New Headway Beginner 4th Students Book

April 22, 2017 | Author: Yessidaya Linacon | Category: N/A
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Fourth edition


Hello! om/ore/ is, my/your • This is ... • How are you? • Good moming! What's this in English? • Numbers 1-10 • Plurals




listen. Say your name.

WHAT'S YOUR NAME? am/ are/ is, my/your 1


Read and listen.

Pablo Mika My name's Mika.

Pablo Hello, Mika.


Listen and repeaL


name's '" name is What's = What is

1 Stand up and practise.

J.leUo. l'm _ _-:-_ What's your nameP ( My name's

. )


6 Unit 1 • Hello!



Nice to meet you Read and listen.



Read and listen.

Hello. I'm Robert Sm it h. Nice to meet you. And


Listen and repeat.

4 Practise in pairs. Sa)' your first name and surname. A Hello. My name's _ _ _ _ _ _ __

B Hello. I'm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Nice 10 meet you. A And you. 5

Hello, Ben.

om Listen to the English names. (J

James Bond

Robert Taylor

Henry Baker


Susie Walsh

Anita Johnson

Katherine Smith

Hello, Mika. Choose a name. Stand up and say hello.

m-. Listen and repeal. 2 Practise in groups of three. _ _ _ _ , thi'/' _ _ __

. thi~ j,


Unit 1 • Hello!



om Read and Hsten.

1 Pablc Hi, Ben . How arc you? Bell Fine. thanks. Pablo. And )'ou? Pablo I'm O K, thanks.


2 Ben Hello, Mika. How are you ? Mika Very well. thank you . How are you? Ben Fi ne.

Listen and repeat.

2 Answer your teacher.

r U:i,====:.."u::,:w::,::,:e":":":?_ _ .>J

3 Stand up and practise.



rn,is , afore. Sandra.

How _

This_ John.


.... Grammar Reference U- I.) p1l1

4 Complete the conversations.

A Hello. M~ B

name's Ana. yo ur name? Maria .

A Max, B Hi, Carla.


Hello, Max.


m. Listen and check. Practise the conversations. 8 Unit 1 • Hello!

is Carla. to m eet

A Hi, Eda. _ _ __ are you? B Fine, thanks, David. And ? A

well, thanks.

EVERYDAY ENGLISH Good morning! Complete the conversations.

I Goodbye!

Good night!

Geea mel'fliAg!

Good afternoon!

2 PlIt the words in the correct order. A

Good morning!

B Good morning! What a lovely day!

1 A Good morning!

aa • •

Uow ar~ you today B Fine, thanks.


2 A _ _ _ _ __ B

2 A Good afternoon! B Good afternoon!


3 A _ _ _ _ __



-A- G - o- odbye!


mm cm


B Thank you. And you.



4 A _ _ _ _ __


r 4 A Good night! l'IlI


a. L ----====__ B Thank you.

m. Listen and check. Practise the conversations.


Listen and check. Practise the conversalions. Unit 1 • Hello!


VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING What's this in English? 1 Write the words.


a b66k a camera a car a photograph a computer a bag a hamburger a television a phone a sandwich a bus a house



Listen and repeat the words.



Li s t~n and repeat.

4 Go to thi ngs in the room. Ask your teacher.

Work wi th a partner. Point to a picture. Ask and answer questions.

10 Unit 1 • Hello!

What's tl!i~ in E:"gtis:h?

It's: a ...

Numbers 1-10 and plurals


Read and listen. Practise the numbers.

3 Write the numbers.









[£] __ houses

3 4



~lj}m rJJ








a Pto a









... ... • • •

10 ten 2 Say the numbers rou nd the class.





Listen and check.

4 Ask and answer questio ns. S



[!] - -



Sral Ii/IrJ




Nine photographs.


Listen and repeat.



!l zJ



cars computers hamburgers cameras televisions bags phones

sandwiches houses buses

one book

Plural two books

one bus

two buses

photographs students


........ Grammar Reference 1.4 p123

Unit 1 • Hello!


Your world Countries • he/she/they, his/her • Where's he from? fantastic/awful/beautiful • Numbersll-30

.,.. STAR ER

Find your country on the map on page 13. Find these countries on the map. Australia












the United States

listen and repeat.

SHE'S FROM JAPAN he/she, his/ her 1


] DD

Read and listen.

Read, listen, and repeat.

I'm from Japan. W here are you from? "m from Spain. From Barcelona.


Listen and repeat.


2 Where are you from? Stand up and practise. Wnu& are vou frOM?

J2 Unit 2 • Your world

I'M frOlt!

Italy/Brazil ... Where ... ?

he's = he is

she's = she is

.... Grammar Reference 1.l-1.2 p1l1



name's La,,,,",

name's Kevin.

Where's he from?

He's _ __ _ _


name's Ka,'m,a. i


name's Taliam

She's _ _ __

Complete the sentences about the people.

_ _ name's Rosely. She's


name's Si mon. He's


Listen and check. Repeat th e sentences.


Listen and repeat the questions.

What's his naMe?

Whtrt'she tro",P

What's her name?

Where's she from?

3 Ask and answer questions about the people in the photographs. What's his nall1e?

_ _ name's Yong. He's

_ _ name's Hayley.


GRAMMAR SPOT Where's = Where is 1 Complete the questions with is or are. Where she from? Where he from? Where _ ___ you from?

....... Grammar Reference 2.3 p1l1 Where's he fro",? Unit 2 • Your world


PRACTICE Cities and countries Where are the cHies? Ask and answer.



Beijing YffUlI.-






Los Angeles



Listen and check.

2 Work with a pa rtner.

Student A Look at the photos on this page. Student B Look at the photos on p 140. Ask questions and write the answers.

Where ', II, / sh. from?

Talking about you 3 Ask about the stu dents in the class.

l What', 11;$ "am,? l Where " I" from'

Ut', fro," Italy,


From Rome.

What's her name?

Where', she from? Slit', frOM Rome. too.

14 Unit 2 • Your world

---- ~

Questions and answers 4


Listen and complete th e conversation. Practise it.


, .~


Rosely Hello, I'm Rosely. What's -""''""'' ---_ name? Sruno ____ name's Sruno. R

Hello, Sruno. Where are you _ _ _ _ ,

B ____ fro m Brazil. Where are you from?

R Oh, I'm from Brazil, loo. ____ from Sao Paulo. S

Really? I'm fro m Sao Pallia, too!

R Oh, nice to meet you, Rruno.

s l1li

Listen and write the cou ntries.

Claudio: Italy Akemi: _ _ __ 2 Charl es: ____ Sud: _ _ __ 3 Loretta and lason: _ __ _ 6 Match the questions an d answers.

His name's Bruno.

1 [t] Where are you from?


0 30 40 S0 60 70

What's her name?

b He's from Sao Paulo.

What's his name?

c It's in Canada.

Where's he from?

d I'm from Brazil.

What's this in Eoglish?

e Fine, thanks.

How are you?

f Her name's Tat;ana.

Where's Montreal?

g It's a computer.



Listen and check.

Work with a partner. Take tu rns to cover the questions or the answers. Practise them.

Check it 7 Tick (./) the correct sentence.

D I2J 2



My name Mika. My name's Mika.


What's he's name? What's hi s name?


'What's his name?' 'Kevin: 'What's her name?' 'Kevin:



He's from Spain. His from Spain. 'Where she from ? 'Where's she from? What's her name? What's she name? Unit 2 • Your world


READING AND SPEAKING This is a photograph of Claude and Holly Duval from Montreal in Canada. They are on holiday in New York City. Holly is from Canada and Claude is from France. They are married. Holly is a teacher. Her school is in the centre of Montreal. Claude is a doctor. His hospital is in the centre of Montreal, too.

Where are they from? 1


Read and listen .

2 Complete the sentences. in Canada.

Holly is from

2 3 4 5



I,.isten to C laude and Holly. Com plete the conversations.

She's a is in the centre of Montreal.


C O h, no! Look at the wtatbe.r H Ugh! It's _ _ _

Claud e is from

He's a

6 His hospital is in the

7 T hey

of Mon treal.


in New York.

8 T hey are

1 Write questions with Wha t ... ? and Where ...

It's fa ntastic!


C My hamburger is

abollt C laude and Holly. Ask a partner.

What ... /lam e? Where ... schoolr

Where ... from?


• too!

'Nlimm © ""'@""

C What's this buHditlL- ? H It's the Empire State Buildjng! It's _ __

Where ... hospital?

GRAMMAR SPOT Write is or are, She He



a teacher. a doctor. from Canada.

....... Grammar Reference 2.4 pl21 16 Unit 2 • Your world

!·i}Iiifim l © 1m3 C Wow! H It', _ _


al Cent ral Park! _

Listen and check. Pract ise the conversations .

EVERYDAY ENGLISH Numbers 11- 30 1 Say the numbers 1- 10 round the class. 1

7 Look at the pictures. How old is he/she?

om Listen, read. and repeat.

r think she's If Months.
















sixteen seventeen




Say the numbers 1-20 ro und the class. 3 Write the numbers your teacher says. Say the numbers your teacher writes. 4 Match the numbers.

21" twenty-five 22 ""-- twenty-seven 23 twenty-one 24 twenty-eight 25 twenty-two 26 twenty-four 27 twenty-nine twenty-three 28 thirty 29 twenty-six 30 IIIIJ 5

Listen and repeal. Say the numbers 1- 30 round the class.

om Listen and tick (.I ) the numbers you hear. 3

22 17 21







1 2.1 15

29 7 3

10 16 19 17 13

20 14 9 27 30

6 Work with a partner. Student A Write five numbers. Say them to your partner. Student B

Write the numbers you hear.



.. .


Listen and find out. Unit 2 • Your world


All about you Jobs • am/are/is • Negatives and questions • Personal information • Social expressions {J}

HE ISN'T A STUDENT Match the jobs and the pictures. a doctor a nurse a student a teacAer a shop assistant a bus driver a businessman a police officer a builder

011 2

Negatives - he isn't Look and read.

listen and repeat.

m. Read the questions and answers. listen and repeat. a tuchu.

What's hiS' job?

~f '$

What's hu job?

She '$ a doctor.

l ook at the pictures. Ask and answer questions with a partner. 3 What's your job? Ask and answer.


Listen and repeat.

1 Look at pictures 1- 9 again. Make mo re negat ive and positive sentences. Ut-I Sh" Is"'t a ...

Ue/ Sht'sa ...

