Negotaton plan emplae $100,000 and above Agency instrucons
This is intended forthis procurements NZ$100,000 upwards. # especially ourtemplate agency may customise template template tovalued re!ectfrom its pracce and re"uirements the approvals secon. hen customising, consider including user instrucons li%e the e&le given 'elow 'elow.. Note that the yellow highlighted areas specify where to customise.
(&le of user instrucons
This template is intended for any procurement valued from NZ$100,000 upwards. )lanning for negoaon is crical to achieving a successful result. Areas that the agency*s negoaon team needs to concentrate on include+ deciding on the nature of the agency* agency *s relaonship with the supplier and how to esta'lish that idenfying all of the points to 'e negoated priorising the agency* agency *s needs and wants and the supplier*s needs and wants idenfying alternave posions and the point at which the agency will e&it negoaons deciding on the approach to achieving the agency* agency *s most desired outcome ancipang the supplier*s moves and how to counter them wor%ing with the supplier to esta'lish a realisc contract delivery or implementaon implementaon plan addressing transional arrangements from the current supply arrangement, if relevant esta'lishing what sustaina'ility will loo% li%e economic, social and environmental environmental impactsidenfying what 'est pu'lic value will loo% li%e. A negoaon plan choose+ should / must 'e completed and approved 'efor 'efore e iniang negoaons with the recommended supplier. ou will need approvals from+ e.g. procurement manager conrms that the plan meets the agency*s re"uiremen re"uirements ts e.g. pro2ect sponsor gives authority to proceed to negoaons with a view to contract. 3f your agency would li%e assistance in preparing this plan or a construcve peer review of its -
dra4, please contact enter contact details for the procurement team.
3nsert agency logo
[Name of agency] Negotaton plan Name of procurement pro2ect
5ocument development control Prepared by: Positon / tle: Bsiness ni: 3nsert+ 'usiness division or group g roup !ocmen version: 1.0 !ae of las revision: "as:
6hoose+ dra4 / nal for peer review / nal for approvals / nal as approved
#onens cronyms 1 pprovals 1 Bac%grond 1 7usiness o'2ecves............................................................................................................................1 &'e parameers( The negoaon.................................................................................................................................8 The supplier.......................................................................................................................................8 9upply history....................................................................................................................................8 Transioning to new supplier............................................................................................................8 6ontract.............................................................................................................................................: 7udget...............................................................................................................................................: &'e eams ) The agency*s team.............................................................................................................................: The supplier*s team...........................................................................................................................: *ogistcs + ;ocaon.............................................................................................................................................< Timeline.............................................................................................................................................< Positoning + 3mportance of the goods/services to the agency...............................................................................< The agency*s value as a customer......................................................................................................= )ower and dependency.....................................................................................................................= 5esired supplier relaonship.............................................................................................................> Negotaton po poins (valuaon panel recommendaons..................................................................................................> ?pening statements..........................................................................................................................> 6ontract.............................................................................................................................................> )rice...................................................................................................................................................@ ey delivera'les.................................................................................................................................@ 9tandards and "uality........................................................................................................................@ ntci ntcipa patng tng -esto -estons ns . !enin !ening g needs needs The agency*s needs............................................................................................................................B The supplier*s needs..........................................................................................................................B hat the agency could trade.............................................................................................................B 5eal 'rea%ers.....................................................................................................................................C Dis%s
cronyms The following acronyms are used in this document. Acronym 3 3ns nser ert+ t+ e.g. e.g. D?3 D?3 3 3ns nser ert+ t+ e. e.g. g. DE) DE)
Term Degi Degist stra rao on n of inte intere rest st De"u De"ues estt for for te tend nder er
pprovals Approval of the negoaon plan )rocurement manager / procurement team leader )rocurement pproval: The negoaon plan is comprehensive comprehensive with suFcient detail for the nature and siGe of the procurement. Name: Positon / tle: "ignare:
Approval of the budget 5elegate 5elegated d nancial authority holder &oal cos: 3nsert+ esmated $ total costs over wholeHofHlife I9T e&cl inancial year: inancial year mon 801 $amount I9T e&cl 801>/1@ $amount I9T e&cl Name: Positon/tle: "ignare: !ae:
Authority to proceed to contract 7usiness unit / owner / team leader pproval o: Negoate with the preferred supplier 'ased on this plan. Name: Positon / tle: "ignare: !ae:
Bac%grond 7usiness o'2ecves
The 'usiness needs that the procuremen procurementt will address are insert. The %ey 'enets of successfully meeng these 'usiness needs are insert. The procurement will help the agency achieve its choose+ shortHterm / mediumHterm / longHterm goals 'y insert. Jeeng these 'usiness o'2ecves is choose+ crical / urgent / important to the success of the agency. Page 1 of 10
3f these 'usiness o'2ecves are not met the conse"uences are insert. The following elements are out of scope insert.
