NetNumen U31 R22 (12.13.10P02) Routine Maintenance Guide

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Download NetNumen U31 R22 (12.13.10P02) Routine Maintenance Guide...


NetNumen™ U31 R22 Unified Network Management System

Routine Maintenance Guide Version: 12.13.10P02

ZTE CORPORATION No. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China Postcode: 518057 Tel: +86-755-26771900 Fax: +86-755-26770801 URL: E-mail: [email protected]

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First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20130731095208-010 Publishing Date: 2013–08–20(R1.0)


ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Contents About This Manual ......................................................................................... I Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview ............................................................. 1-1 1.1 Equipment Maintenance ..................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Maintenance Items ............................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Routine Maintenance Flow.................................................................................. 1-2 1.4 Routine Maintenance Precautions ....................................................................... 1-4

Chapter 2 Daily Maintenance..................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Checking NE Statuses and Link Statuses ............................................................ 2-1 2.2 Checking Existing Alarms ................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Checking CPU Usage and Memory Usage........................................................... 2-3 2.4 Checking the Operating Status of the NMS .......................................................... 2-4 2.5 Checking the Disk Array Operating State ............................................................. 2-5 2.6 Checking the Time Zone and Time of the Operating System ................................. 2-5

Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Checking the Performance Data.......................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Checking Hard Disk Space ................................................................................. 3-5 3.3 Checking Database Space.................................................................................. 3-7 3.4 Checking Automatic Backup Status ................................................................... 3-12 3.5 Checking the Operating Status of the Anti-Virus Software ................................... 3-14 3.6 Performing Alarm Statistics and Analysis ........................................................... 3-14 3.7 Analyzing NE Performance Data ....................................................................... 3-16 3.8 Checking the Server (Solaris) Logs ................................................................... 3-17 3.9 Checking License Management Scale ............................................................... 3-17

Chapter 4 Monthly Maintenance ............................................................... 4-1 4.1 Checking the Equipment Room Environment ....................................................... 4-1 4.2 Checking Log Information ................................................................................... 4-2 4.3 Checking the Remote Maintenance Tool .............................................................. 4-3

Chapter 5 Annual Maintenance ................................................................. 5-1 5.1 Checking the Cabinet and Cables ....................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Removing Dust .................................................................................................. 5-1

Figures............................................................................................................. I Glossary ........................................................................................................ III I SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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II SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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About This Manual Purpose This manual describes the routine maintenance of the U31 R22.

Intended Audience This manual is intended for: l l

Maintenance engineers Network monitoring engineers

What Is in This Manual This manual contains the following chapters: Chapter


1, Maintenance Overview

Provides an overview about the U31 R22 routine maintenance.

2, Daily Maintenance

Describes checking items for daily maintenance.

3, Weekly Maintenance

Describes checking items for weekly maintenance.

4, Monthly Maintenance

Describes checking items for monthly maintenance.

5, Annual Maintenance

Describes checking items for annual maintenance.

Conventions This manual uses the following typographical conventions: Typeface



Variables in commands. It may also refer to other related manuals and documents.


Menus, menu options, function names, input fields, option button names, check boxes, drop-down lists, dialog box names, window names, parameters, and commands.


Text that you type, program codes, filenames, directory names, and function names.

width |

Separates individual parameters in a series of parameters. Note: provides additional information about a certain topic.

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Chapter 1

Maintenance Overview Table of Contents Equipment Maintenance.............................................................................................1-1 Maintenance Items .....................................................................................................1-1 Routine Maintenance Flow .........................................................................................1-2 Routine Maintenance Precautions ..............................................................................1-4

1.1 Equipment Maintenance U31 R22 equipment maintenance is classified into the following types: l

Routine Maintenance By maintenance period, routine maintenance is further divided into daily, weekly, monthly and annual maintenance. Through routine maintenance, maintenance personnel can learn about the system operation status, detect potential risks, prevent accidents and troubleshoot faults quickly.


Alarm and Notification U31 R22 provides an alarm and notification system. Some low-level alarms and faults can be corrected by the system automatically without manual intervention.


Troubleshooting Troubleshooting means to analyze and correct a fault after the fault is reported.