GRAMMAR SPOT He's a teacher. She isn't a nurse.

18 Unit J • All about you

'S '"


isn't = is not

PERSONAL INFORMATION Questions and answers Look al the photos and read ElI ie's profile.



First name:





29, Victoria Road, Birmingham

Phone number, 07700955031 Age ,




Married :


ElIie's Photos

.... . . • .

2 Com plete the quest ions and answers. What's her




2 What's her


4 What's her


)( No. she isn't.


Is she from Spain?

)( No, she isn't.

Is she from England?

./ Yes, she is.

29, Victoria Road,

7 What's

8 Is she


07700 955031


6 How old is she? ?


Read and liste n. Then listen and repeal.

Is ElIie from America?

Birmi ngham 5 What's her


G reen

? England

3 Where's she


She's No, she isn't.

Listen and check. Practise the quest ions and answers.


4 Ask and answer questions about El!ie. I Is she from London ? Liverpool? Birmingham? 2 Is she 16? IS? 20?

3 Is she a teacher? a nu rse? a student? 4 Is she married? 5 Complete the sentences, I Ellie isn't from the United States, She L - from England. 2 Her phone number _ _ 07700 995031 . It

07700 95503 1.

3 She

18. She

4 She



Unitl • All about you


METRO 5 - THE AUDITION Negatives - I'm not, they aren't


Look at the picture. Who are the people?

} lID

Listen to and read The Aud ition Interview.

Listen again and complete the questions.

3 Answer the questions about the band. I Whal's the band's name? 2 3 4 5 6

Are Paul and Donoy brothers? A re they from Scotland? Are the other boys from Ireland? Are tl.ley all builders? Arc they all singers?


Listen and check. Practise the questions and answers.

GRAMMAR SPOT Negative I'm not from Scotland. I'm not " I am not They aren't from Ireland. They irt"ll't "They are not. 2 Short answers

Are you from Scotland? Yes. I am-/ No, I'm not. Is this your band? Yes, it isjNo, it isn't. Are they from Ireland? Yes, they are./No, they aren't .


..... Grammar Reference l.1 p124 Hi! P

4 Practise T he Audition Interview in groups of three.


Yes, it is. Great! And _ _ _ __ _ Donny McNab?


Talkin! about you

-"'s'---__ -1tl!/lIi..' __ your band, Metro s?

NO, I'm not. !'m Paul McNab. This is Donny. He's my brother. Ah, yes, sorry. Hi, Donny. You're a bui lder from Scotland, right?

Ask and answer the questions about you. D

Well, yes, I am a builder, but I'm not from Scotland . Oh, where _ _ _ _ __

P8cO We're from Ireland.

Are you a student?


Are ,OU '

Where to 5ta Whento 0 What to do How to travel Where to eat


Listen and check.

4 Answer the questions. I Where is Vancouver? 2 When is a good time to visit? 3 Does it rain a lot? When? 4 What do people do ... ? • in the m ountains

• on Lhe beach • in Stanley Park 5 What water spo rts afe there? 6 Why are there so many kinds of restaurants? 7 Are all the hotels expensive? How much are they? 8 What is a good way to see the dty?

5 Complete the chart with adjectives from the text. Adj~ctiv~s


busy, cosmopolitan


mountains beaches shops and restaurants the weather seafood hotels trolley buses Sky Train

60 Unit 8 • Where I live

Where is it? Vancouver is in south-west Canada, next to the Pacific Ocean, 24 miles from the US border.

It is always a good time to visit Vancouver. The weather is never too cold or too hot. It is warm and sunny in summer, but it rains a lot in autumn and winter. In spring, go skiing in the mountains in the morning and sunbathe on the beach in the afternoon. In summer,

go swimming, sailing or fishing, or go walking in North America's biggest park, Stanley Park. There are excellent shops in Yaletown, and there is also t heatre, opera, and music of every sort. Vancouver is the of Festivals'.

Vancouver is a cosmopolitan city 50 there are French, Italian, Japanese, Indian, Thai, and Chinese restaurants. Vancouver's Chinatown is the second biggest in North

America, after San Francisco. There is also a lot of delicious, fresh seafood. In the busy city centre there are some excellent, expensive hotels. The beautiful Fairmont Hotel is $400 a night, but next to the sea there are a lot of cheap, comfortable hotels from $S9 a night.

You don't need a car in Vancouver, There are slow, old trolley buses and there is the fast, modern Sky Train. Take the ferry- it is a great way to see the city.

LISTENING AND WRITING My hometown 1 1.:.1,. Listen to Sieve. He lives in Vancouver. Tick (.I) the th ings he talks about.

] " :111

Listen 10 four conversatio ns with Sieve. Complete the chart.

What is the conversation about?

Who is SIeve talking to?

1 1 J 4

Look at 1':111 on p 11 7. Practise the conversations With a partner. 4 In groups, talk about your home town. • Where do you live? What is there in your town? What do you do there with your friends? Where do you go shopping? • How do you travel? Is it a good place to live?


D 'l'job sunbathing his apartment his girlfriend

o o o

1 I.:II.I

o Chinatown o Italian food D the theatre o the weather

o skiing o golf o cycling o Stanley Park

5 Write about a town you know.

Where is it?

... is a town in .

When to visit

The best time to visit is ...

What to do

Go ... There are a lot of . . .

Where to eat

There are good restaurants in .. My favou rite restaurant is . . .

Li sten again. Answer the questions.

Where does SIeve work? 2 Where does he live?

Where to stay ... is an expensive hotel in .. . ... is a cheap hotel near/ next to .. .

3 Is his apartment hig?

How to travel

4 5 6 7 8

What is his fa\'ouritc food? Does he always like the weather? Where does he go wit h his girl frie nd after work? What sports does SIeve like? Where does he cycle with his girlfriend?

The best way to see the town is .. .


EVERYDAY ENGLISH Directions 1 Find the places on the map.

hotel bank Internet cafe

chemist's post office newsagent's church supermarket park railway station theatre sports centre car park cinema pub

4 Work with a partner. Have similar conversations.

2 What do the signs mean ?

I turn right

go straight on

turn left

Ask about ... a cinema

• • • •

1 I.:.f. Listen to the di rections. Start fro m YOU ARE HERE on the map. Follow the directions. Where are you? 1 Go up North Road. TUn! left at the bank ;1110 Charles Street. It 's on the right next to the theatre.

a post office a newsagent's a supermarket a car park a cafe

Yts:. Go down ...

S With your partner. ask for and give directions to places in your town.

at the sports centrt 2 3 4 5 Look at 1.:lf. on pi IS. Practise the directions.

Unit 8 • Where I live


Times past Sayingyears • was/ were born • Past Simple - irregular verbs • have/do/go· When's your birthday?




Listen and underline the years you hear. Say them.

1 !22§. / 1986



1 1916/1960

J 20l0/l002

4 1699/1799

S 1840 / 1941

6 2001/l0l1

listen and repeat.

1840 eighteen forty

1996 nineteen ninety-six

2005 two thousand and five

2010 two thousand and ten / twenty ten

1 What year is it now? What year was it last year? What year is it next year?

WHEN WAS SHE BORN? was/were born Look at the pho tos. Do you know the people? When were they born ? Listen and write the years.


Jane Au stcJl , the English writer, was bo rn in Hampshi re in the south of England.



Listen and repeat.

She was a writer. She was born in He was an opera singer. He was born in _


64 Unit 9 • Times past


Luciano Pavarotti, the Italian opera singer, was born in in Moden:! in the north ofltaly.


1 Ask and answer questions with other students.


Uow old are you.?

Complete the chart of the verb to be. Present am •re




Listen to the questions and answers. Practise them.

When were you born? When was he born?

I was born in 1994. He was born in 1978.

When was she born? When were they born?

She was born in 1991. They were born in 2001.


You He/ She/ It We They





are .re

....... Grammar Reference 9.1 p127

s 1nl This is Magali e Dromard. Listen to her ta lking about her family. Write when the people were born.


Cecilia Matt


81. Edlth

Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Magalie's family.

Ue's Magalie 's brother.

6 Who is your grandmother/grandfather/aunt/undc ,.,? Write the names of some people in your family. Ask and answer questions about them.



A Who's Ernest? B He's my uncle.

ntey're h8r ...


f..rn ~!ot

A When was he born? B I'm not sure, I think abou t 1935,

7 Tell the class about your partner's family.

Peter's u."cle was bar" I" IQS6. Uis Mother was bar" in IQ62.

Unit 9 • Times past


PRACTICE Who were they? Who are the people in the photographs? Match the people 1- 8 and the jobs in the box.

o singer o writer o musician o artist o actor o princess

0 0


racing driver

2 Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, in

3 Diana Spencer was born in Sandringham, England, in

Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.

2 1

Im Listen and write when they were born. IIII Listen to the questions and answers. Practise them.

Who was Shakespeare? Where was he born? When was he bom?

He was a writer. In England. In 1564.

Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about the o lher people.

Ue was a" ...

66 Unit 9 • Times past

4 Andy Warhol was born

in , in Pittsburgh, in the US.

Negatives and pronunciation 4




Listen and repeat.

He was an artist

Shakespeare was an artist No, he wasn't. He was a writer.

Iwoznt l No, he wasn't. /w';Jl 1 They were American.

Shakespeare and Oiana were Irish. No, they weren't. They were English.


No, they weren't.

5 Write the correct information.

• 6 Benazir Bhutto was born in Karachi. Pakistan, In

Ayrton Senna was an actor. No, he was,,'t ! Ue was a racil'lg driver 2 lane Austen was a princess. No,she _ __ 3 Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson were Italian. No, they _ _ __ 4 Mozar! was a scienti st. No,he' _ __ _ 5 Luciano Pavarotti and Michael Jackson were politicians. No,they _ _ _ 6 Benazir Bhutto was a writer. No,she _ __ _


Listen and check. Practise the se ntences.

Today and ye.terday 6 What is true for you? Tell a partner.

7 Marilyn Monroe was born in . in Los Angeles , in the US.

Today is . .. Yesterday was

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday ...

Today i'm ... Yesterday I was ...

at school / at home / at work ...

Today the weather is . Yesterday the weather was .. .

hot / cold / wet / lovely / horrible

Today my parents are . .. Yesterday my parents were ..

at work / at home .

