New Challenges 4 Students Book

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Get Ready A  Back to school (pp. 4–5) Grammar: Future Grammar: Future tenses for arrangements, intentions, plans and predictions

Study Help: Writing Help: Writing personal study objectives

B  Good Advice (pp. 6–7)

Grammar: Future and unreal conditionals Grammar: Future

Study Help: Managing Help: Managing your work

 Communication Key Words: Words: Communication

 An advert Listening: The New Challenges characters Listening: The Challenges characters Reading: Reading: An  Teenagers and communication Speaking: Teenagers Speaking:  Animal communication Reading: Animal Reading:

1 Communication Get Ready (pp. Ready (pp. 8–9)

 Present tenses review 1  Animal Talk (pp. 10–11) Grammar: Grammar: Present 2  Social Networking (pp. 12–13)

Word Builder: Multi-part Builder: Multi-part verbs and since Sentence Builder:  Builder:  for for and  since

Reading: Social networking Reading: Social

3 (pp. 14–15)

Sentence Builder: Negative Builder: Negative questions Key Expressions: Opinions Expressions: Opinions

Reading and Listening: The Listening: The New Challenges story Challenges story  A discussion Speaking Help: Class discussions Speaking: Speaking: A Everyday Listening: Short Listening: Short conversations Listen Closely: Stress Closely: Stress in common expressions

Across Cultures 1 (pp. 16–17)

Word Builder: Opposites Builder: Opposites

Reading: Keeping In Touch Reading: Keeping  Languages and codes Speaking: Languages Speaking:

 (p. 18) Study Corner 1 1 (p.

Writing: Rules for social networking Writing: Rules

Project: An article Project: An

 Using the Internet Study Help: Help: Using

2 News Get Ready (p. Ready (p. 19)

 In the Media Key Words: Words: In

Listening: The news Listening: The

4  In Other News (pp. 20-21)

Grammar: Past tenses review; Past Perfect Grammar: Past

Reading: Unusual news stories Reading: Unusual

5  Breaking News (pp. 22–23)

Word Builder: Compound Builder: Compound adjectives  + -ing   Sentence Builder: Linking Builder: Linking with after /before before + + clause

Reading Help: Headlines Help: Headlines  Imaginary news stories from history Reading: Imaginary Reading:  What’s in the news? Speaking: What’s Speaking:

6  Finding News (pp. 24–25)

Key Expressions: Personal Expressions: Personal News

Reading and Listening: The Listening: The New Challenges story Challenges story Everyday Listening: Personal Listening: Personal news and gossip Listen Closely: Confusing Closely: Confusing word boundaries

 Your Challenge (p. Challenge (p. 26)

Text Builder: Organisation; Builder: Organisation; informal language; ellipsis in informal written language

Writing: An email Writing: An Writing Help: Planning Help: Planning emails and letters

Understanding Grammar (p. 27)

Verb patterns

 (p. 28) Study Corner 2 2 (p.

Speaking: The media Speaking: The

Speaking: Roleplay Speaking: Roleplay

 Informal/Formal language Study Help: Help: Informal/Formal

3 Save the Planet Get Ready (p. Ready (p. 29)

 The Environment Key Words: Words: The

 Two points of view Listening: Two Listening:

7  Going Green (pp. 30–31)

Grammar: Present Perfect and Present Perfect Grammar: Present Continuous

Reading: Eco-friendly family Reading: Eco-friendly

8  Fair Trade (pp. 32–33)

Sentence Builder:  Builder:  although and despite

 Facts and opinions Reading: Traidcraft   Reading Help: Reading: Traidcraft Help: Facts  Being eco-friendly Speaking: Being Speaking:

  The River (pp. 34–35) 9

 Making Arrangements Key Expressions: Sentence Builder:  I’d rather /I’d rather not  Builder:   / əʊ/, / aʊ/, / ɪə/ and / aɪ/ Pronunciation: / Pronunciation:

 The  story Reading and Listening: NewListening: ChallengesRadio programme Roleplays  Roleplays Speaking:   Everyday Listening Help: Working Help: Working out meaning

Across Cultures 2 (pp. 36–37)

Key Words: Landscape Word Builder: Adjectives Builder: Adjectives

 Nature holidays Reading: Nature Reading: Project: A poster Project: A

 (p. 38) Study Corner 3 3 (p.

