life? No. Now, that’s an old industrial age model. So again back to why and how I’m going to convince you millionaire maker planning is the only way to go because you’re going to get 18 months consistently. In fact, we’ve made millionaires in 240 days – 240 days, like how many want that one? Isn’t it exciting? And for those of you who are already millionaires we need to get you a rate of return like making some bank, like really making money.

So again no one teaches you how to have – like learn to earn money. You learn to have an occupation. Like my son is in first grade and they recently had occupation day. Right, so everyone is supposed to dress up like the thing they’re going to become. Now, what’s the problem with that? It’s sort of an interesting little activity but what’s the problem with that activity? I hate that activity? -- You’re programming them for a job.

You’re programming them for a job and also what’s worse about that because the psychology around – well, what if they want to be a firearm. How much do fire fighters make? Forty, 50, 60, if they’ve really been around a long time they might make 70 or 80 and run the department. But what else? And what about the teachers? One of the most critical jobs of America –unfortunately they’re paid what? Thirty if they’re in a private or a charter or magna type system maybe 60 or 70 but again you’re programming their psychology that this is all they’re worth, right.

But if you’re like smart then you’re an engineer or you’re – right, a doctor or a lawyer. I mean, and the truth is those guys don’t make a lot of money. And if you’ve ever checked the medical profession lately I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

pole, right. I mean, they aren’t getting paid. They’ve got huge claim nightmares. Oh, but let’s condition our kids. Do you guys see the problem? The problem is we’re still in the industrial age, in our thinking and our teaching about money and the education system and the financial system go hand-in-hand unfortunately.

So really what we need to teach our kids and I really believe in third grade. Like, we’re launching actually next week a foundation off of Live out Loud called Give out Loud and the money is going to be dedicated towards a 13 book series that we’re getting blessed right now, which is Wealth Building for Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade and then we’re going to move it into the private sector first because that’s who will help fund it. Let’s be honest, the public system is not going to do it and start changing. Like third grade we’re going to teach Learn to Earn.

So there’s no occupation day. There’s what are you going to do to create some money. We’re going to teach marketing and sales because, you know, history was interesting but I would have traded that for marketing and sales skills in two seconds. Calculus was interesting. How many of you liked it? I hated that year. I hated that year. It was a miserable year; wasn’t it? Like, I would have traded that for real finance in high school; wouldn't you? Like personal finance – this is such a funny little thing – they teach you how to balance your cheque book. Isn't that cute? Like what does that really tell you when you balance your cheque book? How much money you have in the bank but it didn’t tell you if you were profitable – big difference.

Right, and you can teach – like, I’ve taught Logan since he was five. I mean, you know, we do these little different businesses and so the simple one that you all would, kind of, resonate with is like a little lemonade stand. So if you go down to your little local grocery store and you buy $12 of stuff, right that’s an expense but if you only made $8 that day, like to the kid that looks like “oh, I made some money” but the truth is they’re still – they’re in the hole $4. I think you need to teach that. And then so, of course Logan, you know, who’s been around this his whole life says, “Well, that’s okay Mum we’ll just do it again tomorrow and then we’ll be up” but that’s the truth of what’s going on not the kidding about what’s going on. So just because he got eight bucks in his chequing account he didn’t realise he took out 12 to get the eight.

So, I mean, I’m talking about basic stuff needs to be re-taught and we need to be re-taught. So what I’m going to tell you today is going to challenge all conventional wisdom. So are you ready for that? -- Yes.

Like, 240 days we’ve made millionaires. Consistently in the last five years we’ve made over 500 auditable millionaires. Like this thing works. It’s a complete different foundation now. And I’m with you, I hate paperwork but I hire bookkeepers and other people to keep me organised. And so when I say hire people what immediately goes through your mind? -How to finance. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

How to find them but how to pay for them. And so, right, we’re going to have a cash machine. So small businesses – and the reason I don’t use the word small business is small businesses tend to fail and they fail for very obvious reasons, in fact 90 per cent but the other high side that nobody talks enough about is small business is the backbone of the American society, not large corporations. Small businesses, small corporations, right in the lower millions of dollars, of that kind of sized company funds the American backbone. Like, that positive thing is not what’s talked about. It’s, “Oh, it’s risky to start a business”. So I don’t call them businesses and you’re going to notice that I changed the language of money because for adults if I gave you – like small business could have a negative or risky association for you but if I give you a new word to associate it called a cash machine it’s easier to give you a new association than change your negative thinking about something else, right.

So, like, budgets are like diets. We’re just going to throw out the word. It’s a horrible word. No one is doing budgets, right. Like, how many of you like a budget? Right, it’s horrible. So let’s just get rid of it. Let’s just eliminate it from the dictionary and act like we don’t know that word existed and we’re going to create a new word called forecasting which is how do you spend money. Make sense?

Like retirement, we already changed that word. What do we call it? Freedom Day. So we’re not going to retire you, we’re going to have a Freedom Day. So do you see we’re going to change the vocabulary of money – is one of the things that might be a little confusing. So I’m just going to say it upfront. We have to change the way we think about money and the better way to do it instead of drilling your head “No, it’s not like that” – it is, it’s just a horrible word, some of these, so let’s just get rid of them. Bring new words in so you have new positive associations.

So when you think of the word cash machine which is what you’ve been doing, is a cash machine, what do you think of when you think of a cash machine? Isn't that a fun word? Like it’s a cash machine, right you put money in you get money back. You put money in, you put money back. It’s just this great – you make a quarter you get back a dollar, right. And if you really know how to run businesses, so it sounds like you do too, love business – you can put in – right, for every 50 cents I put into business typically I get a dollar back. So I’m usually making nice little returns on businesses and real estate. It’s very fun. Like, what else would you do when you know how to do this.

Isn't this exciting? You guys don’t look very excited. Okay. And the other reason I like cash machines is – we’re going to break it down. I’m going to show you our five step model for cash machines. How do you make new money is that when you think about a machine I want you to think about turning dials. Right, so you can turn this dial to turn up more cash. You can turn this dial. You can turn this dial. Right, so the dials we’re going to talk about are marketing, sales. Write this down because there’s four big ones that absolutely no kidding will have you make more money than you’ve ever made. And I think these are the skills that need to be taught early in our kids’ lives.

So one dial is marketing, you need to turn on a marketing machine. One dial is sales, another dial is finance and another one is leadership. So if we taught our kids those four skills – and as you learn those skills you’ll make more money in your Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

life. Okay. So you can sit in your seat and you can look up at the screen and say, “Well, this is interesting and I’ve heard some different speakers but I’m still going to just think about what I want to do”. So, “I’ll think about it” I think is the most interesting American excuse. So I’ll think about it. I mean, how many of you say, “I’ll think about it”? Come on, cop to it. Okay, now keep your hand up high, your right hand, and say, “I swear” ---? -- “I swear” ---

--- “I will never” ---? -- ---“I will never” ---

---“Ever” ---? -- ---“ever” ---

--- “say I’ll think about it again”? -- ---“say I’ll think about it again”.

Say, “I’m going to be a decision maker”? -- “I’m going to be a decision maker”.

All right. Now, high-five your partner and say, “I’m a decision maker”? -- “I’m a decision maker”.

So which means you’re going to say yes to things and you’re going to say no to things. Now, just because you say no to things it doesn’t mean for the rest of your life and I think that’s a huge problem that people have. “If I say no that’ll hurt their feelings and I have a high need to be liked and I have a high need to look good”. So, I’ll just say “I’ll think about it” is a little interesting excuse. So how many times when you said, “I’ll think about it” you really never thought about it, it was just an interesting excuse to not have to think about it? And let’s be honest, that’s the truth. So I want you to start saying “yes” and “no”. So commitment means yes and no. Right, and it could be just, “No, not now”. It doesn’t have to be “no, forever”. It just means “no, not now”.

And as you start your millionaire plan opportunities are going to come so fast that opportunities themselves will be a distraction and that could be fun.

I can remember when I was in my young twenties, actually I was walking through a hotel lobby with Mark Victor Hansen, and he said, “You know, Loral, there are so many opportunities in a day that I can't do them all in a lifetime” and I’ll never forget that comment because I remember I felt like this, “Where? Where are they? Where are they?” You know, how many of you feel like that now? Like, when I say that how many of you feel like, “well, where are because I’m not seeing them”.

And so part of it is changing your relationship with money because the opportunities are everywhere but if you’re not conditioned to see them then you won't ever see them, right, you’re going to operate in this little vacuum. But opportunities literally are everywhere to make money in your life but if you’re not, again, conditioned you won't see them. And you need to say “yes” and “no” because there will be opportunities that you’ll want to say “yes” to but they really aren’t going to serve you today. Does that make sense? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

And then there’s opportunities you need to say yes to and even though you might not be excited about them they’re going to make you really fast cash. So whatever you’ve decided to do, what did you decide to do, what is your cash machine? -- I’ve got two.

What’s the one that’s tripled? -- The trustee.

The trustee – the note business has tripled? Perfect. So she has a cash machine doing trustee notes and that’s the one that’s tripled but she’s doing two. See my advice to her would be narrow to the one that’s working the best, make it a six figure machine, then turn on the second machine. Like, let’s get that first one to six figures quickly and then start doubling in? -- It already is.

It already is. See then you can have two. So some of you, a big mistake in this great book called MSIs, Multiple Streams of Income; anybody read that? -- Yes.

Okay, the problem with that – I totally agree with it but unless each of those machines can create 100,000 why would you have three or four things dabbling along at a thousand, a thousand, a thousand a month? Like that is a huge waste of your time. Because at a six figure machine, right, your ability to create $100,000 – don’t you think you’re a pretty darn good entrepreneur by then? Right, you’ll know the marketing, you’ll know how to sell, you’ll know finance and you’ll know leadership. So when you know those four things then you can do another widget and then another widget because is it about the widget? Say no? -- No.

Because I don’t frankly care if you like your machines. How about that? See that little book called, “Do what you love and the money will come”. No, it won't. No, it won't. If you like sitting on the couch you’re not going to get money? -Yeah.

Like, you’re not, you’ve got to move your feet. You’ve got to be in enormous action and, in fact, for those of you I’ve got to just, like, tell you this: as you commit to being a millionaire, millionaire-maker way, which is like “let’s go”. You’re going to be more active. I don’t call it busy because again busy sounds horrible. So you’re going to be more active than you’ve ever been in the history of your life. Like, are you excited about that? -- Yes.

The difference is you’re going to love what you’re doing. See, I think busy work is associated to things you don’t like to do. See, and I’ve kind of redefined procrastination. I think when people procrastinate – like, actually I’ll ask you a question. Why do you procrastinate things? -- You don’t want to do them.

Thank you. You just don’t want to flat out do it. So don’t. Hire it. And then you say, “Well, how do I hire it?” Well, you’ve got to make some money. Right? So her six figure cash machine now can afford the maid, the bookkeeper, the paperwork, all that stuff you don’t want to do but you have to do it to become wealthy. Anybody who says you don’t is Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

lying. I’ll just say flat out they want to make it sound great but let’s be clear, if you can't push a button on QuickBooks or some sort of a software system for accounting to put out a P & L and a Balance Sheet you aren’t even close to becoming a true millionaire sustainably.

Anybody can make a million dollars. Let’s look at the athletes of the world, right? They have a great skill set but has anybody ever really – and I have evaluated them because I’ve worked with the NBA. Where are the NBA players when they’re no longer in physical condition or age to stay in the NBA? What are they doing besides a very few like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. No, there’s very few. Think about the whole of them and very few are smart businessmen. So where is the whole of them? -- Bankruptcy.

Pardon? -- Bankruptcy.

Beyond bankruptcy, their life is worse. They’re waiters and I’m not saying those are bad things but, come on, these guys made millions and now they’re waiters, they’re bell captains. I remember going to New Orleans. If you go to New Orleans a lot of them live down there because there’s these huge guys who then carry your bags into the hotels and that’s how I, sort of, got into this. And I said, “So what did you do, like, you’re a big guy?” “Oh, I played for the NBA” and I said, “Well, I wouldn't be bragging about it if you’re, like, carrying my bags”. I get a lot of clients this way. So it’s very interesting.

But seriously, I mean, these guys bar tend. Do you ever wonder, like, what happened to them? Like how can you make that much money? Think about lottery winners. How can they make that much money and now have none? So what’s the difference? They had no change in their psychology. They had no baseline. Like, no one gave them besides a cheque book, right – no one gave them the ability to understand their finances. No one gave them an investing path. No one gave them a skill set called the cash machine.

So right now we’re working with a program. We’re starting to work into the NFL. Where the guys towards their end are looking now at what should they be doing as they exit? What’s their cash machine? What were they good at before they were good at football or in addition to football? Right. And so we’ve got to back to what are they going to do and they better start working on it now before they exit and they better get their assets moving. Isn't that fun?

See, I have a second book also that hit the New York Times list. It’s called “Wealth Cycle Investing”. It was sort of a boring title. My publisher made me have it because I wanted to call it “Get off your lazy assets”. Isn't that fun? Like it really irritates the stock market people when I say get off your lazy assets because most lazy assets are in the market – 8 percent, 9 percent. Come on, when you can crank out 20 on those things. Why would you tolerate it and why do you? Because you don’t know any better, right?

All right. So three things: we’re going to help you learn to make money in a cash machine. So why make money? It’s a pretty simple model. Then keep your money through legal corporate structures and tax planning. Like make it, keep it Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

and number three, invest it. It’s really not that difficult but we’re not taught. I have a finance degree and I wasn’t taught any of this stuff. I was taught supply and demand, economics, get a job, invest and I took a whole class on mutual funds and bonds. I never did them because of that class. Like it never made no logical sense to make all these people enormous fees and money and you made none. It was ridiculous. And by the way if you don’t know the Wire Houses make all their money – the Schwabs, Fidelity, TDY – all those guys buy wholesale from the market and they sell to you retail. So do they have any true commitment and any skin in the game to make you money? No, they’ve already made their’s. But nobody tells you that stuff. It’s just irritating; isn't it? Part of my job is to get you so irritated about the traditional model you’ll change to this model. Like, I mean, truly I was so irritated when I learned this from my mentors.

So in the Secret one of the things that they talk about is the “Law of Attraction” and what you think about you get and then the little piece I always add and remind people, “and you have to move your feet”.

So, when you think about the traditional model, here’s the traditional model, right and then, you know, ultimately my goal is to get you to this new model of millionaire-maker style but in the old model and lots of people wrote books about this. In fact, there was a woman on TV that I want a show – actually I’m in a pilot situation of having a show right after hers. It will be very interesting to watch the audience hear her say, “Go maximise your 401(k)”. You all know who I’m talking about, right? I’m so much cuter than her too. So I’m not going to snap at you.

So “Maximise your 401(k), keep your job, go buy those mutual funds”, right? And get out of debt. For God’s sake the first thing you should do is get out of debt. And make sure you repair your credit on the way. Well, that’s an interesting – how do you repair your credit and get out of debt at the same time. That doesn’t happen that way if you really know how to repair credit. You actually go spend more to repair credit. Oh, interesting they’re not telling you that part.

Or what you can do our way is go get a cash machine to make more money. If you’re in debt who cares? I mean, really who cares and, like, you know the automatic millionaire way is put $200 away a month. Like, that’s slow and very tired. Who wants to put away 200. Let’s make 200. And if you want a lot say have three. Like are you worried about spending $3 a day? My God who cares. Like do you see how that whole conversation is ridiculous. Minimise and restrict your life. Don’t have your latte because that will save you $60 a month. Well, like that is such a horrible restrictive way to live life versus let’s just go make money in a cash machine and as you make the money lets keep the money, lets invest the money. Isn't that much better to expand? -- Yes.

Now, write down these numbers. So if you want an extra $50,000 this year – if you’re going to create – and again you’re not going to make it you’re going to create it. Do you see the difference? “Make it” kind of connotates you’re going to go get a job. You’re not going to go get another job. With your skills and your know-how and your brains and your purpose – like you all were born with something to do. Right, you’re going to create an extra 50,000. Here’s what it’s going to equate to – it $208 a day. If you want to create an extra $100,000 you’re going to create an extra $416 a day. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Now, write these numbers down because part of your plan is to create this number per day. Let me just show you, if you want an extra $240,000 extra this year – here’s how I’m creating those numbers - you’re going to divide by 12 that’s 20,000 a month. You all with me on that? Then you’re going to divide by four weeks. That’s an extra 5,000 a week – 5 days is $1,000 a day. So an extra creation of 240,000 is $1,000 a day.

So, I need you to you to pick how much you’re going to commit to creating a day. It’s a very important thing because then we’re going to back in as part of your cash machine. We’re going to back in and say, “Well, what do I have to do to create that?” “Like, how many widgets do I need to sell at what price point?”

See, a lot of people say, “I want to make new money”. But how? Like, if you can't get that practical and tactical you’ll never make it. Like I worked with a woman on the CNBC show where she was doing a lip gloss company. She was going to sell her little organically made lip glosses for $6 a unit and I said, “No”. If you want an extra 208 you need to sell it for $20 or $21.95 because then you sell 10 units a day. That’s more reasonable than selling 80 at your price point. And she said, “Well, I don’t know that market”. I said, “You do too. You do makeup for TV people. $20 for a thing of lipstick. I mean it’s not that far off a Mac and it’s not that far off a wash. So just, like, crank up your price”. She said, “But then I have to get a label”. Who cares for 15 cents put a label on the thing and crank up the price by $10.

But you see that daily rate, right, is critical to know because then that does all your margins and does all your pricing and if you can't get that detail then you can do this for real estate. So, okay, a $1,000 day. Right? Well, how many houses is that to flip?

Right? See, you have to have this core base financial stuff to understand because when the money comes in it better not come to your personal chequing account. It needs to come to a corporate account and we’re going to talk about that in a minute. Okay, we’re going to work on your number but think about that.

So as you make a commitment how many of you, like we’re going to keep going here in the presentation, are clearly committed to be, like, fast millionaires. That doesn’t meant risky millionaires. It means sustainable but fast. What did the rest of you have your hand down for?—They’re going to support the rest of us.

They’re going to support the rest of us doing their jobs – oh, their jobs. No it has created a life. All right. So here’s how we’re going to get started. So here’s what we call the wealth cycle and this is in the Millionaire Maker book. Anybody read the Millionaire Maker?—Yes.

Has anybody been applying the Millionaire Maker? -- I think so.

This one has no CD attached to this yet. This has no CD attached to it yet. Actually you know what? The only part of the CD that would be attached would be - I did a makeover CD that has two makeovers and that would be as close as this Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

one gets. So for those of you who do our little package we’ll throw in that CD. We’re going to do a makeover in a little bit, so you’ll see a makeover too. But this is seven families that we work with and seven true stories of how we did their own financial makeover and very, very different style.

But critical and what we have to do in the beginning and it’s again back to this boring bookkeeping thing and in all of our product packages we give you links to people who can do your bookkeeping for you because you don’t want to do it. I don’t want to do it. You don’t know how to do it so why waste your time? Right, and even if you figure out how to do it you won't do it very good because you don’t know how.

Like do you see how being self sufficient is ridiculous. Right, being a self-made millionaire. No one is a self-made millionaire. I mean our whole concept is being a team-made millionaire. You have to do it as a team. Right, strengthen your strengths and hire your weaknesses. That make sense?

Like, I had a woman - recently I ran into her, you know, several months after she got started on our program too and said, “You know, Loral, I’m just about ready to start my cash machine”. I said, “What do you mean you’re just about ready? You should have started it the day after?” She said, “Well, I’m working on my website and I’m working on my bookkeeping” and she’s doing both. I said, “Well, did you just hire a bookkeeper?” “Well, no, I went and I bought QuickBooks and I installed it and I’m still reading the manual on how to do it”. Like, that’s kind of a slow boat. Right, that’s the 20 year plan. You don’t do that. You just get somebody in who has a clue and they can do it in a couple of days.

Same with the website, I said, “Do you know how to do websites?” “Well, no, I’m taking a class”. No! And even when you do take a class don’t you think there’s people who are way better than you? Right? And who really know how to search engine optimise and make these websites sing and make money? So why are you wasting your time? I said, “What are you good at?” “Oh, I’m good at sales”. “Well, go sell. Make money. Hire the people to do this”. Do you guys see how funny this is? Like, Americans have it all screwed up. Like, being self-sufficient is going to work? It’s boring and slow. Does that make sense? -- Yes.

See, somebody has already done what you want to do and somebody is doing what you need to do. So you just go get them on your team. It’s like the Henry Ford model. Henry Ford wasn’t like the super brightest, like, you know, light bulb in the room but he was an extraordinary leader and could attract great talent. So, you know, I created this model after studying him. It’s called – and write this down because it’s very funny, “You say yes to every opportunity in the beginning and then you figure out how”.

Now, how many of you does that scare crap out of you? Say yes then figure out how. And why does it scare you? -- Too many opportunities.

There’s too many opportunities so you’re a little concerned about what to say yes to. What else? -- It’s confusing. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

It’s confusing and you don’t know how, right? -- Right.

So somebody – but here’s what you have to trust in the “Say yes figure out how” model - somebody knows how. See the difference. Like, isn't that – that should just free you up a little bit and say, wow.

So, I’ll tell you a little story. Like, I grew up on a farm in Nebraska. Like, I had the worst psychology about money ever. Like, work hard, work hard, work hard, don’t ask for it. Right, “money doesn’t grow on trees” my mother used to say. Well, of course it doesn’t. You know, they make it in a bank. I mean, it just drove me nuts all her little conversations and my parents’ conversations, “Don’t ask for it?”

Right, how many of you with that whole conversation? And boy you better work hard, get a job. So I did some of those stupid things and I did have a job in my twenties. I worked for Chevron. But here is my funny story about them because I had my own little company and Chevron asked me to go to New Orleans and the guy who called me had such a Southern accent that I couldn't understand him. He said, “How would you like come down to N’Orleans?” I said, “Narlans?” Like, I couldn't understand the words. I was 24 years old at the time thinking “N’Orleans?” I said, “What are you calling about?” “Well, I’m calling about the job, the job offshore”. I’m thinking offshore like – I’m from Nebraska. I mean “offshore” means what? Well, it’s a gasnoil company, gasnoil. I thought – I couldn't understand a word he said and then I said, “What do you want me to do?” I was just, kind of like, I was still not knowing what he was doing. He said, “We want you to come to N’Orleans and it’s a free trip”. I thought, “A free trip?” And I said, “I think I’ll go.” I said, “Are you saying New Orleans?”

And he said, “It’s pronounced N’Orleans, m’am”. I said, “All right, I’ll come” but I didn’t have a clue what the heck I was getting myself into. So I flew down and immediately they picked me up and they take me down to a helicopter pad and they threw these, like, steel toed shoes and this hardhat and blue overalls and they said, “We’re flying offshore”. I’m thinking where the hell are we going. So we’re in a helicopter. We’re going offshore.

I still didn’t quite know what we were doing but I did research enough to figure out Chevron was a “gasnoil” company. Anyway so we’re flying offshore and there’s this huge, huge contract where they wanted someone to design offshore fitness centres. I was in the finance world and then I went to the health world and then I went back to the wealth world. This was my health days. I have a Masters in Exercise Physiology for whatever that’s worth. I mean, it was sort of this interesting thing I did.

But anyway they offered me this extraordinary huge six figure contract to fly offshore and figure out how to put fitness centres on the offshore oil rigs. So on the way back in they offered me all this money. I was 24 years old. And I was going to live in New Orleans. Are you kidding? Like this is the party centre of America. So I said, “yes”. This was how it all began. I said, “Sure I’ll do that”. In the back of my mind I’m thinking, “How the hell am I going to do this?” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

And so I stayed a couple of days and I drove down to LSU, right, Louisiana State University, and I talked to the Professor. “Oh, you got that? There’s no way you got that contract”. I said, “I did. And I said, “And here’s the deal I’ll give you part of it if you figure out – if you show me how to help do it”. You guys get it? -- Yes.

So the story goes on, blah da da, and then I ended up actually working for myself, had millions of dollars of contracts with them and travelled all over the world doing this funny thing with them. Anyway so it’s a long – and again so another funny story is that I met Kiyosaki when nobody knew who Kiyosaki was.

And this is actually how I exited Chevron. We created a contract. I was going to help him move the cash flow games into the world. Right, so I had this distributorship with him. And, again I said, “Yes” and he said, “Do you know how to do this?” “Yeah, right”. And I went down to some marketers and they taught me how. Do you guys get it? So this is about a team sport as long as you have the guts to put people on your team. I bought some laundromats and this is as recently as last year. I bought some laundromats and I went to the guy that had nine of them in the Sacramento area and I said - by then I just get right to it. I said, “I’ll give you 10 per cent ownership if you show me how to run these things”. Now, I’m a smart businesswoman. It’s not really hard to run a laundromat but why would I give somebody 10 per cent? -- You don’t have to do the work.

I don’t have to do any of the work and immediately I can be profitable because he knows – he said, “What do I have to do?” I said, “Give me your brains and all your contacts”. Like, I don’t want to figure out the best security company. I don’t want to figure out the best maintainers of my washers and dryers. You know all those people, just give them to me. I’ll do all the money, all the time, all the hiring, you just be at a phone call away, like, in the day. So if we have a break in I want to know what to do. Are you kidding? Do you see how fast things get done when you can put smarter people, smarter in that area, on your team? Do you guys kind of get it now? -- Yeah.

Everybody can do this but we weren’t taught to do this. We were taught to go work for somebody else. It’s so boring. All right, so wealth cycle – now here is the fun paperwork. Just say “I’m excited about paperwork”? -- I’m excited about paperwork.

Because people don’t do this just because they don’t get excited about paperwork. You don’t have to do it though. So her, just for you beginners, and I don’t say that condescendingly, you’re just beginning. So these are your two best friends. You’ve got two financial statements that will be your best friends. The top one is called the Profit and Loss Statement. It’s all the income you make and all the expenses that you have. So what you make, what you spend is your cash flow. Okay, it’s not disposable income and you just dispose of it. It’s cash flow. You keep it.

Okay, the bottom form is assets and liabilities, that’s a Balance Sheet, okay. That’s all that you own and all that you owe. So your Profit and Loss is a monthly statement. It’s all that you make in a month and all that you spend in a month. The bottom is all that you own in your total life and liabilities is all that you owe in your total life. That’s like your life sheet. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Does that make sense? Okay, so everybody is going to get a bunch of these and the reason I say you’re going to get a bunch is you’ll have one for you personally and then you’re going to have one for your cash machine, right? Make sense?

And as you get more cash machines you’ll have more of these which is called the set of books. You’ve got a bank account for every business you have. For every piece of real estate you have you need to have a different accounting system because you don’t want to just say my real estate is successful. You want to say this piece of property has an income and expense of this amount. Right, so you can learn all that you want about making a whole bunch of money but if you don’t have this stuff to back it up you’ll never know if you’re really winning. Does that make sense?

Okay, so here’s what we’re taught. We’re taught to go make a bunch of money in a job and then get a big lifestyle because that’s kind of the All-American dream, right. Live in the right house, the right neighbourhood and then what we find over time working with thousands and thousands of people and I’ve literally coached over 10,000 people. We have over 50,000 that have been in our programs. But we’re taught to get a big liability which is the house, the car, the stuff and then what happens is that monthly expense cranks up the more you spend, right? So the bigger your liabilities are that you owe everybody the bigger that monthly expense. So, if you lose your job you’re still stuck which is why people go bankrupt. Do you sort of see how that works? If you do it this way which is what we call – I mean, really the Millionaire Maker way, you get your assets then you get a lifestyle.

So we have so many people who have – they look good and behind the scenes they’re broke. Believe me a lot of America is like that. They’re just living on a bigger pay check but they just look good broke. So what you really want to do is create income through a cash machine. So I don’t care if you keep your job. I truly don’t want you to run out and just quit your job. I want you to build a cash machine where you build up about at least half of your pay, then quit your job because you already know that you can make the money and then you’ll just race to fill it up. In fact, you’ll blow past the amount of money you make.

So as you make the money in this model we put it away and we put it into what’s called the Wealth Account. A Wealth Account is an account specific for you to start investing. And then we go to the other side of the house and we start teaching you to really invest, like really invest, take some leadership of that. Unfortunately most people are parking and praying. They’re parking their money with a financial house or a broker who’s typically broke and makes less money than you and hoping to God and praying that they’re going to do something with your money. It’s a horrible financial situation.

So we want to teach you how to start leading your wealth so the assets, notice the arrow goes back up, to create passive income. So then you create a whole wealth cycle. Like for those of you who have read Rich Dad Poor Dad the difference in this is in his model you take assets and you move passively and then your passive income is over your expenses. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

In our model we add in the cash machine. So we want you to make new money, put it to work and bring it back? Right, and by adding new money is the super charge. The cash machine is the super charger because as you make more new money and put it away and learn to invest you start cycling at literally three years. I’ve been doubling mine about every year, I have it that wired. My wealth cycle is just tight. Make it, invest it, make it, invest it, make it, invest it. Double digit returns – that thing just starts spinning, it’s so much fun.

See your next big fun thing is to then really manage like manage because it’s going quickly versus very slow. All right, so does that make sense what we’re doing? -- Yes.

So even your children need a wealth cycle. You say, well how do I do that? Well, as your cash machine – it’s your own corporation, right. You say yes? -- Yes.

And can't your kids work for your own corporation. I have a seven month old daughter she’s upstairs and with more life support – everybody says, “Well, do you ever see your kids?” “Yeah, they always come with me.” So for her, for example, I had her in October. In December we took modelling pictures because we have wealth building for families, you know, where we work with, you know, the kids as well.

So, she has to work for the company because she’s very cute. So we had to take pictures which means she needs paying, right, for her little face. So, you know, she had to get paid by the company which then if you have payroll means you can get a Roth IRA. Anybody know what a “Roth IRA” is? -- Oh, yeah.

It’s a tax-free tax-deferred for the rest of your life account. So what if you start cranking that little think up? See I’m pretty committed to trying – like, we’re on track actually. I shouldn't say trying. We’re on track to have our kids; I have a seven year old and a seven month old, to become millionaires before they’re 10. And I’ll tell you this stuff works and then we’ll write a little book once we’re certain about it and then again transferring – just because we can do it doesn’t mean other people can do it. Transfer of knowledge is critical. I think that’s a little magic thing that I have gifted because I want to transfer that to you guys so you can become ---

But just to give you an example – so she has a Roth. She has her own bank account. Isn't that fun? She’s seven months old. And she’s got, you know – you can only pay people under seven about $4,200. So she’s got about $4,200 in her little wealth account and then I put 4,000 into a Roth. So actually she has 200 in her bank account and she has 4,000 in her Roth because you can put 4,000 in. Isn't that fun?

Then a friend of mine and I we went to Mexico and we bought some land. Just to give you a little example of what wealthy people do and this is all legal and it’s all available. No one teaches you how to do it. This is the irritating part. So one of my friends, and he’s got kids too – so I bought land and he bought land and I took her Roth IRA and I optioned it. Right? Just like any other real estate option. I put an option on his land and he put an option on my land on behalf of our Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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kid’s Roths. It cost 1,000 bucks to do that. And that option is on legal record. So he can't sell his land and I can't sell my land without paying that option off, right? That make sense? And the way that we wrote our options is that the profit from the land goes into each other’s Roths.

Now, that’s all legal. Now, if you go to Schwab Fidelity and those guys they’ll say, “Oh, you can't do that”. Well, of course, they can't do it but it can be done. It’s just they can't do it. And I think what happens in America is you say – when somebody says you can't do it you think that’s the universal truth. No, they can't do it. They don’t offer that service but it can be done and it’s done legally all over the world all the time.

So in about 18 months when we sell our land because we’re selling it out to some developers to build houses, the profit, right, because the profit goes to the Roth because he can't sell it unless the profit goes. It’s about a quarter of a million dollars.

So, she’ll be about two years and be worth that. Do you just get it? Like, this stuff is available everywhere. You guys are going, “Oh, this is fun” and anybody can do it but you’ve got to be taught how to do it and you have to this. And again you say “yes” and you figure out how. Like the first time I heard that I went straight to that guy and said, “I want you on my team”.

“Like, I want you to teach me how to do that” and it took me about two years honestly to figure that one out. It’s a very sophisticated move. It’s not like super simple. Plus, you know, I had to check out the legalities because there was a little like, “Oh come on you really can't do that.”

I did I went down and I sat with the Schwabs and I said, “Why don’t you do this?” and they told me why and I said, “Oh, that’s interesting” and then I went and I figured out how to really get it done? -- So you optioned it – the Roth IRA. Is it the Roth IRA that owns the option?

Owns the option for a purchase price. Just like you option in the stock market, you buy an option to purchase at a certain price. So it’s this whole legal form that you, kind of, put together. I’m just - those are very advanced moves but I’m just telling you things are so available? -- This isn't a profit. So if you invested – well, I mean, just to give you, sort of, a market benefit is if you option, say, a nice stock they’re not going to limit you from putting the profit in if that stock goes through the roof, right? -- Right.

This is the profit so there is no limit? -- It’s the deposit that’s maxed.

It’s the deposit that’s maxed. It’s the profitability that can grow unlimited. It’s so much fun. It’s sophisticated. It’s so good. All right, so let’s go on. So here’s what’s different. Lots of stuff is different. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Okay, sequencing – see I don’t believe there is a step-by-step way and, in fact, I was convinced – when you look at some of my work and you’ll go through it and you’ll say, “Well, Loral, you do some step-by-step stuff”. I did in the old days and the old days for me is less than five years ago. I made lots of moves but what we do in a month most people do in a year. I mean we move. And you’re going to start moving. You’ll see your life will be at warped speed. Does that mean you have to be crazy about it? -- No.

No, you can be calm and make that kind of money but things are going to move very quickly. And when people say to me, “Loral, you should slow down” and I say, “You should speed up”. Right? Why would you let somebody slow down? So you can feel comfortable. No, my train is moving quite well, get on my train, let’s go.

So, what I noticed, though, is how – because here’s how my book thing happened. Like, I’m not a writer – you talk about team. I’m a talker. Like I know how to talk. I know how to articulate. I know how to think. I’m a conceptual but to sit at a computer and write words is like oooh, it’s like bookkeeping, it’s like horrible.

So, we’ve been doing this millionaire thing for quite a while, quite a while. In fact, you know, we’ve just been working privately and doing this thing and McGraw-Hill came to me in 2005 and said, “Will you write a book?” I said, “No, I really don’t know how to write books. I know how to talk.” And so then they came back to me and they gave me more money. I said, “You don’t understand this isn't about the money. I don’t really need your money because it’s an interesting little token quite frankly to write a book but I don’t know how to write really” and they said, “Oh, come on but you have great concepts”. So I said, “That’s right”.

So anyway after six months of negotiating they gave me this high finance brilliant writer as my team mate. So I talked. We taped my talks. We transcribed the work and then she made them into nice little things like that. I wouldn't have a clue how to do this. I wouldn't want to know. Like, you have to end your sentences right and stuff like that, whatever.

This was, like, very painful to watch her do and I said, “Oh, this is good” and you have to have everything flow onto the right page at the right time. It was like, no I have no time and tolerance to do this stuff. So anyway I got a great team mate and she made it into this brilliant stuff that then became, you know, national bestsellers. So our third book is on cash machines and is coming out – actually it’s going to be in bookstores in May. So we did three books in 18 months.

But my story about that is when they came to me, like, I had to create something new. It was, like, well I want the nation to know something new and what is it that we really do? And I really never put tight words to it. So this word came up. So this is what we do that’s different, we sequence people, meaning none of you ever will have the same sequence. If you’re in a relationship, like you guys are married, right you’ll have the same sequence obviously but outside of that, I mean, you’ll have a very different sequence because what you’ve done to yourself is different. Some of you might be facing bankruptcy. Some of you might have a big debt. Some of you might make a lot of money but you might spend all your Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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money. Some of you might have a huge amount of debt and you live pay check to pay check. Am I, kind of, naming your situation? -- Yes.

Right. You might have, like if you retired from your job, sir, right – so retired and living and managing and working on your investments. So, everybody is, sort of, in a different situation. So, there shouldn't be step-by-step-by-step. It should be – what should you do? So, sequencing means do the right thing at the right time for me, right?

So everybody does the right thing at the right time for you. Now, the coloured blocks are what everyone will do. Everyone is going to do a gap analysis because a gap analysis is basically your baseline: where are you versus where do you need to go, which is your “Freedom Day.” That’s the gap. So where you are, where do you want to go there’s a gap. There’s your planning process. So everybody has got to go through that and we’ll go through all of that.

One of the workshops I’m going to talk to you about is called a Wealth Planning Blitz. We’re going to blitz your plan in two days and get that whole thing done. The bottom - you all will need to learn to lead. Now, some of you may say, “Well, I don’t like people”. Well, too bad then stay poor. It’s going to go slow because people will help you. And if a lot of people say, like, “But I don’t want team mates. Like, I’ve been ripped off before. I don’t trust people”.

Not trusting other people, truly, if I had to do a whole bunch of Bob Proctor psychology work – and by the way I’ve been, you know, with Bob Proctor for 17 years, so I know all of that work very well. The truth is in that statement is I don’t think you trust yourself. So first you’ve got to trust yourself and then you can go trust others and in the process, by the way, I’m not waiting for you to trust yourself. We’re going to just show you how to get legal contracts that will protect you while we work on your psychology. Does that make sense? -- Yes.

Like, I don’t care that you learn to think right about money then make money. I don’t think that’s true. In fact, as you notice I don’t say “think, act and make money” – I say, “act” because acting first will force you into a new way of thinking.

So, for example the first story in the book: the family had a 25 year process of doing the all-American thing. They take their only asset called their house and then they do what with it? Refinance it to take out a bunch of money to pay down their lifestyle and about every five years they did this. So they’re on their fifth round. I said, “Well, you’ve got to be sick and tired of being sick and tired of this. Plus you’re in the Bay area and you’re commuting four hours collectively” - her two and him two, one in the morning and one at night. “Four hours of your life is dedicated to a commute. It’s got to be horrible to live that way”. And they’re like, “Didn’t know there was another way”. Seriously, I was like oh my God. I mean, when I run into people who really believe that’s the only way to live, I mean, it’s heartbreaking honestly. It’s like, “Oh my God there’s so much a better life than commuting.”

So, in their situation we met them right before they were going to go do this again and so I said, “Let’s do it different this time”. They said, “No, you don’t understand we have a bunch of debt” and I said, “Trust – like there’s a different way”. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

So in this time we took $60,000 that they were going to go pay down debt. We took 60,000 and I introduced them to some team mates. They went to Louisiana and they bought 10 little cash flow houses.

Those 10 houses produced $2,000 a month in cash flow and then we take 500 of the 2,000 and we pay down their debt. So when their debt is gone because their debt will be gone slower than their other process. Right? it might take a couple of years to pay down their debt.

What’s different now when their debt is gone? They have 10 houses. They have all the entity advantages of corporate tax benefits, they have $2,000 in cash flow and do you think they’ll ever do it again? No, they won't. They’ll do our process but they won't ever do their old process again. Like, we broke the pattern because we taught them how to make new money, do better investing.

Now, what was interesting is they had horrible psychology, right? So this was me challenging the think about money differently first – no, you act differently. So what we did was we put them on an aeroplane and said, “Go to Louisiana”. And so she called me from the airport by calling me all sorts of interesting “b” names and things and she said, “You don’t understand. I can't even believe I’m doing this”. I said, “Get on the plane”. “No, you don’t understand. I’m very scared and I don’t trust any of these people”. I said, “Just get on the plane”. “No, I’m not a real estate investor. I don’t know a thing about it.” “Get on the plane. Call me when you get there” and I hung up on her. I didn’t really know if she’d go or not.

Now, other people would work on her psychology for a year. I couldn’t care less how she thought about it. I don’t care if she hated me. Like, I knew this would work. So she got on the plane and she went down there. I didn’t hear from her but I heard from my mortgage broker. You know, not mine but the guy – I use him too. I mean, that’s why, you know, I had already bought a bunch of houses there too.

And so I heard that she had already done it. And I didn’t see her and I didn’t see her and it was a couple of months later I saw her at a seminar and I said, “So how are you doing, Karen?” And she said, “I’m a real estate investor”.

Do you see how action through enormous fear with the right team members holding and supporting you, you just get it done and your thinking changes faster than sitting around meditating with each other, “but I want to think about money differently” – just don’t do it differently then. Now, I’m not saying the other part is not critical but I don’t think you do one then you do the other. I think you do them both. And I think a lot of people want to think and think and think about thinking about doing it. Just do it. And now are you going to be totally like stretched out and uncomfortable when you do it this way? -- Oh, yeah.

Promise, but heck who cares? You’re going to be through it fast. The other way you’re sitting on the couch thinking about it there’s no action. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Now, write down these four words because it’s a part of this book too: “Action will create an experience.” An experience is going to create evidence, right. Action will create an experience. Now, is the experience pleasant some times? Pretty much guaranteed not. Pretty much going to be like, oh – don’t think that I wasn’t - like coming off that helicopter I was about ready to vomit all day. In fact, until I came up with the how I was going to actually – I had just committed to a contract I had no idea how to fulfil. Like, I didn’t sleep for a weeks until I figured out how to get this done and then I was like, whoo, through that one.

Action creates an experience. I’m just saying your experience might not be pleasant for you, okay, but who cares. You’re going to be on the edge. Put it all out there, what do you have to lose? But your experience was going to give you evidence.

Like, the experience of being miserable on that trip gave her evidence she now knows how to go buy real estate and now she has confidence and there is nothing better than creating confidence and certainty around money in anyone’s life because I’ll tell you with confidence and certainty – and why wait when you – just go through a little bit of uncomfort. But here’s how you alleviate the uncomfort, you get smart team mates, right.

The worst thing you’re going to do is reach side to side and say, “oh” – what’s your name? “Gayle, come with me”. Right, say we’re equal, right in our ability to make money and stuff. The worst thing you’ll do is get with a friend and say, “Oh, let’s go together”. Right, because what’s going to happen? The next day she’ll call and say, “Well, I’m a little scared”. You’ll say, “I am too”. Well, that’s great. They were holding hands – cute. Like, do you see there’s no action going to be created. So don’t go side by side. You go with somebody in front of you who’s already done what you want to do and you go with them because she’ll say, “I’m scared” and I’ll say, “So what? Get up, let’s go”. And she’ll say, “No, you didn’t hear me, I’m scared”. ”I don’t care, go”.

Right, you see how like somebody has already played this comfortable doing it. Does that make sense? So our mentoring and coaching is critical because somebody has already done it and we’re not going to freak out. While you’re freaking out we’ll say, “How you doing?” “I’m freaking out”. “Well, good, I’ll give you a little homework assignment, come back”. Does that make sense? That’s how you move fast.

I’ve been mentored by the greatest people on the planet and they told me to do the most ridiculous uncomfortable things where I lost sleep for days. I promise you they were sleeping. Right, because they knew that I would get through it. Now, I might have screwed up a few bumps and believe me I’ve screwed up a bunch of bumps but that’s also why I mentor and coach. It’s because I know how to get you through those bumps and help you move around those bumps. Like doing it – that’s why doing it solo stinks. That’s a nice word.

Now, here’s your sequencing block because you’re going to learn to leave your team and you will work on your conditioning but these sequencing blocks are critical. So, write down these six and we’re going to come back to them. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Some of you need to get off your lazy assets, right. It sounds like this gentleman right here, what’s your name? Barry, right – so, Barry and Gayle need to get off lazy assets – probably would be first. If we did that you’d make more money now. I’m saying it’s all about efficiency and what’s fastest. Some of you who have companies need to get incorporated.

There are two tax systems in the United States. One of them is for your Social Security number and one is for EIN numbers, an Employee Identification Number. Now, how do you get and EIN number? And in Switzerland for you, Hilary, right, there’s some other version but it’s the same sort of thing. It’s a corporate number that is taxed differently than your Social Security number and don’t kid yourselves and don’t let the politicians kid yourself that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. We aren’t even taxed in the same code. The rules for the corporate structures are different than the rules for the individuals and guess who gets hit the hardest? -- The individuals.

The individuals because they can control the fact that you work for somebody and they get to take the tax first. Then you get to spend what’s left. So write down these words. You get to earn, get taxed to pieces – write down the taxed to pieces part not just taxed but to pieces and then you get to spend what’s left. Or you can have a choice to have a cash machine inside a corporate structure. Now you get to earn, spend, do legal deductions then pay tax. So who’s in control of how much you pay? -- You are.

In the corporate model you are. So the power of a cash machine is the power of our work. I mean, clearly we want you to invest but I’ll tell you when you can make a cash machine move and learn to create money in your life, whoa, you are home free, okay. So some of you who have businesses or hobbies – like, I know a woman who has just got recently divorced. She’d been married for 10 years. She had four kids. So, like, her life was raising children. She said, “Well, I don’t have a skill set. I can't do a cash machine”. I said, “You have skills, girlfriend, you raised four kids”.

So I said, “What do you do?” and she said, “Well” and I said, “Are there hobbies?” And she said, “Well, I make scrapbooks”. I said, “So go Google scrapbooks”. She comes back to the room and she said, “It’s a $2.6 billion industry”. I said, “I know and you do it for free”. I said, “So let’s make that a corporation”, an LLC or an S Corporation whatever, you know. We have teams but all of our teams have links in those programs. So you get our access to those people. You need access to smart people. Don’t go wandering around the world trying to figure out who’s going to do this for you.

So anyway she is on track now after 8 months and made over $100,000 scrapbooking. Because do you realise that scrapbooking - when you make a 20 page scrapbook that you can pay up to $20 a page if it has photos and all the little things on it? That’s a $400 book. You say well who the heck is going to spend that? Apparently a lot of people, $2.6 billion are being spent on it a year.

So, a great stay home mom business, right. If you’re a teacher have a tutoring company. If you have IT skills you can have an eBay company. You can have a web based company. You can have a search engine optimising company. Techies have huge ranges of skills they could do. If you like to write, be an editor. Don’t do it for somebody else. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

How many of you like to write, you’re good writers, anybody? Okay, here’s how you’re going to make six figures fast – you go to the web because there’s a lot of websites that are written poorly and if you’re a multiple language speaker do the same thing – and have writing skills.

So, you go out to the website, you find about 50 websites that are poorly written and you, kind of, re-rack their first page copy and then you send it to them and say, “I noticed on your website, you know, your goal is probably to convert traffic. I would love to help you by helping you have language and writing”. So, you can't offend them because they probably wrote it and feel good about it and it’s really horribly written, right.

But seriously I have so many writers who are making $25,000 to $30,000 a month and they did this exact thing. They went out. They found people who had horribly written websites and they became their writer.

Like, I’m in the process of hiring another writer. I have a writer who writes for me, right, because I don’t like to, right. And I’m writing all over the place. I’m writing articles, I’m writing five or 10 articles a week. I’m not writing them, right. They’re getting it from my language, simple. Cash machines – some of you just need to make new money and quickly which means you do what you know how to do not what you love to do. So, for example, I always see a lot of people and I’m starting to pick on all my real estate friends but a lot of people will say, “I just want to go do real estate” and I’ll say, “Well, have you ever done real estate?” Okay, how many of you want to do real estate? Okay, so could I pick on you, Gayle? Okay, but you’ve never done it. So what do you know how to do? Like how have you made money? -- I taught.

So she’s been a teacher? -- Yeah and also a massage therapist.

And massage therapist. So you may want to do real estate but tomorrow that is not your fastest path to cash? -- Right.

Now, I would say that you could do that in a few months but tomorrow you could have a tutoring company. Tomorrow you could do a bunch of massage? -- Yes.

Right, tomorrow she could make new money. The reason you’ve not is because you don’t have a market yet. Right, do you see how you can, like, figure out these little machines very quickly? So I’m not saying you can't do your dream thing because ultimately if you want to be a real estate investor we’ll go get there but tomorrow we need to make new money. Does that make sense? And so, like, I have a lot of folks and if you say you don’t like to teach and massage what do you think I’m going to tell her? -- So what?

“So what”? I’m going to say, “Too bad if you want cash tomorrow you’re going to do what you know how to do”. Does that make sense? And for those of you who are much more righteous about that, “Well, I don’t want to”, well then stay poor for a while. There’s a way you can make money tomorrow, every one of you. You may not like to. Who cares? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Right, do you think that I liked being a personal trainer after I left Chevron? Because I was in the fitness world, right, so how do you think I bridged all my world? I did fitness training, I did aerobics training. I built more stupid fitness centres for more companies. Did I love to do it? No, I knew I wanted to march over back to the wealth industry but you do what you need to do to make some money because money – I mean, how many of you made your own money. Doesn’t it feel good when those cheques come? -- Yes.

Nothing changes your psychology faster than just making cash. God, it’s so good. Isn't it exciting? -- Yes.

So turn to your neighbour and say, “I’m going to make new cash”? -- I’m going to make new cash.

So good, all right. Now, with your new cash here’s our new word, forecasting. So here’s what I want you to do. I want you to take out two credit cards. Okay, get your bag take out two credit cards. I’m going to give you the example of this because otherwise you don’t get this. Forecasting is not budgeting. So, come on, play my little game with me. Take out two credit cards. I promise you I won't race you to the back of the room or do stupid things like that. Do that later but not right now. First things first, let’s teach you what to do and then have you fall in love with the process then you can decide what to do.

So here’s our lady - on your left hand put up one card and this is going to be like your personal credit card because you all have a cash machine now, right? So your left hand is for personal. Your right hand is for the right deductions – remember right is right. So your right is for your cash machine.

So here’s what forecasting means – every time you stand in front of a check register you have your two cards and I would bet – here’s the biggest mistake is most people spend with which card? -- Their personal.

Their personal. Like, put the left one in your pocket and unless it’s about five to six things I can pretty much say that outside of five or six things you could write darn near everything off. There are 66,000 pages of the Tax Code in America. So when you park here which card should pay for your parking? Your company card, right. It’s your right card for the right deduction. Remember right is right. Does that make sense? -- Yes.

Now, if you don’t have a cash machine yet do you still spend – like dedicate a personal card until you do and say everything on that card is going to be a business deduction and you’re going to start thinking about having a business. So just start the behaviour and then once your business is up and running what are you going to do? Do a little expense report and you’re going to pay yourself back, pay your company right, your company is going to pay you back for all the stupid money you spent wrong. So forecasting is spending right. When you stand in front of the latte shop today because I want you all to go get lattes – spend $3, right – which card because you’re at an event that’s educational, that’s teaching you about a cash machine so this is all 100 per cent deductible. So which card should buy your latte? -- Business. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Your business card. Which card should pay for your gas and parking? -- Business.

If you happened to spend the night in a hotel last night or tonight your business card. When you go home, right, you should have a home office and if you have a dog that’s about knee high it should be home security. So when you take your little dog down to the shop to get groomed it’s home security maintenance so you use your? -- Business card.

Business card. Do you guys get it? -- Yes.

Like, why isn't America being taught this? Like, I can't wait until we vote for a President who says I’m going to create more entrepreneurs than jobs. Then we actually can get America on track because there’s no other way out of this debt mess that we’re in than creating new money and that’s everyone creating new money not just the Government creating new money? -- What about your cat.

Oh, yes, you can write off your cat. The woman who does our incorporations, who you’ll get her link in those programs, she has a cat that has a blog because she’s a cat lover and believe it or not there’s a lot of cat lovers in the world. So how does she get clients?

She’s a very smart woman. She has a blog with a cat and the cat lovers of the world come to her and then she says, “And oh by the way if you cat lovers would like to write off your cat let me tell you how” and then she converts all these people into corporate structures. That’s one of her marketing methods. You talk about brilliance. She writes her cat off. And your little dog. Now, you can't have a little scrounchey dog, you have to have like a dog that could defend your house a little bit.

You turn to the Tax Code and you say it’s right here and you have to have legal documentation that you actually have your dog to protect your office. Now, by the way you don’t have to have – you personally probably don’t have to have your house landscaped but if you have a home office it needs to be landscaped; doesn’t it? And it needs to be cleaned. So your housekeeper is now a legal deduction. Your landscaping is now a legal deduction. You guys see the difference? -Yes.

And again if your CPA won't do this then fire him because they’re too lazy to look in the Tax Code that’s 66,000 pages and this is all legal. So you’ll be firing a bunch of folks when you go home and then we’ll be helping you find new folks because, like, my guy would write it all. I mean, he’s the one who came up with this idea with my seven month old. He’s like, “Well, she needs modelling pictures”. So she’s legally registered with a modelling agency, right. This isn't just casual stuff. We’re talking about real stuff like real wealthy people do and then the money comes in. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

So what more security is there for you to have your own corporation - right, that you spend, you forecast right. You and your family work for the company. You have your own health plans. You have your own 401(k) plans. Last I checked unless you fire yourself you have security for generations. Does that makes sense, how this plays?

Like, having a job is not secure forever. Having your own company that has all those things – now do you have to make enough money to pay for the health plan? Yes but if you have a pre-existing condition – like, I have a client who did all this and when they adopted their child a few months in they found out she had a heart condition. Well, thank God they had had her on the modelling contract thing and done modelling pictures and the health plan covered her expenses and she’s had five heart surgeries since.

Now, other plans if he was working I guarantee you they would have dropped her. They would have made something happen that all of a sudden, you know, children aren’t part of the plan because they wouldn't have wanted to cover five surgeries. It was millions of dollars. But his corporation wasn’t going to drop the health plan. Do you guys get it? Like, that’s where security is. We’ve got to get America thinking about being entrepreneurs again. Christopher Columbus did not discover America so we got jobs. Did you ever think about how stupid that is? Like, do you think Christopher Columbus discovered America because they have jobs and 401(k)s?

Right? He discovered it for freedom and entrepreneurialism and we’ve lost it. And a bunch of other, like, folks created the fact that we wanted to lose it. They wanted us to lose it. We could have a whole political conversation about the war and then we’d kind of get to that point but we won't. You know that’s a cocktail conversation – whoops.

All right, some of you make a lot of money, you need to put it in a wealth account so we can start investing it and some of you need to just go get out of debt but you never get out of debt first. Do you see how getting out of debt first gets you nothing? By making new money and getting your money making money, then paying off debt you have a better planning process. So all those little books that say go get out of debt, no! Wealthy people love debt. Donald Trump didn’t go pay off $900,000,000 worth of debt and then start over. Right, he just re-racked his debt and made more money. So we’re going to have you re-rack your debt and make more money.

In fact, wealthy people carry enormous debt because we leverage – like, we’re never even going to pay down your whole house. We’re going to carry mortgages which means you’re going to carry debt. Who cares? You buy the right real estate, that works, okay.

So sequencing is the magic to becoming a millionaire quickly. You’ve got to do the right thing at the right time. So very quickly, let’s see – Gayle, since we’ve started with you do you want to do a little makeover? -- Sure. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

All right, come on up here, girlfriend. Give her a hand because she’s, you know, going to live naked here. All right, so I’m getting my little time clock, so we’re going to have to move very quickly together all right.\? So, Gayle, where are you from? -- Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, you live here? -- Yeah.

All right, so if you look up on the screen we’re doing what’s called the gap analysis? -- Okay.

Okay. So how much money do you make? What’s your income? -- It depends.

Well, just give me an average per month? -- Average per month 3,000 a month.

All right. And then how much of that do you spend expenses? -- 1,500.

Whoa, you live lean? -- Yeah.

Do you like living like that? -- No.

Good, so you’re willing to change? -- Yes.

Like urgent willing to change? -- Yes.

Like no kidding, tomorrow let’s make money? -- Yes.

How do you make your 3,000? -- It’s not guaranteed but it’s a combination of doing my massage clients.

Massage? -- And then I work as a studio teacher in the entertainment industry. So it’s not guaranteed from day to day.

So when you say you’re a studio teacher what do you mean? -- I mean when there’s a kid on the movie I’m in the background. They have to hire someone like me to look out for their health, safety and welfare and to teach them on the movie set.

Oh? -- So I go from a lot of money like eight or 9,000 a month if I’m on a film to, like, no film-no money back to massage.

Oh my God. Okay, so for those of you who are creative and starting to get this cash machine model is she sitting on a goldmine? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

But you can't see it. It’s one of those opportunity things, right. You see the black funnel and we all see what’s possible? - Yes because ---

We’re going to have so much fun? -- --- I’m really happy when I’m making the big bucks.

Of course you’re happy. We’re all happy when we make money? -- Yes.

And we’re really sad when we make none? -- Well, when I ---

Actually I get angry when I don’t make any? -- That’s it. I’m chomping at the bit. That’s why I’m looking – I’m spending three days here because I can't stand not making money.

Good, I love that. So we have high motivation, high motivation. So what do you do with the other 1,500 a month? Where do you put it? -- It’s going to debt reduction.

No, it used to. Stop that, stupid behaviour. Say, “I’ll stop. I will not do that”? -- I’ll stop. Yes.

Okay, so here’s the deal – is in three of my products I gave you the best debt elimination process. You pay down all your minimums except for the factioning thing – there’s this whole formula you’re going to do? -- Okay.

So say you’ll do that? -- I’ll do that.

Okay, so you’re going to get the products and you’re going to do that. So you only pay on one card first? -- Okay.

Everything else is minimum. So there’s a whole formula that’s in there. It’s about 10 pages. Just figure it out, it’s pretty simple? -- Okay.

That’s all you’re going to do. And here’s why I do debt like that. I want you to have a plan but put it behind you because what does debt typically do? -- We end up focusing on the debt.

It consumes you? -- Yeah.

Right? -- Yeah.

So I want the plan and I want to put it over here. So you’ll know that “x” dollars a month have to go here and then let’s start focusing on what? Creating new money? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

So it’s, sort of, like yeah that’s there but not like that. I mean, can you imagine – like, how many of you in the room have done what I call credit card roulette where you’re trying to have a card pay a card pay a card, like figuring – can you imagine if you were that creative – well, it’s possible if you actually got this little plan and put it back here and then got creative about making money? -- Yep.

Because it frees you up, right. Does that make sense? -- Yes.

It’s like, my God, you have to be like a master to create that little roulette thing – this card is going to pay that card, pay that card. I mean, if you’re that good let’s make some new money. Make sense? -- Yes.

All right. So do you have any assets? -- My car is paid off.

Okay, so? -- No, actually I’ve no assets other than my ---

Do you rent? -- Huh?

Do you rent? -- Yes, I do.

You rent. And do you have any cash anywhere? -- It got spent when I didn’t have any film work for a few days.

Okay. Are you in a relationship or is it just you? -- Just me.

Any kids? -- Nope.

Okay? -- And no dog.

But kids and dogs ---? -- And no tomato plant either.

Kids and dogs are good. So if you don’t have them, get them? -- That’s right, you can write them off, can't you?

Yeah, you can write them off? -- That’s right.

Yeah. Growing up on a farm I had five brothers and sisters. We always told my parents the only reason they had us was to do chores. They wrote us off. It was very interesting. You feel very valued. All right, so no assets really and how much credit card debt do you have? -- 23,000.

All right. So this isn't unfamiliar to most Americans? -- I’m finding that out, yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Yes. How many of you have, like, some sense of this reality here, right? -- I’ll take hers.

You’ll take hers, you’ll trade her, huh? -- Yeah.

Yeah, divorce and bankruptcy are two of the most devastating financial things you could ever go through, you know. All right, so here’s the deal. Because if you had assets we would move assets but right now you have one thing you’ve got to do which is a cash machine. So let’s just say, Gayle, we’re going to work together for at least six months to a year, minimum. Are you up to that? -- Yes.

Okay. So I know a lot of people say, “Well, I’m doing other things”. You can't – what other things can you do? You’ve got to start from scratch? -- That’s right.

Okay. So if we work together for a year I would --- ? -- I’ve got to tell you I have an MBA.

You have what? -- I have an MBA. I didn’t learn anything about money.

Yeah, I have a whole bunch of those nice degrees? -- Yes.

I stopped using all of them. I had all these letters, you know? -- Yes.

Ba da da and ba da da and ba da da – I don’t even tell you what they are because they don’t matter? -- They don’t matter.

Street smarts matter and making it happen matters? -- That’s right.

Right. And if you aren’t living it and breathing it – like, I mean, I’m living and breathing this stuff. It’s why I didn’t have time to write the books, I’m out – you know, I have real estate transactions in 20 markets. I own 15 other companies than my core company. I own over 100 gas and oil wells. I have a lot to do? -- And you’re having fun; aren’t you?

Oh, my God, I wouldn't trade it for the world? -- Yeah.

Yeah, do I have any time? -- Yes.

I choose what to do and I say yes or no to things? -- That’s right.

Yeah, I have a lot of fun. Like, yesterday I flew home, went to the baseball game with my son. He had two great hits. It was good. Everybody says, “Oh, you’re so busy”. No, I’m doing the right things that I want to do. All right, so let’s just say – Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

see and I’m going to say a $120,000 cash machine because anything less than six figures is a big job. Like anybody making around 65 to 90,000 in the room? It’s a painful place; isn't it? Why is it a painful size? -- Too much time.

It’s so much time but it’s also not enough money to really do things right. Like, there’s not quite enough money to get your bookkeeper and get your house cleaned. It’s just enough to, kind of, get by, pay the taxes, especially if you’re not incorporated. Then you can't even maximise the taxes. So it’s, sort of, this painful size. So we’re going to shoot you through that 100,000 mark because if we don’t your psychology is going to start tanking because then you feel like you’re just drudging on and it’s just not enough. So we’ve got to get past that.

Okay, so if we helped you create a $120,000 cash machine, helped you get the right team, get the right tax plan, get the right entity which means corporate structure and started an asset plan, would that be a grand year? -- Yes.

Okay, that is very simple for us to help you do, simple. Say, “It’s so simple”? -- It’s so simple.

Now, part of your brain said you’re a big liar, right? -- No.

Oh good? -- No because I’m ---

So your psychology is straight. You’re like ---? -- I am working on this. I understand that I need to incorporate.

Okay, good. So here’s her sequence – do you guys get it already? What’s first for her? Cash machine – she has got to make some money. There is nothing more important than her making some money. So cash machine is number one. Number two is what? Get it incorporated? -- Yes.

Number three is forecasting because she needs to spend right. Number four is what? -- Wealth account.

There you go, you got it – wealth account somebody said because you’ve got to put some money away. And number five is buy some assets and number six she’ll get out of debt. You guys see how it works? -- Yes.

For her. Now, some of you – like if Barry and Gayle came up we’d do assets first. We’ve got to move your assets and then probably get incorporated and then at the end of it you’d have a cash machine because you’d be like, hmm what else are we going to do? Let’s make some new money. Like, I have some clients that are, you know, sixties, seventies.

I have this one client Jim and Minnie Byers, they’re so cute. They’re 73. They have $4,000,000 of assets. We moved their assets. They got their entities. They learnt to forecast and then they came back at 120 days and said, “We’re sort of bored and all of our people around us are doing cash machines. We think we should do one for 20 years.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

I said, “Well, do one that you can pass onto your kids. Is there something that your kids are doing?” because they had kids in their thirties and forties. And they said, “Yeah, my one son does this and my other daughter does this”. So now they’re joining them to grow their companies. He grew companies. I said, “You give your skills to your kids”. He’s like, “Never thought of that”. Sort of obvious stuff – I mean we’re not talking about rocket science stuff.

All right, so you see the sequence. So there’s nothing really to do but the wealth account really lives on the asset side. So really it’s like a money market account or an ING, something where you can make, you know, three to four per cent while you’re stockpiling to go buy your first asset, okay. So there’s nothing really to do there and nothing on your assets. You’ve got to go get this done. Just read the book, read the book, because the whole formula is in there.

All right, so let’s take your cash machine out over here. If you’re going to do 120, right, let’s go down to your daily rate, how much is that per month? -- 120 is what 12,000?

Ten? -- Ten.

Divide by 12? -- Ten, sorry, $10,000 a month.

Ten per month, divide by four? -- What two something?

2,500? -- 2,500.

Per week, how much is that, divide by five? -- Five.

$500 a day? -- Yeah.

So here’s your homework, Gayle, and here’s your cash machine I think: if you have access to doing this tutoring thing and really working with kids behind the scenes look how many Hollywood folks or high profile folks have kids? -- Yeah.

You have one dial to turn on your cash machine, it’s called marketing? -- Mmm.

Like not enough people know who you are? -- Yeah.

And you need to train a whole line-up of people so when you get jobs you say “yes” and they way you figure out how is you get a whole army of people to work for you. And so honestly you’re going to run the company. You really don’t have to sit on the set and do the work. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Now, you can use the same formula and I double that up with real tutoring. Like, I would go into a lot of school systems and do real tutoring, meaning get real clients. And again go down to some of the schools around LA where the JuniorSenior level students need teaching hours. Subcontract all the work to those guys. Do you imagine – I mean, most of those kids would work for 12 or 13 bucks an hour and you’re charging 25 to 30 an hour.

So now what you have to figure out is how many students does it take, how many jobs? And again, what’s the biggest risk to her psychology on this? Is she thinking she has to do all the work because there’s no way physically possible you’ll be able to do all the work every day? -- No.

It will kill you, especially in traffic driving around LA to these movie sets and stuff? -- Yeah.

So you’ve kind to find, kind of, the young army that’s going to work for you? -- There’s a whole group of substitute teachers working the ---

Exactly. So you’ve got to find them and then you become the marketing machine? -- Yeah.

And if you don’t know how to market then your first person out needs to be a fabulous marketer who can help you learn to get jobs. Like, I’m getting into this whole TV land thing right now. Like the woman who, kind of, made Garth Brooks is becoming like a new mentor friend, a kind of way through the path. Caroline Raye is becoming a really good friend. Right, so you find some people who then can help move you through the path? -- Okay.

And you find some people who have kids who then endorse the heck out of you? -- Okay.

Make sense? -- Yep.

So this is a people game for you because once you’re connected you know how fast this stuff moves. Everybody is talking – how do you say your last name? -- Ruckle.

Ruckle – Gayle Ruckle, Gayle Ruckle – right and you’ve got to come up with some fun, sexy name for this company. Right, some tutoring kind of, you know, Taking Care of Kids.

Like, I did a woman recently who’s a stay home mom with eight kids, right. And she has a company called “Every mother needs a mother”. So what you need is something like that. It’s like “Every kind of high profile” – you know, “Every family needs support” you know and so we’ve got to come up with some fun name that you become the household name through the high profile industry. You’ve got people in New York. You’ve got people in LA. It doesn’t matter where they are. You’ve got people who will travel and you’ve just become a machine. This is a million dollar idea. You don’t know how to do it yet? -- I don’t know how to do it yet. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

But we have friends and I know how to do it, right, and you get connected to people who know how to do it. Isn't this fun? -- Yes.

