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Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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Approved as an American National Standard ANSI Approval Date: January 9, 2004
Insulated Cable Engineers Assoc., Inc. Publication No. ICEA P-54-440 NEMA Standards Publication No. WC 51-2003 Ampacities of Cables Installed in Cable Trays
Prepared by: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. P.O. Box 1568 Carrollton, Georgia 30112 Published by: National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 ã Copyright 2004 by the Insulated Cable Engineers Association and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. All rights including translation into other languages, reserved under Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and the International and Pan American Copyright Conventions.
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER The information in this publication was considered technically sound by the consensus of persons engaged in the development and approval of the document at the time it was developed. Consensus does not necessarily mean that there is unanimous agreement among every person participating in the development of this document.
NEMA and ICEA disclaims liability for personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, application, or reliance on this document. NEMA and ICEA disclaims and makes no guaranty or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and disclaims and makes no warranty that the information in this document will fulfill any of your particular purposes or needs. NEMA and ICEA do not undertake to guarantee the performance of any individual manufacturer or seller’s products or services by virtue of this standard or guide. In publishing and making this document available, NEMA and ICEA are not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, nor is NEMA and ICEA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. Information and other standards on the topic covered by this publication may be available from other sources, which the user may wish to consult for additional views or information not covered by this publication. NEMA and ICEA have no power, nor do they undertake to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this document. NEMA and ICEA do not certify, test, or inspect products, designs, or installations for safety or health purposes. Any certification or other statement of compliance with any health or safetyrelated information in this document shall not be attributable to NEMA and ICEA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement.
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) standards and guideline publications, of which the document contained herein is one, are developed through a voluntary consensus standards development process. This process brings together persons who have an interest in the topic covered by this publication. While NEMA and ICEA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, they do not independently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy or completeness of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards and guideline publications.
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page i
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................... ii Scope ............................................................................................................................................................iii History .......................................................................................................................................................... iv Section 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 References ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 Normative References............................................................................................................. 1 1.2.2 Other References .................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 2 TABLE DEVELOPMENT PARAMETERS ................................................................................. 4 2.1 Parameters Used to Develop Tray Ampacity Tables ......................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Cable Operating Temperatures............................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 Allowable Heat Generation...................................................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Calculated Depth of Cables in Trays – Apparent Fill Depth.................................................... 5 2.1.4 Cable Diameters...................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.5 Conductor Resistance ............................................................................................................. 5 2.1.6 Calculated Free-Air Ampacity.................................................................................................. 5 2.1.7 Ampacity Values...................................................................................................................... 5 Section 3 AMPACITY ADJUSTMENT FACTORS ..................................................................................... 7 3.1 Correction Factor for Diameters of Cables......................................................................................... 7 3.2 Correction Factor for Temperatures ................................................................................................... 7 3.2.1 Ambient Temperature.............................................................................................................. 7 3.2.2 Conductor Temperature .......................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Correction Factor for Number of Conductors ..................................................................................... 8 3.4 Correction Factors for Tray Covers .................................................................................................... 9 3.5 Correction Factors for Load Diversity................................................................................................. 9 3.5.1 Determining the Loading Factor .............................................................................................. 9 3.5.2 Diversity Factors.................................................................................................................... 10 Section 4 EXAMPLES .............................................................................................................................. 11 4.1 Calculating Apparent Depth of Cable ............................................................................................... 11 4.2 Selecting Ampacity Values and Using Adjustment Factors ............................................................. 12 4.3 Calculating and Applying Diversity Factors ...................................................................................... 13 4.4 Multiple Adjustment Factors ............................................................................................................. 13 4.5 Calculating Ampacities for Cables Not Covered by Tables ............................................................. 13 Section 5 TABLES.................................................................................................................................... 15 5.1 Index to Tables ................................................................................................................................. 15
ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page ii
This Standards Publication for Ampacities of Cables Installed in Cable Trays (ICEA P-54-440, NEMA WC 51-2003) was developed by the Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. (ICEA) and approved by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). It supersedes WC 51-1986 (R1991) Rev 1 August 1994. ICEA/NEMA standards are adopted in the public interest and are designed to eliminate misunderstanding between the manufacturer and the user and to assist the user in selecting and obtaining the proper product for his particular need. Existence of an ICEA/NEMA standard does not in any respect preclude the manufacture or use of products not conforming to the standard. The user of this Standard is cautioned to observe any health or safety regulations and rules relative to the manufacture and use of cable made in conformity with this Standard. Requests for interpretation of this Standard must be submitted in writing to: Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc., P.O. Box 1568, Carrollton, Georgia, 30112 An official written interpretation will be provided. The Association will welcome any suggestions on ways to improve this Standard.
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. --```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page iii
This Standards Publication covers the ampacity ratings for 600-15,000 volt solid dielectric cables installed in cable trays. Ampacity ratings are tabulated for single conductor cables, triplexed assemblies of single conductor cables, and three-conductor cables incorporating an overall jacket. Ampacities have been tabulated for the cable constructions and the operating conditions normally encountered for tray applications. Correction factors to adjust the tabulated values to better reflect specific conditions are provided. These include adjustments to account for ambient and operating temperatures, cable construction, tray covers, and diversification of the cable loading.
This standard is intended primarily for use by the utility industry. It is not intended for use where compliance with the National Electrical Code or other regulations is mandatory.
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. --```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page iv
Ampacity tables for cables in trays were published in the Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association Publication No. P-33-440, April 2, 1959 (IPCEA is currently known as ICEA). It assumed a load diversity but did not specifically define the diversity. The demands of modern generating plants required a more precise definition of operating conditions for the determination of cable ampacities. 1
Experimental work with various cables and the loading of trays by J. Stolpe and the theory developed by 2 Stolpe, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Lee, and ICEA Publication P-46-426, IEEE S-135 Power Cable Ampacities, 1962 Edition provided a more accurate means of calculating ampacities of cables in trays. A joint committee of IPCEA and IEEE Insulated Conductors Committee utilized this work in preparing the ampacity tables. They were published in the IPCEA/NEMA Standards Publication for Ampacities of Cables in Open-top Cable Trays, IPCEA Publication No. P-54-440, NEMA Standards Publication No. WC 51-1972. They superseded the factors in Table B for cables without maintained spacing in the IPCEA “Factors for Calculating Ampacities of Cables Installed in Ladder Supports, Trays and Troughs,” P-33440, April 2, 1959. Table A of that publication covering factors for cables with maintained spacing was not affected. The 1975 edition of the IPCEA/NEMA Standards Publication was expanded to cover 15 kV cables and includes a great many editorial corrections that clarify the 1972 document. The document was revised in April 1976 and again in August 1979. NEMA reaffirmed the document on November 20, 1980. In October 1984 a correction was made in the earlier Appendix D and was included in that edition. The members of IEEE-IPCEA Joint Committee at the time of the initial writing were: R. C. Waldron, Chairman, D. A. Costello, E. Finch, E. L. Kolmorgen, M. J. Koulopoulos, R. H. Lee, R. A. Peterson, D. A. Silver, and J. Stolpe The extended information contained in this revision was made possible through recent theoretical and 3,4 experimental work by W. Z. Black and B. L. Harshe . This edition has been expanded to include tray fill depths up to 4 inches and adjustment factors to account for tray covers and load diversity. In addition, the tables have been revised to reflect current cable design practices and conductor sizes through 2000 kcmil inclusive.
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association.
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 1
Establishing the ampacity of cables installed in cable trays can become quite complex since a cable tray may contain hundreds of cables differing in size and loading. Methods to compute cable ratings under these operating conditions were developed first by J. Stolpe. This conservative technique assumes the cables are packed into the tray and are operating at maximum loading such that the heat generated can be assumed to be uniformly distributed throughout the total cable mass. This has been and continues to be the basis for the ampacity tables provided in this standard. More recently, B. L. Harshe and W. Z. Black have developed models that account for load diversity and the presence of tray covers in the determination of allowable cable ampacity. The validation of their models also included tests using cable fill depths up to 4 inches. In recognition of this work, the tables have been expanded to include fill depths of 3.5 inches and 4 inches and adjustment factors have been added for diversity loading and the use of tray covers. Sample ampacity calculations are provided to demonstrate the use of the tables and adjustment factors. 1.2
The following publications are adopted in part, by reference in this standard, and are available from the organizations listed below. 1.2.1
Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standards publication. By reference herein, these publications are adopted in whole or in part as indicated, in this standard. Global Engineering Documents 15 Inverness Way East Englewood, CO 80112 ANSI/NEMA WC70/ICEA S-95-658-1999
Standard for Nonshielded Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy
ANSI/NEMA WC71/ICEA S-96-659-1999
Standard for Nonshielded Power Cables Rated 20015000 Volts for the Distribution of Electrical Energy
ANSI/NEMA WC74/ICEA S-93-639-2000
5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for use in the Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Energy
ANSI/ICEA S-97-682-2000
Standard for Utility Shielded Power Cables Rated 5-46 kV for the Distribution of Electrical Energy
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. --```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 2
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017-2394 IEEE Standard 835-1994
IEEE Standard Power Cable Ampacity Tables
Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique International 3. rue de Varenbre Geneve, Suisse IEC Publication 60287-1-1 (2001-11)
Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Part 11: Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses - General
Other References Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017-2394
IEEE Transaction Paper 70 TP 557 PWR, Ampacity for Cables in Randomly Filled Trays, J. Stolpe, 1970 (2) IEEE Transaction Paper 71 TP 543 PWR, Ampacity for Multiconductor Cables in Trays, R. Lee, 1971 (3) IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Vol. 9 No. 4, Oct. 1994, Ampacity of Cables in Single Open-Top Cable Trays, B. Harche & W. Black (4) IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Vol. 12 No. 1, Jan. 1997, Ampacity of Cables in Single Covered Trays, B. Harche & W. Black (5) Rating of Electric Power Cable, George J. Anders, IEEE Order Number PC5647 ISBN 0-7803-1177-9 (1)
allowable heat generation: The maximum allowable heat generation (watts/inch /ft) for the cable mass per unit length of tray. Exceeding this value will cause the cables in the tray to exceed their operating temperature limits. apparent fill depth: The calculated depth of cable in the tray. This value is used to determine the allowable heat generation for given tray fill conditions. The value is calculated by dividing the total area occupied by the cables in the tray by the width of the tray. CAUTION: To account for the fact that cables will not pack into a solid mass, each cable in the tray is assumed to occupy a space defined by a square whose sides equal the cable diameter.
diversification factor: The ampacity of a cable installed in a tray containing unequally loaded cables divided by the ampacity of the same cable and tray where all cables are fully loaded. % tray fill: The combined circular cross sectional area of the cables installed in the tray divided by the total available cross sectional area of the tray (width X height) expressed as a percentage.
