NEBOSH IGC 3 Candidate’s Observation 80%

April 14, 2017 | Author: Ram Bhandari | Category: N/A
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Candidate’s observation sheet Sheet number

1 of __5___

Student name: - Ram Prasad Bhandari

Student number 00361540

Place inspected J&P Construction Company Doha Qatar___

Date of inspection 08_/12_/2016 __

Observations Hazards and consequences

Control measures


Immediate and longer term actions

24 Hours 1. Vehicle are moving very close to Pit excavations area at ground floor, Where No stable Concreate barricade In place. This can result in Fatality by suffocation or internal crush injuries a person falling into an excavation; a person being trapped by vehicles, storage of materials (including excavated material)

-Provide appropriative Warning Signage, (Speed Limit, Deep Excavation) -Speed Humps can be fixed to reduce the Speed. -Divert the traffic to different direction

2. Workers Unloading Concrete Block with Improper body posture from Truck to foundation basement storage area

-Provide Suitable handling aid to carry the

Manual handling will led to server back Injury over period of time, Work Related Upper limb disorder (WRULD), Fatigue.

-Provide Safe Manual Handling training

3. Workers were doing hand Drilling activity while using Work platform (poor erected scaffolding) without guard rails, near 4 metre height using a badly constructed work platform. People falling and objects falling onto people below. These may occur as a result of inadequate edge protection,

Concrete Block to minimize the manual handling risk.

1 week

1 Month


to avoid ergonomic hazards

1 Week

-Worker health surveillance program.

Every 3 Months

-Stop the work, and contactor to provide a suitable safe work platform to recommence the work.


-Supervisor should Inspected of all work platforms and access equipment’s for safe construction .(Routine inspection)

Every Day

-Training Must provide the worker on working at height.

1 Week

4. Found Diesel spillage from Breakdown forklift at Parking area.

-Spillage should Wipe and clean the Containment Area.

Diesel is flammable liquid could lead the Fire , Diesel fuel is also a skin and eye irritant if this come in contact,

-Breakdown Fork Should Remove from The parking Area.


2 Days

-Inspection of forklift Every prior to use

Every Day

5. No fire extinguisher at store room. In case of fire it could cause huge un control fire due to combustibles materials presence in store room. Loss of human life, property , financial and reputation loss can occur

-Need to be added appropriative fire extinguisher in the store room.


-A proper risk assessment should be conduct. Electrical safety should be considered inside Store room to avoid fire.

1 Week

-Inspection of fire extinguisher at store room by competent person.

3 Months

6. Used Chemical Spray bottles found an open Near Hand wash station.

-Barricade the area to prevent someone come in contact with Chemical.


Exposure to Chemical could cause chemical reaction which lead ill health, direct contact with chemical could led the skin burn or skin cancer.

-Procedure should be implemented for good housekeeping.

5 Days

7. Worker was found working Near Power generator- In hi noise area without wearing appropriative ear protection. Working at Noise area without Using Ear Protection Could Lead Hearing Loss and other non-auditory diseases i.e. Fatigue, stress.

8. Damaged live electrical cable was found in worker rest area without proper Isolation. Contact with Live Electrical could cause electrocution to worker and it could cause the electrical fire as well.

9. Trailing Cables in the access way to worker rest area. Trip and fall of personal could lead the injury to workers.

-Provide Training, Instructions to the worker, Staffs and cleaner in Safe Handling and disposal of Chemical Substances.

1 week

-Provide Ear Defender to the worker.


-Relocate the Generator from the work area.

1 Week

-Replace the Hi-Noise Generator with low Noise one

3 Month

-Cut Off the Electrical connection and Replace the Damage Wire.


-Provide Work Instruction on Electrical Cable Inspection and safety.

2 Days

-Reroute the Electrical Cables away from the Worker Rest Area.

1 Month

-All Cable should arrange properly.


-Areas should inspected by competent worker. -Give awareness training to the worker about cable management.

Daily 15 days.

10. Emergency routes are narrow and there are many combustible materials due to poor housekeeping. Slip, Trip and fall could cause accident of human bodies. In case of fire the combust material can cause huge fire resulting human, property and financial lose.

11. Workers are using drill machine continuously to bark the concrete. The transmission of vibration to the body can lead to discomfort, tendons muscles bones, joints and affect nervous system.

-Good housekeeping should be maintained.


-Health and safety awareness training should be provided to employees.

1 Week

-Escape route should expanded.

