NET312- UI Dev with WebDynpro for ABAP

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NET312 NET312: UI Development with Web Dynpro for ABAP SAP NetWeaver

Date Training Center Instructors Education Website

Participant Handbook Course Version: 62 Course Duration: 3 Day(s) Material Number: 50089127

An SAP course - use it to learn, reference it for work

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About This Handbook This handbook is intended to complement the instructor-led presentation of this course, and serve as a source of reference. It is not suitable for self-study.

Typographic Conventions American English is the standard used in this handbook. The following typographic conventions are also used. Type Style


Example text

Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths, and options. Also used for cross-references to other documentation both internal (in this documentation) and external (in other locations, such as SAPNet).


Example text

Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics, and tables


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Example text

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Example text

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About This Handbook


Icons in Body Text The following icons are used in this handbook. Icon

Meaning For more information, tips, or background Note or further explanation of previous point Exception or caution Procedures

Indicates that the item is displayed in the instructor's presentation.


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Contents Course Overview ......................................................... vii Course Goals ...........................................................vii Course Objectives .....................................................vii

Unit 1: Introduction........................................................ 1 Introduction ..............................................................2

Unit 2: Forming the Layout ............................................ 31 UI Elements used to define the Layout ............................ 32

Unit 3: Complex UI Elements.......................................... 77 The Table UI Element ................................................ 79 The Tree UI Element ................................................159 Additional complex UI Elements ...................................187

Unit 4: Defining Graphics ............................................. 215 The BusinessGraphics UI Element ................................216 Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics .......238

Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies ............................................................. 259 Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies ......................................................260

Index ....................................................................... 291


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Course Overview This course explains in detail how to implement user interfaces (UIs) based on Web Dynpro for ABAP. This includes the creation of a view's layout based on the UI element library provided with Web Dynpro for ABAP, the definition of the related view context and the discussion of the UI element specific events.

Target Audience This course is intended for the following audiences: •

Developers of applications based on Web Dynpro for ABAP

Course Prerequisites Required Knowledge •

Web Dynpro for ABAP (NET310)

Recommended Knowledge •

It is preferable, if you have created some Web Dynpro for ABAP applications before you attend this class

Course Goals This course will prepare you to: •

Implement complex UIs based on Web Dynpro for ABAP

Course Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to: • • • •


Use the complete functionality of the complex UI elements DateNavigator, PhaseIndicator, RoadMap, TableView, and Tree Define the layout using the UI elements ContextualPanel, HorizontalContextualPanel, NavigationList, MultiPane, and TabStrip Define graphics based on the UI elements BusinessGraphics, GeoMap, ValueComparison, and ProgressIndicator Integrate other technologies using the UI elements Interactive Form, BIApplicationFrame, OfficeControl, and FileUpload

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Course Overview



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Unit 1 Introduction Unit Overview In this unit, the basics about the UI creation with Web Dynpro for ABAP - as discussed in NET310 - are summed up.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • •

Define the UI element hierarchy Set UI element properties Bind UI element properties to context attributes Handle UI element events Create and change UI element properties dynamically

Unit Contents Lesson: Introduction ...............................................................2 Exercise 1: Create a simple Web Dynpro Application .................. 21


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Unit 1: Introduction


Lesson: Introduction Lesson Overview This lesson sums up the basic concepts related to the definition of the user interface (UI). This includes the definition of the UI element hierarchy, defining the UI element's properties, binding the properties to context attributes, and using the UI element's events.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •

Define the UI element hierarchy Set UI element properties Bind UI element properties to context attributes Handle UI element events Create and change UI element properties dynamically

Business Example Before you can start to create sophisticated UIs with Web Dynpro for ABAP, you have to recall the basic knowledge about the definition of a view's UI element hierarchy. You have attended the class NET310 and you remember that your trainer has explained all of this to you. However, that's long ago so it is good to have a summary to look up the main topics.

Defining the UI Element Hierarchy The layout of a view consists of UI elements that are defined in a hierarchical structure called the UI element hierarchy. At runtime, the single UI elements are represented by instances of globally defined classes that describe the properties of the corresponding UI element. This allows to define or change the UI element hierarchy not only statically at design time but also programmatically at runtime. There are different types of UI elements: Some of the elements may have dependent elements (e.g. the TextView may have a Menu defined as its sub element). Other elements may not have sub elements at all (e.g. the Button). Finally, there are elements that need to have sub elements to be defined correctly (e.g. the TableColumn defining a column in a Table, needs to have one sub element (TableCellEditor) in order to display the related context data).


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Lesson: Introduction

Figure 1: Types of UI elements

To define the UI element hierarchy at design time, the developer has to edit the layout of the corresponding view. New elements can be added by drag them from the tool bar displayed on the left side and drop them to the View Designer area displayed right of the tool bar. Alternatively, new elements can be added by right mouse click on the parent element in the UI element hierarchy (displayed in the right upper side) and choose Insert Element from the context menu popping up.


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Unit 1: Introduction


Figure 2: Defining the UI element hierarchy

One UI element always exists in the UI element hierarchy - the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER. This is the root for the complete UI element hierarchy.

Container Elements and Layout Managers Container elements are used to arrange UI elements in a rectangular sub area of the view's layout. The kind of arrangement is defined by the layout manager that has been assigned to the container element. The layout manager defines how the sub elements of the container are arranged in the rectangular area defined by the container element. Container elements can be nested. This means, that in a certain sub area of a surrounding area a different way for arranging the UI elements can be determined.


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Lesson: Introduction

Four kinds of container UI elements do exist: •

TransparentContainer: This container type is not visible. The ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER is a transparent container.

Group: This container type is always visible and it contains a caption.

Tray: Alike the Group UI element, this kind of container is always visible and it contains a caption. However, in addition a menu can be assigned to the group. Clicking on an icon in the right upper corner of the tray will open / close the tray.

ScrollContainer: This UI element is deprecated! Instead, the transparent container should be used.

To each of the container UI elements any of the four layout manager has to be assigned: •

FlowLayout: A FlowLayout sequentially arranges the container children. Line breaks can not be defined.

RowLayout: A RowLayout sequentially arranges the container children to exactly one column. Line breaks can be defined by assigning a RowHeadData object to a certain UI element.

GridLayout: A GridLayout arranges the container children in a two dimensional grid. Each row contains the same number of cells. Line breaks are automatically inserted when the number of columns occupied by a UI element is larger then the remaining number of cells in a line.

MatrixLayout: A MatrixLayout arranges the container children in a tabular format. However, the number of cells can very from row to row. Line breaks can be defined by assigning a MatrixHeadData object to a certain UI element. Hint: Instead of the GridLayout, use the MatrixLayout whenever possible.


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Unit 1: Introduction


Figure 3: Layout managers - MatrixLayout

Defining UI Element Properties statically and dynamically If the developer clicks on an element in the View Area or in the UI element hierarchy, the element's properties are displayed in the lower right corner of the Web Application Designer. UI element properties can be set statically by entering an allowed value in the input field right of the property's name. If only predefined values may be assigned to a UI element property, a value selector or a check box appears in the value field related to the property.


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Lesson: Introduction

Figure 4: Defining UI element properties statically

Data binding (context binding) is the preferred way to change UI element properties at runtime. Most of the properties related to a UI element may be bound to a context attribute being defined in the view's context and being typed accordingly. Properties that can be bound to context attributes have a button displayed right of the property's value field. To define or change the binding between a property and a context attribute, the button has to be pressed. In the dialog popping up, the corresponding context attribute has to be marked and the dialog has to be finished by pressing Enter. The binding can be deleted by opening the same dialog and clicking on the trash box icon.


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Unit 1: Introduction


Figure 5: Defining UI element properties dynamically (1)

Figure 6: Defining UI element properties dynamically (2)

Properties that are typically bound to context attributes are the UI element's key property (e.g. the property value for the InputField), and the properties enabled, readOnly, state, and visible.


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Lesson: Introduction

Up to ABAP support package stack 11, each of these properties had to be bound to a separate context attribute which led to a mass of attributes in the view's context. Beginning with ABAP support package stack 12, each context attribute does allow to bind not only the UI element's key property to it, but also the properties enabled, visible, readOnly, and state.

Figure 7: Context binding for SAP NW AS 7.0 (ABAP SPS ≥ 12)

To do this, the dialog box popping up in the data binding process contains an additional radio button group consisting of two radio buttons. If the upper radio button is selected, a direct data binding is established. This corresponds to the situation up to ABAP SPS 11. However, by selecting the lower radio button, the properties enabled, visible, readOnly, and state can be bound to the corresponding context attribute properties, respectively.


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Unit 1: Introduction


Figure 8: Code sample: Setting context attribute properties for SAP NW AS 7.0 (ABAP SPS ≥ 12)

Hint: The object describing a context element at runtime contains an instance attribute for each context attribute defined in a context node. For ABAP SPS 12 and higher, the object contains additional instance attributes: For each context attribute the object contains four boolean instance attributes, the UI element properties enabled, readOnly, state, and visible may be bound to. To read or set these additional attributes, new methods have been created in the interface IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE, namely GET_ATTRIBUTE_PROPS_FOR_ELEM( ), SET_ATTRIBUTE_PROPS_FOR_ELEM( ), and SET_ATTRIBUTE_PROPERTY( ).

UI Element Events Some UI elements support client side eventing. Typically, such a client side event is fired by left mouse clicking on some part of the element. Examples: The Button UI element supports clicking on the rendered element. The Table supports distinguishable left mouse clicks (marking a line, clicking on the related icons to scroll, clicking on the column header to sort, clicking on the filter icon to filter).


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Lesson: Introduction

Figure 9: Action - Relating client-side event to server-side action handler method

To handle the client side event, the application has to provide an appropriate event handler method. In addition, this event handler method has to be assigned to the client side event of the UI element. This is realized as follows: • •

An event handler method that may be assigned to a UI element event is generated by creating an action. Actions belong to a view controller. To assign such an event handler method to a given event of a UI element, the UI element property related to this event has to be evaluated with the action's name. All events supported by a certain UI element are listed in the property view. They are grouped in the section Events.

An action may also be created and assigned to an UI element in a single step. This is done by pressing the button right of the event property and entering the action's name in the related field of the dialog popping up.

If a client side event is fired, the corresponding action handler method is processed. Depending on the UI element, additional information about the last state of the UI element is passed to the action handler method. This information is accessible via the method's interface parameter WDEVENT. This parameter is predefined for all event handler methods. WDEVENT contains an internal table (WDEVENT->PARAMETERS) filled by the Web Dynpro runtime. For each


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Unit 1: Introduction


parameter provided by the event, a line of this table is filled. Each line consists of the field NAME (filled with the name of the event parameter) and the field VALUE (filled with the value of the event parameter).

Figure 10: Extracting event-specific information (1)

Because the types of different event parameter may be different, the type of the value field is generic (TYPE REF TO DATA). Thus, before a value of a certain event parameter can be accessed, it has to be casted to a variable of the correct type. If the correct type is a classical data type, this can be done by de-referencing the reference variable into a field symbol using the addition CASTING (for typed field symbol) or CASTING TYPE (for untyped field symbol).


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Lesson: Introduction

Figure 11: Extracting event-specific information (2)

However, it is also possible that additional event specific information is passed as an object to the event handler method. In this case, the table PARAMETERS contains a reference to an object references in the VALUE column. Then the Web Dynpro runtime types the reference variables with dynamically generated types that are not compatible with statically available reference types defined in the class builder. Thus a different way of de-referencing the variable value into a field symbol has to be used: At runtime, the type of a variable can be described by an object using RTTI (run time type information). On the other side, a RTTI type description can be used to type variables using the addition TYPE HANDLE TO. This addition can also


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Unit 1: Introduction


be used when de-referencing a reference variable into a generically typed field symbol (CASTING TYPE HANDLE TO). Thus, accessing the event parameters involves the following steps: •

• •

First the dynamically created reference type of an event parameter is obtained by means of RTTI ( e.g. the method DESCRIBE_BY_DATA_REF( ) of class CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR) Next, the parameter VALUE is de-referenced in a field symbol using the addition CASTING TYPE HANDLE TO . If the static type of this parameter is known, the field symbol can finally be casted to a reference variable of this static type. Hint: The procedure described above can be omitted for statically known parameters related to the event. In this case the parameter's names (with their appropriate types) can be added to the action handler's interface. At runtime, the Web Dynpro runtime does not only fill the PARAMETERS table of the interface parameter WDEVENT, but also all additionally defined interface parameters having a name that is identical to an event parameter. Caution: The interface of the action handler must not contain any parameter having a name that is different from the event parameter names. This will lead to a dump at runtime.

Dynamically changing the UI Each UI element of type (e.g. Button) is described by a globally defined class having the name CL_WD_ (e.g. CL_WD_BUTTON). The properties of any UI element are defined as instance attributes of the related global class. All element classes are part of an inheritance tree having the class CL_WDR_VIEW_ELEMENT as its root. This root class implements the interface IF_WD_VIEW_ELEMENT.


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Lesson: Introduction

Figure 12: UI element class hierarchy (extract)

At runtime, all classes related to the UI elements defined in a view's element hierarchy are instantiated. The values of the UI element properties are stored as instance attributes of the runtime objects and the hierarchy itself is reflected by dependencies between the runtime objects.


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Unit 1: Introduction


Figure 13: Each UI element is described by a global class

The Web Dynpro framework allows to access the UI element hierarchy related to a view's layout from the controller method WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ) of this view. The signature of this method contains the importing parameter VIEW. Calling the method GET_ELEMENT( ID = ) for this reference variable returns the reference to the runtime object related to the UI element having the id . This returning parameter is typed generically (TYPE REF TO IF_WD_VIEW_ELEMENT), so calling this method is possible for all UI element types. However, in order to access the attributes specific for a certain UI element type, the generically typed reference has to be casted to a reference variable having the correct type (CL_WD_).


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Lesson: Introduction

Figure 14: Accessing UI elements at runtime

The global class related to a UI element type contains methods to get and set the values of all possible element properties. Additional methods can be used to establish the context binding for a certain element property by providing the context binding path (or to delete the context binding). Other methods allow to assign an action to a certain event supported by the UI element or to remove this assignment. Thus, calling these methods for the runtime object related to a certain UI element allows to change the UI element properties - even if these properties are not bound to context attributes.


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Unit 1: Introduction


Figure 15: Functionality typically available for UI elements

Hint: Context binding is the preferred way to allow changing UI element properties at runtime. Changing UI element properties by accessing the runtime object representing the UI element directly should be restricted to properties that are not bindable. It is also possible to delete existing UI elements from the UI element hierarchy or to add new UI elements to the UI element hierarchy at runtime: To delete an existing UI element from the UI element hierarchy, the following steps are necessary: • •


First, the reference to the parent element of the UI element to be deleted has to be determined. This object contains methods beginning with REMOVE_...( ) which can be called to delete dependent UI elements (by providing their id or their index).

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Lesson: Introduction

To create and subsequently add a new element to the UI element hierarchy, the following steps are necessary: •

• • •


First of all, an instance of the class representing the UI element has to be created. For this purpose, each UI element class contains a static method NEW_( ). All obligatory properties of the new UI element have to be set accordingly. The reference to the UI element that should serve as the parent of the previously created new UI element has to be determined. To insert the new UI element to the UI element hierarchy, the appropriate method (beginning with ADD_...( ) of the parent element has to be called. The reference to the new UI element has to be passed to this method.

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Unit 1: Introduction



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Lesson: Introduction

Exercise 1: Create a simple Web Dynpro Application Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Proof your basic Web Dynpro knowledge by creating a simple Web Dynpro application.

Business Example You have to create a Web Dynpro application having a sophisticated UI. You know the Web Dynpro basics since you have taken the class NET310. Thus you begin to create the basic parts of the application. The exercises of the following lessons will extend this application step by step. The basic application displays an empty table and a button. After having pressed the button, all flights of all carriers are read and displayed by the table. Template Component: n/a Solution Component: NET312_INTR_S

Task 1: Create a package that will contain all the repository objects you are going to develop. 1.

Create the package ZNET312_##. Assign the application component BC-WD, the software component HOME, and a short description. A transport request has been created by your trainer.

Task 2: Create a Web Dynpro component, having one window and a single view embedded in this window. 1.

Create the Web Dynpro component ZNET312_INTR_## with a window MAIN_WINDOW and a view MAIN_VIEW.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Introduction


Task 3: In the component controller of your component create a context node. At runtime, this node will be populated with context elements, each element storing the attributes of one flight. In addition, create a method containing the code for reading the flights from the data base and saving the flight data in the context. To read the flights, the static method READ_FLIGHTS( ) of class CL_NET310_FLIGHTMODEL is to be used. 1.

In the component controller create a node FLIGHTS, having cardinality (0:n) and type SFLIGHT. Add the attributes CARRID, CONNID, FLDATE, PRICE, CURRENCY, PLANETYPE, SEATSMAX, and SEATSOCC to the node.


Create the ordinary method GET_FLIGHTS( ). Add two optional import parameters (IV_CARRID of type S_CARR_ID and IV_CONNID of type S_CONN_ID) to the method's interface to allow submitting the connection key. In the source code, pass the connection key to the static method READ_FLIGHTS( ) defined in class CL_NET310_FLIGHTMODEL. This method will provide the flights related to the connection key. Finally store the flights in the context node FLIGHTS. Hint: In this exercise, no values will be supplied to the import parameters. In this case, the static method READ_FLIGHTS( ) will read all flights that are stored in the data base table SFLIGHT.

Task 4: Copy the node FLIGHTS from the component controller context to the context of view MAIN_VIEW and define the context mapping between the nodes (origin: component controller context). In the view's layout, create a Table to display the content of the context FLIGHTS. In addition, define a button in the layout. If this button is pressed, all flights should be read and stored in the context node FLIGHTS. Finally, optimize the layout. 1.

Copy the node FLIGHTS from the component controller context to the context of view MAIN_VIEW and define the context mapping between the nodes.


In the view's layout, define a table to display the flights stored in the context node FLIGHTS.


Define a button in the layout. If this button is pressed, all flights should be read and stored in the context node FLIGHTS Continued on next page


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Lesson: Introduction


Optimize the layout.

Task 5: Create an application, activate your component and test the application.



Create a Web Dynpro application having the name of your component.


Test your application.

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Unit 1: Introduction


Solution 1: Create a simple Web Dynpro Application Task 1: Create a package that will contain all the repository objects you are going to develop. 1.

Create the package ZNET312_##. Assign the application component BC-WD, the software component HOME, and a short description. A transport request has been created by your trainer. a)

Perform this step like you (hopefully) have done often before.

Task 2: Create a Web Dynpro component, having one window and a single view embedded in this window. 1.

Create the Web Dynpro component ZNET312_INTR_## with a window MAIN_WINDOW and a view MAIN_VIEW. a)

In the navigation area of the ABAP Workbench, open the context menu for the package and choose Create → WebDynpro → WebDynpro Component (Interface).


In the dialog box, enter the name of the component, a description, the name of the main window, and the name of the view. Hint: The view will be embedded in the window automatically.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Introduction

Task 3: In the component controller of your component create a context node. At runtime, this node will be populated with context elements, each element storing the attributes of one flight. In addition, create a method containing the code for reading the flights from the data base and saving the flight data in the context. To read the flights, the static method READ_FLIGHTS( ) of class CL_NET310_FLIGHTMODEL is to be used. 1.


In the component controller create a node FLIGHTS, having cardinality (0:n) and type SFLIGHT. Add the attributes CARRID, CONNID, FLDATE, PRICE, CURRENCY, PLANETYPE, SEATSMAX, and SEATSOCC to the node. a)

Edit the component controller of your application.


Select the Context tab.


From the context menu of the root node CONTEXT choose Create → Node. Enter name and type. Change the default cardinality (1:1) to (0:n).


Press the button Add Attribute from Structure. Mark the attributes CARRID, CONNID, FLDATE, PRICE, CURRENCY, PLANETYPE, SEATSMAX, and SEATSOCC.


Finish the dialog.

Create the ordinary method GET_FLIGHTS( ). Add two optional import parameters (IV_CARRID of type S_CARR_ID and IV_CONNID of type S_CONN_ID) to the method's interface to allow submitting the connection key.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Introduction


In the source code, pass the connection key to the static method READ_FLIGHTS( ) defined in class CL_NET310_FLIGHTMODEL. This method will provide the flights related to the connection key. Finally store the flights in the context node FLIGHTS. Hint: In this exercise, no values will be supplied to the import parameters. In this case, the static method READ_FLIGHTS( ) will read all flights that are stored in the data base table SFLIGHT. a)

Select the Methods tab. Enter the name of the method in the column Method and press Enter. Double click on the method's name to edit the source code.


Enter the parameter names in the column Parameter and choose Type = Importing for both parameters. Enter Associated Type = S_CARR_ID and S_CONN_ID, respectively. Don't forget to mark the check box in the column Opt for both parameters.


Source code of method see below.

Task 4: Copy the node FLIGHTS from the component controller context to the context of view MAIN_VIEW and define the context mapping between the nodes (origin: component controller context). In the view's layout, create a Table to display the content of the context FLIGHTS. In addition, define a button in the layout. If this button is pressed, all flights should be read and stored in the context node FLIGHTS. Finally, optimize the layout. 1.


Copy the node FLIGHTS from the component controller context to the context of view MAIN_VIEW and define the context mapping between the nodes. a)

Edit the context of view MAIN_VIEW.


Drag the node FLIGHTS from the component controller context and drop it on the root node of the view controller context. This copies the context node and defined the context mapping in one step.

In the view's layout, define a table to display the flights stored in the context node FLIGHTS. a)

Select the Layout tab.


Mark the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER UI element. Use the Web Dynpro Code Wizard to create a table displaying the content of node FLIGHTS.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Introduction



Define a button in the layout. If this button is pressed, all flights should be read and stored in the context node FLIGHTS a)

Mark the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER UI element in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


Click the right mouse button to open the context menu. Select the context menu entry Insert Element to add a Button UI element (name: BUT_DETAILS) to the UI element hierarchy.


Assign a text (Display flights) to the Button UI element. Click on the button behind the UI element property OnAction to create an action (name: GET_DETAILS) and assign this action to the property.


Implement the action handler method for action GET_DETAILS: Call the method GET_FLIGHTS( ) defined in the component controller. Do not export values for the interface parameters IV_CARRID and IV_CONNID.


Source code see below.

Optimize the layout. a)

For the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER UI element set Layout = MatrixLayout, width = 100%, and stretchHorizontally = abap_true. For the Table UI element set LayoutData = MatrixHeadData, selectionMode = none, visibleRowCount = 15, and width = 100%. For the Button UI element set LayoutData = MatrixHeadData.


Change additional layout properties if desired.

Task 5: Create an application, activate your component and test the application. 1.

Create a Web Dynpro application having the name of your component. a)

From the context menu of your application, choose Create → Web Dynpro Application to create a Web Dynpro application having the name of your component. Enter a description and save.


Activate your component with all dependent objects.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Introduction



Test your application. a)

Start your application from the context menu of your application.





METHOD get_flights .

DATA lt_flights



DATA lo_nd_flights TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.

cl_net310_flightmodel=>read_flights( EXPORTING i_carrid

= iv_carrid


= iv_connid

IMPORTING e_flights = lt_flights ).

lo_nd_flights = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_flights ). lo_nd_flights->bind_table( lt_flights ).


View Controller:


METHOD onactionget_details .

DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller.

* Get all flights lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_flights( ).



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Lesson: Introduction

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Define the UI element hierarchy • Set UI element properties • Bind UI element properties to context attributes • Handle UI element events • Create and change UI element properties dynamically


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Define the UI element hierarchy • Set UI element properties • Bind UI element properties to context attributes • Handle UI element events • Create and change UI element properties dynamically

Related Information •


The online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 contains an excellent section about developing applications based on Web Dynpro ABAP. Having opened the online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 at, enter the search term Web Dynpro ABAP. This will open a list of links pointing to the Web Dynpro section of the documentation. In each SAP system based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0, standard Web Dynpro ABAP demo applications are available. The corresponding Web Dynpro components begin with the literal WDR_TEST, DEMO, or WDT.

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Unit 2 Forming the Layout Unit Overview This unit deals with UI elements that are used to structure the view's layout. The container elements Group and TransparentContainer are not discussed here since these elements are considered to be known from NET310, the antecessor of this course.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: •

Implement the following UI elements: ContextualPanel, HorizontalContextualPanel, NavigationList, MultiPane, TabStrip, Tray

Unit Contents Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout ............................. 32 Exercise 2: Implementing a NavigationList UI Element ................ 59 Exercise 3: Implementing a TabStrip UI Element ....................... 71


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout Lesson Overview In this lesson, UI elements to define the layout of a view are discussed. This includes the NavigationList, the ContextualPanel, the HorizontalContextualPanel, the MultiPane, the Tabstrip, and the Tray.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Implement the following UI elements: ContextualPanel, HorizontalContextualPanel, NavigationList, MultiPane, TabStrip, Tray

Business Example You would like to implement the UI elements listed above. The implementation of the basic features is feasible. However, you want to explore the complete functionality.

Overview The Web Dynpro UI element library contains a number of elements that can be used to form a view's layout. The most interesting elements are discussed in this lessen. The NavigationList provides a navigation area. The navigation elements are organized in a tree like structure. The HorizontalContextualPanel provides a navigation area with a two level navigation hierarchy. Here, the navigation elements are horizontally arranged as a row of tabs. The ContextualPanel is a navigation object that can embed NavigationLists, FreeContextualAreas (which can be used to display any content based on UI elements), and ViewSwitches (which can be used to toggle between different states). The MultiPane is used to display the content of a context node containing multiple elements in the form of a grid. The TabStrip is well known from the classical ABAP Dynpro. The context to be displayed can be placed on different tab pages. The user can toggle between several tab pages by clicking on a specific tab. Finally, the Tray is a container element like a Group. However, this element allows to toggle the visibility of its content.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

The NavigationList The NavigationList allows to display hierarchical organized content by means of a tree-like structure. However, this element does not allow to define nodes that can be expanded and collapsed like a Tree does. Elements defined in a certain hierarchy level are displayed intended in respect to the parent navigation list item.

Figure 16: NavigationList

Defining the Context Data to be displayed by a NavigationList have to be stored in a context node of cardinality (0:n) or (1:n). This node has to be of type non-singleton. The elements of this first level node contain the data of the first hierarchy level displayed by the NavigationList. At least two context attributes should be created in the first level node: One attribute to store the text displayed by the NavigationList, the second attribute to store a key for this navigation list item. This allows to call related functionality when the user selects a certain list item. To be able to store data for additional hierarchy levels, a recursion node has to be defined as a sub node of the first level context node. This recursion node has to repeat the first level node. At runtime, this allows to define a hierarchy of context nodes having all the same structure.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Figure 17: NavigationList: Defining the context

The recursion node is defined as follows: • • •


From the context menu of the first level node the menu entry Create → Recursion Node has to be selected. The node name can be chosen arbitrarily. In the field having the label Repeated Node, the name of the first level node has to be entered.

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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Creating the hierarchical Context Structure at Runtime A recursion node allows to define a hierarchical context structure consisting of identical context nodes forming a tree. However, at runtime only the collection for the first level context nodes serving as the parent node of the hierarchical context structure is created automatically. The source code to build up an additional hierarchy level consists of the following steps: • •

First, the reference to an element of the parent node collection has to be determined. For this element, the method GET_CHILD_NODE( NAME = '' ) has to be called. Hint: The name of the recursion node has to be typed as a text literal. For recursion nodes, no constant containing the node's name are generated in the local controller interface.

If the collection related to the recursion node has not been created yet, it will be created by the framework.

Figure 18: NavigationList: Creating hierarchical context structure at runtime

To create additional hierarchy levels, the procedure described above is repeated but starting with an element existing in a previously defined collection related the recursion node.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


UI Element Definition and Data Binding To display the content of the hierarchical data structure a NavigationList has to be defined in the view's layout. The property itemSource has to be bound to the parent node of the hierarchical context structure. The property itemText has to be bound to the context attribute of the parent node containing the text to be displayed by the list item. The property enabled has no influence on the generated list. However, the property itemSelectable determines, on which of the list items the user can click. For selectable list items the mouse cursor is displayed as a hand. The visibility of the complete NavigationList can be toggled using the property visible. A tool tip can be assigned to the NavigationList by setting the property tooltip accordingly. The height of the NavigationList is optimized automatically. However, an arbitrary height can be defined setting the property contentHeight (in pixels). If the content can not displayed completely, a vertical scroll bar is displayed automatically. Hint: The property visible can not be used to hide single list items but only the complete NavigationList UI element.

Figure 19: NavigationList: Binding UI element properties


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Events The NavigationList supports only one event having the name Select (property onSelect). This event is fired if the used clicks on a selectable list item. In the related action handler method the following informations can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT: The table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the NavigationList (NAME = ID) and the reference to the context element the user has selected (NAME = CONTEXT_ELEMENT). From the reference to the context element, the data key related to the list item can be determined, so dependent functionality can be triggered.

Figure 20: NavigationList: Handling the event Select

Aggregations A NavigationList may contain a sub element of type ExpandableTitle. This kind of element allows to display a title on top of the list. If the property expandable is set to ABAP_TRUE, an additional icon is displayed in the title that allows to expand and collapse the complete list. In this case, the property expanded can be used to define the actual state after initialization or at runtime (if bound to a context attribute). If an action is bound to the event Toggle (property onToggle), a round trip to the server is involved when toggling between the collapsed and the expanded state. In the action handler method, the table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS then contains the id of the ExpandableTitle (NAME = ID) and the last state (NAME = EXPANDED).


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


The HorizontalContextualPanel The HorizontalContextualPanel displays content that is organized in a hierarchical context structure with up to two levels. Each element belonging to the first level of this hierarchical structure is displayed as a tab. All tabs are arranged horizontally. Each element of the first hierarchy level may have dependent data stored in a dependent collection in the context. If the tab related to such a first level context element is selected, then the single elements of the dependent collection are displayed as links arranged horizontally on the area below the tab row.