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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cover factor: The ampacity of a cable installed in a covered tray divided by the ampacity of the same cable in the same tray without a cover.
ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 3
CAUTION: To determine the apparent fill depth (basis for calculations and tables) when given the % Tray Fill, the following equation must be used to account for the different methods used to determine the cross sectional area occupied by the cables. (Refer to Section 4.1 for an example)
Apparent Fill Depth = (4/π) * % Tray Fill * Tray Depth
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. --```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 4
The tabulated ampacities are based on the fundamental assumption that all cables are fully loaded and operating at 100% load factor. The cables are tightly packed in a 24-inch wide uncovered tray. Variable parameters and assumptions applied in the determination and tabulation of the tray ampacities are listed and discussed below. Cable Operating Temperatures
The ampacities tabulated are based on a normal conductor operating temperature of 90ºC (194ºF) and an air ambient temperature of 40ºC (104ºF). When trays are stacked, the ambient air temperature of the upper trays will be higher depending on the amount of ventilation and the distance between the trays. The same is true in cable tunnels without forced ventilation. In these and similar situations the use of a higher ambient temperature shall be considered. A 50ºC (122ºF) ambient will frequently exist at the top of the tunnel. Where trays contain cables having different maximum operating temperatures, ampacities for the entire group shall be limited to the lowest temperature rating Correction factors for other operating and ambient conditions are provided for in Section 3. 2.1.2
Allowable Heat Generation
The maximum heat generation is determined by the method developed by Stolpe. The values calculated for the tabulated Apparent Fill Depths are shown below in Table 2-1. The parameters employed in this calculation are shown in Table 2-2. Table 2-1 ALLOWABLE HEAT GENERATION
Apparent Fill Depth
Allowable Heat Generation
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
5.93 3.56 2.43 1.78 1.38 1.1 0.9
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 5
Variable Tray Width Surface Emissivity of Cable Mass Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Cable Mass Temperature Ambient Air Temperature Thermal Resistivity of Cable Mass
Value Units 24 inches 0.8 None 0.223 Watts / sqft / degreeC 90 degree C 40 degree C 400 Degree C - cm / watt
Calculated Depth of Cables in Trays – Apparent Fill Depth
The depth of cables in trays should be calculated as follows:
n1d1 2 + n2 d 2 2 + n3 d 3 2 +... nn d n 2 Calculated Depth, inches = w
where: d1 , d2 , ...dn = diameter of cables, inches. n1 , n2 , ...nn = number of cables of diameters d1 , d2 ,...dn , respectively. w = width of tray, inches. 2.1.4
Cable Diameters
The cable diameters were calculated using the nominal conductor diameters and wall thickness provided in the referenced ICEA cable standards. For cable diameters different than those shown in the tables, see paragraph 3.1. 2.1.5
Conductor Resistance
Conductor resistance values were obtained from the referenced ICEA standards and corrected for operating temperature and skin effect. The individual strands of copper conductors are coated. For triplexed assemblies and three conductor cables the resistance was further adjusted to account for 2% increase in length due to cabling. Proximity effects have been included and are based on a triangular configuration. Single conductors are assumed to lie in close triangular arrangements. 2.1.6
Calculated Free-Air Ampacity
The ampacity of cables in free-air is provided for reference. Values are based on computation methods described in IEEE Std 835 – 1994. Tabulated values in this standard are limited to 80% of the free-air ampacity based on natural convection and no solar heat absorption. The calculated conductor resistance at 90 °C including skin and proximity effects and cable diameters used in the ampacity calculation are as shown in the tables. Thermal resistivity values for the internal cable components are 350 °C-cm/watt and 500 °C-cm/watt for the insulation and jacket, respectively. 2.1.7
Ampacity Values
Tabulated values were calculated using the following equation: © 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 6
I= d×
Allowable Heat Generation n×Rc
where: I = ampacity, amperes d = cable diameter, inches Allowable Heat Generation from Table 2-1, watts/sq.ft./degreeC n = number of cable conductors RC = conductor resistance, micro-ohms/ft
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 7
Diameters for cables meeting the construction requirements of the referenced ICEA standards are given in each table. For cable diameters different than the tabulated values, the ampacity can be calculated by direct proportion to the cable diameters as follows:
d Ix = x Io do
Io = ampacity for cable diameter d0 from the table. do = cable diameter from the table. Ix = ampacity for cable diameter dx dx= cable diameter less than the calculated depth of those in tables. CORRECTION FACTOR FOR TEMPERATURES
The tables are based on a conductor temperature of 90ºC and an ambient air temperature of 40ºC. 3.2.1
Ambient Temperature
If the trays are stacked, the ambient air temperature of the upper trays will be higher depending on the amount of ventilation around the trays. In cable tunnels without forced ventilation, a 50ºC ambient will frequently exist at the top of the tunnel. The following factors should be used for correcting for different ambient air temperatures. Table 3-1 AMBIENT AIR ADJUSTMENT Ambient Air Temperature
Adjustment Factor 1.09 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85
degrees C (degrees F)
30 (86) 35 (45) 40 (104) 45 (113) 50 (122) 55 (131)
Conductor Temperature
The rating for normal conductor operating temperatures differing from 90ºC should be determined by the following multiplying factors: © 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 8
Table 3-2 CONDUCTOR TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT Conductor Temperature degrees C (degrees F)
125 (257) 105 (221) 90 (194) 85 (184) 75 (167) 70 (158) 60 (140)
Adjustment Factor 1.24 1.11 1.00 0.95 0.86 0.80 0.66
Where trays contain cables having different maximum operating temperatures, ampacities for the entire group shall be limited to the lowest temperature rating. Where both the ambient temperature and conductor temperature differ from those stated in 2.1.1, the product of both correction factors should be used. 3.3
The tables apply to single conductor, triplexed and three-conductor cables. For other numbers of conductors, the current will vary as the square root of the conductors carrying current and the ampacity can be calculated as follows:
æ d 'x ö 3 = I 0ç ' ÷ è d 0 ø nx '
I ' 0 = ampacity for three-conductor cable from the table. I ' x = ampacity for cable having n x conductors. d ' x = diameter of cable having n x conductors. d ' 0 = diameter of three-conductor cable from the table. n x = number of conductors other than given in the table.
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 9
Table 3-3 TRAY COVER ADJUSTMENT Apparent Fill Depth
Adjustment Factor 0.78 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
The thermal model used to compute tray ampacities of diversely loaded cables is based on the work of B.L. Harshe and W.Z. Black. Their “pancake” layer model assumes heavily loaded cables are located at the center (horizontal layer across the tray width) of the cable mass while lightly loaded cables are nearest the surface. This approach will lead to the maximum possible cable mass temperature and therefore a conservative ampacity but only when it can be safely assumed that the heat is generated uniformly across the tray width. Cable ampacity is calculated by multiplying the value tabulated by the ampacity correction factor provided in Table 3-4. //^:^^#^~^^"~~:~"~$$"~$^"#:*~:@$:@~~@:~~^:^~~":^*#^^@\\
CAUTION: In situations where heavily loaded cables are installed in a tray and the area occupied by these loaded cables cannot be safely assumed to extend across the tray width (i.e. loaded cables are bunched together) the correction factors given in Table 3-4 should not be utilized. These situations are beyond the scope of this standard. Methods are available to address these special cases. The user should refer to Section 1.2.2 for references that provide guidance. 3.5.1
Determining the Loading Factor
Cables operating at less than 25% of the tabulated ampacity shall be considered lightly loaded and will therefore have negligible effect on the temperature rise. Cables carrying load currents greater than 25% of the tabulated values shall be considered fully loaded. Load diversification is calculated by dividing the area occupied by the heavily loaded cables by the total area occupied by all cables in the tray.
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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The following table provides ampacity correction factors for trays employing covers. The adjustment factors represent worse case conditions where the air gaps between the cable mass and cover are greater than ½ inch. For an air gap spacing less than ½ inch the thermal resistance of the air gap decreases dramatically resulting in an increase in the multiplier.
ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 10
Diversity Factors
Table 3-4 LOAD DIVERSIFICATION ADJUSTMENT Load Diversification %
10 or less 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Adjustment Factor 2.70 2.26 1.97 1.76 1.61 1.50 1.42 1.35 1.30
Load Diversification %
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 or higher
Adjustment Factor 1.25 1.21 1.18 1.14 1.10 1.07 1.03 1.01 1.00
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 11
A 4-inch deep by 24-inch wide covered cable tray currently contains the following power and control cables that are used to energize two separate but identical loads.
Cable Type 3/c-4/0 AWG copper, 5kV nonshielded insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket 3/c-1/0 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket 3/c-No. 2 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket 1/c-No. 8 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated & jacketed conductors 1/c-No. 12 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated conductors
Existing Quantity
Loading Level amps/cable conductor
The tray is currently estimated at 20% fill, but it is planned to double the plant capacity by adding two additional units and use the existing tray to route the new circuits to their intended locations. Can the tray be utilized without exceeding the 90°C rating of the cable products it contains? Ambient air temperature is near 40°C during summer months.
