Nef Adv File Tests 02

November 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Name ______ Name _________ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______  __  Class Cla ss ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____  _ 

2 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation GRAMMAR

1 Complete the se sentences ntences with the correct form of of the verb in brackets. Example: I’d like to to tell you about something that happened (happen) when I was 12. 1 While my dad _ ______ _______ __ (dr (drive) ive) ho home me fro from m work, a cat ran in front front of his ca car. r. 2 3 4 5 6

I ____ ________ ____ (w (work) ork) in th thee café fo forr four mon months ths when I fi finally nally re receive ceived d my wages wages.. I was h having aving dinne dinnerr when I ____ ________ ____ (deci (decide) de) to call Ellen. Ellen. The w weathe eatherr ____ ________ ____ (expe (expect) ct) to be stor stormy my nex nextt weeke weekend. nd. It ___ ________ _____ (say) tthat hat tak taking ing a na nap p after lunch iiss very healthy healthy.. Ther Theree is though thoughtt _____ ________ ___ (be (be)) undisc undiscovere overed d oil benea beneath th the Antarctic Antarctic..


2 Comp Complete lete the the sentenc sentences es with with the co corre rrect ct word(s) word(s).. Example: Exam ple: Your bro brother ther seem seemss to have got himself in trouble. did get have got got 1 It’s It’s ___ ______ _____ __ late. late. We We sho should uld lleav eavee soo soon. n. get getting got 2 My ba backa ckache che _____ ________ ___ eever very y tim timee I lie do down. wn. getting worse got worse gets worse 3 I don don’t ’t thi think nk I’ll I’ll ever ________ ________ to takin taking g the underg underground round.. get use get used to get use 4 Bria Brian n ________ ________ tr trying ying to ttake ake a video video camera camera into into the concert concert.. got caught someone was got caught got caught 5 I’d llike ike ______ ________ __ a pr profess ofessional ional to fill in my ttax ax for forms. ms. to get get got 6 Could you g get et Adnan Adnan _ _____ _______ ___ m mee a ccall, all, p please? lease? give to give giving 6


3 Und Underl erline ine tthe he co corre rrect ct word( word(s). s).

Exampl Exa mple: e: It’s It’s been announced / announced that our pay will increase next year.

1 We used / would to make ice cream every summer. 2 When I was at sch school, ool, my ffriends riends and I wer weree alwa always ys gone / going for long bike rides in the afternoon. 3 My dad dad w wou ould ld neve neverr complain / to complain even when we made a lot of noise. 4 It’s appear / It appears that the office is closed. 5 It would seems / seem that Bertrand has stolen Ferdinand’s bicycle. 6 Apparently / According to the newspaper, the economy is going to improve next year. 7 The ro robbers may have / might be escaped by motorcycle. 8 Pete is understood to / understood have written a postcard from Paris. 6

8 Grammar total



Name ______ Name _________ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______  __  Class Cla ss ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____  _ 

2 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation VOCABULARY

4 Comp Complete lete the words words in the sentence sentences. s. Example: I believe in ghosts. ghosts. My uncle once told the story of of a s pectre that he had seen in the window of an old house. 1 2 3 4 5 6

I have have a posi positi tive ve o ________ on life and and I don’t worry too much. much. He st stays ays u up p un until til midn midnigh ightt eve every ry n nigh ight? t? No w ________ he falls asleep in class! class! We were so e ________ in conversation, conversation, we didn’t notice that the restaurant restaurant had closed. She She liv lives es in a q qui uiet et n ________ of a small city in northern Spain. I p ________ messages on Facebook once or twice a week. Th Thee ar artis tist’ t’ss wor work k wa wass r ________ by reviewers, reviewers, who said it was ‘silly’, ‘awful to look at’, and ‘bad’. 7 I hate d dogs. ogs. I am am reall really y afraid afraid of the them m and I kn know ow they ccan an smell my my f   ________. 8 I th thoug ought ht S Susa usan n an and d To Tom m we were re a goo good d m ________, but they broke up last week.