Figure 21: HorizontalContextualPanel

Defining the Context Information to be displayed by tabs of a HorizontalContextualPanel has to be stored in a context node of cardinality (0:n) or (1:n). The elements of this first level node contain the data of the first hierarchy level displayed by the HorizontalContextualPanel. At least two context attributes should be created in the first level node: One attribute to store the text displayed by the tabs of the HorizontalContextualPanel, the second attribute to store a key for each item. This allows to call related functionality when the user selects a certain tab. In order to define a second level hierarchy in the controller context, a recursion node has to be defined as a sub node of the first level context node. This recursion node has to repeat the first level node.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Caution: Make sure that the lead selection is always set for all collections related to the HorizontalContextualPanel. This is necessary, since the lead selection defines which of the tabs (first level hierarchy) and which of the links (second level hierarchy) is emphasized. If the lead selection is not set for the collections related to this UI element, the application will dump. Caution: If a second level hierarchy is to be defined in the context, then the first level node has to be a non-singleton node.

Figure 22: HorizontalContextualPanel: Defining the context

The definition of a recursion node has been discussed in the last section about the UI element Navigation List.

Creating the hierarchical Context Structure at Runtime This has also been discussed in the section about the UI element Navigation List. Hint: In contrast to the NavigationList UI element, the node hierarchy for a HorizontalContextualPanel may consist of a maximum of two nodes.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


UI Element Definition and Data Binding To display the content of the hierarchical data structure a HorizontalContextualPanel has to be defined in the view's layout. The property itemSource has to be bound to the first level node of the hierarchical context structure. The property itemText has to be bound to the context attribute of the first level node containing the text to be displayed by the tabs. The property itemEnabled defines, which of the tabs (first level hierarchy) and which of the links (second level hierarchy) is selectable. Non-selectable items appear grayed out. Hint: This is different from the NavigationList UI element. For the NavigationList UI element it is not possible to gray out non-selectable list items. The property itemVisible defines, which of the tabs (first level hierarchy) and which of the links (second level hierarchy) are visible. Hint: For the NavigationList UI element it is not possible to hide individual list items. The visibility of the complete HorizontalContextualPanel can be toggled using the property visible. All tabs and all links can be disabled at once by setting the property enabled to ABAP_FALSE. A tool tip can be assigned to the HorizontalContextualPanel by setting the property tooltip accordingly.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Figure 23: HorizontalContextualPanel: Binding UI element properties

Events The HorizontalContextualPanel supports only one event having the name Select (property onSelect). Handling the event and extracting event related information is identical to the procedure described for the NavigationList UI element (see corresponding section in this lesson). In order to emphasize the tab or link the user has selected, the lead selection has to be set accordingly. This is typically done in the action handler related to the event Select. Hint: Clicking on a tab or on a link does not set the lead selection in the related collection automatically.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Figure 24: HorizontalContextualPanel: Setting lead selection to define emphasized tab / link

Aggregations A HorizontalContextualPanel may not have sub elements.

The ContextualPanel The ContextualPanel serves as a container for an arbitrary number of sub elements being of type NavigationList, FreeContextualArea, or ViewSwitch. Details about sub element types will be discussed in the sub section Aggregations


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Figure 25: ContextualPanel

Defining the Context The content displayed by a ContextualPanel is related to its sub elements. Thus no extra context nodes and context attributes related to this element type need to be defined.

UI Element Definition and Data Binding A ContextualPanel can be defined as a sub element of any container UI element in the view's layout. From the context menu of this UI element, sub elements of type NavigationList, FreeContextualArea, or ViewSwitch can be added to the UI element hierarchy. The ContextualPanel has the properties enabled, tooltip, visible, and width. Setting enabled to ABAP_FALSE will disable the complete content defined by the sub elements.

Events The ContextualPanel supports only one event having the name Personalize (property onPersonalize). This can be used to manipulate the content displayed by the UI element. There is no special information provided by the interface parameter WDEVENT.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Aggregations The ContextualPanel has to contain at least one of the UI elements NavigationList, FreeContextualArea, or ViewSwitch as its sub element. If necessary, an arbitrary number of theses element types can be combined to form the content of the ContextualPanel UI element. The NavigationList UI element has been discussed in detail before. The FreeContextualArea UI element can be used to display any Web Dynpro UI element in an expandable area that may also contain an ExpandableTitle. Details about the ExpandableTitle can be found in the sub section about the NavigationList. The only properties related to the FreeContextualArea itself are the property design to change the background color of the UI element and the property contentHeight, to restrict the area height (in pixels). If this property is set to 0, the height of the UI element is optimized automatically.

Figure 26: FreeContextualArea

The ViewSwitch UI element can be used to display a switch for each element in a context node of cardinality (0:n) or (1:n). The binding has to be defined by assigning the path to the context node to the UI element property itemSource. The lead selection of this node determines, which of the switches is emphasized. Caution: Make sure, that the lead selection is always set in the context node related to the ViewSwitch. If the lead selection is not set, the application will dump at runtime.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

The context node should contain at least one attribute to define the text displayed by each switch (bound to the property itemText). In addition, each switch can be enabled / disabled (property itemEnabled has to be bound to context attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN) and each switch can be displayed / hidden (property itemVisible has to be bound to context attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN).

Figure 27: ViewSwitch

The ViewSwitch supports only one event having the name Select (property onSelect). Handling the event and extracting event related information is identical to the procedure described for the NavigationList UI element (see corresponding section in this lesson). In order to emphasize the switch the user has clicked on, the lead selection has to be set accordingly. This is typically done in the action handler related to the event onSelect. Hint: Clicking on a switch does not set the lead selection in the related collection automatically.

The MultiPane The MultiPane UI element is used to order the content of a context node in the form of a grid. Thus, the MultiPane is an alternative to the Table for displaying multiple congeneric data sets.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Each cell of the grid is described by sub elements of the MultiPane. All grid cells have the same structure.

Figure 28: MultiPane

Defining the Context The content to be displayed by a MultiPane has to be stored in a context node of cardinality (0:n) or (1:n). Defining an filling the context is identical to the case that the data has to be displayed by a Table UI element. However, the settings of the Lead Selection and the settings of the Selection property are irrelevant.

UI Element Definition and Data Binding The MultiPane UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container UI element. The path to the context node containing the data to be displayed has to assigned to the key property dataSource of the MultiPane.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Figure 29: MultiPane: Binding UI element properties

The number of columns and rows to be displayed can be defined by the properties colCount and rowCount, respectively. By default, one column is displayed, while the number of rows equals the number of context elements. If the number of data sets is larger then the number of visible grid cells, the paginator elements in the footer have to be used to navigate to the actually hidden data sets. The value of the property emptyText defines which text is displayed if the data source contains no elements. footerVisible can be used to hide the line containing the paginator icons. This is meaningful, if all data sets are displayed anyway. The size of the MultiPane can be adjusted by setting the properties width and height in pixels or percent, respectively. stretchHorizontally and stretchVertically can be used to spread the grid cells equally across the complete space occupied by the MultiPane. The property paneCount influences the number of rows, that are accessible by using the paginator functionality of the MultiPane. If paneCount is set to a value different from the initial value (-1) and rowCount is set to its initial value (-1), then the number of rows that may be accessed is set as follows: The value of the property paneCount is increased up to the next multiple R of the colCount property value. The value R is then displayed in the footer as the maximum number of accessible rows. Example: Number of data sets = 33, colCount = 5, paneCount = 27 ⇒ R = 6. Thus, 5 * 6 = 30 data sets are accessible.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


The property firstVisiblePane can be used to define which of the stored data sets is displayed as the first data set visible in the MultiPane (offset). Example: If the topmost data set displayed by the MultiPane should be related to the context element with index 11, firstVisiblePane has to be set to 10. Finally, firstActualPane, paneCount, and firstVisiblePane can be used to implement a technique called context paging. This technique may be used if the number of potentially accessible data sets is very large. In this case it is possible to store only a small number of all data sets in the context right from the beginning. This reduces the load significantly. However, at runtime it may be necessary that additional data sets are requested (user scrolls to data sets not loaded yet), so these additional data sets have to be copied to the context node. The user of the application should get the information that more data sets are potentially accessible than the number of data sets actually stored in the context. By default, this is not the case, since the actual row number and the maximum row number displayed by the footer are related to the number of elements stored in the corresponding context node. This can be changed by setting the properties firstActualPane, paneCount, and firstVisiblePane, accordingly. For simplicity, colCount is assumed to be 1. First, paneCount has to be set to the total number of data sets that may be accessible by the MultiPane. If the first data set stored in the context is not the first data set that could be accessible, firstActualPane has to be used to define this offset. This parameter describes, which grid cell (pane) in the MultiPane should display the first element stored in the context. Finally, the parameter firstVisiblePane has to be used to correct this offset when displaying the grid the first time. Example: The number of data sets that may be displayed be the MultiPane is 200000. When initializing the controller, only the data sets with index 101 to 130 are stored to the context. 5 rows are displayed in 1 column. Without adjusting firstActualPane, paneCount, and firstVisiblePane, the footer of the MultiPane will indicate that data set 1 is displayed and 30 data sets may be displayed. However, the footer should indicate that data set 101 is displayed and 200000 may be displayed.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Figure 30: MultiPane: Context paging not implemented

After having set paneCount to 200000, the footer displays that data set 1 is displayed and 200000 data sets may be displayed. Now firstActualPane is set to 100 in order to relate the first data set in the context node to the pane with index 101. Result: The footer displays that data set 1 is displayed and 200000 data sets may be displayed. However, no pane is displayed yet. To display the first data set stored in the context, the user of the application has to navigate to pane with index 101. Thus, firstVisiblePane has to be set to any number between 100 and 125, in order to see five data sets in parallel. If the first data set stored in the context should also be the first data set displayed by the MultiPane, firstVisiblePane has to be set to 100.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Figure 31: MultiPane: Context paging implemented

Caution: Each time the user scrolls, the program has to check if all data sets demanded by the user have already been stored in the context. If this is not the case, additional data sets have to be copied to the context.

Events The MultiPane UI element supports only one event having the name Scroll (property onScroll). This event is triggered if the user clicks on one of the paging icons displayed in the footer of the UI element. In the related action handler method the following informations can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT: The table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the MultiPane (NAME = ID). The index of the pane that was displayed in the first row and the first column when the user fired the event is provided by the parameter OLD_FIRST_VISIBLE_PANE. The index of the pane that should be displayed in the first row and the first column when the layout is rendered next time is provided by the parameter NEW_FIRST_VISIBLE_PANE.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Caution: If context paging is implemented, the application has to check if all data sets demanded by the user have already been stored in the context. The indices of these data sets can be determined from the values of the parameter NEW_FIRST_VISIBLE_PANE and from the UI element properties rowCount and colCount: • •

First context element to be displayed next time has index NEW_FIRST_VISIBLE_PANE. Last visible context element to be displayed next time has index NEW_FIRST_VISIBLE_PANE + row_count * colCount.

Aggregations To display the content of a single context element in a pane, the UI element MultiPane has to have sub elements defined in the UI element hierarchy. Only one direct sub element may be defined for the MultiPane. However, this is not a restriction since this sub element may be a container element.

The TabStrip The TabStrip UI element is used to display horizontally aligned tabs. The user can toggle between several tab pages by clicking on a specific tab. The number of tabs defined in the application may be larger then the number of tabs displayed at runtime. In this case, additional navigation elements are activated in the right upper corner of the rendered UI element. Clicking on these icons allows to display the next / previous tab (however, the selected tab will not change). A navigation menu (always active) allows to display the titles of all tabs existing at runtime. Clicking on a menu entry allows no navigate to any tab. The new tab will be the selected tab. On each tab page, an arbitrary combination of UI elements can be used to define the layout.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Figure 32: TabStrip

Defining the Context TabStrip UI elements do not contain properties that have to be bound to context attributes. Thus, it is not obligatory to define TabStrip-related context nodes or context attributes.

UI Element Definition and Data Binding The TabStrip UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container UI element. For each tab, an element of type Tab has to be defined as a sub element of the TabStrip. Finally, the content displayed on each tab is defined by creating sub elements of the corresponding Tab UI element. The complete TabStrip and all of its sub elements can be enabled / disabled using the parameter enabled. If enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE, the selected tab can not be changed by the user at runtime. The visibility of the complete TabStrip can be toggled by setting the property visible accordingly. The height and width of the TabStrip can be defined by setting the properties height and width, respectively (in pixels or percent). If height and width are set to values that do not allow to display the complete content of a given tab, then the size of the TabStrip will be optimized (being exactly large enough to display the complete content). This optimized size depends on the content and thus on the selected tab. By default, the next selected tab is defined by clicking on any selectable tab. However, it is also possible to deactivate this automatic definition of the selected tab. This can be done by setting the parameter selectionChangeBehaviour to


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

manual (default value auto). In this context it is meaningful to bind the property selectedTab to a context attribute of type string. Then, the next selected tab can be defined from the source code by assigning the tab's id to this context attribute. Finally, the property tabAlignment can be used to influence the width and height of all tabs. However, this feature is not supported for browser based clients.

Figure 33: TabStrip: Binding UI element properties

Events The TabStrip UI element supports only one event having the name Select (property onSelect). This event is triggered if the user clicks on one of the tabs or if the user selects a menu entry from the navigation menu. This event is not triggered, if the user navigates to the previous / next tab by clicking on the appropriate icon in the right upper corner of the TabStrip. In the related action handler method the following informations can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT: The table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the TabStrip (NAME = ID). The id of the last selected tab is provided by the parameter OLD_TAB. The id of the tab the user has clicked on is provided by the parameter TAB.

Aggregations The TabStrip UI element may contain as many tabs as desired. Each tab is described by a Tab UI element, which has to be created as a direct sub element of the TabStrip. It is not possible to have one Tab UI element describing multiple


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


tabs. For each tab, the visibility can be toggled (property visible), the tab can be enabled / disabled (property enabled), and a padding between the content and the tab border can be added / deleted (property hasContentPadding).

Figure 34: TabStrip: Sub elements

The Tab UI elements are allowed to contain dependent elements: Each tab has exactly one Caption containing the text and the image displayed on the tab. Each tab may also contain a ToolBar, which is displayed on top of the related tab page. Finally, each tab may contain one sub element to display the content on the tab page. However, this is not a restriction, since this sub element may be a container element (having an arbitrary number of dependent elements) or a ViewContainerUIElement (allowing to embed other views or interface views).

The Tray A Tray UI element can be used to group a set of UI elements in a rectangular area having a common title. Thus, the Tray is an alternative to the Group UI element. However, unlike the Group it provides additional functions. For example, the Tray UI element can be expanded or collapsed.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Figure 35: Tray

Defining the Context Tray UI elements do not contain properties that have to be bound to context attributes. Thus, it is not obligatory to define Tray-related context nodes or context attributes.

UI Element Definition and Data Binding The Tray UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container UI element. For displaying a function menu, a title, a tool bar, or the content displayed in the Tray body, additional UI elements have to be defined as sub elements of the Tray. These elements will be discussed in the section Aggregations. The complete Tray and all of its sub elements can be enabled / disabled by setting the parameter enabled accordingly. If enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE, not only the content defined in the Tray body is disabled, but also the icons in the upper right corner. Thus, the Tray may not be expanded / collapsed and no function may be triggered if the Tray is disabled. The visibility of the complete Tray can be toggled by setting the property visible accordingly. Any Button UI element defined in the Tray body can be defined as the default button by assigning the button's ID to the property defaultButton. If the user clicks in the Tray, this button will get the focus. If the user presses Enter, the event Action (property onAction) of the default button will be fired. The property design allows to change the color of background and border line related to the Tray body.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


The property expanded is used to define the state (expanded / collapsed) of the Tray. This property is set automatically if the used clicks on the corresponding icon in the right upper corner of the rendered UI element. A padding between the content and the tab border can be added / deleted be setting the property hasContentPadding accordingly. The height and width of the Tray can be defined by setting the properties height and width, respectively (in pixels or percent). Finally, the setting of the property scrolling Mode defines what happens if the width and height of the Tray is defined in a way that the Tray body is to small to display the complete content. If scrolling Mode is set to none, the Tray body will have a minimum size being exactly large enough to display the complete content. Trying to decrease this minimum size by setting width or height to smaller values will not change this minimum size. If scrolling Mode is set to both, scroll bars will always be visible in the Tray body. This is independent from the actual size of the Tray. If scroll bars should only be displayed if the Tray body is too small for the content to be displayed, the property scrolling Mode has to be set to auto.

Figure 36: Tray: Binding UI element properties


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Events The Tray UI element supports only one event having the name Toggle (property onToggle). This event is triggered if the user expands or collapses the Tray by clicking on the related icon in the right upper corner of the UI element. In the related action handler method the following informations can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT: The table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the Tray (NAME = ID). In addition, the last state (expanded / collapsed) of the Tray is provided by the boolean parameter EXPANDED.

Aggregations The Tray UI element can contain the following sub elements: The Tray has to have exactly one Caption containing the text and the image displayed above the Tray body. Each tab may also contain a ToolBar, which is displayed below the Caption. Another optional element is the Menu containing an arbitrary number of menu entries. At runtime, an additional icon is then created left of the standard icon used to collapse / expand the Tray. Clicking on this additional icon will open the menu. The content of the Tray is defined by a single sub element. However, this is not a restriction, since this sub element may be a container element (having an arbitrary number of dependent elements) or a ViewContainerUIElement (allowing to embed other views or interface views).


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Figure 37: Tray: Sub elements


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Exercise 2: Implementing a NavigationList UI Element Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implement a NavigationList UI element.

Business Example You would like to change your application as follows: All connections should be displayed by a NavigationList UI element. If the user clicks on a list item, the related flights should be displayed by the Table UI element. The Table should be positioned right of the NavigationList. Template Component: NET312_INTR_S Solution Component: NET312_LAYO_S1

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_LAYO1_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Task 2: In the component controller of your component create a new non-singleton context node having the attributes TEXT, SELECTABLE, CARRID, and CONNID and having a sub node of type Recursion Node. At runtime, this context structure will be populated with the information to be displayed by the NavigationList UI element. 1.

In the component controller create a node NAVI_LIST having the cardinality (0:n). Make sure this node is a non-singleton and the lead selection is not initialized.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout



Add the attributes TEXT (type STRING), SELECTABLE (type WDY_BOOLEAN), CARRID (type S_CARR_ID), and CONNID (type S_CONN_ID) to the context node NAVI_LIST


Create a recursion node (name: NAVI_REC_NODE) as a sub node of NAVI_LIST. The recursion node has to repeat the structure of node NAVI_LIST.

Task 3: Define the algorithm to read the connection information and store the date in the context node NAVI_LIST. The navigation list entries on the first level hierarchy should be non-selectable and they should display the carrier ids. The navigation list entries on the second level hierarchy should be selectable and each entry should display the connection id, departure city and destination city. 1.

In the component controller, create a new method GET_CONNECTIONS( ) having a returning parameter (name: RT_CONNECTIONS) of type NET310_T_SPFLI. Implement the method: Call the static method READ_CONNECTIONS( ) of class CL_NET310_FLIGHTMODEL. Pass the internal table returned by this method to the caller by means of the returning parameter RT_CONNECTIONS.


Create another method in the component controller having the name DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ). Implement the method: Call the method GET_CONNECTIONS( ). This will return an internal table with all connections. Sort this internal table by CARRID and CONNID. Loop over the internal table. If a new carrier is found, add an element to the node NAVI_LIST. Set the attribute SELECTABLE to ABAP_FALSE since clicking on carriers should not be allowed. For these elements, assign the carrier id to the attribute

Continued on next page


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

TEXT. The values of the attributes CARRID and CONNID are not used here, so clear these attribute values. Get the reference to the node collection NAVI_REC_NODE related to this carrier id. Hint: Use method BIND_STRUCTURE( ) defined in interface IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE to create a new context element in the node NAVI_LIST. This method will return the reference to the new context element. Hint: To access the node collection NAVI_REC_NODE corresponding to a certain carrier id, start with the context element related to this carrier and access to recursion node by calling the method GET_CHILD_NODE( ) For all connections belonging to the same carrier id, add an element to the related collection of recursion node NAVI_REC_NODE. Set the attribute SELECTABLE to ABAP_TRUE to allow clicking on the connection entries. For these elements, set CARRID and CONNID according to the actual connection. Concatenate the connection id, the departure city and the destination city and assign the result to the attribute TEXT. 3.

Call the method DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ) from the hook method WDDOINIT( ) of the component controller

Task 4: Display the content of the node NAVI_LIST by a NavigationList UI element defined in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. The Layout should consist of a PageHeader UI element, displaying the text NET312 - Exercises on top of the page. The NavigationList (having an expandable title) should be displayed below the page header on the left side of the page, the flight table should be displayed below the page header on the right side of the page. 1.

Copy the node NAVI_LIST from the component controller to the view MAIN_VIEW and define the context mapping between the nodes (mapping origin: component controller context).


Define a page header in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. The page header should occupy 100% of the page width.


Define the navigation list in the view's layout. The navigation list should cover 30% of the page with and it should be displayed below the page header.


Define an expandable title for the navigation list. Display the text Flight Connections.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout



Correct the properties of the Table UI element. The table has to be displayed right of the navigation list and it has to cover the remaining width of the page.

Task 5: If the user clicks on a connection in the navigation list, the related flights should be displayed by the table. The button can be deleted. 1.

Delete the button in view MAIN_VIEW.


Assign the action GET_DETAILS to the event SELECT of the NavigationList UI element.


Extend the source code of the action handler method. Add the parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT (TYPE REF TO IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT) to the interface parameter list. At runtime, this parameter will contain the reference to the context element that is related to the selected navigation list item. Get the static attributes from this context element. Change the call of the component controller method GET_FLIGHTS( ): Pass the connection key to this method.


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Solution 2: Implementing a NavigationList UI Element Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_LAYO1_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.


Copy the template component. a)

Display the template component in the object tree. Clicking on the component with the right mouse button will open the component's context menu. Choose Copy.... Enter the name of the component to be created. Press Continue.


Adapt the description of the new component.

Create an application to access your component. a)

An application having the same name as the component can be created from the context menu of the component.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Task 2: In the component controller of your component create a new non-singleton context node having the attributes TEXT, SELECTABLE, CARRID, and CONNID and having a sub node of type Recursion Node. At runtime, this context structure will be populated with the information to be displayed by the NavigationList UI element. 1.

In the component controller create a node NAVI_LIST having the cardinality (0:n). Make sure this node is a non-singleton and the lead selection is not initialized. a)

Edit the component controller of your application. Select the Context tab.


From the context menu of the root node choose Create → Node. Enter the name and change the default cardinality (1:1) to (0:n).


Finish the dialog.


Click on the new node NAVI_LIST. Make sure that the check box related to the node property Singleton is not checked. Make sure that the check box related to the node property Initialization Lead Selection is not checked.


Add the attributes TEXT (type STRING), SELECTABLE (type WDY_BOOLEAN), CARRID (type S_CARR_ID), and CONNID (type S_CONN_ID) to the context node NAVI_LIST a)


Attributes can be added to an untyped context node by selecting the entry Create →Attribute from the context menu of this node.

Create a recursion node (name: NAVI_REC_NODE) as a sub node of NAVI_LIST. The recursion node has to repeat the structure of node NAVI_LIST. a)

Select the entry Create →Recursion Node from the context menu of node NAVI_LIST.


Enter the node's name and click on button Select, to choose the node to be repeated. Mark node NAVI_LIST and finish the dialog.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Task 3: Define the algorithm to read the connection information and store the date in the context node NAVI_LIST. The navigation list entries on the first level hierarchy should be non-selectable and they should display the carrier ids. The navigation list entries on the second level hierarchy should be selectable and each entry should display the connection id, departure city and destination city. 1.

In the component controller, create a new method GET_CONNECTIONS( ) having a returning parameter (name: RT_CONNECTIONS) of type NET310_T_SPFLI. Implement the method: Call the static method READ_CONNECTIONS( ) of class CL_NET310_FLIGHTMODEL. Pass the internal table returned by this method to the caller by means of the returning parameter RT_CONNECTIONS.



Edit the controller component. Select the Methods tab.


Enter the method's name in column Method.


Double-click on method's name to edit the method's source code.


Enter name, type, and associated type of parameter RT_CONNECTIONS in parameter list of method.


Call the static method CL_NET310_FLIGHTMODEL>READ_CONNECTIONS( ) in order to read all connections. Return the connection list via the return parameter RT_CONNECTIONS.


Source code see below.

Create another method in the component controller having the name DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ). Implement the method: Call the method GET_CONNECTIONS( ). This will return an internal table with all connections. Sort this internal table by CARRID and CONNID. Loop over the internal table. If a new carrier is found, add an element to the node NAVI_LIST. Set the attribute SELECTABLE to ABAP_FALSE since clicking on carriers should not be allowed. For these elements, assign the carrier id to the attribute

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


TEXT. The values of the attributes CARRID and CONNID are not used here, so clear these attribute values. Get the reference to the node collection NAVI_REC_NODE related to this carrier id. Hint: Use method BIND_STRUCTURE( ) defined in interface IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE to create a new context element in the node NAVI_LIST. This method will return the reference to the new context element. Hint: To access the node collection NAVI_REC_NODE corresponding to a certain carrier id, start with the context element related to this carrier and access to recursion node by calling the method GET_CHILD_NODE( ) For all connections belonging to the same carrier id, add an element to the related collection of recursion node NAVI_REC_NODE. Set the attribute SELECTABLE to ABAP_TRUE to allow clicking on the connection entries. For these elements, set CARRID and CONNID according to the actual connection. Concatenate the connection id, the departure city and the destination city and assign the result to the attribute TEXT. a) 3.

Source code see below.

Call the method DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ) from the hook method WDDOINIT( ) of the component controller a)

Source code see below.

Task 4: Display the content of the node NAVI_LIST by a NavigationList UI element defined in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. The Layout should consist of a PageHeader UI element, displaying the text NET312 - Exercises on top of the page. The NavigationList (having an expandable title) should be displayed below the page header on the left side of the page, the flight table should be displayed below the page header on the right side of the page. 1.

Copy the node NAVI_LIST from the component controller to the view MAIN_VIEW and define the context mapping between the nodes (mapping origin: component controller context). a)

Edit the view MAIN_VIEW. Select the Context tab.


Drag the node NAVI_LIST from the component controller context and drop it to the root node of the view controller context. This copies the context node and defined the context mapping in one step. Continued on next page


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout


Define a page header in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. The page header should occupy 100% of the page width. a)

Edit the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


From the context menu of the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER choose Insert Element to create a PageHeader UI element.


Edit the properties of the PageHeader UI element. Assign the literal NET312 - Exercises to the property title. Set layoutData = MatrixHeadData, colSpan = 2, and width (section LayoutData) to 100%.

d) 3.

Make the page header the first sub element of the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER (drag & drop).

Define the navigation list in the view's layout. The navigation list should cover 30% of the page with and it should be displayed below the page header. a)

From the context menu of the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER choose Insert Element to create a NavigationList UI element.


Edit the properties of the NavigationList UI element. Set layoutData = MatrixHeadData, contentHeight = 450, vAlign (section LayoutData) = top, and width (section LayoutData) = 30%.



Bind the property itemSelectable to the context attribute NAVI_LIST.SELECTABLE, bind the property itemSource to the context node NAVI_LIST, and bind the property itemText to the context attribute NAVI_LIST.TEXT.


Make the navigation list the second sub element of the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER (drag & drop).

Define an expandable title for the navigation list. Display the text Flight Connections. a)

From the context menu of the NavigationList UI element choose Insert Header to create an ExpandableTitle UI element.


Edit the properties of theExpandableTitle UI element: Assign the literal Flight Connections to the property title.


Correct the properties of the Table UI element. The table has to be displayed right of the navigation list and it has to cover the remaining width of the page. a)

Edit the properties of theTable UI element. Set layoutData = MatrixData, vAlign (section LayoutData) = top, and width (section LayoutData) = 70%. Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Task 5: If the user clicks on a connection in the navigation list, the related flights should be displayed by the table. The button can be deleted. 1.

Delete the button in view MAIN_VIEW. a)


You should know how to delete UI elements.

Assign the action GET_DETAILS to the event SELECT of the NavigationList UI element. a)

Edit the properties of theNavigationList UI element. Select the action's name from the drop down list displayed for the NavigationList property onSelect.


Extend the source code of the action handler method. Add the parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT (TYPE REF TO IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT) to the interface parameter list. At runtime, this parameter will contain the reference to the context element that is related to the selected navigation list item. Get the static attributes from this context element. Change the call of the component controller method GET_FLIGHTS( ): Pass the connection key to this method. a)

Source code see below.





METHOD get_connections.

cl_net310_flightmodel=>read_connections( IMPORTING e_connections = rt_connections ).





METHOD define_nav_list .

DATA lt_connections



DATA ls_connection



DATA lv_carrid_old



DATA ls_nav_list



DATA lo_nd_navi_list

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

DATA lo_el_navi_list

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.

DATA lo_nd_navi_rec_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.

* Get internal table containing all flight connections lt_connections = wd_this->get_connections( ). SORT lt_connections BY carrid connid.

* Get reference to node to store carriers lo_nd_navi_list = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_navi_list ).

* Build up navigation list LOOP AT lt_connections INTO ls_connection.

*** If connections for a new carrier are processed *********************** IF ls_connection-carrid lv_carrid_old. lv_carrid_old = ls_connection-carrid. *

Define content of new context element CLEAR ls_nav_list. ls_nav_list-text

= ls_connection-carrid.

ls_nav_list-selectable = abap_false. *

Create new context element, keep reference to context element lo_el_navi_list

= lo_nd_navi_list->bind_structure( new_item

= ls_nav_list

set_initial_elements = abap_false ). *

Create dependent element collection to store connections lo_nd_navi_rec_node = lo_el_navi_list->get_child_node( name = 'NAVI_REC_NODE' ). ENDIF.


