New Sun Valley Homeowners' Association, Inc. vs. Sangguniang Barangay

March 19, 2019 | Author: AlvinClaridadesDeObando | Category: Pleading, Lawsuit, Injunction, Traffic, Legal Procedure
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New Sun Valley Homeowners' Association, Inc. vs. Sangguniang Barangay...


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NEW SUN VALLEY HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC.  vs. SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY, Barangay Sun Valley, Paraa!ue C"#y, G.R. N$. %&(. )uly *+, *%% This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court against the Decision1 dated October 16, !! in C"#$.R. C% &o. 6555' and the Resolution dated (anuar) 1*, !!+, both of the Court of "ppeals. The facts are as follows The -angguniang aranga) of aranga) -un %alle) /the 0-% -angguniang aranga)0 issued -% Resolution &o. '2#!'6+  on October 1+, 1''2, entitled 0Directing the &ew -un %alle) 3oeowners "ssociation to Open Roseallow and "ster -treets to %ehicular and edestrian Traffic,0 the pertinent portions of which read as follows &O, T37R78OR7, be it resolved as it is hereb) resolved b) the -angguniang aranga) in session assebled that 9 1. ursuant to its power and authorit) under the :ocal $overnent Code of 1''1 /Rep. "ct &o. *16!, the &ew -un %alle) 3oeowners "ssociation /&-%3" is hereb) directed to open Roseallow and "ster -ts. to vehicular /private cars onl) and pedestrian traffic at all hours dail) e;cept fro 11 p.. to 5 a.. at which tie the said streets a) be closed for the saotion for Reconsideration of the above#uoted Order but this was denied b) the RTC for lac< of erit in an Order+ dated -epteber 1, 1'''. &-%3"= raised the atter to the Court of "ppeals and the case was docotion to Disiss or that of subitting said >otion for resolution, (udge autista#Ricafort issued an Order which, to &-%3"=Hs coplete surprise, granted the >otion. &-%3"= argued that the RTC gravel) erred in taotion and refusing to e;ercise @urisdiction over the sub@ect atter of Civil Case &o. '2#!4!. etitioner li=&=-TR"T=%7 R7>7D=7-. "- &OT7D K T37 COGRT, &O OO-=T=O& TO T37 >OT=O& TO D=->=-"- 7%7R 8=:7D K "7::"&T.

R=$3T TO ROT7CT.6 Respondents claied that aranga) Resolution &o. '2#!'6 was sipl) a directive to petitioner, 0a private aggrupation of soe self#seea)or could have chosen, as it was within his power to do so, to cause the deolition of the gates, which were illegall) built b) petitioner and therefore were obstructions on the road, even without a aranga) resolution. Respondents liunicipal "ttorne), of this unicipalit) the herein attached 0Original Copies of Transfer Certificate of Title for -un %alle) Open -pace and Road :ots0 with TCT &os. 1++55, 11'2+6, and 144+ for )our appropriate actions. . :etter+ dated Deceber *, 1''! fro 8rancisco . (ose, (r., >unicipal "ttorne) of araBaue, addressed to the >unicipal Council -ecretar), which reads

== T37 TR=": COGRTH- D=->=--": O8 T37 "CT=O& "--"=:=&$ =T- -G(7CT#>"TT7R, "R"&$"K R7-O:GT=O& &O. '2#!'6, CO&-=-T=&$ O8 " D=R7CT=%7 O8 "& :$G TO " D78="&T R=%"T7 OR$"&=L"T=O& =T3=& =T- (GR=-D=CT=O&, =- (GD=C=": R7CO$&=T=O& O8 T37 -O:7 CO>7T7&C7 "&D =-7 D=-CR7T=O& O8 T37 "R"&$"K O%7R " :OC": TR"88=C RO:7>.

This has reference to )our reuest dated Deceber 12, 1''! relative to the letter of inuir) of the aranga) Captain of aranga) -un %alle) dated Deceber 1+, 1''!. e wish to infor )ou that based on the available records of our office the open space and road lots of -un %alle) -ubdivision is alread) owned b) the >unicipal $overnent of araBaue as evidenced b) TCT &O-. 1++55, 11'2+6, and 144+. Copies of which are hereto attached for )our read) reference.