1.2 Maintenance Items For maintenance items of daily maintenance, weekly maintenance, monthly maintenance, and annual maintenance, refer to Table 1-1. Table 1-1 Maintenance Items Maintenance Period

Maintenance Items

Daily maintenance

Checking NE statuses and link statuses. Checking existing alarms. Checking CPU usage and memory usage of the Network Management Server (NMS). Checking the operating status of the NMS. Checking the disk array operating status. 1-1


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NetNumen™ U31 R22 Routine Maintenance Guide

Maintenance Period

Maintenance Items Checking the time zone and time of the operating system.

Weekly maintenance

Checking the performance data. Checking hard disk space. Checking database space. Checking the automatic backup status. Checking the operating status of the anti-virus software. Performing alarm statistics and analysis. Checking the NE performance data Checking the server (Solaris) logs. Checking the License management scale.

Monthly maintenance

Checking the equipment room environment. Checking log information. Checking the remote maintenance tool.

Annual maintenance

Checking the cabinet and cables. Removing dust.

1.3 Routine Maintenance Flow Flow Chart Figure 1-1 shows the routine maintenance flow.

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Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview

Figure 1-1 Routine Maintenance Flow

Flow Description 1. Making routine maintenance schedules Complying with the cycle of each maintenance item, maintenance personnel make routine maintenance schedules of the next year at the end of this year. 2. Checking routine maintenance items Maintenance personnel check each routine maintenance item described in this manual at a proper time.

Note: It is recommended to check items during non-peak hours, for example, 02:00 to 06:00.

3. Troubleshooting If a fault occurs, maintenance personnel take different measures based on symptom severity and urgency by the following troubleshooting steps: a. If the fault affects services. For example, some services cannot be implemented, handle the fault immediately because it is urgent and critical.

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b. If the fault affects operation and maintenance rather than services. For example, new service commissioning failures or configuration failures, handle the fault in accordance with the general troubleshooting flow because it is critical but not urgent. c.

If some alarms are raised, but services, operation, and maintenance are not affected, pay attention to the fault, and handle the fault in accordance with the general troubleshooting flow.

If a fault occurs, maintenance personnel handle the fault in accordance with the general troubleshooting flow. If the fault persists, contact ZTE technical support. Some typical troubleshooting methods are described below: l

l l

Causes of a fault may be hard to be identified, or a fault occurs casually. Maintenance personnel should pay attention to the fault, and troubleshoot the fault in time. For a hardware fault hard to be resolved, contact ZTE technical support for spare parts for convenience of part replacement. For a possible software or data fault, back up the corresponding software or data before software upgrade and data modification for convenience of data check and restoration.

1.4 Routine Maintenance Precautions l



Make complete equipment room maintenance rules to regulate maintenance personnel operations. Keep detailed log books for ease of troubleshooting, including system operation, versions, data changes, updates, and troubleshooting. Keep shift record books and clear responsibilities. Maintenance personnel must be trained for the position, learn equipment and related networks, and know basic device operations and emergency treatment skills. Besides, maintenance personnel must comply with maintenance operations described in this manual, for example, wearing antistatic wrist straps before operating equipment hardware to ensure personal safety and device security. Record all major operations, such as board switchover, system reset, and software loading, and confirm operation feasibility before performing operations. Only qualified operators can perform major operations after backing up data and taking emergency and security measures. Back up data before modifying the data. Verify that the device operates properly during a period of time, for example, one week, and then delete the backup data.


l l

Network management passwords must be set by levels, managed strictly, and modified periodically. Besides, the passwords can only be known by maintenance personnel. Do not play games or surf the Internet on terminals. Do not install, run or copy system-irrelated software on terminals. Do not use terminals for other purposes. Prepare common tools and instruments, such as screw drivers (straight and cross), signaling instrument, network cable pliers, multimeter, AC power supply for 1-4


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Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview


l l


l l l l

maintenance purpose, telephone cable, and network cable. Calibrate instruments periodically to ensure accuracy. Check spare parts periodically to ensure that they are sufficient and in good condition, and prevent moisture and mildew. Store spare parts and faulty parts separately after replacement. Supplement common spare parts when they are exhausted. Repair faulty boards in time and ensure sufficient spare parts for major boards. Keep necessary software and materials handy. Keep normal temperature and humidity in the equipment room. Keep the equipment room clean and prevent dust, moisture, rats and insects from entering the equipment room. The equipment room environment must meet the requirements of the Environment Acceptance Report. Ensure reliable and stable power supplies. Check system grounding and lightning protection ground periodically, especially before thunderstorm seasons and after storms. Repair broken lamps in time, and do not leave any dark places in the equipment room. Perform routine tests and inspections every day in accordance with suggestions described in this manual, and make records. Troubleshoot faults in time after finding them. If a fault is complicated, record original information, and contact ZTE technical support. Put contact information of ZTE technical support in a striking place for timely contact. Update the latest contacts periodically.