*** For all elements: Define content of new context element ************** CONCATENATE ls_connection-connid ls_connection-cityfrom '>' ls_connection-cityto INTO ls_nav_list-text SEPARATED BY space. ls_nav_list-selectable = abap_true.



= ls_connection-carrid.


= ls_connection-connid.

Create new context element lo_nd_navi_rec_node->bind_structure( new_item

= ls_nav_list

set_initial_elements = abap_false ). **************************************************************************

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout







METHOD wddoinit .

wd_this->define_nav_list( ).


View Controller:


METHOD onactionget_details .

DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller. DATA ls_navi_list



* Get key information for selected navigation list entry context_element->get_static_attributes( IMPORTING static_attributes = ls_navi_list ).

* Get related flights lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_flights( iv_carrid = ls_navi_list-carrid iv_connid = ls_navi_list-connid ).



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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout

Exercise 3: Implementing a TabStrip UI Element Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implement a TabStrip UI element.

Business Example You would like to change your application as follows: The Table UI element displaying the flights should be defined on a Tab of a TabStrip. Two additional Tabs should already be created to allow displaying flight information by a Calendar UI element and by a BusinessGraphics UI element, respectively. These UI elements will be implemented at a later time of point. Template Component: NET312_LAYO_S1 Solution Component: NET312_LAYO_S2

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_LAYO2_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Task 2: Create a TabStrip UI element in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. The TabStrip should contains three Tab sub elements having the captions Flights, Calendar View, and Graphics View, respectively. The Table for displaying the flights should be moved to the first Tab of the TabStrip.



Create a TabStrip in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


Add three Tab UI elements to the TabStrip. The tabs should display the captions Flights, Calendar View, and Graphics View, respectively.


Move the Table displaying the flights to the first Tab.


Optimize the layout.

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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Solution 3: Implementing a TabStrip UI Element Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_LAYO2_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.


Copy the template component. a)

Display the template component in the object tree. Clicking on the component with the right mouse button will open the component's context menu. Choose Copy.... Enter the name of the component to be created. Press Continue.


Adapt the description of the new component.

Create an application to access your component. a)

An application having the same name as the component can be created from the context menu of the component.

Task 2: Create a TabStrip UI element in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. The TabStrip should contains three Tab sub elements having the captions Flights, Calendar View, and Graphics View, respectively. The Table for displaying the flights should be moved to the first Tab of the TabStrip. 1.


Create a TabStrip in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. a)

Edit the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


From the context menu of the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER choose Insert Element to create a TabStrip UI element.

Add three Tab UI elements to the TabStrip. The tabs should display the captions Flights, Calendar View, and Graphics View, respectively. a)

From the context menu of the TabStrip UI element choose Insert Tab to add a Tab UI element. Repeat this step two times.


To assign a text to a tab's caption, click on the corresponding Caption UI element and assign the text to the property text. Continued on next page


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Lesson: UI Elements used to define the Layout


Move the Table displaying the flights to the first Tab. a)


Drag the Table UI element and drop it on the first Tab UI element.

Optimize the layout. a)

Edit the properties of the TabStrip UI element. Set height = 450, vAlign (section LayoutData) = top, width = 100%, and width (section LayoutData) = 70%.


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Unit 2: Forming the Layout


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Implement the following UI elements: ContextualPanel, HorizontalContextualPanel, NavigationList, MultiPane, TabStrip, Tray


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Implement the following UI elements: ContextualPanel, HorizontalContextualPanel, NavigationList, MultiPane, TabStrip, Tray

Related Information •


The online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 contains an excellent section about developing applications based on Web Dynpro ABAP. The Web Dynpro ABAP documentation contains a section named Reference. Here you can find a complete documentation of all UI elements and the corresponding element classes. UI elements discussed in this unit can be found in the sub section named Layout. In each SAP system based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0, standard Web Dynpro ABAP demo applications are available. The demos WDR_TEST_EVENTS and WDR_TEST_UI_ELEMENTS deal with UI elements in general.

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Unit Summary



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Unit 3 Complex UI Elements Unit Overview UI elements that need to have other elements to be defined as sub elements in the UI element hierarchy are termed as complex UI elements. An example well known from NET310 is the TableView UI element. This unit discusses all kinds of UI elements belonging to this categorization. In the first lesson, the TableView UI element is reviewed, the Tree UI element is the topic of second lesson, while the remaining complex UI elements are investigated in the third lesson.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Implement grouping of table column and table rows Implement sorting and filtering a table Define table popins Define the color for complete table columns or single table cells Use cell specific table cell editors Display subtotals and totals of numeric table columns Create tree tables Implement editable tables Create static trees Create dynamic trees having an undefined number of hierarchy levels Implement the DateNavigator UI element Implement the PhaseIndicator UI element Implement the RoadMap UI element

Unit Contents Lesson: The Table UI Element ................................................. 79 Exercise 4: Table UI Element - Set Table Properties and define Row Groups .......................................................................135 Exercise 5: Table UI Element - Sorting and Filtering ..................141


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Exercise 6: Table UI Element - Table Popins and Cell Colors ........149 Lesson: The Tree UI Element .................................................159 Exercise 7: Displaying hierarchical Content with a Tree UI Element 175 Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements....................................187 Exercise 8: Implementing a DateNavigator UI element ...............203


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Lesson: The Table UI Element Lesson Overview In this lesson the Table UI element is discussed in detail. This includes element properties and element events, grouping columns, grouping rows, filtering, sorting, using of table popins, setting the color of complete columns or single cells, displaying subtotals and totals of numeric columns, and using cell-specific cell editors. Further topics are tree tables end editable tables.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • • • • •

Implement grouping of table column and table rows Implement sorting and filtering a table Define table popins Define the color for complete table columns or single table cells Use cell specific table cell editors Display subtotals and totals of numeric table columns Create tree tables Implement editable tables

Business Example The content of a data base table has to be displayed by a table in an Web Dynpro for ABAP application. However, the wizard provided in the ABAP Workbench does only allows to create very simple tables. Thus you would like to learn more about the Table UI element.

The Table - Basics The Table UI element is the most complex UI element offered by the Web Dynpro framework. It contains a large number of properties and possible kinds of sub elements. In the following sections the implementation of all kind of functionality related to the Table UI element will be discussed. As a prerequisite it is assumed, that you are familiar with the definition of a table using the wizard offered in the ABAP Workbench.

Defining the Context The context of a stable consists of a context node having the cardinality (0:n) or (1:n). The Table UI element will be bound to this node. At runtime, the node collection will contain an arbitrary number of elements. Each element will be displayed as a line in the table.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


The context node can have an arbitrary number of context attributes. At runtime, the values of these attributes for each context element may then be displayed as cell values in the related table line. If the node property Initialization Lead Selection is checked, then the first context element in the node collection will get the lead selection, automatically. By default (property selectionMode of Table UI element is set to auto), the related line of the Table will then be highlighted. Finally, the node's Selection property defines a proposal for the minimum and maximum number of table lines that may be selected by the user. For each table bound to this context node, this can be adjusted via the Table UI element property selectionMode (see sub section dealing with the selection of rows).

Figure 38: Table: Context definition


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Defining a simple Table The basic table in the layout is defined by a combination of at least three types of UI elements: • • •

The root element is the Table UI element. The property dataSource of this element has to be bound to the context node containing the data. For each column to be displayed by the table, a TableColumn UI element has to be defined as a sub element of the Table. The content of each column is defined by a table cell editor. The cell editor may be a TextView, or a InputField, or some other UI element that can be used to output the value of a context attribute. The cell editor defines how the content in the complete column is rendered. The UI element serving as the cell editor has to be defined as a sub element of the TableColumn. The key property of the cell editor (e.g. text for the TextView) has to be bound to the related context attribute of the table node. Optionally, a column header can be assigned to each column. This is done by creating a Caption UI element as a sub element of the related TableColumn.

Figure 39: Table: UI definition and context binding (1)


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 40: Table: UI definition and context binding (2)

If the key property of a cell editor is bound to a context attribute that is typed with an ABAP Dictionary type, then the Caption will automatically display the medium text of the related data element. A simple table as sketched in this section can be created using the Web Dynpro Code Wizard in the view's layout. In addition, the static method CL_WD_DYNAMIC_TOOL=>CREATE_TABLE_FROM_NODE( ) can be called from the hook method WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ) of a view in order to create a simple table dynamically.

UI Element Properties The visibility of the complete table can be toggled by setting the property visible accordingly. footerVisible allows to toggle the visibility of the table footer. readOnly is used to allow / forbid that the user enters a value in any editable field of the table. enabled is used to enable / disable all table elements. This includes the possibility to select lines or to navigate. The value of the property emptyTableText will be displayed in the table, if the number of visible rows is defined variable (visibleRowCount = -1) and the node collection is empty. The table with can be adjusted by setting the property width accordingly (in pixels or percent).


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

The property fixedTableLayout allows to define each table column precisely as wide as specified by the TableColumn property width. If fixedTableLayout is set to ABAP_TRUE and the cell content is to wide to be displayed completely, then it is cut off on the right. If fixedTableLayout is set to ABAP_FALSE each column is as wide as specified but at least as wide as the widest content in the related table cell editor. The property legendID allows to assign a Legend UI element to the Table. In this case, the property has to be evaluated with the legend's id. The Legend UI element is discussed as a sub element of the DateNavigator later in this chapter.

UI Element Properties: Design The property design allows to choose between three different color schemes. The value of this property determines the color of the cell content, the cell backgrounds and the table elements (e.g. grid, border, footer, column header). However, the visual design does also depend on the value of the properties readOnly and enabled.

Figure 41: Table: Setting the design

The following table summarizes all possible combinations of these Table property values:


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Table design - non-editable cells design standard

read_only X

enabled X

X X alternating



X X transparent




cell content

cell background

























cell content

cell background







grayed out








grayed out








grayed out


Table design - editable cells design standard

read_only X

enabled X

X X alternating



X X transparent





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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Comparing the results displayed in the tables above, the following rules can be found: •

If readOnly is set to ABAP_TRUE, the property enabled does not influence the visual design. Having set design to standard, all cells will have a white background. For design = alternating the table line color will alternate between white and gray. Finally, design = transparent will result in transparent cells. If readOnly is set to ABAP_FALSE, the property enabled will have no influence on the design of non-editable cells. Non-editable cells will have a gray background (design = standard or alternating) or transparent background (design = transparent).

If readOnly is set to ABAP_FALSE, the property enabled will have an influence on the design of editable cells. If enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE, then editable cells will have a gray background and the content is grayed out (all designs). If enabled is set to ABAP_TRUE, then editable cells will have a white background (design = standard or alternating) or a transparent background (design = transparent).

The visibility of the table grid can be adjusted by the property gridMode. This setting has no effect if design is set to transparent.

UI Element Properties: Vertical Scrolling and Context Paging Hint: If the application parameter WDTABLENAVIGATION is set to SCROLLBAR, the elements used to initiate vertical scrolling are replaced by a vertical scroll bar. The number of table lines can be adjusted by the property visibleRowCount. By default, this property has the value 5. If this property is set to -1, all data sets stored in the context are displayed. If the first element displayed by the table should not be related to the first element stored in the context, the offset property visibleFirstRow can be used. The property displayEmptyRows allows to omit that the table displays empty table lines. This situation occurs if visibleRowCount is larger then the difference between the index of the first context element displayed by the table and the total number of elements stored in the context.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 42: Table: Vertical scrolling and context paging

To implement context paging (for details see section about the UI element MultiPane), the properties rowCount and firstActualRow have to be adjusted. The value of the property rowCount describes how many lines may be accessible by scrolling in the table. The value of this property is displayed in the table footer as the total number of visible table lines. firstActualRow is used to define to which table line the first context element is to be related. Finally visibleFirstRow has to be set to a value larger then firstActualRow to display the context element that are already stored in the context node. Caution: If firstActualRow is set to a value larger then visibleFirstRow, the application will dump.

UI Element Properties: Horizontal Scrolling Hint: If the application parameter WDTABLENAVIGATION is set to SCROLLBAR, the elements used to initiate horizontal scrolling are replaced by a horizontal scroll bar. While visibleRowCount defines the number of lines displayed by the table, scrollableColCount defines the number of scrollable columns displayed by the table. By default, this property is set to -1 so all columns are displayed and no


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

scrolling functionality is offered. However, if scrollableColCount is set to a value larger then 0, then additional elements appear in the table footer. These elements allow to navigate between the scrollable columns in the table horizontally. Hint: A Table can contain non-scrollable columns. This is defined by the property fixedPosition of the TableColumn UI element. All columns having the value left assigned to this property will appear as fixed columns left of the scrollable columns. All columns having assigned the value right to the property will appear as fixed columns right of the scrollable columns. All other columns (having assigned the default value not fixed to the property fixedPosition) will be scrollable.

Figure 43: Table: Horizontal scrolling

If the first scrollable column displayed by the table should be different from the first scrollable column defined in the layout of the view, the property firstVisibleScrollableCol can be used. If the id of any TableColumn is assigned to this property, only this column and the columns right of the assigned column will be displayed by the table. Hint: If scrollableColCount is set to its default value (-1), it is not possible to navigate to the table columns that are actually hidden.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


UI Element Properties: Row Selection Hint: Avoid confusing a selected context element and a context element at lead selection. A selected element does not need to be the element at lead selection and vice versa. Clicking on the mark column will always select / deselect the related element. This is displayed by the light orange color. The selected elements of a node can be obtained by calling the method GET_SELECTED_ELEMENTS( ). The line corresponding to the element at lead selection will be displayed in dark orange. This element is determined programmatically by calling the method GET_ELEMENT( ). The property rowSelectable is used to define which of the table lines may be selected by the user. Statically, this property only allows to set the selectability for all table lines to the same value. However, if the context node related to the table data contains an additional attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN, and if the Table property rowSelectable is bound to this context attribute, then the selectability can be defined row by row.

Figure 44: Table: Defining selectable rows


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Caution: If a context element to be displayed by the Table is defined as non-selectable and if this the element is also the element at lead selection, the application will dump. This is typically a problem for context nodes having the node property Initialize Lead Selection set to ABAP_TRUE. If the first element is also defined as a non-selectable element, the application will dump. By default (selectionMode = auto), the lead selection is changed automatically if the user selects a line in the table by clicking on the mark column. However, this automatism can be switched off by setting the property selectionChangeBehaviour to manual (default auto). Then, clicking on any table row will neither highlight this row nor change the lead selection index in the related context node. Programmatically, the information which line was selected by the user can be determined, if an action is assigned to the table property onLeadSelect. From the interface parameter WDEVENT of the related action handler method, the index of the table line selected by the user can be extracted (parameter ROW in table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS). The property selectionMode can be used to define if multiple lines may be selected by the user and if selecting a line does also change the lead selection index. The selection mode as defined by the context node property Selection can be altered this way. If selectionMode is set to none, no mark column is displayed and the line corresponding to the element at lead selection is not highlighted. Hint: If the user left-mouse clicks on the mark column without pressing another key, the related table line will be selected and previously selected table lines will be deselected. To select additional table lines, the user can press CTRL when left mouse clicking on the mark column. Finally, if ALT+SHIFT is pressed when left mouse clicking on the mark column, then all data sets between the previously selected data set and the actually selected data set are marked. If only one context element may be selected, then pressing CTRL or ALT+SHIFT in addition to left-mouse clicking behaves identical to left-mouse clicking without pressing any additional key.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Table: Row Selection Modes (LMC = left mouse click) Node property Selection

Table property Number of selectionMode selectable table rows

Round trip triggered by selecting table row (LMC / LMC+CTRL / LMC+ALT+SHIFT)

Lead selection index changed

0:1, 1:1

single, auto

0:1, 1:1

Yes, Yes, Yes

Yes, Yes, Yes



No, No, No

No, No, No

multi, multiNoLead





0:1, 1:1

Yes, Yes, Yes

Yes, Yes, Yes


0:1, 1:1

No, No, No

No, No, No

multi, auto

0:n, 1:n

Yes, No, Yes

Yes, No, No


0:n, 1:n

No, No, Yes

No, No, No

0:n, 1:n

Implementing additional Table Functionality Header and Toolbar A Table UI element may have a title defined by a Caption UI element being a sub element of the Table. The title can display a simple text or an image. If image and text are displayed together, the developer can decide if the image is placed left or right of the text. In order to offer table-dependent functionality, a ToolBar UI element can be defined as a sub element of the Table. The ToolBar itself may contain a combination of the following elements: • • • • •


Buttons: ToolBarButton, ToolBarButtonChoice, ToolBarToggleButton Drop down boxes: ToolBarDropDownByIndex, ToolBarDropDownByKey Links: ToolBarLinkToAction, ToolBarLinkToURL Input field: ToolBarInputField Separator line: ToolBarSeparator

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Lesson: The Table UI Element

The toolbar elements can be created left-aligned or right-aligned in respect to the toolbar. If too many tool bar elements are defined so all elements can not be displayed in a single line, the ToolBar property wrapping allows to break the tool bar content in multiple lines.

Figure 45: Table: Defining title and tool bar


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Grouping of Columns and Rows

Figure 46: Table: Grouping of columns and rows

Each table column may have a separate column title defined by the sub element of type Caption. In addition, multiple columns may have a common group header displayed above the column-specific column titles. To create this common group header, all related columns have to be defined as sub elements of the same TableColumnGroup UI element, while this TableColumnGroup has to be defined as a sub element of the Table. The common group header itself is defined by a Caption element that is defined as a sub element of the TableColumnGroup UI element. The property visible of the TableColumnGroup allows to hide / display all columns that depend on this column group. The property fixedPosition is used to fix all columns related to the column group at the left border of the table (value = left) or at the right border of the table (value = right). Only column groups not defined as fixed columns (value = notFixed) are horizontally scollable.


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 47: Table: Defining column groups

If the data sets displayed by a table are sorted in respect to the leading columns, the same value may appear multiple times in each of these columns. In this case it is desirable to have each column value displayed only once (when it changes). This simplifies the identification of new data groups in respect to the sorting criteria. This result can be obtained, if the property groupingValue of the related TableColumn UI element is set accordingly. This property can be bound to a context attribute. Then, the cell content will only be displayed if the attribute value changes in respect to the previous data set. If the column content should only be displayed when it changed, then groupingValue has to be bound to the attribute displayed by the table cell editor of this column.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 48: Table: Defining row groups


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Filtering In order to allow filtering of the table data, the following things need to be implemented: •

An action has to be assigned to the property onFilter of the Table UI element. Result: An additional line will be displayed in the table above the table content. However, it is not possible to enter any values yet. Hint: From the interface parameter WDEVENT of the action handler method, only the id of the UI element that fired the event can be extracted.

To be able to enter filter values for a certain attribute, the property filterValue of the related TableColumn UI element has to be bound to a context attribute having the correct type. Thus, a node of cardinality (1:1) containing an attribute for each filter column has to be defined in the context of the corresponding view. Result: For each column having its property filterValue bound to a related context attribute, an input field is displayed in the filter line.

• •

To display a drop down box instead of an input field in the filter line, a value set has to be assigned to the related context attribute. Optionally, the property isFiltered of a TableColumn UI element can be used to display / hide a filter icon in the column heading. This indicates that the current table entries are filtered according to restrictions on values of this column. To set this property dynamically, isFiltered has to be bound to a context attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN for each filter column.


Thus, another node of cardinality (1:1) has to be defined in the context of the corresponding view. For each filter column, an attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN has to be added keeping the information if a filter icon is to be displayed in the column heading.

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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 49: Table: Filtering

Figure 50: Table: Filtering - UI element properties


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

The implementation of filtering depends on the support package level installed on the application server. Up to ABAP SPS 12, the filter algorithm has to be written by the developer of the application. Beginning with ABAP SPS 13, the filter algorithm is provided as a service method of a globally defined class. Both implementations will be discussed below. For SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0 ABAP having not applied at least ABAP SPS 13 the following steps have to be implemented (typically in the action handler method triggered by filtering): • •

The filter values entered by the user have to be obtained from the context. All data sets have to be checked if they are compatible with the filter options entered by the user. Only those data sets should be visible to the user after filtering.

There are two approaches to have all data sets available without having to read them again from the data base while the user only sees the filtered data sets at the same time. Approach one: All data sets read from the data base are stored in a public component controller attribute. Each time the user filters the data, the actual content of the context node containing the data to be displayed is invalidated and refilled with data read from the public component controller attribute. Only those data sets are copied to the context, that are compatible with the filter criteria. Approach two: All data sets are stored in the context node bound to the Table. To filter the data, all data being compliant with the filter criteria are shifted to the start of the node collection. Then the number of context elements being compatible with the filter criteria is calculated and the Table property rowCount is set accordingly. This means that the context node always contains all data sets. However, data sets not compliant with the filter values are hidden to the user.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 51: Table: Filtering for SAP NW AS 7.0, up to ABAP SPS 12

For SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0 ABAP having applied at least ABAP SPS 13 filtering is performed by calling a service method related to the Table UI element. Internally, this service function checks to which context node the Table is bound to. The content of this context node is then resorted according to approach two described above. Data sets not complient with the filter criteria are hidden to the user by altering the Table property rowCount accordingly. Hint: If the attributes related to the filter fields are of type STRING or of type C, then logical operators may be used with the filter values. Allowed operators are >, >=, GET_ELEMENT( ID = ). The reference to the service object is available as a public attribute _METHOD_HANDLER of the Table runtime object. However, _METHOD_HANDLER is typed generically. Thus, casting this reference to a reference variable of type IF_WD_TABLE_METHOD_HNDL is necessary to access table-specific functionality. Finally, the reference to the service object should be stored as a controller attribute of the related view.

To filter the data stored in the context node, the method APPLY_FILTER( ) of the service object has to be called.

Figure 52: Table: Filtering for SAP NW AS 7.0, ABAP SPS 13 and higher


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements



Figure 53: Table: Sorting

To allow sorting the content displayed by a Table, the following needs to be implemented: •

• •


An action has to be assigned to the Table property onSort. By default, all columns will now display a pair of icons in their headers. Clicking on these icons will lead to a round trip. If a column should not be sortable, the TableColumn property sortState has to be set to nonSortable. If a column should be displayed presorted when the view is rendered the first time, the TableColumn property sortState has to be set to down (descending) or up (ascending).

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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 54: Table: Sorting - UI element properties

The implementation of sorting depends on the support package level installed on the application server. Up to ABAP SPS 12, the sort algorithm has to be written by the developer of the application. Beginning with ABAP SPS 13, the sort algorithm is provided as a service method of a globally defined class. Both implementations will be discussed below. For SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0 ABAP having not applied at least ABAP SPS 13 the following steps have to be implemented (typically in the action handler method triggered by event Sort): •

• • • • •


The ID of the TableColumn the user has clicked on and the desired sorting direction has to be determined. This information is contained by the table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS available in the action handler method (parameters COL and DIRECTION, respectively). The actual content stored in the context node has to copied to an internal table. If the table contains a mark column, the indices of the selected table lines and the lead selection index have to be determined and stored with the data. The internal table has to be sorted according to the user action. The sorted internal table has to be copied back to the context, replacing the old content. If the table contains a mark column, the indices of the selected table lines have to be transferred to the attribute selected of the related context elements. In addition the lead selection index has to be set in the related context node.

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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 55: Table: Sorting for SAP NW AS 7.0, up to ABAP SPS 12 - principle

Figure 56: Table: Sorting - source code (step 1 and step 2)


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 57: Table: Sorting - source code (step 3)

Figure 58: Table: Sorting - source code (step 4 and step 5)


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Figure 59: Table: Sorting - details for step 2 (1)

Figure 60: Table: Sorting - details for step 2 (2)


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 61: Table: Sorting - details for step 5

For SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0 ABAP having applied at least ABAP SPS 13 sorting is performed by calling a service method related to the Table UI element. The programmer of the application only has to determine the reference to the service object of the Table under consideration and he has to call the appropriate method of this object to do the filtering. Please refer to the last sub section for details about determining the reference to this service object. To sort the data stored in the context node, the method APPLY_SORTING( ) of the service object has to be called.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 62: Table: Sorting for SAP NW AS 7.0, ABAP SPS 13 and higher

TablePopins The TablePopin allows to display detail information related to a data set (row popin) or a data cell (cell popin) as an insertion below the related row of the Table. With a cell popin the associated cell is assigned the background color of the popin, so popin and cell can be identified as belonging together. The UI element TablePopinToggleCell is provided for expanding and collapsing the TablePopin. However, the visibility of a TablePopin may also be toggled by clicking on any clickable UI element on the view.


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 63: TablePopin: Row popin

Figure 64: TablePopin: Cell popin


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


To define a row popin, the UI element TablePopin has to be created as a direct sub element of the Table. This is done from the context menu of the Table by selecting the menu entry Insert Table Popin. Hint: Each Table may only contain one TablePopin UI element defining the row popin. To define a cell popin for a cell being displayed in a certain column, a TablePopin UI element has to be created as a direct sub element of this TableColumn. This is done by choosing the menu entry Insert Table Popin from the context menu of this TableColumn. Hint: Each TableColumn may only contain one TablePopin UI element defining the cell popin related to this TableColumn. The content displayed by the TablePopin is defined by the sub elements of the TablePopin UI element. From the context menu of the TablePopin, only one direct sub element can be created (menu entry Insert Content). However, this is no restriction, since the sub element can be a container element which can have an arbitrary number of sub elements. Caution: The content of a TablePopin may not be a ViewContainerUIElement, since multiple row popins may be displayed at runtime in parallel. This would imply that multiple instances of the same view are to be embedded at runtime - which is not allowed. Hint: The data displayed by a TablePopin UI element should be stored in the data node. This allows to display row-related information by multiple table popins that are opened in parallel.


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 65: Table: Defining a row popin and cell popins

The TablePopin has the following properties: design allows to influence the background color of the table popin's content. hasContentPadding specifies whether or not it is possible to insert a padding between the content and the UI element borders. titleDesign allows to display an additional image in the title line of the popin (ok, critical, or error), or display the title without an image (text). Finally, the text in the title line is defined by the property titleText. To define which table popin is displayed below a given table row, the property selectedPopin of the Table UI element has to be set accordingly. Each table popin has a unique id. If this id is assigned to the property selectedPopin, the related table popin is displayed below each table row. To be able to define the table popin and its visibility dependent on the table row, the property selectedPopin has to be bound to a context attribute of type string being defined in the context node keeping the table data. At runtime, this context attribute can have a different value for each context element. If no value is assigned to this attribute, no table popin will be displayed for this table line.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 66: Table: Data binding required for dynamically assigning a table popin

Figure 67: Table: Displaying table popin


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

To change the visibility of a table popin, the application has to offer an associated UI element the user can click on. All kinds of UI elements allowing to trigger a round trip can be used for this purpose (e.g. a Button, a LinkToAction, a CheckBox, ...). To implement a cell popin, the associated UI element should be located in the table cell the popin is related to. An action should be assigned to an appropriate event of this UI element, so a related action handler method is processed when the user clicks on the UI element. Event-related information can then be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT. The internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS will contain the reference to the context element (parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT), that corresponds to the table line the user has selected. This allows to generate related detail information. To expand the cell popin, the id of the TablePopin has to be saved in the context attribute, the Table property selectedPopin is bound to.

Figure 68: Table: Opening a cell popin

To close the table popin (call popin or row popin), the icon in the right upper corner of the popin area may be used. Clicking on this icon will fire the popin's event Close (property onClose). In the related action handler method the value of the context attribute, the Table property selectedPopin is bound to, has to be cleared.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 69: Table: Closing a table popin

To expand a row popin, a row-related UI element should be offered. This may be a link in an extra table column. However, the Web Dynpro UI element library offers a special element for this purpose, the TablePopinToggleCell UI element. This element is used as a table cell editor in an extra TableColumn. When the popin is closed, this UI element displays an arrow pointing right. When the popin is opened, an arrow pointing down is displayed. Opening and closing the row popin using a TablePopinToggleCell UI element is performed automatically. This means that the value of the attribute, the Table property selectedPopin is bound to, does not need to be coded by the developer. To create a TablePopinToggleCell, the menu entry Insert Cell Variant defined in the context menu of a TableColumn has to be selected. In the dialog popping up different cell variant types are offered. The first entry in the variant list is


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

the TablePopinToggleCell. The TablePopinToggleCell is given an identifier by setting the property variantKey to an appropriate value. The same value has to be assigned to the property selectedCellVariant of the related TableColumn. Hint: A cell variant is defined as a direct sub element of a TableColumn UI element. For different purposes, different kinds of cell variants do exist: •

TablePopinToggleCell: This element is discussed in this section. It may be used to define a special column used to expand and collapse TablePopins displaying row-related information. TableSingleMarkableCell: This cell variant type may be used to define cells the user can select and mark (e.g. in a time table). The table cell editor will be defined as a sub element of this type of cell variant. TableStandardCell: This cell variant type may be used to define a cell-specific rendering of the table content. The table cell editor will be defined as a sub element of this type of cell variant. This allows to render different cells of the same table column differently. TableSummaryCell: This cell variant type may be used to define cells for displaying totals of numeric columns. The table cell editor will be defined as a sub element of this type of cell variant. This kind of cell variant will be discussed in the section dealing with displaying totals and subtotals. TableSummaryHierarchyCell: This cell variant type may be used to define subtotals for numeric columns. In contrast to the TableSummaryCell, the TableSummaryHierarchyCell displays an arrow-like icon. This is used to display / hide the group of cells the subtotal / total is calculated for. The table cell editor will be defined as a sub element of this type of cell variant. This kind of cell variant will be discussed in the section dealing with displaying totals and subtotals.

For each TableColumn, an arbitrary number of cell variants may be defined. Each cell variant is identified by the value of its property variantKey. At runtime, any of the cell variants can be selected by assigning the variants key to the TableColumn property selectedCellVariant. If this property is bound to an attribute defined in the table data node, each table cell can be rendered differently. If the value of this attribute is initial, then the standard table cell editor ( the table cell editor that is defined as a direct sub element of the TableColumn) is used to render the related table cell.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Clicking on a TablePopinToggleCell UI element will fire the element's event Toggle (property onToggle). In the related action handler method, row related information can be read and stored in the context.

