Nfpa 715-2023

March 22, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 ® NFPA cods, standards, rcommndd practics, practics, and guids ( (  NF NFPA PA Standard Standards s ), of whic which h th documnt containd hrin is on, ar dvlopd through a consnsus standards dvlopmnt procss approvd by th Amrican National Standards Institut. This procss brings togthr voluntrs rprsnting varid viwpoints and intrsts to achiv consnsus on r and othr safty issus Wil th NFPA administrs th procss and stablishs ruls to promot irnss in th dvlopmnt of consnsus, it dos not indpndntly tst, valuat, or vri vri  th acc accurac uracy y of any inrmation or th soundnss of anyjudgmnts containd in i n NFPA Standards Th NFPA disclaims liability r any prsonal injury, proprty, or othr damags of any natur whatsovr, whthr spcial, indirct, consquntial or compnsatory, dirctly or indirctly rsulting om th publication, us of, or rlianc on NFPA Standards Th NFPA also maks no guaranty or warranty as to th accuracy or compltnss of any inrmation inrmation publishd hrin In issuing and making NFPA Standards availabl, th NFPA is not undrtaking to rndr profssional or othr srvics r or on bhal bhalff of any prson or ntity. ntity. Nor is th NFPA undrtaking to prrm any duty owd by any prson or ntity to somon ls Anyon using this documnt should rly on his or hr own indpndnt judgmnt or, as appropriat, sk s k th advic advic of a comptnt compt nt prossional in dtrmining th xrcis of rasonabl car in any givn circumstancs Th NF NFPA PA has no powr, powr, nor dos it undrtak, to polic or nrc complianc with th contnts of NFP NFPA A Standards Nor dos th NFPA list, crti, tst, or inspct products, products, dsigns, ds igns, or installations r complianc with with this documnt Any Any crtication crtication or othr oth r statmnt of complianc with th rquirmnts of this documnt shall not b attributabl to th NF NFPA PA and is sol solly ly th rsponsibility of th crtir or makr of th statmnt


Users of NPA NPA codes, standards, recommended pra practi ctices, ces, and guides ("N ("NPA PA Standards) shoud be aware awa re that these documents may be superseded at any time by the issuance of a new edition, may be amended amend ed with with the issuance of Tentat entative ive nterim Amendments (TI (TIAs) As) , or be corrected by Errata. It is intended that through regular rvisions and amendments, participants in the NPA standards development process consider the then-current and available inmation on incidents, materials, technologies, innovations innovations,, and a nd metho methods ds as these develop over time and an d that NFPA NFPA Standards Standards reect this consideration. Therere, any previo previous us edition of this this document no n o longer represent representss the current NPA Standard on the subject matter addressed. NPA encourages the use of the most current edition of any NPA Standard [as it may be amended amend ed by TIA(s TIA(s)) or Errata] to take advantage of current experience experien ce and a nd understanding. An ocial NFP NFPA A Standard at any point in time consists of the curren currentt edition of the document, including any issued TIs and Errata then in eect To dtrmin dtr min whthr an NF NFPA PA Standard has bn amndd through through th issuanc ofTI ofTI or corrctd corrct d by Errata, visit th "Cods & Standards sction at a t nfpaorg.



Updatng of NFPA Standards Standards Users ofNF codes, stdards, st dards, recommended practices, and an d guides ("NFPA ("NFPA Standards) Standards ) should be aware that these documen� may be superseded at any time by the issuance of a new edition may be amended with the issuance of Tentative Interim mendments (TIAs), or be coected by Errta. It is intended that through regular revisio and amendments, participants participa nts in theNFPA the NFPA standards development process consider the encurrent and available inrmation on incidents materials, technologies, innovations, d methods me thods as these develop over ove r time and that NF Standards relect re lect this consideration. considerat ion. Therere, any previous p revious edition of this document docum ent no longer represents the current NF Standard on the th e subject matter addressed.NF addressed.NF encourages the e of the most current edition edit ion of anyNF Standard [as it may be amended by TIA(s) or Erratal to take advantage of current experience and understanding. A ocial NFPA Standard at any point in time consists of the current edition of the docent, including any issued TI and Errata then in e ect.  To determine whether anNFPA Standard has been amended through the t he issuance of TIAs or corrected by b y Errata, visit the  "Codes & Standards section at

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Copyright© 2022National Fire Protection sociation®. l Rights Reserved.

 ® 715

Stdard fr the


Istallation of Fuel Gases Detection

Warig Equipment

202 Edon

 This edion ofNF 715 Stan Standa dad fr the taa t aati tin n ofFuel ofFuel Gases Detec Detectin tin an and d Wing Equipment Equipment,,  was prepared by the Technical Committee on Fuel Gases Warning Equipment. It wa  was wass issued by the Standards Council on March 20, 2022,  th an eective e ective date of April 9, 2022.  This edition ofNFPA 715  was approved as an erican National Standard on April 9, 2022.

Orig d Development ofNF 715  There has ha s been inc·eased concern over fuel g  hazards after several recent major tal incidents inc idents involving combustible gas releases thin residential and commercial buildings that went unreported or undetected from its odor. ile early warning detection devices exist r el gases, the requirements r use, installation, and placement of detection devices to maximize eay warning detection capability r consumers are limited, and manufacturer's installation ins-uctions are generally inconsistent across the product category. As a result, even where fuel gas warning devices are installed, improper installation could jeopardize building occupant safety in the event of a el gas leak in the building or om leaks of el gas entering the building om a breach in exterior piping or storage system. TheNational TheNational Fire Protection sociation was petitioned to develop a document to produce consensus for technicalb5ed requirements r the use, installation, and placement of fuel gas detectors and related equipment. TheNF The NF Standards Council approved the  rmation of the th e Technical Committee on Fuel F uel Gases Waing Equipmen to develop this document.

NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered tademarks tademarks of the National Fire Ptection Association, Quincy Massachusetts Massa chusetts 02169.




Techical Coittee on Fuel Gases Warng Equipment Stephen M. Olenick, Cair Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc, MD [SE] Jayvanessn, CNIGuard, N [M] Mark S Boone, AES Insurance Seces Limited NJ [] Kren Crippen, Gas Technology Institute, L [U] Nick Dearing, CerPoint Energy, IN [IM]

David  Mills, UL LLC IL [RT] Larry Ratzlaff, Carrier/UTC/Kidde Saet Saety y L [M] Richard Richar d Jay Roberts, Honeell Fire Safty, IL [M] Noah Ryd Ryder, er, re & sk Alliance, MD MD [SE]

Gas Assoc Association iation (AG), DC [U] [ U] Luis Romeo Escobar, American Gas Murtaza  Gandhi, BakerRisk Engineering & Risk Consultants, Inc, TX [SE] Rick Heernan Heernan,, SDi NJ [M] Rep. National Electrical Manufcturers Association Fama Gam aJENSEN HUGHES, CA [SE] Renee M. Lani, American Public Gas Association DC [U] Ron rus, New Cosmos USA IL [M] Jim Loftus, Siemens NJ [M] Rep. Automatic Fire Alarm Association, Inc. Inc . Jmes Andrew Andrew Lch, 1e Fire Solutions Group PA [SE]

De L San, SoCalGas, CA [IM] Joel  Sipe, Exponent, Inc. CA [SE] Bruce J Swiec Swiecicki, icki, National Propane Gas Asso Associatio ciation n IL [U] Rep National Propane Gas Association Robert Torbin, Omega lex, Inc., M [M] Rick Trieste, Consolidated Edison Company o N, NY [M] Christopher Wagner, eris Propane, PA PA [IM] [I M] Ted Ted  Williams Williams,, Natural s Direct, LLC V [SE] Robert D Wilson, Northeast Gas Association N [IM] Mike Woznicki, US Electric, IL [M]

Alternates WayneJ yneJ Aho,Jr, Sieme Siemens, ns, ndtry ndtry Inc NJ [M (Al to Rick Hefernan) Christopher Creamer, DynaFire, F [M]

Stephen J Jordan, Fire And Risk Alliance LLC, MD [SE] (Alt to Noah Ryder) Scot R. Lang, Hone Honeell ell Internaonal Internaonal IL [M]

(Al to Jim Lofus) Howard Hopper, UL LLC CA [ RT] (Al to Dad E Mills) Nir Hussain, Combustion Science & Engineering, nc l [SE] (Al t Stephen M Olenick)

(Alt to Richard Jaycan Roberts) Stuart Saulters, American Ameri Public Gas Association Association DC [U] (Alt l Renee M Lani) Kazuaki Watanabe, Figaro USA USA Inc IL [M] (Alt. to Ron Lazarus)

Chad Duy, NFPA StafLiaiso Liaison n

Th it   te meeip a te lime  Committ was baoted on tena tex textt oftis editn.  Since tat tim, cangs cang s in te membeip membeip may av occud occud.. A k to ccat ccations ions found found at te back of te documt. NOTE: Membership Membership on a committee shall not in and o itsel constitute an endorsement en dorsement o the Association or any document developed by the committee on which the member serves Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility responsibility or documents on the installation, perrmance, maintenance testing, and use ouel gases warning equipment fr the protection ole property and mission continuity. This Commiee shall address the selection, installation operation and maintenance o fel gases warning equipmen







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Chapter Chapter 2 1 22 23 2.4 

2 Referen Ref erenced ced Pub Publc lcat atons ons     . .  Genera Gen eral. l. ............... ............................... ................ NF NF  Pub Publication licationss . .... ........ ........ ...... ....... .... Other Publicaons Publicaons.. ............. ....................... .......... Reerences or xtracts in Mandatory Sections. Sect ions.