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Chapter 2

Daily Maintenance Table of Contents Checking NE Statuses and Link Statuses...................................................................2-1 Checking Existing Alarms...........................................................................................2-2 Checking CPU Usage and Memory Usage .................................................................2-3 Checking the Operating Status of the NMS ................................................................2-4 Checking the Disk Array Operating State ...................................................................2-5 Checking the Time Zone and Time of the Operating System ......................................2-5

2.1 Checking NE Statuses and Link Statuses This procedure describes how to check NE statuses and link statuses of the U31 R22 NMS.

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Topology > View Topology. Management window is displayed.

The Topology

2. Query the status of an NE in the network topology or NE tree. l If the NE icon is in green, this NE is operating properly without alarms. l If alarms of multiple levels occur, the NE icon is displayed in the same color as the alarm of the highest level. Move the cursor to the icon to query the alarm levels and number of alarms. l

Icons shows NE statuses. Detailed icon status meanings are displayed on the Legend tab, see Figure 2-1.

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Figure 2-1 Legend

If an NE is disconnected, the possible causes are as follows: l l l

The link between the U31 R22 NMS and the NE is disconnected. The NE IP address is incorrectly set. The SNMP parameters are incorrectly set.

3. In the network topology, query statuses of links between NEs as follows: l If a link between NEs is in green, the link is connected. l If a link between NEs is in red, the link is disconnected. – End of Steps –

2.2 Checking Existing Alarms This procedure describes how to checks existing alarms, including critical alarms, link disconnection alarms, and high CPU/memory/hard disk usage alarms.

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Chapter 2 Daily Maintenance

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Fault > Alarm Monitoring. The Alarm Monitoring tab is displayed, see Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2 Alarm Monitoring Tab

2. Query the current alarms and historical alarms in a day. Focus on critical alarms, link disconnection alarms, and high CPU/memory/hard disk usage alarms. 3. Double-click an alarm to query the detailed information. 4. Click the Handling Suggestions tab to query the troubleshooting suggestions. 5. On the Alarm Monitoring tab, click the drop-down list next to the

icon and then

select the to export all rows of the alarm information, or click the visible cows of the alarm information.

icon to export

You can export files in the formats of text, Excel, PDF, HTML, and CSV. 6. In the displayed Save dialog box, enter the user name and select the file type, and then click Save. – End of Steps –

2.3 Checking CPU Usage and Memory Usage This procedure describes how to verify that the CPU and memory usage meets related requirements.

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Maintenance > System Monitoring. The System Monitoring window is displayed, see Figure 2-3.

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Figure 2-3 System Monitoring Window

2. Select the corresponding NMS under Server. Click View in the View Server Performance area. The View Application Server Performance window is displayed. 3. Query the CPU and memory usage. The duration when the instant peak value of the CPU usage exceeds 90% must not exceed 10 seconds. After an operation, the CPU usage must be decreased to the normal range. The memory usage must be lower than 80%. If the subscriber capacity exceeds the designed value, and the CPU usage and memory usage are high for a long time, this indicates that the system load is high and capacity expansion is required. If the subscriber capacity does not reach the designed value, but the CPU usage and memory usage are frequently high, contact ZTE technical support for assistance. – End of Steps –

2.4 Checking the Operating Status of the NMS This procedure describes how to check the operating status of the NMS.

Steps 1. In the U31 R22 client main window, run ems\ums-server\console.exe. The NetNumen U31 Unified Network Management System - Console window is displayed. 2. Select View > Record. The Detailed information pane is displayed. 3. Check whether NMS processes are normal, see Figure 2-4.

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Chapter 2 Daily Maintenance

Figure 2-4 Detailed Information Pane

Operation result of each process should be Successful. – End of Steps –

2.5 Checking the Disk Array Operating State This procedure describes how to ensure that the disk array has sufficient space and operates properly.

Steps 1. Check the disk space to ensure that sufficient space is available. 2. Check whether any fault occurs on the disks, for example, read or write error. – End of Steps –

Result l l

If the disk array space is not enough, add more disks, or back up alarm and performance data and then delete the data to release some space. If a hard disk fault is found, contact ZTE technical support for assistance.