=== T37 TR=": COGRT D=D &OT CO>>=T "&K -7R=OG- 7RROR, ROC7DGR": OR -G-T"&T=%7, "- 8OG&D K T37 COGRT " MGO. =T =- "7::"&T T3"T 3"CO>>=TT7D T37 7RROR O8 &OT 7J3"G-T=&$ "D>=&=-TR"T=%7 R7>7D=7-. 37&C7, &O $R"%7 OR =RR7"R":7 =&(GRK C"& 7 C"G-7D TO "7::"&T 8OR =T 3"- &O

Considering that the >unicipalit) of araBaue is the registered owner of the road lots of -un %alle) -ubdivision, we are of the opinion that the roads becoe public in use and ownership, and therefore, use of the roads b) persons other than residents of the -ubdivision can no longer be curtailed. 3owever, should the >unicipal $overnent decides to delegate its right to regulate the use of the said roads to the -un %alle) 3oeownerHs "ssociation or -un %alle) aranga)

P a g e  | 4 Council, such right a) be e;ercisedE b) said association or council. +. Certification++ dated October 2, 1''! issued b) 8rancisco . (ose, (r. under the letterhead of the Office of the >unicipal "ttorne) of araBaue, which reads

"ppeals lir. >ario Corte?, resident of -un %alle) 3oeowners "ssociation.

etitioner alleges that the decision of the Court of "ppeals was based on 0facts that wereE outside of the original etition and "ended etition and on supposed findings of facts that are not even evidence offered before the court a uo.0+* etitioner liarch , 1''5 issued b) Rodolfo O. "lora, O=C, "sst. >unicipal :egal Officer, which reads


 This is to certif) that based on the available records of this Office, the open space within -un %alle) -ubdivision has alread) been donated to the >unicipalit) as evidenced b) Transfer Certificate of Title &o. 11'2+6, cop) of which is hereto attached. This certification is being issued upon the reuest of "tt). Re; $. Rico. 6. Certification+6 dated October 6, 1''2 issued b) >a. Ri?a ure?a >analese, :egal Researcher, Office of the >unicipal "ttorne), araBaue Cit), which reads This is to certif) that based on the available records of this Office, road lots of -un %alle) -ubdivision have alread) been donated to the >unicipalit) of aranaue as evidenced b) TCT &O. 1++55, 11'2+6, and 144+. This certification is being issued upon the reuest of >R. =::="> GK. The Court of "ppeals issued a Decision dated October 16, !! den)ing the appeal and affiring the Orders of the RTC dated "ugust 1*, 1''' and -epteber 1, 1'''. The Court of

hether or not the issuance of the Resolution proulgated (anuar) 1*, !!+ and the Decision proulgated October 16, !! b) the 8orer 4th Division and the 4th Division of the Court of "ppeals sustaining the validit) of disissal of Civil Case &o. '2#!4! is not in accord with law or  with the applicable decisions of this 3onorable -upree Court C hether or not the 3onorable Court of "ppeals, with due respect, departed fro the accepted and usual course of @udicial proceedings b) aotion to Disiss was set on &oveber !, 1''2, without indication as to tie and that during the hearing on such date, counsel for respondents oved that their >otion to Disiss be heard over the ob@ection of counsel for petitioner, who e;plained that there was an urgenc) in ruling on the pra)er for the issuance of a  writ of preliinar) in@unction in view of the e;piration of the teporar) restraining order /TRO.+'