7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5

Chapter 3.1 3.2 3.3

 Denons  General. ......................................... General. ........................................................... .................. NF Ofic Oficial ial Definitions Definitions. ......... .................. ................. .............. ...... General Definitions. Definitions. ......................... ....................................... ..............

7-5 7-5 7-5 7-6


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5.12 5. 12

Special Requirements or Low LowPowe Powerr Radio (Wireless) Systems. Systems. ........................

Notcaton Appla Applances nces for Fuel F uel Gs Detect Det ecton on Sy Syst stem ems s . ... ..  Application ............. Application ........................... .............. Purpose.. .............. Purpose ............................ .............. General Gener al ............ .......................... .................. .... Audible Characteristics. Characteristics. .................. Visual Vis ual Characteristi CharacteristicsPubl csPublic ic Mode. .. ... ... ..... ... Visual CharacteristicsPrivate Mode. Mode. .. ...... ..... . Supplementary Visible Visible Signaling Methods Metho ds.. . .. ... Texal Audible Audible Appliances Applianc es ........ .............. ...... Texal and Graphical Visible Appliances Appliances .. ... . Tactile Ta ctile Appliances Appliances ............. ................... ...... mergen me rgency cy Serv Services ices Inte Interac races es .... ........ ...... ..

Chapter 


6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 66 6. 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.111 6.1





Fundamentals Fundamen tals of o f Fuel Gs Detecton Systems  Application ........... Application ..................... .................. ........ Purpose Purp ose ......... ...................... .................... ....... q q pment ...... ......... ...... ......... ....... ...... ...... .. Personnel Qualifications Qualifications ........... .............. ... 

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4



7- 7- 7- 7- 7-8

7-42 7-42 7-42 7-42 7-42

Chapter 8 Inspecton, Inspec ton, Testng Testng,, and Mntenance     8.1 Application ............... Application ........................... ................. .....

7-42 42 7-4 7-






4.5 4.6 4.  4.8 4.9 4.1 4.11 4.122 4.1 4.13

Power Supplies. Supplies . ........ .................. .................... .......... Distinctive Signals. Signals . ............... .................... ..... Alarm Signa Signa ........ .................... ...................... .......... Super�sory Super�so ry Signals Signals ............... ..................... ...... Troub rouble le Signals Signals ....................... ............................ ..... Fuel Gas Control Function Staus us Indicators. Indicators.   Perormance Peror mance an d Limitations Limitations  ... ....... ..... ... Annunciation Annunci ation and Annun Annunciation ciation Zoning  . . Monitoring Integrity and Circuit Perrmance o Installation Conductors and Other Signaling Channels.. ........................... Channels Documen Docu mentati tation on .......... .................. ........






Protected Premses Fuel G Detecton Syst Sy stem ems s .. ..  Appli Ap plicati cation on. ....................... ................................ ......... General. Genera l. .................................... System Features. Features. ................. ........................... ..........

7-8 7-11 711 711 712 712 713 713

51 5.2 53 54 5 5


System Perormance and Igrity. Igrity. .... .......... ....... ... Perrmance o Initiating Device Circuits (DCs)  ................ .................................... .................... Perrmance o Signaling Line Circuits (SL) (SL )  ....................... .................................. ........... Perrmance o Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs) (NA Cs) . .................................... System Syst em Requirements Requirements.. .................... Signal Sig nal Annu Annuncia nciation tion .................... ....................... ... OPremises O Premises Signals Signals ....................... Protected Premises Fuel Gas Control Functions.. ................................. Functions .



5.7 .7  

58 59 510 511



8.2 8.3 8.4 85 86 8. 88

Gener General al ................... ................................ ............. Inspection Inspection. . .................... .............................. .......... Testing ........... Testing ......................... ...................... ........ Maintenance. ............ Maintenance. ............................ ................. . Records .............. Records ......................... ..................... .......... Single and MultipleStation MultipleStation Fuel s Alarms Alarms  Household Fuel s Detecon Detec on Syste Systems ms..  . ... .. .


7-42 7-43 7-43 7-43 7-46 7-46 7-51

7-24 7-24 7-24 7-24

9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 96 9. 9.8

Sngle- d Multple-Stat Multple-Staton on Alarm Alarms s and Household Fuel G Detecton . Application .............................. Application ................................ .. Purpose. .................................. Purpose. Basic Requirements Requirements.. ........................ Required Pr Protection otection.. ................. ....................... ...... Power Supplies. Supplies. ............................... quipme qu ipment nt Per Peror orma mance nce ................. Installation. ................... Installation. ................................. .............. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Maintenance . .... ..... ..

Chapter 9

7-59 7-59 7-59 7-59 7-59 7-60 7-61 7-63 7-64



Markings and Instructions Instructions.. ...................


713 714

Chapter 

7  34 7  34 7  34 7  34 7  34 7  36 7  39 7  39 7  39 7 40 7 40 7 40

Chpter 7 Off-Premses Sgnl Transmsson  .1 Application ........................ Application ............................................... .............................. ....... .2 General Gener al ..................... .......................................... ...................................... ................. 7.3  Prearranged Testing. Testing. ...................... ...................................... ................ .4 Operation and Record Keeping Keeping ..... ........... ............ ......... ...


Chapter 4


7-26 7-26 7-28 7-28 7-31 7-31 7-32







Annex A

Explanatory Materil l ... ...

Annex B

Dngers and Propertes ofFuel ofFuel Gses .


Annex C

Gudelnes for Emergency Responders .


Annex D

Inorma Ino rmaton tonal al Reference References s   . . 











NFA 75

occupants occupan ts to eith either er escape or take take other action and to summon aid where needed.

Standard for the

Installation of Fuel Gases Detection Waring Equipment


 2023 Eition Eition

22  The requirements provided by this standard shall address the means of signal initiation ·ansmission, notica tion, and annunciation; the levels of perrmance; and the reliability of fuel gas detection and warning equipment.  Applcation.   The requirements of this standd shall apply to the

 IMRTANT  IMRTA NT NO NO: : is NFP NFPA c cum umen en is ma ma  avible avible for u subjc sub jc o ior ior  is and gal gal dclaime e ices and dilaie appear in al publicaions cong is documen a m b  fo  foun und d ud e eading "Ior Noices d Dilaime ing NFPA Dilaime NFPA Sndas     can also also be be ved a nao naod dci ci or obined on reques requesm FPA. UPDAT, A,  F EIONS: Ne ediions of A  A codes, codes, sndas, remeed pract practes,  es, a uides (i.e., PA P A S Sdas) das) a lease leased d on seduled rs s. is ediion ma may y be supe supeed eded ed by a lar one, or i i  may be amended oui ou i of i hedu heduled led vision cle cle ough ough e in of naive In Amend Amendens ens (Ts). An oal o al NFPA NFPA Sa  a poin poi n in ime consiss of e curn ediion of e docuen, oge ogeer er w   all all Ts a Erra Erraa a in eec eec To ver a is cuen cuen  e cen c en ediion or o o dermine  i  has been amen amended ded by T or Er r, , plea ul ul e Naional Fi des® des® Sub Subi ion on Si Si or e "L "Lis is of A Cdes Cdes & Snd a wma.or a.ordoci. doci.  In ai aiio ion n  s and and Er Era a,, e cumen iormaion iormaio n pag pages es ao ilude e ion  sin  for alesr iividual cumen d  b inod in  develpmen of e  n. NOTI: An asterisk (*)  follong th the e number or letter designating a paragraph indicates that explanatory material on the paragraph c be und in Annex A.  A reference in brackets [ ] llong a section or paragraph indicates material that t hat has been extracted om another NFPA document. Ex·acted text may be edited r consistency and style and may include the 1·eviion of internal paragraph references and other rerences as appropriate. Requests r interpretations or revisions of exacted text shall be sent to the technical committee responsible r the source document. Inrmation on rerenced and ex·acted publications can be und in Chapter 2 and Annex D. Capter  Admsation  * Scope.

standard rd shall be concerned with li li safety and .  This standa protection of property.

installation of el gas detection d warning equipment, including the llowing: (1) (2)

Single and multiplestation multiplestation fuel gas alms Fuel gas detectors and their related stems and compo nents

2* Fuel gas detection and warning equipment shall not be used in lieu of re or carbon monoxide detection or warning equipment required by NFPA 72,NF 101, or NFA 5000. 4 Retroactivty. 4 Unless otheise noted, the provisions of this document

sha not be applied to cilities, equipment, struces, 0 installations that were existing or approved r construction or installation prior to the eective date of the document. 42 In those cases where it the is determined by the involves authoritya havin jurisdiction (AHJ) that existing siation distinct hazard to life or property, re·oactive application of the provisions of this document shall be permitted. 5 Equency 5 Nothing in this stdard shall be intended to prevent the use of systems, metho, devices, or appliances of equiva lent or superior qualiLy, sength, re resistance, eectiveness, durability, and safey over those prescribed by this standard. 52  Technical documentation shall be submitted to the A

to demonsate equivalency. 5 Systems, methods, devices, and applices sha be

approved r the intended purpose by the HJ. 6

Unt of Measure.

6  The units of measure in this thi s standard shall be presented in US customa1un customa1units its (i.e. (i.e.,, inch/pound units). 62 Where presented, International System (SI) units shall  follow the inch/pound uni5 in i n parentheses. 6 \Vhe1·e both systems of units are pesented, either s'tem shall be acceptable r satising the requirements in this stand ard.

a pplica 2*  This standard shall cover the selection, design, applica tion, installation location, perrmance, inspection, testing, and maintenance of e! gas detection and wning equipment in building and sctu1·es.

