April 19, 2017 | Author: Paul Belinski | Category: N/A
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anterior commissure (orange) caudate nucleus (magenta) globus pallidus (green) putamen (yellow) quadrigeminal plate (purple) vermis (ice blue) sylvian fissure (dotted red) superior temproal sulcus (dotted green) inferior temporal sulcus (dotted yellow)
corpus callosum (yellow) internal capsule (red) external capsule (cyan) extreme capsule (orange)
anterior commissure (orange) caudate nucleus (magenta) globus pallidus (green) putamen (yellow) quadrigeminal plate (purple) vermis (ice blue) sylvian fissure (dotted red) superior temproal sulcus (dotted green) inferior temporal sulcus (dotted yellow)
amygdala (burgundy) caudate nucleus (magenta) claustrum (deep blue) - easier to see in axial views globus pallidus (green) hippocampus (brown) putamen (yellow) nucleus accumbens (orange) thalamus (red) - poorly defined in T1 scans parietal operculum (dotted green) temporal operculum (dotted pink) insular lobe (dotted light blue)
t caudate nucleus (magenta) claustrum (pink) - sliver lateral to putamen, e.g. slice 0 globus pallidus (green) putamen (yellow) quadrigeminal plate (purple)
thalamus (red) - poorly defined in T1 scans vermis (ice blue) sylvian fissure (dotted red) superior temproal sulcus (dotted green) inferior temporal sulcus (dotted yellow)
MRI of the brain, T1-weighted sagittal cut. 1, Midbrain. 2, Pons. 3, Medulla. 4, Cisterna magna. 5, Fourth ventricle. 6,Cerebellum. 7, Tentorium cerebelli. 8, Cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius).
MRI of the brain, T1-weighted coronal cut. 1, Midbrain. 2, Pons. 3, Medulla. 4, Lateral ventricle. 5, Third ventricle. 6, Interpeduncular cisterna. 7, Temporal lobe. 8, Cervical cord.
MRI of the brain, T1-weighted axial cut. 1, Clivus. 2, Premedullary cistern. 3, Medulla. 4, Cerebellum. 5, External auditory canal.
IRM 3T, coupe axiale, pondération T1. 1, Temporal horn of lateral ventricle (right side). 2, Cerebral peduncle. 3, Vermis. 4, Cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius). 5,Temporal lobe (left side).
MRI of the brain, T1weighted axial cut. 1, Caudate nucleus. 2, Septum pellucidum. 3, Lateral ventricle.
MRI of the brain, T1-weighted coronal cut. 1, Caudate nucleus. 2, Lateral ventricle. 3, Insula. 4, Temporal lobe (left side). 5, Thalamus. 6, Sylvian fissure (lateral sulcus).
MRI of the brain, T1-weighted coronal cut. 1, Lateral ventricle. 2, Caudate nucleus. 3, Putamen. 4, Pallidum. 5, Temporal lobe (right side). 6, Sylvian fissure (lateral sulcus).
MRI of the brain, T1weighted coronal cut. . 1, Temporal lobe (right side). 2, Putamen. 3, Globus pallidus. 4, 3rd ventricle. 5, Lateral (Sylvian) sulcus (Left side).
MRI of the brain, T1-weighted sagittal cut. 1,Posterior commissure. 2, Habenular commissure. 3, Internal cerebral vein.4, Splenium, corpus callosum. 5, Pineal gland. 6, Cerebellum. 7, Tectum.
MRI of the brain, T1-weighted coronal cut. 1, Pineal gland. 2, Lateral ventricle. 3, Corpus callosum. 4, Fornix. 5, Thalamus. 6,Middle cerebellar peduncle.
MRI of the brain, T1weighted axial cut. 1, Pineal gland. 2, Habenula. 3, Third ventricle. 4, Pulvinar. 5, Lateral ventricle.
MRI of the Brain: T1-weighted sagittal Image. 1, Anterior commissure. 2, Corpus callosum. 3, Third ventricle. 4, Cerebellum. 5, Pons. 6, Pituitary gland.
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