Inten$e Re"lity)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Er"$ing A +e"r))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))7 S'gge$ti*e Re"&ing$)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))71 Ch"pter 4. Mi$cell"neo'$)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))74 Moment"li$m))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))74 9I c"n:t re"& yo';on:t &i$mi$$ the import"nce o# " re#r"ming; L"ter they (ill /-
remem!er yo' &e$cri!ing their tho'ght$ m'ch more &et"ile& th"n yo' &i&)
3't (h"t "!o't the "ng'l"r $t'## li%e " ho'$e #or in$t"nce =ell (e h"*e "n o't #or th"t too. 9There i$ $omething ro'n& K or ro'n&i$h K "n& $omething longi$h) Gneg"ti*e or con#'$e& re$pon$e An S or $omething "n& "n E K I &on:t %no( &i##erent letter$ &on:t thin% o# " (or&; +orget "!o't the letter$ concentr"te on the im"ge ple"$e;< Thi$ i$ "lmo$t li%e " re$et) I# they &i&n:t re"ct to the #ir$t $t"tement (e m"%e it loo% li%e (e t"l%e& "!o't letter$ "n& not their pict're) Then (e co'l& '$e one "he"& "n I> or " pee%) 3y the ("y. The i&e" o# &e$cri!ing "n 'n%no(n pict're i$ not origin"l to me) A#ter rele"$ing thi$ !oo% $omeone tol& me th"t PATRIC8 +R6MENT h"$ " $imil"r "ppro"ch c"lle& Re"l Telep"thy ) Ho(e*er my *er$ion i$ " little more $tre"mline& "n& I c"me 'p (ith it in&epen&ently) /5
Sinc Sincee !oo% !oo%$$ "re "re noth nothin ingg more more th"n th"n
$ho'l& !e " n"t'r"l thing to '$e them in ment"li$m) Ho(e*er i# (e &eci&e &eci&e to "ct'"l "ct'"lly ly '$e one to re"& $omeone $omeone:$ :$ min& it m'$t !e cle"r (hy the !oo% i$ nee&e& or "t le"$t to thin% o# " (or&) U$'" $'"lly lly I per per#or #orm one one or t(o t(o p$yc ych holog ologic ic"l "l #or #orce$ ce$ to &emo &emon$ n$tr tr"t "tee ho( ho( pre&i pre&ict ct"! "!le le (e "re "re i# "$ "$%e %e& & to thin thin% % o# $omething) A#ter th"t I $'gge$t. 9M"y! 9M"y!ee yo' yo' $ho' $ho'l& l& '$e '$e thi$ thi$ tho' tho'gh ghtt colle collect ctio ion n to choo choo$e $e #rom) I '$e the$e "ll the time to pic% 'p r"n&om tho'ght$ "n& $tim'l"te my cre"ti*ity) I:ll $ho( yo' ho(;< Thi$ i$ m'ch more con*incing th"n B'$t $"ying. 9=e (ill '$e thi$ !oo% to choo$e " (or& "t r"n&om)i"l >i"l ) I# yo' "$%e& me hi$ Tr'e Telep"thy i$ THE 3EST p'ri$tic min& re"&ing metho& o't there !e$i&e i&e$ C6CAINE) They "re $tr'ct're& *ery &i##erently $o it &epen&$ on the $it'"tion (hich one I choo$e to per#orm I &eeply lo*e them !oth) =ith th"t $"i& th"n% yo' yo' ,ER6ME #or cre"ting $'ch gre"t m"teri"l "n& #or "llo(ing me to p'!li$h thi$) The The e##e e##ect ct it$e it$el# l# #eel #eel$$ *ery *ery 9col 9col& &re re"&i "&ing nge e$ $'e 'e get the other t(o) An& "g"in. +"iling "&&$ "'thenticity here) I# yo' in$i$t on getting the thir& one "$ (ell h"*e them concentr"te on their tho'ght "n& epl"in. 9Inte 9Intere$ re$tin ting g I &i&n:t &i&n:t get "nything "nything
time; ?o' &i& re"lly
(ell (ith the #ir$t t(o tho'ght$ !'t I #eel (ith thi$ one) M"y!e yo' $ho'l& (rite it &o(n to m"%e it more *i*i& in yo'r min&)< K "n& get the in#orm"tion '$ing " CT pee% or "n impre$$ion &e*ice) It completely m"%e$ $en$e in thi$ contet "n& "t the $"me time g'"r"ntee$ " per#ect #in"lly) 6# co'r$e yo' h"*e to m"%e the thir& min& re"&ing m"tch the #ir$t t(o) M"%e it h"Fy !'t incl'&e t(o or three $m"ll hit$) Then gr"! " notep"& "n& (rite &o(n.