2.6 Checking the Time Zone and Time of the Operating System This procedure describes how to check whether the time zone of the NMS operating system is synchronized with the local time zone, and whether the operating system time is synchronized with the standard clock source.

Note: The time zone and time of the operating system can only be modified before the NMS is started.

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Steps 1. In the Windows operating system, select Start > Control Panel > Date and Time. The Date and Time window is displayed. 2. Check the system time zone. If the system time zone and the local time zone are different, click Change time zone to change the system time zone to the local time zone. The system time zone must be modified to the local time zone. Otherwise, alarm generation time is different from that displayed on the NMS. 3. Synchronized the operating system time to the standard clock source. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 3

Weekly Maintenance Table of Contents Checking the Performance Data.................................................................................3-1 Checking Hard Disk Space.........................................................................................3-5 Checking Database Space .........................................................................................3-7 Checking Automatic Backup Status..........................................................................3-12 Checking the Operating Status of the Anti-Virus Software ........................................3-14 Performing Alarm Statistics and Analysis .................................................................3-14 Analyzing NE Performance Data ..............................................................................3-16 Checking the Server (Solaris) Logs ..........................................................................3-17 Checking License Management Scale......................................................................3-17

3.1 Checking the Performance Data This procedure describes how to query the U31 R22 performance statistics, and verify that the performance granularity data is not lost.

Prerequisite An NE performance task is created in the NMS.

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Performance > Measurement Task Management. The Measurement Task Management window is displayed. 2. Select an NE, the NE measurement task is displayed on the right pane, see Figure 3-1.

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Figure 3-1 Measurement Task Management Tab

3. Right-click the measurement task, and select Query PM Data by Task from the shortcut menu. The History Performance Data Query window is displayed. 4. Click the Object Selection tab, and select Group by NE from the Location group list, see Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2 Object Selection Tab

5. Click the Time Selection tab, and set Query granularity and Time settings, see Figure 3-3.

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Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance

Figure 3-3 Time Selection Tab

6. Click OK to display the performance query record. 7. Check the record integrity. a. In the NMS main window, select Performance > Data Integrity Query. The Add Data Integrity Query window is displayed. b. Select the desired options from the NE type and MO type lists, see Figure 3-4. Figure 3-4 Object Selection Tab

Note: NE type and MO type must be the same as those set in the measurement task.

c. Click the Location Selection tab, and select an NE, see Figure 3-5. 3-3 SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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Figure 3-5 Location Selection Tab

Note: The NE must be the same as that selected in the measurement task.

d. Click the Time Selection tab, and set the time range to check the performance data integrity. e. Click OK. The Integrity Status column shows the data integrity of each NE. l l

Have Data means that the performance data at each collection point (every 15 minutes by default) during the query period can be queried. No Data means that no performance data at each collection point is queried.

Suppose the query period is a day. If the system can query the performance data at collection points during one period (00:00:00 to 12:00:00), but fails to query performance data at collection points during the other period (12:00:00 to 00:00:00), the integrity query result will be displayed on two rows, with the Integrity Status as Have Data and No Data respectively. If No Data is displayed in the Integrity Status column, check whether: i.

The task is suspended manually.


The task end time expires.

iii. The start time and end time of the task are set correctly. iv. The task granularity is set correctly. v.

Communication between the U31 R22 and NEs are normal.

vi. The corresponding measurement object on the NE side is configured correctly when the task statuses are inconsistent. – End of Steps – 3-4 SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance

3.2 Checking Hard Disk Space This procedure describes how to check the remaining space the server hard disk.

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Maintenance > System Monitoring. The System Monitoring window is displayed, see Figure 3-6. Figure 3-6 System Monitoring Window

2. Select Application Server. Click View in the View Server Performance area. The View Application Server Performance window is displayed. 3. Query the hard disk usage, see Figure 3-7. Figure 3-7 HD Information Pane

You should pay much attention to the usage of hard disks where the operating system, the U31 R22, and the database are installed. 4. Close the View Application Server Performance window. The System Monitoring window is displayed. 5. In the Monitor Server Performance area, click Configure to set whether to monitor hard disk space, see Figure 3-8.

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Figure 3-8 Monitor Server Performance Area

If HD Monitoring is selected, the hard disk monitoring threshold must be set as follows: l l


Type: Percentage, Absolute, and NO. Threshold: Set the threshold based on monitoring type. If the hard disk usage (percentage or absolute value) exceeds this threshold, an alarm of the corresponding level (critical, major, minor, and warning) is raised. Monitoring Period: hard disk monitoring period, unit: second.

