Nice Guy to Alpha Male Guide

January 7, 2017 | Author: Brito Kevin | Category: N/A
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Nice Guy to Alpha Male “Oh, he’s just a friend.” |

Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

Table of Contents

Introduction Chapter 1 Who is the “nice guy”

Chapter 2 Common myths nice guys believe

Chapter 3 The alpha male

Chapter 4 Developing the mindset of an alpha male through affirmations

Chapter 5 Body language of an Alpha

Chapter 6 Escaping the dreaded friends zone

Chapter 7 AXciting alpha males


Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

Introduction Welcome to The Nice Guy to Alpha Male Guide, brought to you AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7!



hen I was in junior high, a speaker came to our school and talked to the entire 9th grade class about dating, sex, and how to treat women right. That person said “If you want to get a girlfriend you have to be nice to her, treat her right, be thoughtful of her feelings and emotions, and always be thinking of creative ways to show her how special she is. Most importantly, girls want guys that don’t just want to have sex.” My buddies were all over this thinking to themselves “Ok, I have to be nice, do things for her that she likes, and I can’t let her know that I want to have sex. Ok, got it.” These messages aren’t at all atypical in today’s society. From movies, church, friends, family, and girls that are “friends”, men are told that the best way to get a girl is to be “nice.” As the speaker was giving the speech, a light bulb went off in my head. I thought to myself “Wait. What about all the girls that just use the guys who are nice to them for free stuff? Then they go out with some other guy that didn’t do any of that nice stuff for them?” I saw a major contradiction in the message being delivered. Guys were being told to be nice and understanding, while the girls took advantage of it and walked all over them. And this is junior high! But what’s changed? Absolutely nothing. Every day the nice guys are getting walked all over, not just by girls, but also by their peers, coworkers, and social circle of friends. Yet other guys are having all the “luck” with women. Or is it really “luck?” It’s not. It’s a difference in behavior, attitude, and internal beliefs that separate two types of men. First, there are the nice guys that every girl says she’s looking for. Ironically though, women never date those “nice” guys that they claim to want. And then there are the alpha males… the guys that women really want. This is a guide that will set into motion a very positive change in your life. We’ll talk about the “nice guy” and why women really don’t want “nice guys.” Then we’ll discuss the men that women really want, and we’ll show you how to become THAT GUY. 

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7


Who is the “Nice Guy?”


ice guys are great people. Unfortunately, they’ve learned behaviors and developed mindsets that keep them from truly succeeding in life. A nice guy is a guy who always strives to be a good person. He strives to be kind, polite, and to always treat others the way he wants to be treated. And that’s not a bad thing. Where the nice guy goes wrong is here. He always seeks to please other people first, works hard to avoid criticism, and takes any criticism to heart as proof that he’s not good enough. Being approved by others though is WHY the nice guy behaves the way he does. If he does something that others don’t approve of, he will work hard to make sure it never happens again. He is compliant to keep others happy, even if it is against what he believes. Thus, nice guys constantly seeks the approval of others. They are the guys that always bring women flowers, take them to nice restaurants and let them order expensive dinners, buy them nice gifts, call them just to say “Hi”, and try to say all the right things. Guess what happens though? The nice guy goes home alone to spend the night with his hand and favorite website. Why does this happen? Because women know that the nice guy is simply being nice to seek her approval in order to get laid. Women view nice guys as being boring. The nice guy takes himself WAY too seriously, and is more concerned with what others think of him than simply cutting loose and being his own free individual. “What will others think” is a question that holds him back. Because he is unable to relax, be himself, and have fun, he lacks energy. Consequently, he fails to exude passion for life, and women want to be with men who are passionate and can make them feel excited.

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


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“...The nice guy will see girls as his source of happiness...”