&'e parameers The negoaon
The proposed contract will deliver the following 'usiness needs insert. The o'2ecves for the negoaon are+ e.g. H to close the deal H get 'est 'est valu valueH eHfor forHmo Hmone neyy ove overr wh whole ole of life life H min minimi imise se tr trans ansaco acon n cos costs ts and and me me and drive drive sa savin vings gs H to 'u 'uild ild medium medium to long long term term relao relaonship nship with the suppl supplier ier and and see% see% connuous connuous improvement improveme nt and innovaon H to se sett cle clear ar and and rea reali lis scc e e&p &pec ecta tao ons ns.. The negoaon outcomes are insert .
The supplier
The negoaon is with the preferre preferred d supplier+ insert insert name and address. The preferred preferred supplier is insert informaon a'out the supplier e.g. the siGe of the organisaon, annual turnover, turnover, num'er of employees, types of products or services, other governmentt customers governmen customers etc. e have no history of using this supplier. OR ?ur history of using this supplier is insert.
9upply history
There is no e&isng supplier or arrangement in place to provide these needs. OR The current supplier is insert name of current supplier. The term of the contract is insert. The contract is due to e&pire on insert. The wholeHofHlif wholeHofHlife e costs for the current c urrent contract are $ insert. Aspects of the current delivery that are going well and that we want to retain are insert details. Aspects of the current delivery that we are not sased with and we want to improve are insert details. 3mprovements 3mproveme nts presented 'y this supplier*s proposal include insert details. ?pportunies to innovate that we would li%e to e&plore include insert details. ?ver the term of the contract there are opportunies to provide for connuous improvement and supplier development improvement development which include insert details. ?pportunies to improve how well we manage the contract and the relaonships with the supplier and %ey sta%eholders include insert details.
Transioning to new supplier )lease add this secon if applica'le # modify to suit. This new contract will result in a transion from the previous supplier supplier.. A transion plan will 'e developed to acvely manage the changeover. The transion will have a choose+ minor / moderate moderate / signicant impact on ongoing service delivery. Aspects of the transion that need to 'e addressed in the negoaons are listed 'elow. Negoang these points will help inform the development of the transion plan. H e.g. w who ho from from the the agency agency and and the the new new supplier supplier-- will 'e respon responsi'le si'le for managi managing ng the the
Page 2 of 10
e.g. en ensure sure that the new new contra contract ct start start date date aligns aligns / overlaps overlaps with with the the previous previous contract contract compleon date e.g. n nd d out what what the new supplier supplier needs needs from the agency agency and the the previou previouss supplier supplier in order to transion eKecve eKecvely ly e.g. as ascert certain ain the new supplie suppliers rs rre"uir e"uiremen ements ts for informa informaon, on, access access to to premises premises / les / transfer transf er of assets etc. during the transion phase e.g. cus custome tomerr engageme engagement nt stra strategy tegy # how and and when when the new new supplie supplierr will 'e 'e introdu introduced ced to sta%eholders sta%eholders and what will 'e done to 'uild these new relaonships.
The proposed length of the contract is insert proposed term e.g. three years with the opon to e&tend twice for one year i.e. :L1L1.
7udget The approved 'udget for the wholeHofHlifewholeHofHlife- for this contract is $ insert. This is 'ased on total capital costs of $ insert and total operaonal costs of $ insert.
&'e eams The agency*s team Negotiating Negotiatin g on behalf of the agency Name
The supplier supplier**s team Try Try to nd this out 'efore the negoaons 'egin. our agency will need to ensure that it tal%s to the right people e.g. you do not want to negoate implementaon implementaon details with the sales and mar%eng rep-.