64 Where both systems of units are presented, both of the llowing shall apply:

  This standd shall contain requirements r the selec-

(1)  Users of this standard shall apply one set of units consis

tion, installation, operation, and maintence of equipment that detects concen·ations of fuel gases that could pose a l or property safety risk.


2* Purpose. 2  Th  The e purpose of this standard shall be to p1·ovide require-

ment r el gas detection and warning equipment intended to warn occupants of the presence of fuel gas in time to allow

tently. Users of this standard shall not alternate beeen units.

65  The values presented r meurements in this standard

shall beorcement. expreed with a degree of precision r application and e orcement.

2023 Edition




.6.6 It shall not be the intent that the application or enrce-

2..5  ISO Publicatios International Organization r Stand-

ment of the values pesented for measurements in this stand ard be more precise than the precision expressed.

dization, ISO Central Secretaiat, BIBC II, Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 40  1214 Vernie Geneva Switzerland.

.6.7* ere extracted text contains values expressed in only one system of units, the values in the extracted text shall be retained without conversion to preserve the values established by the responsible technical committee in the source document.

ISO 7731 gonomi - Da Dang nger er signa signa  public and a nd w w  a:   -Audty danger signa, 2003. 2..6 UL Publicatios Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pngsten ngsten Road, Northbrook, IL 600622096. 600622096.

UL 1484, Ridential G Detecto, Detecto, 2016.  Chapter 2 Referenced Publications 2. Generl The documents or portions thereof listed in this

chapter are referenced within this standard and shall be considered part pa rt of the ·equirements of th document. 2.2  NFA Publicatios National Fire Protection sociation,

1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 021697471.  7, NationalEltcal de®, 2023 edition. NFP 7, National Fre Alam and Signaling Code®, 2022 edition. NF 101 ®, L Le e Safe Code®, 2021 edition. NF 110, Stan Standa dadforEmeen and Standby Pow Ste, 2022 edition. NF 111, Stand Standa ad on Stod ! ! eccal Ener Ener Emegenc Emegencyy and a nd Standby 2022 edition. NFPAPower 170, Syste, Standardf or or  re S S  and Em Emeg egen     Symb Symbol ol, , 2021 edition. NF 1225, Standard Eme Emeg gen S Svic vic Communicatio Communicatio, , 2022 edition.  500?  Buildin Building g Constructio Construction n and Saf Safe e Code®, 2021 edition.

UL 1638, i ible ble Si Sia alin ling g Devic m F Fre re Alar and a nd Signalin Signaling g Syst ysts, s, Including Acc�s Acc�s  2016. U 197, Sinaling Devic Devic f fr h hee Hea Heang ng Impaired Impaired 2002, revised 2018.

UL 2075, G G and Vapor Detectrs Detectrs and an d Sensors, 2017. 2..7 2.. 7  Other Publicaos

Merriambster' Colleate Dictionary, 11th edition, Merriamebster, Inc., Springield, MA, 2003. ebster, 2.4 References for Extrac in Mandatory Sections.

A 72®, National r Ala and Siang Cod, 2022 edition. NF 21, Sand Sandard ardfor Chimne Chimne, , plac, nts, an and d Solid uelBui uelBuing ng Applianc, 209 edition. NFPA 1225, Sta Standa ndadfr en Sei Communications, 2022 edition. NPA 50 500 0 ? , Building Building Cotruction Cotruction and Safety Code®, 202 edition.  Chapter  Deios

2.  Other Publicatios 2..  ANSI Publicatios  American National Stand Standards ards Insti-

tute, Inc. (operations) 25 est 43rd Street, 4th Flo New York,  10036; (headquarters) 1899 L Street, Street,  11th Floor '"ashington, DC 20036.  ANSI S l , Eltausti - Sound Level Mete, 2014.  ANSI S3.41, Audibl Audiblee Emege Emegen n Evacuation (E (E2) 2) and a nd Evaation a with Relocati Relocation on Instructions  ESR), 2015. 2..2  ASCE Publicaons  American Society of Civil Civi l Engineers, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 201914400.

 ASCE/SEI 7, Mini Minimum mum Di Loa and a nd Assoated Critea for Buildin Buildin  and Ot Ot rr Structu Structus, s, 2016. 2..  Publicaos IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane,, Piscataway, NJ 088544141. Lane

IEEE 450, Recommended Pctice for Maintenance, sti sting, ng, and a nd Rlacement of nted LeadAcid Batte for Stationary A/licatio, 2020. IEEE 1106, Rcommended Pctice for Installation, Maintnance, Testi esting, ng, and R Rplacent placent of nted ckelCadmium Batteries Batteries for Stationary Aplications, 2015. TI

2..4 1310 Publicatios Telecommunications Indust Association, Nor Courouse Road, Suite 890, lington, VA 22201.

 ANSI/TIA 568C 568C.3, .3, Optical Fber Cabling Cabling Componen Componen Standa Standad, d, 2015.

. General The denitions nitions contained in this chapter shall apply to the terms used i this standard. Were terms are not dened in this chapter or within another chapte� they shall be dened using their ordinarily accepted meanings within the context in which they are used. MeaWebster' Colleate ction, 11th edition, shall be the source r the ordinarily accepted meaning.

Of cial Deitios .2  NFA Of .2.*  Approved.  Acceptable to the authority having jurisdicjuris dic-

tion. .2.2*  Authority Having Jurisdiction (q).  An organization, oce, or individual responsible r enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or r approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure. .2. Labeled Equipment or materials to which has been attac hed a label, symbol, or other idening mark of an organattached ization that is acceptable to the authority having jisdiction and conceed with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the mancturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or perrmance in a specied mner. .2.4* Listed Equipment, materials, or seices included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of p·oducts or se·vices, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evalua 

2023 Edition




tion of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets appropriate designated standards or has been tested and und suitable r a specied ed purpose. .2.5  Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement. 2.6  Sho  Should. uld. Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required. .2.7  Sta  Standa ndard. rd.  An NF Standard, the main text of whic which h

contains only mandatory provisions using the word "shall to indicate requirements and that is in a rm generally suitable r mandato reference reference by another standard o code or r adoption into law. Nonmandatory provisions are not to be considered a part of the requirements of a standard and shall be located in an appendix, annex, otnote, inrmational note, or other othe r means as permitted in the NF Manuals of Ste. Vhen used in a generic sense, such as in the phrase "standards development process or "standds development activities, the term "standards includes all NFPA Standds, including Codes, Standards, Recommended Practices, and Guides.

safety systems and that collects environmental data or perrms specic input ooutput oout put functions necessa necessa to the operation operation of safety ty system. system. [72, 2022] the le safe 6 Dwelling Unit. One or more rooms arranged r complete, independent housekeeping purposes, with space  eating, living, and sleeping; cilities r cooking; and provisions r sitation. (5000 2021 l ..7* ergency Response Agency (). Organizations

providing law enforcement, emergency medical, re, rescue, communications, and related SUpport seices. [ 225, 2022 8 ergency Response Response Plan Plan   A documented set of actions to address the th e planning r, management management of, and response to natural, technological, and manmade disasters and other emergencies. [72, 2022] 9 d-of-Lfe Signl  An audible signal, d d ering from the alarm signal, intended to indicate that the device has reached the end of its useful life and should be replaced. .0 Fireplace.  A hearth, re chambe� prepared area and a chimney. [2II 2019



 General Denitions

.. Frequency. Minimum d maximum time between

 *  Acoust  Acoustically ically Distinguishable Space (A (ADS) DS)  An emergency communications system notication zone, or subdision ision thereo that might be an enclosed or otherwe physically dened space, or that might be distinguished om other spaces because of derent acoustical, environmental, or use characteristics, such as reverberation time and ambient sound pressure level. (72, 2022

events. [72, 2022]

2  lrm. ..2 Fuel G Alarm  A singl single e or multiplestation el gas alarm intended r the purpose of detecting el gas and alerting occupants by a distinct audible signal comprising an assembly that incorporates a sensor, conol components, and an alarm notication appliance in a single unit operated om a powe source either located in the unit or obtained at the point of installation. ..2.2 Multple-Pose Am.  An alarm that incorporates detection capabilities for more than one hazardous condition, such as re, fuel gas, or carbon monoxide. ..2 on Alrm  A singlet singletation ation el g  alarm capable of being interconnected to one or more additional alarms so that the actuation of one caes the approp rte te alm signal to operate in all interconnected alarms. .2.4 aion Alarm  A fuel gas device comprising

an assembly that incorporates a sensor, control components, and an alarm notiction appliance in one unit operated om a power source either located in the unit or obtained at the point of installation. ..  Co  Combination mbination Syste System. m. See 3.3.31, Stem. .4*  Co  Communications mmunications Cen Center. ter.  A building or portion of a building that is specically congured r the primary purpose of providing emergency communications seices or public

safety sri sring ng point (PS (PSAP) AP) services to one or more public sety agencies under the authority or authorities having jurisdiction. [225 2022 supervi sed component of a life .5* Devce (Clss  A supervised safety system that communicates with other components of life

que. . F ... Week que Fftytw ftytwo o times per pe r ye, once per calendar week. [72, 2022] 2 Monh equenc. Twelve times per yea year, r, once per calendar month. [72, 2022] . Qa Fque. Four times per year with a minimum of 2 months, maximum of 4 months. (72, 2022 ..4 Semiaual Fque1 Tce per year with a minimum of 4 months, maximum of 8 months. [72, 2022 ...5 Annual Fque1. Once per year th a minimum mi nimum of 9 months, maximum 15 of months. [72 2022 .2* Fuel Gas.  Any number of gasses that, when combined

with an oxidizer (typically air or oxygen), could be burned to produce thermal energy. * Fuel-Gs-Burning ppliance  A dece that burns

gaseous fel. 4* Fuel Gs Control Function Interface Devce.  A l ted   ted fuel gas detecon detecon system component that directly inter in terces ces with the system that th at operates the  el el gas control cont rol nc  ncon. 5 Fuel Gs Conol Functions. Fuel gas control elements or systems that are initiated by the el gas detection stem d either increase the level of life saty for occupants or control the spead spead of the harmful effect effectss of el gas.

mpo .6* Fuel Gas Detection Control Unit (FGDCU).  A co mpo nent of the el gas detection system provided ith primary and secondary power sources, which receives signals om initting ting devices or other el gas detection control units, d processes these these signals to determine pt or all of the required fuel gas detection system output function(s). 7 Fuel Gs Detector.  A de\ de\ce ce having a senso sensorr that responds to el gas that is connected to an alarm control unit.

detector, r, ala .8 Fuel Gs Wrning Equipment.  Any detecto device, or material device, material related related to single single and multiplestatio multiplestation n alarms or household el gas detection systems.