Figure 70: Table: Defining a TablePopinToggleCell UI element

Colors In a Table, complete columns can be given a background color by setting the property cellDesign of the corresponding TableColumn accordingly. Binding this property to a context attribute of type WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN allows to change the background color of a complete TableColumn dynamically. If the context attribute containing the color value is part of the data node, then the color can be defined dependent on the row. In this case, each cell of a given column can have an arbitrary background color.


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 71: Table: Defining the background color

Figure 72: Table: Defining the background color of a column


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Editable Tables Cell variants of type TableStandardCell can be used to offer different table cell editors for each TableColumn. Thus, at runtime each table cell may be rendered differently. This allows to create tables containing cells that are editable on request. In a typical scenario, certain cells of selected table lines may be switched from text field (cell editor TextView) to input fields (cell editor InputField) if an additional link or button is pressed by the user.

Figure 73: Table: Editable cells

To implement the possibility to toggle table cells between text fields and input fields the following things need to be implemented: 1.


3. 4.


An additional context attribute has to be added to the table data node. For each context element this attribute will store the variant key of the cell variant that should be used to render the related table line. In the view's layout a cell variant of type TableStandardCell has to be added to each TableColumn. The property variantKey has be set identically for all cell variants. An cell editor has to be defined for each cell variant (e.g. InputField, CheckBox, TextView, ...). The property selectedVariantKey of the Table has to be bound to the context attribute defined in step 1.

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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Incorrect data entered by the user can not checked before a round trip to the application server takes place. If a round trip takes place, the Web Dynpro runtime will check whether the values entered by the user have the correct type and if they are compliant with the domain fixed values. If an error is found by the Web Dynpro runtime for at least one of the field values, the navigation is cancelled and all error messages will be displayed on the previous view assembly. In this context, incorrect field values are not passed to the related context attribute. If application specific input checks have to be implemented, the following issues have to be taken into account: •

• •

The user of the application may trigger a round trip without firing an event that is bound to an action. This may occur if the user clicks on the mark column of the table or if the user scrolls in the table. In this case, input checks that are implemented in the hook methods WDDOBEFOREACTION( ), WDDOAFTERACTION( ), or in any action handler method will not be processed. The data entered by the user is stored in the related context attributes. The previously stored data is deleted and can not be restored. The context node and the dependent context elements do not store any information that can be used at runtime to find out which data cells have been changed by the user.

To overcome these problems, the following implementation techniques could be applied: The input checks could be performed in the component controller method WDDOBEFORENAVIGATION( ). This method is processed for each round trip just before navigation takes place. If an error is found, a message related to the appropriate context attribute could be created. To cancel the navigation, the interface parameter CANCEL_NAVIGATION of the message method can be set to ABAP_TRUE or the method CANCEL_NAVIGATION( ) (defined in the global interface IF_WD_COMPONENT) can be called.

Figure 74: Table: Implementing input checks


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


To find out which of the cells have been overwritten by the user, the context change log could be checked. The context change log collects exact informations about the previous value, the actual value, the column name, the line index, and the binding informations for all table cells changed by the user. The context change log can be accessed as follows: •

First, the reference to an object describing the controller context has to be obtained from the attribute WD_CONTEXT by calling the method GET_CONTEXT( ). The reference returned by this method is of type IF_WD_CONTEXT. For the object returned in the last step, the method GET_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LOG( ) can be called. This will return the context change log as an internal table of type WDR_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LIST. Caution: By default, reading the context change log will automatically reset the log. However, by setting the interface parameter AND_RESET to ABAP_FALSE, the complete change history is collected by the log.

• •

To stop logging, the method DISABLE_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LOG( ) can be called. To enable logging or to switch on logging after having switched it off, the method ENABLE_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LOG( ) has to be called. Hint: Do not forget to call this method before changes by the user may take place.

Finally, the method RESET_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LOG( ) can be called to clear the log. Logging is not disabled by calling this method.

Let's consider the case that the context change log contains the complete history of all changes performed by the user. If a table cell has been changed multiple times by the user, multiple entries containing all historical values for this field are accessible from the context change log. However, only the last entry is relevant in respect to input checks and database updates. In addition only the first entry is relevant to roll back the changes performed by the user. Thus, checking the user input could be implemented as follows: To find out which context attributes have been changed by the user, the application can loop over the internal table returned by the method GET_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LOG( ). This internal table contains the columns ATTRIBUTE_NAME and ELEMENT_INDEX which can be used to identify the context element and the context attribute that


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

has to be checked. After having checked a certain context attribute, the attribute's name and index should be stored in an internal table. This allows to find out, if a context attribute has already been checked before. Hint: If you forget this check, you may get as many identical error messages for a table cell, as there have been changes of the related attribute value.

Figure 75: Table: Implementing input checks - get change information


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 76: Table: Content of context change log

Figure 77: Table: Implementing input checks - avoid checking same attribute more than once


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 78: Table: Implementing input checks - get actual values for edited table cells

Before saving the data to the data base the application has to collect all relevant information provided by the context change log in an internal table. If a field value is changed several times, this collection should be implemented in a way, that only one entry remains in the internal table (containing the last checked value, entered by the user). From the context change log the last change can be identified easily, since all changes performed by the user are serially numbered (column SEQUENCE).

Displaying Totals and Subtotals The Table UI element offers the possibility to display subtotals and totals of numeric columns. The data sets displayed by the Table can be sorted, so subtotals can be displayed after each group of data sets having the same values in respect to the sorting criteria. Special cell variants do exist to display subtotals or totals. The background color of the related cell editors may be set to light yellow or dark yellow. For one of the cell variants, an arrow is displayed with the cell value. Clicking on this arrow allows to fire an event. In the related action handler method, expanding and condensing the related data sets of this group may be implemented. Hint: Expanding and condensing a group of data sets is not done automatically when clicking on the arrow displayed by the table cell editor.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 79: Table: Displaying totals and subtotals

In this sub section, all aspects related to displaying subtotals and totals are discussed. In the first step, displaying subtotals without the possibility to condense / expand the corresponding data set group is discussed.


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

The implementation consists of the following steps: 1.

2. 3.


5. 6.

7. 8.


First, all data sets to be displayed have to be stored in an internal table. This table should contain an additional column of type string. This column will be filled with the name of the cell variant used to display the corresponding table line. The internal table has to be sorted according to the data set groups, subtotals should be displayed for. After each data set group an additional line has to be inserted into the internal table. This table line has to contain the sums of the numeric columns for this group. The cells forming the grouping criterion should contain the corresponding values. The extra table column should be filled with the name of the cell variant used to display this table line. All other nun-numeric cells should be initial. The context of the controller has to be defined. The data node should contain all attributes to be displayed by the table. In addition, an attribute related to the extra table column has to be defined. At runtime, this attribute will contain the name of the cell variant used to render the related table line. The content of the internal table has to be copied to the context. Next, the view's layout has to be defined. Using the wizard, a simple table displaying the content of the context node can be defined. However, the extra table column (containing the cell variant name) may not be displayed. For each TableColumn the property selectedCellVariant has to be bound to the context attribute containing the cell variant name. For each TableColumn, a cell variant of type TableSummaryCell has to be defined as a direct sub element. The property variantKey has to be evaluated with the variant name for the subtotal lines (defined in step 3). Finally, a table cell editor (typically a TextView UI element) has to be defined for each cell variant defined in the previous step. The primary property has to be bound to the context attribute related to this column. Hint: The definition of the cell variants and the dependent table cell editors may also be performed dynamically using the hook method WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ).


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 80: Table: Displaying subtotals

Figure 81: Table: Displaying subtotals - concept


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 82: Table: Displaying subtotals - UI definition and data binding

The application could offer the possibility to expand and collapse a group of data sets that is related to a subtotal table line. There are two ways to implement this functionality. The cell variant type TableSummaryCell supports the event LevelAction (property onLevelAction). If an action is assigned to this event, then the user may click on the cell content to trigger a round trip. In the related action handler method, the id of the cell variant (parameter ID) and the reference to the context element related to the table line the user has clicked on (parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT) are available from the interface parameter WDEVENT. This allows to determine, which group of data sets has to be collapsed / expanded. However, the last state is


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


not provided by the framework. Thus the application has to store this information for each group of data sets, subtotals are calculated for. Therefore, the content of the context is defined as follows: 1.


3. 4.

5. 6.



The internal table containing all data sets and all subtotals is defined as a controller attribute visible to the view displaying the table (e.g. a public attribute of the component controller). An extra column for saving the key of the variant that has to be used to render the subtotal lines has to be added. In addition, another column containing the information which group of data sets should be collapsed / expanded has to be added. The internal table is filled with all data sets and it is sorted. At the end of each data set group, an extra table line is inserted. This line contains the common group values, the sums for all numeric columns, the key of the cell variant used to render the subtotal line, and the boolean information describing the next state of this data set group (expanded / collapsed). The view's context is defined accordingly. Each time the view is rendered, the data sets are copied from the internal table to the context. For data set groups marked as being expanded, all data sets of this group plus the subtotal table line are copied. For data set groups marked as being collapsed, only the subtotal table line is copied. Each time the user clicks in a cell of the subtotal table line having an action bound to the event LevelAction, a round trip takes place. In the action handler method, the key values of the data set group are determined. In the internal table, the boolean flag is toggled for the related summary table line.

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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 83: Table: Expanding / collapsing data set groups

Figure 84: Table: Expanding / collapsing data set groups - concept

Expanding a data set group by a cell editor being a sub element of a TableSummaryCell UI element has the following disadvantages:


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


The user gets no visual information, that he can click on the cell to expand / collapse the group. In addition, in the related action handler method, no information is provided about the next status of the data set group the user has selected. Thus a second concept exists to allow expanding / collapsing data set groups. In this concept the cell variant TableSummaryCell is replaced by a TableHierarchySummaryCell for an arbitrary number of columns. Then, the dependent table cell editors do not only display the cell content but also an arrow being displayed left of the cell value. This arrow points to the right (status collapsed) or to the top (status expanded). The kind of arrow displayed at runtime is defined by the property expanded of the cell variant. This property will be bound to the corresponding boolean context attribute. Clicking on the arrow will fire the event StatusAction (property onStatusAction). Assigning an action to this event allows to trigger a related action handler method. From the internal table PARAMETERS of the interface parameter WDEVENT, not only the id (parameter ID) and the reference to the related context element (parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT) can be determined, but also the information about the next status of this data set group (parameter EXPANDED).

Figure 85: Table: Comparison TableSummaryCell and TableHierarchySummaryCell


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

If subtotals should be displayed for different data set groups, the concepts explained up to now have to be extended as follows: 1.

The internal table is changed in a way, that it contains a subtotal line after each data set group. For each data set group a different key for the cell variant used to display the related subtotal line in the table has to be stored. Example: Subtotal after each connection → Variant key SUM_CONNID. Subtotal after all connections of same carrier → Variant key SUM_CARRID. Total after all connections of all carriers → Variant key SUM_ALL.


In the view's layout, as many cell variants have to be added to each TableColumn as there are different data set groups (variant keys). Each cell variant needs to have a table cell editor being defined as its sub element. Hint: This is really a lot of work (definition of n * m * 2 additional UI elements, where m = number of columns and n = number of data set groups). Thus, defining these UI elements dynamically is the better way.


One of the cells displayed in a subtotal / total table line should be defined by a TableHierarchySummaryCell cell variant. Typically the last grouping criterion is displayed this way. Example: The group of flights belonging to a certain connection is expanded / collapsed by clicking on the arrow displayed with the connection number. The group of subtotal lines related to all connections of a given carrier is expanded / collapsed by clicking on the arrow displayed with the carrier.

Finally, some properties of the TableSummaryCell and of the TableHierarchySummaryCell that have not mentioned yet should be discussed. Both elements contain the property cellDesign. This property may have the values subtotal (light yellow) and total (dark yellow). The later property value should be used, if totals over all data sets are to be displayed at the end of the table. Thus totals and subtotals are technically identical, besides a different background color of the cells. The TableSummaryCell property level is used to display the hierarchy level by adding dots in front of the cell value in a subtotal line. The value of this property corresponds to the number of dots added to the cell value. Three dots visualizes, that this group has two sub groups, while the data sets are displayed on the third level.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Tree Tables Tables can represent a hierarchy using the aggregation master column. The master column displays the grouping criterion (defined by the table cell editor) and an arrow-like icon. This arrow points to the right (condensed state) or to the bottom (expanded state). There are two ways to organize the table content: If the table content is expanded, all data sets related to the selected grouping criterion could be displayed directly. However, it is also possible that expanding the table content will display additional sub groups that can also be expanded and condensed. It is up to the developer to define the depth of the hierarchy. Example: A table could display the carrier name in the master column. If the table content is expanded for a certain carrier, all flights of this carrier could be displayed. However, expanding the table content for a certain carrier could also result in displaying additional master column entries for each connection number. To display the flights related to a certain connection number, the user then has to click on the related master column entry.

Figure 86: Tree Tables: One level hierarchy


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Figure 87: Tree Tables: Multiple level hierarchy

In the layout of the view, a special column has to be defined to display the grouping criteria. From the context menu of the Table UI element, the menu item Insert Master Column has to be selected to create this column. There are two types of master column UI elements, the TreeByKeyTableColumn UI element and the TreeByNestingTableColumn UI element. Only the TreeByKeyTableColumn that is bound to a flat context node is discussed here. Next, a table cell editor has to be assigned to the master column. This table cell editor will be used to display the content of the master column. An optional Caption UI element can be created as a sub element of the master column to define the column heading. The TreeByKeyTableColumn UI element contains the following properties: The property Cell Design allows to define the cell background color of the master column. childrenLoaded can be used to define if data sets related to a grouping criterion have already been loaded. If this property is bound to a context attribute of type WDY_BOOEAN this information can be defined differently for each data set group. If the user expands a group, the application has to check the value of this attribute in order to decide if the dependent data sets have to be read.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


The property expanded has to be bound to a context attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN. At runtime, this attribute will contain the information, which group is expanded and which group is condensed. The Web Dynpro runtime sets this attribute according to the actual state of the data set group. isLeaf should be bound to a context attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN. Then, this attribute allows to define, which context element is displayed as a grouping criterion and which context element is displayed as an actual table data set. rowKey should be bound to a context attribute of type STRING. This attribute allows to assign a row-specific key to each context element. This is used to define the data hierarchy. The property parentKey should be bound to a context attribute of type STRING. This attribute allows to relate a context elements to its parent context element by assigning the value of the parent element's rowKey property to it.

Figure 88: Tree Tables: Defining UI and context

At runtime, the context has to contain at least the context elements that are related to the first hierarchy level displayed by the Table UI element. Dependent context elements may be pre-loaded. However, it is also possible to load dependent data on request (when expanding a group). If a non-leaf context element is defined as being collapsed (expanded = ABAP_FALSE), dependent context elements are not displayed by the Table. For each hierarchy level, the order of the context


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

elements defines the sequence of the related table rows. In the following graphics the setting of the context attributes is visualized for a one level hierarchy and for a multiple level (here: two level) hierarchy.

Figure 89: Tree Table: One hierarchy level - defining the context


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 90: Tree Table: Multiple hierarchy level - defining the context

To allow loading dependent data on request, an action has to be assigned to the property OnLoadChildren of the TreeByKeyTableColumn UI element. Hint: The event LoadChildren is fired only, if the user expands a group and the children of this group have not been loaded yet (value of context attribute bound to UI element property ChildrenLoaded is initial). This flag has to be set by the application. In the action handler method, information about the related context element can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT. The internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the master column (parameter ID) and the reference to the context element (parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT) related to the table row the user has clicked on. Using the unique row key of this context element, depended data sets can be read and stored in the context.


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Exercise 4: Table UI Element - Set Table Properties and define Row Groups Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Set properties of the Table UI element • Define a table header • Define row groups

Business Example You would like to enhance the functionality and ergonomics of the table displaying the flights. This includes the possibility to scroll vertically and horizontally across the data and the reduction of redundant information displayed by the table. A table header should explain what kind of data is displayed by the table. Template Component: NET312_LAYO_S2 Solution Component: NET312_CMPX_S1

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX1_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Task 2: Add a header to your table. The header should display the text Flights available for selected connection and the icon ICON_WS_PLANE. 1.

Add a header to your table displaying text and icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Task 3: Fix the columns related to the flight key on the left side of the table. Restrict the number of scrollable columns to 4. Make sure that scrolling does not influence the column widths. The carrier id and the connection number should only be displayed once per group of flights belonging to the same connection. The background of the data rows should alternate between two colors. Instead of the standard elements used to scroll in the table scroll bars should be displayed to allow vertical and horizontal scrolling. 1.

Fix the columns related to the flight key on the left side of the table. Restrict the number of scrollable columns to 4.


Make sure that scrolling does not influence the column widths.


The carrier id and the connection number should only be displayed once per group of flights belonging to the same connection.


The background of the data rows should alternate between two colors.


Instead of standard elements used to scroll in the table, scroll bars should be displayed to allow vertical and horizontal scrolling.

Task 4: OPTIONAL: The number of columns displayed by the table (fixed columns + scrollable columns) and the number of table columns defined in the UI element hierarchy is nearly identical. Horizontal scrolling is more interesting if the number of table columns is increased. Thus, you could append additional attributes of the Dictionary structure SFLIGHT to the context node FLIGHTS and display these attribute values by additional TableColumn UI elements. 1.

Create additional attributes in the context node FLIGHTS of the component controller context. Add the attributes PAYMENTSUM, SEATSMAX_B, SEATSOCC_B, SEATSMAX_F, and SEATSOCC_F.


Update the context of view MAIN_VIEW.


Display the content of the new context attributes by adding TableColumn UI elements and related table cell editors to the Table UI element. Hint: Deleting the existing table and using the wizard to create a new table is not a good idea, since all changes of UI element properties related to the table and its sub elements would then be lost. In addition, all sub elements of the Table you have created manually would also be lost.


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Solution 4: Table UI Element - Set Table Properties and define Row Groups Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX1_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.


Copy the template component. a)

Display the template component in the object tree of transaction SE80. Clicking on the component with the right mouse button will open the component's context menu. Choose Copy.... Enter the name of the component to be created. Press Continue.


Adapt the description of the new component.

Create an application to access your component. a)

An application having the same name as the component can be created from the context menu of the component.

Task 2: Add a header to your table. The header should display the text Flights available for selected connection and the icon ICON_WS_PLANE. 1.

Add a header to your table displaying text and icon. a)

Edit the view MAIN_VIEW.


From the context menu of the Table UI element, choose Insert Header. This will create a Caption UI element.


Assign the text Flights available for selected connection to the property text of the Caption UI element. Use the drop down box related to the property imageSource in order to assign the SAP GUI Icon ICON_WS_PLANE (name displayed in icon list: WS_PLANE) to this property.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Task 3: Fix the columns related to the flight key on the left side of the table. Restrict the number of scrollable columns to 4. Make sure that scrolling does not influence the column widths. The carrier id and the connection number should only be displayed once per group of flights belonging to the same connection. The background of the data rows should alternate between two colors. Instead of the standard elements used to scroll in the table scroll bars should be displayed to allow vertical and horizontal scrolling. 1.


Fix the columns related to the flight key on the left side of the table. Restrict the number of scrollable columns to 4. a)

The columns related to the flight key display the carrier id, the connection number, and the flight date. For the corresponding TableColumn UI elements set the property fixedPosition = left.


The number of scrollable columns is defined by the value of the Table property scrollableColCount. Change the value from -1 (default) to 4.

Make sure that scrolling does not influence the column widths. a)



The carrier id and the connection number should only be displayed once per group of flights belonging to the same connection. a)

For the TableColumn UI element related to the carrier id, bind the property groupingValue to the context attribute FLIGHTS.CARRID.


For the TableColumn UI element related to the connection number, bind the property groupingValue to the context attribute FLIGHTS.CONNID.

The background of the data rows should alternate between two colors. a)


Set the Table property fixedTableLayout to ABAP_TRUE by marking the related check box.

Set the Table property design to alternating. In addition set the property readOnly to ABAP_TRUE.

Instead of standard elements used to scroll in the table, scroll bars should be displayed to allow vertical and horizontal scrolling. a)

Edit the parameters of your application (tab Parameters).


In the column Parameters enter the name WDTABLENAVIGATION, in the column Value enter SCROLLBAR.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Task 4: OPTIONAL: The number of columns displayed by the table (fixed columns + scrollable columns) and the number of table columns defined in the UI element hierarchy is nearly identical. Horizontal scrolling is more interesting if the number of table columns is increased. Thus, you could append additional attributes of the Dictionary structure SFLIGHT to the context node FLIGHTS and display these attribute values by additional TableColumn UI elements. 1.



Create additional attributes in the context node FLIGHTS of the component controller context. Add the attributes PAYMENTSUM, SEATSMAX_B, SEATSOCC_B, SEATSMAX_F, and SEATSOCC_F. a)

Edit the context of the component controller.


From the context menu of the node FLIGHTS choose Create using the Wizard → Attributes from Components of Structure. Mark all components besides the component MANDT. Finish the dialog and save the changes.

Update the context of view MAIN_VIEW. a)

Edit the context of the view MAIN_VIEW.


From the context menu of the mapped node FLIGHTS choose Update Mapping. Choose Yes on the next dialog(s) to add the new attributes to the mapped node.

Display the content of the new context attributes by adding TableColumn UI elements and related table cell editors to the Table UI element. Hint: Deleting the existing table and using the wizard to create a new table is not a good idea, since all changes of UI element properties related to the table and its sub elements would then be lost. In addition, all sub elements of the Table you have created manually would also be lost. a)

From the context menu of the Table UI element, choose Create Binding.


In the dialog box that pops up, select the context attributes PAYMENTSUM, SEATSMAX_B, SEATSOCC_B, SEATSMAX_F, and SEATSOCC_F by marking the check boxes in the column Binding. Finish the dialog.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements



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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Exercise 5: Table UI Element - Sorting and Filtering Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implement sorting columns in Table UI elements • Implement filtering the table content by entering filter options in input fields or by selecting filter options from a drop down box

Business Example You would like to enhance the functionality and ergonomics of the table displaying the flights. The user should be able to sort the table content by clicking on the header of table columns. In addition the application should offer the possibility to filter the table content. Template Component: NET312_CMPX_S1 Solution Component: NET312_CMPX_S2

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX2_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Task 2: Implement sorting the table content. Sorting should be allowed if the user clicks on the header of the table columns displaying the flight date, informations about occupied seats and capacity, and the total of current bookings 1.

Assign a new action (name: SORT) to the property onSort of the Table UI element displaying the flights.


Get the reference to the method handler of this table and store this reference as an attribute of the view controller. Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements



Call the method APPLY_SORTING( ) of the method handler when the event Sort is fired.


Do not allow to sort the table content by the carrier id, the connection number, the price, the currency, or the plane type.

Task 3: Implement the possibility to filter the table content by entering filter values for the flight date and for the occupied seats in the economy class. For the flight date, a drop down box should be offered, allowing to select all flights (possibility 1), flights in the past (possibility 2), or flights in the future (possibility 3). For the number of occupied seats an input field should allow to enter any restriction. 1.

In the context of the view controller MAIN_VIEW add an untyped node of cardinality (1:1) (name: FILTER), having two attributes of type STRING (name: DATE and SEATSOCC).


Assign a new action (name: FILTER) to the property onFilter of the Table UI element displaying the flights.


For the columns displaying the flight date and the number of occupied seats in the economy class: Bind the TableColumn property filterValue to the corresponding attribute in the node FILTER. Set the width of the column displaying the flight date to 100 pixels. This will be necessary, to display the complete filter values by the drop down box.


Implement filtering: Call the method APPLY_FILTER( ) of the method handler if the event Filter is fired.


Up to now, filter values for the flight date have to be entered into an input field. To display a drop down box, a value set containing the allowed values has to be assigned to the related context attribute. The drop down box should display three values: All dates, =act. Date. Here, act. Date is to be replaced by the actual date in the external format (e.g. get_element( id = 'TABLE' ). wd_this->go_table_m_hndl ?= lo_table->_method_handler. ENDIF.


View Controller:


METHOD onactionsort .

wd_this->go_table_m_hndl->apply_sorting( ).


View Controller:


METHOD onactionfilter .

wd_this->go_table_m_hndl->apply_filter( ).


View Controller:


METHOD define_filter_values .

DATA lo_nd_root_info

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info.

DATA lo_nd_filter_info TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info. DATA ls_vs



DATA lt_vs



DATA lv_date_value


c LENGTH 10.


= wd_context->get_node_info( ).

lo_nd_filter_info = lo_nd_root_info->get_child_node( wd_this->wdctx_filter ).

* Convert actual date to external format

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


WRITE sy-datum TO lv_date_value.

* Build up drop down box entries * Initial value to reset filter ls_vs-text = 'All dates'. INSERT ls_vs INTO TABLE lt_vs. * Additional values CONCATENATE '=' lv_date_value INTO ls_vs-text. INSERT ls_vs INTO TABLE lt_vs.

* Set value set -> Drop down box will be displayed lo_nd_filter_info->set_attribute_value_set( name

= 'DATE'

value_set = lt_vs ).


View Controller:


METHOD wddoinit .

* Define attribute value set related to filter for flight dates wd_this->define_filter_values( ).



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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Exercise 6: Table UI Element - Table Popins and Cell Colors Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implement table popins that depend on table rows • Colorize table cells

Business Example You would like to enhance the functionality and ergonomics of the table displaying the flights. This includes the possibility to display a graphics for each data set displayed by the table using a table popin. In addition, the cells of a certain table column should be colorized according to the cell content. Template Component: NET312_CMPX_S2 Solution Component: NET312_CMPX_S3

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX3_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Task 2: Create a table popin. This popin should be related to table rows. Expanding and collapsing the table popin should be facilitated by clicking on an arrow-like icon at the beginning of the line. Collapsing the table popin should also be facilitated by clicking on the cross icon displayed by the table popin. Later on, the table popin will display a business graphic. However, in this exercise the table popin only has to display a simple text. 1.

Create a table popin that is related to a table row. The table popin should display a simple text (e.g. to be implemented later...). Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements



Create and assign a new action (name: CLOSE_POPIN) to the event onClose of the TablePopin UI element.


Create a new non-sortable table column being the leftmost column in the table. Assign a text (Graph) and an icon (~Icon/VerticalBarChart) to the Caption of this TableColumn. Define a cell variant of type TablePopinToggleCell being a sub element of this new table column. Give the cell variant a key (name: POPIN)


Create and assign a new action (name: TOGGLE_POPIN) to the event onToggle of the TablePopinToggleCell UI element.


If you test your application in this state, you will find out that clicking on the arrow-like icon will open / close a separate table popin for each table row. In order to be able to open / close the table popin only for the selected row, a context attribute (name: POPIN_NAME) has to be added to the node containing the table data. In addition, the property selectedPopin of the Table UI element has to be bound to this attribute.


Clicking the cross-like icon in the table popin still does not close the table popin. This is because the action handler method related to the action CLOSE_POPIN has not been implemented yet. Implement the handler: The value of the attribute FLIGHTS.POPIN_NAME has to be cleared for the corresponding context element. The reference to this element is provided by the framework (parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT stored in parameter table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS).

Task 3: Depending on the relative occupation, the cells of the table column displaying the occupied seats in the economy class should have different background colors. If the relative occupation is below 50%, the background color should be green, between 50% and 95% the cell background should be orange, above 95% the cell background should be red. 1.

Add an attribute (name: COLOR) to the context node storing the flight data. The type of this attribute has to be WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN.


Create the method DEFINE_COLORS( ) in the component controller. Edit the method. Get the data table from the context node FLIGHTS. Loop over the data table, set the background color according to the relative occupation

Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

of the seats in the economy class and store the color information in the internal table (field COLOR). Finally, copy the modified internal table back to the context node FLIGHTS. Hint: Allowed color values are available as constants in the global class CL_WD_TABLE_COLUMN (e.g. CL_WD_TABLE_COLUMN=>E_CELL_DESIGNBADVALUE_MEDIUM).



Call the method DEFINE_COLORS( ) each time the user selects a new connection.


Update the mapping of node FLIGHTS in view MAIN_VIEW


In order to set the background color of the table cells, the property cellDesign of the TableColumn UI element displaying the occupied seats in the economy class has to be bound to the context attribute FLIGHTS.COLOR.

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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Solution 6: Table UI Element - Table Popins and Cell Colors Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX3_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.


Copy the template component. a)

Display the template component in the object tree of transaction SE80. Clicking on the component with the right mouse button will open the component's context menu. Choose Copy.... Enter the name of the component to be created. Press Continue.


Adapt the description of the new component.

Create an application to access your component. a)

An application having the same name as the component can be created from the context menu of the component.

Task 2: Create a table popin. This popin should be related to table rows. Expanding and collapsing the table popin should be facilitated by clicking on an arrow-like icon at the beginning of the line. Collapsing the table popin should also be facilitated by clicking on the cross icon displayed by the table popin. Later on, the table popin will display a business graphic. However, in this exercise the table popin only has to display a simple text. 1.

Create a table popin that is related to a table row. The table popin should display a simple text (e.g. to be implemented later...). a)

Edit the layout of the view MAIN_VIEW.


From the context menu of the Table UI element, choose Insert Table Popin to create a row popin.


From the context menu of the TablePopin UI element, choose Insert Content to create the popin content. Create a TextView UI element. Assign any text to the TextView UI element by setting the property text accordingly. Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Table UI Element


Create and assign a new action (name: CLOSE_POPIN) to the event onClose of the TablePopin UI element. a)


Use the button right of the event onClose to create and assign the action to the TablePopin UI element.

Create a new non-sortable table column being the leftmost column in the table. Assign a text (Graph) and an icon (~Icon/VerticalBarChart) to the Caption of this TableColumn. Define a cell variant of type TablePopinToggleCell being a sub element of this new table column. Give the cell variant a key (name: POPIN)



From the context menu of the Table UI element, choose Insert Table Column to create a new column. Make this column the leftmost column of the Table by move it to the top of the table's sub element list (drag & drop).


