New Matrix Upper Intermediate Workbook

October 30, 2017 | Author: Lasc Emilian | Category: Linguistic Typology, Syntax, Linguistic Morphology, Linguistics, Grammar
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,: -i trаve||еrs ехреrienсеd yourhead,сUtsoutthе|ightапdprotесts 2 !tsUDDorts уoUfromnoisе. i n а ь p o rtь З г],оr 'hе iьgo i n g|о(o mp е tе е rе n t, yourneсkехpands, 4 Bесаusе аndyourtiесouIdstrаng|е уou. 5 ТhеуwilIfeе|tightandunсоmfortab|е' andmаkеthеmdirtу. 6 Yоuсouiddropfoodon уourсIothеs 7 YoUаrеmorе|ikеly to аrrivе|ooking rе|аxеd аndfrеsh.

2lс З 1 2 з 4 5



li -trshеlIsuit 2 furry 3 slip-оnshoеs 4 hоod 5 usuаlаttirе 6 со||аrsize7 orthopаеdiсboots 8 сrеаsеd zb зd 4 j 5i 6g 7a s h 9f 10 е 5lс .,! dоwn 2 to dispense with 3 сhangеd s sеtt|еd into 4 sIipped into 5 pu| | еd on6 tu rn е d o u t 7 p ro tе с t 8 fro m 9 |еf t bеhi nd lf а inа d visа lэlе b u n с |е аrс u n с o mfo rtаb |еd i n е xpеr i еnс еd g i mp ro b аb |е е uпiп lpоrtan ft u n n е с е ss аry 8 ,1аd visа b Ie2 u n с o mfo rtаb I3e i mp ro b ab l е4 i n а dv i s а b| е 5 ехpеrienсed6 unс|eаr $ ] turлb асkс 2 tu rn d o w n d 3tu rn e d d o w n а 4tu r nеdi nt o b 5 turnedupf 6 tu rn so u tе r,]&Studеnts' ownаnswеrs. .Е1 1 W hа thаp p e n е d2? TostаrtWith 3 Тhеn 4 tinаl|y 5 W hа d t idyoudo ?

FцлriтсtEшшs "d2 Studеnts' ownаnsWеrs.

Grавтqшъаr hаvеnеVеr trаVе||еd2 flеw 3 Hаvеуouеvеrnotiсеd 4 boughl disсоvеrеd6 5pеn1 ,vе didуоubuу 2 dесided 3 | Went 4 nеvеrfound 5 bought пotiсеd 7 dесidеd B 'vеsаved

gooutto dinnеruntiIwe'vephonedforа taхi. we саП,t 2 | r р beсn1othеstаtes twi(e. 3 НowlоnghаvеуоuIivеdin thеаreа? 4 i''/еЛеVеr bееnto Eng|аnd. youfinishеdwаtсhi 5 l ]аVеn't ngthatTV progrаm mеуеt? 6 ]imhаsn'ttаkеnhisеxamyеt. 7 lt'5bесntwowеekssinсе| 5аWmy bеstfriеnd. еаtеna pizzaforа who|еmonth. 8 | hаvеn't ., . | .| ,i\ 2a Зd 4h 5е 6g 7f 8с 'l i. 2 PoiandhаswontheЕurоpеаn сup.Thеywоnit Iastnight. .i Тhеbаnkshаvеrаisеdintеrеst rаtеsbytwopеrсеnt. Тheyrаisеdthеm |аstТhursdaуj' 0ur-nеighbours haveboughtanothеr dog.Тhеуboughtit аftеrIosing their| аstопе . Pаthаsb е е nd е с o rаti n g th 5 Мyfriеnd h oе u sеS. h е w аs dес o r а tiitng аftеrnоon. уеsiеrсlаy hаvеsto|еn 5 i irirlvс:s а||thеjеwеl|еry in thеsаfе.Тhеysto|еit Without '' ltirrео[[thеа|аrmb е ''' l, Гilt(hirlеsе haveIаndеd оn |\4аrs. They|аnded аftеrа two-month ]t]LJl,l]еy'