2023 Edition



339 Gateway.  A device that is used in the tran transss ssson on of serial data (digital or alog) om the el el gas detection control unit to other building system control units equipment or networs and/or om other building system control units to the el gas detection control unit. 3320* Lower Explosive Limit (L). The minimum concentration of a gas in air that, if ignited, \ill propagate ame throughout the gasair mxture independently of continued application of the source of ignition; expressed as a percent by volume of gas in air also known known  the lower lammable limit (LFL)].

ard and designated as such by the authority having jurisdiction. [7 0] 333  Syst  System em 3 3 33 3  Combi Combinai naion on Fuel Fuel Gas De Deec eci i< < .  A el gas detection system in which components are used in whole  i n part, part , in common commo n th a nonel ga gass signali s ignaling ng system, sys tem, d in which components are not used as pt of a el gas detection system. 33 3 33 32 2** Combinaion Sys ysem. em.  A re re alarm system in which components are used in whole or in components i n part, in common with a nonre signaling system. 7 0]

332*  Non  Nonre required. quired.  A system component or group of components that is installed at the option of the owner and is not installed due to a building or re re code requirement. 7 02 3.3.22 Notication Applince.  A e ell gas system component such as a bell, ho loudspeaker, visual notication cation applice, or text display that provides audible, tactile, or visual outputs, or any combination thereof.

3323  Occupiabl  Occupiable. e.  A room or enclosed space designed r human occupancy. [7 0


33 3 33 33 3 Fi Fi  Ala Ala Sysm  A system or portion of a com bination system that c o nation ois is of components components and circuits arranged arran ged to monitoa nd annunciate the status of re alarm or supervisory signalinitiating devices and to initiate the appropriate appropria te respon response se to those signals. 7 202] 33 3 33 34 4 Fue Fuell Gas Gas Dec Decion ion m.  A system or portion port ion of a combination system that consists of a control unit, compo nent, , and circuits arranged to monitor and annunciate the status of el gas alarm initiating devices and to initiate the appropriate response to signals to protect life and property.

3324  Occupiable rea rea..  An area of a ci cilit lityy occupied by people on a regular basis. 7 0]

333 Household Fuel G ecion sm  A system of

332*  Of  Offf-Pr Premises emises Monitoring. Systems requiring transmission of signals to continuously attended loations providing supervising supervisin g station service monitoring.

devices that uses for a control unit toofproduce alarm signal in the household the ppose notinganthe occupants of the presence of concentrations of el gas that could pose a life safety risk.

3326  Operating Mode. 3326 33 26  Pva erat eratng ng de de..  Audi  Audible ble or o r visual visu al signaling only to those persons directly concerned th the implementation d direction of emergency action initiation and procedure in the area protected by the el gas detection system. 33 3 326 262 2 blic Opei Mo Mo  Audible or visual signaling to occupants or inhabitants of the area protected by the el gas detection system. 332 Protected Premises. Premises. The physical location protected by a el gas detection system. 3328*  Sleeping  rea. The area of a dwelling unit where the bedrooms or sleeping rooms are located. [7 0] 3329  Signal. 3329 33 29  Fuel Fuel Gas A A  Si Sil l  A signal indicating a concentration of e! gas at or above the alarm threshold that could pose a risk to the lfe safety of the occupts and that requires immediate action. 33 3 329 292 2 Superv Superviso iso Sina Sinal l  A signal indicating the need r action in connection \ith a prealarm condition, or in connection with the supervision of protected premises el gas sety functions or equipment or the maintenance features of related systems.

3332 Zone.  A dened area within the protected p rotected premises. A zone can dene  area om which a signal can be received, an area to which a signal can be be sent,   an area in which a form of control can be executed. 7 0] apter 4 Fundam Fundamentals entals of Fue l Gs Detection Detect ion S Stem temss

4  Application. 4 The basic nctions of a complete fuel gas detection stem shall comply th stem th the requirements of this chapter. chapt er. 42 The requirements of this chapter shall apply to el gas detection syste, equipment, and components addressed in 5 through 8 of th th   document. 42 Purpose. The purpose of el gas detection stems shall be primaily to provide notication of predetermined e>Osure e> Osure levels of el gas. 43  Equipment. 43 Equipment constructed and installed in conrmity with tlis standard standar d shall be listed in accordance th the llowing llo wing

(1) (2)) (2

Residential el g detectors and alarms shall be listed in accordce with UL 1484, Re Reide identi ntial al G Detecto Detecto . . Fuel g g detectors shall be listed in accordance acc ordance with UL 205, G and Vap!r Dettors and Se.

33293* Tuble nal  A signal initiated by a system or

432*  Co  Components. mponents.

device indicative of a ult u lt in a monitored circuit, system, or or component.

432 System components shall be installed, tested, inspected, and maintained in accordance accordan ce th the manuct manu cturer urer 's published instructions d is standard. 7:10.3.]

3330  Supplementary. A used in this standard, sumentary rers to equipment or operations not required by this stand

433*  All devices and appliances that receive their power om an an initiating device circuit (IDC) or signaling line circu circuit it

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(SLC) of a control unit shall be listed r use th the control unit. 7:10.3.3]

through training and experience that are acceptable to the  AH or meet the requirement of 4.4 4.4.3. .3.4. 4. 7:10 7:10.5.3.l .5.3.l ]

here no e gas detetion product listing standard exists, produc listed r re re alarm service shall be permitted provided all the requiements of this standard are met.

Testing Personnel. Testing personnel shall have owledge and experience experien ce of the testing requiremen  contained in this standard, of the equipment being tested, d of the test methods. That knowledge and experience shall be acceptable to the  or meet the requirement of 7:]



Personnel Qualications.


System Designer. Fuel gas detection system plans and speciications shall be developed in accordanc accor dance e th i iss standard standar d by persons pers ons who are knowledgeable and experienced in the design, application, installation, and testing of the systems. \ere available, state or local license regulations shall be llowed to determine qualied ed personnel. Depending on state or local license regulations, qualied ed personnel shall be permitted to include, but not be imited i mited to, one or more of the llowing  llowing

(1) Personnel who are ctory trained and certied ed r el g detection stem g stem desi design gn of the t he specic type and an d brand of system being designed and who are acceptable to the  (2) Personnel th experse in the design of el gas detection systems that e registered, licensed, N certied by state or local authority The system designer shall be identied on the system design document. 7: The system designer shall provide evidence of their qualications and/or certications when required by the AHJ. 7:] 7:10. 5.1.6] 4.4.2

System Installer.

Installation personnel shall be qualied or supervised by persons who are qualied in the installation, inspection, and testing of el gas detection systems.

Fuel gas alms that receive their prima power om a battery or plug into an AC receptacle shall be be permitted to be installed by the occupt of the dwelling unit in accordance th the manucture manuct urer' r'ss published instructio ins tructions. ns.

here availabl available, e, state or local lo cal licens l icens  e e regula regulations tions shall be llowed to determine qualied personnel.

Depending on state or local liceure regulations, qualied personnel shall be permitted to include, but not be limited to, one or more of the llowing (1) Persoel who are cto trained and certied r el gas detection system installation of the specic type and brand of system being designed and who are acceptable to the AHJ (2) Personnel with expertise in the installation of el gas detection systems that are registered, licensed, or certied by a state or local authority

The system installer shall provide evidence of eir qualications qualica tions and/or and/ or certications when requested by the AHJ.

[7: 4.4.3*

Inspection, Testing, Testing, nd Serce Person Personnel. nel.

shall be * Inspection Personnel Inspections perrmed by personnel who have developed competence* Service Personnel. Seice personnel shall have knowledge and experience of the maintenance and servicing requirements contained in this standard, stand ard, of the equipment being seiced or maintained, and of the servicing or maintenance methods. That knowledge and experience shall be acceptable to the  or meet the requirement of [7: Means of Qualication. Qualied personnel shall include, but not be limited to, one or more of the llong

Personnel who are ctory ained and certied r the specic type and brand of system being seviced (2) Personnel who are certied by a nationally recognized certication organization acceptable to the AHJ (3) Personnel who are registered, licensed, 01 cetied by a state or local authority to perform service on systems addressed within the scope of this standard, either individually or t·ough their aliation with an organization (4) Personnel who are employed and qualied by an organization listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for the servicing of systems thin the scope of this standard 7:] (1)*

Progrmming Personnel.