Check it 7 Complete the sentences with was, wasn't, were, or weren't. I Where JW,,'' '__ your mother born? your parents born? 2 When 3 No, my parents both born in 195 1. My father _ _ __ 4 5

6 7

born in 1951, and my mother born in 1953. I on holiday in New York in 2008. _ _ _ _ he at home yesterday?' 'No, he _ _ __ _ ___ you at work yesterday?' ' Yes, we _ _ __ _ _ _ _ they at school yesterday morning?' 'No, they _ _ __

Unit 9 • Times past


READING AND SPEAKING Past Simple - irregular verbs Match the present and the past form s of the verbs. Look at the irregular verbs list on p 142. Present


go be

saw W!?ot said made





buy say







bought Ibo: tl

"'111 Listen and check. Practise the verbs. ... Grammar Reference 9.2 p127 1 Look at the pictures. They tell a true story. Match the sentences and pictu res. a The painting is now for sale in an art gallery in Canad a.

.& An American lady went shopping and bought a painting for $S from a charity shop. e A rich businessman was happy to pay $9 milHon, but Teri said ' I want $50 miU ion!' d One expert found Pollock's fmge rprint on the back of the painting. c A film company made a film about Teri and the painting.

f An art teadlcr said the painting was by the famous artist, Jackson Pollock.



1 Read and complete the newspaper article with the irregular verbs from exercise 1. Helcn Byers in Los Angeles reports

WHO IS JACKSON POLLOCK? Teri Horton , a 60-year-old lady from Los Angeles. , (I) went shopping in San Bernardino, a lawn in California, USA. She (2) was: in a charity shop when she (3) . __ a colourful, modern painting. Sh~ (4) tf'hi it for SS. An art teacher saw the painting and (5) '> '" r:L it was by the American artist, Jackson Pollock. 'Who is Jackson Pollock?' said Teei. She (6) no idea that he was a very famous modern painter. Many art experts (7) ('! t}/ to her house to see the painting. Some said that it wasn't a ' Pollock'. but one expert, Peter Paul Biro, (8) I PoJlock's fingerprint a ll the back. Biro said, 'This is a real Pollock painting'. A rich busi nessman was happy to pay $9 million for it, but Ted said: 'No! I wanl $50 mi1lion:

to 2007, a Canadian TV company (9)

a film about Teri and the painting. It is now for sale in an art gallery in Toronto. Price: $50 million!

Teri Horton with Pollock painting

Read the art icle aloud wi th a partner. " ,," Listen and check. 4 Look at the pictures only and tell the story again.

Unit 9 • Times past


VOCABULARY have, do,go Look at the words that go with have, do, and go.

My parents go shopping on They have lunch at 1.00.

I always d o my homework in bed.


1 Write the words in the box next to the correct verb, have, do, or go. SRsppiAg

a shower for a walk a good time


my R6ffiew6rk

the housework

on holiday

some eKercise



to work


Saturday afternoon.

4 Complete the sentences with went, had or did. Yesterday I met my mother at one 0 ' clock and we bad lunch in a restaurant. 2 I hate doing housework but last Sunday I _ _ _ a lot because my house was a mess. 3 Yesterday was a lovely day so I _ _ _ for a walk in


the park. 4 Usually I walk but yeste rday ' _ _ _ to work by bus.


5 On Saturday night I went to a great party. I really good time. myhom~work



___ 3

lot of exercise yesterday. I went


a the gym.

7 The party wasn't very good so we _ _ _ home early. shoppiPlg

1,liI Listen and check.

Talking about you go

5 Complete the sentences witb what YOfl d id. Yesterday I

3 Write the past of have. do , and go.






2 This morning I , had coffee and 3 Last Saturday I


4 Last weekend I 0' clock on


5 Last year I




70 Unit 9 • Times past

a shower at


breakfast at

clock. 0'

shopping and I bought my homework at

on hol iday to

6 Tell a partner what you did.


EVERYDAY ENGLISH When's your birthday? 1 These are the months of the year. What is the correct order? Jatluary


JaAllary March


November August October




',JfI Listen and write the numbers. Practise them. the the the the the

of January of March of April of May of June

of August

the the the

of Nove mber

of December

We say: the tenth of April We write: 10 April April 10

10/4/ 09 Americans write: 4/ 10/ 09

6 When is your birthday? Do you know th e time you were bo rn? Ask and answer in groups. Wh~II 's your



It's 011 HIt tldrd ot March.





At two 0'crock in the lI'Iorllill9 .

Listen and check. Say the months round the class.

2 Which month is your birthday? Tell the class.

Tell the class.

My birthday'!: in September.

I was bOn! in rqgZ 011 HIt twentieth of July at two o'clock 1/'1 th6l1'1omill9.

So is ",y birthday!

How many birthdays are in each month? Which month has the most?



7 .,11:1 Si ng Happy Birthday! to Sarah.

Listen and repeat the numbers.

first (l.t)

second (2nd)

third (',d)

fourth (4th)

fifth (5th)

sixth (6th)

seventh (7th)

eighth (8th)

ninth (9th)

tenth (10th)

eleventh (11th)

twelfth (12th)

thirteenth (13th) f ourteent h (14th) fifteenth (15th) 4 Say these numbers. 16th


18th 19th









29th · 30th




Listen and check.

Unit 9 • Times past


We had a great time! Past Simple - regular and irregular • Questions and negatives • Sport and leisure • Going sightseeing

1 What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?

] What is the Past Simple of these irregular verbs?


2 Match a sentence with a time expression. We're at school I went to the US I did my homework



yesterday. now. in 2002.


Yesterday she ...

Past Simple - regular and irregular



Listen to Angie. Tick (,/') the things she did yesterday. What day was it?

GRAMMAR SPOT Write the Past Simple of these regular verbs. What are the last two letters? It I cook eooktd watch _ __

Id/ play

listen _ __

lid/ start


1111" Usten and repeat. Careful with the pronunciation of -ed, 2 The Past Simple is always the same.

I/you/he/,he/ it/we/ th>y played ...... Gfilmm;n Referen(e 10.1 p127

1 TeU the class what she d id . Yesterday she 9Qt up late and kad ... Then she ... 1 Underline the things in the list that you last Sunday, Tell a partner.

72 Unit 10 • We had a great time!

o o o o o o o o o o o o o

got up late tlad a big breakfast played tennis went shopping bought some dothes stayed at home went forawalk cleaned her flat listened to music did some work saw some friends watched TV cooked a meal went to bed early




Questions and negatives It is Monday morning. Angie and Rick are at work. Listen and complete their conversation.


2 11t1(1 Listen and repeat Angie's questions. Did you have a good weekend? What did you do yesterday? Where did you play tennis? Did you go out in the evening? What did you have? Work with a partner. Practise the conversation in exercise I.

3 11111.

Listen to Rick asking Angie about IIer weekend. Complete his questions. What/do on Saturday?

What did you do ot! Saturday?

2 Who/see at the party? 3 ... go out/Sunday? 4 ... do anyth ing/Sunday evening? Lis ten again. What did Angie d o?

4 1111"

Listen and repeat. W hat didn't Angie do?

/ didt!'t go ollf buaUS4/ was too tit4d.

/ didt!'t do mUGh ot! Sut!day. / dfdt!'t go to bullat4.

5 Say three th ings Angie and Rick didn't do. Angie: ten nis/walk/music Atlgi4 didtl't play tetlnis.

Rick: late/shopping/TV RiGK didt!'t get up Iat4.

GRAMMAR SPOT A Hi. Rick. Did good weekend?

you havt


Questions in the Past Simple use did. Complete the questions. _ _ _ you go out? Whe food was .. , and the weather wa5 ~ ~hada .. , time,

78 Unit 10 • We had a great time!

EVERYDAY ENGLISH Going sightseeing 1 Write the names of two cities and the dates when you were a tourist there. London. July 2005.

Paris, April200Q,

Show a partner. Talk about the cities. What d id you do there? What d id you see? What did you buy?

~ ( W'Vj'.'d:) ~ ( IbOU9h?

2 I'u," Listen and complete the conversations in a Tourist Office. A Hello. Ca n I


B Yes.

have a map of the city. please?

A Of course. Here you are.

B Can you A Yes. We're

where we are on the


in Regent Street in the city

2 C We wanl to go on a

tour of the

A That's fine. The next bus at 10 o'clock. It abou t an hour and a halE C Where does the bus go from? A It -,-_ _ _---,-_ Trafalgar Square, but you can get _ __ and when you want.

3 0 J want to visit the British Museulll. What time does it


A It opens at 10 in the morning and _ _ _ at 5.30 in the evening.

D _ _ _ _ _ _ is it to get in? A It's _ __ Work with a partner. Practise the conversations.

3 When people go sightseeing in your town, where do they go? What is there to do in your town ? nll~re

's a park and 8 zoo.

Visitors go to the market/ the old town / the square ... 4 Roleplaya conversation in a Tourist Office with your partner. Student A

Student B

You are a tourist at the Tourist Office.

You work in the Tourist Office in your home town.

Ask for information.

Give information.

J./eUo. 1want to go on a tour of the towtl .. . see the exhibition . .. visit the cartle .. .

That's fine. You Gan ...

I can do that! can/can't • Adverbs • Adjective + noun • Everyday problems

Do you have a computer? Do you use it for .. .? e


• the Internet • computer games

• shopping • emails

Talk to a partner. Tell the class.

WHAT CAN THEY DO? can/can't 1 Match the words and photos.

pilot farmer schoolboy athlete iAterfJreter grandmother architect

1 Complete the sentences \Villi a or an and a word from exercise I. I Marcus is an intftpr&tH . He can speak French and German fluently. 2 Laura is _ _ _ _ _ ' She can draw well 3 Justin is _ _ ___ " He can fly 747 jumbo jets. 4 George is _ _ _ _ _ " He can d rive a tractor.

. She can run very fasl. 5 Lola is 6 Oliver is _ _ _ _ _ ' He can use a computer really well. 7 Margaret is Oliver's _ __ _ _ " She can make fantastic cakes.

IIIII Listen and check. Practise the sentences. 3 Tell a partn er what you can do from exercise 2.

I ean use a eompllter and I ea" draw.

Questions and negatives 1111. Listen and repeat the questions and answers. (an you speak French?

Yes, he can. Yes, I can.

(an Laura draw wen? (an you draw weU?

Yes, she can. No, I can't I can't draw at all!

Can Marcus speak French?

GRAMMAR AND PRONUNCIATION Can/Can't have the same form for all persons. 1/ You / He / She lit / We / They 2

I ~:~'t Idraw.

