New Ob W Scarlet Test

March 21, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Comprehension Test 

The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne 1 Are Are these these senten sentences ces true true (T) (T) or fals falsee (F)? (F)?


Hester was married married when when Pearl was born.


Chillin Chillingworth gworth was Pearl’s Pearl’s ffather. ather.


The usual usual punish punishme ment nt for adultery adultery was death.


Hester was in prison prison for five five years. years.


People People wanted wanted their childr children en to play play with Pearl.


Hester and Dimmesdale Dimmesdale arranged to leave Boston on an English English ship.


Everybody Everybody saw a scarlet letter on Dimmesda Dimmesdale’ le’ss chest.


Chillin Chillingworth gworth died a few months after Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale.


Hester Hester never never returne returned d to Boston Boston..


Pearl never never returned to Boston. 20 marks

2 Who sa sai i this this? ? Who Who i the the! sa sa! ! it to? to? Chillingworth Chillingworth""  Dimmesdale  Dimmesdale""  Pearl "  Hester  Hester,, Mr  Wilson## Wilson a !" will not spea# his name. $y child must find a father in heaven.’ %%%%%%.. to

%%%%%%.. $ !" have greatly wronged you.’ %%%%%%.. to %%%%%%.. c !Can you tell me who made you&’ %%%%%%.. to %%%%%%..  !'ou were a good person( and you needed a better love than mine.’ %%%%%%.. to

%%%%%%.. e !"s there nothing beyond beyond this little town&’ %%%%%%.. to %%%%%%.. 20 marks % Who Who sai sai  th this is? ? The captain" captain" Chillingworth Chillingworth"" Dimmesdale  Dimmesdale"" Pearl " Hester # a !The forest cannot hide it( but the sea will drown it.’ %%%%%%.. $ !)ill he always #eep his hand over his heart&’ %%%%%%.. c !*o( mistress( another one to oin you+’ you+’ %%%%%%..  !,oo#+ ,oo#+ *ee for yourselves+’ yourselves+’ %%%%%%.. e !'ou have escaped me+’ %%%%%%.. 10 marks

Ox f o r dBo ok wo r msLi b r a r y Stage 4



& Who" Who" in in the the sto stor! r! # # # Chillingworth Chillingworth"" Dimmesdale  Dimmesdale"" Mistres  Mistresss Hibbins" Hibbins" Pearl " Hester  Hester..

a . . . was a priso prisoner ner of wild wild men& men& %%%%%%.. %%%%%%..  b . . . as#ed Hester tto o #eep a secret& %%%%%%.. c . . . had b beauti eautiful ful clothes& clothes& %%%%%%.. %%%%%%.. d . . . was #illed because she was a friend friend of the devil& devil& %%%%%%.. e . . . collected collected plants& plants& %%%%%%.. %%%%%%.. f . . . thr threw ew water water at the the -overn -overnor& or& %%%%%% %%%%%%.. .. g . . . was alway alwayss ready to help people in trouble& trouble& %%%%%%.. h . . . was n not ot loved by the sunshine& sunshine& %%%%%%.. i . . . gave the Electio Election n *ermon *ermon&& %%%%%%.. %%%%%%..   . . . died because he could could not have revenge& revenge& %%%%%%.. 20 marks ' Fill Fill in the the as as## *se the these se wor wors+ s+ bosom bosom"" clothes clothes"" cottage cottage""  fashion  fashion""  gold " Governor "  jdges  jdges"" !indness"" needle !indness needle"" needlewor! " Pritans  Pritans"" sea sea"" sewing " shame, sinned #

Hester went to live in a %%%%%. outside the town and near the %%%%%%%. . *he was good with a %%%%%.( and her beautiful beautiful %%%%%%%%%( often using %%%%%%%.. and silver( soon became the %%%%%%%. in Boston. Even the %%%%%%%.. wore her %%%%%%..on his shirts. *he also made %%%%%% for poor   people. But although she wor#ed for them( the %%%%%% of the town were hard %%%%%.. and they showed no %%%%%%%.. to her because she had %%%%%%%%%. . *he lived in %%%%%%% and misery( with the scarlet letter bright on her %%%%%%% . %0 marks