 The nice guy is also boring because he’s afraid to say what he really thinks. It might upset others. Want to hear the real shocker? A person that challenges the beliefs of another person is FAR MORE INTERESTING than someone who simply accepts and agrees. Nice guys are also indecisive and afraid to take risks. They defer to the woman to make the decision on where to eat, what to do, what movie to see, what to do when they go out at night, when to have sex, etc. Somewhere along the line in our society, guys started believing that if they want to score with a woman, they have to make her happy. And to make her happy, they have to do EVERYTHING she wants. WRONG! As a result of the nice guys indecisiveness, he develops poor leadership skills. They leave the leadership up to her instead, and by doing so it back-fires. It says to a woman “I am not a leader. I am a follower. I am a nice guy who will do anything to make you happy so you’ll agree to have sex with me.” Ever hear a guy say this, “I gave her everything she wanted and it still wasn’t good enough.” That’s the problem right there. He gave her everything she wanted and wasn’t a challenge to her. Nice guys too display jealousy. The nice guy will see girls as his source of happiness. When his “source of happiness” is talking to another man, there is a strong threat to his happiness. His girl could dumb him for this other guy. Jealousy communicates a lack of belief in yourself. It communicates insecurity. When a woman senses that a guy is jealous, she begins to think “If this guy isn’t even sure about himself, why should I be so sure that I’m with the right guy?” If any of this does describe you, don’t feel bad. Becoming aware is the FIRST step in becoming an Alpha. The Alpha Male on the other hand doesn’t give a crap what others think. His happiness comes from within because he genuinely believes that he’s a great guy that anyone would be lucky to have in his or her life. 


Nice Guy to Alpha Male


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“ To Change Your Reality, You Must Change What You Believe.”


ice guys hold many beliefs about women that simply aren’t true. The really messed up thing is that these beliefs trap him in a never ending cycle of being a nice guy and never truly gets what he wants. Below we will explore some of the most common misconceptions that nice guys have about women, and you’ll find out the truth behind them. 1. Women don’t want to have sex as much as I do. Let’s set the record straight on this myth once and for all. To quote Chris Rock “A woman will do any nasty thing you want her to do.” I don’t care how nice, quiet, kind, friendly, reserved, conservative, faithful and God fearing, or whatever she is. Women love sex. They think about it just as much as men do. Here is what women really want. They want a man to treat them respectfully and like a lady in public. They want that same man to treat them like their dirty little girl in the privacy of their own bedroom. Believe it or not, women LOVE to keep their men happy. A women LOVES to know that what she does to her man can NEVER be topped by another women. Your woman wants you to pick her up, throw her over your shoulder, throw her down on the bed, bend her over, and ravage her. If you think I’m being too vulgar, you’re too much of a nice guy. Your girl isn’t “nice” in the bedroom. And if you think she is, it’s because she knows you’re too nice to do those dirty and fun things with her that she wants to do.


“...Here is what women really want. They want a man to treat them respectfully and like a lady in public. They want that same man to treat them like their dirty little girl in the privacy...”

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

 Now, a woman will do this with you if you treat her respectfully in public and if you don’t tell all your friends about how crazy she is. Make her feel like a slut in public and around your friends, and you can count on boring sex for the rest of your relationship. The guys that tell their friends how nasty their girl is in the bedroom are the guys that don’t get to do the really fun, adventurous, porno-style crazy stuff that goes down in adult films. Listen. Women think about sex just as much as men do. And for a few days out of the month while she’s ovulating she goes crazy for sex and will do any nasty thing you ask her to. All she asks for in return is that you be non-judgmental, that you don’t reveal to the rest of world how freaky she is in the bedroom, and that you treat her with respect and like a lady in public in front of your friends. So you NEED to internalize this. This is the reality of how and what women think about sex. Even deceitfully good church girls want to have sex and have FUN! So stop tiptoeing around and trying to be all respectful with a girl by not bringing up sex. She wants to have sex. In fact, by you being all nice and crap and not moving the relationship to that of a more sexual relationship, she begins to see you as a male with lower value and you land yourself in the “dreaded friends zone”. Women want a man, a leader, that can move the relationship forward. Rarely will a woman do the work to move the relationship along. That’s the man’s job. And if she was the one to move it to a sexualized phase, well then she’d feel like a slut, and she won’t let herself feel like that.


“...Even deceitfully good church girls want to have sex and have FUN! ...”

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


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“...The simple FACT is that women want you to take notice of their body...”

