lLateN Clesr offers specific, practical chess instruction to help you improve. The booklets each cover a particular topic and ar€ designed to broaden and deepen your style. The topics are discusEed in detail and the themes explored with a number of illustrative games. All authors in this series are inlernationally titled players who will communicate their understandi[g and experience to you fartez
Pushint up standards in chess.
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9 n t c x n a t t o a a l y ' l a & ez
Seaies editors: Byron Jacobs & Andrew Martid. /ltladzz CJau ?abb.dit Gdobit Play
acl|r: Byron Jacobs
Series Edi tor s:
t2.95 (UK only)
Byron Jacobs Andrew Martin
CONTENTS Introductioa Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Baslc (0 (i (iii) (1v)
Technical Mist€kee Simple oversights Pawn snalching Exposing the King to attack Castling 'into lt'
More (i) (i0 (lii) (iv)
Adveuced Techdical Mlstakes Why do you lose? Blzarre mistakes The danger of obvious moves Allowing the opponent a central breakthrough The weakness/strength of a pawn centre Llnderestimatintthe opponent's tactlcal chances Planless play,/implementing the wront strategic plan
(v) (vi (vii) Chapter Threel
Psychologlcal Mtstakes 'Believing' your opponent (i) Gi) Underestimating the opponent (iii) Complacency in a winning position (iv) Mistakes never come in singles (v) The 'difficult' oppooent (vi) Overestimatidg the opponent (vii) Setti[g yourself unrealistic aims (viiD Resigdnt too early (ix) Panicking ln the opponent's ume Pressure (x) Blunders in tilne pressure (xi) Failure to guard one's nervous enerty and general health (xii) Some final thoughts on rha
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