NEMESIS: The Chupacabras at Large (Reissue 2013)

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Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large

This is a re-issue of the original monograph made available in 1996 through Arcturus Books of Port St.Lucie, Florida, containing Contributions from Dr. Rafael A. Lara Palmeros and Salvador Freixedo.

© 1996, 2013


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large

WEIRD SCIENCE: CHUPACABRAS AS GENETIC EXPERIMENT By Scott Corrales It has often been said that H.G. Wells was far in advance of his time. From his late 19th century perspective he not only discerned the perils of nature gone wild in Food of the Gods, but also the horror of tampering with genetics in The Island of Dr. Moreau, in which animals are turned into misshapen parodies of humanity as the book's renegade scientist tries to fathom secrets forbidden to mankind. The Victorian author's foresight appears particularly accurate a century later. Genetic tampering has been the taboo subject which refuses to go away, particularly as science uncovers new and stunning possibilities in leaps and bounds, from the creation of "plantimals"-fusions of animal and vegetable cells-- to patented animals, such as the socalled "hupigs" (pigs bred with human genes in order to minimize the danger of rejection during animal to human transplants) and even patented human organs. A recent segment of Fox-TV's Encounters: The Hidden Truth discussed the possibility of human-ape hybrids through gene splicing. These stunning inroads into the dark territory of mutations have found a curious parallel in ufology. The recent wave of cattle mutilations in Puerto Rico, which started early in the spring of 1995, has had the curious distinction of featuring an unsavory array of strange creatures which depart from the now-classic Greys or even the winged oddities that have often been seen in the island. UFO researcher Jorge Martín, whose tireless investigation into the mutilation scenario also uncovered these other "high strangeness" aspects, described the following case in a special issue of his Evidencia Ovni (UFO Evidence) magazine: a police officer investigating the mass slaughter of sheep in the town of Orocovis was startled by the presence of a "thing" standing in the darkness. The bizarre creature was roughly humanoid in shape, and had a most peculiar yellow-orange coloring, plainly visible even at night. It scampered away into the brush before the policeman could take any action. On March 26, 1995, at 6 a.m. and in the same general area, Jaime Torres became aware of a nightmarish sight. Perched on the branch of a nearby tree was a creature with a rounded, hairless head, large slanted black eyes, thin, clawed hands and legs, and a tail. The skin on this chimeric entity ranged from dark grey around the eyes to brown, yellow, and purple on its back and sides. The monstrous "chameleon" then issued a subtle hissing sound which made Torres feel sleepy and faint, sensations which he managed to overcome, just as the creature leaped from the tree limb onto the ground and disappeared into the tropical vegetation. These creatures would be seen by many other individuals throughout the island municipalities of Orocovis and Morovis, nestled in Puerto Rico's mountainous center. On another occasion, witnesses were able to see a similar creature crouching on the ground, stalking a bull in a nearby field. When a light was shone on it, it ran quickly into the underbrush.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large On April 2, 1995 a group of 15 adults and children witnessed a three foot-tall greyish creature endowed with the power to make the assembled onlookers nauseous, even causing one of the children to pass out, and the following day, separate witnesses encountered creatures which could best be described as "reptilian" versions of the Greys. The preceding paragraphs appear to indicate that the witnesses had encountered altered or mutated versions of the Greys: drawings made of the creatures sighted depict an almost "specialized" being of an arboreal nature, and the coarser-skinned reptilian Greys point toward another adaptation of the classic type. The problem remains: who or what would be interested in creating such mutations, and to what end? Proponents of an extraterrestrial perspective to the UFO phenomenon could argue that such variations represent the logical adaptation of the Greys to certain environments: an arboreal type equipped with some sort of psionic ability to occupy forested areas, a reptilian type for swampland, etc. These fusions could have been achieved by experimentation with terrestrial creatures. This possibility was brought to the forefront in C.D.B. Bryan's Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: UFOs, Abductions, and the Conference at MIT: one of the abductees whose experiences are chronicled in the book reported being shown horses in a wire mesh cage aboard an alien craft. The abductee judged the animals in question to be three to four-month old foals, with an extremely unusual characteristic. Rather than hooves, the animals were endowed with padded, toed feet (like those of prehistoric horses). When she inquired the reason for this, her captors merely stated that the horses had been "changed." The same experiencer was also shown a herd of cows with sizeable tubular appendages protruding from their sides. Could these adaptations, for want of a better term, constitute an effort to assimilate terrestrial animals to otherworldly environments? Whether extraterrestrial or mundane, it would appear that not all genetic tampering of this sort has been successful: Jorge Martín investigated a 1989 incident surrounding what could best be described as someone's experiment gone hideously awry. One evening in November of that year, two youngsters, Ivan Cotto and his friend Luis, were playing in a field behind Ivan's house. Martín notes that the 12-year old refused at first to think back on the event, which allegedly still gave him nightmares. While Ivan and his friend played, a "thing" jumped out from behind some shrubbery and landed on the ground before them. The "thing" was described as hairy, ugly and with sharp fangs, without any discernible nose or muzzle. The frightened boys ran under a light post, but the creature jumped once more and landed in front of them. The light from the streetlamp, however, apparently affected the monster, causing it to shudder and emit strange sounds, as if in pain. It then started oozing watery, greenish "goo" through its mouth and chest (by means of fleshy appendages in that region). The painful experience caused the being to retreat into the dense vegetation once more. In spite of the terror, the two boys were able to give a precise description of the creature and even make a hasty sketch of its unsavory appearance. It was entirely covered in dark fur, with a crest of fur running from its head down to its legs. It had two powerful legs resembling those of a rabbit or kangaroo, and it eyes were out of proportion with its small head. The fleshy appendages in the chest region were also a most extraordinary detail.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large While it could be argued that the boys were attacked by an escaped mascot from a UFO, the description is strongly reminiscent of biological experimentation being conducted in our day and age. A 1993 issue of the Russian-language AURA-Z magazine delved into the experiments of a real-life Dr. Moreau: Dr. Tsian Kanchen, a Chinese physician who was imprisoned during the Cultural Revolution and who later escaped to the then USSR in 1971, becoming a naturalized Russian citizen in 1989. His research on the bioelectromagnetic fields linking the components of living organisms led him to discover that these fields were part of DNA--the passive component, while the bioelectromagnetic field constituted the active component. Thus, genetic information could be transmitted and projected onto DNA, which acts much like a blank recording tape, and, like all tapes, can be overwritten. Dr. Kanchen created a device which enables the information on one organism's DNA to be scanned and copied onto another. His experiments with wheat and corn seeds produced a wheat-like plant with traits which were inherited by its offspring. Bioelectrical fields for peanuts were projected onto sunflower seeds with stunning results: the latter mutated into a peanutlike shape and acquired some of the peanut's characteristic taste. But Dr. Kanchen's most ominous successes--those which have a bearing on this article--involved living creatures. Five hundred chicken eggs exposed to the bioelectrical field of a duck yielded 480 web-footed hatchlings with flattened heads, long necks, and the general characteristics of a duck. A goat's bioelectrical scan was projected onto a pregnant rabbit, resulting in bunnies with camel-shaped heads and enormous curved teeth. The ethics of "weird science" aside, this constitutes evidence that it is possible to create such mutations through technological intervention, and there is evidence that many of the strange creatures encountered in Puerto Rico are the product of human or non-human experimentation with terrestrial life-forms. Jorge Martín says that he was informed about a Federal agency which created a task force to investigate where these nightmarish creatures were emanating from, since they appeared to be the product of "genetic mutations...or some kind of sophisticated genetic experimentation." Captured species are taken to a secret laboratory located on the island for further study, as was the case with a strange animal captured near the town of Guayama, and which could have been a mutation of an alligator or large reptile. The small "Bigfoot" variants seen in Puerto Rico could also be genetic mutations of some sort. And what about our own Bigfoot? In 1974, Californian psychic Joyce Partise, holding a sealed envelope containing a photograph of a Sasquatch footprint, gave an amazing reading: "This gorilla man...he just looks creepy but he's intelligent...It's as though they're from another civilization long ago and have mutated because of radiation." She then went on to describe a genetic laboratory and its contents: "I'm seeing a lab with little animals in cages and scattered around are samples of rocks and minerals and soils. They have one of those hairy ape men in a big cage and he doesn't like being trapped [...] it seems they are trying to control him, like a robot." The chilling detail to this paragraph is that Ms. Partise was describing the interior of a supposedly alien laboratory.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large With the benefit of twenty years spanning her predictions from current events, what was unlikely in 1974 seems all too possible today. Maryland-based researcher Mark Chorvinsky and Mark Opsasnick have also looked into the genetic mutation aspect of the "strange creature" phenomenon. While investigating the intense flurry of "big hairy monster" activity in southeastern Baltimore County between 1973 and 1976, they became aware of rumors of bizarre experiments being conducted around Poole Island, an army research center near the Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Their investigation led them to Tom Sobotka, a diver and fisherman who claimed to have knowledge of the goings-on in the offshore islands. Mr. Sobotka had been quoted by the Washington Post as saying: "There are a lot of things happening over there at Edgewood we don't know about. Experiments and mutations. They keep it all a secret. But they found an orangutan dead on the railroad tracks near here two months ago. A guard told me that section in there; it's unbelievable, what they got. Human experiments..." Chorvinsky and Opsasnick were told that mutations--such as a fish with the feet of a deer-- could easily be found at Poole Island. The problem was that the island has been declared off-limits to civilians. The researchers were able to determine that a considerable volume of known teratogenic (mutationproducing) agents such as perchlorethylene, tri-iso-propyl phosphite, and others, have been released (whether accidentally or by design) into the Aberdeen Proving Grounds area. The possibility of government experiments into human-ape hybrids, while outlandish at first, was not discarded by the investigators, who mentioned that their files held at least one case in which a human-ape breeding was thwarted at the last moment. HIGH STRANGENESS: UNEXPLAINED ANIMAL DEATHS IN MEXICO A PRELIMINARY REPORT by Dr. Rafael A. Lara Palmeros, Director of Investigations, CEFP (Mexico) Translated by Scott Corrales The Republic of Mexico, as never before, is utterly confused and seriously alarmed by the series of bizarre phenomena which have manifested themselves since the month of February of this year in a number of Mexican states. Introduction Never before in the history of Mexico have there been as disquieting and strange a phenomenon as that of cattle mutilations. There have been isolated reports of this aberrant phenomenon, but they were seldom taken into consideration. An example of this can be found in the 1993 reports of the deaths of 30 horses in the state of Guerrero: genitals, tongues and viscera were removed from the animals, and the blame was squarely placed on cattle rustlers. Other reports suggest that 30 sheep were slain by a mandrill-like creature in the state of Hidalgo, and nearly a year ago, the town of Iztlalmanalco (Mexico State), on the slopes of Mt. Ajusco, reported the loss of an unspecified number of sheep, chickens and cows, killed by "giant cats" which have remained unidentified to this very day (The School of Veterinary Medicine