2. Women take offense when they catch me noticing their breasts and butt. I will start by telling you this. If a girl leaves the house wearing a tight pair of jeans and a revealing, form fitted top, don’t you think she knows that her choice in clothing is damn good at showcasing her assets??? And, since she is aware of how good her body looks in the clothes she chose to wear, then she obviously made those choices because she wanted people to notice. The simple FACT is that women want you to take notice of their body. Us guys know that it pays BIG to make ourselves seem successful to women. This is why we may lie about our job, our job title, our income, how much we love little puppy dogs and kitty cats, how many friends we have and how much fun they are, how you can’t get this annoying girl to quit calling you, etc. It’s also why we dress nice, put on a nice shave, and why we want to drive sports cars, and have the latest and greatest toys to play with. This showcases our status above other males and we appear to have higher social value and greater resources. This behavior is biologically hard wired into males. 100,000 years ago when we were living in small hunter-gatherer tribes, the males that could provide the most, and had the greatest number of resources, got the cave-girls. The genes that drove those males to behave in such a way were far more likely to pass down to the next generation. And now 100,000 years later we all have those same behavioral genes subconsciously driving our behavior. The same holds true for women. Men are biologically programmed to be more attracted to women with specific breast sizes, women with a certain hip-towaist ratio, women of youth who can reproduce, etc. 100,000 years ago, males who had a greater response to the visual stimulus of a woman’s body were able to achieve erections easier, and with greater frequency, and were therefore able to reproduce more often. The genes that coded for sexual response to stimuli in males were passed down from generation to generation. And women instinctively know that the presentation of her body is what attracts men. This is why she accentuates her breasts, her hips, her booty.

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

“...If you don’t want to be perceived as a jerk, then don’t approach her with a “nice guy” tone....”


 So when you see a beautiful girl wearing tight clothing, remember that she left the house wanting to be noticed. When you notice her, it’s ok to look her up and down briefly, but don’t stare disrespectfully. A good rule of thumb to follow is this. Don’t stare longer at her body than what would make YOU uncomfortable if a GUY were looking at you. 3. Women don’t want to be hit on. OH YES THEY DO! A woman simply wants a man who knows how to talk to her. Look, what women are tired of are the guys that come up and immediately telegraph sexual interest. They are tired of guys who come up and try to be nice by either complimenting them, asking their name, or immediately trying to get to know them on a personal level. Women are tired of hearing “That’s a nice necklace. My name is Joe.” A compliment followed by an introduction communicates one thing to a woman: I don’t know you, but I’m going to try and sleep with you. Get approached like this 15 times a day for years and years, and yes of course women are not going to want to be hit on THAT WAY. But women do want a man who knows how to talk to them, and following the guidelines in The Ultimate Players AXCITE Attraction Guide will greatly help you out! 4. I don’t want to seem like all these other jerks that try to hit on her, so I’ll be nice. I don’t want to be like every other guy. By being nice, you ARE being like every other guy. Jerks are guys who don’t understand that women get hit on all the time, and when a woman’s defense shield goes up to make him go away, he assumes she’s a bitch and tells her so. What he doesn’t understand is that her being bitchy is not a long-term personality flaw. He just didn’t open her right. If you don’t want to be perceived as a jerk, then don’t approach her with a “nice guy” tone. Remember, that only communicates that you just want something, and that something is sex. 

Nice Guy to Alpha Male

“...Alpha males exist in their own reality and people can’t help but to be drawn into it...”


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7



ho is an alpha male you might ask? They are the exact opposite of the nice guy. Alpha males have high self esteem and are secure in who they are. Alphas are leaders and don’t worry about what others think. Even the best leaders have followers who aren’t happy with their decisions. But then again, there is a reason why that person is a follower and not a leader. The Alpha is socially outgoing, fun to be around, a powerful source of influence and fun in social circles, and is playful with women he talks to because he never places any weight on the outcome of the interaction. Alpha males exist in their own reality and people can’t help but to be drawn into it. He’s fun, interesting, outgoing, and a very stimulating person to be around. He makes others feel comfortable and good about themselves. Alpha males also display body language that communicates their dominance, which we will discuss shortly. And, alpha males are non-needy. They don’t seek the approval of others because it doesn’t matter to them. Alphas see women as human beings and as a great source of fun and excitement. He doesn’t place them on a pedestal because he truly believes that he is the prize. He believes that any women would be lucky to have him in her life…that her life will be greatly enriched. If she’s not interested in him, he thinks to himself “Her loss, not mine.”

Nice Guy to Alpha Male

“...Alphas truly believe that they can get any woman if they want to. They believe that any girl’s life would be better with them in it. It’s not cocky...”


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 Alpha Thought – A Way of Life An alpha male rarely gets nervous when approaching women. Why and how is that possible you might ask? Alphas truly believe that they can get any woman if they want to. They believe that any girl’s life would be better with them in it. It’s not cocky. Alphas believe themselves to be of high value, and that belief is well justified. Alphas have a strong internal belief system about themselves. They know that they can do what they set out to do. They know that they are good. They know that they can learn and acquire new skills and overcome any challenge or task that comes their way. And they know that they have a lot to offer. When it comes to women, it doesn’t matter if they get blown off. It happens inevitably, and they understand that it happens for many reasons, all of which are not directly related to something personal about them and their approach. They understand that the girl may just be having a bad day. Maybe it’s PMS. Maybe some other dude just tried hitting on her, failed miserably, pissed her off in the process, and now they are riding the coat-tails of her fury.