"111 listen and repeat the different pronunciations of con and can't.

2 Ask and answer more questions with a partner. First ask about the people, then ask about you r partner. Can Lala nm tast?

/ko n/ He can speak Spanish.

/ kon/

Yes, s/le Gan.

Can you drive?

/ko, nt/ They can't draw.

/kren/ Yes, I can.

........ Grammar Reference 11.1-11.2 pU8

Call yow run fast?

Of course Ican! 3 lilt. Read and listen to Oliver and Dominique. Complete the conversation. D omin ique Can you use a com puter, Oliver? Oliver Yes, of course I _ ___ ! All my frien ds can. _ _ _ _ a computer at home in my bedroom and we use computers at

o o

all the time.

That's great. What other things can you _ _ _ _ , Well, I can _ _ _ _ fa st, very fast, and 1 can draw a bit. I can really good cars but I _ _ drive them of cou rse! I can draw good planes. too. When I'm big [want to be a pilot and 747s.


Excellent. Now, I know you can speak French.


Yes, I _ ___ . I can speak French flu ently because my dad's French. We sometimes _ __ _ French at home.


Can you speak any other languages?


No, I

. I can't speak German o r Spanish,

just French - and English of course! And I can cook! I can cakes. My grand ma makes fantastic cakes and I sometimes help her. Yesterday we made a hig chocolate ca ke!


Listen again and check. Practise the conversation with a partner.

4 Answer the questions about Oliver. 1 What can Oliver do? What can't he do?

2 Does he use a com puter at school? 3 What does he want to be when he's big?

4 W hy can he speak French well? 5 What did he do yesterday?

Unit 11 • I can do that!


PRACTICE Pronunciation

.,Id 1 2 3 4 5 6

Listen and underline can or ca,,',.

I illl! I can't ski quite well. She can I CaI,'t speak German at all. He can / ca n't speak English fluently. Why call / can't you come to my party? We can I can't understand our teacher. They can / can't read music.

7 Call I Cmz'f , have an ice-cream, please?

8 Can! Can't cats swim?


Listen again and repeat.

She can speak Spanish very well!

2 IlIk. Jenni Spitzer is American, but she Jives in Argentina. Listen and tick (I' ) the things she can do.

Can ... ? speak Spanish speak German dance play the guitar play Cl musical instrument ride a horse play golf (ook









3 Complete Jenni's sentences with words from lhe box. very well

(not) at all

a little bit quite well

really wen flu ently

1 I can speak Spanish

2 I can speak German 3 My frie nds can play the guitar

Talking about you

4 I can dance

4 Complete the chart in exerc ise 2 about YOIl. Then

5 I can ride

6 I can't cook


ask and answer the questions with the teacher and another student Can you speak Spanish?

Listen again and practise the sentences.

A little bit. Call you?

GRAMMAR SPOT Adverbs (an come after the verb. She can run fast. He plays the guitar well. 1 Regular adverbs end in ·/r. She can speak Spanish fluently. Please speak slowly. .... Grammar Reference 11.3 pUS

61 Unit 11 • I can do that!

5 Compare yourself with the teacher and other students.

Isabt/ and r ean dance very well. Slit Gall cook, too, but' tall 't cook. at aU .

REQUESTS AND OFFERS Can I help you? 1 Look at the pictu res. Use the words to write questions with Can ... ?

2 Match these answers with the questions in exercise I. a L

Sorry. I can't. It's my grandma's birthday on Saturday.

b _

It's about three th irty.

C _

Yes, of course. Here you are.

d _

Yes, please. I want to buy this postcard.

e _

Oh, yes please! That's so kind of you!

f _

I'm sorry. Is this better? Can you understand

me now?

lily Listen and check. 1 Practi se the q uestions and answers wit h a partner. Continue the conversations.

Check it 4 Tick (tI ) the correct sentence.


3 4




I no can understand. J can't understand.

He can drive a tractor.

He cans d rive a Iractor. Can you swim fast? Do you can swim fas t? We can to play tenn is qu ite well. We can play tennis quite well.

You speak Italian very good. You speak Italian very well. He plays very well the pi ano. He plays the pia no very well.





READING AND LISTENING The Internet What are these websites for? What does 'w,... w· mean? www.footba1l365 .com 2 Match the verbs and nouns.

Verbs listen to watch play pay read chat to

send book


a newspaper a bill anemail


friends chess a hotel TV

the radio

Which of these things can you do on the Internet? ] What do you know about the Internet? D iscuss these questions.

• When did the Internet start? • Why did it start? What can people do on the Internet?

4 1111:1 Read and listen to the text about th e In tern et. Answer th e questions in exercise 3. 5 Are the sentences true (,/) or false (X)? Correct the fal se (X) sentences.

1 2 3 4

The Internet started in the 19705. Telephone companies started it. It started in America. In the 19805, scientists se nt m essages betwecn computers. 5 Therc is an international computer language.

84 Unit 11 • I can do that!

What do you do on the Internet?

6 llit. Listen to the people. When and why do they use the Internet? Complete the information. Charlotte, 14

. ...

~,\~ r


When? evuyday Why? help with homework.


When? _________________ Why? _______________

go, 23 When? _________________ Why? _________________

Alan Krum, 47 _ _ _ _ _ ___

When? ________________ Why? ___________

Max, 10

When? _________________ Why? _________________

Edna, 71

When? _________________ Why? ________________

Illf' Listen again and check. 7 'The list is endless!' Work in groups. What different things do you use the Internet for? What are your favourite websites? Tell the class.

Unit 11 • I can do that!


VOCAB ULARY AND SPEAKING Adjective + noun 1 \-Vork with a partner. Match the groups of adjectives with the nouns. Adjectives




young tall

car fast expensive

people delicious

f resh


big bu sy





exciting funny



boring warm and sunny

cold and wet 2 Complete the sentences with \\'ords from exercise I. Compa re answers with a partner. A Ferrari is _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __

3 Work in groups. Think of examples of these things.

• an expensive car and a cheap car

2 ' How _ _ ___ is your brother?' ' He's very

, 1.9 metres:

3 I think motor racing is a _ __ _ __ _ __ _ 4 Can I have a

orange juice, please?

5 New York is a very _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

• an old city and a modern city • an old film star and a


film star

6 Charlie Chaplin made some very _ __ __ __ 7 We can't go for a walk, it's too _ __ __ __ _

'11Iul Listen and compare. Look at the tapescript on p 120 and practise the conversations.

86 Unit 11 • I can do that!

• a funny film and a boring film Compare your lists.

EVERYDAY ENGLISH Everyday problems Look at the pictures. W ho has a problem with ... ?



computers a.rriving late

o directions


a tost passport

0 0

a ticket machine an accident

3 •• 1111 Liste~ and complete the conversations. A Exc use me! Can you help me? I'm ~_ _ __ B Where do you

to go?

A Grand Central Station. S Turn left onto Park Avenue. ft's _~_~_ on. You

miss it.

2 A Oh no! B What's the _ _ _ _ _ 1



my the Internet,

computer. I can't so I can't send myemails.

B Turn everything off and try ~_ _ __ That sometimes ::::::::iiiiiiiiii';"_ _

3 A Excuse me! This ticket machine B Did you

the green button?

A Oh! No, I didn't.

B Ah, well. Here's your A Thank you very much.

4 A Come on! It's time to go to the airport.

B But I it' anywhere! A You

my passport! I can't find it in your bag. it is! Phew!

B Did J? Oh, yes. 5 A Are you


B Yes, J think so. A Does your arm hurt?

B It hurts

, but I think it's OK.

6 A I'm so sorry 2 Match the lines with the pictures.


1 can't find it anywhere!

o This machine doesn't work! o I'm lost! o I'm so sorry I'm lale! D


J con't get

the llltemet! Are you all right? Oil

B It's OK. The film

in 15 minutes.

A f missed the B I told you, it doesn't

. Come on!

Let's go.


Listen and check. Practise the conversations.

4 Learn two conversations and act them to the class.

Unit 11 • I can do that!


Please and thank you I~

like - some/any • In a restaurant • Signs all around


1 Match the activities and the places. What can you do where? Activities

Placesj i

l....a.... buy a magazine 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_

buy bread, milk, fruit, and meat get US dollars buy stamps and send a parce{ buy a dictionary get a medium latte buy shampoo and conditioner

iI post office b bookshop ( bank d chemist's e supermarket f coffee shop ..g- newsagent's

SAYING WHAT YOU WANT I'd like ... , some and any


Listen to Adam and complete the conversations. Where is he?

A Good

. la like some ham. please.

B How much would you like?

slices. B Wou ld you like anything else? A Yes, la like some cheese. __ you __ any Emment'al? A

B I'm afraid we _ _ have any Emmental. What about Gruyere? A No. thank you. Just the ham then. _ _ much is that?

2 C Can I help you? A Yes, please. I'_ _ like some shampoo. C We have lots. Would you _ _ it for dry or normal hair? A Dry, I think.

else? C OK. Try this one. A Er - oh yeah. I don't have _ _ conditioner. ICllike _ _ cond itioner fo r dry hair, please. C Yes, of course. That's £6.90 please.


Listen again and check. Practise the conversations.

88 Unit 11 • Please and thank you

1 Make sentences with You con . .. YOII

ca" buy a magazi"t. i" a "I!.wsagt."t"!:.

Ilfl. listen and check.



wouldlih I'd like ... is more polite than I wont .,. I'd like some ham. please. 2 We offer things with Would you like ... ? Would you like anything else?

4 You have a friend at your house. Make him or her feel at home! O ffer some of these things.

• a drink • a coffee • something to eat • a glass of wine • some ice-cream

some and ony 1 We use some in positive sentences. I'd like some cheese. 2 We use any with questions and negatives. Do you have any Emmental? We don't have any Emmental.

Would you likt a drillk? YtS, plu$t.

... Grammar Reference 12.l-12.2 pUB

2 Ilf••

Listen to two more conversations with Adam . •oJ:..~,

Conversation 1

Conversation 2

I'd like ...

3 Adam has a visitor. Complete their conversations. A Wh at would

you ___ to drink?

V A juice. I' please.

an apple ju ice,

A Er ... I have _ _ o range juice, but I don't have _ _ apple jui ce.

• watch the football • listen to some music • watch TV • see the garden • play some computer games

V Don't worry. Orange juice is fine. Thanks.



something to eat?