Personnel programming a system shall be certied by the system manufacturer. 7:10.5. 7: 3.5.1 l System installation personnel shall be permitted to con gure systems congure systems in e e eld per manuct manu ct· ·ers ' published instructions. [7:]

System end users shall be permitted to manage system operation per manufacturers' published instructions or training. 7:] Evidence of Qualication. Evidence of qualications shall be provided to the AHJ upon request. 7:1.5.3.6] 7:1.5.3.6]


Power Supplies.

4.5.1 Scope. The provisions of this section shall apply to power supplies used r el gas detection systems. 4.5.2 Code Conformance. ll power supplies shall be italled in accordance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 70. 7:10.6.2] 4.5.3

Power Supply Sources.

Power shall be supplied in compliance with either or 4.5.4. [7: l

Unless congured inpower compliance at least two independent and reliable supplieswith shall4.5.4, be provided, one prinary and one secondary. 7:] 7:] Each powe· supply shall be of adequate capacity · the application. [7:]

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Monitoring the integrity of power supplies shall be in accordance with 4.13.16. 7:


The power supply voltage and ampacity shall be in accordance accordan ce th the equipment manufactur man ufacturers ers installation instructions where the input volta voltage ge is no less than 8 5 percent or more  an an 110 percent of the equipment's equi pment's nameplate rating. 4..3.








(SEPSS). A SEPSS that is not arranged in accordance with of NPA 72 shall comply with all of the llowing (1) An SEPSS shall be congured gured in compliance th NF 111 r a Type 0 or U Level 1 system. m amum (2) The SEPSS shall be capable of powering the ma required system load. (3) The SEPSS shall have capacity in accordance  th 7:10.6.4. l J


 SEPSS shall comply with the requirements of 4.5.5. :10. 10.6.4 6.4.3 .3 J


4..4.3 Failure of an SEPSS shall result in the initiation of a trouble signal in accordance ac cordance th 4.9. 7:1.6.4 7:1.6.4.4 .4 ] 4..

Primary Power Supply.

4... Branch Circuit. The branch circuit supplying the el gas detection stem stem equipment equip ment (s) shall be suppl supplied ied by one of of the llong (1) Commer Commercial cial light and power accordance ance (2)  An enginedriven generator or equivalent in accord th, where a person specically cally ained in its operation opera tion is on duty at al l times an ged r (3)  An enginedriven generator or equivalent ranged cogeneration th commercial commercia l light d power pow er in accordance with w ith 4.5.10, .2, where a person speci s pecicaly caly trned in its operation is on duty at all times

The brch circuit supplng the equipment shall supply no other loads. [7:] 4...2*


Circuit Identication nd Accessibiliy.



Secondary Power Supply.

4..6. *

Secondary Seco ndary Power Supply for Protected Protected Premises Fuel G Detection Systems.

4..6.. The secondary power supply shall consist of one of the llowing (1) A storage battery dedicated to the el g detection system arranged in accordance with 4.13.16 (2) A automaticstarting, enginedriven generator serving the branch circuit specied in and arranged in accordance with, and storage batte·ies dedicated to the el gas detection system th 4 hours of capacity arranged arran ged in accordanc acc ordance e th 4.5.9 4..6..2 Seconda circuits tlat provide power to the control unit and are not integral to the unit shall be protected against physical damage. [7:10.6..3.2] 4..6.2


Were e a combination (re) system is used, the 4..6.2. * Wer secondary power supply capacity requirements shall comply with wit h and th those thos e of NFPA 72. here a combination el gas detection system is used, the secondary por por supply capacity requiremen  shall comply with and with the provisions of the applicable NF code or standard. p ower supply shall comply th both 4..6.2.3 The secondary power of the llowing (1) Have suci sucient ent capacity to operate the e ell gas detection detection system under quiescent load (i.e., system operating in a nonalarm nonala rm condition) for a minimum of 24 hours 24hourr period, be capable of operating (2)  At the end of the 24hou the el gas detection system d all notication appliances r 12 hours, unle otherse permitted or required by rough 4..6.2.2*

4..6.2.3.*  a minimum, battery calculations shall apply a correction ctor of 1.25 r aging to ensure the battery c meet its current demand at the end of ser ce li . :10.6..2.14 4..


The location of the branch circuit disconnectg means shall be be permanently identied ident ied at the control unit. :10.6. : 10.6..2.1 .2.1  The circuit disconnecting means shall be both of the llong llon g (1) Clearly marked (2)  Accessible only to authorized personnel



Mechanical Protection. The branch circuit(s) and

connections shall be protected against phical damage. 7:] 7:] Circuit Breaker Lock. here a circuit breaker is the disconnecting means, an approved breaker locking device shall be installed. 7:] 4...

Overcurrent Protection.  overcurrent protective device shall be provided in accordance th th N 70. [7:] 4...6

The seconda powervoice/alarm supply r communications inbuilding el gas detection system emergency seice shall comply with both of the llong (1) Be capable of operating the system under quiescent quiescent load r a minimum of 2 4 hours hours 24hour hour period, be capable of operating (2)  At the end of the 24 the system during a re or other emergency condition r a period of 15 minutes at maximum connected load 4.. The secondary power supply capacity for supervising station cilities and equipm equipment ent shall be capable of supportsupporting operations r a minimum of 24 hours. :10.6..2.5 4..


(A) The 12hour requirement shall be permitted to be reduced to 5 minutes where the system is monitored by a supervising visi ng station and emergency emergenc y response in accordance accordan ce th Chapter . util ize the minute provision () It shall not be permitted to utilize where .1.2 is utilized.

2023 Edition




For systems not addressed by through, the seconda' power supply capacity required shall include all power supply loads that are not automatically dconnected upon the transfer to the secondary power supply. Secondary Power Operation. Operation on seconda' power shall not aect the required perrmance of a fuel gas detection stem. 4.5.7*

Continuity of Power Supplies.

Batteries shall be insulated against groundfaults. [7:

Batteries shall be insulated to prevent short circuits between multiple cells. :

Batteies shall be protected om physical damage. :

Battery racks shall be protected against corrosion.

The seconda' por supply shall automatically provide power to the protected premises system within 10 seconds whenever the primy power supply voltage is inscient  rr required re quired system operatio operation. n. [7 [7 l 0.6.6 0.6.6.. l 

[7: If not located in or adjacent to the el gas detection control unit, the batteries and their charger location shall be permanently identied at the control unit.

The seconda' power supply shall automatically provide power to the supeising station cility and equipment \thin 60 second� whenever the primary power supply voltage is insuc insu cient ient for required system operation. 7:1 7:10.6. 6.2

Required signals shall not be lost, interrupted, or delayed by more than 10 seconds as a result of e primary power  ilure ilure.. (7:10. (7:10.6.6 6.6.3 .3

Battery arging. Battery chging equipment shall be provided to keep the battery lly charged under all conditions of normal operation. Storage batteries dedicated to the el gas detection system or an ESS arranged in accordance wi the provisions of NF 111 shall be permitted to supplement the seconda'

po por r supply to ensure required operation operation during the transfer period. er ere e  ESS is employed emplo yed in 4.5..3.1, a posi pos ive means  disconnecting the input and output output of the ESS system while maintaining continuity of power supply to the load shall be provided. 7:1 7:10.6. 6.3.2 4.5.8

Power Supply for Remotely Located Conol Equipment.

 Addit ional power supplies shall be comprised of a  Additional primy and seconda' power supply that meet the same requirements as those required r system operation with 4.5.1 through 4.5. and 4.13.16. * The location of remotely located power supplies shall be identied at the master control unit. [7:

The master control unit display shall be permitted to satis sati s the requirement of 4.5 4.5.8. .8.2. 2. [7:10.6 10.6..8.3 ] The location of remotely located por supplies shall be identied on the record dra\ dra\ings. ings. [7:


Storage Batteries.

Marking. Batteries shall be mar ma rd with wit h the month d year ye ar of manufacture using using the month/year rmat. : :]] Were the battery is not mark marked ed with the month/ year by e man acturer, acturer, the installer shall obtain the datecode and mark the batte with the month/year of batte' manucture. (7:


Battery chging equipment shall be provided to recharge batteries thin 48 hours after lly charged batteries have been subject to a single discharge cycle as speied in (7: The batte' cha·ging equipment operation shall not dage the battery. 7:10.6.0.3.3 Batteries shall be charged by listed mes. [7:*

Provisions r repair or or replacement of iled battery charger equipment shall be maintained at super sup ersing sing stations and used to t o restore operation prio to depletion of onehalf onehalf of the battery capacity. [7:]

Overcurrent otection. Overcurrent deces shall be provided to protect the batteries om excessive load current. : Metering. The batte' charging equipment shall include integral meters or readily accessible terminals so t portable meters can be used to determine battery voltage and charging current. (7:]

Monitoring Inteity ofBattery ofBattery Charging Equjpment.

Means shall be provided to detect the failure of a batte charger charger.. 7:1 7:10.6.10 .6.l  Failure of the battery charger shall result in a trouble signal in accord accordance ance \th \th Secti Section on 4.9. 4.9. 7:] 7: ] 4.5.10

Engine-Driven Generators. Application a Instllation. The application d installation of enginedriven generators shall be as specied in through 4.5.10.. [7:]

Primary Power Supply. Enginedriven generators arranged as the primary supply shall be designed in an approved manner. 7: 7 :10 10.6 .6.. l l.2 l.2.. l ]

Storage batteries shall comply c omply1 wi the requiremen requirements ts of ticle 480 of NF PA 70. (7: (7: ]  the Storage batteries shall be located so that the el gas detection equipment, including overcurrent devices, is not adversely a ected by battery gases. Enginedriven generators arranged as the primary supply shall be installed in  approved maer. [7:]

 Edition



4.5.0.3 Secondry Power Supplies. 4.5.0.3.l Enginedriven generatos used to provide secon-

dary power r a protected fuel gas detection system shall comply with the requiremen requiremen r a Type 10 Class 4 Level 1 System in Chapter Chapter 4 of NFP NFP l l O. 4.5.0.3.2 Itallation of enginedriven generators used to provide secondary power r a el gas detection system shall be in accordance with ticle 00 of NFPA 70. 4.5.0.4 Performance, Operation, Testing, and Mntenance.