Okay. So I would work on your cash machine. You’ve got to take your idea and I’m going to show you the five steps as you go sit down. So we’re going to work on the five steps together but does it make sense? -- Yes.

So, Gayle, if you – Rebecca raise your hand. So Rebecca is on my team back there so all of you look at her too because if you have questions she’s going to help you answer them. So you go talk to Rebecca and she will email this little sheet to you, okay? -- Thank you.

Thank you, good job. See how simple it is? Now, some of you say, “Well, it looks a lot simpler than it is” but you know what, when you have people – it’s not if it’s when you get people who already know how to do a lot of this you’ve just got to start marching. You know, it’s sort of like, when Bob Proctor - when I first met him he said, “Loral, I’m going to believe in you until you believe in you” and I totally believe that’s what we do too. Like, we’re going to believe in you until you believe in you and then when you believe in you you’re going to have certainty and you’ll move faster. And then all of a sudden you’re going to get other people around, right.

And this whole thing – I mean, there is so much wealth available for everybody. There is no finite amount. And you have to know this foundational stuff. You have to know the tax stuff. You have to know the bookkeeping stuff. You don’t have to do it but you better know who’s going to do it for you and with you. Does that make sense? -- Yes.

Real quickly, I’ve got a few more things I want to just lock in on cash machines and assets. Your ability to have financial freedom which really my definition of financial freedom is to live at choice. For you to have the life of – like you totally have choice it’s in direct proportion to your ability to create new money.

When you know how to create new money you don’t have to say no to anything because you just say yes and you do figure out how. And when you want something you go create new money to have it. You don’t go say, “Oh, how do I take my fixed little income and take what I want and put it in that box?” You don’t. You just make a bigger box, right. But I know for some of you you’re going “Oh my God, like I hear it but I don’t get it”, right. So we need you to get it.

So steps to building your cash machine - so Gayle, write these down too. Everybody write this down. So we identified a widget and a skill set for her, right, and she’s going to go down this path. Her next step honestly is to find a model company, somebody who is doing exactly what she wants to do. Now, maybe not to the scale and maybe not exactly but it’s close enough. The fastest path to cash is to find somebody who’s already doing it and then replicate them, just like the laundromat guy I told you about. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

Do not reinvent the wheel. If you reinvent the wheel you add at least three to five years on to this plan, okay. So it’s worth spending the time to find these people. Then find out the revenue model. Is it sellable? So Gayle needs to find out how much do people charge on sets. And what I would do is probably package, like, an annual retainer or a monthly retainer.

So, instead of charging hourly it would be better for her, I think, to go get 20 clients at “x” amount per month because then if they use her they use and if they don’t it’s not her problem, right. So that’s the revenue model: how is it sellable and how do you package the price? Do not guess. That’s why I sent that scrapbooking woman out to the web and I said, “What do people charge for this? Don’t just sit at home and guess. It’s already been done. People are already spending $2.6 billion on this so just do what they’re doing”. Does that make sense?

You’ve a customer somewhere; you’ve just got to drive them to you. Her customers are everywhere. I can promise you all those high profile people – I mean, they don’t want to, you know – even just because they have their nanny doesn’t mean they have their life supported. See, and she could put all sorts of additive things around this; couldn't she? She could also say, “Well, I watch your kids on set”. Couldn't she also have a bunch of cleaning services to clean their house while their gone and landscaping. Couldn't she really be, kind of, their life concierge and co-ordinator, really? Like, now we’re talking money. That’s a multi-multi – like I should get a percent for that because I’m just making that stuff up right now.

But you see how, like, you’ve got to think bigger. I mean, we’re taught because of the stupid school system, the traditional ones – there are a lot of good school systems but this traditional model teaches you to think small. It’s exhausting. Okay, then you get a team. I don’t want you to race out and get a team until you know the model and how it’s sellable because that will identify who should be on her team. Then you’ve got to market and sell. Get a market and sell, market and sell, market and sell, market and sell. Go make money.

Okay, we have a three day workshop that’s going to show you how to do this and I’m going to talk about this in a minute. We spend three days helping you build your cash machine, okay, and you’re going to make – and in our cash machine workshop you have the ability to buy and sell what you’re doing. So you can actually make all your money back at a marketplace that we put in doing this workshop. I’ll just tell you about that in a second.

Now, on the assets side – we haven’t spent a lot of time on the assets side but some of you – like how many of you “getting off your lazy assets is your first thing - you know it’s your first thing? Raise your hand high. First and second? Okay, so it’s a few of you. So here’s how we invest direct. We don’t invest indirect. My second book which you’re going to have to get online, we didn’t put it in this package. We kept it more cash machine oriented today. But this is how most people are taught to invest, it’s called indirect. It’s the park and pray method. Put money in stocks which you know nothing about. Put money in bonds which you know nothing about. Mutual funds – we’ve got – okay, Rebecca, we’ve got Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

to put funds on there even though we don’t like them. I call them MFs, they’re just so bad. They’re so bad. I know, isn't that funny? Money market – I mean, that’s like boring and you have no control.

But if you buy direct – so buy the real estate direct. Own it yourself in an LLC. Buy gas and oil wells, the little things that pump up – like you own the real estate. It’s the greatest tax deduction in the world. In fact, in Canada there’s more reserves of oil and gas in Canada than there is in the entire country of Saudi Arabia so don’t tell me we’re short oil and gas. Make sense? So when you own oil and gas you get an 85 per cent depreciation schedule year one and 35 per cent every year thereafter. It’s the highest best use of money and it is not just a rich person’s game.

Buy businesses – I love buying businesses – laudromats. I’m looking into some car washes. I own Vetrazzo, it’s a recycled glass company. I own a couple of restaurants, a nutraceutical company, a couple of online companies, and a brand new start up company called Bionovics. So lots of these companies that are making 18, 20, and 24 per cent returns a year. So instead of owning stock - own stock, like own the stock and control the business or have an influence to the business.

And then promissory notes because you can be private banks. Like we do a lot of promissory note private banking. It’s called hard money lending, some people call it that, for like 12 per cent, 15 per cent notes. I’ve got one guy that I’ve got a bunch of money with he’s paying me 20 per cent. I love that and it’s secured by real estate. Love that, 20 per cent. Yeah, it’s due next month. He said, “Do you want it back?” I said, “No, keep it for another year. Just keep paying me 20 percent”.

Okay, so when you create a strategy it’s truly like a strategy. It’s not just making money. So just as a very simple example: if you had a net worth of 900,000 – it’s just under a million so I want to make this, sort of, realistic for some folks like when Gayle gets up to her first 900, here’s what we would do with her 900 – 400 would go buy $2,000,000 worth of real estate. You take 400,000 at 20 per cent down which really as you know from other real estate folks you don’t have to put that much down but being conservative – if you took 400 and bought $2,000,000 worth of real estate that happens to give you $60,000 worth of depreciation. Okay, that’s like a loss.

Take the other 500,000 and invest it the other way – gas and oil businesses and notes. Right, do you see how we just did that? So you take 500,000 and put it in gas and oil businesses and notes. It will create 5,000 a month in passive income. You sleep $5,000 comes in the mail. Sleep, $5,000 comes in the mail.

You have now diversified assets. They’re all over the country. They’re not just in your backyard. I don’t believe in your backyard as the only place to invest. And the reason you pay no taxes is right here. Like, look at my little – my little clicker thing is not working over there. The 60,000 is income that you make – 60,000 a year, $5,000 a month. At the end of the year when you pay taxes because you’re incorporated and you did it right you’re going to get $60,000 as a depreciation deduction at the end of the year because of your real estate. That’s not even counting your gas and oil. This is how conservative this is. So you make 60, you lose 60 you pay no taxes. That’s a tax plan. So it’s not planning you for poverty. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Loral Langemeier The Millionaire Maker

You’re planning for extraordinary success and growth and in this model you’ll start doubling every two to three years. It’s just so fun – very doable.

So your only risk is the failure to educate yourself around – like, what’s your opportunity. We’ll be giving you a huge opportunity to sequence yourself different and a couple of things that we have to do because you’re going to do three things, right. You’re going to make it, keep it and invest it. Make it, keep it, and invest it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

NIK HALIK Stock Market Intelligence Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

NIK HALIK: How are we doing? Wonde erful. Stock market.


On a scale from one to 10, how serious are you in generating

under Nik Halik, is the CEO and Fou

$100,000, I’ll say up to $100,000 in the next n 12 months? On a

of Financial Freedom Institu ute (FFI).

scale from one to 10, how are we going g? -- Yes.

Nik became a multi-milliona aire and amassed great wealth throu ugh

Who’s a 10, raise your hands? Let me say it again, who's a 10,

savvy investments in Properrty and the Stock Market.

raise your hands? Okay, wonderful. Now w, hey, by the way His current investment strattegies continue to consist of asset

really high content rich session so I am going to encourage

accumulation through Prop perty and Cash Flow generation

you to write down as many notes as po ossible. Now a few

through the Global Stock Market.

questions before we actually start. Success has allowed Nik Hallik to afford a number of real life

Who is actually investing in the stock market right now,

adventures, including leadin ng expeditions to Antarctica,

please raise your hands? And who has no n understandings of

Africa and the Amazon, sum mmiting several of the world’s

the stock market please raise your hand ds? Okay, wonderful so

highest peaks, traveling fivee miles below the ocean’s surface

you consider yourselves a newbie. Now w did you know this,

in a submersible to visit the Titanic and chasing storms in

right, every person in this room, every individual has exposure to the stock market, okay? Directly or in ndirectly we all have

the Midwest United States’ Tornado T Alley.

In recent years he has comp pleted Zero Gravity flights and

exposure to the stock market.

flown to the edge of space in n a MiG fighter jet. In February 2008 Nik will be joining Rich hard Garriott as his back-up for

Now all the property investors raise your hands. Okay, we all

the October 2008 mission to o the International Space Station.

have property? Okay, wonderful. Well you y know what? If you master the stock market, by default you u become an excellent property investor; who follow ws? So you master the stock market, by default you become a pheno omenal property investor. Why? Because understand d this, the stock market works in anticipation in regards to whatever iss going to happen in the property market. The stock market is always the catalyst. You understand this, you become phen nomenal at this simply just by default.

Now, we're going to start the actual presentation p over here in regards to the stock markett, also the cash flow generation too and one thing I just reallly want to reinforce at this particular moment in time - look, I am not genetically different to any person in this room. I am not a stock broker, I am not a fund manager, I am not a financial adviser, I have hD in financial results. no tertiary qualifications but I have a Ph

But the only difference is I took massive action. Now allow me to explain my life story to yyou. I am a product of the 1990s in regards to investing-wise. In faact in 1991 I made my first property acquisition and I bought a property in Hawthorne for about 138 grand, sorry, about 118 grand. That same property is now worth about a 525, $535,000 fully unencumbered. Not bad capital growth h, would you say? -- Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute



Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

Yes. That same property allowed me to leapfrog into a vast property portfolio of tens of millions of dollars. Now allow me to explain how I actually got involved in the stock market. By 1995, by the mid -1990s I was so heavily entrenched in property I had phenomenal capital growth, I had a net worth of $1 million but guess what, my cash flow was what? -- Nil.

Yes, negated. Is that a common problem with property investors worldwide? Yeah, I mean, capital growth is phenomenal but it's that cash flow, it's that consistent cash flow that is the pinnacle in this particular case.

So I started looking at different opportunities out there in the market place because I love property, great capital growth but I was also looking for cash flow. Now some of these properties that I did own too were also negative geared. Does anybody subscribe to negative gearing? It is probably the most obsolete 1980’s type theory. It is probably as obsolete as probably superannuation, I guess, unless you have a self-managed super fund and you take action and you invest for yourself. Why, because who is the most qualified individual person in the world? -- We are.

We are, absolutely. So I got involved in the stock market. Now the main drive, the main premise in regards to the stock market was this, I wanted to generate as much cash flow as possible. My number 1 goal was this, I wanted to turn the negative-geared properties into positive cash flow properties, okay? I wanted to, like; totally eradicate the credit card, okay. Because sometimes, you know, in order to service your debt and there's not enough income coming in, what do you do? You start to dip into your credit cards, I guess, other sources of income - credit streams that is. So that was my main goal in regards to, like, totally paying off the credit cards, the personal loans; turning negative geared properties into positive cash flow properties and also buying more property, acquiring more property and having a larger net worth in regards to working with more funds within the actual stock market.

Now today, I am going to introduce a couple strategies. One strategy, I do apologise, it will only consume about five minutes of your time for the entire year, is that okay? Okay. There is another strategy I am going to share with you. It takes about 15, 20 minutes per month, is that okay? I mean, compare this to, like, drinking a cappuccino which may take you about seven to eight minutes, okay. There is another strategy too which probably requires more interactive time from you in regards to 45 minutes per day, okay.

So they are the three main strategies and what I have been able to do is this, folks, I have been able to compress gigabytes and gigabytes of data and I've taken specific strategies and I've taken them underground in regards to refining them, refining them over and over and over again then sharing them with my students. Then based on the results in regards to the profitability perspective, you know, taking it back underground and refining it and refining it and the most amazing thing about this particular education is this it is simple, it is simple to understand, no complex maths, you know, no complex jargon, all the testosterone has been removed. There is no brain fog, and it is very, very easy to embrace. Is that of any interest? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

No, folks, it is very, very, very important. Now when I say the stock market, who has an emotion of fear perhaps, raise your hands? Okay, there's a reason why. Because the language of the stock market, a lot of individuals in order to sound more intelligent than what they really are, they speak very differently, there's a degree of testosterone, right, which basically validates them and services their ego, okay?

Now what I have been able to do is this, I have removed all the hieroglyphics because I have had people as young as 9 years of age embrace this and make a difference. I have had individuals, you know, that paradigm pioneer, you know, at ages of 95 and onwards embrace this education. So anybody can embrace this but you need one prerequisite, most importantly over here. You take massive action, you cut every sign of retreat and you simply give yourself permission to succeed. How are we going so far, say yes? -- Yes!

Wonderful, excellent. So let's start this particular presentation folks. So let's get acquainted over here. I am a professional investor and wealth strategist with over 17 years of experience. I am also the CEO and founder of the Financial Freedom Institute, Money Masters, they are now world celebrities. Also we offer one of the best selling stock market educations right now and in fact according to our peers, my Share Lord™, Stock Market Education which by the way is a phenomenal best seller, is probably the most unique and the most powerful stock market education right now on the planet, in fact, all you need to do is simply Google my name and in regards to my education you will be absolutely surprised.

By the way folks, my integrity and my reputation is absolutely sacred to me and I am very, very transparent and I will encourage you to Google my name, okay. Very, very, very important. Just recently I was also featured in the latest "Walking with the Wise" mentor's magazine in the US in the same edition alongside Donald Trump, Brian Tracey, Deepak Chopra and what have you. And like I said, you're more than welcome to Google my name in regards to my integrity and my credibility and the validation of my education.

I am also involved with several stock market recommendation services globally now and I have personally mentored over 67,000 individuals. Now I am not talking about over a DVD or something, I am talking about personally, you know, mentored. Okay? Very, very, very important - in regards to different strategies and I am talking about globally over here because you know, we do this - we provide this particular education worldwide now and Share Lord™ has just become a global runaway success and I will explain why it has too. Primarily the education is based around, you know, the stocks, options, CFD’s and other different types derivative strategies too.

So my journey, how did I begin? Well you knew that I actually came through the property market first up but you know, was I born into wealth? Absolutely not. In fact folks, I finished my VCE, my year 12 education at age 17 and I relocated to Los Angeles, I lived in Hollywood for four years. I had a scholarship to the Guitar Institute of Technology which is a contemporary music college in Los Angeles and I studied there for some time and this is actually a photo of me in 1990, have a look at that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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There you are, interesting, isn't it, interesting life? Yes, I did have long hair, it was natural, ladies, yes. And people say "How did you get your hair like that?" They were amazing years and I was on some very, very good income, in fact I was earning about up to US$1500 as a musician and the interesting thing was by day I was the accountable investor, I guess, you know; scanning newspapers, auctions, you know, acquiring properties, you know and at night time that reckless musician life. You probably know those stories, yeah, I'm sure you're aware of what happens in the life of a muso on the road touring.

But they were pretty amazing years too but I was very, very astute, I was very, very savvy with my money and the money was good so I basically exploited every available opportunity, I just took massive, massive, massive action and that really was just a belief system and like I said, I am not genetically different to any person in this room.

Now, the way I invested was this, the property market was my capital growth source, the stock market was my cash flow. So think about this, right, capital growth and cash flow. Are you recession-proof, yes or no?

Absolutely. I mean, cash is king, you know, it's paramount because it allows you to do what? It allows you to do what? Yes, absolutely, you know, there are other different opportunities that you can actually take advantage of in the market place too, very, very, very important. And these days the way I invest is this, I spend no more than eight months of the year investing; very, very important.

You still need to take time out. You see, the biggest muscle is your mind and you need to, like, relax. Take time out. Aerate the soul, ventilate the mindset in regards to, like, raising the ante and actually seeking further inspiration regarding your next aspirations and goals in your life.

So what I do is this, I invest eight months, hard core. By the way I spend no more than one hour a day because anything more than one hour is a job, who follows? Very, very important, so we need to be specific in regards to our definitive goals and what have you. Okay.

So these eight months of the year, yep, I am an active investor, okay, and I've got different pillars of income streams right across the globe, okay. Now, those four months off, what do I do? Well one of my goals was, because I was very goal-specific, in fact when I was aged 8 I wrote that screen play to my life and I had a top 10 hit list of goals. One of those particular goals was this, I wanted to fly to space, so in 2003 I actually gained entry into the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Space Centre in Star City outside Moscow and I basically joined the orbital space program which will allow me in the next few years to rocket to the international space station, 250 miles above the earth and my plan there is to do a stock market trade. Who thinks that's pretty cool?

Imagine this as the video, right, you're doing a stock market trade, communication advice over here and you've got earth in the background, how cool. Block out the earth with your thumb. They say enthusiasm is contagious by the way. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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2003 folks. By the way have a look at this for an amazing photo over here. This is our planet over here and for those who are going to probe further into this, do you notice something, there are no borders, there are no boundaries; it's amazing isn't it? And that was a pretty phenomenal flight that one. In 2004 some more space training over here. I've always wanted to video-tape upside down, that was always one of my goals there, so - one of my other goals was, I was always enthralled with the story of the Titanic. We all know about the Titanic yeah? Probably the most immortalised shipwreck in the world.

In 2005 through some of my networks in Russia, I managed to network with chairman of the Cherenkov Institute and they had an expedition going down to the Titanic in regards to some biological studies and they were investigating something, a specific type of bacteria called rusticles which is basically consuming the hull of the Titanic. In fact, these rusticles, this particular bacteria, 2000 pounds of steel is being consumed on a daily basis which means in the next decade the Titanic will no longer exist.

So, you know, after further research, you know, I just did whatever it took in order to gain entry into this particular program and I managed to hook up with this particular expedition and at St John’s in Newfoundland in The Eastern Cape of Canada and this is basically it. This is myself over here, boarding a mini-submersible over here. These particular submersibles, there is only two of them in the world. In fact, they are the deepest diving submersibles in the world. Now how is this for Russian ingenuity? The Russians built these particular submersibles that have a diving depth of about 25,000 feet; who thinks that is pretty deep?

It means they can dive about 10 kilometres deep. Think 10 kilometres under water. Now they designed these particular submersibles back in the 80’s so they could salvage nuclear warheads from American nuclear submarines that had sunk. How's that for salvaging huh? Hey? What's down there is - anybody can take whatever they want I guess. Now have a look at this. We left in the middle of the night in the North Atlantic Ocean, bye-bye. The Titanic lies at about five kilometres deep and it takes about four hours to get down to the very, very, very bottom, the bottom of the sea bed on the North Atlantic Ocean.

Now imagine this, you're in a 2.1 metre capsule, there’s three individuals, it is pretty tight down there, would you agree? It's a pressurised biosphere, it's as surreal as being in a space capsule in orbit. There is no chain, there is no tether. All you do is you just sink down to the very bottom of the sea bed. How do you do that? You take on sea water, in regards to the balance tanks, and you just sink all the way down. By the way, it took us four hours to sink down to the very, very bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean.

About three and a half hours into our descent this came up on a sign over here. What does that look like over here ladies and gentlemen? -- A ship. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Yeah, a ship, would you agree? A very large ship, perhaps. That is the bow of the most immortalised wreck in history. That's the Titanic folks and about 28 minutes later this came into view? -- Wow.

Isn't it crazy? Have a look at it over here, that's the anchor by the way, folks. You see all this, this bacteria over here, this is the rusticles and there's 2000 pounds of steel being consumed on a daily basis.

On that very eventful trip we managed to do something that has never, ever been done. We managed to land an 18 tonne submersible on a wreck that has been rusting for 93 years. We landed 18 tonnes of submersible on the bridge of the Titanic and I was exactly one metre away from the tail and motor steering section of the bridge where Captain Smith used to steer the Titanic a very, very long time ago. I was one metre away and we had lunch.

Now, the media got hold of this story and it actually worked out that I was actually one of the first individuals in the world to have lunch on the Titanic since the sinking in 1912. It's crazy, I know. But a remarkable voyage, I mean it was probably the most surreal experience. I mean, we got to see the stern which looks like it's gone through like a food processor. The debris field is probably the most emotional thing you can see, why? Because there was all these leather suitcases, they were like a time capsule of the past because on board the Titanic was, on board, say there was about 1000 immigrants, you know, fleeing the old world, going to the new world and all their luggage littering the sea bed. Shoes, one shoe over here, one shoe over there where a body used to be, once upon a time. The most emotional thing ever.

Other goals, folks, was to summit - I currently have the Seven Summits Quest in regards to summiting the highest peaks of the world including the other big Cohuna, Mount Everest in the coming year. Four down, just a couple more to go and I've got all seven in the bag. That was the highest peak of the African continent, Mount Kilimanjaro.

This one over here was the Andes, around Christmas time. Interesting journey about this particular trip. We got to the top on December 30th which meant by the time it took us to descend the mountain we would have got back to the main hub of Mendoza around January 4th and because I like New Year's Eve and I want to party, you know, you want to go to some bars and have some fun, I actually managed to charter a helicopter to pick us up. But they asked us to go down to an altitude of about 15,000 feet in order to be picked up so it was pretty cool so we just climbed down about 7000 feet. The flares, cell phones and a helicopter came and picked us up and took us off the mountain so we could enjoy New Year's Eve the following night. It was a great adventure.

Some other goals, was to have my own racing car team. Another goal was to always - I have loved nature, I am an absolute thrill-seeker in regards to nature. May of this year I was very, very fortunate to meet up with one of the other leading meteorologists in America who studies tornadoes and basically get as close as humanly possibly to F3 and F4 tornadoes. By the way they're the most destructive forms and I was very, very fortunate and getting up really, really close to, I would say probably the most tornadic winds experienced and we managed to experience quite a few F3’s and F4’s which was a great thrill. And kicking back in Dubai and where I live in Europe. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

So folks, I would like to welcome you to the best of your life. You see, look, stock market is a great cash flow vehicle, it is just one pillar, okay. It is just one strategy but if you depict, if you define which strategy is appropriate in regards to your own financial circumstances you will find the stock market has some phenomenal cash flow generating strategies, okay? So if you remember nothing else today, remember this, your mind is like a parachute. It will only work whilst it is open. And one thing I do encourage you is this, look, I encourage you, be sceptical. I really do, by the way, I really do, I encourage you to be sceptical but to not be cynical, okay? If you're cynical, chances are you're far too institutionalised to absorb what I am about to tell you, okay? Very important.

All I am going to do is this, I am going to ask you just if you wish, to drill deeper, you just take on board and you know what, you simply evaluate what I'm going to say to you and I know for a fact you're going to find this the most powerful cash flow generating strategy on the planet, guaranteed.

Let's continue. Now here's the road that I was referring to before folks, the Mastery of Stock Market Intelligence and Share Lord™ Education. As you can see the Share Lord™ education comes with the Share Lord™ US trading diary. So the stock market a couple of questions over here.

Let's probe over here folks. Let's, as one collective form, let's get really involved here; make it very, very interactive. Why does it exist, the actual stock market, why does it exist? To make money, what else? -- So that companies can raise money.

Yes, companies can raise money, what else? Okay, here's the answer. Right this down folks. The stock market exists for the sole reason of doing this, right, TRANSFERRING WEALTH FROM THE UNEDUCATED TO THE EDUCATED. That's all it is. That is what the stock market is all about, to transfer wealth from the uneducated to the educated, okay.

So, why invest in the stock market right now? First of all, let's undergo a bit of study in regards to demographics and something called "baby boomers". First of all, do we all know what baby boomers are? -- Yes.

What are baby boomers? Okay, baby boomers are born between, what, 1946 and 1964 or '65. Now did you know that in the next three or four years 110 million baby boomers are going to retire. Who thinks that's a lot of individuals, by the way? There are 10,000 individuals in the western world who turn 50 every day, did you know that? These are all baby boomers and guess what; they have not saved enough to do what? -- Retire.

To fund their-----? -- Retirement.

Lifestyle, their retirement or what have you. So right now they are on their final quest, the last bastion, the final quest in regards to generating as much money as possible in the next three, four years to service their retirement. So guess what's going to happen? Superannuation, is primarily invested in what medium? The stock market. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

So for anybody in the room who obviously believed they had no stock market exposure, guess what? You do have exposure to the stock market. Superannuation is primarily invested in the stock market. Domestic and international shares. Now understand this, the prime drivers, these baby boomers, there's 110 million, retire in the next three or four years. There is going to be a lot of money injected into the actual stock market so what you're going to find is this, potentially, can you see the market rallying and rallying and rallying, yes or no? -- Yes.

Absolutely, you think about it. You know, with all this increased credit and what have you, you know, more individuals pumping more funds, more cash, more cash, you know, leverage, leverage, the compounding effect.

You see, they believe this. Has everybody heard of the Dow Jones Index? -- Yes.

Yes. The Dow Jones Index is a list of about 30 stocks, right, and these stocks are chosen by the editor of the Wall Street Journal. Now these particular 30 stocks are the Dow Jones, right? Now currently it is less than 14,000 points. Potentially you can see the Dow Jones up to 30,000 points over here. Now you need to really understand the actual economic cycles in regards to importing, you know, the contraction and the expansion of economies which give a lot of weight into this.

In fact folks, you're not going to have this all in one go. The market is going to up, retreat a little bit, back to the right house, refuel and then back up but what you're going to find, the peaks will be higher and higher and higher and higher and what have you.

Okay, so in 2004 this was the prediction I made and look, I've been studying economies on a global scale. In fact, I have been privy to, like, data for the last 200 years. I mean, like, we all know, like, recessions are every eight to 11 years. You know, depressions are every 60 years. I mean, go back to the 1870s, 1930s, 1990s, these are all depressions. Okay, recessions are every eight to 11 years.

Understand the way economies contract. You see, if you understand the economy, folks, it's not a very difficult thing to understand but by visualising the actual cyclical process in regards to what makes an economy contract or expand, you're in a greater understanding in regards to exploiting the opportunities because, guess what? In the next three, four years with this dramatic meteoric rise, eventually what's going to happen, the market is just going to completely totally overheat and the stock market is going to do well more than likely. Yeah, it's going to come back and you've got to do a bit of a base jump, okay?

Now, understand this, we've got two psychologies, right, that's greed, would you agree? That's greed. Then we have what, the emotion of? -- Fear.

Fear. So one of the key lessons in regards to understanding the stock market is this. There is only three human emotions that you need to understand. Okay, greed, fear and indecision, okay. The most important lesson is this, when you're Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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charting the stock market you don't actually chart the stock, okay. YOU DON'T CHART THE STOCK, YOU CHART THE HUMAN EMOTIONS PERTAINING TO A STOCK, okay. It's the human emotions because the human emotions are the prime driver and by the way in regards to the prime driver, 80 percent of the world financial market is the what market? The US. Okay, just because you live in Australia or in the UK or anywhere else in Europe does not mean you specifically trade that market. If the biggest players, the biggest fund managers, investors worldwide are investing in the US market, guess what? That's where you need to be investing.

Now when I say the US, you're probably thinking "Well hold on here, I've got to ring up a broker in America" - and folks, those days are long gone. I'm talking about everything is now online. Who has a computer, raise your hands? Keep your hands up if you have a laptop computer. It's everyone. By the way, pc's are worthless, just grab yourself a laptop, it's mobile. Why? Because if you're a global investor you can take it anywhere worldwide. There is something called Wi-Fi, okay.

When I was on the Titanic expedition in 2005, in the back of the stern I was there with internet access on a deck chair with my laptop computer. Who thinks that's pretty cool? By the way 26,000 feet, if you're planning on climbing Mount Everest in the next few years, up to base camp 3 there is internet access. In fact on the summit there is mobile phone range. You can understand, you can trade anywhere, you can do this anywhere worldwide.

I had a question a couple of weeks ago, "Did you trade when you were on the bridge of the Titanic?" I mean it's not that advanced at this stage but I mean, you know - but the fact is you can be anywhere worldwide because as a global investor, guess what folks, the world is your oyster. No longer do you invest just in your own particular city, that’s too myopic; does that make sense? That's astigmatism of the brain. You know, we're global investors, you know, let's just broaden our horizons open.

So here was the prediction, over there, in regards to the Dow Jones getting up to 30,000 points, this was back in August of 2004. Just understanding the same human cycle, those big major buying sprees and let me give you an example, in Australia about 57 percent of Australians own shares, that's 57 percent. Would you agree, is that a lot of individuals? -Yes.

Now, as a population, what does it represent? About 11, 12 million individuals who own shares. That's not bad. By the way, Australia has the highest share ownership in the world; interesting, isn't it? The US has the third highest, around 45, 46 percent of Americans own shares. By the way the population of America, about 320 million. So how many individuals own shares? Try about 140 million. Who thinks 140 million investors is a major demographic, yes or no? -- Yes.

That's a major demographic and understand this, how many baby boomers are retiring in the next three, four years? This massive spree, this massive cycle, and if you ignore that, do so at your own peril. And let me tell you right now, greed, phenomenal opportunity to make money and guess what? Once the fear cycle hits in, it's even more profitable, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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why? Because most money is also made in the fear cycle, because when 95 percent of individuals are losing money, guess what, the savvy 5 percent are the ones making an incredible amount of money and by the way, as a human emotion, which is greater, greed or fear? -- Fear. Who says fear, raise your hands? Excellent. You see, the emotions influencing a person to sell their shares is far greater than emotion influencing a person to buy their shares, so understanding the human emotions, very, very important.

So we have this. So around 2010, 2012, once again, these are just my personal projections, you know, and you need to weigh this up in light of your own financial circumstances obviously, but you know, when you have a deflationary mode between 2010 and 2023, what could you work out from this particular equation over here? I mean, when the economy starts to contract the economy is in a recession or what have you, guess what, what is the first thing that goes? Jobs!

Unemployment in the millions and what have you and if your one pillar, if your one source of income is based on that monetary gain in regards to trading time for money, guess what, are you in control of your life? -- No.

Or are you simply working hard enough at work so you don't get sacked and your employer is paying you just enough so you don't quit? You see what I am referring to and what Money Masters is all about, the main premise is different pillars that you can implement in your life. Once you have a solid foundation, a solid education and you are now blessed with financial literacy and what have you.

So if you ignore this it can ruin you and allow me prove it to you - and your bank balance reflects your investment in your own financial education and I will get you to write this down folks.

Here's a secret, it's a very complicated one, but there you go. Folks, the secret to mastering the stock market is, guess what?

JUST KEEP IT SIMPLE. No longer do you need to be like an Egyptologist, you know, to like, you know, decipher hieroglyphics and what have you. Just keep it really, really simple. I mean the best strategies, do you agree, they are the simple ones, aren't they?

And what I've been able to do is this, I've taken existing strategies in the stock market, you know, I've pumped them with steroids in regards to working out and defining greater forms of leverage in regards to those particular strategies, you know. You know, juicing these particular strategies so they pay up. Now the most important thing is this, you need a strategy. Write this down.

Number 1 is this: IT MUST BE GENERATING CASH FLOW. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Number 2: IT MUST BE A CONSISTENT STRATEGY. You see, I don't care what strategy you have, if it's not consistent it ain't a strategy, okay. No use just being involved in something that makes money for the first three months and guess what, nine months you're making the inside of a doughnut, okay? So you need to be earning consistent, consistent income. Next: YOU NEED TO EXPERIENCE GROWTH.

Next: YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND COMPOUNDING, LEVERAGING and what have you and we'll discuss that a little further on too.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Profitability Street. So first up, here's a very simple strategy for you. This is called THE FIVE MILLION PER YEAR, MILLION DOLLAR US SHARE STRATEGY. Now this particular strategy has historically, okay; this is no guarantee of any future performance but historically, okay? It has returned a minimum of 20 percent for the last 25 years. Is that of any interest so far? Absolutely, yes. For the last 25 years, now how is this done?

Number 1, do you recall the Dow Jones 30 stocks? Yes? The editor of the Wall Street Journal chooses these particular 30 stocks. Now these 30 stocks are the prime driver of whatever happens in the stock market, okay?

Now, this is so paramount, this is so powerful - you see, the Dow Jones, if the US market of which 80 percent of the world's financial markets all trade, the Dow Jones is the prime driver. If it was to sneeze or catch a cold, the Australian All Ords has got meningococcal, okay? If the Dow Jones was going to sneeze, the UK FTSE will have Mad Cow's disease, okay?

This is how important this is. This is why we trade this particular market in fact it is probably the most liquid, the most liquid market worldwide, okay?

So number 1 folks, this is what we do: we acquire a list of the Dow Jones 30 stocks, and you're thinking "Well hold on here, what are the stocks, Nik?" Well, we simply do this folks, can you see the website over here where it says "", can we all see that? -- Yes.

Okay, go to "stock1" - one as in numerical 1. That has a list of the 30 stocks. Keep it nice and simple folks. Once you have mastered this, this will take no more than five minutes per annum, okay? Let's continue over here.

So, we select 10 stocks, okay? We select 10 stocks with the highest dividend yield. It means this, when you by shares you become a shareholder. Now, as a shareholder you also receive a portion of the what? Of the profits generated by the Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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company and in relation to the percentage of your share ownership, you what? Generate a dividend in regards to being paid, over here.

So, this is what we do. We select 10 stocks with the highest dividend yield. Of those 10 stocks with the highest dividend yields we select five with the lowest share price, okay? So why would we look for stocks with the lowest share price? Because it means this, if the yield of that particular stock in regards to the dividend is high, but the value of the stock is low, would you say it's undervalued, yes or no? -- Yes.

Now compare it to a property over here. If you had a property paying this amount of rent but the property value was low, eventually what would happen to the property valuations, it would - yeah, it will go up. So we're exploiting undervalued stocks here.

Next, number 4, on the first day of the year, January - why January? First of all the month of January. Did you know that January is the highest consumer sentiment month in the entire 12 month calendar, did you know that? There is a reason why. There is no hip pocket nerve. There's a credit frenzy, you know, there's a buying spree and what have you. Also it's the festive season of the year, who follows so far?

Now in America, okay, how many Americans own shares, about 140 million, right? Yeah? Come December US investors write off their investments because it is the start of their fiscal year, the start of the financial year is what month? January. So guess what? The previous month they are writing off their investments and come January they are on this massive buying spree. Who follows so far?

Now understand this, when you have 140 million investors in the month of January buying up an absolute frenzy on the stock market, what happens next? The entire world financial markets do what? They react to it. Who follows?

Look, understand this, Australia, New Zealand and the UK only comprises about six percent - that's Australia, New Zealand and the UK comprises six percent of the world financial markets. Eighty percent is just the US market. This is the catalyst in regards to the amount of interest that you pay on your mortgages and your credit cards. Whether there is unemployment or employment in Australia, whether the economy here is contracting or expanding, it is all due to that. So guess what? Every circumstance financially relates to this. If you understand this, guess what? You have better control of your fiscal and financial prosperity. Very, very important.

So on the first day of the year in January we buy equal amounts of each of these five selected stocks which means if we have a parcel of 50,000 shares, we buy 10,000 here, 10,000, 10,000, 10,000 and 10,000, okay. So we hold them for a year and then we do what, we -----? -- Sell them. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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-----simply sell them. Who thinks that's pretty easy so far? Let me ask you another way, who thinks that's pretty easy? -Yes.

Okay, wonderful. Now check this out over here. Why one year, because if in the month of January if the market is up, guess what, the entire year is more likely to be what, up, okay. January is the barometer, okay. January is always the barometer when it comes to the stock market and that is just understanding the cyclical theories, folks and this is like studying historical data and, by the way, the best lesson, the best teacher is what? History.

And I'll tell you why; once you've mastered this you've got a formula valid for the rest of your life. Who knows why? Because human psychology will never, ever change. Who follows that? It is very true, isn't it? The same way we think today, is the same way the next generation is going to think and it's the same way of generations, 30, 40, 50 or 60 or 70 years ago, the same thinking patterns.

This is the formula and once you've mastered the formula, this is going to pay out for the rest of your life as long as you have defensive strategies and you have a foundation in regards to the actually strategy and you're blessed with a particular education.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen I want you to say the following over here "THIS IS SHARE LORD™." Say "Share Lord™"? -Share Lord™.

Okay, now I am going to get really excited if you haven't already worked it out. Now what is Share Lord™? I am going to use a property example over here, okay. Now who is a landlord in the room, raise your hands? Okay. A landlord, what do they do? They buy a property. What do they do? They buy that property in order to rent it out. Rent it to out whom? -- A tenant.

To a tenant over here, right? So the landlord buys a property over here, rents it out to a tenant. Now who owns the property? The landlord, okay. Who controls the property? The landlord does not control the property. The landlord owns the property, the tenant for their right to live in that property pays the landlord rent. Now who controls it now? -- The tenant.

The tenant, okay? So we have a controlling party over here, and we have the ownership over here. So the landlord owns, charges them rent, they pay rent to the landlord, landlord collects that rent, over here they control, the landlord owns the property. Now what if we were to get really sexy about this and just tweak things, right? Just look - just totally view something from an entirely different perspective over here.

What if we were to become a Share Lord™, a pretty cool notion, would you agree? Now a Share Lord™, it's been legal since 1973. I will get you to write that down. It has been legal since 1973 to become a Share Lord™. Now “Share Lord™” is Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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the actual phrase in regards to renting shares that I have personally coined in regards to the trade marking of the name worldwide. Now Share Lord™ is the actual strategy.

Now what I have taken is this, I have taken an existing strategy and I have redefined it and believe me, when I say redefined, I mean I can take any investor worldwide and taken them to a whole new level they have never, ever seen. This is how this has been defined.

Now Share Lord™ is so unique that the current returns are as follows - now we will use the property example over here by the way I love property but my main premise, my main objective when it comes to property is what? It is the capital. Remember I am seeking what now? Cash flow.

I mean, think about it, cash is paramount. Why, because 95 percent of the world's individuals, they work in a job to get their what? Their source of cash, for one pillar, physically trading about 40 or 50 hours per week for that cash flow. So a property will return you, in regards to being a landlord, lets say, what? About six percent for the year and I am being generous, aren't I? -- Yes.

I mean, well, you know, what about vacancies, I guess, yeah? Well let's say a property is occupied for the entire year and we will give property a good rap over here in regards to the rental yield, we'll say six percent. Now, is that per month or is that per annum? Per annum over here, okay? So you generate six percent and assuming 100 percent occupancy over here.

Now in regards to renting out shares, first of all, can you utilise my strategy in regards to being a Share Lord™, can you do it in Australia? Yes you can. By the way, if you utilise my strategies in Australia to be a Share Lord™ you will probably generate between one percent to - I would say one to two percent per month on the Australian market and there is probably about - there is really only eight stocks of the 1300 available that I would even consider buying and renting out those shares, okay>

And that is probably one of the sole reasons that I don't look at the Australian market. In fact the US market - have a look at this. Did you know there's about, I would say 1200 prime candidates that are phenomenal stocks in order for me to be the actual Share Lord™. By the way the rental returns in regards to buying shares and actually renting them out in the US, historically, between three percent to nine percent per what? Per month.

Now folks, if you are not excited about that, I have no idea what is going to excite you. Hold on now. Property has a rental yield, six percent, per annum, over here, we're talking about three to nine percent per month and I will embellish upon that and I am going to show you supporting data. Not from, like, six years ago or seven years or eight years ago, I am going to show you the last couple of months. In fact I am going to show you right now, if you embrace this education what you can generate come Monday. Anybody interested? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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And folks, I am referring to a formula which will be valid for the rest of your life. Now allow me to continue over here. So with Share Lord™ over here. Look, I've got to say, it's the fastest, most safest lucrative cash flow strategy to pay off a house mortgage. Anyone who is negative geared, a phenomenal way to turn a liability into an asset. Who follows?

A phenomenal way to eradicate a credit card, supplement your partner's income or completely replace your own income, okay? Very, very important. Now the returns we're talking about is three to nine percent per month historically just for the last 30 years alone. Now here's education folks. Here's the entire rave over here, Share Lord™, okay>

Now designed for investors who have been thinking about high return strategies but don't know where to start, okay? Designed for investors whose traditional forms of investment are not producing the returns they want. Designed for investors who are searching for a part-time profit-based cash flow system to produce a secondary income stream. And these are different reasons why different individuals embrace the Share Lord™ education.

Now as we said the returns historically are three to nine percent per month and there are about 1200 stocks that meet our criteria, versus only eight in Australia. In Australia one or two percent - and do you know the crazy thing, for the same time and energy it takes to become a Share Lord™ in Australia, it's the exact same time and energy to be a Share Lord™ on the US market, because, guess what, you don't ring up, it's all done online.

In fact, this gets transacted in under a minute and this is the cool thing, you're going to love this, the money, if you're the Share Lord™ over here you receive that rental premium, paid, deposited into your bank account within 24 hours. That is yours to keep and guess what, that is one hundred percent non-refundable. Say "Yes"? -- Yes.

And on top of that, once you rent out your shares to the tenant who is now controlling your shares, at any time you can evict them. That gives you control. Another point over here, the best strategies are these, which gives you control, gives you great cash flow, and it's consistent cash flow, that is the best strategies.

Remember before when I actually spoke about there are only two things in life that I have no control over, weather and traffic. I want to be in control of everything in my life, even the actual strategy itself. Why, because that is my defensive mechanism that I can fire up at any time of my choosing and I can be anywhere globally. I can be in an internet café, I can be at Base Camp 3, Mount Everest, I can be in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean if I wish or the International Space Station. The world is your oyster.

Now why is it three and nine percent? Well, in order for the tenant, okay - in order for the tenant to rent out your shares they have to pay you three to nine percent of the value of your shares in order to rent them out. Who follows? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Okay, so in order for the tenant to rent your shares they have to pay you three to nine percent of the value of your shares so for example, over here, if we had a share portfolio, right, and these shares were worth $20 over here and the tenant was paying us six percent in this particular case, what is six percent of $20, anybody please? How much? -- $1.20.

$1.20, yes? Okay, so guess what, for every $20 share you receive $1.20 rent. That's a pretty amazing return. Now imagine owning 100,000 of these shares that are worth $20. What is 100,000 times $1.20? Would you agree a lot of money, yes or no? -- Yes.

Absolutely. Now have a look at this, and this is where I am going to ask you the question here, you see, who makes the money here? The Share Lord™ is very similar to the person on the gold field, perhaps doing this, who makes the money on the gold field, by the way? The individual selling the pans or the individual prospecting for the gold? Who makes the money? The one selling the pans or the individual prospecting for the gold with the hope of making money?

Ladies and gentlemen, which side? -- This one.

This one, or the prospector? Well guess what? The Share Lord™ is the individual selling the pans. Why, because over here the tenants - you see what they're doing is this, their particular strategy is this, they don't want to buy the shares. Why? Because they don't have the money to buy the shares. All they want to do is, they want to trade the contracts of those shares and hope to make a profit in regards to on-selling those contracts. Who follows, say "yes"? -- Yes.

There's millions of them and guess what, the demand is astronomical which means, guess what? There is no vacancy here. Who understands that? That's very important. There is no vacancy. What does that mean? Less liquidity, that is liquidity. Now how do you work out the rent figure over here? We’re going to talk about this in a little while. So, this here is the cash flow stream over here and we've already worked it out that the other tenants rent out shares from the Share Lord™ and pay the Share Lord™ between three to nine percent of the value of those particular shares over here.

So for example over here, let's say we had a $250,000 property and the annual rental yield was about six percent, okay. Six percent over here. Work it out, that's about $15,000 per annum over here, and that's assuming 100 percent occupancy. Now all the landlords in the room, have you always had 100 percent occupancy? Of course not. Sure you going to have a vacancy every now and then with property? Yeah, you may even have, like, you know, some very entrepreneurial tenants with hydroponic investments going on in the house. I mean, it is not always 100 percent occupancy.

Over here with Share Lord™, we're talking about that rental cash flow, that is guaranteed, paid into your pocket, that is your money, 100 percent non-refundable and you have total control of the entire transaction over here. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Imagine this. With $250,000 over here, who has got property? Who has got plenty of equity? Yeah, absolutely, and look at this one over here. If you accessed $250,000 in a line of credit and guess what? You were generating a five percent monthly return on that $250,000, what does that equate to on a monthly basis? That's 12 and a half K, per month. Can you leave your job on 12 and a half grand a month? -- Not enough.

Not enough. Is it a start perhaps? Absolutely. I mean that's 12 and a half grand per month over here. I have a client in the UK who has now become a Share Lord™ and guess what they amount they've started with? Try 18 million pounds. That's about A$43 million. Now work it out. Worst case scenario, if they only managed to get a three percent return every month that's 36 per annum annualised on 18 million pounds, do your sums. Who thinks that's pretty amazing?

And by the way, there is less risk in this than if you were to go out there and simply just buy, pray and hope a share price was going to go up, only because that is only one-third of an equation. In fact, buying shares is just so 1980s unless you're renting them out.

I mean, imaging being a landlord with 10 investment properties and you never rented them out. Would you feel rather strange? Absolutely, but how many investors have owned shares for 10, 20, 30, 40 years and then I share with them what they can do with Share Lord™ and they go "What? So for 40 years I have left all this rental income on the table". Does that feel very suicidal, would you agree? -- Yes.

In regards to how much money has been left on the table. It's cash. It's your cash, it's always there. But in regards to that path, with your goal over here, it is so dimly lit, why? Because we haven't been exposed to this particular education.

Have a look at this folks. Writing options is not only the safest of all option strategies it is also safer than purchasing and selling stocks outright and this is most incredible; in America there is something called a 401K. A 401K is equivalent to a self-managed super fund, okay? It's superannuation. Who follows that?

Okay, now, did you know in America the only strategy the US administration allows in a 401K, guess what it is? It's Share Lord™. What does that tell you? Number 1 is this, because it is consistent, it is cash flow generating, and it allows them to save enough money they didn't in the past. That is the only strategy, the Share Lord™ strategy is the only one allowed in a 401K.

Now by the way I must tell you right now I have a lot of clients in the United States, in one particular State; do you know which State that is? Try the retirement capital of the world, Florida. I have a lot of clients in Florida alone. Interesting isn't it? Because Florida, we have millions, upon millions, upon millions of retirees with 401Ks. This is how powerful Share Lord™ is. I mean these are for baby boomers. Imagine if you embraced this right now as a 20 year old. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Let's continue over here. Proof. Have a look at this folks. Here's the stock, actually before I talk about this particular stock here, I want to give you a couple of examples over here. So let's say we had a stock and it was worth $20 over here. So here we go, a $20 stock, over there. Now assuming we were generating a six percent return, okay, so we received $1.20.

Think about this, we buy the shares for $20 over here; we have a rental premium of $1.20, okay? How much have we really paid for the stock, anybody? How much have we really paid for the stock? -- $18.80.

$18.80, correct.? Okay, so we've actually paid $18.80 for the actual stock over here. Congratulations folks, I've just shown you how to buy shares wholesale. Is that pretty cool? What does 95 percent of the individuals in the world, they buy -----? -- Retail.

-----Retail. What do five percent do? Remember, I do the exact polar opposite. Hey, if someone is buying retail there has got to be a way to buy them wholesale. This is it. So I've just shown you how to buy your shares for wholesale, because, hey, you've received $1.20 so your real purchase was what? The shares at $18.80. Who thinks that's pretty awesome so far? Okay.

I'm only getting started. Now have a look at this, if the share is worth $20 you've bought it for, you received $1.20, you now have downside protection which means this. That share can drop $1.20 and guess what, are you in the red, yes or no? -- Yes.

You have not made one single donation so far, okay? Does that give you downside protection? Versus that buy, pray and hope you know, that the share price will go up and guess what? You're at the peril of the markets and what have you. So over here we add this, downside protection guarantee over here. Who thinks that's pretty powerful?

Absolutely, over here. But you're thinking "Hold on here", okay, I know what you're on about, it drops $1.20, sure you're covered because that's - by the amount of the premium, the rental premium you actually received, but what if the share price dropped $2, I got ya! Is that a good question to ask? -- Yes.

Folks, do the exact polar opposite, buy an insurance policy. By the way we've all got shares in this room. Raise your hands if you have exposure to the stock market, everybody. Keep your hands up if you have an insurance policy, keep your hands up. Three individuals out of 160 individuals in the room, 160 had shares, yet only three had an insurance policy. What does that tell you?

Folks, since 1973 you've been able to buy an insurance policy and you're thinking "Hold on here, I need time to think now. So you can buy an insurance policy, so hold on, I ring up AAMI, they're insuring my car, the caravan, the boat, the dog's kennel so if I ring them up I can insure my shares", it doesn't work like that folks. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Where do you buy your insurance? From other individuals in the stock market. Folks, look to the person to the left and right of you right now. Guess what, that's whom you buy your insurance policy from because when you buy your insurance policies you buy them off other individuals in the stock market, people like myself, who are the underwriters which means, guess what, you are your own insurance house. Who thinks that's a pretty good gig?

Have a look at this folks. Once again, let me ask you this question. Who makes the money, the individual buying the insurance policy or the underwriters who are spitting out these insurance policies? Who makes the money? -- The underwriters.

And allow me to prove it to you right now. Okay, raise your hands if you have an insurance policy, raise your hands right now. We all have, yeah? Keep your hands up if you have made a claim against an insurance policy just in the last 12 months, keep your hands up. About six individuals out of 160 individuals have made a claim.

What does that tell you? So 154 insurance policies have expired, what, worthless and six have made a claim. Who has made all the money? -- The insurance company.

So guess what, the strategy is this, we can buy shares, rent it out, three to nine percent a month. Or we can also do this; write insurance policies and collect what? The premium. Because when you buy an insurance policy is there a fee? Guess what, that fee is paid to whom? The individual underwriting the shares. And by the way you can write - I will give you a bit of a clue, you don't have to own shares to write an insurance policy on them okay.

Another little strategy there folks. Now have a look at this. In regards to Share Lord™, folks - and this is why it is so unique - have a look at this. Here's a stock, it's Tessera Technology. Say "Tessera"? -- Tessera.

Okay, have a look at this. Here's a stock that was trading around $37.50, the rental yield was 8.5 percent which meant the income received for the Share Lord™ was $3.18 per what? -- Share.

Per share over here. Over here, Allergenic Technologies over here, stock trading at 22.73, the yield was 8.6 percent and that represented $1.95 per share, that is for every share of Allergenic Technologies you received $1.95. Now imagine owning 1000 of these stocks at $1.95, how much is that? How much?

Yeah, $1,950. What if you owned 10,000 of these stocks and you received $1.95, how much is that? 19,000. What if you owned 100,000 of these stocks, it's just decimal points folks, you know, an extra zero. The same time, the same energy, it's just an extra zero now. Who can see the exponential growth right now in regards to what I'm referring to? And this is a formula which is valid for the rest of your life. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now all the property investors, raise your hands again. I've got a special treat for you, would you like to know what it is? Would you like me to show you how you can pay off your own home which is a liability? Would you like me to show you how to turn your negative geared property into an asset; yes or no? -- Yes.

On a scale from one to 10, how serious are you? -- Yes.

On a scale from one to 10-----? -- Yes!

Have a look at this. What if we had a line of credit. We all know what a line of credit is? -- Yes.

Okay, a line of credit. So we siphon out the equity from our properties in regards to having access to funds, access to equity. Now basically with a line of credit, what's your prevailing interest rate per annum, about eight percent would you agree? -- Yes.

About eight percent, right? Okay, eight percent. So, here's what we do. We now have access to the Share Lord™ education over here and the recommendation service. Now we buy specific stocks over here and let's say we've got - we'll start with $100,000, okay, in the line of credit.

So we've now bought $100,000 of shares and now we're generating about five percent per month on that. What is five percent of 100 grand? How much? -- Five thousand dollars.

Five thousand dollars per month. Who's happy with that so far? That's five grand a month. By the way, right now, you're experiencing that light bulb moment but very, very soon we're talking about halogen, okay. Check this out over here. What's that, eight percent per what? -- Annum.

Per annum. What's this? Yeah, what did I say, five percent per month. Okay,. Did you know that just in the first two months of renting out your shares you've just paid your entire interest bill for the entire year, who likes that? Which gives you 10 months of what? It starts with "p", ends with "rofit". Yes, exactly!

Look at this, five percent per month which means in the first two months you've paid your entire interest component and by the way, have a look at this, it's a line of credit, if it's used for investment purposes is the interest tax-deductible.

I am going to show you right now - do you recall that insurance policy you can purchase, before? What if I showed you how to buy an insurance policy using none of your own money, would that be of any interest? Raise your hands. Okay. Now what if I was to show you how to buy an insurance policy utilising none of your own money and quite possibly it also becomes a tax deduction? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Have a look at this. How much did you receive over here, $1.20. Okay. Can you actually do this; can you use a specific portion of the rental premium of $1.20 to buy an insurance policy? Yes? How about we do this, right. Let's say the insurance policy cost us 59 cents, okay. $1.20 minus 59 cents is how much now, 61 cents, which means we have 61 cents net, okay.

So out of this amount of $1.20 we received which was other people's money, we bought an insurance policy for 59 cents, and now we've got 61 cents net. Now buy that insurance policy with none of our own money for some of us it provides this: an SA and F - a sleep at night factor, would you agree? Okay.

Now the cool thing about this is this, it's 59 cents, so for example, let's say with that we bought a $17.50 insurance policy so we insured our shares, we bought a $17.50 insurance policy which means this, if those shares went down to the value of what, let's say $3 over here, we can now sell our shares for $17.50. Who likes that? That's pretty cool. Whose money did you use to buy that insurance policy? None of your own. And guess what? If you have to buy an insurance policy to protect the value of your share portfolio, is that a cost of doing business?

Folks, all I've done is this, I've tweaked things and the most unique thing is this, I've actually broken it down, I've simplified it and I can walk anybody through this particular process.

Let's continue over here. Here's a stock. Back to the PowerPoint please. Okay, so here's the scanning process that I use. Here's the number of stocks, I mean, we've got Mandalay Resort over here, we've got IT shares, Parker Drilling over here, Amex Corporation, Life Sale, Hollywood Entertainment, ABN Ambro, Delta Airlines, Seers Roebuck but here's a particular stock over here folks, Hot Topic, okay.

Have a look at this. So, can you see over here we've got a "bid", and over here we have an "ask", okay? Now if we are the Share Lord™, we are the what? We are the "ask" because we're asking for this rental premium, we are demanding this much. The tenants, they're the bidders, okay. They're bidding how much they are willing to pay you the rent.

Now it works like this, the stock over here is $22.84 okay? Now we buy for $22.84 which means we can rent out - we can rent those shares out at $25. Now here's the wording "the Share Lord™ to the tenant", the Share Lord™ goes to the tenant, do you know what, hey, you can buy my shares if you wish but you don't have to all right. I can give you the right but you're not obligated to buy my shares. Now there is no verbal communication, there is no contract. This is done online, okay.

There is the moderator. You basically put your order through and somewhere in the world this gets transacted through the stock exchange. Who follows so far? It gets transacted in less than a minute, okay. You have no idea who the tenant is, you don't really need to okay? Keep it nice and basic. So what you're saying is this, "Hey, you can buy my shares but if you Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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want to buy my shares you are going to pay me $25", so what are you doing there? You're guaranteeing the right to be paid $25 when you rent out your shares.

Now the tenant has this particular wording. They are going to pay you between 65 cents and 90 cents so what is the price, it's normally done like this: split in the middle, which means about what? Split 65 and 90 cents, what do you get? -About 75 cents.

About 75 cents so for every share that you own of Hot Topic you receive 75 cents. By the way this is US, okay. So you receive 75 cents. Now the tenant for that right has now got the opportunity to buy the shares off you at $25 which means this, if your share price in the month - because these contracts are monthly, how many months in a year? -- Twelve.

Twelve, so you can do this every month. Now have a look at this. Let's say for this particular month over here you rented out your shares at $25, you received 75 cents and the tenant has now bought the right to buy your shares at $25. How much did you pay for them? So if you were forced to sell them at $25 to the tenant, have you just made an additional profit? -- Yes.

Guess what? This is where you double-dip now. So you've got your rent from day 1, and if you get exercised that is, if the tenant says "Hey, I want to buy your shares now" what you do is this, "You want 'em, take 'em" because it’s not the shares that you want, it is the, what? It's the cash. Can you all say "cashhhh"? -- Cashhhhhh.

Exactly, right. So have a look at this. We exercise - our shares are exercised, we give away our shares at $25, which means we receive an additional how much? $2.16, yep, plus the original rent of how much? Which is how much, almost $3. Who thinks that's a pretty good return? -- Yes.

Now have a look at this. Will you get exercised every time? Not always, but the way I do this particular strategy I want to be exercised because it means if I have been exercised it means that I make additional cash. Who follows now?

By the way if you're spiritually or emotionally attached to your shares, do not do this. But if shares are just a commodity which you utilise in order to extract that cash flow for this particular strategy folks, guess what, if you get exercised, same day, buy some more shares and rent it out automatically which means their rent is deposited into your bank account okay.

Let's continue over here. Actually what I might do now is this, I will show you some returns just for the last few months. Okay, first up is - let me show you September folks, okay. Now first of all, have a look at this. This is the month of September. Now I will show you how to read this table. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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We have a recommendation service right now which is running at an amazing strike rate folks, will absolutely blow your mind. Now have a look at this. Okay, have a look at this. Here's a couple of stocks here for you folks, now just so you understand how to read this, can you see this particular column over here? These are the actually stocks, these are the actual codes over here.

Now the stocks vary on a day-to-day basis, okay. Now the key to this particular strategy is this, if you were to do this it won't work for you because there are 1500 stocks to choose from. How do you know which stocks? If you have a choice to buy property and there are 1500 properties, how are you going to choose that property? Is there a criteria required? Absolutely.

I mean with stocks this is what I look at: is it, like, in a city; is it a nice leafy area, yes; is it an older style building; is it a strata title; is it near the beach; is it in regards to amenities and infrastructure kind of thing; is the rent high; does it have a fundamental diagnostic checkable lease (a) - who follows so far?

These are the kind of checks that I do on a particular stock before I buy it, so not anyone can be a Share Lord™. You need the education because that has 1500 stocks and they will tell you exactly which one is a prime candidate for that particular day and you can't go wrong because guess what? Bang, that stock has been chosen, that's the one that we trade. Okay.

Next, have a look at this. "Not called" and "if called". "Not called" column that is just the rent alone, okay. If the tenant exercises the right to buy your shares it means your shares are now being, what? They're being called. Now have a look at the returns. Based on a rent, do you recall what I said early on, three to nine percent; do you remember that?

Have a look at this. Six percent, four, five, six percent, four, six percent, 11 percent, just on the rent. These are just for the month of September, just in the last couple of months folks. That was a three, four week trade; 13 percent. Now let me warn you right now. Is 13 percent for the month pretty high? -- Yes.

Is it always going to be like that? No, but they do exist, okay? The average is three to nine percent over here. Have a look at this; eight percent, nine percent, four, 18. Four percent, eight, 14 percent, six. Remember, three and nine percent is the average over here, per month. What if you annualised six percent, what's that? That's 72 percent for the entire year. Three percent is 36 percent annualised folks. Do your sums. Equate that, compare it to the prevailing interest rate.

Have a look at this. If called now - remember we started to have that second dip, if we've been exercised, look at the returns here; 24, 23, 23, 22, 21. That is September. Let me show you last month, October. Actually, while I am at it I will show you the previous month and I will show you just as of closing of last week. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Have a look at this. This was for the month of August. We had - can you see the percentages there? The “not called”, the “if called” over here. Okay, and just in the last month over here folks, this is yesterday's data over here. Here it is. Here's the date for the close of October. Okay, have a look at this - by the way can you see the date? What does it say here folks? November 2, okay.

That was the wrap up for the month of October, okay? So the clients just in the last month have taken advantage of these. Now this data is irrelevant right now because the peaks change on a daily basis in regards to our scanning process and our specific proprietary formula and criteria. Now, have a look at this; four percent, 11, six, 10, 13, three, six, these are just based on the actual rents. On the second dip over here - who thinks that's pretty amazing?

Folks, these are actual - this is as guaranteed as you get it, why? You buy these shares, that's how much you receive. Can you get more guarantee than that? And it is entirely up to you whether you wish to do what? Buy the insurance policy to fully protect yourself or you want that maximum cash flow because there is a certain criteria in regards to our selection process which is really the key and the secret to this particular strategy and what we're offering is this. We've got the education which basically sets you up with a foundation and the formula to trade this for the rest of your life and on top of that we'll also give you a 12- month recommendation service which means you can look over our shoulders and guess what? What we pick as the main criteria, the main candidates is what you can personally trade.

Pretty phenomenal over here. And allow me to show you how you can actually get in on the actual deal. All I'm going to say over here is just think of the actual possibilities, okay? So, let’s say December 24 2007, I will get you to write this down. Let's say $50,000 over here, okay. I mean, spoken words evaporate but written words are going to leave impressions, aren't they?

So these are the actual goals folks, let's continue over here. So we've got this: here's the Ultimate Trader's pack, it comes with the other Share Lord™ Education over here and that is the recommendation service too. And we talked about the insuring, you know, how to write insurance policies too by being the underwriter, a very, very profitable strategy too. And we've talked about this and compare this, right, to the traditional way of share ownership in Australia.

I mean, over 10 million individuals in Australia own shares. Ask me what percentage of them are even aware of this; less than one percent.

Most stock brokers don't even know about it. This is what they endorse, this is what they have been subscribing to all their lives, right, because that's what the stock brokers told them. They buy shares, if it goes up they make money, no? No. That's one-third of an opportunity. Even if you just bought shares and they went up, well hold on now, they went up, how much rental have you missed out? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

It's like buying 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 properties and you've made money on the capital growth and you've never rented them out for 50 years to make additional cash; what a waste. All the features are the benefits of the true dream business, once again, this is the pillar, I can do this anywhere worldwide. No staff or customers, no age requirements and I've showed you validated proof folks, actual evidence right now, the returns. Not something that was valid like five or 10 years ago, right now, if you do this, this is what you're going to be blessed with.

Profit potential, low risk, stress free, does not involve physical labour, time. Once you've mastered it no more than 15, 20 minutes for the entire month. You do it once, that's it and you'll just do what, you just monitor the trade, that's it.

Location, anywhere in the world. Something you must educate your children. Who has got kids, raise your hands? The most accountable thing an adult can do is this, teach your kids. Raise your hands if you do not have any kids? Buy one! Very low overheads, very low starting capital, just see the value in this folks and could we have that video played too? There's a video, yep. It's number 3 and we'll get those lights turned out please, lights turned out.


Think it covers a lot of subjects and very comprehensive and he doesn't tire, easily explained and very impressed.

FEMALE: What about Nik as a presenter? -- The best in the world.

Excellent, very empowering.


It is great.

Life changing.

Absolutely brilliant.

Got half way through Saturday and I declared myself permanently retired.

So exciting so far, I just feel like for the first time in a long time I am in charge of what my future holds for me. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

NIK HALIK: Lights back up please. Okay, so, now we’re over here folks, a couple in their early 70s now, after only four months of training we have now achieved a 70 percent return on our investment, that's per annum, this is amazing. Interestingly enough we have bent the rules from time to time and we now see that if we had followed your rules closer we could have achieved in excess of 100 percent return.

"Bent the rules" means they have broken some of the rules so for 100 percent return they went to a 70 percent return. Still, 70 percent for the year is not bad, would you agree? Folks, you name me a superannuation fund that has done 70 percent. Okay.

“Thanks for sharing the secrets and introducing us to this fantastic opportunity, we are now encouraging our children to attend your next event.” Absolutely, over here. Here is a great story I want to share with you folks. A very memorable client - you see my whole concept of education is this, right, learn how to speak, read or write in your chosen language and then simply seek specialised knowledge, okay.

Now I had a client of mine, Lynne, super mum, five kids and one of her eldest teenagers, Aaron, she taught him how to trade in regards to these particular strategies, right. And Aaron was 16 years of age. It took him 18 months to save seven grand. Not bad effort for a 16 year old. He turned that in 23,800.

Okay, that's good, but this is what really inspires me. Lynne said this "You know what, hey if you can make more than the school principal you can leave the school". Think about it, why would you be at school if you're making more than a school principal anyway? Folks, what is education? I mean, the education in the schooling system is just going to spit out a taxpayer. It is not going to really provide any financial literacy, will it?

I am talking about - and the lifestyle, having the choices over here as opposed to being dictated to and governed by irrelevant data which is going to make you what, feel negligent in life in regards to what you want to manifest in your life.

And quite a few of these other testimonies. By the way folks, there is something called forums too on the internet. There is - forums are just basically chat rooms like little internet, online little social networks and what have you and these are some comments over here.

Individuals, I have no idea who these people are but they have obviously bought my education on the web, or programs. I want to just share with you some of the other comments here. This one over here:

"Hi Andrew, Mate I've done both" - I don't know which other course he is referring to - "I think Nik's course is far superior. His attention to detail, simple way of explaining how analysis works is ahead of the rest. The cost of the home study was paid back in the first couple of trades. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

“I received Halik's Home Study" - sounds very impersonal, doesn't it - Haliks' - "and have been going through it since. Extremely impressed with both the content and the quality of the presentation. I will say it again, extremely happy. The two trades I have done this week following his teachings have already paid for it and then some. I will be a millionaire in no time".

"Well I've done only the first DVDs of Nick's course" - they can't spell my name - "and have been amazed already. I have already picked some stocks and am about to turn; I am ready to clean up on them. I actually feel like I am cheeting" - he can't spell cheating - "becos" - look at because.

Am I being fussy here? Do you need to know how to spell to make money? -- No.

Of course not.

