Necessity and Applications of Refrigeration

April 19, 2018 | Author: jai | Category: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Heat, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer
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Necessity and Applications of Refrigeration...


Necessity and applications of refrigeration

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. “When two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then the two systems are also in thermal equilibrium with one another.” This law provides the basis of temperature measurement.

First Law of Thermodynamics. :The heat and mechanical work are mutually convertible. According to this law, when a closed system undergoes a thermodynamic cycle, the net heat transfer is equal to the net work transfer. In other words, the cyclic integral of heat transfer is equal to the cyclic integral of work transfers.  Mathematically, Ф δQ = Ф δW

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The energy can neither created nor destroyed through it can be transformed from one form to another. According to this law when a system undergoes a change of state (or a thermodynamic process), then both heat transfer and work transfer takes place. The net energy transfer is stored with in the system and is known as stored energy or total energy of the system.  Mathematically, δQ – δW = dE

Heat Engine, Heat Pump, Refrigerator

Units of Refrigeration  The practical unit of refrigeration is expressed in terms of ‘tonne of refrigeration’ (briefly written as TR).  A tonne of refrigeration is defined as the amount of refrigeration effect produced by the uniform melting of one tone (1000 kg) of ice from and at 0ºC in 24 hours. Since the latent heat of ice is 335 kJ/kg, therefore one tone of refrigeration,

In actual practice, one tone of refrigeration is taken as equivalent to 210 kJ/min or 3.5 kW (i.e. 3.5 kJs).

Applications 

Applications of refrigeration in:    

Food processing, preservation and distribution Chemical and process industries Special Applications such as cold treatment of metals, medical, construction, ice skating etc. Comfort air-conditioning

Applications of air conditioning, namely:  

Industrial, such as in textiles, printing, manufacturing, photographic, computer rooms, power plants, vehicular etc. Comfort – commercial, residential etc.

Storage of Raw Fruits and Vegetables 

It is well-known that some bacteria are responsible for degradation of food, and enzymatic processing cause ripening of the fruits and vegetables. The growth of bacteria and the rate of enzymatic processes are reduced at low temperature.

In case of fruits and vegetables, the use of refrigeration starts right after harvesting to remove the postharvest heat, transport in refrigerated transport to the cold storage or the processing plant.

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Meat and poultry Dairy Products 

Beverages 

Bulk milk cooler is a large refrigerated tank that cools it between 10 to 15ºC. Then it is transported to dairy farms, where it is pasteurized. Pasteurization involves heating it to 73ºC and holding it at this temperature for 20 seconds. Thereafter, it is cooled to 3 to 4ºC. Production of beer, wine and concentrated fruit juices require refrigeration. The taste of many drinks can be improved by serving them cold or by adding ice to them.

Candy  

Use of chocolate in candy or its coating with chocolate requires setting at 5-10ºC otherwise it becomes sticky Processing and distribution of frozen food–25 to -20ºC

Applications of refrigeration in chemical & process industries 

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Separation of gases: In petrochemical plant, temperatures as low as –150ºC with refrigeration capacities as high as 10,000 Tons of Refrigeration (TR) are used for separation of gases by fractional distillation. Condensation of Gases: Ease in transportation like ammonia, LPG Dehumidification of Air: Low humidity air is required in many pharmaceutical industries. It is also required for air liquefaction plants. This is also required to prevent static electricity and prevents short circuits in places where high voltages are used. Storage as liquid at low pressure: Liquid occupies less space than gases. Removal of Heat of Reaction: In many chemical reactions,

Cooling for preservation: Many compounds decompose at room temperature or these evaporate at a very fast rate. Certain drugs, explosives and natural rubber can be stored for long periods at lower temperatures.

Industrial applications        

Laboratories Printing Manufacture of Precision Parts Textile Industry Pharmaceutical Industries Photographic Material Farm Animals Vehicular Air-conditioning

Q. Air conditioning involves: a) Control of temperature c) Control of air motion e) All of the above

b) Control of humidity d) Control of air purity

Q. The purpose of industrial air conditioning is to: a) Provide suitable conditions for products and processes b) Provide at least a partial measure of comfort to workers c) Reduce energy consumption d) All of the above

Q. Air conditioning is required in the manufacture of precision parts to: a) Achieve close tolerances b) Prevent rust formation c) Provide clean environment d) All of the above

Q. Modern electronic equipment require cooling due to: (a) Dissipation of relatively large amount of heat in small volumes b) To prevent erratic behaviour c) To improve life d) All of the above

Q. Human beings need air conditioning as: a) They continuously dissipate heat due to metabolic activity b) Body regulatory mechanisms need stable internal temperatures c) Efficiency improves under controlled conditions d) All of the above

Q. Small residences and offices use: a) Window air conditioners b) Split air conditioners c) Central air conditioning d) All of the above

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