“Alpha Males believe that THEY are the prize” Men are taught, and nice guys believe, that they have to “play the game” to get to the prize. That prize is sex. Remember, what this does is it sets the stage for men to believe that they are of lower value than women. This places men into approval seeking mode, which is not alpha. Alphas don’t buy into this load of garbage that society tries to tell them. Alphas believe that they are the prize. And why shouldn’t they believe that? Alpha Males are HIGH VALUE males. Alphas are confident in who they are, what they can do, and what they’ve accomplished. Alphas don’t just believe, they know for FACT that they are GOOD, and they can back that up. Alphas are interesting guys that men, women, and people alike want to be around. They are the social center of attention. They are the leader of men in their social circles. They have a zest and passion for life, new knowledge, interesting facts, and living every day to its fullest. No wonder they are the prize to be won! “You MUST believe that you are the prize.” 


Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7


What you think and feel about yourself determines how you behave, how others see you, and ultimately what happens to you in life. Consider this example. Imagine that you believe the following. “Girls just don’t like me. I’m not like the other guys that are good looking and fun to be around. Girls have never been interested in me in the past. I’m just not that lucky.” You walk into a coffee shop one day, sit down, and read the newspaper. A girl sitting close by asks if you have an extra napkin. “Sure, here you go.” You continue on throughout your day thinking about that girl. “What if” right? If you believe that girls don’t like you, then you completely missed out on the fact that she had made a special effort, a first move, to talk to you. She could have just gone up to the front counter and grabbed a napkin!! She sent you a clear-as-day signal, and your own internal belief system kept you from recognizing her blatant attempt to talk to you! You have to always, always, always expect and believe that good things will happen. If you believe that girls don’t like you, then you’ll miss such obvious opportunities. If you believed instead that girls think your hot, then you would have recognized and seized that opportunity. You would probably be getting laid right now!

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7


 Affirmations What you think and feel about yourself becomes your reality. Every single day, as thinking beings, we make affirmations about ourselves. Affirmations are statements that you continually say over and over and ultimately come to believe. Often times these statement are very negative. For example, you might think the following. “I’m so stupid.” “I’m just not good enough.”

“...If you are constantly repeating negative affirmations to yourself, eventually you’re going to believe them....”

“I’m just not in a good mood today.” “I’m underpaid and my job sucks.” “Girls never come up and hit on me.” “I’m just not good at talking to random girls. And when I do attempt it, I get shot down.” “One day something really good will happen to me.” Do any of these ring a bell? How did it make you feel reading them? I have to be honest with you, just typing those made me feel like crap. And that’s the point I’m trying to make. If you are constantly repeating negative affirmations to yourself, eventually you’re going to believe them. They will become reality, your behavior will change to reflect how you view yourself, and ironically, so too will women change the way they respond to you! But I’ve got good news for you. Just as negative affirmations affect how you feel about yourself, so to do positive affirmations. Changing your internal belief system takes time. You’ve probably spent years telling yourself that chicks aren’t into you and you’ve grown to believe it. So it is going to take time to change the way you think. The even better news is changing your attitude doesn’t take years, it only takes a few weeks. And it starts right now.

Making Affirmations Work for You! When you think one way for so many years it can be hard to do a complete 180 in thought. So rather than thinking to yourself “I am a bad-ass alpha male”, say to yourself instead “I am becoming more and more of a bad-ass alpha male every day.” This prevents your mind from having to immediately accept the opposite reality as being true. So begin your affirmations using a progressive belief system. As the weeks pass and you become more and more comfortable and accepting that you ARE a bad-ass alpha male, you will eventually be able to say “I am a bad-ass alpha male” and believe it 100% Here are some examples of positive affirmations for you to begin with. Read these, but write your own down. Carry that piece of paper with you, and repeat them every single day, multiple times throughout the day. “I am becoming more and more confident every single day!” “I enjoy starting playful conversations with random girls” “That girl would be so lucky to have me in her life.” “I am developing great leadership skills every single day.” “I am a bad-ass alpha male.” “I’m a really fun and interesting guy to talk to.” So what did you write down? If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to do so. You can begin changing your life right now. 