 Environment questionnaire Speaking: Environment Speaking:

Speaking: Discussion Speaking: Discussion

 Unknown words Study Help: Help: Unknown

4 Cash Get Ready (p. Ready (p. 39)

 Money Key Words: Words: Money

Listening: Radio programme about teenagers and money Listening: Radio  Money proverbs Speaking: Money Speaking:

10 Auction (pp. 40–41)

Grammar: The passive Grammar: The

Reading: Charity auction website Reading: Charity

11 Funny Money (pp. 42–43)

Key Words: Materials Words: Materials Word Builder: Partitives Builder: Partitives Sentence Builder: such Builder: such a … that / so  so … that 

Reading: The history of money Reading: The  Negotiating Speaking: Negotiating Speaking:

12 Value for Money (pp. 44–45)

Key Expressions: Complaining Expressions: Complaining  Problem consonant sounds Pronunciation: Problem Pronunciation:

Reading and Listening: The New Challenges story Challenges story  Shop roleplays Speaking Help: Being Help: Being polite Speaking: Speaking: Shop Everyday Listening: Shopping Listening: Shopping situations

 Your Challenge (p. 46)

Text Builder: Reason Builder: Reason linkers because because,, because of ,  since, as  since,

Writing: A letter of complaint Writing: A Writing Help: Formal Help: Formal emails or letters

Understanding Grammar  Grammar  (p. 47)

Articles: the

 (p. 48) Study Corner 4 4 (p.


 Communication problems Study Help: Help: Communication





Get Ready (p. Ready (p. 49)

 Clothes and Hairstyling Key Words: Words: Clothes

Listening: Street survey about style Listening: Street

13 Style or Comfort? (pp. 50–51)

Grammar:  used to and Grammar:  to and would 

Reading: Hairstyles from the past Reading: Hairstyles

14  Desert Flower 14  (pp. 52–53)

Word Builder: Prepositions Builder: Prepositions in common phrases Sentence Builder:  Builder:  be like, look like and like  and like

Reading Help: Sentence Help: Sentence gaps  Guess the celebrity Speaking: Guess Speaking:

15  Fashion Show 15 

 Looks Key Words: Words: Looks

Reading and Listening: The Listening: The New Challenges story Challenges story

5 Fashion

(pp. 54–55) Across Cultures 3  3  (pp. 56–57)

Sentence Builder: looks Builder: looks …,

Speaking: Survey Speaking: Survey

Reading: Life story of Waris Dirie Reading: Life

 Describing looks …, look …, … Key Expressions: Expressions: Describing Peoplelike Listen  Intonation in questions Closely: Closely: Intonation

 Describing Short people in photos Speaking: Speaking: Describing dialogues Everyday Listening: Short Listening:

Key Words: Looks Words: Looks Sentence Builder: have Builder: have something done  Word Builder: Verbs Builder: Verbs and prepositions

 Body decoration Reading: Body art Speaking: Reading: Body Speaking: Body  Description of a famous person Project: Description Project:

 (p. 58) Study Corner 5 5 (p.

 Dictionary skills (1): phonetic symbols Study Help: Help: Dictionary

6 Sports & Games Games Get Ready (p. Ready (p. 59)

 Sports & Games Key Words: Words: Sports

Listening: TV programme about sport Listening: TV dangerous sports

16 Games (pp. 60–61)

Grammar: Speculating Grammar: Speculating

Reading: The Lewis Chessmen Reading: The

17  The Olympics 17  (pp. 62–63)

Word Builder: Multi-part Builder: Multi-part verbs (3) Sentence Builder:  Builder:  as well as, as, apart from, from, instead   + noun of  +

Reading: The Olympics Reading: The Reading Help: Taking Help: Taking Notes  The Olympics Speaking: The Speaking:

18 The Police Station (pp. 64–65)

Key Expressions: Giving Expressions: Giving Advice

Reading and Listening: The Listening: The New Challenges story Challenges story  Roleplays Everyday Listening: Sports Speaking: Roleplays Speaking: Listening: Sports news Listen Closely: Changing Closely: Changing meaning with stress

