Load the device configuration files for each trouble tic'et.
(iagnose and resolve La#er 2 connectivit# %roblems.
(iagnose and resolve s%anning!tree %roblems.
(ocument the troubleshooting %rogress" configuration changes" and %roblem resolution.
%ack#ro&nd )ser com%uters" servers" and %rinters all connect to the access la#er of the hierarchical model. *ith hundreds or thousands of hosts attached" access devices such as La#er 2 s+itches are a common source of net+or'ing issues. Ph#sical and data!lin' %roblems at the access la#er can include hard+are" cabling" ,LAassignment" s%anning tree" trun'ing %rotocol" or %ort securit# issues. $n this lab" #ou +ill troubleshoot various La#er 2 %roblems. or each tas' or trouble tic'et" the scenario and s#m%toms are described. *hile troubleshooting" #ou +ill discover the cause of the %roblem" correct it" and then document the %rocess and results. P!ysica" and Lo#ica" Topo"o#y Dia#ra's The %h#sical and logical to%ologies are %rovided at the beginning of the lab" including interface designations and $Pv/$Pv addresses" to assist the troubleshooting effort. Note( This lab uses Cisco $ 2 routers running Cisco $3 15.4& images +ith $P 6ase and ecurit# %ac'ages enabled" and Cisco Catal#st &50 and 270 s+itches running Cisco $3 15.042 $P ervices and LA- 6ase images" res%ectivel#. The &50 and 270 s+itches are configured +ith the (8 tem%lates d&a") ipv4)and)ipv* ro&tin# and "anbase)ro&tin# " res%ectivel#. Depending on the router or switch model and Cisco IOS Software version, the commands available and output produced might vary from what is shown in this lab. An# changes made to the baseline configurations or to%olog# 4other than errors introduced are noted in the trouble tic'et so that #ou are a+are of them %rior to beginning the troubleshooting %rocess.
+e&ired +eso&rces •
& routers 4Cisco $3 elease 15. or com%arable 2 multila#er s+itches and 1 access la#er s+itch 4Cisco $3 elease 15.042 or com%arable +ith ast 9thernet interfaces" running (8 tem%lates that su%%ort $Pv/$Pv addressing/routing/ACLs ,1 4PC +ith static $P address: *indo+s ; +ith A($)" TTP" and s#slog servers" %lus an < client and * irehar' soft+are
PC!6 4(our tas' is to diagnose the issues and restore s+itch AL1 as a full# functional access s+itch on the net+or'.
Step 0( Load t!e device tro&b"e ticket con1i#&ration 1i"es 1or TT)A/ )sing the %rocedure described in the 6A9 Lab" verif# that the lab configuration files are %resent in flash. Load the configuration files indicated in the (evice Configuration ile Table. Note( The follo+ing device access methods are in effect after loading the configuration files: •
Console access re?uires no username or %ass+ord.
< re?uires username cisco and %ass+ord cisco.
The enable %ass+ord is cisco.
Device Con1i#&ration 2i"e Tab"e Device Na'e
2i"e to Load
tatic $P: and 2001:(6:CA9:100::1 (efault gate+a#: and 2001:(6:CA9:100::(1/
(ou +ill then be %rom%ted for a login to the router management )$ b# 2. 9nter the username cisco and enable %ass+ord cisco.
Step 0( Load t!e device tro&b"e ticket con1i#&ration 1i"es 1or TT)%/ )sing the %rocedure described in the 6A9 Lab" verif# that the lab configuration files are %resent in flash. Load the configuration files indicated in the (evice Configuration ile Table. Device Con1i#&ration 2i"e Tab"e Device Na'e
2i"e to Load
tatic $P: and 2001:(6:CA9:100::1 (efault gate+a#: and 2001:(6:CA9:100::(1/
(ou can < into (L1 and (L2" +hich have net+or's in common +ith AL1D thin'ing that it ma# be easier to attem%t < from a device on the same net+or' as ,LA- 77" #ou tr# to < from ,$ 77 on (L1 directl# to ,$ 77 on AL1. 6ut 8ar# changed the account information for remote access on AL1E >ou have no o%tion but to console into AL1 to troubleshoot F fortunatel# #ou still have console access. >our tas' is to reestablish remote access functionalit# to AL1 via $Pv from the $P management station and reestablish logging to ,1 from AL1.
Step 0( Load t!e device tro&b"e ticket con1i#&ration 1i"es 1or TT)C/ Load the %ro%er configuration files indicated in the (evice Configuration ile Table. Device Con1i#&ration 2i"e Tab"e Device Na'e
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