New t

June 1, 2016 | Author: Anonymous GbGge6C | Category: N/A
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mentation of the New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 to provide for health care assistance to the Em

mentation of the New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012 to provide for health care assistance to the Em mentation mentation mentation mentation mentation mentation mentation mentation mentation mentation mentation mentation

m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation m o entation

of of of of of of of of of of of of

the the the the the the the the the the the the

New New New New New New New New New New New New

Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health

Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance

Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme,

2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012

to to to to to to to to to to to to

provide provide provide provide provide provide provide provide provide provide provide provide

for for for for for for for for for for for for

health health health health health health health health health health health health

care care care care care care care care care care care care

assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance

are assistance to the Employees of Government Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Boards, Loc

are assistance to the Employees of Government Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Boards, Loc

or or or or or or or or or or or or

health health health health health health health health health health health health

care care care care care care care care care care care care

assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance

to to to to to to to to to to to to

the the the the the the the the the the the the

Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees

of of of of of of of of of of of of

Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government

Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments, Departments,

Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public

Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector

Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings,

Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory

gs, Statutory Boards, Local Bodies, State Government Universities, Willing State Government Organisations / Ins

gs, Statutory Boards, Local Bodies, State Government Universities, Willing State Government Organisations / Ins

Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings, Undertakings,

Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory

Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards, Boards,

Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local

Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies,

State State State State State State State State State State State State

Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government

Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities, Universities,

Willing Willing Willing Willing Willing Willing Willing Willing Willing Willing Willing Willing

State State State State State State State State State State State State

Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government

Organis Organis Organis Organis Organis Organis Organis Organis Organis Organis Organis Organis

nment Organisations / Institutions and their eligible Family Members with provision to avail assistance upto Rupe

nment Organisations / Institutions and their eligible Family Members with provision to avail assistance upto Rupe

tate tate tate tate tate tate tate tate tate tate tate tate

Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government

Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations

/ / / / / / / / / / / /

Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions

and and and and and and and and and and and and

their their their their their their their their their their their their

eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible eligible

Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family

Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members

with with with with with with with with with with with with

provision provision provision provision provision provision provision provision provision provision provision provision

to to to to to to to to to to to to

avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail

assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance

vail assistance upto Rupees Four Lakh for a block of four years after a suitable Public Sector Insurance Company

vail assistance upto Rupees Four Lakh for a block of four years after a suitable Public Sector Insurance Company

ovision ovision ovision ovision ovision ovision ovision ovision ovision ovision ovision ovision

to to to to to to to to to to to to

avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail avail

assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance

upto upto upto upto upto upto upto upto upto upto upto upto

Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees

Four Four Four Four Four Four Four Four Four Four Four Four

Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh Lakh

for for for for for for for for for for for for

a a a a a a a a a a a a

block block block block block block block block block block block block

of of of of of of of of of of of of

four four four four four four four four four four four four

years years years years years years years years years years years years

after after after after after after after after after after after after

a a a a a a a a a a a a

suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable

Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public

Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector

Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc Insuranc

ector Insurance Company is selected through National Competitive Bidding as in the case of the Chief Minister’s

ector Insurance Company is selected through National Competitive Bidding as in the case of the Chief Minister’s

le le le le le le le le le le le le

Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public

Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector

Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance

Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Company

is is is is is is is is is is is is

selected selected selected selected selected selected selected selected selected selected selected selected

through through through through through through through through through through through through

National National National National National National National National National National National National

Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive

Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding Bidding

as as as as as as as as as as as as

in in in in in in in in in in in in

the the the the the the the the the the the the

case case case case case case case case case case case case

of of of of of of of of of of of of

the the the the the the the the the the the the

Chie Chie Chie Chie Chie Chie Chie Chie Chie Chie Chie Chie

se of the Chief Minister’s Public Insurance Scheme. 2. Accordingly, Tenders

se of the Chief Minister’s Public Insurance Scheme. 2. Accordingly, Tenders

s s s s s s s s s s s s

in in in in in in in in in in in in

the the the the the the the the the the the the

case case case case case case case case case case case case

of of of of of of of of of of of of

the the the the the the the the the the the the

Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief

Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s Minister’s

Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public

Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance

Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme. Scheme.

2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.

Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly, Accordingly,

Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders Tenders

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