Total marks

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 Mltiple"choice  Mltiple"ch oice Te Test  st 

The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne

Setting  ,hoose the $est answer#

 The The writer writer foun found d the the scarle scarlett letter letter in in //// /////. /. a 0 1 the graveyard graveyard

b 0 1 an old bo2

c 0 1 on a ship

d 0 1 in the cottage

3 The The letter letter had had pattern patternss of //// ///// / thread thread arou around nd it. it. a 0 1 silver silver

b 0 1 yellow yellow

c 0 1 red

d 0 1 gold

4 )hen )hen the the writer writer held held the the letter letter to his chest he felt felt /////. /////. a 0 1 burning heat

b 0 1 a child’s child’s soft face

c 0 1 a happy person

d 0 1 very sad

5 The story is set in the mid6 mid6//// ///// / century century.. a 0 1 eighteenth b 0 1 seventeenth c 0 1 si2teenth d 0 1 nine nineteenth teenth 7 )hen )hen they they saw saw the scarlet scarlet letter letter the wome women n thought thought that that Hester was ///// /////.. a 0 1 frightened of prison

b 0 1 clever with her needle

c 0 1 li#e a lady

d 0 1 sad

8 Hester Hester had had been been the wife wife of /////. /////. a 0 1 an Englishman

b 0 1 an "ndian

c 0 1 a magistrate

d 0 1 a prisoner 

9 *he had lived lived in in ///// with with her husband husband before before she came to :ew England. England. a 0 1 ;msterdam ;msterdam

b 0 1 ,ondon

c 0 1 $assachusetts

d 0 1 *alem

< Hester Hester would would not not tell peopl peoplee the nam namee of //// /////. /. a 0 1 the father of her child

b 0 1 her husband

c 0 1 her child

d 0 1 her priest

= Hester Hester was rele release ased d from from the the prison prison in /////. /////. a 0 1 :ew 'or#

b 0 1 *alem

c 0 1 Boston

d 0 1 England

> )hen Hester was released from prison prison she lived lived /////. a 0 1 iin n the centre of town c 0 1 in a big house

b 0 1 with with -overnor Bellingha Bellingham m

d 0 1 in a small cottage cott age

20 marks

Characters ,hoose the $est answer#

 Hester was tall and perfectly shaped with with /////. a 0 1 long blonde hair

b 0 1 short dar# hair

Ox f o r dBo ok wo r msLi b r a r y Stage 4

c 0 1 long dar# hair


d 0 1 short blond hair 


3 Hester had had married married /////. /////. a 0 1 a much older man

b 0 1 a friend

c 0 1 a younger man

d 0 1 a man the same age

4 Hester had to wear the scarlet scarlet ; for /////. /////. a 0 1 three hours

b 0 1 three years

c 0 1 three days

d 0 1 the rest of her life

5 $r Dimmesda Dimmesdale le was a priest priest who was /////. /////. a 0 1 shy and sensitive

b 0 1 young and happy

c 0 1 old and sad

d 0 1 old and happy

7 Hester’s daughter daughter Pearl was not allowed allowed to /////. a 0 1 wear red clothes b 0 1 see her mother  c 0 1 play with other childr children en

d 0 1 tal# to other people

8 ?oger Chilling Chillingworth worth was well #nown #nown in town /////. /////. a 0 1 for helping the church

b 0 1 for being unhappy

c 0 1 because he was Hester’s Hester ’s husband

d 0 1 for his #nowledge of medicines

9 Pearl was was a child child /////. /////. a 0 1 of many moods

b 0 1 with lots of friends

c 0 1 who was always happy

d 0 1 who slept a lot

< -overnor Bellingh Bellingham am wanted to ta#e ///// away from Hester. a 0 1 the scarlet letter b 0 1 the cottage c 0 1 Pearl d 0 1 the priest = ?oger Chilling Chillingworth worth was the ///// of ;rthur ;rthur Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale. a 0 1 brother

b 0 1 medical medical adviser

c 0 1 prisoner

d 0 1 father 

3> $istress Hibbins Hibbins was the ///// of -overnor Bellingha Bellingham. m. a 0 1 sister

b 0 1 daughter

c 0 1 wife

d 0 1 mother 

20 marks

 Dialogue Who sai this?