5 Choose two wor words ds and put them them together together to make ccompound ompound nouns. Do not add extra words. Example: Examp le: a … confined / big / turn-off turn-off a big turn-off  1 2 3 4 5 6

a … llong-t ong-term erm / dumpe dumped d / relati relationship onship a __ _______ ______  _  a … jug juggli gling ng / time-s time-savi aving ng / gadget gadget a _ ____ ______ ____  _  a … hard hard / was waste te / tim timee a ______ ________  __  the … time of / ttime ime b being eing / your life the _ ______ _______  __  som somee … time time / off off / u up p so some me _ ____ ______ ____  _  a … sp spare are / quest question ion / of ttime ime a _____ ________  ___ 


6 Und Underl erline ine tthe he co corre rrect ct word( word(s). s). Example: I got a shock / the impression when everyone yelled surprise! yelled surprise! 1 2 3 4

Wh When en we wen wentt to S Spai pain, n, E Eric ric spe spent nt th thee whole / much time in our hotel room. I ho hope pe m my y cousi cousin n can can ge gett he herr act act out / together. Right now, she’s got a lot of problems. I hat hatee get getti ting ng to told ld off   // on in front of people. It’s so embarrassing. I’m afr afraid aid you you g got ot tthe he wr wrong ong end of tthe he stick   // fire. We don’t want to buy the house, we want to sell it. 5 The The b bes estt w way ay to get get around / back  town  town is by bicycle. 6 I hop hopee w wee can can get get out out away / out of going to the meeting next Monday. 6

Vocabulary total


7 Mat Match ch the the words words with the same soun sound. d. waste r ite gadget believe peak fr iieendship



Name ______ Name _________ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______  __  Class Cla ss ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____  _ 

2 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation Ex Exam ampl ple: e: take waste 1 2 3 4

wisdom ________  splendid ________  compete ________, ________  wise ________ 


8 Und Underl erline ine th thee str stress essed ed sy sylla llable ble.. Example: message 1 2 3 4 5

boredom overcome crowning partn tneership revenge

5 Pronunciation total Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total

10 50


Name ______ Name _________ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______  __  Class Cla ss ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____  _ 

2 Reading and Writing READING

Read the article and tick (  ) A, B, or C.

A STUDY OF MULTITASKING Technology increasingly makes it possible for people to do more than one task at a time, for example moving between browsing the Web and using other computer  programs, talking on mobile phones while driving, or flying a jet and monitoring air  traffic. Indeed, the word describing this – ‘multitasking’ – has gone from being invented to being commonly used in everyday life in a remarkably short time. A recent rece nt study study has looked at whether whether multitaskin multitasking g is purely purely benefici beneficial al or has its downside, especially when the tasks being done together are complicated ones. The researchers concluded that when people are multitasking, they are using what they call ‘executive control’ processes. These processes concern different parts of  the brain and involve the brain allocating different mental resources to different tasks and deciding which tasks are more important than others. The brain’s executive control gives the appropriate resources to the different aspects of tasks, such as understanding what the task requires, thinking about what to do, and taking action. The researcher researchers s conducte conducted d an experime experiment nt into how much much time was lost when people repeatedly switched between two tasks. The tasks varied in terms of how complex they were and how familiar the subjects were with doing those tasks, and they the y inclu include ded d such such thi things ngs as so solvi lving ng mathe mathema matic tical al pr prob oblem lems s an and d classi classifyi fying ng geometric geometr ic objects. The researchers measured how long it took the subjects to carry out the tasks and considered the speed in connection with whether the tasks were famili fam iliar ar or unfam unfamili iliar ar,, and and wheth whether er the rule rules s for do doing ing them were were simple simple or  complicated. The results of the experiments were the same for every kind of task. In each case, the subjects lost time when they moved from one task to another, and the amount of  time they lost increased when the tasks were complex or unfamiliar. When they were familiar with a task, they were able to adapt to changing to it and get on with it much more quickly. The researchers say that these results indicate that the brain’s executive control consists of two separate stages. They called the first stage ‘goal shifting’, meaning a preference to do one of the tasks rather than the other at a particular moment. moment. The second stage they named ‘rule activation’, meaning moving from engaging with the rules associated with how to go about one task to engaging with the rules involved in doing the other task. The second stage, rule activation, takes a significant amount of time, and this delay multiplies when people keep swit switch chin ing g be betw twee een n ta task sks. s. Th The e resu result lt is th that at qu quit ite e a lo lott of ti time me is lo lost st when when multitask mult itasking, ing, in comparis comparison on with the time that would be taken if each each task was completed separately. This has major implications for multitasking, suggesting that although people may think that it saves time without affecting efficiency, in reality it actually takes more time, and this may have an adverse effect on efficiency. In the case of someone using a mobile phone while driving, multitasking could mean that they are not in full control of their vehicle during the short period when they are switching to using the phone.