"Hi there everyone, just thought I would" - they can't spell either - "I have completed the course and want to say that I am absolutely out of my tree" - he's probably fallen out of his tree by now - "real excited about learning what I have, this course is a most and it won't disappoint; no more guesswork. This stuff is great guys, today I closed a bought call and B and B for 105 percent profit and will close another tomorrow for around 72 percent" and look, there is quite a few of these folks and I don't have time.

Oh, by the way, I always get this question, "How much do I need?" Well, look all I can say is clients in the past have used amounts between $250 to $1 million. Like I said, I have got a client in the UK with 18 million pounds, so between $250 and a million dollars, okay. I should change that slide to $250 to $43 million, yes?

Folks, it is just decimal points, it is just zero's, okay. Same time, same energy, okay? Same strategy, same formula and it's valid for the rest of your life, okay. Can you do this? Right now I believe in you more so than what you believe in yourself. Anybody can do this but number 1, you have to take massive action, okay? If you procrastinate, guess what? You’re fertilising more fear and chances are, how much money are you going to leave on the table, okay? All I am saying is just think of the possibilities give yourself permission to succeed.

Now option A folks, here is the curriculum, okay, the education.

Now, with this, with the education, you've got the DVDs, you've got the CDs, you've got the support. Your own client support, you get your own allocated mentor, you will also get the US trading diary. By the way folks, just in the last couple of months here are some phenomenal returns just in days because these are contracts, I mean, you can buy - you can actually rent out a contract in regards to the whole month or you can actually buy shares and rent them out for a period of like seven or eight or nine days over here. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Nik Halik Stock Market Intelligence

Here are some of the returns over here. Telephone and Data Systems returned seven percent in five days. Five percent in five days, 11 percent in five days. These are pretty phenomenal returns. folks. That is the power of the recommendation service that you will have for a full 12 months, okay. Pretty unique.

By the way, regarding the percentage of winning trades, profitability, how does 90 percent grab you? That's the average right now. These are astronomical folks, pretty phenomenal. Let's continue over here. By the way, with Share Lord™, you will also understand how to write insurance policies by being an underwriter. By the way, a phenomenal strategy, the US Share Lord™ renting strategies and I actually go one step further with this particular strategy. Like I said, because I have took it underground and I have refined it and according to our peers this is the most powerful stock market curriculum in the world.

This is what I've done. I've just shown you how to rent out your shares for the month, okay? What if I shared with you a particular secret which will probably take an additional three, four, five, minutes, by renting out your shares a multiple of times in the same month on the same shares? Is that of any interest, raise your hands?

Absolutely. Folks, on top of this, you have client support services over here and what we're referring to is a alliance on the memberships, support network, email support, phone support. Who would like their own coach, their own mentor to hold their hand and walk them through the entire process, raise your hands? You will have your own coach and mentor, okay.

Look, in regards to mentors, studies have shown an important factor that determined the most successful individuals, they had a mentor. If you're looking for real guidance with all questions answered from someone who is willing to share everything with you, I doubt you will find many qualified candidates, okay.

Folks, I am Nik Halik, thank you so much. I will see you at the back of the room. Thank you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

JOHN CHILDERS Million Dollar Speaker Training Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

JOHN CHILDERS: All right. Well my nam me’s John Childers and


my claim to fame is I’m in the fourth staage of my professional

John Childers made his first million as

career. How many stages? -- Four.

real estate investor, after wh hich, he became highly sought afterr by people

Four. Would you like to know what theyy are? -- Yes.

wanting him to teach them his investing techniques.

Good. I knew you were just chomping g at the bat, at the bit, waiting to get those.

With a unique skill of taking g complicated issues and breaking them down into simple easy to understand terms, John began his speaking ca areer teaching zero-down real

Number one, I had a job, and it hoove ered big-time. You all

estate strategies.

understand the word ‘hoovered’ now, right? r How many relate to that? HAD the job. Okay.

While he continues to teach h real estate, his primary focus today is on teaching others to become successful speakers.

Then I made a million dollars in just over three years as a real estate investor. How many of you have invested in real estate? Okay? THEN came the big money. But you y say, “Whoa, that’s pretty good money right there isn’t it? A million dollars in

John reveals the inner workiings of the speaking industry and his personal strategies whicch have made him millions of dollars as a speaker. He has helped launch the speaking careers of hundreds of profeessionals.

three years? No, no, no, no no.

See, we go in like stair steps, but I wen nt in like a ladder, straight up. Because then I entered d the third stage in my professional career. I started teaching people p how I made my million dollars. Now where do o you think I made the most? The million dollars in real estate or teacching people how I made my million dollars? Teachin ng people how I made my million dollars.

And now that I’m in the fourth stage of o my professional career I will teach you how you caan teach people how to be successful. Because, believe it or not – I know this is going to be a hard stretch of your imag gination, but it’s hard for you to believe that money is actually being maade right here on this stage right in front of your eye es, isn’t it. Yeah, you’re seeing it made, right?

g to learn today. You’re going to learn, number one, you’re y going to hear a rare Well let me tell you what you’re going presentation, because what I’m talking to you about is how to become a public speaker on the platform or on the telephone. And you can make millions of dollars doing that, and this is probably the only tim me that you’ll ever hear about this opportunity. Because there’s no-on ne that I know of that teaches what I do.

Second you’re going to see a tremend dous opportunity. And it’s not an opportunity for me e, it’s an opportunity for YOU. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Third, you’re going to feel an urge to teach some people. Because there’s something about us, inside, that we want to share information. When we get it we want to share it with others. But you’re also going to get started. You’re going to want to get started NOW.

Okay. That’s what we’re going to cover today. You will know a secret worth over a million dollars. I can tease you and say, “Yes, I’m going to teach you; a little bit later I’ll give you this secret worth a million dollars, or I could give it to you right now. Which do you prefer? Right now? It’s not going to be a secret, it’s just revealing the secret.

You need an information product. Write that down. You need an information product. And you can continue developing information products for the rest of your life. But you need an information product that will make you millions of dollars.

Second, the most profitable information categories. You’ll learn what they are. Because if you’re going to have an information product, what topic should I talk about? There are four major information categories. Three that are the top three. Most effective methods of learning, and how to get started with no experience whatsoever from the platform. Now could I see a show of hands, how many of you qualify for the last quality? Yeah, no experience whatsoever getting up in front of people. Then you are my audience.

At one time I was hiring and training speakers. My number one requirement – that you had never been in front of an audience. I didn’t want any bad habits. I wanted to find people that had a good heart, that could just get up there and tell people how it is. And I, when I left I had 125 speakers working for me and I didn’t have a single speaker that made under $150,000. Today, I think that is about minimum in our industry.

Most of you, if you decide to get started as a public speaker, you will make a minimum of $250,000 a year. And I’m gonna show you these numbers in a few moments to verify that fact, and that is good money, isn’t it? In just about any country. $250,000, BUT you’ll go up from there. When you get in the league of the speakers that are on this platform, you’ll be making a million dollars, two million dollars, every single year, because you have an information product, an information product that you have put together, and it keeps growing and growing and growing.

Now what’s it like? What’s your new lifestyle going to be like? Number one, you’re going get to travel all over the world. Now, I have gone what we call ‘international’. I have spoken in every major city in the United States so many times that you tell me what city I’m in, you tell me what hotel you’re in, I’ve probably been at that hotel before and spoken there some time in my career.

I’ve been speaking now for 25 years, and that is a long time to be speaking as a public speaker and I had no experience whatsoever when I got started. And as a lot of people listen to me today you say, “Well, you don’t look like you got a whole lot of experience now.” Well I understand that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

But when you travel you’ll get to go to exotic places. Getting ready to go to Sydney out there - beautiful city - that you’ll see pictures like this all over the world that you’ll go to. You will meet famous people. Now I was in – two days ago I was in Singapore airport - and it was like a welcome home because I had met the most famous American ever in the Singapore airport. It’s amazing who you meet. You know, I was embarrassed, but I had my picture taken with this famous American. I wanna show it to you right there. And - how many of you have met Ronald? Okay. So you’ll meet them.

Also what’s it like, not only will you travel but you MUST get accustomed to a first class lifestyle. In other words, when you’re on a plane you don’t sit in the back of the plane, you sit where? In the front of the plane. It’s a first class lifestyle. By a show of hands, how many of you could get accustomed to that, you think? Now I know it’s tough for you to think of, but you could get accustomed to a first class lifestyle. Okay?

Also, you’re going to have options. Now when I’m talking about options, a lot of people think that they have options, but let me tell you a period of time in my life that it was … I had fewer options than any time in my entire life. I would get up in the morning, and I got dressed, and I drove to work. Why did I do that? ‘Cause I only had one option to support my family, and it was that job.

And guess what happens. When I get to work, if I’m in a bad mood I have to just take whatever comes up, right, ’cause that’s my only option. But guess what? It’s when THEY’RE in a bad mood I have to take that too. Why? ‘Cause it’s my only option.

And when I decided that I was going to become a public speaker, it changed dramatically. You’ve got promoters, people that are putting on meetings all over the town, all over the country, all over the world. There are tens of thousands of meetings, and they need speakers. But when you go to a meeting, guess who the number one person there is. The speaker. That’s our speaker. It’s a prominent position here, but you have OPTIONS of all the different places you can speak.

Wouldn’t it be nice if somebody called you on the phone and said, “We need you to speak at so-and-so; this is what we’re offering you”, and you look at your calendar to see how many options you have and if you want to take that or not. It’s not you HAVE to do anything, because you have options.

Next is recognition. People will recognise you wherever you go. But that’s good, isn’t it? What I’ve found, though, is you better be on good behaviour, because when people know who you are you can’t do anything that’s off-colour or anything, because they’ll “Ah, I think I’m gonna call Brenda, tell Brenda what you were doing here.” So. Because people recognise you, that’s good but it will restrict you and that’s what I need sometimes.

High income though. Could you get accustomed to a high income? I want you to put in your income bracket there anywhere from $250,000 to $2,250,000. That’s what most of my people make each year. I know that that may be a stretch Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

of your imagination right now, but did it ever enter your mind that there are some positions that just pay a lot more money than other positions? They just pay more money.

Well, that being a fact, did you ever think about “Well, what do I have to DO to get in one of those positions”? And I’m gonna short-cut it for you. I’m gonna show you what you got to do this, this, this, this and this and you’ll be there. It’s just a process.

Friendships. You will make friendships all over the world. I’m talking about really solid friendships. People that you will want to be friends with forever. On your dying day, did you ever wonder if you died would anyone show up at your funeral? You know, I know tens of thousands of people all over. Now, by a show of hands, how many of you would like to attend my funeral? Now that would have been, they just lied to me. Please, how many of you would like to come to my funeral. Thank you very much. I’ll put an invitation out.

Appreciation. People will appreciate you for what you do for them. Ah, my wife and I will go out some place, and especially a training, and people come up and just give me full body hugs. Beautiful women come up and just put both arms around me and hug me. Brenda says, “Now what was that all about?”

And I said, “Well, they just appreciate what I’ve done for them.” Because that’s the only reason anyone would ever give me a big hug, is because I’ve actually done something for them that changed their life financially. Now I can change your life in a lot of ways, but if I change your life financially it gives you everything you wanted in the rest of your life.

Next thing is leisure time. Now when my boys were growing up it was a laughing matter there when we’d – little league baseball – when we went out the boys were practising two or three times a week, I was always there. As a parent, I was always at the practice games. Someone says, “Well, why were you there?” Because I didn’t have a job, I didn’t have anything to do.

Now per hour, let me tell you what the world’s most profitable skill is. Communicating with mass amounts of people. Mass amounts of people. Now if I broke it down into how much I make per hour it would be scary but I’ll do that for you in just a moment, to show you how much YOU can make per hour.

Residual income. Now what I like most about working with David and the Internet is you can take whatever you do on stage and now you do it on the Internet.

Third thing, you can take whatever you do on stage, you can do it on a telephone call now. Internet has made your business be open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, world-wide. World-wide. And for about $100 a month, you can have your storefront open to everybody all over the world. And guess what? When I die, and you attend my funeral, my money will still be coming in to my relatives. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

The reason is because on the Internet you don’t know if that person is living or dead. You just know they’ve got an information product that you want, and that product can be sold forever and ever and ever.

How many of you would like to pass on something to your heirs that actually meant something to them and could produce income to them for the rest of their lives also, right? So when I’m talking about a residual income, I‘m talking about everything you do while you’re here on this earth, you will record it. Every time you make a presentation, you will record it. I will show you how to change your lifestyle in such a way that everything you do, you capture.

And that becomes a product. And as you build this following that David was talking about, and I’m going to give it to you in a different way, when he’s talking about the name is in the list. It’s not - I’m going to start a sentence and you finish it for me. It’s not who you know it’s -I said that wrong. “It’s not what you know it’s who you know.” I’m glad you corrected me on that. It’s not what you know it’s who you know.

I’m going to change that for you that makes it worth ten times as much money. “It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you, that counts.” That’s a big difference. What you will be developing on the Internet, what you will be developing in your future as a public speaker, is a list of people that know who you are. Because if you send out a letter, an email to someone, if they don’t know who you are, it goes in the trash. But if they know who you are it will be read.

So your list needs to be of people that know who you are. For the rest of your career you will be building a list, of people that know who you are. That list will be transferred over to your heirs, and the products that you sell will be transferred to your heirs, and I know that I’m talking in the future, but I’m talking to you about an income stream, a profession, that far out-pays every profession on earth.

This is the world’s most profitable skill - communicating with mass audiences. Every great leader in our world has had the skill of communicating with the masses. I’m going to show YOU how it’s DONE. They learned it, I learned it, and you will learn it.

Now you will meet similar people, to you. Now I go a lot of places. I know that I’m different-looking, weird-looking. I mean, you look at my hairstyle. It’s a receding hairline on it. But you know, I met someone looks just like me. Look at that guy’s hairline there. I think that ah, you know who that is? Larry King Live. He’s copying me. I can tell right there.

Okay, Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. My best friend for many, many years. I’ve known him for almost 30 years now. He was telling me, he said, “John is the king of selling from the platform. John Antoine said, “I could tell you in no uncertain terms, John Childers knows how to sell from that platform.” You will have testimonials. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Now let me ask you this. Who believes that money has been made here, on this platform right here in front of your eyes? I should get every hand in here. I mean, you actually figured this out, right? That you come to an event, we teach you how to do some things, and we ask you if you’d like to learn more of that. If so, go to the table and enrol. Give money, to support this system. Who believes that you could do the same thing? That’s the most important question right there. Who believes YOU could do what we do. Put your hand up whether you believe it or not, ‘cause I’m going to work on your belief system.

Now, who believes that I’m going to try to sell you something? You’re not going to be disappointed, I’ll tell you that. Fact is, if you believe I’m going to try to sell you something, could I just make a sixty-second sales presentation and then let’s get it over with? Just do it up front. I’m going to take 60 seconds.

I teach the world’s most expensive and the world’s most profitable training on the planet. The fee is $30,000, so you want to just write that number down. And I’m going to tell you something. I don’t give discounts. I don’t round down to $29,995. I AM the most expensive, I am the BEST, and people pay me that day in and day out.

But you know, earlier we learned that you can’t just learn one side of the issue. Is $30,000 a lot of money? It depends what you get with it, doesn’t it? Is $30,000 a lot of money IF you learn how to make a minimum of $250,000 a year for the rest of your career? Now all of a sudden that seems insignificant. Insignificant.

Now I had someone coming to me saying, “Well, that sounds real good John, but I have a deal for you. I’ll pay you your $30,000, and let me give you half of it now, well I’m gonna just give you some of it now and THEN I’ll pay you out of what I make, AFTER you teach me this. I’m thinking, hmmm, there’s one of those in every audience. Any of those in this audience?

Let me tell you why I feel that I am the best that there is in this business. That’s exactly how you will pay me. You’ll make a small deposit today; I will finance 80% of my fee on these terms. If it doesn’t work, you don’t pay me. And you only – how many of you will give me a dollar if I give you four dollars? Does that make sense? Let me change it a little bit. Would you give me a dollar if I gave you four dollars, however you don’t give me my dollar until I get you your four dollars. Now how many would be interested in that, see? You will pay me 25% of your profits until you get me paid off. By a show of hands, how many of you like those terms? Okay.

I am so confident of what I can do for you, that’s the way you will pay me. So now that I’ve took 60 seconds, let’s continue. Would you like to know how to earn a high income, how to have no financial risks, how to start with no experience and how to copy my system? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Well, there are four steps to a million dollar speaker’s system. How many steps? Four. Number one, you got to learn the business; number two, you have to learn how to develop a product; number three, you got to learn how to market those products; and number four, you have to learn to develop a KILLER sales presentation.

Now if you’re taking notes, don’t worry about those if you hadn’t got ‘em all down there, we’re gonna go through them one at a time.

Let’s start with learn the business. The business works like this: there are a lot of places that you can speak. Now, so far I’ve been talking about speaking from the platform. I want to add a second area that is fast becoming the number one most dominant place that you will speak. It is on the telephone. How many of you have experience already, before you ever met me, speaking on the telephone. Could I see a show of hands? Okay. So we don’t have to get over this illusion of “Oh, I have this great fear of speaking in front of an audience.” That’s if you’re on a platform.

But if you’re on the telephone, I’ve never had anyone tell me, “Oh no, no, no. I just couldn’t speak on the telephone. It is fast becoming the number one way that you will be making money in the future as a public speaker. Here’s how it works. When you come to my training, we meet, you meet up the first night with so many different - you’ll meet everybody there that’s learning the same system.

I remember when I said that every one of you will be developing a list of people who know who you are. That’s the main focus of what everybody will do. Now you’re meeting, if I had everyone in here meet everyone else, here’s the purpose. You meet as many people as you can, ask them if you can speak with them to their group, and then you’re asking, “Can I speak with you on a telephone call with your group?”

So when you leave my training you’re booked, with speaking engagements. But you don’t have to go anywhere. You just call in and you’re speaking to the people on a conference call all over the world that know - you’re speaking to people that knows who he is. So now you’re not a stranger anymore, because you introduced them as your good friend, as a person that’s meant a lot in your life. “We went to John Childers speaker training together.” Network here, because when you leave I want you to have speaking engagements. I want you to have instantaneous results, but you don’t have to get on the platform yet. Just start talking on the telephone.

The third way’s on the Internet, because the technology this year is just going over the area in which now most people in the world have high-speed Internet and they can actually get video and audio streamed. Now the technology was there before the stream – the video and the audio - but the speed was not there. They corrected it. So now what’s going to be happening, you’re gonna be sitting right here in front of your laptop, and you’ll have a camera right there, it’ll have your picture here, it’ll be broadcast all over the world, with whatever background I want on it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Three areas. Because speaking on the platform, if you think - I normally make between a million and two million dollars per year, net profit. I have no idea if you think that’s a lot of money or unrealistic or whatever, but that’s doing – of the three ways that’s doing the one that’s least profitable, which is on the platform.

‘Cause right now we may have 70 or 80 people in this room and that’s all that get to listen to me. But when I’m on a conference call there can be 4,000 people on there. When I’m on the Internet there can be 40,000 people on there. That’s how profitable your business is, and those are the three areas that you’ll be speaking about.

Now, let’s just see what an opportunity would be. I want to know if you recognise what you’re hearing and what you’re seeing. Ah, how many of you know how to make a hamburger? Can I see a show of hands? Hmm, that seems to be almost everyone in here. That’s strange, that you already know how to make hamburgers and yet McDonalds, Wendy’s and Burger King can charge over a half a million dollars for a franchise, to do what you already know how to do: make hamburgers.

How can they do that? ‘Cause they don’t teach you how to make hamburgers. They teach you a system of making money in the hamburger business. Now, I give you that analogy, because I guarantee you, you already know how to make hamburgers and you already know how to speak. You just need a system to make money with.

Now when you have a conversation with people, do they just kind of back up and they get – do they have that disgusted look, and they don’t want to listen to you, or do they kinda, you know, “what’s that about?” I want you to test this. One thing I want you to test, your first day you get home, I want you to go and say, “You know I went to a dynamic presentation. I mean, three days of jam-packed information on how to make money. One presentation on how to DOUBLE your dollars. My goodness, if I doubled my dollars I’d be out of debt in three weeks. If I doubled my dollars I’d be rich in eight years. I learned it was for …”

When you’re telling someone these things, watch their body language. Lean forward and they’ll say, “Yeah? What else did you learn?” We’re gonna show where that skill, right now, I just want you to visualise, can you see yourself telling someone else what you learned here?

Now I want to talk to you about another investment. This is in real estate. I know that every country, every township, prices are different. But I want you to think about, just a moment, a $30,000 piece of rental real estate. Is that expensive where you live, or inexpensive? Oh, that’s inexpensive, right? In other words it’s not the price that counts here, it’s ‘what do I get’.

Would you buy a $30,000 rental piece of real estate if these were the terms. It’s $6,000 down but you get sellerfinancing at 0% interest. Would those be good terms? Well, that’s how you would pay for it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Now what do you get in return? You get a property that rents for four times the payment. So whatever your payment is, multiply it by four. That’s what you get IN if you’re willing to commit to one dollar going out. And guess what? No rent, no payment. Would you buy that piece of real estate?

What we’re talking about here, today’s opportunity to start your speaking career, it is more profitable than a hamburger franchise. It is the same terms as a rental piece of real estate. That’s what you’re looking at.

Who wants to start today? Can I ask this, see a show of hands; I want to see who I’ve got interested in this right now. Fact is, let me - how many of you would like to make $300 a minute? Still not everybody. I want to know how many of you would like to make $300 a minute, TODAY on this stage. You’d do it today. Now how many of you? Because I’ll pay you. How many of you are willing to make $300 a minute today? Okay.

Speaker characteristics. I don’t know if you‘ve got what it takes. Number one, do you have a burning desire. Do you have, inside you, what it takes to help other people? I’m not talking about a burning desire to be a speaker. I’m talking about the burning desire; do you really want to help people? Because if you do, there’ll be no stopping you in this industry. None. The burning desire.

Did you know that women are taking over the speaking industry? And I believe that I know why. Now, as I tell you why, that does not mean that I don’t care, but I believe as a group, women care more than the men do as a group. Individuals, it’s up to the individual, but I remember when I watch – when I was growing up as a young man, real estate agents were all men. Women had no business in that industry is what they were saying, and today there are very few men that are real estate agents. Do you know why? Men sell houses, women sell homes. And they dominate that industry now.

I see the same thing happening in the speaking industry. It doesn’t mean that I’m going to be out of business, I am not threatened at all, but I am welcoming the women – the reason is because they care. They have that burning desire built in. I think it’s a mother instinct, or that woman’s intuition. I don’t know what it is. But the people just warm up to the women when they’re speaking.

Next, you must have a high level of integrity. Because, believe it or not, audiences put speakers on a – listen to this – on an undeserved platform. We put speakers on an undeserved platform. And because you are listening to me, let me show you the power that happens in this environment. And you must have a high level of integrity. You allow me to tell you everything that I want you to hear, and yet you don’t speak up. That’s the way meetings work. That’s the power that goes along with a speaker; we’re here to listen to the speaker. Consequently, if you don’t have a high level of integrity, people w ill not ask you back.

I have seen speakers that lied and cheated in our industry. And they’re no longer in our industry, and I am glad. Because it is so powerful, the things that I can share with you. Let me ask you - d’you know I can teach you things to do, I can teach Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

you things to say, that will move an audience. They will buy things from you when you say and do these things. That’s powerful. If I’m willing to teach you those things, how many of you are willing to commit to me that you will never abuse those skills? Okay? Because I require that. You must have a high level of integrity.

You must be decisive in nature. You’re going to be making quick decisions. Remember earlier when I said you had a set of guiding parameters. The guiding parameters – if you can double your money, if you can double your dollars doing something, should that be a yes? It’s your guiding parameters. Because if I showed you a picture of a piece of real estate and I said, “Would this be a good deal?” How do I know? Well, here’s the price: $400,000. You’ve got more information. Now is it a good deal? I don’t know.

A lot of information you need to know but still a person cannot be decisive if they don’t have a set of guiding parameters. You could make $40,000 on this. Now, the payment’s going to be $20,000 a month until you make it. I don’t know, no, I don’t think … you see there’s guiding parameters, and one of them, financially, is you need to double your dollars on every transaction.

It does not mean you can double the dollars a product costs you; it means it doubles the dollars that you have invested here. Okay? You got to … but you have to be decisive in nature. You have to learn how to do that.

But you also must relate to an audience. You’ve got to be able to relate to an audience. I’d like to ask for a show of hands on that, but I’m not; I’m going to postpone that just for a moment. I want to share a story with you. The first time I ever spoke in front of an audience I was scared to death. I had been to a seminar similar to this one, on how to invest in real estate, and I went out my first week after my seminar and I brought my first property. I was so excited I called the President of our investment club. You know, we all met once a month and we, you know, shared ideas.

I called him. I said, “Oh, man, I’ve brought my first property; I am so excited”.

And, he said, “Great, come to our meeting, won’t you.

And I said, “Okay. I’ll be there.” And I went down there and I thought everybody in the class would get up. They’d be able to tell us.

But he said,”Hey, John Childers just bought his first property. John, stand up and tell everybody what you did.”

I could have died. I was an automobile mechanic. I had never been in front of an audience. He told me to stand up; I still remember it. I stood up and they had those tables in front of me. I gripped that table, a death grip. I mean just gripped it, holding on to it. I can still remember my body shaking. You know, just, “I can’t believe you did this to me.” You know the worst thing, is my voice is shaking. And I could hear it shake. You’re like this, I was scared to death. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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But all of a sudden it all went away. When I looked at that audience and people were hanging on every word. And it was not ‘cause I was some kind of authority; it was because I was one of them and I had done it. How many of you really relate to your audience? See, if you can relate; somebody said, “Well if I come to your training what are you going to turn me into?” I’m not going to turn you into anything. I want you to be you.

Who can be a great public speaker? Two groups: an authority and a reporter. Right now you’re thinking, “John, you’re up here in front of us, you’ve been doing this for 25 years, yes, you are an authority.” But I didn’t start that way. I think the biggest roadblock to people getting started in this career, is the misconception that they need to be an authority to be in front of an audience. That is not true. It’s a mindset. And the reporter position is how you break through that.

Remember when I told you I was hiring, I hired 125 people, and we were all, we made a, we sold, those 125 speakers sold $118 million, the last time I was there. Now we made 10% commission. Figure that out. And that 10%, that’s $11 million that we split. Commission – remember I asked you would you give me a dollar if I gave you four. Well we were getting a dollar and we brought in $10 to the company. 10% commission. Every speaker there had to be reporter. I did not want you to be an authority.

Here’s what a reporter is. Let’s see if you can do this. You know, I shared with you; I want you to test this. When you go say, “I went to a seminar. I learned great ideas.” And someone says, “Yeah? What d’you learn?” As a reporter you tell them, “Did you know that no-one expects you to know all the answers? Cause you’re not the authority.”

This fear of speaking in front of group normally comes from the fact that, “Well, they’re going to want me to be the authority and what happens someone asks me a question I don’t know the answer to?” Then get out of the position of being the authority.

The best presentation I ever made is when I was speaking about someone else’s topic that I didn’t have to worry about.

Someone says, “Well, you know, what’s so-and-so about that?”

“Well, I don’t know. I’ll ask ‘em and get back to you.” So easy. Because I’m not the authority. I’m not expected to know those things. Be a reporter. If you look at every magazine, every newspaper, every television show, those people are not the authorities. They’re reporters.

Here’s a famous reporter. How many of you ever heard the name Napoleon Hill. What book did he write? Think and Grow Rich. And in the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ he interviewed 500 of the wealthiest people of his day and time. He wanted to know, “You’re successful, you’re rich. What characteristics do you have?” and he’s going to compare and see if the other people had the same characteristics. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

What I want you to understand, he became famous world-wide as a reporter, because he was NOT one of the people interviewed in that book. He was NOT one of the successful people. He was NOT one of the authorities. He was a reporter.

Now how many of you could ask people questions and write down their answer. How many of you could ask people questions and record their answers in a recorder, and develop a product that way. I’ll show you how to get started in this business. I’ll show you how to get a product: a product that’s valuable, a product that’s jam-packed with good words of wisdom, that will change anyone’s life that listens to your product. But stop trying to be an authority in the beginning, because you’ll have to fake it.

I’ve seen speakers get on the platform and I can tell from the beginning they’d never done what they were teaching “Cause I did this and I did that and I did this.” You know, they were good speakers. If they’d a changed one thing – quit telling people you did it and tell that someone else did it. “Let me tell you what so-and-so did, and they taught me how to do it, and I’m gonna teach it to you. There’s no less credibility being a reporter and it’ll get you started immediately.

You could be a student. A student – I don’t think you get near the credibility, but people will relate to you better. Who is an authority? They did something, they’re an author, they have a special skill, their unique experience. Today, after 25 years, I have experienced a lot, and as an authority on public speaking I can share with you things that you can share with others, but I know that you need to start off as a reporter.

If you’re an author – there’s something about if you have published a book, if you’ve been the author of a book – then an audience gives you undeserved credibility. We’re assuming anybody that has a book in the bookstore, that you’re an authority.

How many of you would like to be an authority? How many would like to be an author of a book? Did you know that is so easy? Yeah, how could that be easy? No, it’s easy if you understand the process. Would you like to know how to write a book in three days? How many would like to do that? Because I’ll show you how to write a book in three days.

Who’s a reporter? That’s someone who’s studied UNDER; this is someone was told by; I am teaching another person’s material. These are all reporter positions. Not trying to be an authority. I’m just reporting what other people have taught me. Who’s a student? I did what I was told, how I got started, I’m studying now, I’m just a student.

There are three things to be effective as a speaker, whether you’re on a telephone, whether you’re on the Internet, whether you’re on a platform here. These are the three things that you try to get across to an audience.

Number one, I can do this. Number two, I can do this here, and I can do it now. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Do you feel that I am doing this to you now? That I am trying to convince you that you could be a speaker, and that you could do this at this day and time, and that you don’t even have to – you can travel or you don’t travel? I am trying to get these three things across to you as a feeling.

Now I could just get up here and say, “Hey, you could do this. You can do it from anywhere you want to, and you can do it now.” But I want you to FEEL it. Those are the three feelings you want your audience to have during your presentation. So just speaking is not a – just saying words – is to say words in a way that audiences have feelings.

Next, the highest paid speakers – number one they create an information product; number two, they over-deliver on information. I hate it. I’ll watch some of my students; they’ll say, “Come critique my presentation now.” I’m paid $10,000 to critique a presentation. Is that a lot of money? They’ll speak for 90 minutes. I get paid $10,000 to take notes and tell them what’s good and what’s bad; how to tweak it.

Well, one of the things that I teach at my training is never to tease from the platform. Teach, teach, teach, teach, teach. Over-deliver on information. The audience needs to leave feeling, “My Gosh, I learned so much from that guy. I wonder what I would learn if I spent four days with him, or three days with him, which is just bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam … one piece of information after another. “

The third, you gotta be yourself. I repeat. People come and say, “What are you gonna turn me into?” Nothing. You spent your entire life developing the personality you have right now. Who am I to change it? Sometimes it may need some tweaking, but ah, no, I want you to be yourself.

Now, I have gone to trainings before in which they tried to change me, turn me into things. I went to one, this guy says, “You don’t dress properly.”

I said, “What’s wrong with my dress?”

He says, “Well, you need to, if you’re going to be the speaker you need to look like the speaker. We need you to have a three-piece suit. We need you to have the diamonds on your fingers, the gold Rolex watches, we need you to have this image.”

Well, I have an image, and my image is my brand. I always wear a sweater-vest. It’s semi-formal. It’s not formal, it’s not casual, it’s semi-formal. I feel good this way because that’s who I am. I want you to be you. Because when you are you, you don’t have to always be wondering, “What am I supposed to do next? What am I supposed to - I wonder what you’re thinking now. I wonder how does this fit? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Just be you. People want to learn the information. Be yourself and don’t let anybody change you. And do you know I’ve thought that all my life, people trying to change me into somebody else. I want to make the decisions in my life concerning me. How many of you agree with that statement here? It’s YOU. You change your life based on what you want to do, not what someone else wants you to do.

Develop your product. The most profitable topics is making money, saving money, and self-improvement. Write those down. Because if the million dollar secret is you need a product, what does your product need to be on?

The number ONE most profitable topic is how to make money. Number two is saving money. Number three is some form of self-improvement. Tony Robbins. His whole company, his whole career, is based on self-improvement. Other people teach you ‘Let me show you how to get out of debt. Let me show you how to save money’. My expertise – let me show you how to make money.

More people want to make money than any other one topic. However, I’ve got a lot of students, they teach you how to lose weight, they teach you how to get over grief, they teach you how to communicate better, they’ll teach you how to start your home-based business, they’ll teach you how to market on the Internet. There are so many topics out here, but the most profitable topics are right there. Making money, saving money, and self-improvement. And these are broad categories; broad, very broad, falling into that category.

Methods of learning. You can create written material, audio CDs, live trainings, digital products, conference calls and of course there’s more, the list goes on and on. I want to get you started here.

Now, there’s one I want you to put a check-mark by here. It’s based on this theory: never underestimate the power of the spoken word. People like to listen to you. They want to listen to the words. So your audio CDs actually is becoming an antiquated term, isn’t it? Audio recordings might be a better term, because today it’s MP3 files, so people don’t – you can’t touch them, you can’t feel them – you don’t get a physical CD - they just want the information so they can listen to it.

It just comes under the category of – and I want you to put this in your notes – people want to turn non-productive time into productive time. Your students would like to turn non-productive time into productive time. That’s the reason. My entire training has been recorded – it’s put on MP3 files – the reason, it’s ‘cause my students, when they’re driving to and from work – that is not productive time, when you’re driving to and from work. So if a person can turn nonproductive time into productive time, they will thank you.

So now when you’re going to and from work, you’re learning. So all of a sudden you don’t mind that, “Hey, it takes me 45 minutes to get to work. Instead of saying, “Ah, no”, I get to learn for 45 to 50 minutes every single morning, and I get another hour’s worth going home.” All of a sudden you look forward to these times because you’re learning every day. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Remember earlier when I said when you are in a time-for-money economy the only way for you to get more money is to get more time or to become more valuable. If you would think about it, what would happen if you listened to an hour’s worth of training to make you a better person, to make you more skilled, to make you a better communicator, to make you a better sales-person, if you improved yourself an hour every single day in the morning and an hour every single day in the afternoon, do you see your income going up? You’re becoming more valuable to your employer. And that’s in the least productive economy.

When you get into a result economy, this same training, you become more valuable every day, every day you’re learning. People want that. You want live trainings. Digital product.

The number five there – coaching- will be your most profitable product. You need to write that down. Coaching. Your coaching other people will become your most profitable product. It’s when they want you to guide them through the experiences that they’re gonna go through.

Conference calls will be your most productive product. It’s because you can speak. You’re sitting there at home, you’re sitting back in your chair, your feet up on your desk, you’re talking, and yet people all over the world are listening to you.

Now, one time I had people all over the United States listening to me, and now I go from country to country to country and I literally have people from all over the world call in at a set time and we have a conference call. And people say “Hey John, that was neat. Now tell me what that lady’s name was from Singapore. Tell me, that gentleman from New Zealand. I couldn’t understand what he was saying.” Wait a minute. You couldn’t understand what someone from New Zealand – their accent of something. Oh, by the way, those of you who are wondering if your accent might be a hindrance to your speaking, and you’re thinking, “I think I’ll ask John if my accent would be a hindrance?”

You’re going to ask ME if an accent would be a problem? How many of you feel that I have an accent? You noticed it right away, right? If I had worried about that in the beginning I never would be here 25 years later. People couldn’t care less what your accent is. Fact is, I think the two countries that have the most charming accent are Australia and New Zealand. That’s just in my opinion. I said charming.

Now, I think the most formal accent is from Britain. I think the most realistic is when you’re from the South. You know, but let me tell you about accents. In America, when you live in the South, maybe it just has to do with where you’re spending your time, but you could take somebody from the South and send them to, let’s say the North part of the country, in just a few months they will develop an accent like those Northern people. Now you could take somebody from the North and you bring them down to the South, in just a few months they’ll start speaking normal. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Okay. Let’s just see how much money you can make here, all right? Let’s start with your first product, and I’ll help you get there at your training. We’re gonna get your product started while you’re there. You’re going to be interviewing people. And then you’ll start recording your own lessons.

But let’s say that you start with a thousand dollar product. Now you’ve seen products of all price ranges here. Would a thousand dollar product be at the top end of your economic scale or the kind of lower end? That’s pretty much the lower end, isn’t it. A thousand dollar product. Okay. I’m doing this intentionally to show you the conservative approach to how much you can make. A thousand dollar product.

Let’s say you spoke to a hundred people. Now this would be on a platform. It’s EASY to speak to a thousand people at a conference call, but let’s just say you wanted to go show up at the Chamber of Commerce or somewhere, you had 100 people in the room, and MOST of the people didn’t like you at all. They didn’t think your topic was appropriate, and they didn’t like that you had something to sell.

Now you hear all these kind of things. So let’s just say that 90% of the people said no to you, “I’m not interested in your product.” And that is not unusual at all, that 90% of the people would say no. But what’s the opposite of 90% saying no? 10% said yes. All right, so you just made how much money? $10,000.

I remember the first time that this bis - I ever tasted this business. And it wasn’t a thousand dollar product. I took my first seminar and I went to little - I spoke at little investment clubs all over the state of Florida, and I said, “Look, my name is John Childers and I am the president of an investment club over here and I made a million dollars in just over three years. Now I did that from what I learned at about 50 seminars. What I’m going to do, I’m going to take the best ideas that I learned from all 50 seminars and I’m going to teach them in one jam-packed seminar, and it’ll cost you a hundred bucks to come to three days.”

And I had a 130 people give me $100. Can anybody with math tell me how much I made at my first speaking occasion? $13,000.

And I’m thinking, “Whoa.” As an automobile mechanic I’m thinking “This is big money.” Was it what? -- Hoe much were you making?

A mechanic was making $15,000. I make $15,000 as a mechanic. Thank you very much for asking that. $15,000; I never related it. I had a year’s income there from one weekend. Why? Because I taught people what I had learned from others.

Now if I had gone up and said, “I made a million dollars in three years. Let me tell you all my secrets” I don’t think people would have come. I think they liked the idea that I’m just like them, that I’m willing to share what I learned from other people. And I didn’t worry about anybody asking me a question. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Now would you be willing to go out … how many times are you willing to speak - that took you 90 minutes to do that by the way - how many are willing to give 90 minutes four times a year? Now, that’s not a difficult question. Meaning, as a part-time job, as a part-time career, one time a week, you are willing to call a group and say, “Look, I would like to speak at your group” and you make around ten grand. How many are willing to do that thirty, forty times a year? Okay. And you would have meant.

The reason I put that $400,000 up there is my first year as a public speaker was in 1982 and I netted $400,000. My first year as a public speaker. And that just beat the heck out of being a mechanic. Big time. And I had, I mean, remember when I said I didn’t go up a set of stairs, I climbed a ladder. I went straight up. And if you told me that there was a profession out here that an automobile mechanic could get into, if someone just teaches you the process, I would not have believed it.

That’s the reason I’m telling you, this is a rare presentation. You’ll never hear this again. Where someone will tell you, you can just go straight up, because you’ve got information right now, and what information you don’t have you get from somebody else and just give them credit. People want it NOW.

There’s a – I’m gonna share a story with you – there’s a company in America that you probably have heard of. It started from a man who said, “I wonder, hmmm.” For about 30 cents people could send a letter from one part of the United States to another part of the United States and it’d be there in three or four days. He said, “I wonder if people would pay $10.” Is that a pretty significant price increase?

Listen, he said, “I wonder if they would go from 30 cents to $10 to send the same letter to the same person, only it would be there tomorrow morning at 10am. What’s the name of that company? FedEx. Because he found out something. That as a group, we want our results and we want them when? NOW!

And guess what. “We want our results and we want it now but we’re willing to pay for it.” And that company just shot right up. Phenomenal success story. Because he was looking at “what do we want”? We want to learn NOW. You want to go to all those 50 seminars, or do you want to take all the best of those ideas and get ‘em condensed in one person? I didn’t create the seminars. I’m here reporting to you what I learned from them.

Now a lot of you have been - how many of you have been to seminars before? Okay. You’ve bought home study courses before. Now whether you got the results you’d hoped for or not, that is a good investment for you, because you got good information. That’s research and development. Because now you need to start putting together, as YOUR product, as your product, that will help people get started. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Four steps to your product. Number one: I’m going to show you now how to develop the product, but I promised you that I will teach you how to be an author in three days. Are you ready for that one? Let me ask that another way. Are you ready for this?

Okay. Research the top three books. Now, I’m going to give you too much information here. Maybe this is just more information than anybody wants, but I like to make sure you - there are two publishers that you may or may not be familiar with. When you go to a bookstore, one is a bright yellow book and the other one is a bright orange book. One’s called a Dummy’s book and the other is an Idiot’s Guide. How many of you have seen those two publishers here?

I want you to become familiar with those two publishers for two reasons. Number one, every book published is a howto book - how to do something. And that’s the kind of information you want to be delivering under your name, as an information product. How to do something. So that’s a good place to get research. You’ve got to research three books, right? Now, I’d get an Idiot’s Guide, I’d get a Dummies book, and I’d get a third form of reference, for the same information.

Now, then I want you to accumulate an outline. The second reason I recommend those bright yellow and bright orange books is that when you open the cover it has a 10 to a 20 page table of contents. And folks, that is an unreal table of contents. Most of them are two pages. Ten to 20 page table of contents, and I want to give you a few tricks. Maybe I’m getting into too much detail. If so, I apologise.

This is called Powerpoint, in which I’ll take a topic and I make a bullet out of it. And I’ll look up and then I’ll talk about that for two or three minutes. If you took the table of contents from an Idiot’s Guide or a Dummies book, and you made Powerpoint out of it, it would be a three-day seminar for you. And it would be in the exact logical order that you should be teaching that information. What comes first, what comes second, what comes third, what comes fourth?

Now the reason I want you to research three books, you take three books and you accumulate an outline, and you’ll notice that what you started with as an outline is going to change. “Hey, I like that Dummies book, but I like the Idiot’s Guide one chapter two, I like their title better, and I like this, and I like the way this one …” and then on that third book you think, “Well I don’t like this at all, I want to put this in here.” And then you got your own experiences. But the main thing, you want to accumulate an outcome. So far, is there anything that you cannot do?

How many of you could do these two steps right now? See, that’s the difference. You already know how to speak, you just don’t understand the system by which you make money with it.

Next, I want you to record your thought. Now this takes some explaining here. You’ve accumulated an outline and you’ve make a Powerpoint presentation of your three-day training. Now what if you told people, “Now, this training Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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normally sells for $1,000 a day, but because this is my first training and I’m going to do this for recording purposes, you can audit this for 100 bucks.”

Now you’re back where I was. If 130 people paid you $100 you’d be paid $13,000 to do a recording session. So what you do, you RECORD your presentation. Watch this. Then I want you to have them transcribed. Go to I think both of those will transcribe your recorded words for a penny a word.

So you send them the wave file, or an MP3 file, and what they do, they filter them out all over the country, and – because one person cannot type up three days worth of information in 24 hours – so you send them the recordings, they’ll send it out to 24 different transcribers, and they will transcribe them for you, send ‘em back to you, and you’ll get ‘em in a Microsoft Word document.

So that your entire … all the words in the right chronological order … what your intellectual – did you hear what I said YOUR intellectual property now. That’s not plagiarising. It’s not doing anything other than how you see this topic. That’s what all books are. All books are how that author saw that material, and re-compulated that material. And guess what? You just created your first book, in proper chronological order, and it’s all YOU.

Because, if I went up here and said, “Research the top three books” you just heard me say that. But if I asked you to get up here you would say, “Take three books and read ‘em.” That’s your intellectual property. How you see something, how you say something, is your intellectual property. Plagiarising is not a problem in our industry because if - plagiarising is when you take somebody’s written words and you take ‘em verbatim and stick ‘em over here and say they’re your words.

But here’s the trick, and here’s the key at the same time. If you read something, or you hear something, or you see something, or you experience something, when you say it in your words it is not plagiarising in any way, form or fashion because that is now your intellectual property: the way you saw that event, the way you interpret that event. Now you have your words transcribed. I feel like I’m getting in too much detail so I apologise for that.

How do I do that? Well, you need some sound-editing software. All right, you ready? I want you to go to I used to recommend another software but I don’t anymore and the reason - the other one charged., you can download their recording software for free. And with this recording software you can record, edit, you can add music to it, you can fade in, you can fade out, you can take things out and there’d be no record that those words were ever said. If you said “uh”, if you said a curse word, you didn’t want it in there, take it out. Delete it. President Nixon would have killed for this software. And Bush, right.

Ah, microphones. Now, it – ah – would everyone look at me just for a moment. I know it’s hard. This is a headset. This is actually called a microphone. Now this is called a transmitter. The microphone goes into the transmitter and wireless Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

technology; they receive it in the back on a receiver. Now the reason I tell you that much detail is the whole system is called a microphone system.

You need one. But you can spend anywhere from $100 to $10,000 on one microphone system. Your budget needs to be in the range of $300. The reason, everyone has a different quality. But this is the spoken word, not singing. You do not need a higher quality than what we have here. So spend about $300. But when you’re buying your microphone - am I getting into too much detail? -- No

When you’re buying your microphone, ask if it has two outputs on the back. One output is an output where a cable goes in and goes into the house sound system. The other output is so it goes into your recording device. That would be your laptop computer that has audacity on it. And you’re recording every presentation that you give for the rest of your life.

Then you need that small laptop computer. How many of you already have a laptop computer? Okay then, you’re 90% there, because if you’ve already got your computer paid for and you get audacity for free, all you need now is a microphone. And by the way, when you speak for other people sometimes they have the microphone. This is not my microphone. They hand it, they put it on my head, and it’s their microphone.

So you do not have to have a large investment. The largest investment you have to have is in your laptop and you already have it. Okay?

Next, start interviewing people. If you go to an electronics store, you know in the States we have one called Radio Shack, and I go down there and I get a splitter. A splitter is so that it goes in the microphone jack of your computer, and it comes out as a splitter; it has TWO, so you can put two microphones in there. That’s all it costs you - five bucks. What I want you to do is spend the $5.

Now I want you to start interviewing people. Your microphone goes into one side of this, their microphone goes into the other side, and you’re just sitting there with your laptop computer and you ask them questions. “How did you get started? Who were the most important people in your life? Why were they important to you? Were there any obstacles you got into? How would you overcome those obstacles today? Would it be the same way you did in the past? You know, if you were starting over today, what would you recommend other people do?” … things like this.

And you draw out of the experts, out of the authorities’ mouths, wonderful information that’s not your information. You’re interviewing an authority. You don’t have to be an authority. You just need to get started. You need to understand the system. You need someone like me, and I will teach you the system. This is how you develop your product; this is how you make your money. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Create a marketing blueprint. And, marketing strategies number one, you need to learn to use the funnel theory of marketing. Number two, speak phone or live. Number three, write articles and give something away free. Now, all of this comes under one heading. You are trying to build a database. You’re trying to build a database of people that you know or people that know you. Which one is it? People who know you. Thank you very much for paying attention here.

Okay. And in using these, this is a funnel. This represents the funnel theory or marketing. In the funnel theory of marketing, the funnel is wide at the top and it gets narrow. What makes it narrow is a self-fulfilling prophecy. At the top you have your inexpensive products. More people will buy your inexpensive products than will buy your expensive products.

So you get names in the top, then you’ll have maybe a hundred dollar product that gets them in your funnel. These are people that know you and are happy with you. Then, of the people in the funnel, you offer them a $500 to $1,000 product. Will everyone buy from you? They will not. You need to know that. Not everyone will buy from you. That’s called the narrowing of the funnel.

Okay. Then you might come out with a $2,000 product. Will everyone buy from you? No. When you look at the funnel, there will be fewer people buy as your price goes up. That’s what the funnel theory of marketing is all about. Now the reason you speak is to put names in the top of the funnel. The reason you write articles and submit them so that they can have content on their website, is to put names in the top of your funnel. The reason you gives things away free, there is a system to this.

There are certain things you do, now these are the top three, there may be 50 things you do to put names in the top of your funnel, and your funnel contains a database of people that know who you are and are happy with you. You start giving them away free. You write articles for them, you invite them to listen to your workshops. And it’s a system. Now could you invite other people to speak on your conference calls. And if they have a product could you share with them?

Scott Shilling was one of my students that went through about four years ago, says “John, I joined the big guys. Sold over $2,000,000 in trainings in the last month. Thanks for those private tweaks that you gave me in Atlanta. You’ve created a money-making machine.”

The reason I put that up for you is Scott came up here and he sat right here in the front row. And everything, he’s like “I’ve got to do this. John, I want to be a speaker so bad.” He sold automotive supplies. He said, “I want to be a speaker.” But he still has not created a product, so I got him a position speaking for someone else, selling their products. Now he’s on 10% commission. How much did he make that month? $200,000 in one month alone.

Now, let me give you some types of events here. You can speak for free, or you could charge a fee. Which do you think would be the easiest speaking position to get? If you were willing to speak for free. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Now, most professional speakers do not do what I do, and what I’m going to teach you to do. Most professional speakers charge a fee when they speak. And they’ll have someone on their staff that all they do is call groups all over the world or all over the nation and say, “John Childers is available. Would you like a speaker?” Now they call, and they search, and they search and search. I have never done that, I never will do that, and I don’t have anybody in my office that does that. That is a very difficult road to travel, but it is very profitable if you can get through there.

I started down a different road. I looked at - I’m a mechanic. If I can get more speaking positions for free – by the way, I have unlimited opportunities to speak for free. How many of you think you could speak if you spoke for free? Okay. Then that’s the key. Get those positions.

Now, here’s the third one. How many of you think you could get speaking engagements if you paid someone to let you speak to their group? And that’s the reason my road is nothing but profit to you. Here’s the way most – this is an insider’s secret – most events, there will be some type of financial sharing arrangement between the promoter’s side that got the people in the room and your side, that you’re delivering a product or a presentation.

So you speak for free, but if they invest, if they like you and they like your information, they’ll invest with you and there’s some type of revenue-sharing. In other words, you’re paying them to speak.

I remember talking to a lady; she said “Well, you know we have about 2,000 people at our association meeting.”

I said, “Really, what do you pay the speakers there?”

And she said, “Well, we don’t have a large budget. We can pay $10,000 for five different speakers. We have a $50,000 budget.”

And I said, “Well, let me ask you this. What if you added a sixth position? Now I don’t know if you have the room for that. Or what if you let me speak at one of those five, however you don’t pay me a $10,000 fee. Would that be a savings for you?”

And she said “Yeah. Why would you speak for free?”

“Because I’m gonna get people interested in a topic, and if they’d like more information about it they can come to my training.”

She said, “Well, that’s interesting.”

I said, “Here’s the deal. If they’re interested, they don’t have to buy anything. They don’t have to buy anything” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Did you know that I have shared everything you need to know to become a speaker today? To get you from point A to point B. I’ve given you everything you need to know, but if you want to get there fast, in style, with speed, with safety, that’s what I’m offering in a package. You need to write that analogy down. And I told her the same thing. “If they’d like for me to help them get there faster, if they give me a fee I’ll give you a percentage of that.

And she’s, “Whoa, so instead of paying 10,000 out I collect 10,000.”

I said, “No, more like 50,000.”

Whoa. And they invite me back year after year after year. There’s ways to get speaking engagements. Now, you’re going to need some marketing tools here. You need a domain name. You’ve covered all this. Your domain name is, mine is John Childers. You need ‘what you’. So I have So these are marketing tools number one.

Here are some more marketing tools I have. I live on the waterway in the state of Mississippi. And my hobbies, I have big boy toys. Now one of my big boys’ toys is, I love bulldozers. When I get on a bulldozer my personality just changes. When I get on that thing something’s gonna move. I’m gonna push something over here. You notice there are not a lot of trees here, right. Yeah, it’s the little boy in me.

I was out here and I’m pushing over trees and I’m just having the best time and Brenda comes out screaming bloody murder. “You stop that. You push over one more tree and its divorce.”

Now guys, have you ever gotten into trouble when you said nothing. So I’m sitting there. She said, “If you push over one more tree its divorce.”

I said nothing. I thought it was like multiple choice. I was wrong. I realise as I look back I should have said, “Sorry.” Right? So I did. Now this is a piece of advice. Guys, when your spouse, when your wife is upset, if you’re going to say something, start with a compliment. So I said, “Brenda, how could God make you so beautiful, and so slow at the same time?”

Now would you say I would have been better off if I had said nothing? Yes, I’m in deep doo doo now, right? She looked at me. I’ll tell you how my wife is, she’s feisty. She said, “God made me beautiful so you would love me, and God made me slow so I would love you.”

So you understand this. Okay. Now, in December, let’s see, that’ll be next month I guess, we will have been married for 40 years. Is that pretty good? Well, on our 35th wedding anniversary I went to her and I said, “Brenda, what kind of wedding present would you like?” I said, “The Sky’s the limit. You’ve put up with a lot from me.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

And she said, “Well, I’m thinking I’d like something substantial. Something that’s symbolic of endurance. Something that’s - the world would look at that and think, “Wow!” and I spent $60,000 and I bought her a bulldozer. You think she said “thank you”? No!

She said, “Okay. I gotta get you something, what would you like?”

And I said, “Well, I’m thinking, I’d like something that goes from about zero to 200 in about ten seconds.” She bought me a set of bathroom scales.

Okay. In developing your killer sales presentation, Deborah Thompson worked with me for a while. She is in events, a marketing strategist, works with high-platform speakers. “After attending John Childers’ speaker training I started to routinely close 53% of the audience.”

The reason that’s significant is because a while ago I was talking about how much money you could make if you closed 10%. If 90% of the people told you no, only 10%. She’s getting 53% of the audience telling her yes. Do you think her income dropped - went up dramatically by learning these types of strategies?

Now, in your presentation script, over-deliver, have an irresistible offer, an irresistible guarantee, close the sale and share testimonials. These are the things. Let’s go through them one by one.

Over-deliver on content. I want you to teach, teach, teach. Let them leave with, “My Gosh, if I learned this much in an hour and a half, what will I learn if I go through this entire training?”

Next. Tell people what to do, just like I shared with you. Here are the four steps. Here are the four steps. Go through them.

Next. Never hold back. Never hold back. Don’t hold any information back. If they want to know the answer, give it to them right then.

Have an irresistible offer, means you have to have an irresistible opportunity. This is so good I just can’t pass this up, this is the only time I’ll ever see this.

Have irresistible payment options. Irresistible methods of learning. Irresistible bonuses. Why do I teach 60% of this training myself? I want everybody to look at me right now. I … want … my … money. You owe me money. Does everybody understand that? The only way I get my money is for you to get money, I am going to push you. I am gonna to pop the whip. I’m gonna make sure. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Number one, you got a – you have to have a product. Is it to my financial advantage for you to get your product done? Is it to my financial advantage for you to get speaking engagements? Is it to my financial advantage to get you up and running?

Now, do you want a strong mentor or a weak mentor? Strong? Well, I am strong. And I intentionally set it up so that I don’t get my money until you get your money, and you have to have four times the money that I get. Is that a pretty good financial arrangement here?

Do you have – do I have” push permission”? By a show of hands, how many give me “push permission”. I want to push you but I want your permission to do it first, right? Do you want us to get our money? Do you? All right.

Who thinks you want it this big? Could I see a show of hands here. Okay. Renee, could I get you to pass out those forms that I have. If you’re interested in participating, put your hands in the air and let me get you an enrolment form. No decisions made yet. I just want to know if you are interested and see what’s this on the form. By the way, who’s interested in making $300 a minute today? Make sure you get a form here.

I shared with you that we’re going to have our million dollar speaker training. Now, I’ve been doing this for six years now, and in December will be the last four-day speaker training I will ever do. I am 62 years old and I am coming to an end of a certain phase of my professional career. If you want to be in this, and in this group, make sure you’re at this training.

Ah, irresistible guarantee. Remove all risk for your customer. That is why you give a guarantee. You do not want any risk for your customer. My irresistible guarantee is this. YOU hold 80% of the money. You don’t worry about getting your money back because you’re holding my money. That’s a whole different shift here. I intentionally put it that way because I am so confident in my skills to get you up and going. I know how to get you into this business. And I intentionally put it where I don’t get the rest of my money until you reach you objective there.

Now, Benjamin Franklin, a famous American, said, “When you need to make a major decision you need to make a T. And on one side of the T you list every reason you should do something, and on the other side to be fair you list every reason you should not. Let’s do that today, shall we?

Should you work with John Childers? Come to my training with me. Let me teach you the entire system to get you up in the world’s most profitable skill. If you’d like high income that’s a reason you should do this. If you like the exotic travel, that’s another reason. Your first class lifestyle. The exclusive group that you’ll be a member of. Recognition. Residual income. You need no experience. If you like to get absolutely immediate results, these are all the reasons you should. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


John Childers Million Dollar Speaker Training

Now let’s make, on the other side, let’s put all the reasons you would not want to do that. So, number one … well, there you have it. There you have it.

So, Benjamin Franklin said when you make your list it’s very easy then to see which way you should go.

Amand Morin said, “Your closing strategy rocks. I made a million dollars the first year after attending your million dollar speaker training.” Ah, there’s one of my training, and there’s David right there. Here’s another one, with Nik, came to my speaker training. Stu McLaren from Canada. Another success story. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

DAVID CAVANAGH Getting Started on the Internet Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

DAVID CAVANAGH: You see up here: getting g started on the


Internet is what I’m doing with people, and it’s for people who

David Cavanagh was the feeatured

are newbies, intermediate, or advanced d level. I was talking to

speaker for the World Intern net Summit

Jeff and his wife Sue last night out the front f and they sort of

2004 to 2007 Global events.

said, “I don’t care if people are new, as in i just getting started, they’ve got a domain name already, or doesn’t make any

David’s very direct, straight to the point, and ‘in your face’, approach is why he’s often called c on by the online and

difference whatsoever if you’ve been on the Internet, Lindsay, for a long time.” Okay?

Because as far as I’m concerned, whetther you’re a male,

offline "gurus of marketing"" when they need someone who knows exactly where to find d "the right stuff at the right time". David puts his message acro oss in a way that everybody can

female, older, younger, whatever – Inte ernet, is it all level

relate to (from the "A to Z fo or newbies" to the seasoned

playing ground when you really look att it? Yes or No? Just give

professional marketer) and he knows exactly what steps are

me a bit of feedback so I know you’re alive after lunch.

needed to be climbed to succceed and make money on the Internet.

Okay. Cool. All right. That was my last workshop in Thailand.

When it comes to learning how h to quickly and easily make

And we can see - where’s Letti? Letti’s over o there; she’s just

money on the Internet David d is the “Do-Ru”, in that

here at the moment, just over there – and then we’ve got,

everything he teaches, he ha as done for himself. Participants

who’ve we got here? Where’s Ken? Ken n’s here somewhere.

listen to him with open earss and eyes glued to the front every

Where are you? There’s Franko. Yeah, we’ve w got a couple of

time he is on stage.

people – where are you Ken? You’re here somewhere; Ken’s in there somewhere. Ah, he’s in the middlle; there he is. There’s

David has hundreds of studeents in over 9 countries as part of his Internet Coaching & Men ntoring Program.

Ken. There you are Ken.

Okay. They came all the way to Thailand to do some training with me for four days. How many m people would like to come over to Thailand and have a holid day for four days and claim it on your tax? Would anyyone like to do that? Well, I’m not a tax advisor so I can’t tell you, you can do that, but you can talk to your tax advisor and d do it. All right?

Okay. Now, if you have a look up on here. h Who am I and how can I help you? The reason I’m saying this to you first – and I’ll step off the stage because there’s too many lights - the reason I’m saying this Lindsay, Je effrey, if you don’t mind I like y look up here my name’s David Cavanagh. I’m 42 years young. Sounds pretty addressing you by name, is basically if you good doesn’t it.

I’m originally from Sydney, Australia, O Okay? And I lived for 13 years on the Gold Coast, in Mudgeeraba M – does anyone know where Mudgeeraba is? Yeah, Okaay. And Mum was a Catholic school teacher and my d dad was the field service engineer, Okay, who had very little mon ney to feed myself and my three brothers and one sister. Has anyone been in that predicament, where Mum and Dad havve had nothing really? Yeah, OK. That’s where I came from. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

I was born in, ah, I was born in Bankstown hospital, if anyone knows – I should have been Lebanese I think – Bankstown Hospital and I lived in Punchbowl. I went to Punchbowl Primary School etcetera, so even though I’m living in Thailand now I’m an Aussie. I’ve got an Aussie passport and all that kind of stuff and I’m one of the Aussies now going to America and everywhere teaching them how to do it. So it’s one for the Aussies, Okay?

Um, what I say to you here folks, three years ago I was $160,000 in debt when I knew Ken – my friend down here – ah, lived off my single parents pension with my daughter in Queensland in Mudgeeraba – and basically I didn’t have a life. Can anyone relate to that kind of thing as well? Yeah? Good. Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate it. No, anyone. I really appreciate you being honest, Okay, because I’m being honest with you, I’m being straight-forward.

‘Cause I hear – can I, okay, like I said to you last night, can I talk really truthfully, to you as Aussies? OK, I’m scared for a lot of you. I hear people out in the foyer – and again I’m talking blunt – “I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do this and one day I’ll do this.” You know what that’s called? Procrastination.

I’m scared that you, because this is a free gig, a free seminar, won’t do anything. You won’t take my information, you won’t take most of it, you’ll just go home and do nothing, go back to another seminar and say, “Well, I’ll do something after the next one.” Who agrees that’s probably right with most people? What I’d like to do - who’s prepared to change that today and actually do something, seriously?

And, whether it’s me or whatever, have I got your commitment that you will actually do something when you leave here? ‘Cause I’m scared that most people – you’ve wasted a whole weekend if you come here for the sake of, you know, coming along. There’s nice weather out there at the moment, so what I’m about to teach you today, I’m teaching you this to make money for myself and my family, but also to make you a hell of a lot more than me.

Okay. So please watch your screen. Today I live in Pattaya Beach in Thailand because the Internet has allowed me to live this dream. Now, what do you think my office is, realistically? Apple Mac! You know? Yeah, or wherever I decide to go. Now as far as I’m concerned, whether you’re Rosemary, you’re these ladies here, gentlemen, whatever, doesn’t make any difference. So, whoever you are, wherever you’re from, you can make money on the Internet if you get off your tush and do something.

But most people go home and you know what they do? Yeah. You, can fill in the blanks, OK? They talk what to themselves? You’re allowed to say it, I’m not. Yeah, that’s it, that’s the one. OK. All right, now. I - what I say to people, I thank myself, my greater power, I don’t say God, Buddha, Allah, because people disagree with you, so I’ll say the one up there, okay, and my close friends, for helping me see the light when I was down and out laying on my couch in Mudgeeraba thinking, “Well, I don’t know what to do with myself.” And if you’ve ever been in that position don’t tell me about it because I’ve been there, I’ve done it. What we was talking about last night. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

Okay. Now I tour the world teaching people how to make money. Now, three and a half years ago, laying on the lounge in Mudgeeraba feeling sorry for myself, couldn’t even pay a Vodaphone bill and getting disconnected from the dole, the single parent pension in Nerang, you know what I mean? I wasn’t feeling too happy for myself, and yet now I’ve toured the world nine times in three years. You know? So what did I do? Got off my bum and did something. Got off my bum.

First thing I did, is I met up with people like Nik Halik. I met up with better friends, better acquaintances and people that could really show me the way to do things. So hence that’s why I’m qualified to be here today. I’ve got a beautiful wife, a nine year old daughter - well she was eight there - and my new little girl, she takes after Mum. And basically my 19 year old daughter lives on the Gold Coast; she’s getting married in February … Crystal.

Just a thought for you today, folks. I’m looking for people to fly to Thailand in January, the 11th to the 14th, to train with me for three days. If I was to give you that for free who’d come along? Hands up. If I was to give it to you for no charge whatsoever who’d come and train for a few days with me learning the strategies? You’re more than welcome. I’ll show you how you can get at the end.

Okay. What I want to say to you today: discover the secrets of building your own auto-pilot business. What kind of business? Autopilot. And why am I saying that? I want you to set it and forget it. Okay? Because if you’re working too hard chained to a keyboard all day well you might as well stick at your job. Okay? What I want you to do, ladies and gentlemen, is develop a system and put a system in place that you can make money while you’re asleep. It’s banking money from people in America while you’re asleep, etcetera etcetera. Okay. In a matter of weeks or months, not years.

Now, as I said, it’s like stealing the wealth code. Okay? Because I want to show you some things today that will change your life and change your mind if you allow it to; if you give yourself permission. Now, please notice up here. Do you want to start your very own online business but don’t know where to start, what to do and how to go about it? Who are those people there? Okay; what about over here? Anyone like that? Okay, cool.

What about, have you ever toyed with the idea of quitting your own job, working from home, but not sure if you can pull it off on your own? Has anyone been like that? Okay. Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate that too. Okay. Are you tired of enduring the same routine day in and day out, when you know in the back of the mind you still have to listen to a boss telling you what to do, when to do? Anyone been like that? Who would like to go in and tell him where to put it instead of him telling you where to put it? Yeah? Okay. All right.

Wouldn’t it feel good in weeks from now if you could just walk into your place of employment and hand over your resignation, so that you can run your own home business? Now let’s put it this way. Even if you made at home, working for yourself, only the same amount as you’re making right now for a boss, would you still rather be working for yourself at home for the same money, or working for your boss? Working for yourself! Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

That’s what I wanted to do! ‘Cause I think to myself, “You can work, you know, basically with a laptop in your jocks if you want to.” Ken’s laughing over there. “I’m not going to visualise that.” Okay. But, yeah, that’s what I mean. Oh, depends what your jocks look like. No, all jokes aside folks, you can work from home in your shorts, your T-shirt, whatever. Okay? You can work in your ‘jamas in bed on your laptop if you realistically want to, and that’s the truth.

And it - when I come to Australia where’s my office now? Well it’s now there. You agree with me there? That’s my office. I can check anything I want from there. Okay. Now, that’s how I want you to be: just operating off a laptop computer or desktop computer. That’s it ladies and gentlemen.

Now what I’m offering you today: turnkey business in a box system that’ll start making you money on the Internet quickly and easily. And as I said, a turnkey system, Okay, online and offline coaching to walk you through in less than 12 weeks.

And any of my students I can let in that, I’m going to restart my new programme – you can go under any of my new programs - because as far as I’m concerned the new one I’ve got now, three support staff full-time working for me, so I mean before I was trying to do it all myself, now I’ve got three full-time – well, one full-time, two part-time support staff so you’re dealing with a team, not just David himself.