V Yeah, OK. A sa ndwich. A cheese sandwich?

A Er ... I don't have _ _ _ cheese. Sorry. I have ham. you _ __ a ham sandwich? V I don't like ham.

A _ _ _ you ___ some cake, then?

V Yes, p lease. I Cl love _ __


Listen and check. Practise the conversations.

Unit 12 • Please and thank you


PRACTICE It's my birthday!

1 Ilfl' Lislen to the conversation. What does the woman want to do? Why is the man



2 Read and complete the conversation with words from th e box.

would you like

I'd lik. to I,l)

I'd like


A Hey. isn't it you r birthday soon?

B Yeah, next week on the 15lh. A So, what

for YOllr birthday?

B I don't know. I don't need anything. A But,

buy you so mething.

B That's kind but I think

forget my birthday th is year.

A What? You don't want any presents! Why not? B Well, I'm 30 next week, and that feels old. A 30 isn't old. Come on! _ _ _ _ _ _ ta~e y,?u out for f1 meal friends. You can choose the restau rant. B OK, then. Thank you. _______ that. Just don't tell anyone it's my birthday. with

A Oh, that's silly!

Ilf,' Listen again and check. Practise the conversation. Birthday wishes

1 Ilfl, Listen to three people. It's their birthday soon. Complete the chart. like for a present?




• 4 It's your birthday soon! Ask and answer questions about what you'd like. Wkat would you like for your birthday?

I'd lilea all Wod, alld 'OMIS lIew clothes •...

90 Unit 11 • Please and thank you

What would you like to do 011 your birthday?


I'd lilea to go out tor a Mul with ,ome trittld,.



like and would like What's the difference between these sentences? J like Coke.


I'd like a Coke.


Read and listen to the two com'crsations. Which conversation is about what you like day after day? Which is about what you want to do today? A What do you like doing in your free time? B I like going to the cinema. and 1 like playing

computer games. A Do you like playing ... ? 2 C What would you like to do tonight? o I'd like 10 go out. What about you?


C Great! Would you like to go to the cinema? o la love la! What's on?

Practise the conversations with a partner.

Listening and pronunciation

4 Ilf':1 Listen to the conversations. Tick (.I) the sentences you hear.

III D 2 D D 3 D D 4 D D 5 D D

Would you li ke a Coke? Do you like Coke? I like watching films. ICI like to watch a film. We like nats with big bedrooms. WeCl like a flat with two bedrooms. What would you like 10 do? What do you like doing? I like new clothes. Ii:llike some new dOlhes.

Look at Ilfl:1 on pl21 and practise the conversations.

Check it 5 Tick (.I) the correct sentence.

GRAMMAR SPOT Uke refers to always. I like tea. I like going to the cinema.


2 'd like refers to now or soon. I'd lille a cup of tea, please. I'd like to go to the cinema tonight.


........ Grammar Reference 12.3 pUS


Talking about you


3 Work with a partner. Make conversations.


Wllat would you lik6 to do fIIis w661w!dP


I like leave early today. Ii:llike to leave early today. Do you like your job? Would you like your job? Would you like tea or coffee? You like tea or coffee? la like any tea, please. I'd like some tea, please. They like somet hing to eat. Theya like something to eat. I don't have any money. I don't have some money.

READING AND SPEAKING You are what you eat 1 Match the food and the pictu res.

chicken fish salad pasta seafood eggs fice bread and jam breakfast cereal MASUMI TAKAHASHI , JAPAN

Name: Age, lives: Works:

Masumi Takahashi 50 Tokyo, Japan In a bank


14 1

15 1

16 1


19 1

,,> S

~ 17 1


2 Work in three groups. Group A Group B


Group C

Read about ADEllA RAMIREZ.

Read abou t CAROllNE WE ISSMAN .

In Japa n we eat rice at every mea l. For breakfast, we have rice, fish, and soup.

Answer the questions. I 2 3 4 5 6

Which food in exercise I does he/she eat? What does he/she have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What ti me does he/she cat? What does he/she like doing? When? Where? What would he/she like to do? Does he/she do any exercise?

3 Find a student from the other two groups. Compare and swap information.

What do you think! • • • •

Do all three people have a good diet? Do they eat a lot? What do you eat in a day? When? Would you like the food they eat in Japan/New YorkJSpain? What suggestions can you make for a good diet?

Eat rots of fruit.

Don·t kavt too much sU9ar.

92 Unit 12 • Please and thank you

At 12.00 I have bento, which is a lunch box. My w ife makes th is fo r me every day.

There a re smal l dishes of ri ce, fish, vegeta bles, eggs, a nd sometim es meat. In the even in g, we have more fis h, maybe with beans. I'd like to eat w ith my children, but I don't get hom e t ill g.oo. At the weekend, we like doing things together. We go for walks, and have dinner. We eat lots of smal l dishes. We don't put a lot offood on our plate, so we don't eat too much.

What's on,

f ,

yourp,tI e.

Three people from different parts of the world describe what they eat each day.

, /




Name: Caroline Weissman


Adella Ramirez






Brooklyn. New York


Barcelona, Spa in

Works : In a restaurant

Works: Student

I eat little and early. I have toast and cereal for breakfast, an d sa lad for lunch at about '1.30. For dinner I usually eat chicken or fis h.

For Spanish people, breakfast is the smallest meal- just some bread and jam and a cup of coffee. We have lunch at about 2.00, and it's a big meal. Perhaps some pasta, th en salad, then fish or meat, then a dessert. After lunch, some people have a siesta.

If I have a snack between meals, it's always

fruit. I ride my bike to work across Brooklyn Bridge, and run 10 kilometres a day. I'd like to run the New York Marathon this year. I'm a waitress, so I'm on my feet all day. Too many people in this country don't eat right. They say they don't have time to buy food and cook, so they snack all the time. At home I like cooking for friends. For me the dinner table is the centre of the home.

In the evening, I like going to bars with my fri ends. We have tapas. Tapas are lots of little dishes. Then about 10.00 we go to a

restaurant, and maybe have some seafood and rice. Dinner is a lot smaller than lunch. We go to bed very late. I'd like to do some exercise, go to the gym, but I never have time. Maybe one day!

Unit 1l • Ple"e and thank you


VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING In a restaurant 1 Read the menu. What do you like on the menu? ''''hat don't you like? Tell a partn er.

~•... "L.I d,,', lik. 2



or H'


Listen to Liam and Maddy ord ering a

meal in the CAFE. FRESCO. Who says these things? Write L (Liam), M (Maddy). or W (Waiter) .




Are you ready to order?

Well , I am. AIe you ready Maddy? Yes, I am. What's the soup of the day?


French onion soup.

Soup of the day Tomato and fvIozzarella salad


la like the French onion soup to

starl , please.


And to follow?

Ilamburger and chips Fish and chips Salmon salad Spaghetti Bolognese Pizza .Margherita

]'d li ke the salmon salad with some chips on the side. Thank you. And you sir? What would

you like? Er - I'd like the tomato and mozzarella

Would you like an)' side orders? No. thank you. Just the hamburger.


And to drink?

Chips ML,ed salad Mixed green vege tables


Sparkling water fo r me please. What about you Liam? The same for me. We'd like a bottle or


sparkling water, please.

Chocolate cake Apple pie and ice-cream

Fine. I'll bring the drinks immediately. 3 Practi se the conversation in groups of three.

Roleplay 4 Work in groups of three. Roleplay being customers and waiters in a restaurant.

94 Unit 11 • and thank you

£7 .25 £10.25 £ 10.95 £9.25 £ 7.95

SANDWICHES Chicken and salad Cheese and tomato Egg mayonnaise

salad, followed by the hamburger and

£4.25 £5.95

£6.50 £5.95 £5.95

£2.50 £3. 75


£3.85 £3.85

DRINKS Mineral wate r, still or spa rkling Coi{e £2.85 F'ruitju ice Coffee £2.00 Tea

£1.85 £2.25


EVERYDAY ENGLISH Signs all around 1 Look al the signs. Where can you see them?

PULL 2 Which sign means ... ?


You can go in here.


You can go out here.

3 4 S

You can', sit here. You can't smoke here. This machine doesn't work.

3 Ilfl!.'

6_ 7_ S_ 9_ 10 _

Push this door 10 open it. Pull this door to open it. Men can go to the toilet here. You can go up or down floors here. Women can go to the toilet here.

11 _ You can buy something cheap here. 12 Stand and wait here. 13 _ Not o pen. 14 _1_ You can't go in here.

Listen to the lines of conversation. Which sign do they go with?







4 Work with a partner. Write a conversation that goes wilh a sign. Act it

8 10

the class. Can they identify the correct sign?

Unit 12 • Please and thank you


Here and now Colours and clothes • Present Continuous • Opposite verbs • What's the matter?

JIP': 5TARTE 1 What are the colours? Write the colours from the box. blue black brown




white grey



2 What are the clothes? Write words from the box. a jacket


shoes and socks

a scarf

a jt:lfflper


a suit

a shirt and tie

a skirt

a dress



boots a T-shirt and shorts


~'" ,





• •



m 8 __

What is your favourite colour? Tell the class.

96 Unit 13 • Here and now


Usten and repeat.

3 What clothes can you see in the classroom? What colour are they? umatl'r; skirt is black.

lil:obe.rto's shirt is blue..

WHAT ARE THEY WEARING? Present Continuous l ook at the pictures. Complete th e descriptions with the colours and clothes. Nigel's wearing a grey _ _ _ and a white _ _ _ . He's reading his emails.

2 Lily's wearing a 3 Rick's wearing

Eva's wearing a

T-shirt and, ___

trainers. She's running.

jeans and a red

jacket and

. He's playing the guitar.

boots. She's carrying a black bag.

PoUy and Penny are wearing yellow _ __



IliI. Listen and check. Pract ise the sentences. 2 Work with a partner. Describe someone in the room. Who is it?

GRAMMAR SPOT The Present Continuous describes what is

He's wearing a white shirt. blut. jeans. j../e's sitting next to Mt..

happening now.

He's reading his emails.

Ifs St.rgio!

3 Stand up and describe your clothes.

They're eating ice cream.

I'M wearing blut. jeans anel a blaek T-shirt.

I'm sitting in the classroom. 2 We make the Present Continuous with the verb to be: am/is/ are + verb + -ing.

Complete the sentences. I'", studYing You/ We/ They

She/ He

(study) English.