 Your Challenge (p. Challenge (p. 66)

Text Builder: Organisation; Builder: Organisation; linking review

Writing: A sports survey and report Writing: A

Understanding Grammar

Modals referring to the past

(p. 67) Study Corner 6 (p. 6 (p. 68)

Speaking: Opinions on Speaking: Opinions

Writing Help: Checking Help: Checking

 English outside school Study Help: Help: English

7 Law and Order Get Ready (p. Ready (p. 69)

 Crime Key Words: Words: Crime

Listening: Famous fictional detectives Listening: Famous  Talking about qualities Speaking: Talking Speaking:

19  Order in Court 19  (pp. 70–71)

Key Words: Punishment  Reported orders and requests Grammar: Reported Grammar:

Reading: Crimes and their punishments Reading: Crimes

20 Sherlock Holmes (pp. 72–73)

Word Builder: Idiomatic Builder: Idiomatic expressions Sentence Builder: Having Builder: Having done …

Reading: Story – The Hound of the Baskervilles Reading: Story  Information gap Speaking: Information Speaking:

21 The Factory (pp. 74–75)

Sentence Builder: Indirect Builder: Indirect questions Key Expressions: Requests Expressions: Requests

Reading and Listening: The Listening: The New Challenges story Challenges story   Speaking: Roleplays Speaking: Roleplays Everyday Listening: Two crime scenes Listening Help: Taking Help: Taking notes Listen Closely: Word Closely: Word boundaries in questions

Across Cultures 4 (pp. 76–77)

e.g. big , enormous Word Builder: Word Builder: Word families e.g. big  enormous,, massive,, vast  massive

Reading: Easter Island – A mystery solved Reading: Easter  Environmental issues Speaking: Environmental Speaking:  An unsolved historical mystery Project: An Project:

 (p. 78) Study Corner 7 7 (p.

 Revision for exams Study Help: Help: Revision

8 Imagination Get Ready (p. Ready (p. 79)

 Adjectives Key Words: Words: Adjectives

Listening: Descriptions of paintings; musical extracts Listening: Descriptions  Imagining and describing a scene suggested by music Speaking: Imagining Speaking:

22 Inspired Genius (pp. 80–81)

Grammar: Reported statements Grammar: Reported

Reading: Gifted artists Reading: Gifted

23  The Hobbit 23  (pp. 82–83)

  form Sentence Builder: Prepositions Builder: Prepositions + -ing  form

Reading: The making of The Hobbit  Reading: The  Making a film Speaking: Making Speaking:

24 Success! (pp. 84–85)

Key Expressions: Interrupting Expressions: Interrupting and changing the topic

Reading and Listening: The Listening: The New Challenges story Challenges story  Guided conversation Listening Help: Answering Speaking: Guided Speaking: Help: Answering questions Everyday Listening: Conversations Listening: Conversations Listen Closely: Word Closely: Word boundaries

 Your Challenge (p. Challenge (p. 86)

Text Builder: Time Builder: Time linking review; organisation

Writing: A story Writing: A

Understanding Grammar (p. 87)

Talking about quantity

 (p. 88) Study Corner 8 8 (p. Student A Activities (p. 89) Student B Activities (p. 90) Phonetic chart (p. 91) Questionnaire scores and answers (p. 91) Fact or Fiction answers (p. 91) Time Out! (pp. 92–103) Word Bank (pp. 104–112) Irregular Verbs (p. 113)

Writing Help: Planning Help: Planning

 Dictionary skills (2): non-literal language Study Help: Help: Dictionary


Module   1


  Talk about communication and give opinions.   Read about animal communication, social networking and unusual languages.   Listen to short conversations.   Write about safety online.   Learn more about present tenses.

Get Ready



Look at the Key Words. What forms of communication do you use?