And what I’m doing is 12 weeks proactive coaching, where I show you for 12 weeks – don’t expect to make money in 12 weeks, Okay, because what are we doing in the first 12 weeks, realistically? Training and what? Building your business.

Then after that, what I’ve done now, 40 weeks of reactive coaching where you can come in, “I need some help with my copywriting”, “I need some help with my sales page”, I need some help with setting up my domain structure” or something, then we’re there – Quentin, myself, Gary and Michael – we’re there to help you. Okay.

Now, if what I’m offering you today is going to take bread and butter off your table don’t even get involved, ‘cause in Thailand I don’t need too much to buy fried rice, Okay? What I want is serious committed people who want to make some money – and don’t want a get rich quick scheme, they want a business. Okay? ‘Cause if you’ve got one product with one page on the net it’s not a business, it’s a promotion.

OK. So please watch the screen. You’ve now got 52 weeks coaching. Who thinks having a coach and mentor – a team of coaches for 52 weeks - will help you a lot better than buying a CD, DVD, and a book to take home and read? Anyone? ‘Cause I’ll tell you something. People say, “I’ve bought all these books and DVDs”. That’s fine, you’ve got a question, go talk to your book. Go talk to your DVD and see what it says back to ya. The DVD player’ll probably look at you and think you’re stoned. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

OK. Next thing. Watch this ladies and gentlemen. What’s my main outcome today? To give you what you want and what you need, ‘cause what you always want is not necessarily what you need, and what you need is not what you want, etcetera etcetera. So I’ll show you through this. Who thinks I’m going to try and sell you something today? Hands up. Yes? Okay, I won’t disappoint you.

All right. My current coaching and mentoring programme sells online for US$9,997, for a year. Now who realistically thinks ten grand for a year’s training is still very cheap when you really look at it? Very inexpensive. Ten grand for a whole year’s training. It is. Okay. But what I say to you here: who would like my programme absolutely free-of-charge today? Anyone? Free of charge; no money. There’s people with their hand’s not up. Are you guys still asleep? I’ll pay you to join, is that all right?

Okay. All right. Please pay attention; let’s see how much you can earn right now. I’m gonna ask you questions, ‘cause I’m a coach. I’ll ask you questions, you fill in the blanks. How much does my coaching and mentoring programme sell for online? And I will do it again. How much does it sell for online? -- $9997.

That’s US. If you want to make more money put USD not AUD. Okay? That’s like a ten – well, it used to be like a 50% increase, now it’s like a 2% increase. You know, it’s not too much anymore compared to what it used to be. Okay 9,997 for 12 weeks plus 40 weeks. That’s what my course is now. Okay, have a look at this; and you get local support.

Did anyone meet Michelle? Michelle who was up - had the blue shirt up here? Michelle is one of my students now and she’s going to be helping people in Brisbane as well, so you’ve got local support. And Ken on the GC – he is one of my students – he said he’ll help anyone who needs help as well, so you’ve got two people on the ground.

Okay. Next thing. I’ll just flick through this for a second. OK. This is what I’ve discovered. My students and clients want to make money on the Internet quickly and easily on autopilot. What I’m saying to you here: they want their money to be banked for them each and every month without lifting a finger. That’s the truth. People say,” I’m going to work hard.” No, they don’t work hard. They want to put in very little effort and get lots of cash back.

Okay. They want ongoing, recurring income, that’s not a once-off like $47 and $97 sale. Who thinks if you’ve got a recurring income it’s better off for you than just having a once-off sale of an e-book or an MP3? Okay. Much better. All right. Making money while they sleep is their main aim, and they only believe the truth as a result.

What I’m going to show you here: who are my current clients? Well, Okay, most of them are total newbies. They’ve never done any Internet marketing online. Who are those people here? Never done any Internet marketing. Okay Great. You’re over-qualified. You know why? ‘Cause you’ve got nothing in here to get rid of. Most people have got so much stuff in here you have to retrain their brain. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

All right. Next thing. Some of my students have got basic Internet experience. They know how to surf the net, check MSN, talk to people on Skype, go into Yahoo, chat and all that kind of stuff, and go to YouTube and everything, and – they’re all laughing – yeah, that’s what a lot of people - how many people do that kind of thing very well? Okay, cool.

And what about – a lot of people are at intermediate level and they’re making money off their sites. How many people here have got a lot of websites you’re making, a lot of websites you’re making money off? You have? Ken has. Anyone else? You have. Okay. It’s not too many but. All right.

And some students of mine have become clients, and Quentin and myself are doing their work for them, Okay, because they pay us a fee, handsomely, to do the work ‘cause they just want the job done. They don’t want to have to get their hands dirty.

All right. Getting started on the Internet is for anyone at any level. Now, I don’t care, realistically, whether a person’s a newbie – I mean I do CARE – but I mean whether you’re a newbie, whether you’re intermediate or whether you’re advanced, you’re still to me a newbie if you’re not making money online. Okay. ‘Cause there’s something missing from the system that’s not kind of putting cash in your bank. All right. Now, individuals also and companies who want to move their business to the next level fast.

OK. My thoughts for you to consider – and please write these ones down if you don’t mind – these are things that’ll really help you. Okay. These are things that I want you to definitely write down please. Paul, how you going? -- Good.

That’s all right. OK. You want to make money on the Internet in the quickest time-frame possible with the smallest riskfree investment. Okay. What I say to you here, spend little up front but make more at the back end. Who agrees with that strategy? Don’t spend too much up front but make more at the end.

And some students of mine have become clients, and Quentin and myself are doing their work for them, Okay, because they pay us a fee, handsomely, to do the work ‘cause they just want the job done. They don’t want to have to get their hands dirty.

All right. Getting started on the Internet is for anyone at any level. Now, I don’t care, realistically, whether a person’s a newbie – I mean I do CARE – but I mean whether you’re a newbie, whether you’re intermediate or whether you’re advanced, you’re still to me a newbie if you’re not making money online. Okay. ‘Cause there’s something missing from the system that’s not kind of putting cash in your bank. All right. This is for individuals also and companies who want to move their business to the next level fast.

Okay. My thoughts for you to consider – and please write these ones down if you don’t mind – these are things that’ll really help you. Okay. These are things that I want you to definitely write down please. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

Okay. You want to make money on the Internet in the quickest time-frame possible with the smallest risk-free investment. Okay. What I say to you here, spend little up front but make more at the back end. Who agrees with that strategy? Don’t spend too much up front but make more at the end.

Okay. Next thing. If I was starting today, knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t do what most of the so-called gurus are telling you, Erica. I wouldn’t do it. You know why? How many people surf the net every single day, and they’re buying piece by piece by piece by piece – you’re buying so much stuff, at the end of the day you know what you’ve got, Miles? Stuff all! You’ve got a hard disc full of pdfs, emails, new offers, new blurbs, that every bugger in the world’s trying to flog you.

Stick to one thing, focus on it, and do it properly. ‘Cause otherwise your mind is diversified one percent into 100 things rather than 100% into one thing. Who agrees with that strategy? Okay. I wasn’t making money for a while, and the reason I wasn’t is because every new offer that came up on the Internet I was buying.

And I wanted to jump from Butterfly Marketing to this thing to this thing. I was just a caterpillar, you know, that’s all I was. I was jumping from fad to fad to fad, telling people I could swim when all I was doing was treading water, and drowning. Okay? Who can relate to those kinds of things? ‘Cause I mean that’s the truth. I told you I would talk to you straight-forward today.

Now, what I say to you folks – I’ll look up here – most of the guru’s talk about it. I just want to be a do-ru, and do something about it. Full stop. Okay. I figured out the following for you. Some people have very, very little time on their hands. Who are those people here? Hands up. Okay, cool. Thank you. Anyone over here? Very little time? Okay. You’re making too much cash, that’s why you are.

Okay. Some people have got lots of time. Who are those people? Got lots of time to go for it. Yes? Oh, we’ve got a few, that’s cool. Okay. And some people have very little knowledge and don’t honestly don’t know where to start. Who are those people here? Okay. Well that’s fine, because if you don’t I can help you with that part.

Some people have too much knowledge and they’re overwhelmed and confused ‘cause they’ve got so much stuff in their head. Who are those ones? They don’t know what to do, ‘cause they’ve got so much stuff. Anyone over here? Yeah! That’s what I was. I was a walking, talking encyclopaedia on two legs who couldn’t pay the rent. Anyone, you know, been there? And on the dole, I’m thinking, “If they cut me off how am I going to eat?” Gees. McDonalds was too expensive at the time to even buy a hamburger.

Okay. So what I say to you here – everyone needs someone to focus, guide, coach them to launch a six-figure business. Okay? Now – pardon me - after surveying all my people this is what I discovered, Lachlan. If you look up here, no-one wants to learn graphics, programming, or web-design. Yeah, Rosco said, “That’s exactly right.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

Okay, and people want an easy, step-by-step system that runs on autopilot, and I’ll be talking about that tomorrow as well with you.

Okay. They also told me these things: “The system needs to be there for anyone, from any country, from any computer, any time of the day. So even if I don’t take my computer with me I can still walk into your house, anyone’s house, jump on the net and start my business.” Who thinks that’s an easier thing? “Oh, but I forgot Microsoft Front Page”, “I forgot Dreamer”, “oh Microsoft Word’s at home.” What happens then? Oh well, you’re screwed.

How about if you could just walk into any Internet café anywhere in the world and keep going with your business? Is that all right? So you could come to Thailand on a holiday with me and still keep running your business from your room, from the Internet connection.

Okay. The system needs to be easy and simple; a complete no-brainer with no prior skills whatsoever. But there’s one thing, I’ll be completely a million percent honest, you need to do work! Some people say to me, “Oh but David, you said it’d be easy.” Yes, but you need to do work. Much better than laying under a car and getting grease and oil dripping in your eyes. Okay. Here’s what you should do.

One – please write these ones down because it’s important to you. George, you need to find a willing and hungry market who are already buying things on the Internet. Why am I saying that to you, d’you reckon? Lachlan, why do you think you need people already buying stuff? Thank you, thank you. You’re already going to a market that exists.

Why go and try to sell something to someone who doesn’t want to buy? Try selling a big juicy steak to someone who’s a vegetarian. It’s not going to happen. Okay? And that’s what people are doing. They’re banging their heads up against the wall thinking, “Why aren’t I making any cash?” ‘Cause you’re giving the wrong product to the wrong market, or you’re giving the right product to a market that’s not interested, etcetera, etcetera.

Okay, next thing. That’s the first one. The second one: these things need to be desperate things. What do you think I mean by desperate? Yes, yes, exactly. Thank you, Deborah. Desperate things. What are some desperate things, do you reckon? People who know the answers, don’t say, but what do you think, for the people that don’t know. What do you think desperate things are? You already know some of these, I told you last night.

Food, what else? Yes. What about water purifiers with cartridges, what about vitamins and minerals, what about health, that people have to buy consistently? Do you get what I mean? But people are going out there designing a website, and “I’ve got this great new thing”, and they’re the only one that loves that brand new thing. They haven’t found out if there’s a market out there for that brand new thing. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

So what I say, “Let’s go and find a market that’s out there and tap into it”. What have I got already - well I haven’t got it on my hip today - that’s coming to Australia very soon that people will want? An iPhone. iPhone. So I registered and I’m just making up videos, and a membership area charging $29.95 a month. What else is coming out? You know what I mean? What happens if you’re the first one to teach how to solve the Rubics cube?

What happens for example – I’m talking straight forward here now – ladies, menopause – they buy herbal things to help them and that. Do they buy just one bottle or will they buy, if they get four and they get two or three for free, what would you buy? Straight away you spend 200 bucks; you’ve got 100 bucks in your kit for introducing someone. Nice money.

What about gentlemen who want to please their other half, what do they buy? Yeah, those kind of … but there’s herbal ones online now, they’re ‘phut’ kind of things. 200 bucks, 100 bucks in your kit. You don’t have to buy stock, you don’t have to do a website, you don’t know anything. I can show you today how to get 50, 60, 75% commission just by being the middle person referring someone to a site. Who would like that to start you off? Simple stuff.

Why am I talking health products? Thank you, thank you. People have always got problems with their health. Migraine sufferers, who’s ever had migraines? Headaches, back pain, menopause, you know? There’s so many different things. I hope you guys aren’t putting your hand up for that one. Okay. Thyroid problems. There’s so many - arthritis, hair loss there’s so many different things which I’ll show you.

Okay. Now, as I said, you need to find a hungry willing market; they need to be desperate. And what also I’ll say to you, they need, you then need to research exactly what the market needs. Please research what the market needs. Erica, why am I saying research what the market needs? You need to find your market Say for example I said to Rosco, “I’ve just made a brand new blue pen”, for example. Just imagine you don’t want a blue pen. “Rosco, would you like to buy the blue pen?” No.

Why don’t I walk up to Rosco up front and say, “What kind of pens do you use that you’re really interested in Rosco?” Find out the shape, the size, the ink, the everything. When I go back am I selling it or is Rosco buying? I’m just giving Rosco what Rosco wants.

So let’s go out there now, can you go to find places on the Internet to find what people want? Come on, give me a bit of feedback. Overture. What else? Google, eBay, Clickbank, Amazon. You see what I’m saying? Go to those places. Look on ‘hot items’, ‘top sellers’, get my point? Ask your kids. Kids know more than us. How many people have got kids? The kids solve it before … where’s your keys, you can’t find your car keys, “Oh, there it is Dad, on the bench.”

You think, “Geez, yeah I knew that.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

And kids can’t even clean their bedroom and yet they’re running McDonalds. True? 16 year olds running Macca’s and they can’t even pick up their dirty socks for Mum and Dad.

Okay. Now, the next thing I’ll say to you folks, you then build a product and site to suit them. So what we’ve done, we’ve found a willing and hungry market, we’ve found desperate things, we’ve researched, and THEN we build the site. Most people build the site and, “Oh, build it and they will come.” Well they don’t realise there’s no-one out there looking for it in the first place.

So let’s find out, realistically, what do the people want, exactly how we can help them Jeffrey, and then basically say to them from then on, “Well, once I’ve found these people let’s give the people what they want.” If you’re passionate about something and I give you exactly what you want and more, would you buy it then? There you go.

Because I’m solving Lindsay, I’m solving what you want. Otherwise what am I doing? I’m trying to ram something down your throat that you don’t even want, and you’re going to reject it. Smokescreen’s going to come up. Most people don’t sell products. You know why? ‘Cause they’re trying to throw something in your face that you don’t want. But if I was to give you something that you definitely want, you can definitely use, you can make money out of it, etcetera, I don’t need to sell it to you, you get what I mean? It sells itself, thank you Erica.

That’s what I’m saying. With my programme, bottom line is, that’s my sales pitch over and done with. You either want it or you don’t. You know if this is for you. I’m going to give you, like, three hours tomorrow of full training to show you step-by-step stuff as well. But what I’m saying to you folks, who realistically want to run an online business, Internet business, hands up? Yes? Good. Well you’re the people I’d like to talk to.

Okay. Next thing. Now, what I say to you - not the other way ‘round - I’ve heard all these gurus in Australia tell me, and I’ve been knocked in forums by it and all this kind of stuff, “Find a passion, find a niche, find a topic and write an eBook about it.” Heard it all the time. I’m thinking what a load of – yeah, that – I’m thinking, “What a load of crap!”

The bottom line is, find out what the people want and then go and write something that’ll match what the people want, not what you want. ‘Cause otherwise the only one checking your stats and your figures is YOU. It’s like putting an ad in the yellow pages and getting no phone calls and figuring out you didn’t even put your phone number on the bottom. It’s ludicrous.

Next thing. Here are the easy steps. Select the very best keywords and key phrases that people are looking for. Now, if you find out something, like iPhones, whatever, okay, put that word in and find out the kind of things people are looking for. And then, those words can be used in your headlines, in your ads, in your body copy, in all your bumper stickers, in your offline marketing, your online marketing. Give people what people want, rather than giving them what you think they want. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

I’ve got software, I’ll show you this quickly. I’m using my Mac here but I’ll just give you a quick look, I’ve got it there. Okay, what I’d like to show you here, here’s my keyword niche-finder. Now I made this up and all my members get this. Okay, we’re in Brisbane at the moment, so just type in ‘Brisbane’ for a sec. I’m not saying that everyone’s searching for things for Brisbane, but I’m just trying to illustrate a point, Okay?

I go to Overture or wherever – I can pick which one I want - and I press search. Okay, hopefully the Internet’s on. Sorry? Ah, I don’t need to go full strength for that. Ah, here it comes. There we go. Okay, I’ve got them now. They’re all the searches. I copy my keywords to the clipboard and I shut that. Now, what’s that just given me back? The top hundred keywords that what? People searched for in Overture over the last month.

Okay. All right. So I’ll shut that now, and I’ve just copied them to my clipboard. I’ve now got other software called ‘domain availability checker’. I will go in here and I will paste them in, I’ll press ‘Ok’, and then I’ll go ‘analyse’. Now watch what happens here for a sec. What’s it now doing, ladies and gentlemen? It’s now adding a dot com at the end of those hundred words – is that a sneaky bit of software or what - to see if that’s available for the people. So now what am I doing? I’m going to register a domain name that I know people will love, based on what they’re telling me they want. Is that smart?

People say, “Oh, but go and build this site with this template.” Well let’s ask the people what they want and build exactly what they want and just present it to them, and then they’ll buy. So I’m just going and finding out what they want, adding a dot com and giving it back. Okay. It goes to the top hundred. There’s no use going to the top thousand, two thousand, otherwise you get right down into one click per month or something.

Okay. Now, I’ll have a look here and let’s see what’s available, and you tell me if any of these domain names – and don’t go and snap them up if they’re really good. Listen, you just calm down Ken. I’ll open this up for a second. Check this out. I’ll pull it across. Let’s have a look at what’s available. Okay, status, ‘available’, up the top.

Okay, what have we got?; let me see,,, goldcoastbrisbane,, is that still a good name? Brisbane Queensland Australia?

There we go, what else have we got? Time in Brisbane, Brisbane cheap car rental, Marriott Hotel Brisbane, Stanford Plaza Brisbane. Hello? Street art Brisbane, Brisbane graffiti, Hilton Brisbane, Riverfire Brisbane, Brisbane Convention Center with an ‘er’. People still from the States’d spell it that way. Okay? Then what have we got? Time in Brisbane Australia. Do you reckon there’s some of those domain names, for ten bucks, you might to make some money out of?

Now, and I’ve only put a stupid word just like Brisbane. You get my point? How many people realistically think that straight away out of that software you can make money straight away, just for that, without even me coaching you? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

Okay. So what I’m saying to you there, that’s my two bits of software I wanted to show you. I’ll just shut this and I’ll go back here for a minute. Okay. And as you can see – can you run XP just as good on a Mac. All right. Okay.

All right. So that’s the easy steps I’ve shown you. Um, you search for the very best keywords that people are looking for, and the key phrases. ‘Cause I’ll give you a hint. People always say, “Pick the best keywords” That’s wrong. People don’t search in a word, they search in a phrase. If you were looking for a restaurant in Brisbane, what would you probably type into Google? Thank you Rosco. Brisbane restaurants. Now if you were looking for Italian ones, Jeff, what would you do? In Brisbane. Italian restaurants Brisbane.

But I get all these people, “I want to be number one for restaurants.” Well, even in the off-chance you ARE, do you really think people going from Mexico looking for a local one in Mexico are going to come to one in Brisbane? You see? But people say, “Oh but I’m not getting hits.” Well, come to Thailand, join a Mai Tai studio. You get lots of hits.

Hits are how idiots track success. I would rather get ten people to my site with eight people buy, rather than 1,000 people getting hits and looking at my stats counter and getting no sales. One’s called smart; one’s called really dumb. Do you agree with me there? I just want money! Cash! People say, “Oh I need flashy bells and whistles on my site.” Why? Why? You’ve got a back pain or backache that “Warning,” you know - and you’ve got a really good sales out of it and a PayPal button. Do you need the flashing bells and whistles, really? No! Flash ain’t cash!

Next thing. Choose an easy-to-remember domain name, once you’ve got my software and you get the names, you put a dot com, don’t put any dashes in it. Like I said to you last night when you were here, don’t get any dashes in it. Why wouldn’t you get a dash in your domain name? What do you reckon, Rosco? Too hard? Yep. Deborah? Thank you. They forget to put it in. Do you see what I’m saying Jeff? Don’t do that.

Why wouldn’t you get – I’ll just hop down here – why wouldn’t you get a dot org, Rosemary? Yeah. Why wouldn’t you get a dot bis, dot info, all that stuff? You get my point? And what I’m telling you – I’m giving you a lot of content here – I‘m trying to give you a lot of content so you can go home and use this. Don’t get dashes dot com, dot bis, dot info, or anything. Just get a dot com.

Why wouldn’t you get a dot com dot au, for example? People - well, it doesn’t restrict you to Australia, but people THINK it restricts you; “Oh, but they’re in Australia. I’d better not deal with him. They still sell it the same way as anybody else. It’s an eBook; it still downloads in the same time. But you’ve got this mindset in their head that they can’t do it.

So a dot com, where do you think they’re based? Kind of wherever. Usually in the States, but kind of wherever. Okay? So what I say, get your dot com. And what I would say to you - go to Go Daddy to get it. Go to Go Daddy to get it. They’re about ten bucks now. They’ve gone up a little bit with ICANN charges, etcetera. But you can go to Google and put in Go Daddy coupon codes and get discounts and all that, about ten bucks. But who in this room hasn’t got $10 to register a Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

domain name? If you haven’t, borrow it. Go and get your own name dot com, or your own name online dot com, or ask David Cavanagh, or David Cavanagh says, or whatever, dot com.

Who, out of all those people – who are the people sitting here tonight will go home honestly and do it? Who did it last night when I told you? One, two, three, four, oh we’ve got about four or five already. You did too? Good. Michelle, Okay. Was it hard to do? How hard was it to do folks? Simple as. And you’ve now got your own name dot com. How do you feel having your own name? Even if you haven’t got a website you’ve still got it so no-one else can knock it off.

Okay. Next thing I’ll show you here. You want to host your domain, so you’ve registered it – you’ve found out what you want - and then you host it on very good web servers that will give you 24 hour support, seven days a week, and they will be, for you, giving you a free trial or a free 30 days or something, to test out if they’re any good or not. Okay?

The best one I’ve found overall – I’ve tried heaps of them – is Now I’ll tell you why and I’ll show you tomorrow. They give - you can host all your domains for $9.95 a month – they’ve now gone down to $7.95 if you pay a year in advance, so say $9.95 a month - unlimited domains, and they’ve got 24-hour service. Who thinks that’s quite good? US, $9.95 a month, and you can host unlimited domains on there.

I’ve got on one of my accounts 77 domains and I’m paying ten bucks for it. Not bad value for money; 77 cents a domain. But yet some people in Australia have told me, and I was speaking in the corridor last night, 45, 50 bucks, one domain. Aussie. That’s called getting ripped off dot com.

Okay. All right. So. And I’ll tell you what, I made an arrangement with Hostgator, as I told Wolfie I don’t want a commission out of them, I don’t want a cent out of them, but what I want them to do is look after my people.

So what I say to you, if you go there and you sign up, put the coupon code of David in the little box. I then get a free month. I don’t get a DOLLAR. I get a free month, you get a free month, you get a month’s discount, and they get a customer. Is that a win, win, win for all of us? They get a customer, you get a free month, and I get a free month. Is that cool for all of us?

I was their second top affiliate, three months ago, I was telling people in Perth. They don’t pay me a cent but they had a board meeting and they said something about, “Oh, we better look after our top affiliates and that, and pay them like a bonus – they sent me 11,000 bucks US. Now that was, even though I don’t get paid, I said, “Thank you and you can put it back in next year if you want as well.”

So, BUT if I put them 149 or 150 customers, how many of those people told other people, etcetera etcetera. They could have got four or five hundred customers for all I know. But, for me, 11,000, well my wife and I had a very, very nice dinner that night. It was a lovely dinner. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

Okay. Next thing I’ll show you on the screen. The next steps are these. Get a great system in place that doesn’t need Front Page, doesn’t need Dream Web, it doesn’t need a web designer. Okay? One that’s so simple a 14 year old boy or girl can do. Now, why am I saying that to you? If it’s too hard you’re going to get bored, and gonna give it up and, “Oh, web designing isn’t for me”, “web marketing is not for me”, “can’t do this stuff” Do you agree? I want it to be simple and basic so any person can actually do it.

All right. Now, make the system that you design, I’ll show you the system I’m using - use a word, like Microsoft Word-like system, so then you fill in the stuff, bold it, centre it, press save and it’s up and running. Okay. So then anyone can do it. All right. And, how many people here know how to use Microsoft Word, just a word processor? Okay. So most people here still know how to do what I’m telling you already. All right. Copy and paste. Who knows how to copy and paste? Just copy something and paste it? Again, that’s the only things you realistically need. Okay?

I’ve made this system so simple and basic that anyone can do it as long as you just do a bit of work. That’s it. You don’t have to learn too much. But the end result must look totally professional. Why? Because you’re marketing a product or service, and if you’re marketing a product or service to someone, do you at the end of the day Colin, do you want it to look professional or just amateurish? Professional! It can be basic, the back-end can be really basic and simple for them, but you want them to come across and look nice and professional and clean.

Okay. Now, all I’ll say to you folks, if you look up on the screen here, there needs to be a way to turn your site into a site that can make regular, ongoing cash each month. Now I’ve never even told Letti and all these guys this – this is a brand new presentation I’ve put together. I tell people do eBooks, do MP3s, do audios.

Now that’s all great. But what I say to you: what happens if we could turn that into a membership site that you can get ongoing income every month? You get my point? Now what do you have to add to that site? A few articles, maybe a couple of little videos, but I can get people, as Letti knows, from the Philippines for seven bucks to write you a 700 word document, and you own the copyright to it. You have to buy ten at a time. Who thinks they can spend $70 US and get people to write the stuff for them? You’ve now got a website; you know what you’re now doing? Instead of being the web designer and all that, you’re the marketer. You’re working ON the business rather than in the business.

Okay, next thing. Pages, articles, blogs, etcetera must be able to be added at a click of a button. Not just, “Oh, I have to install this script”, because then people say, “put it in the too hard basket, throw it away.”

Okay. Next thing. Audio must be able to be added to your site quickly and easily. Who knows what the best microphones that do audio on the Internet are? Who thinks they know? Anyone over here? I’ll show you something. I’ll show you what I use while I’m here, ‘cause I did a podcasting thing last night; I’ll give you a quick look. Hope all my stuff doesn’t fall out of my bag here. One of these things. Little Logitech headset. 70 bucks. People say, “Oh, but you should go Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

and buy a big audio technica and a sound desk and this and that. You’re recording for the web, you’re not talking on Triple M.

Okay? What do you say when you get there? “Hi, this is David Cavanagh. Welcome to my site. Put your name and email below, click the submit button and I’ll see you on the other side.” That was really difficult to say. You know it in your sleep if you write it down.

Next thing. Video must be able to be put on your site. Why do you think video works so well now? Look at UTube. Look at video, Google video. How many people have ever been to UTube, in here, this room? Anyone? And how many people have been there for a visit, seen some funny things, and they’re stayed there for quite a while? Anyone been there for an hour or two? I have. Yeah, I have, I’ve been there for a while.

Okay. So, video. So what can you do when you video? You can sit there, Erica, “Hi this is Erica. My new eBook I’m putting out such and such.” But then, what are you doing? You’re attracting audio and visual, you see, like a TV. Turn the sound down on a TV and what happens? You’re wondering what the hell they’re saying. Turn it up and turn the picture off and you think, “Wonder what they look like.” You get what I mean? But if you’ve got the two what are you doing? You’re attracting both senses.

Okay. Next thing. Autoresponders. Who doesn’t know what an Autoresponder is, just so I know? Good, thank you. Don’t know? Tell me the truth, so I know. Okay. Thank you for your honesty. Autoresponders, when you write to David@ David Cavanagh, or whatever, bang, an email comes back, “Thanks very much for getting in touch with me.” That’s an automatic response.

But there’s another one which I’ll show you tomorrow which would have a series of them, sequential ones. Day one – “Thanks for buying my eBook”; day two – “Did you consider getting the CD with it”; day three – “Hey, did you like it?”; day four – “Want to make 50%? Refer this to a friend.” Get what I mean? You’ve written them out once, press set, and what do you have to do then? Nothing. That’s right. The only time you have to amend it is if you want to change some words or the prices. It’s like a mobile phone, you set it and forget it.

Okay, next thing. Your site should be able to market your own products or services. Definitely. Because whether you’re a sheep-grazer, whether whatever, cattle-farmer, whether you’re a person working in a shop, whether you’re in retail, you’re in wholesale, whatever, you need a website nowadays. If you haven’t got a website nowadays what do you think people in the market perceive you as? What do you think? Very antiquated. They think you’re old-fashioned, “Oh they haven’t even got a website.” Even if you put up a page to show you exist, you’re alive.

A lot of people – how many people here do their shopping off the net now? Ebay, and they go through Google, etcetera. Quite a lot, see? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

So it’s like the Yellow Pages. If you’re not in the Yellow Pages and you’re not on the Internet where are you? You’re waiting for business to come and they’re never going to get there in the first place. Now Ben said to you yesterday about search engines being a major thing; I agree. But what I’d also add to it, and I’ll say, and I’m not in any way going back on what Ben said, I will say to you: “Don’t throw all your eggs in the one basket with search engines.”

‘Cause you optimise all your sites for Google, what happens for example tomorrow if Google change all their algorithms? There goes your strategy out the window. Why don’t you put, for example, 12 eggs in different baskets? One for Google, one for MSN, one for Yahoo, one for joint ventures, one for direct mail, one for bumper stickers, etcetera, one for T-shirts and banners, joint ventures with other people, word of mouth advertising, TV, radio, you get my point?

Pay-per-click search engines. Okay? Not JUST search engines on its own. Do you agree that’s a better strategy if you’ve got the whole lot combined together? Okay? Just nod so I know you’re alive after lunch. All right.

All right. Next one. Your site should be able to sell your own products or services. Or, what I recommend when you first start – because how many people in here haven’t got their own product so far? Hands up? Great. What should you do when you first start? Promote someone else’s, Erica. Promote someone else’s site for up to 75% commission when you first start.

So what are you then? You’re just being the middle man or middle person. You’re just – you’ve got a person wanting something here – you’ve found it, you’re in the middle, you’re just putting the two together and you’re getting up to 75% cop for just introducing. Who thinks that’s a fair deal for you? You don’t have to do stock, you don’t have to dispatch anything, you don’t have to do anything except say there, yeah, you’re introducing the two parties together.

Now how many people here are into property investing? Anyone? What happens if I can show you – my brother is a property investor in Queensland. He’s also a valuer. As Warren said to me, you can put up a site – what happens if you can collect leads and sell them to real estate agents? What happens if you can collect leads of people looking to buy in a certain area? If you were the real estate agent would you buy those leads off the person? Yeah? ‘Course you would.

What happens if you were looking to sell your house? Would you put your house on eBay? But most people think, “I’ll go down to the local real estate agent; he knows best.” Half the time you can do it all yourself. With a video, put it online and sell it yourself. I’ve had quite a few people – oh, about six people now – through my course, sell their property and buy property through the real estate through the Internet.

Okay. Next thing I’d like to show you. Have a look up here. Your site should be able to be promoted by other people as well. So you should be able to sign up affiliates to promote YOUR things. Who thinks they’d like to get their own product to get people promoting your product for YOU? Anyone would like that? Yeah? Why would you like your own product Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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being promoted by everyone do you think? Yeah, you’ve got like 500, 1,000 whatever people out there all talking about you, while you’re in bed or you’re on holiday or shopping or whatever with the kids.

Most ladies that I’ve surveyed said they never get time with their family, never get time with the kids, they’re washing and ironing, they’re doing everything. And they’re still trying to do everything and they never even get time to, like, cuddle the kids or anything. True girls? Sometimes it’s just so hard with working 24 hours, doing everything, and hubbies sometimes we don’t really respect how hard the girls work.

Because some of the girls at home, they’re washing, they’re ironing, they’re cooking, they’re cleaning, they’re doing everything and looking after smelly nappies and everything else and we say, “Darling, what did you do all day?” And the girls go, “Don’t even go there. Just do not go there.” Right, ladies? They’re smiling here at me

Okay. Next thing. Kind of niches that works well. Who wants to know the niches that work really well, you can sell straight away? Anyone? Hand up. Yes? No? Okay, cool. I’ll show you a few. Personal development. Who’s that? Hey, that’s Letti, and the guy up here with the Tony Robbins shirt. Okay. What else? Gardening. Who’s into gardening? Anyone? Weddings?

Now a lot of people are just, they’re, I wouldn’t say they’re stupid or dumb because they’re not, no-one’s stupid or dumb, but they’re ignorant to the fact of what they can sell. They just sell a wedding thing. Now what can you sell with weddings? DJ services, car hire, suit hire, cakes, stationery, DJs, venues. Get what I mean?

What happens if you get linked to all those people, get commissions off every single one of them, and you’ve just got one site? Who thinks they’d like to be able to do that? No matter what they bought have you realistically got the cars for the car hire? No? But you’re getting paid 20% or 10% cop for just for connecting them with someone else. Who thinks now you see what I’m saying? Can anyone understand it now?

Okay. Next thing. Building a website. A lot of people want to know how to do it. Sports coaching, weight loss, real estate, stocks and shares, dog training. How many people here have got dogs or cats? Horses. Health problems – huge, huge, huge one. Wealth. Mindpower and hypnosis.

I was a registered hypnotherapist, for seven years, and don’t worry I’m not going to turn you into a frog or anything. Martin St James. Anyone know Martin St James? Martin St James is one of my biggest clients from the Gold Coast. And, what I’ll say to you folks, as Martin said, he’s selling more stuff from his shop and online now than he was when he did Tweed Heads, etcetera.

If anyone’s seen his shows, he’s selling more online, on his Martin St James and Master Martin dot com, through what we did, than at the shows in back-end sales. Okay? Why? ‘Cause they know of him, they hear of him, they go to Google, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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they go there, bang, “Oh yeah, I’ll buy that course; it looks pretty cool.” And then they go into his studio in Broadbeach in the Oasis, and what do they do? They then talk to Martin – not himself, but on a video, DVD, do his course, pay two grand. See what I mean? Back-end sales is big.

Next one. Arts and crafts, travel and holidays, home builders. What about scrapbooking, acupuncture, chiropractic. What could you do with a chiropractic website, if you made something up? Think for a minute. Give me a bit of feedback. Sorry sir? Yeah, you could have a chiropractic directory. What else? What happens if you - what are chiropractors looking for? Come on, give me a bit of feedback. Sorry? Thank you very much. Customers and clients.

What happens if YOU could put people – if Ross was a chiropractor you could direct clients straight to his door and you could get 10, 15% cop, just by having a site. Would that be a nice little income for you for doing nothing? Yet he’s happy, he’s more than happy giving you money. ‘Cause the bottom line is chiropractors now don’t usually get you on one visit.

They sign you up and tell you, “Luckily enough, we can help you. And, you worry about your kids don’t you, so bring your kids in because we want to adjust them while they’re young … three times a week. And your Mum and Dad, and you love your grandparents as well don’t you.” The whole lot are signed up and they’ve all got stretch bands, they’ve got back bands, and they’re drinking water and they’re walking. And it’s a two-minute adjustment, “Come back tomorrow, we’ll see you again.” True? Anyone done it before? I know the approach. I know their sales pitch backwards.

Okay. Next thing I’ll say to you here. Coaching and mentoring, coin collecting, retirement planning is a huge one, computer training, audio and video, health and family, house and garden, self-improvement. How many people are interested in one of those things up there? Hands up. One of them, just one, or even more?

Now, how many of those people who like one of those don’t really know much about it but you’re interested in it? Do you need to be the expert, or can you go and interview someone and give him 50% commission. Get what I mean? Ring them up over a phone, record the thing, give em 50% cop. So now, are you the expert or are you just the interviewer? Get my point? You don’t have to be smart. Well, or should I say, yes you’re smart by doing that, but you don’t have to work hard.

Anyone – how many people here can talk on the telephone? There you go. I’ll tell you now, if you join my course, how about you ring me and ask me ten questions, we put it in an MP3 and you sell it online. How to get started on the Internet. There’s a course. What do you have to do? Ask me ten questions I already give you. You just have to read the bit of paper.

All right. Next thing. Here’s my challenge to you. Who wants to learn exactly what you need to do, step by step, right here today, to make money online … who aren’t already in my programme of course? Who wants to know? Okay. I want Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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five people to come up here who have a niche – who’s got a niche in mind, out of those people? How many people have got a niche in mind? Hands up. Who’s got a niche in mind that you can promote?

Come on, I’m helping you today. So who’s got a niche in mind that they’d like to build online? Okay, I’ll get you up here for a second. Come up here. Who else over here? Sir, come up here. Yeah, you come up here. Couple of ladies, not just the guys. Girls? Some of the girls. Come on, don’t sit there like this. I can handle rejection, my mother didn’t even love me. I’m only joking. Okay, one of you girls here. Give her a round of applause. Come on. What about one of the girls over here? Any girl. Ah well, good, get up here. Come on, good on you beautiful.

Okay. I’ll just get you to move back a little bit if you don’t mind. Okay, I’ll get a microphone up here. Thanks Renee. No, I’m not doing a hypnosis show. Okay. Okay. Terry, if you could tell people exactly what kind of niche you’d like to promote online? Okay. I’ll ask you a question then; winning the lottery. Have you ever won a lottery? -- Yes.

Okay, well that really stuffed up the rest of my questions, didn’t it. You should say, “No.” Okay, no, no, that’s all right. Okay, well, I suppose he might be in a little bit of an advantage to tell us how to win on the lottery. Do you feel that you know extra things that can make us win a lottery? We, normal people, not like you. Really?

Okay. Who thinks they might like to find out his information. If he gave you a free report to show you how to do it, that of course would lead up to an eBook sale, but if the free report really got you in, how many people would probably put their name and email and register for his site?

Okay. Thank you. Next one. Your first name? Pleased to meet you. And what kind of thing would you like to market online? -- Health.

Health? What kind of health? Okay. Do you think that would sell online? Okay. Good.

Next person. Erica. What do you think out of all the niches that are available, what do you think you could market online? Which one? Okay. And what do you know about that yourself? Okay. Could she turn that into a membership site? How? What would she have to add each month? Few articles, newsletter, little video of her just doing some gardening or showing ‘em different ways to do it. Okay. Cool.

Next gentleman. What’s your niche that you’d like to work on, sir? Video games. Do you think video games – Halo and all those kind of things - do you think video games are a big one? Don’t need to go any further. Thank you.

Okay, and what about yourself sir? What’s your first name? Okay. Oh, Okay. Whoa, that’s a good one, that’s a good one. Okay. Folks, give them all a round of applause. You can sit down now. I just wanted to – no, thank you folks. Okay. There you go Renee. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

This is Delvene. Whoa, did you like that or what? Was that sexy or what? Okay. Now I’ll show you something in here folks. I’ll get out of here for a second. I’ll just show you something online. Check this out for one second, if you don’t mind. Watch this for a second. I’ll give you a quick look. Getting started on the Internet – well, if I can spell it would work better. Put a ‘t’ on the end Dave. Okay, this is my site. Now I just want to show you something really quick, because I can set you all up with a site like this that all you need is a banner, a footer and a button to buy.

Do you all think that you could figure out something to do that? And I can even get your banner, footer, your buttons and everything done for nothing, because I’ll give you the software. Do you think now you could do it? Okay. Cool.

Now, what I’ll say to you here: if you read all this kind of stuff here, I’ve got a full guarantee on my course. But there’s no refunds if you don’t finish it and you don’t build your sites as instructed, because I mean as far as I’m concerned if you don’t do what I tell you then of course the guarantee’s null and void.

But what I do say to you folks: check this out. You click join, click the button, you can pick free membership, or 9997, and what currency? US. That’s why – that’s what I said to you. I charge 9997. Why have I charged 9997 do you reckon. Why not higher? No, PayPal won’t accept any higher. I’d have to do two payments otherwise. All the gurus tell me a seven’s good, so a 9997.

Okay, otherwise I would have done a 14 grand. Because, what happens, like Dino, he made five mil. And you met Dino at my seminar and that. Dino made five million bucks in real estate sales. Now I didn’t really do a lot for him except show him how to do squeeze pages, which you get the name and emails, how to do his Google campaigns, how to do his article-writing, etcetera, etcetera, but indirectly through my coaching he sold, bought houses etcetera and made 5 million bucks. So really, has my coaching still made him five million bucks? You see what I’m saying? And yet what did he pay me. He paid me ten grand. Who won out? Who do you think won a little bit more? Okay? He won very well.

What I say to you here, if you press free membership – and this is the kind of sites I can - I’ll make up for you, myself and my team can make up for you straight away. Okay. Join for free. And you know what you see in the free part? Basic articles that are good. That’s it. But if you want the videos, the MP3s, the downloads, guess what you have to do? Join. It’s only logical.

You give them enough meat to tease them to say, “Wow, I really like this, this is great. I’ve learned a lot. And if I’ve learnt this much for free, what am I going to learn if I pay ten grand!” You see what I mean?

Okay. Now. If you pay, if you go back, I’ll show you this. And don’t get me wrong. Your thing, you can have a threemonth thing for $29.95 or something that continues, 12 months. Now you click to pay by PayPal. Who thinks a system like that, if I designed - that’s very easy for you to start making money? All you have to do is fill it with content. That’s all you have to do, just put your content in. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

Okay. So what I say to you: say for example I log in here just to show you ‘cause if you sign up with my course today this is exactly what you get as well. You get full access to this. Watch this. Straight away it addresses you by your name. Why do you think people like being addressed by their name? It personalises it. Because what’s the best name in the world for you? Your own. Okay, your own.

So what I say to you, when you’re writing your sales page you go, “Hi David, welcome back” and you think, “Oh wow, he knows my name.” Of course it’s the script that puts the name in, but to you, don’t you still feel like you’re not a number at a bank, on a cattle herding machine?

Okay. So what I say to you here, I do not take emails off people any more. What I say to people, you go to and you put in a ticket and Quentin, myself, Mike or Gary answers your ticket for you. Why do you think I don’t accept emails anymore? Well, some people don’t write you an email, they write you a novel.

But, one, I’m at seminars, I can’t afford to waste time sitting there answering an email this long. But two, if I’ve got Quentin on board - Quentin’s been online for ten years, he’s got a six-figure income for the last four years, I’m quite sure he can still teach people the basics of how to get started on the Internet. So Quentin will write a novel back to you. That’s great. That’s what I pay him to do. Okay. Mike and Gary can do the same things.

But what I say to you folks, emails can go to your spam bin. Emails can be deleted. People say, “David, I sent you an email”, I didn’t even get it ‘cause the site was hacked, or something. So what I say to you, what happens if you get a support desk, that you fill it in and it stays on the web, so even if I don’t get the email I can still check on the web to see if it has come into me. You get what I mean? So then it’s easier. So that’s why I say to people, and that’s what I encourage you if you start something.

Next thing I’ll say to you here: training videos. Look what I give people in mine now. Okay. I’ve got 47 videos there, another 29 there, Okay, then bonus products which I don’t even usually tell people about. All different sites, templates, headers, graphics, eCovers, scripts. Okay? Is there enough there, 345 add-in sites, I give you all these things. There is totally more than what I’m telling you today.

Who thinks out of those kinds of things you could make some money out of them? Straight away. Anyone think that they couldn’t make any money out of them? Okay. Watch this. And there are still heaps and heaps. There’s graphics, there’s templates, there’s newsletter-former, there’s colour scheme, my keyword finder, domain finder.

Okay. There’s also master rights. Now, who would like 22 websites given to you to sell, you’ve got the word document, you type in YOUR name, press save, and you can sell it as yours. Who would like 22 of those sites immediately? Yes or no. I’ll show you. Tell me if you’d like these sites. I give you the graphics, all you have to do – how many people can open up a Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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word document, type in your name where it says type in your name, press save and upload it to the web? Anyone can? And I’ll even show you a video on how to upload it to the web.

All right. Here’s some. Tell me if these’ll make money for you. Bird watching for beginners. Who thinks, yes or no? Hands up. Bird watching for beginners. Do you think that’d work or not? Okay. No I mean the ones with wings. Okay. Bonsai tree pruning. What about – I don’t know about this one – how to attract butterflies to your garden - but I noticed that when I typed in gardening people want butterflies.

What about buying a car with little or no credit. Yes or no? Okay. What about – and could you download that package, have a look at it, and re-do it and put buying a house with little or no credit? Buying a boat with little or no credit? Could you do the same concept but just change it around?

Okay. Collecting coins. What about the Guys’ Guide to the Delivery Room? Girls? Would that sell? Girls said, “Give me a copy, I want to give it to the hubby.” Okay, what about how to interpret your dreams? Does anyone want to know what their dreams mean? I know a lot of ladies like that stuff, do any of you gentlemen like that too? No?

Okay, what about organic gardening for beginners. There’s another one here. Protecting yourself from identity theft. It’s an awesome one. What about improving your marriage to newly-wed status? All the girls are giving a little smirk right now. Okay. You need to send him to one of those health science labs.

Okay. Scrapbooking for beginners. How to improve your self-esteem in one weekend. Anyone think that one? How many people have got friends that haven’t got as good self-esteem? Anyone? Yep, exactly. And now I’m giving you all the graphics, the website, the word doc, the pdf, everything, you just add your name, press save, sell it. That’s it. Okay? I’m giving you all these.

Now, online dating for senior citizens. I always get a laugh there wherever I show it, but do you know what, when I searched senior citizens, online dating came up huge. Does it mean that a person over 40, 50, 60 can’t find a partner? Aren’t they entitled to be happy?

Okay, what about this one? Overcoming your fear of spiders. What about stress and anxiety? How to budget a family vacation. The perfect wedding, losing weight without starving yourself, a newbies guide to woodworking, and what about yoga and meditation? All you do, click on one of those, you download the files straight away, you’ve got your own website ready to sell.

Now Letti, I don’t know if you know about these ones, but now guess what you’ve got. You’ve got 22 websites like that ready to go, to sell tonight? There you go. You’ve got them. What I’ve given you today, have I tried to give you a lot of Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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content? I’m not up here to give you a sales pitch. I cannot sell you something you don’t want to buy. But I can offer you the best coaching programme in the world for people getting started on the Internet. Okay?

And I’m telling you, if I’m giving you all this information and giving you three hours training for nothing tomorrow, how much do you reckon you’ll get in my course? Letti, you came to Thailand. What did we do in Thailand? What did we do Ken? Franko? Sorry? You haven’t been there yet. Calm down. You can come on the next one.

Write these dates down if you want. If anyone wants to come along, January the 11th to January the 14th, that’s my next training in Thailand. But I will explain something to you. January 11th to 14th; I’ll explain something. Thailand isn’t my coaching. I’ll tell you what happens, just so you know.

Here’s week one. Here’s week, say, 52. It goes like that. I start you training, as Letti and that knows, with pdf documents, my website, phone calls with Quentin, my support system, etcetera. That’s your coaching.

But, four or five times a year, I’m going to have training in Thailand on Pattaya Beach where I live, and you’re welcome to come along. And you can tap into one of those, so even if you can’t come to January you can come to March or April or whatever. Now can you claim that back on your tax? Hmm, interesting isn’t it.

How many people want to go to Thailand for a holiday? Sorry, how many people want to go to Thailand for a three-day business trip and extend it to seven to have a bit of holiday while you’re there? Ken’s coming back, look at him, he’s already smiling.

Okay. All right. Now, and I’ll even pay for all your food and that while you’re there. Is that even better? Am I getting better now? Okay. All right. First thing you need is your domain name. Write that down. Go to, grab it please.

Second one, you need web-hosting. I told you Hostgater, ‘cause if you type in your domain name nothing is gonna come up on the screen if you just get your domain name because it’s not linked to any computer to bring up your pages, and I’ll show you that tomorrow, how to do it.

Who’s coming tomorrow to learn, so I can show you step-by-step. Don’t give me the excuse, “oh, but I have to work.” Take a day off. Or you’re going to be there for the next ten year with the same guy telling you how to clean S-bends. Okay? It’s true. People say, “Oh but I can’t take a day off.” That’s because you’ve told yourself you can’t take a day off.

I said to a lady in Perth last week, “Take a day off.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

She said, “I already took three days off last week.”

And I went, “Oh, you might as well go to work love.”

She said, “Otherwise I’ll have to start your course really, really soon.”

You know? Okay. Web hosting. Second thing – oh, and incidentally, with the web hosting, what I said to you folks, with your web hosting, what I said to you, go to, pick the baby package. It’s called baby. It’s nine bucks 95. That’s it. Use the coupon code of ‘david’. I get a month, you get a free month, they get a customer. So, david for the code, just in lower case.

Next one; here’s what you need as well. Once you’ve got your web domain name, once you’ve got your hosting set up, you need then to configure your email address. And again, tomorrow I’ll show you this stuff. I’m just telling you in theory, then tomorrow I’ll show you.

Why do you need to set up an email address first? You know why, before your website and that? Then you can go and make up a business card, with david@davidcavanagh, give it out. You get what I mean. You can still accept some emails. At least you’re starting off the process. So I’m teaching you how to get started.

Then once you’ve done that, next one, a squeeze page. And I’ll show you how to do that as well. Who thinks they know what a - who doesn’t know what a squeeze page is? Hands up. Great. You know what it is? When a person comes to your site, what do you want to get out of them? What’s the purpose of having this site? Don’t tell me dollars. Yes, building a relationship.

So okay, free report reveals 26 ways how to cure your backache - well not cure, relieve your backache within seven days. Simply put in your name and email address and we’ll send it straight to you. It’s a trade-off. You get the 26-page report for free, and of course in that report you try to upsell them on something else, but what are you – what’s the only thing you have to give? Name and email.

That’s what a squeeze page is, and I’ll show you tomorrow how to do that. Because before you’ve designed your website and everything, don’t you reckon you’d still rather have a squeeze page up there to collect your names and emails?

People say, “Oh, but, building a list.” That’s building your list. But don’t listen to people that tell you the money’s in the list. That’s all bollocks. You know why I say that? Who thinks money’s in the list, really? Think of it. Hold on, I’ll give you yellow pages. There’s a list. You get what I mean? All these people, “Ah, but the money’s in the list.” Ah, shut up. Money’s not in the list. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

Money’s in a responsive list that’s targeted that’s going to come back and back and back every single day and buy off you, so money’s in the list but a targeted responsive list that’s going to deal with you over and over again, so I would rather build 50 people on my list than 20,000; 50 of them and 46 of them buy off me. You get my point? Otherwise, go and give them a phone book and say, “Well, there’s a new list.”

Okay. Next thing. Here’s what you need as well. Auto-responders. Please write that down. Whether it’s a one-off, where they write to you and you get an email, or whether they’ve bought a product and you write a whole stack that they get on a daily or two-daily or three-daily basis.

The next one you need, WordPress blog. Anyone ever seen a WordPress blog? ‘Cause I’ll show you, I’ll build a complete one tomorrow and I’ll show you within about three minutes. Okay. Word press blog. Wordpress gets indexed by the search engines fast. A blog is a web log; it’s a log that you can just write post. But if you set up a web log, a little blog, and you put in some little affiliate links, can you still get people clicking on ‘em and make a sale? Get my point? I can show you where to get thousands and thousands of products that you can make 75% commission. You see? Of what people are looking for.

Next thing is also what you need. Copywriting skills, and in my course I teach that very extensively. You know why you need copywriting skills? Because when they get to your page you can have a truckload of visitors, but if your page does not convert – my wife nearly passed away when she gave birth to our little girl. She had, for the ladies or gentlemen who understand, she had a partial hysterectomy. Okay, because she lost too much blood.

Now, imagine this. People are talking about a headline. Everyone knows what a headline is, in the newspaper and that. Okay, imagine this. And I’ll tell you five words. She’s laying there in her hospital bed, so you’ve got the visual, laying there shaking, of course. Her exact words, “Whatever happens, look after Di.” I’m like, “Whoa”. Ladies, is that a nice headline? Would you click the PayPal button straight away? Get what I mean? I would. How effective can you make your headline with five words or less, that’s going to do that?

Gentlemen, on that night, even if they said it’s going to cost you two grand to fix everything, with that headline what would you have done? How many times would you have paid? “Oh, but I haven’t got the money.” What would you have done gentlemen? Found it! Where would you find it? Steal it, beg for it, borrow it, ring your friends, what would you do?

If you want something desperately what will you do? Truly. Make it happen! How would you make it happen? Who cares, you just do it! Full stop, end of sentence. That’s why that night my $1,000 which I thought for the delivery turned into about 13,000, but did I care? Nuh, because I did care. You get what I mean? I just found the money, and at the time there and then in one of my accounts I didn’t even have the cash, I had to transfer money, but I think, “I don’t care what happens, the bottom line is it’s got to be paid,“ you see? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

So on your site, how powerful can you write your copy to make people take action? But as I said I’m scared for most of you, because most of you will say, “Oh, David’s thing was good and I’m going to go for a cuppa now and I’ll see the next presentation, it’s great.” You do nothing, ‘cause it’s a free seminar. But if I charged you 3,000 bucks to get in here what would have you done?

Would have you taken my information differently? Ask yourself that question please. I want you to take action today; make a decision that you’re going to do something with your life. No, again, is that offending you or is that being honest to try and help you? ‘Cause when I laid on the lounge - any of the girls here know the Manpower strip group in Australia? Jamie Drury and all them? Okay, yeah, girls can, “Mmmmm.” I had those guys coming around ‘cause I used to, you know, MC and compere on stage. I had those guys, “Dave, get off the lounge, you’re coming swimming.”

“I don’t want to go swimming.”

“No, you are going swimming”.

Believe me, sometimes you do need someone to boot you in the back end and say “let’s go” and do something with your life. And you know what? I did! I went to Robbins, I went to a few things. Now I’m speaking in front of people where I was laying on the lounge. Anyone can make things happen if you want to make it happen. And I urge you to do something.

Next thing. Photos and graphics on your site are awesome. Photos and graphics, but don’t put too many, ‘cause it’ll overkill. My first client that flew to Thailand to do training, three days for me - you know him very well - his first initial starts with N. Nik Halik. My second one was a guy who’s initial starts with R. Rick Otton. My third one started with JC. John Childers.

And I am a student of Mr John Childers. John Childers is a student of mine. When I go and listen to him speak I shut up. When he goes on the Internet, “Dave, it’s all yours.” We help each other ‘cause we all mentor and help each other. And I urge you to get a mentor to get someone to take you to the next level from where you are now.

Next thing. Here’s what you need. Audio and video; you need it on your site. But everything I’m telling you, test and measure. You know why? Because sometimes different colours don’t work on certain sites. Black might work really good on a funeral site but it mightn’t work good on trying to sell a little kid’s cot. Red – what’s the colour to some people? Blood. Would you use it on certain sites? You get what I mean? So photos, videos, audios, be careful what you do but I’ll show you that in my course.

Next thing, here’s what you need. A PayPal account. If you haven’t got one go to, or, and get the super-duper, you beaut, cheese on top version. Okay? The top of the range model. It’s free. Because the normal Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

version, you can only send money, you can’t take it, and that’s called really silly. I don’t like just sending and not taking any back, do you?

Okay, now, next thing you need, if you have a look on the screen, next thing Jeffrey, you need a support desk. Why do I say to you a support desk, do you reckon? What did I show you before? Emails can go to spam filters and all that. Again, my team will set that up for you. My team will set you up a support desk.

Next thing. Fill-in-the-blank templates. You need some templates so when you first start all you have to do is just fill in the content, press save button, and we will give you about 60 different templates, you can pick and choose what you like, write your name on it so it’s done. Okay? So anyone wanting to start a web business, Getting Started on the Internet will give you the templates and all you have to do is just put in the blanks, type it, press save, and all the graphics are done for you. Is that handy for you? Okay.

Next thing. Here’s some sites. I’ll show you this. It can make you some money. Who thinks losing weight is a big one on the Internet? Who would like to sell a product like this, and get this: “Order today and you get two bottles for free”? Who thinks they’d probably order, if you have a weight problem for example? 200 bucks; you get 100 bucks in your kit. Who’s interested in promoting something like that? Okay, ‘cause I can show you all this and a lot more.

Next one. What about “eat to live, don’t live to eat”. Manage your weight loss. What about this one here? Check this out. Menozac – discover why more women are turning to Menozac for natural menopause relief. Two bottles free. Do you know how many people when they’ve got menopause and that, would they buy one bottle or get the four and two for free? What would you probably do if you had that problem ladies? Well, not problem, condition. You’d probably buy the four and get the two for free.

Gentlemen, if you wanted to impress your lover, or something, buy one of those kind of tablets, would you buy the one bottle or the four and get two for free in the cupboard? You get what I mean? Gentlemen are going, “I don’t need that stuff. Get off.”

Okay. Now, next one, if you have a look, male enhancement formula. It’s to make your hair grow. That’s what it is. Okay, what about these things here. Oh, no, no, no, it’s definitely not to make your hair grow this one, it’s to make something else grow. Okay, but, what about this one? Stretch mark formulas. You can’t get rid of it but you can relieve it and make it look a little bit more nice to the eye. Okay? Appealing to the other sex.

How many people think that if I could – now these sites are already done for you – if I could give you all these sites already done, you just add your affiliate thing, send them out to people and you just show them and you get 50% commission. Who’d be interested in these? I show you the whole lot. I give you all of them. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


David Cavanagh Getting Started on the Internet

Now, next one, finally freedom from shaving. Gentlemen, all you guys love shaving – oh, you can’t talk can you Rosco? Okay. How many of you guys love shaving? No. Ladies, how many ladies love shaving their legs. No, definitely not. Okay, these things here, they sell big-time. What about this? How to clear your skin naturally in weeks from acne, etcetera. Does anyone think that they have some friends that could buy that? Yeah? Okay. What happens if you could set up one site that you could do a review on 20 or 30 different things. Those headlines are already written for you. The products are made; you don’t dispatch it, you don’t have to hold goods, you don’t do anything. You refer a person. Soon as they buy, you get the commission.

And guess what the lucky thing about this is. If they buy those products and, say for example, Miles, they buy these products and it works, what are they going to do again? Buy again. You buy a normal eBook, do you get a commission if he buys a second one? No. But if they buy health products guess how long you get the commission for? The rest of your life! Who’s now interested in promoting health products. What about water purifier cartridges? You get what I mean?

What about lawnmowing services? Every month they have to go and get their lawn mowed. You get what I mean? Promote things that are ongoing. Next one. this – quite smoking. A guy in Perth – Nik and I had to kill ourselves laughing. I said to the crowd, I said, “Look at these things.”

And then one of the guys in the crowd yelled out, “I wouldn’t buy something like that, it doesn’t work.”

I said, “Oh, well, fair enough. What would you sell on the Internet?”

He said, “Probably bathroom tiles.”

Quit smoking, bathroom tiles. Hmmm. Interesting isn’t it.

And I said, “Why would your bathroom tiles be any good?”

“Oh, mine are cheap”

I said, “Oh, change your wording. Cost-effective. More affordable. They’re not cheap. Ladies and gentlemen who decorate their bathroom don’t want to buy cheap tiles. They want to buy affordable ones that are beautiful, with more colours. Am I right?

But again, I looked at his website that he’s got for bathroom tiles and I told him – I just gave him a few hints in the seminar - he already wrote me an email; said he sold a whole stack more of them by changing headlines and changing cheap to cost-effective, more affordable, stuff like that, already. But again, copywriting – does it really help you to sell, if you know the right words? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

ADAM GINSBERG Internet Income Generator Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

ADAM GINSBERG: So how many of you u have bought


something on eBay? Wow. How many of o you have not?

Adam Ginsberg is the "entreepreneur's

Excellent. How many of you have sold something s on eBay?

entrepreneur" having extenssive business

Okay. How many of you have not? I thin nk we’re in trouble.

and training experience acrross many industries.

Okay. Different question. Okay. How many m of you have heard of eBay? Okay. Excellent. Okay. You know, David is our MC for this weekend, but I have not heaard a whole lot of applause and appreciation for him. Mayybe before we begin,

One of eBay's most successfful small business owners, Adam is not just a "technology ma arketing wizard" but also an exceptional speaker and tra ainer. He presents practical stepby-step formulas which are easy to follow and implement

we can give him a hand. He’s a super, su uper, super, guy, you’ll

and his casual yet informatiive style draws significantly from

hear from him tomorrow. Okay. Are you u guys ready? -- Yes.

his own inspirational successs story.

No, that’s not really good. Are you ready? -- Yes!

In 2001 Adam began selling g on eBay. In less than one year he became the US Number 1 seller in the Sports Category

We flew in yesterday, we got in at 9 or 10 in the morning, we

and was named the Numbeer 1 new seller on eBay in 2002.

got up at 2 a.m. I don’t know where I am m or what time it is. All I know is I should not have more energy than you. So we need

Adam’s commitment to succcess on eBay is demonstrated by his outstanding, 98%+ feed dback satisfaction score and his

to make sure we have some fun over th he next hour and a-half,

Titanium Power Seller Statu us, eBay’s highest level.

is that okay with all of you? -- Yes.

Just say “yes” as loudly as you can? -- YE ES!

Fabulous. Before we begin, we’ve gott a little quiz. If you guys could jot these letters down n for me. S-B-I-A-X-L-N-E-A-T-TN-E-A-S. Go ahead, write them down. Here’s H what I need you to do, cross out six letters, you u’ll be left with one word, it’s a really popular word in the English langu uage. Some of you said it this morning.

Cross out six letters, don’t move the le etters around. As soon as you know what the word iss, write it down and raise your hand, but don’t call it out.

c to see if that’s right. Just write it down, raise your hand, I’lll come around and somebody will come around to check You’ve crossed out six letters, you wrote down the word. Have you ever seen me do this before? -- Not really, no.

You’ve never seen me do this before? --- No.

That’s very close? -- I’ve seen this before e.

You’ve seen this before? I was going to say, that’s called cheating. You got that way to fast. What’s the word? -- Internet. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

No. It’s not Internet. Let me come over here. Now I know you’ve seen this before. Yes? No? what’s the word? -- Bi-lateral. No. That’s not the word. Anyone over here. Cross out six letters, you’ll be left with one word. Don’t move the letters around. As soon as you know what the word is write it down and raise your hand up. And I’ll call on you. Sir, what is the word? -- Banana.

Banana. Correct. Banana. Here, let me show you how we do that. Exercise is to cross out six letters first letter is-----? -- S. -----S-I-X L-E-T-T-E-R- S. That leaves you with six letters B-A-N-A-N-A. Some of you all just had an ah-ha moment. I haven’t started yet. Now, just out of curiosity, how many of you have no idea what I just did? Okay. When I’m done we’ll go out back and I’ll explain it to you. Okay. Just make sure to ask me that question later.

Let me tell you a little bit about my background. Here’s the point of this exercise. Has anybody ever had an experience where something was right in front of you but you just didn’t see it? So, that’s how the Internet and eBay was for me. So, in the late 1990’s I started working for an Internet company and back then, people were all excited about stock and the company’s going public, and I worked for two years all stock and no pay. And during that time I got rich in my head because I thought that I’d be rich when the company went public. You know what happened? The company went bankrupt. I was about $80,000 in debt. Do you know anyone who’s in debt? Anybody know anyone who’s in debt?

I said, “I don’t want to be part of the Internet anymore, it’s probably not going to last anyway.”

So I started a furniture store with bedroom furniture and dining room furniture. Then I got a call from my Mom. My mom sold Beanie Babies on eBay. She said, “Adam, why don’t you take one of your pool tables you’re selling, they’re still there, they’re snooker tables, right?” She said, “Take one of those things and put it on the Internet and sell it.”

Now, how many of you have ever seen a pool table or snooker table? You know what my response was? No. I wasn’t interested. I wanted nothing to do with the Internet number 1. Number 2; I really wasn’t interested in doing what she wanted me to do in the first place. So that was really a very short conversation.

She called me the next day. She said, “How’s the pool table doing on eBay?” I said, “Excuse me?” She said, “You promised.” I said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” That was the end of that conversation.

Anyone have a mom like this? She called me every day for three weeks, harassing me. Finally, I said, “Listen. I will do this, if you promise to leave me alone.”

Sounds fair, right? So I scanned in the picture. I created an account and I prayed for three days no one would buy it, because if they bought it I had two problems. What’s the first problem? I got to ship a thousand pound pool table across the country. Number 2; I got to tell my mom she’s right. That was harder than the first one. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Now listen. Earlier, you heard from Johnny this morning, right? Wasn’t he awesome? He said you have to understand your “why”. Remember he talked about that. I totally and completely agree with him. Here’s what I want to know. Why did you come here this weekend? Educate yourself? Create new cash flow? How many of you would like to make more money? Can I just see a show of hands who wants to make more money? Put your hands up really high if you want to be rich at least one day in your life. Just one day with me. I want to be rich with all of you. So would you all agree with me, money’s sort of okay to have? It’s all right to have, right? But why do you want the money? -- Create a better lifestyle for myself.

You want to have a better lifestyle for yourself. Isn’t it really more? Think about this. Is this about the money? Isn't it more about the freedom it gives you? The ability to do the things you want to do with the people you want to do them with? You have to understand what your “why” is, because if you don’t understand what your “why” is, you’re never going to go anywhere if you don’t know where you’re going. Does that make sense? -- Yes.

Well, for me, I didn’t want more time, I didn’t want more freedom, I didn’t want more flexibility, I didn’t want more time with my family, I didn’t want any of that. I wanted one thing. I knew exactly I didn’t want more money. I knew exactly what my “why” was, it was very specific. I wanted my mom to stop calling me. That was it.

So, I scanned in this picture, I create this account and I prayed no-one’s going to buy it, and the problem is it sold for $300 MORE on eBay than in my store. So, I knew I had a problem. I listed a second one for sale. I hoped the second one didn’t sell. I figured if the second one doesn’t sell I don’t have to tell my mom the first one sold.

See, my logic was really skewed. Here’s the problem. The second one sold, the third one sold, the fourth one sold. Within three months we’re doing about 12 a week. Not so bad. And within a year we’re at 600. A month. We become the largest seller of pool tables in the entire world. At some point I figured that I like eBay. It took me a little bit of time. In five years we sold $20 million dollars on eBay, more than any individual seller in the history of eBay. So, it’s been pretty exciting and on the Internet, we’ve also done millions and millions of dollars in sales on the Internet not just on eBay itself. So, you need to have a strategy.