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7


ou can tell a lot about a person through their body language, eye contact, and voice. In fact, you can gather a wealth of information about a person just from watching and listening to them. Likewise, women gather all they need to know about you based on your body language. Nice guys and alpha males exhibit dramatically different behaviors. Many times we’re not even aware of these subtle behaviors when we’re doing them. Starting today you can begin changing your body language and communicate that you’re an alpha male. Below you will find a discussion of non-verbal behaviors that nice guys exude, and how to change them to become an alpha.

1. Speaking too fast. Speaking fast communicates nervousness, anxiety, and a general lack of belief in what you’re saying. In other words, it demonstrates low confidence. The key is to slow down your speaking. If you truly believe what you say, then you’ll have no problem speaking slower so that people can fully absorb what you are saying. 2. Using crutch words like “ah”, “um”, “you know”, and so on. We use these crutch words because we’re not 100% confident in what we’re saying. As we’re searching for the right words to communicate a thought we don’t fully believe in yet, we fill the space with “ahs” and “ums”. 3. Being slow to respond. Think back to when someone asked you a question that you may not have known the answer to right away. What did you do? You probably paused for a little too long before starting to answer. Pausing too long before answering indicates that you’re thinking too hard about the answer. If you’re thinking too hard about an answer, there’s a very strong chance that you’re searching for the answer the other person would like to hear. And when that happens, you’re trying to impress them.


Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

 Alpha’s are who they are and don’t worry about impressing people. They are decisive and ready to admit when they don’t know the answer. 4. Mumbling Ever talk to someone who mumbles? You can’t understand them. If you believe in what you’re saying, then you have no problem speaking up and letting everyone around you hear it. In doing so your pitch will vary from highs and lows to stress and emphasize certain key points. It makes you much more interesting to listen to. So if you mumble, try adding some change in pitch to your voice when speaking. People will begin to perceive you as being much more confident. 5. Using closed and defensive postures Who is more alpha? Person A walks into a bar. He sits down, keeps his feet and legs together, his body posture is proper and upright, and holds his hands close together. Person B walks into the same bar. He sits down, leans back, spreads his arms out wide, maybe his legs too.

spread their body wide wherever they are. Afterall, they are dominant and own the territory they are occupying. A guy who holds himself closely together communicates that he’s not comfortable or confident enough to lay claim to the extra territory around him. So next time you’re standing, rather than sticking your hands in your pockets, rest your palms on the side of your hips and let your elbows flair out. You can also grab hold of your belt or loop your thumbs into the front belt loop holes of your pants and let your elbows hang out into the space around you. 6. A slouching or un-relaxed posture Alpha males are comfortable wherever they go. Because of that, they loosen up their body and spread themselves out. Being rigid is a sign of being nervous, unsure, uncomfortable, and lack of complete confidence.

So who is more alpha?

When you walk, walk with your shoulders rolled back. When you walk with your shoulders rolled back and chest out, you communicate that you are strong, proud, and alpha. Walking with your shoulders slumped forward is a non-verbal sign that you are not dominant.

The answer is Person B. Alpha males


“...Alpha males spread their body wide wherever they are. Afterall, they are dominant and own the territory they are occupying...”

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

“...Holding your head down communicates submission, lack of confidence, and “nice guy”...

 7. Arm and Hand Placement Out of habit some guys will hold their hands in front of them. This is an innate defensive and protective gesture. An alpha male doesn’t fear other guys. He has no need to be on the defensive 24/7. He holds his hands out to his sides. Another familiar defensive posture is folding your arms and crossing them. This too is a defensive display of body language. So the next time you catch yourself holding folding your arms or hands together in front of you, reposition your hands on your hips instead and spread your arms out. Watch how differently people respond to you when you do so. 8. Looking down rather than straight forward Holding your head down communicates submission, lack


of confidence, and “nice guy”. You will always find alpha males carrying their head high, looking straight forward, and never looking down. 9.  Smiling too much, too often Nice guys will smile at other guys to show that they are not a threat. But you’re an alpha, and you are a threat to other guys. So is smiling a bad thing? Not at all. Only smile when you have something to smile about. If you walk into a room full of people, walk in with a smile on your face. You’re happy to be there and it shows that you’ve got yourself together. But when you’re being introduced to another male, don’t smile at him. You need to communicate through your body language your “alphaness”, otherwise you’ll be subconsciously telling him that you are submissive and he shouldn’t be worried about you.

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


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“...Looking down non-verbally communicates a lack of confidence...”