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large and Zootechnology of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México looked into this case). The following chronicle illustrates the events which have shaken the country in the past few months. The Cases On February 16, 1996, Professor Noé Montoya, a UFO researcher, remarked in conversation to me that the outlying communities of the city of Puebla were reporting strange deaths among their farm animals--losses blamed upon a creature resembling the Puerto Rican "Chupacabras." I did not believe this; nevertheless, on February 24th, while participating in a television program and discussing the important research being conducted in Puerto Rico by Scott Corrales and Jorge Martín, I received word that cattle mutilations were in fact taking place in the outskirts of Puebla. I didn't know what to make of this, when on March 14, 1996, a phone call from Dr. Armando Gutiérrez of Tampico, Taumalipas mentioned the puzzling attacks on dozens of hens, 15 chickens and 4 goats in the tiny village of Altamira, located some 2 kms. from Tampico. According to Dr. Gutiérrez'z testimony, the animals had wounds on their necks and had been left completely drained of blood. I was unable to confirm this by means of the press nor other media, which made me doubtful. It wasn't until March 29 when Dr. Jesús Benítez, a fellow doctor at the Hospital General de Zona II belonging to the Mexican Institute of Social Security informed me that the "Primer Impacto" news program had mentioned the animal mutilations which had transpired in Miami, Florida as well as those in Mexico, particularly cases from Jalisco and Veracruz, mainly in the community of Tlalixcoyan, some 3 hours north of Jalapa. A relevant fact was that "NotiVer," the state of Veracruz's news program, reported that since the 6th of March, 25 bloodless sheep had been found in the Colonia 25 de Abril sector of Nayarit. The dead animals presented punctures on their necks. The first official news item concerning an unknown predator roaming the Mexican countryside appeared on April 7, 1996. The location? Tlalixcoyan, Veracruz, where local cattlemen, municipal law enforcement and local authorities kicked off a search for the enigmatic being, simultaneously issuing a list of the deaths attributed to it. Veterinarian Alfonso Hernández Pérez expressed a belief that the sheep deaths could not be attributed to either bats, dogs, or felines. On April 18th, newscaster Jacobo Zabludowsky openly mocked "...this being captured by the Internet, whose means of sucking remain a mystery, just another myth among the hundreds which surround us...". His opinion on the subject would change dramatically two days later when he reported the unexplained deaths in the community of Las Granjas, not far from Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco. Over twenty sheep were found dead with the ubiquitous puncture marks on their bodies and drained of blood. Their owner, farmer Alberto Durán, could not believe what had happened. On May 2nd, Victor Barragán, a veterinary of the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, stated: "...some feline and/or wild dogs were responsible for the these massacres..." Nonetheless, Teodosio Méndez Meza, owner of the Amacueca


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large Ranch, informed the authorities of the deaths of 16 sheep, while at the same time, Bernardino Rodríguez of La Barranca de San Miguel experienced the loss of 4 sheep from their pen. Barragán remained unmoved, repeating that some natural cause (pumas, feral dogs, etc.) was behind these situations. Meanwhile, Humberto Cota Gil, chief investigator for the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, declared that the "Chupacabras" was nothing more than the Vampyrus Spectrum, a bat species originating in Brazil, and whose size ranges from between 50 to 70 centimeters; it sports six-centimeter fangs and a facial lobe of 25 centimeters. Intermunicipal police patrolling the region of Guasave, Los Mochis and Bachomobanpo were sent out to find this gigantic creature. The death list continued to rise in Tlalixcoyan: on May 3, six dead sheep were found with strange marks on their necks and in the vertebral region. The settlements of Trancas, Palo Gacho and El Nido were also affected by the spate of activity. According to a witness from El Nido, a doglike creature harassed his flock, and when he attempted to shoot the intruder, it crossed a barbed wire fence without wounding itself or making any noise. In Sinaloa, a brigade of specialists and policemen conducted a tour of inspection of all the affected municipalities as the death toll rose to 100 animal losses. Jose Luis Garibay, a pathologist with Mexico's department of livestock and agriculture, determined that the animal must be enormous, since it was obviously quite capable of lifting 540 kilograms and slaying forty sheep simultaneously to consume 12 liters of blood from each of them. A sheep which had been left tied at a particular place in the village of Ruiz Cortines was found some 200 meters away from where its owner left it. The animal had been decapitated and exsanguinated. Townspeople armed with rifles and machetes took to the countryside the following day in hopes of finding the predator, but according to the municipal secretary, Sergio Palencia Pérez, not a trace was found, although some claimed having seen a kind of enormous bat flying at low altitude. In Los MochisTopolobampo, the supernatural predator killed off 40 sheep at Rancho La Remolacha, prompting a massive mobilization of elements outfitted with infrared lights, shotguns, electrical equipment, helmets and riot shields. This belligerent response did not keep the mysterious attacker from going about his appointed rounds. On May 5, Tlalixcoyan awakened to discover 20 more sheep and 12 unspecified farm animals entirely bloodless. Based on the testimony of one Filogonio Jiménez, the Tlacoya ejido (farming cooperative) was shocked to discover 13 sheep with wounds on their throats. Six turkeys were found dead in a similar fashion at Piedras Negras, and two of Rancho El Peladero's sheep were attacked by the nocturnal predator. The village of La Loma, Jalisco, wasn't spared the bloodletting, as ten of its sheep were slain by whatever was roaming the night while the citizenry's dogs howled pathetically. It was on this strange evening that José Angel Pulido claimed to have been attacked by the "Chupacabras," which he described as a monster some 80 cm. tall and weighing some 30 kgs., with ashen-dark "feathers" and sizeable wings. Juan Robles, a farmer from San Miguel Coahuila, claimed that on May 6, 1996 four of his sheep were attacked by the alleged predator, prompting engineer Angel Ramírez to demand a serious formal investigation of the situation. This came about even as 12 lifeless goats were discovered in


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large Lagunillas de Huimilpan, Querétaro -- exsanguinated and with the trademark perforations on their bodies. Biologists began issuing their theories at this point: Rogelio Sosa, a researcher with The Sinaloa Center for Science, expressed his opinion that serious investigation should be undertaken, since the creature was obviously a very strong one and equipped with formidable claws. His working hypothesis, however, was that the countryside was facing a "rabid feline." Luis Carlos Fierro, head of the Office of Rural Livestock Development, dismissed the animal deaths as "popular myths," assuring that the guilty parties were most likely coyotes, dogs, mountain lions and cougars. The "Chupacabras" made an encore in the state of Veracruz, this time at Comunidad Cruz del Milagro in Sayula de Alemán, where it dispatched 7 cows in its customary manner. Hundreds of miles away, in the desert state of Chihuahua, 8 goats were attacked by an enigmatic beast, according to Ricardo Oropeza Medina of the Center for Epidemiology of the state health agency. On May 8, 1996, 2 sheep and 6 turkeys were slain in Tlalixcoyan, Veracruz. The "manhunt" scheduled by the authorities did not take place, since Atilano Martínez, the municipal president, and Armando Aguirre, the livestock farmers' representative, chose to attend a political meeting rather than comply with the wishes of the peasantry. The region is in the grip of tension and fear. San Miguel Coatlinchan, Texcoco (outside Mexico City) made the news when it was discovered that 18 birds were found dead and bloodless, with marks on their necks. Residents believe that the numerous prints left on the ground by the "animal" are much larger than those of any canine and suggest very large claws. In the wake of all these animal killings, livestock farmers began investing in large hunting dogs for their almost ceaseless patrols of their ranches. The president of the Regional Cattlemen's Association admitted that some deaths had been caused by strange animal attacks. Zootechnician David Avila Figueroa with the University of Guadalajara opined to the contrary, stating that the cause of death was a kind of feline that was neither mysterious nor abnormal, and that animals,"being as sensitive as they are, die from heart attacks." (!?) Vigilantes in the state of Nayarit fared somewhat better than those elsewhere: six bloodless birds prompted an intense mobilization and a vigorous pursuit of the creature. According to Mr. Silva Avila, "I saw it [the creature] in profile at a distance of some 10 meters, and it stood motionless. I picked up a stone and threw it at the creature, but I missed. The animal turned toward me and moved away with hurried jumps, vaulting over a 2 meter high wall. It measures some 80 cms. has a small head, short, pointed ears, like those of a bat. Its eyes were brilliant red." He also added that the creature was covered in black fur with legs that bent at the knees; two small arms, like those of a kangaroo, protruded from its torso. The creature returned to haunt the population once again, causing the police to sally forth, fully armed, and deploy tear gas against it. Meanwhile, in Cuatichán, (Mexico state), 19 birds and two pigs were found dead with the characteristic marks on their necks. The natives, curiously, began painting their houses and hanging crosses made of ocote on their doorways. In Matamoros,