i } М . , l : i s i еhr а s hа d t win s.Sh е h а d t h еm а t t wo o'с|oс kt his morning ,


| hаvеn't boughtаnynеwс|othеs forа longtimе. yourroom. YoUсаПgooutif you've trnishеd tidуing |t'sfivеyеаrssinсеl wеntabrоаdоn hoIiday. W e, lhа I v еdi nnеrwhеnу o u, v m е а dеy о urpho nесa l |t'sagеssinсе| sawа goodtiIm. I'vebееnworking hеrеforthrееyеаrs. |fyousеndmеа tеxtmеssаgе, |'IIringyoubасk, Wесаngooutwhеnyou,vе sеtthеvideorесordеr.

Testyoursеlf 1 2 3 4 5

(shе|l veгусomfortаb|е сlothеs. suit/ trасksuit) normас| | oth e s . yourtiеаndtаkеoffyourshoеs. loosеЛ hаngуourjaсkеtor сoatupаndсovеryoursеlf withb|аnkеts. intoуournormа| сhаngе с|оthеs.


1З l 5 .!4, 1 6 "l5 l

18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

studied, wаs а |ongtimеsinсеthеrеwаsаnything unprеdiсtаb|е, sесurity intodеbt ,l thе 2 to 3 is 4 from 5 wе|l

Writing 19 lo ,t




show 2 rеprеsеnts3 givеs 4 sаys 5 stаnds ; 7 s y m bo l i s e8 i m а gе 9 i m po s i ng 1 0 i m po rt а n . 21 Тrаditionаl: hеаthеr, fishandсhips'BigBеn'goIf'а bls .um br е| |аас, upо f t еа ,whi s k у pоpmusiс,rugbу, pаrliаmеnt, |\4odеrn: Sсоttish fOOtbа 20

22 Studеnts, ownаnswеrs. 23 Studеnts, ownanswеrs.

Unit 2 Reading 1lн z B 3 С 4 ( no t nееdеd)5 А 9 (notnееdеd) 10 А




Voсabulary 2 1 overwhе|med2 еmotiопаl 3 worriеd 4 horr 6 еnviоus 7 еmbarrаssеd8 nervоus 3 l ь 2 a з b 4 a 5а 4

Noun .l еmbаrrassmеnt 2 em o t i o n 3 еnv у 4 ho r r o r 5 pressure 6 worry 7 t hr i | l 8 hatrеd

6 b 7 a 8 а


Ad j ес]' t

еmbarrаss xХХХ env y ho r r i f y prеssurlsе worry t hr i I | hаte

епl|]; еmot |L] Г . еnviou s hor r ib ] е.: prеssurs:: worriеd t hr iiе hаtеfu|

5 1 pr еs s ur е2 еnv i o us 3 еm o t i o na l4 еm bа rr а ss.-. 6 horrifiеd 7 hаtеfu| 8 thri||ing 5 studеnts' ownаnswеrs. 7 1 2 3 4 5 6

P er s o nа |Il tyhi , nk t hа t | nm yo pi ni о n Тhаt's thеkindof | саnrе|аtе to lt sееmsto mеthаt trommу pointоf viеw

Funсtions 8 studеnts' ownanswеrs.

Grammar pеrson Tеxt2 A tеaсhеr 9 теXt1 Аn еldеr|y 1 0 l t o a ns wer 2 t o m eet 3 s а y i ng 4 s еei ng 5 t o .. 7 t o s реa k 8 t o s a y 9 t o ex p| a i n 1 0 а s k i ng 11 - . ,l4 ,15 1 2 t а l k i ng 1 3 us i ng | i s t eni ng t о а dm it ] l] 1 1 l t o buy . . . 2 t o gi v еup. . . 3 s pеndi ng. . .4 d 0 ,.. 6 t o f i ni s h. . . 7 t o pа s s. . . B wа i t i ng ... 1 2 1 r еm еm bеr t o s еt2 nееddr y -с | еa ni ng 3 r еgrе t t с 4 triеdtа|king 5 remеmbеr sееing 6 triеdto opег teIIing 8 regrеt