Work in pairs. Complete the information with

the Key Words. Check your answers on page 91. Early 1  postal service   in China. Messages are carried on horseback. 1874 A.G. Bell has the first successful 2   conversation. 1969 The first computer 3   links universities in the United States. 1972 The first 4   is sent. The message explains how to use the @ symbol. 1983 Motorola make their first 5  . It measures 25 centimetres x 8 centimetres! 6 1996   is invented. You can now chat to your friends on your computer. 2006 The 7   site Twitter starts. 900 BC 


 3 1

Listen to the people in the photo. Match their names with the information (A = Abi, E = Ellie, S = Steve, T = Tanya).

E    and

had the idea for an online radio



A message can’t be longer than 140 characters. Apple launches the first 8   with a touch screen. Bigger than a smart phone but smaller than a netbook, it doesn’t have a keyboard.

2 3 4 5 6

station. seems quite artistic. is interested in ‘green’ issues. and were not born in Bristol. and like football. is very keen on music.


4 Read the advert for ‘’. What programme would you like to listen to?

5 Work in pairs. Read the questions and then tell your partner about yourself. 1   2

3 4

What do you use your phone for most? a)   phoning c) a) c)   taking photos e) e)   playing games b)   texting d) b) d)   downloading music How do you prefer to chat to your friends? a)   face to face c) a) c)   by texting e) e)   by email b)   on the phone d) b) d)   by instant messaging What do you use the Internet for? a)   email c) a) c)   buying things e) e)   Skype b)   instant messaging d) b) d)   homework Which of these things do you send by post? a)   postcards c) a) c)   personal letters e) e)   formal letters b)   birthday cards d) b) d)   Valentine cards



Ellie Steve


Speak Out Do you agree or disagree with

the statement below? Tell the class. Nowadays teenagers use computers and mobiles to communicate with friends but spend most of their time on their own. Page 00, Exercise 0    M E OUT!  TII  T


1 Animal Talk Warm-up




Look at the photos of animals. What do you know about them? Think about:

• where they live • what they eat • their size and weight weight • characteristic features features



Have you got a pet? How does it communicate? Present tenses review

Identify the tenses in the examples (1–6): Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present


Perfect. Then match them with the uses (a–f). Examples



What is he trying he trying to  to tell me?


doing a lot of research in this Scientists are doing a area.


discovered that a rat can Scientists have discovered that identify another rat.


spread pheromones. Ants spread  pheromones.


heard birds singing Everyone has heard birds


know little We know  little about how whales hear.

Read the text about animal communication. How do these animals communicate?

• rats • ants • bees • birds • frogs • elephants elephants • whales whales

Uses a) an activity that happens regularly b) a past event with consequences in the present c) a present state

‘My dog is sitting in front of my desk, wagging his tail and looking at me intensely. What is he trying to tell me?’  

Jane Roberts investigates.


eople have always been interested in how animals communicate and scientists are doing a lot of research in this area. Most animals communicate by smell; they produce chemical substances called ‘pheromones’. Scientists have discovered that a rat can identify another rat: its age, sex and social status, just by smelling its urine. Ants spread pheromones to guide other ants to a food source. Bees not only use pheromones but also ‘dance’ to tell other bees where to find food. For example, if a bee flies straight upwards, it means they should fly directly towards the sun. Everyone has heard birds singing. Research has shown that many other animals use sound to communicate. Some male frogs make two-part calls: the first part can only be heard by other male frogs, and it is a warning. Females only hear the second part, which is a mating call! Scientists have known for some time that many animals, like bats, whales and elephants, communicate with sounds that people cannot hear. Their calls produce waves that travel through the ground, water or air. We know that elephants probably receive

d) an activity happening now e) an event that happened in the past but it doesn’t matter when f)

an activity happening around now



these signals with their feet or trunks. However, we know little about how whales hear. hear. Ecologists say that nowadays loud noise from ships is interfering with whales’ communication.



5 Read the sentence. Choose the meaning (a or

8 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets

b) for the verb in bold.

in the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

Scientists have known for some time that many animals communicate with sounds that people cannot hear. a) situation that started in the past and continues up till now


b) situation that happened in the past

6 Match the sentences (1–2) with the timeliness (a–b). timeline 1 2

I’ve had a cat for two years. I had a cat for two years.


9 Use the cues to write about Catherine, who



2 years ago





studies elephant behaviour.