1) ?o'r ?o'r #ri #rien en& & H"nn H"nn"h "h G#ir G#ir$t $t tho tho'g 'ght ht 2) =ine =ine !ott !ottle le G$ec G$econ on& & tho' tho'gh ght t /) Photog Photogr"p r"phy hy G" G" (or& (or& CL6S CL6SE E to (h"t (h"t yo' yo' pee% pee%e& e& H"*e them tell yo' (h"t the thir& one ("$ "n& $ho( them yo'r yo'r li$t li$t)) It #eel #eel$$ li%e li%e yo' yo' re*e re*e"l "le& e& "ll "ll thre threee tho' tho'gh ght$ t$ "$ "cc'r"te "$ the l"$t one) I# yo' yo' "re "re goo& goo& (ith (ith yo'r yo'r $(" ("mi mig gim immi mic% c% yo' yo' c" c"n n e*en e*en elimin"te the pee%CT) Ho(e*er I r"rely '$e thi$ 9per#ect #ini$h< "t "ll $ince I &e$igne& C6CAINE to !e prople$$ "n& p're) Th"t:$ it my #rien&$. An imprompt' min& re"&ing (ith no prop prop$$ (h"t (h"t$o $oe* e*er er th"t th"t #eel #eel$$ *ery *ery re"l re"l)) I# yo' yo' "re "re !r"* !r"*ee eno'gh yo' c"n go "n& per#orm thi$ !e"'ty imme&i"tely) ,'$t %eep in min& the #ollo(ing !"$ic $tr'ct're. 1) H"*e H"*e them them thin thin% % o# three three *ery *ery &i##ere &i##erent nt tho' tho'ght ght$$ 2) U$e $ome $ome %in& %in& o# o# proc proce$$ e$$ to conn connect ect (ith (ith them them /) Tell them (h"t yo' "re recei*ing (hile they "re concentr"ting Gyo'r initi"l impre$$ion$ 4) Pic% Pic% one o# yo'r yo'r impre impre$$ $$ion ion$$ "n& eplor eploree it toge togethe ther r 47
-) H" H"*e *e the them m tell tell yo' yo' the their ir e" e"ct ct tho tho'g 'ght ht 5) Rec"p Rec"p "n& "n& 9re# 9re#ine< ine< (h"t (h"t yo' yo' "lre" "lre"&y &y epr epre$$ e$$e& e& ) Repe"t 4) 4)5) 7) Rel" Rel" "$% "$% #or #or thei theirr rem"i rem"ining ning tho'gh tho'ghtt "n& "n& connec connectt the the &ot$ Gre#erring to yo'r initi"l impre$$ion$ ) Th"n% them; A$ I promi$e& to yo' here i$ " li$t o# (or%ing impre$$ion$ complete (ith epl"n"tion$. 9There i$ " motion. !"c% "n& #orth< Thi$ c"n !e liter"lly "nything mo*ing " (riting pen them pl"ying "n in$tr'ment Gcommon tho'ght; $ome %in& o# $port etc) !'t "l$o " met"phy$ic"l 9motion< (ithin " rel"tion$hip #or e"mple) 9There i$ " #'FFy $o'n& $'rro'n&ing me "lmo$t li%e " (hite noi$e *oice$< A #e( e"mple$ #or (hite noi$e "re. r"in the oce"n ("*e$ the (in& " !lo( &rier "n "ir con&itioner " mit're o# m"ny $o'n&$ electricity " g"thering o# people G*oice$) 4
9I $ee the color re&)< Lo*e p"$$ion "ggre$$ion "nger he"t #ire $'nri$e$'n$et " po(er l"mp "ny re& o!Bect) 9There "re $ome letter$ m"y!e " n"me K A "n& N or M)< The letter$ A "n& NM "re pretty common in n"me$ Ge$peci"lly #or #em"le$ !'t they c"n me"n "nything) 9I $ee $omething ro'n& or ro'n&i$h "n& $omething longi$h)< Thi$ i$ !"$ic"lly UNIJERSAL AN?THIN) =ith C6CAINE it (or%$ e*en !etter th"n "lone $ince o!*io'$ly yo' co'l& not e*en %no( they (ere thin%ing o# $omething *i$'"l) So "$ $oon "$ they 9'n&er$t"n&< (hich tho'ght o# tho$e three (e "re t"l%ing "!o't it "ppe"r$ li%e " hit) =e &on:t gi*e them " ch"nce to $"y no "$%ing 9=h"t i$ th"t< in$te"& o# 9I$ th"t correct REA>IN IN (ith (itho' o'tt t"%ing "ny ri$%$) 9=ho o# yo' ("$ !orn in the cooler $e"$on o# the ye"r li%e "'t'mn or (inter<