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large on the U.S. border, the alleged apparition of the "Son of Chupacabras" (?) was being investigated. On May 9, the Archbishop of Morelia, Alberto Suarez Inda, begged the public to remain serene in the face of the phenomenon sweeping the country, publicly stating his confidence in the authorities. He declared that there exist very strange phenomena which are complicated to investigate, and demand all the available time and means to be solved (author's italics). Antonio Camacho Díaz, a bishop of the Orthodox Catholic Church, suggested that the creatures could be the result of some congenital deformity or a product of radiation. According to Carlos Vega Fineda, assistant director of municipal medical services, the so-called "Chupacabras" is merely a misidentification of the well-known "murciélago de las tumbas" (the graveyard bat), which has merely changed its dietary habits (?). As the mutilation epidemic spread, special guards were established in the municipalities of Texcoco and Zumpango, equipped with the added protection of crosses designed to scare the strange creature away. Much in the same manner that Canóvanas in Puerto Rico had become the Chupacabras' favorite feeding area, the creature's Mexican counterpart appeared to have claimed Tlalixcoyan in Veracruz for itself. The citizenry, enraged and frightened by the depredations, demanded that the authorities do something to protect their animals and themselves, since the possibility that the creature might turn on humans next was not taken lightly. In Los Mochis, Sinaloa, one Benigno Cano claimed to have seen a strange creature, some 90 cms. in height, with large, sharp fangs, red eyes, scales, and a "dragon-like appearance," which allegedly caused the deaths of 2 ducks, a goat and several chickens. Workers at the Abelardo L. Rodríguez dam stumbled upon the body of a dead bat, measuring 85 cms. in height and almost a meter wide, with gigantic fangs. Mr. Pavón Reyes, head of the Sonora special operations group (GOES), said that he would concede the "Ocurrió Así" television program the first bid on the story, since he expected a reward of $50,000 for his trouble. It was later learned that the creature was merely a dead cat which had been split open and spread out to seem larger. León, Guanajuato, a locale famous for its UFO-related incidents, was not spared a visit from whatever was killing animals all over the country. Two boys, Jesús Barajas and Julio Bermúdez, reported having seen a strange being measuring approximately 1 meter 20 cms., black-skinned and with bulging eyes, who later cleared a 2 meter tall fence, flying into the air. On May 12, a veterinarian claimed that autopsies performed on dead geese suggested that the death could have been caused by a giant bat created by genetic manipulation in the U.S. or in Mexico. This line of thought was echoed the following day by researchers from the School of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, who thought it likely that mutations in canines and felines could well be responsible for the deaths taking place all over the country. On May 17, the residents of Ciudad Ayala in the state of Morelos had a repeat visit from the paranormal predator, who struck at their flocks of sheep. The losses were attributed to a "giant vulture." That same day, in El Tecomate, Sinaloa, frightened peasants used their machetes to kill an otter found in an


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large irrigation ditch, believing it was the "Chupacabras." The same homespun "experts" that had amused the Puerto Rican press turned up in Mexico: one of them believed that the "Chupacabras" had been brought in from Africa and was being utilized by the "Golden Lucifer" sect for their rituals. This being was allegedly able to sprinkle colored powders at his victims, putting them to sleep and later attacking them. According to one "expert," the Chupacabras had a lifespan of between 50 and 100 years. Human Attacks Aside from the fact that a number of attacks on humans were confirmed throughout Mexico, it is worth mentioning the fate suffered by Mrs. Teodora Ayala Reyes on April 29 in one of the most shocking cases of the Mexican "Chupacabras" wave. It took place, as mentioned earlier, in the village of Alfonso Genaro Calderón in Sinaloa. The attacker turned out to be, from the lady's own description, a very bizarre creature some 60 cms. tall which gave off a strong stench and had large wings. Mrs. Ayala was attacked at nighttime and presented bruises on her neck, her back and her face. Her assailant disappeared into the night. As reported elsewhere, José Angel Pulido, a resident of Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, was accosted by an improbable creature that inflicted wounds--hematomas and deep scratches--on his arm. The images of these two victims of alleged Chupacabras mayhem were broadcast on Mexican television, causing nationwide consternation. Two other attacks, such as those visited upon Juana Tizoc Montenegro and Elvira Meza, were never confirmed, although they received a great deal of media coverage. Nonetheless, these last two witnesses coincide in their descriptions of the attacker. The Chiapas Case This specific case is worthy of mention because is occurred in a state which is going through a high level of political conflict, and because certain "pseudo-investigators" attributed the events to activities of the Zapatista Liberation Army (EZLN) in an effort to distract popular attention from what is going on in Chiapas. On April 1st, 1996, Mrs. Julieta Calderón awoke to discover almost twenty dead, blood-covered sheep on her property, a ranch named San Antonio de los Sauces. The dead animals presented ripped throats, which according to the official version, proved that the attackers had been dogs. Curiously, neither the watchmen, nor the shepherd, nor the ranch's inhabitants, not even the hunting dogs, were alerted to the activity of the wild pack of feral canines. According to Jesús Espinoza Ramírez, a technician with the Ministry of Agriculture, there is no doubt that the killings were perpetrated by dogs. This hypothesis is being disputed by the ranch's owner. One of the watchmen, Victor Manuel Samoaya, recalled seeing a "person" half a meter tall, naked and albino-like, hiding among the bushes. "I thought it was a child," he stated, adding that he and a companion went after the strange creature without much success. The president of the Asociación de Ovinocultores de Chiapas, Ernesto Sánchez Yanini, pointed out that in the


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large twenty years he has devoted to cattle farming, he had never known so many animals to die in a single attack, although he does not dismiss the notion that a pack of wild dogs may have been responsible.

The Other Side of the Phenomenon: The Psychosocial Phenomena Since it first appeared in the national media, the "Chupacabras" has captured the attention of everyone, from musicians to intellectuals. Numerous references to the creature have appeared in Mexico's print media, which gives us an entity which has been variously linked to Subcomandante Marcos of the EZLN, with the myth of "La Llorona," and to the poverty and lack of education afflicting the country. The real "Chupacabras," so to speak, is the drought and hunger afflicting the country, along with the current political crisis, unemployment and lawlessness. Delirious minds have created their own myths and legends as a result of the penury that has engulfed Mexico as a nation. It should be noted that "El Financiero" newspaper published in its May 12, 1996 edition an extensive review of the phenomenon, ascribing its existence to the oft-mentioned Mexican Crisis. It went as far as to point out that this phenomenon is a rumor which has invaded the country due to the low educational levels among the population, which needs to be better informed in order to sort out truth from fiction. Paco Ignacio Taibo, a noted Mexican novelist and essayist, José Luis Cuevas, an artist, and many others have echoed similar sentiments: the Chupacabras is a rival figure to Marcos; it embodies former president Carlos Salinas de Gortari, it embodies Mexico's poverty--manipulated, extorted, and deceived by its fellow countrymen. Faced with this "evidence," one is led to believe that all the goings-on in this world relating to this bizarre phenomenon are mere fantasies. Yet I wonder: are these fine gentlemen aware of what happens in cyclical rhythms in the fields of England, France, Sweden, Brazil, the U.S., and Canada, among others, where mutilated, exsanguinated animals are found by the dozens? What would they think about the Exmoor Beast? The Gevaudan Beast? The recent waves of cattle mutilations in New Mexico, and the 1993 wave of mutilations in Germany? It is one thing to discuss, philosophize, get together with cronies in a coffeehouse and reach "conclusions" without ever dirtying the soles of one's shoes by investigating the scene where the events took place. In order to have grounds upon which to discuss the phenomenon we must investigate, visit the locations in question, interview witnesses, analyze the results gathered, and refrain from issuing false conclusions which, in my opinion, mislead the public. The Research Upon discovering that one of Tlalixcoyan, a community located some capital of Veracruz, we commenced Nonetheless, bearing in mind that

the "hottest" sites in the country was 3 hours to the north of Jalapa, the state making preparations to visit the site. the School of Veterinary Sciences and


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large Zootechnology of the University of Veracruz should already have been aware of the situation, we paid a visit to its facilities for an interview with its director, Mr. Emilio Zilli Debernardi (who can be reached by telephone at 91 (29)86-02-44), and with academician Jesús Morales. Surprisingly, these "authorities" professed having no knowledge whatsoever about the events, and rather nervously informed me that I was the first civilian to approach them with an interest in this subject. To assuage their fears, I told them that I wasn't an agent from the Department of State or from National Security -merely a medical specialist with an interest in the subject. Their response was: "We'll get in touch with you if we find anything..." Faced with this attitude on their part, I tried to contact Mr. Agustín Morales, president of the Tlalixcoyan Cattle Farmers Association, headquartered in Piedras Negras (Tel. 91-296-70088), who claimed not to be aware of anything in particular, but would be happy to contact me once information on the subject had been brought to his attention. To this date, no further word has been received from either agency. We visited Tlalixcoyan on May 1st, 1996. The high level of apprehension among the population was clearly evident, and when we spoke to a number of farmers and cattlemen, a constant appeared to be that no sound was ever perceived from the areas in which the mutilations took place. It was only on the following day that the bloodless, mutilated animals were discovered. Mr. Pedro Hernández told us he had seen "...a kind of large rabbit which hopped along until it vanished into the vegetation. It measured approximately 80 cms. and was dark in color. The following day, I found three completely bloodless goats and four chickens in a similar condition...I don't know what exactly happened." Another witness, Mrs. Dionisia Pérez, informed us that an animal resembling a very large dog had assaulted her sheep pen and shaken the oldest sheep "as if it were an old rag." We investigated prints in the surroundings, but did not find any traces. Possible organic remains were examined without anything significant being discovered. At this point in time, there existed the possibility that an official investigation, which would include competent authorities as well as civilian researchers would be launched by officials. It never took place. According to three local children--Baltazar Herrera, Ramiro Rodríguez and Juan Hernández-- they found three dead sheep in their farm on April 6. The hapless animals had been relieved of their blood, and the boys were unable to find any animal prints belonging to a dog, coyote or similar creature. They told me that they had said nothing to the authorities out of fear of reprisals: this was a very significant aspect we were able to pick up on during our stay in Tlalixcoyan. The region is constantly in turmoil, since it contains marijuana and poppy fields, secret airstrips, and is a choice location for drug traffickers. In spite of this fact, the locals were requesting the authorities' help prompted by their growing fear of the phenomenon. This help never arrived, since the authorities in question emitted verdicts from the safety of their desks without bothering to evaluate the real concerns of the rural population. On May 4th, television channel 5 transmitted a report stating that the Coatepec region (close to Jalapa) as well as Xico had been visited by the Chupacabras, which had slain 6 hens, 4 rabbits and a goat. We visited the area


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large the same day, interviewing veterinarians, farmers, members of the Cattlemen's Association, and even workers of the local health care center. The results were negative. No one was able to give any information, for which reason we cannot say for sure if what transpired in the area was true or false. What conclusions can be drawn from the investigation performed? None. We can only consider that something or someone killed the animals, which were found with ripped throats or punctures on their bodies. On May 11th, we investigated the case in Jalapa, visiting Colonia Independencia, where we were able to see the geese that had been slain there and the puncture marks on their bodies. We interviewed Dr. Villanueva, who commented that he had been unable to find any traces of blood on the birds. Residents and animal owners told us that they didn't hear anything at the time the killings took place. Analysis As we stated in our introduction, Mexico has never faced as fascinating a phenomenon as the current one, and it is only logical to suppose that vague, silly, opportunistic, political and pseudoscientific explanations should make the rounds, coupled with a thorough ignorance of the real phenomenon. It is sad to notice the lack of a serious investigative criteria, backed by the scientific method, to face a situation of such proportions. It would seem that the explanations purveyed by different government bureaucrats are efforts at convincing the population that "nothing is going on in Mexico." The comments made by Juli Carabias, Secretary of the Environment, show the absence of a real awareness of the facts. The aim: to lead the population into believing that "it is all due to natural causes," when to this very day no one knows what is killing goats, sheep, chickens, etc. As an investigator of these events, I would take the following points into consideration 1. The cattle mutilation phenomenon is global, since it has occurred in France, Germany, Britain, the U.S., Brazil, etc. 2. It is linked to a diversified phenomenology that includes the presence of large felines, winged entities, humanoid creatures, etc. (as in some of the cases presented here). To date, there have been no UFO sightings linked to the phenomenon at the sites where killings have occurred (although they have been seen in others). 3. The phenomenon finishes as abruptly as it begins (folklorists and pseudophilosophers attribute this to the traditions and collective unconscious of all peoples). 4. Real, objective information about the events must be made available to the population, free from bias and manipulation. 5. Scientific resources must be deployed in an effort to understand (if at all possible) what is causing these animal deaths. 6. Form brigades of veterinarians, zootechnicians, biologists, chemists, etc. charged with investigating each particular case openly and without prejudice. 7. The government should support the individuals involved in this research endeavor with police or even military vehicles (if necessary).


