Ndp Roles and Responsibilities

January 5, 2017 | Author: joannesalagubang | Category: N/A
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A. Assists in the implementation of various health programs of the local Gov't Unit in accordance with the program goals and objectives of the DOH and the Health Sector.


Number of Pre-Natal CaRe attended Number of Natal Care done Number of Post Natal Care Number of Infant Immunized BCG DPT HEP Measles Number of mothers encouraged/motivated of breastfeeding Number of FP acceptor advocated Number of TB cases enrolled in TB requesting followed up Number of hypertensive patient screened and followed up Number of health teachings done for Reponsible Pet Ownership Number of people age 25 yrs old and above screened on HPN

B. Provides technical assistance in the implementation of the health programs

Number of health program implemented given technical assistance

C. Assists in the conduct of disease surveillance

Number of cases assisted in conducting disease surveillance

D. Conducts health education and training

Number of health education and training conducted

E. Assists in the supervision and monitoring of the CHT F. Assists in the conduct of regular monitoring and evaluation of the various health programs for the community G. Assists in the preparation and analysis of reports and community activities H. Submits monthly accomplishment report and DTR to the CHD's through the PHN describing the highlights of their activities target and accomplishment learning insights I. Perform other related functions in accordance with DOH HHRDB guidelines

Number of CHT supervised and monitored Number of health programs monitored and evaluated Number of reports assisted in the preparation and analysis Number of monthly accomplishment report and DTR accomplished Number of other related functions done

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