I# only t(o or three h"n&$ go 'p it:$ per#ect) Let:$ $"y the t"rget G(om"n "n& "nother m"n p't their h"n&$ 'p) 9?o' t(o Per#ect !ec"'$e I "m getting " cooler energy #rom thi$ item) I "l$o #eel " $trong #eminine *i!e $o thi$ m'$t !e yo'r$;< She (ill $(e"r th"t (e 8NE= (hen $he ("$ !orn !'t the tr'th i$ th"t =h"t i# the t"rget &oe$n:t hol& 'p her h"n& No pro!lem (e $imply $"y. 96%"y !ec"'$e I:m getting " ("rmer $en$"tion #rom thi$ item $o I c"n elimin"te yo' to !egin (ith)< =h"te* =h"te*er er they $"y yo'
"$ i# yo'
"lre"&y %ne( it) =h"t =h"t i# e*er e*eryo yone ne or no one one re"c re"ct$ t$ po$i po$iti ti*e *ely ly Then Then yo' yo' $imply re#ine yo'r #ilter) I# e*eryone ("$ !orn in the cooler $e"$on yo' "$%. 9=ho ("$ -/
!orn ne"r the en& o# the ye"r< or 9=ho ("$ !orn in the (intertime< I# no!o&y ("$ !orn in the cooler $e"$on it &oe$n:t m"tter) They They &on: &on:tt %no( %no( (hy (hy yo': yo':re re "$ "$%i %ing ng "n "n& & (h"t (h"t yo' yo' h"*e h"*e pl"nne&) ?o' co'l& $t"te. 9I:m getting the impre$$ion th"t thi$ item i$ $omeho( connecte& to the (intertime)o yo' remem!er the e"ct (or&$ I B'$t '$e& T"%e yo'r time "n& pic% 'p one o# the$e o!Bect$) T"%e yo'r time "n& K yo' too% the time (hich i$ the ("tch)< 2) I# they they pic% pic% 'p the the ("ll ("llet et &rop &rop yo'r yo'r h"n& h"n& "n& "n& rel" rel") ) Then $"y. 9Th"t i$ "m"Fing it "l("y$ (or%$) E*eryone goe$ #or the money :c"'$e money i$ "ttr"cti*e; See (h"t I (rote &o(n e"rlier< t'rn o*er yo'r pre&iction &one) /) I# the they pic% 'p the the mo!ile phone e*er $o $light ghtly "&B'$t yo'r h"n& "t yo'r e"r $o it loo%$ li%e yo' (ere c"lling $omeone) Then B'$t #reeFe "n& ("it 'ntil they notice it) In c"$e they cho$e the ("tch or the phone yo' &o " $econ& ph"$e (hich goe$ li%e thi$. Pic% 'p pen "n& p"per G!e c"re#'l not to #l"$h the (riting "n& preten& to (rite " pre&iction then #ol& 'p the p"per) 9No( th"t yo' %no( (h"t to loo% #or I h"*e to &o it " little &i##erently) Thi$ time pic% 'p t(o o!Bect$ (itho't thin%ing "n& K< 55
Then yo' $imply per#or #orm the ANNEMANN #orcem"gici"n$ choicee'i*o'e "n& re*e"l yo'r pre&iction) I# they pic%e& 'p ("tch "n& phone concl'&e (ith. 9K p't them them "$ "$i&e i&e;< ;< Then Then &r"( &r"( thei theirr "tte "ttent ntio ion n to the the rem" rem"in inin ingg o!Bect the ("llet) I# they pic%e& the ("llet "n& $ome other o!Bect $"y. 9K h"n& me one;< I# they h"n& yo' the ("llet "$% them. 9=hy &i& yo' h"n& me the ("llet< I# they %ept the ("llet "$% them. 9=hy &i& yo' %eep the ("llet< "n& p't the other o!Bect net to the one on the t"!le) I lo*e thi$ "$ " 'ic% opener $ince it i$ $o cle"n "n& #"ir !'t "l$o !ec"'$e o# it$ $ne"%y metho&) Let:$ t"%e " loo% "t the p$ychology !ehin& it. In one o't o# three $cen"rio$ it i$ B'$t one 'ltr"#" #"iir ph"$e) They choo$e the ("llet let "n& yo' pre&icte& it on " piece o# p"per (hich l"y in #'ll *ie( the 5
entire time) Ho(e*er i# they cho$e " &i##erent o!Bect yo' &emo &emon$ n$tr tr"t "tee ho( ho( yo' yo' in#l in#l'e 'enc nce& e& the the p" p"rt rtic icip ip"n "nt t '$in '$ingg (or&$!o&yl"ng'"ge) +or the $econ& ph"$e yo' h"*e to #orce the o!Bect (hich loo%$ not "$ $tr"ight #or("r& !'t there i$ " goo& re"$on #or th"t. ?o' o!*io'$ly h"*e to 9ch"nge $tr"tegy< $ince they (o'l& %no( (h"t to loo% #or "#ter the #ir$t ro'n&; >o not 'n&ere$tim"te thi$ piece) Try it o't once "n& yo' =ILL '$e it "g"in)