Correct the properties of the new TableColumn UI element: Set fixedPosition = left and sortState = notSortable


Assign the literal Graph to the property text of the Caption UI element.


Use the value help assigned to the Caption property imageSource to assign an icon to the column header. Click on the tab Icon and select the icon VerticalBarChart from the list.


From the context menu of the new TableColumn, choose Insert Cell Variant to create a cell variant. In the following dialog, choose TablePopinToggleCell as the variant type and any id.


Assign the literal POPIN to the property variantKey of the cell variant.


Correct the properties of the new TableColumn UI element: In order to display the table popin, the literal POPIN has to be assigned to the property selectedCellVariant.

Create and assign a new action (name: TOGGLE_POPIN) to the event onToggle of the TablePopinToggleCell UI element. a)


Use the button right of the event onToggle to create and assign the action to the TablePopinToggleCell UI element.

If you test your application in this state, you will find out that clicking on the arrow-like icon will open / close a separate table popin for each table row.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


In order to be able to open / close the table popin only for the selected row, a context attribute (name: POPIN_NAME) has to be added to the node containing the table data. In addition, the property selectedPopin of the Table UI element has to be bound to this attribute.



Edit the component controller context.


Mark the data node FLIGHTS and delete the node type. This is necessary to add arbitrary attributes to the node.


Add a new attribute (name: POPIN_NAME, type: STRING) to the node FLIGHTS.


Now edit the context of the view MAIN_VIEW. Update the context mapping for node FLIGHTS (context menu entry Update Mapping).


Edit the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. Mark the Table UI element. Click on the button right of the Table property selectedPopin to bind this property to the context attribute FLIGHTS.POPIN_NAME.

Clicking the cross-like icon in the table popin still does not close the table popin. This is because the action handler method related to the action CLOSE_POPIN has not been implemented yet. Implement the handler: The value of the attribute FLIGHTS.POPIN_NAME has to be cleared for the corresponding context element. The reference to this element is provided by the framework (parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT stored in parameter table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS). a)

Edit the method ONACTIONCLOSE_POPIN( ) defined in view MAIN_VIEW.


Add the import parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT (TYPE REF TO IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT) to the signature of this method. Enter the parameter's name in field Parameter, check the RefTo check box and enter the interface name in field Associated Type.


Use the pattern functionality to create the method call for setting the attribute POPIN_NAME of element CONTEXT_ELEMENT to space.


Source code see below.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Table UI Element

Task 3: Depending on the relative occupation, the cells of the table column displaying the occupied seats in the economy class should have different background colors. If the relative occupation is below 50%, the background color should be green, between 50% and 95% the cell background should be orange, above 95% the cell background should be red. 1.


Add an attribute (name: COLOR) to the context node storing the flight data. The type of this attribute has to be WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN. a)

Edit the component controller context.


Mark the data node FLIGHTS. Add a new attribute (name: COLOR, type: WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN) to the node FLIGHTS by selecting the context menu entry Create→Attribute of this node.

Create the method DEFINE_COLORS( ) in the component controller. Edit the method. Get the data table from the context node FLIGHTS. Loop over the data table, set the background color according to the relative occupation of the seats in the economy class and store the color information in the internal table (field COLOR). Finally, copy the modified internal table back to the context node FLIGHTS. Hint: Allowed color values are available as constants in the global class CL_WD_TABLE_COLUMN (e.g. CL_WD_TABLE_COLUMN=>E_CELL_DESIGNBADVALUE_MEDIUM). a)



Call the method DEFINE_COLORS( ) each time the user selects a new connection. a)

If the user clicks on a connection, the action handler method ONACTIONGET_DETAILS( ) is triggered in view MAIN_VIEW. Add the call of the component controller method DEFINE_COLORS( ) here.


Source code see below.

Update the mapping of node FLIGHTS in view MAIN_VIEW a)


Source code see below.

Edit the context of the view MAIN_VIEW. Update the context mapping for node FLIGHTS (context menu entry Update Mapping).

In order to set the background color of the table cells, the property cellDesign of the TableColumn UI element displaying the occupied seats in the economy class has to be bound to the context attribute FLIGHTS.COLOR. a)

Edit the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements



Click on the TableColumn UI element displaying the occupied seats in the economy class.


Use the button right of the property cellDesign to bind this property to the context attribute FLIGHTS.COLOR.


View Controller:


METHOD onactionclose_popin .

context_element->set_attribute( value

= space







METHOD define_colors .

DATA lo_nd_flights TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. DATA lt_flights



DATA ls_flights



DATA lv_ratio



lo_nd_flights = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_flights ). lo_nd_flights->get_static_attributes_table( IMPORTING table = lt_flights ).

LOOP AT lt_flights INTO ls_flights. lv_ratio = 100 * ls_flights-seatsocc / ls_flights-seatsmax. IF lv_ratio > 95. ls_flights-color = cl_wd_table_column=>e_cell_design-badvalue_medium. ELSEIF lv_ratio > 50. ls_flights-color = cl_wd_table_column=>e_cell_design-criticalvalue_medium. ELSE. ls_flights-color = cl_wd_table_column=>e_cell_design-goodvalue_medium. ENDIF. MODIFY lt_flights FROM ls_flights. ENDLOOP.

lo_nd_flights->bind_table( lt_flights ).

Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Table UI Element


View Controller:


METHOD onactionget_details .

DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller. DATA ls_navi_list



* Get key information for selected navigation list entry context_element->get_static_attributes( IMPORTING static_attributes = ls_navi_list ). * Get related flights lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_flights( iv_carrid = ls_navi_list-carrid iv_connid = ls_navi_list-connid ).

* Set background colors lo_componentcontroller->define_colors( ).



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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Implement grouping of table column and table rows • Implement sorting and filtering a table • Define table popins • Define the color for complete table columns or single table cells • Use cell specific table cell editors • Display subtotals and totals of numeric table columns • Create tree tables • Implement editable tables


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Lesson: The Tree UI Element Lesson Overview This lesson deals with the definition of a Tree UI element. This includes the definition of tree nodes and tree items in the view's layout, the definition of the controller context, and the definition of methods to fill the context. Here, all kinds of trees are discussed. These may consist of multiple node types and element types per hierarchy level. In addition, the number of hierarchy levels may be undefined at design time.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •

Create static trees Create dynamic trees having an undefined number of hierarchy levels

Business Example You would like to present the hierarchically defined content of the view's context by a tree like structure. The user should be able to expand / collapse the tree's nodes and he should be able to select a tree item. When selecting a tree item, data related to this tree item should be displayed by the application.

Tree Basics Hierarchies defined in the context can be visualized using the Tree UI element. The Tree UI element can be bound to any context node. Sub nodes of this context node can be visualized as nodes in the tree using the UI element TreeNodeType. Node elements defined in the context can be visualized as leafs in the tree using the UI element TreeItemType. The sub elements of any tree node can be collected at runtime or they can be pre-loaded when initializing the view's context. Tree nodes and tree items that are related to context element at lead selection are displayed highlighted.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 91: Tree: Simple Tree

Figure 92: Tree: Additional functionality (1)


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Figure 93: Tree: Additional functionality (2)

Defining the Context The context structure related to a tree consists of a parent context node and an arbitrary number of sub nodes containing an arbitrary number of context elements. Each sub node may have own sub nodes, so the depth of the context hierarchy is not limited. Each of the sub nodes may be defined as a normal node or as a recursion node (repeating a node structure defined at a higher hierarchy level).

UI Element Definition and Data Binding First, the Tree UI element is created in the UI element hierarchy. The property dataSource allows to bind the Tree to any context node. The Tree may then display the content of this context node and all of its child nodes. The complete tree will be displayed in a rectangular box. A title can be displayed on top of the box by setting the property titleVisible to ABAP_TRUE and by assigning the text to be displayed to the property title. A root node is only displayed, if the property rootVisible is set to ABAP_TRUE. In this case an extra top node allows to hide / display the tree's content. The text displayed right of the toggle icon related to this root node is defined by the property rootText. defaultItemIconSource may be set to define the default icon displayed left of all tree leafs. defaultNodeIconSource may be set to define the default icon displayed left of all tree nodes (but the root node). In both cases, a value help button allows to select the Icon statically. Binding these properties to context attributes of type STRING allows to define the icons programmatically


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


If enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE, all tree nodes are grayed out and the actual state can not be changed by the user. The width of the tree and the minimum width is determined of the values of the properties width and minHeight, respectively.

Figure 94: Tree: Defining the UI and data binding (1)

Aggregations: TreeNodeType and TreeItemType After having created the Tree UI element, sub elements of type TreeNodeType and TreeItemType have to be created in order to display the content of the context node that has been assigned to the Tree property dataSource. In the most simple case, the data source does not contain sub nodes, but only a number of context elements to be displayed as tree leafs. Then, a single UI element of type TreeItemType (defined as a direct sub element of the Tree UI element) is sufficient to display as many tree leafs as there are context elements. The text to be displayed by the single tree leafs (property text) has to be related to any attribute of the data source node. The TreeItemType UI element contains additional interesting properties. The property design allows to emphasize the texts displayed with the tree items. If this property is bound to a context attribute of type WDUI_TREE_NODE_DESIGN, then the design can be set differently for each tree item. iconSource allows to define an icon displayed left of each tree item. This overwrites the icon defined by the property defaultItemIconSource of the Tree UI element. Finally,


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

if ignoreAction is set to ABAP_TRUE, then the action assigned to the property onAction is not triggered. The hook methods WDDOBEFOREACTION( ) and WDDOAFTERACTION( ) are also not processed by the Web Dynpro framework. However, clicking on a tree leaf's text will still result in a round trip. Hint: Clicking on the text / icon related to a tree item will set the lead selection in the related node collection.

Figure 95: Tree: Displaying leafs

Lets consider the a slightly more complicated situation. On the first hierarchy level, the UI tree should not only display tree items, but also tree nodes that can be opened and closed. Each tree node should display related tree items. Now, two nodes being sub nodes of the tree root node have to be created in the context. The first sub node (N1) has to contain all context elements that should be visualized as tree leafs on the first hierarchy level of the UI tree. The second sub node (N2) has to contain all context elements, that should be visualized as tree nodes on the first hierarchy level of the UI tree. The tree leafs related to the nodes of the UI tree have to be stored in a non-singleton context node (N2_1), being defined as a sub node of context node N2. In the view's layout, a view element of type Tree has to be created. The property dataSource has to be bound to the tree root node in the view's context.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 96: Tree: Displaying nodes and leafs on multiple hierarchy levels

To display the directly related tree leafs, a UI element of type TreeItemType has to be created as a direct sub element of the Tree. The dataSource property has to be bound to the first sub node in the context (N1). Any attribute of this node may be displayed as the text of the tree leafs (property text).


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Figure 97: Tree: Displaying nodes and leafs - leafs on first hierarchy level

To display the tree nodes, a UI element of type TreeNodeType has to be defined as a direct sub element of the Tree UI element. The property dataSource has to be bound to the second sub node in the view's context (N2). The text to be displayed with the tree node (property text) can be bound to any attribute of the node N2. The tree leafs of these tree nodes are defined alike the tree leafs on the first level hierarchy. This means another UI element of type TreeItemType has to be defined as a direct sub element of the Tree UI element. Now, the property dataSource has to be bound to the node N2_1.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 98: Tree: Displaying nodes and leafs - nodes on first hierarchy level

The TreeNodeType UI element contains additional interesting properties. Binding the property expanded to a context attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN, allows to define programmatically, which tree nodes are closed and which tree nodes are open. If hasChildren is set to ABAP_FALSE, tree nodes are displayed as tree leafs. The icon used to open / close the node will not be displayed. iconSource allows to define an icon displayed left of each tree node. This overwrites the icon name defined by the property defaultNodeIconSource of the Tree UI element. Finally, if ignoreAction is set to ABAP_TRUE, then the action assigned to the property onAction is not triggered (when clicking on the node's text). The hook methods WDDOBEFOREACTION( ) and WDDOAFTERACTION( ) are also not processed by the Web Dynpro framework. However, clicking on a tree node's text will still result in a round trip. Hint: Clicking on the text / icon related to a tree node will set the lead selection in the related node collection. The concept described above can easily be extended to multiple hierarchy levels with one or more node types per hierarchy level. For each context node having no sub nodes, one UI element of type TreeItemType has to be created to display the context elements as leafs in the UI tree. For each context node having sub nodes, a UI element of type TreeNodeType has to be defined in order to allow displaying and hiding the context elements of these nodes.


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Figure 99: Tree: Displaying nodes and leafs - two or more hierarchy levels

Hint: The hierarchy of the nodes as defined in the view context is not mapped to the UI element hierarchy. All TreeItemType UI elements and all TreeNodeType UI elements are defined as direct sub elements of the Tree UI element. The data binding of the property dataSource defines the dependencies between nodes and leafs in the rendered tree.

Events The Tree UI elements allows to bind an action to the property onExpand. In this case, an additional icon appears in the upper right corner of the box displayed with the tree. Clicking on this icon will fire the event Expand. In the corresponding action handler method, the id of the tree, the user has clicked on can be determined from the parameter ID that is provided by the internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS. The application has to care for the expansion of the tree nodes. Hint: To allow expanding and collapsing a tree node dynamically, the property expanded of this TreeNodeType UI element has to be bound to a context attribute of type WDY_BOOLEAN that is defined in the related context node.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


The TreeItemType UI element contains the property onAction (related event: Action). If an action is assigned to this property and the user clicks on a related tree leaf (text or icon), not only a server round trip is provoked, but the hook methods WDDOBERFOREACTION( ), WDDOAFTERACTION( ), and the corresponding action handler method are processed. From the internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS the following information can be extracted: The id of the node, the tree item is related to, can be extracted from the parameter ID. The path to the context element that is related to the tree item is obtained from the parameter PATH. Finally, the reference to the context element that is related to the selected tree item is provided by the parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT. The TreeNodeType UI element contains two properties, actions can be assigned to: OnAction is triggered if the user clicks on the text or on the icon displayed with a tree node. Technically, this property equals the TreeItem property onAction discussed above. The event LoadChildren (property OnLoadChildren) is triggered, if the user opens a node. It is not triggered, if the user closes a node! If an action is assigned to this property, not only a server round trip is provoked, but the hook methods WDDOBERFOREACTION( ), WDDOAFTERACTION( ), and the corresponding action handler method are processed. From the internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS the following information can be extracted: The id of the context node, the tree node is related to, can be extracted from the parameter ID. The path to the context element that is related to the tree node is obtained from the parameter PATH. Finally, the reference to the context element that is related to the tree node is provided by the parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT. Hint: If an action is assigned to the property onLoadChildren, the algorithm for collecting dependent data and storing them in the context may be defined in the corresponding action handler method. This is of special interest for trees with an dynamically defined hierarchy based on recursion context nodes (see next sub section).


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Figure 100: Tree: Using event LoadChildren to read tree content on request (1)


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 101: Tree: Using event LoadChildren to read tree content on request (2)

Tree Structure containing recursively repeated combinations of Nodes and Leafs The tree structure can consists of a recursively repeated combination of nodes and leafs with an unknown number of hierarchy levels (e.g. the file system of a PC operating system). In this case, the view context has to be defined in a way, that an unknown number of hierarchy levels can be created at runtime. This is realized in two steps. In step one, the combination of context nodes to be repeated is defined. This combination consists of an arbitrary number of nodes on different hierarchy levels. In step two, a sub node of type Recursion Node has to be defined on any level of the context structure defined in step 1. This recursion node may repeat any statically defined node and all of its child nodes (defined in step 1). The name of the context node to be repeated (parent node) has to be assigned to the property Repeated Node of the recursion node. At runtime, the statically defined context structure related to the parent node is cloned if the recursion node is accessed the first time programmatically (e.g. method GET_CHILD_NODE( NAME = '' )). The cloned structure contains the recursion node, too. Thus cloning the context structure can be repeated as often as desired.


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Figure 102: Tree: Recursion nodes

The UI element hierarchy is defined as follows: A Tree UI element has to be created in the view's layout. Next, for each context node containing child nodes, a TreeNodeType UI element has to be created as a direct sub element of the Tree. Then, for all context nodes not containing child nodes, a TreeItemType UI element has to be created as a direct sub element of the Tree. Each of these TreeNodeType and TreeItemType UI elements can not only display the content of the statically defined context node bound to it, but also the content of the cloned context nodes having the same name.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 103: Tree: Recursion nodes - creating UI element hierarchy and defining data binding

Figure 104: Tree: Recursion nodes - relation between layout and context structure at runtime


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Cloning the parent context node structure has to be triggered if the user opens a tree node that is bound to a context node being a parent of the recursion node and this recursion node has not been accessed yet. Thus, an action has to be assigned to the property onLoadChildren of this tree node. The algorithm to access to recursion node, to read data related to the selected node and to store these data in the cloned context structure can then be defined in the corresponding action handler method.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements



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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Exercise 7: Displaying hierarchical Content with a Tree UI Element Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implement a Tree UI element

Business Example You would like to enhance the functionality and ergonomics of your application. Now you would like to replace the NavigationList by a Tree UI element. This allows to hide / display the connections for each flight carrier on request. Template Component: NET312_CMPX_S3 Solution Component: NET312_CMPX_S4

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX4_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Task 2: In order to display carriers and connections as nodes and items of a Tree UI element, the context structure and the algorithm to fill the context structure needs to be adjusted. A first level hierarchy node has to store the names of the carriers and the information which of the context nodes are expanded / collapsed. A related second level hierarchy node has to store the texts displayed for the connections and the key field values for the connection. 1.

Create a new node (name: NODES) in the component controller context containing the attributes TEXT (type: STRING) and EXPANDED (type: WDY_BOOLEAN). This node will store the carriers. Make sure that the lead selection index will not be initialized automatically.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements



Create a new non-singleton node (name: ITEMS) as a sub node of node NODES in the component controller context. This new node has to contain the attributes TEXT (type: STRING), CARRID (type: S_CARR_ID, and CONNID (type: S_CONN_ID). Make sure that the lead selection index will not be initialized automatically.


Now the algorithm used to fill the context node needs to be adapted. Copy the component controller method DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ). Name the new method DEFINE_TREE( ). Rewrite the source code of this method: At runtime, for each carrier a tree node has to be displayed. Expanding the tree node related to a carrier should display the related connections as tree items. The texts displayed in the tree should be identical to the texts displayed in the navigation list. All nodes but the nodes related to American Airlines (CARRID = AA) and Lufthansa (CARRID = LH) should be collapsed when the view is displayed the first time.


Replace the call of method DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ) in the component controller hook method WDDOINIT( ) by the call of method DEFINE_TREE( ).


OPTIONAL: Delete the context node NAVI_LIST and the controller method DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ).

Task 3: Replace the navigation list in the view MAIN_VIEW by a tree displaying the content of node NODES. 1.

Copy the node NODES from the component controller context to the context of view MAIN_VIEW and define the mapping between the nodes (mapping origin in component controller context).


Delete the NavigationList UI element in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


Create a Tree UI element being positioned left of the TabStrip UI element. The Tree should cover 30% of the complete browser page width and the minimum height should be 450 pixels. The root node should not be visible but a title should be displayed (Flight Connections). By default, the icon ICON_FLIGHT should be displayed with each flight connection. The Tree has to display the content of node NODES.


In order to display the tree nodes, create a TreeNodeType UI element as a sub element of the Tree UI element. For each context element of node NODES, this UI element should display a tree node. The value of the attribute NODES.TEXT should be displayed as the tree node's text. If the Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

context attribute NODES.EXPANDED of a given context element is set to abap_true, the related tree node should be expanded when displaying the view MAIN_VIEW the first time. 5.


In order to display the tree items, create a TreeItemType UI element as a sub element of the Tree UI element. For each context element of node ITEMS, this UI element should display a tree item. The value of the attribute NODES.ITEMS.TEXT should be displayed as the tree item's text. Clicking on a tree item should result in displaying the related flights by the Table UI element.

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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Solution 7: Displaying hierarchical Content with a Tree UI Element Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX4_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.


Copy the template component. a)

Display the template component in the object tree of transaction SE80. Clicking on the component with the right mouse button will open the component's context menu. Choose Copy.... Enter the name of the component to be created. Press Continue.


Adapt the description of the new component.

Create an application to access your component. a)

An application having the same name as the component can be created from the context menu of the component.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

Task 2: In order to display carriers and connections as nodes and items of a Tree UI element, the context structure and the algorithm to fill the context structure needs to be adjusted. A first level hierarchy node has to store the names of the carriers and the information which of the context nodes are expanded / collapsed. A related second level hierarchy node has to store the texts displayed for the connections and the key field values for the connection. 1.



Create a new node (name: NODES) in the component controller context containing the attributes TEXT (type: STRING) and EXPANDED (type: WDY_BOOLEAN). This node will store the carriers. Make sure that the lead selection index will not be initialized automatically. a)

Edit the component controller context.


Mark the root node. From the context menu of this node, choose Create→Node to define a new untyped context node (name: NODES).


Perform the following changes in respect to the properties of this new node: Set Cardinality to 0:n. Clear the check box related to the property Initialization Lead Selection.


Mark the context node NODES. From the context menu of this node, choose Create→Attribute in order to define the attribute TEXT. Set Type = STRING and finish the dialog.


Repeat the last step to create the attribute EXPANDED (type: WDY_BOOLEAN).

Create a new non-singleton node (name: ITEMS) as a sub node of node NODES in the component controller context. This new node has to contain the attributes TEXT (type: STRING), CARRID (type: S_CARR_ID, and CONNID (type: S_CONN_ID). Make sure that the lead selection index will not be initialized automatically. a)

Edit the component controller context.


Mark the node NODES. Add a new untyped sub node (name: ITEMS).


Mark the node ITEMS. Perform the following changes in respect to the node's properties: Set Cardinality to 0:n. Clear the check box related to the property Initialization Lead Selection. Make sure that the check box related to the property Singleton is not checked.


Add the attributes TEXT (type: STRING), CARRID (type: S_CARR_ID, and CONNID (type: S_CONN_ID).

Now the algorithm used to fill the context node needs to be adapted. Copy the component controller method DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ). Name the new method DEFINE_TREE( ). Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Rewrite the source code of this method: At runtime, for each carrier a tree node has to be displayed. Expanding the tree node related to a carrier should display the related connections as tree items. The texts displayed in the tree should be identical to the texts displayed in the navigation list. All nodes but the nodes related to American Airlines (CARRID = AA) and Lufthansa (CARRID = LH) should be collapsed when the view is displayed the first time. a)

To copy a controller method, navigate on the tab Methods, set the cursor on the method's name and press the icon displaying two leaves and having the quick info Copy. Then press the icon right of this icon having the quick info Paste. In the following dialog enter the name of the new method and finish the dialog.


Double click on the method's name to edit the source code of method DEFINE_TREE( ).


The algorithm consists of the following logical steps: • • • • •

Get all connections by calling the controller component method GET_CONNECTIONS( ). Sort the internal table returned by this method by CARRID and CONNID. Loop over the sorted internal table. For each connection check whether the carrier id has changed. If this is true, create a new context element in node NODES. Assign the carrier id to the attribute TEXT. For CARRID = AA or CARRID = LH set EXPANDED = ABAP_TRUE, for all other carriers set EXPANDED = ABAP_FALSE. Hint: Use method BIND_STRUCTURE( ) defined in interface IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE to create a new context element in the node NODES. This method will return the reference to the new context element.

Get the reference to the node collection ITEMS related to this carrier id. Hint: To access the node collection ITEMS corresponding to a certain carrier id, start with the context element related to this carrier and access to dependent collection by calling the method GET_CHILD_NODE( )

Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

d) 4.

Source code see below.

Replace the call of method DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ) in the component controller hook method WDDOINIT( ) by the call of method DEFINE_TREE( ). a)


For each connection create a context element in node collection ITEMS related to the carrier id. Set the attributes CARRID, CONNID according to the connection data and concatenate connection number, departure city and destination to define the value of attribute TEXT.

Source code see below.

OPTIONAL: Delete the context node NAVI_LIST and the controller method DEFINE_NAV_LIST( ). a)

Node and method are not needed any more.

Task 3: Replace the navigation list in the view MAIN_VIEW by a tree displaying the content of node NODES. 1.


Copy the node NODES from the component controller context to the context of view MAIN_VIEW and define the mapping between the nodes (mapping origin in component controller context). a)

Edit the context of view MAIN_VIEW.


Drag the node NODES from the component controller context and drop it to the root node of the view controller context. This will copy the node structure and define the mapping in one step.

Delete the NavigationList UI element in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. a)


Hope you know how to do this ...

Create a Tree UI element being positioned left of the TabStrip UI element. The Tree should cover 30% of the complete browser page width and the minimum height should be 450 pixels. The root node should not be visible but a title should be displayed (Flight Connections). By default, the icon ICON_FLIGHT should be displayed with each flight connection.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


The Tree has to display the content of node NODES. a)

Edit the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


From the context menu of the ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER, choose Insert Element and create a Tree UI element.


Move the Tree UI element between the PageHeader and the TabStrip (drag & drop).


Adjust the Tree UI element properties as follows: layoutDate = MatrixHeadData, defaultItemIconSource = ICON_FLIGHT, minHeight = 450, rootVisible = ABAP_FALSE, width = 100%, vAlign = Top, and width (MatrixHeadData) = 30%.





Assign the literal Flight Connection to the property title.


Click the button right of property dataSource to bind this property to the context node NODES.

In order to display the tree nodes, create a TreeNodeType UI element as a sub element of the Tree UI element. For each context element of node NODES, this UI element should display a tree node. The value of the attribute NODES.TEXT should be displayed as the tree node's text. If the context attribute NODES.EXPANDED of a given context element is set to abap_true, the related tree node should be expanded when displaying the view MAIN_VIEW the first time. a)

From the context menu of the Tree UI element, choose Insert Node Type. In the following dialog select Type = TreeNodeType.


Click on the button right of property dataSource in order to bind this property to the context node NODES.


Click on the button right of property text in order to bind this property to the context attribute NODES.TEXT.


Click on the button right of property expanded in order to bind this property to the context attribute NODES.EXPANDED.

In order to display the tree items, create a TreeItemType UI element as a sub element of the Tree UI element. For each context element of node ITEMS, this UI element should display a tree item. The value of the attribute NODES.ITEMS.TEXT should be displayed as the tree item's text. Clicking on a tree item should result in displaying the related flights by the Table UI element. a)

From the context menu of the Tree UI element, choose Insert Node Type. In the following dialog select Type = TreeItemType.


Click on the button right of property dataSource in order to bind this property to the context node NODES.ITEMS. Continued on next page

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Lesson: The Tree UI Element


Click on the button right of property text in order to bind this property to the context attribute NODES.ITEMS.TEXT.


Assign the action GET_DETAILS to the property onAction of the TreeItemType UI element. Use the drop down box to select and assign this (already existing) action.


Adopt the source code of this method since the key of the selected tree leaf is now extracted from a context element of node ITEMS.


Source code see below.





METHOD define_tree .

DATA lt_connections



DATA ls_connection



DATA lv_carrid_old



DATA lo_nd_nodes

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.

DATA lo_el_nodes

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.

DATA ls_nodes


DATA lo_nd_items

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.

DATA ls_items




* Get internal table containing all flight connections lt_connections = wd_this->get_connections( ). SORT lt_connections BY carrid connid.

* Get reference to node to store carriers lo_nd_nodes = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_nodes ).

* Build up tree LOOP AT lt_connections INTO ls_connection.

*** If connections for a new carrier are processed *********************** IF ls_connection-carrid lv_carrid_old. lv_carrid_old = ls_connection-carrid.


Define content of new context element ls_nodes-text = ls_connection-carrid. IF ls_connection-carrid = 'AA' OR ls_connection-carrid = 'LH'. ls_nodes-expanded = abap_true. ELSE. ls_nodes-expanded = abap_false.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements




Create new context element, keep reference to context element lo_el_nodes

= lo_nd_nodes->bind_structure( new_item

= ls_nodes

set_initial_elements = abap_false ). *

Create dependent element collection to store connections lo_nd_items = lo_el_nodes->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_items ). ENDIF.


*** For all elements: Define content of new context element ************** CONCATENATE ls_connection-connid ls_connection-cityfrom '>' ls_connection-cityto INTO ls_items-text SEPARATED BY space.



= ls_connection-carrid.


= ls_connection-connid.

Create new context element lo_nd_items->bind_structure( new_item

= ls_items

set_initial_elements = abap_false ). **************************************************************************






METHOD wddoinit .

wd_this->define_tree( ).


View Controller:


METHOD onactionget_details . DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller. DATA ls_items



Continued on next page


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Lesson: The Tree UI Element

* Get key information for selected tree element context_element->get_static_attributes( IMPORTING static_attributes = ls_items ). * Get related flights lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_flights( iv_carrid = ls_items-carrid iv_connid = ls_items-connid ). * Set background colors lo_componentcontroller->define_colors( ). ENDMETHOD.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Create static trees • Create dynamic trees having an undefined number of hierarchy levels


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements Lesson Overview In this lessons, interesting complex UI elements other then TableView and Tree are discussed in detail. Theses are the DateNavigator, the PhaseIndicator, and the RoadMap.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Implement the DateNavigator UI element Implement the PhaseIndicator UI element Implement the RoadMap UI element

Business Example You have to enrich your Web Dynpro application by adding the elements DateNavigator, PhaseIndicator, and RoadMap to the UI element hierarchy of a view being part of your application. However, there are so many properties and aggregations ...