The things you learned earlier about having your own website, that’s SO important because if you put all your eggs in one basket and the basket drops, what happens to the eggs? They all break. You need different streams of income. So, we have a lot of things we’re going to cover over the next few minutes.

So, by the way, there’s my new one. Her name is Ke-ama, she’s about 12 weeks old, 9lb 4 oz. She looks just like me, doesn’t she? Not really, but she’s a cutey pie.

So, I want to just share a couple of things before we get started. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

First of all, we have a brand new website; it’s been in existence for 24 days. I’ve been working on it for 3 and a-half years. It’s a private members only website. It is specifically for our students, that’s it. I want to just tell you a little bit about it because if you get involved in our program, this is the epicentre of where you go.

As you log in there’s a welcome message from me and there’s a lot of information here. There’s over 20 hours of audio’s and one of the things that’s really neat, is the person who interviewed me on most of the audio’s is from Australia and so it’s a really powerful program. We have live recordings, every few weeks we do a three day training. We record the entire thing. We put all the audios and transcripts on the members’ site. Hundreds of pd-f documents, software downloads, 25 E-books.

One of the questions people ask me is, “What am I going to sell on eBay”? So we just give you a product to sell on the Internet. We add five new ones every month. We have conference calls that we archive and all kinds of information. That’s really where it all gets started.

Last night, I finished something; I’m just going to show you this. This is not available to the public yet. I just finished it last night. Somewhere between 4 and 5 in the morning is when I put the final touches on it, uploaded it to the members site. It’s version 3. It’s a 319 page E-book about how to buy and sell on it’s very specific to Australia. I interviewed a whole bunch of eBay power sellers who live in Australia and so it’s Australia’s definitive guide to selling on eBay. It’s called “The Auction Edge.” It’s really, really neat stuff.

So, here’s what we’re going to learn today. One of the things I encourage you to do, is take a lot of notes. I speak very, very quickly, as you can probably already tell. But I have a lot of stuff to share with you and only about 90 minutes to do it. We’re going to talk about: x

the size and scope of the opportunity


some selling philosophies for success


What to sell and how to sell it.


Developing an automated action plan


Multiple streams of eBay income.

See, you have to understand that eBay’s not just about selling stuff out of the house anymore. It’s not about Beanie Baby’s or Pez dispensers, it’s about cars, it’s about real estate, it’s about big ticket items.

See, I’m all about buying and selling real estate on eBay. Did you all know you could buy and sell houses on the Internet – on eBay? How many of you are either real estate investors or who would like to be real estate investors in the future. Do we have anybody interested in real estate? I’m going to show you some eBay real estate. How you can actually buy and Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

sell real estate in the US without ever having to go there and make money at the same time.

Now, what’s nice about that, for example, I had this conversation with my mom, I said to her, “How much do you make on the sale of a Beanie Baby?”

She said, “About $3.50. On a good day I make $5 on a sale.”

I said, “Well, I just made $8,000 on a house.” One sale. Which means she’s got to sell 1600 Beanie Babies and I got to make one sale. So, would you all rather do the little ticket items, or the big ticket items? The big ticket items.

So, can I tell you a story? I gotta tell you this story. Just about a month and a-half ago, I was speaking at a real estate event, there were about 800 people in the room, so I wanted to do something I’d never done before. So I bought a house. I’ve done that before. But I bought a house on eBay. We got a three bedroom, one bathroom house, in Greenville South Carolina, for $22,000 for the whole house.

Now, in Los Angeles, I don’t know about here, I know the real estate’s fairly expensive, you can’t buy a driveway in Los Angeles for $22,000. So, this is a pretty good deal. Now, just so you know, that’s 3,000 miles from my house. Never been to the house, never seen the house, I did not have any interest in going to Greenville South Carolina. I bought the house and at this event, which was real estate, we’re going to end the auction, live in front of 800 people. We’re going to end it LIVE.

Now, here’s what I want you to think about. We put it up for sale for 99 cents. No reserve. Just 99 cents. Whatever it goes for, it goes for. Is that a little bit bizarre? -- Yeah.

It was kind of fun, actually, but here’s what actually happened. Somebody asked me a question. It was a very thoughtful question I thought. They said, “What if it doesn’t sell?”

Now, who’s ever sold just anything on eBay, put your hands back up for me? Would you all agree with me, those of you who sold something on eBay, that if you put something for sale like a $22,000 house for 99 cents, it’s going to sell? -- Yes.

It’s just a question of how much it’s going to sell FOR, right? And so, I said, “That’s fine.” And then somebody else said to me something. They said, “Why would you do that?” And I said, “Well, here’s the thing. If I’m not doing the things I’m telling you that I’m doing that are going to work for you, why would you listen to me?” Would you all agree with that? I have to be out there doing the things I’m telling. So, I said, “I’m just going to give it a shot.” About 15 minutes before I went on the stage, the bidding was up to $7,000 and we bought it for 22. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Now, let me ask you all a question. Dave already mentioned this, but I’m going to ask you this, but I want to get your opinion on it. How many of you think when I’m done here today, I’m going to try to sell you something? Will you just put your hands up if you think I’m going to try? Okay. I promise not to let you down. Here’s the thing.

Here’s the thing. If we put a house on eBay for 99 cents that we bought for $22,000 and it sold for $14,000 and I lost 8,000 live, how many people do you think are going to get up and go to the back table when I say, “Let me tell you what I have for sale?” Nobody.

Now, you probably figured out that didn’t happen, otherwise I wouldn't be wasting the time telling you this story, right? The house sold – we put it up on one day – it took about 70 minutes to do this listing. I’m going to show you in a few minutes, exactly what we did, and we’re going to do one.

Last night, in the middle of the night, I was sitting up with my roommate, Gates, who you’ll get to meet later. Anyway, we were sitting up saying, “What can we do, kind of fun today?” So, we didn’t actually buy a house on last night. But we just pretended we did, and then we put it back up the way we were going to do it, if we actually bought the house. So I’ll show you that live.

Anyway, the house sold for $27,900. Which is not bad, right? So, we made a little over $5,000 profit in a couple of days after we bought it and it took us about 70 minutes to do it. How many of you could use just an extra - I don't know $5,000 an hour. Anybody?

Now, some of you just don’t want to raise your hand because that’s just not enough money, and I understand that. And we’ll get to the big money later. But we like to start small and then work our way up. So, we have to understand this multiple streams of eBay income. We’re going to talk about how to get an eBay cash machine.

I love to travel. It is a lot of fun for me to travel, whether I’m here, whether we’re in Singapore, whether we’re in Canada, all over the US. People have the same questions.

Here’s one question. “How do I get started on eBay, I’ve never used eBay or the Internet before?”

Number 2; How do I take and edit and upload pictures. Now, this one is easy when you know how. See, if you don’t know how to do this, this is not so simple. So, we’re going to teach you how to do that.

Number 3; We’re going to talk about what to sell. How many of you at home, whether it’s in your garage, or on your coffee table – how many of you have stuff you don’t want any more? Does anybody have anything they don’t want any more? I mean just like stuff lying around. Put your hands up real high, if you’ve got stuff, that if people would just come to Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

your house, you would give to them just so they will take it away? We’re going to turn that into money and we’ll show you how to do that, and when you have the right answers, you end up with the right results.

This is one of our students, he came to our training, he left our training and in his first 60 days, he made an extra $11,000. So, how many of you could use an extra $11,000 in the next 60 days. That’s not bad, right? And again, we’re just kind of getting started with some low numbers. But here’s the thing. If you made $11,000 in the next 60 days, working 80 hours a week, would that be okay? That’d be too much work. See he did it in four to five hours a week. He’s a real estate investor. So, all he does is real estate and on the side, for a few hours every week, he does a little eBay. The very first item that he put up for sale was a wooden boat. He hoped to get $50 for it. He had it in his house, somewhere, like, in his basement. He ended up selling it for $1725.

See, one of the things I really encourage you to do is find something in your house, you’re confident no one will ever buy and put that on eBay. Because when someone pays you money for that, you know what happens? You get really excited. So that’s a good thing. Let’s talk about why eBay. So, how many of you at home have a website? Anybody have a website. Okay. Keep your hands up real high if you have a website that makes you 10,000 a month, on the Internet, without doing anything.

I lost all the hands. Who has a website again? Okay. What do you sell on your website? -- Information products.

Information products. Would you say one of the hardest parts about having a website is getting people to the website? -- Yes.

Yes. Getting the traffic to the website. Traffic is important. You all agree with that? If you put up a website today, are you going to get a lot of traffic tomorrow, other than like, mom and Grandma and stuff? I mean, in 24 hours? Probably not, right? So, we put this house up on eBay, we put it up for one day, 24 hours, we had 1307 people visit the eBay listing. EBay gets 8.5 million visitors a day.

Now, can we do another exercise? This is an exercise in listening. You guys get the show here, “America’s got Talent”? You guys get that show – anyone watch that show? Did you all see who won? A ventriloquist won. And he sung two different people – two different puppets. He was singing at the exact same time. What does that have to do with this? Nothing. But it was really cool to watch the show the other night.

We’re going to do an exercise now in listening. Are you ready? I’d like you to write down, now, for me, the number 1 Search Engine in the world? -- Google.

Did anyone hear the answer? A few people called out the answer, right? What was the exercise? In listening, and the instructions were to-----? -- Write it down. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

-----write it down. Your mouth didn’t move but I heard the answer come out. No, no, no, it was the ventriloquist in you just coming out. I know you didn’t say it, it was amazing. He threw his voice to that side of the room, right? What’s the answer? -- Google.

No. I didn’t say Google. This is a presentation on eBay? -- eBay.

The answer is eBay. eBay does twice as many searches every single day as Google. Twice as many. Now, when people go to Google, what are they looking for? Information.

Information. Yes. When people go to eBay, what are they looking for? -- Stuff.

They want to buy stuff. The number one search term on eBay this morning was iPod. People go to eBay to buy stuff. And so my question for you is, if they get 8.5 million visitors a day, and there’s $42 billion in sales, if 45,000 people a day, are joining eBay, why isn't your stuff there? Maybe you just haven’t thought of it before, maybe you’re just not doing it right, because most of the people doing eBay are just not doing it right. Even when I work with some of the most successful people ever on eBay, it’s amazing how little they’re doing right.

Now, let me ask you a question. When you pay your taxes, I think we just paid some taxes, right? When you pay your taxes, if it’s possible to get a deduction that is really obscure, would you take it?—Yes.

How do you learn about those things? They’re like loopholes, right? No-one’s really teaching you right? Kind of like loopholes. eBay is the same way. There are things we teach you about eBay that nobody knows. eBay doesn’t teach you. It’s not against eBay’s policy but it will help you, for example, wouldn't it be nice, to be able to put a link from your eBay listings to your non-eBay website? Wouldn't that be a great way to drive traffic. Yes?

Okay. Write this down for me. Some of the most powerful words you’ll ever hear in your entire life. The words are; “UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW”. Let me tell you what that means. if you put a link on your eBay listings to your non-eBay website and eBay finds out, they shut your listings down. It is against eBay policy to do that. Don’t do that. But remember what I just said, “UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW” and then it’s okay. So, we have to teach you those things.

How many of you would like to get a free iPod worth $5,000, anybody? When we’re done, I’ll show you exactly how to do it, and you can pick the colour of your choice at the same time.

We’re going to talk about real estate today. And here’s why I love the eBay real estate. One personal reason for me, it has nothing to do with all of you, it’s just for me. And this is a big one. There’s no shipping. At least I didn’t think so. But we were going through some of the real estate listings on and you know what it said? “Come take my house away”. I still don’t know what that means. It said, “pick up only”, come take the house away. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Somebody later can tell me how you can come take a house and just take it away. All they want’s the land. Does that ring a bell with you? So, somebody’s got to explain to me later, because in America, when we put a house down, that’s it. The house isn't going anywhere. So for me there’s no shipping. But eBay is one of the fastest growing markets for real estate globally on the Internet. Most of the people who do eBay, do it wrong.

Here’s an example. This is a house that we got, this one’s in Toledo Ohio. By the way, I’ve never seen or been to any of the real estate we’ve ever gotten on eBay. This one’s in Toledo Ohio, 1500 square foot duplex, so I want you to think about what something like that might cost here. We got this house for $9800. Now that’s a pretty good deal. A little later, I’ll tell you how we find out if it’s a good deal or not.

Here’s another one, this one’s in upstate New York. This one’s in Buffalo New York, it’s got $650 per month in rental income. We got the house, the land, and the people for $12,000. Some of you don’t even need financing for that. See, here’s the thing, if you want to be a real estate investor, and you’re just starting out, you need a lot of money. But if you’re doing eBay real estate, you don’t need so much money.

So, here’s the power of eBay: 1.

Having your business on line TONIGHT.


Having a market place with 247 million people wanting to give you their money.


It’s operating 24/7 around the world, and


We take anything you own, and we turn it into money.

One of my favourite students, he took – the very first thing he sold – remember I told you to go home, find something you’re confident no-one’s going to buy? He took – his name is Jean. Jean took his 25 year old underwear and put them on eBay and sold it for $65. I thought that was just really bizarre. But the point is, for those of you that are in the room thinking “I have nothing to sell”, you’ll have underwear and if you don’t, don’t tell me. That’s gotta be the deal.

Here’s how the Internet and eBay can benefit you: 1.

It’s an additional stream of income that’s recession proof.


You make money right away.


You have the ability to have more flexibility in your schedule.


You do the things you want to do with the people you want to do them with.

This last one is a personal favourite for me. I have a 10 and a-half year old at home, she’ll be 11 at the end of September. She used to get an allowance, now she gets a commission. Just a little percentage of everything we sell. Saves me a bunch of money. She writes the envelopes, does the bubble wrapping. See, here’s what I think. If you don’t have a little one at home, find one. They’re really good on the computer. I was watching on UTube, they had a video of this 3 year old in diapers walking down the freeway, what it made me realise is little kids are everywhere. So, if you don’t have one, just Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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go out on the freeway, just find a little kid, bring them home, and you’ll be fine. They’ll help you out with email and all kinds of really neat stuff.

So there’s two types of people in the room. Maybe you can help me, tell me, which one you are. You can just write down on your page if you’re a number 1, or a number 2. I’m going to ask you to - we’re going to take a little poll. It’ll help me kind of dictate the rest of the presentation.

Number 1 is someone who wants to create an Internet business using eBay, MySpace and your own website to create a cash flow business that is passive income. How many of you would like to do that, I mean, we’re at an Internet event, right? So this would be most of you in the room.

Okay. Here’s person number 2. Person number 2 is someone who wants to use eBay MySpace and your own website to make a ton of money in real estate on the Internet. How many of you want to do that? Excellent.

Now, here’s my favourite part. Some of you want to be number 1 and number 2? -- Yes.

See, let me ask you this question; “If I can teach you how to make a lot of money on the Internet, do you care how”? -- No.

Or do you just want to have a lot of money. That’s what matters, right? So, whether it’s with real estate, whether it’s other things on eBay, we’re gunna show you how to do that. So let me tell you about our Internet income Generator Cash Flow System.

Number 1. We learn eBay. Now, it’s not because I’m partial to eBay, it’s because it’s so simple and so easy every single person in this room can be doing it within 24 hours. And if you’re on eBay, rather, if you’re not on eBay, we’re gunna have a little booth outside where we’re going to demo some of the software I’m going to show you a little bit later. Come over and we’ll help you register over the weekend. You can get set up right at our table down the back. We’ll help you walk through that process, I’m going to show you in a second.

By the way, it only costs 20 or 30 cents to list an item. You need a computer, an email address, and an Internet connection, that’s it. So it’s simple and it’s fast.

Number 2: How many of you have heard of MySpace? Tomorrow I’m going to get a chance to talk about MySpace. It’s the fastest growing site on the planet. 180,000 people a day are joining MySpace. And 70 percent are over 25 and it’s all free. One of my favourite four letter words that begins with an “F”. You all like free, yes? Okay. Good.

And then, you have to learn how to use Google. When you take these three things and combine them together, you’ve got an opportunity to make a bunch of money. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Here’s our real estate system.

Number 1; If we’re going to do real estate, we need to take everything we own in our home and sell it. Because in between real estate deals, you need to understand that you need to have cash flow.

Number 2; How many of you have ever invested in a house? And when you got the house it came with stuff in it? Anybody ever have that happen? What do we do with that stuff? -- Chuck it down the tip.

Did anybody, just, like, give it away, or throw it away or anything like that? See here’s what I want to encourage you to do. Next time you invest in a house, negotiate for that house to come with all the stuff. All of it. Even if it’s ugly, really, really ugly stuff. Just negotiate to come with it, because when you do, you can take that stuff and just sell it on eBay.

Number 3; you can use eBay to find real estate deals, you can sell real estate on the Internet and you can use eBay to build your list. Now, I want to just talk about this one for a second. That should be 3. That’s the new math. Let me just talk about this one the “build your list” for a second.

This question came up earlier but I was in the back of the room so I didn’t get to see, how many of you are either a small business owner, know someone who wants to be a small business owner or wants to be a small business owner in your future? That should be everybody’s hand in the room. Okay?

So, I want you to think about this point. How important is it to build a list to be able to market back to people later. Is that important? What if we never sold anything on eBay? Nothing? All we did was use eBay to build our list? How exciting would that be? -- Yeah.

Now, let me just show you what I did, I did this by accident, it wasn’t intentional. I sold 6,200 pool tables on eBay. See, I don’t care if you’re selling real estate, or flowers, or shoes, or popsicles, it doesn’t make a difference. I sold 6,200 pool tables on eBay. We built a mailing list of 113,000 people interested in the billiard business. Which one was worth more to me? The list, wasn’t it. Because then I can market back to people, over and over and over again.

See, one of the really nice things about eBay, think about this, when you want to build your list, you have to drive traffic to your website, which means you have to pay if you want to do affiliate marketing, you have to build a big list.

Well, guess what, with eBay, we make money while we’re building our list. We had 317 people opt into our list from the house we sold for $27,900. That’s a lot of people to opt in, isn't it? So, we made money and people gave us their information so we can market back to them later. We’ll, talk more about that in a few minutes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Success is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is the result of experience. Experience is the result of bad judgment. Is that true? Has anyone ever said to themselves, “If I only knew then what I know now?” How much more money would you have? How much more successful would you be? How much more of anything would you have done if you knew what the result was going to be in advance?

Does that make sense? Here’s why I bring this up. Because of people selling on eBay, I believe, I’ve made more mistakes than anyone I’ve ever met. But then again, I’ve sold more than anyone I’ve ever met.

And, so, what I want to share with you isn't the things we did right, it’s all the things we did WRONG. How many of you by a show of hands have ever made a mistake? That cost you money? That if you just had someone looking over your shoulder, holding your hand, walking you through the process, they would have been able to speed it up for you? Does that make sense?

So, that’s what we’re here for. We want to make sure we can teach you those things and we’ll share some of them with you in just a few moments.

Now, if you’re not a member of, you should register, do not register on the main site, you have to register on the Australian site, otherwise it appears as if you live in the U.S., all of your stuff comes in US dollars, your shipping is all messed up, so you want to make sure.

Now, if you’re not a member already, let me just show you what you need to do. You need to click the register button, so everybody follow along for me. Right on the home page. See where it says, “JOIN FREE”. Right there. Click that link. Have I lost anyone? If for some reason you miss that, there’s another one that says, “JOIN HERE”, right there. Everybody still with me? -- Yes.

And by the way, you can always click on the eBay logo and that’ll help you as well. So, go on line, click sign up, it’ll take you about three minutes to do it. Like I said, afterwards if you need any help doing that, come see us at our booth, we’ll help you with that.

Once you’re a member, you can also go here, and this has real estate from all over the world on it, where you can look and see all kinds of amazing deals. Homes that are selling on eBay real estate - you guys know that foreclosures are going up in America? -- Yeah.

Like gang busters, 2.4 million foreclosures in the next 18 months. People are getting desperate, they’re putting their properities on eBay real estate and we’re ending up making a whole bunch of money doing it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

I’m going to go through this very quickly. Here are the different types of real estate people do on eBay. Vacant properties, foreclosure properties, probate sales, rehab projects, lending, commercial residence. There’s all types of different properties. I just bought my house on eBay, which I’ll show you in just a minute.

This is some land. We got this one, there’s an area right out in Texas near Huston. We got a whole plot of land. I want you to think about this. A whole plot of land to build a house for $760. $760, because the people using eBay had no idea how to use eBay. And so there’s all kinds of deals. Now, I want to tell you a secret, but you’ve all got to promise not to tell anyone when you leave the room.

You should probably write this down, this is important. If you can find people – can you all promise – can everyone just say “I promise”? -- I promise.

Cos let me show you something, - want to see something cool? I can blank out the screen and go to the next slide and you won’t know. So you need to help me. Do you all promise-----? -- Yes.

No, no, no. Tell me like you mean it? -- I PROMISE.

Let me re-ask the question. If Johnny asked the question how would you respond, if he said, “I promise”. -- I PROMISE.

That’s better. Look, if you can find people who can’t spell, you’re going to get a good deal. You all got that? Write that down. If you can find people who can’t spell – now, you're going to say, “Come on that’s silly.”

Well, listen, this house was great for college students. And it’s on a really nice street and there’s so many spelling mistakes in here. Look, here’s the thing. This house sold in 2000, for $70,000. We had it appraised with some software I’m going to share with you for $97,000. If we could get this house for $50,000 would it be a good deal. How about 40? 30? Anybody want it for 20? We got it for 11. How’d we do? Not bad, right?

Now, we took this house and we put it back up on eBay using the things I’m going to show you and the techniques and we sold it for $19. How’d we do? How many of you would like to make an extra 8,000 a week, in about 90 minutes time from your home in your pyjamas, without ever leaving the house.

Do I have anybody’s interest yet? -- Yeah.

We’re getting into the big numbers later, I promise. I know 8,000 is not enough for you. It’s coming. The big numbers are coming. Now, let me just tell you this. Here’s how we take the properties, and by the way, we can do this with anything we sell. Okay? It doesn’t have to be real estate, it could be shoes, it could be apples, it doesn’t make any difference. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Here’s what we do. There’s this program you could buy – has anybody heard that if you buy an ugly house and paint the front of it, and put some trees in, you can resell it and make more money on it?

So, here’s what we do. We get this program called “Photoshop”. And we take this house and we put some trees right along the bottom. See, it’s kind of a mess. And then you can paint the house. Photoshop’s amazing with layers. And then you put shutters right around the window – you can make a beautiful house.

No, I’m kidding. I don’t want you guys to boo me out of the building. It was a joke. Nobody do that, okay? Because here’s the thing. If you get to the house and it doesn’t look like this, you’re in trouble. Right? Somebody said to me, “Can’t I say this is what it could look like?” No, you can’t do that either, okay? No before and after. But in a little while, I’ll show you exactly what we do to turn this around and make a bunch of money.

This is my house. Normally, I cross out the address, but if you all want to come to L.A and visit me, no problem at all, I don’t think – but you’re welcome. You’re welcome to come visit me if you want.


I got a call from my wife. She said, “You know, Adam, we need a bigger house.”

I said – I was on the road travelling – but I said, “We have a big house.” She said, “I WANT A BIGGER HOUSE.”

I said, “You go to eBay and find one.” Because I knew they had the real inexpensive homes, but we weren’t moving to Buffalo, we weren’t moving to Ohio, we weren’t moving to South Carolina. She said to me, “Okay. Fine.”

She called me back 15 minutes later she says, “Adam. I found the house. It’s two blocks from where we live.” Two blocks from where we live.

I said, “Fine.” I went home. Now, I don’t know how much you all know about real estate investing and different strategies but the real estate agent said to me, “Do you like the house?”

I said, “I’m really not interested in the house.”

She said, “Please, make an offer, they’re desperate.”

I said, “Okay, I’ll make you an offer. I don’t want to give you any money down and I want it to be all owner financed. I don’t want it to be on any of my own credit because I already have a house.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

And the real estate agent said to me, “Some of the most beautiful words I ever heard in my entire life.” She said, “I have no idea what that means.”

Now, at that point I knew I was getting the house. Because negotiating is everything when it comes to real estate. So, I just said to her, let me just tell you what that means. it’s really simple. It means, I give you no money, you give me a house. It’s really easy.

We moved in, about seven months ago. Isn't that exciting? We found the house because of eBay. We took some real estate strategies we discovered, and we bought a really big, really expensive house on the Internet as a result of the things I am sharing with you and teaching you. There’s the inside of the house.


So, three quarters of a million people have given up their full time jobs to sell on eBay. Here’s my question for you? Why not you? How many of you have a job? How many of you would like to NOT have a job?

One of our students, he makes about 25,000 a month on eBay, and I said to him – I’ll give you his user ID in just a second. I said to him, how come you haven’t quit your job yet? He said, “Because my job’s the one where I get all my products to sell on eBay.” He said, “If I quit my job, I won’t have anything to sell.”

See, so, sometimes you gotta stay where you’re at, but unless that’s you, I say we quit the job. So, there’s two things we need. We need a proven system, we need a viable market place.

The viable market place, is eBay and the Internet. Would you all agree eBay and the Internet are not going anywhere? -Yeah.

They’re just not. Here’s what we put together in terms of a proven system. We have put together the only eBay training of its kind in the entire world. Its three days with me.

Now, the last time I was I Australia was two years ago, and I was in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Our three day training was in Sydney. The next one we’re doing is right here. Right in this town. Okay?—Yes.

You all don’t have to go anywhere. Most of you are from here. It’s going to be a lot of fun. The room is about 20 percent the size of this room. It’s a small group, probably of 40 or 45 people. We’ll all have laptops. We’re going to go on the Internet and we hold your hand, step by step. We don’t let you leave unless you’re ready to make some money. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Matter of a fact, at our last training that we just had, somebody bought a house on eBay during training and then we started to get ready to put it back for sale in training, right while we were there.

So, it’s three days, with me and you. Is that all right? You guys don’t mind if I come back and teach you do you? We have a lot of fun. And let me just tell you this; if you have already decided that you don’t like me and I’m not funny; please do NOT come to training because it only gets worse. And I don’t wear a tie, and tomorrow I’ll have on jeans and a shirt from MySpace.

Here’s the thing, we want to sit with you. We want to look over your shoulder, we want to work with you, we want to hold your hand in the process.

The challenge, when we have a room like this, and a big group like this, is we just can’t accept everyone into the training program, because then we don’t have enough space in the room. If you take a look over your shoulder, see that man with the green shirt, his name is Gates Adams.

Gates is my partner in the business and he and I do the training together. I teach most of the training and he mostly sits with people, looks over their shoulder and says; “Go here, point here, click here, do this, do that.”

And so, the two of us together, we make sure that by the end of the training you’re up and running.

Now, in this room, let me just share with you how this is going to work. We have a limited number of spots in training and I’ll tell you what that is, the number is 26. And so, here’s the way this works at some point in time, between now and when we’re done, when you make the decision you want to participate and join us in training here’s what I’d like you to do. I’d like you to get up and go to the back table where the folks are in the back over there. Renee is there, Victoria is there, and Gates is there. He can answer any questions that you have. He can go through some of the pricing with you.

As people are getting up and going to the back, what I’m going to do is I’m going to cross the numbers off on the screen. When they’re gone, they’re gone. What we don’t do, is we don’t say, “You know what, we had 26, we have 29 people so we’re just going to make 3 more spots”, because we just can’t do it that way. We only have certain – does everyone understand how that works?

So, I’ll just keep track on the board right there when you want to make your decision, just please don’t wait till the end where you miss it, because otherwise, you’re going to be in a bunch of trouble.

Okay? Here’s what I’d like you to do. Oh, let me just read this to you real quick. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

We just got this in the mail this is from Marvin Owen, we got it on August 6th, and it says, “Hello Adam and Gates. Thank you for everything you do, it’s because of your support and knowledge that in the course of a few months since my last class” – see we do the trainings – we do the trainings in the US – we do them every two weeks. In Australia we’re going to do them four times next year. I like it here. I mean I like from the cab to the hotel, I haven’t been out yet, except like down on the street, it’s beautiful though, I got some amazing video from the cab, absolutely, I’m going to bring it home and show my whole family the skyline and the city. But we’re coming back four times next year.

So, here’s the way this works. It says, “Since my last class I’ve gone from 13 feedbacks to 250 with a rating of 100 percent and sales have gone from 1000 to 19000.”

Is that okay? No? I only got one “yeah”. Everybody else was quiet? -- Yeah.

All right. Here we go. “The responses I received from my buyers couldn't be better if I wrote them myself.”

The whole purpose of the training, folks, like this, when you come to training, we’re going to teach you a bunch of stuff when you come back and you come back, and you come back, would you all agree with me that the Internet is changing. So, if you don’t continue to learn new things on the Internet every few months, what’s going to happen? Your gunna be playing in an old game where there’s new rules so you have to be up to date and you have to be up to speed. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. That leaves us with 19. I just want to keep track. And Gates, if you can just – when we get down to like 12 or 13, because it’s a little hard to see with the lights, if you could just let me know I would appreciate that.

Please write down for me, how much money you’d like to make on the Internet every single month. Can you all write that down for me? I won’t ask you to call it out. This is just for you. We’ll come back to it later, how much money you’d like to make every single month.

Step number 1, when you’re selling on eBay you have to establish credibility. Feedback is really important, buyers and sellers give each other a score. We talk a lot about feedback in training.

Next thing you have to do, okay, how many of you already have PayPal? Okay. If you're not on PayPal, 135 million people use PayPal, it’s safe, its secure, you want to make sure you're doing PayPal.

How about taking money or a postal order from a stranger on the Internet, is that kind of bizarre? Personal cheque. Who thinks that’s a bad idea? Here’s my recommendation don’t take a personal cheque if you're buying from someone in America. Not because it’s not good, it’s because it takes too long to clear the bank. And here’s the rule, you can’t ship until the cheque clears. Does that make sense? But once the cheque clears, you're okay. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Now, this young lady, her name is Kasha.


I met her in a seminar like this, we were in New York city, there were about 400 people in the room and she was sitting in the chair, actually like this … she’s sitting in the back of the room like this … her arms are crossed like this … kind of like that gentleman over there. She had a really mean look on her face. He’s smiling, it’s okay.

And I went over to her when we were done and people are enrolling into training, you can see who’s over there now.

People are enrolling in training and I said to her, “Listen, I hope I didn't offend you.”

And she said, “No, you didn't offend me but I know all this stuff.”

How many of you know someone who knows everything? I said, “What do you mean, you know all this stuff?”

She said, “I make $5,000 a month on eBay and all you did was teach me basic stuff.”

I said, “Well, most of the people in the room were basic, but”, I said, “This was an intro class. But if you're at 5,000, here’s what I’d like to do. I would like to teach you just one thing. If you can learn one thing you’ll make more money.”

What temperature does water boil at? 100, right?

Does it boil at 99? -- No.

What does water give off when it boils? -- Steam.

It takes steam to move a locomotive. I got to teach you just one thing.

You know what she said to me? “I’m not coming to your training.”

I said, “Here’s the deal. You come to my training and at the end of the first day, if you don’t LOVE everything I shared with you, if you don’t learn anything, if it’s a complete waste of your time, I will give you all of your money back and you can keep all the software and all the material. Is that fair?”

You know what she said to me? “I’m not coming to your training.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

I said to her, “Listen, I really want you to come to my training. You're making a lot of money already. I really want to help you out.” I said, “I’m going to work with you for a year. You just commit 12 months to me. All I want to teach you is one thing if I can make you more money that sounds pretty fair, right?”

By the way, I forgot to mention this, there’s some people as you're going to the back of the room and they’re keeping track back there, you need to fill out the form back there, because if you bring the form back here it doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the – anyway, you guys know how that works.

Anyway, so here’s what happened. I said, to her, “If you work with me for a year I’ll give you your money back. Does that kind of take all the risk out of it?”

How many of you think that if I worked with you for a year you might make a little bit of money. Just a little bit. Not a lot, just a little bit. Okay? She went from – I think we increased her income, right? She went from $5,000 a month, to $40,000 a month. How’s that? How many of you could use an extra 40,000 a month. Some people still aren’t putting their hands up. That’s okay. The big money’s coming we’re just on the little money still. Just on the little money.

There’s a television show in New York, “The Big Idea”, by Johnny Deutsch, do you get that out here? The Big Idea? And it was a big famous television show, the guy interviews me. Anyway, Kasha was there and she said, “I’d like to give you a little video testimonial. She talks about two things.

Number 1, she says when people are successful they need to take an action. She doesn’t say “take action”, she says, “You need to take ‘an action’” and what she means by that is if you do nothing what are you going to get? -- Nothing.

Nothing. She says you need to take an action. The other thing is – and you gotta come back at the booth and listen o this, she went from November where she was at 40,000 a month, to April when she filmed this, she’s at 67,000 a month now. How many of you would like a 27,000 a month raise in six months? That would be okay? Right? You still aren’t putting your hands up. I’m gunna get you all at some point.

Now we’re going to get some really big numbers here soon. How important are photos? -- Very.

I need help. Sir, you look like you know the answer to my question. You were looking the other way, real fast. Here’s my question. A picture is worth-----?—A thousand words.

-----a thousand words. You answered that, you didn’t even say it, I heard from back over there. Everybody should have been on this show I’ve been telling you about. Right. Watch this.

Listen. Everything I show you sells. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator


I don’t make any of this stuff up, and it’s all real. And it all sells. I was in Dallas Texas. Somebody yells out, “Is that you?” The answer to that question is “no.” For those of you who are in the back of the room who are having a little trouble seeing, let me just help you. I gotta fix this right here, so I can really highlight this nicely.

Can I give you – there’s a naked person in the teapot for those of you not able to see. Can I give you some tips on photos?

Number 1.

Get dressed.

Number 2.

Use a flash.

Number 3.

Use really small file sizes.

Just by a show of hands, how many of you can see that photos are sort of important when you're putting up your items. Photos are really the key to your success.

So here’s what we sell, here’s how we start out.

Number 1. We sell everything we own in our house. Number 2 – See because your world around you is going to change forever. You will go home tonight, and you will walk around your house and you will think of me. And you will say, “Mmm, I can sell that on eBay.” But that’s only phase 1, phase 2 is when you go into your neighbour’s house and then it gets kind of fun.

So, we’re going to sell everybody else’s stuff and then finally we move into the big ticket items. Now, let me share with you, some of the things that are really selling on eBay. These are 1 billion dollar a year categories. Are you ready? So here are the six categories. No particular order. Electronics, collectables, sporting goods clothing and jewellery.

Do I need to repeat it? Electronics, collectables, jewellery, sporting goods and clothing. That’s five. The number 1 category on eBay is eBay motors. eBay sells more cars by 9 a.m. They’re the largest car dealership in the world.

This is how many are left. How many are left? One of the characteristics, by the way, no matter what you study, no matter what line of business you're in, is successful people take action. There’s a great book, by Malcolm Gladwell, called The Blink and in this book he says most successful people 94 percent of the time are right. And six percent of the time are wrong. He said the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is successful people don’t hesitate; they just take action when they see something that potentially could be good for them. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Unsuccessful people hesitate and wait and think and talk themselves out of an opportunity. Maybe you know someone who is like that? Any of you know somebody who’s broke? Anybody who knows somebody who’s smart? You should all put your hands up because you should all be smart. Anybody know any smart broke people? Okay?

So, it’s not just about knowing, it’s about taking action. Anyway, some of you have these things at home. On eBay a Corvette sells every 3 hours. A digital camera every minute. A forklift every four hours. A musical instrument every 30 seconds. An article of clothing every 3 seconds. Two million items are added every day, the most expensive items a $5 million jet.

Now, let me tell you for me, one of the very first things that I sold when I started selling things other than pool tables. I sold my old sneakers. Four years old. Now, they weren’t used, they were pre-owned, so it was okay. I took my four year old sneakers, I put them on eBay, and they sold for $21. And I thought, “That’s kind of bizarre.”

Anybody at home have anything old, or used or broken, just out of curiosity? -- Yeah.

Okay. So, I put a radar detector on eBay and it said “broken, do not buy” and it sold for $17. One of my students drives a big Hummer and for his birthday he got a bottle of Hummer cologne. It cost $29 for a Hummer cologne, new in the bottle.

Now, if you were going to get some cologne, use up the whole bottle and do something with the empty bottle what might that be? -- Sell it on eBay.

Sell it where? -- Sell it on eBay.

On eBay. That’s kind of weird isn't it? He sold it for $32, empty. It’s $29 new, you could buy it new and empty it. He bought it – he sold it used, empty for $32.

So, my wife sells things in lots, little groups of 6. She sold 6 half used lipsticks on eBay. I need to ask you; “would you buy half used lipsticks $53. You don’t think that’s weird. See, I want you to find something at home that no-one is going to buy and I want you to put that thing up on eBay and watch what happens. By the way, don’t call this stuff – what do you call that stuff at home? Junk. Don’t call it “junk” call them “treasures”. Treasures are worth much more than junk. This little cartoon came out it says “Maybe I’ll quit this job and sell things on eBay. What things? Items.”

People like items, good plan. People like items, good plan. See when they’re “things” no-one wants them. But when they’re items, everybody wants them. You have to make them special. This is one of my favourite quotes of all time. “Everything you own, bad, new, used, perfect, or broken has cash value.” You all know who said that? Me. All right. We gotta get serious here for a second. This is an auction for a cane. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now, I gotta tell you this story, because it’s kind of sad, this woman lives with her dad and lives with her son and the dad died and the son said, “I miss Grandpa.” And the mom said, “That’s okay, Grandpa’s ghost is in his cane. That makes it a ghost’s cane.” You follow me? She put it on eBay for $5 with free shipping; it’s a cane with a ghost in it. How much do you think it sold for? I mean, this is a cane with a ghost in it. Take a guess. A $100, he says? -- I was going to say 20.

Twenty dollars, – no, has to be more than 100. How much do you think it sold for? -- $2,000 for a cane with a ghost in it.

Deal. You guys have that show here “Deal or No Deal”, I got nothing better to do with my time. It sold for $65,100. I came home from work that day everything in my house was haunted. I mean, come on, how many of you think you can go home and find something haunted in your house. Share with me some haunted stuff right now. Okay. $65,100.


This next one, this is a man in a dress. Now, by the way, for those of you that are curious, that me either. Okay? He got dressed – his wife left him, she took everything. He got dressed up in the dress, got marriage proposals, sold it for $3,850. That’s him in the dress


Okay. This is a baked potato. Starting bid one penny. Sold $16.50. No big deal. Look at what it said. “Give your sweetheart the most tender baked potato of all for your romantic Valentine’s Day dinner.” That’s sweet isn't it? If I gave my wife a heart shaped baked potato for Valentine’s Day, that would be me. Some of these things don’t make any sense.


This is a hotdog. Now, I know the answer to this question but I’m going to ask you anyway. You all have hotdogs here, all right? Everybody know what a hotdog is? -- Yeah.

Now, there was this new baseball stadium that opened in Saint Louise that opened here about a year and a-half ago. This was the very first hotdog sold at that stadium. It got 56 bids. It sold for $270. Folks, this is a hotdog. Don’t you ever dare tell me you don’t have anything to sell. This is a hotdog.

We all have stuff to sell. We start out, on eBay selling all the stuff we have in our house. Why do we do that? Because we just gotta get experience. Listen, I don’t want you to sell something, mess up on, and it be a big house. I don’t want you to mess up on a car. I want you to mess up on the little stuff. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

We start with the stuff around the house. Then we teach you, step by step, how to find product and we give you product information product to sell on eBay. Garage sales, thrift stores, big ticket items, cars, jewellery, real estate, information products, and drop shipping.

See, you got to have all the different tools in your arsenal. See one of the big things I love about information products, no shipping. See, there’s this common theme. People buy on eBay worldwide and if you don’t have to ship anything to them, no duties, no customs, no postal, no shipping, wouldn't that be nice. Just the money “ch-ching”, into your bank account and you're happy, right ? So, we teach you how to do all these things. We teach you how to create all these things, how to put all these things in place.

One of the most important things when you're selling information products, because you’re all focused on making money on the Internet, is the instant digital delivery of your product. It’s one of the beautiful things.

On eBay, there is no way to digitally deliver your products when they’re paid for with PayPal. There’s no way, unless – somebody help me to finish? -- Unless you know how.

You have to know how and we teach you how to do these things that no-one else is teaching you how to do. So I want you to ask yourself what the value of your time is and what your time is worth.

Here’s a little personal story from me. I started selling all these pool tables on eBay I’m selling hundreds of them a week, and yeah, yeah, I’m making all this money, but here’s the problem; if you’re working 70 or 80 hours a week and you're making a lot of money but you have no time to do anything you want to do, does all the money matter? No, not at all.

So, I said, with all the technology, I want to find some people who are good software developers and I’m gunna give them my ideas. I want to let them create product for me that’s gunna help me save a bunch of time.

The first one I want to tell you about is this little thing called “Deal Closer.” Now, Deal Closer is a US only product. What it does, is it helps real estate investors find foreclosures and pre-foreclosures and helps you get and helps you get comps and write the offer, and it does all of this for you in a matter of moments.

Now, in the US, we sell it for $2,000, we sell it in our training. For all of you, we’re just going to give it for free, no charge because some of you are going to do real estate and some of you are not. We don’t want you to have to pay for something you're not going to use. Does that make sense? But if you're interested in doing real estate, I’ll show you an example here in a few minutes, this is a really powerful tool to save you a lot of money and a lot of time and a lot of effort because, if you're never going to go to Greenville South Carolina, but you want to buy and sell real estate on eBay. How are you going to know what that properties worth unless you go there. But if you have the tools, and you have the Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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systems in place to find it – does that make sense? It automates the whole process for you, so I’ll show you that in a few minutes.

Let me give you some eBay basics.

Number 1. When you're writing your titles on eBay for your items, you only get 55 characters.

Now, how important, by a show of hands, how many of you think grammar is really important? Okay. Grammar is completely irrelevant. We don’t have enough room in training for all of you. Totally irrelevant. You type in “men’s watch”, or “watch men’s” you get the same results.

How ‘bout spelling? Important? Remember what I told you earlier, right? If you find people who can’t spell your going to get a good deal. We're going to take a quiz now.

Can you all write a word down for me? We’re going to take a quiz. The word is “billiard”. It’s like a pool table, but it’s billiard. Everybody write that down and we’re going to take a test.

David said to me earlier, he said, “This is a really, really quiz. We’re going to take a spelling test, and I want to see how you all do. Billiard. It’s kind of like a pool table, but billiard. You got it? That’s pretty close. I’m going to put it on the board. Here’s what I’d like you to do. When I put it on here, if you get it right, will you all yell out, “I got it”, as loud as you can.

Okay. Just put your hands up, first letter is a “B” who is still in? It’s good, it’s good. It’s good, David, we’re on a roll. Okay. I’m gunna spell out for you, if you got it right, I want you to yell out, “I got it.” All right? You ready? Okay. B-I-L-L-A-R-D. Who got it? -- Got it!

No, you didn’t. I know, but that’s wrong. It’s wrong. No, that’s billard. I was in Atlanta Georgia, somebody said to me, well, that’s the southern way to spell that. “Billard. Billard.”

I said, “No, uh uh. That’s billard, that’s billiard. Yeah, a lot of you got that one right. Let me tell you what the point is. I started getting all these calls from people. They said, “Adam, I don’t know what’s going on here, but we’re sending emails, you're not getting back to us.” And I said, “Well, you're spelling the word wrong and the email address doesn’t exist and you're mad at me. There are so many people who spell that word wrong, maybe I should put my eBay title to say “8 foot pool billard billiard table in the title.”

Let me tell you what happened. My sales went up 14 percent. Now, I discovered this. This is really serious. I discovered this when I was at $600,000 a month in sales. That’s an $800,000 a month increase. How much would I have paid to come Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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to training, with me, to learn that one thing from the beginning. How much did that mistake cost me? See you don’t want to wait six months or a year you don’t want to make the mistakes. You want to get it right from the beginning.

So, I said, this is okay, this is fine. I know if I can find things that people spell wrong and we can get a good deal, no problem at all, right? But here’s the challenge. I don’t want to sit in front of a computer all day looking for them, do you. Not at all, so check this out. Let me just go on line and show you this, real quick. I’ll do a live example for you. Let me just go here and see if I can do a live example. We’ll see if I’m on the Internet earlier – and I’m back on the Internet now. Okay, good.

So, it works in Australia. See is that you? Then Canada, then UK, then US. I just want to type in the word “diamond”, see, you type in the correct spelling, and watch this; you click “search eBay”. Now, somebody count out loud. Now. “One, two, three, four, five.” Done. That’s it. Every item listed on eBay with the word “diamond” spelled wrong, came up, instantly. See the first one is, “Damond.” D-A-M-O-N-D. then we have “Dimond”, then we have “Dyamond” then we have “Iamond”. Then we have “Diaomond”.

See the software finds it all. My whole goal for you is to be automated. I don’t want you to have to – could you figure this out on your own? It would – you maybe would be able to but it would just take you hours and hours and why would you want to do that? So that’s really the purpose of what we’re doing here.

Now, let me show you another one. This one is a laptop. I typed in the word “laptop” in the computer. And I did this one myself. See I use “Misspell Generator” to find things that people can’t spell. You know why? You know what happens? No one bids. There’s a famous singer called “Neil Diamond”, some of you heard of Neil Diamond? Anyway, I got four tickets for $3.99 to see him live, and the auction was for Neil Dimond tickets. See, no one BID, because no one could find them. I used Misspell Generator, and the thing came up. I wasn't even looking for it.

And so I bought a laptop computer, it was a $1,000 laptop, I paid $79 for it. I’ll show you what it was for in a second. See, there’s “labtops” on eBay, and there’s “labtobs”, on eBay, and there’s “labotobs” on eBay, and there’s laptaps. Now, the next one I bought, someone had too much to drink, this was for a laaaaaaaaaptop. But here’s the thing, I got it for $79. It was worth 1,000. You know what I did to it? I painted it, I put in some trees, figuratively, not literally. Okay. I sold it for $350. how’d we do?

See, it don’t have to be a house. House is nice, because it’s big ticket, this is small ticket but it still works exactly the same way.

Now, let me just show you again, another example of how eBay works. This is for a house on eBay, look at what the title says. New York single family. Can I give you a tip? If you're gunna sell a house on eBay, there might be some value to Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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adding the word “HOUSE” to the title. It’s a minor thing, but you should just think about that. Okay. As bad as this listing is, and this was a real bad listing, it got almost 2,000 people to it.

Now, remember what I said earlier. If we could get those people to give us their name and their email, with their permission, to market back to them, wouldn't that be worth it, even if we didn't sell anything? Let’s build our list on any subject. Look at this one, with all the hurricanes – there are a lot of hurricanes in Florida. In the US, cheap Florida home, on land. I know what people are thinking. Some things don’t make sense to me, but this one is better. This one is better; this one got almost 12,000 people to the listing.

Now, I need to ask someone a trick question, and I’ll ask you all as a collective group. If we sold one house, to one person and had one buyer, how many sales have we made? One. What about the other 11,999? What if we could get a few thousand of those names, so that when we have other properties to sell, or other things - or other shoes to sell, or other sunglasses to sell, or other e-Books, or other digital products – or other ANYTHING – anything we want to sell as an affiliate marketing tool, we’ve got them.

We have people on our database and we’ve used eBay to build that. You guys starting to understand? These are things eBay doesn’t teach you. I know because we’ve done it and our students are doing it all over the world. Here’s some – I told you about the guy who’s working part-time but he’s working full-time somewhere else. His name is John Ducane. He’s only making 25,000 a month; for most of you that’s not enough money. So I’m just going to skip it. But his eBay user ID is “Dragon Door 1 – PA 9, you can take a look at some of his listings too.

Now this is the fun stuff, we haven’t even gotten to the fun good stuff yet. Are you guys ready for the good stuff? I’m gunna share with you something that no-one on the planet has ever seen, but me and Gates, because it just went live yesterday. It is incredible.

Look, I don’t want to build it up to much but it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen, my entire life, on eBay. Ever. In the history of eBay. It’s unbelievable. Are you guys ready? I mean, because I don't know if you can really stand it. I mean I’m really fired up about it but we’re using it. Com'mon, if you're ready, just say, “I’m ready”? -- I’m ready.

This is what most eBay listings look like. Now, let me show you and prove to you what I’m talking about. We went to eBay and typed in the word “HOUSE”. This is I typed in the word “HOUSE” - there’s only 13 houses on eBay in Australia listed. It’s not real big. There’s 13 of them. There’s a lot of pet supplies with the word house in the title, but for real estate, there’s only 13 of them.

Now, I scrolled down here, and you see this first one, “house for sale, small family home for sale and removal off property.” Someone will explain to me what that means, but that’s what it says, “Pick up only.” I understand that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Now, I came down here to where it said, “4 bedroom house, Berwick Victoria. Does anybody know where that is? Okay. Watch what happens. I clicked on the listing and this is what it looked like. That’s it.

Now, how close is this… to this… You guys see what I’m talking about? That’s how most eBay listings look. So, I said, I’m reading this book called “Blink”, Malcolm Gladwell says, the attention span of people is going down. Most people, if they don’t see something they like in 7 seconds, they’re gone. Seven seconds. Let’s make our eBay listings look like this. Same pictures, same words, same everything. The one on the right, outsells the one on the left every single time. Every time. But here’s the challenge. This cost me $300 to design. I had to find someone who knew HTML because you have to write it a certain way to put in eBay, you can’t just write it any old way.

And so I said, all right. That’s fine. I’ll spend the $300 all day long, it’s not a big expense. Here’s the problem. What if I want to sell shoes. What if I want to sell sunglasses. What if I want to sell DVD’s, or houses. I can’t use this template, can I? I gotta pay $300 to that designer, every time I want to sell something new. We have to automate this process. We need software. So, I went out, and I built 250 templates. I paid a guy a lot of money to build 250 predesigned templates on every subject, because I just want to put them in and sell them, I don’t want to have to figure them all out.

And so, every time I do something like this, the students say, “Okay.” What are you doing? Let me see it.” And they all want to use our stuff.


Let me show you, this is one of the houses we did. This is the before… but before I show you the after, I want to show you this. In July of 2006, which is last summer, we got an award from eBay for our latest software product on template software. Look what they gave us. They gave us the award for the most innovative software in the history of eBay for eBay sellers. It is only available exclusively to our students. How ‘bout that. That’s exciting. Right?

Things that stand out in the crowd make all the difference in the world. Now, while this software was great, and it is great, for the last four years, a little bit longer than our membership website, I’ve been working in my head on this software tool, that I wanted to have and it was released yesterday. Yesterday. It is better than this. It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen for someone on eBay, and I’ve sold a lot of stuff on eBay.. I’ve seen a lot of tools. This tool works for eBay, it words for every eBay around the world, it works for – if you have an “about me” page, it works if you have an eBay store, an eBay shop, it works for all of it. And it takes your listings from THIS to absolutely spectacular and incredible and it does it really fast. And I’m going to show you how we do it in a second.

You need to learn 3 things, three keys to success. Three letters. Because if you do – this software is so simple – I want to find someone in this room who’s not so good on computers. I need a volunteer. You're, not so good? Come on up. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Three letters. Write them down for me. A. C. and V.

First letter “A” stands for – I thought that you were going to say Adam. That would have been good. “A” can you repeat after me? -- “A”

“C"? -- C.

“V”? -- V.

It works on a Mac, it works on a PC it works on any computer from anywhere, on any eBay selling anything. How ‘bout that. Is that a bold statement? Here’s what the letters really stand for. Control A, got it? -- Yep.

Control C? -- Hmm mmm.

Got it? Control V. Got it? -- Yes.

And you’re my volunteer, right? -- Yes.

Okay. Let’s go on line – somebody’s laughing at me over there. Let me show you how this works because this is so important. Let me tell you what we do. We did what I call an “extreme listing makeover”. We took this house and we log on line and we log onto a site called “auction makeover”. You log in, and you create – it’s all in the backend membership site. We just uploaded it up there. Okay? And here’s the way it works. You type in your title, you type in your subtitle, okay. And you just simply type in what you want to sell. You can do that right? You just type it.

So, we type in the description, we type in the general info, we type in the general terms and conditions, we type in the “about us.” And then we just upload our pictures. We hit browse and upload our pictures, that’s a pretty straightforward thing to do. Now, all I did, just so you guys know, I took this description, and I pasted it, here. I just broke it out into paragraphs. Have I lost anyone yet? Paragraphs. Right.

You're all with me so far, right? Now, I took these pictures right here, you guys see these pictures right here? I took these pictures and I saved them to my desk top and I just uploaded them, here.

That’s it. The same pictures. Have I ever been to that house? What do you guys think. I’ve never been to the house. Don’t even know where it is. Okay? Now, watch this. Right here. These are all some different templates, that are in here, there’s real estate 1, real estate 2, we can change the templates on the fly, no matter what we’re selling and we can save everything, so we don’t have to do all the work. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Anyway, here’s what happens. We put this information here, and we click this link right here, that says, “get the code”. You with me? Can you click this right here? That one. Get the code. Now, you remember the letters? A, C and V – watch this. Hold the control down and press the A. Okay? Hold the control down and press the C. Okay. Now don’t do anything. We got to go to eBay now. Okay. Take your hand off the control. Okay? So, here’s what we do. We go to we're gunna click on the word “sell”. And we’ll demo this later, if you want to sit with us at our booth, we’ll show you how it works.

We’ll put the category number in, this is just the category for pool tables, but it doesn’t really matter for example purposes. Let me close this here, let me select the category, we’re gunna select sporting goods. It doesn’t make any difference. We’re gunna click save and continue. eBay gives you the offer to list in a second category. Always say no. because they don’t tell you that they charge you double for doing that. So, you say, “no thank you eBay.” you click continue. And we're gunna come back over here, and when we log in, and it’s gunna ask us to write the description, right there. See that box? Normally you’d have to type a whole bunch of stuff in there, I want you to click the control and hit the V. Good. Whoa? -- Is that it?

That’s it. Can I show you what you did. Are you ready? Watch this. We're going to click the preview. There it is. See it? Not really right? There it is. That’s the same house we just had. Look at how it looks? -- Wow.

That pretty? -- Mmm.

Now, watch this. But don’t tell anyone because I don’t want them to know. Okay. Okay. Watch. Go back over here. If you want to see the big version this is what it looks like. Okay. Now, these are the same pictures folks. The exact same pictures. Doesn’t that look better? -- Mmm.

There was this – or that. There was THAT – or that. How about that. Hold on. See what it says here, for more great deals like this one, enter your information below; you’ll be placed on a priority mailing list.

Hang on. There’s one more thing. eBay – by the way – do not – do NOT try this on your own. If you do it wrong, eBay will suspend you and shut you down for life. You must know how to do this right. The last thing is, eBay just announced that you’re allowed to put video on your eBay listings using YouTube, so I just put a fun little eBay commercial on my listing.

It could be anything you want. We got this really cool camcorder, it records on a little memory stick, you put the memory stick in the computer and it says “export to YouTube.” You have to know how to click two buttons to do it. And then you put on your video – so if you're selling anything – how cool would it be to take a real live video of it and then put it right up on eBay. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

So, do you think that is a better – oh, I didn't show you the best part. Can I show you the best part? You really want to see the best part? -- Yes.

Give me one more “yes”? -- Yes!

Watch this. You see these little pictures on the right? Look what happens when I put my – remember I said the pictures have got to load fast – these are really high resolution pictures. I’m just going to put my mouse over this. Look what happens, it changes automatically. I don’t even have to click on it. How cool is that.

I’m going to show you one more thing. let’s say you don’t like that template. You come up here and say “I’m gunna choose a different real estate template, like this.” You click “save”, because it says you have to click “save” and then you come down to the bottom, now I’m going to click preview again. Watch this. Now, it’s in a totally different template. Takes a little while to load because we’re on a hotel Internet connection but take a look at that.

Totally different template, totally different outline but same information. So, you can change templates on the fly, no matter what you're selling. You can put anything in there.

Does that make sense? You guys understanding the value in this? You did a spectacular job. Give her a hand. Can I shake your hand? Thank you so much, that was great. You’ve been wonderful. Do you think you can do that? The “control A” sequence? -- Yeah.

You could? -- I think so.

Because you were like – feeling like you weren’t so good on there, right? Yeah. Yeah.

It’s pretty simple to do? -- Yeah.

Excellent. Thanks very much. Folks this software is only available in our members’ site. It’s not for sale on the Internet, you can’t buy it anywhere, you can’t get it anywhere, it’s only available in our members’ site.

Gates, if you could just let me know how many of those are left, because I know there are only a handful of them that are left. Is this really cool, or what? Watch this, I’ll show you one more we did.

This one was hot. So, we got it, yes? This is some of the features, unique template designs. It’s optimised for Here’s the thing. We just launched it yesterday. It’s only got 10 templates. Every week for the next 50 weeks we’re going to be adding two to three templates a week, so there’ll be hundreds of templates in there. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

We’re always looking for ways to make the templates better. It can be used on all eBay sites. Free picture hosting – by the way eBay charges – anybody know how much they charge you for a picture, the first one is free – how much is the next one after that? -- 25 cents.

25 cents. So, if you put 7 pictures in – 7 pictures $1.75, here it’s free. That’s not so bad. Gates says we have 7 left. 7 left. I will tell you this. This will make you more money. Just this software alone will make you more money. There is no question about that.

Now, watch this. Works on a Mac or a PC, so simple, anyone can do it. Can also be used with eBay stores. Let me show you a couple of other things. This is the before. Remember this I showed you? This is one of the very first houses we did. This was a $1.5 million house that did not sell. Want to see what we turned it into? This one is really cool, check this out. How’s that? -- Wow.

Same house. Same pictures. Same words. Just looks different. Doesn’t that look more expensive. That one sold in 17 days. See, what we do is find things, we buy them, we put them into this software, we change it around we paint the house, we put the trees in – not really – we just make it look like this…

We put our mouse over the picture and it goes here. You guys following me on this, right? Later, if you want, come out to the back and I’ll demo it for you live. I’ll show you the real estate software, live too. You just have to hope that you have one of the programs that you got while they were still available. And come out and we’ll give you a test run and we’ll show you how it works.

We’ll show you how to get in the members site and what’s in there. How to download the book – the 318 page eBook on selling on So, here’s the million dollar idea. This is our million dollar idea. You know what – out of respect – and I almost forgot the most important part out of our entire presentation, I should have told you at the beginning, but I didn’t. When I learned this, nothing else mattered. This is the most important thing you can learn this entire weekend. And it has nothing to do with the Internet. Are you ready?

This is big. Moms’ are always right. Even when they’re wrong, they’re right. And when I figure that out, your whole life changes.

Here’s a million dollar idea. Use eBay listings to build your database on any subject, on any topic, on any market. Doesn’t matter what it is. Use eBay to build your list. Here’s what I can tell you, you’ve heard some great speakers already. You're going to hear some incredible speakers over the next couple of days – incredible. I know most of them, and their topics are fabulous, and they all have the ability to make you money. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

The things David’s going to share with you tomorrow, are brilliant. I love working with him, this stuff is great. Here’s the thing that I want you to understand about this. Is that every one of those things works with the things I am teaching you.

They all work with eBay. All of them. You don’t want to have just one way to make money. You need to have lots of different things to make money. But they all revolve around the things that people do when it comes to eBay.

This is one of our students; he makes $80, 000 a month selling land on the Internet. Now, what he does, he used eBay to build his list, so whenever he gets new things to sell – new land – he just sends an email out to his list, he sells 50 percent of his land before it goes for sale on the Internet. The rest he puts up for sale.

How many of you could use an extra 80,000 a month. Are we getting better, by the way? That’s up there, right? You know, here’s one of the things I didn’t tell you, right. If you sell one piece of property for $5,000 a week, that’s a quarter of a million dollars a year. That’s not bad money for an hour or two a week for just on the side extra money, right? And it’s not your fulltime income but it’s kind of a little nice extra on the side.

This is just what I was referencing earlier. This is why there’s such a powerful insurgence of real estate on eBay because 2.4 million foreclosures are coming. People are desperate. They don’t know what to do with them. They’re putting them on eBay and they have no idea how to use eBay and they know nothing about real estate. And so it leaves a real wide open market for us.

So, let me just show you about that deal closure earlier? Let me show you how this works. This is a house in Cincinnati Ohio. And we were looking for some property to buy. We found this property, but we didn’t know that much about it, but it met our criteria. The pictures – there’s a lot of pictures because I need a lot of pictures, right. I got them built and put them back in the software.

I also need an ugly listing. Now, if you’ve been on the Internet for a few years, this is like, what the Internet used to be about 5 years ago. The only thing that’s missing is the mouse trail with the dots behind it. Remember a few years ago, the dots would all find the mouse trail, it was missing some of that, but it’s a pretty ugly listing.

So, we took this house and we said, all right. It’s in Cincinnati, it’s 3,000 miles from where I live, how do I know if it’s a good deal? I go in the Deal Closer and I type in the address and it gives me all the comps in the area, instantaneously. We found this in the middle of the night. I couldn't call anyone, I couldn't email anyone, the software gives me the date. Here’s what it says. It says the low value is $28,000 and the high value is $38,000.

Now, I have something to work with. If I get this house for $10,000 would it be a good deal, do you think? -- Yeah. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

So, here’s my goal. My goal is to get it for 10, and sell for 12. That’s it. Get it for 10 and sell it for 12. How much do I make if I get it for 10 and sell it for 12? -- 2,000.

It takes me about an hour, I’m doing that once a week, that’s 100,000 a year, am I okay part time? Just not bad, right? Part time. How many of you could use 100,000 a year just part time, one or two hours a week. Good, so, we’re all on the same page.

Now, sometimes, and I think Johnny will attest to this. Sometimes in life, we fail. And sometimes it’s okay to fail, because here’s what happens; and would you all agree that sometimes we fail? Yeah. Sometimes we fail. Well, in this case we failed. Because we didn't get the house for 10,000, we messed up. We only got it for 4500.

How’d we do? -- Good.

Not bad. Right. Did we do okay? -- Yeah.

I mean we failed though? Now, we didn’t sell it for 12 either. We only sold it for 10. How did I do? -- Very good.

Anybody want to fail with me? Really fast? -- Yeah.

See the thing is, we made about 5,000 on this property and routinely, I’ll get the question of, “well, why are we buying such low end properties when we could be buying high end properties?”

Here’s why. If you bought – I want you to think about this. If you bought a property for $4,500. How bad could you screw it up. I mean what’s the worst you could lose? $4500. And no one’s going to buy it for a dollar. You're gunna sell it for at least several thousands. So, you can’t lose very much, even if you lose in the first place.

But if you take the things we’re doing and you work on the title – see this one didn't even have the word “house’ in the title. You rework the title, you rework the listing, you take this comp right here, and you take a screen shot and you put it in the listing. So now when someone’s bidding on it, and they see that it’s worth $28 to $38 – are they willing to pay 7 or 8? Absolutely.

You got to have the right tools to be able to do these things. And that’s why we put the entire system together in one place.

Let me tell you what we expect. First of all – Johnny wanted to share with you a story about eBay and what happened but I don’t know where he went so I want you to just ask him about that story. Something about one of his people sold something for him. Anyway, if anyone finds Johnny outside you can have him come in. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg Internet Income Generator

Let me tell you what we expect. We expect our students to increase their income 50 percent on eBay in the next 12 months. Who’s making nothing on eBay right now? Okay. I want to increase your eBay income 50 percent in the next 12 months. Is that okay? It’s still nothing, isn't it? Even in AU dollars,50 percent of noting is still nothing, even with the conversion.

Actually I asked you earlier to write down your own number? How much money you’d like to make on the Internet every month. That’s the number I want to increase 50 percent. Not my number, your number. Would that be okay? Because it’s not about me. It doesn’t matter how much I make, it matters how much you make.

Now, let’s talk about how you make money on the Internet.

Number 1: You need to think differently. Number 2: You need to be prepared to change. Number 3: You need to learn new skills. Number 4: You need to take quick and decisive action.

Have any of you ever felt like you missed an opportunity that if you had only taken that opportunity life would be different? -- Yes.

Okay. This is that opportunity right now. There’s a moment of truth. You're either gunna go this way or this way. We want you to join us and come this way with us.

You guys have been spectacular. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

ADAM GINSBERG MySpace Marketing Strategies Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

ADAM GINSBERG: How’s everyone? -- Good.

MEET ADAM GINSBERG G… Adam Ginsberg is the "entreepreneur's

No really, come on. How’s everyone? -- Great! Excellent.

entrepreneur" having extenssive business and training experience acrross many

In case you’re wondering it’s about a quarter to eight.


Dinner was fabulous. Could go to a movvie soon. Yeah we’re having a good time.

One of eBay's most successfful small business owners, Adam is not just a "technology ma arketing wizard" but also an exceptional speaker and tra ainer. He presents practical step-

So who has - I’m just going to come down d here, I can’t see

by-step formulas which are easy to follow and implement

you all - who’s heard of MySpace, just so I can see, who has a

and his casual yet informatiive style draws significantly from

MySpace profile in the room, with more e than 5,000 friends? --

his own inspirational successs story.

Come on. In 2001 Adam began selling g on eBay. In less than one year

Oh come-on? -- It’s so hard to do.

he became the US Number 1 seller in the Sports Category and was named the Numbeer 1 new seller on eBay in 2002.

Okay. “So hard to do” Really? Okay I’ve e got a question for you, David just talked about having a website, w right? So, here’s

Adam’s commitment to succcess on eBay is demonstrated by his outstanding, 98%+ feed dback satisfaction score and his

a great book you should read it’s called d, “Blink”, I talked about

Titanium Power Seller Statu us, eBay’s highest level.

it yesterday, it’s called, “Blink”, by Malco olm Gladwell, it’s a New York Times bestselling book. For almostt two years - and in this book he talks about the fact that, as we get older and society moves faster our attention span n is literally about seven seconds. When people see something you’ve got seven seconds to make a decision and that’s it.

So, we have to capture people’s atten ntion very quickly. When you go to look for information on the Internet where do we go? Information? -- Google.

e we live, because Google’s all We go to Google, we type in Google.ccom, up comes, depending on where over the world, right? If you were able to t get your website number one on Google, heck, top ten on Google, how powerful would that be? How much would that be worth to your business? -- Plenty.

m – we talked Plenty right? Think about what David just talked about, having a product, a website with membership yesterday about using eBay to drive traaffic and build our list, but what if we could do it orgaanically for free, on eBay and on MySpace together? How powerful would w that be? Don’ t we need an overall promotionaal strategy to get traffic to our website, right?

So, here’s my question for you; if you caan get in the top ten on Google, that’s good, how about the top five? -- Better. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

How about top three? -- That’s where we want to be.