1 now

Practice 7 Match the sentences (1–3) with the pictures (a–c). 1 2 3

I 1  have   (have) two dogs, Choc and Ginger. Ginger 2  (be) in our family for seven 3 years and Choc  (be) just two years 4 old. They  (not like) each other very 5 much. Choc  (sleep) in my bedroom 6 and I  (think) Ginger 7  (be) 8  jealous. Ginger  (bite) Choc a few times and she often 9  (bark) at her. 10 At the moment, we  (try) to train 11 them. I  (find) a good dog trainer 12 and I  (take) the dogs to her three times a week. She’s really great!

I’ve fed the animals. I’m feeding the animals. I feed the animals.

live in Africa / for ten years

 She has lived in Africa for ten years. years. 2 3

love animals / always have a pet / never

4 5 6 7 8

investigate family life/ now / this summer take photoselephants’ of elephant calves write her observations / every day observe the animals at night / often not published many articles / yet

Your Turn b

10   Use the cues to write a questionnaire about how people feel about animals. Use the correct tenses.



you / be afraid of any animals?

 Are you afraid of any animals?  animals?  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c

you / get on well with animals? you / ever / be bitten by an animal? you / ever / have a pet? How often / you / watch programmes about animals? you / look after an animal / now? you / be allergic to any animals? you / enjoy this lesson about animals?

11   Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 12  

Speak Out Report your partner’s answers to the class.




Page 92, Exercise 1

Social Networking



Work in pairs. Imagine your school is starting an intranet site. Think about four headings for the student profile page.

 school events

Reading 1.9


Read the texts about social networking (1–3) and match them with the text types (a–c).

a) a leaflet for parents b) an online reference book c) a TV guide 

1 rk  k     o wo     r  t  w  t

e  i a  a l N e  c i  o c   S o  e S  h e   att 9.00: T h      KTonight a     C 1     I     P te  d Facebook    st  t ar t  ho s  wh rg w k Zuck er berg  film about Mar k   A  fil     R A  f    of  ry o tory he sto  Th ty.. T ive er sity  va  v ar d Univ     A w  at Har  t udent  at  st   was a s hen he wa     T wh s  4  is  i 0 0 n  20  2   i e d r  t t    st  a k k    o r   wo  w iall net  it e socia our it      S ho w  vo ld’s f a v  wor ld’  t he wo  w t  ✪✪✪✪ scinat ing. 

fas fa


 WEBPEDIA  WEB PEDIA the online encyclopaedia  Facebook  is the most visited site on the Internet Facebook  is

with more than 600 million users. Research in 2011 found that an average user:  has 130 friends on the site  2  , visits it forty times a month  spends twenty-three minutes on each visit

• • •


 ts s fac t the  fa  w   th Facebook :   K no w ok   ook ebo Facceb ds on Fa riend  f rien ir f  heir  the  wiith t p w  up  teeens keep u Many t nd  tan rsta ndeers  und ’t u n’t don  you  do it.. If  you oree it nor ign ou  can’t ig so you  jecct b je sub su e h p   t ustt bring u ou  mus  you ng, y kin nettworki iall ne socia ss   uss scu Disc orks. Di  wo  itt w ow i  ho nd find out h  an ds a kids ur ki you th  yo with n w  ow  o r our  you  y p  up  u  to o set lp  you t help to  he em  to sk  them  ask d a and it an  waay,  at w hat d. Th il d. T chil  r ch u you yo   nd  iend frie fr n a  ca  c u you agee. Then yo pag re    are y a h e  th  t s n g hin  thi  t thee h th ith n touch wit  in an  keep i  can u c you yo ir   theeir  join in with th to  jo ve  to  haave ’t h on’t  don ou d  Yo ine. Y nl ine  on g o ing doin  but    waall  but ir w  th heir n t  on ngss o  th hing ost t  po  orr p ns o ions sattio ersa onvver con


Put the sentences (1–3) in the correct places in the texts in Exercise 2.

1 2 3

you need to know they are safe starring Jesse Eisenberg and Justin Timberlake. sends eight friend requests per month


Are the statements true (T), false (F) or is there no information (NI)?