The DateNavigator UI Element The DateNavigator UI element enables users to display and select dates. Its features include the ability to navigate in a calendar and choose a day, month, year, or range of dates. The DateNavigator allows to choose, how many months are displayed in parallel. Any day can be chosen to be the first day of the week. The user can click on a day, on a week, or on a month in order to select dates or date ranges. He can also navigate to months that are actually not displayed. Single days or day ranges can be colorized. Finally, a legend can be added containing explanations for the days and day ranges that have been colorized.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 105: DateNavigator

Defining the Context Creating a context structure is not obligatory to define a DateNavigator UI element. However, if certain dates or date ranges are to be colorized, or if an additional legend is to be displayed, corresponding context structures need to be defined. To store information about the colorized days, a context node has to be created containing three context attributes. At runtime, each context element defined in this node will describe one colorized day. The first attribute being of type WDUI_DATE_MARKING_CATEGORY allows to assign each day to one of four possible categories. The second attribute (type WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN) can be used to change the category color. The third attribute contains the date and should thus be of type D. To store the legend information, an additional context node needs to be defined. At runtime, each context element defined in this node will describe one legend entry. The context node should contain two attributes. The first one being of type WDUI_DATE_MARKING_CATEGORY is used to assign the legend text to one of four possible categories. The legend text is stored in a second attribute of type STRING. Context elements related to the DateNavigator functionality will be discussed in the next section.


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

UI Element Definition and Data Binding The DateNavigator UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container UI element. The following UI element properties are of interest: To avoid that a round trip to the server is triggered if the user clicks on a day, a week, or a month, the property enabled can be set to ABAP_FALSE. In this case, the navigation to months that are actually not displayed by the DateNavigator is also suppressed. firstDayOfWeek defines which day will be displayed as the first day of any week. This property may be bound to a context attribute of type WDUI_DAY_OF_WEEK. firstSelectedDate and lastSelectedDate can be used to define the beginning and the end of a date range. This date range is colorized, if the property selectionMode is set to range. However, if the value of this property is single, only the date given by firstSelectedDate is colorized. If range is set to none, the date given by firstSelectedDate is also not colorized. The property startsWith allows to define the first month displayed by the DateNavigator. This property may be bound to a context attribute of type D, so the first month can be defined programmatically. Caution: If the value of the property startsWith is initial, the application will dump. The properties monthsPerColumn and monthsPerRow allow to define a grid. In each grid cell one month is displayed. Thus, the total number of months displayed by the DateNavigator is given by the product of these two integers.

Figure 106: DateNavigator: Binding UI element properties


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Events The following events are supported by the DateNavigator UI element: The event DaySelect (property onDaySelect) is triggered if the user clicks on an arbitrary day. If an action is assigned to this event, the related action handler method is processed by the Web Dynpro framework and event specific information can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT. The internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the DateNavigator the user has clicked on (parameter: ID) and the selected date (parameter: DAY). The event WeekSelect (property onWeekSelect) is triggered if the user clicks on an arbitrary week number. If an action is assigned to this event, the related action handler method is processed by the Web Dynpro framework and event specific information can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT. The internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the DateNavigator the user has clicked on (parameter: ID), the week number (parameter: WEEK), and the year (parameter: YEAR). The event MonthSelect (property onMonthSelect) is triggered if the user clicks on an arbitrary month name. If an action is assigned to this event, the related action handler method is processed by the Web Dynpro framework and event specific information can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT. The internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the DateNavigator the user has clicked on (parameter: ID), the month index (parameter: MONTH), and the year (parameter: YEAR). Hint: The first month of the year (January) has the index 0. The event StartDateChanged (property onStartDateChanged) is triggered if the user navigates to months actually not displayed by clicking on the corresponding icons displayed with the DateNavigator. If an action is assigned to this event, the related action handler method is processed by the Web Dynpro framework and event specific information can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT. The internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS contains the id of the DateNavigator the user has clicked on (parameter: ID) and the date of the first day that will be displayed when the DateNavigator is rendered the next time (parameter: START_DATE). Hint: By default, the navigation is performed in a way that there is no overlap and no gap between the months displayed before and after navigating. However, the DateNavigator contains the property startsWith. If this property is bound to a context attribute, the navigation shift can be defined arbitrarily.


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

Aggregations If arbitrary days or date ranges are to be colorized, the DateNavigatorMark UI element has to be used. This UI element has to be defined as a sub element of the DateNavigator. The DateNavigatorMark has the following properties: dataSource has to be bound to a context node that contains the information about which days are to be colorized. At runtime, this node has to contain a context element for each day to be colorized. The property date has to contain the date of a day to be colorized. Thus, this property has to be bound to the appropriate context attribute defined in the data source node. The property category allows to assign a category to the marked days. Binding this property to an attribute of type WDUI_DATE_MARKING_CATEGORY allows to assign the category dynamically. If this attribute is defined in the data source node, the category assignment can be defined day-specific. Four categories do exist. Days belonging to the same category may be displayed in the same color (color depends on the category) and a common legend may be displayed for them. The category color is only used if the property daySemantics is set to standard. Evaluating this property differently allows to redefine the color. Binding this property to an attribute of type WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN allows to set the color dynamically. If this attribute is defined in the data source node, the semantic color can be defined day-specific. Hint: The color palette used to define the background color of a table cell is identical to the color palette used to define the background of single days in a DateNavigator.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 107: DateNavigator: Colorizing days

To define a legend which is displayed in the box displayed with the calender sheets, the UI element DateNavigatorLegend has to be used. This UI element has to be defined as a sub element of the DateNavigator. The property dataSource has to be bound to a context node that contains the legend information. At runtime, this node has to contain a context element for each legend text to be displayed. The property category has to be bound to an attribute of type WDUI_DATE_MARKING_CATEGORY. At runtime, this attribute has to contain the category name. The corresponding color will be displayed in front of the legend texts. If this attribute is defined in the data source node, the category assignment can be defined differently for each legend text. Finally, the value of the property text is displayed as the legend's text. However, if this property is not bound to an attribute defined in the data source context node, the same text will appear as often as context elements are defined in the data source node. Thus, this property should be bound to attribute of type STRING defined in the data source node.


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

Figure 108: DateNavigator: Defining legend

The PhaseIndicator UI Element The PhaseIndicator UI element allows to visualize the single steps of a process. Each step is represented by a separate phase object. The application can define which of the phases is the first phase to be displayed and which phase is the actually selected phase (emphasized). Each phase can be disabled, so clicking on the phase does not trigger a round trip to the server. For each phase a text can be displayed. Optionally an icon can be displayed indicating the status of the phase. Each phase can be hidden.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 109: PhaseIndicator

Defining the Context The definition of context nodes and context elements is not mandatory to implement a PhaseIndicator UI element.

UI Element Definition and Data Binding To implement the phase indicator in the view's layout, the following steps are necessary: First, a PhaseIndicator UI element has to be added to the UI element hierarchy. Next, for each step a UI element of type Phase or MultiPhase has to be defined as a sub element of the PhaseIndicator UI element. Choose the corresponding entry in the context menu of the PhaseIndicator. The following properties of the PhaseIndicator UI element are of interest: The property backgroundDesign can be used to emphasize the background of the PhaseIndicator. If this property is set to transparent, the color of the parent container element will be displayed. If the property enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE, all phases are disabled. The texts displayed by the phases are grayed out. In addition, clicking on a phase will not trigger a round trip to the server any more. If the id of a Phase or of a MultiPhase is assigned to the property firstVisiblePhase, then this phase will be the first visible phase. Phases that are defined before the first visible phase in the UI element hierarchy can be accessed by clicking on the


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

corresponding navigation buttons that are displayed right of the visualized phases. If the id of a Phase or of a MultiPhase is assigned to the property selectedPhase, then this phase will be displayed emphasized.

Figure 110: PhaseIndicator: Defining UI and data binding

Events Only one event (Select - property onSelect) is supported by the PhaseIndicator UI element. This event is fired if the user clicks on any phase that has not been disabled. If an action is assigned to this event, the action handler method is also processed. From the interface parameter WDEVENT, the PARAMETERS table can be extracted. This contains the id of the PhaseIndicator (ID) and the id of the Phase / MultiPhase the user has clicked on (parameter: Phase).

Aggregations Each process step is visualized by means of a Phase UI element or by means of a MultiPhase UI element. The Phase UI element is used in the static case. The text displayed by the Phase UI element is defined by the value of the property description. If the property enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE the text displayed by the phases are grayed out and clicking on this phase will not trigger a round trip to the server any more. The property status allows to assign an icon to the phase (value different from normal). A phase can be hidden by setting the property visible of the related Phase UI element to ABAP_FALSE.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


The MultiPhase UI element allows to choose between different phase descriptions. However, only one phase will be displayed at runtime. The phase descriptions have to be stored in a context node. This context node has to be bound to the property dataSource of the MultiPhase UI element. For each property of the MultiPhase that should depend on the selected phase, an additional context attribute has to be defined in the data source node. These context attributes have to be bound to the corresponding UI element properties. At runtime, each phase is represented by a context element stored in the data source node. The context element at lead selection will be displayed by the MultiPhase UI element.

Figure 111: PhaseIndicator: Defining phases (here: MultiPhase UI element)

Caution: The application will dump if non of the context elements stored in the data source node is the element at lead selection (lead selection index ≤ 0).

The RoadMap UI Element The RoadMap UI element is used to display step by step workflows. This enables an application developer to visualize small steps of a clearly defined work process. Each step displayed by the UI element can be defined by a separate step object. However, a set of connected steps can also be represented by one multiple step object being bound to a data source node. Steps can have sub steps. Various symbols can be used to mark the start point and the end point of this UI element. Depending on the setting of the related UI element property, the user can fire


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

an event by clicking on these symbols. This can be implemented in a way that additional steps are displayed before the first visible step or after the last visible step, respectively.

Figure 112: RoadMap

Defining the Context For a statically defined RoadMap UI element, no special context elements have to be created. However, a connected series of steps may also be visualizes by a single MultipleRoadMapStep UI element that has to be bound to a context node containing the step information. In this case, the context node should contain a number of attributes to store the step's id (type STRING), the name displayed on the step (type STRING), the description displayed below the step (type STRING), and the kind of the step (type WDUI_ROAD_MAP_STEP_TYPE). Depending on the requirements it may also be necessary to add an attribute describing the step's visibility (type WDY_BOOLEAN) and an attribute allowing to disable a step (type WDY_BOOLEAN).

UI Element Definition and Data Binding The RoadMap UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container element. The following properties are of interest: All steps may be disabled by setting the property enabled to ABAP_FALSE. The step, its name and description will be displayed grayed out and clicking on the step will not result in a server round trip.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


The end point design and the start point design of the RoadMap UI element can be defined by setting the properties startPointDesign and endPointDesign accordingly. Depending on the selected value of these properties the user may trigger a server round trip when clicking on the related symbols. These properties may be bound to context attributes of type WDUI_ROAD_MAP_EDGE_DESGIN. The property selectedStep has to be evaluated with the id of the RoadMapStep to be displayed emphasized. Binding selectedStep to a context attribute of type STRING allows to set the selected step programmatically. If a MultipleRoadMapStep is used to define multiple steps dynamically, the id of the MultipleRoadMapStep has to be assigned to selectedStep. In this case, the step bound to the context element at lead selection will be displayed emphasized.

Figure 113: RoadMap: Defining the UI and data binding

Events The RoadMap UI element supports two events: LoadSteps (property OnLoadSteps) and Select (property OnSelect). LoadSteps is fired if the user clicks on the start point or on the end point which is only possible if the value of the related property (startPointDesign / endPointDesign) is set to more. If an action is assigned to the property onLoadSteps, the following parameters can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT: The parameter ID contains the id of the RoadMap UI


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

element the user has clicked on. The parameter AT_END contains the information if the end point was clicked (VALUE = X) or if the start point was clicked (VALUE = ' '). Select is fired if the user clicks on a step that is enabled. If an action is assigned to the property onSelect, the following parameters can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT: The parameter ID contains the id of the RoadMap UI element the selected step belongs to. The parameter STEP contains the id of the step the user has clicked on.

Aggregations A single steps of a RoadMap UI element can be defined statically by adding a RoadMapStep UI element to the UI element hierarchy (as a sub element of the RoadMap UI element). The property description allows to define a text which is displayed below the step. The property enabled allows to disable this step (value = ABAP_FALSE). The value of the property name is displayed on the step. The property visible allows to toggle the visibility of the step. Finally, the value of the property type allows to define how the step is displayed. The possible values are standard, substep, roundTripStart (to be used for a parent step if sub steps are displayed), roundTripEnd (to be used for the step following sub steps - this step can not be selected), and roundTripClosed (to be used for a parent step if sub steps are hidden). The RoadMapStep UI element does not support events.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Figure 114: RoadMap: Defining steps based on the RoadMapStep UI element

A single MultipleRoadMapStep UI element may be used to display multiple connected road map steps. This allows to define parts of the road map or the complete road map programmatically. The information of the step has to be stored in a context node that is bound to the property dataSource of the MultipleRoadMapStep UI element. At runtime, this context node has to contain a context element for each road map step. For all properties that are step-dependent, an attribute has to be defined in the data source node and the data binding between property and context attribute has to be established. The following properties discussed in the last paragraph - have values that are typically step-dependent: description, name, enabled, visible, and type. The MultipleRoadMapStep UI element does not support events.


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

Figure 115: RoadMap: Defining steps based on the Multiple RoadMapStep UI element

Hint: The steps of a RoadMap UI element may be defined by a combination of RoadMapStep and MultipleRoadMapStep UI elements. Hint: If the user clicks on any element that is related to a MultipleRoadMapStep UI element, then the parameter STEP (available from the internal table WDEVENT→PARAMETERS in the corresponding action handler method) contains the id of the MultipleRoadMapStep UI element. To find out which of the steps was selected by the user, the parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT has to be examined. This element contains the reference to the related context element stored in the data source node collection.


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements



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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

Exercise 8: Implementing a DateNavigator UI element Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implement a DateNavigator UI element

Business Example You would like to enhance the functionality and ergonomics of your application. The table on the first tab displays the flights for a selected connection. However, you would like to offer a second diagram that allows to comprehend the distribution of the flights along the timeline more easily. Thus you would like to display the flight dates by a DateNavigator UI element on the second tab. The background colors used to highlight the flight dates should indicate the relative occupation in the economy class for each flight. Template Component: NET312_CMPX_S4 Solution Component: NET312_CMPX_S5

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX5_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Task 2: Implement the DateNavigator UI element. First, you have to create a context node in the component controller containing one attribute of type D. This attribute has to store the information which month is the first month to be displayed by the date navigator. This should correlate with the first flight date for the selected connection. Next, you need to create a controller method to set the value of the this attribute. Hint: Keep in mind that the application will dump if the DateNavigator UI element is rendered having the property startsWith set to its initial value '00000000'. Then, you have to copy this new component controller node to the view MAIN_VIEW and map the two nodes (origin: component controller context). Finally, you have to define the DateNavigator UI element on the second tab of the tab strip in order to display the flight dates. The background color used to colorize the flight dates should be identical to the colors used in the table column displaying the occupied seats in the economy class. The DateNavigator should display 12 months in 3 rows. 1.

In the component controller context, create a new node (name: DATE_NAV_SETTINGS having the cardinality (1:1). Add an attribute (name: START_DATE) of type D to this node.


Define a new component controller method having the name DEFINE_START_DATE( ). This method has to set the attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE. The method should have an optional interface parameter (name: IV_START_DATE) of type D. If a value is supplied to this parameter, this value has to be stored in the context attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE. If no value is supplied to this parameter, the start date should equal the flight date of the earliest flight related to the selected connection.


To initialize the attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE, call the method DEFINE_START_DATE( ) from the hook method WDDOINIT( ) of the component controller. Pass the actual date to the method. Hint: The DateNavigator UI element can only be rendered, if the start date has a reasonable value (not initial).

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements


Every time the user selects a new connection, dependent flights are read and the method DEFINE_COLORS( ) is processed. Make sure, that the method DEFINE_START_DATE( ) is processed, too.


Copy the node DATE_NAV_SETTINGS from the component controller context to the context of view MAIN_VIEW. Map the copied node to the component controller node DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.


Now create the DateNavigator UI element on the second tab of the TabStrip UI element. Bind the property startsWith to the attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE. 12 months should be displayed in 3 rows. Clicking on a day should not colorize this day.


The last step to finalize the date navigator is to define a DateNavigatorMarking UI element as a sub element of the DateNavigator UI element. Bind the relevant properties to the node FLIGHTS and its attributes, respectively

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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Solution 8: Implementing a DateNavigator UI element Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_CMPX5_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.


Copy the template component. a)

Display the template component in the object tree of transaction SE80. Clicking on the component with the right mouse button will open the component's context menu. Choose Copy.... Enter the name of the component to be created. Press Continue.


Adapt the description of the new component.

Create an application to access your component. a)

An application having the same name as the component can be created from the context menu of the component.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

Task 2: Implement the DateNavigator UI element. First, you have to create a context node in the component controller containing one attribute of type D. This attribute has to store the information which month is the first month to be displayed by the date navigator. This should correlate with the first flight date for the selected connection. Next, you need to create a controller method to set the value of the this attribute. Hint: Keep in mind that the application will dump if the DateNavigator UI element is rendered having the property startsWith set to its initial value '00000000'. Then, you have to copy this new component controller node to the view MAIN_VIEW and map the two nodes (origin: component controller context). Finally, you have to define the DateNavigator UI element on the second tab of the tab strip in order to display the flight dates. The background color used to colorize the flight dates should be identical to the colors used in the table column displaying the occupied seats in the economy class. The DateNavigator should display 12 months in 3 rows. 1.


In the component controller context, create a new node (name: DATE_NAV_SETTINGS having the cardinality (1:1). Add an attribute (name: START_DATE) of type D to this node. a)

Edit the context of the component controller.


From the context menu of the root node, choose Create→Node to create the new node DATE_NAV_SETTINGS. Finish the dialog.


From the context menu of node DATE_NAV_SETTINGS, choose Create→Attribute to create the attribute START_DATE. Set Type = D and finish the dialog.

Define a new component controller method having the name DEFINE_START_DATE( ). This method has to set the attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE. The method should have an optional interface parameter (name: IV_START_DATE) of type D. If a value is supplied to this parameter, this value has to be stored in the context attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


If no value is supplied to this parameter, the start date should equal the flight date of the earliest flight related to the selected connection. a)

Edit the component controller.


Navigate to the tab Methods. Enter the name of the new method in column Method. Double-click on the method's name to edit the method's source code.


Define the interface parameter. Put the parameter's name in the field Parameter. Choose Type = Importing, Associated Type = D, and check the check box Opt.


Implement the source code: If IV_START_DATE is initial, copy the content of node FLIGHTS to an internal table. Sort the internal table by the column FLDATE. Read the first entry of the internal table to find out the date of the first flight. Then save this date in attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE. If IV_START_DATE is not initial, save the value of IV_START_DATE as the attribute value.

e) 3.

Source code see below.

To initialize the attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE, call the method DEFINE_START_DATE( ) from the hook method WDDOINIT( ) of the component controller. Pass the actual date to the method. Hint: The DateNavigator UI element can only be rendered, if the start date has a reasonable value (not initial). a)


Source code see below.

Every time the user selects a new connection, dependent flights are read and the method DEFINE_COLORS( ) is processed. Make sure, that the method DEFINE_START_DATE( ) is processed, too. a)

The source code related to the selection of a new connection is stored in the action handler method ONACTIONGET_DETAILS( ). Insert the call of method DEFINE_START_DATE( ) at the end of the source code section.


Source code see below.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements




Copy the node DATE_NAV_SETTINGS from the component controller context to the context of view MAIN_VIEW. Map the copied node to the component controller node DATE_NAV_SETTINGS. a)

Edit the context of view MAIN_VIEW.


Drag the node DATE_NAV_SETTINGS from the component controller context and drop it on the root node of the context of view MAIN_VIEW.

Now create the DateNavigator UI element on the second tab of the TabStrip UI element. Bind the property startsWith to the attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE. 12 months should be displayed in 3 rows. Clicking on a day should not colorize this day. a)

Edit the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


Navigate in the UI element hierarchy to the second Tab UI element having the caption Calendar View.


From the context menu of this Tab UI element, choose Add Element to Tab in order to create a DateNavigator UI element.


Click on the button right of the property startsWith to bind this property to the attribute DATE_NAV_SETTINGS.START_DATE.


Set the properties monthsPerColumn = 3, monthsPerRow = 4, and selectionMode = none.

The last step to finalize the date navigator is to define a DateNavigatorMarking UI element as a sub element of the DateNavigator UI element. Bind the relevant properties to the node FLIGHTS and its attributes, respectively a)

From the context menu of the DateNavigator UI element, choose Insert Selection in order to create a DateNavigatorMarking UI element.


Click on the button right of the property dataSource to bind this property to the node FLIGHTS.


Click on the button right of the property date to bind this property to the attribute FLIGHTS.FLDATE.


Click on the button right of the property day_semantics to bind this property to the attribute FLIGHTS.COLOR.





METHOD define_start_date .

DATA lo_nd_flights

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


DATA lo_el_flights

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.

DATA ls_flights



DATA lt_flights



DATA lo_nd_date_nav_settings TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. DATA lo_el_date_nav_settings TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element. DATA ls_date_nav_settings



lo_nd_date_nav_settings = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_date_nav_settings ). lo_el_date_nav_settings = lo_nd_date_nav_settings->get_element(


IF iv_start_date IS INITIAL.

lo_nd_flights = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_flights ). lo_nd_flights->get_static_attributes_table( IMPORTING table = lt_flights ).

SORT lt_flights BY fldate. READ TABLE lt_flights INTO ls_flights INDEX 1.

lo_el_date_nav_settings->set_attribute( EXPORTING name =


value = ls_flights-fldate ).


lo_el_date_nav_settings->set_attribute( EXPORTING name =


value = iv_start_date ).






METHOD wddoinit .

wd_this->define_tree( ). wd_this->define_start_date( sy-datum ).


Continued on next page


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Lesson: Additional complex UI Elements

View Controller:


METHOD onactionget_details .

DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller. DATA ls_navi_list



* Get key information for selected navigation list entry context_element->get_static_attributes( IMPORTING static_attributes = ls_navi_list ). * Get related flights lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_flights( iv_carrid = ls_navi_list-carrid iv_connid = ls_navi_list-connid ).

* Set background colors and start day of date navigator lo_componentcontroller->define_colors( ). lo_componentcontroller->define_start_date( ).



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Unit 3: Complex UI Elements


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Implement the DateNavigator UI element • Implement the PhaseIndicator UI element • Implement the RoadMap UI element


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Implement grouping of table column and table rows • Implement sorting and filtering a table • Define table popins • Define the color for complete table columns or single table cells • Use cell specific table cell editors • Display subtotals and totals of numeric table columns • Create tree tables • Implement editable tables • Create static trees • Create dynamic trees having an undefined number of hierarchy levels • Implement the DateNavigator UI element • Implement the PhaseIndicator UI element • Implement the RoadMap UI element

Related Information •

The online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 contains an excellent section about developing applications based on Web Dynpro ABAP. The Web Dynpro ABAP documentation contains a section named Reference. Here you can find a complete documentation of all UI elements and the corresponding element classes. UI elements discussed in this unit can be found in the sub section named Complex Category. In each SAP system based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0, standard Web Dynpro ABAP demo applications are available. Demos dealing with UI elements in general are WDR_TEST_EVENTS, WDR_TEST_UI_ELEMENTS. Special demos only dealing with the TableView UI element are WDR_TEST_TABLE and WDT_TABLE. Special demos dealing with Tree UI element are WDR_TEST_TREE and the demos beginning with WDT_TREE.


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Unit Summary



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Unit 4 Defining Graphics Unit Overview in this unit, UI elements to create presentation graphics are explained. Since the BusinessGraphics UI element is the most important one in this category, it will be covered in an extra lesson. Other UI elements capable to define graphics are summarized in the second lesson of this unit.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • •

Define the context nodes and context attributes to store the data displayed by the BusinessGraphics UI element. Define simple graphics displaying a fixed number of series Define dynamic graphics displaying an non-fixed number of series Implement portfolio graphics and graphics displaying trends Implement the GeoMap UI element Implement the ProgressIndicator UI element Implement the ValueComparison UI element

Unit Contents Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element.................................216 Exercise 9: Defining Presentation Graphics ............................231 Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics ........238 Exercise 10: Implementing the ValueComparison UI Element .......249


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element Lesson Overview The BusinessGraphics UI element can be used to display graphical illustrations of data and data relationships. These graphics are rendered by the Internet Graphics Service (IGS), which is an integral part of the SAP NetWeaver 7.0. Not only a large variety of chart types is available but, in addition, these charts can be adapted using the Chart Designer. This lesson describes in detail how to define the view's layout using the BusinessGraphics UI element and the dependent element types Category, SimpleSeries, Series, Points and NumericValues.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • •

Define the context nodes and context attributes to store the data displayed by the BusinessGraphics UI element. Define simple graphics displaying a fixed number of series Define dynamic graphics displaying an non-fixed number of series Implement portfolio graphics and graphics displaying trends

Business Example The graphical representation of numerical data should be implemented by your application.

Internet Graphics Service (IGS) The Internet Graphics Service (IGS) constitutes the infrastructure to enable the application developers to display graphics in an Internet browser with a minimum of effort. The IGS has been integrated in the different SAP UI technologies from HTML GUI to Web Dynpro ABAP/Java and provides a server architecture where data from an SAP system or another source can be used to generate graphical or non-graphical output. Until SAP Web Application Server 6.20, the IGS has been available only as standalone engine. As of SAP Web Application Server 6.40, the IGS is additionally available as integral part of the SAP Web AS and will be installed with every SAP Web AS installation. Thus, with SAP Web AS 6.40, you had the choice to use either the standalone or the integrated IGS. And as of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 only the integrated IGS version should be used. The integrated IGS exists on every SAP NetWeaver Application Server and is started and stopped with the SAP NetWeaver Application Server. However, IGS is not part of the kernel which means it has to be patched separately.


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

From the Web Dynpro ABAP framework, the IGS is connected via an RFC destination. For the integrated IGS version, the necessary RFC destination IGS_RFC_DEST is created automatically. The graphics is rendered by the so called Chart Engine. The Chart Engine is a C++ library. Depending on the GUI technology, different chart types may be displayed. For Web Dynpro ABAP, the following chart types are available: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Column chart (columns and stacked columns) Bar chart (bars and stacked bars) Line chart (lines, stacked lines, profiles and stacked profiles) Area chart (area, stacked area, profile area, stacked profile area, and pipeline) Pie chart (pie and split pie) Doughnut chart Radar chart (radar and stacked radar) Polar chart Speedometer chart Scatter chart (scatter and time scatter) Portfolio chart Gantt chart MTA Chart

The graphics rendered by the Chart Engine can be adapted using the Chart Designer. The Chart Designer is a tool that enables you to influence the properties of the graphical elements such as chart type, size, layout, color, and shading. To edit BusinessGraphics UI elements the Chart Designer can be called directly from the view designer. One or multiple series of data points may be displayed by a BusinessGraphics UI element. Each of the series can have an arbitrary number of data points. Depending on the graphics type, each data point may be described by one numerical value (e.g. describing the y-value in a coordinate system), or by multiple numerical values (e.g. x-value and y-value of a point in a scatter diagram, or x-value, y-value, and size of a point displayed by a portfolio diagram). In addition the point description may contain a time value (e.g. in combination with a numerical y-value - this is used in a time scatter diagram). Finally, a little chart diagram may also be displayed with each data point and trend lines connecting the points may be included.


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 116: BusinessGraphics

Defining the Context To allow storing an arbitrary number of data series, each data series consisting of an arbitrary number of data points and each data point being described by an arbitrary combination of numerical values (e.g. x, y, size) or time values, the context can be defined as follows: Series node: On the first hierarchy level, a context node has to be defined to store the series information. At runtime, a context element for each data series has to be created. Point node: On the second hierarchy level, a context node (non-singleton) has to be defined as a sub node of the series node. This node will store the point informations for all data series. At runtime, a separate node collection will exist for each data series. For each collection the application has to create as many context elements as there are data points defined in the related data series. Value node: On the third hierarchy level, a context node (non-singleton) has to be defined as a sub node of the point node. This node will store the detail information for all data points of one series. At runtime, a separate node collection will exist for each data point. For each collection the application has to create as many context elements as informations are related to this data point. Each information can be a numerical value (e.g. x-value, y-value, size ...), or a time value (date or timestamp).


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

For category-based graphic types, the descriptions of the categories has to be stored in the context, too. For this reason a separate context node should be created on the first hierarchy level. At runtime, for each category a context element has to be created containing the description of this category. Categories and data points are correlated according to their index. This means that for each data series, the data point no. n is displayed at a position corresponding to category no. n.

Figure 117: BusinessGraphics: Defining the context (1)


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 118: BusinessGraphics: Defining the context (2)

This most generic definition of the context can be simplified for most of the graphic types: •


Simplification 1: If all points of all series are described identically (e.g. by a y-value), then related attributes can be added to the point node (e.g. an attribute Y_VALUE). The value node can then be dropped. Simplification 2: If the number of series is known at design time, if this number is fix and if the graphic type used to display the data is category-based, then a common point node can be defined to store the point information for all points of all series. For each point value of each series, an attribute has to be defined in this node. The series node can then be dropped. Simplification 3: In the later case, the category information can also be stored with the point information (another attribute in the point node) and no extra category node needs to be defined.

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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

Figure 119: BusinessGraphics: Defining the context - simplification 1

Figure 120: BusinessGraphics: Defining the context - simplification 2


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 121: BusinessGraphics: Defining the context - simplification 3

Defining the UI and Data Binding The BusinessGraphics UI element can be added to any container element in the UI element hierarchy. In the general case, a Series UI element is defined as a direct sub element of the BusinessGraphics UI element. This allows to display an arbitrary number of data series for a category based or for a non-category based graphics. The path to the context node containing the series information has to be assigned to the property seriesSource of the BusinessGraphics UI element. Next, a single Point UI element has to be created as a direct sub element of the Series UI element. This element is used to access the point information stored in the context. The path to the context node containing the point information has to be assigned to the property pointSource of the Series UI element. Finally, at least one sub element of type NumericValue or TimeValue has to be added to the Point UI element. Each of these sub elements allows to access one specific information describing a point (e.g. x-value, y-value, size, date...). Depending on the graphics type, multiple value sub elements have to be created (e.g. one TimeValue and one NumericValue sub element for a time scatter graphics). The path to the context node containing the value information has to be assigned to the property valueSource of the Point UI element.