The Th e requirement r perrmance, operation, testing, and maint enance maintenan ce of enginedriven enginedriven generatos generatos shall conr con rm m to the applicable applic able provision provision so soff NFP NFP 110. 7 7:10 :10.6.11 .6.11.4 .4 4.5.0.5 Capaty. The unit shall be of a capacity that is s-

cient to operate the system unde the maximum normal load conditions in addition to all other demands placed upon the unit. [7: 4.5.0.6 Fuel. Unless otherwise required or permitted in d, el shall be available in storage scient r 6 months of testing plus the capacity specied ed in 4.5. 4. 5.6. 6. 7 7:10 :10.6.l .6.l l .6] 4.5.0.6. l I a reliable soce of supply is available at any time on a hour notice, it shall be permitted to have el in storage


shall be distinctive from alarm signals except as permitted in 4.6.3. 4.6 .3. 7: 10.10.6 4.6.6  here a el g detection stem is combined with either a re alarm system or an intrusion detection system trouble signals om each system shall be permitted to use a common audible signal. 4.7 Alarm Signals. 4.. Fuel gas alarm alar m signa shall comply co mply with 5.8. 6.5. 4.7  alarm signal at has been deactiv deactivated ated at the protec-

ted premi premises ses shall shall comply with with 4...1 4...1 and 4. 4.. .2. 2.. . 7:1 7:10.l 0.l l .8 4..2. .2.ll The audible an d visible alarm signal signal at the contro controll unit only shall automatically reactivate every 4 hours or less until alm signal conditions are restored to normal. [7:10.1 [7:10.11.8 1.8.1 .1 ] 4. 7 7  Th The e audible audible and visible alarm signa signall shall operate until

it is manually silenced or acknowledged. 7:10.11.8. 7:10.11.8.  4. .3 Fuel Ga larm Notcaon Applince Deactivaon. 4. .3.l * Wen an occupt notication alarm signal deactaa-

tion means isis actuated, actuated , both audible and visual notication noti cation appliances shall be simultaneously deactivated. [7:10.1. 4..3.2 The fuel gas alarm notication deactivation means

scient r 1 hours of operation at ll load. [7:] [7:] 4.5.0.6.2 Fuel systems using natural or mantured gas supplied through utility mains shall not be required to ha alternate el storage tan unless located in Seismic Risk Zone 3 or greater as dened in ASCE/SEI , Minimum Dgn Loads

shall be keyoperated or locatedprotection within a locked or ranged to provide equivalent againstcabinet, unauthorized use.

and Assoated Ctteea a fo Building and and Other Stctus. Stctus.

4. .3.4 Subsequent activation of addressable alarm initiating

4.5.0. Battery and Chrger.

devices of a di di erent type in the same room or addressable alarm init i nitia iang ng devices in a di erent room roo m on signaling line circuits shall cause the notication appliances to reactate. ate. [7:10.1.5.]

4.5.0. .  A separate storage batte and separate automat automatic ic

charger shall be provided pro vided r starting the t he enginedriven enginedriven generagenerator and shall not be used for any other purpose. [7:10.6.11..1 [7: 10.6.11..1 J

4. .3.3 The means shalJ comply th the requirements of

4.1.1. 7:10.12.4]

4..3.5 4. .3.5  A e ell g g alarm notication deactivation means that

of NFP NFP l l O. 7:10. 7:10.6.11 6.11. ..] .]

remains in deactivation position when ere is no alm condition shall operate an audible trouble notication appliance until the means is restored to normal.

4.6 Distinctive Signls.

4..3.6* Resetting of ala signals shall comply with

4.6.l Fuel gas alarm signals and el gas detection system


supevisory and trouble signals shall be distinctively and descriptively annuniated.

4.8 Supervisory Signals.

4.5.0..2 The battery shall sha ll be sized in accor a ccordanc dance e th 5.6.4

4.6.2  Audible alm notication cation appliances r a el g25

5.8 6.1 6.4 6.7 7

51 54 57 60 64 67 70 73 76 76 + h*


51 51 51 51 51 51 51 

51 51 51 51 51 51 51 54 

60 64 


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76

3 3 3 3 3 3 3\ 3%

76 76 76 76 76 76

67 70 79  73 76 83 3 3! 79 7 .3   86 3 83 7.6 3�  89 3, 3� + h* 3 + h* >7.6 3Y, + h* 83 + h* 89 + h* *For each foo ofhorizonal viewng ditance greaer an 5 f 6 m), add  in (3 mm) to he character or symbol heigh [72:Table 18.9.4.







apter 7 O-Preises Signal Transission

7.4 Operation and Record Keeping.

7. Application.

7.4. The operation, stang, and recordkeeping r a supervising station shall be in accordce with NFPA 72.

7. The perrmance installation, and operation of el gas detection systems at a continuously attended supeising station or a communications center and between the protected premises d the receivin station shall comply th the requirements of this chapter.

7.4.2 The operation operat ion,, stang,  d d recordkeeping recordkeep ing r a communications center shall be in accordance with NF 

7..2* Communi Communication cation om the fue fuell gas detection system equipment equi pment to a receiving location other othe r than as as required by      shall be both of the following:

(l) )

Perm Pe rmit itte ted d Not required to comply with the requirements of this chapter

7.. The requirements of Chapters , 5, and  shall also apply unless they the y are in conlict th this chapte 7.2 General. Connections to supervising stations or communications centers shall be in accordance with this chapter.

Chapter 8 Inspection, Testing, nd n d Maintenance 8. Applicaon. This chapter covers the requiremen5 r the inspection, testing, and maintenance of el gas alms, detectors, systems, and teir components. 8.. More stringent inspection, testing, or maintenance procedes shall be permitted. 8.2 Inspection testing and maintenance programs shall encomp5 enc omp5ss all of the llon ng: g: ) )

7.2. Signals. 7.2.. Alrm Signl Priority and Disposition. A el gas alarm signal shall take precedence over supervisory or trouble


omplia nce with the requirements ompliance requirement s of ts chapter cha pter Conrmity  th the equipme eq uipment nt manucers published instctions Verication Veric ation of operation of tle el gas alarms, detectors, syst sy stems, ems, and their components

signals. 7.2.. The actuao on n of a el g detector or system shall be distinctively indicated as a el gas alarm signal.

8. The use of alteative test methods or testing devices shall be permitted, provided such methods or devices are equivalent in eectiveness and safety and meet the intent of the requirements of is chapter.

7.2..2* Servici Servicing ng of a stem stem in alarm that tha t cannot be eset shall comply t th h both of the llowing:

.2 General.

) )

Be in acco1dance with Chapter  Occur thin  hours of the uel gas alarm signal

7.2..2 Fuel Gs Detection System Trouble Signal Disposion. 7.2..2. Upon receipt of a el gas detection system trouble signal, the responsible party(ies) shall be notied. 7.2..2.2 Servicing of a system system in trouble shall s hall comply com ply th th both of the llowing:

(l) )

Be in accordance  th Chapter  Occur within  hos of the trouble indication

7.2.2* Supervsing Stion. Upon receipt of a el gas alarm signal, supervising station personnel shall perrm the llowing actions in the order listed:

(l) )

Immediately retransmit indication of the el gas alarm signal to the communications center Contact the responsible party(ies) in accordance with the notication plan

7.2.* Emergency Response Agency (E). e1e a el gas alarm signal is transmitted directly to a communications center, communications communicati ons center personnel perso nnel shall perform the llon ng g actions in the order listed:

( l) )

Follow standard operating procedures Contact the responsible party(ies) in accordance with the

notication plan 7. Prearranged Testing. ere the signal results om a prearranged test, the action required by  and  shall not be required.

8.2. Responsibilities. .2.. The property propert y or building or system system owner or the owner's designated representative shall be responsible r inspection, testing, and maintenance of the system d r alteratio or additions to this system. [72:] 8.2..2 h here ere the property owner is not the occupant, the property owner shall be permitted to delegate the authority and responsibility r inspect inspecting, ing, testing, and maintaining the el gas detection stems to the occupant, management rm

or managing individual individu alor through speci cconact. specic provisions in the lease, provisions le ase, written use agreement, management 8.2.. Inspection, testing, or mntenanc ntenance e shall be permitted to be done by the building or system owner or a person or organization other than the building or system owner if conducted under unde r a written written contract. [72:] 82..4 Where the t he building or system system owner has delegated any responsibilities r inspecting, testing, or maintenance, a copy of the itten delegation required by  shall be provided (72 2   l to the H upon request. (7 82..5* Servce Personnel Qualifcations and Experience. Service personnel shall be qualied and experienced in accordance with the requirements of  [726 .2.2* Notifcation. .2.2. Bere proceeding with any testing, all persons and cilities receivin alarm, supeisory, or trouble signals and all building occupants shall be notied of the testing to prevent unnecessy unnecess y response. 72:]