1 2 3 4 5



 – li  like ke  you d  do o in in t  th he re reaal wo worl d. s.   ids.  kid ourr k  you h y ith  wit less w rule reee ru gre  ag nt to a tan mporta  im ’s i It’s lk   an  talk  can ou c  yo so y gs so ing ttin sett ityy se currit secu he se  th Check out t t. e rne tern nte  In he I  the n t  on ty o  saaf ety ut s bout  ab m a hem  the to t


F    Jesse

Eisenberg started Facebook. The Social Network  is  is about how people use social networks now. Facebook is less popular than videosharing websites. The average Facebook user visits the site more than once a day. The average Facebook user belongs to fifty interest groups. Parents need to understand social networking. Parents shouldn’t look at their teenage children’s online profile.






Look at the Word Builder and find the verbs in text 3 from Exercise 2. 


Game How many sentences can you make with the verbs in the box? get off get up go out with put up take care of

put on

  Word Bank, page 104



Complete the sentences with the verbs from Exercise 5 in the correct form.


I use Skype to  keep in touch with  my cousins in Australia. We speak to each other most weekends.


He’s quiet. He never class very discussions. Why did you the topic of homework? It always leads to an argument. Let’s that video on  YouTube.  YouT ube. I a Facebook page for my grandparents so they can see my photos. Do you the news online? Or do you still read a newspaper? We need to some information for our project on the environment.

3 4 5 6 7


Look at the Sentence Builder. When do we use  for  and  and since – with a period of time or a point in time?

Write true sentences with for or since and the time expressions in the box. two hours eight o’clock Tuesday a few days three years 2011 Christmas ages

I haven’t eaten for two hours. Writing and Speaking


Work in pairs. Write social networking rules to go in an advice leaflet for young teenagers.

Think about:

• safety • posts • bullying • privacy •  parents Use these words to help you:

• a friend friend request • a password password • a profile • to block block • to friend/unfriend friend/unfriend • to post • to report


Compare your advice with other students.

 tiion?  t  or Fic t Fac t In 2011 a couple named their baby Facebook.  Answer on page 91.


Page 92, Exercise 2





Look at the Sentence Builder. We use negative questions when we want the listener to agree with us or to show surprise.


Complete the dialogue with negative questions. Use the cues in brackets.

Reading and Listening


I think that CD’s great. (you / like / it?)


Don’t you like it? 



Look at the body language of Ellie, Steve, Tanya and Abi in the photo. Who do you think …

likes looking cool? doesn’t say much? is very enthusiastic? has a good sense of humour?

1 2 3 4


Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your answers from Exercise 1.

The group meet at the studio in Ellie’s house. Ellie Abi Steve

Okay, we’re ready to start next week. We’ll do an hour a day at first. I don’t think an hour’s very much. It’s a long time on the radio.

That’s true. We could start the first programme with an introduction about ourselves. Abi What about music? If you ask me, music’s much cooler than chatting. Tanya I don’t think so. I agree with Ellie. An intro would be good. What do you think, Steve? Steve Fine. What about news? Didn’t we agree on that Ellie before? Abi We haven’t got any news yet! We’ve got to find some. Tanya ‘Radio reporter, sixteen, pushes girl into fountain in Millennium Square.’  Yeah, that was funny funny,, wasn’t wasn’ t it? Abi Ellie

Tanya  Yeah, it was for you but not for me! Ellie Come on you two, let’s get back to the subject. Tanya Well, there’s an athletics competition in Bristol next week. I think it’ll be interesting. Don’t you think so? Steve  Yeah, definitely. Ellie I think so, too. We can have that later with the news. So we have the intro and then some music. Then the news, then more music. Tanya  Yeah. We can add more programmes later.  You’ve got plenty of music, haven’t you, Abi? Abi Lots of cool stuff! Ellie


Okay, let’s get down to some work!

B  Yeah, but I prefer Green Day’s new ne w album. A I’ve heard it’s good but I think Foo Fighters are better. (you / think / so?) B  Yeah, I do. They ’re great. They Th ey were on TV last week. (you / see / them?) A No, I didn’t. I was on holiday. B Really? A  Yeah, (you / know / that?)






