Nebosh Igc1 Past Exam
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UNIT IGC1: MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY WEDNESDAY 3 MARCH 2010 2 hours, 0930 to 1130 Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions. The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets. Start each answer on a new page. Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate. This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.
SECTION 1 You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.
Give the meaning of the term ‘hazard’ AND give an example of a workplace hazard.
Give the meaning of the term ‘risk’ AND give an example of a workplace risk.
Outline the key stages of the risk assessment process, identifying the issues that would need to be considered at EACH stage. Outline the criteria which must be met for the assessment to be ‘suitable and sufficient’.
SECTION 2 You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.
Outline the purpose of the three main sections of an organisation’s health and safety policy.
Give reasons why the health and safety policy should be signed by the most senior person in an organisation, such as a Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer.
IGC1/S/1003 © NEBOSH 2010 page 1 of 2 please turn over This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
Identify: (a)
FOUR active (proactive);
FOUR reactive
means by which an organisation can monitor its health and safety performance.
Give the meaning of the term ‘hierarchy of control’.
Outline, with examples, the general hierarchy that should be applied with respect to controlling health and safety risks in the workplace.
Outline ways in which an organisation could encourage workers to be involved in setting and maintaining high standards of health and safety.
An organisation is introducing a new work activity that requires a safe system of work. Outline: (a) (b)
why it is important to involve workers in the development of a safe system of work;
why it is important for safe systems of work to have written procedures.
A machine has leaked hot liquid into a work area. No-one has been injured. Outline reasons why it is important for an organisation to investigate ‘near miss’ incidents.
Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of employers.
Identify actions an enforcement authority might take if it finds that an employer is not meeting its responsibilities.
Outline reasons why an organisation should review its health and safety performance.
Identify possible costs to an organisation following an accident in the workplace.
Give the meaning of the term ‘perception’.
Outline ways in which workers’ perceptions of hazards in the workplace might be improved.
IGC1/S/1003 © NEBOSH 2010 page 2 of 2 This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management
WEDNESDAY 5 DECEMBER 2012 2 hours, 0930 to 1130 Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions. The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets. Start each answer on a new page. Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate. This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.
SECTION 1 You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.
Identify FOUR examples of a confined space that may be found in a workplace. Outline the typical content of a safe system of work for entry into a confined space. Outline the emergency arrangements that might be required for entry into a confined space.
SECTION 2 You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.
Identify documentation that is likely to be inspected in a health and safety audit.
Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of an employer.
Identify actions an enforcement authority might take if it finds that an employer is not fulfilling their responsibilities.
IGC1/S/1212 © NEBOSH 2012 page 1 of 3 please turn over This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
Outline reasons why an organisation should review its health and safety performance.
A manager is required to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment on a work activity. (a)
Identify possible sources of information that might help the manager carry out the risk assessment.
Outline what is required in order for a risk assessment to be suitable and sufficient.
Identify possible costs to an organisation following an accident in the workplace.
Give the meaning of the following different types of incident AND identify a relevant example for EACH:
dangerous occurrence;
damage only.
Identify key areas that should be addressed in the ‘arrangements’ section of a health and safety policy.
Outline the health and safety duties of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of articles and substances.
If those in the supply chain fail to carry out their duties, outline health and safety consequences in the workplace.
Give the meaning of the term ‘safe system of work’.
Outline what is meant by the following types of controls within a safe system of work AND give a practical example for EACH:
IGC1/S/1212 © NEBOSH 2012 page 2 of 3 This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
An employer is setting up a health and safety training programme. (a)
Identify the benefits to: (i)
the employer;
the worker.
Identify when health and safety training would be provided to workers.
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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
WEDNESDAY 13 JUNE 2012 2 hours, 0930 to 1130 Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions. The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets. Start each answer on a new page. Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate. This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.
SECTION 1 You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.
Give the meaning of the term ‘permit-to-work’.
Outline the contents that should be included on a permit-to-work form.
Identify FOUR types of activity that typically require a permit-to-work, AND outline the reasons why in EACH case.
SECTION 2 You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.
Outline factors that should be considered to determine the frequency of health and safety inspections in a workplace.
Outline why it is important that all persons in an organisation are aware of their roles and responsibilities for health and safety.
IGC1/S/1206 © NEBOSH 2012 page 1 of 2 please turn over This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
There has been a significant increase in manual handling accidents to nursing staff working in a busy hospital. (a)
Identify: (i)
organisational factors;
job factors
that may have caused this increase. (b)
Identify sources of information that may be consulted in order to help reduce the risk to the workers.
Identify why it is important to use a variety of methods to communicate health and safety information in the workplace.
Outline the key stages of a workplace risk assessment.
Outline THREE reasons for reviewing a risk assessment.
A worker in a busy kitchen has notified her employer that she is pregnant. Outline factors that the employer should consider when undertaking a specific risk assessment for this worker.
Outline the purpose of a ‘health and safety audit’.
Outline the advantages of using: (i)
an internal auditor;
an external auditor
to carry out a health and safety audit.
Outline the key elements of a health and safety management system.
Identify content that could be included in an accident reporting training course for all workers within an organisation.
Outline factors that should be considered when assessing the health and safety competence of a contractor.
IGC1/S/1206 © NEBOSH 2012 page 2 of 2 This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
WEDNESDAY 7 MARCH 2012 2 hours, 0930 to 1130 Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions. The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets. Start each answer on a new page. Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate. This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.
