Neurolinguistic Programming

April 3, 2017 | Author: Janaki Kothari | Category: N/A
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NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING ----------------------------

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is actually a whole body of knowledge or dis cipline that aims to discover, continuously, the how and why of human behavior patterns, soci al communication and thinking. From one popular perspective, NLP is an effective way of encoding specific trait s and characteristics in a person so that person would become more successful in what he does whether it its in his career, in his daily social interactions, etc. The big question now would be why would anyone need to learn NLP in the first pl ace? The answer lies in the nature of human reality itself and the world that he treads. There is nothing static or fixed about human reality, or existence. Everything is always in a sta te of constant flux. There are really more questions than answers; though some people might think oth erwise. Every aspect of human existence and development is always in a state of change  that is the essential trait of life. Even the smallest cell in the human body is constantly repairing, reproducing and encoding different types of behavior through the course of its n atural life.

This is the reason why we need NLP. Neuro linguistic programming is one way of o vercoming t he essential chaos of human life and exert some firm control over it (at least, in our own lives). In a world where we are constantly measured against different standards or pitte d against other people in terms of intelligence, skills, competence and social skills, we need a  way to stand on a solid ground of certainly despite these various challenges that we normally have  to face when we set our goals in life. In many ways, NLP can help a person live a better life by helping shift attitude s and behavior in such a way that he becomes more dynamic, independent or even more creative.

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