The recommended free space on each server is described as follows: l

l l l

The remaining space of the disk C must be larger than 5 GB or cannot be less than 10% of the total hard disk space. The bigger one between 5 GB and 10% should be taken. For the SUN server, the file system does exceed 85%, and the root file system does not exceed 70%. The remaining space of dual RAID is not less than 10% of the entire hard drive capacity. The remaining space of the disk where the server data is stored should be 5 GB above, or no less than 10% of the entire hard drive capacity.

Troubleshooting suggestions are described as follows: i.

Insufficient space of partition C used by the Windows operating system may be caused by virus infection or large logs of the antivirus software. It is recommended to update the virus library, check all the partitions of the server for virus, and delete the logs of antivirus software.


If the hard disk where the data files and log files are saved has no enough space, delete some unnecessary files in the hard disk to release some space. At the same time, some operations on the database are required, such as backup of the alarm database and performance database, and deletion of historical data.

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Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance

iii. If the alarm persists, contact ZTE technical support for assistance. – End of Steps –

3.3 Checking Database Space This procedure describes how to monitor the NMS database resources during routine maintenance, including database information, data table information, and process information.

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Maintenance > System Monitoring. The System Monitoring window is displayed, see Figure 3-9. Figure 3-9 System Monitoring Window

2. Select the corresponding database under Database, and click View in the View Database Resouce area. The View Database Resources window is displayed. Query the database information. Data Space Free Percent of each database must be larger than 5%, and the database size is normal. 3. Close the View Database Resources window. The System Monitoring window is displayed. 4. In the Monitor Server Performance area, click Configure to set whether to monitor the database space, see Figure 3-10.

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Figure 3-10 Monitoring Item Selection Window

5. (Optional) If the database space is insufficient, this procedure uses the MSSQL Server 2008 as an example to describe related operations. a. Clear unused alarms and performance data. i.

In the NMS main window, select Maintenance > System Backup and Restore. The System Backup and Restore window is displayed.


Select Backup and Deletion Log Data, Backup and Deletion Alarm Data, and Backup and Deletion PM Data in Backup for data backup and deletion. The MSSQL database space is not freed after mass data is cleared. The database must be shrunk to free the occupied space.

Caution! Before shrinking the database, you should terminate the network management services.

b. Shrink the database. i.

In the Windows operating system, select Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > SQL Server Management Studio. The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window is displayed.


Click Connect.

iii. Select UEP4X_CAF_FM from the resource manager, see Figure 3-11.

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Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance

Figure 3-11 Object Explorer Source Manager

iv. Right-click UEP4X_CAF_FM, and select Properties from the shortcut menu. The Database Properties window is displayed. v.

Select Options in the left navigation tree, and modify Recovery model in the right pane to Simple, see Figure 3-12. Remember the original mode for mode retrieval. Figure 3-12 Database Properties Window

vi. Click OK. vii. Right-click UEP4X_CAF_FM, and select Tasks > Shrink > Database from the shortcut menu, see Figure 3-13. 3-9 SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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Figure 3-13 Shrinking the Database

viii. The Shrink Database window is displayed. Click OK to shrink the database. ix. After shrinking the database, right-click UEP4X_CAF_FM, and select Properties from the shortcut menu. The Database Properties window is displayed. Check the database remaining space. x.

Modify Recovery model to the original mode.

xi. Close the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window. xii. Re-start the NMS. c. (Optional) If the hard disk where database files are located is full, store the database files to other disks. This procedure uses UEP4X as an example. i.

Select UEP4X from the resource manager, see Figure 3-14. Figure 3-14 UEP4X


Right-click UEP4X, and select Properties from the shortcut menu. The Database Properties window is displayed. Select Files, see Figure 3-15. 3-10


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Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance

Figure 3-15 Files

iii. Click the button in the row where File Type is Rows Data. The Change Autogrowth for UEP4X window is displayed. iv. Select Enable Autogrowth, and set related parameters, see Figure 3-16. Click OK. Figure 3-16 Change Autogrowth for UEP4X

Set the Autogrowth column where File Type is Log by the same method. v.