Look at the Key Expressions. Classify them.

a) agreeing b)  disagreeing

c)  giving opinions d) asking for opinions

Work in groups. Use the advice in the Speaking Help and Key Expressions from Exercise 5 and talk about these things.

• the best football teams • the best films • the best radio/TV programmes at the moment • the best websites/blogs websites/blogs • the best tennis stars • the best pop groups/singers

I think Chelsea are the best team. Yeah, definitely. Don’t you agree, Simon?  No, I don’t think so. I think Liverpool are  better.

Tom Ann Simon

Everyday Listening



Look at the Speaking Help.

Speaking Help:  Help:  Class discussions

Always use English except for names in your language (e.g. TV programmes, films, groups).

Listen to your partner’s opinions and wait for them to stop before you speak.

Ask the others their opinions, too.


Listen to six short conversations. Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1     2   3   4   5   6

Where is Tim on holiday? a)  on the coast c)  on a boat boat b)  in the mountains mountains What are Roxy’s favourite blogs about? a)  films b) pop music c)  football What homework has Kelly not done? a)  maths b)  chemistry c)  geography How does Tom usually get to school? a)  by bus b)  on foot c)  by car What instrument can Susan play? a)  piano b)  flute c)  guitar How did Cath wish her cousin ‘Happy Birthday’? a)  by mobile phone c)  by email b)  with a card card



Listen Closely Listen to the sentences below and underline the stressed word or words.

1 It’s not fair. 6  I couldn’t help it. 2 How’s it going? 7  I can’t play any, 3 It’s a nightmare! actually. 4 Do you want me 8  He’s a really nice   to help? guy. 5  You’re late again.


Page 93, Exercise 3  



Across Cultures   1



1 1 2 3 4 5


Look at the photos and guess if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).


Smoke signals started in North America and China.  You can send detailed information with smoke signals.  You can hear ‘talking drums’ twenty kilometres away. away. Communicating with drums began in South America. Some children learn how to whistle messages at school.


Read the text and check your guesses from Exercise 1.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of communication?

Keeping In Touch In the dark days before mobile phones, people had different ways of communicating over longmethods. distances. Lucy Marr looks at some of these Smoke signals are well-known from Hollywood wild west films. They started in North America and China hundreds of years ago. By passing a blanket over a fire, you can make a puff of smoke. If you are  are careful, you can control the size and shape of the puffs to create signals. However, you can only send simple,  simple,   short messages such as ‘everything is okay’, ‘danger’ or ‘help!’. Smoke signals can be seen from a long way off but they are  are   useless if you want to keep something secret. Everybody in the area knows what you’re saying – it’s a bit like listening to people on their mobile phones on the bus! Talking drums can send quite  quite complicated information. And they’re  loud – you can hear them up to eight kilometres away. they’re They were first used in West Africa. When Europeans were first exploring the forests there, they were surprised to find the natives knew they were coming. The use of drums spread to South America and the Caribbean during the slave trade. In fact, talking drums were banned because slaves were using them to communicate in a secret code.


Whistling languages are very  very rare. People whistle messages to each other on the



Look at the Word Builder. Complete it with the words in blue blue from  from the text with the opposite meaning.


Adjective Quiz Work in pairs. Test your partner on the opposites of the words in the box.   Word Bank, page 111 correct patient outgoing hard-working dangerous tidy tall happy pleasantkind strong experienced comfortable lucky healthy fair rich

What’s the opposite of ‘correct’?  ‘Incorrect.’ What’s the opposite of ...? 




Write sentences about four of these things using words from the Word Builder.

• an animal • a maths problem • heavy music • a calculator • a street • a carpenter • a singer

Giraffes have got long necks. They are common in Africa.


Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

1 2 3 4

How many foreign languages can you understand a bit of? How many languages can you say ‘hello’ in? What other foreign language would you like to learn? Why? Have you ever made up a secret code? If so, how did it

5 6

work? Are there any words that only you and your friends use? If you spoke a secret language, when would you use it?

An article


Work in groups. Choose an important type of communication for each student (see the Key Words on page 8).


Find out more details about your type of communication and make notes.

say when and where it started show an example of it explain the advantages and disadvantages


Write your article and ask your group to check it.


Give your article to other students to read.

