New Avatar Power Insights by Bro Moloch

August 30, 2017 | Author: grobi69 | Category: Magic (Paranormal), Religion And Belief
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NAP sorcery...


I suppose now my question would be about the technicality of doing this. That being if one *must* perform the NAP ritual every time before they cast the spell, or could they simply just enter a relaxed state of trance as I have learned how to do per Bardon, " Ah okay yes. You do not have to work the relaxation ritual prior to NAP as outlined in the book. I use a relaxation method I cobbled together from various sources from early on in my career and it works quite well. The key is to simply relax to begin with because it helps to focus your mind and lessen the anxiety over performing the sorcery. " What about back to back? Once one has recited the NAP ritual, would it then be possible to follow with multiple spells or must they repeat the NAP ritual each time before a spell is used? " You can perform the incantations to the NAP spirits back to back without having to reset yourself with a relaxation rite. For instance: 1. Perform a relaxing ritual and take your time doing it. Spend more than a mere 2 or 3 minutes. Just keep yourself awake. 2. Central Pillar ritual. This will activate our power centers. It is the Middle Pillar ritual from GD workings just renamed. 3. The Fountain . This is supposed to be where the energy from the base of the pillar moves up your body while touching each of the power centers and once it makes connection with your summit's power center, which causes sparks (i.e the fountain spray) which fall down to the base of your power centers and are re-absorbed back into you. Spend a full minute experiencing this. 4. The Invocation to the Headless One. This will align you with a power that is not a part of you. it is the authority to work with the spirits outlined in New Avatar Power. This is why they will listen to and assist you. [Note: The above four steps will always take place in that exact order as a preliminary to beginning to summon the NAP spirits.] 5. Recite your first incantation thrice in a row where in between each recitation you state what it is you desire. For this ilustration let's say you need money for help acquiring a newer vehicle for the tax, plates, insurance and other things involved with acquiring a newer vehicle. Thus you may wish to use Nitika's incantation. 6. Recite your second incantation thrice as well. Let's say this one is for the vehicle itself. After each recitation tell the spirits what it is you desire so this may be something like, "I need a solid, good and clean vehicle for use in my realty job." You'd want to use the General Invocation for this. 7. Recite the next incantation thrice and this time it is for bringing success. You want your working to help bring you success, do you not? So you put the finishing touches on the working by asking Elubatel to ensure the whole thing is successful. 8. Now here's where you need to make a decision: do you simply finish and be done with it? Or do you include one more incantation and this one for Protection From Evil? Why would you include that? There are a LOT of jealous people out there both outside and inside our close circles of friends and family. Yes there are those who are jealous of anything you do for yourself that betters your situation. So if you suspect you have such among family members or peripheral acquaintances, then you would want to include Gadiel's incantation to protect your desire and purchase of your newer

vehicle. 9. Even though it is not in the book's instructions, make a general statement that this ritual working is concluded. Then go about your business. Should you wish to ensure success, you will perfrom this series of steps several times a day -after getting up out of bed, sometime in teh afternoon and later before retiring for bed. This is how I work the system even today. …... for food, just a day is often sufficient. Some good basic spots to dispose of food goods that were made offerings is at the base of large trees or at crossroads/intersections. What kind of food depends upon the spirit. With Anael and Jazair, you might want to offer things of Venus, so sweets, chocolates, rose or floral flavored food items, Shellfish I think might also be appropriate. Wherever you present it should also be clean and presentable. If you can manage to have colors around it, green, white, gold, pink, and red on the plates, or on a cloth that the plates sit on, or otherwise presented in some way. Clear water, incense and candles offered to the spirits in thanks are also good. The water can be used to water any plants in your home or property when disposed, and any remnants from the incense or candles can be respectfully disposed of too. …. If you don't want to go financially overboard, just buy some grape seed oil and spearmint oil. Do a simple consecration over them both, then mix it in a brown bottle til you can just taste the spearmint. Shake the crap out of it and put it in the closet for about a week. Shake it regularly (a few times daily) and you have a very good offering for pretty much ANY spirit. Cheers! …. Moloch: Typically I'd just give them a shot glass with some wine or grape juice (especially good for any practitioner who is a recovering alcoholic) and you usually don't have to give more than a teaspoon of the liquor for them to show. Once your desire has been taken care of, then sure you can give them a whole shot glass full of liquor or I've even bought a meal from say a Denny's or Bob Evans restaurant in a takeout container and offered that. Of course you can cook something for them if that's your bag and you have skills as well as the time. Either way it works. Here's some of my own personal advice (for what it's worth) about spells & spell castings that may help some of you folks out in the future. 1. Start with the simplest & work towards the more complex. ~ This means you do not need to create an all powerful, all encompassing spell to begin with. In fact I much rather prefer the simpler types of spells first while building to more complex ones later. Make it a logical progression. Often I'll just go into my temple, sit in front of my Spirit's shrine and tell Them what's going on and ask for assistance. Maybe I'll dress a single candle and put it in front of their shrine. But it's simple. KISS: Keep It Simple, Straightforward. 2. Choose a single system and stick with it. ~ I often choose candle magic to start with because it is the easiest to modify with fewest problems involved. It's easy to add a talisman or seal, another candle(s), oil(s), and etc. Plus candles are relatively inexpensive and if it doesn't go the way you planned, well you're not out much. I can always add complexity later especially if the Spirits dictate that I do.