Store the data files to other disks. Click Add in the Database Properties window to add a row in the table, see Figure 3-17. Figure 3-17 Database Properties Window

vi. In the new row, click the button of the Autogrowth column. The Change Autogrowth dialog box is displayed. vii. Set the parameters, see Figure 3-18. Click OK. 3-11 SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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Figure 3-18 Change Autogrowth Dialog Box

viii. Set Logical Name of the data file to uep4x_data2, see Figure 3-19. Figure 3-19 Setting Logical Name

ix. In the new row, click the button of the Path column. The Locate Folder window is displayed. Select a large disk, for example, E:\data, and click OK. x.

Set Logical Name of the data file to uep4x_data2.dbf, see Figure 3-20. Click OK. Figure 3-20 Setting Logical Name of a Database File

Store log files to other disks by the same method. The UEP4X_CAF_FM and UEP4X_PM databases share the similar operations. – End of Steps –

3.4 Checking Automatic Backup Status This procedure describes how to check whether the NMS automatic backup function is normal. 3-12 SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Maintenance > Task Management. The Task Management window is displayed. 2. Select a task from the left navigation tree, for example, PM Data Backup and Deletion Task, see Figure 3-21. Figure 3-21 PM Data Backup and Deletion Task

3. Click the properly.

button to query the task logs, and check whether the task is operating

4. Click the

button to check whether there is any backup task yet to be executed.

If a backup task is operating improperly, verify that the disk space is sufficient and the network connection is normal. If the fault persists, contact ZTE technical support for assistance. 5. Check the backup file. The backup path is displayed on the NMS window, see Figure 3-22. Figure 3-22 Backup Path Area

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The above figure shows that the performance data is backed up in the \ums-serve r\rundata\backup\pmbak directory. – End of Steps –

3.5 Checking the Operating Status of the Anti-Virus Software This procedure describes how to verify that the anti-virus software is registered, and the virus database is updated periodically.

Note: Both the virus database and the anti-virus engine must be updated.

Steps 1. Check whether the anti-virus software is installed and updated automatically. 2. Verify that the virus database version is the latest. – End of Steps –

3.6 Performing Alarm Statistics and Analysis This procedure describes how to perform alarm statistics and analysis on existing alarms and historical alarms in the NMS. Existing alarms refer to the existing but unresolved alarms. Historical alarms refer to resolved alarms.

Steps 1. Perform alarm statistics and analysis on existing alarms. a. In the NMS main window, select Fault > Alarm Monitoring by NE. The Alarm Monitoring by NE window is displayed. The NMS collects statistics on number of alarms of each NE based on alarm levels. You should pay much attention to critical alarms and alarms that are raised frequently. b. Double-click the number of alarms to query the actual number. c. In the left navigation tree, double-click Alarm Monitoring by NE Type to query the number of alarms of each NE type. 3-14 SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance

2. Perform alarm statistics and analysis on historical alarms. a. In the NMS main window, select Fault > History Alarm Basic Statistics. The History Alarm Basic Statistics window is displayed. b. On the Basic tab, set Statistic Type, Statistic Row, Statistic Column, and View Setting, see Figure 3-23. Figure 3-23 Basic Tab

c. Click the Condition tab, and set the parameters on the Location, Alarm Code, and Others tabs. d. Click OK. Number of historical alarms of each type is displayed. Pay much attention to the alarms that are raised frequently. e. In the left navigation tree, select Fault > History Alarm Busy-Time Statistics. The History Alarm Busy-Time Statistics window is displayed. "Busy-Time" means the time when the NMS is busy processing a service. You may pay much attention to the busy-time alarms. History Alarm Busy-Time Statistics enable you to only collect statistics on the historical alarms in busy hours. Similar to basic statistics, you can set mean duration of alarm statistics or alarm occurrence frequency. f. On the Basic tab, set Statistic Type, Effective Time, and View Setting, see Figure 3-24.

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Figure 3-24 Historical Alarm Busy-Time Statistics

g. Click the Condition tab, and set the parameters on the Location, Alarm Code, and Others tabs. h. Click OK. Alarm frequency of each period is displayed in the window. Pay much attention to the alarms that are raised frequently. – End of Steps –

3.7 Analyzing NE Performance Data This procedure describes how to check and analyze whether the statistical performance data meets the corresponding range requirements.

Steps 1.