Name ______ Name _________ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______  __  Class Cla ss ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____  _ 

2 Reading and Writing Th The e re rese sear arch cher ers s fe feel el th that at th thei eirr rese resear arch ch ha has s im impo port rtan antt cons conseq eque uenc nces es fo for  r  multitasking. Their conclusions regarding executive control and how it works may, they believe, help people to look for strategies that will enable them to operate in the most efficient way possible when they are multitasking. And an understanding of  executive mental control could have an impact on the design of the technology involved in such areas as operating aircraft and air traffic control, as well as other  activitie activi ties s wher where e the inter interfac face e betwe between en huma humans ns an and d compu computer ters s is crucia cruciall to efficiency. In addition, there are other possible applications of this research. Understanding how people function while multitasking could assist with recruitment, training and assessme asse ssment nt of personn personnel el in the workplace. workplace. It could could also have an influen influence ce on governm gove rnment ent and industrial industrial regulat regulations ions,, assist assist in the diagnos diagnosis is and treatment treatment of  brain-damaged patients, and increase our general understanding of how the brain works.

1 What d does oes th thee write writerr suggest suggest abo about ut the word ‘‘multit multitasking asking’? ’? A It has changed in meaning since it was invented. B It is not always used appropriately. C Its increased use reflects a change in everyday life. 2 The aim o off the rese researc arch h was tto o ______ ________ __.. A compare the adv advantages antages and disadvantag disadvantages es of multitasking B discover why multitasking is regarded a wholly good thing C find out if ther theree are any negative negative effects of multitasking 3 The res research earchers ers use the te term rm ‘exe ‘executiv cutivee control’ control’ to descr describe ibe how the b brain rain ________ ________.. A controls some actions more than others B organizes how different tasks are carried out C distinguishes between easier and ha harder rder tasks 4 Wh What at do we we lea learn rn ab about out tthe he ex exper perime iment? nt? A The researchers knew that some of the subjects had done similar tasks before. before. B Not all of the subjects did the same tasks. C The subjects started with simple tasks and move on to more complicated ones. 5 Whic Which h of th thee follo following wing h happen appened ed dur during ing th thee exp experimen eriment? t? A Sometimes little time was lost moving from o one ne task to anothe another. r. B Some subjects always found it hard to mo move ve from one task to another. another. C Complex tasks presented more problems tha than n unfamiliar tasks. 6 One of tthe he two st stages ages of the the bra brain’s in’s ex executi ecutive ve control control ___ ________ _____.. A leads to a major disadvantage of multitasking B takes longer for some people than for others C has no con connection nection with multitasking 7 One o off the iimplica mplications tions of of the resear research ch is tthat hat __ _______ ______. _. A some people are not suited to mu multitasking ltitasking B multitasking always rresults esults in less ef efficiency ficiency C a common attitude to multitasking is wrong 8 The rresearc esearchers hers believe believe that ttheir heir resear research ch mig might ht ___ _______ _____. _. A encourage people not to do mu multitasking ltitasking in some situations B affect the way th that at people approach multitasking C result in technology replacing people for certain tasks 9 In the fin final al paragraph, paragraph, th thee writer say sayss that mul multitaski titasking ng is something something th that at ________. ________. A is likely to increase in the future


Name ______ Name _________ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______  __  Class Cla ss ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____  _ 

2 Reading and Writing B people in authority have paid too little attention to C is relevant in many areas of life 10 Wha Whatt is the main main to topic pic of tthe he ttext ext?? A The g growth rowth o off multitasking B How complicated the brain’s processes for multitasking are C The relationship between multitasking and efficiency