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large 8. Keep an open mind regarding the evidence. It is indeed fascinating that with the amount of research carried out, both from the bibliographical and field perspectives, the mystery still persists. It is also important to point out that some very strange reports have issued from the state of Jalisco, particularly from the Zapopan region, in which humanoid presences have been reported--women of a wolf-like appearance-in connection with the mutilation epidemic. This has resulted in significant searches throughout the area without anything having been discovered to date. Witnesses insist that they have seen a woman with wolf-like characteristics, who had already attacked a horse and two people (as reported in Crónica Policiaca magazine, p.19, #4, May 7, 1996). Curiously enough, this leads us to think about events which took place in the Dominican Republic during the 1970's, involving mutilated animals and the presence of humanoid creatures. On May 14th I placed a phone call to Dr. Bernardo Villa in Mexico City. Dr. Villa is an investigator with the Institute of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and is considered one of the world's foremost mastozoologist. During our conversation he remarked: " is extremely important to conduct field research in the places which have been affected, following the scientific method: observation, an exhaustive analysis of specimens. This should not be dismissed lightly, particularly with the psychosis that has gripped the population." (As a sideline commentary we will add here that Dr. Villa played a critical role during the investigation of the "Tecolutla Monster.") But this is Mexico, where the words of a misguided politician carry more weight than the statements of a true scientist. NOTE: This is a preliminary investigation, "closed" on May 20th 1996. Nonetheless, we continue to receive information from different states in Mexico. [Editor's Note: Dr. Lara's thoroughness during all his investigations makes him a "researchers' researcher." This preliminary report quotes a whopping 70 sources, which are far too numerous to include in this report, and are on file with SAMIZDAT]. Updates to "The Chupacabras Diaries" from January to May 1996 By Scott Corrales

Friday, January 5, 1996 Two goats were slain by the Chupacabras in Caguas' Barrio Cañaboncito. Police officials reported to the scene after being alerted by Wanda Rivera, who discovered her two young goats dead within their concrete and wire cage, which was still closed and gave no signs of having been forced. Three sheep were also bled dry at the residence of José Ramos Aponte in Aguas Buenas. According to the owner, he rose early on Thursday morning to find that his animals were dying from their puncture wounds.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large Tuesday, January 8, 1996 The Chupacabras attacked a farm in Canóvanas, killing a pair of sheep belonging to Monchito Colón. Police officers Orlando Marín and Rosa Santiago reported to the site. Just as the police reached the area, another call was received from José Febo, who had allegedly just seen a creature with pointed ears, a strange profile, and a shaven head. Febo encountered the creature as it rested on a tamarind tree. When it noticed the human, the entity jumped off the tree and ran "like a gazelle." Thursday, January 11, 1996 Mayor José Soto of Canóvanas, who led expeditions in search of the elusive Chupacabras back in November '95, made a formal request of Police Commissioner Pedro Toledo to help him obtain the resources needed to capture the creature. While the commissioner met with Mayor Soto, no allocation of police resources was made. The creature attacked the Canóvanas area once more, killing a sheep and a rooster belonging to Tomás Santiago López. The sheep was badly wounded and was later put down by a local veterinarian. Mayor Soto visited the Santiago farm, located in Barrio Cambalache. Monday, January 15, 1996 Two sheep were found dead on a farm in Lajas, P.R.. Wisbel Ayala, head of the Civil Defense, looked into the matter, declaring that a veterinarian identified only as "Dr. Ruiz" had offered to analyze the carcasses, which had been "attacked by the monkeys which live in the area." The possibility that the carcasses will be frozen and shipped to the CDC in Atlanta hasn't been ruled out.

According to SAMIZDAT correspondent José Valdez, the conditions Puerto Rico experienced during January activity to a minimum. He speculates that the creature sort of hibernation for a period of time. The fact of elusive creature is back, and has even been reported on 20 miles off the Puerto Rican mainland.

unusually cold weather 1996 kept Chupacabras may have gone into some the matter is that the the island of Vieques--

Friday, January 12, 1996 The police seem unable to protect even their own. Police Colonel Agustín Cartagena, who owns a farm near Caguas, P.R., received a visit from the Chupacabras. The intruder killed 22 animals--an assortment of ducks, chickens, and guinea hens. This incident apparently took place just days after six sheep were killed on the property of Police Lieutenant Jorge Rivera, whose farm is located in Canóvanas.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large Thursday, January 18, 1996 The Chupacabras turned its thirst for blood against five ducks, slaying four and leaving one mortally injured. However, it met its match in the fierce flock of geese kept by Mrs. Luz Bonilla in her Guaynabo backyard. Even the Chupacabras meets its match now and then, it seems. According to Mrs. Bonilla, the geese made a racket in the wee hours of the morning. Upon venturing out to her backyard to see what had happened, she was faced with the sight of the dead ducks. Mrs. Bonilla added her voice to a growing number of citizens demanding a serious investigation by the Commonwealth government into this matter. On the other side of the island, reports came in from a number of sources describing a flurry of UFO activity. Police officials confirmed receiving distressed phone calls regarding this unusual activity. The sightings allegedly took place over the Costas, Sábana Yeguas and Candelaria sectors of Lajas. The objects were described as triangular in shape and moving at prodigious speed across the night skies from south to west. Curiously enough, the UFO reports coincided with the arrival of several squadrons of jet fighters from the USAF. Local residents were awakened to a deafening sound, only to find the fighters making low-level runs over their homes. The police could not speculate as to why the Air Force had chosen to embark on practice runs in the area. Friday, January 19, 1996 A professor from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Dr. Juan A. Rivero, has become part of the scientific task force which is currently investigating the puzzling deaths of animals throughout the island--deaths attributed to the creature known as the Chupacabras. Dr. Rivero expressed his support for the theory that the animal deaths caused throughout the island have been the work of Rhesus monkeys which were brought to Puerto Rico's offshore islands for research purposes. A Harvard graduate and director of the Puerto Rican Zoological Society, Rivero suspects that most of the strange animal deaths which took place during 1995 were caused by the Rhesus, which has been known to kill for the sport of it. Thursday, January 25, 1996 Julio Víctor Ramírez, staff writer for El Vocero, described the strange disappearance of a Siberian Husky and the death of a number of animals belonging to Antonia Rodríguez García, a Mayagüez housewife who notified local authorities about the incident. According to the report filed by police officer Carlos Rivera, the victim reported the loss of a pair of rabbits and one of her dogs. One of the rabbits had curious incisions on its neck, while the other showed signs of ripped flesh. The animals gave the appearance of having been drained of blood. The mutilations appear to have taken place at 3:00 a.m., and the police report indicates their having discovered chunks of raw meat mixed with fur from Mrs. Rodríguez's missing dog.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large The dog engaged in a fierce encounter with the intruder, which tore off a clump of the Husky's fur during the fray. The report did not speculate whether the rabbits had been killed by the Chupacabras or by a more mundane creature. Friday, January 26, 1996 A dead pet is a cause for great sadness in any family, but a beloved pet found shredded by an unknown force, perhaps a supernatural one, inspires sheer terror. Julio López and his family can attest to this, having experienced it themselves on the evening of January 23, 1996 when they returned to their home in Urb. Las Carolinas near Caguas. The pet in question--a rabbit belonging to Mr. López's youngest daughter--was found torn to bloody shreds in its cage, which showed signs of violent destruction. Some kind of dark excrement-different from that of cows, horses, dogs or apes--was found on the site. It was suggested that the darkness of the excrement was the result of the attacker's having ingested blood. Mr. López was quoted by San Juan's El Vocero newspaper as saying: "The shape in which the cage was left was incredible, it being built out of metal tubing and linked wire...they took out the rabbit, killed it, and tore out its head and other entrails." López added later: "This is the work of a supernatural agency--neither a dog nor an ape nor a snake could have done such a thing." Ironically, Mr. López works as a butcher for a Caguas butcher shop. He expressed his understanding of what people throughout the island have felt when they discover their beloved animals have been viciously slain. His twelve yearold daughter still weeps uncontrollably over her dead rabbit. Saturday, February 3, 1996 The authorities have sought solace once more behind theories of ravenous monkeys and one-fanged dogs--the Nineties equivalent of "Swamp Gas." A turkey belonging to Herminio García, a beekeeper from the Mayagüez area, had the dubious distinction of being the first animal of its kind to be slain by the Chupacabras. The gobbler was found dead with claw marks on its neck. The interagency task force led by Wisbel Ayala, entrusted with the task of analyzing the spate of mysterious deaths around the island, took the dead animal away for autopsy purposes. Ayala expressed the belief that although there were no witnesses, a monkey attacked the turkey. The owner did not have time to see the assailant, since, by his own admission, as soon as he heard the sounds made by the attacker, he ran to grab a shotgun in hopes of defending his animal, but arrived too late. Out of a total of nine confirmed cases in western P.R., 4 have been submitted to forensic analysis within conclusive results. The cases remain officially open. Thursday, February 8, 1996 Mayor José Nazario of Lajas has never seen a UFO despite persistent