In the network management window, select Performance > History Performance Data Query. The History Performance Data Query dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-25. Figure 3-25 History Performance Data Query

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Chapter 3 Weekly Maintenance

2. Select NE Type and MO Type, and select the index/counter to be queried. 3. Select the Object Selection tab and select the network element as the measurement object. 4. Select the Time Selection tab, set Query granularity, Time settings, Effective date and Effective time. 5. Click OK. The query result is displayed on Performance Management page. Each performance index is within the required range and has no big difference from the recent index value. If an index varies greatly in some day, query the details of the performance data in that day further (using the smaller granularity) and analyze the query result to find the cause of the unexpected performance index change. – End of Steps –

3.8 Checking the Server (Solaris) Logs This procedure describes how to check the logs on the server to find and handle errors or failures. The commands used to check the system logs are different depending on the operating system installed on the server.

Steps 1. Use the following commands to check whether error, warning or failure records exist in messages. l # more /var/adm/messages|grep error l # more /var/adm/messages|grep warning l # more /var/adm/messages|grep fail 2. Use the following commands to check whether error, warning or failure records exist in Syslog. l # more /var/log/syslog|grep error l # more /var/log/syslog|grep warning l # more /var/log/syslog|grep fail – End of Steps –

Result If an error or failure is found in messages or Syslog, check the operation state of corresponding hardware or software according to the position where the error or failure occurs.

3.9 Checking License Management Scale 3-17 SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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U31 R22 License files control U31 R22 functions and manage the U31 R22 network scale. If the network scale is larger than the License management scale, some NEs cannot be managed.

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Help > License Information > Show License. The License Information window is displayed. Query the License information. The License information includes the U31 R22 functions and management scale information. Different configurations are displayed based on different License files. 2. Query current network status and network scale. If the current network scale is larger or closed to the License management scale. Apply for a new License file to replace the old one. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 4

Monthly Maintenance Table of Contents Checking the Equipment Room Environment .............................................................4-1 Checking Log Information...........................................................................................4-2 Checking the Remote Maintenance Tool ....................................................................4-3

4.1 Checking the Equipment Room Environment This procedure describes how to check whether the temperature, humidity, and cabinet in the equipment room meet the specified requirements.

Steps 1. Check the values of the thermometer and hygrometer. For the temperature and humidity requirements, refer to the following table. Temperature

Relative humidity

Long-term operating condition

5 ℃ to 40 ℃

Short-term operating condition

-5 ℃ to 50 ℃

Long-term operating condition

5% to 85%

Short-term operating condition

5% to 90%

Measure the temperature at a position 1.5 m above the floor and 0.4 m in front of the rack without front and rear panels. The short-term operating condition means that the continuous operating period does not exceed 96 hours and the accumulative total period within a year does not exceed 15 days.

If the equipment room temperature does not meet requirements, repair or replace the air-conditioning system in the equipment room. If the relative humidity in the equipment room is high, install dehumidification facilities. if the relative humidity is low, install humidifying facilities. Verify that there is no sewer pipeline (especially no pipeline connector) passing through the equipment room. 2. Check the power distribution cabinet, cabinet, shelves, cables, wiring troughs and other key components. Fire prevention: All components should be prevented from fire and all fire-fighting facilities in the equipment room are in good condition.

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Dust prevention: All components should be clean and tidy without apparent dust attached. – End of Steps –

4.2 Checking Log Information This procedure describes how to query operation logs, security logs, and system log to learn the NMS operating status. Logs are divided into the following three types: l l l

Operation log: Records users' operations. Security log: Records users’ login and logout information. System Log: Records timing tasks completion information.

Steps 1. In the NMS main window, select Security > Log Management. Management window is displayed.

The Log

2. Double-click a log type, for example, All System Log, check whether there is information that occurs frequently, mass error information, and operation failure information, see Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1 Log Management

3. Double-click a log to query detailed log information, see Figure 4-2.

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Figure 4-2 Log Detail

– End of Steps –

4.3 Checking the Remote Maintenance Tool The remote monitoring software is usually installed on the maintenance terminal so that maintenance personnel can maintain the U31 R22 client or server remotely. This procedure aims to check whether the connection to the client or server is available for the purpose of remote monitoring.