3 !" will will not spea# his his name.’ a 0 1 Hester Heste r

b 0 1 $r )ilson )ilson

c 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale

d 0 1 the stranger stra nger

33 !" will will #eep your your secret( as " have #ept his(’ a 0 1 ?oger Chillingworth Chillingworth

b 0 1 $r )ilson )ilson

c 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale

d 0 1 Hester 

34 !;re you the right right person to teach this child the ways of -od%&’ -od%&’ a 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale

b 0 1 ?oger Chillingworth Chillingworth

c 0 1 $r )ilson )ilson

d 0 1 -overnor 

Bellingham 35 !,isten to me( child. child. Can you you tell me who made made you&’ a 0 1 Hester Heste r

b 0 1 $r )ilson )ilson

c 0 1 -overnor Bellingham

d 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale

37 !Tell !Tell me( me( doctor( is my health health any better since you began to ta#e care of this poor( wea# body

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of mine&’ a 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale

b 0 1 Hester Heste r

c 0 1 ?oger Chillingworth Chillingworth

d 0 1 $r )ilson )ilson

38 !Come up here( Hester( you and and little little Pearl.’ a 0 1 ?oger Chillingworth Chillingworth c 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale

b 0 1 $r )ilson )ilson d 0 1 -overnor Bellingham

39 !'ou !'ou would not promise to hold my hand( and my mother’s hand( hand( here tomorrow.’ a 0 1 Hester Heste r b 0 1 Pearl c 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale d 0 1 -overnor Bellingham 3< !" am sorry for you. 'o 'ou were a good person( and you needed a better love than mine. mine.’’ a 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale

b 0 1 Hester Heste r

c 0 1 Pearl

d 0 1 ?oger Chillingworth Chillingworth

3= !@h( Hester( -od has been merciful merciful++ This This is already a better life.’ life.’ a 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale c 0 1 Pearl

b 0 1 ?oger Chillingworth Chillingworth

d 0 1 -overnor Bellingh Bellingham am

4> !)e will have a home of our own( and an d you will sit on his #nee and he will teach you many things( and love you dearly.’ a 0 1 ?oger Chillingworth Chillingworth

b 0 1 ;rthur Dimmesdale

c 0 1 Hester Heste r

20 marks

Vocabulary ,hoose the $est answer#

4 a person who wor#s as a udge udge in a court of law a 0 1 -overnor

b 0 1 magistrate magistrate

c 0 1 $aster

d 0 1 priest

43 a high platform where criminal criminalss are #illed in public public a 0 1 scaffold

b 0 1 passion

44 having having done done nothing nothing wrong wrong a 0 1 guilty b 0 1 innocent

c 0 1 mercy

c 0 1 evil

d 0 1 sin

d 0 1 wise

45 a long( thin thin piece piece of cotton( used with a needle for sewing sewing a 0 1 thread

b 0 1 balcony balcony

c 0 1 magic

d 0 1 chee# 

47 having having done something something that is against against the law law a 0 1 heaven

b 0 1 devil

c 0 1 guilty

d 0 1 magic

48 being #ind and forgiv forgiving ing to someone who has done something wrong a 0 1 pray