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large sightings over his municipality in southwestern Puerto Rico. He belittles the importance of the phenomenon, but did not wish to engage in argument with local ufologists on the matter. Mayor Nazario's position on the subject differs significantly from that held by Humberto Ramos, Mayor of Adjuntas, the mountain community where UFOs became an everyday occurrence in the early 90's. Unlike his colleague, Ramos has seen the maneuvers of unknown lights in the skies over his municipality. The Chupacabras returned in full force to the Quebrada Negra sector of Canóvanas, killing at least two sheep and mutilating an unspecified number of other animals. The incidents occurred around 3:00 p.m. on a farm owned by Mr. Elías Reyes, who told authorities that his dead livestock had puncture marks on their necks and bellies, as well as torn flesh on their hindquarters, through which inner organs were apparently extracted. Mr. Reyes refused to believe that apes or wild dogs could have committed such a horrifying act, and called upon Governor Pedro Roselló to show some leadership concerning this distressing situation. ¿Does the Chupacabras travel by saucer? Many Puerto Ricans are expressing a belief that the elusive Chupacabras cannot be captured because it (or they) travel by flying saucer. Two Thursdays ago, drivers going past Dorado's Barrio Los Rodríguez at 10 AM insist upon having seen a luminous object land in a densely forested area. The object remained there for about 3 hours (disappearing at 1 PM). This was attested to by Miguel and María Rodríguez, who live in a house behind the hill in question. Many "busybodies" headed for the place in which the unidentified object was reported and instead found caves filled with strange utensils, even chopsticks, as can be seen in the photo of the on the left. However, this family was relieved of 14 chickens, one of which appeared completely bloodless. A photo was taken of the site where the alleged UFO landed: it shows lights through the wooded growth. On the right, curiosity-seekers who claim to have seen the flying object emerge from the above-mentioned location on Saturday at 10:30 PM. They say that the object in question is being seen frequently in this area. Friday, March 8, 1996 Reports issuing from Puerto Rico in January and February expressed a belief that the Chupacabras (singular or plural) had gone into hibernation. This concept gave rise to the question of where such an activity would take place, focusing popular attention on the municipality of Aguas Buenas and the extensive cave system found in this area. This lull in activity ended abruptly when farmer Arturo Rodríguez of Aguas Buenas' Barrio Sumidero reported the loss of 30 fighting roosters and hens. The slain birds presented puncture marks on their bodies and throats. Agents from the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources allegedly visited the site to conduct further research.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large Tuesday, March 12, 1996 Residents of the Barrio Maravilla section of Las Marias added to their woes the appearance of an exotic creature and the strange deaths of two rabbits. The locals are frightened to admit the possibility that the Chupacabras is behind these animal deaths. On Saturday, March 9th, a boy named Ovidio Méndez, who was in the process of burying a dead hen in his backyard, ran into a strange creature some four feet in height, walking on two legs. The child stated that the creature had elongated red eyes, large fangs, clawlike hands and a dark grey body. Young Ovidio told the police officers who reported to the scene that the "thing" remained motionless during their encounter and made no threatening gestures whatsoever. "The pointy-eared animal ran away," he added. Officials explored the immediate area surrounding Las Marías but were unable to come up with anything. Not all residents were sold on the idea of the Chupacabras as the source of the animal deaths. One woman expressed the belief that a dog was really the party responsible for the death of her rabbit, but another resident felt that the marks found on her dead pet were "very strange." The Chupacabras was allegedly foiled in one of its attacks: a mare fended off its strange assailant with powerful kicks, causing it to run away. These details were released by police lieutenant Carmelo Rodríguez of the local police precinct. Newspaper El Vocero alerted its readers to the possibility that the Chupacabras and its kind have spread throughout the world--a truly sobering thought. Journalist Julio V. Ramírez observed that animal mutilations bearing the distinctive "signature" of the Chupacabras have been reported in Brazil's Amazonia and in Guatemala, where hundreds of sheep and chickens were killed in a bizarre fashion. One Guatemalan farmwoman reported that over a hundred of her chickens were found completely drained on blood and with "strange puncture marks" under their wings. Wednesday, March 13, 1996 In a most unusual development, the Chupacabras was "exonerated" of guilt in the March 9th slaying of a cow belonging to Mayagüez-area cattleman Pedro Rojas Rodríguez, a resident of the Montoso sector of that community. According to Mr. Rojas, "an unknown assailant" had killed his cow, taking the choicest cuts of meat. This most un-Chupacabras-like attacker left behind the animal's skin, head, legs and entrails. Agents of Puerto Rico's CIC expressed a belief that "we are dealing with a human cow-killer who is preying on all the cattle in this area." Tuesday, March 19, 1996 More fighting roosters and dogs have been lost to the Chupacabras,which has haunted the city of Aguada's Barrio Mamey over the past weekend. A local youth, José Pellot, had a terrifying close encounter with the bizarre predator: as Pellot went out to his backyard after hearing an unusual sound, he became aware of a doglike creature. To his amazement, what he had taken to be a dog suddenly became fully erect, standing some five feet in height. Pellot later described the creature as being hairy and powerfully built. The surprise


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large encounter with the creature coincided with the deaths of several fighting roosters and a dog belonging to Santos Pellot, José's father.

Wednesday, April 3, 1996 Distasteful though it may seem to many, particularly those researchers who pride themselves on their strong scientific backing, there exists the widespread belief on the island that the Chupacabras and its kin are demonic creatures, heralding the "period of confusion" (parusia, in Greek) foretold in the Book of Revelations. All the sophisticated arguments about one-fanged dogs, rogue apes, aliens and genetic engineering have been unable to assuage this strong concern. What does any investigator do, however, when witnesses report that the Chupacabras exited the scene "to the strong smell of sulphur"? Aguas Buenas' Barrio Sumidero, which had the unenviable distinction of being the first place visited by the Chupacabras after its "reawakening" from a purported rest period, is once again in the news. The paranormal predator made free with a large number of backyard animals over the preceding days, leaving a trail of dead chickens, geese, ducks and sheep in the La Vega, Capilla, and La Araña sectors of Barrio Sumidero The ravenous intruder killed eleven chickens at the farm of Luis Fontánez, who had carefully placed his birds into individual cages. Six dead ducks, discovered by Pascual Ayala at his farm, completed the night's handiwork in this part of the island which became famous late last year when a cow belonging to Luis Felipe Navas, a senator, was found entirely drained of blood. On April 1st, three sheep (a fourth was reported missing) joined the list of victims when their bloodless carcasses were found on the property of Rafael Peña. The animals betrayed the same puncture marks in the throat and abdomen which have characterized a Chupacabras attack. A strong smell of sulphur filled the air in the wake of the killings, making some of the individuals on the scene feel ill. This group of sixteen people included farmer Peña himself, Aguas Buenas mayor Victor Aponte, EL VOCERO photographer Eddie Deese Conde and elements of the Civil Defense. Nausea and vomiting among the nocturnal expedition's members caused the search to be postponed. The mute testimony of the damage was undeniable. "Whatever" caused the animal deaths had torn a galvanized iron gate, measuring 16' wide by 14' high, off its hinges. The potent smell of sulphur was ascribed to a hypothetical "defense mechanism" possessed by the creature known as the Chupacabras. Others have speculated that the sulphurous odor may also be used to render its prey unable to flee. Local residents kept their own counsel, however, as to the nature and meaning of the sulphur. "Chupacabras Universalis" When the Chupacabras first appeared, it amazed half of the population and caused the other half to curl its lips into a sneer of contempt. Pseudoscientists took to the airwaves arguing about one-fanged dogs, troupes of


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large feral apes, cats and even bats. Skeptics tried to prove their superiority, arguing that a rare avian known as the "night-jar" was in fact the Chupacabras, and that it had been seen in Puerto Rico during the late '80's. Their logic was a poor substitute for their linguistic ignorance--the chotacabras of the late 80's was in no way, shape or form similar to the chupacabras of the mid '90's. The collected experiences of hundreds of witnesses who courageously stepped forward with their stories (and the other myriads who have kept their sightings secret, no doubt) were treated as tabloid fodder by friends and foes of the paranormal alike. The friendly side was unwilling to lend credence in a the sudden appearance of a creole monster which could topple the longestablished Bigfoot or Mothman from their paranormal pedestals, or felt that the lack of a clear-cut UFO link, in these Roswell-obsessed days, made it unworthy of interest. The growing evidence was ignored by major newspapers. One of them, the San Juan Star, went as far as reprinting only what had already appeared in the wire services concerning the story. Other newspapers, such as Puerto Rico's Claridad, argued that the Chupacabras was merely a ploy to derail the island's bid for political independence by sinking the population into a morass of superstition and fear. This "liberal" newspaper blasted Jorge Martín, whose selfless and tireless investigation brought the story to light, as well as Salvador Freixedo, a world-class paranormal researcher, for their part in a television program (on a state-owned educational channel) devoted to the creature. It didn't help that José "Chemo" Soto, the mayor of Chupacabrasafflicted Canóvanas, belonged to the pro-statehood political party. Today, a year and a quarter after the initial mutilations began in the mountainous districts of Orocovis and Morovis, the Chupacabras drama still unfolds on "the shining star of the Caribbean," but it has taken its show on the road, with unscheduled appearances in Florida, Texas, Arizona, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Perú and Brazil. Chupacabras portorricensis has become Chupacabras universalis, and it's our turn to deal with him. The Central American Debut When a woman claimed to have been the victim of the Chupacabras, this time in the town of Bijagual de Turrubares in the tiny Central American country of Costa Rica, her experiences were written off as the delusions of someone trying to explain natural phenomena with magical, superstitious reasoning. Erlinda Vega, the victim in question, stated that a creature with large wings and a small face and eyes seized her by her dress and attempted to carry her off. Her husband responded to her screams of terror, but "did not see anything." Bijagual, a sleepy town even by Latin American standards, was jolted into the reality of a living nightmare. A team of researchers from the Costa Rican ministry of agriculture visited the community to interview the human victim and to inspect a dead heifer which had been found in the area. According to their testimony, the bovine had been slain by a vampire bat. Costa Rican authorities tried to explain the situation as mere local folklore: their country has a tradition of supernatural beasts. One of them, known as "el cadejo" (a diabolical canine that attacks humans) is strongly reminiscent of England's "black shuck." Francisco Escobar, a sociologist, explained that rural poverty and desperation, combined with the accessibility


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large of television, have created a cocktail designed to fire the imagination and belief in supernatural solutions to unusual problems. "The real Chupacabras," he said on Costa Rica's Channel 7, "is the poverty and lack of education which impede access to services and to the means of production."