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

For category based graphics, an additional Category UI element should be added to the UI element hierarchy as a direct sub element of the BusinessGraphics UI element. This allows to display arbitrary category descriptions stored in a related context node. In this case, the path to this context node is assigned to the property categorySource of the BusinessGraphics UI element.

Figure 122: BusinessGraphics: Defining the UI and data binding - general case (1)


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 123: BusinessGraphics: Defining the UI and data binding - general case (2)

If the context structure is simplified in respect to the general case, then the UI element hierarchy has to be adjusted accordingly. The following discussion refers to the situations described in the sub section dealing with the context definition. Simplification 1: The context node containing the value information is identical to the point node. Thus the property valueSource of the Point UI element and the property pointSource of the Series UI element have to be evaluated identically. Simplification 2: Depending on the complexity of the point description, two implementations are possible: Case 1: The point node contains the information about one data series. However, each data point is described by multiple values (e.g. displaying ranges by floating columns - here the minimal and the maximal value of the range is stored for each data point). In this case, the UI element hierarchy as described for the general case is not changed. However, the property seriesSource of the BusinessGraphics UI element, the property pointSource of the Series UI element, and the property valueSource of the Point UI element have the same value. All of these properties have to be evaluated with the path to the context node containing the point information. Case 2: The point node contains the information about one or multiple data series. Each data point is described by one value.


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

Here, for each data series to be displayed by the Business Graphics UI element, an element of type SimpleSeries has to be defined as a direct sub element of the Business Graphics UI element. The property seriesSource of the BusinessGraphics UI element has to be evaluated with path to the context node containing the point information. The path to the context attribute containing the y-value has to be assigned to the property value of the SimpleSeries UI element. Simplification 3: In addition to the setup discussed for simplification 2, the properties categorySource and seriesSource of the BusinessGraphics UI element have to be evaluated identically.

Figure 124: BusinessGraphics: Defining the UI and data binding - displaying data ranges (1)


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 125: BusinessGraphics: Defining the UI and data binding - displaying data ranges (2)

Figure 126: BusinessGraphics: Defining the UI and data binding - displaying simple category-based graphics


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

Properties of the BusinessGraphics UI Element Besides the properties used to bind the series node and the category node, the BusinessGraphics UI element has the following interesting properties: The graphics type can be adjusted by setting the property chartType accordingly. If the graphics type is category-based but a Category UI element is not defined, then the term 'Category ' is displayed on the category axis. Here is the index of a data point displayed for the category. Hint: Make sure that the graphics type, the context structure definition, and the UI element hierarchy match. The property dimension allows to add 3-D effects to the graphics. Hint: Depending on the graphics type, the property values pseudo_three and three are rendered identically (e.g. all stacked graphic types). The graphics may be defined in a way that the user may trigger an event by clicking on data point or by clicking on the legend. If the property enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE, this feature is disabled. The height and the width of the graphics can be adjusted by setting the parameters height and width accordingly (in pixels). By default, the IGS is connected as defined by the RFC destination IGS_RFC_DEST. However, the property igsUrl allows to assign a different IGS by providing the web address (URL) of the server on which the IGS is to run. The graphic rendered by the IGS can be adapted using the Chart Designer. This tool is started from the context menu of the BusinessGraphics UI element (Edit Customizing). Hint: This menu item is only available if the view is edited. After having finished the adoption process (closing the Chart Designer by clicking on Enter), an XML file is created containing all delta information. This XML file is stored in the MIME-Repository (path: /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/, where is the name of Web Dynpro component the view belongs to).


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


The generated name of this XML file is automatically assigned to the property customizing of the BusinessGraphics UI element. If multiple customizing files do exist, the value help of this property can be used to select one of them. Hint: The customizing information can also be changed programmatically. In order to do this, the reference to the BusinessGraphics UI element has to be determined in the hook method WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ) of the related view. The method handler for the BusinessGraphics UI element is provided by the public attribute _METHOD_HANDLER of the element reference. Finally, the reference to the method handler has to be casted to a reference variable of type IF_WD_BUSIN_GRAPHICS_MTD_HNDL to access the functionality specific for business graphics. This interface provides the functionality to set, change and clear customizing data for the graphics.

Properties of the Category UI Element The property description allows to define the text to be displayed as the category description. If a value is assigned to the property eventID, then clicking on the category text will trigger the event Action that is related to the BusinessGraphics UI element. If an action is assigned to the related property onAction, then the value of the property eventID can be accessed in the action handler method.

Properties of the Series UI Element Multiple data series may be stored in the context node that is bound to the Series UI element. The properties dataBeginIndex and dataLength allow to define which data series is the first one to be displayed (the first data series has the index 0!) and how many of the data series are to be displayed. The property showSelectedOnly allows to restrict this number of data series using a different approach. If this property is set to ABAP_TRUE, then only data series having the related context element in the series node marked as selected will be displayed. The value of the property label is used to generate the legend displayed below the diagram. It is also possible to adopt the properties of each data series separately. In order to do this, series elements can be defined in the customizing file created by the Chart Designer. Each series element is identified by its name. It allows to save properties related to data series (e.g. the line style, the shape, size, and color of the data points, if a legend is to be displayed, the font, font-size, and font-color... ). To actually use this adoption information for a certain data series, the name of the series element defined in the customizing file has to be assigned to the property customizingID of the Series UI element. Since this property may be bound to a context attribute, each data series may be displayed differently. Finally, the property leadSelectionCustomizingID allows to adopt the series having the lead selection set to ABAP_TRUE in a defined manner.


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

Properties of the Point UI Element Labels for the single data points can be assigned to the property label of the Point UI element. However, to display these texts, a customizing file containing the related adoption information has to be assigned to the BusinessGraphics UI element. If a value is assigned to the property eventID, clicking on the data point (e.g. column, bar, point) will trigger the event Action that is related to the BusinessGraphics UI element. If an action is assigned to the related property onAction, then the value of the property eventID can be accessed in the action handler method. Using data binding, it is possible to assign a unique value for the eventID to each data point of each data series. It is possible to adopt the properties of each data point separately. In order to do this, point elements can be defined in the customizing file created by the Chart Designer. Each point element is identified by its name. It allows to save properties related to data points (e.g. the shape, size, and color of the data point, if the label is to be displayed, the font, font-size, and font-color... ). To actually use this adoption information for a certain data point, the name of the point element defined in the customizing file has to be assigned to the property customizingID of the Point UI element. Since this property may be bound to a context attribute, each data point may be displayed differently.

Properties of the NumericValue and TimeValue UI Elements Both elements have the property value. For the NumericValue UI element, the value of this property has to be of type DOUBLE. For the TimeValue UI element, the value of this property has to be of type STRING. Valid strings are dates (YYYYMMDD) or timestamps (YYYYMMDD;HHMMSS or YYYYMMDD;HHMMSSZZZ). For the NumericValue UI element, the property type is of importance. Allowed values are x, y, size, trendx, trendy, and chart. trendx and trendy allow to define arrows connecting data points. The type chart allows to display a mini bar chart at the point's position. size describes the size of the square (default design) displayed in the diagram.


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 127: BusinessGraphics: Displaying trend lines and charts

Properties of the SimpleSeries UI Element The properties of this UI element are identical to the ones of the Point UI element. However, for the SimpleSeries UI element, only the property value is bindable. To set any of the other properties depending on the data point, the corresponding setter method has to be called in the hook method WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ).

Events The BusinessGraphics UI element does support the event Action. This event is fired, if the user clicks on any selectable object being part of the graphics. This may be a category text, a legend text or a data point (a bar, a column, a point...). If an action is assigned to the related property onAction, the related action handler method is processed by the Web Dynpro framework. From the interface parameter WDEVENT of this action handler, the internal table PARAMETERS can be extracted. This internal table contains two parameters: The id of the UI element the user has selected (Category, Series, Point, or SimpleSeries) is provided by the parameter ID. The value of the property eventID of the selected UI element is provided by the parameter EVENT_ID.


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

Exercise 9: Defining Presentation Graphics Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implement the BusinessGraphics UI element

Business Example You would like to enhance the functionality and ergonomics of your application. In addition to the Table UI element displaying the flights on the first tab, and the DateNavigator UI element illustrating the flight dates on the second tab, you would like to add a graphics displaying the occupied seats of all flight classes on the third tab. Template Component: NET312_CMPX_S5 Solution Component: NET312_GRPH_S1

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_GRPH1_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Task 2: Define a BusinessGraphics UI element on the rightmost tab of the TabStrip UI element. This graphic has to display the number of occupied seats in all three flight classes as a function of the flight date. 1.

In the component controller context node FLIGHTS define a new attribute (name: DATE_FORMATTED) of type STRING. For each flight, this attribute has to contain the flight date in the external representation.


Create a new component controller method having the name DEFINE_DATE_FORMATTED( ). For all flights, define the value of attribute FLIGHTS.DATE_FORMATTED by this method. Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics



Call the new method DEFINE_DATE_FORMATTED( ) if the user clicks on a new connection in the tree.


Actualize the mapping of node FLIGHTS in the context of view MAIN_VIEW.


Define a BusinessGraphics UI element on the rightmost tab of the TabStrip UI element. The pseudo three dimensional profile area should occupy a height of 400 pixels and a width of 600 pixels and it should display data stored in node FLIGHTS.


Define the category axis displaying the formatted date of the flights. For each flight class display the occupation as a function of the formatted date.


OPTIONAL PART: Customize your business graphics. Change any settings you want to using the Chart Designer.


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

Solution 9: Defining Presentation Graphics Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_GRPH1_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.


Copy the template component. a)

Display the template component in the object tree of transaction SE80. Clicking on the component with the right mouse button will open the component's context menu. Choose Copy.... Enter the name of the component to be created. Press Continue.


Adapt the description of the new component.

Create an application to access your component. a)

An application having the same name as the component can be created from the context menu of the component. TYPE

Task 2: Define a BusinessGraphics UI element on the rightmost tab of the TabStrip UI element. This graphic has to display the number of occupied seats in all three flight classes as a function of the flight date. 1.

In the component controller context node FLIGHTS define a new attribute (name: DATE_FORMATTED) of type STRING. For each flight, this attribute has to contain the flight date in the external representation. a)

Edit the component controller context.


From the context menu of node FLIGHTS, choose Create→Attribute to create the attribute DATE_FORMATTED. Set Type = STRING and finish the dialog.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics



Create a new component controller method having the name DEFINE_DATE_FORMATTED( ). For all flights, define the value of attribute FLIGHTS.DATE_FORMATTED by this method. a)

Now edit the methods of the component controller.


Enter the name of the new method in column METHODS. Double-click on the method's name to edit the source code.


Copy the content of node FLIGHTS to an internal table. Loop over the internal table. For each flight set the field DATE_FORMATTED and modify the data set in the internal table. Finally, bind the internal table to the node FLIGHTS. Hint: Use the WRITE .. TO .... statement to define the content of field DATE_FORMATTED.

d) 3.



Source code see below.

Call the new method DEFINE_DATE_FORMATTED( ) if the user clicks on a new connection in the tree. a)

If the user clicks on a connection displayed by the tree, the action handler method ONACTIONGET_DETAILS( ) is processed. Call of the component controller method DEFINE_DATE_FORMATTED( ) in this action handler method.


Source code see below.

Actualize the mapping of node FLIGHTS in the context of view MAIN_VIEW. a)

Edit the context of view MAIN_VIEW.


From the context menu of node FLIGHTS, choose Update Mapping.

Define a BusinessGraphics UI element on the rightmost tab of the TabStrip UI element. The pseudo three dimensional profile area should occupy a height of 400 pixels and a width of 600 pixels and it should display data stored in node FLIGHTS. a)

Edit the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


Navigate to the last Tab UI element related to the TabStrip UI element. From the context menu of the Tab UI element choose Add Element to Tab and select Type = BusinessGraphics on the next dialog. Finish the dialog.


Set the properties of the BusinessGraphics UI element as follows: chartType= profile_area, dimension = pseudo_three, height = 400, and width = 600. Do not forget to set seriesSource = FLIGHTS. Continued on next page


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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element



Define the category axis displaying the formatted date of the flights. For each flight class display the occupation as a function of the formatted date. a)

From the context menu of the BusinessGraphics UI element, choose Insert Category.


Click on the button right of the UI element property description in order to bind this property to the context attribute FLIGHTS.DATE_FORMATTED.


From the context menu of the BusinessGraphics UI element, choose Insert Series. In the following dialog choose Type = SimpleSeries. Finish the dialog.


Click on the button right of the UI element property value in order to bind this property to the context attribute FLIGHTS.SEATSOCC_F. In addition, define a legend text by assigning the text literal Occupied seats in first class to the property label.


Repeat the last two steps to display the occupied seats in the business class (attribute FLIGHTS.SEATSOCC_B) and in the economy class (attribute FLIGHTS.SEATSOCC).

OPTIONAL PART: Customize your business graphics. Change any settings you want to using the Chart Designer. a)

From the context menu of the BusinessGraphics UI element, choose Edit Customizing to start customizing your graphics.


Change any settings and save your customizing data set by clicking on the Enter button.


Comp. )



METHOD define_date_formatted .

DATA lo_nd_flights

TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.

DATA lt_flights



DATA ls_flights



DATA lv_date_formatted


c LENGTH 10.

lo_nd_flights = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_flights ). lo_nd_flights->get_static_attributes_table( IMPORTING table = lt_flights ).

LOOP AT lt_flights INTO ls_flights.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


WRITE ls_flights-fldate TO lv_date_formatted. ls_flights-date_formatted = lv_date_formatted. MODIFY lt_flights FROM ls_flights. ENDLOOP.

lo_nd_flights->bind_table( lt_flights ).


View Controller:


METHOD onactionget_details .

DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller. DATA ls_navi_list



* Get key information for selected navigation list entry context_element->get_static_attributes( IMPORTING static_attributes = ls_navi_list ). * Get related flights lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_flights( iv_carrid = ls_navi_list-carrid iv_connid = ls_navi_list-connid ).

* Set background colors and start day of date navigator lo_componentcontroller->define_colors( ). lo_componentcontroller->define_start_date( ). * Define date representation in external format lo_componentcontroller->define_date_formatted( ).



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Lesson: The BusinessGraphics UI Element

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Define the context nodes and context attributes to store the data displayed by the BusinessGraphics UI element. • Define simple graphics displaying a fixed number of series • Define dynamic graphics displaying an non-fixed number of series • Implement portfolio graphics and graphics displaying trends


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics Lesson Overview This lesson deals with special UI elements that are used to define presentation graphics. This includes the GeoMap, the ValueComparison, and the ProgressIndicator.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Implement the GeoMap UI element Implement the ProgressIndicator UI element Implement the ValueComparison UI element

Business Example To enhance the functionality of your application you would like to integrate graphics based on the GeoMap UI element. In addition, to visualize physical quantities (e.g. occupied seats in respect to available seats) you want to integrate a ValueComparison UI element into a view's layout. Finally, the progress of your application should be displayed to the user by a ProgressIndicator UI element.

The GeoMap UI Element The GeoMap UI element can be used to display a section of a map. The map section to be displayed can be defined by the application. The geographical coordinates are derived from the longitude and latitude values of a geographical location and must be entered in WGS84 format based on the reference system World Geodetic System –1984 (WGS84). The possibility to position the map and to zoom in and out can be offered to the user. Points can be marked and a text can be displayed below the marking. In addition, lines and polygons can be displayed together with a describing text. Finally, the map can be enabled. In this case a server round trip is triggered when the user click on geo objects (points, lines, or polygons).


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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

Figure 128: GeoMap

Hint: The GeoMap UI element can only be used with a special software component that is provided by the geographical maps. This software component, which you can use to expand the Internet Graphics Service (IGS), is not delivered with the NetWeaver Application Server ABAP. It must be purchased from a third-party provider. The GeoMap UI element cannot be displayed without this complementary software component. See also SAP Note 994568

Defining the Context It is not mandatory to define context elements for the GeoMap UI element. Context attributes used in respect with an optional data binding of UI element properties are discussed in the next sub section.

UI Element Definition and Data Binding The GeoMap UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container element. The following properties are of interest: The width and height of the UI element can be defined by setting the properties width and height, respectively (in pixels). These properties can not be bound to context attributes. To change these properties at runtime, the GeoMap UI element has to be accessed directly from the view's hook method WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ).


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


To define the section of the map displayed in this UI area, the properties left, right, top, and bottom should be set. The value of these properties have to be defined in decimal numbers in accordance with the Standard World Geodetic System – 1984 (WGS84). If the map displayed by the GeoMap UI element is stretched, the proportions between width and height will always be stable. Thus, the map section actually displayed is defined as follows: The longitudinal positions defined by left and right always define the westernmost and easternmost positions displayed by the map - independent of the values of width and height. The arithmetic mean between the horizontal positions top and bottom will define the horizontal position displayed in the middle of the map. The northernmost and the southernmost positions are then calculated from the ratio between the values of the properties height and width, respectively. If geo objects are to be displayed, then the property geoObjectSource has to be bound to a context attribute of type CL_WD_GEO_OBJECT. At runtime, each geo object will be described by one context element. Thus, this context attribute should be defined in a context node of cardinality 0:n to allow the definition of an arbitrary number of geo objects. The property moveType allows to define if the user can position the map section displayed by the UI element. If the value of this property is set to panel, control elements are displayed on all sides of the map border. The property zoomType allows to define, if the user can change the zoom factor. If the value of this property is set to panel, a control element is displayed in the left upper corner of the area occupied by the UI element. By clicking on the plus sign or on the minus sign, the zoom factor can be increased or decreased, respectively. moveType and zoomType can not be bound to context attributes. To change these properties at runtime, the GeoMap UI element has to be accessed directly from the view's hook method WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ). The property enabled can be set to ABAP_FALSE in order to disable the possibility to position the map and change the zoom factor. Caution: If an action is assigned to the event ObjectAction and the value of property enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE, clicking on selectable geo objects is still possible. However, the application will dump! The property igsUrl can be used to assign the RFC destination to the IGS server providing the geo maps (notation: $$). If the value of this property is initial, the standard destination is used. igsURL can not be bound to context attributes. Finally, the values of the properties imageSource and mapSource are only visible to the API and can thus not be changed by the application developer.


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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

Figure 129: GeoMap: Defining the UI and data binding

Events The GeoMap UI element does support one event: ObjectAction. This event is fired, if the user clicks on any selectable geo object. If an action is assigned to the related property onObjectAction, the related action handler method is processed by the Web Dynpro framework. From the interface parameter WDEVENT of this action handler, the internal table PARAMETERS can be extracted. This internal table contains two parameters: The id of the GeoMap object is provided by the parameter ID. The id of the selected geo object is provided by the parameter EVENT_ID.

Defining Geo Objects So-called geo objects can be positioned in the map in order to highlight specific positions. These geo objects are used to provide specific information to the user (e.g. the starting point or finishing point of a route or the complete route on the map can be marked). Three kind of geo objects can be defined by the application: Points, lines, and polygons. Technically, each geo object is represented by an instance of a global class: • • •

Points are described by the class CL_WD_GEO_POINT. Lines are described by the class CL_WD_GEO_LINE. Polygons are described by the class CL_WD_GEO_POLYGON.

All of these classes are sub classes of CL_WD_GEO_OBJECT.


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


To create a new geo object, the corresponding class has to be instantiated. The constructors of all geo object classes do not have any interface parameters. Thus all object properties have to be defined by calling the appropriate setter methods of the created objects. The following properties can be adjusted: •

• • • •

ID (STRING): Used to identify the geo object. If the user is allowed to click on multiple geo object, the ID should be unique, since this parameter is used to identify which geo object was selected by the user. COLOR (STRING): Color of point marker, polygon, or line drown on the map. The color has to be defined in RGB notation (e.g. 255,151,151). LABEL (STRING): Text displayed permanently with the geo object. TOOLTIP (STRING): Text displayed as a quick help if the user moves the mouse on the geo object. TRIGGERS_EVENT (WDY_BOOLEAN): Defines, whether geo object is selectable. If this parameter is set to ABAP_TRUE, the event ObjectAction is fired if the user clicks on the geo object.

The following additional properties do exist for geo objects of type point: • •

• •

IMAGE (STRING): Image to be displayed as a marker for the geo point. To display the image, the parameter STYLE has to be set to 04. POSITION (GEOPOSITION): Longitude and latitude values of a geographical location to be defined in WGS84 format. These values have to be stored in the fields LONGITUDE and LATITUDE of this structure, respectively. SIZE (INTEGER): Size of the marker (only effective for STYLE = 00, 01, or 02). STYLE (WDUI_GEO_POINT_STYLE): Style of the marker to be displayed. Possible values are 00 (circle), 01 (triangle), 02 (square), 03 (ellipse), and 04 (image).

The following additional properties do exist for geo objects of type lines: •


POSITIONS (GEOPOSITIONSTAB): Internal table containing as many lines as geographical locations are necessary to describe the geo object. Each table line is a structure (type GEOPOSITION) containing longitude and latitude values of a geographical location to be defined in WGS84 format. These values are stored in the fields LONGITUDE and LATITUDE of this structure, respectively. WIDTH (INTEGER): Width of the line.

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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

The following additional properties do exist for geo objects of type polygon: • •

BORDER_COLOR (STRING): Color of line surrounding polygon. The color has to be defined in RGB notation (e.g. 255,151,151). POSITIONS (GEOPOSITIONSTAB): Internal table containing as many lines as geographical locations are necessary to describe the geo object. Each table line is a structure (type GEOPOSITION) containing longitude and latitude values of a geographical location to be defined in WGS84 format. These values are stored in the fields LONGITUDE and LATITUDE of this structure, respectively. At runtime, all lines are connected and the area surrounded by the lines is filled. The last point and the first point listed in this internal table are automatically connected. TRANSPARENCY (INTEGER): Defines the degree of transparency of the Map. Allowed values are between 0 (completely transparent - polygon covers map completely) and 100 (completely intransparent - polygon is not visible).

Figure 130: GeoMap: Defining a geo object

The ProgressIndicator UI Element The ProgressIndicator UI element shows how much progress an activity has made in the form of a horizontal bar. A user-defined text may be displayed in the progress bar. The bar color can be changed.


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 131: ProgressIndicator

Hint: To change the UI, a server round trip has to be completed. Thus, this UI element can not be used to visualize how much percent of the source code related to a single dialog step has been completed.

Defining the Context It is not mandatory to define context elements for the ProgressIndicator UI element. Context attributes used in respect with an optional data binding of UI element properties are discussed in the next sub section.

UI Element Definition and Data Binding The ProgressIndicator UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container element. The following properties are of interest: The color of the bar can be adjusted by setting the property barColor accordingly. Possible values are positive, negative, critical, and neutral. This property may be bound to a context attribute of type WDUI_PROG_IND_BAR_COL. The width of the ProgressIndicator UI element is defined by the value of the property width (in pixels or percent). The property percentValue defines the width of the color bar relative to the width of the surrounding box. All positive integers are allowed. If the value of this property is between 0 and 100, the width of the box is fixed while the color bar has a relative width given by the property value. If the value is larger then 100, then the color bar has a fixed width and the width of the box is reduced accordingly.


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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

By default, the value of the property percentValue is displayed in the color bar (a %-sign is automatically added to the integer). To display a different text in the bar, the property displayValue has to be evaluated. To suppress the output of any text in the bar, the property showValue can be set to ABAP_FALSE. The tooltip property can be used to define a quick info. However, the text displayed to the user will always be constructed from the values of the properties displayValue, percentValue, and tooltip.

Figure 132: ProgressIndicator: Defining the UI and data binding

Events The ProgressIndicator UI element does not support any events.

The ValueComparison UI Element This UI element is used to display various values within a horizontal bar. Example (see graphics below): Here, the actual booking situation of a flight is visualized by a ValueComparison UI element. The width of the box indicates the total number of available seats. The width of the horizontal bar indicates how many seats may be booked. Our carrier overbooks their flight, thus the bar exceeds the width of the box. The bar is divided in three sections having different colors. This is used to indicate uncritical, critical, or neutral situations (e.g. to little bookings are critical and overbooking is critical). In addition, a marker is displayed. In the context discussed here, the marker is used to display the actual booking situation.


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 133: ValueComparison

Defining the Context It is not mandatory to define context elements for the ValueComparison UI element. Context attributes used in respect with an optional data binding of UI element properties are discussed in the next sub section.

UI Element Definition and Data Binding TheValueComparison UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container element. The following properties are of interest: The maximum integer to be visualized by the ValueComparison UI element should be assigned to the property maxValue. Then, the property width (integer value, interpreted in pixels) defines the width occupied by the UI element. The properties boxValue and barValue allow to set the relative width of the horizontal bar and the surrounding box, respectively. The values of these properties have to be provided as integers. The absolute width (in pixels) of the box is given by /*. The absolute width (in pixels) of the bar can be determined accordingly. lowerThresholdValue and upperThresholdValue allow to define intersections of the horizontal bar displayed in different colors. The values have to be provided as integers. The positions of the section limits are given by the ratio between these properties and the value of the property barValue, respectively. The color of the first section (from left to right) is given by the value of the property colorBelowThreshold, the color of the second section is given by the value of


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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

colorBetweenThreshold, and the color of the last section is defined by the value of colorAboveThreshold. If these properties are bound to context attributes, these attributes have to be of type WDUI_BAR_COLOR. The position of the marker can be adjusted by setting the property markerValue accordingly. The marker can be displayed in black (neutral) or red (critical) by adjusting the property markerType Finally, the text to be displayed above the box is determined by the value of the property text.

Figure 134: ValueComparison: Defining the UI and data binding (1)


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Figure 135: ValueComparison: Defining the UI and data binding (2)

Events The ValueComparison UI element does not support any events.


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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

Exercise 10: Implementing the ValueComparison UI Element Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implementing the ValueComparison UI element

Business Example You would like to enhance the functionality and ergonomics of your application. A ValueComparison UI element should be used to illustrate the number of occupied seats in the economy class in respect the total seats in this class as a table popin graphic. Template Component: NET312_GRPH_S1 Solution Component: NET312_GRPH_S2

Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_GRPH2_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.

Copy the template component.


Create an application to access your component.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


Task 2: Define a ValueComparison UI element to illustrate the occupation in the economy class graphically. This graphics has to be displayed by the table popin. The ValueComparison UI element has to display a green bar (color: positive) below the lower threshold, a red bar (color: negative) above the upper threshold and an orange bar (color: critical) between these two values. The actual occupation should be indicated by a marker. The threshold values should correspond to the limits used to define the background color of the table cells displaying the occupied seats in the economy class. 1.

In order to control the settings of the ValueComparison UI element programmatically, a new context node (name: GRAPHICS_VS) has to be created as a sub node of node FLIGHTS in the component controller context.


Add five attributes to the node GRAPHICS_VS: - TEXT of type STRING to display a text above the ValueComparison UI element. - SEATSMAX of type SFLIGHT-SEATSMAX to define the number of seats corresponding to the full bar length. - SEATSOCC of type SFLIGHT-SEATSOCC to define the position of the marker. - L_THRESHOLD of type SFLIGHT-SEATSOCC to define for which occupation the bar color changes from green to orange. - U_THRESHOLD of type SFLIGHT-SEATSOCC to define for which occupation the bar color changes from orange to red.



Create a new component controller method having the name DEFINE_GRAPHICS_DATA( ). Add an import parameter (name: IO_CONTEXT_ELEMENT) having the reference type IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT to the method's interface. At runtime, the reference to the flight element the table popin is expanded for will be supplied to this interface parameter. Set the values of the attributes defined in node GRAPHICS_VS according to this flight.


Call the component controller method DEFINE_GRAPHICS_DATA( ) every time the user expands the table popin. Pass the reference to the related context element to the interface parameter IO_CONTEXT_ELEMENT.


Actualize the mapping of node FLIGHTS in the context of view MAIN_VIEW.


Now you can define the ValueComparison UI element in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. This UI element has to replace the TextView UI element assigned to the TablePopin UI element so far. Use the values stored in the context node GRAPHICS_VS to control the UI element. Set colors (negative, critical, and positive) and width (600 pixels) statically.

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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

Solution 10: Implementing the ValueComparison UI Element Task 1: If you have finished the previous exercise, you can skip this task. Then, all changes can be implemented in the component you have created in your last exercise. If you have not finished your last exercise, you can start with a copy of the template component. In this case, copy the template component and name the copy ZNET312_GRPH2_##. Assign this component to your package ZNET312_##. Create an application having the same name as your component and assign the application to your package, too. 1.


Copy the template component. a)

Display the template component in the object tree of transaction SE80. Clicking on the component with the right mouse button will open the component's context menu. Choose Copy.... Enter the name of the component to be created. Press Continue.


Adapt the description of the new component.

Create an application to access your component. a)

An application having the same name as the component can be created from the context menu of the component.

Task 2: Define a ValueComparison UI element to illustrate the occupation in the economy class graphically. This graphics has to be displayed by the table popin. The ValueComparison UI element has to display a green bar (color: positive) below the lower threshold, a red bar (color: negative) above the upper threshold and an orange bar (color: critical) between these two values. The actual occupation should be indicated by a marker. The threshold values should correspond to the limits used to define the background color of the table cells displaying the occupied seats in the economy class. 1.


In order to control the settings of the ValueComparison UI element programmatically, a new context node (name: GRAPHICS_VS) has to be created as a sub node of node FLIGHTS in the component controller context. a)

Edit the component controller context.


From the context menu of node FLIGHTS, choose Create→Node to create the untyped node GRAPHICS_VS. Finish the dialog.

