Gamao Elementary School Mrs. Annabelle R. Cortez Noember ! " ##$ %'
E,lain ho an earth0)a-e occ)rs
Describe the characteristics o* the di+erent layers o* the earth as to its com,osition$ thic-ness and tem,erat)re. T"e La'ers of t"e Eart"
LEA-&I& -ESO-CES A. -efe -efere renc nces es 0. Teac"er1s $ides 2. Lear Learne ner1 r1ss ,ater ,ateria ia)) pages
PELC V 0.0.0. Into t"e 5$t$re6 Science and *ea)t" pp 7 089 : 08;
I. OBJECTIVES A. Cont Content ent Sta Standa ndard rdss B. Perfor Performan mance ce Standa Standards rds C. Lear Learni ning ng Competencies/Objectie s
#. :hat is *a)lt; a. a brea- in the earth1s cr)st b. a dee, ,art o* the ocean c. a long mo)ntain range d. a hole in the earth1s layer %. :hich ,ict)re shos the normal *a)lt o* the earth1s cr)st that ca)se an earth0)a-e; 3. How folded mountains are formed?
b. Match the *olloing intensity4 A I #. intensity a. airly strong shoc%. intensity 5 b. Strong shoc7. intensity 5J c. ery *eeble shoc?. intensity 55 d. Shoc- o* moderate intensity @. intensity 555 e. Etremely strong shoc5n hat ay does the magnit)de / intensity o* an earth0)a-e meas)red;
a. 5* yo)Kre liing near the seashore and yo) notice that that ater grad)ally disa,,ear.:hat ill yo) do; b. o) are liing near the hillside or mo)ntainside$ yo) *eel that there is a s)dden sha-ing or trembling o* the gro)nd;hat ill yo) do; :hy;
:hat is an E arth0)a-e; Gie each e+ect.
!irections6 C"oose t"e )etter of t"e correct ans+er6
Choose the letter o* the correct anser #. The *olloing are the e+ects o* an earth0)a-e EJCE3T one a. landslides b. earht0)a-e belts c. ts)namis d. lost o* lies and ,ro,erties %. :hich o* the *olloing best describes landslide; a. loose roc-s *alling *rom
0. @"at is t"e intensit' of an eart"#$a%e +"en "anging objects s+ing free)' a. intensit' 0 b. intensit' II c. intensit' III d. intensit' IV 2. @"ic" of t"e fo))o+ing refers to intensit' of an eart"#$a%e a. T"e destr$ctie effects of an eart"#$a%e on t"e gro$nd base on
Additiona) actiities for app)ication or remediation
3. It is t"e deepest portion of t"e eart". It is made $p of mo)ten iron and nic%e) and so)id materia)s in its inner str$ct$re. a. core c. mant)e b. cr$st d. p)ates beca)se o* shi*ting cr)stal ,lates c.> beca)se o* the aes coming *rom the oceans b.> beca)se o* the Boing stream. d$> beca)se o* the eaty,hoons that hit certain areas 7. :hat ca)ses olcanic earth0)a-e; a.> colliding o* ,lates c.> shi*ting o* ,lates b.> moements o* ,lates d.> moing o)t o* laa to the s)r*ace
Dra and label the layers o* the earth.
#. 5t is im,ortant to hae ,ro,er -noledge abo)t an earth0)a-e; :hy;
?. :hat is the instr)ment that meas)res the sterngth o* an earth0)a-e; a. seismogram c. Richter Scale b. seismogra,h d. barogra,h
a. When one plate slide under the other. . When two plates mo!e away from each other. c. When two plates slowly push against each other and fold up d. When plates don"t change. #.What changes on the earth surface happen due to the mo!ements of the crustal plates?? a The en!ironment ecame polluted. . The poles ecame cooler. c. Volcanoes$ mountains and trenches were formed. d. %limate and weather changes occure
seismo)ogist on7site obseration. b. T"e energ' re)eased b' an eart"#$a%e based on +ae meas$rement and compared +it" t"e -ic"ter Sca)e c. T"e distance coered from t"e epicenter d. T"e fre#$enc' of occ$rrence 3. @"at is t"e intensit' of an eart"#$a%e +"en peop)e become panic%' as sma)) )and s)ide occ$r a. intensit' I b. intensit' II b. intensit' III d. intensit' IV
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