Saturday, April 13, 1996 Accompanied by a strong smell of sulphur, the Chupacabras returned in full force to haunt the wee hours of the morning. On this occasion, it chose to feast upon animals belonging to Mrs. Amparo Vázquez, a housewife from San Lorenzo's Barrio Quebrada. The death count rose to 9 chickens and one hen. According to Mrs. Vázquez, dogs all around her neighborhood had barked incessantly the previous evening, as if trying to warn their owners about a prowler in the dark. Residents of a nearby development, Jardines de San Lorenzo, reported seeing something which resembled an enormous bird flying over the area. Those interviewed by the local media stated that they had never seen a bird of such size before, and had certainly never heard shrieking sounds such as those it was emitting. An upswell of sympathy from cat owners everywhere greeted the sad news that an entire litter of kittens and their mother had been slain by the Chupacabras. Mrs. Nydia Pastrana, a farm owner from Trujillo Alto (directly south of San Juan), heard sounds in her back yard in the middle of the night, but chose not to investigate. The following day she found that her cat and a litter of kittens had been slain by perforations in their necks. Some unknown force had broken down the gate to her backyard in order to commit the crime. Monday, April 29, 1996 If the home is in the heartland, the Chupacabras certainly returned for a visit when it committed a rash of slayings in the municipality of Cidra in Puerto Rico's mountainous interior. After almost a year's absence from this beautiful lake region, the paranormal predator chose to leave a most terrible calling card: it drained the blood of a newborn colt, attacking the hapless animal with such intensity that for the very first time ever, the nocturnal assailant actually left an impression of its claws on its victim's corpse. That, and a large amount of yellowish "goo" with a foetid smell of sulphur. Authorities reported to the home of Luis Ramos of Cidra to investigate his claim. According to the colt's owner, the family dog had not stopped barking all evening, punctuating its barks with strange howls as if it were witnessing a terrifying sight. Bravely, Mr. Ramos went outside in the dark, but was unable to see anything amiss. The following morning, when he went to check on the colt, he was stunned to find its exsanguinated carcass. Photographer Eddie Deese Conde, whose images of chilling Chupacabrasrelated deaths are quickly becoming legendary, managed to capture the ferocity


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large of the predator's attack upon the helpless colt. Those present at the scene speculated that the Chupacabras had gripped the horse's hindquarters with excessive strength in order to extract as much blood as possible. A deep perforation was discovered under the colt's right flank. Friday, May 3rd, 1996 When police officers in Ponce today went on record saying that they had no explanation whatsoever for the deaths of sixteen ducks, they weren't being naive. Hector de Jesús Santiago, a resident of the Brisas del Caribe sector of this southern Puerto Rican city, awoke as usual at six o'clock in the morning to feed his pet ducks--only to find them dead. Curiously enough, an assortment of roosters and hens which also formed part of his backyard menagerie were unharmed. The police officer who reported to the scene, José Pérez, expressed a belief that "the ducks couldn't have possibly been killed by dogs, since dogs bite and chew the body. These birds only had perforations on them." Wednesday, May 8th, 1996 Police officials were at a loss to explain the deaths of twenty chickens- slain by a telltale perforation beneath one wing--in the grounds of a house in Villalba, on Puerto Rico's southern shore. Mr. Randy Alvarado visited the police headquarters in person, notifying the duty officer that he had encountered the dead birds first thing that morning. The birds had customarily roosted on a tree in his backyard. Lt. Victor Santiago told reporters that he "had no explanation for what had transpired, since it is difficult to catch a chicken sleeping on a tree limb...imagine what it takes to catch twenty of them." When asked if he feared that the Chupacabras had paid his precinct a visit, he declined to comment, adding only: "this is a very strange event...a complex case." Over a dozen slain ducks had been found a week before in nearby El Tuque, presenting the same puncture marks which have characterized the wave of animal mutilations which has played out for well over a year. AN EXCERPT FROM SALVADOR FREIXEDO'S "DEFENDAMONOS DE LOS DIOSES" [World-renowned ufologist Salvador Freixedo faced animal and human mutilations during the 1970's while living in Puerto Rico and Mexico. This very important book, which has failed to attract the interest of U.S. publishers, constitutes a vital piece in the mutilations riddle. SAMIZDAT has taken the liberty of reprinting a section entitled "UFOs and Blood" to present readers with Sr. Freixedo's conclusions on the subject.] Remember that in the preceding pages we not only linked the "UFO phenomenon" with what we have been calling the "gods," in other words, that those who appear to us today under the guise of spacemen are the very same who appeared as gods to our forebears (sometimes in flying machines, as many ancient chronicles tell us), demanding adoration and sacrifice. In step with this idea and identification, we now encounter another fact that leaves us


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large stunned, after what we have said earlier. This is the bare and undeniable fact: Periodically, UFOs tend to take certain entrails and vast amounts of blood extracted from animals--preferably cows and bulls--which they have previously mutilated on farms. This butchery, which always takes place at night, has occured practically everywhere in the world, and the authorities of some countries, having been notified by ranchers and damaged parties, have intervened to find the source of these slayings, without having ever found a satisfactory explanation. That we connect these deaths to UFOs is not a result of conjecture, or for lack of a satisfactory explanation issued by the authorities. We have personally investigated quite a few cases of this nature and have heard the testimony of eyewitnesses to the events. Readers new to this strange facet of UFO activity (which likens UFOs to the legendary Dracula), will be inclined to dismiss it as another legend. Putting Dracula aside (and much could be said about him), we are left with events whose investigation has no need of oral traditions or old books--all that one has to do is take the trouble to read certain articles that modern news agencies publish now and then in newspapers. Anyone who needs to be convinced of such strange events must do what this author did: As soon as the first news item concerning the mysterious deaths of animals appeared in the papers, he took off immediately for the mountainous region in which they occured to investigate the facts for himself. Not only was he able to hear the accounts in person, but he was also able to photograph cows that had been murdered the previous night by UFOs. The animals bore the typical wounds associated with this kind of deaths. The death and bleeding of animals by UFOs is a totally accepted fact by all good investigators of the subject, and there was even a small magazine entitled Mutilations in the U.S. that devoted itself to recording all these events. This magazine devoted itself almost exclusively to incidents in the United States, but it is a well known fact that these slayings take place on all continents and in countries like France, Brazil and South Africa, among others, which have provided detailed reports after lengthy investigations. I understand the strangeness and hesitation that this sort of thing can produce in the all those readers who have heard statements like these for the very first time. But in these and in similar cases, wisdom demands that we do not shun reality by denying it or ignoring it; the truly wise approach is to investigate thoroughly without prejudice and fear and to be willing to reach the final results. To do otherwise is to run the risk of remaining permanently in error, which has sadly happened to humanity and continues to happen as far as its "sacred" beliefs are concerned, and with many other beliefs having to do with the reason of being and the explanation for human life. When we accept certain truths to be "inviolable" and "absolutely certain," we automatically close ourselves to the investigation of other possibilities that could explain life and the entire nature of the Universe in a different way to how "sacred beliefs" and "inviolable truths" would have it. Ordinarily, those who are doing well thanks to these "sacred beliefs" (religious leaders) and "inviolable truths" (scientists and some professionals) are those who oppose these new explanations and investigations violently, because they could unseat them from their privileged positions.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large And if the slayings of animals aren't even grudgingly accepted, it is unthinkable that occasional bleedings of humans by UFOs should be accepted. And they are not accepted because, generally speaking, facts of this sort are less abundant in our times and when they do occur, they are often discreet and take place in remote areas, hardly ever reaching public awareness. We shall discuss this shortly. Allow me a quote from an unpublished book of mine, entitled Sesenta casos de ovnis ("Sixty UFO Cases") which has never been published thanks to the carelessness of a certain editor. The reader will bear in mind that when I wrote what I am transcribing below, I had not yet come to the conclusions that I would reach years later as a result of my intense research into the UFO phenomenon in its entirety: "I have no doubt that some sort of so-called «extraterrestrials» are the cause of the thousands of deaths and disappearances of all manner of domestic and wild animals. I am unsure as to why they do it, but I am sure that they are the butchers." "Some will wonder how I can be so sure about wild animals being slain by Ufonauts, and they have every right to wonder. "The dead coyote in a field outside the Mexican city of Querétaro didn't tell me, to be sure. But there exist many reasons that lead me to this conclusion. "Querétaro, some 200 kilometers northeast of Mexico City, is a place where strange things have occured, both in the past and in our own times, related in some degree to UFOs. One day in 1975, a young man from a humble background told me how, two months before, at night, he had witnessed a UFO flying very slowly and at low altitude over his house (at the outskirts of town). Excited by what he had seen, he ran after the UFO, following its trajectory into a deep gully outside the city, not far from his home. When he reached the gully's edge, he saw a large lensshaped object on the ground, emitting a fantastic white light. Fearful at the sight, he crouched amid some shrubs. From his hiding place he was able to see several "midgets" with flashlight-like objects in their hands. These flashlights emitted thin, concentrated beams of light and the "midgets" were having a good time hacking down plants with them, enthusiastically cutting one after the other. "After a while, my friend, who had remained concealed and motionless behind the shrubs, saw the object change colors and moments later, begin to ascend very slowly, balancing itself repeatedly some five meters over the ground until it shot off heavenward. During its balancing motions, it struck a large cactus and toppled it. "Months later, when I accompanied the young man to the site, I asked him to show me where the cactus had been felled. We headed in that direction, and sure enough, there lay a large, half-desiccated cactus. In spite of the time that had gone by, we were able to see without any difficulty the large rounded imprints of more than one landing on the gully floor. Later on, at his home, the young man gave me fused rocks that he had collected from the landing marks while they were still hot; he had placed them in a