1 Month

-Appropriate PPE Frequents break, should be given

-Replace the machine with less vibrating

Welding operation sparks hot slag may cause leakage of gas when the regulators are attached to the cylinder valves. Could catch the Fire and explosion to lead the fatality, serious injury and property Damage.

13. At the Electrical Room in Site Office there are no smoke detectors. Fault Electric equipment could lead the fire. Staggering economic impact of fires in the office. Property damage and/or physical and emotional injuries due to electrical fires can be devastating Fault Could Lead the fire,

14. Most of the location workers forced to Work without rest. Work pressure without brake can cause stress and fatigue, blood pressure, weaknesses and pose adverse health effected. Also lose the Staff Morel and increased risk of operator error, injuries and/or accidents

1 Week

machine. -Training and supervision should be

provided for the use of vibrating equipment’s.

12. Gas cylinder placed very close to welding activity.


-Move the Gas Cylinders to a safe

location. -Suitable Warning sign must place nearby

welding activity. -Training and supervision to the workers

for Safe Welding Method.

-Fire extinguisher must place in electrical

1 Month


3 days

1 Week


Room. -Risk assessment should be carry for fire

safety -Smoke detector Must Install

Immediately, and security personal should patrol routinely.

-Provide Sufficient rest to all the workers

during the work period. -Introduce the rotation shifting procedure to reduce the work load and reduce duration of work to avoid the stress and fatigue -To reduce the work load and hire new worker instead forced to work over time or continually.

1 Week

15 Days


3 Days 1 Month

-Segregate the chemical substances from 15. Flammable chemicals and substance are stored with other combustible materials in the store room. Flammable material and Chemical substances can be a reason of fire or chemical exposure to the skin may cause multiple health effect to which include skin cancer, irritating , lung cancer, headache . 16. Mobile Crane was lifting weight with open out rigger, the base of out rigger was soft and slim wood dock use to support the rigger. Wood Dock is not enough stable to support the out rigger during the lifting operation, this will very common cause of overturning of mobile crane

17. Water Tanker filling the water to tank very near to the generator.

-Provision of separate chemical storage area according to their flammable property

18. Worker is cutting Wood Without using respiratory protection. Inhalation of wood dust could led serious ill health asthma and many respiratory disease.

15 days.

-Re position the Crane from the Soft Surface


to proper stable hard surface which provide good support to the Out rigger.

2 Days -Appropriative base plate should be use during lifting operation.

-Training and supervision of safe lifting -Stop Water filling activity nearby operational generator.


24 hours

-Water tank should be place away from the generator area.

1 Week

-Provide appropriate personal protective equipment to the worker.


-Provision of local exhaust ventilation systems fitted to the wood cutting machine.

15 days

19. Unprotected open shafts and edges are found at different level of the construction site.

-Precaution need to be taken to ensure that

Open shafts and edges can be a reason of serious injury or fatality.

-Information and instruction to the workers

Using of power tool without proper guard and information could cause severely injury.

1 week


-Worker health Surveillance programme.

20. Worker use angle grinder to smooth concreate service ready for coating at Office Area, but the angle grinder is un guarded and the worker was not trained to use the machine.

1 week

-Training and supervision of Safe handling and storage of chemical substance.

-Provide Information, instruction, inspection and training to the driver. Water is good conductor of electricity, overflow from water tank could contact with generator and causing the electric to driver and workers.


flammable materials

open shafts and edges are covered and guarded.

-Stop the worker to use the un guarded

1 Month


2 days. Immediate

power tool

-Carry out the Risk assessment, and develop

1 Week

safe system of work (SSW) before any power tools to be used by the workers.

-Training, information and instruction to use and inspect the power tool before use.

1 Month

21. Men working on a slippery roof without safety harness and handrails.

Immediate -Stop the worker to work at Height without appropriative working platform.

Fall of and material could occur fatality and damage of the property from falling equipment.

-Provide control measures such as hand rail

24 hours

Fall arrest equipment (safety nets) Individual fall restraints (harness).

-Working at height should be done with permit

5 days.

to work system only.

Safe Working Practice 1. Observed welfare Facilities are maintain well, such as Food, Clean and Enough Drinking Water in place. Workers are complying with Health and safety rules in various practices such as maintain smoking in designated area.

2. First Aid provision on site is appropriative, Maximum of the location is covered by the first aid Kits and equipment’s, also the Night shift is covered by the Medical service.

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