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 12
Cable Proposed Information Quantity Table Number
3/c-4/0 AWG copper, 5kV nonshielded insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket 3/c-1/0 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket 3/c-No. 2 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket 1/c-No. 8 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated & jacketed conductors 1/c-No. 12 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated conductors
Cable Diameter inch
Tray Area Occupied square inch
Cable Type
Area Occupied by Cables - square inches 47.54 Tray Width - inches 24 Apparent Depth of Cables - inches 1.98 Alternative Calculation (see definition of % fill) Existing % Fill 20 Proposed % Fill 40 Apparent Depth of Cables – inches 2.04 4.2
Using the identified tables the ampacity for each cable is obtained by reading down the column containing the calculated apparent fill depth until it intercepts the row containing the appropriate conductor size. Since the tables are for trays without covers, the ampacity needs to be adjusted accordingly. The effect of the cover is obtained from Table 3-3 in this case an adjustment multiplier of 0.81 (2 inch depth of fill) is to be used. The 80% In-Free Air ampacity is also available in the table for reference and it is recommended that the tray cable ampacity be limited to the smaller of these values. As such, for this example we obtain the following; Tabulated Ampacity amps
Cable Information Table No.
Adjustment for Tray Cover Factor (Table 3-3) = 0.81
Free Air Ampacity amps
Load Requirements amps
3/c-4/0 AWG copper, 5kV nonshielded insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket
3/c-1/0 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket
3/c-No. 2 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket
1/c-No. 8 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated & jacketed conductors 1/c-No. 12 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated conductors
Cable Type
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 13
Note that the 5kV cable ampacity after correcting for the presence of a tray cover is exceeded. One solution to the problem would be to remove the cover but we also know that the analysis assumes all the cables to be fully loaded and we know in this example that this is not the case. 4.3
A quick analysis of the diversity is in order and the results shown below provide confidence that the existing tray can be used for these new circuits.
Cable Type 3/c-4/0 AWG copper, 5kV nonshielded insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket
Load Covered Requirement Tray Rating amps amps
Loading Tray Area Heat Generation Level Occupied Area % of rated Square inch Square inch
3/c-1/0 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket
3/c-No. 2 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated nonjacketed conductors with overall jacket
1/c-No. 8 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated & jacketed conductors
1/c-No. 12 AWG copper, 600 volt insulated conductors
47.54 0.75 1.1
Load Diversification Diversification Factor
Due to the addition of new process equipment, the ambient air temperature has increased 5°C to 45°C. In addition, concerns for cable damage resulting from internal construction activities have forced engineers to consider tray covers at least temporarily for a 2-inch filled cable tray. What effect will these actions have on the existing tray cable ratings? From Table 3-1 a factor of 0.95 must be applied to the tabulated ampacities to attain the ampacity rating at 45°C. From Table 3-3, the adjustment factor to compensate for tray covers will depend on the fill depth. This will range from 0.78 to 0.85. For a tray fill depth of 2 inches the adjustment factor is 0.81. For trays having a fill depth of 2 inches, the ampacity shown in the table corresponding to the cable type in the column for a 2-inch fill depth, should be multiplied by 0.77 (0.95 x 0.81), to attain the correct ampacity. 4.5
Calculating the ampacity of cables not specifically covered by the tables can be accomplished by using the tabulated ampacities for three conductor cables and adjusting for the actual number of conductors and cable diameter or by using the equation from which the tables were prepared directly. Consider the following problem. © 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. --```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Not for Resale
The calculated diversity factor of 1.1 will yield an ampacity of 169 amps (154 x 1.1), which exceeds the required 165 amps.
ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 14
What is the ampacity of a 7/C No. 12 AWG 600 volt cable installed in a 24-inch wide tray to a 1.5-inch fill depth? The cable is constructed of insulated copper single conductors and an overall jacket with a 0.60inch cable diameter. Starting with Table 5-1, the ampacity of a 3/C cable of similar construction, can be obtained from ampacity Table 5-4. A 3/C cable with an overall diameter of 0.48” has an ampacity of 11 amps. For a 7/C cable, this ampacity has to be corrected for both the number of conductors and the difference in cable diameter. To make this correction, the equation from Section 3.3 is used:
I x' = 11 ×
d 'x d
3 nx
0.60 3 × 0.48 7
I x' = 11 × 1.25 × 0.655 I x' = 9 amps If the tray is covered, an additional derating is required. For a 1.5-inch fill depth the adjustment factor from Table 3-3 is 0.80; therefore,
I x' = 9 amps × 0.80 = 7 amps
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. --```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Not for Resale
ICEA P-54-440/NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 15
Section 5 TABLES 5.1
Voltage Class
Cable Description Number Insulated Conductors Conductors Jacketed Shielded
Overall Jackets
Table Number Conductor Copper Alum
100% Ins.
5000 //^:^^#^~^^"~~:~"~$$"~$^"#:*~:@$:@~~@:~~^:^~~":^*#^^@\\
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Not for Resale
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 16
Ampacities of 600 Volt Copper Cables Table 5-2 1/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter Inches 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.27 0.30 0.35 0.41 0.49 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.69 0.77 0.87 1.00 1.22 1.37 1.54 1.66 1.78 1.88
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
3413.04 2148.18 1350.11 1071.63 849.64 534.59 336.07 211.38 167.61 133.27 105.74 84.18 66.33 56.70 41.13 29.27 20.67 16.72 14.35 12.92 11.89 11.11
26 34 46 53 64 85 114 154 184 214 250 291 342 383 476 602 774 906 1022 1113 1198 1272
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
7 9 14 16 23 32 46 69 92 112 137 167 206 249 330 450 653 816 990 1113 1198 1272
5 7 11 13 17 24 36 53 71 87 106 130 160 193 256 349 506 632 767 871 974 1064
Ampacity, Amperes 4 4 3 6 5 5 9 8 7 10 9 8 14 12 11 20 17 15 30 25 22 44 38 33 59 50 44 72 61 54 88 75 66 107 92 81 132 113 100 159 136 120 211 181 159 288 247 217 418 358 315 522 447 394 634 542 478 720 616 543 805 689 606 879 753 663
3 4 6 7 10 14 20 30 40 48 59 72 89 107 142 194 281 351 426 484 541 592
3 4 5 6 9 12 18 27 36 44 54 65 80 97 129 175 255 318 386 438 490 535
Table 5-3 3-1/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Cables Triplexed Cable Diameter Inches 0.34 0.39 0.45 0.47 0.58 0.65 0.75 0.88 1.06 1.14 1.25 1.36 1.49 1.66 1.88 2.16 2.63 2.95 3.32 3.58 3.84 4.05
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
3481.30 2191.14 1377.11 1093.06 866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 135.93 107.86 85.86 67.65 57.83 41.95 29.85 21.09 17.06 14.64 13.18 12.13 11.33
20 27 37 42 50 67 90 123 147 171 200 234 274 307 382 483 622 729 822 894 964 1023
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
8 12 17 20 28 39 57 84 114 137 169 206 255 307 382 483 622 729 822 894 964 1023
6 9 13 15 21 30 44 65 88 107 131 160 197 238 316 431 622 729 822 894 964 1023
Ampacity, Amperes 5 4 4 7 6 6 11 9 8 13 11 10 18 15 13 25 21 19 36 31 27 54 46 41 73 62 55 88 75 66 108 93 82 132 113 100 163 140 123 196 168 148 261 224 197 356 305 268 515 441 388 643 550 484 781 668 588 887 760 669 964 849 748 1023 927 816
3 5 7 9 12 17 25 36 49 59 73 89 110 132 176 239 347 432 525 597 668 729
3 5 7 8 11 15 22 33 44 54 66 80 99 120 159 217 314 391 475 540 604 659
Table 5-4 3/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.38 0.48 0.56 0.59 0.69 0.82 0.96 1.09 1.24 1.33 1.43 1.54 1.72 1.96 2.18 2.47 2.99 3.32 3.71 4.10 4.35 4.57
3481.30 2191.14 1377.11 1093.06 866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 136.30 108.14 86.28 68.13 58.26 42.58 30.64 22.11 18.17 15.80 14.23 13.06 12.06
20 26 35 41 49 66 87 118 138 160 186 214 250 278 342 426 535 618 685 742 792 842