2023 ditio dition n  


222 22 2 Th Thee ow owner ner or the owner's owner's designated representa representative tive and seice personnel shall coodinate system testing to prevent interruption of critical building systems or equipment. [72 14..4.3  [72 2 System Documentation Pri Prio o to system system maintenance or testing, e record of completion d e inrmation regarding the system and system alterations, including specications, wiring diagrams, and loor plans, shall be provided by the owner or a designated representative to the service personnel upon request. 2* Test Plan. 2  A test plan shall be developed to 2 to clearly establish the scope of the testing for the re alarm or signaling system. [7214..10.1] 22 The test plan and results results shall b e documented  th the testin tes ting g recor records. ds. [72 14. .1 0. ]  Ispection   * Unless otherse permitted by 8.3.  8.3 .,, visual visual inspectio inspectio shall be performed in accordance with the schedules in Table 8.3.1 or more often i req requir uired ed by the A [721 [7214. 4. 3. 1] 2 Devi Devices ces or o r equipment lat is inaccessible r safety safety considerations (e.g., continuous process operations, energized elec·ical equipment, radiation, and excessive height) shall be permitted to be inspected during scheduled shutdowns if approve appr oved d by the A AJ. J. [72 [ 721 14. 4.3. 3.   Extended inteals shall not exceed 18 mons. [72 14.3.3] [72  Initial and reacceptc reacceptcee inspections shall be made to ensuree complia ensur compliance nce t th h approved desi document and to ensure installaon in accordance with this standard and other required installation standards. [72 14.3.4]  Periodic visual inspections in accordance with Table 8.3.1 shall be made to assure that there are no changes that aectt equipment perfor aec performanc mance. e. [72 [ 721 14. 4.3. 3.5] 5]  Testing  Iitial Acceptance Testing  All new systems shall be inspected and tested in acc acc dan dance ce wit with h the requirement requirementss of of Chap Chapter ter 8. [72 [7214 14.4. .4. 1 . 1 ]  2  2 The AJ AJ shall shall be notied not ied prior to the initial accepttest st.. [72 [72 14. 4.1 .] ance te 2* Reacceptance Test Testing ing  2 en a 2 an n initiating initiating dev device ice notication appliance or control relay is added, it shall be f f ction ctionally ally tes tested ted.. [7214.4..1  22 en an 22 an ang ang device, device, noticao noticaon n appliance, appliance , or control relay   deleted, another another devic devicee , appliance, or control control relay on the circuit shall be operated. [7214.4..] 2 hen  hen modications or repairs repa irs to conol con hardware are made, the control equipment shallolbeequipment tested in accor ac corda danc ncee th Tab Table le 8.4.3, 8.4.3 , items items ( 1 ) and ( 4) . [72 [7214.4 14.4..3 ..3


2 2  When changes are made made to sitespecic sow sowe e,, the following shall apply: ( 1 ) All nctions known known to be b e aected ected by the change, or identied by a means that indicates changes, shall be tested end to end om the aected sensor(s) to nal action(s). (See 8.2.4.)



In addition, 10 perc percent ent of initiating device devicess that are not directly aected by the change, up to a maximum of 50 devices, also shall be both of the llowing: (a) Tested (b) Veried r correct system operation A revised record of completion compl etion in accodance th 4. 14 14.. l . 4 shall be prepared prepared to relect relect these chan changes. ges.

2* Changes to the system executive soare shall requie at least a 10 percen pe rcentt functional functional test of the system, including a test of at least one device on each input and output circuit to veri critical system nctio such as notication appliances applia nces control cont rol nc nco ons, ns, and opremises reporting. repor ting. * Test Meods. Fuel gas detection systems and associated equipment shall be tested according to Table 8.4 8 .4.3 .3.. * Testing Frequency Unless otheise permitted by other sections of this standard, testing shall be perrmed in accordance schedul es Tablee 8.4. 8. 4.3, 3, or more oen if required by with thee AH th Ae H. schedules [72 14 14.4 .4.4 .4in Tabl  * Devi Devices ces or equipment that are inaccessible r safet safety y considerations shall be permitted to be tested during scheduled shutdo s hutdow w if approved approve d by the AH AH.. 2 Extended interv intervals als shall shall not exceed 18 months.  If automa automatic tic testing is performed at least weely by a remotely monitored el gas detection conol unit specically listed r the application, both of e llo llon ng g shall apply: ( 1 ) The manual testing equency shall be permitted to be extended to annually. () Table 8.4.3 shall apply.  Functional Test Test of Fuel Ga Detectors  Fuel g detector tests shall be perrmed at initial acceptance and annually by the introduction of el gas into the sensing chamber or element.  2  elecon 2 eleconic ic check (e.g (e .g.,., magnets, alog alog values, etc etc.).) shall not be b e su sufcient fcient to comply th is requirement.    The functional test shall be per perrmed rmed in accordance with e manucturer's published insuctions. * The result of each fuel fuel gas detector test shall be conrmed through indication at the detector and the control unit.  l lll tests and resu results lts shall be recorded. recorded.  Maintenance.   Fuel gas detection system equip  equipment ment shall be mainmaintained in accordance with the manucer's publ hed hed instructions.

2023 ditio dition n  



Tle 8.3.1 8.3 .1 V Inspection Fre Frequencies quencies



l equipment

Inial Acceptance x

Periodic Frequency



Ensure there are no changes that aect equipment perrmance. Inspect  rr building modications, modications,


8. 3 . 4

occupancy changes, changes in environmental conditions, device location, physical obstructions, device 0·ientation, physical damage, and degree of cleanliness. 2. 

Control equipment: ( 1 ) Fuel gas gas detection detection systems systems monitored r alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals (a) Fuses (b) Interced equipment (c) Lamps and LEDs (d) Prima (main) power supply ( e) Trouble signals (2) Fuel gas detection systems unmonitored r alarm, supeiso, and trouble signals (a) Fuses (b) Interced equipment (c) Lamps and LEDs (d) Prima (main) por supply ( Trbl inl




Emergency voice/ala voice/alarm rm mmnitin quip quipmnt mnt








Batteries ( 1 ) Valv Valve-regulated e-regulated lead-acid lead-acid () batteries (a) General

(b) Marking

Veri a system normal condition.

x x x x x

nual Annual Annual Annual Annual Veri a system normal condition.

x x x x x

Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly 'kl



Veri location and condition.

4.5.9 x




Ensure month and year of manucture is marked i the month/year rmat on each battery cell/unit. Veri tightness of battery connections. Inspect terminals r corrosion, excessive containerIcover distortion, cracks in cell/unit or leaage of electrolyte. Replace any battery batt ery cell/unit f  coosion, distortion, or leaage is oeed. Veri marking of the month/year of manufacture on each battery cell/ unit. Replace y cell/unit if alarm equipment manufacturers replacement date has been exdd.


2023 dition  


Tle 8.3.1



Component (2) Primary (d cell) other th

Initial Acceptance x

Periodic Frequency


those used in low"power radio (wireless) systems in accordance with Chapter 5



Veri mking of the month/year of mnucte. Replace if alm equipment/batte manucturer's replacement date has been exceeded. Replacement date not to exceed 12 months. Veri tightness of connections. Inspect r corrosion or leakage. Replace any battery cell/unit if corrosion corrosion or lekage is obseed.


Remote nnunciators


Semnnual nnual

Vri lotion and ondition.


Notication appliance circuit power extenders



Veri proper se ratings,   any any.. Veri that lamps and LEDs indicate normal operating status of the equipment.

Section 4.5


Remote power supplies


Semnnual nnual

Veri proper se ratings, if any. Veri that lamps and LEDs indicate normal operating status of th quipmnt.

Section 4.5


Transient suppressors



Veri location and condition.

1 3.



Fibepti ae onnetions



Veri location and condition.


Initiating devices

Veri location and condition (all devices).

( 1 ) Fuel gas air sampling

(a) General


(b) Sampling system pipg and sampling sampl ing ports



Veri at in-line lters, if ny, are Veri clean. Veri that sampling sampl ing system piping and ttings are installed properly, appear airtight, nd are peanently Conrm that sampling pipeed. is conspicuously identied. Veri that sample ports or points are not obstructed.

(2) Fuel gas duct detectors

(a) General


(b)) Sampli (b Sampling ng tube tube


(3) Elecomechanical 1·eleasing





devices ( 4) Surio signal di

Semnnual nnual

Veri that detector is rigi rigidly dly mounted. Conrm that no peneations in a return air duct exist in the vicinity of the detector. Conrm the detector is installed so as to smple the airstream at the proper location in the duct. Veri Veri  proper 01ienta 01ientation. tion. Conrm the sampling tube pro·udes into the duct in accordance with system design.


2023 dition  



Tble 83


Component 16.

Fuel gas alarm conol interce and carbon monoxide emergency conol nction interface


Notication appliances

Initial Accepnce

 1 ) Audible appliances 2) Audible textual notication appliances 3) Visual appliances (a) General (b) Candela rating


Periodic Frequency




Veri location and condition.

Veri location and condition (all applices). x x

Semiannual Semiannual

x x

Semiannual ri ha th andla raing mking agr with th approd drawing.

6.5.5 6.5.5

Note: N/A N/A � not applicable applicable no minimum requiement established. established. For other than VRLA or primary (dry) cell batteries refr to the battery manufcturer's published instructions instructions or IEEE 450, Recomm commndd ndd Pli Plifor for Maintnan, ing, and Ramt of nld Lad-Aid Lad-Aid Ballrfor BallrforSlal Slaln nay  ay A Jj  ialions ialions,, fr ved lead-acid batteries; and EEE EEE l 106 ommnd Pratfor Instaation Mainlnan, Tstin Tsting, g, and Raml of Vnt Nk-Cadmium Battrsfor Stationa> Stationa> Aialion fr nickel-cadmium batteries.

82 Resetting. 82 Fuel gas apparatus that require resetting to maintain normal operation shall be restored to normal as promptly as possible ter each test and ala and kept in normal condition for operation.

requirements of, if the devices have been tested as part of the normal el gas alm alm testing.