Negotiating Negotiatin g on behalf of the supplier Name
Area of e&perse
Page 3 of 10
Logistics ;ocaon Negoaons will 'e conducted at our oFces at insert locaon.
Negoaons will commence on insert date and aim to 'e completed 'y insert date. The contract is due to start on insert date. 3t is ancipated that there will 'e insert+ one/two/three/four one/two/three/four meengs over the course of insert+ one/two/three/four wee%s 23 wee%s 23 one/two/ one/two/ months.
Positoning 3mportance of the goods/services to the agency The 'usiness impact and ris% in the delivery of the goods/services, 'ased on the following supply posioning matri&, is insert+ taccal ac"uision / taccal prot / strategic security / strategic crical. 9upply posion
9trategic security 9trategic crical
;ow Oigh
is% Oigh Oigh
Taccal ac"uision Taccal prot
;ow Oigh
;ow ;ow
Diagram: Supply positoning marix
7uyer *s priority
5escripon ;owHcost
9trategic security security of supply-
Approach (nsure
relia'le suppliers 9trategic crical security of supply at a good price-
The value of the agency*s account and the aMracveness of our 'usiness to this supplier have 'een assessed through the supplier preferencing matri& 'elow 'elow.. This matri& indicates the level of willingness or reluctance of this supplier to meet our needs. 7ased on the matri& we are seen as choose+ nuisance / e&ploita'le / development / core. This means insert. 9trategies to address this include insert.
The power and dependency matri& 'elow assesses the levels of power and dependency 'etween us and this supplier. supplier. This matri& shows that choose+ the 'uyer and supplier are independent / the supplier is dominant / the 'uyer is dominant / the 'uyer and supplier are interdependent. This means insert. 9trategies to address this include insert.
Page 5 of 10
Diagram: Power and dependency marix
5esired supplier relaonship Iiven the proposed length of the contract, the level of desired trust and communicaon with the supplier and the approach to managing ris% # the agency will see% a choose+ short term / medium term / long term relaonship with the supplier 'ased on a choose+ strategic colla'orave / taccal compeve relaonship. relaonship. ?ur o'2ecve is to choose+ ensure relia'le supply / manage the supplier to achieve opmum results / streamline the supply to minimise transacon cost and me / drive savings. 3n the negoaons, this means that we will insert the strat strategy egy and taccs to develop the desired supplier relaonship.
Negotaton poins (valuaon (valua on panel recommenda recommendaons ons The evaluaon panel recommended that the following points are addressed in the contract negoaons+ insert the point/s and descri'ed how they will 'e addressed in the negoaons.
?pening statements 3n opening the negoaons the following %ey posion statements will 'e made to the supplier insert.
The proposed contract terms and condions were aMached to the tender documentaon. The recommended supplier accepts all of the proposed condions of the contract. OR
Page 6 of 10
Negotaed conditions of contract 6ontract clause
9upplier *s posion
?ur desired posion and why
9upplier *s posion
?ur desired posion and why
9upplier *s posion
?ur desired posion and why
)rice Negotaed pricing 3ssue
ey delivera'les Negotaed %ey deliverables 3ssue
9tandards and "uality Negotaed sandards and -aliy 3ssue
9upplier *s posion
?ur desired posion and why
ntcipatng -estons 4ey -estons o open 'e negotatons 5i' Pueson 1. Oow do do you you diKer diKer from from your your comp compet etors orsQ Q 8. hy hy iiss you yourr pri price ce so highQ highQ :. Oow will will you you ensur ensure e that that you you can can deliv deliver er
)erson who will as% the "ueson
successfullyQ . ho will will 'e the the %ey %ey accou account nt manag manager er fo forr this
Page 7 of 10
Pueson contractQ Possible -estons from 'e spplier
)erson who will as% the "ueson
Pueson 1. hy hy is the the mefra meframe me for for deliv delivery ery so so short shortQ Q 8. hat hat are the the pro'l pro'lems ems you you e&per e&perien ienced ced in the the
?ur response
previous delivery of the goods / servicesQ :. hat hat scope scope is ther there e tto o innov innovat ateQ eQ
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