That’s where you want to be? -- Yeah.

So, here’s what I got, some news for you. This is important for you to understand, if you put a website up today, there’s about a hundred million websites, the chances of you being number one on Google – impossible. Impossible.

Traffic yes, number one - I want you to write down the word “IMPOSSIBLE”, just write down the word “IMPOSSIBLE”? -Nothing’s impossible.

Oh, it’s impossible. Impossible. However, you’re right, nothing is impossible. However, I’d like you here under the word impossible, I’d like you to write the word down “ATTITUDE”, go ahead and write down the word ATTITUDE”.

‘Cause here’s what you need to understand, if you think positively, 100 percent that you think that you’re going to get to be number one on Google, you know what the answer is? It’s still impossible even if you think, really positively. However, I’m going to show you how we can get to the top of Google, would you like to see? -- Absolutely.

For free? -- Yes.

Right now? -- Yes.

Are you sure? -- Yes.

You all wrote down the word “ATTITUDE”, yes? -- Yes.

Under the word “ATTITUDE”, across the bottom of your page, what letter in the English language, what number is the letter A? -- One.

Number one. So, under the word “A” just put the number one. What number is the letter “T”, who said 20? How’d you know that so fast? T is 20, so under the T put a 20. Under the second T put a 20, what’s the next letter? I. What number is I? -- 9.

Nine, how do you know this? -- I just know.

You just know, there are some things we just know, that’s one of the things you just know, right? And what comes after the "I"? -- T. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

A-T, what number is the T? -- 20.

20, you guys are picking this up fast. How ‘bout U? -- 21.

21, how ‘bout D? -- 4.

How ‘bout E? -- 5.

Add those numbers up for me? -- 100.

100. What are the chances, that if you have the right attitude you could be 100 percent focused on getting everything done you need to get done? Watch the power of MySpace, let me show you I want to bring up three clients, three people we work with three MySpace pages.

Let’s just go to the Internet and see how this works. If I go to the Internet and I type in Johnny, I go to spell Johnny right, W - I – M – B – R – E – Y. I want you to just see what happens, Johnny’s had his website up for a long time, you think Johnny comes up, you think his website number one on Google for his name? What do you think? Who said yes? -- Yes.

I bet you it’s ‘no’, but we’ll check. It’s not. Look what the first link is;, when we click on this link this takes you to his MySpace page, not his website. Let’s do another one, let’s look up this young lady, I’ll show you her profile a little bit later, her name is Janet Edwards she’s from Australia, she’s one of our clients, she’s a, a fitness trainer, she lives in Beverly Hills now. Let’s type in Janet Edwards into Google and hit search and what comes up is number two, Janet Edwards. Number two’s okay right, I mean number one, number two, number three let’s click on Janet Edwards, this takes you to her MySpace page, we’ll come back to that in a minute.

Let’s type in another one, lets type in another one of my clients called Pumpkin. There’s a television show in a America called Charm School, with a celebrity called Flavour of Love he’s on VH1, has anybody seen that show? Charm School.

Anyway if you type in Pumpkin – now what’s interesting is we build her website but if you type in Pumpkin and you hit search her MySpace page comes up number one.

So, what’s the point of all this? Google has created a relationship with MySpace, to take MySpace profiles and index them so that they come up at the top of Google. This is part of Google’s strategy, I’m sharing this with you because I want you to understand the value of MySpace. Somebody said to me the other day, they said, “MySpace is for kids.”

Here’s the thing, almost 70% of MySpace users now are over 25. So, we’re going to spend some time talking about MySpace, but here’s what I want you to understand – we’re going to have some MySpace – as a matter of fact let’s go Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

ahead and hand out the forms now, can we hand out these forms? I just want to give you the forms. Do you guys mind if I tell you the price now? -- No. Instead of waiting until the end? It’s the most expensive program of the whole weekend, is it worth it? -- Yes.

How many of you would pay $5,000 to get your website, or your MySpace, number one on Google? Would it be worth $5,000 to be number one on Google, or two, or three? I think so, because when people click that link and they go to wherever you send them to go, they go to your MySpace page and then your MySpace page sends them to your website, now you’ve got a chance to make a bunch of money.

So, where going to pass this out real quick, get this out of the way and then we can spend the next hour talking about MySpace, is that okay? Yes? -- Yes.

Right well, what happened? You guys have got very quiet all of a sudden; you’re just looking at that going, “How can I get my page, number one on Google?” That’s what we want isn’t it? We want to be number one, number two, number three, we want to be right there at the top fold, so that people don’t have to scroll down to go to the lower pages, right?

So, let’s pass this around real quick, I’ll just show you how this works. The MySpace program and the thing that I really love about what David talked about earlier, is that our MySpace program is totally out of your hands, you do nothing. How much do you do? -- Nothing.

Nothing. I mean, you actually have to fill out a form so we know how to build your page, but we build your MySpace page for you, we put all of the keywords in that you want to coordinate with Google. So, however it is you want your page build, we build it for you, we do all the work, we put all your keywords in and we add all of your friends. We build the whole site and we just hand it back over to you, it takes three or four days. Is that okay? -- Yes.

So, that’s what we do with MySpace and it’s important to recognise the fact that you want to be automated in this process, you don’t want to try to figure all this out on your own, because you want to get to the top of Google as quickly as possible, so we’ll pass this form around for you. I will let you know one quick thing, for those of you that are coming to our eBay training, everyone’s been asking me when it is, it’s in February, 2011. Victoria almost had a heart attack.

It’s February, eight, nine and ten. This upcoming February, so in about 90 days. That’ll give you plenty of time to go online, go to the website, listen to the material, do all the things and you can come see us at the booth and we’ll help you get all that situated for you. February eighth, ninth and tenth.

The other thing I wanted to ask you - someone asked me this earlier - they said, “Do we have anymore eBay programs left?” The answer is we do. We’ve got seven left, here’s why. Because, when Gates handed me the form yesterday to tell Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

me how many people we had left, he was counting husbands and wives which is associates together as two people instead of one, we only count that as one person, one form is one person. So, the count was off, does that make sense?

So, anyway just to let you know that. Here’s the other thing; where it says $1997 on the price point, its actually the least expensive, not the most expensive. I just like to tease you a little bit. At 1997, it’s a great value for those of you that got involved in our eBay program we don’t offer MySpace and training, but we do give you a discount if you’re already a student so you can take another $500 off the MySpace package so if you’ve already got eBay and you want to do MySpace too - and we’ll talk about what that is in a few minutes - you can take $500 off this price, just cross it off and you have to write eBay on there and then Victoria and them will make sure that you’ve got eBay and then they’ll deduct it off the price, does that make sense?

All right, put this aside let’s talk about MySpace. See, for me my whole goal is to share with you the latest trends, the latest technology and the latest things going on in terms of making money on in the Internet, so that you guys don’t have to figure it out on your own.

When I first started selling on eBay, we were one of the first people ever to do a big business on eBay, we kind of changed the way people thought about eBay, we’re doing the same thing with MySpace. MySpace is not that old, let me give you some history, first of all, in 2006, December of 2006, Time Magazine came out with an article called, the ‘Time Person of the Year’. They do this every year. In 2006, 2007 the “Time Person of the Year” was all of you.

It talked about how the power of the Internet was changing, the Internet’s gone through several phases, where it’s now, it’s about all of you. It’s about user generated content on the Internet; they’re called social networking sites. They are where people control the future of the Internet, not big companies, not corporations and you’ll see as we go through how this works. Can you all stand up for me for a second? I need you to stand up and I need you to introduce yourself to either the person behind you, I need you to introduce yourself to somebody you don’t already know - tell them your name, where you’re from and what you like to do when you’re not here in this room. Go ahead; we’re going to do this for 60 seconds.

Make sure they know your name, make sure they know what kind of hobbies you have, make sure they know what you like to do for fun and for work. We’re going to wrap it up in 30 seconds; you’ve got 30 seconds to tell your story. Got 20 seconds, go a ahead and wrap it up, start to wind it all down, you’ve got about 15 seconds left.

And everybody stop. Everybody shhh. Everybody stop, everybody have a seat.

Everybody have a seat. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

Would you all agree with me, see some of you guys really are becoming pretty friendly. Would you guys agree with me that if we gave you three days in this room and we removed all the speakers and all the programs and all the products and all the, the staff and we just locked you in the room for three days; that you guys would be able to make friends and network and do business with each other? What do you think? -- Yes. Absolutely right, that’s what MySpace is. MySpace is a social networking site where people meet, where people interact, where people become friends and then they do business with each other. When you first meet someone for the very first time and you want them to be your friend, offline in the real world do you immediately try to sell them something? -- No.

Cause if you do that on MySpace, you’re not going to have any success or luck. There’s something called “Six Degrees of Separation.” Some of you might have heard this before, this is where within just six people, you can network and meet almost anyone you want and Los Angeles is called six degrees of Kevin Bacon, because almost every movie in Hollywood is related to Kevin Bacon within six degrees.

Let me give you an example of what happened with me with MySpace. Nik and his team at an event in Los Angeles in April and just before that event I was on MySpace and I had got a friend request from somebody and I was reading their blog on MySpace and I noticed - it was very interesting - I noticed that this young lady had a blog post and it said, “Read about my eBay auctions, click here”. This was on her blog, so I clicked on her listing and you know on MySpace, one of the things people love is the pictures.

Anybody ever go to MySpace just click on peoples pictures and you’re just like out of curiosity and need to see all about them right? So, it turns out that this woman that I clicked on her listings was - there’s a contest called “Star Search” and she won the hundred thousand dollar model competition, and then from there she went on to be a playboy centre-fold. So, I wasn’t looking that closely at the pictures, but I was, I really wanted to read the blog. So, I click on the blog and it says check out my eBay listings, we go to her eBay listings and when I tell you that they were the worst, ugliest eBay listings you’ve ever seen in your life, I am not exaggerating. They were absolutely awful, so I sent her an email and I said, “Your eBay listings are awful, if you would like some help on eBay, just go ahead and read my MySpace page, check out my pictures and here’s my number, call me if you have any questions.” I thought that was a fair, nice little request, right?

So, she emailed me back and she said, “I’m really sorry, I’m just way too busy maybe some other time.” I said, “Ok fine, no big deal.”

So, I went and we were at this event in Los Angeles and, one of the people I do business with was, introduced me to someone who is one of the most famous soap opera stars in the world, does anybody watch The Young and the, beautif – the- what is it? The Bold and the Beautiful? -- Yes.

Anybody watch that show? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

It’s like 300 million people, so what’s the, you know the guy with the really long----? -- Ridge.

What’s his name? -- Ridge.

Ridge, but what’s his name in real life? -- Ron Moss.

Ron Moss. So, so my partner goes over to Ron Moss - I didn’t know who Ron - I don’t how he knew he was, but that’s a whole other story. So he goes over and we’re talking to Ron Moss - apparently he’s pretty well known and I said, “Listen you know you’ve got all this celebrity status, 22 years on the Bold and the Beautiful,”, I said, “you’ve got a lot of stuff. I bet you, you’ve got a lot of fans around the world, people will buy your stuff on eBay.” And we’re talking for about 20 minutes and all of a sudden his girlfriend who’s sitting there - she hadn’t said a word for 20 minutes - she looks up and she says, “Didn’t you just email me on MySpace last week?”

True story, she said, “The reason I told you I was busy, was I was coming to this event,” she said, “I couldn’t chat with you I was coming to hear some guy talk about eBay.” I said, “Oh, that guys me!” she says, “Oh. Okay!”

So, since then she has become a student, a client, a friend, both of them have, Gates and I have been to their house several times. They live in a beautiful house; she’s making a lot of money on eBay and the Internet now here’s the point. All of that happened because of MySpace. That’s why it happened.

Now, did we make any physical money on MySpace? Was there any money that transacted as a result of MySpace? No. But we made business because of an interaction and the communication of someone that we became a friend with on MySpace, you guys see the point? Eventually, the MySpace will have some systems in place where you can make money on their site and I’ll explain that to you in just a minute.

So, here’s what MySpace is, number one - it is the number one first and foremost - the number one social networking site on the planet, by far, greater than any other site.

Here are the top ten, sites on the Internet, there’s yahoo, MSN, Google, number four is YouTube, number five is MySpace, number six is Windows Live, number seven is BuyDo number eight is Orkut, number nine I can’t read, and number ten is Wikipedia. But here’s what’s interesting about that, YouTube is a social networking site, MySpace is a social networking site, BuyDo is a social networking site, Orkut is social networking, Wikipedia - five out of the top ten websites are social networking websites - social networking.

So, social networking websites are taking over and here are the top twenty; this is as of February, the most recent report that came out, MySpace has 80.7% of the market, Facebook 10.32%, Bebo; 1.18%. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So, MySpace has 80% of this market they’re dominating in this space. Now, I asked how many of you have five thousand friends on MySpace, a friend on MySpace is nothing more than a member of your database. It’s interesting to me how many people tell me that when somebody sends them a friend request, they just decline them. Well, why would you decline someone who wants to listen to what you tell them? They want to participate in anything you want offer them and you’re saying ‘no I’m sorry’ you can’t.

It doesn’t cost anything to accept someone as a friend – accept all people. When you join MySpace - how many of you have seen this picture? Anybody seen this picture? This is Tom. Let me introduce you to Tom, Tom founded MySpace, in 2003 he founded MySpace, in 2005 – two years after he founded it – he became a multi–billion, no, multi-millionaire. I think he’s probably more than that now. Because Rupert Murdoch - who owns Fox and, and a whole bunch, a whole bunch of companies – he bought MySpace for $580 million dollars! Two years after it started.

Now, when he bought MySpace, MySpace had 80 million friends – I’d like you to write something down for me because one of the things that I have discovered is that you guys like free stuff. Is that true? -- Yes.

Okay, well here’s what we are going to do - let me ask you this question if it’s okay with you - when we’re done, I’m going to pick some lucky winner out of here and I’m going to just give them my whole MySpace program. Is that okay? – Yes.

You don’t mind? -- No.

Okay. All right. Sometimes I forget. If I do will you remind me? Okay, just don’t let me forget. All right look, I’m going to just go here - I want to make sure I’m logged in - I’d like you to write down this number, the number is: 197759699, 197759699. That’s the number of people on MySpace, 197 million people.

I mentioned to you yesterday, 185 thousand people join MySpace every day. When Rupert Murdoch bought it in 2005 there were 80 million members, now there’s 197 million members – here’s my question for you - do you think when he bought this product; this website for almost $600 million dollars that he bought it for fun? Or did he buy it because he knows he’s going to turn it into some money making, massive entity? Gotta be. Right!

So, what we need to do is we say, all right why do I want a MySpace page? Number one, I want to build a database, number two I want to get number one on Google, number three I want to get lots and lots of friends to market to later. Now here’s the biggest reason people don’t get involved with this MySpace, “I don’t have anything to sell”. It doesn’t matter! How many of you at some point in the next three years will find something to sell on the Internet - anybody? Okay, if the answer to that is yes, why wait, you know they say, ‘if you build it they will come’, right? Well you need to build it now so when you have that product you can market back to people later; it’s a really important strategy, 197,759,699. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So, when you become a member of MySpace, the very first person who is your friend is Tom. Now you can remove Tom from your friend list, if you want. But Tom feels that in a community everybody should have at least one friend, so he becomes your friend when you join, everybody has at least one friend. Now, we talk about MySpace, let me show you this, cause here it says, “The huge success of MySpace sparked what some are calling “a second dot com boom”. This was an article that just came out in the, in The Register, in the UK a few weeks ago and I want to just read to you.

It says, ‘MySpace to make friends with eBay’. Now you want to talk about bold and confident and cocky and arrogant. That’s MySpace. I want to just read this to you, it says, “MySpace founder Chris Dewolfe, has hinted that the Murdoch owned social network, will bring in eBay to provide it with eCommerce features.”

Now, they’re not there yet, but don’t you want to have four or five thousand friends in place so when they do merge these two things you can start selling them stuff, you don’t wait until they merge, cause they’re coming, it’s not a question of ‘if’ it’s just ‘when’.

Look at what it says, it says, ”The Telegraph reports Dewolfe said, if you’re on your site and you have a line of T-shirts you’ve designed and you want to sell them to your friends, we want to be able to provide you with the tools you need.” So, we could - this is the part - you ready for this - so we could partner with someone like eBay to do that. Now we haven’t decided yet but it would make sense to make eBay a partner.” How would you like to be able to say to eBay that did $42 billion dollars in sales, “You know what we’re thinking about making you a partner, now we’re not really sure. You have to qualify.”

I understand about qualifying to be a part of Johnny’s program, but to qualify to be a part of eBay? To me that’s bold, cocky and arrogant and confident. MySpace is serious. They are not messing around and the people that position themselves now. It’s like people say, “Well MySpace must be like this incredible gold mine.”

A gold mine does you no good if you can’t get the gold out of the mine, does you no good. So, you have to understand how this process works. So, let’s talk more about MySpace. Here’s why it’s great.

1. Its search engine friendly, I already showed you that - Google and MySpace create this relationship where they index or spider the MySpace pages for information. See Google is tired of people trying to figure out how to beat the search engines, with search engine optimisation and all these tools and all these different tricks to try and beat Google.

They’re not interested in that, what they want is fresh, relevant content and they feel that on MySpace, the content is user-provided. Right, so the users provide the information and Google says, ‘we’re going to rank that really high’.

2. Is user generated content. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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3. It’s very niche specific. You can have as many MySpace pages as you want, doesn’t cost anything to have a MySpace page. So, why is that really important to you? Well if you’re selling shoes you could have a MySpace page for shoes, but if you’re selling real estate, you can have a MySpace page for real estate, does that make sense?

Every page can be very specific, so when you market back to people it’s exactly what they want. You can build a database, it’s the fastest growing website on the planet and it’s easy and simple and everyone in this room can have a MySpace page, by the way, if you have kids, you should have a MySpace page. Just to watch what they’re doing. It’s very important because lots and lots of kids, you only have to be fourteen to have a MySpace page. They have them and you have to just be - just add them as a friend, you can see everything they’re doing.

So that’s an important strategy, an important thing as well. So MySpace is search engine friendly, I already showed you that. User generated content, so you can upload your own videos, you can upload your own audios, you upload your own pictures, you upload your own content, the more information you put on the more people will come back to your page.

You want to market to a specific niche, if you’re selling real estate and everyone on your list is interested in buying sunglasses, you’re not going to sell any real estate. Does that make sense? You have to market to the people that you’re selling too. You use MySpace to build a database, I’ll show you exactly how we do that in just a minute, it’s the fastest growing website - how many members on MySpace are there? 197 million – what’s the number? 197 million people right?

So, when we say it’s the fastest growing website, understand that those are the people that are only friends with Tom, there are millions and millions of people who just can’t stand Tom, so they delete him from their friends list if they are deleted then they don’t count them, that’s just Tom’s friends – 197 million, were in his network, there’s actually more friends than that.

It’s really simple, but here’s the important thing, I’ve been sitting with people all weekend long going through MySpace things with them and MySpace is really, really, really simple when you understand - where’s Kayoko, where is she, she’s in the back over there, she said to me “I got this thing on my MySpace page, I’ve been trying for three weeks to figure out how to get it off, I cannot get it off it is driving me crazy.”

I said okay fine let’s get it off, I pushed one button and it came off. That was it, just one button, it took thirty seconds, when you understand how to do things it’s really simple, when you don’t understand how to do something it could take a real long time to do something that’s simple. Does that make, do you all agree with that point? -- Yes.

So we have to do that. Okay, social networking ads, I just put this up here very quickly so you can see exactly the kind of revenue that it’s generating. 2007; $865 million spent on advertising on social networking sites, which is up from 350 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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million. The point being this, if this was not a great community for people to be buying things, would these advertisers be spending all this money on ad revenue? Absolutely not, it’s a captive audience,

MySpace dominates with 60% of all the spending being done on MySpace together in one place. So, MySpace demographics, this is the chart that I wanted you to really understand. In the last 15 months the growth on MySpace has been dramatic, the greatest percentage of increase comes from people between 35 to 54 and 68.3% of MySpace users are over 25.

Remember what I said, if you can think about getting involved with eBay, 11 or 12 or 13 years ago, when it first started, it’s a very different environment than it is today, MySpace is changing very, very quickly and it’s changing the way people use the Internet.

So here’s what you can do on MySpace. You can do email, you can do events, you can do blogs, you can do videos, you can do forums, you can do groups, you can do music, you can do classifieds and you can make money. You can do all of these things, all on MySpace. It’s like having your own personalised website except its up in front of the world with traffic that’s coming in right away.

This is an interesting article. This was on CNN, it says “making friends and money on MySpace, it’s not just for musicians anymore; entrepreneurs are using the social networking site to drum up new business, meet others in their field and get advice.” It says “many small business owners, particularly in fields like clothing, graphic design, photography, publishing and real estate are discovering they can effectively advertise on the site to a narrow but often enthusiastic demographic.”

So, we’re in CCN money now talking about how you can start making money on MySpace. So here’s how you make some, I’m going to give you some tips.

1.You can write blogs okay. The young lady that I met her name is Devon. Devon put a blog in MySpace to promote and advertise her eBay listings, but if you’re doing affiliate marketing, you can write a post on your blog - I showed Johnny earlier – I sent out one, one blog post, I put up one post, it was read by 11, 000 people. 11,000 people, I don’t have 11,000 friends, I have 5,000 friends on my MySpace page, but 11,000 people read the blog post. So, number one, we can post on MySpace, blogs.

2. It’s like getting a free website, cause when you put a MySpace page up, it gets a domain name, and its on the Internet and its live.

3. You can start an eZine or some type of news letter to give people a reason to subscribe to what you have to offer them and then you can sell them things later by building a relationship with them. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

Tip number 4 is create an information product. Now David earlier talked about – for those of you - and a lot of you get involved in what he’s doing, he gave you a bunch of information products didn’t he?

In our MySpace program we give you 25 eBooks already written with retail rights, you’ve got forty or fifty information products already done for you, you could take those information products and sell them on MySpace. Gates is going to Gates what’s the mountain you’re going to climb? --Everest.

Gates wants to climb to Everest, so he says “I got to build the MySpace page” and I said, “that’s fine, no problem” I said “but don’t sell them anything, just build the relationship with these people.” So Gates is on this mission to climb Everest and he’s got this MySpace page with how many friends do you have now? -- 3,500.

3,500 friends. And he keeps doing posts and sends them little comments, ‘and I’m getting closer”, while, all at the same time he’s been writing an eBook. He actually has been having someone for him, how much did you pay Phil Gates, did you have that eBook written for you? -- I’m sorry?

How much did you pay to have your eBook written? -- $250.

$250 to have an eBook written about climbing. As he gets closer to his event, he’s going to sell the eBook to raise money so that he can go make the climb, because he knows that these thousands of friends he’s been building and working with and creating a relationship with are going to want to support him on his mission.

Are you guys starting to understand the power of this? It’s really, really effective.

5. You can use MySpace to promote your eBay listings; on eBay they have something called an ‘about me’ page you can actually cross promote between eBay and MySpace. One thing I mentioned yesterday is that you’re now allowed to put video on your eBay listings and you’re only allowed to use one of two providers either MySpace or YouTube for your videos.

So you can use MySpace to promote your eBay listings. You can sell directly on your MySpace page, you can put – if you have a shopping cart and you have PayPal – you can put a button on your MySpace page with a ‘Buy Now’ button, anything you want to sell. You can sell T-shirts, you can sell music, you can sell books, you can sell anything you want, right on your MySpace page, there’s no rules against that and then

6. You can customise your MySpace site and this is really the thing that set MySpace apart from other social networking sites, is the ability to customise your MySpace page. I want to just show you a couple of things on MySpace that are really, really key. Let’s go back over here. I want to take you to this young lady her name is Brooke, but she’s known in the television world as Pumpkin and when we go to her page she did - this is a little picture of her with I guess his name is Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Flavour Flave and she was on this show called “Flavour of Love” and so that’s her picture. Now, this is a MySpace page we build for her and this is pretty custom, but what you can see is this doesn’t look like a typical MySpace page.

Now, if we go to - I’m going to just scroll down here and see if I can click on one of her friends. No. That one’s private. Let’s see if I can find one that is not private. So you can see what a MySpace page - this is what a typical MySpace page looks like. It looks like Internet 2001. Okay. You know lots of fun size pictures and it’s just a bunch of boxes with some information in it and some advertising at the top, that’s a MySpace page. That’s a typical MySpace page - that is Pumpkin’s page. You guys see the difference? -- Yes.

Makes a huge difference. Remember I said you only have seven seconds to capture people’s attention, now what’s interesting about Pumpkin is that – and right there is her opt in box, so you can subscribe to her newsletter. Imagine you can have a link to buy things, she has an 18 month calendar and it says right here on her news and announcements, it says ‘get Pumpkin’s calendar today’ when you click that link it takes you to a new window where a shopping cart comes up and when the shopping cart comes up, you can actually buy her calendar right there for $19.95, she’s selling her calendars directly from her MySpace page.

I’ll show you one other thing that’s really neat about this, she has 71, 339 friends, almost 72,000 friends, when she sends out an email or makes a post, to 72,000 people that are her fans and her friends, do you think that she’s got a chance to sell a calendar? What do you think, a little chance or a big chance? -- Big chance.

Can you guys at the same time all say “BIG CHANCE”? -- Big Chance.

Big chance. 72,000 people are her friends. Now, she has had nothing to sell, her calendar’s brand new, she just did her photo shoot, the calendar came out about two weeks ago. She’s never sold anything to anyone before. So here’s my point; remember when I said even if you have nothing to sell, you build the list, you build the database, you use MySpace, you put thousands and thousands of friends in and then you come up with something to sell them. It’s an important strategy, if she would have waited until she got her calendar done before she started selling on MySpace, how many friends would she have to market too? Like five or seven, but not very many, so that’s an important strategy.

So, we’re going to help you build - and this is what we do for you - this takes time. This is a graphic designer customising a page specific for you, everyone of them is a little bit different. Let me go ahead and show you Janet Edwards’ page. Here’s another custom page – Janet Edwards – just click on this, and what you’ll see here, is it says ‘Celebrity Personal Trainer’ and she’s got her phone number there and she’s got her email address there and she’s selling sessions – 10 session Deep Tissue Massage $2500. Isn’t that a lot of money for a massage? 10 Personal Training Sessions $3000, how many of those does she have to sell to make a lot of money? One. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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Not very many right, so we come down here. Come down here and she’s got, how many friends? She’s got 963 friends, you come down you can read some of the comments that people have – see one of the really neat things – by the way let me just come back here and show you this. There are people] who actually sell - just come back here to Pumpkin – there are people who actually sell space, advertising space on their MySpace page, right where their top friends are.

Johnny said to me earlier, ‘Am I in your top friends?’ I said of course you are, cause I don’t charge any money for advertising on my MySpace page, but you see those friends right there, those top eight friends when you have 72,000 friends people go to this page all the time to look at her new pictures, you know where they look at, they look at who her top friends are. There are people that rent out those eight boxes for hundreds of dollars of month in rental space, and so you want to be on my top eight friends? You need to pay me some money and why do they do that, because they know, just like the first page of Google, even though there’s 72,000 friends most people are not going to click the link that says ‘View all my friends’ and then scroll through 72,000 friends;1,785 pages of friends. So you want to be on the top 10. top eight, top 12 friends list.

The other thing by the way is that you can leave people these comments so it’s not like - this is where the six degrees of separation is, it’s not just friends that you have, it’s the people who read your comments. You know there are people who go to her page, people that go my page, people that go to your pages everyday, who aren’t your friends, they don’t even want to be your friends, but they want to look at your pictures and they want to read all the comments that other people have left for you and that’s free advertising, it doesn’t cost you anything to place a comment on someone - you could place a comment on her MySpace page, if she approves it – cause you have to approve the comments on most MySpace pages. If she approves your comment, you know what that means? Next time 70,000 people go to their page they read what you have to say.

Johnny was telling me earlier that when you put his name in Google there’s lots and lots of MySpace pages that come up with his name in it because its not just your own MySpace page, it’s any occurrence of where your name is on MySpace. So that’s really, really exciting. So MySpace is pretty powerful stuff, lets go ahead and keep going through here. So we need to be able to customise your site I’ll show you some – let me show you, you just want to see my MySpace page? -- Yes.

Let me show you - that was like - are you really? Yes

No it doesn’t sound like you do? -- Yes!

Come on I’ve already done with dinner. Movie starts in about twenty minutes. I’m just teasing. Here we go, I’ll show you my MySpace, we’re doing some really neat stuff on MySpace including putting flash animation video on MySpace. My MySpace page actually is more sophisticated than my website. We’re re-doing our website to try to keep, catch and keep up with the MySpace page. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So this to me looks a whole lot better than MySpace, but the thing is rather than a website, but the thing is it’s on MySpace. So it’s Googled, it’s indexed, it’s search engine friendly, it’s got all the key words in it and comes up right there at the top. People come to my MySpace page they read through it and we probably get about 75 people a day that put their name and their email in our box so that we can opt into our mailing list right there, ‘enter your first name, enter your last name’ and it says ‘show me the money’.

You put your name and your email in there and you get to our mailing list, you know what happens when you go on our mailing list? We sell you stuff. It’s a very nice thing and it happens all the time, everyday and I’m not doing any of it, all I do is set it up once we do that for you and then it just keeps coming in. So that’s right, there, that’s a little eBay stuff, there’s a little – well anyway it’s pretty neat stuff.

Alright, so MySpace has how many friends? -- 197 million.

197 million, isn't that what you guys said? -- Yes.

What was the number, who wrote it down? -- 197 million

I’m sorry – 197----? -- 197759699.

Okay, I want you guys to understand that whoever just gave me that number was wrong, let me give you the real number it’s 197,768,211.

It’s right on the screen, 197,768,121. Now can I just tell you what that means? I’ve been on this stage for 30 minutes, 9,000 people have joined my MySpace, in 30 minutes! That’s serious! How many? 9,000 in 30 minutes. That’s why it’s hard for me to imagine somebody says “you know I want to make a lot of money on the Internet, but I would rather my, my page to come up 27,400 on Google, I just, the MySpace thing, it’s just not for me, I don’t have anything to sell, I don’t really want to do it.” It’s hard for me to imagine that, cause you guys are serious about making money, aren’t you?—Yes.

Yes, really?—Yes.

Come on? -- Yes!

You guys are serious about making money?—Yes.

So if you’re really serious about making money, it’s hard to imagine not having a strategy like this one. 9,000 people just joined in the last 30 minutes! Cause some of those people could have been your friends, if you had a MySpace page, so it’s really, really neat stuff, I’m going to show you one more thing. Can I show you one more thing?—Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

When you add a friend to MySpace all you have to do is click on their name, you send them a friend request, it takes a little bit of time, I’m going to skip through all this stuff right here. But I want to show you this, this is really powerful, let’s see if I can show you this, cause you would think that if I was going to do MySpace I would want to have some software, wouldn’t you? I mean have you figure it out enough by now that I really like really cool software? — Yeah.

I’m going to show you something that is maybe the coolest thing you have ever seen in your life. It’s even cooler than the template software I showed you yesterday, which was the coolest thing until today you’d ever seen in your lives. But this is even cooler, okay?

Now, watch the way this works. What happens is, it’s called My Friend Magnet, let me tell you just a quick history of this software. When you go to Google and you look for friend software for MySpace, this is what happens, MySpace had a real serious crack down on this stuff- let me just go through here and show you what happens when you go here. It says, programmer Justin Lavoy says he and some of his affiliates have received cease and desist letters from MySpace, commanding them stop selling the software and he also says some of his competitors also received some similar warnings.

So I was on Google, cause here’s what I figured, I figured if I can add 50 or 100 friends a day and I don’t have to do it where I’m sitting there in front of the computer for an hour or two or three hours a day, my life would be better. Until I got 5,000 friends in just a few months on MySpace, that’s how Gate’s got 3,500 friends specific to his niche – he doesn’t sit there all day and add friends, it would take him hours and hours, he uses this software, he pushes a button one time and it just adds all your friends for you; sends comments to all the people for you, does all your posting, does all your events, does everything automatically, on the menu you press one button – is that okay? How many buttons? -- One.

Just one button. So we went to this website and it was, and that’s what the website looked like – it was shut down by MySpace. Then here’s the next one I went to, this one was called, it says “Down until forever. . . “.

See what happened was, MySpace said, “well people are spamming everyone, there sending out 20,000 friend requests a day and this is against our policy”. So, we got in touch with MySpace and we said, “Look, we want to create some software, we want to have your blessing, we need your approval. Here’s what we want to do, we want to take everything you do on MySpace and we just want to automate it for the average person so they don’t have to be sitting in front of the computer” and MySpace said,”That’s okay, you can sell it but there’s one condition, you cannot sell it on the Internet, you’re not allowed.”. Because if we sell it on the Internet anyone can buy it, including those potential spammers and people that they’re trying to avoid again, so I said,” That’s fine; we will only sell it to our existing students, maybe new students for MySpace.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So, the software that I’m going to show you isn’t available on the Internet and it’s limited because MySpace said, “ you’re only allowed to sell X-number of MySpace licence codes every month”, they don’t want all the people having this software. I’m not really sure why, because all it does is it takes the same friend requests you would manually do and it just automates it for you. It takes the same comments you would manually send and it just automates it.

So, it’s not doing anything against MySpace policy, it’s not doing anything against their rules or procedures, it just automates the process. So, I’ll just give you an example, let’s say, that we wanted to add some friends on our MySpace page, we log into the software – now this particular software only works on a PC, it does not work on a Mac, unfortunately. However, if you do have a new Mac, you can download Parallels, Parallels is part of the new Intel Mac’s, so you can run it right on your Parallels.

Anyway, you log into the software, you put your username and your password in and up comes your MySpace page. Now, what I really want you to look at are the numbers all the way on the right, I’m going to clear the list on the right I want you to take a look at this list. You guys see that? It’s blank right? --Yes.

Now here’s – I want somebody to tell me who wants to sell something on the Internet? -- Yeah.

Okay, and what do you want to sell? -- Information.

What kind of information, about what? I need something very specific, what kind of health? -- Insomnia.

Okay, insomnia. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to use this software to go to Google, I’m going to click “Extract Friend ID’s” from Google and I’m going to type in the word “insomnia” – I have no idea what’s going to happen – none, because I’ve never typed insomnia in. But, on the right, over here – you guys see this as blank? You guys see this, just a right box that’s all the way on the left side of the screen and it’s blank? What’s going to happen is, I’m going to click, “Okay”, and the software is going to go to Google and it’s going to find every MySpace page that’s ever been created with the word, “insomnia”, in the MySpace page – why? Because I want to have friends, but people that are interested in insomnia in some way shape or form, cause I’m going to make money by selling them something related to insomnia. So, I’m going to click on, “okay”, the screen changes to Google – you guys see that? There are 67,900 pages on Google in MySpace that have the word insomnia in them – everybody understands? -- Yes. Now look at what’s happening on the left, you see all the numbers that are coming in? You see the pages on the Google are changing? The software’s automatically extracting all of the people in MySpace, with the word insomnia in the title. Look what’s happening, we’ve got 180 of them done, 190 of them done, 200 of ‘em are done, 210 are done. Now, would you rather be doing this by hand? -- No.

I would like to know how long it would take you – 270, keep going, 280, 290, you’re doing it all by hand – I bet your at four, or five or six – here let me stop it cause it’s going to go to 67,000 – let me stop it real quick. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

So, how powerful would this be if you wanted to start a MySpace page and build a niche around the specific product, or category, or subject? David gave you 20 eBooks, did he not? -- Yes.

One of ‘em was on - hold it – was one on insomnia? --Yes.

Is that why you said that?! NO, one of them was on – which is the one for the guys in the delivery room? Something about the guys in the delivery room, right? — Yes.

So, you could use, you could build that MySpace page specific to that topic, you could then pull out all of the MySpace profile people that are interested in having babies with their husbands in the delivery room, you can then market that eBook directly to them – how much does that cost you? -- Nothing.

Nothing! When you have the right tools, you could do it with every single eBook. You could do it with the ones we give you, or you could do it with the ones he gives you, you could do it with the ones that you create, you could do it with the ones that you buy –Do you guys start, to see the big picture now?

Now watch this, let’s say that I wanted to add these people with insomnia – now of course my list is very eBay centred – but I’m now going to add people that sell on eBay with insomnia to my list. That’s the way I’ll rationalise it for you, okay, I’m going to click ‘start’, now you guys pay attention, it says, “Would you like to add this person as a friend?”, it says, “Confirm”, and adds them as a friend and then it goes on to the next person and then the next person and then the next person and it adds the friends automatically and then what happens is the numbers on the left go down, one, by one, by one. If you guys have any friends on MySpace, if you have a MySpace page and you want to try this out, come see us at the booth later on – you see how it’s just adding them, automatically, how many have I done myself? None! I turn it on in the morning and then what do I do? Leave! I go somewhere else! Cause I don’t – who wants to be sitting in front of a computer all day long adding hundreds of friends a day, anybody? Manually, in every topic, in every niche, in every MySpace page in everything that you’re doing, and as you see I was just doing them automatically? And it does it and sends it and does it, doesn’t matter how long it takes cause you turn your computer on and you leave and once it starts moving it really starts moving. I’m going to click “stop”, we’ve added a bunch of friends already, I’m going to click “stop”.

You can accept friend requests, you can send messages, you can post comments, you can post bulletins, you could do event invitations, you can do all of it with the software, all automatically, all just by plugging in your data and hitting, “submit”. You can search by demographic, by age, by gender, all within MySpace, it’s very searchable friendly.

So, it’s hard for me to imagine taking the things that we’re talking about, that they’ve talked about and not integrating all of that and having MySpace as part of their product. But, as I started out earlier, I said, “We will build it for you”, cause here’s what I love, when we hand something to you and it’s got friends in it and we add a thousand friends by the way for you, before you ever need to add a friend on your own, we add a thousand friends for you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

So, that’s kinda neat and again, we’ll demo it for you later, but that’s the software and this does not, no it doesn’t have an affiliate program cause we’re not allowed to sell it off - we’re not allowed to - an affiliate program has to be on the Internet right? We’re not allowed to sell the software on the Internet, believe me, I wish we could, we’d sell lots and lots and lots of software.

The other thing, by the way, is that MySpace needs us to charge a lot of money for this software. So, the software is $1,000, but the software is not on the form, it’s not on the form, okay?

So, the software itself is not part of this package, it’s just $1,000 if you want this offer, but let me tell you what comes in the package and then I’ll be able to wrap things up.

There’s, let me pull this up here, oh can I tell you one more thing? This, let me skip [inaudible], I want to show you one – take a look at that, write those numbers down for me. Request 200 friends a day, that’s 6,000 friends a month, that’s 72,000 friends a year.

So when you make the decision that you’re ready to start selling people something, you can have tens of thousands of friends, tens of thousands of friends. Let me tell you about Timothy Noonan, he’s a magician and Tim contacted us, he said he’d really like us to build and customise a MySpace page for him and then, so we did that and then he says, “I want to use MySpace to make money”, I said, “that’s fine, we’ll do this as an experiment for you”, he said he makes $5,000 every time he does a show,.

So, whenever he does a magic show that’s his fee, it’s $5,000 for doing that show. Well we went into Google and we typed in, “Magic shows” and we came up with 765 pages with the specific keywords that he wanted from Google. 450 people of the friends we requested, 450 people accepted, within three day’s he had four of them booked, four events – how much money did he make? $20,000.

Now how much of that $20,000 was he paid, that transacted on MySpace? Nothing. But the $20,000 in revenue came from the business that he did as a result of having the friends on MySpace – do you guys understand? You need to build that social network, you need to create those relationships, you need to do what friends do, which is doing business with each other, that’s what friends do. But, first they have to become your friends.

So, -and I called it just before, just before I left – very interesting to me, when you design for MySpace it’s very different than any other design, it’s a different HTML, it’s different code, it’s very different than doing an eBay listing or a website, it’s very, very specific, it’s just kinda funky, the way MySpace kinda has all their stuff – so anyway, I emailed someone and I said, “ Well how much is it to build a basic and an advanced MySpace page”, a basic MySpace page they wanted to charge me $2,900. AN advanced MySpace page, $5,400. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Adam Ginsberg MySpace Marketing Strategies

I emailed three people, I got one response from a web design company and here’s the best part at the bottom, it says,” I know you would like us to add friends for you” Cause I asked them if they would add friends for me and they said, “were not really familiar with adding friends, or marketing on MySpace but we probable could figure it out enough to get you the simple information for our going rate”, you know their going rate is $75 an hour. That’s what they charge to sit there and add friends for us.

It’s really expensive if you want to do it right, getting up a basic free page, that’s simple and easy, you can go to do that, you can have that done in five minutes, but if you want to have something where the friends are being added and where the keywords are being done, where you’re going to optimise what’s going on in Google then you’ve gotta’ make sure you do it the right way. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

MIKE FILSAIME Butterfly Marketing Strategies Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

MIKE FILSAIME: Good afternoon. We are a going to go real


quick today. I have a lot to cover. Is it okkay if I give you two

Mike Filsaime is an author, software s

hours worth of content in 90 minutes? Yes. Y Very good. Got in

developer, renowned speakker, personal

today at 7.30 this morning, I fly out tom morrow at 7.30 in the

coach, business consultant, and most

morning. Steven Pierce and I and his wife Alicia were on

of all... an intensive marketeer.

planes for 45 hours getting here. So we e just got in today 7.30 Mike Filsaime was the Geneeral Manager of one of the

and we got in, said hello to everybody and a just made it just on time and everything’s perfect.

America’s largest Auto Deallers. 14 years in the auto business along with his education at New York Institute of Technology in Computer Science and Business

So, I’m real happy to be here. Are you guys g ready to get

Administration has allowed d Mike to understand Marketing,

going? -- Yes.

Advertising, Sales, Customeer Service, and long term Business Principles and how to use th he Internet to leverage these

Very good. Okay. Here’s what I’m goin ng to go over today. I’m

items to new successes.

going to tell you my story. I think that’ss important so you can Mike led teams of over 50 peeople and trained some of the

see a little bit of a graduation of how I started s just over 4 years ago and how we built a 4 million dollarr business. In just over the last 4 years.

I’m going to share the results that I’ve e had online in the last 4 years, then I’m going to explain my syystem for you. I’m going to basically tell you exactly what it is that I do so I’m c do the exact same going to give you a recipe, so that you can

highest paid sales people in the auto industry today. Mike has a way of teaching his su uccessful and innovative concepts to people in a wayy that "sticks." Mike Filsaime turned the internet world on its head when he gave away his products for FREE F instead of charging for them. Sounds stupid, right? Wrong. He generates over $100,000 a year with web siites which take as long as 3 weeks to put into place.

thing. So who am I? Here’s a brief historry of what I’ve done.

This picture you’re seeing right here that’s t the dealership in Long Island, New York that I worked w for. I was the General Manager of Millennium Toyota. We werre the 9th largest Toyota dealership in the United Stattes. We were selling over 500 cars a month. I had over 30 sales people e and an entire staff of about 100 people who worke ed underneath me. I was in the car business from 1990 until August 2004. I’ll explain that critical day and how that came ab bout. In October 2002, I came across this sales letter. I was doing a lott of research online for auto sales and I wanted to cre eate a manual for my sales people. We were doing a lot of training g and I was spending a lot of time online.

I got this spam email and it wasn’t sen nt by the owner of the website, it was sent by one of his affiliates and actually I was getting it every single day and I just kep pt deleting it. I remember the subject line it said, “The Secrets to Online Profit” and to me that just seemed like the next get rich quick scheme that we see all the time. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

One day I decided to open up the email and this was the website that I got. And the person that wrote that website was a guy by the name of Frank Kern. This was back in October 2002. That’s what Frank looked like and this is what Frank looks like today. I always tease him with that photo. I got him when he was blinking.

Frank moved from Atlanta, Georgia to San Diego, California. He’s a surfer guy and he is also making millions on the Internet. So I purchased this product and I started trying to figure out how I could drive traffic to my websites. In March of 2003, so now it’s about 5 months later, I suddenly realised what I need to start doing, as you can see here down the bottom underneath that little man where the arrow is, that what I wanted to start focusing on was capturing the name and the email address of every single person that clicks on a link. It was more important for me to capture a name and an email address than it was for me to send somebody to my website.

What I did; this is something that you might want to right down, It’s called “Target, tie in and collect.” So what you want to do is you want to target an audience, you want to tie in a free bonus and you want to collect their name and their email address. Okay? And the important thing there is the tie in. You have to tie in a free bonus to something that this audience would be targeted to.

So, if you’re going to be targeting Real Estate Developers you don’t necessarily want to give them a free cruise, even though everybody wants a free cruise. It just seems a little bit incongruent. Because they’re going to think this just doesn’t seem right. If I’m here for a real estate product, why are they giving me a free cruise or a free iPod.

What would be better would be a free DVD on real estate investing or something like that. So here, who I was targeting was the “biz opportunity market”. So I was giving some of these products here that I knew that they’d be interested in and after that, all they had to do was enter their name and email address and they would get these items for free.

What I realise now, is that now I could redirect that person over to a sales page. What a lot of people do, is they drive traffic over to a web page with a headline and sales copy and everything like that. The problem with that is, most sales letters convert somewhere between 1 and 4 percent. One is a bit low, the average is about 2 to 3 percent and if you’re converting about 4 percent then you have a real, real winner for a sales letter.

What that means is about 96 percent of people that come to your website close the page and you never see them again. It also means that 96 percent of the advertising that you spend is going to waste. 96 percent of the traffic that your affiliates are sending you is going to waste. And 96 percent of all your marketing efforts to drive traffic is going to waste.

Because only 4 percent of the people, if you have an excellent sales letter, are ever going to take action. So what we do is we focus on capturing the name and the email address. It doesn’t matter where the source comes from. Whether or not it comes from the Search Engine or from Google Adwords or, when I started I was using some free traffic sources like you see on the bottom left and the bottom right. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

No matter what the case was, every single place that I was gathering advertising was going to a page where the only call to action was to give somebody something for free and then capture their name and their email address. Once you have their name and their email address and they hit the submit button, well now we can send the people over to our website and we know that 2 to 4 percent of these people are going to buy..

What happens if they close the page and they don’t buy? What can we do the next day now that we have their name and their email address? Right, we can do a follow up. And if they don’t buy on day two, we can follow up on day three, and day four, and day five. And you know what? They may never buy. But, you know what we can build a relationship with them and then we can review other products as an affiliate.

We can send out emails to them, when we’ve given them good content and that’s part of our newsletter is the review. Who knows maybe down the road maybe they’ll come to a workshop, where the workshop is $2000, $3000, $5000 that you’re having and now because you’ve captured their name and their email address maybe that didn’t buy your product but now they’re coming to one of your workshops or something like that.

So, now I changed my marketing. Instead of driving traffic to a website I’m just trying to capture names and addresses so I can build relationships with people. And I start getting about 50 opt-ins every single day so my list is now building by 50 opt-ins every single day and I noticed something. When I had 1,500 members on my option list I made $1,500 that month on line. And then when I had 3,000 members, about a month and a-half later, I started making $3,000 that month and when I had 5,000 members that month I made $5,000 online.

Everyone see the pattern that’s going on here? As your list starts growing it’s in proportion to the amount of money that you make every single month so you didn’t even need a calculator at this point to start grabbing and saying “Well, what happens if I have 10,000 people on my list? Well at this rate in one year I’ll have 30,000 people on my option list, it can’t be, that I’ll be making $30,000 per month online.”

But it worked out to be true. As my list started growing the amount of people I had on my list was the approximate amount of money I was making every single month online. So, my main focus became doing one thing and that’s it. And if you ask me what I really do online in a nutshell I will tell you that I drive traffic to capture names and email addresses, to build relationships with people and give them good content so that when I do have something that can help them they buy.

That’s pretty much it in a nutshell there. So, in June 2003 I said “Hey if I’m making $5000 a month, I’m going to document the exact system that I’m doing and I’m going to share it with people. I created a product called “Carbon Copy Marketing” this is my very first product it was $47 and it consisted of 41 videos. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

Basically the first video said

Step 1. Get a domain. Step 2. Get a web host. Step 3. Get a PayPal account Step 4. Sign up for these places to drive traffic; and I just drove everybody through the exact steps that I did and if they did what I did they would have a carbon copy result of everything that I did. We have a tremendous amount of case studies since this product of June 2003.

Later that month I stumble across the name of somebody called Mark Joyner. Has anybody ever heard of Mark Joyner? I’m just curious. Okay Mark, some people refer to him as the godfather of Internet marketing. He was one of the true pioneers of bringing direct marketing, which is what everybody was doing back in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s where sales letters would go out in the mail, people would open them and respond by sending them an address with a self addresses envelope.

Mark was one of the people that bought those concepts online. And at this point he was basically looking to, he had something that was called the “Farewell Package”, he was basically selling his business and he was selling out all the source code and everything like that.

I purchased that package for $1997. One of the best decisions I ever made, because it truly changed my life. One of the students that also purchased a farewell package was a young man he was a 19 year old kid his name was Mike Chen and within 2 weeks he created a site called Fly-in ads and I’m not going to tell you about that site but when you see there the first exposure to the “OTO” a onetime offer.

Basically Mike Chen had 2 products one was called “Web lock pro” which was a $67 product. And he had another product called “The biz automater” which was a $27 product and they were selling very well at that time.

When you joined his new site “Fly in Ads” he had a onetime offer. He said, “If you buy, if you want to take me up on the Biz Automater and The Web Lock Pro $100 value I’ll give it to you now for just $19 but if you pass on this you’ll have to pay full retail price, you’re only going to see this offer just onetime.”

This was good software. So I said, “Wow for $19 this is a no brainer, I’m going to purchase it.” I would say about a week later, his website had crashed he was getting so much traffic because the site was growing so fast that it actually crashed the server for about 12 hours. He sent out in email stating that they had over 50,000 people join the site in the first week.

So, I did a little bit of math and I said “Well, that was a pretty good onetime offer that he had for $19. I would assume that everybody would have purchased that onetime offer.” I said “Lets be realistic, lets be conservative and say that 10 Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

percent of the people purchased that onetime offer for $19.” So I took $50,000 and I multiplied it times 10 percent and I had 5,000 and I multiplied that by $19 and I came up with some absurd number of around $50,000 or so and I said, “Well I must have done something wrong because that really should come up to $5,000.” So I put it in again and I put the numbers in again and sure enough it comes out that with the site, with that onetime offer he made $50,000 in a week which was probably as much money as I would be seeing in close to six months with my full time job. When I saw that I immediately said, “I think that I can duplicate this system.” So what I did was I hired this guy he’s my programmer in Romania. I’ve been out there to meet him 3 times already and I had him design a site for me. But, I needed a onetime offer. I needed some products so what I did was I created this product here. I called it “The Best Deal Ever.”

Probably not what I would have called it today but back then that’s what I called it. What I did was I purchased as many private label rights as I could and I re- labelled all the products as mine. I got re sell rights. I took my own product I put Carbon Copy Marketing, whatever I could put the rights to, I did. Some products were selling for $97. Some of them were selling for $47. Some were selling for $19.

I came up with about 9 different packages which was the value of about probably somewhere around $400 and I positioned this product at $97. And I released it to the market as a $97 product just so that when people join the new site that I have coming out I can do a onetime offer for this $97 product for $19.

So I get my site created for me. It’s December 2003. This is my first - I call it a pre-Butterfly Marketing site but this is where the strategy started to develop and it used the Best Deal Ever as part of the onetime offer and we went live in December 2003 and yes, at that point, I got so much traffic to my web host that I was shut down for three days until I got the web host that I’m still with today.

This was the screen shots that happened after I launched the site. What you’re seeing are $19 payments coming in on the very first day when we launched the site with the onetime offer. We did $25,000 in our first month with this site. To me that just completely blew me away, I mean, you know I was working 70 hours a week in the car business to make you know $10,000 a month and I made $25,000 in just my first month with a site that was just going on to continue - still to this day brings in money for us.

I figured at this point, time for me to start branding my name. So, a year later believe it or not it took me a year to register my own domain name. and I figured let me start branding myself. So, quick survey, who in here does not have their own name as a dot com right now? That is way too many hands. So, tomorrow if one of the speakers asks you that question there really should be no hands that go up unless you don’t have a laptop or can’t get access to one. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

You definitely want to get your name because if you don’t, somebody else will get it when you start getting popular. I wanted to do a survey to my list the other day and I wanted to register a domain name called “Ask Mike” I went; somebody already registered it on me. That’s what people will do. So you don’t want that happening to you.

If somebody already has your name, if you’re a John Smith well then try it with John L Smith or get a “dot name” if you can. But you really want to try get the “dot computer” if you can because the Internet, why you wouldn’t necessarily want to go with a “dot com dot au” is because the Internet allows you to reach a global market and the default domain that most people think is “dot com.”

If you’re going to be doing local business, to local brick and mortar businesses and you’re doing advertising to help local businesses you can certainly go with a “dot com dot au” I would probably recommend it. But, if your customers are going to be international, I would definitely recommend that you do with a “dot com” and not a “dot com dot au.” Because about 65% of your customers will be in the US.

They, you know, Americans can be pretty funny sometimes you know if they see a “dot ro” or a “dot com”. “dot au” or a “dot co dot UK” or things like that they tend not to order for whatever reason because, you know, they’re so used to seeing a “dot computer”, just your domain name could affect your sales.

Moving on. I start taking the money that I have and I’m outsourcing into a lot of different places at the land sites and I hire all these programmers to make me the “No Spin Zone” and “I spy friends” which was before MySpace. I wanted something like a site that was called “Friendster”. I had half price marketing and like all these different sites that you see right here and I labelled this the “dud zone” and “the graveyard “because I worked on all of these projects for about 6 to 8 months and not one of these projects, maybe all these sites combined probably make me about $50 a year.

There are a couple of reasons. One because I wasn’t’ staying in something that I was passionate about, I was just chasing latest trends and latest opportunities. The other thing is I was just focused all over the place, none of these sites were congruent, none of them worked with my type of marketing and I had no business going into these different places.

Basically, what I was chasing was opportunities and screen shots and things like that. So, this is important to let you know that there’s probably about eight and I could probably list another eight on top of that, that I can’t even get you a screen pic because the sites were never even built because I was just trying to do too many things at onetime. I’m going to explain that later on in the presentation, how I overcame that and how I was able to start really moving projects forward that were in my specialty. So here’s a turning point.

August 2004 I quit my job on August 5th 2004 to go full time online and 14 years in the car business comes to an end. The story goes, that somewhere around February 2004 I’m coming back from an actual automotive conference and I’m Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

driving back from Atlantic City, New Jersey at an automobile conference and my cell phone goes off and it’s the owner of the 14 car dealerships.

I pick up the phone and I say, “Hey John how’s it going? “ He says, “Good. How’s the Internet marketing conference?” I said, “Good, really good. I learnt a lot of really good stuff.” He goes, “Great, I need to see you in my office tomorrow morning at 9am.” I said, “Great.” Hung up the phone and I looked over at my wife and I said, “You know I think John just said how was the Internet Marketing Conference,” and I started to get a little worried because I was actually at an automotive conference and how does he know that I’m doing Internet marketing.

I was wondering did he really say that. So sure enough the next morning I show up in his office and it’s 9 o’clock In the morning and he comes in. You guys remember the movie “Wall Street”? Remember Michael Douglas played Gordon Gecko. Remember that really shrewd business person; perfect hair, perfect suit, perfect everything like that. Well, that was John. That was who I worked for. He comes in and he sits down and I’m sitting in front of him. And he takes his monitor and I can’t use the exact language that he used but I think you’ll figure it out. He turns the monitor over to me and he says, “What the heck is that?” and I laughed.

He had up on the screen and he says, “You think this is funny?” I said, “No John I’m just a bit surprised that’s why you called me in here this morning.” So he went on to tell me how he was going through my sites and he spent 4 hours going through all my sites and he says, “For you to run a car dealership, I’m surprised that you have the time to do this. I’m wondering if you’re losing focus.”

But, the truth was out of all the dealerships in the auto group we had the highest profit and the highest customer satisfaction. So there really wasn’t a problem with me but I was dead tired. So, you know, he basically gives me a lecture on how to stay focused and everything like that.

Then from that day on we would have meetings every single Monday and I would walk into the meeting with the other 14 general managers and - you guys ever heard of the Sopranos? Well that’s not a stereotype. That’s actually exactly how it is in New Jersey and Long Island. I had a lot of managers that would come in and say, “Hey, how many cars did you guys do yesterday?” Typical type of stuff, and you know I would walk into the meeting maybe the fifth or sixth person and John would look at me and go, “Hey, look who just joined us. It’s Internet boy.” Everybody would laugh and chuckle and they’d come up to me and say, “Hey, you know Mike. Why does he call you Internet boy?” Now keep in mind, at this point I’m probably doing about $15,000 per month online.

Most people probably thought I was making 5 or 600 or $700 a month. Because they didn’t really realise the potential and the leverage that you can do on the Internet if you know what you’re doing and you actually take action. So, it became a thing now that everybody was coming up to me saying, “Hey, can you teach my wife how to do this. Can you show me how to do this.” And it actually did start to become a distraction. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

So, long story short, he comes into the showroom one day where he never comes in and at about 7 o’clock at night, he sits down right next to me up at the podium. I’m working deals and he sits down right next to me and he’s just looking around like this, and we had just gotten a new Web host for our site, and he had put in a request for a price for a Toyota.

It actually came up with an email from Millennium Honda. So he slaps down his hand on the table and he looks over at me and he goes, “Mike let me ask you a question.” And he shows me this and he’s very upset. And he says, “If I was to send an email or opt into your list would I get another email from another Internet Marketer?” and I said, “No John you wouldn’t.”

He says, “So why am I getting an email from another dealership?” And the truth was, everything was working great and it was his idea to change to this new company and it was the first day with the new company, but obviously he didn’t want to hear it.

So, he stands up and keep in mind remember he thinks I’m only making 500 or $1000 a month. He says to me, “Mike, you got to make a decision, and you’ve got to make a decision right now. Either you’re in business for yourself or you’re in business for me.”

I said, “John let me just clarify that. Are you telling me I need to either work for myself or work for you and quit what I’m doing online?” He said, “Yes and I want an answer right now.”

And I stuck out my hand and I said, “Well John it’s been a great 5 years.” He looked at me and said, “Really?” And I said, “Yes.” And he said, “Well give me the keys to your car. Give me the keys to the safe, and give me the keys to the front door.” And I took them off and I was shaking and I took them off the key ring and he walks out of the dealership and he gets on the phone and he say, “Tommy, I need you in the Toyota showroom tomorrow you’re the new general manager.”

At that time I was very, very worried. But, I have to tell you sticking my hand out and shaking his hand was the very best thing I ever did in my life. I needed that nudge. I’m not quite sure what would have happened if it would have taken another year, or what the growth would have been, or anything like that, but that was a major turning point in my life.

So, 14 years in the car business comes to an end. And I become a full time Internet marketer and at the end of August, John Reece launches a product called, “Traffic Secrets” and he does a million dollars in a day, online. A million dollars in one day and he releases a report called “The One Man report”. One man. One Product. One Day. One million dollars. That was the report. And in this report he goes on to talk about how nobody ever thought about having a million dollar day before and he looked at it very similar to the four minute mile.

You know once the minute mile was broken - nobody had ever thought it could be done before, but then once it was broken it was donetime and time and time again. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

So, he said that he wanted to encourage somebody else to have their million dollar day. So, I read that report and I started thinking, “Well, you know what? That’s inspiring. I’m going to set a goal.”

So, that very day, I’m on a Tele seminar with Gary Ambros and I told Gary - and if you actually go to a site called “ “ you’ll hear the call and it starts on August 2004 and you’ll hear Gary taking to me, and I was always fascinated with something called” the Butterfly Effect” you guys ever heard of The Butterfly Effect?

Okay. The Butterfly Effect is based on the chaos theory, basically it says that a small change in it’s initial conditions can have a dramatic effect so basically the single flapping of a the butterfly’s wings can change the weather.

In the future a sunny day might actually turn out to be a tornado further on down the road. So, I was explaining that concept to him and I told him on this call; “You know I think I’m going to register a domain name called “Butterfly Marketing” and I’m going to shoot for a million dollar day.”

So, the very next day I registered the domain name

Now, there’s a reason why that date is in red. That’s August 31st 2004. The sales page for Butterfly Marketing doesn’t go live for almost a year and a half later. Here’s the photo that I took after I registered the domain name on September 4th 2004 I took a photo for Butterfly Marketing.

That picture, date and time stamp is actually still on the website. The important thing to notice is that Butterfly Marketing didn’t go live for a year and a half. January 31st 2006 is when I launched Butterfly Marketing. And, when we launched Butterfly Marketing we did $671,000 in one day. So, I fell a little bit short. But, we did one $1,000,000 in five days.

But, a lot of people started referring to me as an “overnight success.” “You popped up out of nowhere, you know you just showed up out of nowhere.” And, what a lot of people don’t realise is there’s really no such thing as an overnight success. An overnight success is from a lot of hard work underground and then one day it just clicks in.

So, you know the big thing is that sometimes people just think, “I want it and I want it in the next 90 days,” and it doesn’t come that way in most cases. It doesn’t always come that quick. You have to start working hard, as you can see I was willing to put that investment in, in August 2004, to have a million dollar week a year in a half later.

Moving on. In October 2004 I launched a site called This site uses the Strategy that’s now known as Butterfly Marketing and we did $75,000 in one day and we do $100,000 in one month. My opt-in list is now approaching 100,000 members so how much money does that mean I’d make in a month? $100,000 in a month. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

And I now reach “super affiliate status.” What that means is, “Who’s this guy Mike Fillsaime? That is just showing up on the leader board every single time there’s a promotion? Who’s this guy that’s taking first place and winning plasma TV’s and money and all these different sorts of things that nobody knows of?” And I’m just sending out email promotions for whatever different product it was and I’m just taking first place, second place, third place or whatever the case is.

And, in many cases earning 15,000; 20,000 $30,000 in commissions for sending out 2 or 3 emails for a product. In February 2005 I get a phone call from Mark Joyner. He tells me that him and that other person Mike Chen have another site called “Instant Buzz” and they wanted to sell it and long story short I can’t tell you exactly how much I payed for it but let’s say it was somewhere between 50 and & $100,000. Closer to $100,000. And I had about that much money in the bank and I was very scared that, “Wow I just went full time online and I really like this site. I really think there’s a lot I could do with this site.” But to take $100,000 out of the bank just seemed a little bit to crazy to get rid of my entire cash savings at this point.

So, what I decided to do is, I run something that I call an expansion sale. I took all my popular products at that time and I lower the price down for five days. And, I said, “You know, I’m expanded my business and I’m raising my funds and I did this sale and I raised $37,000 in five days.

Now, what was interesting was, the deal was, I said to them I’ll pay you $40,000 up front and pay you the rest over the next five months. They said, “Okay deal.” So, I ran this sale. Within five days the Internet allowed me to leverage the down payment. So I walked right in and payed them the $40,000 didn’t touch any of the money I had in the bank and the most beautiful thing about it was this site was actually bringing in the money that I needed to pay them off by the 10th day of every single month.

So, by the 10th day I had enough money to pay them the monthly payment for that month and the next 20 days was all profit. So, to this day I still feel like I purchased that site almost for free because I wouldn’t have had that sale unless I had made the offer to buy the site.

March 2005. I said, “Well if I can do $37,000 in five days running a fire sale, there’s probably a lot of people that would be interested in learning how I did it.” S, I created a free report called “Fire Sale Secrets.” A lot of people went on to have a lot of success with this. Willy Crawford did a sale. Raised $100,000 in 10 days for his daughters wedding. The important thing in having a sale is always having a good reason why you’re doing the discount. And, that’s a free product and that’s the start of the thankyou page concept and we’re going to talk about that in just a little while.

March 2005. I launched a site called the “JVnetwork.” .There’s 17,000 people that are part of a community that would rather know about the joint venture than finding out about the product in their inbox when it’s time to buy it. So, this allows people to become an affiliate and get a discount on the promotion before the general public even knows about it. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

In March 2005 I purchased that site “Instant Buzz” with the money from my expansion sale. June 2005 I launched a site called this is actually the most profitable site that I own and it’s probably the least headache. It’s completely automated.

Have you guys heard of a site called “ClickBank”? -- Yes.

It works just like that except it uses your PayPal account. Okay January 31st 2006. So, we’re almost getting to this current point here. I launch Butterfly Marketing and we do $1,000,000 sales in five days. That allowed me to start expanding my business from there. April 2006 I go to an event. One of them was by Stephen Pierce and I meet Rich Schreffen he’s my mentor. He helped me go from $100,000 a year to about $1,000,000 a year in my first year that I started working with him.

And, John Childers. Who’s ever heard John Childers speak in Australia? A few of you. Yeah he comes out here as well. John teaches how to speak from the platform and those are my 2 most important mentors there. So, August 8 I take the home study course that had the DVD’s and the software for Butterfly Marketing and all the reports and I take the main concept.

Called, “The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript” and I now sell that separately as an eBook for $97 and I launch that. And, we had so much traffic to the site that we hit 332 at Alexa basically ranks daily traffic ranking, so of all of the millions and millions of sites that are out there on the Internet. There was only 331 sites that got more traffic than us that day.

So if you can imagine, I’ll give you an example. If you check the Alexa ranking of Ah PayPal’s Alexa ranking is somewhere around 450 to 500 on any given day so with all the people that are using PayPal and using eBay and paying people and everything like that, we got more traffic to our site that day than PayPal did.

We set a ClickBank record for 1 day. We sold more sales in one day than anybody had ever sold in ClickBank. It has since been beaten 5 times by other people. More that one minute mile type of thing. Four minute mile and we did so many sales with ClickBank that I couldn’t even get my reports.

It doesn’t let you more than 1,000 sales on one screen. It kept asking me to refine my search, but I couldn’t. So I had to call them and they sent it to me in an Excel file. I used a video for the onetime offer. I actually had sat down in my office and had Tom record a video of me, for 5 minutes, explaining what Butterfly Marketing was so when they purchased the $97 manuscript I gave them an upsell to buy the entire $1500 home study course for $997 and with that, and with the up sell, we did $301,000 in total profit within 24 hours.

Okay just last November I released a report called “the Death of Internet marketing.” That used a lot of different techniques, but that ran with my Butterfly Marketing software we reached 141 on Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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I don’t think anything has come close to that prior or since then on the Internet. That’s just an incredible Alexia rank in one day. We had 34,000 people double opt-in just over 24 hours to get this report and in the first month of the report, we had just over 100,000 opt-in to get that report. What do you think that did for my monthly income?