• •

Canary Island of La Gomera. The origins of the language are unknown but it probably came from the Berber people of Morocco. Until recently, it was dying out but now children on the island have to learn it at school. Silbo sounds a bit like a bird song and has a vocabulary of over 4000 words! People originally used it to communicate over the steep hills and valleys of the island but now it has other uses. Juan Cabello, a resident of the island, says: ‘I use it for everything – to call my wife, to tell my kids something, or to find a friend in a crowd. It’s useful for just about everything but not very good for romance – everyone on the island would hear what you were saying!’


The anc anc ent Egypt Egypt ans had a sy system stem of of p cture wr t ng cal calle ledd h er erog ogly lyphs phs.. Each Each h er erog ogly lyph ph represented a th ng or an dea. Fo Forr example, example,  th s h eroglyph represented …


S udy Corn rneer 1


Language Check 


Complete the phrases. Then match the words (1–4) with the definitions (a–d).

• micro-blog • texting 3


  • email 2   • instant messaging



Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the correct tense: Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.


Blind people 16  (use) the Braille system for reading since the nineteenth century. Braille 17  (consist) of a series of raised dots 18 which  (represent) letters of the Latin alphabet. There are about two million people


a) sending written messages by mobile phone b) an online diary with very short pieces of

information c) a message sent by computer d) chatting to friends online


Complete the gaps with one word.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I set an online bank account. Can you check the train times, please? She wants to bring the subject of safety. How did you find about the party? He loves keeping with my friends’ news. I think it’s unkind to join in gossip. She keeps in touch her old boyfriend.


Complete the sentences with the opposite of the underlined word.

12 I’m very careful with my phone and games but I’m a bit with my clothes. 13 She was unknown before she won the competition; now she’s a singer. 14 I thought this homework would be simple but it’s quite . 15 I had nine correct answers and only one answer in the maths test. Vocabulary 

in the UK 19 with sight problems butBraille. only twenty thousand In the   (read) with 20 last few years, many young people   (start) to use electronic text instead of Braille. At the moment, experts 21  (discuss) how to make Braille more attractive for young people.


Complete the sentences with  for  or  or  since.

22 23 24 25

He hasn’t phoned me two weeks. We’ve lived here 2008. I haven’t seen her Friday.. Friday She’s taught in our school six years. Grammar 

/ 10

Choose the correct option in italics. Sue I 26think / believe their new CD is great. Mel I don’t think 27 so / that . I prefer the first one. Pat I agree 28with / in Sue. It’s better for dancing. Don’t you think 29that /  so? Sue  Yes, that’s 30 so / true.


Key Expressions 

/ 15

S ud udyy He Help lp:: Using the Internet 1.14

Feedback   Listen and check your answers to the •

Language Check. Write down your scores. Look at the table below. Check where you made mistakes. Wron Wr ong g answ answers ers:: Loo Look k agai again n at: at:


Numbers 1–4

Get Ready – Key Words

Num Nu mbe bers rs 5– 5–11 11

Unit Un it 2 – Wo Word Bu Buil ilde derr

Numb Nu mbers ers 12 12–1 –15 5

Across Acro ss Cu Cult ltur ures es 1 – Word Builder

Numb Nu mber erss 16–2 16–21 1

Unit Un it 1 – Gra Gramm mmar ar

Numb Nu mbers ers 22 22–2 –25 5

Unit Un it 2 – Sent Senten ence ce Bui Build lder er

Numb Nu mbers ers 26 26–3 –30 0

Unit Un it 3 – Key Key Exp Expre ress ssio ions ns

Now do the exercises in Language Check 1 of the Workbook.


First, write key words in a search engine like Google (e.g. ancient Egypt  +  + language ). find any good sites, change If you can’t the key words (e.g. ancient Egypt  +  + hieroglyphics). When you find a good site, don’t try to understand everything. Bookmark the site (Favourites) so you can return to it. Copy useful parts of a website onto your computer or print them out. Then you can read them more slowly and take notes. Always put a list of the websites where you got the information from at the end of your work. Use the Study Help to find out information about one of these people or things.

• sign language • Bristol • Liverpool Liverpool F.C. F.C. • Adele • Sebastian Vettel Vettel


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