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large jar, and after a while, the inside of the jar had been covered in a yellowish dust that resembled sulphur. "All these details are more or less common to many other UFO landings, but what was new to me here was the half-desiccated coyote I discovered not far from one of the landing sites. What attracted my curiosity were certain strange characteristics that could be made out along the animal's carcass. Strangest of all was the fact that the entire body had been wrung , much like a rag is wrung to extract water from it. In spite of this, its bones were unbroken. "It was also interesting to see that no ants or any insects whatsoever could be found beneath or around the carcass, while there was a good amount of the animal's flesh still stuck to the bones. It had dried up in an unusual manner, without rotting and disintegrating as is usual with animals that have died in the field. "Confirming my suspicions about the cause of the coyote's death, my friend said that at another site on the mountain there was the skeleton of a "tlacuache" (a variety of opossum) that betrayed the same characteristics and which, curiously, was in the vicinity of the landing marks of another UFO landing site. "As far as the deaths of domestic animals by Ufonauts is concerned, we had many cases in 1974-75 which were investigated by myself and by many others interested in these matters. "During the month of September 1974, there was a true UFO flap in progress over the entire island, but especially in the southwestern and western regions. One morning, I heard on the radio that some animals had been found mysteriously dead in a small farm. If I remember correctly, they were two pigs, two geese, one or two calves and several goats. I got in my car and drove there immediately, discovering that the animals featured the customary wounds, and there was something else that had astounded their hapless owner: there was not a single trace of blood in any of them in spite of their wounds, which were quite deep, and that the two dead geese were white as snow, so any trace of blood would have been evident immediately. "Over the course of the following days, the newspapers continued to report on more dead animals in the same area. I went to the countryside on several occasions to investigate the facts and discovered that the farmers were as intrigued by the deaths of their livestock as they were by the lights that could be seen at night in the sky. Some of them told me that they looked like the revolving "gumball" lights that patrol cars have on their roofs. "On one of my journeys I was able to see a black and white cow lying in the middle of a field. I got out of the car and headed toward her, although getting there was far from easy. The cow had the typical wounds on her head and neck; the skin on one side of her head had been removed as if with a scalpel; the outside of one of her nasal passages was missing but there was no tearing whatsoever. Despite the fact that part of the head was white, there wasn't a drop of blood to be found anywhere. The peasant who had accompanied me could not begin to think what could have killed that cow. He began to tell me how that very same night he had


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large heard the dogs barking furiously, and a blind old woman who lived on the edge of that field told me that the cattle--which are usually left outdoors at night--had been running in a crazed state from one end of the field to another. "(It is worth noting that there were many other strange phenomena taking place in Puerto Rico at that time, such as the appearance of large unknown animals, mysterious explosions, apparitions of Virgins and saints in different towns, religious images that either wept or bled, bizarre human disappearances, etc. In my opinion, all these apparently unrelated things are very much related--in fact, even more than merely related, they can be said to proceed from the same source." Thus concludes the lengthy quote from my unpublished manuscript. I'm not sure if the reader has realized, in reading the earlier biblical quotes, that there are organs like the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the intestines, or members like the head and the legs, which are hardly ever mentioned at all (bear in mind that I have only included a sampling of the texts devoted to this subject), and when they are mentioned, it is often ordered that they be "burnt outside the encampment." However, the kidneys and the lining of the liver and the kidneys are constantly mentioned without any exceptions in the texts, and the same can be said for fat or gristle and above all, blood: "Eat not the blood nor the fat, for they are of the LORD." As a curious anecdote, we will have to point out that there have been UFO cases in which, apart from taking the blood, which they never fail to do, they have taken precisely these very same entrails which are so emphasized in Leviticus. One of these cases, which I have mentioned elsewhere, is that of a Bolivian peasant woman, back in the 1950s. While approaching her fold of sheep on a remote mountain pasture, she saw with amazement how a short being with a sort of box on its back was killing her sheep one by one, extracting part of their kidneys through a small incision and placing them into a sort of plastic bag. Frightened by the sight, but ready to defend what was hers, the woman began pelting the strange visitor with stones. Caught in the act, the being ceased its task immediately and began to move upward, apparently impelled by a jet that extended downward from the box on its back. While it is true that a few cases cannot prove anything, there is nevertheless no doubt that Ufonauts, much like the gods of antiquity, have a strange predilection for animal entrails, and more importantly, cannot disguise their interest in the blood of both animals and humans. John Keel mentions a case in which a bloodmobile in Ohio was repeatedly assaulted by a UFO which was trying to lift it into the air by means of large, pincerlike appendages. Amid the hysterical cries of a terrified nurse, the driver evaded it as best he could until the presence of other vehicles along the road caused the UFO to cease and desist. As a summary to all of this I will say that in ages past, it would seem that both Yahweh and the rest of the Elohim managed to convince those primitive tribes to offer them animal sacrifices. In our own times, faced with the impossibility of telling civilized societies to continue to offer them sacrifices (out of which they probably obtained some sort of benefit), it would


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large appear that they are handling the sacrifices themselves, finding the victims in farms on their own and taking, as they did in days of yore, certain entrails and blood, out of which they apparently extract some vital substance, some pleasant drug and some energy which they need to maintain the physical form that they adopt to speak to us or to materialize in our dimension. Also human blood If the mutilations and bleedings of animals are interesting, those of human beings are all the more so. In 1977, when I was in the city of San Luis Potosí, some 300 kilometers north of Mexico City, the first case of this nature reached my attention: a newborn child had been found lifeless and entirely devoid of blood. The bizarre circumstances surrounding the case prompted me to investigate deeper, and I immediately realized that it was not an isolated case but one among many similar ones. The general circumstances were these: the victims were usually newborns or very young babies; hematomas or blemishes on their skins were apparent, as if blood had been sucked through them. The common denominator in all cases was that they were entirely bloodless. In some cases it appeared as if the blood had been sucked out through their mouths, as there were no wounds or marks of any kind on their flesh. It is also common for the mothers of these children to be found in a deep, lethargic state of sleep beside their dead offspring, as if they had been drugged by someone while the bleeding of their children was being carried out. There are also adults who claim--or suppose--that they have been attacked in their sleep, because they awaken to find themselves covered in bruises and also feel a great lassitude. All these events occured in the municipality of Landa de Matamoros, in the state of Querétaro, and in different localities. Naturally, people began to talk about vampires and other things and panic spread among the poor inhabitants of the region. The cases were reported to the authorities, who conducted an investigation to find what could have caused the deaths, but as often happens, no conclusion was ever arrived at and the authorities tried to let the matter be forgotten. The places in which most of these incidents took place were Tres Lagunas, Tancoyol, Valle de Guadalupe, Pinalito de la Cruz and other very small hamlets located on the eastern Sierra Madre, not far from the San Luis Potosí border.

One can, of course, attribute these deaths to natural causes, but there are nonetheless certain circumstances that make them very similar to animal mutilations. One of these strange circumstances, which students of the UFO phenomenon will find meaningful, is the fact that the inhabitants of the region were constantly seeing lights moving slowly across the sky at night around the time when the incidents occurred. The lights would stop on nearby hills, or even in the treetops, and executed very strange maneuvers. The humble villagers call these lights "brujas" ("witches") and are in fact quite afraid of them (they reappear from time to time), and to defend themselves against them, they have certain magic rituals that were described to me.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large All these events were pointed out more than once in the press and I even have a clipping from a local newspaper, "El Heraldo de San Luis Potosí," which reads: "The most recent cases took place in Tres Lagunas and Valle de Guadalupe. In the first place, a 7 year-old girl found on the same morning that her mother, Josefa Jasso de Martínez, was in a deep sleep, hugging her two dayold baby. When she wouldn't wake up, the girl ran to tell her aunt. They discovered that the baby was dead and the mother did not become completely conscious until two days later." The newspaper quotes another case in the village of Valle very similar to the one we just mentioned: the mother, Maria Nieves Marquez, was found unconscious beside her child. In both cases, the mothers were very weak and the babies did not have any wounds or marks on their skin. These are the incidents which I have investigated, and let it be known that I have provided more information elsewhere concerning other cases in which entirely bloodless human corpses have been found in the wilderness, coinciding with the sightings of mysterious lights flying at low altitude over the countryside at night (these cases took place in Canada). To put events like these in writing and to make them known in a serious manner tends to infuriate two types of people: the "serious" ones, whether they are scientists or not, who believe that there is little that remains undiscovered in the world and that the authorities and science can explain anything that happens; and certain "ufologists" who continue to believe that UFOs are like the vanguard of the kind space brothers who are on their way to Earth to help us. The events I'm narrating are frankly disconcerting, but they are entirely real and with more proof than religious leaders of Christianity can muster to support their beliefs. It is not unusual, then, that the hypotheses presented to explain them should be equally disconcerting and even contrary to what science and religion have been telling us for years. When phenomena that are new and radically different are discovered, it is not unusual that human thought processes should suffer some upheaval, since new and more encompassing theories appear as the old ones crumble-theories which are able to explain the new, hitherto unknown facts. Take for example the current debate between evolutionists and creationists in the U.S. . When the Christian church had a monopoly on thought, there was no problem with explaining the origin of human life: the Bible explained it quite clearly. When new facts, unknown to religious leaders, appeared, new theories were created to explain them, while at the same time, Biblical explanations bit the dust. It was then that official science began to monopolize thought with its new theories of evolution, accusing christian leaders of being fanatical and unable to accept the facts. Official science was right...until other facts turned up in our time (or more precisely, humanity reflected upon many strange events which had taken place throughout the ages) which toppled many scientific theories. At this very moment, science is committing the same mistake that the religious leaders made. Science is dogmatizing about the origin of Man (out of one bone not only do they imagine an entire skeleton but an entire way of life) and worse yet, official science turns a deaf ear to any talk about facts that are not contained within its college handbooks, and refuses to analyze the enormous array of data that


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large contradicts its theories. When all these "facts" point toward an interstellar origin for the human race, science is still bent on proving that our ancestors were hanging off trees. I shall go into detail in this regard later, when we shall see this confirmed and magnified by other events in history of which we can have no doubts at all.

Why blood? In previous paragraphs I stated that I did not know the reason for this addiction to blood on the part of the gods of antiquity and the gods of our own age, UFOs. However, I shall make my suspicions known to the reader--suspicions based not only on my own conclusions and those of other authors whose texts I quote, but on information that some contactees have received from the aliens, even if this information cannot be trusted. Key to this matter is the fact that blood liberates the type of energy (electromagnetic waves, in the final analysis) that the gods find so pleasing, in a very easy and natural way. To obtain such energies from a living body, the gods must kill it violently and then burn it, while the blood flows freely, releasing this energy in an entirely spontaneous manner, contrary to what happens to the better part of entrails and dismembered organic matter. Paracelsus affirms that black sorcerers use the vapors of blood to summon astral entities which find the necessary plasma to materialize in this element. The priests of Baal wounded their bodies to produce tangible apparitions with their blood; in Persia, near the Russian villages of Temerchan-Shura and Derbent, the adherents of a certain religious sect form a circle and dance themselves into a frenzy, wounding one another with knives until they are drenched in blood. Then, each of the dancers sees himself accompanied by an astral being. In ancient times, the enchantresses of Thessaly mixed the blood of children and sheep to summon wraiths. Among the Yakuts in Siberia, sorcery is still practiced as it was in Thessaly. The spilling of blood is vital to the process, since without it, it is not possible to summon entities. Bloody evocations are also practiced in some parts of Bulgaria, particularly those bordering Turkey: an astral entity materializes for a few instants. The Yezidis (who inhabit the harsh mountains of Asiatic Turkey and Armenia, Syria and Iraq, numbering some 200,000) form great circles around the high priest, who invokes Satan. The worshippers gyrate and leap and wound each other with knives, and certain phenomenal manifestations tend to occur, such as enormous balls of flame which later assume the shape of bizarre animals. Information similar to the above (taken from Isis Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky) can be found in the works of many other authors and in almost all the ancient chronicles. These profane works aside, we must never forget the words of Yahweh to his people: "Never eat the blood; pour it to the ground like water." (Lev. 3,17; Deut 12, 16 and 24, etc).