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
9 14 21 25 33 49 73 104 133 160 186 214 250 278 342 426 535 618 685 742 792 842
7 11 16 19 26 38 56 81 103 124 150 181 227 278 342 426 535 618 685 742 792 842
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
Ampacity, Amperes 6 5 4 9 8 7 14 12 10 16 14 12 21 18 16 32 27 24 47 40 35 67 57 50 85 73 64 103 88 77 124 106 93 149 128 112 188 161 141 231 198 174 301 257 227 402 344 303 535 490 431 618 600 528 685 685 633 742 742 737 792 792 792 842 842 842
4 6 9 11 14 21 31 45 57 69 83 100 126 155 202 270 385 472 565 658 729 797
4 6 8 10 13 19 28 41 52 62 75 91 114 141 183 244 348 427 511 595 659 721
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 17
Ampacities of 600 Volt Aluminum Cables Table 5-2a 1/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Cables Cable Diameter Inches 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.27 0.30 0.35 0.41 0.49 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.69 0.77 0.87 1.00 1.22 1.37 1.54 1.66 1.78 1.88
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
5410.11 3405.14 2140.09 1698.67 1346.79 847.40 532.71 335.08 265.69 210.57 167.06 132.99 105.46 89.25 64.25 45.53 31.05 24.19 20.12 17.56 15.81 14.57
20 27 37 42 50 67 90 123 146 170 199 232 271 306 381 482 631 754 863 954 1038 1110
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
5 8 11 13 18 25 37 55 73 89 109 133 164 198 264 361 533 678 836 954 1038 1110
4 6 9 10 14 19 29 42 57 69 85 103 127 154 205 280 413 526 648 747 845 929
Ampacity, Amperes 3 3 3 5 4 4 7 6 5 8 7 6 11 10 9 16 14 12 24 20 18 35 30 26 47 40 35 57 49 43 70 60 53 85 73 64 105 90 79 127 109 96 169 145 128 231 198 174 341 292 257 434 372 327 535 458 403 618 529 465 698 597 526 768 657 579
2 3 5 6 8 11 16 23 32 38 47 57 70 85 114 155 230 292 360 415 470 517
2 3 4 5 7 10 14 21 29 35 43 52 64 77 103 141 208 264 326 376 425 467
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Table 5-3a 3-1/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Cables Triplexed Cable Diameter Inches 0.34 0.39 0.45 0.47 0.58 0.65 0.75 0.88 1.06 1.14 1.25 1.36 1.49 1.66 1.88 2.16 2.63 2.95 3.32 3.58 3.84 4.05
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
5518.31 3473.24 2182.89 1732.64 1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.65 107.57 91.04 65.53 46.44 31.68 24.68 20.52 17.91 16.13 14.86
16 22 29 34 40 54 72 98 117 136 159 186 217 245 306 387 507 606 694 767 836 894
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
6 9 14 16 22 31 45 67 91 109 135 164 202 245 306 387 507 606 694 767 836 894
5 7 10 12 17 24 35 52 70 85 104 127 156 190 253 345 507 606 694 767 836 894
Ampacity, Amperes 4 4 3 6 5 4 9 7 7 10 9 8 14 12 11 20 17 15 29 25 22 43 37 32 58 50 44 70 60 53 86 74 65 105 90 79 129 111 97 157 134 118 209 179 158 285 244 215 421 360 317 534 457 403 660 565 497 761 652 574 836 736 648 894 809 713
3 4 6 7 9 13 19 29 39 47 58 71 87 105 141 192 283 360 444 512 579 636
3 4 5 6 9 12 18 26 35 43 52 64 79 95 127 174 256 325 401 463 524 575
Table 5-4a 3/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Cable Diameter Inches 0.38 0.42 0.47 0.50 0.63 0.71 0.81 0.98 1.11 1.20 1.30 1.41 1.54 1.74 1.97 2.25 2.72 3.11 3.49 3.76 4.00 4.23
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
5518.31 3473.24 2182.89 1732.64 1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 136.25 108.05 91.44 66.38 47.59 33.17 26.62 22.81 20.42 18.85 17.69
16 21 28 32 39 52 70 94 110 127 148 171 199 222 274 342 437 510 570 619 659 694
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 7 10 14 17 24 34 49 75 95 115 140 170 199 222 274 342 437 510 570 619 659 694
1.5 6 8 11 13 19 26 38 58 73 89 108 132 161 198 263 342 437 510 570 619 659 694
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
Ampacity, Amperes 5 4 3 6 5 5 9 8 7 11 9 8 15 13 12 22 19 16 31 27 24 48 41 36 61 52 46 74 63 56 90 77 68 109 93 82 133 114 100 164 140 123 218 186 164 294 251 221 425 364 320 510 464 409 570 563 496 619 619 564 659 659 625 694 694 682
3 4 6 7 10 15 21 32 41 50 60 73 90 110 146 197 286 365 442 504 558 609
3 4 6 7 9 13 19 29 37 45 55 66 81 100 132 179 259 330 400 456 505 551
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 18
Ampacities of 600 Volt Copper Cables Table 5-5 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG
or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.16 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.27 0.33 0.38 0.44 0.53 0.57 0.62 0.67 0.73 0.84 0.94 1.07 1.29 1.44 1.62 1.80 1.92 2.02
3413.04 2148.18 1350.11 1071.63 849.64 534.59 336.07 211.38 167.61 133.23 105.71 84.13 66.27 56.63 41.01 29.12 20.50 16.51 14.12 12.51 11.49 10.70
26 34 46 53 63 86 115 155 184 214 249 290 339 378 469 591 760 893 1005 1090 1171 1244
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
3 5 7 8 11 17 24 36 48 58 71 86 105 131 172 233 335 416 506 598 665 725
3 4 6 7 10 15 22 32 43 52 63 77 94 117 154 208 299 372 452 534 594 648
3 4 5 6 9 14 20 29 39 47 57 69 85 106 139 188 270 336 409 483 537 586
Ampacity, Amperes
7 9 14 16 23 35 50 74 100 120 147 178 218 272 357 483 694 863 1005 1090 1171 1244
5 7 11 13 17 27 39 57 77 93 114 138 169 211 277 374 538 669 813 960 1069 1165
4 6 9 10 14 22 32 47 64 77 94 114 140 174 229 309 444 552 672 793 883 963
4 5 8 9 12 19 28 40 55 66 80 97 120 149 196 265 380 473 575 679 756 824
Table 5-6 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Conductor Size AWG
or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter Inches 0.34 0.39 0.45 0.47 0.58 0.65 0.75 0.88 1.06 1.14 1.25 1.36 1.49 1.66 1.88 2.16 2.63 2.95 3.32 3.58 3.84 4.05
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
3481.30 2191.14 1377.11 1093.06 866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 135.89 107.82 85.81 67.59 57.76 41.83 29.70 20.91 16.85 14.40 12.76 11.72 10.91
20 27 36 42 50 68 92 124 147 171 200 232 272 306 378 477 614 721 813 884 950 1008
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 8 12 17 20 28 39 57 84 114 137 169 206 255 306 378 477 614 721 813 884 950 1008
1.5 6 9 13 15 21 30 44 65 88 107 131 160 197 238 317 432 614 721 813 884 950 1008
Ampacity, Amperes 5 4 4 7 6 6 11 9 8 13 11 10 18 15 13 25 21 19 36 31 27 54 46 41 73 62 55 88 75 66 108 93 82 132 113 100 163 140 123 197 168 148 262 224 197 357 305 269 518 443 390 647 554 487 787 674 593 884 772 680 950 864 761 1008 944 832
3 5 7 9 12 17 25 36 49 59 73 89 110 132 176 240 348 435 530 607 679 742
3 5 7 8 11 15 22 33 44 54 66 80 99 120 159 217 315 394 479 549 614 672
Table 5-7 3/C Insulated Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.44 0.48 0.56 0.59 0.69 0.82 0.96 1.09 1.24 1.33 1.43 1.54 1.72 1.96 2.18 2.47 2.99 3.32 3.71 4.10 4.35 --```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--4.57
3481.30 2191.14 1377.11 1093.06 866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 136.27 108.12 86.26 68.10 58.22 42.53 30.57 22.03 18.08 15.71 14.10 12.92 11.93
22 28 38 44 51 70 94 125 146 168 195 225 262 296 362 448 558 642 709 774 826 876
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 10 14 21 25 33 49 73 104 133 160 193 225 262 296 362 448 558 642 709 774 826 876
1.5 8 11 16 19 26 38 56 81 103 124 150 181 227 280 362 448 558 642 709 774 826 876
Ampacity, Amperes 7 6 5 9 8 7 14 12 10 16 14 12 21 18 16 32 27 24 47 40 35 67 57 50 85 73 64 103 88 77 124 106 93 149 128 112 188 161 141 231 198 174 301 257 227 402 344 303 558 491 432 642 601 530 709 709 635 774 774 741 826 826 821 876 876 876
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association Not for Resale and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association.
5 6 9 11 14 21 31 45 57 69 83 100 126 156 202 271 386 473 567 661 733 801
4 6 8 10 13 19 28 41 52 62 75 91 114 141 183 245 349 428 513 598 663 725
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 19
Ampacities of 600 Volt Aluminum Cables Table 5-5a 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.16 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.27 0.33 0.38 0.44 0.53 0.57 0.62 0.67 0.73 0.84 0.94 1.07 1.29 1.44 1.62 1.80 1.92 2.02
5410.11 3405.14 2140.09 1698.67 1346.79 847.40 532.71 335.08 265.69 210.57 167.06 132.95 105.43 89.22 64.17 45.42 30.94 24.05 19.95 17.24 15.48 14.21
20 27 37 42 50 68 91 123 146 170 198 230 269 302 374 474 618 740 846 929 1009 1079
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 5 8 11 13 18 28 40 59 79 96 117 142 173 217 286 387 565 715 846 929 1009 1079
1.5 4 6 9 10 14 21 31 45 61 74 91 110 134 168 221 300 438 554 684 818 921 1011
Ampacity, Amperes 3 3 3 5 4 4 7 6 5 8 7 6 11 10 9 18 15 13 26 22 19 37 32 28 51 43 38 61 52 46 75 64 56 91 78 68 111 95 84 139 119 104 183 157 138 247 212 187 362 309 272 458 392 345 565 484 426 676 578 509 761 651 573 835 715 629