b 0 1 shame

c 0 1 respect

d 0 1 mercy

49 to feel pain or great sadness sadness a 0 1 sin

b 0 1 soul

c 0 1 suffer

d 0 1 shame

4< somebody you wor# with or have a relationship relationship with a 0 1 priest

b 0 1 public public

c 0 1 Puritans

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d 0 1 partner 


d 0 1 $r )ilson )ilson


4= to stop s top feeling angry with with someone who has done done something to harm or annoy you a 0 1 forgive

b 0 1 innocent

c 0 1 oy

d 0 1 respect respec t

5> to have a very very good opinion opinion of someone a 0 1 nervous

b 0 1 respect

c 0 1 mercy

d 0 1 mood

20 marks

 Plot  ,hoose the $est answer#

5 The women women in in the town thought thought that Hester /////. /////. a 0 1 was good

b 0 1 was clever

c 0 1 ought to die

d 0 1 should go to England England

53 Hester made little little ///// for for the babies babies of the town. a 0 1 soc#s and shoes

b 0 1 coats and hats

c 0 1 tops and trousers

d 0 1 scarlet letters

54 ?oger Chillin Chillingworth gworth as#ed Hester Hester to #eep his /////. /////. a 0 1 secret

b 0 1 house

c 0 1 boo#s

d 0 1 money

55 ?oger Chilling Chillingworth worth was shoc#ed by what what he saw when he /////. a 0 1 met Hester in in the forest

b 0 1 saw $r )ilson )ilson

c 0 1 pulled open the priest’s shirt

d 0 1 met Pearl in town

57 Hester believed that ?oger Chillingwo Chillingworth rth was the priest’s /////. /////. a 0 1 secret enemy

b 0 1 lost brother

c 0 1 best friend

d 0 1 father 

58 Hester and Pearl tal#ed to ;rthur Dimmesdale on a wal# in the /////. a 0 1 garden

b 0 1 forest

c 0 1 graveyard graveyard

d 0 1 church

59 ?oger Chilling Chillingworth worth planned to ///// with Hester and ;rthur Dimmesda Dimmesdale. le. a 0 1 go on the ship

b 0 1 wal# in the forest

c 0 1 go to church

d 0 1 go to prison

5< Hester stood ///// during the day with Pearl and ;rthur ;rthur Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale. a 0 1 on the scaffold b 0 1 in the graveyard c 0 1 on the ship d 0 1 in the church 5= Pearl became became the ///// of those days days in :ew England. England. a 0 1 youngest youngest woman

b 0 1 wea#est person

c 0 1 most beautiful beautiful woman

d 0 1 richest person

7> Pearl always always #ept her ///// for her mother. mother. a 0 1 scarlet letter

b 0 1 cottage in :ew England England

20 marks

Total marks

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c 0 1 home in England

d 0 1 clothes


The Scarlet Letter 1 a T

f T

 b A

g A

c T

h T

d A

i A

e A

  T

Hester Pry Prynn nne( e( Dim Dimme mesd sdal alee 2 a Hester  b Hester Prynne( Chil Chillin lingworth gworth c $r )ilso lson( Pe Pear arll d Chil Chilli ling ngwor worth( th( Hester Hester Prynn Prynnee e Hester Hester Pry Prynn nne( e( Dimm Dimmesd esdal alee

esterr Pry Prynne % a Heste  b Pearl c The cap capta taiin d Dimmesdale e Chill illingwort worth h

& a Chill illingwort worth h

 b Chillin Chillingworth gworth c Pearl d $istr $istres esss Hi Hibb bbin inss e Chill illingwort worth h f Pearl g Heste esterr Pry Pryn nne h Heste esterr Pry Pryn nne i Dimmesdale   Chillin Chillingworth gworth

fashion( -overnor( needlewor#( clothes( Puritans( udges( ' cottage( sea( needle( sewing( gold( fashion( #indness( sinned( shame( bosom

Ox f o r dBo ok wo r msLi b r a r y Stage 4



The Scarlet Letter Setting  




















Characters 


3 4

a d















 Dialogue 3 a 33














3= 4>

a c

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Vocabulary 4




















 Plot  5




















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