Good day, Philippines! This is ________and I will be your studio anchor for today.
Serving you the hottest and the most leading news of the hour. our our news, our business. elcome to the "# broadcasting station nationwide, $ce %ews &hannel. HEADLINE STINGER Szul:
'ocal news, (ody )uterte as a candidate for president
orld news, *S+&*$ embargo was finally brought down.
Star news, -im &hui &hinita Princess &oncert was successful hit!
Sports news, (igid Practice of S* /arsity as0etball team for another upcoming
intercollegiate war! HEADLINE STINGER Szul:
1ow2s our day3
(ody )uterte as candidate ca ndidate for president. presiden t. $n e4clusive report of %asbia $mbor. 'ive
outside the San &arlos theatre where the first presidential debate was held. Ambor:
Than0 you s5ul! (eporting about the matter! any 6ilipinos 0new about (ody )uterte
as being a strong and good ayor of )avao. 6or that matter, his ability to lead and rule, helped )avao in so many levels, for as we all 0now. 0no w. )avao city is now one of the most peaceful and nicest in the whole world. world. This title, was was made possible by ayor duterte. 'et us root for his endeavor to lead l ead this ay 78#9! This is ______ reporting re porting from San &arlos. Szul:
6or world news, )uring the presidency of President :ohn 0ennedy , a commercial and
financial economic embargo was imposed by *nited states against &uba! This embargo was finally bought down, live at the $merican &orner. $nan $! $! Anan:
Than0 you, s5ul! $t the first sight of President ;bamaor Presidente, now will you see with your own eyes how beautiful &uba and our people are.= ;thers shoo0 their heads in utter disbelief, remaining speechless as they watched the gallantry of the first $merican president and his family setting foot in the communist nation in almost ?8 years. This will cement not only ;bama
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