2 3 5 6 8 12 17 25 34 41 50 61 75 93 123 167 243 308 380 455 512 562
2 3 4 5 7 11 16 23 31 37 46 55 67 84 111 151 220 279 344 411 463 508
Table 5-6a 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.34 0.39 0.45 0.47 0.58 0.71 0.82 0.95 1.14 1.23 1.34 1.44 1.57 1.81 2.03 2.31 2.78 3.10 3.49 3.88 4.14 4.36
5518.31 3473.24 2182.89 1732.64 1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.61 107.54 91.00 65.45 46.33 31.56 24.53 20.34 17.58 15.79 14.49
16 22 29 33 40 54 73 98 118 136 159 185 216 243 302 382 499 598 683 753 818 875
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 6 9 14 16 22 34 49 72 97 118 144 174 213 243 302 382 499 598 683 753 818 875
1.5 5 7 10 12 17 26 38 56 75 91 112 135 165 207 273 370 499 598 683 753 818 875
Ampacity, Amperes 4 4 3 6 5 4 9 7 7 10 9 8 14 12 11 22 19 16 32 27 24 46 40 35 62 53 47 76 65 57 92 79 70 111 95 84 136 117 103 171 146 129 226 193 170 305 261 230 445 381 336 563 482 425 683 596 525 753 713 628 818 803 707 875 875 777
3 4 6 7 9 15 21 31 42 51 62 75 92 115 152 206 300 379 469 560 631 694
3 4 5 6 9 13 19 28 38 46 56 68 83 104 137 186 271 343 424 507 571 627
Table 5-7a 3/C Insulated Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.44 0.48 0.56 0.59 0.69 0.82 0.96 1.09 1.24 1.33 1.43 1.54 1.72 1.96 2.18 2.47 2.99 3.32 3.71 4.10 4.35 4.57
5518.31 3473.24 2182.89 1732.64 1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 136.21 108.02 91.41 66.31 47.51 33.08 26.50 22.67 20.18 18.59 17.42
17 22 30 34 41 55 74 99 116 134 155 179 209 236 290 359 456 530 590 647 689 725
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 8 11 17 20 26 39 58 83 106 128 154 179 209 236 290 359 456 530 590 647 689 725
1.5 6 9 13 15 20 30 45 64 82 99 119 144 180 223 290 359 456 530 590 647 689 725
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Ampacity, Amperes 5 5 4 7 6 6 11 9 8 13 11 10 17 14 13 25 21 19 37 32 28 53 45 40 68 58 51 82 70 62 99 84 74 119 102 89 149 127 112 185 158 139 241 206 182 323 276 243 456 400 353 530 497 437 590 590 528 647 647 619 689 689 684 725 725 725
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
4 5 7 9 11 17 25 36 46 55 66 80 100 124 162 217 315 391 472 553 611 663
3 4 7 8 10 15 23 32 41 50 60 72 91 112 147 196 285 353 427 500 553 600
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 20
Ampacities of 2000 Volt Copper Cables Table 5-8 1/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.19 0.21 0.24 0.25 0.29 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.51 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.71 0.78 0.88 1.01 1.24 1.39 1.57 1.69 1.81 1.91
3413.04 2148.18 1350.11 1071.63 849.64 534.59 336.07 211.38 167.61 133.25 105.73 84.15 66.30 56.69 41.11 29.25 20.62 16.66 14.26 12.82 11.80 11.01
27 36 48 54 65 86 116 156 186 215 251 293 343 384 476 602 774 906 1021 1114 1198 1272
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 8 11 16 19 24 34 49 72 96 116 142 173 212 252 334 455 665 829 1012 1114 1198 1272
1.5 6 9 12 14 19 26 38 56 74 90 110 134 165 195 259 352 515 643 784 891 994 1086
Ampacity, Amperes 5 4 4 7 6 5 10 9 8 12 10 9 16 13 12 22 18 16 31 27 24 46 39 35 61 53 46 74 64 56 91 78 69 110 95 83 136 116 102 161 138 122 214 183 161 291 249 219 426 364 321 531 454 400 648 555 488 736 630 554 821 703 619 897 768 676
3 5 7 8 10 15 21 31 41 50 61 74 91 109 144 196 286 357 436 495 553 604
3 4 6 7 9 13 19 28 37 45 55 67 83 98 130 177 259 323 394 448 500 546
Table 5-9 3-1/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Cables Triplexed Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.41 0.45 0.52 0.54 0.63 0.69 0.80 0.93 1.10 1.19 1.29 1.40 1.53 1.68 1.90 2.18 2.67 3.00 3.38 3.64 3.90 4.12
3481.30 2191.14 1377.11 1093.06 866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 135.91 107.84 85.83 67.62 57.82 41.93 29.83 21.03 16.99 14.54 13.08 12.03 11.23
22 29 38 44 52 69 93 125 149 173 202 234 274 308 382 483 622 730 822 897 965 1026
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 10 14 20 23 30 42 61 89 118 144 175 212 262 308 382 483 622 730 822 897 965 1026
1.5 8 10 15 18 23 32 47 69 92 111 135 165 203 241 320 435 622 730 822 897 965 1026
Ampacity, Amperes 6 5 5 9 7 7 13 11 10 15 13 11 19 16 15 27 23 20 39 33 29 57 49 43 76 65 57 92 79 69 112 96 84 136 116 102 167 143 126 199 170 150 264 226 199 359 307 271 524 448 395 655 561 494 798 683 601 897 775 683 965 866 763 1026 947 834
4 6 8 10 13 18 26 38 51 62 75 92 113 134 178 242 353 441 537 609 681 744
4 5 8 9 12 16 24 35 46 56 68 83 102 121 161 219 319 399 486 551 616 673
Table 5-10 3/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.44 0.48 0.56 0.59 0.67 0.75 0.90 1.03 1.16 1.24 1.34 1.45 1.58 1.78 2.01 2.30 2.82 3.15 3.55 3.82 4.07 4.29
3481.30 2191.14 1377.11 1093.06 866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 136.29 108.13 86.27 68.12 58.25 42.57 30.62 22.10 18.15 15.77 14.21 13.03 12.04
21 27 36 42 49 65 87 117 136 157 182 211 246 273 335 418 520 599 666 722 772 819
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 10 14 21 25 32 45 68 99 125 149 181 211 246 273 335 418 520 599 666 722 772 819
1.5 8 11 16 19 25 35 53 76 97 116 140 170 209 254 335 418 520 599 666 722 772 819
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Ampacity, Amperes 7 6 5 9 8 7 14 12 10 16 14 12 20 18 15 29 25 22 44 37 33 63 54 48 80 68 60 96 82 72 116 99 87 141 120 106 172 147 130 210 180 158 277 237 209 374 320 282 520 462 407 599 570 501 666 666 606 722 722 687 772 772 765 819 819 819
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
5 6 9 11 14 19 29 42 54 64 78 95 116 141 187 252 363 448 541 614 683 749
4 6 8 10 12 18 27 38 49 58 71 86 105 128 169 228 329 405 490 555 618 677
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 21
Ampacities of 2000 Volt Aluminum Cables Table 5-8a 1/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.19 0.21 0.24 0.25 0.29 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.51 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.71 0.78 0.88 1.01 1.24 1.39 1.57 1.69 1.81 1.91
5410.11 3405.14 2140.09 1698.67 1346.79 847.40 532.71 335.08 265.69 210.57 167.06 132.97 105.45 89.25 64.24 45.51 31.02 24.15 20.05 17.48 15.73 14.48
22 28 38 43 51 68 92 124 147 171 200 233 272 306 381 482 631 753 861 954 1038 1109
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 6 9 13 15 19 27 39 57 76 92 113 137 168 201 267 365 542 689 854 954 1038 1109
1.5 5 7 10 11 15 21 30 44 59 72 88 106 130 156 207 282 420 534 662 763 861 947
Ampacity, Amperes 4 3 3 6 5 4 8 7 6 9 8 7 12 11 9 17 15 13 25 21 19 37 31 28 49 42 37 59 51 45 72 62 55 88 75 66 108 92 81 129 110 97 171 146 129 233 200 176 347 297 262 441 377 332 547 468 412 630 539 475 711 609 536 782 670 590
3 4 5 6 8 12 17 25 33 40 49 59 73 87 115 157 234 297 368 424 479 526
2 3 5 6 7 10 15 22 30 36 44 53 66 78 104 142 211 268 333 383 433 476
Table 5-9a 3-1/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Cables Triplexed
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.41 0.45 0.52 0.54 0.63 0.69 0.80 0.93 1.10 1.19 1.29 1.40 1.53 1.68 1.90 2.18 2.67 3.00 3.38 3.64 3.90 4.12
5518.31 3473.24 2182.89 1732.64 1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.62 107.56 91.03 65.52 46.42 31.64 24.63 20.45 17.83 16.05 14.77
17 22 30 34 42 54 74 99 118 138 160 186 218 246 306 387 507 606 693 768 835 894
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 8 11 16 18 24 33 48 71 94 114 139 169 207 246 306 387 507 606 693 768 835 894
1.5 6 8 12 14 19 26 37 55 73 88 108 131 161 192 256 349 507 606 693 768 835 894
Ampacity, Amperes 5 4 4 7 6 5 10 9 8 12 10 9 15 13 12 21 18 16 31 26 23 45 39 34 60 51 45 73 63 55 89 76 67 108 93 82 133 114 100 158 136 119 211 181 159 288 246 217 427 366 322 544 466 410 673 576 507 768 664 585 835 750 660 894 826 727
3 5 7 8 10 14 21 30 40 49 60 73 89 107 142 194 287 366 453 522 589 649
3 4 6 7 9 13 19 28 37 44 54 66 81 96 129 175 260 331 409 472 533 587
Table 5-10a 3/C Insulated Non-Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.44 0.48 0.56 0.59 0.67 0.75 0.90 1.03 1.16 1.24 1.34 1.45 1.58 1.78 2.01 2.30 2.82 3.15 3.55 3.82 4.07 4.29
5518.31 3473.24 2182.89 1732.64 1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.98 107.82 91.26 65.97 46.99 32.37 25.52 21.49 18.91 17.16 15.85
17 22 29 33 39 51 70 93 108 125 145 168 195 218 270 338 430 506 571 626 673 714
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 8 11 17 20 25 36 54 78 99 119 144 168 195 218 270 338 430 506 571 626 673 714
1.5 6 9 13 15 20 28 42 61 77 92 112 135 166 203 270 338 430 506 571 626 673 714
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
Ampacity, Amperes 5 5 4 7 6 6 11 9 8 13 11 10 16 14 12 23 20 17 35 30 26 50 43 38 63 54 48 76 65 57 92 79 70 112 96 84 137 117 103 168 144 126 223 191 168 302 258 228 430 382 336 506 480 423 571 571 519 626 626 596 673 673 666 714 714 714