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large

Summary and explanation As a summary of all that has been said in this chapter, we began by asking ourselves why and for what reason did the gods manifest themselves, and we answered broadly that they did so out of pleasure and out of necessity, although this necessity is very relative. Also, upon examining the problem from a different viewpoint, we stated that they sought material and immaterial things among us: as an example of something material we said blood, and as an example of immaterial things we said the energy produced by our excited brains. However, we must repeat the clarification that this energy coming from our brains is not entirely "immaterial" or "spiritual," but rather a thing belonging to the physical realm, even though it is invisible to our senses. This energy from our brains is transmitted in wavelengths of a frequency that is much too high to be perceived by today's instruments. Some brain waves are clearly perceived by today's instruments (EEGs, etc.), but the brain waves we are referring to, those which are of interest to the gods, are undetectable to our scientists, and it is only thanks to developments in parapsychology that they indirectly have an idea that they exist. The last few paragraphs have been set aside to explain more about those physical things which the gods seek in our world, and we have noted their predilection for entrails and blood. However, this explanation would be insufficient if we did not go deeper into this bizarre addiction of the gods. We shall try to do so in the next paragraphs--which are of great importance, in my opinion--and see that the reason behind their predilection for blood, fat and certain organs is the same one that leads them to receive the waves emanating from excited brains. When organic matter is destroyed, or, stated differently, when living matter dies, certain physical elements that make it up, such as its cells, protein, aminoacids, molecular compounds and even its atoms and molecules, return to the dust, where they continue their endless cycles of disintegration, fusion and transformation. But other physical elements (on a quantum or subatomic level) that make up physical matter are liberated rather than recycled. These elements are not "material" in the classic sense, even though they are physical; nor can they be perceived directly by our senses, since they have a wave-like nature. They are what we term "energies," since we lack specific terms for them, as we are barely aware that they exist, or radiations, vibrations, waves, etc. . They are part of what we call, from another perspective, "life." When something alive dies, it is really the material vehicle that goes with life that dies. But when the shell in which it makes itself visible in this dimension disintegrates, life is released as an energy, and initiates or re-initiates its cycles of fusion and transformation with other energies that vibrate in its own dimension and cycle or in a similar one. This is another aspect or perspective of the endless levels that compose the fantastic living being we inhabit, the Universe. Creatures of the cosmos more highly evolved than ourselves--the gods--are able to receive this energy, at least partially, and these waves that are


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large given off when living matter disintegrates. This energy apparently gives them a great source of pleasure, which is why they seek it today and have sought it always, employing a thousand different ruses to obtain it. If we had to explain it by means of an example, we could say that termites only find wood to be useful as food, whereas a superior animal--a human--finds that very same piece of wood useful for a thousand other things except as food, and even finds it useful to burn it; for when wood is burned, it emits warmth and an aroma, which are held in high esteem by humans, but are useless and even lethal for termites. When living matter, whether animal or vegetable, dies slowly after a gradual ageing process, this vital energy is given off slowly way before the final moment, which makes it much harder to capture and to use by those able to do so. But when the creature is fully alive and dies violently (such as when an animal is butchered) or else disintegrates rapidly, then all that vital energy is liberated in a rush and is much more easily received and used. No matter how strange these ideas may seem, we see many different and geographically diverse cultures putting them into practice. In some African tribes, when a child is ill, particularly of a malaise unknown to its parents and the tribe's witch doctor, and if the symptoms involve a general weakness, the treatment prescribed involves the slaughter of a bull or cow, bleeding and disemboweling it immediately, and placing the child within, closing the carcass until only the child's head protrudes. The child remains within the dead animal as long as the carcass remains warm. Among the notes of an old medicine man in Galicia (Spain), the very same remedy has been discovered, although in this case the animal employed was a goat, and of course, it was only used to treat a specific limb, which was placed within the slaughtered animal for a good while, or when the patient was a newborn child. It would seem that the body of a weak and sickly child, thirsty for energy (absorbing the life that is streaming out of the animal as waves) is the very same thing that the gods do, although the latter do it consciously, thanks to their great control over matter. To the child, the act of sucking in this energy is an unconscious and desperate one made by his body in order to avoid death. To the gods, this energy is a game or pleasant experience that is in no way vital to their existence. I stated earlier that when a living being--a plant or animal-disintegrates quickly, vital energy is liberated in a rush and is much more readily receivable and usable. It is redundant to say that the easiest way of disintegrating matter is by cremation. It is here where we must go to history and remember the following fact: in all the cultures of antiquity, the gods demanded "holocausts" as the foremost religious sacrifice, rather than collective repentance or rational worship. These ceremonies called for the sacrifice of a victim (human or animal) and then for the sacrifice to be burnt to ashes. It had to burn until it was consumed, which is what the two Greek words holo-causton ("all burnt") mean. In the most solemn feasts of the Greeks and the Romans great animal sacrifices--particularly of bovines--were made, which were called hecatombs (another word originating from two Greek words "hecaton bous" meaning "hundred cows"),with which they made huge pyres in honor of their deities.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large These ceremonies ending in vast bonfires were the perfect means that the gods used to "squeeze" all the vital energy within those living creatures: first, through the butchering or vivisection of the victim--and the resulting outpouring of blood--they obtained the most subtle energy they desired: that which left their dying bodies and was emitted by their terrified and tormented brains. Later, when the victim was already brain-dead, but still alive on the cellular level, the fire took care of quickly releasing all the vital energy contained within their still warm entrails and the cells of the entire body. These waves of energy being given off by the victims' smoking corpses were, as we said, a sort of drug or scent for the "senses" of the gods. In the Pentateuch much mention is made about these "burnt offerings" and it is said that they were "a soothing feast for Yahweh," or that they rose heavenward toward him like "a soothing aroma." Something along the lines of an afterdinner smoke, or a cup of coffee, or perhaps even a stronger drug. And if we look at other religions in this regard, we run into the very same unusual phenomena that we discover in the Bible. It doesn't matter that every age, every culture and every belief has executed or interpreted them differently--they remain the same in the final analysis, and also remain utterly irrational and largely absurd to the unbiased, fearless human mind. In other religions we also find (1) the death of animals, (2) the cremation of their bodies, (3) ceremonies in which blood is the prime element. Not only that: in many religions, these deaths and cremations of animals were of human animals. In some religions, these human offerings had truly barbaric liturgies, unworthy of savages, let alone a god. In spite of this, we see that they were practiced by people who had developed into great cultures. Think about the immolations of children made by the Incas every so often to Pachacamac and the Huacas, the huge ritual slaughter of the Aztecs, the periodic sacrifice of the firstborn of the noble families in the Persian religion, etcetera. And to those Christians who console themselves by believing that Satan is capable of inspiring all manner of aberrations "in those poor people who have no knowledge of the true God," we have some bad news: as it turns out, the Judaeo-Christian god, Yahweh, also demanded these human killings despite the fact that he enjoyed being called "merciful and good." Not only that, he often carried these slayings out himself: "And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed 250 men (that were offering incense!)" (Num. 16,35). Yahweh became enraged and "fourteen thousand and seven hundred died" swallowed by the earth. (Num. 16,49). "So they smote him, and his sons, and all his people until there was none left alive [by Yahweh's command]" (Num. 21, 35) After the slaughter of the Midianites commanded by Yahweh (because the women and children had been spared) Moses became enraged and said: "now therefore kill every male


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large among the little ones and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him." (Num. 31, 17)

"And so it was that all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand" (Jos. 8, 25)

In the New Testament and in modern theology, an attempt is made to throw a thick veil over all of this, much in the same way that some of Yahweh's not very "divine" deeds are sublimated. But one cannot conceal the truth for long and the verses of the Pentateuch are there, defying the passing centuries, to bear witness to all these divine monstrosities. And furthermore, as a variation on this sacred ferocity, we find Asian and African religions in which the "god" demands that the spouse or spouses be burned in the same pyre in which their deceased husband is being cremated. It is very probable that the faithful of these religions believe that their god is good and merciful (!). But don't we believe that the god of Christianity is kind and merciful even after he sacrificed his son on a cross and threatens us-miserable human ants--with a hell in which we shall burn forever? We shall put aside the religious matter for the next chapter, when I explain the different strategies the gods use to make us do their bidding. To close this chapter, we can say that while this vital energy we have been discussing--which is released via cremations--is available in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms, it is found in greater abundance in the former and at a superior level which appears to please some more highly evolved dwellers of the Cosmos, whom we could term "superior gods." The energy released from vegetable cremation, however, is not much to their liking, aside from not being as abundant, and is more to the liking of lesser entities. For that reason, it is only natural that when they want "holocausts" of vegetable matter (and they have done so since the beginning of time), these holocausts have to be much greater. As we stated earlier, vegetable matter releases far less of this energy that the gods look for in our world [...]. What the gods want These are the things that the gods want from us: 1. First and foremost, they want the waves produced by an excited human brain, particularly a tormented one. 2. They want the "waves of life," in other words, the energy given off by a living body when it dies violently. 3. They want the waves that are given off by each and every cell, which remain alive for a time after the man or beast has already died. 4. They want decanted blood, because once it is outside the body, it gives off an energy that they desire. Let us think about a man who is about to be sacrificed to a god (and how many hundreds of thousands have there been throughout the centuries!):


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large * The terror and despair the poor man feels gives them the first thing they want. * Violent death (usually by beheading) gives them the second. * The cremation of the body gives them the fourth. * A river of blood, the natural result of these sacred barbarities with which humans have been deceived for millennia, gives them the fourth. All this aside, we are certain that there are more things that they seek and obtain in their undetected visits to our dimension. We would probably not even understand them if they were explained to us.


Nemesis: The Chupacabras at Large


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