P a g e  | 5 etitioner uotes the transcript of stenographic notes /T-& fro the &oveber !, 1''2 hearing before the RTC in the following anner "tt). 3errera Then, Kour 3onor, = files sicE a otion petitioning to disiss this instant case, which should be resolved first before hearing this case. "tt). &uBe? Kour 3onor, please, with due respect to the opposing counsel, the hearing toda) is supposed to be on the presentation of petitionerHs evidence in support of its pra)er for preliinar) in@unction. =n connection with the aended coplaint, = guess it is a atter of right to aend its pleading. hat happened here, the aended petition was filed before this 3onorable Court on &oveber 1+ at 111! a.. but = thin< the otion to disiss was filed b) the respondent on &oveber 1+ at 11! a... Therefore, it is the right of the petitioner insofar as the case is concerned. "nd therefore, this Court should proceed with the hearing on the preliinar) in@unction instead of entertaining this atter. The teporar) restraining order will e;pire toda) and we have the right to be heard. Court e will proceed first with the hearing /referring to the scheduled hearing of the pra)er for the issuance of the writ of preliinar) in@unction. /Transcript of -tenographic &otes, &oveber !, 1''2 /Gnderscoring and e;planation petitionerHs.4! etitioner clais that the RTC proceeded to hear the pra)er for the issuance of a preliinar) in@unction and no hearing was conducted on the >otion to Disiss. etitioner reiterates its earlier clai that it did not receive an order reuiring it to subit its CoentAOpposition to the >otion to Disiss or inforing it that said >otion had been subitted for resolution.41 etitioner alleges that the disissal of Civil Case &o. '2#!4! arose fro the grant of respondentsH >otion to Disiss. etitioner clais that it filed its "ended etition on &oveber 1+, 1''2 at 111! a.., or before respondents served an) responsive pleading, or before the) had filed their >otion to Disiss on the sae date at about 11! a..4 etitioner avers that the filing of said "ended etition was a atter of right under -ection , Rule 1! of the 1''* Rules of Civil rocedure, and had the effect o f superseding the original petition dated October 2, 1''2. etitioner concludes that the >otion to Disiss was therefore directed against a non#e;isting etition.4+ etitioner argues that the RTCHs ruling on the >otion to Disiss is contrar) to procedural law

because no hearing was conducted on said >otion to DisissF that said otion violated -ection 5, Rule 1! of the 1''* Rules of Civil rocedure for failing to set the tie of hearing thereofF and that instead of being resolved, said otion should have been declared as a ere scrap of  worthless paper.44 etitioner clais that during the proceedings before the RTC on &oveber !, 1''2, both parties anifested that the >otion to Disiss was never set for hearing, and that when (udge autista#Ricafort said, 0e will proceed first with the hearing,045 she was referring to the scheduled hearing of the pra)er for the issuance of the writ of preliinar) in@unction. etitioner clais that it is cr)stal clear that it was deprived due process when a ruling was had on the >otion to Disiss despite the clear absence of a hearing. etitioner concludes that the Court of "ppeals was anifestl) istaotion to Disiss and the lac< of issuance of an order subitting said otion for resolution. etitioner alleges that the Court of "ppeals sanctioned the ruling of the RTC that violated both substantial and procedural law. 46 >oreover, petitioner avers that contrar) to the ruling of the Court of "ppeals, the RTC had  @urisdiction to hear and decide the "ended etition, and the doctrine of e;haustion of adinistrative reedies was not applicable. This is because, according to petitioner, such doctrine 0reuires that were a reed) before an adinistrative agenc) is provided, relief ust first be sought fro the adinistrative agencies prior to bringing an action before courts of  @ustice.04* etitioner clais that when it filed Civil Case &o. '2#!24!, it did not have the lu;ur) of tie to elevate the atter to the higher authorities under -ections + and 5* of the :ocal $overnent Code. etitioner alleges that the tenor of -% Resolution &o. '2#!'6 necessitated the iediate filing of the in@unction case on October ', 1''2, to forestall the pre@udicial effect of said resolution that was to taa)or (oe) >arue? dated (anuar) *, !!+, addressed to >r. Roberto $uevara, Office of the aranga) Captain, aranga) -un %alle), which reads in part

1. The roads sub@ect of )our resolution is a unicipal road and not a baranga) roadF . The opening or closure of an) local road a) be undertaa)or (oe) >arue?, signed b) counsel for respondents, wherein the latter wrote

Respondents clai that since the sub@ect atter of the case is a directive of the aranga) to the petitioner, the reuireent for an ordinance would not be necessar), as there was no legislative deterination in the aranga) resolution regarding what class of roads to open or what to close b) wa) of general polic). 6!