4 5 7 9 11 15 23 34 43 51 62 75 92 113 150 203 300 378 464 532 595 652
3 4 7 8 10 14 21 31 39 46 56 68 83 102 136 184 271 342 419 481 538 590
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 22
Ampacities of 2000 Volt Copper Cables Table 5-11 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.19 0.21 0.24 0.25 0.32 0.35 0.40 0.46 0.55 0.59 0.64 0.69 0.75 0.86 0.96 1.09 1.31 1.46 1.71 1.83 1.95 2.05
3413.04 2148.18 1350.11 1071.63 849.64 534.59 336.07 211.38 167.61 133.21 105.70 84.10 66.24 56.61 40.98 29.08 20.45 16.46 13.89 12.44 11.41 10.63
26 35 47 54 66 86 116 157 185 214 250 290 341 379 470 592 762 892 998 1090 1174 1246
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 8 11 16 19 27 37 53 77 103 124 152 183 224 278 365 492 705 876 998 1090 1174 1246
1.5 6 9 12 14 21 29 41 60 80 96 117 142 174 216 283 381 547 679 866 979 1089 1186
Ampacity, Amperes 5 4 4 7 6 5 10 9 8 12 10 9 17 15 13 24 20 18 34 29 26 49 42 37 66 57 50 80 68 60 97 83 73 117 100 88 144 123 108 178 152 134 234 200 176 315 270 237 452 386 340 561 480 423 715 612 539 809 692 610 900 770 678 980 839 739
3 5 7 8 12 16 23 33 45 54 65 79 97 120 157 212 304 377 481 544 605 659
3 4 6 7 10 14 21 30 40 48 59 71 87 108 142 192 275 341 435 492 548 596
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.41 0.45 0.52 0.54 0.69 0.75 0.86 0.99 1.19 1.27 1.38 1.49 1.62 1.85 2.07 2.35 2.82 3.15 3.69 3.95 4.20 4.42
3481.30 2191.14 1377.11 1093.06 866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 135.87 107.81 85.79 67.57 57.75 41.80 29.67 20.86 16.79 14.17 12.69 11.64 10.84
22 28 38 43 53 70 94 126 149 173 202 234 274 306 380 478 615 722 810 886 951 1010
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 10 14 20 23 33 45 65 95 128 153 187 226 274 306 380 478 615 722 810 886 951 1010
1.5 8 10 15 18 26 35 51 73 99 119 145 175 215 265 349 470 615 722 810 886 951 1010
Ampacity, Amperes 6 5 5 9 7 7 13 11 10 15 13 11 21 18 16 29 25 22 42 36 32 61 52 46 82 70 62 98 84 74 120 102 90 145 124 109 177 152 134 219 188 165 288 247 217 388 332 293 556 476 419 692 592 521 810 755 665 886 854 752 951 948 835 1010 1010 911
4 6 8 10 14 19 28 41 55 66 80 97 119 147 194 261 374 466 594 671 745 813
4 5 8 9 13 18 25 37 50 60 73 88 108 133 175 236 338 421 537 607 674 735
Table 5-13 3/C Insulated Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.51 0.58 0.63 0.66 0.78 0.90 1.01 1.13 1.29 1.37 1.47 1.58 1.77 2.00 2.23 2.51 3.04 3.37 3.90 4.17 4.41 4.64
3481.30 2191.14 1377.11 1093.06 866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 136.27 108.12 86.25 68.09 58.21 42.52 30.55 22.02 18.06 15.64 14.07 12.90 11.91
22 29 38 44 52 69 92 122 144 166 191 221 256 288 353 437 542 623 697 754 804 854
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 12 17 24 28 37 54 77 108 139 165 191 221 256 288 353 437 542 623 697 754 804 854
1.5 9 13 18 22 29 42 59 84 107 128 154 185 234 286 353 437 542 623 697 754 804 854
Ampacity, Amperes 8 7 6 11 10 8 15 13 12 18 15 14 24 20 18 35 30 26 49 42 37 69 59 52 89 76 67 106 90 80 127 109 96 153 131 115 193 165 145 236 202 178 308 263 232 409 350 308 542 499 439 623 611 538 697 697 669 754 754 754 804 804 804 854 854 854
5 8 10 12 16 23 33 47 60 71 86 103 130 159 207 275 392 480 597 673 743 814
5 7 9 11 15 21 30 42 54 64 77 93 117 144 187 249 355 434 540 609 673 736
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
Table 5-12 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 23
Ampacities of 2000 Volt Aluminum Cables Table 5-11a 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.19 0.21 0.24 0.25 0.32 0.35 0.40 0.46 0.55 0.59 0.64 0.69 0.75 0.86 0.96 1.09 1.31 1.46 1.71 1.83 1.95 2.05
5410.11 3405.14 2140.09 1698.67 1346.79 847.40 532.71 335.08 265.69 210.57 167.06 132.93 105.42 89.21 64.15 45.40 30.91 24.01 19.78 17.18 15.41 14.14
22 28 38 43 52 69 92 124 146 170 198 231 270 302 376 474 619 738 836 928 1010 1081
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 6 9 13 15 21 29 42 61 82 99 121 146 178 222 292 394 574 726 836 928 1010 1081
1.5 5 7 10 11 16 23 33 47 64 77 93 113 138 172 226 305 445 562 725 833 937 1029
Ampacity, Amperes 4 3 3 6 5 4 8 7 6 9 8 7 14 12 10 19 16 14 27 23 20 39 34 30 53 45 40 63 54 48 77 66 58 93 80 70 114 97 86 142 121 107 187 160 141 252 216 190 367 314 277 464 398 350 599 513 452 688 589 519 774 663 584 850 727 640
3 4 5 6 9 13 18 26 35 43 52 63 77 95 126 170 247 313 403 463 521 572
2 3 5 6 8 11 16 24 32 39 47 57 69 86 114 153 224 283 365 419 471 517
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Table 5-12a 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.41 0.45 0.52 0.54 0.69 0.75 0.86 0.99 1.19 1.27 1.38 1.49 1.62 1.85 2.07 2.35 2.82 3.15 3.69 3.95 4.20 4.42
5518.31 3473.24 2182.89 1732.64 1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.59 107.53 90.99 65.43 46.31 31.53 24.49 20.17 17.53 15.72 14.43
17 22 30 34 42 55 74 100 118 137 160 186 217 244 303 382 501 598 678 753 818 876
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 8 11 16 18 26 36 52 75 102 122 149 180 217 244 303 382 501 598 678 753 818 876
1.5 6 8 12 14 20 28 40 58 79 94 115 139 170 211 279 376 501 598 678 753 818 876
Ampacity, Amperes 5 4 4 7 6 5 10 9 8 12 10 9 17 14 13 23 20 17 33 28 25 48 41 36 65 56 49 78 67 59 95 81 72 115 99 87 141 120 106 175 149 132 230 197 174 311 266 234 452 387 341 573 490 432 678 633 557 753 727 640 818 816 718 876 876 789
3 5 7 8 11 15 22 32 44 52 64 77 95 117 155 209 304 385 498 571 641 705
3 4 6 7 10 14 20 29 40 47 58 70 86 106 140 189 275 349 450 517 580 637
Table 5-13a 3/C Insulated Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.51 0.58 0.63 0.66 0.78 0.90 1.01 1.13 1.29 1.37 1.47 1.58 1.77 2.00 2.23 2.51 3.04 3.37 3.90 4.17 4.41 4.64
5518.31 3473.24 2182.89 1732.64 1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.95 107.81 91.24 65.93 46.94 32.32 25.45 21.39 18.80 17.05 15.73
18 23 30 35 42 55 73 97 114 132 152 176 203 230 283 353 447 525 596 652 699 742
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
10 14 19 22 30 43 61 86 110 131 152 176 203 230 283 353 447 525 596 652 699 742
7 11 15 17 23 33 47 67 85 102 123 148 186 228 283 353 447 525 596 652 699 742
3 2.5 Ampacity, Amperes 6 5 5 9 8 7 12 10 9 14 12 11 19 16 14 28 24 21 39 33 29 55 47 41 71 60 53 84 72 63 101 87 76 122 104 92 153 131 116 188 161 142 247 212 186 330 282 248 447 412 363 525 515 453 596 596 572 652 652 652 699 699 699 742 742 742 2
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
4 6 8 10 13 19 26 37 47 57 68 82 103 127 166 222 324 405 511 582 647 708
4 5 7 9 12 17 24 33 43 51 62 74 93 115 150 201 293 366 462 527 585 641
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 14 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 24
Ampacities of 5000 Volt Non-shielded Copper Cables Table 5-14 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.56 0.59 0.64 0.70 0.74 0.78 0.83 0.91 0.97 1.08 1.18 1.34 1.56 1.71 1.91 2.03 2.18 2.28
849.64 534.59 336.07 211.38 167.61 133.11 105.61 83.95 66.06 56.49 40.77 28.76 20.04 15.95 13.51 12.03 10.94 10.15
89 117 155 206 238 275 319 368 428 475 585 735 938 1101 1236 1351 1448 1538
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 47 62 85 117 139 165 197 242 291 350 450 608 849 1043 1236 1351 1448 1538
1.5 36 48 66 91 108 128 152 187 225 271 349 471 658 808 980 1104 1244 1350
Ampacity, Amperes 30 26 40 34 54 47 75 64 89 76 105 90 126 108 155 133 186 159 224 192 288 247 390 333 543 465 667 571 810 693 912 781 1027 879 1116 955
23 30 41 57 67 79 95 117 140 169 217 294 409 503 610 688 774 841
20 27 37 50 60 71 85 104 125 151 194 262 365 449 545 614 691 751
18 24 33 46 54 64 77 94 113 136 175 237 331 406 493 555 625 679
Table 5-15 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.21 1.27 1.38 1.51 1.60 1.68 1.79 1.96 2.09 2.33 2.54 2.89 3.36 3.69 4.12 4.38 4.70 4.92
866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 135.77 107.73 85.63 67.39 57.62 41.58 29.33 20.44 16.27 13.78 12.27 11.16 10.35
59 77 102 135 156 179 208 241 280 311 383 482 614 720 809 884 948 1006
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 58 76 102 135 156 179 208 241 280 311 383 482 614 720 809 884 948 1006
1.5 45 59 81 112 133 157 188 231 277 311 383 482 614 720 809 884 948 1006
Ampacity, Amperes 37 32 49 42 67 57 93 79 110 94 130 111 155 133 191 163 229 196 276 236 355 303 480 411 614 572 720 705 809 809 884 884 948 948 1006 1006
28 37 51 70 83 98 117 144 173 208 267 362 504 620 753 848 948 1006
25 33 45 62 74 87 104 128 154 186 239 323 450 554 672 757 852 926
23 30 41 56 67 79 94 116 139 168 216 292 407 501 608 685 771 838
Table 5-16 3/C Insulated Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.12 1.23 1.33 1.46 1.54 1.63 1.79 1.99 2.11 2.28 2.51 2.92 3.32 3.65 4.14 4.40 4.65 4.88