Add five attributes to the node GRAPHICS_VS: Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics


- TEXT of type STRING to display a text above the ValueComparison UI element. - SEATSMAX of type SFLIGHT-SEATSMAX to define the number of seats corresponding to the full bar length. - SEATSOCC of type SFLIGHT-SEATSOCC to define the position of the marker. - L_THRESHOLD of type SFLIGHT-SEATSOCC to define for which occupation the bar color changes from green to orange. - U_THRESHOLD of type SFLIGHT-SEATSOCC to define for which occupation the bar color changes from orange to red.



Edit the component controller context.


From the context menu of node GRAPHICS_VS, choose Create→Attribute to create the attribute TEXT. Set Type = STRING and finish the dialog.


Repeat the last step for each of the attributes SEATSMAX, SEATSOCC, L_THRESHOLD, and U_THRESHOLD, respectively.

Create a new component controller method having the name DEFINE_GRAPHICS_DATA( ). Add an import parameter (name: IO_CONTEXT_ELEMENT) having the reference type IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT to the method's interface. At runtime,

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

the reference to the flight element the table popin is expanded for will be supplied to this interface parameter. Set the values of the attributes defined in node GRAPHICS_VS according to this flight. a)

Edit the methods of the component controller.


Enter the name of the new method (DEFINE_GRAPHICS_DATA) in column Methods and double-click on the method's name to edit the source code.


To define the interface parameter, enter the parameter's name in column Parameter, set Type = Importing, check the check box RefTo, and put the reference type in column Associated Type.


Implement the method: • •

• • • e)

Get the flight information from the context element IO_CONTEXT_ELEMENT. Copy the number of occupied seats and the number of totally available seats in the economy class to the context attributes FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.SEATSOCC and FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.SEATSMAX, respectively. Set FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.L_THRESHOLD to 0.5 * FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.SEATSMAX. Set FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.U_THRESHOLD to 0.95 * FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.SEATSMAX. Assign the literal Occupation Economy Class to the attribute FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.TEXT.

Source code see below.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics



Call the component controller method DEFINE_GRAPHICS_DATA( ) every time the user expands the table popin. Pass the reference to the related context element to the interface parameter IO_CONTEXT_ELEMENT. a)

If the user expands the table popin for a certain table row, the action handler method ONACTIONTOGGLE_POPIN( ) of view MAIN_VIEW is processed. The reference to the related context element is provided by the framework as an event parameter (name: CONTEXT_ELEMENT). The information if the table popin is expanded is provided by the event parameter EXPANDED.


Edit the action handler method ONACTIONTOGGLE_POPIN( ) of view MAIN_VIEW.


Add the parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT (TYPE REF TO IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT) to the list of importing parameters for this method.


Add the parameter EXPANDED (TYPE WDY_BOOLEAN) to the list of importing parameters for this method.


Edit the source code of action handler method ONACTIONTOGGLE_POPIN( ): If the table popin is expanded, call the component controller method DEFINE_GRAPHICS_DATA( ) and pass the event parameter CONTEXT_ELEMENT to the importing parameter IO_CONTEXT_ELEMENT of this method.

f) 5.


Source code see below.

Actualize the mapping of node FLIGHTS in the context of view MAIN_VIEW. a)

Edit the context of view MAIN_VIEW.


Right mouse click on node FLIGHTS to open the context menu for this node. Choose Update Mapping. This will copy the sub node GRAPHICS_VS to the mapped node.

Now you can define the ValueComparison UI element in the layout of view MAIN_VIEW. This UI element has to replace the TextView UI element assigned to the TablePopin UI element so far. Use the values stored in the context node GRAPHICS_VS to control the UI element. Set colors (negative, critical, and positive) and width (600 pixels) statically. a)

Edit the layout of view MAIN_VIEW.


Navigate to the TablePopin UI element. Delete the TextView UI element that has been defined as a sub element of the TablePopin UI element.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics


From the context menu of the TablePopin UI element, choose Insert Content. In the next dialog select Type = ValueComparison (key: GRAPHICAL_VALUE_CMP).


Use the button right of the property name to bind the following properties: •

barValue, boxValue, and maxValue have to be bound to the attribute FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.SEATSMAX. lowerThresholdValue has to be bound to FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.L_THRESHOLD. upperThresholdValue has to be bound to FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.U_THRESHOLD. markerValue has to be bound to FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.SEATSOCC. Finally, text has to be bound to FLIGHTS.GRAPHICS_VS.TEXT.

• • • • e)

Set the values of the UI element properties as follows: colorAboveThreshold = negative, colorBelowThreshold = positive, colorBetweenThresholds = critical, and width = 600.





METHOD define_graphics_data .

DATA ls_flights



DATA lo_nd_graphics_vs TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. DATA ls_graphics_vs



io_context_element->get_static_attributes( IMPORTING static_attributes = ls_flights ).


= 'Occupation Economy Class'.


= ls_flights-seatsocc.


= ls_flights-seatsmax.

ls_graphics_vs-l_threshold = '0.50' * ls_flights-seatsmax. ls_graphics_vs-u_threshold = '0.95' * ls_flights-seatsmax.

lo_nd_graphics_vs = io_context_element->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_graphics_vs ). lo_nd_graphics_vs->bind_structure( ls_graphics_vs ).

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Defining Graphics



View Controller:


METHOD onactiontoggle_popin .

DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller .

IF expanded = abap_true. lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->define_graphics_data( io_context_element = context_element ). ENDIF.



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Lesson: Additional UI Elements to define Presentation Graphics

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Implement the GeoMap UI element • Implement the ProgressIndicator UI element • Implement the ValueComparison UI element


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Define the context nodes and context attributes to store the data displayed by the BusinessGraphics UI element. • Define simple graphics displaying a fixed number of series • Define dynamic graphics displaying an non-fixed number of series • Implement portfolio graphics and graphics displaying trends • Implement the GeoMap UI element • Implement the ProgressIndicator UI element • Implement the ValueComparison UI element

Related Information •

The online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 contains an excellent section about developing applications based on Web Dynpro ABAP. The Web Dynpro ABAP documentation contains a section named Reference. Here you can find a complete documentation of all UI elements and the corresponding element classes. UI elements discussed in this unit can be found in the sub section named Graphic Category. In each SAP system based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0, standard Web Dynpro ABAP demo applications are available. Demos dealing with UI elements in general are WDR_TEST_EVENTS, WDR_TEST_UI_ELEMENTS. A special demo dealing with the GeoMap UI element is WDR_TEST_GEOMAP.


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Unit 5 Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies Unit Overview UI elements that allow to integrate templates based on BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP technologies in Web Dynpro are summarized in the integration category. Here, all of these elements are discussed in detail.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • •

Embed forms (in the context of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe) and static PDF documents in Web Dynpro Embed Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel files in Web Dynpro Embed BI Web Templates based on Business Explorer (BEx) Web Applications in Web Dynpro Use the FileUpload UI element

Unit Contents Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies.....................................................................260


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies Lesson Overview For Web Dynpro UIs, forms (in the context of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe) can be embedded using the InteractiveForm UI element. BI Web Templates based on Business Explorer (BEx) Web Applications may be embedded by means of the BIApplicationFrame UI element. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel documents may be embedded using the OfficeControl UI element. Finally, uploading a file from the client PC to the context of your Web Dynpro application is supported via the FileUpload UI element.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • •

Embed forms (in the context of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe) and static PDF documents in Web Dynpro Embed Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel files in Web Dynpro Embed BI Web Templates based on Business Explorer (BEx) Web Applications in Web Dynpro Use the FileUpload UI element

Business Example Your application has to be enhanced by integrating PDF documents, office documents or BEx Web Templates.

Integrating SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe The InteractiveForm UI element can be used to integrate interactive and non-interactive forms based on SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe, or it may be used to embed an existing static PDF document into a Web Dynpro view.

SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe The layout of the PDF form is designed with the Form Builder (transaction code SFP). For efficient and straightforward development of the user interface, the Adobe LiveCycle Designer tool with editor and the Adobe UI elements has been integrated into the development workbench. The required Adobe-specific standard objects are provided by a library. These standard objects are subdivided into field objects and text module objects. They represent layout elements like text fields, time fields, push buttons, or check boxes. They can be inserted into the PDF form template. Field objects like push


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

buttons, radio buttons, check boxes, and drop down list boxes enable the user to interact with the application. On the other hand, text module objects like circles, rectangles, and static texts have a static characteristic and can only be used for presentations with a static content. The field objects have a function that is similar to Web Dynpro UI elements. They are bound to the form context in the Designer. The form context is related to the interface implemented by the form. The interface definition can be created manually (based on the ABAP Dictionary, a Smart Form document's interface, or an XML schema uploaded from the file system). However, the interface definition may also be derived from an XML schema that is generated at design time on the basis of the Web Dynpro context. Hint: SAP strongly recommends to use form interfaces that are based on XML schema for all interactive forms. This kind of interface definition is also the best choice for non-interactive forms. Until now, Active Component Framework (ACF) had to be installed on the front-end PC to use interactive forms. As of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 SPS 10, Zero Client Installation (ZCI) allows to use interactive forms in Adobe Reader (Version 8.1 or higher) without any additional plug-ins. ACF is therefore no longer required for interactive forms. To define which kind of layout type is to be used, the form property Layout type has to be set to xACF (ACF), to ZCI (ZCI), or to standard layout (for non-interactive forms). Hint: SAP strongly supports to use forms that are ZCI compliant.


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


Scenarios In the following, the possible scenarios of integrating PDF forms and PDF documents are classified: •

Offline scenario: Forms that already exist in the system (as MIME objects in the MIME Repository), or PDF documents that are uploaded within a Web Dynpro application are displayed. Print scenario: This scenario is used for printing and displaying forms. Unlike in the interactive scenario, only non-input-enabled PDF forms (PDF-based print forms) are used here. Interactive scenario: With this scenario, forms containing input-enabled elements are created and edited. Hint: SAP recommends to use interactive forms only after carefully checking the requirements of the related application. Interactive forms should only be used if a PDF-based form really does have advantages over a normal Web Dynpro view. This can include for instance scenarios in which paper-based processes are to be replaced or complimented by an online scenario with exactly the same form layout. Other cases can be applications where, in addition to the online scenario the same form is needed in static form for printing, archiving, sending by e-mail, or for other purposes. Caution: The integration of active controls like the InteractiveForm in Web Dynpro ABAP pop-ups is not supported. Caution: Only one form can be displayed at the same time in the same browser window using InteractiveForm UI elements.


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Offline Scenario

Figure 136: InteractiveForm: Offline scenario

In order to embed a statical PDF document in a Web Dynpro view, a UI element of type InteractiveForm has to be added to the UI element hierarchy of this view. An InteractiveForm UI element can be a sub element of any container. The property pdfSource has to bound to a context attribute of type XSTRING. At runtime, this context attribute will store the PDF content. The UI element properties dataSource and templateSource stay initial, since the PDF is not obtained (dynamically) from a form. The values of the properties enabled and readOnly are ignored and do not influence the result.


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Figure 137: InteractiveForm: Offline scenario - defining the UI and data binding

Hint: In this scenario, the PDF document is displayed without involving the ADS or the ACF. The PDF document can be retrieved from the MIME Repository by calling the method GET(...) which is defined in the MIME Repository API. The reference to this API is returned by the method call CL_MIME_REPOSITORY_API=>GET_API( ).


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Figure 138: InteractiveForm: Offline scenario - loading PDF programmatically

It is also possible to upload the file from a file system to the Web Dynpro context using a FileUpload UI element. The property data of this element type has to be bound to a context attribute of type XSTRING. After having uploaded the file, the file content will be stored in this attribute. Optionally, the properties fileName and mimeType can be bound to context attributes of type STRING. Then, the application can check from which location the file has been uploaded and if the file has the expected MIME type. Finally, the property enabled has to be set to ABAP_TRUE. Only then the path to the PDF document can be entered into the input field related to the UI element. The FileUpload UI element does not support events, thus submitting the data has to be triggered by some other UI element. Typically a link or a button is used to offer this functionality. In the action handler method related to the submit event, the application has to check if the file uploaded by the user fulfills the requirements (size, type, origin). Then, the file content can be copied to the context attribute being bound to the InteractiveForm UI element property pdfSource.


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Figure 139: InteractiveForm: Offline scenario - upload file

Print Scenario

Figure 140: InteractiveForm: Print scenario


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

For this kind of scenario, the following changes in respect to the offline scenario have to be conducted: The UI element property templateSource has to be evaluated with the name of the form to be embedded into the view. The property dataSource has to be bound to the context node that contains the data to be interchanged with the form. Finally, the property enabled should be set to ABAP_FALSE (otherwise form fields may be editable). Hint: If the properties templateSource and dataSource are not initial, then the value of the property pdfSource is ignored. Hint: If the property enabled is set to ABAP_FALSE, then the value of the property readOnly is ignored. Hint: For this kind of scenario, the form can only be created if an ADS is available.

Figure 141: InteractiveForm: Print scenario - defining the UI and data binding


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


The following steps are necessary to assign an existing form to the InteractiveForm UI element: 1. 2. 3.


The name of the existing form has to be assigned to the property templateSource of the UI element. After having pressed Enter, a popup appears asking you whether a context structure fitting the form's interface has to be created. If you choose Yes, then a new node having the name of the form will be created in the view's context. The property dataSource is bound to this node automatically. If you choose No, you have to assign a context node to the property dataSource. The context structure has to fit exactly to the form's interface.

Figure 142: InteractiveForm: Print scenario - assign existing form

Hint: This approach allows to use forms having interfaces of all possible types (based on the ABAP Dictionary, a Smart Form document's interface, or an XML schema).


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

It is also possible to create a new form together with the related form interface using forward navigation: 1. 2.




The name of a form (that does not exist yet) has to be assigned to the property templateSource of the UI element. After having pressed Enter, a popup appears asking you for the name of the form interface. Enter the name of an existing form interface or enter the name of the form interface to be created. A button labeled Context allows to select the context node containing the data to be transported to the form. Press this button, mark a context node and choose Enter. Form and form interface are created automatically and the form will be opened for editing in the Layout Designer. In addition the context node chosen in step 3 will be assigned to the property dataSource of the InteractiveForm UI element. Now the layout of the form can be defined. Hint: The form interface created by forward navigation will be based on an XML schema that is generated from the structure of the context node chosen in step 3. The form created by forward navigation will have the layout type unknown.

Figure 143: InteractiveForm: Print scenario - create and assign a new form


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


Let's consider the case that the data to be interchanged between Web Dynpro and form does change. In this case both, the context of the Web Dynpro view and the form interface definition have to be adapted. This is performed as follows: First the relevant Web Dynpro context has to be adjusted. Next, the Form Builder has to be opened by double-clicking on the template's name (assigned to the property templateSource of the InteractiveForm UI Element). The system detects the context changes and adjusts the XML schema, together with the data view in Form Builder automatically. Hint: Updating the interface definition of the form is only possible if the form interface is based on a generated XML schema.

Interactive Scenario

Figure 144: InteractiveForm: Interactive scenario


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

For this kind of scenario, the following changes in respect to the print scenario have to be conducted: 1.

The layout type of the form has to be ZCI (Zero Client Installation) or xACF (Active Component Framework). To change the layout type of an existing interactive form from any type to ZCI, the form has to be updated. This is done by use of transaction SFP_ZCI_UPDATE. The changes can only be applied to activated forms.


3. 4.

5. 6.

To enable ZCI for forms embedded in Web Dynpro views, the forms must contain special scripting. The developer has to embed this scripting. This is done by editing the form in the Form Builder (SE80) and selecting Utilities → Insert Web Dynpro Scripting. For forms having the layout type ZCI, elements defined in the Web Dynpro Native Library have to be used to create the form's layout. The property enabled of the UI element InteractiveForm has to set to ABAP_TRUE. Now, the property readOnly can be used to enable / disable all editable form fields. The property displayType of the UI element InteractiveForm has to be set to native (ZCI forms) or activeX (ACF forms). The data entered by the user are transported to the corresponding context structure automatically. However, it is also possible to access the XML representation of the data entered by the user. For this purpose, the property pdfSource has to be bound to an attribute of type XSTRING. After having submitted a form, this attribute will contain the user input in XML format. Hint: The attribute bound to property pdfSource must not be defined in the context structure bound to property dataSource.


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Figure 145: InteractiveForm: Interactive scenario - special form settings


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Figure 146: InteractiveForm: Interactive scenario - defining the UI and data binding

Hint: SAP recommends strongly to use forms having the layout type ZCI and form interfaces which are based on a generated XML schema. Hint: The development and usage of interactive forms having the layout type ZCI requires: The Adobe Reader Version 7.x with x >= 08 being installed on the user PC (Version 8.1 if protocol HTTPs is used). The Adobe Designer, version 7.1 SPS 1 being installed on the developer PC (only this SPS is possible). The SAP GUI release 6.40 patch level 20 being installed on the developer PC. After having changed the value of the form fields, these values have to be submitted to the context of the Web Dynpro view. This functionality can be offered by a submit button defined in the form. For forms of layout type ZCI, this has to be a submit button defined in the Web Dynpro Native Library. If this button is clicked, the event Submit related to the


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


UI element InteractiveForm is triggered. If an action is assigned to the related property onSubmit, then the related action handler method is processed. Input checks can then be performed as usual. However, the element used to submit the form can also be a UI element (e.g. Button, LinkToAction) defined in the UI element hierarchy of the view.

Accessing the Controls Functionality programmatically It is possible to access a number of functions related to the form from the source code of the view controller embedding the form. This is possible by calling methods provided by the UI element's method handler. Details about determining the reference to the UI element's method handler can be found in the lesson about the Table UI element (filtering, sorting) or in the section about the OfficeIntegration UI element (expert mode). The method handler functionality available for the InteractiveForm UI element is described by the interface IF_WD_IACTIVE_FORM_METHOD_HNDL.

Integrating Office Documents Office documents of type Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel can be embedded in Web Dynpro views by means of the OfficeControl UI element. At runtime, the office document is made accessible by an ActiveX control. Thus, this technique requires the activation of ActiveX controls in the browser settings. Hint: The integration of the OfficeControl UI element in Web Dynpro ABAP pop-ups is not supported. Without having to add any code, the OfficeControl UI element allows to create, open, save and close office documents of the appropriate type (non expert mode). Hint: Keep in mind that saving a document means updating the value of the corresponding context attribute.


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Figure 147: OfficeControl: Standard mode

Additional functionality can be accessed if the expert mode is switched on. In this case, the control settings can be manipulated programmatically. In addition meta informations supported by the control can be read and changed. However, this also means that the control does not create, open, close, or save documents automatically any more. Switching to the expert mode means that the complete functionality offered by the control has to be triggered programmatically. Hint: Saving the document can still be triggered via the save functionality offered by the control.


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


Figure 148: OfficeControl: Expert mode

Defining the Context It is not mandatory to define any context elements related to the OfficeControl UI element.

Defining the UI and Data Binding The OfficeControl UI element can be added to any container UI element as a sub element. The following properties are of interest: The value of the property activateInPlace decides whether the control will be embedded in the browser page (ABAP_TRUE) or if the related office application is started and the document is displayed by this application (ABAP_FALSE). If the document is displayed by the application, then the complete application functionality is available. However, changes of the document can only be stored locally. To be able to define the document to be displayed programmatically, the property dataSource should be bound to a context attribute of type XSTRING. The name of the document is defined by the property documentName. This property can be bound to a context attribute of type STRING. documentType defines the type of document that may be displayed by the control. Allowed values are ms_word, ms_excel, star_writer, and star_calc.


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

The property enableReadWrite is deprecated and should thus not be used any more. The value of property showDecoration has no impact on the result. To switch on the expert mode, the property expertMode has to be set to ABAP_TRUE. The size of the control area can be defined by setting the properties height and width accordingly (percent or pixels). The property visible is used to display / hide the control. Hint: In the standard mode, the document is closed automatically if visible is set to none. Changes that have not been saved yet get lost. In addition, a new document is created if the data source attribute contains in invalid value or if the value is initial. Hint: The OfficeControl UI element is only active when the visible property is set to visible. Setting height and width to 0 does not deactivate the control.

Figure 149: OfficeControl: Defining the UI and data binding


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


Figure 150: OfficeControl: Standard mode - creating a new document

Events The OfficeControl UI element supports two events, Close and Save. For documents being displayed in the standard mode, these events are triggered as follows: To replace the document displayed by the UI element, the value of the data source attribute has to be changed by the application. The information about the next document to be displayed is transported to the control with the next response. Next, the control checks, whether the document to be replaced has been changed or not. If the document has not been changed, the control closes the document and fires the event Close. A new round trip to the server - triggered by the control - occurs. Again, the information about the next document to be displayed is transported back to the control. This time the control opens the new document.


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Figure 151: OfficeControl: Standard mode - replacing an unchanged document

If the document has been changed, but the user forgot to save the document using the control's save functionality, the control saves the document automatically. Next, the control fires the event Save. The related request contains the saved version of the document actually displayed. This version of the document is then saved in the context. As a result the saved version of the document is displayed again.


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Figure 152: OfficeControl: Standard mode - trying to replace an unsaved document

If the document has been changed and the user has saved the document the process is identical to replacing an unchanged document. If the user saves a document via the control's save functionality, the behavior does not depend on the mode. In the standard and in the expert mode the control fires the event Save. The actualized version of the document is subsequently stored in the related context attribute.


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Figure 153: OfficeControl: Standard mode / Expert mode - saving a changed document

For documents being displayed in the expert mode, the application has to instruct the control to open, close, save, or create a document. A new document can only be loaded if the document actually displayed has been closed before. If the application advises the control to close an unchanged or saved document, the control closes the document and it fires the event Close. If the application advises the control to close an unsaved document, the control saves the document before closing it. In addition the control fires the event Save. After having loaded a document, changes in respect to the data source attribute content do not affect the document displayed by the control. If actions have been assigned to the related UI properties onClose and onSave, the application can react on these events. Besides the id of the OfficeControl UI element, no information can be extracted from the interface parameter WDEVENT.


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


Accessing the Control Functionality in Expert Mode To switch on the expert mode, the property expertMode has to be set to ABAP_TRUE. In order to be able to access the control's functionality programmatically, the reference to the method handler of the OfficeControl UI element has to be determined. This is done as follows: 1. 2. 3.





In the hook method WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ), the reference to the OfficeControl UI element has to be determined. The public attribute _METHOD_HANDLER of this UI element reference has to be casted to the an interface reference variable of type IF_IOS_FACTORY. IF_IOS_FACTORY provides methods to create proxy classes describing the documents functionality and the control environment and methods to change the document settings. These methods have to be accessible in different methods of the view controller. Thus, the interface reference obtained in the last step should be stored as a controller attribute. Opening, closing, creating or saving a document in the expert mode is only possible via a proxy object that describes the document actually displayed by the control. The reference to this object is derived from the method handler by calling the method GET_DOCUMENT_PROXY( ). This method returns a reference variable of type IF_IOS_DOCUMENT. For performance reasons, this reference should only be determined once and the result should be stored as a controller attribute. The control environmental can be accessed via a document proxy of type IF_IOS_ENVIRONMENT. The reference to this object is derived from the method handler by calling the method GET_ENVIRONMENT( ). For performance reasons, this reference should only be determined once and the result should be stored as a controller attribute. In addition, the interface IF_IOS_FACTORY contains methods to create special proxys for Microsoft Word and Microsoft Office documents and methods to set document properties.

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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Figure 154: OfficeControl: Expert mode - get reference to method handler

Figure 155: OfficeControl: Expert mode - get reference to document proxy


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


Figure 156: OfficeControl: Expert mode - trigger control functions / store document

Integrating BI Web Templates based on BEx Web Applications Web Templates that are based on BEx Web Applications can be embedded in Web Dynpro applications by means of the BIApplicationFrame UI element. Various attributes can be set for a Web template. When using the BIApplicationFrame UI element, these parameters are set as properties of the UI element. Technically, the Web Template is integrated using an iFrame in the generated HTML page. Thus, the Web Template is accessed by sending an extra HTTP-Request and the parameters are passed as a query string.


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Figure 157: BIApplicationFrame

Defining the Context It is not mandatory to define any context elements related to the BIApplicationFrame UI element.

Defining the UI and data binding The BIApplicationFrame UI element can be defined as a sub element of any container UI element. There are no aggregations for the BIApplicationFrame. Most of the UI element properties are related to parameters of the Web Template. These parameters will not be discussed here since they require a deeper knowledge of the BI technology. The following parameters belong to this category: dataMode, dataProviderStateName, dataProviderStateType, debug, meltVariables, sessionId, stateless, suppressSystemMessages, suppressWarnings, templateId, URL, usePersonalization, variablesClear, variableScreen, and variant. Web Dynpro specific UI element properties allow to set the width (width) and the height (height) occupied by the UI element. The value of property enabled does not affect the result, visible can be used to toggle the visibility. Finally, the property server is used to define the host name and port of the server that offers the Web Template. The value has to be defined according to the following pattern: .:. The URL that is created from this value depends on the server type offering the Web Template. Thus, the property serverType has to be set to ABAP or Java.


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Unit 5: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies


Accessing the Web Template Functionality programmatically It is possible to access a number of functions related to the Web Template from the source code of the view controller embedding the Web Template. This is possible by methods provided by the UI element's method handler. Details about determining the reference to the UI element's method handler can be found in the section about the Table UI element (filtering, sorting) or in the section about the OfficeIntegration UI element (expert mode). The method handler functionality available for the BIApplicationFrame UI element is described by the interface IF_WD_BI_APPLFRAME_METHOD_HNDL.


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Lesson: Integrating BEx Web Applications and non-ABAP Technologies

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Embed forms (in the context of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe) and static PDF documents in Web Dynpro • Embed Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel files in Web Dynpro • Embed BI Web Templates based on Business Explorer (BEx) Web Applications in Web Dynpro • Use the FileUpload UI element


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Embed forms (in the context of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe) and static PDF documents in Web Dynpro • Embed Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel files in Web Dynpro • Embed BI Web Templates based on Business Explorer (BEx) Web Applications in Web Dynpro • Use the FileUpload UI element

Related Information •

The online documentation for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 contains an excellent section about developing applications based on Web Dynpro ABAP. The Web Dynpro ABAP documentation contains a section named Reference. Here you can find a complete documentation of all UI elements and the corresponding element classes. UI elements discussed in this unit can be found in the sub section named Integration Category. In each SAP system based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0, standard Web Dynpro ABAP demo applications are contained. Demos dealing with UI elements in general are WDR_TEST_EVENTS, WDR_TEST_UI_ELEMENTS. Special demos dealing with the integration of PDF documents or SAP interactive forms by Adobe begin with WDR_TEST_ADOBE. Special demos dealing with the integration of office documents begin with IOS_TEST.


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Course Summary

Course Summary You should now be able to: • • • •


Use the complete functionality of the complex UI elements DateNavigator, PhaseIndicator, RoadMap, TableView, and Tree Define the layout using the UI elements ContextualPanel, HorizontalContextualPanel, NavigationList, MultiPane, and TabStrip Define graphics based on the UI elements BusinessGraphics, GeoMap, ValueComparison, and ProgressIndicator Integrate other technologies using the UI elements Interactive Form, BIApplicationFrame, OfficeControl, and FileUpload

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Course Summary



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Index A


Actions, 10 Active Component Framework (ACF), 261

HorizontalContextualPanel, 38 Context, 38



BIApplicationFrame, 284 BusinessGraphics, 217 Chart Designer, 227 Chart types, 217 Context, 218 Context - simplifications, 220 UI definition, 222 UI definition simplifications, 224

IGS, 216 InteractiveForm, 260 Interactive scenario, 271 Offline scenario, 263 Print scenario, 267 Scenarios, 262 Internet Graphics Service (IGS), 216 Introduction Actions, 10 Container elements, 4 Context binding, 6 Data binding, 6 Dynamically changing the UI, 14 Events, 10 Layout managers, 5 UI element hierarchy, 2 WdDoModifyView, 16

C Chart Designer, 227 Container elements, 4 Context binding, 6 Context change log, 118 Context paging, 48, 85 ContextualPanel, 42

D Data binding, 6 DateNavigator, 187 Dynamically changing the UI, 14

E Events, 10

Layout managers, 5

M MultiPane, 45 Context paging, 48


F FileUpload, 265 FreeContextualArea, 44

G GeoMap, 238 Defining geo objects, 241



NavigationList, 33 Context, 33

O OfficeControl, 274 Expert mode, 275

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Expert mode functionality, 282 Standard mode, 274

P PhaseIndicator, 193 ProgressIndicator, 243

R Recursion node, 33, 38, 170 RoadMap, 196

S SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe, 260

T Table, 79 Colors, 114 Context change log, 118 Context paging, 85 Design, 83 Editable, 116 Editable - Context change log, 118 Editable - Input checks, 117 Filter data sets, 95 Grouping columns, 92 Grouping rows, 92 Header, 90 Hierarchical, 130 Horizontal scrolling, 86 Popins, 106 Row selection, 88 Sort data sets, 100 Toolbar, 90 Totals and subtotals, 121 Vertical scrolling, 85 TabStrip, 51 Tray, 54 Tree, 159 containing leafs, 162


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containing leafs and sub nodes, 163 containing recursively repeated structures, 170 Tree Table, 130

U UI element hierarchy, 2 UI elements BIApplicationFrame, 284 BusinessGraphics, 217 ContextualPanel, 42 DateNavigator, 187 FileUpload, 265 FreeContextualArea, 44 GeoMap, 238 HorizontalContextualPanel, 38 InteractiveForm, 260 MultiPane, 45 NavigationList, 33 OfficeControl, 274 PhaseIndicator, 193 ProgressIndicator, 243 RoadMap, 196 Table, 79 TabStrip, 51 Tray, 54 Tree, 159 ValueComparison, 245 ViewSwitch, 44

V ValueComparison, 245 ViewSwitch, 44

W WdDoModifyView, 16

Z Zero Client Installation (ZCI), 261


Feedback SAP AG has made every effort in the preparation of this course to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the materials. If you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement, please record them in the appropriate place in the course evaluation.


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