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March 13, 2019 | Author: ArunaML | Category: Lease, Leasehold Estate, Property, Civil Law (Common Law), Property Law
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lease ,easement ,licence...


The burning question before us at present, appears to be the distinction between a lease and a licence. This delicate question has been brought before the Supreme Court more than once, which fact in itself indicates that we are still wanting a clear-cut distinction between the two terms, lest we repeat our past errors. The most recent decision which I have at hand is the one in Sohan Lal  Naraindas v. Laxmidas v. Laxmidas Raghunath Raghunath Gadit , reported in (1!1" 1 SCC #!$% (1!1" # SC& ')% (1!#" *om + 1 (SC  ( SC ", ", where Their +ordships of the Supreme Court held that the crucial test is the intention of the parties, i.e. whether the intended to create a lease or a licence, and that the test of e/clusive possession, though not decisive is of significance. Such reasoning was e/pressed earlier in Ramamurthy in  Ramamurthy Subudhyv. Subudhyv. Gopinath (0I Gopinath (0I 1$ SC 1" and in M  in M  N  . N . Clubwala ( Mrs"  Mrs" v. Fida  Fida  Hussain (0I  Hussain (0I 1$' SC $1" and also in Associated in Associated Hotels o !ndia  Limited v. R v. R. N  . N . "apoor  (0I  (0I 1' SC 1#$#", where Their +ordships held that the document b itself could not be a deciding factor whether a particular transaction was a lease or a licence. THE DISTINCTION

Section 1' of the Transfer of 2ropert 0ct, reads% 30 lease of immovable propert is a transfer of a right to en4o such propert, made made for a certain time, e/press or implied, or in perpetuit, in in consideration of a price paid or promised or of mone, a share of crops, service or an other thing of value to be rendered periodicall, or on specified occasions to the transferor b the transferee, who accepts the transfer on such terms. The transferor is called the lessor, the transfree is called the lessee, the price is called the premium, and the mone, share, service or an other thing to be so rendered is called the rent.3 Section '# of the 5asements 0ct reads% 36here one person grants to another or to a definite number of other persons a right to do or continue to do, in or upon the immovable propert of the grantor, something which would, in the absence of such right be unlawful, and such right does not amount to an easement or an interest in the propert, the right is called a licence.3

If we focus our attention onl upon the question of rights in the above two definitions, we find that in both cases there is a transfer of a right. It ma be noted that in a lease the ight consists in en4oing such propert transferred, and so also in a licence the ight consists in doing something in or upon the immovable propert of the +icensor, though without the creation of an interest in the propert. 0lthough it is not clearl stated that a lease creates an interest in the propert, inasmuch as the opposite is stated in case of a licence, et b 4udicial dicta we have come to believe that a lease creates an interest in the propert merel to highlight a contradistinction between a lease and a licence. 6e have, therefore, imputed such creation of a right or interest in the propert, not due to the e/istence of a positive statement to that effect in the definition of a lease, but merel because of the statement of its non-creation in case of a licence. This imputation of the creation of a right in the propert in case of lease, is in realit a high overtone because all that follows from the definition is that the transfer is solel of 7a right to en#oy7 which is equivalent to the 7 right to do so, in or upon the immo$able property,7 as stated in the definition of a licence. Considering that the Transfer of 2ropert 0ct and the Indian 5asements 0ct, were  both passed in the same ear, 1#, obviousl the concept of a ight would not have  been different. 6e cannot conceive that a lease gives a right to en4o the propert in an manner the transferee feels best, as against a licensee who could have his rights directed in a particular manner as per the terms of the grant. In fact, we are quite settled on the principle that if a tenant does an alteration8modification8improvement, etc., he does so at his own ris9, since he does not have an propert rights over the sub4ect-matter of the demise, and he would not be allowed to contend that he had rights in the propert due to which he did the alteration8modification. 0s long as he 9eeps on paing the rent, the dichotom of owner and tenant shall subsist and consequentl his interest in the propert is in no wa better or, is as precarious as that of the licensee. 0s against this, we find that Section $( b" of the 5asements 0ct clearl states that a licence becomes irrevocable when 3the licensee, acting upon the licence has e/ecuted a wor9 of permanent character and incurred e/penses in the e/ecution3, which goes to show that a licensee can create rights in the propert, or, for ever practical effect, he

is on a safer position than a tenant, whose tenanc could alwas be terminated with an appropriate notice as provided in Section 1$ of the Transfer of 2ropert 0ct.  :o doubt, we can still argue that the securit in tenure of the licensee arises not b virtue of the creation of 3an interest in the propert3 but in the creation of a right over the propert, i.e. his rights are purel above the surface of the land, as against the rights of the owner which lie from the surface to below. *ut if we adopt this argument, we reach a parado/ical situation. 6e conceive that the interests of the licensee restricts onl to the structure above the surface. Then, does the structure have no foundation; 0ren7t these foundations embedded in the soil; Is this not immovable propert;
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