866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 136.23 108.09 86.20 68.03 58.18 42.46 30.47 21.93 17.96 15.56 13.99 12.82 11.83
54 72 94 124 143 164 190 221 255 281 342 424 526 604 671 726 770 818
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 53 72 94 124 143 164 190 221 255 281 342 424 526 604 671 726 770 818
1.5 41 57 78 108 128 152 188 221 255 281 342 424 526 604 671 726 770 818
Ampacity, Amperes 34 29 47 41 65 55 89 77 106 91 126 108 155 133 193 165 230 197 269 230 342 297 424 407 526 526 604 604 671 671 726 726 770 770 818 818
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
26 36 49 67 80 95 117 145 174 203 261 359 481 584 671 726 770 818
23 32 43 60 71 85 104 130 155 181 233 320 429 522 636 712 770 818
21 29 39 54 65 76 94 117 140 164 211 290 388 472 575 644 711 777
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Ampacities of 5000 Volt Nonshielded Aluminum Cables
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 25
Table 5-14a 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.56 0.59 0.64 0.70 0.74 0.78 0.83 0.91 0.97 1.08 1.18 1.34 1.56 1.71 1.91 2.03 2.18 2.28
1346.79 847.40 532.71 335.08 265.69 210.57 167.06 132.81 105.32 89.14 64.00 45.17 30.64 23.65 19.49 16.86 15.02 13.73
71 93 123 163 189 218 253 292 339 378 467 587 759 904 1029 1141 1236 1322
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
37 49 68 93 111 131 156 192 230 279 359 486 686 856 1029 1141 1236 1322
29 38 52 72 86 101 121 149 178 216 278 376 532 663 816 933 1061 1161
Ampacity, Amperes 24 20 18 32 27 24 43 37 33 60 51 45 71 61 53 84 72 63 100 86 75 123 105 93 147 126 111 178 153 134 230 197 173 311 266 234 439 376 331 548 469 413 674 577 508 771 660 581 877 750 661 959 821 723
16 21 29 40 48 56 67 83 99 120 155 209 296 369 454 519 590 645
14 19 26 36 43 51 61 75 90 109 140 189 267 334 410 469 534 584
Table 5-15a 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.21 1.27 1.38 1.51 1.60 1.68 1.79 1.96 2.09 2.33 2.54 2.89 3.36 3.69 4.12 4.38 4.70 4.92
1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.47 107.43 90.92 65.28 46.07 31.25 24.12 19.88 17.20 15.32 14.00
43 57 74 98 114 131 151 175 202 224 275 342 433 508 574 627 670 711
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
43 57 74 98 114 131 151 175 202 224 275 342 433 508 574 627 670 711
36 47 64 89 106 125 149 175 202 224 275 342 433 508 574 627 670 711
Ampacity, Amperes 29 25 22 39 33 29 53 46 40 74 63 55 87 75 66 103 88 78 123 106 93 152 130 114 181 155 137 220 188 166 275 242 213 342 328 289 433 433 408 508 508 508 574 574 574 627 627 627 670 670 670 711 711 711
20 26 36 49 59 69 83 102 122 148 190 258 364 455 560 627 670 711
18 24 32 45 53 63 75 92 110 134 172 233 329 412 506 578 658 711
Table 5-16a 3/C Insulated Jacketed Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.12 1.23 1.33 1.46 1.54 1.63 1.79 1.99 2.11 2.28 2.51 2.92 3.32 3.65 4.14 4.40 4.65 4.88
1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.47 107.43 90.92 65.28 46.07 31.25 24.12 19.88 17.20 15.32 14.00
47 62 81 107 124 142 166 191 222 248 306 384 496 591 674 747 809 865
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 42 59 80 107 124 142 166 191 222 248 306 384 496 591 674 747 809 865
1.5 33 46 62 86 102 121 149 186 222 248 306 384 496 591 674 747 809 865
Ampacity, Amperes 27 23 20 38 32 28 51 44 39 71 61 54 84 72 63 100 86 75 123 106 93 154 132 116 183 157 138 215 184 162 280 239 211 384 331 292 496 457 403 591 572 504 674 674 630 747 747 720 809 809 806 865 865 865
18 25 35 48 57 67 83 104 123 145 188 261 360 450 562 642 719 790
17 23 31 43 51 61 75 94 112 131 170 236 325 407 509 581 651 714
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale //^:^^#^~^^"~~:~"~$$"~$^"#:*~:@$:@~~@:~~^:^~~":^*#^^@\\
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 26
Ampacities of 5000 Volt Non-shielded Copper Cables Table 5-17 3/C Insulated Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.86 0.94 1.05 1.18 1.26 1.35 1.45 1.56 1.75 1.85 2.08 2.36 2.82 3.15 3.55 3.82 4.17 4.40
866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 136.27 108.12 86.25 68.09 58.24 42.55 30.60 22.10 18.15 15.77 14.21 12.99 11.99
53 70 93 123 143 165 191 221 258 286 350 434 544 626 693 750 798 848
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
41 57 80 113 135 163 191 221 258 286 350 434 544 626 693 750 798 848
32 44 62 88 105 126 152 183 231 264 347 434 544 626 693 750 798 848
Ampacity, Amperes 26 23 20 36 31 27 51 44 38 72 62 55 87 74 65 104 89 78 126 107 95 151 129 114 191 163 144 218 187 164 287 246 216 384 329 289 540 462 407 626 570 501 693 689 606 750 750 687 798 798 785 848 848 848
18 24 34 49 58 70 84 102 128 147 193 258 363 448 541 614 701 769
16 22 31 44 53 63 76 92 116 133 175 234 329 405 490 555 634 696
Ampacities of 5000 Volt Nonshielded Aluminum Cables Table 5-17a 3/C Insulated Conductors with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.86 0.94 1.05 1.18 1.26 1.35 1.45 1.56 1.75 1.85 2.08 2.36 2.82 3.15 3.55 3.82 4.17 4.40
1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.96 107.81 91.25 65.95 46.97 32.37 25.52 21.49 18.91 17.12 15.81
42 55 74 98 114 131 152 176 205 228 282 350 450 528 594 650 695 738
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
33 45 63 90 108 130 152 176 205 228 282 350 450 528 594 650 695 738
25 35 49 70 83 100 121 146 184 211 279 350 450 528 594 650 695 738
Ampacity, Amperes 21 18 16 29 25 22 41 35 31 57 49 43 69 59 52 83 71 62 100 86 75 120 103 91 152 130 114 174 149 131 231 197 174 310 265 234 446 382 336 528 480 423 594 590 519 650 650 596 695 695 684 738 738 738
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale //^:^^#^~^^"~~:~"~$$"~$^"#:*~:@$:@~~@:~~^:^~~":^*#^^@\\
14 19 27 39 46 56 67 81 102 117 155 209 300 378 464 532 610 670
13 18 25 35 42 50 61 73 92 106 140 189 271 342 419 481 552 606
Ampacities of 5000 Volt Shielded Copper Cables
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 27
Table 5-18 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.53 0.57 0.61 0.67 0.71 0.75 0.80 0.88 0.94 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.44 1.60 1.92 2.04 2.15 2.26
849.64 534.59 336.07 211.38 167.61 133.12 105.62 83.97 66.08 56.52 40.83 28.85 20.21 16.14 13.49 12.01 10.99 10.19
72 94 125 166 192 222 257 298 346 385 476 599 765 898 1002 1097 1179 1252
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 44 60 81 112 134 158 190 234 282 324 419 567 765 898 1002 1097 1179 1252
1.5 34 47 63 87 103 123 147 181 218 251 325 439 604 751 986 1097 1179 1252
Ampacity, Amperes 28 24 21 38 33 29 52 44 39 72 61 54 85 73 64 101 87 76 121 104 91 150 128 113 180 154 136 207 177 156 268 230 202 363 310 273 499 427 376 621 531 468 815 697 614 918 785 692 1011 865 762 1104 945 832
19 26 35 48 58 68 82 101 121 140 181 244 336 418 548 617 680 743
17 23 32 44 52 62 74 91 110 126 163 221 304 378 496 558 615 672
Table 5-19 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.14 1.23 1.32 1.44 1.53 1.62 1.72 1.90 2.03 2.16 2.37 2.70 3.10 3.45 4.14 4.40 4.64 4.87
866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 135.78 107.74 85.65 67.40 57.66 41.65 29.43 20.61 16.47 13.76 12.25 11.21 10.39
61 79 105 138 160 185 214 248 288 320 395 498 636 746 843 921 990 1052
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 54 74 100 138 160 185 214 248 288 320 395 498 636 746 843 921 990 1052
1.5 42 57 78 107 127 151 181 224 269 310 395 498 636 746 843 921 990 1052
Ampacity, Amperes 35 30 26 47 41 36 64 55 48 88 76 67 105 90 79 125 107 94 149 128 112 185 158 139 223 190 168 256 219 193 331 283 249 448 383 338 615 526 463 746 655 577 843 843 757 921 921 853 990 990 940 1052 1052 1025
23 32 43 59 71 84 100 124 150 172 222 301 413 515 676 761 839 915
21 29 39 54 64 76 91 112 135 156 201 273 374 466 611 689 759 828
Table 5-20 3/C Insulated Conductors Plexed with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.06 1.15 1.23 1.36 1.45 1.54 1.64 1.81 1.94 2.07 2.29 2.61 3.08 3.42 3.98 4.24 4.48 4.72
866.63 545.28 342.79 215.61 170.96 136.24 108.09 86.21 68.04 58.19 42.49 30.51 21.96 17.99 15.58 14.02 12.85 11.85
61 79 103 136 157 181 208 240 278 308 377 466 580 664 736 796 849 896
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 51 69 93 130 156 181 208 240 278 308 377 466 580 664 736 796 849 896
1.5 39 54 72 101 121 144 172 212 256 296 377 466 580 664 736 796 849 896
Ampacity, Amperes 32 28 24 44 38 33 60 51 45 83 71 63 100 85 75 119 102 89 142 122 107 175 150 132 212 181 160 244 209 184 316 271 238 425 364 320 580 506 446 664 621 547 736 736 684 796 796 768 849 849 848 896 896 896
22 30 40 56 67 80 96 118 142 164 213 286 398 488 611 686 757 830
20 27 36 51 61 72 86 107 129 149 192 259 360 442 552 620 685 751
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association.