Listen and repeat the questions.

What's he wearing?

What's she doing?

What are they doing?

(wear) jeans.

(play) in the garden.

........ Grammar Reference III p129

Ask and answer the questions abo utlhe pictures with a partner.

What's Nigel wearing? Agrey suit and ...

What's he doing? Unit 13 • Here and now




Present Simple and Present Continuous Asking questions 1 Work with a partner. W hat are the people doing? Ask and answer questions.

Read about Nigel. Complete the text with the verbs in the box.

go wears

What's he dOing?

has arrives




Nigel at work Nigel is a businessman. He (1) works

from 9.00

to 5.30 every day. He always (2) _ _ _ a suit and tie for work. He usually (3)

desk at 1.00. He (4) every eveni ng and he (5)

lunch at his

home at about 7.00 to his children

before they (6) _ _ _ to bed. He often (7)

I'lt* yOll

Listen and check. What ext ra information do hear?

2 Mime actions 10 your partner. Can YOllr partner guess what you are doing?

Yes, Ialt!. I'm makil1g a

You',,, playing tenniS'!

98 Unit 13 • Here and now

very tired at the end of the day.

2 Nigel and his family are on holiday in Spain. Nigel is talki ng with his boss, Bill, o n his mobile phone. Ilil,' Listen to and rcad the conversation.

GRAMMAR SPOT Read the sentences. He wears a suit for work. He's wearing a T shirt. Which sentence is about now? Which is true day after day but not now? ..... Grammar Reference 112 p129

1 How many true sentences can you make abOllt Nigel's holiday? Compare with your partner.


enjoying the holiday. talking to Bill. calling Nigel. staying in a hotel. wearing a suit. raining in Spain. swimming in the pool. relaxing.


Karen Bill


The children





4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about Nigel's holiday.

N Oh, hi Bill! That's OK.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

B First things first, are you having a good time?


N igel Hello. Bill Nigel, it's Bill, sorry to call you about work.

N Yes, we are. We're having a great time. B Are you staying in a hotel?

N No, we're not. We're slaying in a house with a swimming pool near the beach. S Wonderful. And your fami ly? Are they enjoying it?

N Oh, yes. The kids are swimming in the pool right now. Can yo u hear them? B I can. And are you and your wife relaxing?

N We are. We're sitting by the pool. Karen's sunbath ing, and I'm reading a lot. And I'm not wearing a suit and tie, just shorts and a T-shirt.

B You're lucky. It's raining again here. Now, l'm caUing about work .. .

N OK Bill, what's the problem?

Are they ... a good time? Are they having a good time? Where ... staying? What ... the child ren doing? What ... Karen doing? What ... Nigel doing? Ishe ... a suit? Wh y . .. Bill ca lling? Listen and check.

S Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Sim ple or Present Continuous. Nigel jives now he 's staying 2 He usually

he 3 He never

he 4 Karen

she S The children

but today they

6 It often it

(live) in a house in London, but (stay) in a hOllse by the sea. (wear) a suit but today (wear) shorts. (relax) at work but now (relax) by the pool. (wo rk) in a shop, but today (e njoy) her holiday.

(work) hard at school (swim) in the pool. (rain) in England and (rain) there now.

B Well ...

Unit 13 • Here and now




This week is different Questions and answers

1 Make the questions. you/wear/a new jumper? Art you wearing a "ew jumper?

1 How do ver y rich people sp end t heir time and money? What don't they do ? Compare ideas with the class, They often have very big, 8Xpensive cars. They dOPt't travel by public transport.

2 we/ learn/Chinese? 3 we/sitlin a classroom? 4 you!listen/to the teacher?

S the teacher/wear/blue trousers?

1 Read the introduction 10 the TV programme Th e Secret Millio/Jaire. W hat do t he miJlionaires do in the programme? Why are they called secret millionaires?

6 all the stud ents/speak/English? 7 you/learnJa lo t of English ?

8 it/rain today? Stand up. Ask and answer the questions.

Art you wtarin9 a


No, I'm /'lot. It's rully old.

A photo of you 2 Bring a photograph of you to class.

Say ... • where you are. • what you're doing. • who you're with. • what you're wearing.

Check it ] Tick (.I ) the correct sentence.


I'm wear a blue shirt today. I'm wearing a blue shirt today.


W here are you going? W here you going?



3 4






Peter no working this week. Peter isn't worki ng this week. T hat's Peter over there. He talks to the teacher, That's Peter over there. He's ta lki ng to the teacher. Heidi is German . She comes from Berlin. Heidi is German, She's coming from Berlin. Why aren't you having a coffee? Why YO ll no having a coffee?

100 Unit 13 • Here and now

The Secret Millionaire is a programme on TV's Channel4.

Every week a different millionaire leaves his or her comfortable, expensive home and lives and works for ten days with people who aren't rich and need help. The people don't know who he or she is. They are 'secret millionaires',


3 Read about Colin Cameran. Complete the questions. I When

2 3 4 5

Where Does he

Why Who does he

he start his business? he live?

5 II(!:I

Listen to four conversations with eoli n. Complete the chart.

any children ? he a lucky man ? to help?

Who's he talking to?

Work with a partne r. Ask and answer the questions. 4 Read This we e k is diffe rent. Are th e sentences true (.I ) o r false (X)? Correct the fa lse ones. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S

Colin went to Manchester by bus. He's staying in a fl at in th e centre of the city. He isn't sleeping in a bedroom. The hostel is [or homeless boys and girls. He's helping the boys to read and write. They don't think that he is a good teacher. Colin isn't enjoying the wo rk at all. He wants to give Roger and Margaret a lot of money.

Coli" Camera" is this week's



mil lionaire. He started his business 2S yea rs ago when he was 19. He's now worth £60 million and lives with his wife and two teenage sons in a beautiful, big country house. He al so has a house in Majorca, and apartments in London and New York. He drives a yellow lamborghini and even has a private plane. He says:

" 'am a very lucky man. Now I want to help people who are not as lucky as I am, especially y oung people. "


What 's he talking about?

1 1 1 4

What do you think! Discuss the questions.

• How is Colin a typical millionaire? How is he not? • Why would Colin like his sons to meet the boys? • Do you think the TV programme is a good idea?

Ii T"'_ week is different Colin left his family last weekend and went by train to Manchester. He is now living in Moss Side, a poor area of the

city. He is staying with a married couple, Roger and Marga ret Watson. They think he is looking .....


for work in Manchester. Roger and Marga ret live in a sma ll flat on the 8th floor of an apartment block. They only have one bedroom so Colin is sleepi ng on the sofa in the living room. They ru n a hostel for homeless teenage boys. This week Colin is working w it h t he boys in the hostel, an old, grey building in a busy road. Some of the boys ca n't read and w rite very well and he is helpin g them learn so that they can find jobs. Roger, Margaret and the boys like Colin . Th ey thi nk that he is a good t eacher. They have no idea he is a millionaire. Colin says:

"I'm missing my family a lot but Roger and Margaret are

wonderful people. "m enjoying my time with them very much. I'm learning a lot about life. At the end of the week I want to give them £100,000 to build a new hostel. I'd like to bring my sons here to meet them all.


Unit 13 • Here and now


VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Opposite verbs 1 Look al the two sentences. Underline the verbs. They are verbs with opposite meaning.

Tht teaehtr's askin9 us: questiolls.

W, 're aPlswtri"9 tnt""

2 Match the verbs with their opposites. I leave arrive

5 love

2 work 3 buy - 4 walk

6 open



-turn on - -

8 start


9 get up 10 remember - II put on


12 win


play finish


hate turn off


go to bed

take off lose run dose


] Look at the pictures. Co mplete the sentences with the opposite verb in the cor rec t form.

Please, don't ask me any more questions. I can't them.

2 I'm seUing my oId ca r and I'm a new one. 3 We aJways get up at seven in the morning and at eleven at 4 It was cold, so Tom took off his T· shirl and a warm jumper.

5 I usually walk to school but yesterday



alJ the way.

6 John's playing tennis with Peter today. He always loses. He never 7 Don't turn off the TV, I'm watching

it! Please

Illl" 4 l'llt.1 hate



Listen and check. Listen. Write down the opposite verbs in each conversation. .~

2 _ _, _ _

3 _ _~

Look at the tapescript on p122. Practise the conversations.

102 Unit 13 • Here and now


5 _ _, _


6_ _ , _ _

EVERYDAY ENGLISH What's the matter? 1 What's the matter with the people? Complete the sentences wit h words in the box. tired



S h e's~




7 He's _ _ _




8She's _ __

a (old

a headache

9 Hehas _ _

10 She has

Ililll Listen and repeat. Roleplay

2 Complete the conversations with words from exercise I. A What's the matter? B


and ~~~_

A Why don't you have a cup of tea?

B That's a good idea. A Sit down. I'll make it for you.

C What's the matter? D J have a bad _ __

3 Have simil ar conversations. Use the words from exercise 1 and these ideas. go to bed early put on a jumper

• have a sandwich have a (old drink • talk to a friend • watch a video • sit down and relax • go to the cinema • have a cold shower

C Oh dear! Why don't you take some aspirin? o I don't have any. C It's OK. I have some.

Li sten and check. Practise the conversations with a partner.

Unit 13 • Here and now


It's time to go! Future p{ans • Grammar revision Vocabulary revision • Social eKpressions (2)



Write the form of transport.

Future plans Bill and Gloda Bigelow are from the US. Next week they are going on holiday 10 Europe. Look at the map and answer the questions.

2 _ __

Which seven countries are they going 10 visit? 2 Where does the holiday begi n? Where does it end? 3 How are they travelling? 1 Read the holiday information and check your answers.

3 _ __


er '


6 _ __


8 ---"-=_

2 How do you travel? Where to? I usu, '1y tOM' to "GftOOI by bus M today' caM. by tar. So,",tim,,,' tranl by . . .



Fly overnight to london.



Check into hotel. Bus tour of london, visit Buckingham Palace. t he Houses of Parliament. the Tower of London. See the city from the London Eye.

104 Unit 14 • It's time to go!

GRAMMAR SPOT Here are two ways of talking about future plans. 1 Present Continuous They're flying to Europe tomorrow/ next week. We're leaving on Sunday/ at six o'clock.