Reading total



Write an article of approximately approximately 250 words for an English-language magazine about how one of the areas below has changed in the last 20 years in your country and say whether you think the changes are positive or negative. 1 Pe Peop ople’ le’ss workwork-li life fe ba bala lanc ncee 2 Family li life 3 How peo people ple spend spend the their ir free free time time

Writing total


Reading a an nd Writing total



Name ______ Name _________ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______  __  Class Cla ss ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____  _ 

2 Listening and Speaking LISTENING

1 Listen tto o five people talking talking abo about ut childhood childhood memories. memories. Mat Match ch the speakers (1–5) to what they remember (A–H). Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 A a cr critical itical comment comment ma made de by someon someonee else B bei being ng punis punished hed for for somet somethin hing g C wanti wanting ng to keep a fee feeling ling u under nder control control D forc forcing ing someo someone ne eelse lse to do so somethi mething ng E fe feel elin ing g in dan dange ger  r  F fi find ndin ing g somet somethi hing ng bori boring ng G ha havi ving ng arg argum umen ents ts H plan planning ning something something for someo someone ne eelse lse


2 Listen to a talk about about how people feel feel when a relationship relationship breaks up Complete Complete the sentences using no more than three words. AFTER A BREAK-UP When a relationship breaks up, you have to have different ideas about 1 ________. The first stage involves feelings of 2 ________. In the first stage, you ask yourself questions beginning with the words 3‘________’. In the second stage, feelings of 4 ________ may last for more than a few weeks. In the final stage, it is common to experience both 5 ________.

5 Listening total


Student A 1 Ask y your our p par artne tnerr these these ques questio tions. ns. 1 2 3 4 5

What What’s ’s yo your ur favou favourite rite memor memory y of your childh childhood? ood? What ccan an you rememb remember er abo about ut the te teacher acherss you had when yo you u were a cchild? hild? Whic Which h mod modern ern gadget gadget is the most usefu usefull one for y you? ou? Wh What at kind kind of of mu multit ltitask asking ing do yo you u do do?? Wh When en have have yo you u tak taken en reven revenge ge on on som someon eone? e?



Name ______ Name _________ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ______  __  Class Cla ss ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____  _ 

2 Listening and Speaking 2 Now answ answer er your partner’ partner’ss questi questions. ons. 3 Now talk about on onee of these these statements, statements, saying saying if y you ou agree or disagre disagree. e. Give reasons. 1 ‘Ch ‘Child ildren ren ttoda oday y have have too m much uch ffree reedom dom.’ .’ 2 ‘Tec ‘Technolo hnology gy has had had a bad eeffect ffect o on n commu communicati nication on between between peo people.’ ple.’ 3 ‘The ‘There re is never a goo good d way of eending nding a re relation lationship. ship.’’

4 Now li listen sten to yo your ur partner partner.. Do you you agree agree with with him/ h her? er? Speaking total


Listening and Speaking total


Student B 1 Ans Answer wer y your our partn partner’ er’ss quest question ions. s. 2 Now ask your partner partner thes thesee questi questions. ons. 1 2 3 4 5

What g games ames di did d you like p playin laying g when you we were re a ch child? ild? What did y you ou di dislike slike doing when you were a child? Whic Which h mod modern ern gadget gadget do yo you u thin think k wast wastes es peo people’s ple’s time? How d do o you comm communica unicate te mos mostt with friends friends an and d fa family? mily? What cause causess teenager teenagers’ s’ re relation lationships ships to b break reak up?

3 List Listen en to y your our partn partner. er. Do you a agre greee with h him/ im/ her? her? 4 Now talk about on onee of these these statements, statements, saying saying if y you ou agree or disagre disagree. e. Give reasons. 1 ‘Chi ‘Childhoo ldhood d is the the most iimport mportant ant pa part rt of eevery veryone’s one’s life.’ 2 ‘It iiss better better to be ve very ry bu busy sy th than an no nott busy at al all.’ l.’ 3 ‘Re ‘Reven venge ge is is never never a go good od tthin hing.’ g.’

Speaking total


Listening and Speaking total


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