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Not for Resale //^:^^#^~^^"~~:~"~$$"~$^"#:*~:@$:@~~@:~~^:^~~":^*#^^@\\
Ampacities of 5000 Volt Shielded Aluminum Cables
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 28
Table 5-18a 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.53 0.57 0.61 0.67 0.71 0.75 0.80 0.88 0.94 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.44 1.60 1.92 2.04 2.15 2.26
1346.79 847.40 532.71 335.08 265.69 210.57 167.06 132.82 105.33 89.16 64.05 45.23 30.75 23.78 19.48 16.85 15.07 13.76
57 75 99 132 153 177 205 237 274 306 380 478 620 740 834 926 1006 1078
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
35 48 64 89 106 126 151 186 223 258 335 453 620 740 834 926 1006 1078
27 37 50 69 82 98 117 144 173 200 259 351 490 619 821 926 1006 1078
Ampacity, Amperes 23 19 17 31 26 23 41 35 31 57 49 43 68 58 51 81 69 61 96 83 73 119 102 90 143 122 108 165 141 124 214 183 161 290 248 218 405 346 305 511 438 385 678 580 511 775 663 584 863 739 651 950 813 716
15 21 28 38 46 54 65 80 96 111 144 195 272 344 456 521 581 639
14 19 25 35 41 49 59 72 87 100 130 176 246 311 413 471 525 578
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Table 5-19a 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.14 1.23 1.32 1.44 1.53 1.62 1.72 1.90 2.03 2.16 2.37 2.70 3.10 3.45 4.14 4.40 4.64 4.87
1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.48 107.44 90.94 65.33 46.14 31.36 24.26 19.87 17.18 15.37 14.03
48 63 83 110 127 147 170 197 228 254 315 398 515 615 702 778 845 906
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1
43 59 80 110 127 147 170 197 228 254 315 398 515 615 702 778 845 906
34 46 62 85 101 120 144 178 213 247 315 398 515 615 702 778 845 906
Ampacity, Amperes 28 24 21 38 32 28 51 44 38 70 60 53 84 72 63 99 85 75 119 101 89 147 126 111 176 151 133 204 174 154 264 226 199 358 306 270 498 426 375 615 540 475 702 702 630 778 778 720 845 845 803 906 906 882
19 25 34 47 56 67 80 99 119 137 178 241 335 424 562 643 717 787
17 23 31 43 51 61 72 89 107 124 161 218 303 384 509 581 648 712
Table 5-20a 3/C Insulated Conductors Plexed with Overall Jacket Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.06 1.15 1.23 1.36 1.45 1.54 1.64 1.81 1.94 2.07 2.29 2.61 3.08 3.42 3.98 4.24 4.48 4.72
1373.73 864.35 543.36 341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.92 107.78 91.23 65.91 46.91 32.28 25.41 21.35 18.76 17.00 15.68
48 63 82 108 125 144 166 191 222 246 302 376 478 558 629 688 738 779
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 40 55 74 103 124 144 166 191 222 246 302 376 478 558 629 688 738 779
1.5 31 43 57 80 96 114 137 169 204 236 302 376 478 558 629 688 738 779
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Not for Resale
Ampacity, Amperes 26 22 19 35 30 27 47 41 36 66 57 50 79 68 60 95 81 71 113 97 85 140 120 105 168 144 127 195 167 147 254 217 191 343 294 258 478 418 368 558 523 460 629 629 584 688 688 664 738 738 737 779 779 779
17 24 32 45 53 64 76 94 113 131 171 231 328 411 522 593 658 722
16 21 29 40 48 58 69 85 102 119 154 209 297 372 472 536 595 653
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 29
Ampacities of 15000 Volt Shielded Copper Cables Table 5-21 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.87 0.91 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.11 1.17 1.29 1.42 1.61 1.84 2.08 2.20 2.31 2.42
211.38 167.61 133.06 105.58 83.90 66.00 56.46 40.70 28.69 19.98 15.77 13.27 11.77 10.74 9.93
170 195 225 260 300 349 386 477 598 762 890 1000 1092 1175 1250
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 146 171 201 237 279 333 379 477 598 762 890 1000 1092 1175 1250
1.5 113 133 155 184 216 258 294 382 500 680 874 1000 1092 1175 1250
Ampacity, Amperes 93 80 70 110 94 83 128 110 97 152 130 114 179 153 135 213 182 161 243 208 183 315 270 238 413 354 311 561 481 423 722 618 544 890 762 671 1000 856 753 1099 940 828 1197 1025 902
63 74 86 102 120 143 163 212 278 378 486 599 673 739 805
57 67 78 92 109 130 148 192 252 342 440 542 608 669 729
Table 5-22 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.88 1.96 2.05 2.16 2.26 2.39 2.52 2.78 3.06 3.47 3.97 4.48 4.74 4.98 5.22
215.61 170.96 135.72 107.69 85.58 67.32 57.59 41.51 29.26 20.38 16.08 13.53 12.00 10.95 10.13
145 166 192 221 254 295 327 404 506 645 753 850 931 1000 1062
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 145 166 192 221 254 295 327 404 506 645 753 850 931 1000 1062
1.5 139 163 192 221 254 295 327 404 506 645 753 850 931 1000 1062
Ampacity, Amperes 115 99 87 135 115 102 158 136 119 187 160 141 220 188 166 262 224 198 299 256 225 388 332 293 506 436 384 645 592 521 753 753 671 850 850 826 931 931 928 1000 1000 1000 1062 1062 1062
78 91 107 126 148 176 201 261 343 465 599 738 829 911 993
70 82 96 114 134 160 182 236 310 421 542 667 749 824 898
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.79 1.88 1.96 2.07 2.18 2.31 2.44 2.70 3.04 3.45 3.81 4.33 4.59 4.82 5.06
215.61 170.96 136.20 108.06 86.17 68.00 58.16 42.42 30.42 21.87 17.87 15.48 13.92 12.75 11.76
142 162 186 214 246 284 314 382 471 582 669 737 794 848 898
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 142 162 186 214 246 284 314 382 471 582 669 737 794 848 898
1.5 133 157 183 214 246 284 314 382 471 582 669 737 794 848 898
Ampacity, Amperes 110 94 83 129 111 98 151 129 114 179 153 135 211 181 159 252 216 190 288 246 217 373 319 281 471 425 374 582 568 500 669 669 611 737 737 737 794 794 794 848 848 848 898 898 898
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Not Engineers for Resale Association.
74 87 102 121 142 170 194 251 334 447 546 666 745 817 893
67 79 92 109 129 153 175 227 302 404 494 603 674 739 808
Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Table 5-23 3/C Insulated Conductors Plexed with Overall Jacket
ICEA P-54-440 / NEMA WC 51-2003 Page 30
Ampacities of 15000 Volt Shielded Aluminum Cables Table 5-21a 1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
0.87 0.91 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.11 1.17 1.29 1.42 1.61 1.84 2.08 2.20 2.31 2.42
335.08 265.69 210.57 167.06 132.77 105.29 89.12 63.95 45.12 30.60 23.52 19.31 16.66 14.86 13.53
134 155 179 206 238 276 307 380 477 616 729 829 918 999 1071
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 116 136 159 188 222 263 302 380 477 616 729 829 918 999 1071
1.5 90 105 124 146 172 204 234 304 399 549 716 829 918 999 1071
Ampacity, Amperes 74 63 56 87 74 66 102 87 77 121 103 91 142 122 107 169 144 127 193 165 146 251 215 189 330 282 248 454 388 342 591 506 446 738 632 556 840 719 633 934 799 704 1026 878 773
50 59 69 81 96 113 130 169 222 305 398 496 565 628 690
45 53 62 73 86 103 118 153 201 276 360 449 511 568 624
Table 5-22a 3-1/C Insulated Jacketed Cables Triplexed Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.88 1.96 2.05 2.16 2.26 2.39 2.52 2.78 3.06 3.47 3.97 4.48 4.74 4.98 5.22
341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.43 107.40 90.91 65.23 46.02 31.21 23.99 19.70 16.99 15.15 13.80
115 132 153 176 202 234 261 322 403 521 616 705 782 850 910
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 115 132 153 176 202 234 261 322 403 521 616 705 782 850 910
1.5 111 130 152 176 202 234 261 322 403 521 616 705 782 850 910
Ampacity, Amperes 92 78 69 107 92 81 126 108 95 149 127 112 175 150 132 208 178 156 238 204 179 310 265 233 403 347 306 521 478 421 616 616 550 705 705 685 782 782 780 850 850 850 910 910 910
62 72 85 100 118 140 160 208 273 376 491 611 696 775 851
56 65 77 91 106 126 145 189 247 340 444 553 630 701 770
Table 5-23a 3/C Insulated Conductors Plexed with Overall Jacket Conductor Size AWG or kcmil 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Cable Diameter
Conductor Resistance
80% of Indoor Ampacity
1.79 1.88 1.96 2.07 2.18 2.31 2.44 2.70 3.04 3.45 3.81 4.33 4.59 4.82 5.06
341.78 271.00 214.78 170.40 135.89 107.76 91.21 65.86 46.85 32.22 25.32 21.28 18.68 16.92 15.59
112 129 149 171 196 226 250 306 380 480 562 628 686 736 781
Calculated Depth of Cables in Tray, Inches 1 112 129 149 171 196 226 250 306 380 480 562 628 686 736 781
1.5 105 124 146 171 196 226 250 306 380 480 562 628 686 736 781
Ampacity, Amperes 87 75 66 103 88 77 120 103 91 143 122 108 168 144 127 200 171 151 230 197 173 299 256 226 380 342 301 480 468 412 562 562 514 628 628 628 686 686 686 736 736 736 781 781 781
© 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the Insulated Cable Engineers Not for Resale Association. --```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Provided by IHS under license with NEMA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
59 69 81 96 113 135 155 201 269 368 458 568 643 710 776
53 63 73 87 102 122 140 182 243 333 415 514 582 642 702
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