1 going to They're going to have a bus tour of london. We're going to stop in Verona. ...... Grammar Reference 14.1 p1l9

3 Read the holiday information again carefull y. Complete the sentences. On Sunday they're Ilying to _ _ _ 2 On Monda}' they're going to have a tour of London. 3 On Tuesday they're travelling through and into _ __ 4 On Wednesday they're going to drive down the 'Romantic Road' to the Alps and _ __

5 On Thursday they're going to over the Europa Bridge. 6 On Friday they're going to in Verona. They're to see Juliet's balcony. 7 On Saturday evening they're _ __ dinner



Early morning start. Ferry across the English Channel and coach through Belgium and into Germany. Evening boat cruise on the River Rhine. OVernight in Frankfurt.



By coach down Germany's famous 'Romantic Road' to the Alps and Austria. Overnight in Innsbruck.



South to Italy. Drive over the fantastic 'Europa Bridge' and drive through the Brenner Pass to Venice. Boat ride along the Canals to

in a bistro in Paris. 8 On Sunday morning they're _ _ _ to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa. In the evening they're back to the US.

"U' Listen and check. Practise the sen tences. Questions


Listen and repeal the questions.

What are they doing on Sunday? What are they going to do on Monday?

Piazza San Marco. Overn ight in Venice.


5 Complete the questions about Bill and Gloria. FR IDAY VENICE -LAKE LUCERNE, SWITZERLAND

Stop in Verona to see Romeo and Ju l iet's balcony. Drive through the St. Gotthard Tunnel to Switzerland and beautiful lake lucerne. Overnight at lake lucerne.



The autoroute into France and through Burgundy wine country to Paris. Have dinner in the evening in a left Bank bistro. Overnight in Paris .

. , SUNDAY PARIS - COLUMBUS AIR PORT, OHIO, US Morning sightseeing in Paris, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the

I What/doing/Tuesday?

2 What/going to do/Wednesday? 3 When/going to drive/the Europa Bridge? 4 What/going to do/Verona? 5 Where/having dinner/Saturday? 6 When/going to the Louvre? 7 When/llying back/the US?

I.@ •• Listen and check. Ask and answer the questions with your partner.

louvre to see the Mona lisa. Overnight flight back to Columbus, US.

Unit 14 • It's time to go!


PRACTICE Eddie's plans

Eddie is tal king 10 a friend abollt h is holiday plans. Complete the conversation with the question words.

when how Friend

where (x2) how much What

what how long


are you doing?

Eddie I'm planning my holiday.

2 Ask and answer questions about Eddie's hoJjday plans with you r partner.

F Oh. ____ are you going? E I'm going la South Africa. It's my first time. F Oh you're so lucky!

are you leaving?

E I'm leaving next Monday morning.

F ____ are you going with? E I'm not going with anyone. Just me and my rucksack.

• Where/going? • Why/going? • Who/going with? When/leaving? • How/going to travel? • Where/going to stay? How long/going to stay?

Buau't ...

F _ _ _ _ are you going to stay? E Well. I'm Slaying with friends in Cape Town. Then I'm going on safari. I'm going to sleep in a lent. F Fantast ic! And

are you going to travel?

E By plane to Cape Town, of cou rse. and then by jeep when I'm on safari. F By jeep! How exciting. And _ _ _ _ are you going

to stay?

Talking about you 1 With your partner, ask and answer questions about you. Ask about ... • after the lesson What are you doing/ 90in9 to do • this evening attuthelt"onP tomorrow next weekend j/ • on your next holiday (where)

E Just two weeks. I'd like to Slay longer but r can't. It's too expensive.

Check it

F _ _ __ is it going to cost?

4 Each sentence has one word missing. Write it in.

E About £2.000. F Mmm m, that's quite a lot. Well, have a great time.

I can't wait to see your photos.


What,.(you doing this evening? 2 I'm going see some friends tonight.

3 When they going to France?

E Oh, yes, I'm going to take a lot of photos.

4 She seei ng the doctor tomorrow.


S What time are you to leave?

Listen and check. Practise the conversation with a partner.

106 Unit 14 • It's time to go!

6 I'm going to the cinema Saturday evening.



Words that go together

4 Write the words in the correct box. 1""0 syUables

1 Match a verb in A with words in B. A


,,,,,I ~

hard a photograph by train dinner with friends a bike sightseeing carefully a suit your homework bills on the Internet

ride drive

go work

have take do pay



hot\'e l1, I ,,'ork in London but [ don't live in London. [ livc in Brighton. F And what's your job? T I'm an actor. \\'hat's your job, Flavia? Do you work in London? F Yes,' do. I work in a hotel. A big hotel ncar here. T Flavia, yo u aren't English, but you speak Englis h very well. Where do you come from? F I come from Italy, from Napoli. Or Naples I think you say. T Ah, Italy. I love [taly. F Do you know Naples? T No, I don',. I don't know Naples, but I know Romc. I like Rome very much. It's very beautiful. F Naples is beatl li fu ltoo. Do yo u speak Italian, Terry? T No, I don't. I speak Frenc h but I don't speak Italian. F h's nice to meet you Terry. T You too.


see p39

IDiJ I 2 3 "

S 6 7


How mu ch is it? The cheese sandwich is £2.90. Thl' football is £ 14. The iPhone is £90.95. 111e beer is £3.50. Thc dictionary is £.7.50. The pair of jeans is £50. The chocolate is 6Op. l he bag is £44.99.


UNIT6 TItc lime

2 It's nine thirty. 3 It's nine fo\'c. 4 It's ten oclock. 5 It's ten fifteen. 6 It's two oclock. 7 It's two thi n y. 8 It's twO fo rty·five. 9 It's three o'clock. 10 It's three fifteen.


sce p40

Kim's day Kim Well. o n schooldays I ge t up at seven forty- five. I have breakfast at eight and I go to school al eig ht thirty. I have lunch in school with my friends, that's at twelve fifteen - it's early in our school. JIeave school at three thirt y in the aft ernoon and I walk hOllle with my friends. I get home at four thirt)" have tea, and watch television. , go to bed al eleven oclock on schooldays, but later at the weekend, of course!

seep4 1

81iol's day He gets up at six o'clock a nd has a shower. He has breakfaSI at six forty·five. He leaves home at seven fifteen, and hc goes to work by ta)!: i. He has lunch, a Coca Cola and a sandwich, in his office at o ne oclock. I-Ie always works laiC. He leav ....s work at eight oclock in the evening. He sometimes buys a pizza and cats it at home. He gets home at nine fifteen. He never goes out in the eveni ng. He works at his computer until eleven thirty. I-Ie always goes to bed at eleven fort y- five. He watches telc\'isioll in bed.

lID gets up has leaves goes watches



IDI He always works late. He sometimes buys a piZ7.a. He ne\'er goes out in the evening. He always gocslo bed al eleven forty· five.


see p42

Q uestions and negalh·es I What time does he gel up? He gets up al Si)!: oclock. 2 When does he go 10 bed? He goes to bed at eleven forty· five. 3 Does he go to work by taxi? Yes, he does. 4 Does he have lunch in a restaurant? No, he doesn't. 5 Does he go OUl in the evening? No, he doesn't.

om 2

3 4

I It's nine oclock.


IDI l1li



When does he leave home? He leaves home at 7. 15. Does he go 10 work by bus? No, he goes to work by tui. Wher.... does he have lunch? He has lunch in his office. Does he usuall y work late? Yes, he does, every day. Does he eat in a restaurant? No, he doesn't. He eats at home. What does he do in the evening? He works, He never goes ou t.


Lois'5 Day Lois Maddox The seaside artist fi lls her day with work, walks. mU5ic, and friends. Lois Maddox is t,,'en ty·five and she's an artist. She lives in a small house by the sea in Cape Cod, Massachusets. She always gets up late, at ten oeloc k in th e morning. She has a big breakfast, coffee, eggs and toast - and then she goes to the beach with her dog. When she gets home she works in her studio until seven oclock in the eve ning. She never cats lunch bu t she always cooks a big dinner and she often in vites friends. After dinner, she usually listens \0 musi c or plays the piano, sometimes she phones her brother, Elliot, in New York. She goeS to bed very late, at one or two oclock in the morning.

Tapescripts 5.10-6.11



On the phone

l.=-c Lois, E::: Blliol L Hi Elliol, how arc you? E I'm fi ne, thanks. Busy as usuaL ~ L Oh, you're always busy. You :md your

computers! E I know, but I lovc my work. L ' IO"e my work 100, hut [ relax sometimes. E Huh! [ don', know about that. You paint

" . UNIT 7



Where do you live? [ li ... e in France, in Paris. Who are you mar ried 10? Julie n Caribe. I-Ie's French. What does your husband do? He's a photographer. When are you in Sydney aga in? Next October. Who arc the kids in the photos? My daughters Freya and Frida, and my son Pierre Louis. How old are they? They're six, fou r, and ten months old. Why do your daughters ha"e Swedish names? Because their fa ther is Swedish. li ow many shows d o you do every year? About eight. Why do you work so hard? Because I lo ... e my work. What do you do in your free time? I go out wi th my famlly.


aUday! L Yes, bUll stop in the evening. You neve r



E That's not true. Hey Lois, how's your friend Nancy? L Nancy? She's OK. Yo~know, Elliot. Nancy



likes you. She often4sks about you. E j\·lm, I like Nancy 100. L Well, come and visit me soon. I want to


cook for you and Nancy. E Good idea! What about next weeke nd?


Next Sunday? L Yes, great! I often invite NUnc), al the weekend. E Great. See you on Sunday. Have a good week!



Negat ives and pronunciation

I She lives in a flat. She doesn't live in a flat! She lives in a house! 2 He gels up at ten o'clock. He doesn't get up at ten o'clock! He gets up at six o'clock! 3 She's a businesswoman. She is n't a busincsswoman! She's an artist! 4 He goes 10 work by bus. He doesn't go to work by bus! He goes to work by taxi! 5 She watches television in the e...ening. She doesn't watch television in the evening! She listens to music or plays the piano!


Words that go together get up earl)' go shopping go to bed In le drink coffee listen to music cat in restauran ts wa tch T V ha ...e a shower cook din ner play the piano work in an oflice stay at home

II:IlI 1 2 3 4

5 6 7

8 9

Do Do Do Do Do Do Do 00 Do

Lifest yle questionnaire you gct up early? you have a big breakfast~ you walk to school or work? you go to school or "'ark by bus? you watc h TV in the eve ning? you go shopping at the weekend? you eat in restaura nts? you dri nk wine? you go to bed late?