Steps 1. Check whether the remote maintenance software has been installed on the maintenance terminal of the U31 R22, such as teamviewer or VNC. Check whether the maintenance personnel can log in to the remote client or server 2. Check whether the special line is available in the equipment room for remote maintenance. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 5

Annual Maintenance Table of Contents Checking the Cabinet and Cables ..............................................................................5-1 Removing Dust...........................................................................................................5-1

5.1 Checking the Cabinet and Cables This procedure describes how to check the cabinet and cables.

Steps 1. Verify that all power cables, grounding cables and signal cables inside the cabinet are in good condition without any defect such as damage, aging, corrosion or flash burn. 2. Verify that the cable labels are complete and correct. 3. Verify that there is no foreign matter inside or on top of the cabinet. 4. Verify that the rodent-resistant nets at the cable outlets are secured without damage. – End of Steps –

5.2 Removing Dust This procedure describes how to remove dust from the equipment. The dust removal requirements are as follows: l l l

There is no dust around the cabinet shell and air inlets of the cabinet. Ensure that the air inlets of the cabinet are clean and the wind path is unblocked. The dust screen and the frame are clean without dust. The fan shelf is clean without dust.

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Note: Antistatic measures such as use of an antistatic platform with antistatic dress and antistatic wrist straps must be taken. To reduce risks, it is recommended that maintenance personnel remove dust under the guidance of ZTE technical support engineers. The dust removal operation should be performed when the traffic is low (for example, between 2:00 and 4:00).

Steps 1. Perform the following steps to clean the dust screen: i.

Disassemble the dust screen from the cabinet, and clean it with water. Dry the dust screen, and then reinstall it onto the cabinet.


Wipe the cabinet shell with a clean and dry cotton cloth.

iii. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust around the air inlets of the cabinet. 2. Perform the following steps to clean the fan shelf: i.

Use a clean cotton cloth, an antistatic soft brush and a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from fan blades and circuit boards of the backup fan shelf.


Use the backup fan shelf to replace a fan shelf inside the cabinet.

iii. Remove dust from the replaced fan shelf in the same way. The replaced fan shelf can be used as the backup fan shelf. iv. Repeat step i. through step iii. to replace other fan shelves inside the cabinet, and remove dust from these fan shelves. 3. Remove dust from the air conditioner by complying with air conditioner manuals. – End of Steps –

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Figures Figure 1-1 Routine Maintenance Flow....................................................................... 1-3 Figure 2-1 Legend .................................................................................................... 2-2 Figure 2-2 Alarm Monitoring Tab ............................................................................... 2-3 Figure 2-3 System Monitoring Window...................................................................... 2-4 Figure 2-4 Detailed Information Pane........................................................................ 2-5 Figure 3-1 Measurement Task Management Tab ...................................................... 3-2 Figure 3-2 Object Selection Tab ................................................................................ 3-2 Figure 3-3 Time Selection Tab .................................................................................. 3-3 Figure 3-4 Object Selection Tab ................................................................................ 3-3 Figure 3-5 Location Selection Tab............................................................................. 3-4 Figure 3-6 System Monitoring Window...................................................................... 3-5 Figure 3-7 HD Information Pane ............................................................................... 3-5 Figure 3-8 Monitor Server Performance Area............................................................ 3-6 Figure 3-9 System Monitoring Window...................................................................... 3-7 Figure 3-10 Monitoring Item Selection Window ......................................................... 3-8 Figure 3-11 Object Explorer Source Manager ........................................................... 3-9 Figure 3-12 Database Properties Window................................................................. 3-9 Figure 3-13 Shrinking the Database........................................................................ 3-10 Figure 3-14 UEP4X................................................................................................. 3-10 Figure 3-15 Files..................................................................................................... 3-11 Figure 3-16 Change Autogrowth for UEP4X............................................................ 3-11 Figure 3-17 Database Properties Window............................................................... 3-11 Figure 3-18 Change Autogrowth Dialog Box ........................................................... 3-12 Figure 3-19 Setting Logical Name........................................................................... 3-12 Figure 3-20 Setting Logical Name of a Database File ............................................. 3-12 Figure 3-21 PM Data Backup and Deletion Task ..................................................... 3-13 Figure 3-22 Backup Path Area ................................................................................ 3-13 Figure 3-23 Basic Tab ............................................................................................. 3-15 Figure 3-24 Historical Alarm Busy-Time Statistics ................................................... 3-16 Figure 3-25 History Performance Data Query ......................................................... 3-16 Figure 4-1 Log Management..................................................................................... 4-2 Figure 4-2 Log Detail ................................................................................................ 4-3 I SJ-20130731095208-010|2013–08–20(R1.0)

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Glossary NMS - Network Management Server RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

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