3"$e& on my o(n eperience I c"n tell yo' th"t it m"%e$ no &i##erence "t "ll (h"t %in& o# hypnotic in&'ction one '$e$ they "ll (or% #ine they "ll in&'ce " hypnotic $t"te) Ho(e*er $ome in&'ction$ L668 !etter th"n other$) Th"t i$ (hy I ("nt to $h"re (ith yo' my HEA> TAP IN>UCTI6N (hich i$ 'ltr"pr"ctic"l $ince yo' only nee&
to control yo'r
$'!Bect "n& th"t loo%$ etremely eleg"nt) 3y the ("y. I# yo' "re not " hypnoti$t yo' m"y '$e thi$
in&'cti in&'ction on #or the"tr the"tric" ic"ll p'rpo$ p'rpo$e$ e$ Gli%e Gli%e >ERREN 3R6=N o#ten &oe$) Ho(e*er yo' $ho'l& h"*e " !"$ic 'n&er$t"n&ing o# ho( hypno$i$ (or%$ (hen yo' &o thi$ !ec"'$e e*en i# not inten&e& yo'r p"rticip"nt might get hypnotiFe&) ?o' c"n &o thi$ $t"n&ing net to them or e*en #"ce to #"ce) Ho(e*er I recommen& yo' po$ition yo'r$el#
them "$
it i$ ("y more com#ort"!le) Here i$ the (or&ing. 9Thi$ 9Thi$ might might #eel #eel $tr"n $tr"nge ge !ec"'$e yo' c"n #eel it IN yo'r he"& K e*en (hen I let go yo' c"n $till #eel thi$
K "n& the
net time I to'ch yo' yo'r eyeli&$ (ill !ecome he"*ier "n& he"*i e"*ier er 'ntil they #in"lly $h't K "n& K SLEEP;< 3y the (or& 9$leep< yo' p'$h their he"& #or("r& (ith yo'r #inger th"t i$ "lre"&y in per#ect po$ition to &o th"t) Another !e"'ti#'l "$pect o# thi$ in&'ction i$. They &on:t nee& 5
" *i$'"l #oc"l point) They "'tom"tic"lly #oc'$ in("r&$ "$ yo' &r"( their "ttention in$i&e "n& to the !"c% o# their o(n he"&) Try it yo'r$el#. Concentr"te on the !"c% o# yo'r he"& #or " mome moment nt yo'r yo'r eye$ eye$ (ill (ill
Th"t "lone
L668S li%e yo' "re in " tr"nce $t"te; ?o' might "$%. =h"t &o they #eel IN their he"& "t the !eginning It &oe$n:t m"tter =HAT they #eel "$ long "$ they &o #eel $omething) Th"t ("y yo' $ee ho( (ell they re"ct to yo'r $'gge$tion$ $tr"ight "("y) Here i$ " cool metho& to en$'re they &o. =hen yo' "re to'ching their he"& IMAINE " $tre"m o# yo'r o(n energy #lo(ing thro'gh yo'r "rm (ri$t h"n& "n& #inger #inger right into their !r"in) ?o'r *oice "n& !o&yl"ng'"g !o&yl"ng'"gee (ill
comm'nic"ting thi$ ment"l im"ge to them) They =ILL pic% 'p on th"t $'!con$cio'$ly "n& (ill #eel it e*en i# it:$ $'!tle) THAT my #rien&$ i$ re"l ment"li$m;
Thi$ i$ " gre"t tool to cre"te the ill'$ion o# per#ect control) =ith it yo' c"n ch"nge the inten$ity o# *irt'"lly "nything) Im"gine !eing o't$i&e (ith #rien&$ (hen it $t"rt$ r"ining) No( "$ i# it (ere nothing yo' o!*io'$ly t"%e control o*er the the inte inten$ n$it ity y o# the the $ho( $ho(er er m"%i m"%ing ng the the &rop &rop$$ !igg !igger er or $m"ller) So'n&$ impo$$i!le It i$n:t) In #"ct the r"in i$ getting $lightly he"*ier or (e"%er !y it$el#) The inten$ity o# it ch"nge$ n"t'r"lly (e B'$t #r"me it "$ i# (e (ere controlling it) To &o thi$ (e m"%e '$e o# THE R6TAR? 8N63) No( (h"t i$ it A$ the n"me implie$ it "ct'"lly i$ " rot"ry %no! !'t "n im"gin"ry one) =e c"n t'rn it cloc%(i$e or "nticloc%(i$e) To control thing$ (e B'$t h"*e to t(i$t it in one &irection or the other) No( here come$ the $ecret p"rt. =e &o not pre&ict i# the r"in i$ going to !ecome $tronger or (e"%er) In$te"& (e $"y. 9I c"n ch"nge the 1
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