 10. Not making eye contact Eye contact is critical. Nice guys will avoid holding contact. Instead, you’ll notice that they move their eyes from side to side when they speak, rather than looking into the eyes of the person they are talking to. If you’re not making eye contact when you’re doing the talking, why should the other person listen? Eye contact communicates that what you have to say is worth listening to. On the flip side of this equation, you

don’t want to hold eye contact for too long. That’s simply uncomfortable for both people. So shift your focus away from the person from time to time, looking either up or to your side. Never look down. And speaking of, when you are asked a question and you need a moment to think of the answer, look either to your side or up. Looking down non-verbally communicates a lack of confidence. 11. Making fast movements Walking too fast, turning your head too fast when someone calls

your name, and making rapid hand gestures are all a sign of not being an Alpha. Fast movements subconsciously communicate that you’re in a heightened state of arousal. The fight or flight response triggers such a state. Remember, you’re an alpha and you don’t fear anybody. So slow down your movements. Walk more leisurely. Stop jerking your head so fast to find the person that just called for you. You’re not their slave. You’re not their personal errand boy. You run on your time schedule, not theirs. 


Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7


y now we have discussed the differences between nice guys and alpha males. You are becoming more and more of an alpha male every single day. Your body language and behavior is that of a dominant male. Your internal belief system about who you are is growing more and more powerful and positive. Alpha males have options and because of that, they don’t place any single woman on a pedestal. He is the prize, he knows it, she knows it, and she is the one working for him. As you become more alpha, you may want to start making the wrongs right in your life. You’re probably friends with a few gorgeous girls that you’d enjoy having a sexual relationship with. So how do you get out of that “dreaded friends zone” now that you are alpha? It begins by first understanding why you became “just a friend.” The number one reason why a guy becomes “just a friend” is because he is afraid of letting a girl know that he has a romantic interest in her beyond friendship. When you were a nice guy, you became “just a friend” because you had a fear of rejection. Fear of rejection allows you to avoid getting rejected, but you also land yourself in the dreaded friendship zone. It’s a lose/lose situation, and you need to internalize the words from previous chapters and realize that women want sex just as much as you do. However, she is not going to be the one to initiate it. That’s on you to get the ball rolling and let her know that you’re romantically interested in her. It starts out simple. Once you’ve built attraction with her (see The Ultimate Players AXCITE Attraction Guide),

one must slowly escalate the romantic behavior, ranging from playfully touching, hugging, to kissing her and smelling her, all of which eventually culminates in sex. However, many women simply get use to you being non-sexual with them, and many times, they grow to accept and prefer that. So when you do try to move things up to a more romantic level, that’s when you hear “Let’s just be friends.” She’s not comfortable or use to you being sexual. If you fail to communicate to her that you are a potential sexual partner, she won’t see you as one. In The Ultimate Players AXCITE Attraction Guide, we discussed how to demonstrate that you are a high value male. If you find yourself in the friendship zone, you can NOT all of sudden expect to try demonstrating that you have high value. She already knows that you don’t have high enough value to be with her, otherwise she’d be sleeping with you right now. Getting out of the friendship zone is HARD, even as you progress into an alpha male. You have to completely reinvent how you are perceived. It requires distancing yourself from her for quite some time. It requires that after having spent significant time away from her that you come back to her not only with much higher value than before, but with other women in your life. You’re an alpha now and you have options. If there is a girl that you’d like to become more sexual with, but messed up your chances when you were a nice guy, here is a PROVEN and EFFECTIVE strategy for removing yourself from just being friends.


“...The number one reason why a guy becomes “just a friend” is because he is afraid of letting a girl know that he has a romantic interest....“

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

“...Listening to her and being a shoulder to cry on is what landed you in the friendship zone in the first place...”

Get Away From Her For a While The first thing you need to do is to distance yourself from her, GREATLY. Don’t avoid her completely, but make yourself scarce and not someone who is readily available for her to talk to about her problems. Screw that. Listening to her and being a shoulder to cry on is what landed you in the friendship zone in the first place. You are her friend, her shoulder to cry on, and that is how she sees you. So getting away from her for a few months is the first step you need to take. Why a few months? For one, she already knows that you don’t possess enough value for her to consider you a sexual partner. You also haven’t escalated any physical contact with her, so she has no reason to believe you’re into her romantically. And if you try to do it now when she see’s you as a friend, it’ll be awkward and you will remain as friends. You also need ample time to RESET the tone of your relationship with her. If you try demonstrating that you’re a high value male now, she won’t buy it. Currently, she believes you not to be. So use this time to work on your affirmations and body language so that you can truly come back as a high value male. While You’re Away Do spend time building relationships with OTHER girls. Practice your alpha behaviors, build your social circle, etc. The Come Back – Resetting The Tone When you see her again after a few months, you will need to reset the tone of your relationship within the first couple of times