82 If opremises premises monitoring is provided, records of signals, tests and operations recorded at the monitoring center shalll be maintained r not less than 12 months. shal

822 All test signals received shall be recorded to indicate date and time.

82 Upon request, a hard copy record shall be available r examination by tle AH].

8 Records.

82 Paper or eleconic media shall be permitted.

8 Permanent Records. After successl completion of acceptance tests approved by the AHJ, the requirements in and shall apply. [:14.6.1 l

8 Sin Singlegle- and Mu Mutiple-Station tiple-Station Fuel G Aam.

8 A set of reproducible asbuil asbuiltt installation installati on drang ngs, s, operation and maintenance muals, and a written sequence of operation shall be provided to the building owner or the :14.6. 1. l owner's designated representative. f :14.6. 82 The system owner shall be responsible r maintaining these records r the le of the system r examination exam ination by y y A. Paper or eleconic media shall be permitted. [: [ :]

8 Sing Single le and multipl multiples estati tation on fuel g alarms and all connected appliances shall be inspected and tested in accordance th the manuers published ins·uctions at least monthly. 82 Alms shall be replaced in the llowing instances: 1) 2)

When either te endoflife signal is activated or tle manucrer' manu crer'ss replacement ate is reached When Whe n te te alarm ils ils to respond to t o operability tests

82 Records shall be retain re tained ed until the next test tes t and and r 1 year thereafter. (:]

83 y combination combination of smoke/c smoke/carbon arbon monoxide/ monoxide/el el gas alarms shall be replaced when the endofli signal activates or 1 0 yes om the date of manuce manuce,, whichever whichever comes rst, unless oterwise provided by the manufacters published instctions.

822 A record of all inspections, testing, and maintenance shall be provided in accordance th Fire f : 14.6 .2.4 ]

8 \here batteries are used as a source of energy r alarms, the batteries shall be replaced i acco1ance with the alarm equipment manu manucrer crer's 's published insucti insuctions. ons.

The system shall be shall by a placard sticker or 823 otherr means othe to indicate theidentied next regularly scheduled schedule d inspection period pe riod in acco1ance th Figure

8* The occupant of a dlling unit shall be deemed qualied to perrm inspection, testing, and maintenance on singlean multiplestation el gas alarms and all connected appliances protecting that dwelling unit when provided with the mucturer's published insuctions.

82 Maintenan Maintenance, ce, Inspection, Inspection, and and Testing Testing Records.

82 The existing means mean s of indicating th the e next regularly

scheduled inspection period shall be permitted, instead of the

 n  



Tale 84 84.3 .3 Tes Testn tn

Component l

ll quipmnt


Control equipment and transponder

Peodic Frequency




(2) Fuss

x x

Annually Annually

x x

Annually Annually

Ful gas detection control unit trouble signals ( I ) Audible and visual visual



2) Disconnect stches



(3 ) Gro Groundund-faul faultt monitoring circuit



( 4) Transmission of signals to o-premises location



( 4) Lamps and LEDs (5) Primary (main) powr supply

Method S Tabl 83.1.

( 1) Func Function tionss

(3) Interced quipment


Initi Acceptance

Veri correct rceipt of alarm, supervisory and troubl signals (inputs) ; operati operation on of ecuation ecuation signals and ailiary functions functions (outputs); circuit suprvision including detction of open circuits and ground fats; fats; and power supply supervision supervision r detection of losss of ac powr and disconnection los disconnect ion of secondary batte s. s. Vri rating and suprviion Veri intgrity of singl or o r mulple circuits providing interce betwen two or more control co ntrol uni u ni. Tst intrfacd eqpmnt connections by oprating or simulating opration of the equipment being suprsed. suprse d. Vri signals rquird to b transmittd at the control uni Illuminate lamps and LEDs. Disconnect and tst all secondary (standby) powr under maimum load including all alarm appliancs rquiring simultanous opration. opratio n. Reconnect all secondary secon dary (standby) (stand by) power at end of test Test redundant power supplies separately.

Verify operation of control unit ·ouble signals. Veri ring-back are r systems using a troubl-silencing switch that requires resetting. If control unit has disconnect or isolating switches vri perrmanc of intended unction of ach switch Veri recipt of trouble signal when a suprvisd funcon is disconnectd If th th systm has a ground gro und dtection dte ction fatur fatur vri th occurrnc of ground-fault ground-fa ult inca caon on whnever any installaon install aon conductor co nductor is grounded. Actuate Actu ate an initiang device and an d veri veri receipt of alarm signal at the o-premiss location. Create a trouble condition and verify recipt ofa trouble signal at th o-premises location Actuat a supervisory devic and vri rceipt of a supevisory signal at th o-premises locaon Ifa transmission caer i capable of operation underduring a singlor multipl multipl ult condit condition, ion, actit iniating inia ting de\�ce dur ing such fault condition and very ve ry reciptan of an alarm signal and a ·ouble signal at the o-prmises location


Suprvising staon alarm  transmitting equipmnt



Test all stem function functionss and features in accorda acc ordanc nc th the quipment mancturer's mancturer's publishd instructions r correct operation in conance �th th applicable sections of Chapter 7. Ecept r DACT DACT actuate initiati ini tiating ng devic and veri rec recip iptt of of the correct initiating dece signal at the supervising station tn 90 seconds Upon compleo compleon n of the tst restor restore e th stem stem to its funconal operating operating condition. If tstjacks tstjacks ar usd, conduct the rst and a nd last tests thou thoutt th us of the tst jack"


Engin-drivn gnrator



If an an engindriven engindriven generator dedicated to e system is used as a required power source, vefy operation of the genrator in accordance with NF NF 1 1 0 by the buildi building ng own (continues)

2023 dition  



Tale 8.43



Initial Acceptance

Periodic Frequency



Scondary (standby) powr supply



Discon nct all primary (mai Disconnct (main) n) powr supplis and veri  occurrnc of rquired trouble indication r loss of prima power. Measure or vri the systm's standby and alarm current demand and veri the ability of batteries to meet standb and arm requiremnts using manfacturer's data. Operat gneral arm systems a minimum of 5 minutes and emergncy/voice communications systems r a minimum of 15 minutes. Rconnct primary (main) (ma in) power supply supply at nd of tst.


Emergency storage st stm m (ESS)



Ifa n ESS dedicated Ifan dedicated to  system is used as a requird power source ve;y by the building owner opration of th UPS system in accordance wi NFPA .


VRLA battery and charger (1) Tmperature tst


(2) Charger test<


(3) Cell/Unit voltage test


( 4) Ohmi Ohmicc tst


Remote annunciators





Semiannually Semiannu ally With th batt lly charged and connctd the chargr, measure the voltage across the battery with a voltmte: Vefy the voltage is wiin the battery/alarm quipment manucturer's rcommendations I th voltage is outside of e spcied limits, eir adjust the charger to wiin limits or replace the chargr Smiannually Smiannu ally With e battry lly charged and conncted to  charger, measure the voltag of each cll/unit cl l/unit  a voltmeter. Replac the battery whn any cll/unit cll/u nit measurs a voltage voltage less than 13.2 13 .26 6 volts. Whn th battry i installd stablish a baslin ohmic vlu r N/A ach battry battry cll/ unit u nit or wher availabl use baseline ohmic valus pro provided vided by the battery battery or tst quipment mancturer. mancturer. In eier case record the base line l ine ohmc valu valu on each battery battery cell/ unit. Smiannuall Smian nuallyy With the battry battry fully chargd and connected to e chargr, masure the intrnal ohmic valu of ach battery cll/unit. Rcord the tst date and ohmic valu on ach cll/unit. Replace e battry batt ry whn th ohmic measurment of any cll/ unit de�ates de�ates

3 years

(5)) Replacemen (5 Replacement/Load t/Load tst" tst"


Prior to conducng any battery testing, v; by th prson conducng the tst at all systm softwar stord in volat memory is protectd om loss Semiannually Upon initially opening e cabint door door masure and and record the the tmpratur of ach battery cll/unit at the ngativ termin th an inared rmometer. Replace any battery cll/ut if th temprature is greater than 18°F (I0C) above ambient.



from e or e established byor 30% or mor mor r conductanc and 40% more r baseline resistanc impdanc her th battry or tst equipment manuct·r's baselin ohmic valus are used replace the battery when any cll/unit has an internal ohmic vu outside of  acceptabl range Replac th battery or conduct a load tst of the battry capacit Load test th battry basd on th manfacturr's spccaons caons r a discharg rat of 3 hours or more mo re by applying applying  current indicatd r th slctd hourly discharg rate continuoly until the termin terminal al vol volge  decreases  e end voltage spcied by the manufacturer. Record the test duration and cculat e battry capacity including adjusent r ambient tmprature. Replace the battry if capacity is less les s than or equal to 80% or at the nt scheduld tst intl if batt capacity is less than 85%. Ve;fy Ve; fy the correct operation and identicati identication on of o f annunciators. annunciators. If pr\ded, veri  correct operation of annunciator under a ult condition


Resrvd (continue)

2023 dition  



Tle 8.43




Initi Acceptance

Peodic Frequency

Conduc torsmetallic Conductorsm ( 1 ) Stra Strayy voltag voltagee



(2) Ground ults



(3 ) Short-ci Short-circuit rcuit ults ults



( 4) Loop resistance



(5) Circuit integrity




Tst all installation conducrs th a volt/ ohmmeter to vrify that ther are no stray (unwanted) voltages between installation conductors or between installation conductors and ground. Veri the maimum allo"
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