3. Resist the urge to mix systems. ~ If your heart is set on using NAP or some other system, do so but do not combine them. Don't try to do a G.D. type of ritual on Thursday then on Friday you petition Oshun. Mixing systems is bad juju. Work with one at a time. If you don't see anything happeneing within say 21 days, try a different method or approach. 4. Don't ask for help from more than one Patron Spirit. ~ If you pray to a particular Spirit when you start the project, continue doing so until you see results. Meaning if you ask say Bastet to assist you because you have an affinity for cats and consider Her your patron, then stick with Bastet until your desire is met. Why? It is rather like asking the head of ABC corporation for help. You implore him to use his resources to assist you but if nothing happens in 24 hours, you go off calling the CEO of RFD corporation. Do you see how rude that really is? Thus if you call on one Spirit for help, stick with that Spirit until the end or until you both agree it's not working out. How long should that be? Depends on your time frame but in general I give the Spirit 21 days to see something positive happening. 5. Patience is key. ~ Stop fretting. Yes if you're job hunting and your personal funds are extremely low all is not lost. Just give the Spirits time to do things. You in the meantime keep focused on whatever it is you need to do and in this scenario for job hunting you simply keep looking, all day long. Talk to as many businesses as possible. Canvass them out of the yellow pages if needed - you can reach more that way. Besides, worry tends to kills Sorcery and you don't want that. Spend some time doing other things like physical activities, meditating, reading, or in the case, pounding the pavement. Stay focused and positive. Even when people act like shit towards you, just remember you're not alone; your Spirit you call on for assistance is on your side. First problem I see is you're mixing systems - NAP, Jason, Vodu and so on. I'm amazed you got any result at all. WHERE oh where is it written that you're supposed to do that? Doing such can send the wrong message to the Spirits and you can end up with a hodge-podge of worthless effort. Your impatience and fear of the unknown freak you out which is what causes 90% of the other folks out there to make the same mistake. Focus on ONE THING AT A TIME and do that one thing well. Have some faith and allow yourself to put your all into that one thing well. Period. Yes I know there are authors & folks out there who drudge up such nonsense like mixing systems but if you're going to work on a system, focus on it until you gain results from it alone. Further, continue to do so even when things look bleak or nothing is going to happen. Again, fear of failure and impatience is testing you and as a practitioner you need to have some faith that what you did will work. The interviewer doesn't show because s/he is a dick. Period. Nothing else needs to be stated. They have just proven to you that your time is meaningless to them. Personally, I'd curse the fucker for being such a dick. I'd find a way to get their business card and then I'd rake them over the coals and give them a reason for missing work - LOTS of work! Sorcery does require patience and if you do not have patience, you are dabbling in something you should get out of. … In the recent thread about New Avatar Power (NAP) it's been suggested that you should perform the spell/rite repeatedly until you get the result you desire. Um folks, that's supposed to be the standard operating procedure for ALL spells, rituals and magic in general. Well unless you're one of those Ceremonial MagicKians whose rituals take four hours to perform due to the dense neo-Masonic ritual and regalia needed along with the long winded orations. A general rule of thumb is 7 days to perform a ritual or spell. It's a magical number and it's the

precise time in which you can start a rite or spell on a day of the week and end on the same day 7 days later. It helps for timing the working so that you can put effort into the working. I've found that even when working with Spirits, I often will summon them and give them the same instructions several times before what I want done comes to pass. Why? Well think of it like this: You have a need for something but you need your boss to sign off on it. You can talk to him or her once and let it go but if the situation is not resolved, WHO is going to get their ass chewed on? The boss? No, you. Thus you need to be patient and firm with the boss. "Roger, I need those ignition coils so that our bombs will blow when the timers are set. I don't have the authority to order them, only you have the license so you need to get this done ASAP before you come to me asking why this wasn't done." I know not a shining example of what I'm talking about but you DO get the picture. Persistence is key. I think Hermeticists, Druids, Wiccans, Hoodoos and others have the wrong mentality in thinking all they need to do is perform the spell or working ONE time and *poof* like magic it works. Would be nice but it doesn't work out like that.

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