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Ocurfifnâd ocfodtdi
tfafs ifs lficnds D oucstrds `dbhihds y d tfafs quc lfbpdrtco oucstrd pdshüo pfr id ocurfifnâd ocfodtdi
[rc`dlhf Cstc iherf cs uo bdoudi ac efishiif quc hotcotd scr uod gcrrdbhcotd ac dyuad di pcahdtrd quc dthcoac di ocfodtf lfo pdtfifnâd ocurfiünhld. Lfo cstc femcthvf, ifs dutfrcs hacdbfs uo iherf quc lfbehodsc ci bcofr tcxtf pfsheic muotf lfo hiustrdlhfocs lidrds y scolhiids, pdrd pcrbhthr ac uo vhstdzf nuhdr di liâohlf co ci rclfoflhbhcotf y defradmc ac ifs prfeicbds ocurfiünhlfs bäs lfbuocs aci ocfodtf. Ci bdoudi of pcrshnuc f`rclcr uod cxgdusthvd rcvhshüo ac ifs tcbds trdtdafs, shof prcscotdr ac `frbd sulhotd dquciid ho`frbdlhüo quc lfoshacrdbfs cscolhdi f ac bdyfr rcicvdolhd pdrd id prälthld liâohld d id ldeclcrd aci pdlhcotc. Lfo ci fflo ac lfoscnuhr id aurdehihada quc prclhsdo ifs bdoudics ac efishiif y `dlhihtdr uo räphaf dllcsf d id ho`frbdlhüo, gcbfs fptdaf pfr cstc `frbdtf. Oucstrf acscf cs quc cstc ercvc bdoudi of scd süif uod gcrrdbhcotd ac dyuad, shof quc tdbehèo lfotrheuyd d acspcrtdr ci hotcrès pfr id ocurfifnâd ocfodtdi.
Dnrdaclhbhcotfs Acscdbfs cxprcsdr oucstrf dnrdaclhbhcotf d Iiuâs Nuhicrd, Muahtg Efiuôd y Dbçihd Nuhicrd ac Cahlhfocs \dot Mfdo ac Aèu Ldbpus Aflcot, quhcocs lfo su lfothouf y ncocrfsf dpfyf c hotcrès gdo pcrbhthaf gdlcr rcdihada cstc bdoudi. Dsâ bhsbf oucstrd nrdthtua d \drd [drcmd, id bdnoâfflld ahscôdafrd d quhco tdotf acec ci frhnhodi `frbdtf y bdquctdlhüo ac cstc iherf, y luyf cotushdsbf, acahldlhüo y ncocrfsd lfbprcoshüo gd gclgf quc oucstrd hacd frhnhodi gdyd shaf supcrdad idrndbcotc. Oucstrf rclfoflhbhcotf d oucstrfs lficnds Wdvhcr Jrduci, @rcacrhl Udspdii, Mdvhcr Nfozäicz ac Ahfs, Dod Bdrtâo Dolci y \usdod \lgu``cibdoo pfr sus lfbcotdrhfs y lfotrheulhfocs di lfotcohaf aci iherf. Tucrcbfs rcsditdr oucstrf prf`uoaf dnrdaclhbhcotf d Mfrnc Ndrlâd-Dihx y \fohd Drodcz pfr sus bdnoâffllds hiustrdlhfocs, quc gdo gclgf pfsheic cstc iherf.
Cvdiudlhüo liâohld Csthbdlhüo ac id cada ncstdlhfodi (CN)
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