e regret to observe that all the reasons that )ou have cited in )our letter as grounds for )our order of non#ipleentation of the aranga) Resolution have been passed upon and decided b) the Court of "ppeals, which latel) denied the &-%3" >otion for Reconsideration ; ; ;. ;;;; The Decision of the Court of "ppeals is now the sub@ect of an appeal taotion to Disiss, as well as the grounds therefore predicated on lac< of cause of action and @urisdiction, could ver) well be considered as lianila Developent "uthorit) v. el#"ir %illage "ssociation, =nc., 64  wherein the Court discussed the power of :$Gs to open and close roads, is substantiall) in point.65 "fter the subission of the partiesH respective eoranda,66  this case was subitted for decision. The issues before us are 1. hether or not petitioner has a right to the protection of the law that would entitle it to in@unctive relief against the ipleentation of -% Resolution &o. '2#!'6F and . hether or not petitioner failed to e;haust adinistrative reedies. The Ruling of the Court The Court of "ppeals passed upon petitionerHs clais as to the validit) of the disissal in this  wise e do not agree. "lthough the >otion to Disiss was filed on the sae da), but after, the "ended etition was filed, the sae cannot be considered as directed erel) against the original petition which "ppellant alread) considers as non#e;isting. The records will show that "ppellantHs "ended etition contained no aterial aendents to the original petition. oth allege the sae factual circustances or events that constitute the "ppellantHs cause of action

=t bears stressing that due process sipl) eans giving ever) contending part) the opportunit) to be heard and the court to consider ever) piece of evidence presented in their favor /atangas :aguna Ta)abas us Copan) versus en@ain itanga, $.R. &os. 1+*'+4 N 1+*'+6E. =n the instant case, "ppellant cannot be said to have been denied of due process. "s borne b) the records, while "ppelleesH >otion to Disiss did not set the tie for the hearing of the otion, the da) set therefore was the sae date set for the hearing of "ppellantHs pra)er for the issuance of a writ of preliinar) in@unction 9 that is, &oveber !, 1''2, with the precise purpose of presenting evidence in support of the otion to disiss on the sae said scheduled hearing date and tie when "ppellant and its counsel would be present. >oreover, "ppellantHs predication of lac< of due hearing is belied b) the fact that the hearing held on &oveber !, 1''' too< up not onl) the atter of whether or not to grant the in@unction, but also taca)or of araBaue Cit), as clearl) stated in -ection + of the :ocal $overnent Code, which provides -ection +. Cit) and >unicipal -upervision over Their Respective aranga)s. # The cit) or unicipalit), through the cit) or unicipal a)or concerned, shall e;ercise general supervision over coponent baranga)s to ensure that said baranga)s act within the scope of their prescribed powers and functions. e do not see how petitionerHs act could ualif) as an e;ception to the doctrine of e;haustion of adinistrative reedies. e have ephasi?ed the iportance of appl)ing this doctrine in a recent case, wherein we held The doctrine of e;haustion of adinistrative reedies is a cornerstone of our @udicial s)ste. The thrust of the rule is that courts ust allow adinistrative agencies to carr) out their functions and discharge their responsibilities within the speciali?ed areas of their respective copetence. The rationale for this doctrine is obvious. =t entails lesser e;penses and provides for the speedier resolution of controversies. Coit) and convenience also ipel courts of @ustice to sh) awa) fro a dispute until the s)ste of adinistrative redress has been copleted. 62 =t is the >a)or who can best review the -angguniang aranga)Hs actions to see if it acted within the scope of its prescribed powers and functions. =ndeed, this is a local proble to be resolved

P a g e  | 9  within the local governent. Thus, the Court of "ppeals correctl) found that the trial court coitted no reversible error in disissing the case for petitionerHs failure to e;haust adinistrative reedies, as the reuireent under the :ocal $overnent Code that the closure and opening of roads be ade pursuant to an ordinance, instead of a resolution, is not applicable in this case because the sub@ect roads belong to the Cit) $overnent of araBaue. >oreover, being the part) as7D.

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