of seeing her. However, don’t automatically set a sexual tone. It’ll be awkward and uncomfortable for her as she wonders why one of her “friends” is now so sexual. It takes a couple get-togethers to transition from “use to be friends” to “potential romantic partner.” You will want to make it seem that she is the one that wants you! How do you do that? First and foremost you have to believe that you are the prize. You have to believe that she’d be lucky to have you as her boyfriend. You’ll need to be very playful with her and use humor. When you see her, she’ll likely say something like “I missed you!” You can then reply “Geez, I’m away for a couple months and you’re needy already! You know I’m too good for you.” DO NOT SAY THIS IN A COCKY TONE! You must laugh and smile and make sure that she knows you’re just joking! Give her a playful little punch on the shoulder or shove to reinforce that. This sets the stage for you being of higher value this time around because the tone is set that she missed you. You will want to every so often repeat playful and funny comments like this. Doing so reinforces to her that she really did miss you…maybe more than she realized. Now she has to work a little bit more for you. This eventually lands you in the flirty zone…right where you want to be. If she goes to give you a hug, you say “Don’t get greedy now!” Or if she’s a touchy feely friendly type, you can say “Hey, hands off the merchandise!” The key to pulling these comments off is to be sarcastic, funny, and playful with them. Again, do not say it in a cocky tone like you are now “the shit” and all that.

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7

contact and playful behavior, and is a form of touching that you can do that she will find non-threatening and comfortable. Eventually, she will be begin to do the same. When you notice her starting to give you playful jabs back, maybe she’ll poke at your or give you a fun shove, that’s when you know that you can escalate the touching. 2. Making comments like “Hey, hands off the goods” when she touches you, is also a great gauge. Swat her hands away from you, but be playful. If she goes to put her hands back on you, that’s a green light!

 The Fun “Flirtatious Zone” After a while, you will notice that she will start to playfully return the banter at you. When you notice this, that is time to begin introducing and escalating some touch. Follow these steps, and pay attention to the responsive cues from her listed below, and you’ll be golden. 1. Begin by playfully punching her in the shoulder when she’s being a dork. Playfully give her a light push or even bump her with you hips. This is light


 ext, sit closer by her. You’ve established N that you’re funny, playful, and sarcastic, and because she’s returning the playful punches and light contact, she’ll feel comfortable NOW with you sitting closer to her. Try this next time the two of you are chilling on the couch, at a restaurant, or out for coffee. Eventually, you can ask her “Hey, I have this knot in my back that’s killing me, can you push into it for me?” You’re now resetting the proper sexual tone.


L et her get comfortable with you sitting closer to her for a time or two. Then, maybe as the two of you are walking or sitting together laughing, try putting your arm around her neck. The KEY is to only do this for 10 seconds, MAX! Then take it away. It’s less threatening this way. Only when you notice that she starts responding on her own by either doing the same or wrapping her arm around your waist, can you move to the next step.

5. Hold her hand. When the two of you are walking, maybe from a store into a restaurant, reach down and take her hand. Take hold of her hand like you’re leading her somewhere. Make it seem natural. BUT….only hold her hand for a slight minute. Then let go, and carry on with some other form of body language that justifies you needing to pull your hand away from hers. You want to let go of her hand before she breaks holding hands with you. Again, this allows her to get use to it. And if she’s really enjoying it, she’ll grab your hand back!


Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7


 6. If you can hold her hand and she’s receptive to it, you can kiss her. Just don’t try to kill two birds with one stone by going for the kiss when you first hold her hand. Too much, too fast. Go for the kiss after having held her hand 2-3 times. Make it fun, sporadic, and natural. While the two of you are walking, stop. Charismatically pull her into you and kiss her. The first kiss should be fun, sporadic, and enjoyable. It doesn’t have to be this large production build up where you kiss her at the end of the night…under the stars with the moon shining bright. It’s a kiss, not a Hollywood production. This is the step where you don’t want to wuss out and wait for her to kiss you. Take charge and set the tone. You’re an alpha and a leader. At this stage in the game, you want it, she wants it, you both want it. So just go for it. If you don’t, she’ll begin to think that you’re not into her. These simple and proven steps should be a slow, yet gradual process. What do I mean by slow? I’d consider slow to be that each of these steps occurs over the course of seeing her 5 to 7 times. Don’t rush the stages either. Give her time to get use to them. Feel her out. See if she is approving of you moving to the next stage. See if she is engaging in the same touching behavior as you are. When you playfully punch her, does she do it back at some point in time? Does she sit closer to you like you do with her? Pay close attention to how she responds to you, and use that as your gauge to know when to move from one stage to the next. With that said, you have a solid plan for taking yourself out of the friends zone and moving yourself into the boyfriend zone. The Bright Side Of Not Getting Out of the Friends Zone If you decide that this is simply too much to go through, or if you at some point you move too fast and are still friends, then I have a simple suggestion for you. Keep her as a friend and use her to your advantage when you go out. You can immediately use her to display that you are “female approved” to other women. If other women see you enter a room with her at your side, your value immediately spikes in their opinion. Not only are you socially approved now, but you are female approved too. Have fun, smile, and pay attention to your body language. Prepare funny stories to make yourself the center of attention. Learn magic. Learn crazy random facts that nobody knows! All of this, with her at your side as a friend, will tell other women nearby that YOU are a high value male. 

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7



here are many factors that go into being an Alpha Male. Aside from displaying and possessing specific social behaviors, Alpha Males also have a distinctly innate physiology to them that makes those alpha behaviors more natural. Life is about competition; competition for resources. We compete to survive. And those who compete the hardest and win have access to the greatest number of women. We compete to stay alive, to reproduce, to pass our genes down to the next generation…our children. Biologically speaking, our primary purpose in life is to reproduce. Nature has programmed us to behave this way to guarantee the survival of the human species.

“...AXCITE was developed to be an Alpha male blend, and the subconscious effects that this exclusive formula elicits are powerful...” AXCITE was developed to be an Alpha male blend, and the subconscious effects that this exclusive formula elicits are powerful. Key pheromones in AXCITE gradually heighten your belief that you are an Alpha. Your behavior, in congruence with those beliefs, then changes. It’s very noticeable, and people take notice too. AXCITE is a fantastic tool to wear as you’re rebuilding your mindset with affirmations and working on your alpha body language. Eventually your perceived social status elevates to being that of an Alpha.

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7


“...One of the most prominent effects of this exclusive AXCITE formula is its’ ability to increase the wearer’s confidence level...”

One of the most prominent effects of this exclusive AXCITE formula is its’ ability to increase the wearer’s confidence level; a key personality trait of the Alpha Male. The heightened confidence is projected in many ways. It can enhance leadership skills. It can allow you to make faster decisions that you stand firmly behind. It can help to eliminate indecisiveness. Those around you will undoubtedly sense the enhanced confidence you’ll be exuding through your behaviors. What you will notice is that not only will women be responding more positively to you, but men too will also treat you with greater respect and friendliness. Yes! Even guys will treat you better! And this too socially communicates your status as an Alpha, a leader, the one to be with.

Another faucet to being an alpha is the attitude, passion, and energy you exude. Alphas exude an energy and passion for life the draws others to them. AXCITE further enhances the Alpha Male mentality in users by elevating and enhancing not only their mood, but the mood of others around them! Wearing AXCITE is wonderful for making people feel at ease and comfortable around you. It’s fantastic at increasing the talkativeness of women, relieving nervous tension, and making negative feelings disappear. You will notice yourself becoming the social center of attention. People will feel very at ease, comfortable, and pleasant around you. And this is what Alphas do. They not only become the social center of attention, but they also connect with other people.

Nice Guy to Alpha Male


Brought To You By: AXCITE™ Pheromone LP7


 Top-level athletes use everything they can to get the advantage over the competition, and AXCITE should be used the same way. Changing personal beliefs about yourself, your own self worth, your confidence in your ability to act autonomously, and so forth, takes time. After a short while of wearing AXCITE you will begin to notice gradual changes in your personality, shifting from a “nice guy” to an alpha male. The changes in your confidence level will infuse you with a great energy… an energy to go and learn, explore, and experience life. The advantages of AXCITE are truly a compounding effect that can have a wonderful, dramatic impact on your life. And when AXCITE is used in combination with positive affirmations the changes are unbelievable. 

We greatly appreciate your interest in this guide, and we hope that we have on some level helped you to become a better you. Thank you!

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