levv 13 l tt,snotworthbuvingonе. 2 саnyoutеIlme hоwto do thisgrаmmаr еxerсisе? 3 | knowthеjob,sdiffiсu|t givеup doing butthatdоеsn,t meanyoushou|d !1. 4 | hаVеno idеаhowto usethisnеwсomputersoftwаre. 5 Doyоufаnсvgoingbowlingnеxtsaturdаy? 1 4 lto 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

z in


4w ith

5i n

6o t

7 at Bto

whе rе| саnb uyatiсkеttLoo n d o n . whoI саnаskаbоutthе сontеntof thеneweХаm. whatI сando to gеthеIp. howtogеttothесinеmаfromhere. whiсhbusstopshehadto getoff аt. howtо spеaksomeСoсkney Еnglish howthisgаmеса|lеd сriсkеt is p|аyеd. howtomakeаphоneса|lto Еngland'


с|еаning 2 to buy з fasterthаn mеso I сou|dn't 4l) 51 wh е re 2on 3them 4w h i с h 5fo r




17 r gеntly 2 еnthusiаstiса||y 3 optimistiсaIIy 4 stеаdily 5 ironiсal|y 6 hurried|y7 UnfortunаtеIy 8 miserab|y9 feеbly ,|0 Eventua||y 18 studеnts, ownаn5wеr5.

Unit 3 z t






9T '10T

Voсabulary 2 l wi th '10to




5o f

6w i th 7o n

8i n

g i n to

3 l geo|ogу 2 ozone|аyеr 3 g|obа| wаrming 4 еxpedition 5 marinе|ife 6 есosystem7 botaniсаI8 hаbitаt 9 survivаI skills 10 сonservationist 4 1 trаnsform2 strеssful3 intеrnаtiona|4 hе|pful 5 misсаlсulatеd 6 misfoгtunеs7 sub-zеro 8 suссеssful9 hopеIess10 post-trаumatiс 5 1с




6 1 to dеаlWith 2 splitinto 3 t-ookin 4 |oоkto 7lc



13 l оftenstаys 2 wi|loftеnforgеt 3 sоmеtimes find 4 Wil|sit/Wаit/givе5 goes 6 Won,ttakеofflthinks 14 l 2 3 4 5 6

не isforеver turningup |ateforаppointmеnts. Garуwi|| drivеtoofаstin hisnеwсar Dаvidrеgulаr|y reаdsbooksabout еnvironmentaI issuеs. |\4rAndеrson questions. wiIIoftеnаskdiffiсu|t Тhеmeеtings oftengoon a |ongtimе. Аnnаisa|wаys phoning mе lаteаt night.

15 l 2 З 4 5 6

я ndy i s а l wa y s wa t с hi ngW . Suzуisа|wаysIosingmy books. pаrеnts |\4y arеalwaysstoppingmеfromusingthe Internеt. |\4y brothеr pIаying isа|wаys hismusiсtоoIoud. Mу unс|еisalwаys te|Iing tedious stories. gir|friеnd |\4y isаlwaysсritiсising my с|othes.

18 1 2 З 4 5 6

| саn'tstandit!ShеwiIlweаrmyс|othеs without asking. jogging 0nсеwеsаw|\4аdonnа in HydеPаrk. | nevеrgetup earlyon Sаturdаy morning! WhеnI wаssixteen l livеdin Еdinburgh. Wеoftеngodаnсing atthеweеkеnd. |nthеmorning wevisited/would visitthеаrtяа|Iеriеs аndmusеums.


Rеading 1lт


17 l_ 2 _ з_ 4 _ 5 wo u| ds l еep/ us еdt o s l ееp 6 wo u| d t а kе / usedtо takе 7 wouIdhavе/usеd tо hаvе 8 usеdto eаt/would еat 9 usеdto work -l0 wе wouIdtravel 11 wouldtаkе/used to tаkе 12 wou|dсovеr/usеd to сover 13 wouldmeasurе/usеd to meаsurе 14 _ 15 wou|dсoI|eсt/usеd to сoIIeсt16 wouIdp|aсeiusеd to plасе 17 wouldtrаnsfеr/usedtotrаnsfer 18 _ ,19- 20 _

Writing ze

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