Days of the we ek Monday Tuesday Wed nesday Th ursday Frid ay Saturday Sunday


Tapescripts 6.11-7.10




G ina is a fashion model. Pa ris is her favour ite clly. She loves it there. Next October she's in Sydney for a fashion show. She is now married to a French man. They have a baby son . Friday is their favouri te day.


11,;s and t/1U1 1 A This is my favourite family photo. B Ah, yes. You all look very happy!

2 C Who's that? D The guy in the hat? That"s the boss! 3 E What's that? F It's my new M P3 player. E \Vow! It's great! 4 G Ho,,· much is this? H £9.50. G I'll ha\'e it, please.

5 I


6 K L 7 M N M

How much is that? Its £500. I love it. It's fantastic! Is th is your phone? Yes, it is. Thanks. I like that (Qat. TIle blue one? No, the red one!

8 0 Jlike this wine. p Whe re's it from? o Chile. It's de licious. 9 Q This is for you. R A p rese nt? For me? Why? Q Because 1 10...e you!


I like them! 1 Do you like ice-cream? Yes, I love it. 2 Do you li ke dogs? No, I hale them.

3 Do you like me? Of course I like you! 4 Does your teacher leach you French? No, she teaches us English. 5 Do you like your teacher? We like her ve ry much.


Questi ons and a n swers

I How do you come to school?

By bus. 2 What do you have fo r breakf.1st? Toast an d coffee. 3 Who's your favourite band? I don't ha...e a favourite. I like a lot. 4 Where does your father work? In an office in the centre of town. 5 Why do you wa nt to learn English? Because it's an internat ional language. 6 How much money do you have on fOu? Not a lot. About £2. 7 What time do lessons start at your school? They start al nine ol::lock. 8 How many languages does your teacher speak?

Th=. ~ Adjec tives 1 A It's so hot today, isn't it? B I know. It's 35 degrees!

2 C Hey! I like your new shoes! D Thank you! They're really nice, aren't they? C They're fantastic! 3 E I live in a very small flat. F How ma ny bed rooms do you have? E O nly one!

4 G How much is thal coat? H £ISO. G Wow! That's too expensive for me.


Your name's Peter, isn't it? Yes, thats right. Nice to mee t you, Peter.


se c 1'53


1 C1J1 I have a return ticket to Oxford, please. 2 I li ke Ihis jumper. Can I try it on? 3 I wan t to post these letters to the Czech RepubliC, please. 4 Can [ ha\'e a coffee, please? 5 Some aspirin, please.


1", lvela I In a railway Sl'ation I Can I have a retu rn ticket to Oxford, please? A Sure. I How muc h is that? A Twen ty-two pounds fifty, please. I Can I pay by credit card? A No problem. Put your card in the machine. And enter your PI N number, please. 2 In a O/ Sightseeing 11 /'5,111 51: 101 sit v I's lt l skiing 11 Iski :llJ! special ndj I'spcJII square 11 Iskwea(r)/ start v Isto:t! sun" Is,\nl

fou rteenth mlj 1,(.,:'ti:nOl fifiee nth adj l,fl f'li:n91 sixteenth adj 1,; lks't [:nOl seventeenth adj f, scvn'li:nOl

swimming pool


I'SWlml!) ,pu:l!


11 Itua(r)l tourist 11 l 'I,,;)rtst l tourist office 11 I' w;)f[st ,Oflsl

eighteenth adj I,CI'll:n91 nincleelllh ndj l ,mtln' li:nOl twen tieth ndj I'tw(nti:>Ol thirtieth ndj 1'93:li:>Ol

villa 11 I' VI];)!


v I' w;:,:kJ weekend 11 I,wi:k'cndl I\'indsurfing 11 /' wmds3:fl!)1

zoo 11 Izu:1

".. UNIT 10 ago adv 1:"g:Jol at prcp Ia:t, 'JI/

" . UNIT 11

bus tour 11 /' bll.s ,HJ'J(r)/

a little bit I:J 'IItl ,bltl

cam ping 11 l 'ka:mpl lJl castle /1 I' ko: sl! cathedral" Ik;)'Oi:dr;)U clean v lkli:ndl coffee bar 11 !' kofi ,bo:(r)l

accident 11 I'reksld'Jl1 ll act v lrekl l afraid adj /a 'freldl airport " l'eap.,:11

also adv 1'.J:ls;K)/ anywhere at/v I'eniwea(r)/ arc hitecl 11 I'a:kllekl l Argen tina 11 /,o:dS'Jn 'li :n;)!

dance 11 !do:ns! dale /1 Idell l diner 11 /'dlln'J(r)l enjoy


arm 11 lo:mI athle te 11 I're01i:t f


free adj Ifri :1

barbecue 11 l'bo:blkju :1

get v /gC[/


horse riding 11 " h;:':5 ,r-l.IdJIJ'

better adj l 'bcl 'J(r)/

Ice-skating n I' al ~ ,skellllJl India 11 1'1Ildi;)/ interested 11 " lI1l r351ldJ

bill " !bIll blog 11 !blogl boring ndj /'b.J:ntJ! button 11 I'bll.t nI

lake 11 /le lk!

last adj 110:stl late fldj I adl' I,len l leisure 11 1'lc3'J(r) a:k,llV;)[il. lislenedactivity v 1'lJsndl . lots proll lint s! lucky adj I' lll.kil market 11 /, mo:kl ll meal 11 Imi;]1 milk 11 fmllk! much pron lm ... l[1 museum 11 Imju'zi:'JmI

once adv Iw ... ns/ orange juice /1 I' nflnd3,dsu:s/



Word list




cake /l Ikelkl can v Ikre nl chat I' 1[1a:1 1 chess 11 !tJesl

communicate I' Ika'mju:mkcIII computer games /l pi Iblll'pju: t'J ,gelmli conlinue v fi;:'Jn'[mju :/ dangerous IIdj I'demd3'J r'Js! defense 11 fd l'fcll ~1 department" Idl'po: t m;)nll draw I' fdra:1 endless nrlj /'end l"sI

everything proll l 'cvriOlljl

fa rmer 11 I'fo:m:}(r)/ film star 11 I' fl lm ,sto: (rJ/ fluently Cldj /'flu:antl il fly v !fIml foo tball p[a)'er 11 Nmh:s:l ,plc I ;)! geography / 1 Idsi'ografi/ glass /1 Iglo:sf grandma n I'gr.cnmo:1 green atlj Igri: nl gui tar 11 fg l'to:(r)l help v /help! h istory 11 I' hlSlri' horse n IhJ: si hour 11 I'ao:>{r)/ hurt v Ih:s:tl interpreter jumbo jet

l lll' t:s:pnta(r)/

11 1I

l,d3AmbdU 'd3C1 1

kind adj Ikarndf lift I' fll ftl lost adj l10stl message /J f' mesldy' metres IJ pi l' mi:tnJ millions 1I pI l 'm lljJnv m iss I' fml s! mostly adv l' mdUS! lil motor radng 11 l 'm:mll on the side I,on ();, 's:ucV onion 11 I,A ni;,n/ ordering v /'J:d;ml)!

pC'rhaps (/(/1'


plale 11 Iplcllf polite adj IpJ' larl l programs 11 l' pr;;JlJ9r;Cm7J pull 11 Ipoll

report 11 In 'PJ:lf rict' 11 In u s' salmon 11 " s:cm;>n/ sC'cond class adj f,sebndl service 11 f'S3:V Is! side orders 11 pi /'sald ,J:dJ"J siesta 11 Isi'c~t;J/ silly IIIlj /' s ll iI Sir 11 153:1 slices 11 pl l' ... I:lI slzI smaller Ildj l'sln J:b( r)/ smallest mlj I's mJ:ll stl smile 11 l ... m;IIU smoke 11 l~mJlJkI snack" I SIIa!kJ sou p 11 isu:p/ sparkli ng rutj I'spo:k hul stand " ISI;cndl starters 11 I'slO: t;)z) suga r 11 /'Jug;Kr)/ swap v Iswnp! take pholos 11 1,lelk 'fJul;)Uzj lapas 11 l'tre.PJs/ thirsl)' adj /'03:stil

liII prep Itl ll toma to 11 ItJ'mu: l;)()/ 100 many I,tu: 'meni! 100 much !,tu : 'mAIJI

US dollars


pl /,ju: es 'dIlIJz)

I'egetable " l 'ved31;,b1l wait" IWelt l \\'ailress 11 I' we llrJs! I,'orld 11 l'w3: ldI



actions" pl l' rekfnz/ angry adj I'a!ugril aparlments 11 pI IJ ' IX;l:tmallt!J arrive v /J'ra lv! al the moment /;>t ()J 'mJOrn;)ntJ boots 11 pI IbU:151 bored tldj IbJ:dI bring" IbnlJl build v IblldJ business " /' b l zn ;)~

138 Word list

call " /b:1I ca rry I' I' k;cnl choose I' Itfu: '" close 11 IklJUz/ cold l, kJUldI colours t\ pI I' kAI;>z/ country house /J l,kAntri 'hlWs/

do well I,du: 'well dress 1I /clrcsl end IIdj le nd/ espedally ad" Ir'spcfalil espresso " le'spres~ extra adj l'ekslrJl fi n ish 11 I'flll lf/ guess



happening 11 l 'hiCpJJ\IIJI have a cold v I'h:ev J k:\u ldl headache 11 I' hedcrkl helping 11 l' helpl!)1 homeless 11 I' h.)(JmIJs/ hostel 11 I' hD~tall hungry tldj l 'hAogrii jeans lose open

11 I'

pi Idji:n zl

Ilu:zj I'


pleased adj Ipli:zdl poor adj Ipa:(r)/ private plane /J I,pm lvat ' plc In! public transport IJ !,pAb h k'lra:nSp:l:11 put on v Iput ' onl remembe r " Irr'mcmb~r)/ road 11 IrJUdl scarf 11 Isku:fJ secrel 11 1'~i:k rJt l sell .' Isell shirt /J !J3:11 shorts 11 pI If:!:Is/ skirt 11 Isk:s:t! sleep v I'sl i:pl socks 1I pi Isoksf someone pron I'sAmwAn! spend money v I,spend 'mAnil spend time I' I,spend 'ta lmf strawberry /I I'stn:b;>ril successful adj Isak' ... esflf suil 11 Isu:tf take off 11 I' te lk of! leenage adj I' ti:nc ld3 Progress

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