SECTION 1 You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.
It is important for organisations to monitor and review their health and safety performance. (a)
Give FOUR examples of active / proactive monitoring methods.
Give FOUR examples of reactive monitoring methods.
Identify ways in which findings from monitoring can be communicated to managers and workers.
Identify factors that could influence the frequency of health and safety performance reviews.
Explain why it is important for organisations to review their health and safety performance regularly.
SECTION 2 You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.
Identify ways in which organisations can positively influence the health and safety behaviours of their workers.
IGC1/S/1203 © NEBOSH 2012 page 1 of 3 please turn over This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
Outline the purpose of the three main sections of an organisation’s health and safety policy.
Give reasons why the health and safety policy should be signed by the most senior person in an organisation, such as the Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer.
Identify factors to be considered to help reduce the risks to workers required to work alone.
Outline why it is important for an organisation to develop and maintain emergency procedures.
When developing emergency procedures outline why the arrangements for contacting the emergency and rescue services needs to be included.
Identify FOUR categories of workplace safety signs AND give an example of EACH.
Identify why a verbal instruction may not be clearly understood by a worker.
Give the meaning of the terms: (i)
Outline how an organisation might decide whether a risk is acceptable.
A serious accident has occurred to a worker and there will be costs to the organisation as a result. (a)
Identify THREE costs which are likely to be insured.
Identify THREE costs which are likely to be uninsured.
Identify why it is important that an organisation maintains employers’ liability insurance.
IGC1/S/1203 © NEBOSH 2012 page 2 of 3 This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
Outline why an organisation should have a system for the internal reporting of accidents.
Identify why workers might not report accidents at work.
Identify precautions that could be taken to help to ensure the health and safety of visitors to a workplace.
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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management
WEDNESDAY 5 SEPTEMBER 2012 2 hours, 0930 to 1130 Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions. The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets. Start each answer on a new page. Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate. This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.
SECTION 1 You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.
Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of an employer.
Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of a worker.
Identify actions that an enforcement agency may take if a workplace is unsafe.
Identify possible costs to an organisation resulting from inadequate health and safety standards.
Identify possible sources of information that an organisation can use to help improve their health and safety performance.
SECTION 2 You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.
Identify factors to consider when assessing the requirements and provision of first-aid in the workplace.
Outline reasons why it is important for first aiders to receive refresher training.
IGC1/S/1209 © NEBOSH 2012 page 1 of 3 please turn over This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
Identify how induction training programmes for new workers can help to reduce the number of accidents in the workplace.
Outline the role of workplace health and safety inspections.
(i) (ii)
Give TWO weaknesses of using a checklist when carrying out an inspection.
Outline why it is important for an organisation’s health and safety policy to include targets.
Give the meaning of the term ‘benchmarking’.
Give TWO examples of health and safety performance information that can be used for benchmarking.
Outline why an organisation may have poor standards of health and safety performance.
Identify documents that could be examined when reviewing an organisation’s health and safety management system.
Give TWO strengths of using a checklist when carrying out an inspection.
Outline why it is important for an organisation to consider the number and type of accidents that have occurred at its workplace.
Outline: (i)
common immediate causes of accidents;
common root (underlying) causes of accidents.
Outline why it is important to involve workers in the development of safe systems of work.
Outline why it is important for safe systems of work to be in writing.
IGC1/S/1209 © NEBOSH 2012 page 2 of 3 This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
Give the meaning of the term ‘hazard’ AND give a workplace example of a hazard.
Outline ways by which the risk to young workers can be reduced.
An organisation has all of its maintenance work carried out by contractors. Outline how the organisation can help to ensure this work is carried out safely.
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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management
WEDNESDAY 12 JUNE 2013 2 hours, 0930 to 1130 Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions. The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets. Start each answer on a new page. Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate. This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.
SECTION 1 You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE question.
Outline the: (i)
factors that could lead to poor health and safety behaviour in the workplace. (b)
Outline factors that contribute to workers’ competence.
SECTION 2 You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which contains TEN questions.
Give the meaning of the term ‘permit-to-work’.
Identify THREE types of activity that may require a permit-to-work AND give the reasons why in EACH case.
A worker has been seriously injured in an accident at work. Outline the immediate AND longer term actions that should be taken.
IGC1/S/1306 © NEBOSH 2013 page 1 of 2 please turn over This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied
Give FOUR health and safety responsibilities that employers have towards workers AND, in EACH case, give an example how this responsibility could be met.
Evaluation is a key element of a health and safety management system. (a)
Identify THREE parts of this element AND give an example in EACH case.
Identify TWO key further elements of a health and safety management system.
Outline provisions to be considered to help ensure the health and safety of disabled workers.
Identify TWO further categories of worker that may require special case application.
Outline factors to consider when making an assessment of first-aid provision in a workplace.
Give the meaning and purpose of the term ‘active monitoring’.
Give TWO workplace examples of active monitoring methods.
Give the meaning and purpose of the term ‘reactive monitoring’.
Give TWO workplace examples of reactive monitoring methods.
Identify possible costs to an organisation following an accident in the workplace.
Outline FOUR advantages of using:
an internal auditor;
an external auditor
to carry out a health and safety audit.
Identify the general principles of prevention that can be used to reduce the risk of injury from hazards in the workplace.
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