1 Inte Interrnal nal Aud Audit it Plan Plan for for second cycle of audit is not in place
Lack of awareness on the Audit schedule shall be requirement of standard updated to include next audit and area to be covered during audit
!o evid eviden ence ce to con" con"rrm that all the department # functional area covered during internal audit conducted in $ay%1&
'heck list (in place) was not used by internal auditor
Auditor has been instructed and made aware on audit process*
& +oot oot cau cause se for for the the !'+ !'+ Lack of awareness on the raised during internal requirement of standard aduit was not analysed and section of !'+ format ,Preventive action, was wrongly used*
-oth the !'+ to be analysed for actual root cause and corrective action to be established* Auditor shall be trained on the understanding of preventive action
. $+$ $+$ con condu duct cted ed was was fou found nd ue to the transition not e/ective and do not earlier employees cover the requirement of (management level) were 0tandard and Procedure not serious and $+$ was considered 2ust fromality*
!ew $anagement has shown their commitment during Audit3 through this action plan and workshop management and other training program in future* !ext $+$ to be conducted in $onth of 4ctober with active
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Production Planning is not proper and e/ective* !o proper documented evidence to demonstrate e/ective planning
!o formal software or form 7ormat and methodology to be being used by 4$ establish to plan manpower3 machinery and other resources for each pro2ect and shall be updated on monthly basis and circulated to all 84s and management
:ob 4rders being issued etails are not provided as internally to Production do the form does not contain not contain traget the "eld ,+equired completion date and many 'ompletion ate, other important information
7ormat to be revised and shall be "lled by '$#-$ upon each contract received and shall be reviewed by ;$ prior to issue to Production # other dept*
ata collected for the Production ob2ective acheivement however reasons for low production are not recorded
+eason for low production discussed and recorded through mail communication
7ormat and methodology to be establish to include constraint and cause for lower production and shall be updated on monthly basis and circulated to all 84s and management
!o formal document available to demonstrate the pre and post order contract review for :ob order !o* >1&?1>
reviewes are being carried 5ender +eview and 'ontract out through mail +eview forms to be developed communication only and and review for all the proe2cts no formal recording for awarded shall be maintained* each area # element
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@ 'ustomer complaint ocumented 0ystem is in A memo shall be issued to all received by 4$ and not place but not followed the department head to make recorded3 analysed and no them aware of the system corective action derrived* requireemnt and L'4 documented procedure* 1> Analysis not being done on !o formal system is in the place currently* a) orders lost during the $anagement review is year against the quoted being done however not tenders recorded formaly* b) Lower target (&*1$) achieved against target of 6*1$ 11 lco is involved in design activity however ther is no documented control on partially subcontrated elements of design
$ethodology to be establish to analyse root cause for order lost and target not achieved and shall be recorded by '$#-$
!o documented procedure esign plan for each :ob order available to de"ne the (when required) shall be scope and limit of elco preapred by design engineer # and design subcontractor Pro2ect $anager to identify the scope and limit for L'4 and esign subcontractor
1 Bendor re?evaluation is not 5hough the format is being carried out available3 due to lack of awareness and resources within department re?
Procurement personnel shall be made aware of the system and isnructed to adhere to* +evaluation of Bendor on whom
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1& 'ustomer 7eedback +esponsibility is with process is docuemnted -usiness development and not being followed $anager* As -$ was not available since last six months3 it was not carried out*
'$#-$ is on board and he is aware of the system requirement* 5he survey will be carried out for orders comleted in past six month and shall be done for the running orders at the end of completion*
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