Page 1. Need for Auditor Training Training & Qualication. 2. Audit Management 3. Audit Process Process 4. Checlist! de"elo#s & $ualif% . Audit Meetings '. Audit (e#ort & result! )ollo*!u# actions +. ,ntroduction to commonl% used N-T method . N-T Process! Process! Audit Criteria /. )acilit% )acilit% & 0$ui#ment Audit 1.N-T Personnel Audit 11.N-T #erformance $ualication 12.N-T documentation re"ie* 13.N-T Audit eercise! Plan de"elo# checlist conduct and re#ort Audit
N-T Audit eercise! eercise! Plan de"elo# checlist conduct and re#ort Audit No -escri#tions Areas A reas of audit Com#l%5 (emar 1.0 QUALITY QUALI TY MANAGEME MANA GEMENT NT SYSTEM SYST EM
1.1 Chec organi6ation structure structure 1.2 ,s there an ,78 /1 $ualit% management s%stem in #lace5 1.3 ,s there a document control s%stem5 1.4 ,s there a record control s%stem5 1. ,s there a s%stem for control nonconformit%5 2.0 TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION QUALIFICATION OF NDE PERSONNEL
2.1 Program for training and $ualif% N-0 #ersonnel 2.2 9ision test for N-0 #ersonnel 2.3 (e"ie* master list of N-0 #ersonnel 2.4 9erif% N-0 #ersonnel $ualication records 2. 7#ot chec the N-0 #ersonnel on the :o; s 3.2 Chec list in"entor% re#ort of N-0 consuma;les s certicate 3.4 Chec cali;ration certicate of N-0 e$ui#ment>s 3. Chec certicate and e#ir% of consuma;les 3.' Chec dar room and lm #rocessing facilities s tracea;le to stored or stoced material5 Are materials stored or stoced so as to #re"ent damage to the ra* materials or nal fa;ricated #ieces5 Are the stored or stoced materials clearl% mared or identied5 G. E6u$&'n",a!$/$"$'*7 -an+/$n% an+ *")#a%' )!'+u#'*
-oes the )a;ricator )a;ricator or Manufacturer ha"e ade$uate e$ui#ment to fa;ricate the #ro#osed items5 s $ualications5
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