Right. Okay. So, I used that new list to help launch a site that I did in February called “The 2007 figure business workshop” how to get a 7 figure business in 2007. People payed $5,000 to attend this. There was over 140 people there and almost 100 of them payed the $5,000 to attend this workshop.

February 2007 I launched a product called “Viral Friend Generator” and we did over 1,000 units in our first week, at $97. March of 2007 I was speaking at an event called “the World Internet Summit” right here in Melbourne. And the producers of that event had asked me, they said, “Hey Mike, would you like to do the speaker challenge:” and I said, “Sure, what does that mean?” and they said, “Well show up on Thursday and launch a product onstage” and I said, “Well I said I don’t have anything that’s going to be launching until April” and they said, “Well is there anyway that you could speed this up and launch it at the event.”

So, I did what I could, and it wasn’t as effective as I would have liked to have made it but we got it done and the resource report goes live onstage at that event World Internet Summit, in Melbourne in March. And, I’m going to give you the case study of that a little bit further when I case study some of our sites.

Then just recently in July; the “Seven figure code,” we took our workshop. We put it into a DVD course and we sold over 2500 units in 7 days and that bought in over $1.5 million in 7 days. So, that’s pretty much my story. That’s how I started. There was a time with the very first slide there, where you saw Millennium Toyota where I knew less about Internet Marketing than any single person in this room and that’s a fact. Because you guys know it exists; and I didn’t. And within just over 4 years I was able to have these results.

So, here’s - real quick, here’s my staff which your seeing right there is Tom and Joe and Jason, Mike Muirs and all the different people that help run our office. There’s actually 3 more people that we hired that aren’t on these slides. These 3 people help run our help desk and that’s our team in Romania that I go visit about every 9 months out there.

So, that’s our staff. There’s about 3 more people that are with us I think it’s a total of 27 people now. So, here’s the nuggets and pearls that we want to get from that history there.

Number One: focus on list building and relationship building. It drives the growth of your business and at the end of the day, your list is your true asset. I could get out of Internet marketing right now and not do a single thing and probably promote one product every single week and probably still do close to $50,000 per month online. And, if I was ever going to sell my business it’s that customer base and prospect base that I have that gives the business it’s true value. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

Number two: Maximise the power of viral marketing. We’re going to get into that in just about 5 minutes okay. Next thing is things don’t always go as planned. Remember I had all those sites in “the graveyard” and “the dud zone.” Okay I’m going to try and show you how you can avoid that. Okay?

Number Three: There’s no such thing as an overnight success. Okay.

Number Four: Making money online is easy. I will tell you that. I do believe it’s easy. Because there’s just so much opportunity and leverage and you’re just dealing with billions of people that you can get in front of. However, it does take time and it does take a little bit of dedication and taking action. Okay.

Number Five: I think it’s important that you keep creating content. As you saw, one of the things going on is, I constantly had new products coming out for my market because if you don’t create it, they’ll go somewhere else to buy it and when you have a relationship with people they can’t wait to get your next product from you. All right?

Number Six: Present an offer when the time is right. What that means is when you have a visitor that opts in to your newsletter make them an offer. Don’t give them an Autoresponders series where you’re going to warm them up and get them all excited about your product and on email number 7 two weeks later you’re going to give them an offer. Because most likely there not even reading that email. Al right if you have their attention right now there is no better time than the present when they’re there at your site for a reason. They were searching in Google or they were interested in clicking that link and getting something and entering their name and email address. You need to offer them something right away. If you don’t, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. Okay.

Number Seven: Grow with the right staff. I think that’s important. You saw that slide and I don’t want you to think, “Wow do I have to have a company with all employees?” No. But you definitely may want to get somebody to run your help desk for you at a certain point. You’d be surprised how many will run your help desk for like $50 a week or something like that.

Number Eight: Find the right mentors. That was very important for me.

Number Nine: And, then when it’s all said and done. Tell your story. Share your results and sell your system. There’s a lot of people that would like to know what it is that you’ve done to become successful and I was talking with David and Nik about you guys and basically I’m told that as far as probably, I’ve spoken probably 50 times and probably the most successful people that I’ve ever spoken to, will be sitting in this room. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

So, you’d be surprised if you’re successful how many people would like to know exactly what it is that you do. There’s people making $18,000 a year, $13,000 a year that would love to know how you’re making $50,000 or $100,000, $200,000, $300,000, $500,000 or whatever it is that you’re making. People would love to know what you’re doing.

All right. Real quick and then were going to get into some good meat here. Here s some of my business stats. My opt-in list is now growing at a rate of 1,000 members per day. We have almost 500,000 active subscribers on our opt-in list. In 2006 we did $4.4 million in sales and we’re doing roughly about on average $300,000 a month in sales or about $11,000 per day.

Here are some income shots from PayPal from this year, I’ll go through real quick and obviously the bottom one is from “The Seven Figure Code” there in July.

We sell products through ClickBank. The top left which your seeing is daily sales for one of our five products and ClickBank is one of our best selling products and on the right you can see the cheques that ClickBank sends us every 2 weeks. $16,000, $32,000, $24,000 somewhere around $40 - $50,000 a month we get from ClickBank.

Other sources of course come from Affiliate Marketing and email promotions and speaking and my mentoring program and things like that and finally enjoy life. Treat yourself, you know, when you get there. This right here is a 2007 Corvette Z06 it’s the fastest production car ever built in the United States it does 0 - I’ll convert that for you. 0 to 100 kilometres in 3.9 seconds.

It’s 505 horse power so whatever it is that, that would be there for you when you have everything you want, you would just substitute your picture right there. All right, so now it’s your turn.

So, would you like to know how you guys can do the same? -- Yes.

Great. Here we go.

Here’s the thing that happened with me, with working on to many different products at the same time and I call this “Operation Overload” and this is what happens in theory, in theory when you work on to many project at a time okay.

So, let me just do a quick survey of the room here. Some of you guys I know already are working online, some are doing some other types of things, but I know that you probably have different ventures going on. So, how many people right now are currently working on a project? Okay, leave your hands up for me if you can. How many people are working on 2 projects right now? Almost no hands went down. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

Three projects? Just over half of you. Four projects or more? About 25% of you. All right. So, if you’re working on a project. I think that most projects if you’re laser focused, and you put those blinders on, like you know like a horse at the race track and you don’t let anything distract you at all I believe that if you put down what needs to be done first to last, prioritise it, and do what you do best, and get other people to outsource the other things for you, I truly believe you can get a product done in 30 days or less.

So, if you are working on four 30 day projects, you know, simple math says that after 30 days you are only going to be 25% of the way through with each project.

So, after 30 days what does it say there at the bottom? No money! You haven’t bought in any money from these four different projects that you’re juggling like a person, you know, spinning those plates on stage.

So, after two months, getting a little progress here and you are 50% of the way through your four projects and after 60 days, no money. Still! And after three months you have your four projects, you’re 75% of the way through and you still have not bought in a single dime, while you’re moving your four projects together. And then finally, in theory, if you are working on four projects at the same time. It would take you four months before you start receiving any income for these projects.

So, here’s what really happens. Because we multi task, and when we multi task it causes us to lose focus, and it causes us to lose momentum. Because we don’t set a hard date to get anything done; as I said we are just basically spinning those plates and one starts to wobble a little bit, we just give it a little bit more, but at the end of the day we know it’s going to eventually happen.

So, when you are multi-tasking. Instead of going one month, two months, three months, four months. It really becomes one month, three months, five months and seven months before we would see any income. Because when you are working on several projects you can’t get the same amount out of a 30 day project when you are just allowing so many different things to distract you, when you are working with different partners and taking phone calls and instant message and things like that.

So, that’s what really happens but here is what actually happens. You get this “ooh” I got this great idea for another project. I just met “so and so” out in the hall, and you know they’re really good with XYZ and I’m really good writing articles and copy writing, “so we're gunna start this joint venture” and “were gunna start this new project” and ”were gunna launch it in a couple of months” and everyone gets all excited. Which is good, you know we definitely need to seek out joint venture partners, but let’s just throw that, you know, somewhere in the mix over here and then we start working on that project and neglecting another one of the projects and all of a sudden you know we get this idea for another project because we can’t shut this, you know this thing off. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

We start getting to this habit of idea, throw it into the mix and let’s just throw that in there somewhere and then now all of a sudden we have six projects that are going and after twelve months, six projects - after one year we haven’t made a single dime.

Does that identify with anybody in the room?—Yes. Okay I was there as well. It’s pretty simple, how to combat this. The proper focus procedure is to prioritise. Focus on one project at a time. Find out which one of your projects, you realistically feel, you can bring to the market in the next 30 days. Work on that project and sideline the other projects. When you launch that project, then you can go back and see what’s the next project that I want to bring to the market.

You focus on one project at a time. After 30 days you launch your project. As you saw that I was able to do, through-out the last four years. Your project is 100% complete and you have income after 30 days. You go to your second project. Project two is now completed. Your first project now starts to build momentum and starts gathering more affiliates, so you start testing headlines and now you have two income streams after 60 days.

Now you've got the right pattern going on. Start a project, finish it, bring a new income stream in, launch your third project, and so on. So, now you have your third project. Your second project starts to build momentum. Your first project is building even more momentum, and you have multiple streams of income that are going on and if we continue, if we continue to keep getting ideas and working on all these different projects at the same time, you know, I hear it all the time.

“I’m working on this, I’m working with this partner, I’m working with this partner” and I see somebody again at a seminar, and it’s like, “What are you doing now?” “I’m working with this person now.” “And whatever happened with these projects you were working on?” Oh, they’re still on the back burner, but this one is my real big project right now. And where are they going to be in another six months?

So, the important is, identify that one project that you think you can get done in the next thirty days, write down everything that needs to get done. “I need a sales letter, I need to set up my merchant account, I need to get the domain name. I need to get the hosting; I need to set up my affiliate program. I need to set up my thank you page; I need to write the eBook or whatever the case is.

Write down everything that needs to be done. Prioritise it. Put it in sequential order, logically, you want to get the domain name first, right? You don’t want to do that the day before the site goes live. So, put in an order. Find out what you're going to do, and if you're going to do it all at the beginning, that’s okay. I did it that way as well, and if you can and you can outsource some of the things, to people that are experts in copywriting, if you're not, then that’s what I would suggest you do. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

Okay? We’re going to move to Butterfly Marketing. I’m going to explain what Butterfly Marketing is. I explained the butterfly effect to you was before, so ‘Butterfly Marketing’ basically means the small changes that you can do in your business, not necessarily an Internet marketing business, the small changes you can do in your business that will have a dramatic effect to you over time.

Butterfly Marketing allows you to have passive income because it’s a passive money maker. It makes passive backend sales, and it can be used in any niche, whether it’s personal development, health and fitness, real estate, or, you name it.

So, remember, I showed you “Fire Sale Secrets” earlier on, somewhere, I think in 2004, 2005 I think it was actually. So, here’s the concept here. If you notice this URL up here? Okay? Basically when someone gets invited to this site – I don’t use any Search Engine optimisation, I don’t use Adwords. This site uses strictly viral marketing. That’s it.

And it uses an email that says, something along the lines of, “Hi, I just got hold of Mike Filsaimes new product, it’s $47 value, and Mike said that I can share it with a few people, so you can bypass the sales page and go directly to the thank you page and you don’t have to pay anything for it, simply click this link.”

So, people click a link that says ‘Viral sale you’ with their affiliate ID after that, like maybe $1150, or something. And it looks like they don’t have to pay for the product. So, what we see as a normal opt-in page has a conversion rate of about 30 percent. So, what that means is when you bring someone to the page, and you're asking for their name and email address, 20 to 30 percent of the time they’re going to give you their name and email address.

When you do this, your conversion rates are somewhere around 70 to 80 percent. 70 to 80 percent and the reason is, people think they’re somehow getting something on the system. It says, “Congratulations, new customer, welcome to the private download area. You now have private access to this $97 value product.” So when you go down, they think they’re registering for their download, see how that works. And those people that – after they enter their name and email address, what do we want to present them, always? An offer. The onetime offer will help boost your conversion rates from 2 percent to 7 percent, and a onetime offer basically means that you're going to see this offer now and if you pass on it, you’ll never see it again.

The most important thing, in a one-time-offer, if you want to write this down, is the reason ‘WHY’. “You may be wondering why this offer is only available now?” It’s very important that you give this reason ‘WHY’ for your one-timeoffer. Otherwise people feel this isn't fair. Why do I have to make a decision now? Why they high pressure.” But if you give the people a REASON, like, “The only thing that we ask, is that if you like the product, you give us a testimonial. Right now, as you can see, there’s no testimonials on this page. As soon as we gather enough testimonials, we’ll put them on this page, sell it at the regular price, and take down this special offer.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

So, people say, “there’s a good reason ‘WHY’ there.” Now what you do, is you give it – in the free product – it’s an audio product and you give away great content. Excellent, excellent content and it’s also a soft-sell infomercial.

So, let’s say – anyone in here have a real estate investing course, or know someone that does? Okay. A couple of you. So, let’s assume for a second that butterfly effect. So, let’s assume for a second that you know somebody that has a real estate investing course. So, what you’d want to do is come up with a domain name – whenever you’re doing an information product, always use the word ‘SECRET’ if you can.

If you right click on the word ‘SECRET’ in a Thesaurus, you’ll see that there’s no other word that can be used like the word ‘SECRET’ can. It’s a very, very powerful word. Secret implies that there’s something that is known, that’s helping people that the visitor at the site doesn’t know. If the domain that you want is taken, then use ‘SECRETS REVEALED’ or ‘SECRETS EXPOSED’.

Okay. So, what you do is, you would find a person that has a real estate product, or whatever it is, whether it’s how to make money with Forex, or how to lose weight, with low-carb diets, or whatever it is that you believe in, and you interview this person and you sign up with their affiliate program and underneath this audio button, you put a link to their product with their affiliate link. And what you would do is, you would say something like, “Well, Jim, I know that you’ve had hundreds of people that have used your system on real estate investing that have gone on to make over $100,000 a year, and if anyone’s interested in your product they can just simply click the link below and get the product and if they buy through that link they also get my bonuses,” or whatever it is. “But Jim, let me ask you a question. How did you first get started, and how did you stumble across your system?” and Jim goes on to give really, really good content.

“Wow, you know what Jim, that was really, really great, and if anyone wants that product, they can click the link underneath the audio. But Jim the next question I have for you,” and you ask really good questions, at the end of the day, people hear this 45 minute – or this 60 minute interview where they’re getting a lot of really good information. And when people hear really good information, they usually want to learn how to get more. All they have to do is click the link at the bottom.

Now, if this is a $400, or a $500 product, and you’re getting $250 in commissions, you can make, probably, $3 – 5,000 a month, in commissions, forget about the one-time offer, just as an affiliate for that product. Okay.

Next, Butterfly Marketing recommends using an affiliate URL that looks like this. When you use that in the email, most people are going to be more likely to click on a link that looks like that when it says, “Mike has allowed me to let you get this product for free,” compared to a product URL that would say: id = 2. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

Has anybody ever seen a link like that, and that’s just clearly an affiliate link, and it turns people off. Because you're saying, “I’m reviewing a product, I’m telling you that it’s good but it screams – even though people know – it just screams “I’M MAKING MONEY ON YOU.”

And then people get this thing in their head, “Why are they really sending me this email?” The affiliate idea is right there, and it hurts your conversion. So, Butterfly Marketing allows you to put any type of URL that you want, and the number at the end of that is the affiliate ID. That’s what tracks the ID. So, I read this for you before, basically, I’ll read it here.

“I got hold of a new product by Mike Filsaime. So, this could be “I got a hold of a new product today by Robert Kiyosaki, it’s a $97 value. Robert told me I could share the product with only a few people, so if you want, you can bypass the sales page, go directly to the thank you page. Keep this hush for now, don’t go to the sales page, go right here. When I saw this, it made me think of you, thanks;” and their name is automatically embedded.

So, what happens is, that member that just came to the site, saw the onetime offer, purchased or didn’t, is going to listen to the audio and then is given an incentive with their friends, because we tell them, “If you share this with your friends and they buy the onetime offer, you’ll make 50% commission, and our onetime offer is $97, so if you share this with 10 people that buy – or one person that buys – you’ll make $50.”

If 10 people buy, you’ll make $500. And if a hundred people buy, you could make $5,000. So, we like to show them the math that can be made. So, this person now invites five of their friends, I think you’ve seen something like that. And those five people now show up at the site and all five of those people go through the same, exact, process. This is typical viral marketing. All five of these people see the one-time offer. All five of those people here – the great content call – all five of these people all have the opportunity to purchase the back-end items. All five of those people, instantly become an affiliate for your product and they tell five people, who tell five people, who tell five people and now the site goes completely viral and continues to bring in people every single day and passively makes money on the one-time offer. Passively makes money on back-end product, builds your list for you, where you can create a relationship with people in your market, in your niche, and those are the three things.

As I said, those are the three things; it’s a passive money maker, passive back-end sales, passive list builder. So, here’s a screen shot here and what you're seeing there are the different affiliates that bring in people here. So, this was over a year later and as you can see, these numbers – I know it’s a bit difficult to read but I’ll read some of those numbers for you. What you're seeing is affiliate 613, 2670, 6140, 29, 5355, 7120, 675, 613, all the way down to 3957 down there at the bottom.

What that means is that there are people – obviously the lower the number, that means they’ve been a member of the site for a long time, just continuing to promote this, either on their site or through their Auto responder, so the new Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

people that just joined 10 minutes ago, are telling 5 people, or maybe they have an opt-in list and they’re sending it out to 20,000 people and then it floods that many people into the site and then those people – and then you guys know how the cycle goes, right?

So, this site, over 2 years old, to this day, is still bringing in over 45 members per month – sorry – per day. 45 members per day, from this one site. You know what I did, I used a teleconference line, and I got on the phone to Russell Brunson, he had a similar sale and we did a call – and I also did it with Jeremy Burns – there were two calls, and we did a call and we gave exactly how we did our fire sale.

That’s it, and it’s great content. A lot of people get that for free and they love it but many of them, about three and ahalf percent of the people buy our one-time offer from this site. So, here was the first year case study for this site. We launched with only 12 JV partners, in other words, I didn’t tell my list. I figure, they were already on my list, I don’t need to put them back through again, and we got over 14,000 to this site in one year.

The onetime offer converted to 3½ percent, it made $51,000 in sales, in the first year, and counting, and brings in 40 plus new members per day. And I don’t want to say that I spent an hour on the site, but basically I made two phone calls, had somebody do my graphics, put up the other software up on site, and asked a couple of people to email for me, and I never, ever touched the site again. Ever.

So, here’s a recent example, remember I was telling you about the resource report that we launched, in Melbourne at the World Internet Summit? The reason why I did this, I wanted to create a viral report that show cased quality software as well as many of my products. As you can see, I’ve got a lot of different products, so it wasn’t good for me to get somebody into an Auto responder and one day tell them about the manuscript, the next day, Butterfly Marketing, the seven figure code, they would end up getting 30 emails from me. And I’d be pitching every single day and I felt that I don’t want to do that to somebody, but how do I let them know about all of our different products?

So, I created a report called “The Resource Report,” it’s all the tools that I use to run my business, everyday, everything that I use for audio, video, and I made it free, and the one-time offer, was what I call a kitchen sink sale. Obviously at this point, I have a lot of content. Remember we said, “Always be creating content. The more content you have the more unique offers you can create.” So, I call that a kitchen sink sale, and the “what’s in it for me”, for everyone that downloads the free report – why would they want to tell other people about the report is the onetime offer is $197 and I pay 50 percent commission on that.

So, here are these stats for the first six days at World Internet Summit. We did 13,955 members in the first six days. Now, just so everybody knows, I never launched this to my list. Part of the Internet challenge is that the people in the audience would launch the site for me. So, I simply said if you know five people, or a hundred people, sign up for the site, and tomorrow morning, let’s see how much the site made. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

And we only used the people in the Melbourne seminar. The seminar started on March 8th, you can see that on the very first day, without me even telling my list, just the people, which - everybody has access to the same JVs in this room, sent an email out, we made $8754 and we gave that money away to a lucky contestant, in the audience there, right there on stage because we didn’t come there to make me more money we came there for people to learn.

And then, as you can see the second day, and so on, the site continued to go on, and we made money from there. I mean, what would we make on a brand new product, $1,100, or $1,200 and then $1,900 and $2,014. Five days later, when nobody in the room is promoting any more, that’s viral marketing. That onetime offer started going through because of the viral marketing.

Five months later, the resource report brings in about $450 a day; it’s still bringing in 85 new members to my opt-in list, so I’m making an additional $85 a day. To this day, 31,000 people in the site, and total sales to date, $81,000. Simply from making a free resource of, “You know, this is what I use for screen shots, this is what I use to make a PD-F, and this is what I use for audio, and this is who my web host is, and this is who I use for a shopping cart.” You know over 70 different resources that I use.

People find that very valuable. Here’s a friend of mine, Mike Rasmussen, “Email Promo's and he was going to make an eBook and he was going to sell it on ClickBank and he said to me, “Mike, you think I should try Butterfly Marketing with this?” and I said, “Mike, I’m telling you, you know, if you do the eBook, it might just go really big, but after that it’s going to slow down, if you want passive, constant people coming to your list, and an opportunity to sell them, why don’t you make it a Butterfly Marketing site.”

And you can see, “Congratulations, Private Members Area,” you know the whole case study he used for the thank you page. And what’s interesting, is what he did – it was a video course of about 30 different videos on how to write really good emails. Really, really good emails. What he did is, he took about 10 of those videos and he just gave them away. Mike, using this, brought in 45,000 new members in five months, and over $5,000 in sales, giving away free information. Okay? Here’s a final case study, we did hosting secrets revealed, the person you see there on the right, next to me, is my web host, Joel Tierney. Joel said to me, “Mike, you think that Butterfly Marketing would work for my hosting business,” and I said, “Yeah.”

I said, why don’t we do a call about why your hosting is good, and why you're a good relationship host and you’re not going to shut somebody down for a single spam complaint and why you host for the top Internet marketers in the world and how we can get you on the phone and you offer the dedicated servers with everything and we could talk about, like the pitfalls. So, we launched “Hosting Secrets Revealed.”

We do an interview, very, very good content. 7,800 members in the first six weeks, 340 new customers, paying $297 per year, were bought in, so we did a phone call; we recorded it, we put the site up, and it brings in a hundred and just from Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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that point on, I mean that was the first six weeks, at that point bought in an additional hundred thousand dollars per year, in revenue for his hosting business – in just the first six weeks. That site still continues to bring in 25 new people per day, because of the viral marketing.

Here are some successful case studies. Let’s see if we can tell what they all have in common. Here’s a person, his name is Fabio Marciano; I’ll just read off some of these things real quick here. 12,600 and 5400 opt-in members in the first 10 days. Here is Dan Kelly, $12,000 and 2900 members in the first seven days, Dan is bringing in somewhere in the neighbourhood of $500 per day with his site.

Here is David Watson. David saw me speak at a seminar in the UK, had never made a single dollar online. Was online for 2 years, started working with us, and he went from 0 to 65,000 in a few short months, and within his first year, did $700,000 online.

Keith Wellman, I wish I had more time to give you the story on Keith, but he was one of these guys that came to my blog, after hearing a teleseminar I did with Shaun Casey and he just posted on my blog, “I’m sick and tired of hearing you guys talk about this and that, and all this type of stuff and the only way you make money is by teaching other people how to make money and you never really make money in the real niches.”

The only thing is he picked the wrong call to do that on, because that call was how Shaun Casey was making a quarter of a million dollars a year in niches that have nothing to do with making money and niches on “How to train your Labrador Retriever; how to stop Hair Loss,” and all those kinds of things, - so this call is actually telling about how he’s making a quarter of a million dollars in different niches and he accuses us of, you know, only making money teaching people how to make money.

So, he posts on my blog, and I send an email out to my list, without his name, and I said, you know, “Some people just don’t get it, and here’s why and I posted that rant that he’d put on my blog.” So, he sent me an email and he said, “Mike, I apologise, that was like, a well needed slap on the face, I was just really, really upset when I heard the price of a product, because I really wanted it but I couldn't afford it and I took it out on you and your customers. So, I apologise.”

I said, “Well, Keith, why don’t you give me a call and see what’s going on. I find out he’s been online two years longer than I have been online. How many people did he have on his opt-in list? Zero. He wasn’t doing any list building. Had he ever been to an event like you guys? No. He had no connections, he had no relationships with other marketers. So, we gave him a simple game plan. Keith is making over $100,000 a month on line and this was the second site that he launched. He made a $100,000 in seven days.

Jordan Hall, at the time I gave away a free Butterfly Marketing course on stage, I had asked the question, “What was the seventh habit of highly effective people, in Steven Covey’s book,” and it was “sharpen the saw” and he stood up and said Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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it and we gave him a free course. He took that course and launched the site and he made $41,000 and 8,800 opt-in members in his first 20 days.

These people in a niche – they said they weren’t sure – Terri – this is her name, wasn’t sure if it would work.

They do, kind of like the Tony Robbins kind of Personal development stuff. They launched that, they made $100,000 in four days.

Here’s a person that came out to a breakfast that I had in a local forum. I said, “Anybody in the New York area, come out to this breakfast,” and Mike came out. These slides are probably about 9 months old but Mike is now fulltime on line and he’s making probably about $8,000 a month right now.

Brian Edmondson, $10,000 in one day. He’s averaging over $2,000 a week. Since then he’s doing a lot more, he’s on like several different sites. James Grandstaff and his wife, $80,000 dollars in sales in their first 109 days.

Some of the people that you see up here at the top left, that’s, wow, I’m drawing a blank, Heather Vale. Okay? And Andrew and Darryl Grant and Matt and Amanda Clarkson, and there’s me with Aurelius – that was in Australia and you have Frank Bower, Bekky Dealman, Barbara Drasker, these are all other students of ours of course that have just gone on to do some really, really incredible things.

You know, a real interesting story, you know, you guys just saw Adam Ginsberg, right? Adam, you're not in the room right? No. Adam and I spoke at an event just like this about a year ago in San Antonio. I liked his product, he liked mine, we worked a deal out in the back, we had dinner that night and I said to him, - he said to me – “How would this work for me?”

And I took it off the slides but Adam, basically had Adam, and his Alexa rank was going like this for several years and I showed him how to take it to a Butterfly Marketing site. I said, these other products that you have, how are they selling?

He says, “Yeah, I sell about five or six a month, you know, of those things, but what I really want to sell is my home study course and my mentoring program.” And I said, “Well, Adam, what you need to do is give away your best products for free, give away all your different software, give it away for free, and change Adam to a call to action. Name an email address. After they enter their name and email address, give them a onetime offer for your home study course.

So, he did that, and all of a sudden you look at his Alexa rank and it spikes up like this, and Adam went from making like $2500 a month from the website, to $24,000 overnight just by implementing some of this stuff. So, what did they all have in common? If you know it, shout it out – “Wheel of Fortune” right? -- A mentor. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Mike Filsaime Butterfly Marketing Strategies

Say that again? -- A mentor.

That’s right. They all had a mentor. And as I said, there are a couple of other things, they had the mentor plus the right tools, they had action – have to take action and they had the property accountability and a mastermind.

So, here’s an opportunity for you to put your name right there. If there’s a successful case study, I’d love to put your name here as well, if we have an opportunity to work with you. Guys I’m done. I want to thank you very much and if you have any questions, just meet me right there.

Thank you. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

PETER BLAND Never Give Up Life Mastery Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

MC: Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please welcome Mr.


Peter Bland.

Peter Bland’s lifelong urge to o walk the thin line between adventuree and


catastrophe has led him to the t ends of the earth and forced him to test the

“Two friends set out on the adventure e of a life time to cross a

limits of his own body.

frozen neck of land at the bottom of the e world. Gambling on In 1998, 35-year-old Peter Blland fulfilled his lifetime

their own strength and determination, they’ll cheat death more than once. Pete Bland and Jay Waatson will risk everything to cross the Antarctic Peninsula and only one will

ambition by becoming the first f Australian to walk to the North Magnetic Pole, and th he only one to have ventured to both the North and South M Magnetic Poles.

make it to the other side.” Today, Peter Bland runs an a adventure travel company

PETER BLAND: I don’t know why the he ell I use that footage to

specialising in teaching lead dership skills to groups in the

open up my talk. It gives me the heebie e jeebies every time I

board room and then taking g them to the ice to put their

see it. Thank you for that welcome, and d Brian, thank you for

newly learned skills into pra actice.

that fantastic, flattering and generous introduction. I wrote it, aker, Peter Bland helps people to A brilliant and inspiring spea

you read it and I appreciate that.

identify the goals that enga age their heart. Peter believes that once the heart is engaged, success s is just a matter of timing.

That footage gives me the heebie jeebies every time I see it because it fills me with regret and sorro ow. But I tell you what it does do. It reminds me of ho ow lucky I am to be alive, to be here. I’ve got a beautiful wife, three gorrgeous children. Fortunately for the children they follow their mother when it comes to looks.

I take tourists to Antarctica to a part of o the world I love and adore. I take ice climbing prog grams in Patagonia; I fly around the world sending my message to beau utiful parts of this planet, like the Gold Coast, and I ge et paid for it but I almost lost it. I almost lost it all. And I almost lost it alll but for leadership. Not ordinary leadership, we’re taalking about extraordinary leadership. Extraordinary leadership fro om phenomenal people.

er I’m talking about. I’m talking Now, I might be a cocky, arrogant, public speaker but I’m not that cocky. I’m not the leade about the leaders that I’ve been fortunaate enough to have been able to surround myself with in my life.

I believe in this. I believe in “GOTTA.” What does that stand for? You know, because it’s alll a journey. It’s all a great big long journey. Buy one of my books late er on and you’ll see me say, “Live the Dream” but enjo oy the journey.

Now, I used not to say that. I used to say s “Chase those dreams. Go to the summit and die on o the way.” It’s not about that. It’s about chasing big, chunky beaautiful dreams but enjoying the journey along the waay. What I say is this. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

Set those goals. Particularly observe the reality, because a lot of people set these great big goals but they don’t stop and look. It mightn’t be such a great day to go sunbaking today, because it’s pissing down rain. So, maybe it’s a better day to dig in the garden.

Observe. Maybe it’s not a great day to ask that person to do that big job in your organisation because maybe they’re a bit tired because they had a great big party on the weekend. All I’m saying is, “Observe.”

Massive, massive difference between empathy and sympathy. I’m talking about empathetic leaders. Walk a mile in another man’s shoes. Think. You know, think. It’s pretty handy if you actually do the next one, which is act. Because the world is full of people who’ll do one or two of those things. You know, definitely, lots and lots of people who’ll do a lot of acting, and they’ll just jump over that cliff, or buy that property, or not take the advice we’ve just heard from and actually stop and think.

What I’m saying is take advice, think. Observe what’s actually going on in the market place, towards your goal, and above all and my story is particularly this one, never, ever, ever, give up. NEVER GIVE UP.

You know, I could stop right now. You could put your paper away, because my message is pretty simple. When do you give up? That’s it. Thank you for your time. I mean, that’s it. When do you give up? Never.

Towards what? What do you pursue? Dreams. Massive difference between dreams and goals, you know. The world is full of dreamers, they’re doing bugger all about it. You know the difference between dreams and goals? It’s only a little thing and I’m wearing one on my wrist here. Time. Setting a definite timeline for what you're going to achieve. That’s the difference between dreamers and doers. Never give up.

I was born with a hole in my heart. Four years goes past and my brother pushes me down the steps of my friend’s holiday home. Mum and dad thought I’d broken a few ribs, so they took me to the Geelong hospital and the doctor said, “No, he hasn’t broken any ribs, but he’s got a dodgy ticker.”

Obviously, that was devastating news for my parents, and I had to have heart surgery and they said, “We can’t do the surgery until he grows some more hair,” which I’ve since lost. We had to wait until I was 8 years old because it was 1972, it was very early days for heart surgery in Australia, so they couldn't operate.

So, we had to wait until I was 8 years old. When I was 8 years old we had the operation. Now, medically the operation was a massive, massive success. Mentally, it was a massive failure. Mentally, it was a failure because I wasn’t prepared for this thing which we fear so much. Change. Because I wasn’t used to this blemish. I thought it was the worst thing that ever happened to me, this scar to my chest. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

I remember we used to play at local football, we used to play shirts on against shirts off and I used to do everything within my power to make damn sure that I was in the shirts on team, because I was so ashamed about this scar. I remember I used to bite my thumb and put my forearm against my chest here, until my coach pulled me aside one time, he said, “Bland, take your hand away from covering your scar. Unless you do that, I’m going to say that to you every single time.”

Now, I’m not sure about the modern day psychology about that approach, but any rate, I did stop doing it, but I never saw it for what it was. You know what it was? An opportunity. The defining difference, we heard earlier today about, you know, about the coin, and dividing the coin in half, it’s entirely in our hands if we’re looking for the solution or the problem. I’m looking for the solution.

As a child I wasn’t. As a child I thought this is the worst thing that ever happened and made me less of a person, it became a platform for me which has allowed me and my wife to form a foundation to raise literally millions and millions of dollars to help others with the same condition I had.

I went through school; I met my great friend, Jay Watson. We were at boarding school together. We were both into the outdoor and the activities at that stage and it was interesting that we both, as we travelled through life together, we were at boarding school together, we travelled through and Jay and I both ended up being professional yachtsmen, literally delivering boats around the world. Jay went his way, and I went my way which culminated in us coming together for that expedition which you saw at the beginning of my presentation.

I finished university in Melbourne, and like every arrogant university student, I knew everything and I couldn't be taught anything so I hopped on a plane and I flew over to South America. I did a quick crash course in Spanish. I fly into Buenos Ares, the capital of Argentina. I arrive there and the only thing I can say is “Yo soy de Seville” which means “I am from Seville”, which I’m not. So it wasn’t that helpful.

I go down south; I’m working on the largest sheep station in the world called “Estante El Condor.” I’m working down there as a wool classer, with all these men. You have to learn Spanish pretty quickly, most of my Spanish, which I now speak is pretty guttural, and probably not that worthy of repeating today. I’m working down on Estante El Condor. I go down south to the southern tip of Argentina – a place called Tel De Fuego, where I now run my business from and it was there that I breathe my first breath of the Antarctic wind, and I was hooked. Absolutely addicted. And I knew that one day I would get back there. That became the goal, above all others. I

I’d been brought up on stories of Shackleton, Amundsen and Perry and Scott and I knew that I wanted to repeat what they’d done a century earlier. I hitchhiked my way up through South America. By this stage, I’m quite proficient with my Spanish, and I’m teaching English to a guy in Ecuador, a coastal place called Mantra, in return for the use of his surfboard. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

Anyway, this guy had just crossed the Atlantic on a boat, and he comes into Mantra, and we’re talking and he tells me a story about how he’d just crossed the Atlantic on a boat and I said, “That’s for me. I’m going to be a skipper.”

I come back here to Australia, I enrol at every course I can, celestial navigation, coastal navigation, I did a correspondence course on seamanship, I go down to the local St Kilda Marina wearing daggy tennis shorts and tennis shoes, and there’s a sign saying, “Crew, wanting position.”

Anyway, some time goes past, a desperate skipper at 2 in the afternoon, with no crew says, “Righto, fella, you better come out with me.” I go out with him in a little 20 footer, called a tuba-rubba, a little 20 foot boat. This big sexy, 60 footer, goes streaming past, called “Rock Star”, and I say, “Jesus, how do you get onto those ones?” And he said, “You stick with me for a while, I’ll get you onto those.”

So, I stuck with him for a while and I didn’t know the front of the boat from the back of the boat. I didn’t know a sheep from hay, I had no idea, but I stuck with him, and ultimately, he got me onto the bigger boats and I started doing all the off shore races in Australia.

So, I’ve come back from South America, you know, a classic graduate, a year in South America, I’ve come back here, I’m doing all this off-shore racing. My parents are a bit concerned, “When’s he going to start working?”

Well, my friend had two business ideas; one was a brilliant business idea. We did the other one. And the other one was a shortbread recipe. Now, there used to be, and you might recall a recipe called McAlpine Shortbread. Well, McAlpine Shortbread is from a generation gone past and it had become defunct.

Well, I bought the recipe with Col, for $1. We started baking this shortbread. Now, I know nothing about cooking but we’re baking this shortbread, you know, put the flour, the sugar, the butter and we kneaded it all up, make up some batches, do some packaging, and took it down to the local deli. Now, the local deli was owned by a guy who was quite friendly to our family. And so this friendly fella says, “Yeah, Pete, Yeah, I’ll take a box. No worries.” And he said, “How many in a box?” and I say – because this is my first sale, “Fifty. There’s 50 in a box.”

Now, that’s just rubbish. Anyway, he said, “Okay, 50. Okay 50.” Fifty’s a lot. So, I go back and I get all the stock that I’ve got, which is 50. I give them to him. I go back to my partner, Col, and I say, “Col, we’ve sold out. We’re going to have to capitalise.” Now, Col’s thinking money, and I’m thinking washing machine. These opportunities, they’re slippery little suckers, I tell you, because I live on a farm, and we had a dog called Lucky which is ironic because he ended up not being that lucky. Anyway, at that stage of his short-lived life, Lucky was pretty Lucky, and my father loved him and when we did a kill on the farm, and we stun the sheep, dad would get the sheep skin and he would wash it in this washing machine, and he would, you know, like someone with fluffy dice in a Monaro, he would line Lucky’s kennel, so it was quite a Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

luxurious kennel. Anyway, Lucky had gone to God and this bit of capital injection was vacant, I got the washing machine and I rolled it down to our kitchen.

Now, the tag line of Settler’s Shortbread was “Settler’s Shortbread, baked in history.” Well, we’d been going for about 6 weeks, so the only thing historic about Settler’s Shortbread, were the premises on which they were baked. They were very historic. 1852, and they hadn’t been touched since. Convict labour. Literally, a wing that the servants, the convict labour lived in and it was just absolute rubbish.

Anyway, my parents said that I could use it if I wanted, if I did it up, so I did it up a bit. I wheeled this washing machine down to the kitchen, hardly worthy of that word, but anyway, and we got the washing machine, and we took the agitator out and I put it aside, and I got a laundry bucket, like a brand new, really clean, laundry bucket, and I put the laundry bucket in there. Then I got the agitator and cut it with a hack saw so it fitted the laundry bucket just perfectly and then I put in the flour and the butter and the sugar and I found generally on a normal cycle, you would get perfect shortbread, every single time.

So, we’re pumping out this shortbread. We’ve been going for a while. We’ve been selling it – I go to Daimaru and Myers and David Jones, I come up here, I’m selling to the Hyatt and the Hilton and the Intercontinental – all the big hotels are buying it and I’m going – export, export.

Now, meanwhile the Melbourne – Osaka Yacht Race is coming up. Now, the Melbourne – Osaka Yacht Race is the longest double-hander – that’s two sailors race in the world. And I said, I’ve got a goal for you. I’m going to be the skipper that brings back the winning boat from the Melbourne – Osaka and I’m going to get sponsorship from JETRO. JETRO stands for Japanese External Trade Retail Organisation.

So, I write to every single skipper in the race that’s out there in the atmosphere, doing its thing. I go to JETRO. I go to JETRO for the third year in a row. For the two previous years I’d been knocked back by JETRO for sponsorship because I want them to sponsor me to go to Foodex in Japan.

Anyway, I go for the third time – no is not a knock back, no is feedback. My wife doesn’t like that one. At any rate, we go to see JETRO for the third year. We go in there, you know, we go in there and they go, “Yes, Mr Bland, you have good production and good client base”, and so forth, “Yes, we will sponsor you to go to Foodex in Japan. One small little thing, Mr Tacita is coming from Tokyo in two weeks time, and he’ll just conduct a quick tour of your factory and if that’s all in order, yes, we’ll sponsor you to go to Foodex.”

And you know, Asian marketing is all about not losing face, so I go, 101 Collins St, on the 28th level, this is pretty fancy. And I go, “Great, terrific, I’ll call you with the address.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

I walk backwards to the elevator, I hop in the elevator, I go downstairs to a café, right nearby called Il Solito Posto. I say, “Mate, have you got a Yellow Pages?” He gives me the Yellow Pages. I go “B – B – B – B – B – Biscuit Factory.” I find a biscuit factory called “Pace Biscuits” in Flemington Rd, in Mt Alexander. I go out to Pace Biscuits, owned and built by a guy called Leo. Leo Pace. I go, “Hello Leo, my name’s Peter Bland. You don’t know me from a bar of soap, can we pretend that this is my factory?” He said, “Yes.” I think there was somewhat of a language barrier.

In any rate, I rushed back home, I get the Subaru station wagon that I had, I get the Subaru, and I put two packets of Settler’s Shortbread boxes in there. I rush back down to his factory, the day before the big meeting with Mr Tacita. I put one over here, on this wall over here, on row C3, in this big packaging room as big as this whole auditorium – it’s a big factory. One box of Settler’s Shortbread. And one over here on B5, you know. And it’s there, so I know where they are. They all look like boxes to them. I go out the front there. Mr Tacita’s there, I go, “Hajimemashite. Bland-san desu” which means, “Nice to meet you, my name is Mr Bland.”

To which he responded to me in Japanese. “And I said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s my best material. That’s all I got.” At any rate, with the aid of a translator, we conducted this tour. But he was into it – he was loving it – but I was – scared. And the reason I was so scared was he was loving it and he wanted to go see everything. And he would say, “Oh, what do machine – what do that machine?” and he’d want to go over to look at it. And I would say, “It’s a mixer, don’t worry about that.” Look over here. I couldn't take him over there because that machine was being used by people. And if I took him over there, I’d have to introduce him to the people. But I couldn't introduce him to the people unless I introduced myself to the people. And I didn’t think that’d go down too well.

At any rate, after this horrific tour, he comes back to the office, and he places an order for 1,000 cartons. Which was the largest order I’d had by about 1,000 cartons, so we’re set.

Meanwhile, a couple of days go past, my mobile phone rings, and it’s the owner of a boat called “Fast Forward”, a 47 foot, English, beautiful, sexy, sexy, boat. And he says, “Pete, I’m sorry, I meant to get back to you, yeah, I’d love you to deliver my boat back.” And he was racing over there.

So, the race goes on. I put my gear together, Fast Forward ends up winning the race. I go over there. I ship all my samples over there. The only downside of this business model was this, the crew of the boat were so starved after sailing from Melbourne to Osaka that they ate all my samples. At any rate, with what samples I had left, I go partying all night, and then next morning, I’d go running around Osaka, selling my shortbread and it worked. But the funny thing was, I’d say, “Thank you for that order for me to supply my product to Japan. One small little thing, I can’t actually process that order for three months because you know, I’m delivering this boat back to Australia and I’m going to Kapinga Maringa and West Pacific, and I’m doing a diving course and my girlfriend’s flying into the Whitsundays and so, Yeah, it’ll be about September before I process that order.” Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

I think they thought I was the craziest businessman they’d ever met in their lives. At any rate, they stuck with me and I came back to Australia, with two things that I’d never had before. One was a reputation, this time it was a good reputation, as a person that can get a boat from A to B in one piece and on time, and the second thing I had was a business. I had a real business, I had an export business.

At any rate, because of my reputation as a sailor, I was invited to navigate a team to the South magnetic Pole, in 1996. There were 10 people on board, three of whom, had just climbed Mt Everest. They were very, very serious mountain climbers but they weren’t such great sailors. Herein lies the opportunity because opportunities are slipper little suckers and you’ve got to grab them when you can see them. But you’ve got to look for them. Well here is mine. An ambitious kid from the bush sees his opportunity. So, we’re 10 days out of Hobart. We’re on a 60 foot boat with 6 mil of aluminium between 10 lives and these ice bergs the size of small countries.

Now the average wind speed in Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica is 85 kilometres an hour. The wind comes streaming down off the Antarctic plateau and down into Commonwealth Bay. You’re not sailing on the sea you’re sailing on a slurpee, a Seven-Eleven slurpee, and it’s very hard to push your way through it.

The air was so cold, mate, basically minus 30, plus wind chill makes it minus 60, wind chill factor. Ropes would freeze, completely frozen over. For instance if the Skipper said, “Fellas, tack the boat. Tack the boat from the left hand side to the right hand side, port to starboard”, we’d say, “Yeah Skipper, no worries. Cook, put the kettle on”. The cook would put the kettle on. He’d bring the boiling water out. We’d get all the ropes put them in the cockpit, pour the water over them, stomp on the rope, break all the ice off it so that the rope would run through the blocks. And unless you did that they wouldn’t run through.

We’d be constantly, constantly, chipping, chipping, chipping (I won’t let go I promise) - chipping, chipping, chipping the mast because if you didn’t chip the ice off the mast the boat would get mast heavy and it would get down and it wouldn’t come back up. It would start to act like a keel which isn’t too good for you.

So it doesn’t sound too good but I’m describing to you an opportunity. We’re three days. We’re trying to get in this Commonwealth Bay but what happens is this: the wind dies down which is very unusual and as a result of that what do you do? You put the engine in gear. However, we didn’t check that all the ropes were on board first. So, when you put a motor in gear in Antarctica and there’s a rope around the propeller, “bang”, no more propeller, no more motor, no more going to Antarctica.

So for three days we bobbed around in Commonwealth Bay when the wind picked up and we just had enough wind to get going and then the wind really picked up and we were just tacking, tacking, tacking. Imagine the back of the auditorium is Mawson’s Hut, Sir Douglas Mawson’s Hut. I’m a kid from the bush reading stories of Mawson, my great hero, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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and we just can’t bloody well get there because the wind is so ferocious and we’re sailing on this slurpee with no motor and we all realised it was way too dangerous and we couldn’t get there.

And so as a result of that everybody gets the charts. And they’re sitting round the charts, round the navigation table, and they get the charts and they’re facing north. We’re going back home. This is too dangerous and we can’t get there. Here’s the opportunity. I go and see Ollie the ship’s doctor and I say, “Ollie, how long would you give me if I dived over the side to cut the rope free?” There was no wetsuit on board so that wasn’t such great preparation.

At any rate he said, “Five minutes. You’ll be roped up, there’ll be a knife strapped to your hand with electrical tape cause you can’t open and close your hand in those conditions. You’ll be roped up with a harness because we’re hauling you out attached to this lanyard. We’re hauling you out. Whether you’ve done the job or not we’re hauling you out”. And I knew that I had one opportunity.

So I go to the navigation table. I say to David, David’s the only guy in the world to have climbed the seven summits, that’s the highest mountain on every continent, plus to have walked to the four poles. And I say, “David, I’m volunteering to dive over the side to cut the rope free’. And he says, “Are you serious?” I said, “Yeah, I’m serious but I’m not stupid. I want three things”.

He says, “Blue” - he calls me Blue that’s when I used to have hair. He says, “Blue, you can have whatever you want. What do you want?” I said, “I want it filmed,” hence the footage. “Secondly I want the International Film rights to the footage,” hence the documentary. “And thirdly, I want you to invite me to be navigator on an Anglo-Australian expedition to the North Magnetic Pole”.

I saw this as my ticket from this legend to be invited to go to the North. Sir Douglas Mawson was the first Australian to the South in 1908 and a kid from the bush with a scar saw an opportunity to shake that monkey and to prove himself. And so he did it. We drove the yacht in behind an ice berg so we could get out of the wind. And we put it in there and then we put me over the edge with a knife strapped to my hand with electrical tape and the lanyard attached to me so they haul me back out.


I come back up to the surface and I go … and Steve’s up on the bow and he’s saying, “Pete, what do you want? What do you want? What do you want? The clock’s ticking, they’re going to haul you out”. And I say, I say, ... like have you ever had an ice-cream headache? Like the worst - imagine the worst ice-cream headache of your life. Like I’m just going, “... more slack, more slack” because my little frozen mind realised that I wasn’t going to be able to cut that rope free because that rope was a 16 mil thick rope wrapped around the propeller. It’s 12 foot diagonal to swim down there to get this so you’re out of breath by the time you get there. I just couldn’t cut the bloody thing. And I realised that I had to change. This word Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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change. I had to change. I realised I couldn’t cut it free and it was really, really tight because we were trying to pull it off. So I said, “More slack. Roy, give me four feet more slack”. So Roy on the bow, gave me four feet more slack. I went down the next time and I unravelled it and it came free.

We stepped foot on Antarctic the next day and what a moment it was for us all, and what a moment it was for me in particular, having overcome that adversity and achieving a ticket to shake that monkey off my back.

The other hidden benefit that I hadn’t anticipated was that I was treated for hypothermia. They weren’t all men on board. For those of you who don’t know what hypothermia is and how you treat it let me tell you. The treatment involves one of these.

At any rate I come back here to mainland Australia and I think this is fantastic. I have been invited to navigate a team to the North Magnetic Pole. I asked my girlfriend to come up here to Noosa Heads then we go on to Frazer Island. We’re going for a run and I stop at a log, because we’re going for this run, and I get down on my knee and I ask her to marry me. To which she says, “Are you serious?” which is a fair enough response. We’d been going out together for seven years, I’d shown no inclination nor desire to slow down nor settle down. At any rate with some persuasion and the promise of an engagement ring that I’m still paying off she says “yes”.

We hop on a plane and we fly over to England. We go and climb Mt Snowdonia in Wales with David and all his mates. These are the top notch of this whole climbing business internationally and I’m hanging out with them. I’m thinking and I’m feeling pretty good.

He says, “I’m going to teach you all the best material, how to train, how to put the sponsorship together, how to put the whole PR and the whole thing and I’ll help you get there”. I come back here to Australia, I’m pulling a tyre up and down Albert Park Beach in Melbourne and I’m feeling pretty good. People thought that I was mad so I had these tee-shirts made up which said, “I’m not mad I just want your money”. I’m pulling this tyre up and down Albert Park Beach. I was fit as a mallee bull. The girl of my dreams said “yes” to marry me and I’d been invited to navigate a team to the North Magnetic Pole. I thought, “You are a god. You can do no wrong”.

Life doesn’t work like that. Rudyard Kipling, you know a foreword in my book by Rudyard Kipling said, “No great deed is done by falterers who seek certainty”. Well here’s a bit of uncertainty that came into my life. I remember I’m sitting there between my crying fiancé and my crying mother. That’s the laugh of recognition.

I’m sitting there between these crying ladies and I say, “Okay, Doc, what have I got?” And the Doc says, “What you’ve got is a thoracic aneurism. An aneurism is a dilation of the aorta. Your aorta has grown so large that it collapsed your left lung and it pushed your heart across to the right”. And I said, “Oh, thanks, Doc, thank you for that. Can you fix it tomorrow or can you leave it for six months?” And he said, “Ah, no, but why?” And I said, “Oh sorry, Doc, I’m Peter Bland, and I’ve got Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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a goal and my goal is to become the first Australian to the North Magnetic Pole. In fact, this is a mock-up of my brochure. I’m getting a thousand of these printed tomorrow and I’d really appreciate it if you could get that surgery knocked off quick smart”.

He didn’t even look at it. He just flicked it back and he said, “Peter, I think you better sit down because you don’t understand the risk of paralysis and the risk of rejection of the graft”. They’re going to put a 14 centimetre plastic Dacron graft from my heart to my stomach. Then I cried. And I cried and I cried and I can tell you I did. He said to me, “What you’ve got to do, it’s pretty simple, do nothing”. My fever was through the roof. “They’re going to put an epidural injection in your spine to paralyse you when they do the operation”. I’ve got a scar now from my belly button to my left scapula, right around here. And they can’t do that operation when I’ve got a fever going through the roof.

So my brief was pretty simple, “Do nothing”. Do nothing on a farm in the middle of summer when your dream has just been taken away from you. I’ve got a two year old, right, AJ. I tell you what he behaves more maturely when I take a Chuppa Chup off him than I did. When that doctor took that dream away from me – because that was my dream. That was my opportunity. I was gunna be famous. I was gunna have a book. I was gunna be this person and you have no right to take away my dream. It’s my dream and that’s how I behaved.

And my wife, who is smarter than me, which isn’t that great a challenge, says “Baby, accept it. Accept it. You are not going to be the first Australian to the North Magnetic Pole. This year. But you’re going to do it next year and it’s going to be bigger and better than it ever would have been and we’re going to have a website and we’re going to have a book and we’re going to have a documentary and we’re going to start a foundation and we’re going to raise millions of dollars for the charity that helps people like you” and I bought it. I said, “Yeah, that sounds good”. Surround yourself with smart, passionate people. That’s been my story.

So we go down to the National Heart Foundation. I’m sweating. I’ve got this fever through the roof. I’m wearing a dressing gown and Ugg Boots, which fortunately for me have now come into fashion. I knew that 20 years ago. I’m wearing Ugg Boots and a dressing gown and I’m in King Street in Melbourne. I’m just shivering like this. There’s all the directors of the Heart Foundation and Jules – my wife’s name is Jules. She says, “I’m Jules, this is Pete and he’s going to walk to the North Magnetic Pole. He’s going to raise lots of money for you and lots of awareness”. And they say, “No, he’s not. He’s an extremist. He’s going to make fat people run marathons. They’re going to die and we’re going to be liable”. And I piped up and I said, “I am not an extremist. I’m a person who takes on extreme challenges but through research and preparation. I never exceed my parameters of competence”.

It’s not true but they bought that line and they made me the first Aussie heart hero which is a term they made up which they’ve now used with AFL footballers and so forth and they made me an Aussie heart hero and for doing that they sent me around this country talking to primary schools and 12 year old boys and girls about walking 30 minutes a day and eating a healthy diet. These opportunities are slippery little suckers. What do I do for a job now? I get flown around the Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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world, getting paid a fair bit of money, despite my performance today, as a professional speaker. How did that start? Helping the Heart Foundation raise awareness. These opportunities are there. You’ve just got to grab them.

So. I remember I went through that. We started putting the fundraising packaging together. Meanwhile I get rid of my fever and I go into that operation. I remember distinctly the anaesthetist putting me under – not under, you know, to sleep. And he says, “How are you feeling?” And I said, “Top of the world”. He said, “Top of the world?” And I said, “Yeah, top of the world because that’s where I’m going to be in 12 months time”. That goal was so cemented in my mind I knew damn well where I was going. I went into that operation. It was just like a step towards where I was ultimately going.


Yeah, so I’m lying there in Intensive Care, you see, and you know how the doctors come around? Anybody watch, you know, Grey’s Anatomy? All the doctors come around and with the interns and they said, “Look, you’re going quite well we’re going to pull these tubes out” and there were quite a few tubes to choose from. And I said, “Oh, okay, would you mind maybe take those tubes out this afternoon. Maybe leave those and you go do a little walkie walkie around the hospital and maybe do it this afternoon”. I think they thought that I was mad and they wanted to move me out of the Intensive Care and into the Mental ward but at any rate off they went.

I said, “Nurse, nurse, nurse, give me a phone”. The nurse gave me a phone. I said, “Jules, you’ve got to come in here right now and you’ve got to bring a camera and a video camera because I’m getting too fit and too strong too quickly and we need really dramatic footage of me looking crook because the documentary is not going to be Pole to Pole anymore. It’s going to be Table to the Top, operating table to the top of the world and we need really dramatic footage of me looking crook”. I think she was also questioning my mentality and her positive response to marry me. At any rate she came in with a camera and she got the footage and it’s been used in my first documentary, it was used in my last documentary and it’s been used in the miniseries.

And all my mates say to me, “Blandy, it’s so lucky you got that footage when you were crook. Like it was really a platform”. I don’t know about this luck business. Hey? There was an opportunity, there was preparation. If others want to call it luck, well good luck to them, because we know what it was, an opportunity.

I come out of there and I start my training. I was broke. I had to get a thing which I’d never had before at the age of 28, a job. I’m running around Melbourne raising all the funds always with this one image in my mind of where I was going. I was going to become the first Australian to the North Magnetic Pole. I started training by lifting Baked Bean cans. I sent my friend David in the UK an email. I said, “I’m out of hospital and I’ve started training”. He sent me this image and he said with a tag - he said, “Blue, when the going gets tough the tough get going”. “When the going gets tough the tough get going”. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

And he supported me through this period because meanwhile you’ve got these guys over in the UK who are saying, “Who’s this bloody Australian that’s navigating us to the Pole. I’m not going with some guy who’s had two heart operations”. And I’ve got this guy over there who’s really standing out and he’s saying, “Don’t worry about Blue, he’ll be all right” and he stood by me.

Finally, after a year of training and financial pressure and family pressure and political pressure – all these pressures they’re always there. The bigger the dream the bigger the pressures. It’s about pursuing them despite all other.

Well, we get there. We’re walking in the northern spring. The reason you walk in the spring and not the winter is because if you walked in the winter you’d have a solid ice plate. Like you’re walking on the sea. You are literally walking on the sea, about a meter and a half in thickness. If you walked in the winter you’d have a fantastic ice plate but you’d have no light and if you walked in the summer you’d have fantastic light 24 hours but you’d have no ice plate. So we walked in the spring. The spring is the same time that polar bears are coming out of their hibernation and they’ve lost 50 per cent of their body weight and they think that ambitious Australians with a chip on their shoulder taste pretty good.

So we always walked in a pack particularly when we went through sustrugi. Sustrugi is where you get ice that goes vertical and behind the sustrugi can be the polar bears. We’d see polar bears and blood everywhere particularly where the sustrugi was high because what happens is it creates an air pocket and near the air pocket that’s where the seals have their cubs. And the polar bears like this line. The polar bears walk on the south side, the south side of the line, why? Because the wind blows from the north and the polar bears are sniffing for seal cubs and slow Australians. So when we went through sustrugi we always made sure that we were really, really close together and made lots and lots of noise so we didn’t corner a friendly little polar bear.

My role as navigator was not just to go from south to north. My role as a navigator was to get us there is one piece. Now, we knew from satellite imagery that where the ice goes a bit grey in colour, it’s got high water content and high water content means it’s soft and you’re going to fall through it. So my role was to navigate through these areas of solid ice plates and away from what they call leads, where the ice is soft and we’d navigate our way north avoiding polar bears and soft ice. You lose about ten percent of your body weight. You’re hauling this sled that weighs 85 kilos. So if you want to lose weight come with me on one of my trips.

It all sounds pretty tough. You know, this is the suit you wore. It’s got an arctic wool for around the face of it there to trap the air and if you trap the air it just warms up a little bit so when you breathe in it sort of doesn’t freeze your lungs so badly.

You’re walking north and you think it’s pretty bad but this was nothing. The cold, the fatigue, the tiredness, that was nothing. What was really going through my mind was this: I like living in Melbourne and I was so broke that year of raising funds that I had made a bunch of promises. Now making promises is fine, but if you want to go back and live in Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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the place where you made the promise, you’ve got to come through with it. Well, I made a promise to a company that I would shoot them an ad and the trouble with making this promise to this company was it was a clothing company and this clothing company was actually an underwear company.


Now I was trying to be a funny bugger. I was trying to do a Benny Hill like this and I ran out of the camera shot, because I doing the zig-zag from side to side. Anyway the camera man asked me to do it again. I won’t tell you here what I said.

We got to the Pole the next day, and what a moment it was. I told you that I lost 10% of my body weight because we just couldn’t carry enough food. One of the foods we didn’t carry was sugar, but I can tell you there’s no amount of sugar I could have carried that gave me the energy that that flag gave me. I carried with me the Australian flag and carrying that with me, wrapped up in butcher’s paper and tissue paper in a plastic sealed bag - I looked at it every - I didn’t open it until the day I got there. And it carried me every step of the way because when I stepped out of the base camp and I looked out at what we were about to do, I looked out and I said “Jesus I can’t do that, that’s too tough. I can’t do that for a month but I can do it for 20 minutes”. And I promised myself that if every 20 minutes, I was still with the pack and I wasn’t last, I would give myself a prune and the prune lived in this lapel pocket in here. And every 20 minutes as long as I wasn’t last I gave myself a prune. So all I did was kept myself regular and had a prune every 20 minutes. That’s all I did the whole way to the Pole.

I came back to Australia and I do what I do best which is set the next goal. And the next goal was to complete a world first crossing of the Antarctic Peninsula. Now the Antarctic Peninsula is essentially - imagine the Andean mountain range divides Chile and Argentina. It goes underneath the Southern Ocean and then it pops up again and it forms the Antarctic Peninsula and that Peninsula and that mountain range leads all the way to the Pole. Well, it had been attempted three times in history to cross it from the eastern side to the western side but never successfully unsupported.

Well, here was the goal: my friend and partner, Jay Watson and I, were to charter a yacht and to sail from Tierra Del Fuego from a place called Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego and to be dropped on the ice in the sea. We would paddle our kayaks until we got onto this sea ice and then we would the haul the kayaks like sleds across this sea ice to a glacier called Victory Glacier and Victory Glacier runs up to 6000 feet. That was the plan. But not all plans always go the way you intend. And the problem with this plan was this. We were so late in the season that the sea ice was breaking off and it was drifting out to the Southern Ocean. And I remember as we’re going along there literally falling through this ice. You know, the Arctic and the Antarctic are the driest regions on Earth. And as result of that obviously it’s dry so you drink, and you drink, and you drink and you drink. That means when you go bye-byes at night time you need to do wee-wees. Well, it’s like living in Melbourne in the winter, you don’t leave the door open and go for a wee, you pee into a bottle. Obviously it’s a very large vessel. At any rate, I was pouring out this bottle of pee in the middle of the night and I saw the Victory Glacier which was there, was now there. And I said to Jayzie, “Gee whiz, either Victory Glacier’s moving or we are”. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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And what had happened to us is exactly what happened to Sir Ernest Shackleton in 1913 when he was trapped on the ice for a year and half with 28 men. That’s exactly what was happening to Jay and I. The ice we were camped on had broken out and was drifting out to the Weddell Sea and we had to get out of there quick smart. And we straddled our kayaks and we waddled along with - because we were falling through the whole time. We put our skies either side and we’d fall through onto our kayaks which would give us some floatation. And finally we made it to the ocean and when we were in the ocean we just started paddling and paddling and paddling until finally we could access this glacier called Victory Glacier.

Now Victory Glacier runs up to 6000 feet, so the gradient’s quite steep. It’s so steep that one man can’t actually pull the sled. You end up having the two of you go onto one kayak and you just crawl. Now we used to do 20 counts, one to 20. I could do a bit more but Jay got tired. At any rate after doing 20 steps you’d get the - using your ice cramp-ons and your picks and you’d go up. You’d screw that kayak into the ice and you’d hop on your bum and you’d slide back down and you’d get the other kayak.

And finally after doing this you put that together for two more weeks and finally you are a God. You’re there with your best mate achieving a world first. You’re looking down on the clouds and you’re looking at the sea swells that are in a 360 degree lap of the world and they’ve never seen land and you’re achieving a world first with your mate. It doesn’t get much better. Remember last time I said that?

I remember we’d come into the western side of the Peninsular. And imagine this is the Peninsular, and we’re coming into here and anybody that has done any ice climbing this is a belay device and with a belay device you literally - your mate is on the other end there and you lower him down and this, this makes it nice and slow as it goes down nice and easily. Well we were doing these controlled belay with him going down, screwing in and then me going down.

I remember we came down to this pitch and we were down the bottom there. And I remember we look ahead of us and we see this great big crevasse and opening in the ice. Now Antarctica is a big cold place and the average thickness of 3000 meters. A crevasse is a big opening and it goes a long way. And I say to Jayzie, “Mate, let’s not take on that crevasse tonight. Let’s stay put and let’s set up the tent and tomorrow we go on”. So we set up the tent. Obviously I’m getting to an emotional part of this story and my friend. We set up the tent. Like you know life and luck and timing, you know can be, you’re talking minutes.

Woke up the next morning and it was blowing like 60 knots, like 100 kilometres an hour. The wind was buffeting the tent and pushing it over like this and knocking it around and here’s what happened to me, you see. I said to Jayzie, “Mate, it’s not safe to walk today. We’re not going to take on that crevasse today. I’m going to step out of the tent and I’m going to go and get some more rope and some more lunch for us to eat and we’re going to stay put. Okay?” I stepped out of the tent and I walked 20 feet over to the kayak. I’m over at the kayak and I’m getting the lunch out of there and the ropes to bring them back into the tent. That’s my memory. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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So I step out of the tent, and I’m at the kayak. My mate’s in, not this tent but a tent like it and he hears the wind and he looks at his watch and he says, “Geez, where’s Pete? He’s been out 15 minutes what’s going on?” He opens up the fly and he looks out and he sees that both the kayaks are gone and so is his best mate.

And I said that today’s story is about leadership, phenomenal leadership, about extraordinary people. Well he knows that I’ve got to be in one of two places. Either I was taken by that avalanche and I was buried 12 kilometres at the bottom of the mountain and I’m dead or I’ve been taken by that avalanche and I’ve been thrown in that crevasse which we saw the night before. Anyway he’s going to go out and explore the ladder.

He packs up the basics in the tent. He comes over to the edge of the crevasse and he peers down and he shouts out, “Pete, Pete” to no response, very much like what happened to Mawson 100 years before. He spends two more hours and he goes to the diagonal opposite side of the crevasse and he peers down diagonally and he can see the blood splattered body of his best friend. I fell 50 meters. He gets the basics. He comes back over to the edge of the crevasse and he does a one way, one way climb to a dead friend.

Anybody watch West Wing? It’s not important that you watch it, I love it. West Wing’s a great show. It’s about the President of America you know. And the President of America and he’s got a Chief of Staff whose name is Leo. And the guy who reports to Leo is called Josh. Anyway Josh was caught in a cross fire or an ambush for the President, you see, and Josh gets shot and he’s suffering from traumatic stress which I also have suffered. Well his friends recognize that Josh isn’t doing too good. And they recommend that Josh should go and get some counselling for his stress. So Josh goes off and has some counselling. He comes back to the White House in the Oval Office, it’s about midnight and there’s Leo McGarry, the Chief of Staff to the President of the United States. He’s a pretty important guy and he’s waited up until midnight. And Josh says, “Leo, why did you wait back so late? Don’t worry about it”.

And Leo says, “Josh, did you hear the story about the guy who fell down a hole?” And Josh says, “No”. And he said, “A guy falls in a hole. A priest walks past he says “Father, Father, Father please help me”. And the priest walks past and he writes out a scripture and he passes it down and the guy says, “Thanks that helps”. A doctor walks past and he says, “Doctor, Doctor please help me”. And the doctor writes out a prescription for some drugs and passes it down and the guy says, “Thanks that helps”. And a friend walks past and the guy goes, “Mate, mate, mate help me”. The friend climbs down. He says to him, “You idiot, why did you do that, now we’re both down here” and the friend says, “Yeah, but I’ve been here before and I know the way out”. The fact that I’m back here today talking to you is because of the actions of one extraordinary Australian and other extraordinary Australians who have come into my life and who have held my hand on this journey through life. It starts with a goal. It starts with you observing and having others in your life, who are able to observe you and to help you and to bring you back. Because, you know, whilst my friend Jay - and that’s an epic tale and if you want to know how they hauled an 85 kilo guy up north out of this hole - Jay came down and he found that I had broken bones in my feet, crushed pelvis, suspected broken back, every rib broken, fractured skull, bleeding from the nose, ear and mouth and pretty severe Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Peter Bland Never Give Up Life Mastery

brain damage. Most of that was Jay’s assessment. With regard to the brain damage he already knew that. Jay went to school with me.

