DNA™ (Distal Needling Acupuncture) Workshop Robert Doane EAMP, L.Ac. Owner of the Acupuncture & Wellness Center, P.S.
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All Rights Reserved. Copyright Copyrig ht Lucky Falcon, LLC, d/b/a Doane Doa ne Online Education 2018. 2018 .
Doane Seminars
Course Overview 1. Chinese Medicine - Basis in b bio-physiology io-physiology 2. Scientific Model - DN DNA A mechanisms mechanisms
3. DNA / Jing Jin Funct Functiona ionall Anatom Anatomy y 4. DNA Imag Imaging ing and DNA Technique echn iques s 5. DNA Pai Pain n Assess Assessmen mentt 6. DNA Treatment reatment Sites Sites 7. Pain specific treatments 8. Conclusi Conclusion on & Summary 9. How to go from here? 10. Q&A/ Demonstrations (Throughout the workshop)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright Copyrig ht Lucky Falcon, LLC, d/b/a Doane Doa ne Online Education 2018. 2018 .
Doane Seminars
Chinese Medicine: Basis in Bio-physiology Researched and compiled based on work by Dr. Zhang Shi Ping & Marcus Gadau School Of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University 2014
All Rights Reserved. Copyright Copyri ght Lucky Falcon, LLC, d/b/a Doane Doa ne Online Education 2018. 201 8.
Doane Seminars
What is Qi? Transliteration From Ancient Texts
All Rights Reserved. Copyright Copyri ght Lucky Falcon, LLC, d/b/a Doane Doa ne Online Education 2018. 201 8.
Doane Seminars
In ancient times, and in a medical context, the correct definition of Qi was “vital air” that moved in visible vessels (Mai) along with Ying Qi (nutrients) and Xue (blood).
All Rights Reserved. Copyright Copyri ght Lucky Falcon, LLC, d/b/a Doane Doa ne Online Education 2018. 201 8.
Doane Seminars