For the next three days Jay lay on me to give me his body temperature so I didn’t die of hypothermia. At least that’s his excuse. It was a boarding school. He climbs back up to the surface and he sets up the HF, high frequency radio. He makes the radio call to our yacht Toluca. The skipper for the yacht Toluca is a guy called Roge. Roge answers the radio and says, “Congratulations guys you’ve made history. We’ve got a chocolate cake and champagne on ice”. And Jayzie says, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Pete’s been taken by an avalanche, his back is broken and we need help”.

Now leadership is about making critical decisions at critical moments. You know, you know what Roge says? “No, Jay. Get out of there”. Because Roge could see what Jay couldn’t. The mountain was still avalanching and it wasn’t safe for him to be there and it was one thing to lose one guy but it was another thing to lose two guys. And Jay said, “No. I’m going to go down there and then I’m going to lie on my friend and I’m going to feed him through a straw and if he’s alive at 6am tomorrow morning let’s do something about it”.

That’s my story. About a guy with a big knock on the head who was so fearful after that accident to talk to - let alone friends at a dinner party, go back to what he used to do for a job, public speaking. God, it scared the hell out me. I’ve been seeing speech therapists for a year just to learn how to talk and to think and to slow down and to articulate. It’s been a long, long journey. Whilst my friend Jay gave me my life when he hauled me out, my wife gave me a life that I wanted to live.

My moral to you that I wish to leave with you is this. Set goals but take great people with you on your journey because they’ll be there for you when you need them because all great goals come at a price - adversity which has to be overcome. I’m going to leave you this one little example about goals.

A lot of people have dreams and they actually do bugger all about it. You know a Professor at Harvard University said this. He says, “I have jug. Let’s imagine this jug is your life and it’s the time you’ve got on this Earth”. He says, “I’m going to fill this jug up”. Tell me is the jug now full?” No, it looks pretty full, why isn’t it full? Some gaps. So should I put some smaller granular matter in there, right, like that. Is it full now? Why not? Oh, okay. Well, let’s say I got another thing and I got sand in there right, and then I get water, okay it’s overflowing with water”.

What’s the moral of the story? It’s a good answer. People are saying you can always squeeze something else in. That’s not the moral of the story. The moral of the story is this. If you don’t put the big rocks in first you’ll never, ever, ever get them in. Dream great, big, fat, juicy dreams. Set timelines against them and take smart people with you. That’s my story.

Thanks for your time. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


MoneyMasters FEATURING

STEPHEN PIERCE $387,000 per Month on the Internet Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute

Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

STEPHEN PIERCE: Let me ask you this. Why are you guys


here? -- Make money.

Stephen Pierce's live dynamic training, facilitations and coaching sessions, s

Shout it out, why are you here? -- Make e money!

both in groups and one-on--one, transform people, companiees and

What else, why are you here? -- Learn how to make money.

organisations alike. Stephen travels the world to o address audiences who cannot

Do you know why you’re here? Do yo ou have any idea why you’re here?

come to him. He serves not only o as a keynote speaker but also as a coach, trainer and d facilitator for established companies throughout the United States. He is a frequent

Come on, you can do better than thatt; tell me why you’re here? -- To listen to you.

keynote speaker in the Uniteed States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, China a, Malaysia, Singapore and Canada.

Do you not know now? Let me tell you something. I mean Pierce is also recognized as a Certified Accelerated

ning to people talk while you’re here you’re probably listen

Innovation Trainer, Facilitattor and Coach.

about affiliate marketing, generating trraffic, building websites, using Autoresponders, but let me tell you

Stephen sums up his process in five phases.

something. At the end of the day, to win this game, it’s not

Vision - Strategy - Action - Results - Celebration!

even about that.

The reason every single one of us is sitting in here; the reason why we look at stuff like thaat – write this down – because we want to ‘advance our position’.

a about. That’s why you get coaches. That’s why you come to events like this. At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all That’s why you buy products and that’ss why you look to learn the different things that is yo our learning; because what we’re looking to do is ADVANCE OUR POSITION.

Now, every single one of us have an existing e position, whether we like that position or not – and I think it’s good or bad, relative to what it is you’re comparing it to. But, at the end of the day every single one of us have a position and we’re looking to advance that, we’re looking to move from where we are to a better position of sttrength. Wouldn’t you agree that’s what we’re ultimately here to do?? It’s to advance our position.

Now, because of the type of event thiis is, chances are you’re looking to advance your financial position, right? But, why would we be looking to advance our fin nancial position? It’s not just for the money itself, butt it’s the impact and what that’s going to give to us and what thatt’s going to the people we love, wouldn’t you say thaat’s true? I mean, I think for the most part we look to advance our posittion because it’s going to help us increase something g; like we can increase our money; we can increase the amount of time that we have to spend with the people that we e love – right? We can increase Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

the amount of time we have to spend goofing off, or doing other things like different activities and different hobbies. Right?

We can increase the time that we have to relax, but remember, at the end of the day, it’s about advancing your position. So, the question becomes what do I need to do right here and right now, that’s going to allow me to advance my position?

I think that when we start to think to specific, like, I need to generate traffic, or I need to build a website - first of all let me tell you something, there’s really no money in building websites. Okay? And if you start to take a higher level view of what this whole game s really about, I think you can come out better off, all right? And, what I’m hoping is that, in the next 90 minutes what I’m going to give you is a huge level of momentum that’s going to carry you from this room out there allowing you to accomplish some things that you probably thought that you would never ever be able to accomplish.

See, many of you who are here, I mean, probably hoping that something can happen for you, but I’m here to tell you that I know, factually! I know without question that whatever it is you’re thinking about, whatever it is you ultimately want to achieve, you know financially or whatever the case and I know without a question that it’s something that can happen for you. Because, of the position that I come from and I’ll share that with you in a little bit. But, one thing that it’s going to take though, is for us to start looking at thing differently and to start thinking differently and I really believe that this whole game about winning, is about how to think – not necessarily what to do and that’s something that we’ll probably touch on in little bit as well.

What it is I’m hoping to give you here, at least the gift that I feel as if I can give you is the ability to go out there and think in a different way to help you to exploit all the opportunities that exist. Not try to bog you down and put you into a box, you know saying, “Do this particular step, this particular step and this particular step,” and I’ll tell you why, I mean, steps have their place, but ultimately if you’re thinking that, you know, these rote steps, sort of thing, are going to help you to achieve, that’s not true.

What I hope that you’ll get from this is what you can ultimately do to help you to achieve regardless of where it is you are in your life. But, to do that we’re going to have to look at things differently, okay.

I want everybody to stand up. Stand on your feet. What it is I want to give you here is a new perspective, I want you to be able to see something that, you know, I’m able to see it, but chances are right now you’re not able to see it. But, I do hope, that after these 90 minutes, you will be able to see it.

But to demonstrate what I mean by, ‘new perspective’, I’ll demonstrate this first and then after I do it, I want you to do it. We’re going to point to the ceiling - don’t do it yet, we’re going to point to the ceiling and we’re going to turn or finger Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

clockwise. Okay, and then we’re going to pull it down and we’re going to look inside of it and then I want you to shout – not whisper – I want you to shout out which direction your fingers going in. All right, everybody got that? Point to the ceiling! Turn your finger clockwise, clockwise, clockwise, pull it down, pull it down, pull it down, look inside of it, which way’s your finger going!?—Anti-clockwise.

Oh, come on, do it again! Point to the ceiling, turn your finger clockwise, clockwise, clockwise, clockwise. Pull it down, pull it down. Look inside of it! Which way is it going? -- Anti-clockwise.

Now, let me ask you this, did you change the direction of your finger, yes or no? -- No.

What was the only thing that changed? -- The perspective.

Have a seat. That’s what it is I’m hoping to give you here. I’m not looking to do anything, but give you a new perspective, because I really believe that my mission in life is to help create new possibilities for people and I think, to be able to do that, I have to allow you to see something that already exists. It’s already there, but based on where it is you’re sitting, there’s probably something that’s blocking your view and you can’t see it, but by allowing you to shift just a little bit, you’ll be able to see what it is that I’m talking about.

But, see here’s the thing, once you get this new perspective and once you see this thing that it is I’m talking about? Guess what? You have to do something and chances are, where it is you want to move too, you know that next position you want to get too? It’s going to require you to do things that you probably haven’t done before and ultimately that requires change. And we know that if there’s one thing that we don’t really like, ultimately as a society, its change, right?

I want everybody to cross your arms, cross your arms. Look at which wrist is on top, okay, now uncross your arms, now cross them the opposite way. The opposite way. I see some of you struggling, it’s all right.

Now, let me ask you this; is it as comfortable the second way as it is the first way, yes or no? -- No.

Yes or no? -- No!

But is it possible? -- Yes.

Exactly! And that’s what change is. Change may not all the time be comfortable, but it’s possible and if we’re looking to advance our position, you’ve got to realise that what it is that we’ve been doing up until this particular point, has got us to where we are. Now, whether we’re happy with it or not, you know, that’s just a personal decision based on whatever it is we’re comparing it too. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

But, we have to understand, that once we identify that other position we want to move too, it’s going to require us to do things that we haven’t done before, it’s going to require change. So, what we have to do is devote the kind of muscle that allows us to push through that change process and not try to wait for it to be comfortable. Not try to wait for it to be convenient, not try to wait for it to be easy, because let me tell you something, it’s never really going to be comfortable. It’s never really going to be easy, it’s never really going to be convenient. Because, if those were the three characteristics of success, then everybody in this world would be successful! But that’s not how it works, whether you’re doing real estate, you’re doing Internet marketing, you’re doing network marketing, or whatever it is you choose to do.

We have to understand that, if we want to move from this position to that position, it’s going to require of us, things that we have never learnt before, things we haven’t done before, but that’s okay.

Let me ask you this, by a show of hands, how many of you in here do things right now, that once before, you had no idea how to do what you learnt how to do and let me see your hands.

Right, so that means you all can learn! Right, and the Internet is no different it’s really just about understanding the simple things that work and what it is I hope you understand is that, there’s certain forces out here that shape winners and losers in this game called the Internet.

There’s certain forces and if we don’t understand those forces, it’s going to be very difficult to harness those forces so that we can win and if we’re ignorant of those, chances are we’ll probably work against them and then that’s going to be pretty bad, okay.

So, ultimately if we want to move forward there are two things that it is we need to have, they pretty much lay the foundation. Okay, and to illustrate that, I want to do something real quick. Let’s put the slides back up. I want us to prepare our minds. Okay? Now, if you’ve seen me do this before and you know the results of this, don’t say anything okay, but I need us to prepare our minds and develop the kind of focus that’ll allow us to kind of, you know, operate in here with a high level of precision. Right, you guys want to help me to, develop focus in our minds in like the next 30 seconds, yes or no? -- Yes.

Okay, so here’s what I want us to do, I want us to look at the team in the white shirts, what colour shirts? -- White.

And we’re going to count how many times they pass the basketball, okay? The team in the white shirts, what colour shirts? -- White.

And we’re going to count how many times they pass the basketballs. All I want you to focus on and I want you to get this count right and here’s the thing, if you get it right I have a little surprise for you, are you guy’s ready, yes or no!? -- Yes. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Yes or no!!? -- Yes!!

YES or NO!!!? -- YES!!!

Okay, on my mark I want you to look at the team in the white shirts – what colour shirts!? -- White!

And we’re going to count how many times they pass that basketball, you ready? Let’s go!


Team in the white shirts; count how many times they pass that basketball – focus, focus, focus. Count how many times they pass that basketball. White shirts, you can do it, focus, focus, focus... very good, very good...almost there...very good, white shirts, white shirts...good!

Shout out the number!? -- 16,19,18,17.

How many say 16, raise your hands, how many say 17, wow, how many say 18, how many say 19, how many count 1 gorilla? Oh, wow, that’s like less than, what 5% of the room. This time, what I want you to do, is watch the video and this time I want you to raise your hand and keep it up the moment you see the gorilla, all right? Go.


You want to watch the video and the moment you see the gorilla I want you to raise your hand and keep it up. Keep your hand up. Now, let me ask you a question. How in the world, could a gorilla, in all black – huge contrast to white, right? Come on the screen, stop, beat its chest and walk off and you not see them - like 95% of you not see it?

I’ll tell you exactly why; I gave you a very specific command. I told you precisely what to look at, precisely what to do and put a carrot out there and said, “If you get this right, I have a surprise for you.” And you know what you did? You followed the instructions. That’s all you looked at and see here’s the thing; this is not trickery, this is how your brain works. If you’re walking around in life and you’re thinking about the negative things; thinking about what people think about you; think about stuff that didn’t work out in your past; thinking about everything that seems to be impossible. It doesn’t matter how opportunities exist in your environment, you’re just not going to be able to see them.

You see the fact of the matter is, the gorilla existed but because of what you chose to focus on your eyes saw it but your brain didn’t process it. Because, you deliberately decided to focus on the team in the white shirts and count the – “I got to get this number right”! Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Right. Now let me say something. If you believe that, you know, you’re not in your prime and you can’t be successful. If you believe what your mom and daddy said or what your siblings think about you, what your friends think about you, if you live in your past, think about all the different things that didn’t work out. That kind of stuff blinds you to the opportunities that are in your midst right now, just like that gorilla was there, the gorilla was there all that time, but you didn’t process it.

Two of the critical things that we have to have if we want to become successful, the first thing is vision – and I’m not just talking about the vision of, what you want your future to be like – I’m talking about the vision to see the opportunities while they’re there. Like the vision to be able to see the gorilla, when it was right there. So you have the opportunity to do something about it.

So, one of the first things we have to have is the ability to see the opportunities and there are a lot of opportunities.

The second thing is, is movement, moving, taking action, because, believe it or not, the people that win – all things being considered equal – the people that win are those that exploit opportunities and information the fastest. Not those that know about the opportunities, but those that actually exploit them the fastest.

Are you following me here? -- Yes.

See, here’s the thing. If you can’t see the opportunities, or you can see them, but you don’t exploit them fast, chances are you’re going to be stuck, wherever it is you’re stuck. Right now.

And see, the interesting thing is, is that the reason we have to proactively advance our position is because, just from the pure elements in the environment alone, your position is going to erode. If you do nothing, it’s going to erode, guaranteed.

Whether you’re working for somebody and there’s other people in the company looking to advance their position, or you have a company and you’re not doing anything and you have your competitors trying to advance their position, or just from the environment changing all by itself. If you don’t do anything to proactively advance your position, then, you know what? Chances are you’re just going to whither away and die like a lot of companies that no more exist, because they didn’t change, they didn’t adjust.

So, with that, there’s a lot of different ways – and here’s something – I’ve been privileged to speak in tons of countries around the world, before tens of thousands of people, coach tens of thousands of people and have helped create millionaires around this world probably more so than any of my peers and they will probably admit that as well, and with that came a lot of responsibility and a lot of learning – a lot of learning on my part. Because I started to learn what was working and what wasn’t working. I started to learn, you know, how to take information and in an over amount, where it’s Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

like a huge abundance of it and then synthesise it down in its simplest form for people to be able to process and be able to use.

And for me it’s been a huge learning experience about what works and what doesn’t work and I continue to be on this journey of learning and having dealt with so many people – it’s like, people want step by step. You know what, it’s like, tell me what to do step by step so I can get this thing to work. And you know in theory that sounds nice, but there’s just some things that you can’t do step by step and expect it to work.

So, I thought about this and being, you know a strategist, you know, helping people in the company strategically. I said, “Well what is the simplest way for people to understand strategy? Regardless where their business is competing, regardless of what it is they’re looking to accomplish, whether it’s relationships, whether it is financially, whether it is intraprenuers inside of a corporation or they’re entrepreneurs in their own business; what is the simplest way for somebody to understand what it takes strategically to win?”

And I’m thinking about what metaphorically, you know what is it that would actually fit to get people to understand. Want me to tell you something? It came down to a simple game of tic tac toe, you guy’s call it crosses and-----? -- Naughts and crosses.

Right, so I want you to pair up with somebody real quick. Pair up. Two people, if you don’t know how to play it, ask your partner. You have 30 seconds and we’re going to play a quick round of tic tac toe, so make your board, real quick, just pair up with somebody and this isn’t really about winning or losing I just want you guys to play a quick round of tic tac toe. All right? Ready, begin; you have 30 seconds, 30 seconds. All right, 10 more seconds, 5 more seconds. All right. Time!

Now let me ask you this, how many of you successfully just played – when I say successfully, I don’t mean you won, I just mean you completed the game – how many were able to complete the game? Raise your hands.

If you were able to complete the game, then you can be strategic at whatever it is you do. Believe it or not – and see a lot of people like to look at chess, and it’s like, “Wow. You know, there’s all these different strategies in chess you can take those back to business, you could take them to politics, you could take them to war and all these things and that’s great, but it’s kind of complicated, right?

But think about tic tac toe, it’s a three set move and I want you to write that down. Success is a three set move away, and it really is. Success is a three set move away. And the reason I’m covering all this is because at the end of the day, this is the stuff that really makes a difference. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Not all the tactical stuff. Not how many new tools you can acquire like, new software and what new tactic you can use today that, chances are, is not going to be working tomorrow. Not how many new techniques you can learn, it’s about the strategy that drives all that stuff. And what it is I’m going to share with you right now, is the heart of strategy.

If you think about the game of tic tac toe and you’re the first person to move, the very first thing you’re doing is you’re going to the position that gives you the most options.

Write that down. Move number one. Go to the position that gives you the most options. Move number one; go to the position that gives you the most options. I want you to think about that, think about that in business, think about that in war, think about that in politics.

What’s the second thing? See, here’s the thing. Whatever it is we do is taking place within a system and the system’s going to have some kind of response. Right? We don’t succeed in doing anything in isolation. “No man is an Island unto himself.”

So, like in the game of tic tac toe, after you move, your opponent moves, right?

So, the second thing we do is we adjust to the moves of others. We adjust to the moves of others and believe it or not, this is the kill zone for most people and I’ll talk about that in a minute, but this is the kill zone for most people.

And then guess what? They’re going to move again, there’s going to be some kind of response from the environment, from a competitor, from a customer and the third thing is, we look for the openings and we quickly move into the ones that give us the higher probability of winning. So, the three set move is as simple as, moving to the position that gives us the most options; adjusting to the moves of others and moving to the openings that give us the highest probability of winning. And as simplistic as it sounds, you can trace that back to any kind of competitive environment.

In fact I’ll show you precisely how that’s worked in my life, if you know anything about my story, you pretty much know what it is I’m going to get into and I’ll try to keep it short. But, if your life has been anything like mine - I mean, it’s been littered with bad decisions and missed opportunities.

How many would say you made a whole lot of bad decisions and you probably have a ton of missed opportunities? Let me see your hands. Right, so in that particular sense, you and I are just alike.

And, so much so, that it was literally depressing, you know how many bad decisions I had made. A lot of bad decisions and sometimes I used to allow those to keep me down, which, some of you are probably doing right now and allowing it Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

to paralyse you from making new decisions because you kind of feel as if, you know what, you don’t know how to make good decisions.

It seems like every decision you make is like a bad decision and when we’re making a new decision and we’re remembering all the bad decisions and either we make a decision or we’re not confident in it so we don’t really follow through, or we don’t make a decision at all.

So, in my life, you know, I don’t blame anybody because ultimately it’s been my fault and it took me a while to realise that, because it’s easy when something’s not working to find somebody else to blame because it’s a lot more comfortable for us if somebody else is at fault.

But, one of the things we have to do, if we want to create change in our life is, we have to take responsibility for ourselves and where we are, because, we’re not a victim of circumstances we’re the creator of our circumstances. One of my mentors told me a long time ago, ‘you’ll never correct what you’re unwilling to confront’.

So, until we are able to confront these different things, it’s going to be very difficult to change. All right? So how many how any here have some kind of formal education, like a degree of some kind?

Okay, I don’t have a degree, or a formal education, in the United States they have high school, I got kicked out of high school and left with a 10th grade education, okay. How many here, let me ask you this how many in here ever been bankrupt before, ever filed for bankruptcy, anybody, one, two, that’s it? Anybody ever think of filing bankruptcy? Quite a few of you right? I filed bankruptcy twice! Technically it was one time and I’ll explain that. In the United States they have this rule where, you know, you have to wait like seven years before you can file a second bankruptcy, I tried to wait seven months, picture that. I’m just running in there trying to file another one but it didn’t work that way so they threw out the second one and the first one stuck.

How many of you ever been homeless before? Oh, quite a few of you. Wow. Well congratulations. I mean, that you’re no longer homeless right. But I’ve been homeless for three months, I was homeless for three straight months and I don’t wish that on anybody.

While that was many years ago, I know what it felt like to hit, freakin’ rock bottom, to, you know, make so many bad decisions, that you pretty much lose everything.

Picture this in life, this isn’t an exact scenario of myself, but just picture this. You lose your job or your source of income, your bank account is completely drained and they close it because it’s overdrawn. You’re late in your credit cards so they cancel all your credit cards. They reposes your cars and then they foreclose on your home and nobody else will let you live with them so you, your wife or you husband and your kids are left without a place to stay and you’re homeless and Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

your family is looking at you saying, that it’s your fault. And you’re like, “I didn’t do anything” and that’s the problem,. You didn’t do anything to prevent that from happening.

Are you following me here? What you need to do is take the steps to prevent something like that from happening. I don’t care what kind of job you have, don’t get comfortable and think that it’s secure, you need to do something and if there’s anything I hope that I give you, it’s the power to take control of your life.

The power to be able to write whatever cheque it is you want to write, to be able to go wherever it is you want to go, to be able to do whatever it is you want to do on your terms. It’s the power that’s available to every single one of us and I hope that you’ll receive that as a gift from myself to you today.

Let me ask you this; how many of you have ever been shot before? One, two... anybody ever think about shooting anybody before? Quite a few of you.

All right. That’s the more comfortable side to be on right? Well I’ve been shot and I still have the bullet in me to this day, another bad decision. Right? Let me ask you this, how many of you ever started a business and it just didn’t work out? How many had more than one? More than two? More than three? More than four? More than five? You guys got to catch up, you ain’t trying hard enough.

Seriously, I believe you have to go through these certain things, I don’t think we start businesses to fail. But, we learn a lot from them. It’s a painful experience when we’re going through it, but we learn a lot from it, that’s where we actually build our character. Don’t think you become who you are when everything is going great. That’s not where you become who you are, you become and you develop when you’re going through trial by fire, literally fire and brimstone!

Because, when that pressure is on, you discover what’s really inside of you, like it or not, you have to face that man in the mirror and do something about it. And I didn’t like who I was becoming. I didn’t like how I was, it was horrible. Like, if I had a can and it said, ‘Lysol’. You guys have Lysol out here? Potpourri spray? You got potpourri spray? Let’s just say it says potpourri spray and you were to put pressure on the top and red paint came out what is it? Red paint. No matter what the label says, it’s freakin’ red paint!

Right, and we found that out when we put pressure on the top, that’s what told use what was on the inside. Let me tell you something, who you are under pressure, is who you are, and we can’t kind of behave, “Hi, this is who I am when everything’s going the way we want it to go and it’s rosy. That’s not who we really are.

How we respond to pressure, what we do when we’re under the gun and what we do when that fire and brimstone comes into our lives and those winds start to beat against us, that’s when we discover who we are. And like it or not, we can do something about it though and all of this is important because let me tell you something. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Look, I can sit up here and paint this rosy picture of making millions of dollars on the Internet but I would not be totally truthful if I were to say, “Hey, it’s going to be easy, just follow these magical steps and ‘boom’, you’re going to wake up one day and it’s just going to be raining money!

I wish. It doesn’t work that way, you’re going to be tried, even if you go through a proven process, you have to pay your price. Now, granted you can shorten the learning curve. You can avoid a lot of pain, like you can be tutored by, like the best and learn fast, but you still have to pass your own test, right?

I stuck around long enough to know they have tests in school, you know what I mean? So, how did I get to where it is I am right now? I want to show you the three set move in action, okay.

First thing is, remember, you move to the position that gives you the most options; I had no idea that, moving toward the Internet was going to be the thing that gives me the most options. I had no clue, I literally was going onto the Internet because I was bored, I was depressed, my life was miserable and for me it was a distraction.

I didn’t money to get my own computer or my own Internet connection; I was using somebody else’s. So, I went on and I used to constantly get magazines, you know those money making magazines, how many of you guys get those at your house or pick them up from the store? And I would always see these things and it was just, it’s like these business opportunities were calling my name, you know what I’m talkin’ about?

It’s like they were just calling’ my name and I didn’t have the money, I would go bum the money from somebody else. You know, give me a money order, write me a cheque, do something. Because it was always telling me how much money I can make, like in my underwear and working at my kitchen table and all this kind of stuff.

You guys know what I’m talkin’ about right? But for some reason, when I’m in my underwear sitting at my kitchen table, the money aint comin’. You know what I’m talking’ about? Maybe I had the wrong underwear, maybe I had the wrong kitchen table, I don’t know! But, my underwear and kitchen table wasn’t workin’!

So, I got exhausted. I mean, I got - in fact I got tired of asking people for money, because the next one was really the one that was supposed to work and it didn’t. So, what happened was I got on the Internet as a form of distraction, but, the one last thing I took a look at was the financial markets and what I did was I took the time to, look at charts, literally all day because I became fascinated by, how much money these guys were making.

You know, I had no money to trade or anything like that, but I became fascinated by how much money these guys were making, trading futures and commodities and stock options and I just went into this fantasy world. It was like, ‘wow’, and there was these free sites and they had these java charts and I would go and I would just stare at them all day. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

But little did I know I started to develop this certain ability to, over the short term, pick the direction that a market would go. So, I went and found some news groups, which are nothing like how forums are set up today, and I went to these news groups and I posted in there what I thought would be a good trade for the day, like ‘buy sugar at this price, or sell lean hogs at that price’ and I really didn’t think anything of it, I was just going in there and, you know, there’s like thousands of guy’s that are in there and I was just going in there and just chiming in.

And after a few weeks of doing that, somebody notified me that, the free picks that I was putting in there were outperforming paid advisory services; I was like, ‘Wow! Yeah, I felt pretty good about that. But that’s all I got was like this warm fuzzy feeling. I didn’t think anything else of it, right. And then one day, somebody emailed me and said, ‘can you put these on a website?’

Now how many here do not know how to build a website? Let me see your hands. All right. I had no freakin’ clue how to build a website. It’s like, can you put this on a website? Yeah – but how do you do that?

Right, what was I about to do? Adjust to the moves of others. That was my first adjustment. I figured out how to build a – it was the ugliest thing you could possibly imagine – I had no money for hosting, I had no money to register a domain, so I found this free site, they allowed me to put up a free website and good thing they didn’t judge you by what your site looked like. If they said - like if your site has to be pretty, they won’t host it. I wouldn’t have had free service, right? Because I was horrible.

But, I put it up and then I went back to the news group and I told them it was up and then I get another email and it says, “Can you email these things to us?” And I’m thinking to myself, ‘this is free stuff,’ I mean this is a lot of demand for some free stuff. You know what I mean? But what was I about to do? Adjust to the moves of others.

So, I’m sitting here trying to figure out, ‘Now how in the world do you send stuff to people on email that you have no freakin’ clue who they are’?’ Right, so I went searching and then I found which at that time allowed you to put a free script on your website. You couldn’t collect names or anything, you could only collect the email address.

So, I took that free script and I threw it up on the page, right. So, now I have this website, I have this free script, I let everybody know on the newsgroup that the website was up and the free script was there and I put this little, traffic counter on the bottom of the page and this thing was moving! I mean, every time I was hitting’ the page it was going up! I was like - ‘this is unbelievable’ but then I realised it was me! You know what I mean? I’m sitting there saying to myself, “Wow!” But it was me. It was one of those scripts that – you guy’s - you seen those scripts where you refresh the page and it updates? So, you know I was, it was fun while it lasted, but I took it off, right. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

So, I go and I let them know and I put it up and you know what, in less than two weeks I had just over 1,200 people optin to the list. And now I’m like - this is unbelievable, right! 1,200 people. They opted into my list. You know as long as they didn’t know what was really going on in my life, I felt like we would have a good relationship, you know what I mean.

So, I had 1,200 people on my list and then I get the email that changes my life. A guy sends me an email and he says, ‘can I pay you to teach me to pick trades the way you’re picking trades?’

Now, I got all these self esteem issues and I sent him a response back and I was just like, I told him no, but I didn’t tell him directly no. Because, let me tell you something, my self esteem was shot. I’m like how – first of all I had no idea how I was picking these trades - NONE. I was just looking at stuff and I was like, that looks good! Do this and I’d post it. That’s what – I had no idea – I never really thought about how in the world was I doing this and until somebody wanted this and it’s like, well... I couldn’t teach him that!

So, I sent him a response and he sent me a response back and he said, “Well I’ll pay you $5,000,” How long did you think it took me to learn how I was picking those trades? Man, let me tell you something, I was like, “This is how I’m doing it!” You know what I mean? So I figured out how I was picking the trades, I had no money and I went to $5,000 – and it was legal money too!

Are you kidding me, $5,000 – a whole $5,000 for me! I didn’t get to keep the whole $5,000 because I didn’t have a chequeing account and, you guys have chequeing cashing places out here? You know what they do to you when they take a cheque into the cheque cashing joint, especially if it’s a personal cheque.

Wow! They become a partner in the business, base on how much money they take out, right. So, they took out all this money from the cheque, but, it kind of impacted my spending plans. You know how if somebody says they’re giving you money, you spend it before you even get it?

The moment I knew that $5,000 cheque was coming, it was spent. Done. You guys know what I’m talking about right? So, but here’s the thing, it wasn’t the $5,000, it was the concept, that somebody was willing to pay me, for something that I had. I never valued what it was I already had. Guess what? I moved into the opening that gave me the higher probability of winning.

So, I was in this position that gave me the most options, I just didn’t realise it at that point, that I had all these options and then I made two different adjustments, based on what it was that was going on in the environment. And then I moved into the position - that opening that gave me the highest probability of winning.

So, what happened was I was like, ‘Well, I don’t want to teach people how to do this, and I’m not interested in being a teacher, but, I was literally every day, putting up like, 35 different trades. 35 a day on average. Absolutely free. Entry price, Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

profit target, updated projected stocks and even some short commentary on why it was I was picking those trades, absolutely free every day.

So, what I decided to do was, “I’ll start a subscription service and I’m going to charge them $350 a month,” which was huge, and this was like the year 2000, going into the year 2000. That was a huge amount of money back then, for an advisory service. Especially with my educational background, but they didn’t know that, they just saw the trades.

So, what happened was, I went and I looked at why was this guy wanting to pay me $5,000? I looked at the last 12 months of the free trades I was putting out, which gives you an idea of how long I was doing this for free and on paper, for those of you who know what paper trading is, on paper the net profits of the free daily trades were over $725,000 US in net profits in 12 months and I had no freaking idea. None. I was just doing’ this stuff, I had no idea.

So, I later thought about it and it’s like, when he offered that $5, 000 I was shocked that he offered it and he was probably equally shocked that I accepted it. You know what I mean, because, nearly a million dollars in winning trades, I thought about it and I said, you know what this guy was probably willing to pay me $50,000. And that $5,000 was probably his joke offer and he was shocked when I responded, ‘Yeah man.’ Totally shocked, but the deal was done. I couldn’t go back and say, ‘Come to think of it’, you know, because the deal was done.

But, still the concept of that is something that I had never forgot, so I decided I had to start this service. I had no idea how to write sales copy, how many here don’t know how to write a sales letter? Raise your hands. I had no idea how to write a sales letter, but, how many here know how to talk to people?

Now, if you have somebody and somebody said, now explain this to me, you would be able to explain it, you may not have some fanciful language, you won’t use words like, astonishing and breakthrough and all that kind of stuff. But, you can explain it in an intelligent way, where people can understand the features the benefits, the why and all this kind of stuff, so that’s what I did. I wrote this web page, it wasn’t long, it had benefits in it and it was just a letter. It’s like I’m talkin’ to him and I’m like, “Well this is what we’re going to do.”

“Five days a week, I’m going to send these out to you, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right, it’s going to be $350 if you don’t like and you’re not satisfied, I’ll give you your money back.”

So, I decided to put it out, I have a list of just 1,200 people and in less than two weeks, over 100 people signed up to pay me $350 a week. I go from 0 to over $35,000 a month, my first 12 months on the Internet; I do over a half a million dollars in business. And that’s using somebody else’s computer, somebody else’s Internet connection, how many have your own computer? See, you’re already ahead of me when I got started. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

How many have your own Internet connection? Wow! Listen, I know what’s possible in this business and I’m going to tell you over and over and over again, the three set moves- shout it out, what’s the first thing!? What’s the first thing? -Move to the position that gives you the most options.

What? Move to the position that gives you the most options, right?

What’s the second thing? -- Adjust to the moves of others.

Adjust to the moves of others, right.

And the third thing is? You move into the openings that give you the highest probability of winning, right.

Now what is your story going to be? What is your story going to be? With the Internet you have a huge amount of options, huge amount of options, but at the heart of it, as far as where your options will start to like - the genesis of where you make your money, there’s really three, there’s a new fourth way, but there’s really three ways to get paid on the Internet.

Write these down, you can get paid per click. Okay? You can get paid per sale. Okay? You can get paid per lead and the newest one is like, paid per post. Now, paid per click is easy, you send somebody to your website, they don’t even have to buy anything and if they click on something, you get paid, right?

Now how easy is that, you send somebody to your website and the moment they click on something, you don’t even have to sell them anything, but if they click on something, you get paid.

How many would be interested in that kind of money, you don’t have to sell them anything. Now, pay per lead, is similar. You’re not really selling them anything – how many, let me ask you this, how many of you ever gone to a website before and you requested some kind of free information or you filled out a questionnaire or you entered some kind of sweepstakes or something? Let me just see your hand. Just raise them up.

So you know there’s a chance that the person that sent you to that page made money, just because you took that action to try to win that free prize or request a quote or something like that? Because pay per lead programs will pay you based on the leads that come in, like

You can go there, they have like seven different lead programs that you can sign up for and they’ll pay you up to $11.50 per lead. Just when somebody comes to the website and requests some kind of insurance quote. It could be home insurance, it could be auto insurance, it could be different kinds of insurance programs that they offer, they don’t have to even get the insurance program. Just by them requesting a quote you’ll get paid up to $11.50, per lead. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

American Diabetes Association, write it down. Think about this; they will pay you $30 per lead. $30 per lead, for every person that you send to their website that requests a free diabetic kit. How many diabetics are there in this world that could use a diabetic kit from, of all places the American Diabetes Association? The only thing you have to do is get them to the website to request the free diabetic kit, you following me?

So, in those two cases, guess what? You didn’t sell anything really, maybe you sold them the click, you sold them to opt in and get whatever that information is, but you didn’t have to sell them anything like a specific product of some kind.

And then there’s pay per sale, which is pretty much easy, you sell something, you get a percentage, it could be your product, it could be somebody else’s product, you could sell a website, you could sell a digital product, you could sell a physical product, you could sell whatever it is, but the whole thing is, if you sell a product, you get paid a percentage.

Are you following me here? And the idea is not necessarily to have one, but to have multiples; you see with pay per click, most people would think in terms of Google Adsense. Google Adsense is Google’s program where you can put code on your website and when somebody clicks on it you get a percentage of how much they pay for that ad. It’s as simple as that. There’s really no qualifying to it, only thing you have to do is set up a simple website that have the ads on it and when somebody goes there, they click on it, you get paid.

But Google Adsense is not the program that actually pays you the most on a lot of different ads, you have , you have Yahoo Search, you have Aha. There’s a multitude of programs out there that will pay you per click. Google Adsense is a very popular one, but it’s not all the time the best one to get paid from.

Paid per lead programs, there’s tones of paid per lead programs. You see those are two ways that you get paid where people do not buy anything. Are you following me here? People haven’t even bought anything. You’re not doing this hard sell; It’s like, “Buy this stuff so you can eat, or you can leave your job or whatever it is you’re looking to do.”

Now pay per sale, guess what? Somebody buys something, you get paid. Those are your options and then from there, there’s just like a multitude of things you can do from selling furniture, selling jewellery, selling books, selling video’s, selling clothes, selling services, being a mediator in between.

But see here’s the key. In life there’s patterns, right? Life is really about all kinds of patterns. Think about this. How many here speak English? Okay, for those of you who didn’t raise your hand, you have no idea what it is I’m saying right now, right?

Think about the English language, right? Think about all the books sitting out there written in English. Millions and millions of books, the one thing they all have in common is the combination of the same 26 letters. Whether it’s a bestselling book, or a book you never heard of – 26 letters. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

How many here like movies? How about high definition movies – I love high definition – Blu-ray disc, high definition – are you kidding me, I love em!

And art. But think about it, the most brilliant, most beautiful high definition movie or the most elegant looking art can be traced back to three primary colours, despite the diversity of colours and their brilliance; three primary colours, you following me here?

What about music, how many of you like music? All kinds of music right? Rap music, country music, fast music, slow music, the interesting thing is this. Both the music you love and the music you hate are still a combination of 12 notes.

The same 12 notes, the same 12 notes, patterns. It’s all about patterns.

So, whether it’s a bestselling book, or not; it’s 26 letters. Whether it’s Picasso that people are bidding millions on, or not; 3 primary colours. Whether it’s music that’s gone triple platinum and you love it, or music that doesn’t sell at all, they’re still playing in the basement and you hate it cause it’s your basement, right? You hate it, still, 12 notes.

Now, what’s the pattern when it comes to the Internet? Cause let me tell you something, there’s a whole world of stuff you can do, right? Like if I had a stack, a deck of playing cards up here and I were to throw them in the air, they would just land all over the place wouldn’t they? And it would look pretty messy, but then if I said, “I want somebody to organise these based on suite, how many stacks would we have?” We would have four stacks. If I said, “Organise these by colour.” How many stacks would we have? 2 stacks, right? If I were to say “Organise them by shape,” what would we have? One stack of cards.

It’s how you look at everything, when it comes to the Internet; not all things are created equal. See, here’s the thing. Strategy is not just what to do, it’s equally what not to do, okay? See, a lot of you are “Oh, we got to do this and we got to do that.” Let me tell you something; it’s not just what to do, it’s also, what not to do.

The primary pattern, for becoming wealthy or making a part time income, or leaving your job, whatever it is you want to do; the primary pattern on the Internet is traffic generation and traffic monitisation. Period.

Traffic generation and traffic monitisation and I think nobody has done it better than Amazon. Amazon is the ultimate switchboard. Think about this; how many of you ever gone to before, let me see your hands? How many ever purchased anything from Amazon? Let me ask you this, what product does Amazon make? Do they make a product? They don’t make a product. But yet, they make billions of dollars, not just per year, but per quarter. Billions of dollars per quarter, they have over 350, 000 affiliates and the interesting thing is, if you’re good enough, they’ll pay you a whopping 7 percent! 7 percent! Are you freaking kidding me! They got 350,000 people of which most of them don’t even Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

qualify for 7% to send them enough traffic to turn them into a multi-billion dollar corporation, selling stuff that they don’t even make!

Are you following me? Every single one of you can be a switchboard, because it’s about traffic generation and traffic monetisation. You generate the traffic, or somebody else generates the traffic. You can sit right in the middle with your products or somebody else’s product, to monetise the traffic as it comes through, are you following me here?

You see, here’s the interesting thing, we talk about change. The three set move, earlier you heard me talk about the chess point, is like the kill zone and the reason why; this is where most people start to fail. It’s like, “Give me the step by step program,” they get all excited, it’s like, step by step and you follow these steps and you do this and you’re going to start making all this money.

So, you can follow step by step, if you want to build a website, because there’s no competitive strategy required, but the moment you’re starting to do something in the competitive environment, that’s very dynamic that’s always moving and always changing; step by step, is more likely to fail more often times than it’s going to work. And the reason why, is because the moment you do something you’re going to have a response from one of two groups, a competitor or the consumers, right?

To think that I could do, one, two, three, four, five and I’m going to become a millionaire and make money, is to think that the market does not have a mind of its own. That there’s going to be some kind of scripted response to your scripted steps. Are you following me here? But see, that’s not the bad thing, that’s the good thing, because this is the point where we start to separate the winners from the losers. It’s called ‘mismatches.’

I guarantee – let me ask you this, how many of you have ever done something before. Somebody said, “Follow these steps,” it doesn’t have to be with the Internet, it can be with anything and you followed the steps and you didn’t get the result they said you would get, let me see your hands?

And for those of you that raised your hand, how many said, “Screw this, and you just stopped doing it. Raise your hands, let’s be honest, raise your hands. See here’s the thing, the moment you do something, you’re going to see a mismatch. Okay? And when you have that mismatch, you have a choice; one of two things are going to happen, you’re going to become disoriented or you’re going to reorient.

When you become disoriented, you start to look at this, it’s like, “This is not what they said was going to happen. They said, “If I do this, I’m going to get this kind of result and that’s not what it is I’m seeing,” and that starts to have an impact on your morale, right. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

It starts to have an impact on your confidence. Then you start to get frustrated, right? How many know what I’m talkin’ about when I say ‘frustrated?’ Right?

You get frustrated and you’re beating your head and you’re complaining, you’re pissed off and you want a refund and it’s like the worlds to blame, for stuff that doesn’t work, they scammed you. All kinds of stuff is coming down and now you’re starting to get depressed, right? And you’re shouting at people that had nothing to do with it. Right? You know what I’m talking about.

And then ultimately you just give up and you look for something else that’s really going to work, only to find out that it’s happened again and it’s happened again and it’s happened again. And the reason why is that change is constant. You’re going to see mismatches, that‘s what you’re looking for, because the mismatch gives you an opportunity to reorient yourself, because everything is always moving. Everything is about mismatches.

The mismatches are the feedback that allows us to learn and allows us to make the adjustment. We all have to adjust, if you want to succeed within the three step move, I think the - all of them are equal and important, but I think the part where most people fall apart at, is when it comes to the adjustments. And the reason why is because, what people want, are rote, step by step, linear things to do. And one of the main missing ingredients in most people’s programs or strategies, is they give don’t teach you how to think. They teach you what to do. How many of you have ever tried to do something and you’re working with some software and when the software gets stuck, you’re contacting support and for some reason you just can’t move forward because this freaking software’s not working. Let me see your hands?

Right. One thing I want you to remember is; don’t let what you cannot do, stop you from doing what you can do. When it comes to success and it comes to winning in this game or any game, it’s not just what to do, it’s how to think. It’s how to think. You have to know how to think. Especially when we’re doing stuff and here’s the thing, know that when you do something, it probably isn't going to work, be prepared to adjust.

Think about it, if Nik was having this seminar five years ago, we wouldn’t be talking about “blogs”, you wouldn’t be hearing anything about ‘Squidoo’, or MySpace, or YouTube. They didn’t exist. They weren’t even a part of our vocabulary.

Heck, if any seminar was taking place in the ‘80’s which there were, like normal real estate and stuff, people weren’t even talking about the Internet, it wasn’t even a part of our vocabulary!

But we had to adjust. Think about companies that didn’t adjust. How many are familiar with Wang Computers? Wang – how many have a Wang computer? If you do, I would love to interview you. Wang computers is gone, because they didn’t adjust, they didn’t adapt to the changing environment. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

The only way to advance your position is to continue to adjust. That’s the way to make this thing work. But see here’s the thing, you can do it and it’s not difficult. You just have to learn how to think and you have to have your strategic palette of options and know how to go about adjusting when these things aren’t working, instead of being caught like a deer in headlights and all of a sudden you’re stuck and you’re frustrated and you become disoriented and you go down this downward spiral of frustration and disappointment, your morale starts to drop off and next thing you know you just give up.

Adjusting is about bending, not breaking. Are you following me? Most people break, they don’t bend. Bending is becoming flexible in that moment when you have to start adjusting. Let me tell you something, if there’s any environment that’s changing rapidly, that requires us to adjust, it’s the Internet. It’s changing faster than anything. Customers are changing, you have to adjust to them, competitors are changing, we have to adjust to them.

I’ll give you one example of a strategy we use to help people to adjust to different environments, because there’s two things, your markets and your customers are the things you tend to adjust to most of the time.

For example, I mean, think about a product on like, email marketer. If you were to try to just go straight to email marketer, it would be a very, very competitive market and very hard to penetrate and some people just try to ‘bang and bang and bang’ at it. They spend tones of money on pay per click which is an outrageous price to pay to try to get somebody to come buy some kind of email marketing product and if you don’t have a really good sales process this becomes very difficult to convert.

Okay, but - and there’s a palette you can use – we won’t go into it – but we call it ‘angles of attack’, where we look at 360 degrees to different ways you can shift and adjust to be able to find a better position. Because remember, we’re always lookin’ to advance our position.

Period. Every single thing you are doing is to advance your position. Don’t think any about anything else. The better your position, the more money you’re making;’ I guarantee you! The better your position the more money you’re making. If you’re not making a lot of money, you don’t have a great position right now, but you can change that, okay?

So, take email marketing. How about just shifting it over, making an adjustment and do email marketing for chiropractors; or email marketing for orthodontists; or email marketing for floors. Are you following me? I have a list of over 1,700 different markets; you can take one product and start to leverage it across. Most people – we call it corner stoning. Most people they’re just all over the place, it’s like, “Oh my gosh I can get all these different products and I can sell all these different products.” Let me tell you something, sweetheart. If you can’t sell one product, don’t think you can sell 100. Okay? And if you sell one, do not sell a product that puts you into a dead end postion, some people start to sell a product. It’s like, “Well what’s next?” Nothing! They end up putting all these resources into a product that has no future. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

So you have to start thinking two to three moves ahead. You succeed here, what’s next? And if the answer to what’s next is some product that has absolutely nothing to do with this existing product, change your position and change it fast!

You see, if I have a successful product in email marketing, why do I want to start going over into dog tricks? Sure, people that are doing email marketing may have dogs, but they probably think I’m crazy the moment I start sending them emails talking about, “Hey, I’ve got this great product that you can use to teach your dog how to do tricks.”

Now, if I had a successful position in dog obedience, dog tricks – beautiful! Are you following me here? It’s called corner toning.

Think about 3M. You guy’s familiar with 3M? Think about 3M. They had a huge debate in their corporate office. Half of the room was divided. They were like 3M is a masking tape company. The other part was like, are you serious? 3M is a polymer chemistry company! And they started going at it, going at it, going at it and then at the end of the day, they settled on 3M is a masking tape company. Good thing for 3M. They created over 70,000 different products and completely different markets. Completely different markets, like VHS tapes, masking tape, those aren’t the same markets.

Now, somebody could have said, “Well since we’re going into VHS tapes and people put movies on those, well why don’t we do DVD’s, people put movies on those too?” It didn’t fit. The reason they were able to make 70,000 different products and become a huge multibillion dollar success, is because they leveraged their core technology, which was polymer chemistry.

Every single one of those products had to use polymer chemistry.

So, the thing is, it’s in this business, whether you’re selling eBooks or audios; whatever. When you define your marketing, you define your position.

Look at all the different places you can move that position to, start looking ahead, and it’s not as difficult as you may think especially if you start from that position.

See, what it is I’m talking about here is how you really make millions online. It ain’t about building the website, it ain’t about the new traffic tactic, because sure enough, you know, many of those things are not going to be effective or they’re going to completely disappear.

It’s about understanding strategically what it is you should be ultimately doing. Are you guy’s following me? If you’re following me raise your hands. And this is the thing; we hope can generate a ton of wealth. Help you to advance your position, because we know at the end of the day, this isn’t really about us, is it? How many in here have kids? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Right, now let me ask you this, if you don’t have the money and you want to send your kids to college, and you don’t have the money, how are they going to get to college, that really good college? They didn’t get a scholarship, you don’t have the money, chances are they end up, doing what? Going to some kind of community college. Well it’s college, but it’s not what you really wanted for them but imagine that you had a bank account that had seven figures sitting in there that you could screw around with and do whatever it is you want to do with.

Now, you’re in a much different position. Right, imagine this, your bank contacts you – well actually this is a true storyearlier this year when we were coming out here. It was in March, our bank contacted us, literally before we were leaving to come out here and my wife came in to me and she was like, “You won’t believe this,” and she said, and she sent this thing over the table, this fax that they sent over that I had to sign and you want me to tell you what they were asking? They were asking – we get so much money deposited into our account each month, they were asking us if we were involved with money laundering! As God be my witness, they were asking us if we were involved in money laundering.

And then at first I was a little irritated, we’d been banking with them for five years and I’m like, you guys got to know better than that. We’ve got like seven different bank accounts with them, we have like, multiple layers of security. I’m like, “Listen; they should know better than that.” I’m a little irritated and my wife’s a little irritated and then the marketer in me starts to perk up, and I’m like, “Wow, that’s a pretty good headline. “Make so much money your bank accuses you of money laundering!” I can like see that headline. I look at my wife and I’m like, that’s kind of cool! You know what I mean? I’m like, that ain’t so bad. I’m not insulted anymore, actually I’m kind of flattered, right!

So, I put a little spin on it in my own mind. That’s the truth. That’s the position that you can be in, because advancing you position is about advancing the position, financially, at least that’s why we’re in this room, of all the people that you love.

And you know what? Building websites and all these other things that’s just part of it. It’s not the game itself, because if it was about building the websites, people that have the websites would be making money. If it’s about creating the product, or having a product, people that create products and have products would be making money. We know that’s not true. Not everybody that has a product or has a website or creates a product are making money on the Internet. I want you to write this down, “It’s not just what you do, it’s how you do it!” “It’s not just what you do, it’s what-----? -How you do it.

That’s the critical difference.

It’s not just what you do; it’s how you do it.

Like take basketball for example, how many familiar with Michael Jordan, raise your hands? Michael Jordan, right? You may not like basketball, but you familiar with the name. Think about Michael Jordan playing basketball. What does he do? Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

When he was playing, he dribbles the ball, right? Everybody in basketball dribbles the ball, right? What else does he do, he shoots the ball.

Everybody in basketball shoots the ball. In fact, if you can’t dribble and you can’t shoot, you’re not even going to be playing the game! Right? What else? He passes the ball, right? Everybody passes the ball. Hey, if you can’t shoot and you can’t dribble, you sure as heck better know how to pass it- right?

So, if he’s doing exactly what everybody else is doing, dribbling, shooting and passing, it can’t be in what he was doing all by itself, it was in ‘how’ he was doing it! HOW he was doing it. HOW Tiger Woods plays.

What’s the difference between a book that becomes a bestseller and hits the top of the New York Times bestseller list, the Wall Street Journal bestseller list, Amazon bestsellers list? Listen, they all have the same 26 letters, it’s not just what they did, it’s how they did it.

What’s the difference between two people coming to this same event, one person leaves, 12 months later they have a six figure income, the other person 12 months later, they’re at their seventh seminar; they’re still not making any money! It’s not just in what they do; it’s in how they do it.

What’s going to be the difference for you today? It’s not going to be in just what you do, it’s going to be in how you do it. That’s one of the missing things, it’s not just what you do, it’s how you do it.

See, there’s a lot of programs out that you can get involved with, a lot of different things you can do, but unfortunately – and here’s the thing – many of their components aren’t necessarily bad, but the formula’s incomplete. For the most part it’s incomplete. Whether they meant it or not, who cares?

But the thing is, it’s incomplete. An incomplete formula’s like an incomplete bridge. Think about a bridge that’s 90 percent done. An incomplete formula’s like an incomplete bridge. They both get you nowhere. Are you following me here and believe it or not, it’s better to have, no formula at all, than to have an incomplete formula.

Now, why is that? Think about it, if you have an incomplete formula, take a recipe for example; see in an incomplete formula, you have all of the costs or most of the costs, but none of the benefit, are you following me? And for many of you, if you’ve done stuff, like the Internet or some other things before, I don’t think a lot of the stuff you where involved with was completely bad; and I don’t think you were slackers, I think it was incomplete.

So, what you got back from what it is you put out, was the result of an incomplete formula. How many here bake cakes or eat cakes? Let me see your hands. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Think about this. You’re baking a cake, and you leave out the baking soda. What’s that cake going to look like? It’s not going to be a cake at all is it? You’re going to have something come out of the oven, but it ain’t going to be a cake.

But guess what? You have the cost of the sugar, the cost of the flour, the cost of the milk, the cost of the eggs, the time and everything else, the utensils, all of that cost is already there. But because you missed one thing, you don’t have a cake.

Are you following me here? One thing can mean all the difference, all the difference to you becoming successful. All of your goodwill and all of your good heartedness and I know that you guys want to succeed, not just so you can feed your ego, although I think that’s a part of the process.

We all have egos, male egos may be bigger than female egos, but, we all have egos. And I don’t believe you want to succeed just to feed your ego, I know you want to succeed because you know the impact it’s going to have on others, if that’s true, raise your hands.

So, do you know that, if you don’t get the right formula and you don’t follow through, you’re cheating yourself and you’re cheating all the people that you love and who you want to create an impact on.

So, you owe it, not just to yourself, you owe it to them, to not just come into an environment like this and have fun to get the warm and fuzzy’s, but to follow through when you leave this environment and make sure you have a complete formula, a formula that works. And walk out of here understanding realistically that any step by step program, that has to do with the competitive environment is not going to work precisely by the numbers.

Because the environment is constantly changing, it’s not that the actual steps themselves may be bad, they may be valid, but it’s the environment is constantly changing, so we have to adjust what it is we’re doing. Are you following me? And if we don’t adjust, we’re in trouble and that’s where most people get in trouble, They do the steps. It’s like; I’ve done these steps and I’m not getting the results that they said I’d get and now I’m getting pissed off!

I’m going to call the seminar promoter; I want to give them a piece of my mind! Because, you’re not getting the results that you thought that you were going to get.

But, see, I want to set realistic expectations, whatever it is you want to succeed at and whatever amount to money it is you want to make, the Internet can give it to you, but if you think you can do it as some robotic, linear, rote, step by step fashion and think, “If I just follow these steps close my eyes and just do these particular steps, I’m going to wake up and my bank’s going to contact me;” you know, all impressed and all this kind of stuff; it ain’t going to happen that way. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

But you can do it, as long as you’re prepared to adjust along the way and have fun, the adjusting is the fun part though, are you following me here? But you can do it and what you need is somebody that understands how to make those adjustments, on the fly and the interesting thing is, is that, nobody can hand you a book on how to adjust, because it’s too dynamic, you need to work with a team and a person that understands how to communicate these adjustment.

You have to have the patience, let me ask you this. Picture this for example; you’re making an extra $5,000 per month, and you didn’t even leave your existing job, you still have your existing job, but you’re making an extra $5,000 a month, how many of you would say that an extra $5,000 a month would have a really significant impact on your lifestyle? Let me see you hands.

Do you know how easy it is today to make an extra $5,000 a month on the Internet, all things being considered? You put yourself in the position where you have the most options, you continue to make the adjustments and you move quickly into the openings that give you the highest probability of winning, it’s not difficult at all.

But, most people get stuck at the adjustment part, they complain, they whine, they want it to be easy and they’re burning up all this time that they’ll never get back. It’s just easier to make the adjustment and move on. Are you following me? Just make the adjustment and freakin’ move on! We all have to do it and I know from my experience of what it is I’ve done, that every single one of you can have exactly what it is you want.

The Internet, to me it’s – I tell people, it doesn’t matter what religion you are – but I tell people you know, “God’s given us two amazing gifts; he gave us Jesus and he gave us the Internet.”

Seriously, that’s what I tell people. I think the Internet is the most unbelievable opportunity, the most unprecedented opportunity in the history of mankind, more millionaires are being created today, than any other point in time in history, period. Flat out, period.

Young and old, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter your race your religion, your colour your size, your weight, how your breath smells, nothing! None of that stuff matters. The only thing that matters, is if you understand the forces that are shaping the winners and the losers and you harness those forces and you use them and you don’t get stuck in the mentality, “I’m going to be an affiliate marketer,” or “I’m going to do Adsense,” or “I’m going to build websites.” We don’t even get stuck into that.

We’re like, “This is where it is I’m going and I’m going to advance my position. What are my options? Are you following me here? What are my options? The first thing you look at; what are my options? And then we have fun. There’s so much liberty in that, do you know that the moment you say, I’m going to make money with Adsense you are now, pretty much pigeon toed in a very specific place, you have very limited options when you do that. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Even if you say, “I’m going to be an affiliate marketer,” there’s not really anything wrong with that, but at the same time, you start to limit your options. Are you following me?

I want you to have no limits and I want you to be in a position where – let me ask you this; If you had the chance to be ahead of the curve and start marketing a technology, right as people - or just before people are starting to move towards it; that was huge and you knew you would make a ton of money doing it; how many would do it? Raise your hands?

Like how many of you would have bought – if you were able to see into the future and know that Google stock was going to shoot into over $500 a share, how many of you would have had Google stock at the IPO or at the open when they first went into the market? Exactly, or Microsoft stock?

Well here’s the thing I’m going to share with you. I can get up here and talk about, “Hey, let’s market eBooks, let’s do all these kinds of things,” and that’s great, there’s a lot of money in it. But there’s something better out there for you, something that’s unprecedented.

When I say unprecedented, I mean – and I’m going to show it to you, I want to show it to you, it’s what we call, “internal” in our company. We call it “web3.0” and we consider it to be the final frontier when it comes to marketing and I’ll give you guys a glimpse at it. Can we put the slides up please.

What you see right here at the top, you can see this good, is what we call DTAlpha: Desk Top First. Okay, here’s the thing, the next battle ground is the desktop. It’s the final frontier, the race now is going to the desktop. It’s not who can come out with the sexier eBook, who can come out with the sexiest DVD, who can come out with the sexiest, audio. The race is going to the desktop.

All you need to do is look at what eBay has done with their desktop and, all you have to do is look a CNN. They’ve released a completely new desktop application, now you’re going to have an opportunity to get in ahead of pretty much everybody else.

You heard Mike talking about a party that we had, right? And realise this, I mean, I don’t really mean to beat this horse or anything like that, but I’ve gone from homeless to owning a 1200 square foot house on 4.3 acres of million dollar estate. Okay? We had over 100 of the world’s best marketers at our house on August 21st, that’s where that video was that Mike showed you.

Jay Abraham, T Harv Ecker, Jo Polish, Chet Holmes. In that room, collectively in yearly income, was over $300,000,000! And do you know what I was doing? I was selling my butt off in my bedroom. I was taking them in there, because my bedroom’s like huge. And I was in there and I was sitting down at the computer and I was selling everybody on this. 100 percent buy in, and let me show you what this is all about. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

This is just – and we can get into more detail in this when you guys get on board, but, what this allows us to do is, for the people that are looking to build their business - think about this. Imagine having gone to your desktop, fast and first, exclusive information that give you the edge; that allows you to succeed, what it is you need to know that the big thinkers and the people that are making the most money are thinking about and doing right now.

Because remember all wars are information wars. The people that get information, that exploit it the fastest are the ones that win. All things being considered. This is just one part of the act. You do your VIP login, and now you have a Desktop Media Centre.

Okay, and these have tons of skins. We send directly to the desktop, video, immediately sent to the desktop, we send them video and the video plays right on the desktop.

We also send audio to the desktop, that’s the audio player. We have huge corporations asking us to build private networks and here’s the thing; we’re about to release Desktop Alpha, DTAlpha, and all of these people, we have agreements, exclusive information on our network.

Meaning, what Jay Abraham provides on here, you can’t get from any place else. What all of our providers on here give us, you can’t get from any place else. And if you come over here – actually let me close this up – you can see the different things. These are the different things of content providers on the network. That’s not all of them, there’s some other ones that are going to be in there.

And here’s the thing; all you have to do is give away the software for free and when, and then we sell them into the VIP program and you make money, not once, but every single month that they’re a subscriber. All you do is give away the software for free, how many of you can give away free software?

And not only that, let me show you this. This is the version that’s being developed for Tony Robbins. This is what a private network actually looks like. When it opens. Okay, if you can see that. In the right hand corner, that’s the actual alert box. This is all his custom stuff right here, that’s AR TV, that’s his audio player that we created. Check this out, when it’s ready, you’re on the forefront to get this out there to all these people who love Tony Robbins and when they sign up for VIP programs, guess who gets paid? Raise your hand if you want to get paid.

Probably the easiest marketing you’ll ever be able to do, the race is to the desktop. You can mark today on your calendar, you can quote me on it, the next race is to the desktop.

And you have an opportunity to get there, I will even give you the marketing plan for each private network in DTAlpha, I will tell you exactly where to go to give away the software for free and not only that - not only do you make money Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

every single month off of the monthly subscriptions, when they buy any of the products from the DTAlpha store, you get paid on that too.

And the responsibility of them sticking is all these different content providers. If you notice, as the content comes in, if you notice as this next one comes in, this is my picture; my picture’s going to change to the next person’s headline. See how that comes across? Watch that change. That right there is going to change. You see how that changed to T Harv Ecker?

Every single company that we presented this too, just flipped. We had major corporations. I can’t tell you some of the stuff that we have coming up with this as far as some of the corporations that we are working with- but trust me, you will not be lacking for opportunities to give away free software, to pre–identify prime hungry markets. You don’t have to go out there and create anything anymore – you can – but just imagine being able to give away free software and then the process takes over.

How, many would say, that’s probably an easier way to go about marketing. Let me see your hands. It is an easier way to go about marketing and what’s your competition on the desktop? Pretty much none! Because we’re locking in exclusive with every single version and also the ability to have our people be the ones on the forefront that market it, so that you can get it out there and you get locked in and you start making the money, are you following me?

Now, who gets the opportunity to be a part of our team to do this? Let me ask you this; how many of you would like to be a part of the team that has the opportunity to do that? Let me see your hands.

Well, here’s the thing, I want to teach you how to think and I say that as far as thinking strategically when it comes to marketing, okay? I don’t just want to put in your hand a bunch of rote steps to be like, “Hey, follow this and your life is going to be changed.”

I will give you some steps that you can follow, I’ll give you tutorial video’s, I’ll put you on the phone with me once a week, where you can ask me any and every question. I’ll tell you places you can go and market, I’ll review different things that you have that you currently want to sell. I will allow you to look over my shoulder and grow as I grow, how many would like to look over my shoulder and just follow the marketing that it is that I do?

Let me show you this real quick. This right here is a product. I had a goal, and the product was, I want this product to hit $1 million and the only thing I was going to do was market this for the first 30 days and the rest was just going to be hands-free, passive residual income. I’m going to show you the result of that. That was just about a year ago. Want to see the results, yes or no!? -- Yes! Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Let take a look at the results. I will increase this in size so that you can see it. Let’s take a look at daily sales first and be mindful, I haven’t marketed this, personally, in almost a year. Okay, but this is how powerful the marketing systems are when you set them in place. Here’s the thing. This is something that we’ll actually go over the program when I’m training you, but most people when they think about the Internet, they think about the Internet like this. They see the Internet as being like this.


How many know what I’m talking about? It’s like all kinds of stuff all over the place. When in actuality the Internet is this


The Internet is a very organised system and that’s good, because all systems have centres of gravity.

The Internet has nine identified COG’s that are spread throughout, those are the leverage points and the whole thing is when you identify the leadership COG’s and you change those; you get rich. Most people don’t understand that. They just start dumping stuff onto the Internet, hoping they’re going to make money; following rote steps and they’re not taking into consideration, the Internet is a system. The Internet has - it is a system, that at the same time, just like all systems, it has inertia. If you push, it’s going to push back. It’s not going to instantly change, so you have to identify the leverage points, identify the desired effects that you want to use and create and the impact that you need to have, you put together the campaign and then you execute.

You know I have tones of testimonials I can throw up there; tones. But what good is that for you? If you think I’m kidding, one of my students has done over $7 million this year. I took a guy, his company from $500,000 in 2005, to just under $2 million in 2006 and now I’m helping him to get it to 10 million.

Helped one person go from 0 to $161,000 in his first 11 months, selling a product that’s $29.95. The difference and be mindful; these are people that had already gone through other coaching programs and experienced other products.

The difference is how we view the Internet. We don’t view the Internet in the sense of, “Hey, let’s do some blogs and lets use this software” and all that. We first look at the Internet as a system and we look at the different leverage points, and within those leverage points, who’s the leader?

What’s the desired effect? It’s to produce the campaign, get the result and we get what it is we want. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


Stephen Pierce $387,000 per Month on the Internet

Okay, so, here is. Lets enlarge this. Can you see those numbers in the back on the right hand side? So these are sales. Okay. These are sales numbers and these are today’s so I started testing this in around 9/7 of last year and these are the sales numbers, these are daily sales numbers, okay? Daily! And be mindful, I don’t market this product any more. Okay. All daily sales numbers, let me ask you this, if you were only getting 10 percent of that a day, how many would say life would be great? At least financially?

I mean, at least some of your financial problems would be taken care of, I think we’d be foolish to think that, it you start making a lot of money that your life is going to be perfect. I mean, we’re intelligent people here. We know that’s not the case. But at least financially a lot of things would be taken care of.

Because we’re kind of short on time, let me just go up and show you over the month – lets go to monthly – now be mindful. I’ve created over 700 different websites, over 200 different products. This is just one. This product is a digital product that sells for $29.95, okay? I do no active marketing, minimum maintenance of 30 minutes a month just to check on stuff, make sure things are functioning properly, okay?

So, in total, it’s still just shy of the $1 million net, but it’s done over $1 million gross, already, okay? And we’re just shy of under $1 million net. Chances are by the end of September, within the full year period of timing, it will hit that one million dollar number, okay, completely hands free.

How many of you would like to know how to do that? I’m doing’ this for you, you have to make the decision, because if you don’t make the decision your life is not going to change! You have to break the pattern of sitting in the room and not doing anything. So what you’re afraid. So what? You may have some uncertainty and doubt. That’s fine; I accept that! But let’s work together as a team and make this happen!

You can bring me your fears, you can bring me your uncertainty and you can bring me your doubt and I don’t have any problem with that, you’ll be in good hands with myself and my team, okay.

So, what you need to do is just take your paperwork and move over here to the table and we’ll work together as a team and completely transform your life in the next 12 months, all right!

Thank you for your time. Copyright © 2008 Financial Freedom Institute


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